Plan of a wooden house. Wooden House Layout Affordable Open Source House

For those who own their own personal plot, there is always the opportunity to draw up a plan for the construction of a private house from a bar, and then bring it to fruition.

The advantage is its relative cheapness and speed, as well as the fact that the material itself not only belongs to environmentally friendly elements, but the tree has antiseptic and healing properties. Now we have the opportunity to talk about the planning and construction of such buildings, as well as watch the video in this article on the same topic.

House layout and necessary materials

So, any owner of a personal plot, before starting construction, will ask a specialist or draw up a plan on his own wooden house from a beam. Based on the received drawings, materials are prepared. The advantage of such construction is the specialization itself, because the timber is immediately prepared for a specific project in terms of quantity and size.


House plan 7.5×9m

  • Such a plan for building houses from a bar, as you see in the upper drawing, can be remade without much effort into areas of 6 by 9, 9 by 9 or 10 by 10m, while simply changing the size of the rooms. Such a layout is suitable not only for giving, but also for permanent residence- there are enough rooms in the room that can be converted, or rather, used, at your discretion, depending on the need.

  • And above is another one, only already with furniture arranged in advance, that is, the dimensions of the rooms are calculated for standard furniture. In fact, this plan can be changed - it all depends on our needs. This drawing can be successfully used as a plan one-story house from a bar, because there are quite enough rooms for living here.

Attention! The foundation plan must exactly match the drawings of the first floor of the house. On a solid foundation, not only bearing walls, but also partitions, then the entire frame of the building will be as one.

  • So, before starting construction, it is necessary to carry out the physical layout of the site, since it is customary for us to do this during or even after the completion of construction, which, however, is almost the same thing. For some reason, the opinion dominates that the essence of planning is to level the ground and mark the site with pegs without reference to the terrain. But the convenience and terms of operation depend on the latter.
  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the place where you are going to locate the building, and if the site is free from any buildings, it will be much better if you move at least 5m deep into the yard from the fence on the side of the road. It is also important to consider the location of the rooms relative to the cardinal points. Noise load from the street - it is better to place the kitchen on the cool side, and for the bedroom, in addition, you need a quieter place. The abundance of sunlight is best to expose the nursery and game room as well as the living room.
  • Not the last role is played by the wind load or the side from which the wind most often blows in a given area, because, despite the cardinal directions, this area may turn out to be the coldest. Therefore, such zones are best protected by construction, the so-called cold buildings such as a veranda, a garage, and so on. This will allow you to significantly save on heating the entire house during the cold season.
  • Another important point planning can be called linking the project to a neighboring site, and it will be very good if it is already built up or at least marked out for construction. Indeed, in addition to the house, there are also plans for bathhouses made of timber, various outbuildings and toilets, and it is unlikely that you or your neighbors will want to have windows overlooking a nearby steam room, where smoke comes from a chimney or a toilet.

Advice. Building a house on the highest point of your site will save you money on pouring the foundation, since such a foundation is less affected ground water therefore, the pit can be made smaller.

Briefly about foundations

  • Primarily, strip foundations can be divided into two types - these are recessed and shallow structures, which can already be monolithic and prefabricated. Naturally, they differ in depth, but the difference is not in the exact distance from the ground surface, but in the depth of the tape relative to the freezing point.
  • So, for unstable soils (heaving, sandy, technogenic, marshy) use buried foundation where the base of the tape is below the local freezing point to avoid warping. As for shallow foundations, their depth ranges from 40 to 60 cm, depending on the mass of the parent structure and the density of the soil. Such plans for houses made of timber, with strip foundation, the most convenient, since it becomes possible to equip the basement, basement or cellar.

  • It is possible that the plan for building a house from a bar is designed for pile foundation, although more often screw piles are calculated for lighter structures (baths, summer kitchens). Such devices are good for all soils, with the exception of rock formations (meaning only screw piles). The main advantage of this design is the speed of installation, because if you wish, you can mount the base for a large wooden house in one day.

  • You can, of course, equip stuffed piles with your own hands, but such a process is more time-consuming, although the price of the material in this case will be much lower. To do this, preliminary drilling is carried out, and concrete is poured into the casing, the cavity of which is pre-reinforced. In fact, this turns out to be a bored foundation, but it will take a lot of time to install such a foundation, because the mortar must still harden.

  • Very similar to pile also columnar foundation , only here reinforced concrete slabs serve as supports. This option is quite reliable, but it is more time consuming due to the increase in the volume of earthworks. But if you still decide to equip such a structure, then it is best to purchase reinforced concrete slabs from the factory, and not do it yourself - it is much more reliable and faster.

Construction Materials

  • It should be noted right away that profiled timber can be of two types - solid and glued, and each of them has both advantages and disadvantages of the structure. The main advantage of any option over a log is that it does not need to be caulked during installation, and it immediately fits on a dry key. The milling of the profile is carried out in such a way that when laid on a dowel, drying occurs evenly from the outside and from the inside, moreover, the installation of walls with such material is much faster.

  • Profile milling is carried out very accurately, therefore, due to the tight fit, precipitation does not linger on the surface, which protects the material from severe cracking. However, solid lumber is still susceptible to cracking, like any other wood, so special attention should be paid to its processing.
  • But the main disadvantage of a profiled solid timber can, perhaps, be called the fact that after the construction of the box, before finishing in without fail technological pause is taken. This is extremely important for the shrinkage of profiles, since they dry out due to their structure, that is, microdeformation occurs, which does not allow for high-quality wall cladding. Therefore, with the natural moisture content of the material, the instruction provides for its settling up to 10-12 months for shrinkage, which means it is ready for front finishing.

  • Such shortcomings, which are listed above, do not have a glued profile, moreover, this applies not only to timber, but also to logs. This material has all the advantages natural wood, but at the same time it practically does not crack and the structure assembled from it does not have moisture shrinkage. At the moment, production is gaining momentum in Russia, and the popularity of such construction is growing every day.

  • Be sure to mention such material as Woodlock thermal beam - PolarSIP panel, which is a profiled beam with polyurethane foam for thermal insulation inside, which allows to almost halve the wood consumption for the construction of an object. The material is a rigid frame of two wooden lamellas with wooden transverse inserts, which are evenly spaced along the entire length. Inside this structure is polyurethane foam, which is just the main thermal barrier, and all the material belongs to low-combustible elements.
  • All the materials that we have reviewed above are environmentally friendly, and are suitable for a wide variety of timber house plans. It just changes a little. appearance erected walls, as well as the timing of the final completion of construction and commissioning of the house.


In fact, plans for building houses from a bar are not much different from the same drawings for buildings that are built from foam blocks, since both materials are lightweight and do not need a massive foundation. But, nevertheless, a house project is always drawn up taking into account the material, its properties, as well as positive and negative qualities.

The market for the construction of wooden houses is absolutely amazing, it is growing steadily by 20-30% annually. Wood is more environmentally friendly, cheaper and more practical than bricks and other materials. And modern mordants and other preparations allow you to remove all the imperfections of the tree. We offer a business plan for a company for the production and construction of wooden houses.

Potential clients

The main buyers of suburban wooden houses are families with a monthly income of $7,000 or more. At the same time, the majority acquire suburban housing for permanent residence or as a seasonal residence. These are top managers of medium and large companies, entrepreneurs, as well as senior officials and representatives of the show industry and sports

Another advantage of wooden houses is the speed of their construction. Depending on the technology and material from which wooden housing is built, it is possible to drive out a box in two to three months, on a turnkey basis - in four to six months. But today more and more Ukrainians are building on a turnkey basis. The fact is that the market is full of negligent builders. Driving a box without windows and doors is easy enough. And here to spend Finishing work are additional problems.

Therefore, potential customers of wooden houses give preference to builders who are ready to shoulder the whole range of work: from laying the foundation to installing plumbing. Naturally, construction companies subcontract some of the work, for example, supplying water, electricity, etc. Performing additional work brings them up to 30% of income. At the same time, some builders keep interior designers, landscape designers on staff, and even produce wooden outdoor and indoor furniture.

Format selection

Most woodworking companies are small businesses that include construction teams, designers and account managers. The work is facilitated by the presence of ready-made standard projects, in which it is enough just to make changes for a particular customer. As a rule, these firms cooperate with forestries or have their own production sites, where they are engaged in the production of sawn timber and the manufacture of ready-made kits for assembling log cabins.

Wooden houses today are produced using three main technologies and materials: panel, or panel, frame and massive. The most expensive category of houses is made of solid wood. Log cabins cost more than 150 thousand dollars. But in Russia, it is the array that is in the greatest demand - the customers of which are wealthy people who get out of the city to nature.

Logs are best suited for the construction of suburban housing - unlike other building materials, they "breathe". Thus, the humidity inside the log house is maintained at an optimal level by itself, without special equipment for air conditioning. In addition, the log wall has many times best thermal insulation than brick or concrete.

The most expensive technology- This is a manual tes. With manual cutting, the diameter of the logs reaches half a meter. The log is cleaned from the bark by hand. Manual tes is classified as elite technology, and the cost of erecting 1 sq. m costs about $ 1 thousand, the construction of 1 sq. m. costs the same. m brick house.

Profitability, market, working capital

According to some experts, the profitability of wooden construction is at the level of 40-70%, and for individual projects it can reach 80-90%. However, the cost of a house, and, accordingly, the earnings of builders depend on a lot of factors: the type of wood, the diameter of the timber and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. In Ukraine, as a rule, they use pine, Carpathian smereka, leaf-crown. Most optimal choice in terms of "price - quality" - pine, larch is about 40-50% more expensive. The larger the diameter of the beam, the higher the price of the finished structure. For the construction of a wooden house in Ukrainian climatic conditions, it is best to choose rounded timber with a diameter of 200-220. The shape of the beam section also affects the cost of the project - a square section will increase the cost by about 5%. As for the area, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future house, the cheaper the construction of each square meter.

A company cannot do without working capital. The fact is that if you accepted an order for the construction of a turnkey house in June, then by September you will definitely build a box. But during this time the cost finishing materials can jump by 10-20%. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase the entire range of materials agreed with the customer.


To organize own production wooden houses, you need to get a registration, get a building license. The initial investment in production will be approximately $100,000. The money will be used to rent premises, purchase office equipment, pay staff, create a website, and advertise. According to experts, the emphasis should be on online advertising, since about 70% of customers come from the Web. Outdoor advertising gives a good return: streamers, billboards.

Advertising and competition

An exhibition house-sample could also serve as a good advertisement. Every second customer expresses a desire to see the house. This is despite the fact that from five to twenty calls are received per day. Perfect Advertising - Build wooden house and equip it with the office of your company.

The most effective channel for promoting wood construction is the Internet. 9 out of 10 customers come from contextual advertising. Moreover, the geography of orders is quite extensive. These are Moscow, Volgograd, Sochi, Gelendzhik, in other words - million-plus cities, a sanatorium-resort zone and the Black Sea coast.

In general, according to entrepreneurs, there are more than enough customers. On the other hand, there are also many companies on the market, and their number is constantly growing. After all, the profitability of this business is within 30-40%. As for competition, this segment is characterized not so much by price competition as by competition for raw materials and personnel. If earlier it was difficult to find an order, now it is a forest. The way out for companies that do not have their own raw materials may be the opening of a representative office of the company in the "forest region".

Office and staff

As for the location of the office, there is no consensus here. Someone insists that the office should be in the city center so that everyone can easily get there. And there should be parking nearby. At the same time, their opponents believe that the customer will come anywhere if the prices and quality of services suit him.

State construction company consists of an office manager who answers calls, account managers (two or three people) who constantly maintain contact with the customer, an architect, as well as specialists from the sales and logistics department.

Own production

Another question that everyone decides in their own way is whether you need your own production? On the one hand, own production capacity can be seen as a competitive advantage. On the other hand, the initial costs will increase to $300-500 thousand.

Own production requires additional costs for the arrangement of a sawmill, carpentry workshops, a wood splicing workshop, a drying complex, etc. Moreover, you can load your own production with your orders by no more than 50%. The rest of the time it will either be idle, or it must be loaded by third-party orders. And these are additional problems that are beyond the power of a start-up company.


According to experts, the market of wooden houses has a great future. Despite the fact that brick housing construction will continue to occupy about 95% of the market, the popularity of wooden houses will grow. In the world, about 80% of the housing stock is made up of wooden buildings. The volume of the low-rise construction market in Russia is estimated at 5-6 billion dollars. The share of wooden housing construction reaches 27-30% ($2-3 billion).

No construction begins until the project is developed. This work is done by architects. As for the construction of a log house, a project is also needed here. According to him, specialists will perform all the work. Today, a project for construction can be developed independently if you have certain experience and skills. But for greater confidence in the quality of the building, it is better to order a finished work.

We take into account seasonality

All log houses have a unique opportunity. So, in spring the walls literally expand, and in winter or summer they decrease. Despite the fact that visually this process is invisible, it still needs to be taken into account. It follows from this that doorways, windows, floor elements should have some freedom to move at certain times of the year. Consequently, not every person will be able to independently calculate all the subtleties, draw up a project. Most the best way- contact the company GK Rus Stroy, which will help to correctly carry out the design work. Taking into account the requirements of SNIP, the masters will calculate the design, its individual components. All requirements mentioned above will be taken into account.

The Importance of a Specialist

In Novosibirsk today there is an opportunity to find a specialist who will correctly create a project for the construction of a wooden house. So, without certain knowledge, you can make a wall ten meters long without cutting. However, the standards state that for construction, the maximum length of a log is six meters. Such material will be economically justified, it is easy to carry. Not a professional will perform log joints right in the wall. As a result, such work will look careless. In addition, a joint without a gap will not last long. The log will begin to settle over time, creating bevels in different directions. A little more time will pass, after which cracks will appear. Therefore, the ability to retain heat will be minimal. A true professional will never make such mistakes. All work will be done exactly according to the rules.

We consult with an architect

Before you start building a log house, you need to consult with an architect. Immediately, when ordering a project, each client has the right to offer his own developments, which the master will take into account in creating the project. Of course, the architect will offer his own vision of the picture.

What requirements can be presented to the project developer? So, you know where the bedrooms in the house should be. The kitchen and living room will be as large as you wish. If you need two bathrooms on each floor (in the case of two-story house), then that is exactly what will happen. Any preferences of the client are taken into account by the developers of the log house construction project.

In fact, it is very difficult to find a truly competent specialist who will take into account all the requirements of not only the client, but also the standards. Our company employs people who will help you inexpensively and efficiently build an environmentally friendly house from logs.

The plan of a wooden house and the area where it will be located are intertwined like fingers in a "castle". Before you start thinking about the project of your future home, you need to research your site well. This is not so relevant for construction in the so-called private sectors, where houses are placed literally on top of each other. But if you have chosen a picturesque piece of wildlife somewhere outside the city, you cannot do without a detailed analysis of the site. A good option is to go on a picnic, taking a camera, wooden pegs and a tape measure with you. Mark your site and look around. The view will probably be the main factor in the layout of the house, think about each room: what you want to see from the window. Will the living room window overlook the lake? Is it better to place the bedroom with a view of the forest or the field? Determine where is west and east. This is important if you want to wake up with the rays of the morning sun and enjoy the sunset on the veranda in the evening. And do not forget about the guests, they are unlikely to like the view of the neighbor's garage from their bedroom window.

Your imagination is an indispensable tool in planning future wooden house but don't forget pencil and paper. You don't have to be an artist to sketch on paper how the rooms will be laid out. After that, imagine that you are walking around the house. Is the kitchen and dining area close enough? Is the laundry area convenient? Is the bedroom removed from possible sources of noise? Think about the flow of traffic in the house. Each wooden house has its own trajectories of movement. A narrow hallway leading to the bedroom, or your plan calls for circling, making the living space more interesting.

Design a wooden house according to your activities and leisure activities. If you're back from a ski run, is there a place to sit down and take off your skis safely? Or where will the shower be located to wash off the sand when you return from the beach?

Some architects advise you to use one of the computer programs (for example, arhicad), with which you can create a model of the house according to your plan and walk through the rooms.

When designing a wooden house, do not forget about the future. If you dream of adding to the family, you will need more space. The basement and attic can be organized in such a way that, if necessary, in the future it is easy to convert them into rooms. Take care of the required angle of the roof over the unfinished attic, bring water and sewer to the basement - this will add to the cost building a house but will save more money when you convert the premises prepared in this way into rooms (this will be cheaper than an extension).

And be mindful of the opportunity to sell: don't be overly eccentric. You may love to take hot bath in the living room by the fireplace, but would potential buyers like it?

All photos from the article

This article is about the basics. We will take a look at several layout options for different sizes buildings and find out what features of the material we have chosen should be taken into account when drawing up a project.

So let's get started.

Functional premises

First, let's create a list of premises that our project will include:

  • Kitchen - living room. In this case, the combination of two functions in one room is fully justified even in the absence of the need to save space: a large distance from the stove to dining table creates more problems than it solves;
  • Bedrooms (as an option - bedrooms and children's rooms). Two bedrooms is a reasonable minimum, which can include a 10 by 10 wooden house plan. In fact, being able to comfortably accommodate guests will be quite convenient;
  • Bathroom (if there are two floors - bathrooms). To make them combined or separate is a matter of taste; but the presence of a bathroom on each floor is a must. Especially with a large family size;
  • Boiler room. It is better to take it to the basement or basement. This instruction is related to fire safety, so with rational use heat generated by the boiler during operation: it will be used to heat the floor of the first floor;

To clarify: if the house is supposed to be heated by main gas, the boiler may well be placed in the kitchen, hallway or living room. The dimensions of the wall-mounted gas boiler with forced draft do not require the allocation of a separate room; equipment will not create any noticeable noise either.

  • Gym (of course, if you are a fan of a healthy lifestyle). It is also convenient to take it to the basement or basement. A stable ground temperature of 10-14 degrees will save on air conditioning in summer and heating in winter;
  • Optionally can be added dressing room, laundry room, pantry etc.

Layout options

One floor, 10x10 m

And now let's try to arrange the listed functional premises into a coherent and consistent project. Let's start with a relatively compact structure. So, how can a one-story wooden house 10x10 meters be planned?

On a relatively small floor area, there was a place for:

  • two children's rooms;
  • bedrooms;
  • kitchen, partially combined with the living room;
  • boiler room;
  • combined bathroom;
  • wardrobe;
  • hall - hallway.

The price of such an abundance of functional premises is their relatively small size: children's rooms have an area of ​​​​less than 10 m2. However, for one child this is more than enough.

One floor and attic, 10x10 m

What layout of the premises can be used by projects of wooden houses 10 by 10 with an attic? Here is one of the possible options.

What are the features of the layout of this house?

  • It has three bedrooms - one on the first floor and two on the second. Obviously, there will be no problems with the accommodation of guests;
  • The living room is built with a second light (two floors high). The decision is also rather ambiguous - already because it is difficult to warm up such a high room evenly throughout the entire volume; however, it is undeniable that the second light gives an incomparable feeling of spaciousness;
  • Like other projects of wooden houses 120-200 sq. m., this one includes two combined bathrooms - one per floor;
  • The kitchen is combined with the dining room, but the living room is separated from them by a partition. The dining area and the seating area are clearly separated;
  • Both on the first and second floors, the staircase leads to a spacious hall. It also opens the doors of all rooms.

One floor, 12x12 m

Many projects of wooden houses 12x12 meters or more include only one floor. With an area of ​​​​140 squares, its dimensions allow a family of 4 to 5 people to comfortably accommodate. Here is an example of the layout of a one-story residential building.

The main problem of a one-story house with a large area is that the builder will face a difficult choice: to provide all the premises with windows and, willy-nilly, unnecessarily increase their area or deprive some of the premises of natural light.

Here the creator of the project went the second way, but with a couple of amendments to improve the situation with the light:

  1. In the painting of a long and narrow corridor used phosphor - luminous paint;

In addition: one end of the corridor is equipped with a full-wall-height window.

  1. The dining room has a skylight and is enclosed by a sliding glass wall that opens onto a heated veranda.

Additionally worth noting:

  • The presence of two children, which will not be superfluous at all with children of different sexes;
  • Two bathrooms - combined and separate. A rather curious compromise, offering hosts and guests to choose a more comfortable room to their taste;
  • A separate room with its own entrance is reserved for storing bicycles. This is convenient because dirt from the wheels will not get home;
  • The dressing room adjacent to the office has a large enough area to make dressing in it comfortable even for a person of solid dimensions.

The subtleties of wood construction

When building a house from a bar or rounded log with your own hands, some features of the building material should be taken into account.


It takes from 6 to 18 months after the construction of the log house. The vertical shrinkage value depends on the type of lumber you choose:

What does shrinkage affect?

  • To ceiling heights. When designing rooms, it should be borne in mind that the ceilings will drop by 15 - 30 centimeters;
  • To the height of the openings. And their height will also become smaller, and significantly;
  • For the design of doors and window openings. The openings are supplied with a casing - a box that allows the crowns to move relative to the vertical bars along the grooves in them. At the same time, the top of the opening is left free and filled with elastic insulation.

Note that the casing does more than just allow the crowns to shrink vertically. It also protects the walls from deformation, "protrusion".

Biological protection

Wood is a tasty food for many types of fungus, mold, woodworm insects.

To protect the house from biological threats, complex measures are needed:

  • The lower crowns are traditionally made of the most rot-resistant types of wood - oak or larch;
  • The entire log house is impregnated with an antiseptic;

  • The outer side of the walls is additionally protected by vapor-permeable impregnations that prevent their moisture.

Fire safety

To protect your home from fire, you should:

  • Place stoves and heaters no closer than 50 cm from unshielded wooden walls;
  • Where this is not possible, construct screens of brick or galvanized iron with asbestos lining;
  • Lay wiring only in steel pipes or metal hoses;

  • Calculate the cross section of the wiring based on the norm of 8 amperes per 1 mm2 of copper conductor.


We hope that the proposed layout options will seem interesting to the reader. Additional information, as always, can be found in the video in this article.

We will be happy to discuss your comments and additions in the comments. Good luck!