What can you do to burn wood? Burnt wood: how is it better than ordinary wood and where is it used? Staged firing of wood

Burning wood is one of the simplest ways to decorate and protect the surface from a number of harmful effects. How to do such an operation at home is described step by step in the article.

Who invented burning wood?

According to one version, it is believed that the Japanese were the first to burn wood. At the same time, they used this technology, oddly enough, not on their products. Initially, in this way they kept the forests from fire during the fire season. The burnt lower part of the barrel became difficult to ignite and, accordingly, was less exposed to fire.
The second popular legend also comes from Japan. If you believe this version, then once the Japanese noticed that after a fire in the forest, charred trunks lasted longer than those that had passed the fire. In particular, they noted for themselves that burnt wood does not rot so quickly, and insects do not sharpen it at all.
Later, this technology, prompted by nature itself, began to be used in construction. So, before installation, the roofing board, wall beam, wooden piles were fired. This made the building more durable, protected from insects and, in part, from fire.
Still later, firing began to be used to decorate wood products, in particular, for outdoor use. The goal, in this case, was not only to protect the material from harmful effects, but also to give the surface an attractive appearance.
There is also a version that the Vikings began to burn wood long before the Japanese. They applied this technology to the processing of their ships.

Benefits of burnt wood

The advantages of fire-treated wood are as follows:
  • presentable appearance;
  • unattractive to insects;
  • increased fire resistance;
  • compacted surface;
  • increased strength;
  • improved moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation.
In addition, in the process of firing low-quality lumber, almost all defects are eliminated - darkening, blue, light rot. The processed product also does not require planing and finishing grinding.

Application of technology at home

In everyday life, firing lumber is used everywhere. The technology allows without the use of stains, toners and oils to turn pine into rare wood. In particular, with deep roasting, which is described in this article, the most defective pine easily turns into wenge (it grows mainly in Africa).
It is especially useful to use firing in the manufacture of products and structures that will be used outdoors. It could be garden furniture, fence, gazebo. Also, wooden elements of housing are often treated with fire - sheathing, frontal boards, terraces, stair balusters, and so on.
Burnt wooden boxes, gift cases, picture frames, grooves and photographs, various coasters and lamps will look beautiful.

What kind of wood can be burned?

Not all wood can be protected and decorated in this way. First of all, this applies to fruit species, oak, ash and alder. However, the most common lumber - pine and Christmas tree - is perfectly burned. You can also fire veneer and plywood.
For firing, it is best to choose a material on which an ornate structure is visible. During processing, the soft wood will burn out and be removed, and the hard fibers will stand out more dark color. At the same time, knots, blue, fungus and other defects are not a problem for fire.
When firing coniferous wood, it is better to take dried material. It burns much faster, it has less resin, with which there will be certain problems later. Raw wood is also quite possible to burn. However, it should be borne in mind that such processing will partially clog the pores of the material, and the moisture remaining inside will come out much longer, which is not good.

Tools and materials for firing

The main tool in this business is a gas burner. It's just that an open fire (gas stove, bonfire, etc.) does not fit well, and it will not work to evenly burn a large surface. It is also undesirable to use a blowtorch on gasoline. It burns, of course, excellently, but drops of unburned fuel can fly out of its nozzle, leaving glossy spots on the wood. Alternatively, you can try using a building hair dryer. But a lot of time is spent with it, and deep roasting cannot be achieved.
A gas burner is the best for this business. Worth a penny, safe to use, easy to control and configure. You can even get by with the cheapest Chinese-made version, which, together with a can of gas, will cost about $ 5.

For large-scale work, it is better to get a large gas burner, which is designed for laying bituminous roofing.
In addition to a source of directed fire, you will also need felt. On the extreme case you can take a washcloth from the kitchen for washing dishes and use its harder side for work.
Basically, that's all it takes.

Staged firing of wood. technology nuances.

Deep firing should begin with a surface pass of the burner over the material. At this stage, you need to evenly heat the wood, burn out the protruding pile, and also open the places where the resin is concentrated in large quantities. These areas will need special attention later.

The photo just shows such places well. As a rule, they appear on knots, and after the first pass they do not darken, but are covered with boiling resin. It is highly flammable and can ruin the whole result, so you should carefully warm up the knots. Warmed up, waited until it boils, then again. Repeat until the boil stops.

While the resin boils and the wood in these places cools down, the second stage is carried out in parallel - deep firing. The goal is to make the surface char and crack slightly. The photo below shows how it looks.

The next step is cleaning the surface of soot. This can be done in several ways: using felt, a soft brush or a special attachment for a grinder (brushing brush). The only condition for all cases is that it is necessary to clean off the soot only in the direction of the wood fibers.
Sandpaper is not suitable for this purpose. It is advisable to use it only for surface firing of wood. In this case, it is necessary to remove all burnt soft fibers, and sandpaper without scratches will not cope with this task.

By the way, if you want the result to be lighter than in the above photos, you need to brush the surface longer. But you can achieve lighter shades only with a brush. Felt "get" to light wood will not work.
Some masters wash off the soot with water, which, in principle, gives a good result. But it should be borne in mind that dry wood, in direct contact with water, will take on some moisture, which, in turn, can lead to deformations and other problems in the future. A more predictable result is obtained only dry.
After firing, it remains only to cover the wood with a protective compound. To get a silky, matte surface that feels like pure wood, use special oils. A glossy surface that shimmers in the sun and at different viewing angles from black to light - is obtained after applying several layers of ordinary wood varnish.


In general, decorating the simplest pine with the help of firing is not a complicated procedure that requires experience, expensive tools and compositions. The main thing is not to allow long burning wood, completely evaporate the resin, achieve cracking and remove soot only in the direction of the fibers.

Burnt wood gives the facades of houses a noble - black and silver - shine. In addition, it is a very reliable and environmentally friendly material.

In modern construction, it is customary to treat wood with chemicals. But after all, houses were built of wood before, and some of them still stand to this day. We invite you to get acquainted with the method of processing wood by firing and find out what is the advantage of this method.

How does firing affect wood?

As the subcortical layers of the tree grow, year after year, its fibrous cells die off due to the formation of pores. The high porosity, in particular, explains the hygroscopicity of wood - its ability to absorb and release water molecules, depending on the difference between its own humidity and the content of water vapor in the surrounding air.

The structure of wood fibers is always uneven: in the process of life, cellulose polymers of varying degrees of stability are formed in the tree, as well as sugars and resins of various types. It is the presence of pores and organic nutrient residues that determine the main disadvantages of wood: combustibility and the presence of a nutrient medium for the development of bacteria and fungi.

The ability to "seal" wood from the influences of the outside world still exists. It is used during the creosote cooking of wood or in the process of autoclave heating (thermolysis). When heated to 300–400 °C, almost all unstable hemicellulose formations are destroyed, and in fact they serve both as a “launching pad” for igniting a tree (forming the primary volume of flammable pyrolysis gases) and as an initial nutrient medium for the development of colonies of harmful organisms.

At home, such wood processing is incredibly difficult to reproduce. But it is quite possible to partially clog the internal pores and remove most of the unstable cellulose polymers. Even surface firing can heat up the outer layer (5-20 mm) of wood enough to melt lignin and resins and form an inorganic crust that protects against most external influences. After proper firing, wood is almost impossible to re-ignite without intense and prolonged heating to 500–700 °C. At the same time, residual heat kills microorganisms that remain in the thickness of the tree, and the sintered outer layer does not allow the penetration of pathogenic organic matter from the outside.

Decorative value of burnt wood

Much more interesting is the visual effect of wood burning. It was thanks to him that processing technology was born in Japan. wooden beams under the fancy name "Shu-Sugi-Ban", and the meticulousness of the Japanese to the interior design of dwellings is well known to everyone.

The appearance of wood treated in this way directly depends on the technique and depth of firing, and there are three types of them. The first - surface firing - allows you to create a brown-brown surface with a golden sheen, on which a wooden texture appears quite contrastingly. The chemical and biological resistance of such wood is not high enough, therefore surface fired products are used, as a rule, in interior decoration. Due to the fact that the impact on the structure of the tree is minimal, because the firing affects only 2–5 mm below the surface, Decoration Materials they can maintain their lightness, that is, it is quite possible to process ordinary lining in this way.

Deep firing of wood is used for older lumber, often boards and beams that have already been in use. This technique helps to “renew” the wood: remove the dried surface gray layer and warm up the entire thickness of the wood with high quality. Due to this, the surface acquires a very expressive appearance: from iridescent graphite to jet-black imitation of rare noble rocks. Perhaps, such a depth of black cannot be achieved by other methods, which is why deep-burned wood is so highly valued by designers.

The third degree of wood processing is its complete burning. Actually, it ceases to be a tree at all, turning, in fact, into a polymer-carbon plastic. At home, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to perform full firing: during the charring time, the fire will have time to eat almost half the thickness of the workpiece. Such a tree is used primarily in the manufacture of furniture. The technique guarantees the absolute uniqueness of each product, because the characteristic pattern and the resulting splits cannot be reproduced again.

What species and what type of wood is best to burn

Any wood is generally suitable for firing, but connoisseurs of subtle visual delights will most of all like rocks with an expressive and unusual texture. The original technology of Japanese origin originally used exclusively cedar. Burnt hornbeam and beech boards have an interesting look: due to the high density of such a tree, only its top layer burns through, due to which anthracite and gray overflows of color are achieved.

More popular valuable species such as alder, maple and poplar show an elongated texture after firing, while walnut or larch can form additional finer textured patterns. Burnt birch will be appreciated by lovers of baths or saunas: due to firing, its surface becomes very porous and acquires a low heat capacity, therefore, after heating, it does not burn the skin.

It is also surprising that, depending on the degree of roasting and the origin of the wood, even the same breed can manifest itself in completely different ways. To the use of burnt wood in decorative trim a thorough approach should be taken: stock up on samples of different types from different sources and, after a series of experiments, come to a definite choice.

Remember also that the wood must be properly prepared before firing. It should have low humidity, preferably no more than 12-13%, and also be natural, that is, without traces of painting and opening with drying oil. Otherwise, the absorbed resinous substances will appear unevenly on the surface and ruin the appearance. Of course, here much depends on the depth and time of processing by fire.

Roasting on coals in the field

The easiest way to do fireworking is best for deep firing. processed in this way decorative beams, as well as wood siding and block house for exterior finish. Due to deep heating, the wood becomes immune to atmospheric influences, and the influence of sunlight does not affect it at all.

For firing on coals, a narrow ditch should be dug, about 30 cm deep and wide, corresponding to the dimensions of the workpieces. A fire is made in the ditch, and as the fire burns, the firewood is constantly stirred, achieving their rapid charring. After that, the ditch must be covered with either sheet metal or a strip of OSB in order to temporarily prevent the access of oxygen and stop combustion.

Before laying the workpiece in the coals, it is necessary to rake the central furrow so that during firing, not only the lower part is processed, but also small areas on the sides. The exposure of the workpiece depends on the thickness and can range from two to three to fifteen minutes. After that, the workpiece is turned over to the opposite side, and then, after maintaining the same period of time, it is burnt on the sides.

It will be easier to remove the workpiece with a pair of hooks from steel wire. After the tree is removed from the coals, it is immediately doused with water.

How to burn wood with a gas burner

Using gas burners is not an example easier. These can be either hand-held camping lamps or conventional nozzles connected to the cylinder via a hose.

It is convenient to treat wood with gas only by surface firing. Deeper exposure to the fire will not be uniform enough, resulting in the article having variable thickness and width. In addition, gas for deep heating will require quite a lot, while coals cost almost nothing.

During surface treatment of wood, they touch the very edge of a light blue torch. The movements are conditionally the same as when painting. At the same time, it is quite easy to control the firing depth according to the degree of darkening.

The firing is followed by wetting, but in this case an ordinary hand sprayer will suffice. It is important that the time interval between fire treatment and water spraying is the same for all areas of each part, so work consistently.

Burnt wood finishing

After the wood has cooled, soot and soot are removed from it. Brass wire brushes are used for this, so as not to peel off the excess. In the course of machining, invoicing or so-called artificial aging wood.

Cleaned products can be mounted immediately. Additional processing is needed not so much to protect the structure of the tree, but to preserve its color and appearance as a whole years later, as well as to eliminate soiling. For interior decoration lining is covered with linseed or hemp oil in several layers. Wood for the facade and other external works is covered 1-2 times with a colorless nitrocellulose varnish with the addition of synthetic wax: either with a brush along the fibers, or with a spray gun.

We learned how to remove paint from wood (we decided to restore an old hanger covered with a thick layer of dust and paint coatings). To give her beautiful view and protect the wood by heat treating it. Toasting the wood will produce a warm brown color. Next, depending on the result and taste preferences, we will perform brushing.

After removing the paint, the hanger began to look like this.

Preparing for firing

To burn wood, we need only two items: a gas burner and matches. For this work, a gas cartridge worth 80 rubles and a nozzle on it - 200 rubles are quite suitable for us.

During firing, observe elementary safety rules, do not direct the flame at yourself. The room must be well ventilated.

wood burning

Roasting is a fairly simple and fast procedure. Open the burner valve 1/4 - 1/2 turn, bring a match or lighter, adjust the flame and start work. In our case, we will not burn the tree strongly, the goal is to achieve a soft brown color. With uniform movements we pass the flame over the entire surface.

As it turned out after firing, the hanger was made of two types of wood, the structure of the fibers was clearly manifested. The sidewalls are more like pine, while everything else is a harder wood species.

You can see the difference in the picture below.

To obtain a warm shade after firing, we will brush the wood. For brushing, a brush with a bristle of brass-plated steel wire 0.3 mm thick or special circular brushes for a drill are often used.

It is imperative to brush along the fibers, and not across, otherwise ugly stripes will appear on the tree. By brushing, soft fibers are selected, as a result, the surface becomes embossed, the structure is more pronounced.

Subsequently, it was decided to abandon the brush and make the top layer smooth and uniform, sanding paper with a grain of 60 is suitable for this, this can be called wood sanding.

Final stage

After brushing, treat the surface with a colorless protective impregnation for wood and leave to dry.

This is how the hanger became after carrying out simple manipulations with it: removing paint, firing, grinding.

For firing, soft coniferous woods with a well-defined pattern of annual rings are most suitable - pine, spruce. Before firing, a small product is dipped into a solution of copper sulphate, which is absorbed into the soft parts of the annual layers. During firing, a thin layer of wood impregnated with copper sulphate burns, mostly soft layers. Solid ones are almost indestructible. It turns out an expressive pattern with light lines hard layers on a dark background.

If the product is not impregnated with a special solution, then the wood burns more evenly. The difference in the color of the surface of the product is obtained only due to the different density of the soft and hard parts of the annual layers. The burnt layer of wood is removed with a rag. If you want to achieve a clearer pattern, you should process the product with fine sandpaper.

Blowtorches can be used for firing, giving a uniform flame, the size of which can be adjusted. High temperature, 600-800°C, allows you to quickly process large planes. If the products are small, another method is used - firing in hot sand.

Fine clean sand is poured into metal container and heated to a temperature not exceeding 200°C. Products prepared for firing are placed in hot sand and kept there until they darken. If the tone of individual parts should lighten gradually, then these parts are immersed in sand vertically: the lower layers of sand heat up more than the upper ones, so the lower part of the piece will be darker than the upper one. Thus, a tone is obtained that changes from light yellow to dark brown. It should be borne in mind that when sanding the surface of the veneer will brighten somewhat.

The firing can begin when the nozzle of the blowtorch is completely red and the fire is evenly purple. It is impossible to burn the surface with yellow fire, the board may become covered with soot. The fire must be directed perpendicular to the board and so that the end of the torch, that is, its hottest part, touches the board. When working, the fire moves slowly along the board at a uniform speed, which depends on the temperature of the flame and how dry the wood is. It is necessary to ensure that the pattern of wood is uniform and contrasting. To facilitate the work, the boards are placed on goats or stools.

At one time, 4-5 boards can be placed on the goats close to each other. They should be nailed to the wall in the same order in which they lay during firing on the goats.
Burning boards nailed to the wall is strictly prohibited by the rules fire safety A contrasting pattern is obtained by firing only coniferous wood. After the disks are nailed to the wall, the burnt surface must be covered with natural drying oil, nitro varnish, glyptal varnish or urea-formaldehyde varnish.

It should be borne in mind that the contrast of the pattern obtained by processing the wood surface blowtorch, quickly weakens under the influence of direct sunlight. For example, a drawing on the wall of the exterior cladding of a house located on the sunny side loses contrast after a couple of months. Therefore, you should not burn the boards of the outer wall cladding, which are exposed to direct sunlight.

Google compilation

Where is burnt wood used?

References to the use of burnt wood can be found in the history of construction and finishing works on all continents since the 18th century.

Burnt wood has been used and is used for interior and exterior decoration of houses - in the form of boards, panels, beams of various profiles.

Furniture, interior items, decorative elements were made from it.

Burnt wood had and has its place in landscape design.

How to get burnt wood?

Today, several technologies are known that differ in the depth of material processing and ultimate goals.

Full firing, or burning, is carried out in a vacuum oven, with wood heated to 400ºС. Strictly speaking, in this case, the material ceases to be wood, turning into a polymer-carbon plastic.

Do-it-yourself deep firing of wood

Furniture is made from such a “tree”, and each product is unique: the pattern and the splits obtained during processing are never repeated.

Deep firing is done in an open kiln. The tree is in it for the required amount of time, after which it is doused with water.

At the same time, the top layer of the material burns out by 1-2 cm. This technology is good for old lumber, for “used” beams and boards. With deep firing, the wood is “renewed”: the damaged and dried top layer is removed. The surface of the material acquires an interesting appearance: it can shimmer like graphite, or imitate the black color of noble woods.

Surface firing of wood is very popular. You can make it with your own hands, using a blowtorch or a conventional burner.

The burnt layer in this case is up to 0.5 mm, the resulting surface is polished. This surface is very beautiful: brownish-brown, with a golden sheen, with a bright pronounced texture. Such wood is used, as a rule, for interior decoration.

How does firing change the properties of wood?

One of the significant disadvantages of wood as a building material - its high hygroscopicity - is explained by its porosity.

In addition, the structure of wood is very uneven: during the life of a tree, various sugars and resins, as well as cellulose polymers, are formed in it.

Pores and the above organic matter are an excellent environment for the appearance and reproduction of mold and microorganisms, as well as pests such as woodworms.

And it is the presence of pores and organic matter that explains the high flammability of wood.

Burnt wood is no longer so afraid of adverse external influences: during the firing process, its internal pores are partially clogged and, for the most part, unstable cellulose polymers are removed.

In addition, during such processing, microorganisms that live in the thickness of the tree die, and the sintered outer layer does not allow the appearance of new "residents".

What are the benefits of burnt wood?

Two significant advantages of burnt wood - resistance to the appearance of fungi, microorganisms and insects, as well as an increase in the fire resistance of the material - we said above.

The consequence of this is the higher strength and durability of burnt wood compared to conventional wood.

Moreover, the burnt wood will remain absolutely environmentally friendly - all the above-mentioned advantages are obtained without the use of chemical processing of the material.

Another advantage is the lower thermal conductivity of burnt wood. The owners of houses with a ventilated facade made of this material enjoy a stable comfortable temperature in the rooms at any time of the year.

Designers and consumers are attracted by the aesthetic appearance of the resulting material - the maximum manifested wood texture, unique in each case. By the way, burnt wood can have various colors, and not just black or brown-brown: when finishing the use of oils of different colors is allowed.

Burnt wood is appreciated by those whose style is individuality and creativity.
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Weak link

Game for extracurricular activities in chemistry Grade 10

Target. With the help of a competitive game, consolidate students' knowledge of chemistry and ecology, continue to form their interest in the subject.

Preparing for the game. From the parallel 10th grades, eight participants in the game are selected (optional).

The teacher himself can be the leader, but it is better to choose a student from the 11th grade. Three assistants are selected from the 11th grade. The teacher, together with the students of the 11th grade, prepares questions for the game in advance. Be sure to invite fans - players' support groups.


Six sheets of blank paper and one felt-tip pen for each player;

Breast emblems with the names of the players;

Poster with the name of the game;

Hourglass for 5, 2 and 1 minutes;

Transparent container for tokens - bank;


Rules of the game

The game is played in the form of rounds: six ongoing and one final.

During the round, the host of the game asks the players questions in turn. The participant of the game, answering the question, must still have time to say the word “bank”, because the goal of the game is to collect as many tokens as possible and reach the final. For a correct answer, the player receives a token.

If a player forgets to say the word "bank" and gives the wrong answer, then all the tokens scored in front of him "burn out".

Each round has a limited time limit. After each round, the participants in the game choose a "weak link": they write on sheets of paper the names of the players who, in their opinion, should leave the game. The player whose name is most often repeated during the voting is eliminated. The host can invite any player to justify his choice, and give the floor to the eliminated player so that he expresses his opinion about the game and its players.

Two assistants monitor the players' answers and record them in the waybill (Appendix).

After the end of the round and the elimination of one of the players, they reveal who really was the "weakest link". The third assistant looks after the bank, i.e. fixes the number of tokens that the participants in the game earn.

Two contestants remain in the final round.

Burning wood with a hairdryer, burner, blowtorch: the pros of burnt wood

The facilitator asks the players three questions in turn. If the players answer all the questions correctly, then the game continues until the first wrong answer.

The winner is the last person to answer the question correctly.


I round - 10 min.

II round - 6 min.

III round - 4 min.

IV round - 2 min.

V round - 2 min.

VI round - 1 min.

Final round - 1 minute to answer each question.

Summing up the results of the game, awarding the winner.

Questions for rounds

Chemical name for table salt. (Sodium chloride.)

2. The scientist who discovered the law of conservation of mass of matter. (M.V. Lomonosov.)

3. Substances consisting of two elements, one of which is oxygen. (Oxides.)

4. The gas that forms the protective shell of the Earth. (Ozone.)

5. Coloring of phenolphthalein in alkalis.


6. The name of a negatively charged ion. (Anion.)

7. When acetic acid reacts with soda, gas is released ... (Carbonic.)

Dry Ice is... (Solid carbon monoxide(IV).)

9. A substance called "vitriol". (Concentrated sulfuric acid.)

10. The year of the discovery of the periodic law by D.I. Mendeleev. (1869.)

11. Atoms with the same charge of the atomic nucleus, but with different atomic masses. (Isotopes.)

12. The lightest gas on Earth. (Hydrogen.)

Neon, argon, xenon belong to the family… (Inert elements.)

14. s-Electrons form clouds shaped like... (Spheres, balls.)

15. Organic compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen in their composition. (Hydrocarbons.)

16. The name of the reaction between an acid and a base.

(Neutralization reaction.)

17. Type of diamond crystal lattice. (Atomic.)

18. The most active non-metal. (Fluorine.)

19. Solutions and melts that conduct electric current. (Electrolytes.)

20. Scientist who laid the foundations of theoretical organic chemistry. (A.M. Butlerov.)

21. What kind of milk is not drunk? (Lime.)

22. The process of destruction of metals under the influence of the environment.


23. Allotropic modification of oxygen. (Ozone.)

24. Substances needed by a person in small quantities and involved in metabolism. (Vitamins.)

25. The name of a positively charged ion. (Cation.)

26. Liquid metal under normal conditions.


27. Biologically active substances that regulate the functioning of human and animal organs and tissues. (Hormones.)

28. Substances that accelerate chemical reaction. (Catalysts.)

29. Marsh gas. (Methane.)

Water in solid state. (Ice.)

31. Inventor of the gas mask. (N.D. Zelinsky.)

32. The lightest metal. (Lithium.)

chemically indivisible particle. (Atom.)

34. A hormone that regulates blood sugar. (Insulin.)

35. Cabbage with the highest iodine content. (Marine.)

36. The heaviest metal. (Osmium.)

37. Unit of amount of substance. (Moth.)

38. Biological catalysts. (Enzymes.)

39. Hydrogen oxide. (Water.)

40. Reaction in which heat is absorbed. (Endothermic.)

41. Halogen, the compound of which has a calming effect on the nervous system.


42. bases soluble in water. (Alkalis.)

43. Complex substances, during the dissociation of which hydrogen ions are formed. (Acids.)

44. "Bile of the god Vulcan" is an expression about what element? (About sulfur.)

45. The property of an atom to pull electrons away from another atom. (electronegativity.)

46. ​​What element is called the element of life and thought?


47. What are the names of the substances that are used to feed plants? (Fertilizers.)

48. What gas is called carbon monoxide? (Carbon(II) oxide.)

49. What element is the basis of the entire mineral world of our planet? (Silicon.)

50. Icicles grow in karst caves.

What are icicles that grow upwards called? (stalagmites.)

51. Which element deficiency leads to dental caries? (Fluor.)

52. What is the name of the science that studies the relationship of the organism with the environment? (Ecology.)

What is the name of the chemical enterprise in Kazan, which produces synthetic detergents? (JSC Nefis Cosmetics.)

54. Physiological saline is injected into the human body with a large loss of blood.

What is the main substance in this solution? (Sodium chloride.)

55. Rector of Kazan University in 1860 and 1863 (A.M. Butlerov.)

56. What substance is called "volatile alkali"? (Ammonia.)

57. Which scientist created the Kazan school of chemists? (N.N. Zinin.)

What causes an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? (The greenhouse effect.)

59. Where does oxygen come from in nature? (Produced during photosynthesis.)

60. What does a diver breathe? (Oxygen-helium mixture.)

61. The main constituent of air. (Nitrogen.)

62. What organisms are indicators of environmental quality? (Lichens.)


64. What drug can be used to bring a patient out of an unconscious state? (Ammonia.)

65. When fertilizers are used incorrectly, what harmful substances accumulate in vegetables? (Nitrates.)

66. What substance did the alchemists call "fiery water" or "water of life"? (Ethanol.)

67. What substance was worth its weight in gold in the old days?


68. What role does baking soda play when it is drunk for heartburn? (Neutralizes stomach acid.)

69. What gas is called "laughing"? (Nitric oxide (I), or nitrous oxide.)

70. What mineral scientists called "deceiver"? (Apatite - translated from Greek.)

71. Decomposition of salt with water. (Hydrolysis.)

72. What substances are formed during photosynthesis?

(Oxygen and starch.)

73. The combination of substances with water. (Hydration.)

74. Substance (second hardest after diamond) used as an abrasive. (Corundum.)

75. Common name for sucrose. (Sugar.)

76. Brass - an alloy of copper with ... (Zinc.)

77. First President of the Russian Chemical Society.

(N.N. Zinin.)

78. The first Russian natural scientist of world importance. (M.V. Lomonosov.)

79. What is biogas? (Combustible gas - consists of methane and carbon dioxide.)

80. How is metallic sodium stored?

(In kerosene.)

81. What should be done in case of acid burns? (Rinse it with water, then with a 3% solution of baking soda.)

82. Which element is named after a part of the world? (Europium.)

83. What kind of water becomes cloudy from breathing?


84. How to peel an egg without breaking the shell? (Immerse in hydrochloric acid.)

85. What Russian chemist organized in Russia in 1748 the Chemical Laboratory of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences? (M.V. Lomonosov.)

What chemical element contains the names of two mammals in its name? (Arsenic.)

87. How to char a tree without fire? (Sulfuric acid.)

88. What is the crystal lattice of table salt? (Ionic.)

89. Which Russian chemist synthesized aniline? (N.N. Zinin.)

90. What inorganic substance is called the "bread" of the chemical industry?

(Sulfuric acid.)

91. Who stood at the origins of the domestic science of metals? (M.V. Lomonosov.)

92. The word "bromine" in Greek means ... (Stench.)

The word "valence" in Latin means ... (Having power.)

94. Oxygen was discovered by a Swedish chemist… (K.V. Scheele.)

95. The word "chlorine" in Greek means... (Green.)

Ammonium chloride is… (Ammonium chloride.)

97. An elementary particle that has no charge. (Neutron.)

98. The word "iodine" in Greek means ... (Violet.)

99. Substances having the same composition and molecular weight, but different molecular structure and properties. (Isomers.)

100. How many electrons are in the outer layer of atoms chemical elements III group of the main subgroup of the table of D.I. Mendeleev? (3.)

Questions for the final round

Danish physicist who created the first quantum theory of the structure of the hydrogen atom. (N.Bor.)

2. The scientist who created the planetary model of the atom. (E. Rutherford.)

3. A colorless gas with a pungent odor, used in the production of nitric acid and fertilizers. (Ammonia.)

4. Pale yellow gas, interacts with all elements, up to some inert gases. (Fluorine.)

French chemist, founder of the theory of shifting chemical equilibrium. (A.L. Le Chatelier.)

6. Which of the scientists was a student and successor of N.N. Zinin at the Department of Chemistry of Kazan University? (A.M. Butlerov.)

7. Who owns the statement: “Chemistry spreads its hands wide in human affairs. Wherever we look, wherever we look, the successes of her diligence turn before our eyes”?

(To M.V. Lomonosov.)

8. Who owns the statement: “The future threatens the periodic law not with destruction, but only superstructures and development are promised to be”?

(D.I. Mendeleev.)

9. What is the smell of rotten eggs called? (Hydrogen sulfide.)

10. What is the formula for hydrofluoric acid? ( HF .)

11. What does the word freon mean in Latin? (Cold.)

12. What does the word "ruby" mean in Latin? (Red.)



RoundPlayers Answers
("+" - correct, "-" - incorrect)№ 1№ 2№ 3№ 4№ 5№ 6№ 7№ 8

Final round

R.M. Charushnikova,
chemistry teacher of gymnasium No. 152

Home / Articles / Wood burning technology

Wood burning technology

Yakisugi wood burning technology (Shou Sugi Ban) came to us from Japan and literally translates as "cedar languishing". The emergence of technology is usually dated to the 18th century, when the Japanese cypress Sugi was subjected to mass burning, which came close to rural settlements and posed a threat of fires. Subsequently, the Japanese appreciated both the appearance of the burnt wood and its performance characteristics.

The fact is that the treatment of a wood surface with the help of fire can significantly increase the life of wood - sometimes up to 80 years, protecting it from fire and the harmful effects of various natural factors. Therefore, burnt wood is widely used in construction, in particular for facade cladding.

In fact, the technology of processing wood with fire is much more ancient and has long been used by almost all nationalities.

Grinding and firing were the most common wood processing methods. And if in the first case the wood was impregnated with hot resin, then in the second case, under the influence of high temperatures, the fiber channels in the outer layer of the wood narrow and independently clog with resins and other combustion products, which ultimately is a protective mechanism that protects the wood and increases its service life.

In the old days, logs and boards were burned simply on a fire, now an ordinary burner is used for this, and in rare cases, a blowtorch.

Only conifers are suitable for the procedure, which are characterized by high density, hardness and wear resistance: pine, cedar, juniper. Such wood is difficult to split, and it has a high oil content.

The essence of wood burning technology

What is wood burning technology?

  • For more effective result boards are folded into a triangular shape, forming a box.
  • The firing procedure is very fast and lasts an average of 7-10 minutes.
  • Then the boards must be extinguished if a fire occurs, and cleaned of soot using special metal brushes.
  • In conclusion, the boards must be washed with running water.
  • After all these procedures, an insignificant 5 mm layer of soot remains on the burned board, which performs a protective function.

To enhance the performance properties of wood and provide even greater protection, sometimes a special coating is applied to the boards. oil composition which also gives the wood texture a nice glossy sheen.

The Benefits of Burnt Wood

Wood processed using Japanese firing technology is widely used not only for facade cladding, but also in the construction of terraces and fences.

The effectiveness of this technology is evidenced by the widespread use of burnt wood in Japan and other countries. Moreover, wood firing has a number of other positive aspects:

  • Fire treatment provides reliable protection of wood from fires;
  • Also, burnt wood is reliably protected from decay, fungi and insects;
  • The wood processed in this way is distinguished by an unusual attractive appearance, and over time, the type and color of the material does not change;
  • Very long service life - up to 80 years, and subsequently wood processing is not required;
  • The technology is very simple and can be carried out independently.

    How to burn a tree with a blowtorch?

    In addition, wood burning technology has another extremely important advantage - it is an excellent alternative to chemical protection methods. Of course, a huge amount of all kinds of protective "chemistry" is currently on the market: flame retardants, antiseptics and impregnations.

    But such mechanical processing is quite laborious and time-consuming. While firing is done once and for all, it takes very little time, and in terms of effectiveness it is in no way inferior to chemical treatment.

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Surprisingly deep gray, nothing like a gray tree, uneven tan - this is " side effects» Japanese wood protection technology, known as "cradle cradle".

Actually, wood baking is not only Japanese. Even in Russia there is a thin coating, but it is not exactly the same. The technology of "lullaby shooting" is significantly different from the simple impact of the flame. For example, a roasted tree in Japanese every 3-4 years can be soaked in oil or covered with other decorative ingredients.

Indeed, shooting is not only about aesthetics, but also about the preservation of wood.

The Japanese have always been known for their respect for nature and for themselves. Traditionally different chemical substances avoid when possible. And how to protect wood if you do not use antiseptics and fire retardants? It turned out that shooting is very well suited for this task. Ironically, roasted wood is much harder to ignite than it is to burn.

For shooting, the Japanese mainly use resin rich in coniferous trees.

The most valuable cedar. First, ready wooden details are burned with a gas burner for 7-10 minutes. After this procedure, the tree is placed in water, where it is thoroughly washed and coated with wire brushes. Almost all carbon surfaces are removed, leaving only a light layer up to 5 mm thick. This layer protects against moisture, bacteria, fungi, woodworms and even fire.

Paradoxically, after baking, it burns easily.

Burnt and washed wooden parts can be used immediately or after pre-treatment with oils, making the wood even stronger and more durable.

Oils can be used in a variety of ways. A number of manufacturers, notably Pinotex, OSMO, Tikkuril and others, can be found in the area.

In Japan, baked wood is literally everywhere. This once again shows that this type of treatment is effective and practical. In its pure form, the plowed plate acquires a gray color.

With the help of colored spots, this color, unfortunately, can be achieved. The color of "floor cedar" depends on the duration of fire resistance - from gray to dark brown, almost black. In Japan, such a forest is also known as Shou Sugi Ban.

It is used on the facades of houses, as well as in interior design and even furniture.

Burnt wood for decoration: benefits and do-it-yourself production

By the way, the Delta Millworks plant specializes in the production of burnt wood furniture.

One of the benefits of baked wood is its durability. It can remain unchanged up to 80 years, but does not require serious care and regular treatment with biological protection.

burning wood with a blowtorch

Good afternoon dear friends!

I am often asked a question that sounds something like this: “I seem to be doing everything right, but the work is still not of the quality I would like. What am I doing wrong?"

This post is about the mistakes craftswomen make when firing and brushing wood. Of course, you cannot write in just one article, but I will try to at least indicate the directions:

So, here are 7 mistakes when firing and brushing wood…

Fear of a gas burner, as something terrible and flammable in female hands

It may sound a little funny, but in reality, many girls are afraid to work with a gas burner. Someone is afraid that it may explode in their hands, someone will get burned.

A gas burner is used for cooking and heating food - an indispensable thing in the campaign and everyday life.

In the technique of firing and brushing wood, it is the main working tool. The burner is very easy to use and safe with the amount of gas in the bottle! This is the case when a “male toy” can easily be a “female toy”)) But at the same time, remember about fire safety!!!

2. Firing over a gas stove or other similar open fire

The pressure and supply of fire from a gas burner is much stronger and more powerful than fire from gas stove, which makes it possible to burn out exactly the soft fibers of wood evenly and in the right places.

We will get the opposite result by firing the workpiece over an open fire, while there is a danger of getting burned. In this case, the firing will be uneven, stained, which will negatively affect the final result.

This mistake is partly a consequence of the first mistake, and in some cases simply saving on the purchase of a burner.

A blank made of unsuitable and unsuitable for this technique solid wood

This is a really big problem, and the ability to quickly assess the quality of the workpiece will only come with experience. Let me just say one thing - for the technique of firing and brushing wood, soft woods are suitable - pine, larch and spruce.

Excessive firing during further tinting in very light shades

With excessive firing, it will be quite difficult to tint the product in light shades and at the same time highlight the structure of the wood.

In this case, brushing should be done much deeper, reaching light and hard fibers.

5. Incorrectly selected abrasive metal brush

Too hard brush with wide teeth can damage the product, violating the aesthetics.

6. Brushing wood in the wrong grain direction

The brushing process is carried out exclusively along the line of fibers, even if the structure of the tree is winding or rounded.

Movements with an abrasive brush across the line of fibers will not structure the product, but simply spoil and scratch it. Unfortunately, this error cannot be corrected.

7. Wrong selection of shades for multi-color tinting

Properly selected shades of colors that are “friendly” with each other and when tinted will not make you “dirt” - this is a successful result and, as a result, a beautiful and harmonious work

I repeat that there are much more nuances.

But if you work on these mistakes, your products are guaranteed to get better.

The processing of wood by firing makes it possible to obtain a tree with a more pronounced structure, and the material becomes less susceptible to burning, decay, insect damage and ultraviolet radiation. That is, both aesthetically and practically.

We invite you to talk about why wood is fired, how it can be fired, what kind of wood to take for this and how to process it after firing.

Burning wood: why do it?

Today, the most common way to protect wood from exposure external factors are chemical agents - all kinds of impregnations. But chemistry is chemistry, and people often have a desire to process a tree without, in fact, using poisons. One of these methods is the burning of wood.

The essence of firing is that under the influence of high temperature in the outer layer of the tree during the pyrolysis process, the fiber channels are narrowed, clogged with combustion products and resins. Due to this, the top layer of wood is compacted and becomes almost inaccessible to fire, fungi, mold, insects, and sunlight.

The resulting charred layer, of course, must be removed. For small crafts, this is done manually with metal hard brushes; for larger ones, they use special attachments for grinders or drills. And here comes the second pleasant wood burning quality: aged wood effect. In fact, burning a tree, followed by brushing, is, that is, artificial aging of wood. And although firing is not an obligatory component of the brushing process, many masters resort to it.

As a result, all kinds of caskets, picture frames, panels can be made from such wood, used in construction as logs, facade boards, beams, trim, windows and doors, material for the manufacture of wells, toilets, dog kennels, gazebos, etc. In the latter case burning wood with a gas burner must be carried out before assembling the structure. Firstly, it is not safe to burn a house, and it will not be so easy to eliminate a fire, if one occurs. Secondly, to carry out subsequent cleaning of the burnt wood for already finished construction not convenient. You will spend a lot of effort, but carefully scraping off the burnt layers, especially at the junction of wood elements, will not work.

Wood burning: what kind of wood to take?

As for the quality of wood, here is the rare case when the third grade is not a defect, but what we need. When soft charred fibers are brushed after firing, depressions form in their place, and harder layers turn into ridges. This is the only way to get a textured, embossed, contrasting material. To do this, you need to choose a blank with: knots, twists, eyes, curls (but if we are talking about wood for construction work, then beauty can be sacrificed here).

There is no need to pre-grind or somehow prepare the board - firing will remove all flaws, and the decorative properties of wood are given after firing.

Although it is possible to burn not only raw wood. For example, if you have a chair, table or fence covered with stain, and you would like to emphasize the texture of the wood that the impregnation “eats”, wood firing is also appropriate. Moreover, not only wood, but also chipboard can be fired. Recall that coniferous woods are fired, so even veneer must be pine, spruce, etc.

Wood burning technology

Before, how to burn wood take precautions. After all, you will work with open fire. An open balcony is also suitable for small bars for crafts, but with full-fledged boards it is better to work in the open.

You can burn wood:

- gas burner

- gasoline blowtorch

- ordinary gas bottle with nozzle

- building hair dryer

Those who carry out firing and brushing wood on a small scale - for crafts, have long fallen in love with dremel. It is small, convenient, and in the household a “mini-drill” is useful not only for burning wood.

In addition to wood and a burner, for firing we need a hard brush and a soft, wide brush for sweeping the cinders (flutes).

A brush with metal bristles is suitable for stripping small bars. For large-scale work, it is better to arm yourself with a grinder, drill or grinder with special nozzles.

1. Directly firing wood

Calmly, evenly run the burner over the wood so that there are no charred or “underburned” areas.

You can choose the degree of roasting according to your taste. If the firing is weak, then it will be possible to go through the burner again later, if you fry it too much, you just have to work harder when removing soot, the pattern will be more contrasting. The main thing is the uniformity of firing.

If your wood isn't, it's almost certain that it will either have streaks or tar pockets that can catch fire. Extinguish the fire immediately, otherwise an unsightly dark spot will form in this place. Firing one standard board will take up to 10 minutes.

2. Scraping sawdust

We take a hard metal brush - such as for removing paint - and begin to conduct exclusively along the fibers. Instead of a brush, you can take a brush grinder, drill or grinder with special nozzles. Thus, you will “stir up” the burnt soft tissues in the hollows of the wood. Having practiced a little with a brush, take the flute and take it out, knock it out, pick out the sawdust. This should be done as if “against the pile”, otherwise these dust particles will simply clog deeper into the cavities.

Brushing wood after firing with a brush grinder

3. We bring to the desired state

Alternating between brush and flute, scrape the wood grain-wise with strong, long strokes. You can not brush perpendicular to the fibers - hard bristles will leave a mark and ruin the whole pattern. When to stop is up to you, based on your aesthetic preferences. By firing wood and brushing, material can be obtained from gray, jet black to chocolate brown and golden hues.

Wood burning: what's next?

In general, you can stop at the firing of wood, and then glue, build, cut ... This is a full-fledged building and decorative material. The firing of wood allows you to get an original shade that cannot be achieved with any basic paints and varnishes.

To give the wood a glossy sheen, you can treat it with all kinds of high-quality oil impregnations, or tint it with a primer, enamels, azure, cover it with wax and wax varnishes.