Do-it-yourself wood splitters: assembly instructions. How to make a wood splitter with your own hands - available instructions with drawings and photos Manual hydraulic wood splitter

The wood splitter is a modern machine designed for cutting firewood, both in small and large volumes. In addition to its main function, wood splitters perform the function of trimming. Splitting firewood is fast, convenient and safe. In just 3-4 hours, you can make a weekly supply of natural material.

A home-made wood splitter is actively used in a summer cottage or suburban area, and more complex designs can be found in industrial enterprises.

1 Varieties of wood splitters

All wood splitters according to the scope of use are divided into:

  1. Household. It could be like homemade wood splitter, and a purchased unit, which has a small capacity. You can make a rack or hydraulic type yourself.
  2. Professional. These include wood splitters and machines that have a large number of functions and high performance.

Depending on the position of the logs, they can be divided into:

  1. Horizontal type. The log is placed on a horizontal chute. During the operation of the machine, the log itself can move towards the knife, or vice versa.
  2. Vertical type. The log is installed vertically, and a screw knife presses on top of it, dividing it into logs. Typically, this method of splitting is inherent in professional machines.
  3. Mixed type. It combines two ways of arranging logs. Typically, such a mechanism contains wood splitters.

By type of food, they are divided into models:

  1. With electric motor. Their work is based on the action of a hydraulic pump. These are the most easy-to-use rack structures that are installed even indoors. You can also make them yourself. The only feature is the need to access the network.
  2. With petrol engine. These are more powerful and serious models that are used both in the industrial sector and for private use.
  3. Tractor-drawn structures. They are used in farms, logging and other enterprises.
  4. with combined engines.

According to the principle, work can be divided:

  1. Hydraulic type, which can be done by yourself. It is driven by a special hydraulic pump that presses on the knife. He, in turn, acts with great force on the log, splitting it into pieces.
  2. cone type. Sawing firewood is done with a threaded cone, which cuts into the log during rotation, dividing it into parts. Just like the rack wood splitter, it is quite simple to make it yourself. The only caveat is the need for a more powerful engine.

All possible movement structures are divided into stationary machines, which are whole wood splitting and sawing lines of industrial importance and mobile devices with wheels (hydraulic, screw, cone and rack type).

1.1 We make a wood splitter with our own hands

Homemade hydraulic wood splitter- this is an opportunity to independently make a unit capable of processing large volumes of wood. The cylinder acts as a power element in it. Its stem extends as a result of the pressure of the internal fluid. An important role here is played by the engine and the pump.

The most difficult stage is the creation of the hydraulic part. It includes the following elements:

  • cylinder with a pusher;
  • pump;
  • a hydraulic fluid control unit;
  • oil tank;
  • motor that drives the pump.

All these parts can be purchased independently or removed from tractor equipment that is out of order. The frame for the wood splitter must be made of metal. For this purpose, corners can be used, profile pipe or channels. A homemade hydraulic wood splitter can be of a mobile type, if attached to the wheel frame or chassis.

There are no specific schemes for how to make a screw, rack or hydraulic view. This is due to the large number of nuances that must be taken into account in the production process. In addition, each craftsman has different opportunities in terms of the availability of components for handicraft production. To simplify the process, you can rely on the approximate designs of finished units.

1.2 Homemade wood splitter (video)

1.3 Step by step instructions

With minimal knowledge of drawings and metal processing technology, you can make a wood splitter in 1-2 days. This will require several steps:

  1. The simple design includes a vertical metal frame that is mounted on a platform and a jack.
  2. The top of the frame is used to hold firewood, so it must be split. This means that the diameter and length values ​​will be different.
  3. A simple design (screw or rack type) involves the use of a car jack. At the same time, a more complex wood splitter will require the use of a hydraulic jack. As a rule, it is installed on a frame of a mobile or stationary type.
  4. A wedge-shaped knife is mounted to the other part of the bed, which will chop wood. They can be various sizes, as the knife is fixed in several positions.
  5. In the middle of the wood splitter, a bed is installed for laying firewood. In the process of rotating the handle of the jack, the thrust part of the rod will put pressure on the firewood, and the knife will split them.
  6. Through the handle, the oil pressure in the cylinder will be released. The rod itself with the help of springs will take its original position.

2 Rules for using the wood splitter

A screw, rack and other type of household machine that is used for personal purposes is quite easy to use. For split logs it is enough to put firewood in the chute, who will squeeze them and push them to the knife. The split product is collected in a special tray, which is replaced in the process of filling it.

Rack wood splitter, like any other equipment, requires compliance with safety measures in the process of its use. They include the following recommendations:

  • exclude loose-fitting clothes that can get between the parts. It should be tight enough;
  • all protective equipment (goggles, gloves, etc.) should be used. Their use will secure the process itself;
  • it is impossible to start the operation of the unit in a state of intoxication;
  • the process of splitting firewood can begin after all wires and connections are carefully insulated;
  • the unit is not used in the rain and in rooms with high humidity. Moisture can make an irreversible process in the engine.
  • the wood splitter is installed on a flat surface;
  • the workplace should be sufficiently free, without foreign objects;
  • all types of wood splitters have recommended temperature ranges for operation. They can be found by studying the instructions;
  • the device is used only for its intended purpose;
  • broken or worn parts should be replaced in time. You can identify them by regularly checking the general condition;
  • in the event of an unforeseen situation, the device has an emergency shutdown button that can suspend operation.

In general, wood splitters are indispensable assistants, both in the suburban area and in the field industrial production. For your own use, you can make them yourself, observing all the stages of manufacturing. The result is an economical and extremely useful unit.

In all areas of management, where, for one reason or another, such work as chopping firewood becomes relevant, wood splitters are used.

Modern, high-tech mechanisms not only easily cope with the functional duties assigned to them, but also differ in the simplicity of the structural structure, so they can be made by hand if desired.

How to make a wood splitter yourself? What are its types? What technical characteristics should the mechanism be endowed with in order to ensure an uninterrupted and high-performance workflow? We will talk about this and much more in more detail in the article.

What is a wood cutting machine?

A wood splitter or a firewood harvester is a mechanized device designed to perform trimming and splitting chocks, wood into logs.

It is characterized by high technical and quality indicators, functionality and practicality, ease of operation and availability. Maintenance, It has compact dimensions and, if necessary, is easily transported from one place to another.

An important feature of the machine is a large working resource. The cleavers are equipped with reliable and wear-resistant parts, so they can withstand any load, they can be used in any climatic conditions, provide an uninterrupted workflow for a long time, and do not require regular expensive maintenance.

There are a lot of varieties of wood splitters. They can be equipped with gasoline, diesel and electric engines, differ in their structural structure, and are divided into professional and household.

Structural structure and principle of operation

The design of wood splitters, including home-made ones, is quite simple and largely depends on their type. Installations complete the following main mechanisms:

  • Engine. It can be petrol or electric. The user independently determines which unit will be able to provide the required performance in the given operating conditions.
  • Reducer. Boosts torque, lowers RPMs and maintains consistent air pressure before every impact. It is characterized by reliability, endurance and wear resistance.
  • The bed is a fixed part of the wood splitter, made of metal that is durable and resistant to mechanical stress. An engine, a gearbox and a working cone for splitting and trimming a log are attached to it.
  • Bearings. They are an indispensable part of the support, they support a movable structure - a working cone fixed on a shaft with a given rigidity.
  • Working cone. Made of durable and reliable metal, has a threaded nozzle - a gimlet.

Each structural element wood splitters can be selected individually, depending on the needs and requests of the user. In this case, the devices meet the requirements as accurately as possible and provide the necessary working performance.

Depending on their structural structure, wood splitters differ in the principle of operation. Most often, in practice, a wood-cutting machine is used, which is equipped with the following components:

  • Bed;
  • Reducer;
  • Engine;
  • Working cone.

Such a cleaver works according to the following principle: it launches a shaft through a gearbox, on which, in turn, a gimlet is located. He, rotating, is screwed into a chock and splits it into several parts.

In a hydraulic wood splitter, a cylinder is adopted, it receives the necessary charge of energy from the motor and contributes to its transfer to the hydraulic rod, which sets the stop in motion.

The smooth operation of the mechanism ensures that the blade enters the chock without impact, as a result of which it splits into pieces without being squeezed.

If the power of the wood splitter is not enough to crush the chock, the cylinder stops working, and the pump operates in idle mode, which prevents the device from breaking.

Distribution by classification criteria

Wood splitters can be divided into several types, below we will analyze the principle by which the division takes place.

By scope:

  • Household. Devices have low power and performance, are characterized by average technical indicators. Their advantages are mobility, versatility, compact dimensions and the possibility of full-fledged operation in any climatic conditions, the availability of repair and maintenance, and low cost.
  • Industrial. Machines with high technical parameters, characterized by a long working resource, excellent performance and the ability to long-term operation without breaks.

According to the method of laying logs:

  • Horizontal. Logs are laid in a special horizontal chute. Their advantages: versatility, practicality, functionality.
  • Vertical. The log in the devices is installed vertically. Their advantages: compactness, functionality, reliability. Disadvantages: the need for strict adherence to safety regulations.
  • Mixed. This class of wood splitters includes industrial units used in the stream production of firewood.

By motor power supply:

  • Electrical. Equipped with electric motors, they are environmentally friendly, easy to repair and easy to operate, have compact dimensions and can be easily transported from one place to another.
  • With petrol engine. Unlike electrical counterparts, they can be used at sites remote from the centralized network. They require a minimum of maintenance and repair costs, are functional and highly productive.
  • With tractor traction. Their main advantage is a large working resource.
  • Combined motor. They can be equipped with a tractor drive and an electric or gasoline engine, they are used exclusively in the industrial sector.

According to the principle of work:

  • Hydraulic. They have excellent technical and performance characteristics, ensure a safe and smooth workflow.
  • With a cone. Wood splitters of this type are classified as screw mechanisms with great reliability and power. Their features are a simple structural structure, reasonable cost and excellent quality indicators.

By way of travel

  • Stationary. They are solid machines or massive industrial models that are difficult to transport.
  • Mobile. Equipped with wheels that make it easy to move the devices.

Before choosing a specific version of the wood splitter, it is necessary to decide with what intensity it will be used, it largely depends on it. specifications. The main technical characteristics of the machines:

Requirements to be met by mechanisms

  • Height from floor to cone about 80 cm.
  • Minimum engine power from 2 kW.
  • Landing on the shaft of the gearbox or motor is tight.
  • The cone material is solid steel.
  • Equipped with an oil cooling radiator and a rigid frame structure.
  • The presence of the function of heating the oil in the hydraulic system.

A phased plan for the manufacture of a screw machine

It is very easy to make a homemade screw-type wood splitter. Of the component parts, you will need a threaded cone-nozzle, a frame made of steel that is strong and resistant to mechanical stress, an engine of a certain capacity, a reduction gear and a shaft.

The motor and gearbox are attached to the frame. The working cone sits on the shaft and is driven through a reduction gear with the help of a motor. It is important to consider:

  • It is forbidden to connect the nozzle directly to the motor, this is contrary to safety regulations.
  • Belt and chain drive without fail must be placed in a special protective casing.
  • The electrical part of the log splitter must be carried out by a qualified craftsman.
  • Permissible rotation speed of the nozzle is not less than 250 - 300 rpm. If it is less, the cleaver will provide minimal performance.

Production technology of hydraulic splitter

Making a homemade hydraulic wood splitter is an order of magnitude more difficult than a cone splitter. The most complex unit of the device to be produced is the hydraulic part, consisting of a hydraulic cylinder with a pusher, a hydraulic fluid flow control unit and a pump, an oil tank and a motor driving the pump.

All these mechanisms can be purchased in specialized stores at an affordable price.

The basis of a homemade wood splitter is a frame. It is recommended to make it from a particularly durable material, wear-resistant to mechanical stress.

During the design of the frame homemade machine for cutting firewood, it is necessary to provide for its installation on wheels or a finished chassis. In the future, this will allow you to easily and quickly move the device to the place of work.

There is no clear scheme of how to make a cleaver with your own hands, since many nuances are permissible in its design, it all depends on the chosen initial mechanisms.

Before you make a homemade device, it is advisable to evaluate its economic benefits. If you need a little firewood, then it is better to buy it than to spend money on making a cleaver.

It is not difficult to make a machine for chopping firewood on your own, the main thing is to stock up on the necessary component mechanisms in advance. A self-made hydraulic cleaver works more efficiently than a cleaver with a cone, but its structural structure is an order of magnitude more complicated than the design.

Procurement of fuel for home heating in winter period is an important and responsible event. A lot of energy is taken away during manual felling firewood. To speed up and facilitate the process, the owners often mechanize operations as much as possible. In particular, you can make a wood splitter for home use with your own hands. The purchase of such a device will require significant financial costs, and a home-made wood splitter will cost less and will be optimized for specific conditions of use.

High-quality combustion of logs in a solid fuel stove depends not only on the type of wood, but also on the physical parameters of the logs, which include:

  • workpiece length;
  • log diameter;
  • form.

Excessively thick blanks will take a long time to ignite and may not even burn out completely. Too small and thin firewood will quickly burn out without giving enough heat to the room. In such a situation, the assembled wood splitter will help out with your own hands, drawings, photos, instructions for which are prepared in advance.

Equipment classification

Before you make a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands or in garage conditions to assemble a mechanical wood splitter with your own hands, you should decide on the type of end device. Each design has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, such a device for chopping firewood will be more financially profitable than purchased at a hardware store.

According to the type of installation of the workpiece, the equipment is divided into two groups:

  • Horizontal type. The log is placed horizontally on the frame and moves along its axis towards the working tool. Ready homemade apparatus can be designed with a reverse action, when the cutting part itself is embedded in a fixed fixed log.
  • Vertical type. The cutting part enters the workpiece vertically. This positioning requires fixing the log. In some cases, this is done by hand or special devices.

  • Combined type. It is quite rare in homemade schemes. Demanded in industrial conditions at woodworking enterprises.
  • When choosing a way to make a wood splitter with your own hands, you need to select the type of drive for the equipment:
  • Due to the operation of gasoline or diesel vehicles. Such options are the most common of all standalone homemade products. They are highly efficient and due to their mobility can be used as close as possible to the source of raw materials.
  • A mechanical wood splitter is a fairly reliable equipment and is used in the case of a relatively small amount of work. A homemade mechanical unit needs a small amount of materials, which is its advantage over other types of structures.

  • Do-it-yourself wood splitter on electric traction is stationary. However, with a similar execution scheme, the user will receive a less productive device.

The key element in the design of any unit, including a do-it-yourself hydraulic wood splitter, is the shape of a cleaver - the working part of the machine. The cleaver comes in the following forms:

  • wedge shape. The wedge cuts at high speed between the wood fibers and splits the workpiece into two parts.

  • Cruciform shape. The machine requires a lot of force to enter between the fibers and divide the workpiece into four or more parts.
  • Screw (conical) shape. The working part with a threaded helical profile on a cone is screwed between the fibers and thus splits the workpiece.

Varieties of devices

Before starting work, it is advisable to determine the type of equipment, which is classified according to several criteria:

  • the presence of an engine - these can be spring cleavers independent of electricity, hydraulics, a gasoline or electric unit;
  • the actual design - vertical, horizontal, mixed type, rack or cone;
  • the method of splitting firewood is with the help of a screw pair, according to the principle of a screw, the impact of pneumatics or hydraulics.

The simplest wood splitter consists of a stationary table, a console and a rack.

For the operation of the cone unit, you will already need an engine with appropriate equipment, a drive shaft and a working body connected to the mechanism by a chain or transmission belt.

For the normal operation of a rack-and-pinion wood splitter, an engine, a drive shaft, a chain or belt drive, a gear and racks are needed. By self-assembly it complex structure, the principle of operation of which is to convert a rotating shaft into a sequential movement of the working part.

If we are talking about a small amount of wood fuel, then simple design- mechanical or hydraulic wood splitter. In addition to the fact that the assembly itself does not require exceptional knowledge, they are easily disassembled and work without an engine and complex equipment. This volume is enough for a fireplace, a bath, which is used occasionally, and friendly gatherings around the fire. If it is tedious to prepare firewood for heating the house in winter or for the normal operation of the greenhouse on furnace heating, mechanics will not be enough. For these purposes, they usually buy gasoline or electric wood splitters.

Mechanical spring apparatus

The least expensive to manufacture is the mechanical circuit. The force in it is formed by a spring. The bed of metal square profiles is based at this time on a horizontal plane. The end face of the workpiece rests against the cleaver located below.

The device consists of several elements:

  • console;
  • support table;
  • rack.

VIDEO: A very simple but effective mechanical cleaver

Screw splitters

V Lately Units with a conical screw working part have become very popular. This is due to the relative simplicity of their manufacture and convenient maintenance. Such a design requires preliminary preparation detailed diagram, drawing or measured sketch.

The components of a manual wood splitter of this type are:

  • a bed welded from a building metal profile and sheet iron;
  • power plant in the form of an electric motor or liquid fuel;
  • chain drive with sprockets and chain or belt drive with pulleys and belt;
  • a shaft with a screw cone fixed in rolling bearings;
  • workpiece stop.

The cone is made of steel grades st45 or 40X. Desirable ready product harden to give it the required hardness.

During the manufacturing and assembly process, it is necessary to follow some safety rules:

  • it is strictly forbidden, according to safety rules, to use the nozzle directly with a motor without a reduction gear, which is usually used by a chain drive or an installed gearbox with gears;
  • the installation of the electrical unit must be carried out in accordance with the basics of safety;
  • a protective cover is required for a belt or chain drive to prevent the drive from catching sleeve cuffs, etc .;
  • the optimum is the rotation speed of the working part of about 250 rpm;
  • shaft supports are preferably fixed not by welding, but by screws.

To increase the mobility of the invention, it is worth installing the entire structure on wheels. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the availability of the brake system. It should be borne in mind that with a significant decrease in the speed of rotation, the productivity of the equipment decreases, and the increase affects safety.

How to make a hydraulic splitter

Inside the hydraulic cylinder, the working fluids are able to create significantly greater forces than is possible for screw pairs. In this regard, often this equipment used as a workpiece pusher to the cleaver.

In order to make a home-made hydraulic wood splitter at home at minimal cost, you can use a hydraulic jack for these purposes.

The principle of operation of such a device is to push a wooden blank onto a permanently installed blade. To do this, the hydraulic pusher moves along the guides from the channels to the knife.

The advantage of this design over electric circuit is that in the second case, the electric drive will push the stump even with high resistance, which can lead to combustion of the motor. The hydraulics build up force gradually and can stay in place when significant resistance is reached without breaking the structure or causing other damage to the machine.

Most hydraulic devices operate horizontally, however, circuit diagram both types is the same. The developed force is about 3-5 tons and depends on the used cylinder. For domestic conditions, this power is enough. It is believed that this type is more efficient than the screw design.

VIDEO: How to make a cleaver with your own hands

To chop a large amount of firewood without spending a lot of effort on it, a home-made screw cleaver will help. This device uses the principle of splitting a tree while screwing in a massive screw, which is a symbiosis of a screw and a conventional wedge. The made cone, thanks to the threaded thread, easily breaks the wood along the fibers due to the large diameter of the screw.

According to the design of the drive, several types of home-made wood splitters can be made. Some craftsmen put the screw on the working shaft of the electric motor. In this case, very stringent requirements are put forward for the electric motor. It should only be low speed. and quite powerful.

The most common are screw splitters of another type, in which any electric motors can be used. The reduction in speed in them is achieved due to the use of various gearboxes or belt drives. An asterisk of small diameter is placed on the working shaft of the electric motor, and a large pulley is installed on the cone of the wood splitter. Their dimensions must be selected in such a way as to reduce the engine speed to 500 rpm. It happens that when using high-speed electric motors it is difficult to achieve the required speed values. In this case, it is worth putting an intermediate shaft and a special speed gear.

All components of the device must be securely fixed on a solid frame. It can be equipped with a small folding table for more comfortable work.

Advantages and disadvantages of cone wood splitters

The main advantages of cone wood splitters are:

  • simplicity of design;
  • the possibility of assembling with your own hands;
  • good device performance;
  • low installation cost;
  • anyone can work on such a device.

At the same time very simple and reliable design homemade wood splitters has a number of disadvantages.

  • One of them can be considered that a tree with highly intertwined fibers is a big problem for its propeller. That is why the roots of a tree and a log with knots should be chopped by hand.
  • The next drawback is the poor division of large chocks into parts.
  • It is also worth noting that it is almost impossible to make a cone on your own without the help of a qualified turner.

At the moment, you can find high-quality drawings on the network screw wood splitter for making your own hands or an offer to sell a finished product.

The main requirements for an electric splitter

A homemade electric splitter must be very reliable, safe to use and have high performance. That is why, when choosing the type of device and assembling it, it is necessary to follow the rules for compliance with the requirements for devices of this type.

The main requirements for wood splitters are as follows:

Assembly materials and tools

Do-it-yourself machine assembly does not require the use of expensive parts. Many blanks can be taken from the old washing machine or a faulty walk-behind tractor, and you should ask an experienced turner for a drawing of a cone for a wood splitter.

To make a homemade device, you will need the following materials:

Many nodes will fit from the old washing machine or car. Do not make your own screws. There are a lot of materials on the network in which craftsmen advise cutting this detail using an ordinary grinder. Experts say that this idea will turn out just a carrot, not a conical screw.

To assemble the electric splitter, you will need the following tools:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • drill and drills;
  • electric grinder;
  • small hammer;
  • spanners;
  • pencil and tape measure.

To protect the surface of the machine from corrosion, you can use any kind of enamel. However, it is worthwhile to qualitatively prepare the metal for painting. This can be done with a special brush and chemical rust converters.

Do-it-yourself cone wood splitter

At the initial stage of assembling an electric cleaver, it is worth making a good sketch, which will indicate the location of the parts and mechanisms of the device, as well as its dimensions. You will need a wiring diagram that any electrician can draw up. These actions will help to assemble the machine with high quality and prevent many mistakes. And it is also necessary to responsibly approach the manufacture of a special wedge, since it is the most vulnerable part of the mechanism.

The most suitable material for the wedge is expensive tool steel, but it is very difficult to process even an experienced turner. Most often, ordinary steel is used for this, which is then hardened by carburizing or hardening. long and quality work screw cone will be provided only with its good production. A simple metric thread is not suitable for this purpose, as it wears out rather quickly and does not fit well into the tree. Experts advise to make a two-start thread with a pitch of 5 mm.

The dimensions of the frame directly depend from the build of a person, but most often they are:

  • height - about 90 cm;
  • the width of the surface should be no more than 70 cm;
  • length should be about 1 m.

Most often, the electric motor is located at the bottom of the bed, which helps protect it from various chips or small chips. When using a motor from a walk-behind tractor, then it should be placed on the same level with a screw wedge. This arrangement is very convenient during the operation of the machine, if you need to adjust the speed or add fuel.

When designing an electric splitter, it is necessary to determine the method of tensioning the belt drive. To do this, you need to install additional rollers or stars. It is worth fixing a special protective cover on the belt drive, which can be made from a piece of tin and attached to the working surface with fasteners.

Assembling a screw cleaver

After the drawing of the machine has been made and all materials and parts have been prepared, it is necessary to start manufacturing a screw cleaver. Experts advise using high-quality instructions and assembling in accordance with the drawn up work plan.

To make a homemade electric wood splitter, you will need a little skill in handling tools. A little time spent on assembly will save a lot of effort in the future. The main thing is to follow all safety rules when working with the device.

Whatever the device is called: a wood splitter or a hydraulic wood splitter, it has the same essence. The main element that determines power and performance is the engine. In everyday life, many have enough device force equal to 3-5 tons. More powerful wood splitters are already being purchased for industrial purposes, they are able to work with longer and thicker logs.

The average stroke is limited to 52 cm.

Those cleavers that are powered by an electric motor can be connected to a network of 220 or 280V.

What is a wood splitter made of?

A do-it-yourself hydraulic wood splitter includes such parts as:

  • bed ;
  • emphasis;
  • cylinder;
  • wedge blade;
  • pump;
  • pressure distributor for supply and return of fluid;
  • tank for filling oil;
  • electric motor driving the pump.

The scheme of the hydraulic wood splitter is the same for both the vertical version and the horizontal one. Only in the vertical version, instead of the heel, a cutting device is placed. And improvements to it can be any, for which there is enough imagination.

The principle of operation of the device

Ordinary wood splitters often break, because even with a small cylinder diameter of 9-10 cm, a voltage of up to 10 tons is created in it, while the electric motor continues to work and rotate the device, even if the log does not want to split. In a hydraulic wood splitter, there is a smooth, gradual increase in force, if it is lacking, the cylinder will simply stop rotating, and even with further rotation of the oil pump, there will be no breakdown.

Hydraulic cleaver "Gorynych"

One of the most sought-after cleavers on the market is Gorynych. Speed ​​is the main distinguishing feature of this hydrocleaver. To date, he has no competitors. The reliability shown over the previous years of operation breaks all records. Over the 9 years of the existence of the Gorynych cleaver, more than 18 thousand m3 of forest has been processed. And at the same time, not a single node fell into disrepair. And you can work with it both at +30 and at -30 - the engine, pump, distributor and hydraulic cylinder perfectly cope with any work at any time of the year. The technology is patented.

Wood splitter "Gorynych" 6T and its technical characteristics.

Main achievements:

  1. One cycle takes 2.5 seconds.
  2. It has unique parts and assembly that allows you to work in any temperature.
  3. Hardened iron knife. It is extremely difficult to blunt it.
  4. All parts are repairable.
  5. The structure is coated with a special composition, which makes the structure resistant to external natural influences.

Video of Gorynych's work:

Indicators of such a wood splitter:

  • 25 chocks were split in 3 minutes.
  • For 1 hour - 500 chocks.
  • If we take a workpiece with an average diameter of 20 cm and a length of 40, then we get 6.28 m3 / h


Given the many positive factors and reviews, the prices for Gorynych are not very high. Assembling a homemade wood splitter will not be much cheaper. Check out the estimate below.

The cost is an average and may vary depending on the store and region.

Prices start from 100,000 rubles. Some little-known and low-power units can be found cheaper. The maximum price is 250,000 rubles. But for domestic needs, models up to 150,000 rubles will go, these include Gorynych 6T and Gorynych 220. The last model is electric.

Making a hydraulic splitter for firewood is not difficult. The main snag is in its hydraulic part, the diagram, the connection methods and the calculation of the components, which we will consider.

We will not consider the structure of the body, desktop, wedge and the possibility of transportation and similar functions in detail, for the simple reason that they mainly depend on the imagination and needs of a particular master. They do not affect the main task of the cleaver. But a number of general recommendations are given below.

The minimum of which the simplest hydraulic wood splitter can consist of is:

  • hydraulic pump;
  • hydraulic pump drive (engine);
  • hydraulic distributor;
  • hydraulic tank;
  • hydraulic cylinder;
  • sleeves;
  • connecting elements.

Before you design a home-made hydraulic splitter, you need to decide on its power, namely, what kind of hydraulic cylinder force is required. An error at this stage may result in insufficient drive power. Accordingly, the engine will jam on knotty wood or large logs.

You can get acquainted with the hydraulic circuit of a simple wood splitter in the photo. It includes a minimum of components. It is worth paying attention to the presence of its own safety valve at the hydraulic distributor. Its presence will not help in any way to improve or simplify the main task of the device, but it must always be installed.

If the distributor does not have it, then an independent valve must be installed in the system.

You can also use the hydraulic system calculator:

It is necessary to understand well the rule of inverse relationship between the performance of the hydraulic system and the drive power required for this. With such a calculation in this scheme, it is always necessary to sacrifice the speed of the hydraulic cylinder in favor of a lower engine power. But that doesn't always work. The industry requires a combination of high hydrocrack cycle speed and low power consumption. In this case, a peculiar type of load will help: a large idle stroke of the hydraulic cylinder and a short loaded mode. Here it is necessary to divide the flows to the hydraulic cylinder by productivity, depending on the operating mode.

The diagrams below do just that. 2 pumps with different volume from one drive or a double pump with different volume of sections are taken into operation. For example, pumps NSh32 and NSh10 are presented.

To make less noise, you can put a muffler from a moped.

You can also remove the engine speed lever and install a pressure control device.

An example of a foot splitter

And now let's look at an example when you do not want to pay for electricity and for gasoline or other fuel, but you want some simple hydro-chopper. How to make everything work from human power? Really simple.

How it works in real life, you can see in the video:

Assembly materials and tools:

  • hydraulic jack;
  • profile pipe 40x50;
  • corners;
  • steel plates 6-8 mm thick;
  • rubber band;
  • a piece of metal at least 30 mm thick (to create a wedge that will split the wood);
  • bolts M12;
  • welding, grinder, measuring tool, drill and more.

Manufacturing process

Step 1. We make a frame.

The basis is a profile pipe with a diameter of 40x50 mm. But she can't do it alone and can bend. Here is option 2. Either we take a thicker pipe, or we strengthen the existing one. With the first option, everything is clear, but how to make the second one can be seen in the photo. A simple farm is being made.

We weld the guide to the platform. Watch the quality of the seams, they must be of high quality and reliable. On the reverse side we weld a scarf.

To make a slider, you need to use a corner. We cut into the required segments and weld. The main task is to make free sliding along the guide, but make sure that strong backlashes do not appear. To strengthen the place where the rod of the hydraulic jack will subsequently rest, the plate bevel is welded.

Step 2. We make the basis for the jack.

A hydraulic jack with a lifting capacity of 10 tons is required. But you can pick up less power, for example, 6 tons also copes quite well. But it is necessary to prepare a good support. To do this, we take strips of metal 6–8 mm thick and weld them under the heel of the jack.

Step 3. Pen.

As planned, the jack works from the foot, so you have to upgrade the handle. To do this, simply weld the parts to obtain the necessary bend that is comfortable for the leg. You can also weld a special pedal so that the foot does not slip off. To return the handle to its original position, you can use the spring. But the author went a more complicated way and welded a roller and tied a tourniquet to the handle.

Step 4 Knife

The cutting part is made of steel of at least 3 mm. We sharpen in the form of a wedge. For fastening to the rail we use M12 screws. Screws require periodic inspection.

Photo of a knife for chopping wood

On this foot press for chopping firewood is ready. Its main advantage is that it does not require a lot of resources, all suitable material can be found in the garage. Source

Photo of hydraulic wood splitters

How to make a hydrocutter knife

As described above, in order to make a knife for a wood splitter, metal of at least 3 mm is taken with your own hands. An I-beam is also suitable. Some craftsmen even make from metal with a thickness of 12 to 20 mm. The main thing is to sharpen well.

Video about what a splitting into 8 parts looks like.

Approximate costs for self-production

It should be noted that all costs are individual, since everyone has different designs and availability of original material. Therefore, we give an approximate estimate of how much it will cost to manufacture a cleaver. All figures are presented in Russian rubles.

  1. Engine Lifan 13 liters. With. - 14 300;
  2. Hydraulic cylinder 100/40/61 - 10 420;
  3. Hydrodistributor - 3 510;
  4. NSh32 - 1 610;
  5. Drive NSh from MAZ - 3 960;
  6. Hubs with wheels from VAZ - 1,500;
  7. Pulley for the engine - 1,000;
  8. V-belts - 830;
  9. Oil hydraulic 40 l. - 2600;
  10. High pressure hoses + couplings - 2,500;
  11. Flanges to NSh - 440;
  12. Metal for knives - 1,000;
  13. Metal for everything else - 4,000;
  14. Bolts, nuts, washers, etc. - 640;
  15. Engine oil - 380;
  16. Rubber hose + clamps -300;
  17. Paint - 630;
  18. Electrodes f4mm - 2 kg and f3mm - 5 kg - 1,050;
  19. Discs for grinders 230-12 pcs. 230- 1 sweep 125- 1 sweep + 3 regular - 700;
  20. Paint brushes - 100.

Total: 51,470 rubles.

To this we must also add unforeseen expenses (a drill broke or a defective part and you have to buy a new one). Plus your time, effort, nerves.

As a result, the price is not small, so it might be worth considering and is it easier to buy a ready-made hydrochopper with a guarantee?

When assembling or designing, someone may need the data from the passport of the Logsplit 100 machine.

Wood splitter for tractor

Basically it is more suitable for business. Since the performance of such a system is much higher than domestic needs.

There are two kinds.

  1. Hanging on a tractor
  2. Stationary, connected to the hydraulic system.

For those who understand, the diagrams above helped to make such a device on their own.

It should be borne in mind that the power of the tractor is needed from 20 liters. With.

And here is how a wood splitter made on the basis of MTZ-82 works.

And here's another option: vertical hydraulic wood splitter Dragon: