Cast iron wood stoves for summer cottages, which one should you choose? Cast iron wood-burning stove as a source of heat for heating cottages Manufacturers of cast-iron stoves for the home.

People who rest on suburban area not only in summer, but also in winter, it is important to equip the house with a good heating device. Drying clothes, heating your home, and cooking food do not require an expensive heating system. Many successfully use wood-burning cast-iron stoves for summer cottages. Installing such a design yourself is quite simple.

If you have a country house, then a cast-iron stove is clearly for you.

Criterias of choice

The country house needs only periodic heating, so the fireplace stove must withstand long breaks in operation. In addition, it should warm up as quickly as possible and have high heat transfer. And also it is worth choosing a device that is able to work for a long time on one kindling and retain heat.

It is best to select a device that can work not only on wood, but also on some other type of fuel. This is due to the fact that in winter it is not always possible to find dry and high-quality wood for kindling. Ideally, choose a combined design, on such models there is not only a heating surface, but also a hob. So you can always heat water or cook food.

From this video you will learn the specifics of the Baron cast iron stove from Eurokom:

Wood-burning cast-iron stoves for summer cottages, in which a water circuit is built in, are very popular. Such models allow you to warm water for dishes or a shower, in addition, they warm and adjoining rooms, and not just the one in which the device is installed.

In addition, the heater should not be too bulky; it is better to give preference to compact stoves that are simple and easy to use. Basically, modern cast-iron heaters designed for summer cottages meet all these requirements.

Characteristics of devices

In a dwelling that has not been heated for a long time, dampness and high humidity, and they, in turn, have a negative effect on any metal devices, so the latter wear out much faster. Cast iron products are very resistant to condensate, so they are not afraid of corrosion. Cast iron stoves for summer cottages on wood will be an ideal choice, they have increased wear resistance and durability.

In such ovens, there are also disadvantages, for example. space heating rate

The condensate that occurs on the walls of the furnace, in the chimney, when melted, mixes with the volatile substances of the smoke and settles on the details of the metal appliance, gradually destroying them. Cast iron fuel chambers are not affected by such exposure. The only problem that the summer resident faces is that the surface is quite difficult to clean from the resulting plaque.

But as for the heating rate, cast iron appliances are inferior to metal heating structures. The fact is that the thick walls do not allow the stove to warm up quickly. Although this cannot be called a minus, since they cool down much longer, respectively, and their heat transfer is longer than that of steel devices.

In addition, a wide selection of cast-iron wood-burning stoves for the home is presented, which are compact and have a presentable appearance. Almost all modern models have additional lighting, water tanks and a hob.

Cast iron oven Lava “Ferlux Lawa”:

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other heating installations, cast iron stoves have their advantages and disadvantages. As for the advantages, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

  1. Low cost. These fireplaces are several times cheaper than other heating appliances.
  2. The stove can be purchased ready-made, so it does not have to be assembled. It is enough to perform elementary actions: choose a place and connect it to the chimney, anyone can handle it.
  3. Cheap wood is used for kindling, so this stove is considered very economical. In addition, you can not be afraid that harmful chemical compounds that are released during the combustion of another type of fuel will get into the air. In addition, such devices work great on other woodworking waste, as well as on coal.

oven for country house:

In addition, cast iron stoves do not have any electronic filling, so the possibility of failure of such a fireplace is excluded. Even devices that are equipped with fans for forced draft have a high reliability index, which makes them leaders among all furnace designs designed to heat a summer house.

Naturally, such popular heating devices also have their drawbacks, although there are not so many of them. These include:

  1. The fragility of the material is the main drawback of a cast-iron stove for a wood-fired cottage. During transportation or installation, care must be taken to handle the parts, avoid impacts.
  2. Instability to temperature changes. This is also a significant minus, the fact is that due to a sharp change in temperature, the stove can simply burst. Even the usual cold water spilled onto a hot surface may damage the integrity of the instrument. That is why the heating and cooling of the structure should be gradual.
  3. Big weight. Although these stoves are compact, the design as a whole is quite heavy. A standard heating device with a power of 9 kW will weigh about 70 kilograms, and some models even more. Therefore, when installing it is necessary to take care of a reliable and solid foundation.

Cast iron heating stove long burning S43 (Nestor Martin):

In addition to the above points, such cast iron installations are unsafe. Therefore, when igniting and during the operation of the stove, you will have to constantly monitor it, especially if there are small children in the house, because you can easily get burned. During operation, the cast iron surface becomes very hot, so install the device away from flammable objects. And it is better to completely clean the space around the furnace.

Installation work

Basically, all models of cast iron heaters consist of three elements: a furnace, an ash chamber, where combustion waste enters, and a chimney.

Since this design is equipped with a grate, almost all the ash and ashes enter the ash pan on their own. The air flow required for combustion is regulated by an ash door.

The assembly process like a furnace is quite easy

The process of assembling a cast-iron heater is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. At the very beginning, you need to choose a place where the structure will be installed. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that there should be at least half a meter of free space on the sides and behind it, and at least 1.25 meters will be required on top and in front.
  2. Refractory material must be laid under the furnace appliance and the furnace door. It could be ceramic tile, metal sheets or bricks, this will protect the house from fire. It is advisable to upholster the wall behind the appliance with such material, especially if the country house is built of wood or upholstered in plastic.
  3. After all fire-fighting measures are taken, proceed to the installation work. The furnace is placed and fixed on the refractory material.

Stove-fireplace of long burning "Selenga":

Then proceed to the installation of the chimney, it must be connected to the device. Perform these actions strictly according to the instructions., each specific model has its own type of connection. It is possible to use such a cast-iron stove only after the collar flange is thoroughly calcined.

Operating principle

As a rule, all cast-iron wood-burning stoves have the same principle of operation. Some models, which are equipped with a fire-resistant glass door, allow not only to heat the room, but also to admire the view of burning wood. Appliances with a convection heating method are usually also equipped with a hob, on which you can cook a delicious dinner. There are devices in the form of an improved potbelly stove, which can also often be seen in a country house.

Heating cast-iron installations are popular due to the fact that they do not need to be heated every three hours, it is enough to throw firewood into the stove in the morning and evening, and it will be cozy and warm in the house all day and night. In addition, the design can be modified, and then it will work on the principle of pyrolysis combustion.

Cast iron wood burning stove Canaria Liseo Made in Germany:

This is done quite simply: a metal damper is installed in the combustion chamber, which limits the supply of oxygen. In this regard, the wood begins not to burn, but to smolder. The burning tree begins to emit combustible gases, which, together with smoke, penetrate into the second compartment of the furnace. Hot secondary air also enters there. The gas, after contact with this hot stream, ignites and gives off additional heat dwelling, which provides a fairly long burning.

But for all this to work, it is necessary to heat the stove with dry wood, the humidity of which should not exceed 25%. Otherwise, pyrolysis gas simply will not be produced in the required amount, so the burning process simply will not occur. V winter time finding dry wood will be quite problematic. In spite of this, cast iron heating systems are very popular in suburban and country houses due to the low cost of construction, durability and high-quality and long-term heating.

Modern cast iron stoves in the online store Yunons Stoves are presented in different modifications, suitable for heating rooms of different sizes. Such equipment will be an excellent source of heat for a summer residence or a country house.

Advantages of cast iron stoves

Thanks to the material of manufacture, a large heat capacity is guaranteed, so the heat will be stored for a long time. It is recommended to buy cast iron stoves in Moscow, as they have the following advantages:

Operational safety;

Economical fuel consumption;

Autonomous work for several hours;

Fast ignition;

High efficiency.

Thus, there are many reasons to buy a cast-iron stove for a country or private house.

Buying a cast iron stove

The catalog of the Yunons Furnace store presents models of long burning from European and Russian manufacturers. Today, such cast-iron stoves in Moscow have an attractive appearance. We are always ready to provide the most full information for any model and help in choosing the equipment that is right for your home. We will deliver your order quickly both in Moscow and throughout Russia. You can both buy inexpensive cast iron stoves from us, and order a professional installation.

Pechnik (Moscow)

A cast iron fireplace stove is a profitable and optimal solution for both a large country house and a small cottage that needs periodic heating. The main advantage of such a heating unit can be called its efficiency and affordable cost, compared with brick counterparts or electric models with simulated flames. In this article, you will learn how to properly operate cast iron stove fireplaces, all about their varieties, and you can also choose a purchased model using the current rating.

Design features

Like all other types of heating installations, cast iron fireplace stoves have a number of their characteristic differences and features:

Design features

Detailed description

Housing and combustion chamber

Fireplace pig-iron differs in the durability and high quality. As a rule, this structural element has a standard rectangular or square shape. However, in some cases it can be more complex.

Cast iron fireplaces and stoves are necessarily equipped with a combustion chamber, which is made of metal or cast iron. For creating additional protection its internal contents, the manufacturer may use refractory bricks or ceramic tiles.

Grate and ash pan

A cast-iron fireplace must be completed with a grate. This element is a grate on which prepared logs are placed.

A cast-iron fireplace stove also has such a characteristic element as an ash pan, in which all combustion and decay products (soot, ash) accumulate. The ash pan, as a rule, is represented by a small drawer, which is equipped with a retractable mechanism for ease of use and cleaning.

Cast iron fireplace stoves cannot work without a pre-installed and installed chimney. The chimney must be led outside. For this, the output is carried out both through the internal ceilings of the house, and through the walls, then along outside the buildings.

For proper and safe operation, cast iron stoves and fireplaces with a chimney must be completely sealed, and all joints and connections are treated with a special sealant.

Also, the chimney can simply be hidden in the wall ceilings. This will allow the heating unit to look miniature and at the same time save free space in a small room.

Tip: if you want to make such an oven with your own hands or just choose suitable option, we recommend paying attention to models whose combustion chamber is lined with bricks inside, as it tolerates exposure well high temperatures up to 700-1000 degrees and their sharp drops. In addition, over time, such a coating can be easily replaced.

Important: also the combustion chamber itself can have both a closed and a completely open structure. Open ones are characterized by low efficiency and do not create the proper level of safety during operation, which is why in most cases they are used in decorative structures. Cast iron stoves and fireplaces with a closed type are more efficient, have a high efficiency, heat up quickly and are usually equipped with various doors and screens.

The most convenient to use, maintain and from an aesthetic point of view is tempered transparent glass!

Interesting to know: despite the fact that cast iron fireplace stoves do not have a special automated control, it is possible to control and set the intensity of the burning of the flame in the hearth. For this, a special damper is provided, which is additionally equipped with an ash pan.

Cast iron fireplace stoves are distinguished not only by their durability and good tolerance to high temperatures. They are able to accumulate accumulated and generated heat, releasing and distributing it throughout the premises even after the end of the firebox.

Classification of cast iron furnaces

First of all, cast-iron stoves, fireplaces for the home are classified based on the place and method of their installation, placement:

  • Wall. They are small in size and do not take up much space during installation;
  • Built-in and suspended. Such fireboxes look original and stylish in any interior of the room;
  • Angular. An advantageous viewing angle to the flame burning in the hearth, as well as the simultaneous saving of free space;
  • Island. The most massive models have high power and can be placed on any site that is most convenient and advantageous from your point of view.

Important: when choosing cast iron stoves and fireplaces, pay special attention to their functionality. Such devices can perform an exclusively heating function. Some hearths are intended only for cooking and are analogues and prototypes of stoves for firewood. The best ovens advantageously combine these two functions at once, however, the price for them will be an order of magnitude higher.

It is interesting to know: also cast-iron fireplaces and stoves, despite working with solid fuel, can function on coal, wood or purchased pellets. It is equally important when buying to pay attention to the power of the heating unit, which should correspond to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the premises of the house. When getting acquainted with the characteristics of the product, do not confuse the rated power with the maximum.

Basic rules of operation

Cast iron fireplaces for the home require a careful choice of not only functionality and design, but also compliance with the basic operating rules:

  1. Despite their high strength, durability and good tolerance to high temperatures, cast iron products are prone to fracture and deformation in the event of a sharp drop. temperature regime. Therefore, such models are categorically not suitable for installation in houses that need periodic heating, for example, in a country house;
  2. Cast iron fireplaces for the home, as a rule, require the use of a certain type of solid fuel. Therefore, models that work on pellets will quickly become unusable if simple firewood is used instead;
  3. Any contamination, rust and corrosion that form on the surface of the installation must be removed in a timely manner, as they gradually destroy the walls of the product;
  1. The chimney must have a strictly vertical arrangement, with a minimum number of horizontal sections - this will ensure the uninterrupted and full operation of the traction mechanism. In this case, the length of all sections will be at least 5-6 meters;
  2. A cast-iron potbelly stove stove will be more efficient if, during the heating process, its door remains in a hermetically closed state. Equally important is the quality of the logs. Before application and use, they are completely and well dried, split into elements of the required and identical sizes.

Important: in order to ensure high-quality and trouble-free operation, a cast-iron fireplace stove with or without a stove should be checked by a specialist at least twice a year. And coniferous woods are not used for the firebox, as they smoke a lot and emit a large amount of soot and soot.

Performing installation work

Cast iron fireplace stove hob, as well as the simplest models, it has a similar and fairly simple installation that does not require certain knowledge, skills, professional and expensive equipment, tools.

Installation and installation instructions:

  • Installation and selection of a place, a room, is carried out according to the location of the chimney itself, in the event that it has already been brought into the house;
  • The chimney has a vertical arrangement. This element can be laid out from the furnace refractory brick or assembled from sandwich pipes made of stainless steel;
  • Cast iron insert in the fireplace can be included in the original kit or purchased separately;
  • Regardless of the quality and materials of manufacture floor covering, before installing a hearth on it, a small podium or pedestal is laid out from any heat-resistant coating;

If there are special fasteners, the model must be fixed

  • When completing the hearth with a portal, the frame materials used for cladding should also be distinguished by high strength, environmental friendliness and fire resistance. At the same time, the style of the product must be in harmony and intersect with the interior of the room chosen for installation;
  • The chimney is fixed at choice in the back or top of the hearth;
  • In the presence of fixing elements, the installation is given stability by fixing them in the necessary way.

Interesting to know: if you want to assemble such a fireplace at home, you will need without fail master cast iron for fireplaces. This will open up more opportunities for you and in the future will allow you to make even the smallest details, elements and decor from this material with your own hands.

You can also learn more about the process of installing and choosing such a furnace by watching the video in this article.

Top five models

Not knowing how to overlay a cast-iron fireplace and make it on your own, we recommend purchasing a ready-made version. The following rating will help you with this:

  1. ambra. The model is made by the brand of Polish origin Eurocom. Its service life averages about ten years, with a power of 7 kW. The cast iron surface is platinum-plated for added protection, and the design is retro-inspired, with many beautiful and delicate patterns and swirls. The model is able to heat the house, the total area of ​​​​all rooms in which reaches 60-70 squares. The upper part of the structure is equipped with a hob, on which, if necessary, you can cook food, heat water. Door equipped with transparent tempered glass, which is equipped with a self-cleaning mechanism. The model has a small mass and optimal dimensions: 840x48-x360 millimeters (height, width, depth). The price of a fireplace varies from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles;

  1. Legend. The fireplace from the Russian manufacturer and brand Vesuvius is specially designed for installation and use both in baths and in adjacent premises. Suitable for rooms with a total area of ​​up to 30 cubic meters, with a power of 30 kW. A special grate is located in the upper part, into which special stones are poured. The combustion chamber is completed with a large transparent tempered glass, which is able to periodically clean itself from various kinds of contaminants. High quality and durability of the product is achieved due to the presence of thick walls - 1.2 centimeters. Installation dimensions are: 76x65x83 centimeters (height, width and depth). You can buy such an oven on average for 30,000 rubles;

  1. Furnace unit "If" from the manufacturer "Konig Feuer". The unit is equipped with a convenient and practical hob for one large burner. The device is made in the Empire style and has miniature overall dimensions in the ratio of height, width and depth (77x70x40 cm). The maximum efficiency when using this model can reach about 70-80 percent, in an economical mode of operation. Due to the large and capacious combustion chamber, sufficiently large and long bars are suitable for use in the furnace. The power at the same time is 14 kW, which allows you to heat the house with total area up to 280 cubic meters. An elegant and miniature door made of cast iron and tempered glass serves as both protection and decoration. The cost of such a fireplace is about 48,000-55,000 rubles;

  1. Bavaria. This stove is produced by one of the most popular Russian companies "Ecofireplace". The device has a high power of 9 kW and high efficiency. This heating unit is enough for use in a house with a footage of up to 90 squares. Suitable for installation in rooms with any area due to its miniature overall dimensions: 750x560x400 millimeters. The design is equipped with a convenient hob and is able to work in economical mode. In order to increase efficiency and efficiency, the sides of the unit are finished with marble-effect ceramics. The average price for Bavaria is 18,000 rubles;

  1. Marseilles. The model is made by the well-known and popular Russian company Meta. It is based on high-quality and durable French cast iron. The power of the product is 14 kW, which contributes to the rapid and uniform heating of rooms with a total footage of up to 140 square meters. Models produced in various sizes and has a rectangular elongated shape. The body of the fireplace is painted with black protective paint, and the combustion chamber is completed with heat-resistant transparent panoramic glass. The fastest heating and high efficiency is achieved due to the ability to place the fuel in a vertical position. You can buy such a furnace for 50,000 rubles.

For a visual acquaintance with the presented models, we recommend that you also view the presented photos.

A cast iron fireplace stove is a profitable and more affordable alternative to rather bulky and difficult to implement brick structures. In addition, the installation of such models is very simple and does not require experience and knowledge in this area. In order to buy or learn more about these and many other fireplaces, we also recommend that you go to the appropriate catalog of our online store and place an order at any convenient time!

Typically, cast iron furnaces are made in one piece. This is the secret of their strength: the absence of various fasteners and welds makes the product as strong and durable as possible.

It is also much easier to make various kinds of decorative elements by casting, so wood stoves from cast iron is much cheaper than analogues from other materials.

Another advantage of cast iron stoves is their long service life.

They perfectly tolerate sudden changes in temperature. The service life of furnaces made of this material is 40% longer compared to analogues made of steel.

Wood cast iron stove POV-57 - army

The POV-57 wood-fired cast-iron stove was first tested in Russia, designed for the army. Therefore, its appearance and features of operation are quite specific. The manufacturer of this product is the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.

Typically, a typical cast-iron stove of this design, cast entirely from cast iron, can heat a room up to 40 m 2 in high quality.

That is, it will be quite enough for heating one-room apartment. Almost everything can be used as fuel: brown or hard coal, anthracite dust, ordinary firewood and just garbage.

A potbelly stove (called POV-57 in the common people) made of cast iron will even allow you to cook dinner or just warm food.

A typical POV-57 stove is made in the form of a cylinder, has a chamber for burning fuel, an ash pan, and a department for storing firewood. The factory version is covered with a special heat-resistant powder paint, and then with enamel.

Its dimensions are very small. Height is 525 mm, width - 320 mm, depth - 330 mm. The mass is 43 kg. The cost of one copy usually fluctuates within 6 thousand rubles.

Country stove PCH-2 BLMZ - amateur gardener's assistant

The country stove, cast iron, marked as PCH-2 BLMZ, was designed in Russia and is produced here. It is produced by many manufacturers, therefore there are various modifications for both a large country house and a small cottage.

The model in question has a power of only 5 kW. But this is usually enough to heat a small country house, garage, basement up to 100 m 3 .

Outwardly, despite the cheapness, the stove looks quite presentable: there are four twisted legs, often - decorative ornaments on the door and side walls.

There is a hob with one burner, you can easily cook food on it: hob due to its small thickness, it heats up very quickly.

Compactness is an important feature. The depth of the fuel chamber is 540 mm, the width of the furnace itself is 350 mm, the height together with the legs is 560 mm. Another difference is the relatively low price. It rarely exceeds 9 thousand rubles.

The solid cast iron stove of the Sologne model was designed in France, but today it has gained great popularity in Russia. Produced by a manufacturer called Invicta.

The considered heating device heats the room by convection. The area that can be heated with this stove is 80 m 2 with a ceiling height of not more than 2.5 m.

The maximum power is as much as 8 kW, and this is a lot for such a modest size.

The furnace is cast in the shape of a cylinder, has a very pleasant appearance and color. Covered with a special heat-resistant powder paint.

A bunch of decorative elements give out the French origin of this product. The overall dimensions of the furnace are modest: the height is 915 mm, the depth is 510 mm, and the width is 410 mm. Weight is 58 kg.

Both wood and coal can be used as fuel. The cost of such a furnace can range from 34 thousand rubles. up to 36 thousand rubles

The Polish cooker from the producer Eurokom of the Gustav model with a plate possesses excellent working parameters.

The presence of a hob allows you to cook in the absence of gas or electricity, because the panel will provide fast cooking and heating food.

Power - 12 kW, so it can warm up and maintain a constant temperature in a room up to 120 m 2.

Only wood or brown coal can be used as firewood. The walls are double, which is the secret of uniform heat supply.

With its appearance, this cast-iron stove is more like a fireplace. The design is original and somewhat brutal.

The door is supplied with special heat-resistant glass, so the stove acts not only as a source of heat, but also as light.

Its overall dimensions are quite modest: in height - 680 mm, in width - 650 mm, in depth - 440 mm. Weight is 110 kg.

Cost - at least 34 thousand rubles.

The birthplace of the brand called "Meta" is France, but the model of the Lyon cast-iron wood-burning stove-fireplace has long been produced in Russia.

The furnace in question can easily heat a room up to 100 m 2 in area. Its power is about 10 kW.

The firebox is designed in such a way that even when the flame goes out, the cast iron continues to give off heat. Only ordinary firewood and brown coal briquettes can be used as fuel.

The design of the fireplace stove bears a real imprint of the spirit of France, and each line speaks of the origin of the product.

A special heat-resistant glass built into the door allows not only to heat the room, but also to illuminate it.

A convenient ash drawer makes it easy to dispose of combustion products. Overall dimensions are quite typical for this type of furnace: height is 690 mm, width is 560 mm, depth is 425 mm. Weight is 98 kg.

The cost of this model reaches 31 thousand rubles.

Another stove from Musketeer's birthplace

The Meta company came to us from France and has proven itself well in our country. The Marseille stove-fireplace is produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The power of a wood-burning cast-iron stove, despite its rather modest overall dimensions, is as much as 7 kW. That is why it is able to heat a room up to 70 m2.

The door uses fire-resistant glass of Japanese production Neoceram N-O.

The stove door and other movable elements fit as tightly as possible to the closed openings, which allows you not to be afraid of smoke entering the room.

The design is conservative, but it looks very elegant. Strict lines make it possible to use it in almost all modern styles.

The hole for connecting the chimney is located in the upper part of the body.

Dimensions are small. Its height is 800 mm, depth is 360 mm, width is 410 mm. The weight is 80 kg, so some problems may occur during transportation.

The cost of this model is 26.5 thousand rubles.

A Polish manufacturer called Eurocom has long been producing the Oscar cast iron stove model for residential and country houses. Production is carried out both in Poland and in Russia.

Wood is usually used as fuel. Its power is 7 kW, so it can easily cope with heating a room up to 70 m2.

The door is equipped with heat-resistant glass, there is a system called "clean glass": contamination of the inner surface of the door with ash and other combustion products is excluded.

With the help of a special air supply regulator, it is possible to control the combustion temperature in the furnace compartment.

The appearance is suggestive of the 18th century, asceticism and conservatism can be seen in the design of Oscar. Old-fashioned legs and ventilation holes only reinforce this impression.

The surface is covered with a special powder heat-resistant paint. Height is 610 mm, width - 470 mm, depth - 410 mm. The cost relative to similar models is low - 22.2 thousand rubles.

Furnace Eurokom Torn WG (charcoal and firewood)

Eurokom produces excellent cast iron heating stoves, and the model called Torn is no exception. It is produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Its power is 7 kW, while the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room is at least 70 m 2. The efficiency is 70%, and the combustion temperature of firewood is 282 0 С.

The Torn oven is compact and has a miniature appearance. Peculiar ornaments encircling the stove give the impression of the presence of antiquity.

The long handle on the transparent door allows you not to be afraid of getting burned when lighting and laying firewood. Dyed in dark color special paint.

The height is 640 mm, and the width is 460. Therefore, it can be placed even in a very small room without fear of accidentally setting something on fire. The cost of Torn WG is 22 thousand rubles.

Modern cast-iron stoves are direct descendants of the very "bourgeois stoves" that were common in late XIX- early XX centuries, then almost disappeared, giving way to gas and electric boilers. However, from their "great-great-grandmothers" furnaces inherited only general principle actions - fuel, burning, warms up cast iron, which gives off heat to the room. Otherwise, they have changed for the better - they have learned to consume less firewood, they have become more productive, more functional and much more attractive in appearance.

Nowadays, following the constant increase in energy prices and the growth of holiday villages in areas far from civilization, updated "potbelly stoves" are returning to homes. And, despite the competition in the face of solid brick ovens and practical steel, many homeowners still opt for cast iron.

Cast iron stoves have important advantages:

Durability. Cast iron, which is used by reputable manufacturers, is resistant to sudden heating / cooling and humidity. The material does not burn through and does not deform under the influence of temperature loads, and due to a special coating it does not corrode. Some manufacturers give a 25-year warranty on their cast iron stoves.
High efficiency: up to 90% depending on the model, combustion mode and fuel quality.
High heat dissipation. A cast iron stove stores heat and continues to release it after the coals have burnt out. In many models, if you put firewood in the stove before going to bed and set the long burning mode, the house will not have time to dry out by morning.
Helpful warmth. The heat generated by radiation is more useful and pleasant for a person. The room warms up more slowly, but more evenly. Air does not dry out. Compare. There is hot air in one room, stuffy, but the walls and all objects are cold. Sit on a chair - it blows cold. In the second room, the air is at a comfortable temperature, the walls and objects are warm. Where is it nicer to be? Of course in the second.
Compact dimensions. Most models can be placed on 1-1.5 square meters area, taking into account the safe distance to the walls.
Simple and inexpensive installation when compared with the construction of a traditional furnace.

Cast iron stoves are not without drawbacks. Since the material is heavy, it is not used to make stoves with a wide firebox, and the technology (casting) limits the possibilities of designers. Cast iron stoves take a long time to heat up, so if you're looking for a weekend getaway that needs to be quickly warmed up to a comfortable temperature during rare raids, you might want to opt for steel.

Under no circumstances should the cast iron stove/heavy objects be dropped on the stove: the material may break. If you need a more capacious / original / impact-resistant, but at the same time heat-intensive stove, then a combined model with a steel body and a cast-iron firebox can be a compromise option.

Types of heating cast iron stoves (by function):

Classic heating furnaces the most reliable - in fact, there is nothing to break in them. For these ovens simple design with a minimum of joints and seams, an ash pan, a grate, a small, as a rule, deaf door.

Heating and cooking stoves can be used instead cooker. V standard models there are 1-2 burners on which you can boil a kettle, heat up food or cook something simple like boiled potatoes or soup.

Furnaces-fireplaces not only heat, but also decorate the house. They look spectacular in the interior, even if not melted. And they literally transform everything around when flames begin to dance behind the glazed doors, scattering hundreds of fiery bunnies on the floor and walls.

How to choose a cast iron stove in the catalog?

We have about 1000 cast iron stoves in our assortment, which can heat the whole house. But you don't have to look through them all - by adjusting the filters on the left side of the page, you can narrow down the options to a few models that are most suitable for you. The most essential criteria are price, performance and functionality.

1. Designate the purchase amount, taking into account the fact that you will also need a chimney (you can also ask the price of the equipment on the website) and installer services. If the budget is small, you should pay attention to wood stoves, in which only the firebox is made of cast iron.

2. Calculate the volume of the house (area × height). You can also calculate the approximate power of a cast-iron stove based on 1 kW of device power per 20-25 m3 of room volume. If the house has several floors / many rooms, and you want to heat them all, then you will need a stove with a water circuit (you can check the corresponding box) to organize a water heating system.

3. Decide on the type and design of the oven. Ask yourself questions: do you need other functions besides heating? where will you put the oven? If additional functions are not needed, and the oven itself will not be visible, it makes no sense to pay extra for glass in the door and artistic casting. If you are going to cook on the stove, filter out models with a hob, in the oven - with an oven. If visibility to the fire is important to you, choose stoves with a glass door.

Functions can be combined in one oven different types.

You will save time looking for the perfect heating stove if you contact the consultant by phone or through the online form. The specialist will ask clarifying questions (the scheme is approximately the same as described above), offer several models to choose from, and talk about the pros and cons of each of them.

Cast Iron Stove Installation Services

In our company you can order professional installation cast iron oven. The installation is carried out by experienced engineers and heat engineers who strictly comply with the technical standards and are responsible for the work done (written in the contract).

The service includes:
room measurements;
the choice of the location of the furnace, taking into account the direction of air flow;
choice of chimney outlet method;
assistance in the selection of a heating furnace and auxiliary equipment;
purchase and delivery of building materials;
preparation of a heat-resistant base;
wall decoration with non-combustible materials (if necessary);
laying channels for air intake from the street (optional);
assembly, installation and thermal insulation of the chimney;
assembly and installation of the furnace;
connection and test ignition of equipment;
cleaning, garbage disposal.

Installation warranty - up to 2 years. By entrusting us with the installation of a cast iron stove, you can be sure of fire safety and correct operation of heating equipment.