Gothic style in the interior: a bold harmony of antique and modern aesthetics. Gothic: from the Middle Ages to the present day Message Gothic style in the interior

The heyday of the Gothic style fell on the XII-XV century. Examples of original Gothic can still be seen in the architecture of many countries. Western Europe. Unlike the previous Romanesque style, Gothic is characterized by elegance, aspiration upwards, spaciousness, saturation of tones, pretentiousness of the shape of windows and vaults, as well as the intricacy of patterns and stained-glass windows that create an unusual lighting design in the room. Despite the fact that Gothic is a complex and rather controversial style, which sometimes evokes an atmosphere of mysticism and mystery, in the 19th and 20th centuries this style experienced its new revival. And even now, many seek to recreate the Gothic style in the interior of residential premises, giving their design medieval austerity and luxury.

About the features of this style and its application in modern interior today we will talk on the Dream House website in this publication.

Mandatory details of the Gothic style

In order for the Gothic in a modern interior to look harmonious and convincing, a considerable amount of space is required. In standard small-sized rooms, which are distinguished by low ceilings, the details of this style cannot be fully read, which is why the interior will become too cluttered and awkward.

The basis of the Gothic style in the interior are clear straight lines directed upwards. For example, in classic version style Gothic architecture was necessarily equipped tall windows arched shape with lancet points. In ordinary city apartments, it is unlikely that such an element will be recreated, but they will become a real decoration of a country house.

In addition, at all times the Gothic style was replete with multi-colored bright ones, which were not only an adornment of the facade of the building, but also an opportunity to give the room an unusual lighting design. In a modern interpretation, this detail can be found not only on facade windows, but also in interior openings or doors of cabinets and sideboards. Since the creation of stained glass windows is quite painstaking and expensive work, you can use stained glass film that imitates their original design.

In the interior decoration, windows were often decorated with thick and heavy curtains, which were attached to forged metal cornices. If the Gothic style is recreated in a country house, wooden shutters can be used to decorate windows.

A characteristic feature of Gothic is the use natural materials. In this style it is impossible to meet plastic or other modern Decoration Materials, but instead of them, natural wood, stone, marble, metal, etc. are used in large quantities.

During the heyday of the Gothic style, wood and stone carving gained immense popularity. Masters decorated the interior of the room with various characteristic patterns and plot paintings. For example, the walls were often painted with scenes from the life of knights and princesses, and the furniture was decorated with ornaments and "Gothic roses" - circles with a flower inscribed inside. To emphasize the status of noble owners, carvings and paintings were often covered with gilding.

Gothic style in the interior of the apartment

Gothic style colors

Any interior style is distinguished by a certain color scheme. The Gothic style is characterized by blue-black, purple, cherry, dark blue, gray, ruby ​​​​and scarlet colors. So that the combination of these shades does not look too gloomy, in the modern interpretation, white or milky tones are used as the main tone. If the most dark colors present on the decoration of furniture or walls, they are often decorated with golden or silver patterns.

Gothic style interior photo

Furniture in modern gothic style

Typical gothic style furniture should be solid wood and have brightly carved or wrought iron details. For example, a Gothic-style bedroom can be supplemented with a large bed with columns, which, if desired, are decorated with thick or curtains. In this room, it would be appropriate to look at various wooden, wicker, tables with marble finishes, mirrors in a massive frame, bivalve wardrobes and on high legs.

The Gothic living room in the old days was most often equipped with round tables on carved legs, high chairs that looked like a throne, and bulky wooden sets. In addition, an obligatory element of the living room in the Gothic style is a large one, the wooden frame of which is decorated with Celtic symbols or Gothic ornaments. Today, not everyone uses such furniture, but if, nevertheless, the living room should acquire a Gothic style, then some elements from the described furniture will still be present.

Contemporary Gothic decor

In the medieval Gothic style, great importance was given to textile interior design. The floors were often covered with self-woven carpets, matching the color of the curtains or curtains. Textile decoration was present not only on the floor, but also on the walls. For example, tapestries were especially popular - the so-called woven paintings with various plot images. Now instead of tapestries, you can use tapestries or.

To make the Gothic style look harmonious and whole in any interior, you need to choose the right accessories and decorations. Since everything pretentious and sophisticated is inherent in this style, its atmosphere is perfectly complemented by massive forged candlesticks, paintings in gilded frames, wooden and metal figurines.

Lamps and chandeliers are the finishing touch of the interior design. In the Middle Ages, a steel chandelier with low suspensions, decorated with wrought iron candle holders, was considered especially fashionable. Such a chandelier was hung in the center of the room, however, sconces and were additionally installed on the walls of the room. For a particularly accurate reproduction of this style, you can use modern chandeliers, the design of which resembles the appearance of medieval products.

The Gothic style in architecture gave us beautiful examples, the beauty of which people admire to this day. Notre Dame Cathedral, Roman and Milan Cathedrals, Saint-Denis Abbey and hundreds of other beautiful buildings that cause spiritual awe and delight. The Gothic style in the interior has become a worthy continuation of these artistic traditions. His designs inspire modern designers no less than their long-time predecessors. Is it possible to apply the principles of the Gothic style to home decoration modern man? Not only possible, but even necessary, because the gothic fashion is gaining momentum again.

The enlightened Romans called Goths the barbarian tribes that invaded the territory of the empire from the north and northwest. In the Middle Ages, the term "Gothic, Gothic" was rather mockingly contemptuous, representing a synonym for barbarism and even ignorance. This is the name given to distorted Latin. Renaissance artists introduced the term "Gothic" to denote emphatically majestic, even frightening in their size and proportions, structures. The name quickly caught on, and began to be used to denote the apogee of the heyday of the Romanesque style, after which its rapid decline followed.

  • Gothic buildings were built for a very long time, literally, for centuries. So, the famous Notre Dame de Paris was built for more than two centuries. Such is the fate of most of the monumental architectural forms of the Gothic known in our time.

  • A feature of Gothic structures was building innovation. The fan vault helped to partially relieve the load from the walls. Therefore, they could be built much higher, increase the number and size of window openings, decorate and decorate in the most intricate way. By the way, this technology laid the foundation for the system frame construction which is so popular these days.
  • Gothic structures had a special expression, as if frozen in the last effort in a hopeless attempt to reach the sky. Vaults directed upwards, with their sharp, disturbing decorations, high ceilings, lost in perspective, stained glass windows, whimsically refracting light, all this creates an atmosphere of mystical tension in an attempt to know either the eternal beauty, or the mystery of the sky, or the secret of the earth. In a word, the Gothic style touches the most hidden strings in the souls of people.

  • Such exaltation simply cannot exist in a high degree of intensity, therefore, immediately after the bright flash of medieval Gothic architectural thought, long years of indifferent attitude followed.
  • Centuries later, the interest in romance contributed to a new wave of popularity of Gothic as a style. The 18th and 19th centuries marked the beginning of a new era. In it, Gothic moved from high architectural spheres to a more chamber setting. Now, in the Gothic style, not cathedrals were built, but estates and palaces, which were decorated inside in the appropriate fashion.

Since then, the Gothic style has firmly entered the living space, where it continues to exist quite successfully.

Premises decorated in the Gothic style can be recognized immediately. The set of rules and basic markers of this design is quite expressive.

  • The general impression of Gothic can be characterized by the word "greatness". This feeling is achieved through the use of special architectural elements in the style. Extended window openings, elongated upwards, or round, are decorated with bright stained-glass windows. Ceilings will have a vaulted appearance, or at least the illusion of one.
  • The walls are no longer just a structural element, and carry their own artistic load. At the request of the owner, this can be carving, painting, bas-reliefs, or special structural elements, the so-called "fish bones". Embossed ribs emerge from the wall and meet under the ceiling, forming a high and lancet dome. Of course, it is rather difficult to implement such an image in an ordinary city apartment, therefore, perhaps, it is worth limiting ourselves to such elements that are available for implementation by most of our readers.

  • Let's digress from complex architectural forms and turn to decorative features, for the implementation of which it is not necessary to redo the structure of the house.
  • The floors for the Gothic interior can be made of plank or stone, and there are many options for finishing them. ceramic tiles, which provides an excellent opportunity to show off your imagination by laying out an intricate stone mosaic or choosing a design in the form of worn-out stones of an ancient temple.
  • Windows in gothic interior simply must be inscribed in the image of the room. For this, enlarged openings, a stained-glass window or a mosaic, at least on part of the glass, and lancet binding are used. Frames and soffits can be painted lead gray or anodized aluminum to give the impression of lead framing, which was common in early Gothic.

  • Above the doorway, you can make a rose window or, at least, arrange its imitation, with stained glass inserts. This will bring the image of the created interior closer to the Gothic style.
  • The color scheme, contrary to popular belief, is supposed to be bright. Saturated colors are needed, an idea of ​​which can be obtained by looking at any stained-glass window of the Gothic style. Azure, carmine red, lemon, antimony, green, crimson, purple, thick ultramarine - all this is a great choice for a luxurious gothic interior. Although, if the task is to give the room a mystery and a touch of mystical exaltation, so characteristic of the Gothic style, it is worth choosing thick, heavy tones. Wine, royal blue, coniferous green, scarlet will do just fine. Lilac and purple, black and gold will help to adequately complete the picture.

  • The love of architecture does not leave Gothic. This is reflected in the high backs of the furniture, which are decorated with details like those found in castles and temples of the Middle Ages. As for carpentry decorations, they are quite refined, refined and complex.
  • Typical pieces of furniture for a Gothic interior are chairs with straight high backs, hard armchairs, tall cabinets and sideboards. All furniture meets the gothic desire to rise higher, the legs of all interior items are high, and the backs are often enlarged due to additional decorations, pommel and carved elements that are attached from above.
  • In Gothic interiors, special desktops appeared, with a drawer and an expressive table top, which was supported by powerful ends.
  • As for the bedroom, for her the main subject, of course, was the bed. Not only was she a very impressive sight in itself, with high carved backs, a wide mattress, satin gold-woven bedspreads, but she was also decorated with a canopy or a special rigid structure, on which fabrics were also attached.

  • Another important element of the Gothic furnishings was the chest. If it had a flat lid, then it was used as a table, seat, stand. Such chests were installed on top of each other and it turned out something like a modern modular system storage. Chests with a round, sloping lid served as safes, wardrobes and cupboards.
  • To create a Gothic style in the interior, both earlier and now, mainly natural materials are used. Fabric, among which a special place is occupied by velvet and satin, leather, wood, stone, stone and glass mosaics, ceramics, majolica. At the same time, the sculpture is preferably painted, and the glass is colored.

  • Ornaments and decorative overlays, forged headboards for beds and armchairs were made from metal. So if you add to created interior several elements of forged design, they will harmoniously complement the image of the room.
  • Paintings are rarely used as decorations for the interior of the Gothic style. But handicrafts fine workmanship would be the most appropriate. Early Gothic was formed just during the heyday of craftsmen's crafts. Therefore, the most exquisite mosaics, carvings, fabric patterns, plaster painting, and other products that the craft guilds could provide were very popular for decoration. interior spaces gothic interiors.

Despite the understandable, albeit intricate logic of the Gothic style, many doubt how it can fit into modern living room. We have specially made a selection of photographs of various variations of the modern Gothic style to demonstrate its possibilities in decoration.

  • Here is a very original study, decorated in a modern Gothic style.
  • The height of the room is emphasized by modified window openings with rounded top. Contrasting ceiling strips create associations with a medieval castle. This impression is also intended to be supported by a wall with an exposed brick inlay.
  • Black furniture, the presence of a large number of natural materials provide a luxurious interior image.
  • Crystal pendants of intricate shape, with cones and faceted balls, look original. Such an unusual accent immediately allows you to intuitively determine the stylistic affiliation of the room.

  • This dining room was the most ordinary room. But rich color parquet board, patterned textile wallpaper, a bright red carpet and a hard lambrequin, which changed the perception of the window, gave the room a very distinct Gothic flavor.
  • The look is successfully complemented by a polished ebony table and a set of exquisite chairs that look like they are forged from metal.
  • Decorative elements - a mirror in the form of the sun with long rays, metal decors in the center of the table - harmoniously complement the interior.
  • But white table lamps with stands for lampshades in the form of Greek amphoras are clearly superfluous here. The figures of fantastic gargoyles or wandering monks would be more suitable here. And the white, matte surface of the lampshades looks too soft in this interior. Structure of stone, iron or lacquered wood would be more appropriate.

  • This living room recreates late Gothic style as it intersects with Victorian. The resulting image is distinguished by great elegance and restraint compared to early Gothic examples.
  • Forged elements of fine workmanship attract attention. They are found in the form of furniture legs, wall decoration, which seems to be designed to replace the traditional rose window. Yes, and in decorative gizmos there are a lot of forged parts.
  • The skillful carving of the decorative screen continues the predetermined line of elegance and whimsical forms. The rounded upper segments skillfully and unobtrusively make up for the absence of lancet windows and ceiling vaults.
  • The patterns of the carpet and the ornamentation of the furniture fabrics put the final point in the image of the Victorian Gothic living room. Fresh flowers successfully enliven the interior and make it much more homely and cozy.

  • Another example of the irresistibility of human imagination, which turned an ordinary bathroom into a charming gothic haven.
  • The rich chocolate shade of the walls creates a cozy, even intimate, mood. The matte surface is successfully emphasized by the shiny frames of the mirrors, made in fine embossed technique.
  • Quite modern bath fits well into the interior, perhaps due to its underlined minimalist outlines that do not distract attention from the expressive details.
  • But a small chair with a back in the form of a black openwork pointed petal looks very elegant. It is complemented by a whimsically executed table with a miniature black lamp with a glossy texture. It seems that this place is intended for old-fashioned and leisurely reading aloud to a loved one, who at this time is soaking in the bath.

  • Very expressive stylization of the Gothic style for the bedroom. A luxurious bed, with a high carved headboard, with a traditional central ornamental figure, is complemented by an analogue of a canopy - curtains on the wall.
  • The floor is made of mahogany, the furniture is black and red, the fragmentary decoration of the walls - one of them is red, with a gold pattern, and the openings near the window are trimmed wood paneling- create an expressive and disturbing image.
  • It is emphasized by an unusual lamp, on the branches of which there are luminous prickly balls. In this room, everything works to impress - a mirror in a wide silver frame, and black silk linen, and decorative pillows with charcoal-velvety patterns on a gold background. Even some disorder in the room only helps the perception, emphasizing some of the tension that is characteristic of the Gothic.

Gothic style in the interior gives very unusual, expressive and capacious images. True romantics or mystics, travelers and wanderers, in a word, those people in whom the spirit of adventure has not yet died, should try some kind of this design. The result of such an interior experiment will surprise and delight

Of course, classics are something eternal and unchanging, timeless and fashionable, but not everyone likes classics, and even its modernized interpretation. Someone does not like it in principle, someone lacks zest and unusualness in it, someone lacks a field for self-expression.

Still, how many people, so many opinions. But for those who want something more atmospheric than classic, and more sophisticated than, for example, country style, there is such an interior style as gothic.

How to Create a Gothic Style

gothic like architectural style, originated in France in the 13th century and over the course of several centuries its distinctive features were formed, which later defined the gothic as a style of clothing, and as an interior style, and even as a subculture.

The Gothic style, combining restraint and luxury, mysticism and rudeness, is truly medieval, very specific. If you want to let this spirit of majesty and darkness into your monastery and introduce Gothic into the interior, then for sure you will have to do not only one room, but the whole room at once in this style.

It is difficult to imagine a Gothic bedroom inscribed in the classicism of other rooms. And now the magazine site will tell and show you how to create an interior in this special style at home and how to convey the right atmosphere.

The main elements of the Gothic style

Of course, it is almost impossible to recreate an absolutely gothic atmosphere in a modern home, but the effect is created due, firstly, to the main elements that immediately catch the eye, and, secondly, due to decorative details, thanks to which the interior is tuned in the right way.

To feel the atmosphere right away, look at the photo with the Gothic interior.


One of the main aspects of this style is the upward trend. Ceilings should be high, wardrobes too, and headboards of beds, chairs, etc. stretch to the top and be quite elongated.

This moment has historical background: in the Middle Ages, the castles of knights or Christian churches were very spacious, in particular due to exorbitantly high ceilings. This gave the space a sense of infinity and mystery. By the way, in Gothic interiors on the ceilings they often make an imitation of beam ceilings - this also matches the style.

Wall and floor finishing

As for the decoration of walls and floors, the dominant place here is occupied by wood, of course, dark species (oak, pine, walnut, cedar). But if there can only be parquet on the floor, then the walls can be decorated with wooden panels, decorative masonry, and ordinary plain wallpaper.

Walls are often decorated with tapestries, chandeliers with imitation of real candles, paintings in massive frames, etc.

Gothic furniture

The Gothic style in the interior requires a massive, a little rough, but at the same time elegant - you need to find the optimal balance between these characteristics. Basically, furniture is made of wood, but there is also a place to be. forged furniture, or wooden with forged elements.

Wood carving is widely used in furniture, it is very important point gothic.
Standard units are sideboards, double wardrobes, high bookshelves, high-backed chairs with carved legs and upholstered seats, beds with a massive headboard and maybe a canopy, etc.

Very often in the interior of the Gothic you can find ... chests. They perform a variety of functions - and tables, and benches, and cabinets, and shelves.

Even with the Gothic, spiral staircases and fireplaces with wrought iron grates are closely related. It is better to introduce such elements into a Gothic interior in a private house.

Gothic interior colors

The color schemes here are quite interesting. The main color is usually black or dark brown.

Accompanying colors can be called burgundy and its shades, emerald, brown, purple, that is, deep, rich, noble colors.
But Gothic also allows bright contrasting accents, and here there is already more freedom: blood red, hot pink, yellow, blue, etc.

decorative elements

Gothic interior design uses abundance decorative elements that create color and complete the decor. These can be tiled mosaics, stained-glass windows, stucco, bronze and metal parts, forging, which we have already talked about, candelabra, paintings, etc.

An integral part of the Gothic style are heavy curtains of dark deep shades and thick bedspreads. On the floor, instead of a modern carpet, it is better to lay some kind of carpet, either plain or with an ornament that fits into the overall style.

Here are a few more interesting examples Gothic interiors:

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All of us, being still in childhood, play knights with princesses. But, over time, we all grow up, and adventures end there, and adult life becomes, as a rule, routine.

With such a way of interior design as Gothic, we can at least mentally return to childhood. And it is not at all necessary that the design be gloomy and gray, as if in the Middle Ages. On the contrary, it will be bright and airy, regardless of whether it affects only one room and the entire apartment.

Gothic furniture

Everyone knows that Gothic in the interior tends to rise. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to windows, or only ceilings. Everything can be elongated here: doorways, furniture, etc.

Not just elongated, but even pointed forms are welcome here! Wood details are carved, which is a real art. At times, it can turn into a slotted version, which looks even more original.

Wood lace is intertwined with the motifs of churches, arches, turning into arcades, certain geometric shapes. Two-leaf cabinets, book shelves, sideboards with legs with panels, chairs like medieval ones with high backs and hard seats are also quite appropriate here.

See how it all might look and how it might be on the proposed photos of the Gothic style in the interior.

Here, too, one cannot do without wooden wardrobe trunks, which are decorated with bronze rivets, and in some cases they are covered with leather. In the Middle Ages, such chests, standing under the walls, were an excellent seat.

Be sure to use screens. Beds of a rather large width, they are placed on hills, decorated with twisted columns in the corners. They are also equipped with canopies.

Able to protect on a cool night from a draft. Anything made of wood is massive. This applies, as a rule, to doors, furniture, stairs. At the same time, all these products will be light and elegant, since the carving is patterned.

To make furniture, it is customary to choose dark wood, or to process it with a special method, in order to obtain the desired tone for the Gothic style in the interior.

A gothic-style room will be softer and more comfortable if it has many, many decorative pillows. Thanks to this, the coolness of the furniture will be smoother.

Color spectrum

As mentioned above, it is completely optional to use gloomy tones and forms here. The colors here should be used really bright and saturated. For example, it can be brown, red, blue, yellow, green.

Well, if the designer is skillful enough, the Gothic style can be successfully implemented even with white or beige, while the style is completely preserved.

The walls are made plain, without a pattern. They may have cloth/velvet as upholstery. Also use drapery, tapestries, wood covered with fabric, mosaic with a classic pattern of shamrock, lily, rose, crucifer.

Thanks to the ceiling painting, you can bring a bright accent to the interior of the bedroom. The same applies to stucco, covered with silver, gilding.


The details are very important!

In order for the gothic style in interior design to be felt as soon as you enter the threshold, it is important not to forget about the details. Here you can use trays, jugs, etc. Forging can decorate doors with furniture.

There are absolutely no paintings in the Gothic-style rooms, but instead of them there are stained-glass windows and tapestries. Coziness will be given by a fireplace with a wrought iron grate, as well as chairs-thrones.

Do not be afraid of details made of metal, bronze. For example, a forged chandelier, tall candlesticks will only complement the interior, giving a certain individuality to the home.

If all the housing is decorated in the Gothic style, it is worth remembering that each room should have an individual character and design, its own mood.

Thanks to the variety of colors, the style will look completely different, especially if you get creative with the issue of design.


Photo of the Gothic style in the interior

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Gothic style in interior design - strict, gloomy, mysterious and majestic - suitable for implementation in large areas with high ceilings. Gothic was the most characteristic trend in Western European architecture in the 13th and 15th centuries.

A feature of the Gothic style is the aspiration of all design elements upwards and some sharpness of designs. Lancet windows in metal frames, decorated with stained-glass windows, arched pointed openings and heavy, massive doors made of natural wood- these are the main distinguishing features of Gothic in interior design.

Style color palette.

For the Gothic style, the most characteristic is the color scheme, consisting of dark, saturated colors. Among them are:

  • crimson;
  • cherry;
  • purple;
  • burgundy color;
  • Dark red;
  • Brown;
  • red-brown;
  • blood-red;
  • black;
  • blue;
  • gold;
  • silver.

materials in the interior.

To embody the interior in the Gothic style, only expensive materials of natural origin should be used:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • natural wood;
  • glass;
  • metal.

Decorative details.

Metal (most often bronze) is used for the manufacture of auxiliary elements and decorative details - door handles, carved elements on furniture, candlesticks and candelabra. As the main element of decor, a fireplace metal grate is mandatory.

Church sculptures, knight's crosses, easel paintings and massive bookshelves can be used as separate details. Lamps and chandeliers, door handles and carved armrests, wooden coasters and all these items will help create an interior in the style of a medieval castle.

Elements of knightly armor, helmets, swords and shields will also be a very successful addition to the characteristic stylish interior.

Features of wall decoration.

In the decoration of the walls, preference was given to mosaics or decorative panels made of natural wood, characterized by rigor and clarity of lines. In the design of the walls there is a clear division into zones, each of which has its own type of finish.

The living room space is conditionally divided into several functional areas: a dining area, a fireplace area, a guest area and a relaxation area. At the same time, the area near the fireplace and the window space often has a finish in the form of stone or brickwork, which is specially given an aged look.

Walls in other functional areas can be finished with wood panels, but only in the lower part. Approximately two thirds of the height of the wall can be painted water-based paint calm, pastel colors or covered with wallpaper in a discreet print.

For decorative finishes walls in the form of fragments, brick, natural stone and valuable wood are used. On the walls, above the windows and above the doors, semicircular openings are made, pointed upwards, which perform a purely decorative function and give the necessary stylistic touch to the interior design.


As floor covering in the interior of the Gothic style it is difficult to imagine something else, except for parquet made of precious wood. Appearance flooring should produce a visual effect of antiquity. In addition to parquet, it is suitable for flooring.

When choosing the color scheme of the flooring, it is best to give preference to dark, saturated shades, which are most typical for use in the interior of the Gothic style.

Narrow carpet paths of either cherry or blood-red color, decorated on both sides or around the entire perimeter with a calm minimalist ornament, will look very harmonious.

Ceiling finish.

For finishing the ceiling, the most characteristic detail was the overlap of massive wooden beams. The ceiling is given special role in the creation of a characteristic Gothic style. It can also be partially finished with masonry elements or stucco.

Very often, in some places, additional arched vaults are created, which also perform an exclusively decorative function. It is possible to paint the surface of the ceiling with strict Gothic ornaments and discreet openwork patterns.

Gothic furniture.

Furniture in the Gothic interior is massive. It is strong and durable, made of strong woods - oak, walnut, cedar or pine. In accordance with the general style, pieces of furniture also have a pronounced upward trend. In the interior of the Gothic style there are tall cabinets, the backs of chairs and armchairs are also high and narrow, decorated with wood carvings. Often, pieces of furniture were decorated with decorative details made of bronze.

All pieces of furniture should be in harmony with the overall stylistic character of the interior and form one integral composition with it. Be sure to have high carved legs, high headboards and chairs, luxurious benches and majestic throne-like chairs.

A writing desk must be chosen massive, heavy, made of oak or wood of another valuable species of wood. Availability required drawer and secret secretaries - small and inconspicuous drawers and niches. As decoration - wood carving and decorative bronze details.

In the Gothic style, it is also possible to use heavy and bulky chests with forged decorative elements. On such a chest you can comfortably accommodate, sit and relax, and you can also hide some unnecessary things in it.

To create a full-fledged interior in the Gothic style, you need Vacation home large area with high ceilings. Perhaps, only in two-storey apartments it is possible to create a gothic-style interior that will imitate the interior decoration of a medieval castle.

It is very difficult to realize a harmonious interior in the Gothic style in a city apartment of a standard layout, so you can limit yourself to using only some characteristic stylistic details.