How to ventilate the pool in a private house? Features of an independent ventilation device in the pool How to properly ventilate the pool at home.

V Lately arranging your own pool in a private house or cottage is not an indicator of incredible luxury. Modern technologies allow you to install such a tank with water indoors without huge costs and investments. In order for the structure to last for a long time, and for a comfortable microclimate to be present in the house, you need to take care of the ventilation of the pool in advance.

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    general information

    Each pool is a huge container of water that constantly evaporates and condenses on the ceiling, window openings or wall structures. But where there is water, there is also a fungus or mold.

    Moreover, the impact high moisture negatively affects the durability of the pool itself, because it leads to the destruction finishing materials and other deformation effects. Among them:

    • The occurrence of rust on metal products.
    • The development of fungal microorganisms.
    • Swelling and destruction of plastered surfaces.
    • The appearance of spots on the painted parts.
    • Deterioration of the insulation of conductive materials, which increases the likelihood of electric shock.

    In connection with the above points, the arrangement of the ventilation of the pool in the cottage is the most important stage, which must be taken with increased responsibility. Such equipment will save the room from various deformation processes, as well as extend the life of the tank itself.

    With good ventilation in inner space there will always be a certain indicator of humidity. This unit indicates the volume of water vapor per unit volume of air. If the humidity exceeds the permissible level, it becomes difficult to breathe in the room.

    However, if the air is too dry, this also entails unpleasant phenomena. Therefore, it is important to achieve the perfect balance, guided by the mode of operation of the structure, the climatic factor and the individual preferences of the owners of the premises. Future calculation should be carried out taking into account the temperature of air and water.

    Pool ventilation

    Indoor microclimate

    In the construction industry, there is such a thing as saturation moisture. This indicator characterizes the volume of water that is taken in by air at a specific temperature regime. If the temperature starts to rise, it raises the saturation humidity level. If the allowable indicator is exceeded, the excess begins to turn into condensate and settle on wall structures, glass or ceiling.

    When arranging ventilation in the pool of a private house, it is necessary to get rid of excess evaporation of moisture, observing a specific balance between the temperature of water and air.

    If the volume of evaporated moisture is relatively small, then there is no need to buy powerful ventilation systems. If the temperature of water and air is kept at the same level, the saturation point will be comparable to 100% humidity.

    But to ensure a comfortable microclimate in a room with a pool, it is recommended to adhere to humidity from 50 to 65%. This requires the installation of a mechanical ventilation system.

    There is another way to reduce the level of evaporation. It is enough to cover the surface of the water with special metal elements like blinds. As you know, closed water practically does not go into the evaporation stage and does not cool. If we compare an outdoor pool, then about two and a half liters of liquid can evaporate in it in an hour. In the closed type, these figures are 1.2 liters per part. As a result, this approach guarantees large savings in resources.

    Reducing the humidity in the room

    Even the most powerful pool ventilation project is not able to completely cope with the problem. high humidity in the room. However, it is quite possible to reduce the level of evaporation, since there are many tools and ventilation equipment for this. Recently, supply and exhaust ventilation for the pool has been in great demand, which is combined with the installation of special dehumidifiers.

    Once in the dehumidifier, the air is heated to the dew point, which leads to moisture condensation. Then it is additionally heated and returned back, but already in its pure form, without water particles. Such systems are relevant for cottages in which it is impossible to consider the option of installing an intake-blowing system. A hygrostat is installed in the design, which causes the compressor to start at certain performance indicators. If the moisture level drops, the hygrostat stops the compressor while the ventilation blades continue to rotate.

    Commercially available condensing dryers divided into several types:

    1. 1. Wall mounted. They are located in buildings where there are already finishing works.
    2. 2. Wall mounted. In such dehumidifiers, all working elements are securely hidden in a separate room, and in the space with a pool there is only a fence grate. It is necessary to start planning such a scheme long before the arrangement of the water tank.
    3. 3. Stationary, non-removable. Such installations are characterized by the highest power and require additional space. Often they are part of the supply and exhaust ventilation system in large sports centers. Stationary models support mixing 1/5 of the air volume, and if equipped with a duct heater, this will allow you to equip a complete ventilation system at home.

    Moisture assimilation

    Looking for efficient systems ventilation in the pool, schemes and structural designs, one cannot ignore the method of assimilation of moisture in the pool. It consists in using the natural property of air to absorb water vapor. The technology allows you to lay a 5-fold air exchange in one hour of work.

    In temperate latitudes and in homes with small pools, a conventional ventilation system is sufficient. But if we are talking about large water tanks in gyms and entertainment complexes, then a multifunctional dehumidifier must be additionally equipped here.

    The indisputable advantage of moisture assimilation is the effective elimination of an unpleasant odor that appears due to high humidity. As for the cons, there are few of them. The most unpleasant moment is the dependence on weather conditions, because if the surrounding air is too humid, it will not be able to absorb condensate from the pool room.

    But in most cases, this scheme justifies itself and outperforms other solutions. Another disadvantage of assimilation is the need to warm the supply air. The procedure is especially necessary during the cold period, when the heating process requires a lot of electricity.

    Also, engineers practice the combined method of draining the pool, which is in demand for large areas and pools with a high frequency of visits. In this case, it is necessary to combine a dehumidifier and a forced ventilation system.

    At the same time, the type of equipment can be independent or form an indispensable part of the overall system that affects the microclimate. Combined options are expensive options and justify themselves only on an area of ​​​​50 square meters.

    How to reduce the humidity in the pool room? Pool ventilation

    Maintaining the temperature

    To avoid excessive moisture release, at the ventilation design stage, it is necessary to achieve such indicators at which the temperature in the building with a pool exceeds the ambient temperature.

    This is possible only if there is a powerful heating system that provides heating of the air to optimal performance. But ventilation is not able to heat the building, so air heating may be ineffective. It justifies itself only with the arrangement of additional installations.

    If the building is characterized by good glazing, and the pool is located in the southern area, you can not do without arranging a powerful air conditioning system. As for the frequently visited pools with large sizes, then natural ventilation systems may be useless in them. In this case, forced methods of moving air are used, demonstrating the following advantages:

    • Maintaining a stable temperature regime.
    • Constant supply of fresh air.
    • Combat bad odor.

    Swimming pool in a private house. Heating system in the pool, ventilation and water heating.

    Supply and exhaust scheme

    Considering the most best types ventilation systems for the pool, one cannot ignore the example of the supply and exhaust scheme.

    It has the following advantages:

    • Stable supply of fresh air.
    • Fight against residual moisture in the atmosphere.

    The device is equipped with a special dehumidifier, and any heat is instantly removed outside. In addition, such a system is characterized by autonomy and can work without exposure to air from other rooms. ventilation ducts are made on the basis of moisture-resistant materials, and the equipment is controlled by advanced automation. As a result, this allows you to maintain a stable temperature regime and carry out the mixing of clean air.

    Before entering the room, the outdoor air is carefully filtered, cooled or heated. It also changes its moisture content.

    Proper system design in the cottage

    In order for the cottage pool to justify itself, you need to remember a few features.

    First of all, you should make sure that the temperature regime is kept within 30-32 degrees Celsius, and the outflow of air prevails over the inflow by 0.5 times. Noise indicators cannot exceed 60 decibels, while there should not be more than two people in the pool at the same time.

    In order for the design and installation of an air vent system to be as successful as possible, a lot of rules and recommendations must be taken into account. You should visit a special site where you can calculate the required parameters online. Planning a ventilation system will be successful only after consulting with an expert, as well as taking into account several important points.

    As you know, air with high humidity and elevated temperature constantly directed upwards, and when it collides with a cool surface, it turns into condensate. In this regard, ventilation equipment can be placed both in the adjacent building and under the bowl, around it or on top. In many cases, such systems are placed around the pool or in two of its sides, which causes the exhaust moist air to be quickly expelled.

    To ensure a comfortable microclimate in a building with a swimming pool, first of all drafts must be prevented. To do this, it is enough to equalize the volumes of supply and exhaust air. In a place where visitors are located, the air should not move faster than a given speed. Often, the intensity of movements is reduced using various schemes or specific grids.

    Air channel it is better to place near the windows. It is also desirable that it be made of a good heat-conducting material. Under the influence of dry air, any condensate will cease to settle on the glass, and upon contact with the window, the warm air will begin to cool.

    Drawer box installed directly under the ceiling where intense accumulation of moisture and heat is noticed. Otherwise, the air will quickly come out. If there are suspended ceilings in the building, you need to think over the ventilation system in advance. If this is not done, an area with a high moisture content will appear above them.

    A properly equipped air exchange system in a room with a pool is the key to successful and long-term operation of such a water tank.

    Therefore, in order to extend the life of the pool and protect it from premature deformations, it is important to design and install ventilation equipment in time.

The room with the pool is very specific due to the presence of a large amount of water vapor in it. Moisture condenses on surfaces with a lower temperature, as a result of which the processes of corrosion, rotting and the formation of fungus begin. In the room with the pool, the windows fog up, moisture accumulates on the objects located there. Eliminates all these inconveniences high-quality ventilation of the room with the pool.

Why is pool ventilation necessary?

The characteristics of the water and air in the room with the pool favor the evaporation of water from the bowl, it is impossible to stop this process. Moisture settles on interior items and various structural elements, which leads to their damage. A well-designed and installed ventilation system will remove all air vapor from the room.

The second negative factor from water vapor is the discomfort of people in the pool. Humid air adversely affects the respiratory system and psychological state. The third factor is damage to the electrical equipment in the pool. Even glass-covered ceiling lights suffer.

Ventilation systems for the best effect are equipped with air dryers. Among all the varieties of ventilation systems, there are two most common:

  • Supply and exhaust with heat recovery
  • With separation of inflow and outflow of air.

Supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery

This type exhaust system works in one block. At the stage of purchasing all necessary materials this system requires high costs, but during operation it is more economical than flow ventilation. Benefits of using:

  • Does not require a lot of space for installation. All components are located in one block, and therefore occupy a smaller area than ventilation with separated elements. Ideal for small pools and therefore often used in private homes.
  • During operation, the unit has a reduced energy consumption due to the presence of a heat exchanger. This device saves up to 50-70% of energy, since the supply air is heated by the exhaust gas, but does not mix with it. That is, the temperature in the room is kept at the same level due to its own heat reserve. Due to this, the required power of the motor used is reduced by 2-2.5 times.

The pool ventilation system of the supply and exhaust type contains the following elements:

  • Supply and exhaust fan.
  • Filter for purification of incoming air.
  • Double valve that blocks the passage of cold air during system shutdown.
  • Heat recuperator.
  • Inlet air heater.

The supply and exhaust ventilation of a pool with a heat recuperator is in some cases equipped with an automated controller for indicators of the amount of water vapor and temperature. Also, in addition, devices are installed that distribute heated air to other rooms and an air dryer.

Ventilation with separation of air inlet and outlet

This system is separate, the air inlet and outlet is produced by different ventilation system elements. The equipment in this case is cheaper than for the first type of ventilation, but during operation it will require high costs. Also, separate ventilation has rather large dimensions and is not so convenient for use in small rooms.

Flow ventilation of the pool is characterized by a separate supply of fresh air into the room with the simultaneous removal of already humidified air to the outside. The equipment of this type of ventilation takes place at the stage of general construction work on the construction of the pool. Its main element is a fan built into the exhaust ducts. Air supply is carried out using the following equipment:

  • An air intake device equipped with a valve that does not allow cold air to enter the room during system shutdown.
  • Filter that purifies the incoming air.
  • Inlet air heater.
  • Fan for air injection.
  • Control unit for maintaining the temperature level and the volume of incoming air.

Ventilation automation

The automated system exercises full control over the ventilation system and regulates its functions. The work performed by the automated system:

  • Keeps the humidity and air temperature at a given level, as well as the performance of the ventilation system itself.
  • At specified intervals, it enables or disables individual structural elements of the system or its entire system as a whole.

  • Notifies you of emerging emergencies and system problems.
  • Tracks the sequence of all operations taking place in the system.
  • Provides protection for the system as a whole and its individual components, protects water heaters from moisture freezing in them, voltage drops, etc.
  • Communicates ventilation with the "smart home" system.

Norms of air parameters in the pool

The ventilation system is selected according to certain indicators that are observed in the room with the pool. When creating a safe and pleasant environment in the room, the following numbers are maintained:

  • Humidity is not more than 65%.
  • The temperature ratio of air and water does not exceed 2°C in favor of air.
  • The temperature indicator of water is kept up to 32 ° C.
  • The gas flow leaving the ventilation does not exceed a speed of 0.2 m/s, since higher values ​​​​create a draft that is felt by the skin.
  • The normalized value of air exchange is 80 m3 / h per person in the room. But during the design it is allowed to use not this figure, but the calculated value.

The norms allow a difference in the amount of incoming and outgoing air in the size of half the air exchange rate of the pool. Here, however, the gas flow rate is taken into account. When calculating the project, the number of decibels of noise in the room is also taken into account, its maximum threshold is 60 dB. natural ventilation does not create the parameters described above in the pool, because the room in without fail equipped with a mechanized ventilation system.

The nuances of developing a ventilation project

When creating a project for a ventilating structure of any type, the functional characteristics of the structure itself are taken into account to provide it with the specified conditions, and negative factors affecting the structural elements of the structure. One of the very first harmful substances is condensate. Its accumulation on the surface of the ventilation shaft will cause corrosion and damage to equipment. To avoid this, the shaft is isolated or electrically heated valves are used. Also, the ventilation shaft is supplemented with a drip tray for collecting moisture.

Pool ventilation systems of any type and size must be designed to operate at a lower capacity to conserve energy during pool downtime. Accordingly, it is necessary to equip a device with increased power so that ventilation can effectively cope with its functions when there are a lot of people in the pool. These add-ons are optional, but help to save energy during round-the-clock operation, while the efficiency of the system will not drop. This addition is especially relevant for private houses, in which the equipment is used much less frequently than in public pools.

Most important rule when calculating the project - taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, calculating the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the air exchange rate and air flow, the presence of a room heating function. Supply and exhaust ventilation of the pool is multifunctional and solves all problems. It has various structural elements - a filtration system, a heater and a fan. This leads to the performance of all of these functions. Pool ventilation is mounted separately from the main house system. Reduce the evaporation of water from the pool by screening it for a period of inactivity.

How to develop a pool ventilation project

As mentioned above, when pool ventilation is being designed, the calculation is carried out taking into account air humidity of 65%, but in practice this value is often reduced by 15-20%. This is due to the tactile sensation of increased moisture. If the ventilation system is equipped correctly and provides the necessary humidity, condensation and discomfort are still noticed. As a result, the functional characteristics of ventilation change, while the described phenomena disappear, but the humidity indicator does not correspond to the declared standards.

When calculating the project, air consumption is taken into account. Special formulas and tables help to determine the required air exchange at the existing temperature index and the area of ​​the water space of the pool.

All indicators that are taken into account in the calculation:

  • The total size of the body of water.
  • The size of all bypass paths.
  • The size of the entire room.
  • The average outdoor air temperature in winter and summer.
  • Water temperature.
  • Air temperature in the room itself.
  • The average number of visitors to the pool.
  • Taking into account the fact that the streams of warm air tend upward due to the smaller mass, it is necessary to take into account the temperature index of the air under the ceiling.

When independently calculating the ventilation project for the pool, the following calculations are also carried out:

  • They take into account the flow of heat from bathing people, external solar exposure, bypass paths, lighting, from the water itself.
  • The flow of moisture from bathing people, the water surface, and from bypass paths is taken into account.
  • Air exchange is calculated on the basis of moisture and total heat, the normative air exchange is taken into account.

According to the standard of the Society of German Engineers, air exchange is calculated depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe water surface, its temperature index, and total humidity

air and functional features of the pool. For calculations, the formula is used:

W= exFxPb-PL, kg/h. Here:

  • F - the total size of the water surface of the pool, m2.
  • Pb - indicator of water vapor pressure in saturated air, taking into account the temperature indicator of water in the pool, Bar.
  • PL - indicator of water vapor pressure at a given temperature and humidity, bar.

To enter the pressure indicator in kPa, take into account that 1 bar = 98.1 kPa.

e in this formula is the evaporation coefficient, kg (m2 * hour * Bar), determines functional features pool. For different types pools it is equal to:

  • The water surface covered with a film - 0.5.
  • Still water surface - 5.
  • Small construction with a small number of visitors - 15.
  • A public use structure with an average swimmer activity score of 20.
  • Design for places of active entertainment and recreation - 28.
  • Structure equipped with water slides and with the formation of waves - 35

The calculations are guided by the release of moisture during the use of the pool, this creates a margin of safety for the entire system. To calculate the air exchange in the pool, use the formula: mL=GWXB-XN, kg/h, this is the formula for calculating the mass flow. Volume flow is determined by the formula: L=GWrxXB-XN, kg/h. Here:

  • L - volume flow rate of incoming air, m3/h.
  • mL - mass flow rate of incoming air, kg/h.
  • GW is the volume of all evaporating moisture in the room, g/h.
  • XN - moisture content outside the room, g/kg.
  • XB - indoor moisture content, g/kg.
  • r is an indicator of air density at the temperature regime inside the room, kg/m3.

The outdoor moisture content tends to change with the seasons. This change reaches 2-3 g/kg in winter and 11-12 g/kg in summer. Practitioners are guided by an indicator of 9 g / kg, because the seasonal change in this indicator is not long in time. As for the value of XB, it is taken a little more than the calculated one, since in the summer season the amount of condensate that appears is insignificant.

During the installation of ventilation, all air ducts are carefully sealed and insulated. The air flow is not directed to the surface of the water. A small ventilation system is installed between the main and false ceiling. If a ventilation system is installed in the room, then the use of an air conditioner in it is not recommended.

Neglecting the arrangement of ventilation systems in pools invariably leads to an increase in humidity, the appearance of fungus and the creation of an unhealthy microclimate in the room. The accumulation of condensation damages the finish and destroys structural elements building.

Agree, the prospect of premature overhaul few will be happy. Thoughtful ventilation of the pool will help to prevent the negative impact of high humidity - the system provides air exchange within the limits of sanitary and hygienic standards.

The issue of organizing ventilation must be resolved at the stage of designing the premises. In the article, we reviewed typical schemes arrangement of the ventilation system of indoor pools, described effective ways humidity control, gave recommendations on the development of the project and the choice of climatic equipment.

During the construction of public and private swimming pools, sometimes they do not pay due attention to the ventilation of the halls, considering them to be non-residential premises.

However, it is there that, without proper arrangement, harmful fauna and flora are born, bearing real threat practically unprotected organisms of bathers and swimmers.

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Many of the buildings currently under construction, both industrial and residential, have very complex infrastructures and are designed with the greatest emphasis on energy efficiency. Therefore, it is impossible to do without installations of such systems as general air ventilation systems, smoke protection systems and air conditioning systems. To ensure efficient and long service life of ventilation systems, it is necessary to design and install a system of general air ventilation, a smoke protection system and an air conditioning system with high quality. Installation of such equipment of any type must be carried out with the obligatory observance certain rules. And according to the technical characteristics, it must correspond to the volume and type of premises in which it will be operated (residential building, public, industrial).

Of great importance is the correct operation of ventilation systems: compliance with the terms and rules for preventive inspections, scheduled preventive repairs, as well as the correct and high-quality adjustment of ventilation equipment.

For each ventilation system put into operation, a passport and an operating log are drawn up. The passport is drawn up in two copies, one of which is stored at the enterprise, and the other in the technical supervision service. Everything is entered in the passport specifications systems, information about the repair work, copies of executive drawings of ventilation equipment are attached to it. In addition, the passport reflects a list of operating conditions for all components and parts of ventilation systems.

All data of the planned inspection of ventilation systems are mandatory indicated in the operation log.

Operation of ventilation systems

Many of the buildings currently under construction, both industrial and residential, have very complex infrastructures and are designed with the greatest emphasis on energy efficiency. Therefore, it is impossible to do without the installation of ventilation systems, and in most cases, air conditioning. To ensure the long-term and high-quality service of ventilation systems, it is necessary to choose the right ventilation. Installation of such equipment of any type must be carried out with the obligatory observance of certain rules. And according to the technical characteristics, it must correspond to the volume and type of premises in which it will be operated (residential building, public, industrial).

Of great importance is the correct operation of ventilation systems: compliance with the terms and rules for preventive inspections, scheduled preventive repairs, as well as the correct and high-quality adjustment of ventilation equipment.

For each ventilation system put into operation, a passport and an operating log are drawn up. The passport is drawn up in two copies, one of which is stored at the enterprise, and the other in the technical supervision service. The passport contains all the technical characteristics of the system, information about the repairs carried out, copies of the as-built drawings of the ventilation equipment are attached to it. In addition, the passport reflects a list of operating conditions for all components and parts of ventilation systems.

According to the established schedule, scheduled inspections of ventilation systems are carried out. During scheduled inspections:

    Defects are identified and corrected current repair;

    The technical condition of ventilation systems is determined;

    Partial cleaning and lubrication of individual components and parts are carried out.

All data of the planned inspection of ventilation systems are mandatory indicated in the operation log.

Also, during the working shift, the on-duty operational team provides for scheduled overhaul maintenance of ventilation systems. This service includes:

  • Start-up, regulation and shutdown of ventilation equipment;
  • Supervision of the operation of ventilation systems;
  • Monitoring the compliance of the parameters of the air environment and the temperature of the supply air;
  • Elimination of minor defects.

Commissioning of general air ventilation systems, smoke protection systems and air conditioning systems

Stage commissioning is a very important stage, because the commissioning depends on quality work ventilation and air conditioning.

During commissioning, you can see the work of the installation team, and the parameters specified in the project, the equipment indicators are checked and compared with the indicators specified in the project documentation. During the inspection, a complete check of the technical condition of the installed equipment, the distribution and uninterrupted operation of adjustment devices, the installation of control and diagnostic devices, and the identification of errors in the operation of the equipment are carried out. If deviations are detected that are within the normal range, then the readjustment does not occur, and the object is prepared for delivery to the customer, with the execution of all documents.

All masters of our company have a specialized education, certificates in health and safety, rich work experience and have all the necessary documents and certificates.

At the stage of commissioning, we measure the air flow velocity in the air ducts, the noise level, test the quality of equipment installation, adjust engineering systems in accordance with the parameters of the project, certification.

Start-up tests and adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems must be carried out by a construction and installation or specialized commissioning organization.

Certification of ventilation systems

A technical document drawn up on the basis of an inspection of the working condition of ventilation systems and equipment carried out using aerodynamic tests, is called the certification of the ventilation system.

SP 73.13330.2012 "Internal sanitary systems of buildings", updated version of SNIP 3.05.01-85 "Internal sanitary systems" regulate the form and content of the ventilation system passport.

Obtaining a ventilation system passport, in accordance with the requirements of the above document, is mandatory.

Upon completion of the installation of ventilation systems, the customer receives a passport of the ventilation system.

A passport must be obtained for each ventilation system.

The passport is indispensable for the registration of purchased equipment, for the correct operation of such equipment, in order to achieve the necessary sanitary and hygienic air parameters.

In the period established by law, this document is provided by the control and supervisory authority. Receipt of this document is an indisputable proof in resolving contentious issues with the relevant authorities.

Obtaining a ventilation system passport can be carried out as separate view works, consisting of a complex of aerodynamic tests. The conduct of such events is regulated by the following regulations:

  • SP 73.13330.2012;
  • STO NOSTROY 2.24.2-2011;
  • R NOSTROY 2.15.3-2011;
  • GOST 12.3.018-79. “Ventilation systems. Methods of aerodynamic tests”;
  • GOST R 53300-2009;
  • SP 4425-87. "Sanitary and hygienic control of ventilation systems of industrial premises";
  • SanPiN

Pool ventilation is designed to maintain an acceptable climate, as in any other room. However, the main emphasis is on controlling the level of humidity and temperature. By providing these two parameters, all other conditions are additionally satisfied.

Norms of air parameters

The ventilation of the pool should provide a number of parameters that together will create comfortable conditions for a person to stay in this room in an undressed state, among them:

  • humidity level is not higher than 65%;
  • air temperature not exceeding the water temperature by more than two degrees;
  • the water temperature is kept at a mark of no more than 32 degrees;
  • the speed of air flow should not exceed 0.2 m / s (the value of 0.5 m / s will already be noticeable to a person);
  • when the ventilation of pools is being designed, it is allowed to use the calculated value of air exchange, however, it should not be lower than the normalized one - 80 m3 / h per person.

Regulatory documentation also defines the allowable difference in the volumes of supply and exhaust air, which is half the air exchange rate for a given room. But it should be taken into account that the value of this parameter is taken taking into account the speed of movement of air flows.

The design of pool ventilation is based on the choice of a forced type of system, since natural circulation of air cannot provide the values ​​of air parameters required for an indoor pool due to the rather large area and the constantly filled pool bowl.

The pool ventilation design must also take into account the overall noise level emitted by the operating equipment. Taking into account the area of ​​the room, the equipment is selected with high performance. The total noise effect should not exceed a threshold of 60 dB.

Project development features

The design of pool ventilation implies taking into account not only the ability to provide effective air exchange, but also the exclusion of the formation of factors harmful to the equipment. The first of these is condensate, which falls on the surface of the ventilation shaft, which will lead to its rapid wear. To do this, the inner or outer surface of the ventilation shafts is insulated, and electrically heated dampers are used. Trays for collecting condensate are also required.

The ventilation of a private pool, as well as a public pool system, should provide for the possibility of using equipment of a slightly lower capacity during the downtime of the premises when it is not in use. And additional devices with higher power will turn on when the pool is in use. Thus, there will be no excess consumption of electricity when servicing the premises around the clock, but the required value of air exchange will be achieved. Ventilation in the pool of a private house to a greater extent requires such an approach to organizing the operation of equipment, since the frequency of use of this room is an order of magnitude lower than that of a public one.

When choosing devices that will supply and remove air, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the calculated values ​​​​of the air exchange rate and air flow per person, as well as the possibility of heating the room.

Supply and exhaust ventilation in the pool can solve all problems, as it contains several components: a filtration system, a heater, a fan. If desired, you can choose a monoblock unit with recuperation, as this device will help to reduce electricity consumption by a quarter. The pool provides water heating, preferably around the entire perimeter of the bowl.

The ventilation system is equipped separately from the main one. It is advisable to plan the pool in a separate room or adjacent to the main building. When do-it-yourself ventilation of the pool is equipped, the so-called curtaining of the pool bowl is often used, which will help reduce evaporation from the water surface and the release of moisture into the air.

Fundamentals of calculating the ventilation system

Humidity levels up to 65% are allowed. However, in practice, a decrease in this parameter to 50%, and sometimes even below 45%, is often noticed. The feeling of excess moisture in the air plays a role here, since even if the supply ventilation in the pool and the air exhaust are organized correctly, providing a fairly high percentage of humidity, discomfort can be felt and condensation can occur on the walls of the room.

When designing pool ventilation, the calculation includes determining the air flow. By means of tables, at a given temperature and a certain value of the area of ​​​​the pool bowl, air exchange is determined. For example, if the pool area is 32 m2 and the room temperature is 34 degrees, the air flow is approximately 1,100 m3/h. The heater power should be about 20 kW.

The calculation of the pool ventilation system takes into account a number of parameters, including:

  • the area of ​​the pool bowl;
  • bypass area;
  • the total area of ​​the premises;
  • outdoor air temperature in warm and cold periods;
  • water temperature;
  • air temperature in the room;
  • the number of people who regularly visit the pool;
  • taking into account the peculiarity of the movement of air in the room (warm streams rise up), for the calculation it is also necessary to know the temperature of the air removed from the upper zone.

If ventilation in the pool is independently designed, the calculation should include a number of calculations:

  1. Sensible heat input (taking into account the release of heat from solar radiation, from swimmers, from bypass paths, from lighting, as well as from heating the water in the pool).
  2. The entry of moisture into the air (from swimmers, from the water surface, from bypass paths).
  3. Air exchange is calculated by moisture and by total heat, as well as standard air exchange.

Guided by these data, it is possible to adjust the project by adding equipment to further reduce the temperature of the supply air in the hot season, and in the cold season, on the contrary, a more powerful device for heating the air may be required than was originally included in the design of the ventilation system. When designing pool ventilation, a calculation example will help you navigate the actions that need to be taken. For this purpose, tables are also used, through which a number of normalized values ​​can be obtained based on the specified parameters.