How can a woman equip herself with a plot in the country. How to equip a summer cottage

Arrangement suburban area with your own hands - a process that can safely be called continuous. Every year, when we come out of town, we find many objects that deserve our close attention: here we need to fix a rickety fence, here we need to lay a path, and here it would be nice to equip a flower bed.

And although a whole encyclopedia may not be enough to describe every detail of this process, below we will try to collect a number of the most useful advice. By following them, you can streamline your work and significantly increase their efficiency. So there is still time to relax!

Dividing the cottage into zones

Before you equip a summer cottage, you need to conditionally divide its area into functional zones. Of course, it is desirable to do this even at the design stage, but to restore order in the country, which is actively exploited, this will also not be superfluous.

Experts identify three main areas:

  • Residential, including a house and adjoining territory . Here, communications (water, electricity, sewerage), paths and access roads, as well as the features of the building itself, are priority. The main factors that you should pay attention to will be comfort and safety.
  • Recreational - everything related to recreation (active and not so). Perhaps, examples of arranging a summer cottage here will be the most diverse, ranging from terraces and lawns to outdoor exercise equipment, basketball courts, tennis courts, etc.

  • Gardening. This can include both a front garden with flowers and an alpine slide in front of the house, and a greenhouse with outbuildings for inventory. However, the main part of this zone is, of course, the garden and beds, which can be considered an integral part of almost every dacha.

When we equip a summer cottage with our own hands, we should visually separate these zones from each other, arranging them so that they do not intersect. In this case, our stay outside the city will turn out to be much more comfortable, since we can easily switch from one type of activity to another, and at the same time we will not interfere with each other.

Adjoining territory

We will try to limit ourselves to only the most important ones, and start with those that directly relate to the area near the house:

  • One of the key points that you should pay attention to will be the arrangement of the entrance to the summer cottage. For this purpose, either a gravel platform is usually equipped (layer thickness from 50 cm, fraction 25-35 mm), or monolithic slab concrete/asphalt. The price of the second option is much higher, but the concrete pavement is much easier to keep clean.

An important element of the entrance area is a drainage ditch, which ensures the removal of rainwater.

  • The area in front of the house is usually connected to all other objects on the site through paths.. Do-it-yourself arrangement of paths for a summer cottage can take place along the most different schemes. The cheapest option is gravel filling, but if your financial capabilities allow it, then you can lay out all the paths paving slabs on a sand cushion or a concrete monolithic base.

  • Also in the local area stands from the rain. It can cover only a small area in front of the porch, or it can cover the entire site, including a car parking space. Typically, such canopies are mounted on steel supports, and translucent polycarbonate is used as a coating.
  • An important factor providing comfort will be the lighting of the local area.. Naturally, this requires a stable power supply, and renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help here: even if the electrics are turned off, you will not be left without light.

Rest zone

If you do not know where to start planning a recreational site, then we recommend that you think about creating:

  • For this purpose, we allocate a small area that neither the house nor tall trees will shade. If necessary, we bring fertile soil to the site, carefully level it and sow it with lawn grasses.

Lawn grasses are resistant to trampling, but they must be cut regularly.

  • You can also break an alpine slide on such a site. We lay out its base from natural stone: limestone is best, granite or quartzite is somewhat worse. We fill the gaps between the stones with fertile soil, in which we plant plants.
  • Finally, if you have a large area empty, then you can make a pond on it. Of course, you will have to work hard to dig and concrete the bowl itself, because today special plastic containers which are installed flush with the ground.


When deciding how to equip a small summer cottage, many of us focus on exactly the part where vegetables and fruits can be grown.

This approach can be considered quite rational, but here it is worth adhering to a number of recommendations:

  • First, the beds must be placed in such a way that there is enough light for them. That's why in close proximity to country house trees are usually planted, and the garden is laid out at a distance - so it will not be shaded throughout the day.

This does not apply shade-loving plants: for them, the site is usually assigned either next to the garden, or generally under the crowns of trees.

  • Especially carefully you need to choose a place to install greenhouses. In addition to a sufficient amount of sunlight, this area should be protected from the wind, especially in the spring.
  • The beds themselves should be separated from the paths with boards made of boards or plastic shields: this way the black earth will not be lost, and we will put much less dirt into the recreation area and into the house.

  • To ensure sufficiently abundant watering during the dry season, it is worth considering such an option as arranging a well in a summer cottage. Despite all the labor costs associated with this event, it can be considered justified: in this way we will not only provide ourselves with high-quality water for drinking and irrigation, but also insure against water supply shutdowns, which usually occur at the most inopportune moment.
  • Well, if growing vegetables is a serious enough hobby for you, then it’s worth equipping your own in the garden. pumping station. Such an installation will make it possible to both water the beds with a hose and mount an economical, but effective system drip irrigation.


Options for arranging a summer cottage, as well as recommendations for the implementation of certain works, can be listed endlessly. The main thing here is to understand what exactly we want from our dacha, plan the work and begin the systematic implementation of our project. It may take more than one year, but if we are guided by tips like those set out in the video in this article, then we will definitely succeed.

Gone are the days when every centimeter was reserved strictly for the arrangement of beds or the cultivation of horticultural crops. The wind of change has blown, and now almost every summer resident wants to see in his land allotment not just a place for endless work, but also an area for a pleasant stay with the whole family. How arrange a backyard with your own hands (6 acres) to achieve both of these goals at the same time?

Drawing up a drawing of a summer cottage with your own hands

First of all, you need to draw up a plan for arranging a summer cottage on paper. You can use more modern method- creating a scheme using a computer program. Be that as it may, it is important that the schematic representation is strictly scaled. For example, it will be convenient to draw up a drawing in which each centimeter will correspond to a meter of land. So, to create a site diagram, 20x30 m in size, you will need to draw a rectangle 20x30 cm.

First of all, mark the location of the house, toilet, gazebo, barbecue, sauna, barn, garage on the diagram of the summer cottage, taking into account their actual size. It is important to take into account such points regulated by law:

  • From the red line of the street to any building on the summer cottage should be at least 5 m. This also applies to modest allotments of 6 acres.
  • There must be at least 3 m from the border with the neighboring plot to the residential building.
  • From the border with the neighboring plot to any outbuildings, a distance of 1 m must be observed.
  • From the windows of a residential building to the outbuildings of a neighboring site should be at least 6 m.
  • A distance of 6 to 15 m is required between two residential buildings (depending on fire resistance).

Drawing of a suburban area

Before drawing up a detailed plan for arranging your 6 acres, study in detail all the building and fire safety standards. In addition, the following tips will help you most successfully zone the territory.

  • To prevent the beds from being in the shade, it is better to place all massive structures and trees on the summer cottage on the north side.
  • If the site is sloping, then in the lowest place where water constantly accumulates, it is better to arrange a recreation area, and not beds.
  • When determining the location of the gazebo, terrace or windows of the house, try to take into account what kind of view will open around.
  • It is better to place a garage or a carport for a vehicle closer to the entrance to the summer cottage, which will save absolutely no extra meters in a summer cottage of 6 acres.
  • Make sure that the garage or carport is not adjacent to the gazebo or terrace.

columnar trees

Design tips for arranging a summer cottage of 6 acres

The arrangement of a summer cottage, the size of 6 acres, is not an easy task, because it is quite difficult to make such a small piece of land both beautiful and as functional as possible. Most likely, some advice from designers in this regard will help you.

Arrangement of beds and garden

Instead of following tradition and planting crops in straight rows strictly one after another, make the beds on your site semicircular or any free form. This should visually enlarge the territory. In order for them to look spectacular, make a fence for them from plastic bottles, old tires, slate or logs. Instead of planting all the trees together, it is better to place them separately at the edges of the plot.

Unusual beds

Flowerbed decoration

Of course, when decorating a recreation area, you can’t do without flowers. For a plot of only 6 acres, a rock garden would be an excellent solution. You can arrange ordinary flower beds and plant flowers along the paths, as long as there are no strict geometric shapes. A small suburban area does not tolerate clear contours and smooth paths. It would be advisable to use the vertical method of gardening.

Flowerbeds for a small cottage

Style direction

To make your entire cottage seem like a complete picture, you need to choose a single style and follow it when arranging. The most popular of them for a summer cottage are:

  • English- imitation of the natural landscape;
  • French- strict order and symmetry;
  • Italian- height differences;
  • Chinese- water, stones, fences;
  • Muslim- marble, fountains, roses;
  • country music- Simplicity, handmade.

Country style

Suitable fencing

In such a small area in question, the fence is clearly visible from any place. To prevent it from giving a feeling of constriction, surround your site with a hedge. Another option is a translucent fence (for example, from a mesh). If you want to securely hide from prying eyes, but do not want to resort to a hedge, then choose the most neutral tones for the fence and create it from heterogeneous materials.

By and large, everyone decides for himself how to equip a summer cottage with his own hands. 6 acres is quite a bit, so planning the location of the house and outbuildings, recreation areas, beds and gardens on such a plot is not an easy task. These tips can be of great help to you in this matter.

The first step was to build an inexpensive wooden fence based wooden beam and shawls.

Because the area of ​​the site is large enough, then any capital fence would require substantial costs, and this fence actually only encloses the boundaries of the site, making the landscape design of the site more complete and complete.

Elegant gives this primitive fence a special charm.

On the basis of a simple rectangular frame, a wooden gate was made.

And, although the design of the gate is quite simple, the result is neat and interesting.

Arrangement of the site. Construction of a veranda in the country.

The country house on this site is small, and therefore, on holidays, all the guests gathered in the garden at a large table. So that bad weather would not interfere with such feasts, it was decided to cover the terrace near the house with a simple canopy of transparent slate.

Now, if necessary, a large table can be placed on the terrace, which can comfortably accommodate 14-16 people.

Arrangement of the site. Country house.

Many things that the hostess decorated with her own hands. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths - with elements of homemade lace, they all create a special comfort in the house.

The owner also made a contribution - he made a wooden bench with a storage box for the kitchen.

Simple canvas curtains with stripes of bright chintz add a cute rustic charm to the kitchen.

And most importantly, the smell in the house. And it smells of pies and flowers here.

Economy mode and skillful hands will help to equip country house at little cost. From old unwanted clothes, you can pick up strips and knit a beautiful rug for each room.

Attic bedroom for grandchildren and bathroom.

Chief for comfort in the house))

Arrangement of the site. Greenhouse and high beds with their own hands.

The old windows were useful for the construction of the greenhouse.

The arrangement of the site often requires a simple practical approach than intricate solutions: a finished greenhouse.

Near the greenhouse, from the boards left over from the construction of the fence, high beds were laid out.

Newspapers were laid in the aisles and covered with gravel on top - this will protect against the appearance of weeds.

The first harvest is green and purple peppers.

This beautiful garden looks no worse than any clubs.

Arrangement of a suburban area. Garden gazebo.

The next step in the arrangement of the site was the construction of a gazebo in the garden.

In order to create a cozy corner of the garden around the gazebo, a semicircular flower bed was first laid out near it.

A small wooden flooring was made on the brick columns and the supports for the gazebo were concreted.

They set up a gazebo. The rear wall of the gazebo from the side of the fence is a supporting wall for roses.

A wall of weaving roses not only closes the gazebo from prying eyes, but also surrounds it with an absolutely divine aroma of roses.

Arrangement of a suburban area. Landscaping with your own hands.

It was done so that the clubs created separate cozy zones in the garden - near the house, near the gazebo, in the barbecue area and near the fence.

Before breaking up the club, a layer of turf was removed from the lawn, then an agrofilm was laid, and after that, soil sorted from the roots, compost and fertilizers for flowers were poured into the flower bed. All this should make weed control easier.

A border for a flower bed was made from scraps of fence boards.

It turned out beautifully, but unreliably, and two years later the curbs were replaced with brick ones.

They made a small one next to the flowerbed decorative pond. An old satellite dish came in handy for the bowl of the pond. The distance from the club to the pond was also covered with agrofilm and later covered with gravel, preventing the thickets of grass around that small pond, because of which it simply would not be visible.

Blue poppies are full owners of a flower garden next to a small pond.

Fragrant English roses are planted in a flower bed next to the house, so that their fragrance can be heard from the veranda.

The flowerbeds near the fence were not protected by agrofilm and were heavily overgrown.

They urgently needed help.

The flower bed was dug up, plastic barriers were placed inside between it and the lawn.

Luxurious clematis and roses were planted over the fence.

In order to comfortably relax in the country, it is not enough to have just a house. It is desirable that it be tastefully furnished, regardless of its size. Even in a one-room house, where a cozy atmosphere is created, one can feel more pleasant than in a tastelessly furnished mansion. Do you agree? Then we suggest you consider the simplest, but at the same time cool ideas for decorating a country house inside with your own hands. Photos of projects will help you choose your style.

Ideas for arranging a country house inside with your own hands, photo

Country house inside: how to equip?

The design of a small house will be successful and comfortable if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Remove unnecessary things from the room.
  • When choosing furniture, it is best to give preference to multifunctional options: a folding bed, a sofa bed, a folding table, or a model that stows away in a closet. For small spaces ideal option there will be furniture - a transformer.
  • Do not clutter up the space wall cabinets. Their absence allows you to expand the room, it is better to hang a few light shelves.
  • To expand the space, use light shades of furniture, textiles, and finishes.

When planning a permanent summer residence in the country, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a water supply system and the discharge of wastewater into an equipped septic tank. If in a holiday village there are interruptions in the water supply, then you can put a water tank on the roof or on a special pedestal, the volume of which is about 200 liters. In addition, during the day, the water will heat up in the sun, and it can be used for summer shower. The container is installed higher than the taps are located.

Arranging if necessary warm toilet, you can purchase a dry closet and install it in a house or outbuilding, not forgetting to ventilate the room. Heating the house is very important. Even in summer, with prolonged rains, the room becomes damp and cool. If the house is not equipped with a stove or fireplace, you can install an infrared or convection heater that allows you to set a constant temperature mode.

Wall and ceiling decoration inside the house can be done from various materials, many of which are environmental and practical. On sale there are two types of gypsum boards - gypsum boards and dry plaster. The slabs are gypsum reinforced with fiber reinforced and pressed with cellulose fibers. Thanks to this, a reliable product is obtained, into which it is not dangerous to screw a screw, hammer a nail. The gypsum fiber board is moisture resistant and can be used to finish the kitchen, basement, bathroom. Dry plaster is gypsum, covered on both sides with cardboard, to which, for greater porosity, a foaming agent is added, which helps to reduce weight and thermal conductivity. Such products are convenient to use for interior decoration.

Plywood is a material used since Soviet times. It is sold in any specialized store and is easy to work with. Plywood is pressed from several wood fiber layers, it can be of normal or increased moisture resistance. When sheathing the room, the walls "breathe", which creates a healthy microclimate in the room. Good thermal insulation qualities will help make the house warmer, and sound insulation will ensure silence. Walls and ceilings sheathed with plywood are allowed to be painted, varnished or stained, and wallpapered.

Materials for interior decoration of a country house

In recent years, to finish the inside of the house, they use plastic panels, which are produced in two types - with photo printing and laminated. The first option is more suitable for creating original design, and the second will appeal to fans classical style. The advantages of the panels include their ease of use, long service life, ease of maintenance, variety of colors and textures, fire safety.

Wallpaper, no less popular for decorative finishes country house, moreover, at present they are presented in a wide variety: paper, in liquid form, textile, vinyl, photo wallpapers, glass wallpapers. In addition, natural or artificial stone, plastic lining, and plaster are used for decoration. The more time spent outside the city, the more comfortable the living space should be. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • If the house does not have a porch, it is advisable to attach it by equipping a canopy on top. This will help unload the hallway, you can leave on the porch dirty shoes without bringing it into the house. On it you can put a small bench or a folding chair for relaxing.
  • Even if the house consists of one room, it needs a kitchen. Since it’s impossible to allocate a full-fledged room, you need to equip at least a kitchenette. To do this, put a cupboard for dishes, a table with chairs. It is convenient to use a sliding table or equip a tabletop that is attached to the wall, and it can be raised at any time and free up space. Chairs can be picked up folding, which are easy to remove or get if necessary. Ensure availability household appliances, from the minimum necessary appliances - electric stoves (or electric ovens) and a refrigerator, which will greatly facilitate living conditions.
  • Arrangement needs to be taken care of bed for every member of the family. It's no secret that many owners of summer cottages bring there furniture that has already served its time. But sleeping on a sagging sofa or mattress is not only uncomfortable, but also not healthy. After a hard day in the garden, you need a good rest, on a comfortable bed. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase normal furniture, albeit the simplest, but with a good mattress, which allows you to feel rested after sleep.
  • Hang on windows and doors mosquito net, or use tulle curtains that prevent the access of flying insects.

IMPORTANT! The internal content of a country house is determined by the type of its structure. If the room is small, then it is better to use built-in furniture (lockers, benches), which can be built

Styles for decorating a country house

For a small country house, you can choose a country-style design. This style is characterized by bright colors, it organically combines wood and textiles. Comfort will help to create colored pillows, napkins, curtains. For this, hand-made crafts, knitwear, homemade are also suitable.

If the furniture in the house is rather old-fashioned, but still good quality, you can equip the room in a retro style. Previously fashionable paintings, figurines, harmoniously fit into the interior. A touch of charm will be added by spaced vases with fresh flowers. General design the room is done in light colors.

Designers recommend zoning the area, allocating areas for rest, sleep, and cooking. If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for a bedroom, it can be enclosed with a sliding screen or wardrobe. It would be appropriate to put a small floor lamp in each zone or hang a wall lamp, which will add coziness in the evening.

The article will discuss how to start arranging a summer cottage, how to properly conduct zoning, what principles of arrangement to use when organizing separate zones. Photos and videos of finished works will allow you to visually see the stages of solving the described problem.

A drawn plan for arranging a summer cottage Source

For many, the acquisition of a suburban area is a joyful and troublesome event at the same time. On the one hand, the family has a place to relax, on the other hand, it is difficult to organize the space around the house so that the rest is pleasant and comfortable. To begin with, you will have to work hard and sweat a lot. And in order for all this not to be in vain, it is important to know where to start the arrangement land plot how to properly approach this issue. When solving it, experts advise adhering to the following plan.

Proper planning

At this stage, the main thing is not to rush. You need to come to the site in the daytime, photograph it from different angles, mark its perimeter on a piece of paper and mark exact dimensions. Then, schematically, it is necessary to place the main functional areas on it. At the same time, in addition to your personal wishes, it is also important to consider:

    peculiarities relief of the territory;

    location sides of the world;

    depth occurrence of groundwater;

    composition and soil type.

Exploring the site's capabilities Source

Determining the composition of the soil is easy. To do this, you need to take a lump of damp earth and try to roll it into a sausage. If it cracks, then there is a lot of sand in the soil, if the sausage is easily wrapped in a bagel, then the soil is clayey. In the first case, clay additives will have to be added before planting, in the second, sand. Dried peatlands are very acidic soil. During the autumn digging, it is necessary to add lime or special additives to it, which can be found in specialized stores.

If ground water located at a depth of two meters from the surface of the earth, most likely, you will have to abandon the landing fruit trees. Otherwise, you will have to carry out costly and time-consuming work to drain the site.

Knowing the location of the site relative to the cardinal points will be useful for determining the level of illumination. Most fruit and berry plants need a lot of light. If it is not there, it will be necessary to give preference to shade-loving plants during landscaping.

Site plan relative to the cardinal points Source

It is useful to have information about the winds in a particular territorial area. If the site is on a hill, it will be blown from all sides. This will negatively affect such heat-loving crops as apricots and cherries. If it is located in a lowland, the air temperature will always be two to three degrees lower. Some plants react strongly to this.

Experts, talking about how to start landscaping a land plot, advise immediately dividing it into four main zones and designating where the residential building will be located, where the outbuildings will be, where the recreation area and the garden part will be located.

Approximately 15% of the entire garden area should be allocated for the construction of a house. Designate, taking into account the scale on the project plan, the place where the building will be located, where the front door will go. This is the main reference point for the distribution of other objects. 15% of the land area should also be attributed to a place of rest, it is useful to give the remaining 70% for landscaping. The specified parameters are conditional. To immediately see the big picture, you need to draw up an approximate zoning scheme, approximately the same as shown in the next photo.

Approximate zoning scheme for a summer cottage Source

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer the service of designing and carrying out landscape works of any complexity. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Such a drawing can be constantly refined. It helps while on a piece of paper to see what will happen in the end. With such a plan, you can already contact the landscape designer. But before that, it is important to solve one more question - to choose the style of landscaping. There are many of them today. Everyone has their own principles of construction, their own rules of creation. Various methods are used to implement them. They are the ones who help create beautiful space around. To facilitate the work of the designer, you must first make a list of what you would like to see on your site and hand it over to a specialist.

Video description

In the video, a specialist talks about how to properly plan a suburban area:

Features of the arrangement of the main zones

When the site is already divided into functional zones, it is worth studying the design rules for each. The house is the central object of any suburban area. It is located near the entrance. This helps to rationally use the remaining space and properly organize its fencing. Even at the construction stage, the installation of all sewer systems is carried out.

House next to the gate Source

The main entrance must be at least three meters from the gate. This is done for fire safety reasons. This technique also helps to delimit housing from the territory of the street and make living in it more comfortable. The area from the gate and front doors is called the entrance area. On the small area about six square meters. The design of this area should be given special attention. And all because it is he who helps guests create the first impression of the cottage. Designers love to decorate this part of the garden. blooming flower beds, curly shrubs or ornamental trees. A complex composition with a fountain or rockery always looks impressive.

Household block

This type of building includes a barn where garden tools, firewood or fertilizer room, workshop, outdoor toilet, a bath complex or a compact shower cabin. It is better to make all these buildings in a single complex and place it in the opposite side of the house, in the northern or northwestern section, and fence it off from other functional areas with branched shrubs or hedges. A screen formed from thuja, bright thickets of climbing roses will look beautiful. The house and the utility block should be connected by a wide comfortable path.

Making a hozblok on the site Source


When deciding where to start landscaping a summer cottage, it is important to carefully consider the recreation area. Without it, a cottage is not a cottage. Many people go out of town to drink tea in nature, sit with a book in their hands, lie down in a hammock, cook on an open fire. delicious dishes and eat them at a beautifully laid large table, which can accommodate both family members and numerous guests. So that bad weather does not interfere with the planned plan, it is tedious to build a pavilion or a summer gazebo.

If children grow up in the family, it is useful to put a playground nearby. Then it will be possible for adults to relax comfortably and watch their kids at the same time. For small children, you need to set up a swing and build a sandbox; for teenagers, small pools are best suited.

Recreation area in the country Source

Such a place should be at a decent distance from the household block and from the garden. A wide path from the house should also go to it. But the space on the sides of it is usually sown with a lawn, flower beds may appear along the paths. And near the gazebo itself, it is necessary to create vertical gardening, install pergolas or close the fences with climbing plants. Solutions look good when flowering vines are used for the designated purposes. To create a cozy atmosphere, you can break streams next to the gazebo, make small man-made waterfalls.

Light gazebo and small pond Source

garden plot

More recently, the dacha was a place for growing fruit and berry crops. Today, much has changed, but the love of gardening continues to live in the hearts of residents of big cities. Designers, given such predilections, have long developed techniques that help make the garden part of landscape design. They advise planting garden trees right in front of the windows of the house, at a short distance from them (3-4 m). Over time, the crown will grow and form a natural protection from the rays of the scorching sun. In the northern regions, it is better to plant trees away from home. Then it will warm up well.

Trees should be planted from north to south, leaving a distance of three meters between adjacent plantings. Along the entire perimeter, you need to create a tiered vertical gardening (from large to small). This principle is clearly demonstrated by the following photo.

Garden as part of landscape design Source

For the beds you need to allocate the sunniest site. You can organize landings on it in different ways. But it is important to choose plant varieties taking into account the climate in this particular area. If you manage to organize the beds in the form of neat rectangles or circles, give them smooth outlines, you can create a very beautiful decorative corner. If this stage of work seems difficult, it is better to entrust its implementation to professionals. They know how to start arranging a summer cottage from scratch, how to organize an irrigation and irrigation system, how to properly allocate territories and choose plants for planting.

Generalization on the topic

Even before planning begins, you need to decide on the purpose of using the plot. It is not necessary to place all the objects that were listed in the article on it. If a person has a great desire to grow a large garden, he does not need to think about where to set up flower beds and build a reservoir. Anyone who comes to the dacha for recreation can refuse to set up a garden and completely give up the adjacent territory for the implementation of any one stylistic concept of landscape design. Own preferences, that's what you need to be guided by when developing a project plan.