Beautiful and comfortable houses. Beautiful houses: projects with good design and interior layout

What is beauty? Is it a beautiful girl in a summer forest, or dewdrops in the morning dawn? Each of us sees the true beauty of a special, unique and attractive. It intoxicates, drives you crazy and inspires. She is worshiped, admired and cursed. She is perishable and she is eternal...

Of course, first of all, we tend to pay attention to external indicators, and then deal with the notorious beauty inner world. First of all, in the world that surrounds us, everything should strive for harmony. Only then do we really feel comfortable and at ease.

Own house is a dream of many residents of Russian cities. For each owner, his house is always the most special, the best and the most beautiful. It's all about taste and goals pursued by future homeowners. Projects beautiful houses fully satisfy all the needs of even the most demanding and captious customers. A modern country cottage should be stylish and comfortable. A wide variety architectural styles and building materials allows you to create a luxurious home at minimal cost.

beautiful house project

The author's project of a beautiful house is a real Klondike for an architect and designer. Just imagine panoramic windows with access to a flowering garden, or to a wide, sun-drenched terrace with a jacuzzi or swimming pool. And what cozy endless winter evenings will be by the fireplace with a glass of hot wine or coffee with spices overlooking the snowy landscape.

If you decide to acquire a small but cozy country house, which will be an excellent home away from the bustle of the city, then expanding the usable area of ​​a small-looking building will help attic floor, stylish bay windows and a veranda. Among the projects of beautiful houses, there are many options with a flat roof, which can be not only very original, but also functional. On the roof country house can be arranged winter Garden, swimming pool or even a small garden.

If for you a beautiful house is a lot of space and light, then a “second light” can be an excellent solution - the absence of ceilings between floors. Such an architectural technique will fill the mansion not only with light, but also with warmth, making it more elegant and solemn.

Projects of beautiful houses will not only make your home truly beautiful, but also fill it with harmony and comfort. In such a mansion it will be incredibly comfortable to live and enjoy every day, because deep down in our souls we are all aesthetes and love to contemplate the beautiful...

Just imagine, your house is a cottage of extraordinary beauty with convenient layout, original design, decor and interior. In a word - a real fairy tale, a dream. Do you think this is difficult to implement? By no means! The main thing is to start. And the first step is to choose a project of a beautiful house.

Beautiful and solid houses - a profitable investment in your future

Building a house begins with the creation of a project. Only masters of their craft - professional designers, architects, builders - should design the future structure.

Projects of beautiful houses and cottages deserve special attention. This is an extraordinary building: a beautiful, comfortable and secure home for the whole family. And there are many such projects of beautiful cottages. It is simply impossible not to notice them. Such structures are distinguished by elegant architectural ideas, both externally and interior design as well as special aesthetics. This applies not only to the use of unusual decorative elements (tall towers, twisted columns, stucco, balustrades, stained-glass windows, forging with floral ornaments), but also facade decor materials ( a natural stone, wood, decorative plaster etc.). You don't see beauty like this often.

Collection standard projects beautiful houses and cottages just for those who are still in search of their nest. All projects deserve the attention of even the most demanding customers. The possibilities of choice are quite wide: any image, any character and any stylistic trend: classic, baroque, modern, Gothic style, chalet style.

When looking for projects of beautiful houses, choose the option that suits your requirements, tastes and preferences. All you have to do is buy it and start building. To build such a wonderful mansion will be more expensive than usual. After all, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice. So live beautifully and do not hesitate: it's worth it!

Owning a big house is the dream of many people, and therefore, when the opportunity arises to build it, you want to create perfect option. Our review contains many photographs that depict. in different styles and all sorts of help to choose suitable option. We'll consider interesting ideas suburban buildings in one and several floors, as well as from different materials.

Before you start building a house, you need to complete. This stage is necessary in order to correctly calculate the required amount of materials and think through all the stages of construction work. In addition to planning, choice is of great importance.

Even the most beautiful cottages must meet certain requirements:

  • strength and reliability;
  • comfortable living conditions;
  • long service life;
  • operational safety;
  • opportunity to make adjustments in the future.

If you choose a site on a hill, then such a solution will give many advantages. For example, you do not have to take into account the height. In addition, it will appear beautiful view from windows and good. Proper layout will ensure maximum penetration of sunlight into the room.

Experts recommend building a building in the northeastern part of the site. This will ensure quality in the rooms. If the layout involves a two-story layout, then private rooms should be placed on the second floor, and common and utility rooms in the lower part.

For your information! If you are going to use the cottage with pitched roof, then turn the open part to the south side, and the closed part to the north.

The correct orientation of the house to the cardinal points

When constructing a building, certain factors must be taken into account. Beautiful and practical designs of houses and cottages depend on the location of the site and the building in relation to the cardinal points. The type and shape of the building is important.

When drawing up the layout, the nature of the placement of the building to the cardinal points is taken into account:

  • the southeast and west direction can be used to accommodate a common room - or dining room;
  • located in a south or southeast direction, a living room or;
  • in the north direction, it is possible to equip zones for household needs and.

For your information! Facade is better directed to the south. In this case, you can choose a project with a veranda, terrace or a spacious porch.

Allocation of functional zones in the planning of a country house

Functional areas are an important part of any cottage project. Photos and layout will help create a suitable diagram of the site and buildings on it.

The layout may include the following areas:

  • the location of the residential building;
  • outbuildings;
  • , parking place or garage;
  • , and a recreation area;
  • garden area and;
  • guest houses.

Inside the house there are also separate zones:

  • living area includes , dining room, and common rooms for the whole family;
  • residential night zone-, guest rooms and;
  • passage areas and common rooms - entrance hall, bathrooms, and corridor;
  • utility blocks, premises
  • additional zones - a gym, a swimming pool or a cinema.

Important! When choosing a place for a barbecue area or for a summer kitchen, you need to find out in advance the direction of the wind rose. This is necessary so that the smoke does not pass by the residential building.

Essential Building Materials for Beautiful Homes

Projects country houses involve the use of different materials, the photo shows different variants. The interior layout and architectural features of the building may depend on the material. The material is often chosen based on the style of the building's exterior. At the same time, climatic conditions should also be taken into account.

Beautiful wooden one-story houses

Consider the advantages of beautiful. Below you can see different projects and photos.

This material has the following advantages:

  • wood is a breathable and living material that does not allow harmful components to pass from the outside;
  • the air in such a house can be healing;
  • the tree allows you to maintain the optimum level of humidity in the room;
  • the rooms retain a pleasant smell;
  • wood perfectly regulates temperature regime, and in winter time retains heat;
  • an economical option, since heating costs are less than in a brick or concrete building.

Choice building material largely depends on the area. Beyond the Urals and in Siberia, conifers are used: cedar, larch and pine. In the European part, oak, pine or spruce is used as a material.

For construction, the following types of material are used: timber or logs. The beam, depending on the type of processing, can be planed, sawn and glued.

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With such materials, you can significantly reduce construction costs. The project uses insulation and wood, which are cheaper than brick. You can use a lighter foundation.


Thanks to new technologies, you can see it not only in magazines. Cottages are built with or even entirely of glass. A facade, a roof, or can be made of glass. In such a building, you can create a complete feeling of airiness and lightness.

Glass allows you to fill the room with light and visually expand it. Especially popular are from floor to ceiling. With visual fragility, they remarkably retain heat and have high strength. It is possible to integrate blinds into such structures.

Country beautiful houses: projects and photos

You can see how beautiful projects of houses and cottages look on the website. The interior can be decorated in any style, but the classic style and is great for summer cottages. For classical style parquet is used natural wood And .

The Provence-style interior can be decorated with stone tiles and pastel shades.

Vintage style is great for a country house. In such an interior, furniture made of wood or its imitation is used.

The use of architectural elements of the facade to add beauty

The facade of the building without decor looks very dull. To give the building a personal touch appearance architectural elements can be used. The most common options include the arch, which is a vaulted element. Arcade is already an ensemble of several arches.

Houses can be of the following types:

  • a geodesic dome is made up of triangles that make up a polyhedron. In this case, many beams are connected at one point;
  • the stratodesic dome is made of trapezoidal sections.


Today's houses are significantly different from the houses familiar to many grandmothers, yes they were cute in childhood, but an adult sees a bunch of flaws in them. In new residential buildings, these disadvantages are taken into account, projects modern houses and cottages look stylish and at the same time they are cozy and comfortable. Many dream of becoming the owner of individual housing, but only a few decide.

What is a modern cottage like?

The photo of the Domamo catalog will help to imagine where progress has taken and what changes have taken place in housing construction. characteristic feature new buildings stands out - style. Smooth lines and streamlined shapes are the strong point of recent seasons, as in the world of fashion for clothes. The elements of minimalism and hi-tech are taken as a basis, they are present both outside and inside the building. Laconic forms transform the space, making it as comfortable as possible, even without going inside it is pleasant to look at them.

The main features of the project of a modern house

When ordering such architectural work, you immediately become the owner of a unique project that experienced builders will translate into reality without difficulty. Subsequently, there will be no need to worry about the large bills that come for the natural resources used. The entire space is multifunctional and endowed with energy efficiency.

Projects of houses in a modern style from an aesthetic point of view are impeccable, they also combine interesting and practical innovations:

  • huge windows, glazed verandas, large balconies and loggias;
  • a simple but roomy layout, enclosed in a square or rectangle, the facade does not have large extensions and looks solid;
  • beautiful roofs with an unusual configuration and a slight angle of inclination; according to the project, they are covered with tiles, which looks stylish;
  • most often, modern buildings go on two floors, but some options are thought out with an attic or a residential attic, there is an ultra-modern building in the form of a sphere;
  • the use of materials of different textures in the decoration of the building, the organization of lighting around the perimeter of the building using original lamps;
  • light colors are used in the finishing of the facade, they can be combined with dark inserts on the railings, balcony railings, window openings or a separate part of the wall.

The project has modern country cottages and houses are equipped with the latest engineering developments, autonomous systems are installed in them:

  • heating;
  • sewerage;
  • energy supply;
  • conditioning;
  • water supply.

Most of them are built on the basement floor, where it is fashionable to equip a swimming pool, an additional bathroom or bedroom, as well as a billiard room.

Project selection

Modern buildings are ordered by progressive people who look at life with confidence and will be able to appreciate all its comfortable aspects. The main incentive for buying is the desire to stay modern and get housing that will be comfortable for everyone.

  • proper zoning of the interior of the house;
  • selection of a project taking into account their financial capabilities and preferences;
  • building materials are purchased taking into account the climate of the area where the house will be installed;
  • the number of rooms and the possibility of converting one room into another, if there are reasons for that.

If you don't want to hesitate and wait for a suitable project, look for one of the typical options offered by Domamo.

In the article you can find dozens of photographs depicting beautiful houses: building projects in modern, classical and other styles. Unusual design solutions and interesting ideas for building country houses with one or more floors. Here are collected popular options for buildings using different materials, buildings with free layouts, attic floors and other architectural features.

Vacation home - best option for those who dream of living away from noisy neighbors and the bustle of the city

Planning is the most important stage in the construction of a country house. Before proceeding with the purchase of materials and the construction of a building, you should have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future building. And this applies to the layout of the premises, and each of the stages of construction.

In addition to external beauty, the building must comply with the design characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • reliable and durable design;
  • comfortable living conditions for all residents, taking into account their number and needs;

  • safe operation;
  • the ability to make adjustments to the design of the facade and interior.

A properly drawn up project of a private house makes it possible to correctly distribute the buildings on the site, as well as successfully organize the layout of the premises, eliminate conflict situations with neighbors and regulatory authorities due to violations of regulations.

Useful advice! The construction of a country house according to the project will reduce costs, reduce and optimize the process of building a building, rationally approach the consumption of materials, eliminate emergency situations and increase safety.

How to begin the implementation of the project of a beautiful country house and cottage

From right choice building plot depends on the freedom of action in creating a beautiful structure.

Choice land plot carried out according to several criteria:

  • direction;
  • distance from a city or town

  • determination of a profitable settlement, a garden partnership, a cottage village or a separate area for building.

If possible, flat areas should be selected, preferably free of green spaces, since clearing the site for construction will entail additional costs and delay work. It is best to build a house on a hill. Moisture will constantly accumulate in the lowlands, negatively affecting the building.

The house, standing on a hillock, has the best performance:

  • there is no need to take into account the height of groundwater;
  • improved air exchange;
  • high level of insolation;
  • beautiful view of the surroundings from the windows.

The cottage, standing on a hill, subject to the correct layout of the rooms, will achieve significant savings on heating and electrical energy. A sufficient level of penetration of sunlight into the premises will ensure constant comfort. By setting solar panels, you can collect natural energy and use it to heat the building.

Creating a beautiful house project: the most practical layout, taking into account the cardinal points

The layout of a practical and beautiful house largely depends on the location of the site in relation to the cardinal points and the orientation of the building itself on it. Equally important is the type of roof and the shape of the structure.

If it is planned to build a cottage with a shed roof, it is worth turning the open part of the facade to the south, and turning the slope to the north.

Useful advice! It is better to direct the central facade part to the south side. This nuance will allow you to add a terrace, veranda or massive porch to the project. Located on the south side, these architectural elements can be used by residents as a place for outdoor recreation.

It is recommended to locate the house in the north-eastern zone of the site. Due to this, the necessary level of illumination of the rooms is ensured, minimizing the presence of shadows in the backyard, which often acts as a deterrent when arranging a recreation area near the building.

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Description of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the projects. The most common layout options. Features of buildings with two floors.

When a plot and a place for building are selected, as well as the nature of the placement of the box in relation to the cardinal points, a house layout is drawn up:

  1. East and southeast direction - suitable for accommodating guest rooms and parent bedrooms.
  2. Western and southwestern direction - used for arranging a family room, living room and dining room.
  3. South and southeast direction - most often the living room, bedrooms and children's rooms are located here.
  4. North direction - suitable for arranging non-residential utility rooms, halls, kitchens and storage areas.

Rooms intended for leisure and relaxation are best placed so that their windows are turned to a beautiful landscape, for example, a natural landscape, patio from decorative design or garden. The installation of blind fences in front of these premises should be avoided.

  • walk-through areas and rooms intended for common use - a hall and a corridor, an entrance hall, bathrooms and a staircase space;
  • utility block - a zone for arranging a garage, a boiler room, storage rooms;
  • additional premises - sauna, swimming pool, gym, music room, cinema, their presence is optional.

The layout of the premises can be based on the principle of horizontal or vertical zoning. The choice of principle depends on the number of storeys of the building. If it is planned to build a large house, the layout of the rooms may include both of these options.

How to design a beautiful one-story house

It is advisable to carry out the construction of one-story cottages in cases where large plot with a flat surface. Due to this, the cost of building a building and ground work will be minimal. Such houses are suitable for families with elderly people, small children and people with disabilities. handicapped. Due to the lack of a second floor and stairs, such residents will be comfortable, convenient and safe.

In the photo, the designs are beautiful one-story houses may look like old estates or ultra-modern cottages. Building design depends on several factors:

  • box shape;
  • exterior;
  • roof type and design;
  • materials and technologies used in the construction process.

The layout of the premises in one-story cottages has a horizontal orientation and practically does not differ from city apartments. One part of the house is reserved for residential type rooms. For this, the eastern and southern zones are used. The western and northern parts of the building are occupied by utility rooms.

Useful advice! If the house has small dimensions, some rooms can be combined. For example, a layout with a combination of living room, dining room and kitchen space. The zoning of rooms for their intended purpose in this case can be symbolic - small nepartitions,special arrangement of furniture, or visual (separation due to various finishes different in color or material).

How to develop a project for a beautiful house: photos of two-story buildings

Projects two-storey houses used to create large cottages, country houses and buildings on a small plot.

The layouts of two-story buildings allow the use of architectural decorations with functional significance in the project:

  • garages;
  • balconies;
  • verandas;
  • bay windows;
  • terraces.

At the same time, the layout can be modest and represent correct box with the simplest division of rooms or have a complex design with many facade details and a roof with broken lines.

Most often, on the ground floor there are public facilities, for example, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room, as well as a recreation room. Service areas can also be located here:

  • laundry room;
  • furnace;
  • panel board;
  • boiler room;
  • pantry.

To Entrance door did not become a source of heat loss, it is recommended to build in front of it in the form of a vestibule.

The proximity of the hallway and dressing room will be rational. There is also a bathroom on the first floor. Additional rooms on the first floor include a guest room and a bedroom for elderly family members, as well as an office.

The second floor is most often used for equipping children's rooms, bedrooms, in rare cases - offices. Taking into account living rooms the necessary number of bathrooms and toilets is organized. Often there are projects with an attic among two-story beautiful houses.

Projects of beautiful houses with an attic: photoand riversroom furnishing recommendations

When designing country houses, they strive to use the attic living space under the roof to the maximum. The height of such premises can sometimes reach five meters, and under the ridge seven meters or more.

Two-story cottages with an attic floor are in high demand, although there are also beautiful projects of one-story buildings.

Useful advice! Construction one-story house with an attic will cost much less than the construction of a two-story cottage.

The attic floor is a single space under the roof, most often used for rest rooms.

Often in the photo, the beautiful design of bedrooms in private houses and other combined premises is complemented by zoning and transformation elements that allow you to save space and refuse to build walls:

  • curtains - thick or translucent curtains perfectly delimit the space. They bring comfort to the interior and at the same time are used for quick zoning (most often in bedrooms);
  • sliding type partitions - are installed in special openings inside the walls. The structures move along rails and are mainly used to separate the kitchen with its specific smells from the rest of the rooms. Use on the attic floor is allowed.

  • Modern partitions can be made from different materials. Especially popular is electrochromic smart glass (laminated translucent material), which can become matte white by pressing the control button;
  • lighting - lighting fixtures can become not only part of the interior and set its mood, but also visually divide the space of the room;
  • podium - used in children's rooms as a place to store things.

In the interior of bedrooms, screens can be used as partitions separating the bed area from desk or dressing room.

Functional design of beautiful houses: photos of buildings with a bay window

In accordance with the idea of ​​the designer, the bay window can have a semicircular, rectangular or trapezoidal shape. The area of ​​this element within acceptable limits can be minimal or relatively large. The upper part of the bay window is brought under the common roof of the building. At the same time, the number of storeys of this element is designed taking into account the number of storeys of the cottage or may be different from it.

Note! The design of the bay window is used as the basis for the balcony. If the number of floors differs from the number of floors of the building according to the project, in the architecture of the house this nuance is solved by forming a bay window tower.

Advantages of cottages with a bay window:

  • unique design - this architectural element is used as an exterior decoration, bringing elegance to the facade of the house;

  • actual and visual extension space of the room - a well-lit bay window is suitable for placing dining table or recreation areas - it looks advantageous in the combined living and dining rooms or internal stairs (saving living space by moving the structure to the bay window area);
  • increasing the level of natural light - thanks to the panoramic glazing of the bay windows, an increased amount of sunlight enters the room;

Outside the building and inside its bay windows look quite impressive. However, the construction of such cottages is not cheap.

Country house projects: beautiful pictures of buildings with a garage

The presence of a vehicle must also be taken into account in the design of the building. If construction is to be country house for seasonal living, it is enough to get by with the construction of a parking lot or a carport in the yard.

In cottages designed for permanent residence, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a capital garage. Moreover, in the building project, it can be built-in or presented as an extension.

A garage with a built-in room can be unheated or heated. For its placement, the basement or first floor is most often used. The project of the cottage may provide for different ways of access to the garage, for example, through the gate, the entrance gate (from the street) or from the house (through the hallway, hall).

Useful advice! If there is an entrance to the garage from the house, the driver will not have to go out in the rain, snow, hail, or endure other manifestations of bad weather.

The price of a house project with a garage built into the building is much higher than the cost of building a detached building. Here it is meant a room installed on the same foundation with a cottage, brought under its roof and having walls adjacent to it. But the high price is justified by reliability, functionality and additional features exploitation that a detached garage cannot offer.

It is imperative to provide for a small parking lot, which can be used for temporary placement of a car and receiving guests arriving by private transport.

Projects of the most beautiful houses: photos of cottages with a second light

The second light is often used as a spectacular architectural addition. Moreover, the presence of this element is reflected not only in the architecture of the house, but also in the internal layout. The second light is formed if part of the ceilings between floors is missing in the building plan. At the same time, a volumetric space is formed inside, and there is a presence on the outside on the facade. For this, windows with a size of about 6-8 m are used.

Most often, the second light is found in beautiful projects of wooden houses, however, it is possible to use it in cottages and from other materials. In breading for the organization of this element, as a rule, a living room is used. The recommended floor space is at least 120 m 2 . In small houses, the use of panoramic glazing is allowed, but the combination of floors is not welcome.

Such a living room usually has two entrances: on the first and second floor. A ladder is used to climb up. The design can be marching, screw or decorative.

Note! Such projects require careful study of the heating system, since conventional batteries will not be enough, and heat loss through the second light will be large. In addition, in layouts of this type, the principles of heat transfer differ from standard projects.

Features of projects of beautiful wooden houses: photos of interesting buildings

The nuances of wood house projects:

  • log or beam have standard sizes(length - 6 m), so the construction of large houses is complicated. The layout may consist of small rooms, otherwise you will have to join the logs at the cuts. The consumption of insulation will increase;
  • in order for the box of the house to be rigid and have the correct shrinkage, the joints of the logs should be staggered, which cannot but affect the layout. Additional distribution between adjacent cuts will be required;

  • construction technology involves an even number of corners;
  • the distribution of loads must be approached with particular care;

projects are limited in design. Otherwise, during construction, a large amount of waste is generated, and costs increase.

Note! You can not build a staircase to the attic floor against the wall, whereraspdueroof slope stop.

Features of the development of projects of beautiful frame houses

Frame technology gives a certain freedom in relation to the size of the house, its number of storeys and design. Among the finished projects, you can find one-story buildings for summer residence, intended for seasonal stay, and full-fledged residential cottages with 2-3 floors for permanent residence. The frame technology for the construction of residential buildings differs significantly from construction work using wood, concrete or brick.

Such buildings have many advantages:

  • easily amenable to redevelopment of premises;
  • the layout can be any, since there are no restrictions on the placement of rooms, their sizes;
  • building box due technical properties the material is light, so the development of the project is not complicated by the distribution of loads.

Combining space "second light", it will look best in big house from 200 square meters

The material is malleable enough to bring to life even the most daring projects of country houses, however, all the norms of frame construction must be taken into account.

Features of the development of beautiful projects of brick houses

Brick building projects, despite their high cost, give considerable freedom in relation to the exterior of the house and the organization of its internal space.

Living room with modern fireplace

Due to the increased fire resistance of the material, brick wall you can build a stove or fireplace. At the same time, the facade of the cottage will not need additional finishing.

Possible combination with other materials:

  • natural stone;
  • wood covered with stain;
  • brick having a different texture or color.

The use of brick as a building material makes it possible to include in the project. Based on it, a boiler room or an outbuilding, a garage, etc. can be erected. Brick projects are distinguished by the comfort of the premises and support the most high requirements regarding design.

Modern projects of country houses and cottages may include other architectural additions, for example, a flat roof, a terrace, a veranda, a large porch, balconies, basements, rotundas. The presence of a real fireplace is also displayed on the architecture, ventilation system and requires special planning.