Crafts from rubber tires. Tire garden figurines

The human imagination is inexhaustible. Craftsmen from the people work real miracles with the fact that pragmatic consumers send to the scrap. Almost everything is used: broken pots, seashells, pebbles, old appliances and other utensils that are no longer used for their intended purpose, but acquire a second life when the hands of the master touch it. And, of course, the list of "raw materials" for practical decor is not complete without obsolete car tires.

Previously, only economy-class playgrounds were made of them, today they have come up with many more creative applications: photo car tire crafts accompanying our article is a clear confirmation of this.

Crafts from tires for a summer residence: garden furniture

The simplest, in our opinion, tire product lunchtime or coffee table . Glue two or three pre-cleaned and painted tires (depending on how high you want to get), fasten any alternative countertop on top: wood, plastic, glass, or just glue the tire with twine. Movable wheels attached to the bottom will add mobility to the product.

Complement an unusual table with one more tire product ottoman or armchair. Cut out a circle from chipboard or thick plywood to fill the cavity inside the tire, put a couple of layers of foam rubber on top - the pouffe should be comfortable. The upholstery for such an “armchair” can be knitted, sewn from any fabric or an old plaid into a spectacular Scottish cage. The legs are made from blocks, and the back is made from another tire, cut in half.

How to make an ottoman from a tire: a master class

Crafts from wheels for children

Tire crafts for will not let your child get bored, providing him with a productive and exciting leisure. Paste the old wheel with colored twine, and cut a “cover” for it to size - you get a comfortable box for children's outdoor toys.

A massive tire from a truck easily turns into, and a pair of tires suspended from a tree will become both swing and balancing projectile. The main thing is that the tree is strong, and the ropes and fasteners are reliable - appropriate for the age and weight of the child.

Do-it-yourself swing from tires: video

Crafts from tires for the garden

The hollow tire is a great alternative. And it’s not at all necessary to cut swans or other intricate designs out of it. tire figures , as they did back in Soviet times. Just a few wheels, painted in bright colors and laid out in a certain sequence, look much more spectacular and stylish.

Get creative - don't bet bus-beds on the ground, and hang them from the ceiling on ropes or chains. Planted in such a “pot”, a curly, beautifully falling flower, for example, an ampelous petunia or begonia, will please with abundant and long flowering.

If you want to zone the space of your backyard, make a low h abortion from tires by placing garden lanterns next to it. When there are elevation differences or access to water on the site, old tires will become an alternative stairs, the main thing is to reliably “mount” them in the ground.

Sometimes for car owners, recycling old tires turns into a real problem. But creative designers know exactly how to solve this problem, and offer a huge number of creative ideas for using old tires. This review contains two dozen, but what original and practical ideas they are!

1. Small sandbox

A large diameter car tire can be used to create a mini sandbox for kids. To do this, you just need to attach a plywood bottom to the tire and fill it with sand. Also, for convenience, the sandbox can be equipped with a wooden cover that will protect its contents from wind and rain.

2. Bedside table

From a small tire, a couple of circles of plywood and wooden legs, you can make a wonderful cabinet. And in order for the product to acquire an aesthetic appearance, wrap the tire tightly with a coarse rope and paint the legs in a bright color.

3. Pet bed

A thoroughly washed and neatly cut car tire of any diameter will be an excellent basis for creating a comfortable bed for a cat or a small dog. Complete the product with a homemade mattress from a circle of plywood, foam rubber and a cover made of bright fabric.

4. Decorative well

Worn out old tires can be used to create a wonderful garden composition in the form of a well. To do this, paint the tires in any bright color, attach a circle of plywood to one of the tires. Stack the tires on top of each other so that the last one is the one with the plywood bottom. From wooden planks make a frame for the roof of slate or corrugated board. Put flower pots inside the well, and also hang one of the pots on the central beam of the roof.

5. Pouffe with a secret

An original ottoman made from an old tire, painted in a bright color, with a plywood bottom and a wooden cover that doubles as a seat and turns this pouffe into a storage system.

6. Flower beds

Unnecessary tires, with a bottom screwed to them and wooden legs, are perfect for creating wonderful flower beds that will become an original decoration of the garden.

7. Rack for toys

Small wall rack, which can be easily made from a brightly colored waste tire and a few wooden shelves, will fit perfectly into the interior of the nursery and is suitable for storing small toys.

8. Track

A path of several car tires dug into the ground and planted with lawn will become an exquisite decoration of the garden and its practical detail.

9. Hanging pot

A brightly painted car tire can be used to create an original hanging planter that can decorate a door or a tree in the garden.

10. Mirror frame

A bicycle tire neatly painted white makes a very unusual frame for a mirror in a bathroom or hallway.

11. Headset

Wonderful furniture set which consists of four chairs and coffee table made from waste car tires.

Video bonus:

12. Shelves

Small shelves made from pieces of car tires will fit perfectly into the interior of a nursery or a teenage boy's room.

13. Table

A charming coffee table with storage space, made from a car tire with a soft fabric finish and a plywood cover covered with the same fabric, will perfectly fit into the interior of the women's living room.

14. Stool

A low stool with bright pompoms, which can be made from a single tire, two plywood circles and the most ordinary wooden legs, will become a creative detail of any interior.

15. Armchair

A few scrap car tires can be used to create comfortable chair, and a twine braid will help to give it a noble and attractive look.

Video bonus:

16. High table

A chair made from parts of car tires.

Parts of car tires can be used to transform wooden frames old chairs. The new chairs are perfect for a summer patio, as well as fit into the interior of a city apartment, decorated in an industrial or rustic style.

19. Step Upgrade

To keep the stairs to the street safe in winter, its steps can be decorated with pieces of rubber cut from unnecessary car tires.

Video bonus:

Especially for those who haven’t found their own among these ideas, yet.

To ennoble your site with beautiful flower arrangements, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive outdoor flowerpots. A unique frame for flowers of various shades and shapes can be made by hand. We decorate the cottage with flower beds from tires: interesting ideas and options for making flowerpots will help to make garden plot unique and inimitable.

Features and Benefits

Making a flower bed from a tire, you can realize almost any creative idea. Making such a budget option for framing flowers on the site is quite simple - just show a little imagination and make a little effort. Tire beds have a number of advantages:

  • tires are durable;
  • tires tolerate temperature extremes well;
  • almost any paint fits well on the rubber surface;
  • no need to spend on material: old tire found in almost everyone;
  • improvised items can be used as decorative elements.

Due to the fact that rubber is a fairly pliable material, the tire can be given a variety of shapes. You can paint the product in absolutely any color. Such a product can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a functional attribute of the site. For example, in such flower beds you can plant small seedlings.


You can make a flower garden ready-made examples, or using your own original ideas. You can supplement the finished design with any available materials: it all depends on your imagination and skill. The process of creating a flowerpot is often not completed after cutting and painting the tire. Product complex shape in the form of an intricate figure, you need to complement the decor elements. When making a flower garden, you may need the following materials:

From several flower beds you can form bright compositions. A combination of multi-level flower beds of various shapes looks more impressive.. A popular option is a composition of flower beds in the form of cups and a teapot. For its design, you do not have to turn the tire inside out and cut out patterns on it. It is enough just to arrange several tires of different sizes, form handles from pieces of rubber and paint the finished products.


In the children's play area, flower beds in the form of animals or fairy-tale characters will be appropriate. You can make a turtle from a tire and tread:

  • the protector must be cut into four equal parts;
  • in the tire you need to make 4 cuts under the paws of the turtle;
  • pieces of the protector are inserted into the holes and fixed with staples.
  • the tail is made from a small piece of rubber, fastened with wire staples;
  • the turtle's neck can be made from a polymer pipe.
  • a crumpled paper head is attached to the neck with adhesive tape.
  • all structural elements are painted in the appropriate shades.

Other materials can be used to make the turtle's head, neck, paws, and tail. The product can be decorated with additional items (for example, put a small hat on the head of the turtle, and glasses on the nose).


Near the house, flower beds that look like a flower will look good. Before you start making such a flowerpot, you need to decide on the shape of the petals. Petals can be in the form of a triangle, semicircle, rectangle or wavy. Sometimes they are narrow at the base and wide at the edges.

On the outer surface of the tire outline the contour of the petals. For marking, you can use chalk or a felt-tip pen. Using a shoe knife or jigsaw, cut out the petals. If the rubber is quite dense, and a knife will be used as a cutting tool, it is recommended to periodically dip the blade in soapy water during the cutting process.

Grasping the edges of the cuts, you must carefully turn the tire inside out. Ready product need to be painted. Flower-shaped flower beds look more attractive if you use different shades of the color palette when painting.

On a leg

From a solid wheel (tire with a disk) you can make a magnificent flowerpot on a leg.

The workflow for creating such a flower bed consists of the following steps:

  • in the tire, reaching the tread with a cutting tool, cut out the petals of the desired shape;
  • then the upper and lower parts of the tire are turned out (the disk does not need to be removed - it will be the leg of the flowerpot);
  • the upper part is painted in saturated colors, the lower part will be a kind of stem if it is painted green.


One of the most common options for flowerbeds from tires is a product in the shape of a swan. Such a flower bed is made in the same way as a flowerpot in the shape of a flower. The difference will only be in more complex cutting. You can use finished scheme, on which the lines of the wings, tail, neck and head of a swan are shown for application to the tire.

After marking the tire, the very shape of the swan is cut out. Next, you need to unscrew the tire and complete the formation of the swan. The beak can be made of rubber or any other convenient material, painted with orange paint and attached to the head with self-tapping screws. The eyes of a swan can be made from pieces of electrical tape.

Usually the figure is painted white, but no one forbids the use of other shades (you can make multi-colored plumage).

A master class on making a swan from tires, see below.

Required Tools

To start making flower beds from tires, you need to prepare necessary tools. First of all, this is a tool that will be used for cutting rubber (knife, electric jigsaw, grinder). If you decide to use a knife, the blade must be sharpened well. It is worth considering that cutting thick rubber with a knife is quite problematic. To make your job easier, the blade must be lubricated with grease before cutting. If the knife will not be used as the main tool for cutting the tire, it can be useful for making small cuts.

Using an electric jigsaw as a cutting tool will be the most the best option. The more powerful the jigsaw, the easier it is to cut the wheel. For cutting tires ideal option there will be a blade made of high-quality steel with a reverse tooth. Cutting a tire with a grinder is much easier than with a knife or jigsaw. The disadvantage of this tool is that the rubber along the edges of the cut will be melted, the cutting procedure will be accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor.

If for the manufacture of a flowerpot it is necessary to cut the protector, it is better to do it with a grinder.

Then you should decide on the type of paint for the flower bed. Almost any paint fits well on rubber. The following types are mainly used:

  • aerosol;
  • oil-based enamel;
  • nitro enamel;
  • car enamel.

If necessary, prepare a brush to paint the tire. You will need gloves to work, they will protect your hands from paint or other possible contaminants.. To apply the markup, you will need chalk, marker or soap. In the manufacture of complex figures, some elements will have to be made from improvised materials. To fasten additional parts to the main figure from the tire, you will need staples, self-tapping screws.

How to do?

Making complex figured flower beds from tires is a laborious process that requires patience and some physical effort. Whatever shape you want to give a flower bed of tires, the procedure for making a flowerpot will always be almost the same. Here step-by-step instruction, according to which you can independently make a figured flower bed from tires:

  • We choose a tire. To work with rubber did not deliver extra hassle, tires should be taken that can be easily cut (old, heavily worn, winter thin or imported).
  • Thoroughly clean and dry the tire.
  • Decide on the form. It is necessary to mark the cut line with chalk or a marker. The marks on the tire must be done as carefully as possible in order to facilitate the process of cutting out the figure in the future.
  • Cut along the drawn line, and then take out the upper part. You can use a high power jigsaw.
  • We turn the tire inside out (you need to take hold of the cut edge with your hands, having previously stepped on the middle of the tire and pull the rubber towards you with force).
  • We grind the cut edges and process them with gasoline.
  • At the end, the flower bed should be painted, dried well and, if necessary, decorated with additional elements.


All flowerpots from tires can be divided into two main types: solid and cut. by the most simple option flowerbeds of tires is a tire in its original form. Ennoble appearance such a flowerpot is possible using paints. Such flower beds can be placed in small groups, or made up of a multi-level structure.

A multi-level design will look more attractive if you give it the shape of a pyramid. To do this, you need to take tires different diameter and install them on top of each other. The difference in tire diameter should be at least 20 cm. Hanging flower beds will become more interesting solution. A hanging flower garden can be placed along a wall or a blank fence. The shape of such a flower bed can be very diverse.

Inner space tires must be filled with soil. As a drainage, you can use a mixture of small stones and sand. When making a hanging flower bed, several small holes must be made in the tire so that excess moisture can drain freely. Flowerbeds in the form of plants, animals or mythical creatures are more laborious, but they look quite impressive.

With the help of a tire and a cutting tool, you can realize any author's idea.

In addition to dividing into two main types, there is an additional classification of flowerpots from tires. Flower beds are divided by size and shape as follows:

  • high;
  • low;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • round.


The ease of manufacture of the flower bed, as well as its appearance, will depend on the material chosen. When choosing tires, you need to consider the following features:

  • the process of making a flower bed will be easier from old tires, worn rubber is more pliable;
  • imported tires are thinner than domestic ones and are more amenable to cutting;
  • winter tires more plastic than summer;
  • tires with a metal cord are more difficult to cut;
  • if in the manufacture of a flowerpot it is necessary to turn the rubber inside out, you need to select a tire with the most worn out tread.

A flower bed can be made from rims or solid (rims with tires) wheels of the machine. Such material is used much less frequently than the usual tires, but flowerpots made of disks look no less attractive. Whatever material you choose to make a flower bed, it must be thoroughly rinsed from dirt. This can be done with a garden hose.

Clean material will facilitate the process of making a flowerpot and will not spoil the cutting tools.

In addition to the basic rules for making flower beds from tires, it is important to know some of the subtleties of its placement on the site. It is better to place a flower bed on a well-lit and relatively flat area. In large areas, multi-tiered structures will look better. Having decided on the placement, under the base of the flower bed it is necessary to make a container from boards or other solid material.

It is important to prepare good soil for flowers. The soil mixture should not be too oily so that moisture can easily pass to the roots of the plants. It is important not to forget about the drainage layer, which can be made of expanded clay or gravel. To retain moisture in the soil and facilitate plant care, the area around the flowerpot should be sprinkled with gravel or sand.

Paint the wheels better in light colors: this will avoid overheating of the soil in the summer. When painting, also consider the following:

  • Before painting, the tire must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased. You can treat rubber from fatty contaminants with a solvent, gasoline or acetone.
  • It is advisable to cover the tire with paint in several layers. A thin layer of paint can quickly wear off or crack. Applying many layers is not worth it, this will lead to a quick peeling of the paint. It would be optimal to paint the product two or three times.
  • If you want to plant bright flowers in a flower bed, it is better to paint the tire in delicate light colors. In flowerpots of bright colors, it is better to plant light, small flowers.
  • It is acceptable that the shade of flowers echoes the color of the flower bed.
  • It is worth painting a flower bed not only with outside. If you capture the inner edges with paint, the flower bed will look more voluminous.
  • The flowerpot does not have to be painted in one color at all; interesting patterns of a different color can be applied to the tire.

To apply the pattern, you can use pre-made stencils made of cardboard.

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V garden design will bring a unique zest crafts from old tires. You can make a heron from tires, flower beds, figurines of animals and birds. They will decorate playgrounds, territories of various institutions and schools. In addition, their manufacture is not expensive and quite simple.

To make a flower garden, you need (only that!) To paint tires in a bright color different sizes, stack them up.

To give the structure strength, self-tapping screws or screwdrivers that fasten the tires along the inner surface will help. After that, earth is poured inside each, having previously covered the tires from the inside with geotextiles. A multi-tiered beautiful flower garden is ready.

A single-tiered flower bed resembling a camomile looks no less beautiful. But the tires for it will have to be cut.

This is not easy to do. Although, having a sharp, strong knife and strength, it is quite real. It is recommended to lubricate the knife blade with grease so that the rubber does not "jam" the metal. It is better to use a grinder or a jigsaw with a solid steel blade and a reverse tooth.

Video: Do-it-yourself flowerbed of tires

Flowerpot on a leg of tires

To make it, one sidewall is cut along the tread, then turned inside out. Job requires physical strength but the result is worth it.

Another option is a flowerpot with a curly edge. To get the same "petals", they are marked with chalk.

Used to create flower beds and combined methods.

We turn out the tire

The tire is difficult to turn out: stepping on feet inner part, take hold of the edge with their hands, pull it up, trying to make some part turn out. Then, they continue to twist the rest, standing on the already “succumbing” (so that it does not turn back).

When the process is completed, the tire is painted in the selected color.

Made graceful tire heron, flamingo, swan, stork, turtle, owl, elephant, etc. instantly transform the site.

From tires that have worked out their service life, rides for children and even furniture are made. - chairs, armchairs, tables.

Crafts from tires for the playground is, first of all, a frog that children really like. You just need to paint a couple of tires green and cut out paws from scraps. Tires from baby carriages and plastic glasses are suitable for the eyes.

What they don’t come up with from tires: donkeys and crocodiles, dragons and bears, giraffes.

The fairy-tale hero dragon is supposed to scare away uninvited guests and pests, but he is so charming that he is unlikely to cope with the task.

The boys will be very pleased with crafts from tires that have served the allotted time and continued professional activity"retired": guns, cars, tractors, etc.

Racing car

Multi-seat sports car.

It is good for kindergarten playgrounds

But, the boys will be delighted with the tractor.

Summer cottage furniture

Such children's chairs look cool and cheerful, so they will become a favorite place for kids to relax.

Adults will like chairs with a back and a small table more.

Video: Tire furniture for summer cottages and gardens

Exquisite tire lamp

It seems to sound very ridiculous. But he's really great!

How to make a stork out of tires

Many people would like to make storks out of tires - guardians of plots and symbols of happiness. In any case, the idea is to the liking of the country dwellers. After all, this bird nests where good people live.

Considered a symbol of tranquility, prosperity and peace, this bird will bring them to the owner. At the same time, he will receive the title of "jack of all trades."


Required for its manufacture:

  • tire;
  • durable and sharp knife;
  • paint (black and white);
  • metal bar;
  • brushwood.

Step by step manufacturing

  1. The first thing to do is to cut the tire into the desired dimensions. So, you need to choose the right tire. Nobody makes a giant stork, so tires from a large SUV are not considered an option. It is quite enough to make a stork out of tires, wheels from a passenger car.
  2. You need to cut the workpiece in such a way that, by folding the pieces, you get the body of a stork. Details are painted white, and black "feathers" are made in the upper part. The halves are fastened together with steel wire and pliers.
  3. To make a beak, you need a steel bar, a chisel and a hammer. The rod is cut in right size are legs. Now you can bend your head. These two parts are painted with paint that matches the color of the bird.
  4. To make a stork out of tires, confidently standing on its feet, holes are made in the lower abdomen. There are inserted rods, pre-cut. From the brushwood specified in consumables brushwood, make a nest - a dwelling for a bird, which is fixed at the feet of the "owner".

Similarly, you can make a heron from tires using rods for the legs.

Making a swan

The swan is another favorite character made from car tires. If you know the tricks of its manufacture. The swan is graceful and very similar to the original.

While tires are new, they provide motorists with comfort and safety on the road. Having served their time, their lot is recycling or turning into toxic waste. However, with a creative approach, they are turned into real works of art: animal figurines and fairy-tale characters, flower beds and even garden furniture.

In the manufacture of figures, the main thing is the correct markup.

It is difficult to cut the tire along the drawn lines, but if you want to get a beautiful sculpture, you need to do it very accurately.

After the wings are cut out, they must be turned out. You can stop there. But many carve feathers out of rubber or use plastic bottles for them, which are attached to the net.

To get the desired bend of the neck, a metal plate is screwed to it with screws, which will not be visible after painting the bird with paint. If the swan is placed on a nest, the figurine is also attached to it with self-tapping screws to give stability. And then the swan turns out, as in the next photo.

For the manufacture of poultry, the “baldest” tire with a nylon cord is chosen, since it is easier to cut it than with a steel cord (breaker). In addition, after cutting, the latter has sticking sharp ends, which are easy to get hurt. If it has a longitudinal pattern - this is another plus. Having found a tire with the appropriate parameters, it is cleaned of contamination - washed and dried.


  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • drill 3 and 10 millimeters;
  • knife with a sharp blade;
  • pliers;
  • grinder and electric jigsaw.


  • metal rod (1.2-1.5 meters long);
  • dye.

Tire cutting works are carried out outside the home, therefore, you will have to be patient and wait for a fine day.


In the example given, R13 wheels are used, the width of which is 165 millimeters and the diameter is 180 centimeters. They begin to mark up by drawing two lines that divide the tire in half. This is the future neck of the stork.

  1. Then, the “beak”, “head” and neck are sequentially drawn on the tread part. If the center line on the tread is visible, the markings are greatly simplified. Well, in the absence of such, it will have to be applied with chalk.
  2. The length of the beak drawn from the first line. It is 8-9 cm. Almost half the width - 3-4 cm. For the head, the length and width are 7 and 8 cm, respectively.
  3. The head ends with a neck, which gradually expands towards the body, at the base being 8-10 cm. The marking of this part of the body ends on a line dividing the tire in half.
  4. The tail remains. And it is already partially outlined. This is the fork resulting from cutting out the beak. Having drawn two parallel lines (width of the head) 30 cm long from it at a distance of 8 cm, we have a finished tail.

cutting blanks

It is carried out from the base of the neck towards the head. You can do it in several ways (depending on the material of the tires and their wear). The thinned tire is cut with a shoe knife. To cut a thicker tread, a grinder is used. You can, after making several holes with a grinder, finish cutting using a jigsaw.

Practice has shown that a file with frequent teeth pointing upwards simplifies the process. The operation is carried out at low speed. Another important point- the process of cutting with a jigsaw is not advisable to be carried out first on one side, and then on the other side, since vibration will greatly interfere. It is more correct to conduct it in parallel - in sections of 4-5 cm.

Having finished with cutting, carefully process the edges. In the presence of a metal court, you can’t do without a grinder. For the cultivation of parts made of nylon cord, a knife is enough.

How to give the neck the desired bend

First you need to give the wings a proper span. To do this, the tire is turned inside out.

Having spread its wings, the bird is still lying on the ground, limply lowering its neck. To strengthen it, you need a steel bar. To realize this, paired holes are drilled symmetrically to the center line. Their diameter is 3 mm. Drilling starts from the center of the head with a distance of 15 cm between the pair to the tail.

A dacha is not only a site where it is necessary to take care of the beds every day and harvest on time. This is a place that can open up the creativity of the owner. In this article we will talk about what crafts from tires for the garden you can do with your own hands.

Throwing away such valuable material for various crafts is not worth it. There are enough options for how they can be disposed of in a mutually beneficial way. You can not only decorate the yard or make interesting obstacles in the children's corner, crafts for the garden from tires with your own hands can also bring practical benefits.

Usefulness of the material

A used car tire in the right hands can become anything. You just need to have a sharp knife and chalk in your hands for marking. You are unlikely to experience a lack of material, since a sufficient amount of it constantly accumulates at tire fitting.

Consider the positive properties of crafts from them:

Price Usually the price of used tires is either very low, or they are simply given away for free.
Time and tool Of the tools you will need:
  • sharp knife;
  • hand protection gloves;
  • chalk for marking.

Work usually does not take much time, since all crafts are quite simple to manufacture.

Durability of structures The car tire is designed in such a way that it can endure all weather conditions. The only negative is that it gets very hot in the sun. Therefore, consider this circumstance when you make products from tires for the garden, for example, furniture and elements for the playground.
Care and service life Virtually no maintenance, you can simply wash them with soapy water. The service life of such products is quite long.

Tip: before starting work, draw the outlines of the future product on paper and you can immediately start marking and cutting the tire.

What kind garden crafts with your own hands from tires you can do:

  • garden furniture;
  • basis for a flower bed;
  • flowerpots;
  • elements for decorating the garden;
  • multi-level slides for plants;
  • interesting shells and obstacles for the playground;
  • swing;
  • low fences.

Making a flower bed

This is perhaps the most common product made from old car tires. You can simply put it on the ground and cover it with soil on which to plant your loved ones. We invite you to be creative in this process.


  • used tire with disc;
  • file;
  • sharp knife;
  • favorite color paint.

The instructions below will help you understand the process:

  1. Lay the tire flat and draw the desired shape on it with chalk.
  2. Start cutting along the contour, periodically wetting the knife with water to facilitate the work.
  3. Turn the tire inside out, which is often difficult to do, especially if the tire is made of thick rubber.

Tip: it is better to invite an assistant for such work.

Gradually turning it around in a circle, immediately fix the bent elements.

  1. Take soap and a brush and wash the tire well.
  2. Apply paint for outdoor work on it, you can in the form of a picture.

If it is assumed that the flower bed will be without a stand, cover the lower part with plywood or tin, then the earth will not leave it. Various additional accessories can give it an interesting look, for example, old shoes, painted in the same color and installed side by side.

When you have several old tires of different sizes, you can make a multi-story flower bed. In this case, the top can be an old basin or a large flower pot.

Before assembling the whatnot, paint the tires in advance, because then it will be difficult to do, and after that assemble the tiers. Also make a bottom for each tire, otherwise the soil will sag. Such a flower bed can be used for flowers or for growing strawberries.

It will be interesting to get tires stacked in a checkerboard pattern. Bright and saturated color is obtained after priming the surface and applying paint in two layers.

practical crafts

Practical crafts for the garden from old tires will also be of interest.

Let's consider two options:

  1. non slip track– it can be a good help in the garden. Thanks to it, you will not have grass on the paths, and protect the tread from falling. In addition, by the time you get to the house, all the dirt will already fall off your shoes.

It is not difficult to make them - cut the protectors and nail them or screw them with screws to several transverse sticks.

  1. Another practical option- reliable summer steps that won't let you fall down the stairs. The rubber coating will create maximum friction.

Making an ottoman

A cheap and practical option - a garden ottoman made of car tire which has already served its time. Although they are somewhat hard and heavy, they are quite easy to make. In order not to suffer with dragging, select a place for them on the site in advance.


The use of obsolete old items, in particular car tires, allows you to transform country cottage area. The models presented today are only a small fraction of what can be made from them. Stock up on creativity, patience and invent an original item for your site. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.