Easy diet for fast weight loss of the abdomen and sides. An effective diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides for women with a weekly menu

Exercise and a special diet can drive fat from specific areas. Losing a lot of weight is a long process, and a week is not enough. And when a quick effect is achieved, it does not last long. The above diet allows you to make weight loss smooth. And the diet can be repeated several times.

The only reason to abandon the diet is intolerance to the products indicated on the menu. If you have allergies, replace the listed dishes with suitable ones. The duration of the diet is any.

Diet principles

  • The day starts with a full breakfast. You can not replace it with coffee or tea.
  • Meals are small in volume, but frequent - up to 6 times.
  • Dinner is non-caloric, without fatty foods, 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day.
  • Eliminate fast carbohydrates: sweets, pastries, bread, carbonated drinks.
  • Do not cook food by frying, do not add salt, do not drink alcohol.
  • Vegetables and fruits in raw, boiled form are welcome at every meal.
  • Supplement the diet with aerobic exercise: running, swimming, cycling.

Approved Products

The menu is made up of products devoid of dangerous carcinogenic fats:

  • Kefir with a fat content of 1–1.5%, natural yogurt, unsalted cheese and cottage cheese.
  • boiled eggs, lean varieties fish, chicken breast, lean beef and pork.
  • Cereals and beans. Buckwheat, oats (grinding is better than cereal), rice, peas, beans.
  • Vegetables without heat treatment, fruits, berries, vitamin salads.
  • Honey in the amount of up to 1 tbsp. spoon, nuts without salt, dried fruits.

Prohibited Products

The presented products will have to be completely abandoned or reduced in the diet to a minimum volume:

  • Salty, low-salted foods and salt itself. The additive causes the accumulation of fluid in the cells, which makes it difficult to reduce weight and volume.
  • Baking, pasta, bread. The simple carbohydrates contained in foods are deposited on the abdomen and thighs in the form of fat.
  • Sugar and dishes containing it: sweets, sweets, white and milk chocolate, jam, fruit and berry syrups.
  • Dishes prepared by smoking, frying, baking. If the latter method is still acceptable, then the rest complicate the processes of digestion and contain fats in their pure form.
  • Semi-finished products, fast food, chips, crackers, sweet sparkling water, ready-made sauces.
  • Alcoholic drinks, tobacco.

Hourly meal times

  • Breakfast – 7.00
  • Second breakfast - 10.00
  • Lunch - 13.00
  • Afternoon snack – 16.00
  • Dinner - 19.00

Menu for the week

After the program of Elena Malysheva about excess weight and the most powerful natural fat burner, some girls, having decided to speed up weight loss, violated the instructions and reached an anorexic state. However, most of the women who followed the rules were able to lose 10 to 20 kg after 4 weeks.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Mon Oat flakes on water, sour apple with green tea sugarless Grapefruit or yogurt without preservatives and additives Steamed pollock with boiled rice, lettuce A handful of dried apricots, prunes, raisins with green tea Vegetable salad with boiled beans
Tue Boiled chicken egg (or only protein), a couple of diet breads Green apple White chicken meat, buckwheat on the water, fresh sweet pepper Yogurt natural, low fat, 200 ml Lean beef, boiled, cucumbers or tomatoes
Wed A glass of fat-free kefir, medium-sized orange small banana Soup with chicken and vegetables (it is better to drain the broth) Sour apple Boiled rice in the volume of one glass, the same amount of kefir
Thu Unsalted cottage cheese with low fat content, green pear half a grapefruit Baked cod or blue whiting with fresh vegetables Dried apricots or prunes with green tea Boiled potatoes in skins with vegetable salad
Fri Pair of boiled quail eggs with 200 ml of yogurt Muesli or diet bar Soup with mushrooms, a slice of unsalted cheese Fat-free kefir Boiled chicken breast meat, fruit salad
Sat Buckwheat steamed in water (should be poured in the evening of the previous day) unsweetened apple Lean beef with rice, total weight - 250 g Nuts without salt or dried apricots Boiled rice with lemon slices
Sun Boiled barley with a medium-sized banana Grapefruit Lean turkey steamed with vegetable salad Cottage cheese unsalted, low-fat, no additives 200 ml fat-free kefir and sour apple


    • Vegetable soup with chicken. Cut celery, onion, tomatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts. Put the chicken to cook separately, for 10 minutes. until ready, drain the broth, add boiled water, put vegetables. Add lavrushka, sweet peas, pepper. Cook the remaining 10 minutes.
    • Lean baked fish. Cut the pollock fillet (cod, blue whiting) into 3-4 pieces, chop the onion. Lay the ingredients on foil, season with parsley, lemon juice. Wrap the foil and bake at +200 °C.
  • Low fat mushroom soup. Cut the potatoes into cubes, boil for 5-8 minutes. Cut the mushrooms, fry for 5 minutes. in a frying pan, add chopped onions and carrots, leave until half cooked on fire. Send mushrooms and vegetables from the pan to the potatoes, put the basil, cook for another 10 minutes.
  • A fresh vegetable salad. Chop fresh: cabbage, pepper, onion, garlic, herbs. Slice cucumbers and tomatoes. Stir, add ground pepper, season with a spoonful of oil.
  • Salad of boiled vegetables. Boil together unpeeled potatoes and beets, cool, peel, cut into slices. Boil carrots, zucchini, broccoli, cut after cooking. Put the ingredients together in a salad bowl, add lemon juice, oil.

Physical activity for the abdomen and sides

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Physical activity in addition to diet helps to achieve weight loss and improve body contours. People who have achieved impressive results in body shaping are advised to perform the following exercises:

  1. Alternate leg raise lying down.
  2. Twisting the cases on the floor.
  3. Raise the pelvis while lying on the side.
  4. Turns of the body, sitting on the floor.
  5. Raising the body to straightened legs.
  6. Raising the legs alternately with support on straight arms.
  7. Folding lying down for the press.

Every woman wants to be always attractive and beautiful, but not everyone manages to keep themselves in shape. Harmful kilograms are added day after day, your favorite dress is bursting at the seams, and looking in the mirror is no longer as pleasant as it used to be. We have to save the situation and sit on Men do not lag behind women in the fight against excess weight and also try to keep their figure. The biggest problem for men and women is excess fat on the sides and abdomen, which is difficult to get rid of. Going on a diet is a risky step, and it is better to consult a dietitian in advance. However, not everyone knows that the abdomen and sides play an important role in the fight against extra pounds. Simple and delicious available recipes very popular, you can invent them yourself.

Many are haunted not only by the fight against fat on the stomach and sides, but also by the question of why it accumulates there and why it is so difficult to get rid of it. The fact is that fat tends not only to accumulate under the skin, but also to grow on the internal organs (visceral fat). This fact discourages many people, because getting rid of this fat is not so easy, and it causes considerable harm to health, causing many dangerous ailments, such as hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, diabetes. Genes also play an important role in gaining extra pounds. To combat excess weight, along with gymnastics and wrapping, food is needed to lose weight in the abdomen and sides.

Wraps: honey and coffee

How to deal with fat on the stomach and sides? Many women have a lot of creams and scrubs for fat burning in their arsenal, but these products are quite expensive and not accessible to everyone. But natural wraps (coffee, honey) are cheaper and the result is more significant if the procedure is carried out at least 1 time in 3 days for two weeks. From honey, the skin will become soft and velvety, and the use of crushed coffee beans gives a peeling effect and makes the skin smooth.

1. How to prepare a coffee blend: add 1/2 tablespoon of any cosmetic oil and water to a small amount of ground coffee.

2. Method for preparing honey mixture: melt 2 tbsp. l. honey, you can add olive, orange, lemon and other essential oils.

Coat the problem areas of the skin with the mixture, wrap it with cling film on top and wrap yourself in a warm blanket for an hour. Such a procedure contributes to increased sweating, the removal of a small part of fat and toxins along with sweat. When making wraps, you should also pay attention to your diet, because food for losing weight on the abdomen and sides should be less high-calorie, but healthy.

Bodyflex for burning fat

Many men and women engaged in the fight against extra pounds mistakenly believe that the swing of the press helps to get rid of fat on the sides and abdomen, however, power loads do not burn kilograms, but contribute to the growth muscle mass and sanding the silhouette. The breakdown of fat is helped by power loads combined with anaerobic respiration, such as a set of bodyflex exercises. When performing this gymnastics, each skin cell is saturated with oxygen, which contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat.

In addition, bodyflex exercises will not only get rid of extra pounds and make the body more slender and toned, but also strengthen the immune system, improve well-being, give the body lightness and get rid of chronic fatigue.

A well-known fact: the treatment of various diseases must be approached comprehensively. Excess fat is also a disease, so along with gymnastics and body wraps, nutrition plays an important role. What food is suitable for losing weight on the abdomen and sides?

First you need to remember:

  1. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to stop smoking, eating preservatives, dyes, limit the use of fried, smoked, baked foods, flour, sweet, salty, spicy.
  2. It is undesirable to eat after 18-19 pm, or four hours before bedtime.

Diets for weight loss for men

Weight loss is just as important for men as it is for women. Drinking beer is often the cause of the appearance of excess fat on the abdomen and sides in men. There is a well-known expression "beer belly", so first of all you need to give up this drink. Content leads to the growth of the abdomen and hips, as well as the deposition of fat in mammary glands. Estrogens block the production of testosterone, which is detrimental to male potency. Beer adversely affects the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Food for weight loss of the abdomen and sides for men should consist mainly of proteins. There are many diets for weight loss for men, two of which are presented below.

Diet "Special"

Breakfast: oatmeal with pieces of fruit; sandwich with boiled chicken and a slice of low-fat cheese; unsweetened coffee or green tea.

Dinner: buckwheat or rice porrige; vegetable salad; a piece of lean boiled meat (chicken, fish, veal); fruit juice without sugar.

Dinner: bran bun; fat-free cottage cheese - 125 g; tea without sugar.

protein diet

1st day:

Breakfast: 2 pcs. eggs; low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g; tomatoes - 2 pcs; green tea or coffee.

Lunch: mushrooms, a piece of beef, green peas; grapefruit - 1 pc; vegetable salad.

Dinner: pea soup; vegetable salad; boiled potatoes; green tea.

2nd day:

Breakfast: rice porridge; boiled veal - 300 g; salad - carrots or tea without sugar.

Lunch: fat-free yogurt; salad with eggplant and walnuts; 1 glass of milk.

Dinner: boiled potatoes; chicken unsweetened fruit juice.

10 days you need to alternate the menu of two days and eat more nuts.

However, severe food restriction sometimes leads to serious health problems. But eat right and cook healthy, affordable and delicious dishes no one forbids.

Drinks for weight loss

Drinks for weight loss not only reduce weight, but also cleanse the body of toxins, normalize metabolism, increase immunity and improve well-being.

Honey drink with cinnamon

Pour ½ tsp of cinnamon with 1 cup of boiling water. Add 1 tsp to the cooled mixture. honey and refrigerate for 2 hours. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.

oatmeal jelly

Pour 200 g of oats with a mixture of ½ tbsp. kefir, 1.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. sour cream. Tie the top of the jar with thick gauze and put it in a warm place to sour. After souring, strain and boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. Bring to a boil, remove. Drink 1/2 cup half an hour before meals.


Mix a glass of warm water with 2 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey. Drink before meals 3 times a day.

Recipes for first courses for weight loss

You can’t imagine your life without hot soup, and in summer time- without your favorite okroshka. Food prepared according to the following recipes for weight loss of the abdomen and sides in women and men will cause a storm of delight, because it is so delicious!

Okroshka on the water

6 pieces of potatoes and 5 pieces. Peel eggs, cut off bitter tails from cucumbers (3 pcs.), green onion and sort the dill, cut off the rotten and dirty tips. Cut into cubes: 400 g boiled sausage (or fillet), potatoes, cucumbers, eggs. Finely chop the onion and dill. Mix everything, add salt, pepper to taste, pour 2 liters of water and add 2 tbsp. sour cream.

Borscht with beets

Wash and clean vegetables. Grate 1 carrot and 1 beet on a coarse grater, cut the onion head into cubes. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to a heated frying pan. When the oil warms up, add onions, after a minute or two - carrots, then - beets. It doesn't have to be fried, just simmered. Then add 2 tbsp. tomato or pasta and boil, set aside the dressing. Cut 10 potatoes into cubes and add to boiling water. While the potatoes are boiling, chop the head of cabbage, cut 1 pepper into cubes or thin slices. When the potatoes are almost ready, add cabbage with pepper, cook for 10-15 minutes, add dressing, herbs to taste and 1-2 pcs. bay leaf, cook for 5 more minutes.

Pumpkin soup

Peel the pumpkin, wash and clean the vegetables. Finely chop 3 tomatoes, 1 pepper, onion, chop 2 garlic cloves. Cut pumpkin into cubes. Fry onions and garlic in a deep frying pan, add vegetables, simmer for 5 minutes. Add pumpkin and pour hot water. Cook until cooked on low heat. At the end, grind everything with a blender, salt and pepper.

Second courses and side dishes

After soup for lunch, you want to taste a portion of your favorite porridge with a piece of fish, meat, mushrooms. What's on the second? Of course, tasty and healthy food for weight loss of the abdomen and sides.

Buckwheat with mushrooms

First you need to prepare 70-80 g of dried mushrooms, fill them with 2 liters hot water and set aside for a couple of hours. Sort 2 cups of buckwheat, rinse. Drain the water from the mushrooms into a saucepan, put it on fire. Put buckwheat with mushrooms in a saucepan and cook until tender. When the buckwheat is ready, put the pan off the stove and wrap it in a warm cloth. While buckwheat is evaporating, pour oil into a frying pan, cut 2 onions into cubes, fry until golden brown. Add to porridge and stir. You can fry carrots with onions.

Medallions in onion sauce

Divide the fillet into two parts. Rub each part with salt and pepper. Pour 1/2 tbsp into the pan. water and add 40 g of butter, boil, lower the medallions there and scald on both sides. Squeeze half a lemon into the meat, add a little zest. Turn the medallions over again and boil for 5 minutes. Take out the medallions and put in foil. Boil the sauce remaining in the pan until it thickens, then pour the sauce over the medallions.

Rice with chicken

Rinse 1 cup of rice. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Onion head, wash 1 carrot, peel. Onion cut into cubes, carrots - grate on a coarse grater. Crush 5 garlic cloves. Lightly fry the chicken on both sides, add the onion, mix. After 2-3 minutes, add carrots and fry, stirring occasionally, for another 3 minutes. Add 2 cups of water, garlic, simmer covered for 5 minutes, reduce heat to a minimum and simmer for 15-20 minutes until tender. Salt the finished dish to taste, add spices.


Many people think that when going on a diet, you will have to suffer, giving up your favorite delicacies, but food for losing weight on the abdomen and sides can become your favorite and brighten up tired everyday life thanks to very tasty and healthy desserts.

banana ice cream

Peel 2 bananas, cut into pieces and put in the freezer for 2-3 hours. After crushing the banana pieces in a blender with a pinch of cinnamon and 1/2 tbsp. fat-free yogurt. Add sweetener to taste.

plum pudding

Bring a glass of milk to a boil, carefully pour 150 g of rice, add 2 glasses of milk, add 1 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt salt and cook for half an hour. Cool the milk mixture, add the juice of half an orange and an egg, mix. Peel 6-8 plums, get rid of the stone, cut into slices. Place slices in baking dish. Pour the milk mixture over the plums, add more plums and pour again. Place the molds in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.

baked dishes

Banana casserole is a delicious and healthy food for weight loss of the abdomen and sides.

Ingredients: 6 pcs. bananas; 2 tbsp whole grain flour or ground oatmeal; 1.5 st. cottage cheese; 1 egg.

Cooking: grind 6 bananas with 1.5 cups of cottage cheese, add an egg, mix, gradually add 2 tbsp. flour or ground oatmeal. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put the mixture in the form, put in the oven. Bake until crust is browned.

fried foods

You can often hear the opinion that fried foods should be discarded during diets. It's time to break the stereotype. Delicious food for weight loss of the abdomen and sides exists, and both adults and children will love fried banana pancakes.

banana pancakes

Cooking. Beat 2 eggs with chopped banana. Heat the pan, pour pancakes with a diameter of 6-10 cm, fry until golden brown.


Nothing brightens up any holiday like salads on the table. With these recipes, you can please and surprise guests by saying that food for losing weight on the abdomen and sides can be so delicious.

Salad with crab sticks and tomato

Boil 200 g of rice. Finely grate the lime and lemon peels. Cut into cubes 2 tomatoes and 200 g crab sticks. Add a can of corn. In a separate bowl, make dressing: add 2 cloves of grated garlic, juice of half a lime and lemon to olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, add fennel or cilantro seeds. Mix all the main ingredients, pour dressing, tear the salad on top and mix again.

Salad with tomatoes and croutons

Cut 2 tomatoes into cubes, add a jar of beans, 1 clove of grated garlic, salt, season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Summer salad

Ingredients: 4 cucumbers; 2 tomatoes; 1 bunch of greens (onion, dill); 1 clove of garlic; salt, pepper, paprika to taste; 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Cooking: cut 2 cucumbers and 4 tomatoes into cubes or slices. Chop greens, a clove of garlic, mix with vegetables. Season with oil and spices.


Potato chips will fade into the background, and, preparing to watch your favorite TV series, you can cook banana chips - this is a healthy food for losing weight on the abdomen and sides in women and men will cause only positive emotions.

banana chips

Cooking. Peel 2 bananas and cut into thin slices. Place bananas on a baking sheet lined with paper, drizzle with vegetable oil and sprinkle with chili peppers on top. Bake 15 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Everyone has different ideals of beauty, but a sporty flat stomach is always very attractive. This is not just beauty, but also health. If you are thinking about a beautiful belly just today, then it's time to pay attention to a diet for flat stomach. We must immediately make a reservation that the diet itself is just a part of the process of losing weight, an additional and no less important step is sports exercises that allow you to burn extra, already earned, calories. So it will be easier to consolidate the result so that at the end of the diet, extra pounds do not return at the same speed as they disappeared, or even faster. The feeling of hunger can become so strong that in addition to the previous kilograms, new ones are added. Diet and sport should become the principle of life, and not a short-term inclusion.

The task for the first stage is to burn fat in the waist and sides. To do this, you just need to properly configure the work of the digestive tract. At the same time, you will have to eat mainly foods containing a large amount of fiber, often in small portions. This diet has an unambiguous name - a diet for a flat stomach. The rules are simple - eat little, break your food intake into a large number of meals and drink plenty of water. healthy eating And exercise stress, plus the normalization of the intestines - will do their job.

Beer and alcohol

Before starting a diet, two main factors should be eliminated - this is alcohol and smoking. Normal metabolism depends on this, which is simply impossible to establish with the constant use of alcohol. After all, alcohol is a derivative of sugar, which is the first remedy for increasing belly fat. And all beers also contain alcohol, and besides this, the female hormone estrogen. That is why men with a beer belly acquire feminine features - looseness of the figure, an increase in volume in the chest area and a soft large layer of fat in the waist area.


You should try to drink as much water as possible. This is the factor that will help bring the stomach into a normal flat state. With the participation of water in the body, metabolism improves. To speed up the process, it is better to use melt water - it helps to cleanse the lymph much faster and burn fat. Freeze 1 liter of water in a plastic container and thaw it the next day. Drink throughout the day. Green tea with a spoonful of honey is also useful.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen - what foods can be

For a flat stomach, you need to choose the diet that provides for frequent meals 9 at least 5 times a day. Remember that protein is needed in the body for healthy functioning, but in small amounts. That is why at least 2 times a week protein foods should be present in the diet. It can be fish with a vegetable side dish, occasionally (once a week) you can afford white chicken meat. At dinner, eat 2 chicken proteins and an orange. Nutritionists advise also to include seeds and nuts in the diet, but not more than 50 grams per day, so as not to overload the kidneys. Well help to burn fat dishes based on buckwheat, kefir, rice. Vegetable oil is used as a dressing for salads, the best way- olive.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen - what foods can not be

First of all, sweet and fatty foods are a threat to a beautiful belly. They must be excluded unconditionally. The body will quickly be cleansed of toxins, fat will disappear, the waist will become thinner. You should also refuse salad dressings with sour cream and mayonnaise.

Belly Slimming Diet - Menu Examples

Sample menu for 1 day fast diet :

For breakfast - boil 1 egg and dry a piece of bread.
2 meals - apples or oranges. As much as you want, then just eat at once.
3 reception (lunch) - boiled chicken breast (250 grams), low-fat fish (200-250 grams), vegetable salad with vegetable oil dressing.
4 reception - vegetable soup(1 plate).
5 reception (dinner) - veal (200-250 grams). Cooking on the grill or in a pan without oil. Dessert is an orange.

Diet for a flat stomach for a week

1 day

Breakfast: dried bread (1-2), chopped tomato, apple (1 pc), yogurt (1 cup). You can make your own yogurt.
Lunch: skinless chicken leg, salad - as much as you want. A bun made from wholemeal flour.
Afternoon snack: watercress prepared in the form of tosk with black bread, boiled beans (two spoons).
Dinner: stew cauliflower and bake tomatoes, an apple. As a filling, it is good to use honey and currants - 1 teaspoon each.

2 day

Breakfast: low-calorie sausage, mushrooms, crispy bread and some jam.
Lunch: 50 grams of cheese, a few grapes, salad.
Snack: wholemeal bun, lean soup, apple.
Dinner: jacket potatoes, fish and zucchini. You can add green beans and broccoli.

3 day

Breakfast: boil soft-boiled eggs (2 pcs), dry bread.
Lunch: melon slice, lettuce, bran bread slice, a few tablespoons of beans.
Snack: banana mixed with diet yogurt.
Dinner: We cook any low-calorie dish and complement it with baked tomatoes and green beans.

Day 4

Breakfast: bake a slice of bran bread with homemade cheese and tomato in the oven.
Lunch: unleavened bun with salad, ham. An Apple.
Afternoon snack: fish (tuna) crispbread and salad (as much as you want).
Dinner: fry lamb chop. Then we extinguish it in a small amount of liquid. Mashed potatoes and orange. boiled cauliflower.

Day 5

Breakfast: one banana, flakes with bran soaked in boiling water.
Lunch: mixed vegetable salad, shrimp (80-100 grams), pear.
Afternoon snack: bake tomatoes with boiled beans.
Dinner: boil 2 spoons of beans, fish fingers (4 pcs.), decorate green peas.

Day 6

Breakfast: melon wedge with natural yoghurt.
Lunch: steak with low-fat bun, 1 piece of fruit (orange, pear, etc.)
Afternoon snack: a few small tomatoes, lean soup and crispy thin bread.
Dinner: boil pasta, serve with sauce and canned vegetables. Add 100 grams of boiled chicken, banana.

Day 7

Breakfast: prepare a fruit salad of banana, apple and pear. Topped with low fat yogurt.
Lunch: a real American sandwich: bread with lettuce leaves, lean cold meat on top, the top layer of the filling is coleslaw. Extra half kiwi.
Afternoon snack: vegetables - peas, tomatoes, greens are served with boiled pasta.
Dinner: fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft, add canned tomatoes. Grated celery root and chicken breast.

Have you ever seen an overweight Chinese even on TV? Slavic women are unlikely to be able to lead such a lifestyle all the time. The Chinese diet based on the principles of Chinese cuisine is very good for a flat stomach. But it will be very low calorie diet and very tough. It involves the use of a large amount seaweed and other algae, fish. This is a very expensive diet, as fish that can reduce weight costs a lot. During the diet, you will have to exclude bread and eat rice instead for 2-3 months. Another option is to completely eliminate animal food from the diet for 2 weeks.

Exercises for the abdomen

About combination exercise A lot has been said about diet. Here are a few simple exercises, which are advised to use during a diet and not only:

- You need to sit comfortably on a chair, straighten your back and move your knees, pressing your feet to the floor. Lower your chin and extend your arms forward in front of you. Inhale, tense the abdomen, slowly bend forward. Exhale return to starting position. We repeat at least 3 times. Slowly touch the floor, while straining the stomach. Repeat three times between meals. Try to increase the number of slopes every day at least once.

- You can fix the effect of a flat stomach with the help of an exercise with a hoop - the usual circular rotations. A serious exercise to fight for a flat stomach is jumping rope, dancing, swimming, walking and jogging.

- Side bends with dumbbells have a good effect. If there are no dumbbells, take a 2-3 kg object in your hand and lean to the right about 15 times. Then to the left. An excellent method not only to eliminate excess fat, but also to get rid of stretch marks is an energy massage with vitamin E (dilute five drops of vitamin in half a teaspoon olive oil).

What makes a figure attractive and beautiful? Modern canons of beauty say that the figure should be proportional, toned, no frills - whether it's anorexic thinness, or massive "Rubens" forms.

Belly as a form of reflection of a person's lifestyle

In the center of the body is the stomach, this word is associated with the words "living", "life". Really, appearance belly is a reflection of the moral and energy state of each person.

A flat toned stomach is inherent in people who are purposeful, positive, organized, who respect their body and take care of its health. If the stomach is sagging, covered, we perceive such a person as weak, passive in his life and actions, following the lead of his inner animal instincts.

All processes in our life are interconnected, therefore, in order to find a beautiful flat tummy First of all, you need to change your way of life, thinking and actions.

Causes of wrinkles on the abdomen and sides

  • subcutaneous fat: formed as a result of accumulation excess weight. Fat folds on the abdomen are inherent in people with an "Apple" type figure, for whom the abdomen, waist and sides are problem areas. The only one effective way getting rid of subcutaneous fat is a proper, healthy diet;
  • visceral fat on internal organs: extremely dangerous to health - invisible to the eye, such fat is deposited around the vital important organs, provoking the development of such serious diseases as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, oncology. It is difficult to get rid of such fat, but it is possible: you should adjust the diet, completely eliminating harmful foods from the diet;
  • saggy fold of skin: occurs in people without excess weight due to sedentary image life, malnutrition (quick snacks, frequent use of fast food), as well as posture disorders. Stooping leads to the fact that the stomach bulges forward, in which case strengthening exercises for all the muscles of the upper body, back and abs will become assistants;
  • disturbed digestion: the main organs of digestion - the stomach and intestines are located in the abdomen. If digestion is disturbed, you suffer from heartburn, bloating and heaviness - the stomach looks swollen, inflamed. It is necessary to determine the cause of such a violation: undergo the necessary medical examination, receive recommendations from a gastroenterologist. And here, the first item on the list of appointments will be proper nutrition.

So, to make the stomach toned and slim - First of all, you need to normalize your diet.: kit useful products diet, total daily caloric intake and meal pattern.

It is important to remember that point weight loss (for example, on the stomach or buttocks) is not possible; and if you want to get an elastic tummy without fatty deposits - you need to get rid of excess weight from the whole body.

Proper diet: a list of useful and harmful foods

  • Meat products: opt for white chicken or turkey meat, lean beef, exclude all canned meats, sausages, sausages;
  • Fish and seafood: are useful and easily digestible sources of proteins and healthy fats, in addition, regular consumption of fish products will help eliminate the lack of iodine in the body;
  • Vegetables and greens must necessarily become part of the daily diet, but one should be wary of starchy, legumes such as potatoes, peas, beans - since with increased use they can also cause excess body fat;
  • Fruits and berries provide the body with essential vitamins and beneficial acids, but you should not abuse them either, at the stage of losing excess weight, it is worth excluding bananas, grapes, sweet pears;
  • Eggs are sources of complete proteins and healthy fats, they should not be excluded from the diet, but it is better to use them boiled or baked without fats;
  • Oils- very high in calories, but they cannot be completely excluded. by the most useful species oils are olive, linseed, sesame and coconut;
  • Dairy products- useful suppliers of proteins, carbohydrates. Choose low-fat varieties of natural cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented milk drinks (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt) - they support the intestinal microflora, thereby having a beneficial effect on the immune system. Give up curds that are so popular today, yogurts with sweet additives - jams, chocolate balls, they will not bring health benefits, but elevated level blood sugar and an excess of empty calories will provide exactly;
  • Cereals and cereals- useful sources of energy, contain slow carbohydrates, which, gradually entering the bloodstream, will provide the body with energy, giving satiety and strength for several hours. Choose minimally refined, whole grains such as buckwheat, oats, pearl barley, corn, brown or wild rice. Do not eat white peeled rice, various cereals fast food: they have almost no minerals, vitamins and fiber so useful for the intestines, which are found mainly in the shell of cereals;
  • Flour and flour products: for weight loss, flour should be excluded from your diet; for those who are accustomed to bread, it is recommended to use whole grain flour products, such products will give satiety and a long supply of energy;
  • Sweets and confectionery are the worst enemies of a flat stomach: in addition to the high sugar content, they hide no less harmful trans fats, which, having a melting point higher than the temperature of the human body, can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, provoking the development of coronary disease, thrombosis, obesity; they should never be used. Those with a sweet tooth can replace such products with healthy sweets (in very moderate amounts and in the morning) - dried fruits, nut bars, dried berries, seeds, cooked on their own, cottage cheese casseroles, natural sweeteners (stevia);
  • Nuts and dried fruits should not be completely eliminated from the diet due to their high calorie content. Nuts contain healthy fats, proteins, micronutrients that promote healthy growth and good looks hair and nails, but due to the large amount of fat they should be consumed extremely sparingly. Dried fruits (especially dried apricots and prunes) are excellent helpers of the intestines, contribute to regular cleansing;
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks should be completely excluded from consumption: in addition to a high percentage of sugar and harmful effects on the body, alcohol often causes increased appetite and reduces the sense of self-control when choosing a snack. Packaged juices and various sweet carbonated waters contain a large amount of sugar, which is immediately absorbed by the body, it is better to replace them mineral water, herbal teas.

Fractional nutrition for slim belly

If you are used to eating rarely, but in very large portions, you probably know the feeling of fullness in the stomach, lethargy, fatigue - after all, the body directs all the energy to digest food.

Your best bet is to frequently fractional 6 meals a day: if you eat every 2.5 - 3 hours in modest portions, then the feeling of hunger will not haunt you, but strength and lightness will increase.

In addition, the size of the stomach will shrink, thereby reducing the volume of the abdomen.

Sample diet menu for the week

Consider the basic principles of menu formation for the day:

1. First breakfast: choose slow carbohydrates and proteins + fruits;

2. Second breakfast: the same, slow carbohydrates and proteins + fruits;

3. Lunch: proteins, slow carbohydrates with a predominance of fiber;

4. Snack: healthy fats and slow carbohydrates;

5. Dinner: proteins and slow carbohydrates;

6. Snack before bed: milk drink / unsweetened fruit.

The menu for weight loss of the abdomen for a week may look like this:


  1. 150 g of whole oatmeal porridge, 15 g of flax seed, 2 apricots;
  2. 170g. natural 2% yogurt, apple, coffee;
  3. cabbage and carrot salad with 10 g of olive oil, 110 g of buckwheat, 3 chicken cutlets;
  4. medium tomato, 35g. 17% cheese, 30 g. grain bread, mint tea;
  5. 210 g chicken and vegetable casserole with 3 tsp. 15% sour cream, 2 whole grain breads;
  6. 200 g. 2.5% kefir.


  1. 145 g of oatmeal with cherries, a glass of 2.5% fermented baked milk;
  2. 125 g low-fat yogurt, 2 oatmeal cookies, coffee;
  3. 130 g grated beetroot salad, 100 g chicken stew, 95 g wild rice;
  4. 140 g. 2% soft cottage cheese with cinnamon, orange, ginger tea;
  5. 210 g carrot and grained cottage cheese salad, 30 g grain bread, tea with lemon;
  6. tomato, 130 g. 0% cottage cheese.


  1. 5 oat-curd pancakes with strawberries, coffee;
  2. 100 g. 1% cottage cheese, half a grapefruit, tea;
  3. 100 g boiled cauliflower, 70 g corn porridge, 100 g chicken meatballs, herbal tea;
  4. 30 g wholemeal bread with cucumber slices and lettuce, tangerine, tea;
  5. 160 g warm salad of green vegetables and chickpeas, 75 g whipped cottage cheese with currants, chamomile tea;
  6. half a grapefruit, a glass of milk.


  1. 2 boiled eggs, 4 cereals, coffee;
  2. a sandwich of 60 g. grain bread with Beijing cabbage leaves, pieces of sweet pepper and tomato, green tea;
  3. 100 g of boiled green beans, 80 g of boiled buckwheat, 110 g of boiled pink salmon, a glass of mineral water;
  4. 2 plums with 150 g of 4% cottage cheese;
  5. 45 g of rye lavash, 160 g of cottage cheese and berry casserole, tea with lemon balm;
  6. 250g. 1% fermented baked milk.


  1. 1 poached egg, a slice of grain bread, 2 boiled broccoli florets, coffee;
  2. 3 whole oatmeal cookies with sesame seeds, mate tea;
  3. 200 g vegetable ratatouille, fish cake;
  4. 10 cashew nuts, apple;
  5. cabbage salad, boiled chicken liver, herbal tea;
  6. a glass of 1% yogurt with 1 tbsp. l. powder fiber.

Saturday Sunday

  1. 5 oatmeal curd pancakes with 3 tsp. honey, 5 pcs. prunes, coffee;
  2. 1 boiled egg, cucumber or tomato, dill;
  3. 100 g iceberg lettuce leaves, celery stalks, 100 g baked beef, 100 g barley porridge;
  4. 210 g. 2% cottage cheese jelly with blueberries, tea with lemon;
  5. green bean omelet, salted salmon slice, 1 tbsp. l. 4% curdled milk, tea with lemon balm;
  6. a glass of 1% kefir.

So, the well-known statement "A man is what he eats" can be rephrased as follows: "a beautiful belly is created in the kitchen." Eat right, fractionally, plan every meal, and very soon you will feel lightness, increased energy and efficiency, and the reflection in the mirror and the volume of the body will pleasantly please you.

Most women consider the stomach, sides and hips to be problem areas of their body. The female figure is so arranged that it is precisely in these parts of the body that fat is most readily deposited. Almost everyone would like to know if there is an effective diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides.

But the fat reserves in these parts of the body are designed by nature to facilitate the reproductive function - bearing, giving birth, feeding the baby. But women, contrary to nature, strive to get rid of her gift for the sake of a thin silhouette.

Of course, there are diets for effective weight loss abdomen, but they must be used in combination with local procedures, training. An integrated approach will allow not only to reduce the layer of fat, but also to make the muscles elastic, to tone the skin. It is advisable to support the diet with body wraps, moisturizing the skin, and exercising.

Effective diet for weight loss of the sides and abdomen

The layer of fat in the required areas cannot be reduced without an effective diet for slimming the abdomen and sides, which works locally, but at the same time corrects other parts of the body. Such a diet focuses on the complete exclusion of smoking and alcohol, since these bad habits disrupt the metabolic processes in the body.

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Moreover, beer can oversaturate with hormones similar to estrogen, which contribute to the formation of excess adipose tissue directly on the waist and abdomen. Be sure to eliminate fatty foods from the diet, exclude or severely limit salt.

With an effective diet for the abdomen and sides, nutrition should be made fractional - eat often, but little by little, every two to three hours. Portions should be small, get up from the table a little hungry. It is desirable to eat food in a good mood, the process should take at least 20 minutes. Compliance with such conditions will lead to a gradual narrowing of the stomach, so that each subsequent time it will require less and less food.

When following an effective diet for the abdomen, preference is given to the following products:

  • Fruits, especially apples, pears and citrus fruits, berries;
  • Vegetables, mainly cabbage, cucumbers, greens;
  • Cereals, especially rice;
  • chicken eggs;
  • Representatives of the legume family;
  • Sunflower seeds, nuts;
  • Milk, dairy products;
  • Vegetable oils, especially olive;
  • Seafood, fish;
  • Meat without fat (chicken, turkey);

The list of unwanted products looks like this:

  • Smoking of any kind;
  • Baking, bread, sweets;
  • Canned products;
  • Roast;
  • Whole milk;
  • Cereals, soups in bags for instant cooking;
  • Margarine;
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, other sauces;
  • Sweet fruits (bananas, figs, grapes);
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes);
  • Carbonated waters.

A diet to get rid of the stomach and sides recommends drinking 8 glasses a day of water (you can use mineral water), green tea or herbal tea.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: an example of a menu for one day

  • Breakfast with a soft-boiled egg, one orange.
  • For the second breakfast we eat cottage cheese - no more than 100 g.
  • We have lunch with vegetable soup, a piece of fish or meat without skin weighing 250 g, vegetable salad.
  • We dine on fruits and nuts.
  • We have dinner with steamed beans (75 g), grilled steak, one orange.

It is allowed to interchange the lunch and dinner menus. The duration of the diet is determined individually, it can last from 7 to 14 days.

Procedures in support of the diet for the abdomen

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, it is recommended to carry out the following procedures and exercises:

Drink water on an empty stomach. Every morning, half an hour before breakfast, you should drink warm water with lemon juice(squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass of water). This is important for the activation of metabolic processes and intestinal activity.

Moisturize the skin. At the end of the shower, it is required to lubricate the problem areas with a moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream, which will tighten the skin and give it elasticity.

Practice wrapping the abdomen and sides. This procedure can help you to lose weight. You can do simplebelly wrap for weight loss, possible with the addition of honey, mustard, seaweed, etc.

Apply abdominal massage. For it, mix half a teaspoon of olive oil and five drops of vitamin E, apply the mixture on the abdomen and massage vigorously. This method is especially good for eliminating stretch marks.

Exercises. A set of physical exercises for losing weight in the abdomen is mandatory, it must include tilts and turns of the torso to the sides, squats, imitation of pressing the pedals of a bicycle with your feet, exercises with a hoop and a rope.

Also do the following exercises:


Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, lift your legs about 15 cm above the floor. Imitate scissors with your feet until you get tired.

"Elbow to knee"

Lie on the floor, cross your legs, put your hands under your head. Pull your left elbow towards your right knee, trying to make them touch. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then lie down on the floor in the starting position. Repeat the same with the right elbow and left knee. Do this exercise for 5 minutes.