Is it possible to commemorate before the date of death: how to commemorate and what to do. Funeral meal menu or what to cook for a wake

Days of wake after death: on the day of the funeral, 9 and 40days after 1 year.The essence of memory. What to say at the wake? Memorial words and mourning speech. Lenten menu.

What to say at the wake

The head of the family traditionally receives the first word at the wake. In the future, the duty to follow the general conversation and gently guide its course is assigned to one of the fairly close or dear people, but still not to the closest relative. It is cruel to expect from a mother mourning a child, or a spouse who has lost his wife untimely, that he/she will be able to maintain the order of speech and at the same time cope with their own feelings. This role is chosen person who knew the deceased well enough and able in a tense moment to remember some trait of his character, a nice habit or an event from life, about which you can tell the audience.

It should be noted that the usual rules of a "social party" do not apply to the commemoration: no need to try to fill the pause that has arisen in the conversation or break the silence with minor remarks - especially on an abstract topic. Silence at the wake is not only normal, but even right: in silence, everyone remembers the deceased and feels their connection with him more fully.

Funeral speech at the wake

If you want to speak- stand up, briefly describe how you remember the deceased (of course, talking only about positive features ), which made him a special person in your eyes. If you remember any case when the deceased did a good deed for you personally or for someone abstract, unfamiliar, tell about it, but do not tell stories in which one of those present appears. Everyone can speak at the commemoration, but try all the same don't make your speech too long: after all, many of those present are already having a hard time.

You may not know exactly how to "correctly" hold a wake- Don't worry too much about it. The main thing in this case is sincere intention and pure thoughts regarding the deceased. When you do something in memory of the deceased with an open heart, you can't go wrong. It is important to remember only one thing: commemoration in a secular sense are needed more by the living than by the deceased: like any ritual action in our life, designed to alleviate experiences and accept the new reality of life. Therefore, when organizing a commemoration, do not forget about the feelings of those who come to honor the memory of the deceased.

As for strictly Orthodox commemoration, then here, of course, it is better to do everything in accordance with the canon, so as not to unknowingly do something unacceptable from the point of view of the ROC. It is better to find out about these rules in advance in the church - for example, when you order a funeral service.

Wake - a ritual performed to honor the memory of the deceased. The basis of the commemoration is a joint meal arranged by loved ones in the house of the deceased person, or in the dining room.

Commemoration is carried out:

  • on the day of death;
  • three days after death - the day of the funeral, when the soul goes to another world;
  • on the ninth day;
  • on the fortieth day;
  • a memorial meal is arranged six months after the death, and after that for all further anniversaries.

As usual, relatives or close people of the deceased come to the funeral. It is important to remember that it is impossible to drive away those who came to honor the memory of the deceased. As a rule, commemorations are organized not for guests and not for the sake of a feast, but in order to remember the deceased, to pray for his repose. It is especially important to read a prayer for the deceased before the memorial meal. Priests advise reading the seventeenth Kathisma from the Psalter and the prayer "Our Father" before starting to eat.

Wake date shift

It happens that the memorial day falls on a church holiday, or on working days, when it is not possible to leave work, in connection with the preparation of everything necessary for the memorial meal. As a result, the question arises: is it possible to postpone the date of commemoration?

Priests believe that a meal can be arranged earlier or later than the exact date of death. If there are good reasons that prevent a funeral dinner, you should keep the reference point, the first duty, precisely on them. However, if there are no good reasons to postpone the memorial meal to another day, it is better not to do this, because the afterlife has its own rules. On this day, it is better to focus on good deeds, for example, distribute memorial treats to people in need.

It is not necessary to hold a wake during Easter and Passion Week of Great Lent. In these weeks, everything is rushing towards the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as well as the news of his return to life. Therefore, if the date allotted for the memorial dinner coincides with these periods, it is best to move the memorial meal to the day of Radonitsa - the day when the dead are commemorated.

If the day of commemoration falls on the eve of the Christmas holidays, it would be more correct if the commemoration is moved to January 8th. Such an event is taken as a good omen, because the commemoration is dedicated to the event of birth in an endless life in another world.

Priests also recommend remembering that the deceased, in the first place, should be prayed for. Therefore, the day before the memorial meal, it is recommended to order the Liturgy for the burial of the Soul of the deceased and the Panikhida for the memorial day. And the memorial meal can be postponed to one of the first days off of subsequent anniversaries of death. However, it is not advisable to postpone the commemoration, arranged on the fortieth day after the repose, for an early date.

Memorial Day

In each religion, a certain date is set aside for the memorial day, when relatives, or just close people, commemorate the deceased. If, due to urgent circumstances, it was not possible to honor the memory of close deceased people on the day of their death, this must be done on the memorial day.

  • In the Orthodox faith, the memorial day is Tuesday of the second week after Easter. However, this is not the only day when you can remember relatives. In addition to Radonitsa, five more days are allocated for the memory of the dead;
  • In Catholic belief, the memorial day falls on November 2. Commemoration on the third, seventh and thirtieth days may not suit;
  • In the religion of Islam the main task- remember the deceased with prayer, do good deeds on his behalf: help orphans, poor people. In this religion, it does not matter at all on what day after the repose of the soul a memorial meal will be arranged. It is important that no one should know in whose name these acts are being performed;
  • In Buddhism, the day of obedience - the festival of Ulamban - falls on the first half of the seventh month of the lunar calendar.

Everyone knows that people who have gone to another world should be remembered, but not often people understand the purpose for which this should be done. Do not forget that the connection between the living and the dead exists. Therefore, after the death of a person, his relatives are restless, in their souls there is anxiety and sadness, they often dream of the dead who ask for food or provide them with some kind of help.

It is generally accepted that after such dreams a person should pray, visit the temple, do some good deed (help the poor, orphans). All this benevolence has a good effect on the souls of the dead. If it is not possible to arrange a memorial service on the appointed day, do not be upset. You can leave a note to the clergyman, and he will carry it out himself.

The spiritual state of a person also influences the state of the deceased in the afterlife, in another world in order to help them. To do this, one should begin to change, first of all, oneself and the society around oneself. To begin with, it would be nice to get rid of bad habits, forgive all your offenders, not harbor evil on them, start praying, visiting churches, reading the Bible, helping others and orphans.

During the commemoration, one should remember the purpose, a kind of ritual. Saying a common prayer, it is better to ask the Lord God to endow the deceased with the Kingdom of Heaven and rest his soul.

After physical death, a person remains in the memory of relatives and close people. Therefore, on the day of his death, they gather to remember him together. At the same time, there are certain rules that have become traditions. This is the pronunciation of soulful words, the reading of poems and prayers. This will be discussed in the article.

About some traditions of commemoration

  • Commemoration (or commemoration) is a series of ritual actions that allow you to maintain the memory of the dead. Relatives are mainly involved in the organization of memorial days. If there are none left, then friends or other close people.
  • Usually funeral traditions are based on certain beliefs - paganism, Islam, Hinduism. Therefore, they are different for different peoples. For Russians, the rules of commemoration are closely connected with the Christian faith. Sometimes rituals are mixed, taken from different religious directions and local customs. Often, certain rituals are created on this basis.
  • In the Russian Christian tradition, there are a number of basic rules, deviation from which is rare. For example, funeral and other prayers are read in the church only if the deceased was baptized according to Orthodox rite. And also in churches they do not pray for those who independently committed suicide, preached heretical beliefs.

Memorial dates

  • Orthodox Christians arrange a commemoration immediately after the funeral.
  • In the near future after death, the deceased are commemorated three times: the first time - on the third day after death; the second time - on the ninth; the third time - on the fortieth.
  • Subsequently, a commemoration is held every year on the day of death.

Wake after the funeral and on the year of death

The meaning of memorial days

Commemoration on each of these days has its own special meaning associated with the events of Christian history.

Third day

The memorial meal on the third day is celebrated in connection with with the ascension to heaven of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion. The resurrection from the dead and the transition to eternal life is the main doctrine of Christian teaching. According to church tradition, after death, the human soul “wanders” before it is determined by higher powers where it will go before the Last Judgment - to heaven or hell. For the first three days, the soul of the deceased is still on earth, visiting the places of his life in the body shell and the people with whom the person was connected.

Ninth day

On the ninth day, the commemoration is performed as a celebration of the angels who ask God to have mercy on the soul of the deceased. At this time, the soul of a deceased person flies around heavenly abodes, getting acquainted with the forms of another life. On the ninth day, the next of kin are invited to the wake. Near the table at which they dine, a photograph of the deceased is placed. A glass filled with vodka is placed next to it, a piece of bread is placed on it. It should be noted that the custom to put a glass takes its roots in pagan beliefs. For true Christians, it is unacceptable.

fortieth day

After nine days, the soul is presented with pictures of the torment of sinners serving a posthumous punishment in hell. This continues until the fortieth day. On this day, the Almighty finally determines where the soul of the deceased will be sent. Everyone is invited to the commemoration on the fortieth day, as well as those who were absent from the funeral.

How to hold a memorial on the anniversary of death

Here are some rules observed at the wake on the anniversary of death.

What is ordered in the church on the anniversary of death

According to Christian teaching, reading prayers for the souls of the departed is the debt of the living. Thanks to this, the fate of sinners is facilitated. It is to the ascension of petitions to the Almighty for the forgiveness of the sins of the dead that the reading of prayers for the dead in the church is directed. You can order a memorial service not only on the anniversary of death, but also on other days.

In temples for such prayers there are special types of services:

  1. Commemoration of the dead during the Divine - the main Christian service.
  2. Panikhida.
  3. lithium.
  4. Reading the Psalter.

How they commemorate during the Liturgy

This type of commemoration is the most significant. The names of the dead are mentioned:

One of the prominent experts in the church charter Saint Athanasius (in the world - Sakharov) notes that the reading of memorial prayers during the proskomedia and after the consecration of the holy gifts is the most important. He says that such prayers, although silent, in their strength and effectiveness cannot be compared with any other prayers and even deeds in memory of the departed.

memorial service

Literally translated from the Greek language, means night service. This name is used for praying for the dead due to the fact that in its structure it is similar to one of the parts of the all-night vigil. And also because the ancient Christians performed services at night. This was a forced phenomenon, as they were subjected to incessant persecution. Panikhida is one of the most common services ordered to commemorate deceased relatives on the day of the death anniversary. Memorial services, except for the temple, are performed both at home and at the grave. On it you can pray for one or several dead people.


Indestructible Psalter

  • This prayer is read continuously for several days. Usually it is ordered in monasteries, where the monks read it while sitting, replacing each other. The Psalter is a collection of ancient psalms written primarily by the Biblical King David. They have great power and are considered a great mercy for the departed souls. After reading the Indestructible Psalter, sinful souls are cleansed, defeat demons and rise from hellfire.
  • Since ancient times, the Indestructible Psalter, like other prayers, has been read at the wake of relatives at home. To do this, there are a number of rules that must be followed. In order for prayers to have an effect, the rules must be followed with great accuracy. Relatives agree in advance on the order in which they will read the Indestructible Psalter.

How to order a commemoration in the church

Rules for home reading prayers for the anniversary of death

The rules for reading the psalter on the anniversary of death look like this.

  1. Having united in a group, relatives read the Indestructible Psalter in its entirety for one day.
  2. Arriving at their home, each of them reads one of the twenty parts of the psalter, called kathisma (which means sitting), mentioning everyone who also participates in the rite. This creates a feeling of unity of all those who pray at this time for the soul of the deceased.
  3. The next day, the variant of reading by each relative at home is repeated, but with the reading of another part of the psalter.
  4. In total, prayers must be repeated at least forty times.

In conclusion, it must be said that before you start the commemoration at the table, you need to pick up appropriate words for death anniversary so as not to offend relatives and the memory of the deceased. Sometimes the congregation read memorial verses on the anniversary of death. It is better if they contain warm feelings for the deceased, and not just express the bitterness of loss.

In the twenty-first century, the commemoration is more reminiscent of the pagan funeral feasts that the ancient Slavs did, hoping that the richer and more magnificent the farewell to the deceased, the better he would live in another world. There were considerations of vanity, prestige, the financial condition of the relatives of the deceased, as well as ignorance of Orthodox traditions in this action.

Wake on the 9th and 40th day is very important. According to Orthodox canons, until the 9th day after death, the angels show Paradise to the soul, and after that they bring the soul to God, so the show to the soul of Paradise ends. After that, until the 40th day, the soul is shown hell, where, seeing the torment of sinners, condemned to eternal torment, it is horrified and "weeps bitterly about her deeds."

Compliance with the norms in the Orthodox memorial meal requires that, before starting it, one of the relatives read the 17th kathisma from the Psalter in front of a lit icon lamp or candle. Immediately before eating, they read "Our Father ..."

Kutia and funeral pancakes are obligatory on the table.


Traditional kutya is made from wheat grains, which are washed and soaked for several hours (or overnight), then boiled until tender. Boiled grains are mixed with honey, raisins, poppy seeds to taste. Honey can first be diluted in water in a ratio of 1/2 and boil wheat grains in the solution, then drain the solution. Rice kutya is prepared in the same way. Loose rice is boiled, then diluted honey or sugar and raisins (washed, scalded and dried) are added to it.

Butter pancakes

4 cups flour, 4 cups milk, 3 eggs, 100 g cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 25-30 g of yeast, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, salt to taste. Pour two cups of flour into an enameled pan, pour in two cups of warm milk, after diluting the yeast in it, mix everything well and put in a warm place. When the dough has risen, add the remaining warm milk, flour and put it in a warm place again. When it rises again, add the beaten egg yolks, sugar, salt, melted butter. Mix well, add whipped cream and egg whites and mix again. Put the dough in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. Then bake pancakes.

Sample dishes at the memorial meal:

Appetizers and salads

Ham rolls with cheese and garlic

ham (preferably sliced) - 300 g,
processed cheese - 2 pcs (200 g) or hard cheese,
eggs (hard boiled) - 3 pcs,
garlic - 2 cloves,


Ham (if not sliced) cut into thin slices
At boiled eggs Separate the yolks from the whites.
Proteins grate on a coarse grater.
Grate the yolks on a fine grater into another bowl.
Grate processed cheese on a coarse grater.
Wash greens, dry and finely chop.

Combine grated cheese, egg whites, herbs and garlic. Add mayonnaise and mix well.
Put 1 dessert or tablespoon of filling on the edge of a slice of ham.
And roll it up.
Dip each roll in mayonnaise, on both ends, and roll in grated yolks.
Arrange the rolls on a dish covered with lettuce leaves and garnish with herbs.

Tomatoes stuffed with fish salad

tomatoes - 5-6 pcs,
eggs - 5 pcs,
canned fish in oil - 1 can (200 g),
salt pepper


Wash tomatoes. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes and carefully remove the pulp with a teaspoon and put it separately.
Boil eggs and grate on a coarse grater (you can finely chop), mix with the pulp of tomatoes.
Mash canned fish with a fork and season with mayonnaise (you can add a little cheese grated on a fine grater).
Salt, pepper and add herbs. Combine eggs and mashed canned food and mix well.
Salt the tomatoes inside and gently fill with the filling with a teaspoon.
Put the finished tomatoes on a plate and garnish with herbs. You can put small handfuls of cheese grated on a fine grater on top of the tomatoes or decorate with green peas.

Eggplant appetizer with tomatoes and garlic

eggplant - 2 pcs,
tomatoes - 4-5 pcs,
garlic - 2-3 cloves,
green cilantro or parsley,



Eggplant wash, dry and cut into circles, 0.5-0.7 mm thick.
Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into circles.

Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic press or crush the garlic clove, pressing it with the flat side of a wide knife, then chop finely.
Season the eggplant slices with a little salt and pepper.
Put the eggplants in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes (you should get a golden crust).
Turn the eggplant over and fry for another 3-4 minutes, until tender.
The fried mugs can be laid out on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.
Put eggplants on a dish, alternating with circles of tomatoes, sprinkle with garlic and herbs.
* This dish can be stored in the refrigerator for several days if put in a small saucepan in layers: eggplants, put circles of tomatoes on top, sprinkle with salt, pepper, chopped garlic and herbs. Thus, continue to spread the vegetables, alternating layers. Eggplants will soak in tomato juice, and the dish will be even tastier.

Sandwiches with sprats

half a white banana
sprats (canned in oil) - 1 can
garlic - 1-2 cloves
pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pieces (instead of cucumbers, you can take a lemon),


Cut the loaf into slices and fry each slice on both sides in vegetable oil.
Grate the fried banana slices with garlic.
Lubricate each slice with mayonnaise and put a slice of pickled cucumber or a thin slice of lemon.

* you can not rub each piece of loaf with garlic, but mix garlic with mayonnaise, and then spread slices of bread with this garlic mayonnaise
Lay one or two sprats on top and decorate with herbs.

Beet salad with garlic

beets - 2 pcs,
garlic - 2 cloves,
cheese - 70-100 g,
walnuts, raisins or prunes - optional


Wash the beets (do not peel), wrap each in foil and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° ~ 60-80 minutes (depending on the size of the beets) or boil until tender.
Peel the boiled beets and grate on a coarse grater.

Grate the cheese.
In a bowl, combine beets, garlic and cheese.
Season the salad with mayonnaise, salt to taste and transfer to a salad bowl.

* If desired, chopped walnuts, raisins or steamed and finely chopped prunes can be added to the salad

Vegetable salad

bell pepper - 1 pc,
tomatoes - 2 pieces,
cucumbers - 1 piece,
canned corn,
vegetable oil,


Wash vegetables. Remove skin from cucumbers and cut into small cubes. Cut the tomato into cubes too. Put tomatoes and cucumbers in a salad bowl, add red diced bell pepper and canned corn. Salt and pepper to taste, mix well and season with vegetable oil.

Salad "Spring freshness"

cucumber - 1 piece,
tomatoes - 1-2 pieces,
radish - 4 pcs,
dill greens,
granular cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon,
natural yogurt - 1-2 tablespoons,


Wash and dry vegetables.
From a tomato sharp knife cut off the peel and set it aside for decoration in the form of a rose. Cut the tomatoes into strips.
Cucumber cut into strips.
Cut the radish into half circles or small slices.
Chop greens.
Put the vegetables in a salad bowl, salt and mix.
Add a little grainy cottage cheese to the salad and season with natural yogurt or sour cream.
The salad is prepared just before serving.

Vinaigrette with herring

herring - 1 pc.
potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
beets - 1 pc.
carrots - 1 pc.
head onion- 1 PC.
pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
vinegar - to taste
green lettuce leaves.

Soak the herring in strong tea, separate the fillet from the bones, cut into small pieces. Boil potatoes, beets, carrots, cool, peel, cut into small cubes. Finely chop the cucumbers. Combine all components, mix, season to taste with salt, pepper, vinegar, vegetable oil, garnish with lettuce.

Russian salad

boiled sausage (or boiled / fried poultry fillet) - 250g,
potatoes - 2-3pcs,
pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs,
eggs - 4pcs,
green peas - 0.5 cups,
boiled carrots (optional) - 1 piece,
salt to taste


Cut sausage or chicken boiled meat into cubes. Cut boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, boiled eggs, pickled or pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Add green pea.
Mix everything and dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Cabbage salad with crab sticks

cabbage - 300g,
crab sticks - 100g,
corn - half a jar (400 grams),


Rinse and chop fresh cabbage. Finely chop the crab sticks.
Put chopped cabbage into a salad bowl (make cabbage a little with your hands to make it softer), add chopped crab sticks, half a jar of corn and season with mayonnaise. Mix the salad well and serve.

Hot dishes

Legs stewed in sour cream

Legs 4 pcs
Sour cream - 250g
Tomato - 1pc
Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
Salt pepper
Cut the legs in half and fry in a pan, preferably without oil, until golden brown. Then put them in a bowl for stewing, pour sour cream and cut the tomato and pepper into cubes, salt and pepper. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer over low heat until done.

Cutlets baked with mushrooms and cheese

minced meat (pork + beef) - 500 g,
onion - 2 pcs,
white bread or loaf - 1-2 slices,
cheese - 100-150 g,
champignons - 150-200 g,
garlic - 2 cloves,
mayonnaise or sour cream
black pepper,
vegetable oil for frying


Peel and finely chop the onion.
Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic squeezer or finely chop.
Grate the cheese.
Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into slices.
Wash greens, dry and chop.
In a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, over medium heat, fry the onion and garlic for 2-3 minutes.
Place half of the fried onion in a bowl and set aside.
Add champignons to the onion remaining in the pan and fry, stirring, for 8-10 minutes (if desired, you can fry the mushrooms until golden brown or just lightly fry). Salt and pepper.
Crush yesterday's white bread without crusts or a bun, pour milk over it and leave to swell. Squeeze out the swollen bread well.
Add squeezed bread, fried onions with garlic, herbs, salt, pepper to minced meat, mix well and beat the minced meat several times, throwing the minced meat into a bowl or on the table.
Form round cutlets from minced meat and fry on both sides until golden brown.
Place the cutlets on a baking sheet or in a baking dish.
Lubricate each cutlet with mayonnaise or sour cream and put a slide of fried mushrooms with onions.
Sprinkle cheese on top.
Bake at 180°C ~25 minutes.

Meat in French

pork - 400-500 g,
onion - 3-4 pieces,
hard cheese - 200-300 g,
mayonnaise - 400 g,


Wash the meat, dry it and cut across the fibers into layers, 1 cm thick.
Each layer of meat is well beaten off, salt and pepper.
Peel the onion and cut into rings or half rings.
Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
Put the meat on a greased baking sheet.
On top, on the meat, put the onion (not a very thick layer).
Drizzle meat with mayonnaise.
Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Bake for 25 minutes at 180°C.
Let the cooked meat rest for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot, sprinkled with herbs.

Stuffed Peppers

minced meat (pork + beef) - 400 g,
pepper - 7-10 pieces,
rice (dry) - 2-3 tablespoons,
onion - 1 pc,
carrots - 1 pc,
garlic 2 cloves,
tomato - 1-2 pieces,
parsley, dill,
tomato paste - 1 tablespoon,
sugar - 1/4 teaspoon,
vegetable oil for frying,

for tomato cream sauce
tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons,
sour cream - 200 g,
water - 1-1.5 cups (more possible)


Wash the peppers, carefully cut out the seed box and rinse again from the seeds.
In a saucepan or frying pan heated with vegetable oil, lightly fry the peppers on all sides and transfer them to a plate.
Prepare the filling:
Rinse the rice and boil until half cooked in salted water. Drain the water.

In a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, fry the onion for 3 minutes, add the carrots and fry, stirring occasionally, for 4-5 minutes.
In a large bowl, combine minced meat, rice and fried onions with carrots.
Wash the tomato, dry it and grate it on a coarse grater, discard the skin.

Wash greens, dry and chop.
Add the tomato mass, tomato paste, herbs, garlic, salt, sugar, pepper to the minced meat and mix well.
Fill prepared peppers with minced meat.
Put the peppers in a saucepan or other thick-walled dish.
Prepare tomato cream sauce:
Combine sour cream with tomato paste, dilute the sauce with water, salt and pepper.
Pour the sauce over the peppers.
Cover the saucepan with a lid. Bring liquid to a boil over medium heat and reduce heat.
Cook peppers for 40 minutes.
Turn off the heat and let it brew under the lid for another 10 minutes.
When serving, sprinkle with herbs and pour over sour cream.

If the commemoration takes place on fast days, then the food should be fast.

If the commemoration fell on the time of Great Lent, then on weekdays the commemoration is not performed, but is transferred to the next (forward) Saturday or Sunday. This is done because only on these days (on Saturday and Sunday) are full Divine Liturgies celebrated, and particles are taken out for the dead at the proskomidia.

Memorial days that fell on Bright Week (the first week after Easter) and on Monday of the second Easter week are transferred to Radonitsa - Tuesday of the second week after Easter.

lean food

Lean pancakes

Lean pancakes are prepared without the addition of muffins (cow butter, eggs, sour cream, sugar, etc.). For lean pancakes you will need: 4 cups of flour (buckwheat or wheat, you can mix both types of flour), 4.5 cups of milk, 20-25 g of yeast, salt to taste. Pour half a glass of warm milk into an enamel pan and dilute the yeast in it, add another one and a half glasses of milk. While stirring, add 2 cups of flour. Mix the dough well, cover the pan with a towel and put in a warm place. When the dough comes up (increases in volume by 2-3 times), add the rest of the flour, milk, salt to it, mix well and put it in a warm place again. After the dough rises again, you should bake pancakes, carefully scooping up the dough so that it does not fall off. The pan is usually first greased with one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Appetizers and salads

Sandwiches "Spring"

white or black bread - 4 slices,
guacamole sauce or avocado pulp (optional component in the recipe) - 4-6 teaspoons,
tomato - 1 pc,
cucumber - 0.5-1 piece (small),
basil or dill greens
lemon - 1/3-1/2 pieces,
black pepper


Cut white or black bread into slices (if desired, bread can be fried on vegetable or olive oil and refrigerate).
Spread slices of bread with Guacamole sauce.

* if there is no Guacamole sauce, you can simply chop the avocado pulp with a fork, salt, and sprinkle with lemon juice - spread bread with this avocado cream
* if there is no avocado, you can not grease the bread at all, but immediately start laying vegetables on slices of bread or, if the bread is fried, you can rub it with half a garlic clove

Wash the tomato and cut into circles.
Cucumber cut into circles.
Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
Wash and dry dill or basil greens.
Lay lettuce leaves, mugs of tomatoes, mugs of cucumber on slices of bread.
Salt the sandwiches with coarse salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Fish jelly

1 kg. any fish (preferably several varieties), 1 pc. carrots, 1 onion, 1 parsley root, 1.5 l. fish broth, salt, pepper.

Cut fresh or fresh-frozen fish, divide into pieces and salt. Boil pieces of fish together with roots and spices in a ready-made broth from fish waste, then remove the fish, strain the broth, pour it over the fish and put it in a cold place to solidify.

The vinaigrette

potatoes - 2-3 pieces,
beets - 1 pc,
carrots - 1-2 pieces,
sauerkraut - 100-150 g,
onion - 1 pc,
pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2-3 medium pieces,
vegetable oil,
green onions - optional


Wash potatoes, beets, carrots well.
Put the vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil and boil until tender.

* Optionally, vegetables can be wrapped in foil and baked in the oven at 180°C until tender. Wrap each vegetable separately in foil.

Peel boiled vegetables and cut into small cubes.
Peel the onion and finely chop.
Cucumbers cut into cubes.
Squeeze sauerkraut a little from the brine.
Add a little vegetable oil to the beets and mix - then the beets will not color the rest of the vegetables.
Combine together: potatoes, carrots, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, season with oil and mix gently.
Add beets, salt to taste and mix everything together again.
When serving, you can sprinkle with green onions.

Beijing (white) cabbage salad with tomatoes

Beijing cabbage or white cabbage - 1/3 of a small head,
tomatoes - 2-3 pieces,
Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece,
vegetable oil,


Wash the cabbage, let the liquid drain and chop.
Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks and cut into small slices or cubes.
Wash bell pepper, remove seeds and cut into cubes.
Mash the cabbage a little with your hands so that it starts up the juice and put it in a salad bowl.
Add tomatoes and peppers.
Salt the salad (you can lightly sprinkle with lemon juice) and season with vegetable oil.

Potato salad with pickled mushrooms and green peas

potatoes - 6-8 pcs,
onion - 1 pc,
pickled champignons or other mushrooms - 1 can,
pickled cucumbers - 4-5 pcs,
green peas - 1 jar,
greens (optional)
vegetable oil


Wash the potatoes well and cook in their skins until tender. Clean and cut into cubes.
Drain the liquid from the pickled mushrooms and cut into slices.
Cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes.
Peel the onion and cut into half rings or quarter rings.
Drain liquid from green peas.
Wash greens, dry and chop.
Combine the prepared ingredients together: potatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, onions, green peas, herbs, salt, pepper.
Salad dress with oil and mix.

Canned fish salad with green onions

canned fish - 1 can,
olives - 0.5 cans,
green onion,
potatoes - 2-3 pieces,
lean mayonnaise or salad dressing

for salad dressing

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
lemon juice- 1 tbsp


Mash the canned food with a fork.
Boil potatoes, cool and cut into cubes.
Cut olives into rings.
Cut green onions.
Combine canned food, potatoes, onions, olives, season with salad dressing or lean mayonnaise, add salt to taste and mix.
Salad dressing: vegetable oil, lemon juice, pepper, salt - combine all components.

Hot dishes

Eggplant stuffed with mushrooms

eggplant - 2 pcs,
bell pepper - 1-2 pieces,
onion - 1 pc,
tomatoes - 2 pcs,
champignons - 150 g,
garlic - 2-3 cloves,
parsley or cilantro,
vegetable oil,


Wash the eggplants, cut off the tails and cut each eggplant lengthwise into 2 halves.
From each half, carefully, using a knife or spoon, cut out the flesh and set aside.
Put hollow eggplant boats on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, salt them from the inside and grease with vegetable oil.
Bake the boats at a temperature of 230 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
Peel and finely chop the onion.
Wash the pepper, cut out the seed box and cut into small cubes.
Cut the eggplant pulp into small cubes.
Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into slices or small cubes.
Wash greens, dry and chop.
Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic press.
Fry the onion in a frying pan with vegetable oil for 2 minutes.
Add pepper and fry for another 4 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the eggplant and cook, stirring, 7 minutes, until the eggplant is tender. Salt and pepper.

* When the eggplants are ready, you can add the grated peeled tomato to them, mix and simmer for another 4 minutes.

Add chopped herbs, garlic and mix.
In a separate pan, fry the mushrooms for 8-10 minutes.
Combine eggplant with mushrooms and mix well.
Remove the eggplant boats from the oven and fill them with stuffing.
Top the eggplant with crushed walnuts.
Bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving.

Lean cabbage rolls with vegetables and champignons

cabbage - 1 medium head,
rice (dry) - 100-120 g (approximately 0.5-0.75 cups),
tomatoes - 1-2 pcs (optional)
onion - 1-2 pieces,
carrots - 1-2 pieces,
champignons - 150-200 g,
garlic - 1-2 cloves,
parsley, dill,
tomato paste or tomato sauce 1-2 tablespoons
vegetable oil for frying,

for pouring

tomato paste or tomato sauce 3-4 tablespoons,
water - 0.5-0.75 liters,


Wash the head of cabbage and disassemble into leaves.
Dip the cabbage leaves in boiling salted water for 2-4 minutes until the leaves become soft. Immerse 2-3 sheets in water at a time.
Remove the boiled leaves with a slotted spoon and place in a colander. Cool down.
Cut off the thickening from each sheet.
Prepare the filling.
Boil rice until half cooked (5 minutes).
Wash mushrooms and cut into slices.
Wash the tomatoes, remove the skin from them and cut the flesh into small cubes.
Peel the garlic and finely chop.
Wash greens, dry and chop.
Peel and finely chop the onion.
Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
In a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, fry the onion for 2 minutes, then add the carrots and fry together for another 3-4 minutes.
Transfer the onions and carrots to a bowl, and fry the mushrooms in the remaining oil for 4 minutes.
Combine together: rice, onion with carrots, champignons, tomatoes, garlic, herbs, salt, pepper (you can put 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste) and mix the stuffing well.
Put 1-1.5 tablespoons of the filling on the prepared cabbage leaves and roll up the cabbage rolls.
Fry the cabbage rolls in hot vegetable oil for 2 minutes on each side.

Prepare filling: combine water, tomato paste, add a little salt and mix well.
Pour the stuffed cabbage with filling, cover with a lid and bring to a boil over high heat.
As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook at a low boil for 30-40 minutes.

Oatmeal cutlets

oatmeal - 1 cup
water (boiling water) - 0.5 cups,
fresh champignons - 3-4 pcs,
potatoes - 1 piece,
onion - 1 pc,
garlic - 2 cloves,
vegetable oil for frying


Pour oatmeal into a bowl or saucepan, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave to swell for 20-30 minutes.
Peel potatoes, wash and grate on a fine grater.
Peel the onion and grate on a fine grater.
Cut mushrooms into small cubes.
Chop greens.
Pass the garlic through a garlic press.
Add potatoes, onions, garlic, mushrooms and greens to the swollen oatmeal - mix well, salt and pepper the mass.
The oatmeal should be not too thick and not very liquid - so that you can pick it up with a spoon.
Put oatmeal cakes on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil with a tablespoon.
Fry cutlets over medium heat on one side until golden brown.
Flip over to the other side, fry for 1 minute over medium heat, then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover and bring to readiness for 5 minutes.
Cutlets can be served with fresh vegetables or with mashed potatoes.

Fish with vegetables baked in mayonnaise

fish fillet - 300-400 g,
potatoes - 5-6 pcs,
carrots - 2 pcs,
onion - 2 pcs,


Wash the fish fillet, dry and cut into portions.
Cut potatoes into large cubes.
Carrot cut into cubes.
Onion cut into rings.
Put a layer of fish in a greased baking dish, salt and pepper a little, put chopped vegetables on top: potatoes, carrots, onions - salt a little, pepper the vegetables and pour everything with mayonnaise.
Put the fish with vegetables in the oven over medium heat and bake for 40 minutes until tender.


From lean yeast dough prepared according to this recipe, you can bake pies with different fillings, open and closed.
Products: 2.2 kg of flour, 2 cups of warm water, 1 cup of vegetable oil (0.75 cups can be), 30-40 g of yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt.
To prepare lean yeast dough according to this recipe, you need to dissolve the yeast in 0.5 cups of warm water and put in a warm place. When the yeast foams, knead the dough from the indicated products, cover with a towel and put in a warm place.
Punch down twice and form pies. If the filling is juicy, make a hole in the middle of the pie so that it does not burst from the steam during baking. The surface of the cake is smeared with strong sweet tea with a brush and baked at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked. After baking, lightly grease the cake with a brush with boiled water, cover with a towel and let it “rest”.

Fillings for pies

apple filling

Rinse the apples, peel them, removing the seeds (the skin can not be cut off, as it contains aromatic essential oils), cut into slices. Put the apples in a bowl, add granulated sugar, butter, a little water and simmer.

potato stuffing

Potatoes - 7-10 pcs. medium size; onion - 3 pcs.; butter - 4 tbsp. spoons; eggs - 2 pcs.; salt and pepper - to taste.
Instructions: Peel potatoes, wash, boil, mash until smooth, add raw eggs, butter, sautéed onions, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

Fish stuffing

fish fillet 600 g, onions 2, flour 1 tablespoon, vegetable oil 4 tablespoons, bay leaf, salt, pepper, herbs to taste
Rinse the fillet, salt and fry on both sides. Then cool and pass through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion, fry until Pink colour, add flour and fry until light brown. Then dilute with a small amount of water or broth to the consistency of thick sour cream, add minced fish and mix everything well.

Rice stuffing with mushrooms

rice 3 tablespoons, fresh mushrooms 100-150 g, vegetable oil, water 3 cups for cooking rice, onion 1, wheat flour 1 teaspoon, salt, pepper to taste
Boil rice. Peel the mushrooms and boil in salted water until tender. Pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder and fry. Prepare the sauce as follows: pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it and fry finely chopped onion in it. Add a tablespoon of flour and fry until light brown. After that, pour in about a glass of water, while the mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. After boiling the mixture for 10 minutes, add salt, pepper, chopped herbs to it. Mix sauce with rice and minced mushrooms.

Fresh cabbage filling

1 head white cabbage chop medium size, salt. After 10 minutes, squeeze, put in a saucepan, pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add carrots grated on a coarse grater or, if you like, finely chopped onion. Fry, stirring, until soft, so that the cabbage does not brown. When cool, put black ground pepper and finely chopped dill.

Orthodox canons establish that there should be no alcohol on the memorial table, because the main thing in the commemoration is not food, but prayer, which is clearly incompatible with a state of intoxication, in which it is hardly permissible to ask the Lord to improve the afterlife of the deceased.

The drinks

Gingerbread, gingerbread, pancakes, sweets are served on the table with drinks, but cakes and pastries are not recommended.


Now liquid sweet fruit kissels are boiled, and in the old days kissels (kissel - sour) were prepared from flour - rye, oatmeal, wheat - on dough and sourdough. The oatmeal jelly was thick, it was cut with a knife, eaten with a spoon (remember milk rivers with jelly banks in Russian folk tales). That is why, in the funeral custom, jelly was preserved in this form: with milk. You can make your own oatmeal by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder.

oatmeal jelly

2 cups oatmeal, 2 tablespoons honey, 8 cups water, salt to taste. Pour oatmeal with warm water and mix well so that there are no lumps. Let it swell for 6-8 hours (you can leave it overnight). Then strain through a sieve, add honey, salt and cook, stirring, until thickened. Pour hot jelly into molds, let it harden and cut into portions with a knife.

Cranberry jelly

200-400 g cranberries, 6-8 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4-6 tbsp. spoons of potato starch.
Sort the cranberries, rinse, rub through a sieve, squeeze the juice. Pour pomace five times the amount hot water, bring to a boil, strain. Cool part of the broth and dilute in it potato starch. Put sugar in the remaining broth, boil it, then pour in the diluted starch, squeezed juice and bring to a boil. Pour into a dish, sprinkle powdered sugar so that a film does not form, and refrigerate.

Kissel apple

2-3 pounds of apples finely chopped, boiled in water with a piece of cinnamon, strain through a sieve; Mix 5 cups of this juice with 1/4-1/2 pound of sugar, rubbed on lemon zest, squeeze the juice from 1/2 lemon, boil, pour in the flour diluted with 1 cup of cooled apple broth, boil well, without ceasing to stir.
take: 6-8 apples, cinnamon, 1/2 lemon, 1/2-1 stack. sugar, 1/2-3/4 stack. potato flour.

Kissel from dried apples

Take 1/2 pound of dried apples, pour them into 6 cups of water, boil the apples, strain and rub through a sieve, pour into a saucepan, add 1/4 or 1/2 cup of sugar, boil, pour in a glass of water mixed with 1/4 or 1/2 cup potato flour, boil, stirring vigorously, pour into a mold, cool, serve.

Kissel from raspberries, red or black currants, cherries or plums

Berries pour water, boil, grind with a spoon, strain, take this juice 5 cups, add 1/4 or 1/2 pound of sugar rubbed on lemon zest, boil, pour in flour diluted with 1 cup cold water, etc. Serve sugar separately.

Take: 1-1.5 f. berries, 1/2-1 stack. sugar, 1 stack. potato flour, lemon zest, sugar.

Cranberry juice

For 2 liters of water - 250g of cranberries. Mash the cranberries and squeeze the juice through gauze, put the cake in water, bring to a boil and boil for 7-8 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes to cool down. Strain through cheesecloth, add juice and sugar to taste.

Bread kvass

half a loaf of rye bread;
3 liters of boiled water;
half a pack (25-30 grams) of dry yeast;
half a cup (125 grams) of sugar;


Rye bread cut into ordinary pieces and cut into quarters. Lay in a row on a baking sheet and place in a slightly heated oven. The bread should be well dried and lightly browned, it is best to do this over low heat. Dry the crackers for about 10-15 minutes, then turn off the oven, leaving the baking sheet in it.

Put the finished crackers in a non-oxidizing dish (an ordinary three-liter jar is perfect for this purpose) and pour boiling water over the “shoulders” of the bottle. Add three tablespoons of sugar and leave to cool. Cool a small amount of water, for example, a glass or even less, to body temperature or a little higher and pour dry yeast into the water. When the water in the jar cools down to about 36-37 degrees, pour the diluted yeast into the jar and mix thoroughly.

After that, cover the jar with future kvass with a lid or saucer and set aside in a warm place for 2 days.

After this period, carefully strain the infusion through a very fine sieve or gauze to completely separate the thick. Put thicker in a separate jar.

Add the remaining sugar to the strained infusion, mix well so that it dissolves. Add a well-washed handful of raisins to the infusion and leave at room temperature for another half a day. After that, pour kvass into plastic bottles and carefully tighten the covers, because. kvass must be very well corked. Put the bottles with the finished product in the refrigerator and you can drink kvass in a day.
The thick obtained during the preparation of kvass can not be thrown away, but stored in a refrigerator in a glass jar. Now this is a ready-made sourdough, and when preparing the second portion of kvass, instead of diluted yeast, add 4 tablespoons of sourdough to the breadcrumbs. Then everything is as in the recipe: let it brew for two days, drain, add sugar and raisins, let it stand again and put the bottles in the refrigerator. It is better to update the sourdough, i.e. leave the last portion of the thick.

lemonade recipe

To prepare lemonade, cut 5 lemons into circles, remove the seeds, put in a saucepan, add 300 g of sugar, pour 2 liters of water and put on fire until one fifth of the liquid has boiled away.
Place the drink in the refrigerator. Serve lemonade with ice cubes


Dissolve 100 g of honey and sugar in 1 liter of boiled water, put cinnamon, cloves and boil for 15-20 minutes, and then strain.
Sbiten is served hot.

The memorial meal ends with a universal prayer of thanksgiving.

Funeral speech at the funeral text - farewell words spoken in memory of the deceased by his relatives and friends. They are pronounced over the grave of the buried from the bottom of their hearts. The speaker speaks about important and significant events associated with this person, his achievements, and also speaks about the character and personality of the deceased from the good side. It is desirable if he says it orally, and does not read it from a piece of paper.

Funeral speech

There are quite a lot of people at funerals and commemorations. Basically, these are relatives and friends of the deceased, but there are others - colleagues, acquaintances, school friends and others. As a rule, the head of the family or the eldest and closest person is given the first to say memorial words. In the event that he is in a strong emotional state, then others present can speak at the commemoration.

Mourning speech at a funeral example:

“My grandmother was a wonderful person with a difficult but interesting fate. Her mother, along with her three younger brothers and sister, raised her alone in the difficult post-war years. To say that they lived in poverty then would be an understatement. She had to endure many difficulties and hardships, but she never lost her optimism and presence of mind, she constantly helped her mother and took care of the younger members of the family. And later, having married a military grandfather, she steadfastly endured all the hardships of the service. In any circumstances, she always maintained exemplary order at home and accustomed all family members to it. Grandmother was sometimes strict, but fair. I am glad that I managed to learn from her accuracy and order, the ability to organize my life. And her famous apple pies They were simply incomparable, no one else could do such! I will always remember you, my dear, beloved grandmother! Your warmth, love and care will forever remain with us.

If others do not know you well, then at the beginning of your speech you should introduce yourself and explain under what circumstances you met the deceased. The memorial speech should contain words of gratitude in relation to the deceased, reflect his positive qualities. You can mention some significant moment that occurred with the participation of the deceased.

Memorial words for 40 days:

“I will introduce myself for those who do not know me: my name is (name). We have been working together with (deceased's name) for the past few years and I would like to say a few words in his memory. He was a real professional in his field, a Specialist with a capital letter. Many of our colleagues, young and not only, learned the basics of craftsmanship from him and often used his advice and help. He was very patient and responsive, he could always listen to everyone who turned to him for support, give advice, help out, and never refuse anyone's requests. He could superbly cheer up anyone who was upset, confused or depressed about something. The countless funny stories he told, toasts, jokes and anecdotes could amuse anyone. We will all miss him at our dinner parties and corporate parties, where he always shone at the table, raising our morale. There is no other person like him in our team. And, perhaps, in my memory it will no longer be. We will all miss him greatly. He will remain in my memory and the memory of all our colleagues until the end of his life as an example of perseverance, sparkling cheerfulness, activity and professionalism! Rest in peace, dear colleague!”

It is advisable if you prepare the words at the commemoration in advance and memorize them. Since a well-formulated text will sound good and be perceived by others. A sluggish, boring speech with hesitation can be regarded as disrespect for the deceased and his family. If you are afraid that you will forget the words, you can take a sample sheet with you. funeral speech. You need to pronounce words clearly and slowly. You need to speak confidently and so that others can hear you, but not very loudly.

Funeral Speech Examples

Memorial words for the anniversary of death (from a colleague):

"Friends! The deceased worked honestly at the enterprise (name) for more than twenty years. We all knew him as a decent, honest and modest person. Appreciated for skillful hands and reliable character. We will miss his many inconspicuous but indispensable contributions to the work! A bright memory of him will remain in our hearts!

Wake speech 1 year (from friends):

“Friends, the best of us has gone to another world. We all mourn deeply. Our souls bleed from untimely loss. The deceased was a support to all of us. He was the first to come to the rescue, did not wait for requests or complaints. His kind heart and broad soul were always wide open. He was a clear light and guide in a complex and dangerous world for all of us, his friends! May the soul of this wonderful man rest in peace! We will always remember him with a feeling of light sadness, mixed with a secret longing!”

Memorial speech for 40 days (from relatives):

“All his life, our father was a worthy example not only to his children, but also to those around him. In everyday life, he demonstrated a wise understanding of true values, kindness and devotion. Any person left him with an enlightened soul. And to us, his children, the father instilled love for people, a high sense of responsibility and devotion to the Motherland. We consider his departure unfairly early. Eternal to him bright memory

Our grandfather was very kind and a good man. His path was long and difficult. All the difficulties that befell the country, he perceived as his own. He worked and raised children without complaining about the lack of benefits, lack of food or amenities. He raised children, was a support for grandchildren. We will all miss this wonderful man. Blessed memory to him!

Words of condolence are expressed not only during the funeral, but also on the days of commemoration of the deceased. They say a speech at the commemoration of 40 days, a year after the date of death, as well as during Parents' Saturdays and other Orthodox holidays. You can make speeches both at the cemetery and during memorial dinners.

What do they say at the funeral? This event remembers all the deceased relatives and friends. They remember what they were like during their lifetime, what they were fond of, what they loved. Words of condolences are spoken, the blessed memory of the deceased is honored. It is forbidden to say something bad about the deceased, to recall old grievances. Either it's good or it's nothing, goes the proverb.

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Funeral verses

In addition to a mourning speech, condolences can be expressed in verses or toasts. These options are more suitable for commemoration than for the funeral itself. For example, memorial verses are read on the anniversary of death. They can be written by hand or taken ready-made. If you do not have the opportunity to personally attend the commemoration, then you can express condolences by placing memorial verses in the newspaper.

Two tears dripped into the flowers,
In two large, pink roses!
From my tortured soul
Hopelessly tears rolled out!
See my wet eyes
What they don't believe at all
That which you will never change
That which is measured by pain and tears!
My heart beats stubbornly,
And desperately doesn't want to know
That beloved eyes can no longer see
And native no longer hug!

You have always been an example to us
Like a person with a pure soul.
And your memory lives on
In the hearts and souls of your loved ones.

The people close to us are leaving.
Do not realize that - forever,
Do not exhaust all the pain of separation,
And hits backhand - never.

We won't see them, we won't hear them,
Don't ask, don't talk
Though, as before, we breathe them,
We love them, we wait, we adore them.

Ridiculous, strange, impossible
That the dawn has come again
Call, scream or cry heart-rendingly,
And there are no more relatives around.

We do not understand and do not comprehend,
Do not survive, do not overcome
What turns the chariot of life,
As it was before, exactly the same.

The sun is shining and the air is so fresh
What days are standing, but very sad.
Gone is the beautiful hope of hopes
And again, the heart is sad and empty.
For six months now, there has been silence in the apartment,
It's all yours and it's hard to believe it.
I would drink the cup of grief to the bottom,
But it still cannot be measured.
So I want to come back to you
Kiss and just be with you.
With the hope to resist in the fight,
To argue with illness and illness.
The farther, the more immeasurable depth
The abyss that stood between us
How are you now, how in childhood, I need,
But it is impossible to beg with tears.
I'm strong, you know I can
After all, we have been through so much.
I am forever indebted to you
You are an eternal part of my world.
I'll bring you flowers and stand
And the heart will touch with its wound.
And you will feel how much I love you
My beloved, only mother.

Memorial verses for 1 year:
You passed away too soon
Our pain cannot be expressed in words.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,
The memory of you is always alive.

We come here
To put flowers
It's very difficult, dear
We can live without you.

Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears of grief do not help.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.

Where do all the dreams go
And why they have no return,
How do we experience pain?
After all, they were once happy.
Like waking up every day
Realize that this is all reality
How painful it is to remember that day
When everything in life changed.

Without you my soul is anxious
You don't need girlfriends and friends.
Why is it possible without millions?
Why can't you do without one?

I don't rock you in the crib
I come again to the cold fence
I will fix the fallen wreath
And I will sing to you, dear son ...

They usually leave without saying goodbye.
Without whispering your last words
Perhaps not going on a long journey,
On that long road of dreams and dreams.
Yesterday they smiled sweetly at us,
Their eyes radiated a bright light,
And as always, waiting for us to visit,
They dreamed of giving their friendly advice.
They, like all of us, really wanted to live,
And every moment brought joy to them,
All that they wanted to do did not have time,
They still had so much power.
At some point, everything was broken,
Someone from above indicated their term to them,
The soul is in turmoil,
What did not have time to tell us a few words.
Let them not be with us, we love them,
And remember happy days
And our heart will never forget them
It's like they're right next to each other.

We are sad and sad
And there are no other feelings.
Let's remember all parents
Let's remember all the relatives!

Let's remember all the departed
In the prime of my years,
Brothers, sisters of the dead,
Friends and strangers!

They once lived
And made us happy
Laughed and loved
They took care of us.

Long ago or recently
They are no longer with us
And tremblingly to the grave
We bring a bouquet!

In the fast paced time
We do not remember other things,
But you are family to us
More than alive!

We ask You, Lord,
About one mercy
Forgive them their sins, Lord,
Rest their souls!
Among those who love - there is consent
Among the lonely only flour
Among those deceived by love is revenge
And among the dead - memory and separation

Death has taken you on a path of no return
And took me beyond the edge of existence.
Here she dissolved in the quiet echo of the tocsin
The life lived "in Russian" is yours.
And all that was in the heart before - pain and rage,
Dreams, hopes, faith and love -
In the space of space invisibly suddenly disintegrated,
But maybe reborn in someone again.
And at the grave there are white-trunked birches,
When the moon is silent in the night
Dew-tears drop to the clear dawns of the earth,
That from the mother's eyes did not expire to the bottom.

Your watch has stopped. how you didn't want to leave!
But the heart stopped beating, and we can't bring you back,
You've been through a lot in your life
War and famine, but you survived in spite of everyone.
Your clock is running in the houses of your friends, everyone loved you! you've always been lucky!
Giving life to the hours of your loved ones, you poured your breath into them.
You anointed their hearts and eased the hours of suffering.
But you could not help yourself, and it is useless to lubricate the heart.
I did not win this fight, I gave my all, I gave everything for free.
We gave you the warmth of our hearts, and we were always with you,
Our dear grandfather, father-in-law, father and father-in-law,
You were so afraid to be alone, you were so afraid to be with yourself.
But the black hag came to you, waving her scythe, hit right in the heart.
The clock has stopped, but the soul
She stayed with us, we are always with you, we are together.
February, frost, trees without foliage, but without you we have not learned to live.
You so wanted to be with us, but alas
Your watch has stopped...

Funeral toasts

It is customary to say funeral toasts at the wake at the table. They do not need to specify the identity of the deceased. We can express our general condolences to all the deceased:

Grandfather sat in heaven and wept bitterly. A boy approached him and asked why he was grieving. The old man answered him:
- there is a custom on earth - to drink for the repose of our souls. And then we are always full and with a full jug of wine. We are glad that children remember us. And now I have an empty jug and that's why I'm sad.
So let's drink to those who are not with us!

Friends, today is a day of mourning. There was a time when we had fun and rejoiced with the departed (her) from us. But today we ourselves drink this cup of sorrow, spending in last way someone close to us. Not everyone in the world was worthy of Dormition, like the Mother of God and other holy people. But we will keep in our hearts a good memory of our friend, having hope for the resurrection and for a new meeting in a new place. Let's drink the wine of sorrow to the bottom for this!

In a wolf pack, suddenly, without leaving a will, the leader died. The wolves announced a meeting to elect a new leader. For three days they argued and squabbled, because each was afraid that the new leader would begin to take revenge on those who voted against him. When they were already hoarse from screaming, the wise old wolf got up and said:
"Let's choose someone not from our pack to be an unbiased leader."
Everyone agreed and asked who. Then the wise old wolf offered to choose a goat as the leader. The wolves began to resent:
- We just didn't have enough goats!
But the wise old wolf explained:
- Although he is a goat, he has one advantage: if he starts to fix chaos, he can always be bullied.
The wolves agreed with a laugh and called the goat. When they brought a goat trembling with fear, they said to him:
- Listen carefully! We will choose you as our leader if you do not goat.
The goat was even more frightened and answered:
- I'm a goat. But I renounce my goat past. I swear I'll never be a goat again.
The wolves murmured approvingly and dedicated the goat to their leaders.
“Now you are our leader,” said the wise old wolf. - You can order us whatever you want, and we will obey. Our fate is in your hands.
All the wolves, with their tails between their legs, nodded in the affirmative and asked the goat to make a speech. The goat quickly jumped up on the rock, spread his legs wide, fluffed out his beard, put out his horns, looked around the hushed flock with a slow gaze and bleated sternly:
- Well, so which one of us is a goat?
So let us remember our glorious leaders!

Also, toasts at the commemoration can be expressed in poetic form:

Blessed memory of those who have departed from us,
Let's drink to that now.
Let it be like granite in our hearts,
Keeps the memory of those who have passed away.
May all the good things that happened to them
A damp grave will not bury.
How long will we keep the memory
So much and will he live with us.

memorial notes

You can also honor the memory of the deceased with the help of memorial notes. In churches there is a special table where there is a memorial note sample, according to which it can be written. At the very top of the sheet, a cross is placed and marked "for repose." Then the full names of the deceased are written in the genitive case and in church spelling (for example, Ivan - John), neatly and legibly. Usually about ten to fifteen names are written. Moreover, everyone who is written there must be baptized in the Orthodox Church.

In addition to the names, the note indicates which deceased: the newly deceased - deceased for forty days after death or ever-memorable (worthy of constant remembrance) - the deceased, who has a memorable date on this day.

When going to a funeral or memorial service, it is important to remember about etiquette. You need to behave delicately and tactfully. It is also worth preparing words of condolence, which can be expressed with the help of a mourning speech, memorial verses or toasts. An appropriate and competent speech will be appreciated with gratitude by the relatives and friends of the deceased.

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