Muraya blooming. How to grow muraya at home: advice from flower growers

Muraya is a plant from the rue family. In nature, there are approximately 10 various kinds. In its natural environment, it is found in China, Taiwan, India, in general, approximately in most of the southern Asian space. This beauty also grows in Australia.

Muraya refers to evergreens. At the same time, it grows to the size of a small tree, in extreme cases a bush. It has a fairly thin and flexible trunk with light gray bark. Murraya leaves are smooth, rather fleshy, of a beautiful dark green hue. They have a round or oval shape, there are no figured cutouts like maple in this case on the leaves.

The flowers are white, have an average diameter of 8-10 centimeters. Each flower has five distinct petals, like an asterisk. In their shape, muraya flowers resemble a lily. Also, like a lily, their petals are gracefully bent back. After the plant has finished flowering, a small fruit is formed, which has edible pulp and a small bone inside. It takes about 4 months for the fruits to ripen.

Keep in mind that muraya, under favorable conditions, is quite capable of blooming and bearing fruit all year round. Therefore, the plant has such an interesting feature, when on the same specimen you can see buds, blooming flowers, and simultaneously ripened fruits. In the photo below, muraya blooms.


In our country, two main types of muraya are cultivated.

  • Muraya Koenig. This plant is naturally found in India. In its natural habitat it grows up to 4-6 meters in height. It has beautiful pinnate leaves of small size. This type of muraya is very beautiful flowers. They are white in color with a strong aroma, originally collected in rather large inflorescences, which gives this plant a striking decorative effect and picturesqueness. Muraya Koeniga after flowering produces black fruits with a glossy surface, they have an elongated shape. In each such fruit plant, there is one single seed.

An interesting fact: since the Indians use the leaves of the plant as an integral component of curry seasoning, in their homeland it is also called the curry tree. This plant begins to bloom and bear fruit at 2-4 years of age. It has one drawback: home care for this type of muraya is quite troublesome and not every grower will be able to do it. But there is also a plus, medicinal properties plants. It helps treat heart disease.

  • Muraya paniculata (paniculata). This species is also known as exotic muraya. It is native to the jungles of Australia and the warm, humid rainforests of South Asia. In nature, it grows up to 3 meters, the plant is decorated in the form of a shrub. It has rather large leaves, up to 12 centimeters long, but at the same time they are very narrow. Flowers can be either collected in inflorescences or occur as single specimens. This plant has very interesting fruits, they are bright red in color with quite tasty pulp. Seeds in stone are double. The flowers of this muraya have a very strong spicy aroma, for which the plant is sometimes called orange jasmine. Muraya paniculata begins its flowering in the fifth or eighth year of life. Unlike muraya Koenig, the variety is quite unpretentious, and this type of murray is easier to care for, it is easier to cultivate it in the climatic and domestic realities of our country.

Among gardeners, the dwarf murray variety is very popular. Its maximum height is half a meter. This plant can begin to bloom in the first six months of its life. This circumstance is very much appreciated by flower growers. Having reached a height of only 4-5 centimeters, dwarf muraya can already release several full-fledged and quite decorative flowers. This variety of murray is not artificially bred, as it may seem, the species arose as a result of a natural mutation.


Muraya is not particularly whimsical at home breeding, but some rules should still be followed. Consider the main and most useful of them:

The soil

Murraya likes the soil to be fairly loose and slightly acidic. The ideal mixture for her is as follows: in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1, mix turf and leaf soil, add humus and clean river sand of a large fraction there. Also a good way out if you are having trouble where to get everything necessary components for the substrate, will be the purchase of ready-made land for citrus fruits in the store. But in the finished soil for murray, you should definitely add some substance that has the effect of a baking powder. It can be vermiculite or coconut fiber. Perfect for perlite. Keep in mind that the younger the plant, the more loose soil suits it. Accordingly, more of this loosening agent should be added to the pot with a young plant, this will ensure excellent and continuous flowering.

top dressing

The plant should be fed about once a month. And you need to alternate organic and mineral supplements. Ideally, a special composition for bonsai nutrition is suitable as a mineral fertilizer for murray. It must be borne in mind that overfeeding with nutrients of this plant is unacceptable. And it is better to give something to the plant than to feed it. If this happens, it should be borne in mind that now its leaves will grow strongly, while flowering will become rare. But the flowers are the main thing decorative ornament murray.

Attention: fertilizers for muraya should not contain chlorine, since by nature the plant is very prone to chlorosis.


In warm and hot seasons, watering is necessary in plentiful quantities. But there are benefits and harms from watering. Strong waterlogging should not be allowed - the plant will not tolerate a stagnant swamp at home. In this case, rotting of the root system may begin, which usually leads to the death of the entire flower. You should be aware that in cool times and in winter, watering must be reduced in order to prevent excessive moisture in the substrate.

In this case, only soft, settled water should be used. It also should not contain chlorine, so tap water is excluded. You can soften the water for watering muraya with a small amount of citric acid or apple cider vinegar. If the watering conditions are not properly observed, the leaves of the murray may begin to turn yellow. Subsequently, they will completely fall off.

Air humidity

Despite the fact that the houseplant comes from the humid southern tropics, it tolerates dry air for a short time surprisingly well. The only thing that should not be done is to allow the plant to be in dry air, because in this case the tips of the leaves begin to dry out. And also in the murray of the Ming variety, flowers and buds fall prematurely. Therefore, if the room is hot and stuffy, or if the batteries work in winter, you should regularly spray murray leaves from a spray bottle. Also, experienced flower growers are advised to put a pot with a plant on a pallet with expanded clay or other drainage drowned in water.


Murraya, as a southern guest, loves sunlight very much. Therefore, it must be grown in a well-lit area. But at the same time, it is better to shade from midday scorching direct rays. It would be ideal to create enough diffused light for the plant.

In an apartment, a pot with muraya should be placed on the windows on the east or west side. If you put it on the window on the south side, then do not forget to shade at noon. It is better not to grow murray on the north side of the house. There is little light, so the muraya will begin to shed its foliage.

If the room is dark enough, then you can additionally illuminate the muraya with a fluorescent lamp, such a solarium will only benefit the plant. After all, the longer the daylight hours, the more comfortable it is.


Although the tender plant loves warmth, nevertheless, intense heat is not for murray - it does not tolerate the sizzling heat well. In summer, she will be most comfortable at 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter she needs about 17 degrees. It is impossible to both lower and greatly increase these temperature indicators. Black murraya does not tolerate drafts. The forum on our website will tell you all the secrets of growing this exotic beauty.


While the plant is young, about the first 3-4 years, it is transplanted every year. At the same time, each next pot for murray should be taken only 1-2 centimeters more than the previous one, otherwise the leaves will fall off the plant. An interesting approach to adult plants: they are transplanted every 2-3 years into the same container where they were before. By the way, a plant is considered an adult if it has already bloomed at least 2-3 times. Muraya is transplanted in summer or spring by transshipment. In this case, it is necessary to carefully shake off the roots from the clods of the old earth and, if possible, remove the top layer of soil. Then transplant into the same pot, but with new soil.


In this sense, Muraya will have to tinker. Indeed, in order to give the plant a magnificent shape, experienced flower growers recommend pinching literally every new branch in order to set it in the right direction, namely, in different directions. Do not allow murray branches to grow randomly, because in this case the decorative effect of the plant will decrease.

It should be borne in mind that if you grow a dwarf tree, then you do not need to pinch it. This plant itself is compact and grows as it should initially. But if you want to create a bonsai, then only in this case you will need the formation of a bush and pinching. Reviews of flower growers say that there is nothing difficult in forming a neat bush.

  • Winter rest period. This plant does not have a definite pronounced period of sleep. It is easy for her to bloom and bear fruit with proper care and favorable conditions even all year round. But if suddenly the conditions of detention do not suit her, the first sign of this will be the fact that the plant sheds leaves.
  • Bloom. Each new flower in murray, it stays in place for one to two days, after which it falls off. But flowering continues uninterruptedly, so after the fallen flower, new ones will bloom right there.
  • Fruit. With good and suitable air humidity, muraya bears fruit without much effort and help from the grower. But if there are difficulties, then you can help the plant to set the fruit by pollinating it. To do this, use a soft brush to transfer pollen from one flower to another. It should be borne in mind that the delicate stigma of murray quickly loses its vitality. And it can be affected by dry air, heat or insufficient watering. In this case, do not pollinate - there will be no sense until you create favorable conditions. Watch a video on how to properly care for a plant.
  • Diseases and pests. Like most domestic plants, it is susceptible to major pests: damage by scale insects, mealybugs, and whiteflies. Also for seeds and leaves, murray is a danger to aphids. From time to time it is recommended to wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth, brushing off dust and pests at the same time. A warm shower will also help her. At the first signs of infection, try to carefully spray the plant with a weak insecticidal solution.

Of the diseases, the main problem of this southern plant is chlorosis. The disease has the following symptoms: the leaves begin to become covered with ugly yellowish-brown spots, the growth of the bush stops, the leaves turn yellow and dry very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and carefully monitor that the water for irrigation does not contain chlorine. It is also important that the insecticides used are free of chlorine.


  • Japanese panicled murraya can reproduce both by seeds and petioles. But it is still preferable to plant with seeds, since the petioles of the plant take root for too long, and in many cases do not take root at all. In general, their development is influenced by many factors.
  • Dwarf muraya can reproduce exclusively by seeds. Keep in mind that its seeds will lose their viability very quickly, so it is advisable to plant them in a pot immediately after maturing on the mother tree. Under favorable conditions, a sprout from a seed will appear in one to two weeks. After that, the sprouts should be planted in separate pots of a small volume, the volume of the glass is suitable. Also, from the seeds of dwarf murray, an excellent healing tincture is obtained.
  • Murraya Koeniga can be propagated by seeds and root shoots.

Mysterious murraya dutch

Often mentioned by many in conversations, on the forums, Dutch muraya. What is this animal? Let's figure it out.

Some not very experienced flower growers unknowingly take it for some separate variety of muraya. It is not right. At its core, Dutch is a common panicled murray. The only thing Dutch in it is that it was delivered to this store from the Netherlands. In this country, the plant used to decorate even the mines. And there it is customary to plant several different-sized plant seedlings in the same container. Its only feature is its unusual openwork foliage and interesting fruits.

How not to get burned when shopping

It is impossible to buy dwarf muraya in stores, as well as a paniculata plant. A grower can buy it only from another grower. At the same time, the price of these murrays will be quite decent - for a tiny monthly sprout they ask an average of 300-400 rubles. Keep in mind that if you come across a scammer, he can easily pass off an ordinary panicled muraya sprout as an expensive dwarf specimen of a plant. After all, the so-called Dutch murraya costs 15-20 rubles per seedling in the store. And most often they are sold in a group - for 150 rubles for about 15-20 pieces.

How not to fall for the bait of a scammer and with a 100% chance of acquiring a dwarf muraya:

  • Buy from a friend.
  • Pay attention to the trunk of the sprout. The undersized murray always has a slightly curved trunk, while the panicled murray will have a straight posture.
  • Dwarf murraya will be sold already with buds or flowers, despite its young age. After all, it begins to bloom very early - already in the second week of life. Therefore, the flowering of a young plant is a sure sign that you have a dwarf specimen in front of you, and not an ordinary one.

As an ornamental plant, Murraya Paniculata is the most popular., also known as fragrant, "Exotic" or "Orange Jasmine".

In nature, it grows up to 3 meters in height., but in the room is often grown as a 'Bonsai'. It is a fast growing shrub with dark green feathery leaves of 3–9 leaflets and white flowers.

The crushed leaf of "Muraiya" emits a citrus smell. Flowers are formed at the tips of branches and collected in inflorescences. All five petals curve back beautifully.

In place of the flower, an elongated berry is formed, which, as it ripens, acquires a bright red color.

Berries have tonic properties, relieve fatigue and lower blood pressure, in which they are similar in action to Chinese Schisandra.

A decoction of the leaves is used as a gargle for bacterial infections.

"Muraiya Paniculata" is undemanding in care and very decorative. In the room, it blooms almost all year round, white flowers contrast beautifully with dark foliage and red berries. Not the last role in the popularity of the plant is played by its bright jasmine aroma.

The video provides a general description of the Murrayi (Murraya) Panicled plant:

The most common types

Many types of Muraya, and there are a little more than ten of them, attract the attention of scientists.

For example, muraya four-part, which is widely used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of cough, rheumatism, and stomach diseases.

Recent studies have shown that the active substances of this plant can act on cancer cells and prevent their reproduction.


"Dwarf Muraya (Murraya)" is a miniature form of "Paniculata". It is assumed that such a "Mini-Muraiya" appeared as a result of a mutation. It is distinguished by tiny leaves, collected 3-5 in a compound leaf. The trunk is slightly curved from the first weeks of the plant's life, strongly branches. The height of an adult bush does not exceed 50 cm.

A very attractive feature of the dwarf form for flower growers is earlier flowering. Even very young bushes with a height of just over 5 cm are sold with buds, flowers or fruits.

Attention! If you want to buy a dwarf Muraya, but it does not show signs of flowering, it is better to contact another seller.

Most likely, under the guise of a rare dwarf form, they are trying to sell you another plant.

"Smart Choice"

Non-fruiting variety of Paniculata Muraya bred by Australian breeders. Used to create hedges and other forms of street gardening. Do not breed at home.


"Min-a-min" - a compact form of "Smart Choice".

Like the older sister, it is sterile, that is, it does not form seeds when flowering.

Significantly larger than the dwarf one (in open field can grow over a meter) and looks different.

Its complex leaf is larger and consists of 5-7 small leaves., the internodes are longer. The authorship of this form of "Muraiya" belongs to the Australian Trevor Garrad. Along with the "Dwarf Muraya", min-a-min is very popular for growing at home.

"Muraiya Koeniga" (Royal, Black-fruited)

"Muraiya Koeniga" is not a variety of "Pasnelled", but a separate species originating from India. In nature, such a "Muraiya" grows into a tree up to 6 meters high, the trunk diameter reaches 40 cm. The pinnate leaf is composed of 11–21 small leaves 2–4 cm long. Inflorescences are large, up to 80 flowers. The tree blooms for 2-4 years.

Both the leaves and the white flowers of the royal 'Muraiya' give off a strong fragrance. After flowering, shiny black berries are formed, each containing one seed. The pulp of the berries is edible, but the seeds themselves are poisonous to humans. In India and Sri Lanka, the leaves of Muraya Koenig are used to make curries.

Attention! At home, this flower is quite capricious, but still sometimes grown by fans of the species.

"Dutch Muraya (Murraya)"

Often, flower sites offer some kind of "Dutch Muraya", passing it off as a special species or a new variety.

However, you will not find such a species in any catalog of plants.

In fact, this is the usual Paniculata Muraya, brought from Holland. It can look very attractive, thanks to lacy foliage, but young specimens are of little interest to flower growers, because they bloom only at 5–8 years of age. They sell such a "Murayu" usually several seedlings in one pot.

Sometimes planted Dutch plants are trying to pass off as a dwarf form.. You can distinguish them by the number of leaves in the group, the Dutch have them from 7 to 11, and an even trunk without branching. "Dwarf Muraya" immediately looks like a small tree, and the Dutch one has a conical shape due to the significant difference in length between older and younger leaves.

The invigorating scent uplifts the mood and improves sleep. By chewing a leaf of "Muraiya" you can get rid of headaches and sores in the mouth. This amazing plant can become not only a window sill decoration, but also a real green first aid kit.

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Murraya is a fairly popular tropical exotic in our country, which takes root well indoors. The plant not only pleases with a beautiful crown and flowers, it produces edible fruits. Various parts of murraya are also used to make medicines for a variety of diseases, which is another reason to get this green beauty. The homeland of the plant is Japan, where it has been actively used for several centuries to decorate gardens. Make a garden in Japanese style You can do it at home or in a greenhouse. It is enough to know a few simple secrets, then caring for murray will not be difficult.

Botanical description

Murraya is a perennial evergreen shrub of the Rutaceae family. The genus is widely distributed in Japan, India and the Malay Archipelago. Under natural conditions, the plant prefers to climb higher on rocky slopes.

Indoor murrays take the form of a shrub or tree from 30 cm to 1.5 m high. The shoots are covered with smooth yellow-gray bark. Thin branches retain elasticity for a long time and bend easily. Petiolate leaves are bright green. Pinnate foliage consists of 5-11 lobes. The total length of the leaf reaches 12 cm. The oval or obovate leaf plate has smooth edges and is slightly bent along the central vein. The size of one lobe is 1-9 cm long and 0.5-6 cm wide.

In favorable conditions, murraya blooms twice a year. Paniculate inflorescences bloom on the tops of young shoots. Some species are adorned with flowers and fruits throughout the year. For the shape of flowers and delicate aroma, the plant received the second name "orange jasmine". The corolla consists of 5 white petals, its diameter is 1-1.5 cm. Long petals open wide, and filiform stamens protrude from the center.

After pollination, fruits are formed - red or black oblong berries. They mature within 4 months after flowering. Each berry contains 1-2 elongated seeds. The length of the fruit, covered with a smooth, shiny skin, is 8-20 mm. The fruits of most types of murraya are edible.

Species and varieties

The genus Murraya contains more than a dozen species, but only a few of them can be found in our country.

Murraya paniculata (exotic, paniculata). This variety is recognized by flower growers as the most beautiful, therefore it is especially popular. The plant is a spreading, fast-growing shrub. In its natural environment, its height can reach 3 m. Bright green oval leaves up to 15 cm long are located along the entire length of the shoots. Flowering is abundant, large corymbose inflorescences bloom on the tops of young branches. After pollination, orange-red berries appear. Their flesh has an intense citrus aroma. Varieties:

  • Minima - a small flowering tree 40-60 cm high is used to create bonsai;
  • Min-a-min - shrubs with a dense crown up to 1 m high;
  • Dwarf Compact - tiny trees 10-15 cm high with leaves up to 5 mm in diameter.

Murraya Koeniga (chokeberry). A shrub or low tree of this species in nature reaches a height of 3 m. The foliage and shoots have an intense spicy aroma, so they are often replaced with curry seasoning. The plant is also known as "curry tree". Large corymbose inflorescences consist of white fragrant flowers. After pollination, black berries are tied. The fruits of this variety are not edible.

Murray reproduction

Murraya reproduces easily and does not require much effort. There are two main ways to do this: seed and vegetative.

Sowing seeds. Seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so they need to be sown immediately after harvest. If it is necessary to send the seeds or store them for some time, this is done directly in the berries. The fruits are slightly dried and stored in paper bags. After cleaning from the pulp, it is necessary to immediately produce crops. For planting prepare pots with sand and a small amount of garden soil. The seeds are deepened by 5-10 mm and left in a bright place at a temperature of +22…+25°C. After 2-3 weeks, almost all fresh seeds will sprout. Plants are developing quite actively. With the advent of 2 true leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots without picking. Dwarf varieties produce buds in the first 6 months, but ordinary or Dutch murraya blooms after 7-10 years.

Rooting cuttings. Cuttings are more laborious and not as effective. You must wait until flowering is over or choose branches without buds. For propagation, one-year-old semi-lignified shoots with 2-3 leaves should be cut. The lower cut of the cutting is treated with root and rooted in moist sandy-peat soil or water. To prevent the plant from evaporating too much moisture, it is covered with a transparent cap. Rooting is carried out in bright room with air temperature +26…+30°C. The process takes 1-2 months. When the plant has roots and young shoots, the shelter is gradually removed. It is necessary to accustom seedlings to open air within 1-2 days.

Cultivation and care

Caring for murraya requires little effort; a grower will master it even with little experience.

Lighting. The plant loves the sun, it develops well and blooms only in well-lit rooms. Shoots normally respond to direct sunlight. However, in too hot weather, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often or place a pot of murray deep into the room. In winter, additional illumination with phytolamps may be required to provide 12-14 hours of daylight.

Temperature. Murraya does not need to artificially lower the temperature in winter and during the dormant period. The optimal indicator for an adult plant is + 18 ... + 25 ° C throughout the year. In summer, you can expose the pots to fresh air, but do not forget to protect the plants from drafts and cold snaps. Murraya reacts to any adverse conditions by shedding flowers and leaves.

Humidity. The flower easily adapts to the humidity of the air in the room and can develop normally even during the heating period. It also responds well to spraying and bathing. It is important that water droplets do not collect in flowers. If the liquid is too hard, ugly lime stains may form on the leaves.

Watering. Murraya will have to be watered often, especially during the period of growth and flowering. The earth should dry out only on the surface. However, it is important to ensure that water does not stagnate in the ground. The liquid must be well purified, softened and at room temperature.

Fertilizer. Fertilizers should be used with caution. The plant does not respond well to their excess. Organic and mineral complexes alternate. Fertilizers are applied to the soil in liquid form monthly. You can use special compositions for bonsai. They are optimally selected micro and macro elements.

Transfer. Murraya needs to be transplanted every 1-3 years. The younger the plant, the more often the procedure is carried out. The thin rhizome is sensitive to any damage, it goes deep enough, so transplantation is carried out by transshipment. It is important to prevent deepening of the root collar. The pot is chosen deep enough and slightly wider than the previous one. Stones, shards or brick chips must be laid out at the bottom of the container.

The soil. The soil for planting murray should be loose, nutritious and have a neutral reaction. You can buy a citrus potting mix in the store or make it yourself from the following components:

  • soddy soil;
  • sheet soil;
  • leafy humus;
  • sand.

The proportion of sand increases when young plants are planted.

Pruning. From an early age, murray should be pinched to get a denser crown. Miniature varieties do not need regular pruning, but tolerate shaping normally. From them you can create beautiful bonsai trees. Large varieties need to be cut more often, otherwise the plant may exceed the dimensions of the room. It is recommended to leave skeletal branches, and periodically remove young shoots.

Murraya use

In the garden and at home. A pot of blooming murray will be a wonderful decoration of the room, and a large bush will complement the garden composition. However, murrays do not hibernate on the street, they absolutely cannot stand frosts and even severe cold snaps. Indoor murray will fill the room with a pleasant aroma. Plants are also famous as excellent air purifiers.

In folk medicine. Healing properties murrayi have been known since ancient times. The fruits are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Their use helps to strengthen the immune system, preserve youth and normalize blood composition. Decoctions and dishes with murray berries normalize blood sugar levels, help fight hypertension and strengthen the heart muscle. But the leaves and young shoots have analgesic and healing properties. A decoction of just one leaf is used to rinse with stomatitis. From the same disease, chewing the leaves helps. Also, a decoction of them is used for gastritis, tonsillitis and toothache.

In cooking. In addition to the berries themselves, which can be eaten raw or added to sweet dishes, the leaves of the "curry tree" are used. They are fried in oil, added to minced meat, soups, stews and fish. It is with fish and seafood that the seasoning is especially good. Food with such an additive acquires a special aroma and refined taste. The buds can be used to make tea.

In cosmetology. Murraya-based oils are the most widely used. They are added to cream, shampoo, balm, as well as aroma lamps for soothing inhalations. Powdered wood is used as a whitening and cleansing mask for the face and other parts of the body.

How many more unexplored flowers the tropics will give us. Muraya is one of the representatives of exotic plants. It is not only beautiful, but also useful plant. For medicinal purposes, all parts of the tree are used, including the underground part.

Description and features of muraya

In wild nature Muraya tree(Murraya) or shrub reaches 3 meters in length. The room stretches up to 1 -1.5 m. Trees can be found on the islands of the Pacific Ocean, tropical forests, India, Asia.

The plant emits a magical smell. Inhaling its aroma, you can get a charge of vivacity, develop mental ability, restore the cardiovascular system and improve sleep. The famous botanist D. Murray discovered this plant back in the 18th century, and the flower was named after him.

Muraya's trunk is woody with a yellow tint. The leaves are dark green, fleshy with a citrus aroma and lemon notes. Due to this, the plant is successfully used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology. The shape of the leaf is varied: oval, round, with some bend in outside.

Muraya flowers snow-white or with milk caps. The diameter of the inflorescence varies from 1.8-2 cm. Moreover, they grow as singles or collected in a brush.

In the photo Dutch muraya

To change colors, red oval ones appear muraya berries. The maturation period lasts about 4 months. Appearance similar to hawthorn fruits, and similarly they have medicinal properties:

  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • reduce headache;
  • tone the body;
  • reduce blood sugar.

The uniqueness of the plant in the simultaneous formation of fruits and the growth of new buds. Berries with a peculiar taste, have a sweetish aftertaste. Useful muraya properties not only in fruits, leaves, but also roots, stems, flowers:

  1. The first signs of a sore throat can be removed if you take a few leaves and chew thoroughly in your mouth, only then swallow. If the disease progresses, rinsing with decoction will help here. Brew a few leaves like tea. After 15 minutes, you can use the drug every two hours.
  2. In the rehabilitation period of the post-infarction state, tincture is used. Fruits and leaves, crushed in equal proportions (5 tablespoons) are infused in a dark place on vodka (250 g). After two weeks, apply 30 drops before each meal.
  3. Tincture of the following components will save you from dermatitis: plantain, murraya (3 tablespoons each), brew with 1 liter of boiling water.

Cosmetology has not bypassed the useful gifts of nature and has found application for them:

  1. A daily intake of 5 berries per day will help prevent aging of the body. The skin will retain elasticity and moisture.
  2. For women after 30 years, a decoction will help balance aging skin. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers brew with water 0.5 liters. Leave for 7 hours under a warm cloth. Then, strain and use instead of washing with water in the morning.

Muraya contraindications

Each drug can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, before using prescriptions, you should consult a doctor for advice. Even side effects the plant does not cause.

It is important to remember about alcohol tinctures! They intensely reduce pressure. Therefore, when taking them, you need to control blood pressure. The following factors that can be used are idiosyncrasy, pregnancy, infants.

Having studied the benefits and harms of muraya, we can conclude. That one should not abuse alcohol tinctures, fruits and ignore the advice of doctors.

Planting and breeding muraya

Choose a place in the apartment with bright diffused light. The soil for planting should be slightly acidic and loose. It is enough to take soil for citrus crops in a flower shop, add vermiculite.

At home, you can take river sand with humus and leafy soil. Before use, heat the mixture or impregnate it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Growing Muraya can be done in two ways.

Propagation by cuttings:
1. For this method, mature plants with a sufficient number of shoots are suitable, in early spring.
2. Cut off the crown cuttings 15 cm long.
3. Cut large leaves in half.
4. Root cuttings well in peat tablet, water, perlite.
5. Before planting, treat the cut with zirconium.
6. Put glass or plastic jars on the cuttings to create a favorable microenvironment.
7. From time to time to do airing, spraying the soil.
8. Keep the container in a consecrated place.
9. The optimum temperature is 26-29 degrees C.
10. The appearance of new leaves will be a signal that the cuttings have taken root.
11. Shelter can be removed and the branches distributed in separate pots.

Muraya breeding from seed:
1. The time of sowing seeds is not tied to time. Once the seeds have formed, they can be used as planting material.
2. Germination is maintained long time.
3. The fruits are peeled and soaked for a while (2 hours) in a warm liquid.
4. Pour peat mixed with sand in equal proportions into the container.
5. Lower the seeds and sprinkle a little and moisten the soil. Do not compact the earth, it should be loose on the surface.
6. Create a mini greenhouse, periodically ventilate and monitor the soil moisture in it. It should not be wet or dry.
7. Lighting should be bright with a temperature of 29 degrees C.
8. After one month, one and a half shoots will appear.
9. Remove cover.
10. The signal for picking will be two real leaves. If the seeds are planted immediately in separate pots, picking is excluded.
11. The soil for young seedlings should be looser than for adult specimens.
12. As soon as the roots fill the entire pot, the plants will start to grow.
13. Muraya from seeds will bloom on next year, but the buds should be cut off so that the plant is well strengthened in the underground part.

Muraya care

In order for the plant to bestow flowers and fruits, it is necessary to take care of the muraya , in the following way:

1. Watering muraya plants spend moderate. The exception is hot weather. Irrigation in this case increases, but this does not mean that it should be flooded. Waterlogged soil will not allow the flower to grow, and will provoke rotting of the root system.

V winter period watering is reduced. Special requirements apply to water: soft, settled water. It can be rain or melted snow. The bush responds positively to rubbing muraya leaves from dust and spraying.

2. Top dressing alternate with complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter. No more than once a month.

3. Since the tropics are the birthplace of the plant, do not forget about high humidity. You can achieve it in the apartment, if you spray the bush, place it in an aquarium or put it on a pan with water. These measures are especially relevant when the heating is turned on.

4. Murraya loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. If the apartment does not have an east, west side, then it is worth covering the glass with gauze, using blinds at lunchtime. The north window gives little light. Here, on the contrary, it is necessary to use additional consecration. Otherwise, the flower may shed its leaves. The plant responds well to walks in the summer.

5. Temperature regime observe the following: summer - 25 degrees C, winter - 17. Muraya does not like drafts.

In good weather, muraya can be taken outside

6. Replant young seedlings every year. Choose the next pot 2 cm larger than the previous one. Adult specimens are transplanted once every 3 years. Drainage is of particular importance.
Fill them with a flowerpot should be 1/3 of it. Do not bury the root neck into the ground.

Use the transfer method. When the entire bush with soil is carefully pulled out, the root part is inspected. If there is decay and dead roots, remove. A layer of soil is sprinkled on the drainage, then the parts are seated, removed. Soil is poured over the drainage, and a tree with a clod of earth is planted. New soil is sprinkled on the sides of the plant.

For a few days, put the container in a shaded place so that the flower survives the stress. Then, again put the flowerpot on the consecrated place.

When transplanting, you should carefully look at the root, remove diseased and rotten parts

7. A uniform crown can be achieved not by pinching, but by turning the flowerpot towards the light. Spring to spend sanitary pruning. And also shorten large shoots by 1/3. Get rid of the shoots growing inside the bush.

Types and varieties of muraya

According to experts, only 10 species of muraya live in nature. Of these, two species are suitable for growing at home. The first kind - exotic muraya (Muraya exotica) or foreign. This species is native to Japan.

There it is called Japanese myrtle. Earlier, almost 4 centuries ago, mere mortals could not grow it - it was punishable by death. The plant was intended only for the elite. Over time, plants related to citrus and rue passed into the possession of the people.

An adult exotic muraya can be mistaken for a lemon one from afar. The trunk of young shoots is green, and the leaves are similar to citrus specimens. The tree itself emits an exquisite tart aroma of rue.

Inflorescences cover the crown with white caps in the form of a garland. The fruits are red in color, reminiscent of a miniature lemon. If you bite into it, then in your mouth, like a juicy persimmon. The benefits of muraya exotic was noticed back in the days of the ancient Egyptian estates. Tibetan medicine also cannot do without this plant.

exotic muraya

The second kind is muraya paniculata(Murraya paniculata). The birthplace of the evergreen shrub is China. Natural specimens grow up to 3 meters. Grown in room culture muraya blooming like bonsai.

Shoots end with flowers collected in clusters. The leaves are leathery, oval, twisting slightly outward. Long flowering of snow-white flowers, ends with the appearance of useful berries.

In the photo, panicled muraya

Scientists have conducted a lot of research and found that the plant affects cancer cells, and does not allow them to develop, thanks to the active substances that are in the composition of the plant. Buy muraya it wasn't possible before. Now all flower shops are happy to offer you a useful flower.

Muraya Koeniga. Some flower growers think that this is a representative of the paniculate species. But the plant has nothing to do with it. In the wild, murraya Koenig sprouts in India and is considered separate view.
The tree can be called a giant among other species, since its height is 6 meters. Powerful barrel 0.4 meters. Surprisingly small flowers are collected in one brush up to 80 pieces, like separate bouquets.

Berries after flowering become black, but its seeds are poisonous. Although the pulp is edible. Growing it indoors is very difficult. But there are lovers who want to "tame" a capricious variety.

Diseases and pests of muraya

Improper care for muraya has the following consequences:

  • the plant feels good in slightly acidic soil, but if there is an excess of alkali, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow in the composition of the soil;
  • the appearance of dry leaves at the edges or in the center. This is the first signal that the bush has received a sunburn;
  • inflorescences fall. This indicates that the air is too dry.

The most dangerous pests for the plant are mites, thrips, spider mites, scale insects. In the fight against them, the leaves should be washed with soapy water and treated with insecticides.

Muraya is a charming houseplant that is valued not only for its flowering, but also for its delicate aroma, reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. A feature of the flower is that it blooms all year round, while tying fruits. Thanks to this, on one bush you can simultaneously observe buds, flowers, and berries. Although muraya is considered a capricious among flower growers, it should be started at home, because by creating the right conditions for it, you can achieve continuous flowering and enjoy a wonderful aroma.

Origin and description of muraya

Muraya is a shrub or small tree belonging to the Rutaceae family, along with well-known citrus fruits such as lemon or mandarin.

The plant was first discovered at the end of the 18th century in the Himalayas by the Swedish naturalist Murray, after whom it got its name.

In natural muraya conditions found in Southeast Asia, in particular in Sumatra, Taiwan, in the mountainous regions of China, in India and Nepal. In addition, it can be seen in the northern part of the Australian continent.

The bush is small, on average, muraya grows up to two meters in height. Thin and flexible stems are covered with light gray bark. Leaf blades are leathery, shiny and smooth to the touch. On one leaf there are several dark green leaves of an elongated shape.

Snow-white flowers consist of five petals bent back. They are collected in racemose inflorescences and exude a wonderful aroma, reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. Muraya fruits are small, oval. Outwardly, they resemble tiny elongated oranges. Inside each of the fruits is a large yellowish pit.

Types and varieties of muraya, popular in indoor floriculture

Botanists described ten types of muraya, but as houseplant only two of them are cultivated.

  1. Muraya Koeniga (chokeberry). This evergreen growing in India. Muraya Koenig has pinnate leaves, on which there are from 11 to 21 lanceolate leaf blades. A feature of the species is that not only flowers, but also leaves have a strong aroma, due to which they are used in cooking and cosmetology. In India, they are used to make curry seasoning, which is why chokeberry muraya is often called the "curry tree". For indoor floriculture, this species is rather capricious, it requires special humidity and lighting.
  2. Muraya panicled (exotic). Under natural conditions, the flower grows in the southern regions of Asia and in the northern part of Australia. It is this plant that is most often found in home flower collections. The leaves are not as large as those of chokeberry muraya, they reach a length of 7 - 12 cm. Each has 7 to 11 small leaf blades. The flowers are painted in a snow-white or cream shade. The fruits are bright red. During flowering, panicled muraya exudes a pleasant aroma, for which the flower is popularly called "orange jasmine". This species blooms quite late, at 5–8 years of age. However, hybridizers have bred new varieties of muraya paniculata, the flowering of which occurs in the first six months after planting the seeds. This is dwarf muraya, whose growth in adulthood does not exceed 50 cm. Among modern varieties, Min-a-min, Minima and Dwarf Compact can be distinguished.

In stores, panicled muraya is often sold under the name Dutch, this is not a variety of muraya, it's just that they began to call panicled muraya, supplied from the Netherlands.

Chokeberry, panicled (or Dutch) and other types of muraya in the photo

The size of dwarf muraya does not exceed 50 cm Muraya paniculata is most often cultivated in room conditions The fruits, leaves and flowers of chokeberry muraya are edible. They are used in cooking, pharmacology and cosmetology. The crown of dwarf varieties of muraya is spherical, the bush is fluffy, so it is not necessary to form a plant. Dwarf varieties of muraya are ideal for growing on a windowsill

Conditions necessary for muraya depending on the season - table

Season Lighting Humidity Temperature
Spring SummerThe flower is a fairly photophilous plant. However, muraya does not tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal option would be a location on an east or west window. In summer it is necessary to shade from the scorching sun.Humidity does not really matter, muraya can tolerate the dryness of the air in the room, but on very hot days it needs to be sprayed with warm water twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.+22–25 degrees
Autumn winterA bright place is required, but despite this, Muraya must be additionally illuminated with fluorescent lamps.Spray the flower once every 2-3 days or place the pot on a tray with wet expanded clay, moss or pebbles.+15–17 degrees

How to transplant muraya?

Soil for "orange jasmine"

The soil should be loose, light, with neutral acidity or slightly acidic, not too nutritious, because in nature muraya grows mainly in mountainous areas, and ascetics do not really like greasy soil. An ideal substrate for growing an exotic beauty is a mixture of humus, turf and leafy soil, taken in equal parts. Coarse-grained sand (1 part) should be added to them for looseness, as well as a little vermiculite and perlite.

If it is not possible to compose the substrate yourself, you can use ready-made universal or special soil for citrus fruits. But it is necessary to put a couple of tablespoons of perlite or vermiculite in it for greater friability.

Choosing the Right Muraya Container

The flowerpot for muraya should not be too wide and deep. In order for the "orange jasmine" to bloom well, a rather cramped pot is needed, the roots of the flower must completely wrap around the earthen ball. At each subsequent transplant, choose a container about 2 cm larger than the previous one.

Muraya makes a beautiful bonsai. If you want to grow a bizarre tree, choose a shallow ceramic bowl for it.

Muraya transplant - step by step description of the process

Young muraya specimens require an annual transplant, which should be scheduled in early spring, when the flower begins to actively grow.

Adult bushes are transplanted every three years (provided that the flowerpot has become too small and the roots look out through the drainage holes), and in between the procedure, you can simply replace the top layer of soil in the pot with a fresh substrate.

How to plant muraya at home - video

Muraya care at home

Features of watering and top dressing

In summer, muraya needs abundant watering. However, the plant does not like excessive dampness, so immediately drain the excess liquid from the pan, avoiding moisture stagnation. An important nuance is that the flower does not tolerate chlorine, so use only settled water.

Muraya is fed all year round, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Humate is perfect as an organic, and from preparations containing minerals and trace elements, choose complex fertilizers for citrus fruits. In winter, continue to feed, but reduce the concentration of nutrients by half.

When watering and fertilizing, follow the golden rule: it is better for murai to underfeed and underfill than to overdo it.

How to prune and form a crown

To give the bush a magnificent shape and enhance branching, experienced flower growers recommend pinching the shoots at the very beginning of the growing season. To do this, you need to shorten the main shoot, and when it gives side branches, they also need to be pinched. The procedure should be repeated three times with an interval of three to four weeks.

Please note that dwarf varieties of muraya paniculata do not need to be formed, since the plant itself grows into a lush bush.

How to make it bloom and bear fruit

The beautiful muraya does not have a pronounced period of rest. It can bloom and bear fruit all year round, while the plant does not need pollinators, it is self-fertile. Snow-white fragrant flowers bloom for 1-2 days, and then form a fruit that ripens within four months.

If the room is sufficiently humid and warm, then muraya blooms and sets fruits without additional effort. However, if the weather is too hot and the air is dry, the pollen becomes sterile and unviable.

Sometimes it happens that the plant "refuses" to bloom. A little stress will help stimulate the appearance of buds. Move the flower in winter to a cool place, with a temperature not higher than +17 degrees, reduce the amount of watering and top dressing. After a month, move the muraya to a sunny place and water it abundantly, in one or two weeks buds will appear on the flower.

The consequences of improper care for muraya - table

Problem Possible reason How to fix the situation
Muraya leaves faded, stained or turned yellow. The edges of the leaf blades curl, plant growth slows down.
  1. Excess chlorine and lack of trace elements, in particular iron.
  2. Waterlogging.
  1. Adjust watering schedule.
  2. Feed the plant with products that do not contain chlorine.
The tips of the leaves dry out, the flower stalks fall off.Very dry indoor air.
  1. Spray the air around the muraya.
  2. Place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles or expanded clay.
Leaf blades turn yellow and fall off.Wrong watering.
  1. Adjust the watering regime. Moisturize only after the top layer of the substrate in the flowerpot has dried.
  2. Avoid stagnant moisture and overdrying of the substrate.
The leaves dry in the center and along the edges.Sunburn.Move the muraya container to a place with bright but diffused light.

Muraya pests and diseases

If Muraya is provided with excellent care and acceptable conditions of detention, she practically does not get sick and is not annoyed by pests. However, in dry air, the flower is affected spider mite and shield aphids. And with excessive dampness, muraya suffers from root rot and chlorosis.

Diseases and pests signs Reason for the appearance Treatment and prevention measures
ChlorosisThe leaves turn yellow, they turn pale or stained, and the growth of muraya slows down.Excess chlorine in the soil and lack of trace elements, especially iron.Make sure that the irrigation water and fertilizers do not contain chlorine. You can additionally feed the plant with preparations with a chelated form of iron. For example, microfertilizer "Orton Micro-Fe".
root rotLeaves and shoots begin to turn black. Mold appears on the root collar.Waterlogging of the substrate.A flower affected by root rot should be removed. As a preventative measure, water the muraya properly. Avoid stagnant moisture.
spider miteThe leaves wither, turn yellow, then they die off and fall off. WITH reverse side leaf blade, you can see a thin cobweb.Dry indoor air.Actellik will help get rid of spider mites. Dilute it according to the instructions and carefully spray the muraya, trying to get droplets of the solution on the upper and inner sides of the leaf, as well as on all shoots. After processing, put a bag on the plant. Repeat the procedure three times with a frequency of once every seven days. To prevent spider mite infection, regularly moisten the air around the muraya.
Shield aphid (shchitovka)Brown tubercles appear on the leaf blades and shoots of muraya. The leaves become paler, they wither, then completely dry out and fall off.Insufficient humidity in the room.The mechanical processing of muraya helps to get rid of the shield. Scrape off the bumps and wash all parts of the plant with a swab dipped in soapy water. After that, spray the flower with Aktellik, diluted according to the instructions. Periodically inspect the flowers located next to the muraya. Isolate them immediately if they are infested with the pest.

Features of reproduction of muraya

"Orange jasmine" propagated by vegetative method and seeds, while the cuttings take root quite difficult, so the seed method is preferable.

Muraya from seeds - a step-by-step description of the breeding process

The germination of muraya seeds is lost very quickly, so only fresh planting material should be used for propagation. The ideal option would be to use a seed from a freshly picked fruit, but you can use seeds sold in stores, you just need to pay attention to the date of manufacture, it should not exceed 1 year.

The longer the muraya bones are stored, the lower their germination.

Reproduction of muraya by cuttings - a step-by-step master class

Muraya can also be propagated by apical cuttings. They root rather poorly.

Of the ten cuttings, only a few will give roots.