Examples of dialogues of a business form of communication. How to make new business acquaintances? Expressions to Avoid

If you want to be smart, learn to ask intelligently, listen carefully, answer calmly, and stop talking when there is nothing more to say.


Test "Culture of telephone communication"

The test gives the formulations of the most common rules of telephone communication. If you always follow this rule, then write down 2 points for yourself, sometimes– 1 point, never – 0.

1. I only dial a phone number when I'm sure it's correct.

2. I carefully prepare for a business telephone conversation, trying to be as brief as possible.

3. Before especially responsible telephone conversations, I make the necessary notes on a piece of paper.

4. If there is a long conversation ahead, I ask the interlocutor if he has enough time and, if not, I transfer the conversation to another agreed day and hour.

5. Having achieved a telephone connection with the necessary institution, I name myself and my enterprise.

6. If I "got in the wrong place", please excuse me, and do not hang up silently.

7. I politely answer the wrong call: “You have the wrong number” and hang up.

8. Working on an important document, I turn off the phone.

9. In business telephone conversations, I “keep myself in hand”, even if I was annoyed with something before.

10. As a response to a phone call, I give my name or organization.

11. During a long monologue of the interlocutor on the phone, from time to time I confirm my attention with brief remarks.

12. Concluding a business conversation on the phone, I thank the interlocutor and wish him success.

13. If a colleague who is asked on the phone is absent, I ask what to give him and leave a note on his desk.

14. If the phone rings during a conversation with a visitor, I usually ask to call back later.

15. In the presence of employees, I try to speak on the phone in an undertone.

16. If the interlocutor is hard to hear, please speak louder or call back.


25 points or more You are quite familiar with the culture of telephone conversation.

20-24 points- in general, you master the art of telephone conversation, but there is still room for improvement.

less than 20 points- It is advisable to study the rules again.

Phone is the most fast way connections in modern life. It allows you to solve many business problems, establish contacts without a direct meeting. However, the telephone can also become a real disaster if you do not know how to use it, neglect the rules of business communication.

Of all types of negotiations, telephone negotiations are the most difficult. The specificity of telephone communication is determined primarily by the distance factor of communication.

The interlocutors do not see each other, therefore, of all the paralinguistic factors in telephone communication, only intonation remains. The main redistribution of the informative load occurs between the verbal and intonation levels. Thus, the intonation of a business telephone conversation is no less significant than the content of the speech. Especially significant is the intonation pattern of the beginning and end of communication. The beginning and end of the conversation reinforce the whole range of positive emotions: optimism, confidence in one's positions, goodwill and respect for the interlocutor. Psychologists say that if there is a discrepancy between the content of the speech and the tone of the message, then people will trust the tone more than the content.

It is estimated that each telephone conversation lasts 3-5 minutes, and since the manager talks about business 20-30 times a day, this means a total of several hours. Therefore, before calling, think about what you want to report or what information you need to receive, clearly and clearly formulate your question.

It is estimated that during a telephone conversation, a third of the time is spent on pauses between words and the expression of emotions, this forms the fuzziness of phrases. Inconsistency and does not save time.

Interestingly, a man and a woman conduct telephone conversations in different ways. Moreover, if a man is talking to a man or a woman is talking to a woman, then they interrupt each other equally often, but when a man and a woman are talking, the man interrupts the woman twice as often. Men focus more on the content of the conversation, women are attracted by the process of communication itself, they perceive the nuances of the conversation more subtle, evaluate the interlocutor not only as a “transmitter of information”, but also as a person.

Another feature of the male telephone conversation should be borne in mind. It turns out that men listen attentively for only 10-15 seconds, and then they begin to analyze the situation and are ready to interrupt the conversation and draw conclusions.

Excessive politeness in telephone conversations is inappropriate. “Be kind, ask, please, if it’s not difficult for you ...” - such ceremonies are useless. It drags out the conversation, causes irritation.

If you agreed on a phone call but are not sure that they remember you, you should be reminded of the last conversation, identify yourself. Thus, you will save the interlocutor from an unnecessary “introduction”, during which he will convulsively remember who you are and what he agreed with you about.

By the way, How to say correctly: "You O yat" or "you call I am T"? recommended: ringing I am t, call and those call I am T.

Before each call, ask yourself these three questions:

Is there an urgent need to talk?

Is it necessary to know the partner's answer?

Is it possible to meet with a partner in person?

What is the best question to answer over the phone?

you want to quickly report or receive certain information;

You need to find out the opinion of this or that official on the issue of interest to you;

You need to clarify whether the previous meeting agreement with someone remains in force;

You need to inform your partner about the change in the situation;

You have arranged a phone call with someone.

When to call?

From 8.00 to 9.30, from 13.30 to 14.00, after 16.30. At other hours, the duration of a telephone conversation doubles, the decision is delayed.

Expressions to Avoid

I do not know

This response undermines the credibility of you and your firm. It is better to ask permission to wait and clarify the necessary information, for example: "Let me clarify this for you"

We can't make it

With such a phrase, you can lose a client or partner. Try to find a possible solution to the problem of the interlocutor. Think about what you can do in this situation, not about what you can’t

Wait a second, I'll be right back

Tell the truth when you interrupt a conversation: “It can take two or three minutes to find the information you need. Can you wait or let me call you back, write down the phone number

“No” at the beginning of a sentence does not contribute to a constructive solution to the problem. Use techniques to prevent the client or partner from saying “no”, such as “We are unable to compensate you, but we are willing to offer an additional service. That will suit you, won't it?"

It does not follow


Do not pick up the phone for a long time.

Pick up the phone before the fourth ring.

Start a conversation with the words "Hi", "Yes", "Speak".

Introduce yourself, name your department and your position.

Asking "Can I help you?"

Ask "How can I help you?"

Have two conversations at the same time.

Focus on one conversation; listen attentively.

Leave the phone unattended at least for a short time or occupy it for a long time.

Offer to call back if time is needed to clarify details.

Use scraps of paper and calendar sheets for notes.

Use forms for recording telephone conversations or a business notebook.

Say “Everyone is having lunch”, “No one is there”, “Call back”.

Write down the information and inform the subscriber that he will be called back.

The tube is removed with the left hand so that the transmitted information can be recorded with the right hand (for left-handers, respectively, vice versa). A telephone pad for writing down messages and a pen should always be at hand near the telephone.

Common phone mistakes

The biggest disadvantage in telephone communication is indifference. Who is not interested in business, he will not be able to adequately represent his company.

Due to lack of interest, the respondent makes mistakes such as:

unwillingness to conduct a dialogue;

Unfriendliness, dryness in communication;

Emphasized brevity, bordering on impoliteness;

· impatience;

desire to quickly end the conversation and hang up.

Naturally, other errors stem from this, mainly related to a negative attitude towards a partner on the phone:

Lack of address to the interlocutor by name and patronymic;

Insufficient participation in the problems of the interlocutor;

Poor questioning;

long pauses associated with the search for documents.

Sometimes the phone is hard to hear. But that doesn't mean you have to raise your voice. The opinion that if I can’t hear the interlocutor well, then he can’t hear me well and, therefore, I need to speak louder, in the case of a telephone, is erroneous. If you can't hear well, don't raise your voice. And ask the interlocutor to speak louder and ask at the same time how he hears you.

Talk on the phone at the same volume level as you would during a face-to-face conversation. Loud speech on the phone is often less intelligible because the microphone and phone settings are set to normal, average volume levels.

You should not speak too quickly, as in this case you often have to repeat what was not understood by the interlocutor.

The telephone exacerbates speech deficiencies. Numbers and numerals are especially illegible. Therefore, they need to be pronounced more clearly.

In normal intracity communication regulations business telephone conversation limits the duration

In this case, the following compositional parts are distinguished accordingly:

In order to save time, the presentation during telephone dialogue It's not the same as in a face-to-face meeting. First, the company is called, then the position and surname of the caller:

A. - Firm "Informcenter", hello.

B. - Good afternoon.

A. - Department of Public Relations. We made an offer to you regarding advertising support for the presentation of our organization.

With a strict time limit, stable speech formulas have been developed that are assigned to a particular situation and facilitate the choice of a verbal form of information transfer. So, for example, when moving to the second part (introducing the interlocutor up to date), the following phrases are often used:

In the absence of eye contact, reactive cues should be more energetic. The tube should not be "silent": for the speaker, this means that they are not listening or are listening inattentively. Reactive remarks such as "Yes, yes", "Good", "Understood", "So-so" accompany the message.

When moving to the second, and then to the third part (discussion of the situation), speakers often use the methods of paraphrasing and authorizing information (authorization is a reference in speech to the source of information).

Sometimes, due to poor hearing, a large amount of information that is difficult to perceive by ear, subscribers use corrective remarks:

Could you repeat...

“Sorry, I didn’t hear…

- Do you hear me?

Did you understand my message?

- You misunderstood me…

not quite understood...


Very important from the point of view of the implementation of speech intent is resulting stage.

Closing phrases prior to exiting a contact



- It seems that everyone discussed (discussed)

- Everything?

- That's probably all

-Do you have everything for me?

-That's all

- Are you done?

- Deal?

- On this issue, it seems, everything?

- Have you agreed on everything?

- Anything else?

- Are you satisfied?

-I think, yes



- Anything else?

-Yes of course!

- Will there be any more clarifications and additions?

- Seems like nothing.

- Is there anything else you want to say?

- Not

- No, what are you!

Thanks for information, suggestion, invitation, congratulations, help:

– Thank you for the offer, we will discuss the possibility of participating in the exhibition.

Thank you for the invitation and I accept it with pleasure.

- Thank you very much for your help.

– I must (should) thank you for your advice.

sorry for disturbing, for unauthorized calls, for a long conversation (a large number of questions), for disturbing after hours, for calling late, for interrupting the conversation for some reason, for incorrect connection:

“I’m sorry for disturbing you on your day off…”

– Please accept my apologies for the long conversation (for the large number of questions)…

"Sorry for interrupting you...

Sorry for the long conversation...

express hope for a quick meeting, for a favorable solution to the issue, the outcome of the case.

Etiquette forms occupy a rather large place in a telephone business conversation. Consider what part of the general lexical composition of the telephone dialogue is etiquette vocabulary.

A. - Hello. I would like to speak with Mr. Golovin.

B. - I'm on the phone.

A. - Roman Malinin, a representative of Max, is talking to you.

B. - Very nice. I'm listening.

A. - I would like before the start of negotiations to clarify something.

B. - You are welcome. I listen to you.

A. – Has the price per square meter of exposure changed due to inflation?

B. - Yes, of course. Now one square meter of area in the pavilion costs twenty dollars, and open area- ten.

A. - Thank you. That's all I wanted to know.

B. - If you have any other questions, call. I'm at your service.

A. - Thank you. If necessary, I will definitely take advantage of your offer. All the best.

B. - Goodbye.

Thus, etiquette not only regulates the relationship of those who communicate, but is also a means of rational organization of a telephone dialogue. This is very important due to the strict regulation of the time of telephone communication.

Example of a business telephone conversation

A. - Hello. Center "Intercongress".

B. - Hello. Radiotechnical University. Mironova Olga. I called you yesterday regarding the symposium.

A. - Good afternoon. I'm listening.

B. - Can you provide us with a room for one hundred thirty - one hundred and forty people?

A. - Yes. We can reserve a conference hall for one hundred and fifty seats for you.

B. – It suits us, thank you. How to rent furniture?

A. - In the application, you must accurately indicate the names of all items and their quantity.

B. - How to send you an application?

A. - You must send a letter of guarantee to our address. In it you will indicate all types of services and their cost.

B. - I see. The letter can be sent by mail or fax.

A. - Yes.

B. - And in how many days will you receive it?

A. - A letter usually arrives in two or three days.

B. - It's quite a long time.

A. - You can send it by courier, then it will come to us within two hours.

B. - So we will do it. Thank you very much for the comprehensive information.

A. - Please. All the best.

American businessman H. McKay believes that “any person who maintains telephone contacts with you will be pleased knowing at what time he can catch you. That's why in business negotiations always tell him about it.

Questions for self-control

1. Why is it necessary to speak competently on the phone?

2. What does it mean to “work out the flow” of a conversation?

3. What questions do you need to prepare answers for before a business conversation?

4. What influences the success of a business conversation?

5. What are the features of a business telephone conversation?

6. How to properly prepare for a business conversation on the phone?

7. What elements does competent communication on the phone include when it comes to the caller?

8. What elements does a competent answer on the phone include?

Exercise 1

Task 2

You are calling a new (old) client whose needs and tastes are unknown (known) to you. You need:

to locate the client;

Convince him to place an order.

Task 3

You need to remind yourself after a long break. How do you build a conversation on the phone? How will a telephone conversation depend on the type of partner? Give two or three different situations. Play them in pairs.

Task 4

The group is divided into pairs and conducts telephone conversations in the following situations: clinic, editorial office of the magazine, dean's office, bank, shop, foreign consulate.

The topic of the conversation is arbitrary, but the following conditions must be observed: conduct a conversation competently, ask only one question, using the minimum number of words.

Then the interlocutors change roles and again carry on a conversation in given situations.

Task 5

Couples are invited to demonstrate their ability to talk on the phone. They ask three consecutive (logically connected) questions in the following situations: car service, theater, warranty workshop, hairdresser, dolphinarium. Questions can be prepared in advance. the main task– conduct a conversation correctly, managing with a minimum number of words. At the end of each conversation, its joint analysis is carried out.

Task 6

At home, sit down by the phone and, using our recommendations, call 5-7 institutions. Count how many of them are professional "respondents". Analyze your conversations. How many mistakes have you made? Try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

By the way, when you smile during a conversation, your voice becomes more pleasant.


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Distance Education Center


in the Russian language and culture of speech

Theme: Business conversation


1. Features of a business conversation and preparation for it

2. Speech techniques used during the conversation

3. Active listening techniques


Practical task. Write a script for a business conversation. Initial data: You want to sell your company's products (materials, equipment, food or other - of your choice). Discuss the details of a possible deal with your business partner



The relationship of people in the process of joint activity, to which each person devotes a significant part of his life, has always aroused special interest and attention from philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, as well as practitioners who sought to generalize their experience of business communication in a particular area, to correlate it with the norms of morality developed by humanity and to formulate the basic principles and rules of human behavior in a business (service) environment.

In a modern, narrower interpretation, business conversation is understood as verbal communication between interlocutors who have the necessary authority from their organizations and firms to establish business relations, resolving business problems or developing a constructive approach to solving them.

A business conversation is a conversation mainly between two interlocutors, respectively, its participants can and should take into account the specific features of the personality, motives, speech characteristics of each other, that is, communication is largely interpersonal in nature and involves a variety of ways of verbal and non-verbal influence of partners on each other .

The purpose of the work is to consider the topic of the peculiarities of conducting business conversations.

The tasks of the work are the disclosure of questions about the features, types, speech techniques, preparation and organization of a business conversation.

The object of the control work is a business conversation as a whole.

The subject of the study is the ability to conduct a business conversation correctly, conflict-free and productively.

The relevance of the chosen topic is that the success of his business, his reputation depends on how well an entrepreneur or director of an enterprise knows how to organize and negotiate. The art of negotiation is specially trained all over the world. A person who is properly prepared for negotiations will be able to achieve his goal without offending his partner and leave a positive impression of himself.

1 . Features deconversation and preparation for it

Organization of a business conversation or participation in it implies that a person has certain skills and adherence to certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to understand the purpose of the conversation, that is, its functional orientation. Undoubtedly, the preparation of a conversation held in connection with the implementation of a new project and a conversation held to maintain a business relationship will be different. There are business conversations that do not require careful preparation - for example, a conversation during regular meetings with long-term business partners, a discussion of current work issues. It is much more difficult to prepare a conversation aimed at establishing business contacts or concluding a profitable deal.

In order to outline the most important points in the preparation of a business conversation, we will take as a basis the definition of a business conversation that we have already given above - this is oral contact between partners (interlocutors) who have the necessary authority from their organizations to conduct a conversation and resolve specific problems.

There are three stages of preparing and conducting a business conversation: pre-communicative, communicative (actually, conversation) and post-communicative.

The pre-communicative stage includes: planning, assessment of the interlocutors and the situation; collection of material; analysis and editing of material, preparation of abstracts.

Preparation for the conversation begins with preliminary activities.

The place of the conversation is chosen taking into account its influence on the expected result. For persons not working in the company, the most convenient place will be the office of the host or a special room for guests, equipped with everything necessary. Employees can also be met at their workplace.

When the conversation is already scheduled, a plan is drawn up for its conduct. First, you should determine your goals and topic of discussion, assess the future participants in the communication and the environment, and then develop a strategy for achieving goals and tactics for conducting a conversation.

The most important stage in the preparation of a future contact is the collection of material. It is advisable to supplement the collected materials with your own notes, then systematize the information and write (or think over) theses.

Before the conversation, it is useful to try to make a portrait of the interlocutor, to determine his strengths and weaknesses, that is, to establish his psychological type, political beliefs, public positions, social status, religious beliefs, hobbies, etc. All this will help determine who - a supporter or opponent - will have to deal with, develop the most acceptable tactics that should be followed during the conversation. Just before the meeting itself, it is desirable to find out what mood the partner is in, what problems he has, how to help solve his personal problems in this situation, which, of course, gives any conversation a more favorable direction.

Knowing the future partner helps not only to get an idea of ​​his personal qualities, but, most importantly, to understand his vision of the subject that will be discussed, the interests associated with it.

This is followed by the communicative stage of the conversation, which includes establishing contact, presenting and substantiating the position, clarifying the position of the interlocutor, joint analysis of the problem or discussion of issues, and, finally, decision making.

The beginning of the conversation will be as productive as possible if you can establish contact with the interlocutor, create a working atmosphere and draw attention to the upcoming conversation.

The initial stage of the conversation is primarily psychological. The first phrases often have a decisive effect on the interlocutor, that is, on his decision to listen to you further or not.

Interlocutors are usually more attentive at the beginning of a conversation. It is from the first phrases that the interlocutor's attitude towards you and the conversation itself will depend (i.e., the creation of a working atmosphere). According to the first phrases, one gets an impression of a person, and, as you know, the effect of the "first impression" is always remembered for a very long time.

2 . Speech pridioms used in a conversation

There are many ways to start a conversation. One of them, for example, is the technique of "relieving tension", when the conversation begins with non-work questions, with compliments or jokes. This technique also contributes to the establishment of personal sympathies and trusting relationships. The “hook” technique allows you to briefly state the situation or problem, linking it to the content of the conversation, and using this “hook” as a starting point for starting a conversation. A small event, comparison, personal impression, anecdotal incident or unusual question can also be successfully used for this purpose. Taking a direct approach means going straight to the point, without any introduction. Schematically, it looks like this: you briefly state the reasons why the interview was scheduled, quickly move from general issues to private and start the topic of conversation. This method is suitable mainly for short-term and not very important business contacts, for example, in communication between a boss and a subordinate. Everyone chooses the most convenient and appropriate, taking into account the type and rank of the interlocutor, the reception of the beginning of the conversation.

The next stage of the conversation is informing the interlocutors and getting feedback from them. Here it is appropriate to recall the basic linguistic and ethical requirements for a business conversation: these are the requirements of correctness, accuracy, brevity and accessibility.

The first and indispensable requirement for a business conversation is the correctness of the speech of the speakers. The norms of oral business speech "are not as strict as those of its written form," but speakers are obliged to strive for the correctness of their language. Even at the stage of preparation for the conversation, you should use dictionaries and reference books in order to clarify the pronunciation and spelling of professional terms and find out the appropriateness of using certain words. You should not include colloquial speech, lengthy lyrical digressions or lengthy artistic descriptions in business speech, overload speech with synonyms. In general, the speaker's speech should comply with the norms of the modern Russian language and not go beyond the official business style.

Brevity is another of the most important requirements for any form of business speech, since such speech is "characterized ... by a purely applied nature in the presentation of the reported information." The speaker should not abuse the listener's time and patience. Words and phrases that do not carry any semantic load should be excluded from business speech.

In addition to the above requirements for business speech, there is one more thing - the availability of speech. It is known that everyone hears what they understand. Therefore, speech should be as accessible as possible for your interlocutor. Your thoughts should be expressed as simply and intelligibly as possible. A good way to achieve accessibility of speech is to use examples or visual material - slide shows, photographs, pictures, drawings, maps.

After discussing the issues and making decisions, the conversation ends. Usually, at the end of a business conversation, everything that was said during the conversation is summarized. Every detail of the generalizing conclusion should be clear and understandable to all those present, there should be no place for superfluous words and vague formulations. In a generalizing conclusion, one main idea should prevail, most often stated in the form of several provisions that consistently express it in the most concise form.

This is followed by the post-communicative stage of a business conversation. Actually, this is a written record that fixes the agreements reached, the positions of the parties, the signing of agreements, if this was planned, etc. The end of a business conversation is a farewell to the interlocutor, approval of his decision and gratitude for cooperation, an expression of hope for further cooperation.

Also postcommunicative the stage includes a period after a business conversation, when the interlocutors analyze the results of the conversation on their own or with leaders - this is possible both in writing and orally.

These are the most common and common ways of preparing and conducting a business conversation.

Despite the fact that business relationships, official behavior, as a rule, are normative and must comply with numerous regulations and prescriptions, nevertheless, living people act, agree, offer, decide within the framework of prescriptions, who, even within the specified boundaries of regulations and norms, have the opportunity act differently, alternatively, while obeying the influence of their individual characteristics, mood, emotional state at a given time.

It is advisable, when addressing a future participant in a business conversation (if there was no prior agreement about it), in the first phrase, do not directly touch on the purpose of the conversation; this phrase should be introductory, it is designed to distract the interlocutor from past thoughts, set him up favorably to you, to your future words, to draw his attention to what you are going to say. At the same time, the introductory phrase itself (or two) may not be directly related to the future topic of conversation. Various recommendations for establishing interpersonal contacts usually give advice on how to start a conversation, but these recommendations can not be fully applied to conducting business conversations. But some of them can be used. So, for example, you should avoid any expressions that may suggest that you are disrespectful or dismissive of the interlocutor, i.e. you can't say, "I didn't mean to contact you, but..." it's better if you say, "I don't want to waste your time, but..."

Starting a conversation with the phrase "If you are free now, I would like to ...", you run the risk of hearing in response: "Right now I am very busy"; it is better to say this: "Although I know that you are most likely busy, I will venture, nevertheless, to invite you to discuss the problem ..."

In a conversation, you should make it clear to the interlocutor that you take into account his opinion and knowledge as a specialist. It’s not bad to say a phrase like “It’s very nice that we will discuss this problem with you, since it’s you (option, I’ve heard about you as about ...) who are the leading specialist in ...". With this phrase, you show your disposition towards your interaction partner, business conversation partner. Thus, a possible favorable course of the conversation for you receives a greater probability. However, one should not turn a business conversation into a stream of compliments and petty secular courtesies: in this way one can put oneself in a ridiculous position.

In business Russian, a number of stable speech turns can be distinguished, which allow interlocutors to control the course of the conversation at the stage of discussing the problem and making a decision. Here are some examples:
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; Clarification of the topic, purpose, Let's clarify the details ... ; Get me up to speed… ; Can we count... ; Do you have a specific suggestion… ; Persuasion partner I'm quite sure of this ...; There is no reason to fear ... ; I think we will all win… ; Of course, you will agree that ... ; Without any doubt… ; Incomplete agreement This needs further discussion… ; As far as possible, we will try ... ; Maybe consider other conditions ... ; Disagreement It is hardly possible… ; Unfortunately… ; It would be undesirable... ; It's not your fault... ; Evaluation of the situation I share your point of view… ; Actually… ; Causes certain doubts ... ; The conclusion is that ... ; When informing those present, one must firmly adhere to the main direction of the conversation, consistently pursue one’s thought, one’s opinion, not intrusively, but stubbornly defend it. All the questions raised are considered in the sequence in which it was planned, and you need to move on to the next one only after discussing the previous one. In the process of informing, you should carefully monitor everything that the interlocutor asks, the meaning of his words.

An indispensable condition for any business conversation is a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor. Often we hear complaints that “it is impossible to prove anything” or “it is useless to prove”. Most likely, this is due to the inability to prove, to defend one's point of view. Defending your point of view, it is important not only to listen, but also to hear the other, to be able to listen to other arguments. “Listening to an interlocutor is a difficult task, requiring tension, since we must concentrate our attention on what the interlocutor is saying, although our head is usually occupied with many problems and, in addition, we are tired or nervous,” the specialist in ethics of business conversations Predrag Micic.

3 . Active listening techniques

Most often, active listening is necessary in business contacts. His goal is to get as much information as possible from a partner. But why shouldn't we passively listen to a person who wants to tell us something? Here are the reasons:

1) due to the ambiguity of words and expressions, it is possible to misinterpret the message;

2) the interlocutor is not always able to clearly and definitely express his thoughts;

3) the interlocutor may avoid open self-expression or deliberately hide information.

Active listening differs from passive listening in that at the first stage it is allowed to interrupt the speaker with a clarifying question: "What do you mean?", "I'm sorry, I didn't understand...", etc. to find out the meaning of an expression or word. When the interlocutor is silent, it is appropriate to ask a leading question, which will force him to talk about some aspects of the case that he did not touch. You can also encourage conversation - a direct request to stop at such and such a moment.

Paraphrasing is one of the active listening techniques.

New wording of the message to check its accuracy. It is used when the interlocutor is unclear. You can start paraphrasing like this: "Do you want to say that ..." or "You

you mean that ... ". In the case when the partner deliberately obscures the essence of the matter, such a technique makes it possible to reveal his true considerations.

To listen actively is to find out true value messages.

Active listening techniques:

1. Remember that communication involves at least two people who alternate speaking and listening. If you are unclear about what the interlocutor is talking about, let him know either by clarifying questions or by asking him to repeat or reformulate what was said.

2. Be physically attentive, i.e. listen to the interlocutor "with your whole body." Turn around to face the speaker. Maintain eye contact with him.

3. Focus on what the other person is saying.

4. Try to understand not only the meaning of the words, but also the feelings of the interlocutor.

5. Adhere to an approving attitude towards the interlocutor.

6. Try to express understanding.

7. Listen to yourself. If you are preoccupied or annoyed and have an internal dialogue, you are unable to listen to what others are saying. If this irritation is caused by the words of the interlocutor, then it is better not to harbor evil, but to object to him and, if possible, calm yourself in order to listen to his further statements without interference.

Listening to the interlocutor, never don't do the following:

don't pretend to listen;

do not interrupt unnecessarily;

do not jump to conclusions;

do not fall for hasty objections;

do not express violent emotions.

At the end of the conversation, the owner or initiator summarizes the results, shows how the information received can be used, and encourages others to comprehend it and take action.


In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, we find the meaning of this word: "Conversation is a mutual conversation, sociable speech between people, their verbal communication, the exchange of feelings and thoughts in words."

Thus, the very essence of the conversation is dialogue. Participants' remarks interact, form a common theme and branch out during the conversation, which allows the interlocutors to reach agreement, find the shortest path to solving problems, and finally enjoy communication.

First of all, it should be remembered that dialogue is cooperation aimed at finding the truth and making the best decision.

A business conversation is the most favorable and often the only way to convince the interlocutor of the validity of your position, so that he agrees with it and supports it. One of the main tasks of the conversation is to convince the interlocutor to accept a specific offer.

Thus, a business conversation can be considered as a special kind of interpersonal interaction in an organized environment. A clear understanding by the participants of the conversation of the goals they pursue, an understanding of the functional features of each of its stages, the possession of psychological and speech methods of conducting a business conversation are a necessary component of effective business communication.

The ability to behave appropriately with people is one of the most important factors in determining the chances of success in business, official or entrepreneurial activity. A business conversation is focused on a positive (constructive) result and excludes the suppression of someone else's position. The meaning of communication of any person lies in the reaction that it causes. And to get the right reaction, you need to prepare for communication with a partner.

Practical task. Write a script for a business conversation. Initial data: You want to sell your company's products (materials, equipment, food or other - of your choice). Discuss the details of a possible deal with your business partner

A. - Good afternoon, Alexander Olegovich.

B.- Hello Lev Mikhailovich.

A. - Come in, sit down on the sofa.

B.- Thank you.

A.- I am ready to listen to you.

B. - Lev Mikhailovich, by phone we agreed on a deal to purchase new Toyota cars for your company's fleet. I would like to discuss further cooperation.

A. - Yes, of course I remember our conversation Alexander Olegovich. My employees have prepared requirements for cars, indicating the technical and quality characteristics. I ask you to study. As such, it requires further discussion.

B. - Yes, of course, we have such cars, and we are ready to provide them for your company. I suggest you familiarize yourself with our catalog of the new model range of Toyota cars.

Oh good. I have half an hour of free time to listen to you. Can you offer coffee or tea?

B. - Coffee, if possible.

A. - Yes, wait a second.

B.- Thank you. I would like to bring to your attention a complete package of documents including: specifications, possible terms of delivery, service, personnel training. I will also demonstrate a slide show with our cars, comparative charts for prices in the Russian market and I am ready to answer your questions.

A.- Thank you. Very convincing. I will order the preparation of documents. It was a pleasure to work with you. All the best.

B. - Glad to cooperate. Goodbye.


1. Egovtseva L.N. Culture of speech and speech behavior. Tutorial. - Yekaterinburg 2003 USUE

2. Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relations: Proc. allowance Publisher: M.: Finansy i statistika Year: 2002

3. Baeva O.A. Oratory and business communication: Proc. allowance.--

2nd ed., corrected. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2001. -328 p.; ill.

4. Botavina, R. N. Ethics of business relations [Text]: textbook. Allowance / R. N. Botavina. M. : finance and statistics, 2001.

5. gibson, J.L. Organization: behavior, structure, processes [Text] / J. L. Gibson, D. M. Ivantsevich, D. H.-ml. Donnelly. M. : INFRA-M, 2000.

Hosted on Allbest.ru

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In addition to the question itself, the person in trouble has a deep need for understanding and expects you to correctly diagnose their problem. The doctor and lawyer need to be told the whole truth, and most people know this. There are sayings on the topic: “Tell the lawyer everything as it really was, he himself will then confuse everything for you.”

Often a person has a need to pour out his soul if he has some personal experiences - and you can ruin even a positive impression of you in the bud if you interrupt or show a lack of interest in him personally, but you will only demonstrate interest in his business and his money.

If you interrupt the interlocutor, do not answer his questions or ask counter questions, do not ask his opinion, do not clarify the details, but simply describe in a monologue how this is happening for you, this greatly reduces the effectiveness of the conversation.

Rule number one: if a person has a heartbeat, his speech flows like a river - let him talk, use active listening techniques - "Uh-huh", "Yeah", "Yes-yes", and clarifying questions, because perhaps he tells you everything and you can diagnose his problem.

An example of a dialogue using several of the described techniques, formulated on the basis of real questions that people usually ask lawyers:

— (company name), good afternoon.

— Hello, I would like to know the prices for your services.

- Oh sure. My name is Nikolay, I am the head of the client department. May I know your name?

— Artem Dmitrievich.

- Nice to meet you, Artem Dmitrievich. We have a fairly wide range of services. So that I can answer your question, please briefly describe what happened to you?

In this case, we, firstly, greeted the potential client who called, we identified ourselves by name and position, and learned the name of the interlocutor. Further, we turned to the interlocutor by name, which is also very important when communicating with strangers.

We quite exhaustively, as far as possible in this situation, to his question about the cost of his services and seized the initiative, justifying this by the fact that we need to learn more about his problem in order to answer the question more specifically. Further he says:

- I got into an accident, the culprit in the traffic police has some connections, I'm afraid that they won't compensate me for the broken car and they will also force me to pay out of my own pocket.

- When and where did this happen, in which traffic police is the case considered?

- Moskovsky prospect, house 48, a week ago. Case in the traffic police of the Moscow region.

Next, we ask more clarifying questions: are there any documents, certificates, a diagram of the incident, a cost estimate for assessing damage. The answer follows: “Yes, there is a certificate, there is this, there is this ...” It turns out that we have enough initial data to understand whether this is our client or not ours. In this case, this is our client, therefore, having decided on this, we must then transfer him to the next stage so that he comes to us for an initial consultation.

- In this case, I propose to discuss all the details in a personal meeting. When would it be convenient for you to come to us for a consultation?

- I don’t see the point in meeting, you just say on the phone approximate cost I'm only interested in numbers.

Thus, our first attempt to make an appointment ended in failure. What do we do in this case? In response to his objection, to the remark about the unwillingness to come to you, you can say that not all people have an idea of ​​​​how the work of a lawyer is built. This metaphor can help a lot:

- Lawyers are like doctors: in order to make a diagnosis, the doctor needs your tests. Do you agree with this? We need to see your documents. Analyzes for a doctor, and your documents for a lawyer

Usually all people say: yes, absolutely. This is well illustrated by the example of the work of doctors. Then you make a posting to the future and describe to the interlocutor point by point what exactly will happen during the consultation.

— During the consultation, we will study your documents, ask you a few clarifying questions, determine exactly how we can help you, and describe the sequence of actions to solve your problem.

With this technique, we set the program, which we talked about a little earlier when we analyzed the structure. That is, you set a program, what exactly will happen after he agrees to come and arrives. Thus, you give the person a map that he will need to follow, you have already drawn it for him.

- At the end of the consultation, you will have a clear picture in your head of what and how to do in order to achieve the desired results.

Here you are arguing in favor of his personal visit to you, indicating his personal benefits that he will receive from this consultation. Even a free consultation needs to be sold because potential clients tend to see it as your clever ploy to swindle them out of their money. In response to this stereotype, you should insert a similar phrase into your script for a telephone conversation: a description of the benefits that the interlocutor will use your free or inexpensive service.

- Tell me, will it be convenient for you to drive up to us today or tomorrow?

The second attempt, the second time you cast the bait. Perhaps not all of your clients will be so stubborn, but still you must meet such resistance and tactfully handle any objections from even the most intractable clients.

- How much do your services cost?

How to correctly present the price is the topic of a separate chapter. Here is one possible answer:

— I can tell you that we do not have the lowest rates in the city, and the reason for this is that we do our job well and achieve results. And quality costs money, you probably understand that yourself. The price for services starts from ... - (and name the lowest bar). More details can be said after studying your documents.

In the end, you answered the question, giving an idea of ​​​​the level of cost, but reasonably justified why you cannot give a specific answer that would put the client before the choice of whether to contact him for your services or not. Obviously, he has a certain budget in his head, how much he is willing to spend on these services.

Let me remind you that the main goal of receiving incoming calls is not exhaustive answers to all the client’s questions and not to put him before a choice, to buy or not to buy, not to sell him a contract right away by phone, because this is much more difficult than it can be done at a consultation. You should set yourself the goal of receiving a call - this is not selling a big service, but selling a small, simple next step - an office consultation.

Want more helpful content?

  1. 3 chapters from The Million Dollar Law Firm: From Private Practice to Market Leadership (PDF, 32 pages)
  2. "The 10 Easy Step Marketing Plan to Doubling Law Firm Profits" (PDF, 22 pages)

In the life of each of us, situations prevail when we communicate at the everyday level: with family, with friends and acquaintances, on the street, in public transport, etc. The goals and topics of everyday conversations are very diverse: ask something and get an answer, greet, congratulate or apologize, talk about common affairs, consult, have fun, and so on. We communicate a lot informally and at work. In all these cases, the so-called colloquial style of speech is used, which is not constrained by strict rules.

Let us take, for example, a dialogue between two familiar young people who met by chance on the street. Let's call them Askar (A) and Boris (B).

A. Hello!

B. Salute!

A. I called you yesterday.

B. I visited Yurka.

A. A! Has he already arrived?

B. I fell ill on the road.

A. Yes, the flu is in full swing now. We are already stoked. And you?

B. Tomorrow, they say, they have something there ... In two days it will come. Detective? wow

A. I can’t, I’m giving it back today. Then bye!

B. Bye!

Led short dialogue possesses, nevertheless, all signs of integrity, completeness. The ethical formulas of greeting and farewell mark the framework of this dialogue. The content of the dialogue unfolds according to the associative principle: the meeting participants talk about a phone call, about the absence of a common friend, about his illness, about the causes of the flu, about heating and a detective. The conversation constantly slips to another topic. The remarks are not developed, they are given as an easily understood hint. And yet, the underlying purpose is news exchange- implemented, the conversation is thematically exhausted.

Dialogue is closely tied to the situation. During the meeting, situational details change the subject of speech ( Detective? Wow!). The subject and style of the dialogue are predetermined by a more general situation (context): its participants know each other well, have common interests and common acquaintances, are in informal relations, that is, they communicate not out of necessity, but out of mutual desire.

The style of verbal expression of the dialogue is distinguished by emotionality, which is manifested in a quick change of questions and answers, exclamations, peculiarities of vocabulary and syntax.

business dialogue differs significantly from the everyday one in many respects: it is planned in advance by the number of participants, by the place and time of the meeting, by subject, by the style of communication, since the participants in the business meeting are in official relations.

Let us give an example of a business dialogue between the director of a law firm Pavlov (P) and Kono (K), a representative of a Japanese airline.

K. May I come in?

P. Yes, please come in!

K. Hello!

P. Good afternoon!

K. Allow me to introduce myself: Tokashi Kono, commercial director of the Japanese company Aviaservice.

P. Very nice. (Holds out his hand.) Viktor Sergeevich Pavlov, General Director of Poisk. (They exchange business cards.) Here is my business card.

K. Thank you. But mine.

P. Thank you. Oh yes, we are neighbors!

K. Yes, a representative office of our company is also located on Abay Street.

P. Please come in here, Mr. Kono.

K: Thank you.

P. What will you drink, Mr. Kono. Tea? Coffee? Juice?

K. Please, tea. I know that people in Kazakhstan are very fond of and know how to make wonderful tea.

P. Yes, it is. In Russian they say: "Drink tea - live long." We have also heard about the Japanese tea ceremony. This is a wonderful tradition. Are you in Almaty for the first time?

K: Yes, for the first time. A beautiful city. I'm here on company business.

P. When your company was founded, we heard about it.

K. In August 1992.

P. If it's not a secret, what does your company do?

K. It's not a secret. It provides services to air passengers.

ON! This is a noble undertaking!

K: Yes, we serve about half a million passengers a year.

P. What is the number of employees in your company?

K. So far, 70 people.

P. What is your annual turnover?

K: About three million dollars. But we sometimes have legal problems where we recently work. This is what brought me to you.

P. We will be happy to help you in any way we can. Our legal adviser for working with foreign companies will receive you now. His office is on the second floor. My assistant will take you there.

K. Great! Many thanks! It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Pavlov.

P. I am also very pleased to meet you, Mr. Kono. Best wishes to you!

K. Goodbye!

The meeting between business people is agreed in advance by phone, planned, and its conditions suit both interlocutors. A significant part of the dialogue is the exchange of courtesies necessary in such cases. This is business etiquette. Thus, both the conditions of communication and its process in this case are subject to generally accepted rules (protocol).

The main purpose of the Japanese businessman's visit was named during the dialogue. This goal was achieved quickly and efficiently. Information relating to the purpose of the visit is extremely specific, presented clearly and correctly perceived.

The style of communication, for all its formality, is free, friendly, as is customary in business contacts in a democratic environment.

Now let's compare the dialogue between household and business. The differences between them can be shown in the following table:

Parameters household conversation business conversation
1. Social roles Relationships of equal rights, friendly or intimate Relations of equality or subordination: employee-client, boss-subordinate, teacher-student, etc.)
2. Predictability Random, unprepared It is planned at all stages: preparation, implementation, decision, action.
3. Purpose Not aimed at a conscious or proclaimed result Purposeful, has a specific result
4. Theme The unity of the theme is not maintained. Several topics are covered. Maintains thematic unity
5. Composition Built on the principle of association, unordered Strives for compositional harmony (introduction - discussion - conclusion)
6. Style colloquial, friendly Formal - business, friendly

From the above comparison of everyday and business communication, it can be seen that conversational and business dialogues differ in the nature of situations, goals, presentation (style), that is, in all rhetorical areas: organization, goals, style ( ethos, pathos, logos).

Let's discuss another important aspect of speech activity - listening.

Effective listening

At first glance, the very combination of the words "ability to listen" and, even more so, the combination "effective listening" seem strange to us. After all, all people who have normal hearing listen to each other, communicate with each other. But listening and hearing are not the same thing.

Listening well means not only listening to what is said, but also listening correctly. understand intentions of the interlocutor, develop their attitude towards him. This requires serious intellectual effort, attention and will. Remember, how many of your interlocutors are those who listen to you to the end? It must be assumed that a little. And you yourself? Recall the case when you did not interrupt the interlocutor, did not impose your point of view on him, tried to first understand the partner’s position to the end, and only then speak out, agree or criticize yourself. By objectively evaluating your ability to listen and hear, you can admit that you are a bad listener. It seems to us that our understanding of the situation is more important. So what does good listening mean?

To listen effectively, to understand, means to be able to catch the real goals of your interlocutor, to be able to evaluate his argumentation, the general logic of presentation, the reliability of the information that he tells you, to understand his feelings. During the hearing, you also develop your own attitude to the subject of the conversation, internally prepare to object or agree if the evidence of the interlocutor has completely convinced you. You may have questions and ambiguities along the way, which you should leave for clarification after the partner's speech. In short, listening is a serious intellectual work that must be learned to perform with the best results for mutual understanding. It depends on the degree of understanding efficiency hearing.

Philosophers, logicians, psychologists, and linguists deal with the problem of understanding and interpretation. Even a whole science of understanding and interpreting someone else's speech has been formed - hermeneutics. Here we will limit ourselves to only the most general recommendations for effective listening, which are given by the English psychologist I. Atvater. Here are his tips:

- Don't mistake silence for attention. If the interlocutor is silent, this does not mean that he is listening. He can be lost in his own thoughts.

- Be physically alert. Turn around to face the speaker. Maintain eye contact with him. Make sure your posture and gestures indicate what you are listening to.

- Don't pretend you are listening. It is useless, no matter how you pretend, lack of interest and boredom will inevitably manifest itself in facial expressions and gestures.

- Give the interlocutor time to speak. Focus on what he says. Try to understand not only the meaning of the words, but also the conclusions of the interlocutor.

- Don't interrupt unnecessarily. Most of us in social communication interrupt each other, sometimes doing it unconsciously.

- If you need to interrupt someone in a serious conversation, then help restore the interrupted train of thought of the interlocutor.

- Do not jump to conclusions, this is one of the main barriers to effective communication. Refrain from judgments and try to understand the point of view of the interlocutor or the course of his thoughts to the end.

- Don't be overly sensitive to emotional words. When listening to a highly agitated interlocutor, be careful not to be influenced by his feelings, otherwise you may miss the meaning of the message.

- If the interlocutor has already spoken, repeat the main points of his monologue in your own words and ask if he meant it. This guarantees you from any ambiguities and misunderstandings.

- Do not focus on the conversational features of the interlocutor.

These recommendations are useful to understand, remember and, most importantly, apply them in everyday communication practice. Naturally, the skill does not come immediately, it takes time and patience to develop it. But it will pay off in the long run. An attentive interlocutor is a cultured person who is successful in business, as he achieves mutual understanding as the basis for useful interaction.

Telephone communication

To make sure that there are stable rules (ethos) in the dialogue, let's move on to the characteristics of individual genres of dialogue: official telephone conversations, personal business conversations, meetings, brainstorming, negotiations.

Modern life, especially business life, is very difficult to imagine without a telephone. Thanks to the phone, many issues are quickly resolved, especially if there are mobile connection. No need to waste time on tedious, long correspondence, on trips, no need to spend money on it. Telephone communication provides a continuous two-way exchange of information at any distance.

Negotiations are carried out over the phone, orders are given, inquiries are made, consultations are given, notifications are made about upcoming meetings, and much more. In short, the phone in modern life is indispensable.

However, there are some downsides to talking on the phone. For example, not all information can be exchanged over the phone. The conversation can be overheard and used against you. Long telephone conversations consume a lot of time and interfere with direct communication. Sometimes a telephone message is received with distortion, which can be quite expensive. In addition, a telephone conversation cannot contain voluminous, logically complex, visual information (tables, diagrams, etc.). That is, the quantity and quality of telephone information have their limitations. A lot of harm comes from ignorance of telephone etiquette and rational rules for conducting telephone conversations. Let's consider the most important of them.

If your work is directly related to everyday telephone conversations, then you should properly prepare for the "telephone day" every time:

Prepare the necessary directories, summary data, tariffs, complete (with names, patronymics) lists of officials, your partners, their phone numbers and means of communication, and other operational information;

Think about who can call you: consumers, customers, bosses (subordinates), colleagues, government officials, and the like;

Predict possible topics: references, meeting arrangements, clarifications, greetings, apologies, thanks, etc. All this must be planned in terms of time and importance, written down;

- "lose" in the mind possible scenarios of important negotiations: getting into contact, finding out the purpose of the conversations, discussing the issue, summing up the conversation, final etiquette phrases;

Tune in to an attentive, friendly and productive conversation with your subscribers.

Good preparation for "phone day" will definitely help you to work effectively. Internal readiness for every conversation - understanding your role in the situation, a clear goal and the desire to achieve it, as well as a well-developed behavior technology - will serve you and your company in good stead.

Approximate time frames different stages telephone conversations are:

1. Establishing contact, greetings and introductions 20 + 5 sec.

2. Introduction of the interlocutor to the essence of the matter 40 + 5 sec.

3. Discussion of the issue 100 + 5 sec.

4. Summing up, parting 20 + 5 sec.

As you can see, the main time of a three-minute conversation is devoted to the discussion, which is built according to ethical and logical rules.

To establish a stable contact, if they call you, pick up the phone no later than the third call. We must value our first phrases (" You will never have a second time to make a first impression."). From the very first words, let the interlocutor feel that you are benevolent, sincere and productive to conduct a conversation.
An obligatory element of the beginning of the conversation is a mutual introduction: this will save you from guesswork and misunderstandings. You must clearly understand your role in the situation. For instance: "Firm" Sigma ", good afternoon!" Or: "Enterprise "Alma", sales department, good morning ". Or: "Dispatcher of the plant" Progress "Sakova". If the subscriber did not introduce himself, it is still necessary to find out the data about the interlocutor, for example: Please, state your name! Excuse me, who am I talking to? Please introduce yourself!".

Try to remember (or better write down) the name of the interlocutor. Often call him exactly as he introduced himself. Renowned American specialist business communication Dale Carnegie said: "Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound to him in any language.".

If the subscriber "got in the wrong place", he should apologize : "Sorry, I got the wrong number." And you do not need to "read him a moral."

As a rule, the initiator of the conversation briefly states the purpose of his telephone appeal. Of course, he himself must have a clear list of major and minor questions that require a specific answer.

When discussing a topic, interlocutors must adhere to certain norms of speech. Stylistically competent speech should be:


Logically coherent and consistent;

Informatively rich;

Correct, that is, meeting the standards of pronunciation, word usage and grammar;

Pure, without vulgar and slang words, without allusions and familiarities;

Simple and clear, excluding uncommon terms, foreign or polysemantic words, omissions, etc.;

Lively, emotionally colored, which just means a friendly joke and a personal attitude to the topic of discussion;

Devoid of aggression ("Don't you understand! I'll show you!") and categorical disagreement ("No, I do not agree! This will never happen!").

All this should be aimed at a positive outcome of the conversation.

Special requirements are placed on the voice and diction of the interlocutors. Indeed, during telephone communication there is no visual connection, which helps mutual understanding in direct contact. In a telephone conversation, all logical and emotional information is conveyed in words and intonation. The intonation just creates the "climate" of the conversation: trust or wariness, sincerity or suspicion, friendliness or hostility.

A well-placed, sonorous voice tones the speaker and the interlocutor. At the same time, there is still no need to go on shouting or fall into artificial optimism. Any falsehood, apathy or pretense is also transmitted through the voice. In a word, you need to convey your good emotional form with your voice. Vocal skills include:

Speak measuredly, clearly separating words, at the same pace;

Clearly pronounce sounds, do not "swallow" endings;

Change the tone where the meaning or emotional content requires it, "smile on the phone";

Make logical stresses on important words, repeat them so that they are clearly understood and well remembered.

It is very useful during a conversation to confirm that you are listening carefully, fully understanding the thoughts of the interlocutor (not necessarily agreeing with him). In this case, phrases like: " Well well! Good! clear!" or " Is that how I understand you? Wait a second, I'll write"and the like.

You can also use clarifying questions, such as: "Excuse me, did you say at 16.00? Sorry, so at 15.00 at the Air Terminal?”.

You also need to make sure that your information is understood correctly and in full.

Thus, the result of the discussion should be a complete mutual understanding on the subject of communication.

At the final stage of the conversation, its outcome should be summed up: the main points of the exchange of information are repeated or a decision is made on the topic under discussion with clear, unambiguous wording. For example, like this: "So, we agreed to meet and discuss the details of the contract. See you tomorrow at 11.00 in our office, we'll be waiting for you. - That's right, agreed".

The goal of the final part of the telephone conversation is to ensure that your interlocutor has a favorable impression of communicating with you and a desire to talk or meet again. Saying goodbye, you can use such, for example, phrases: "I was glad to talk with you", "You are a good conversationalist, it's a pleasure to deal with you."

Etiquette formulas of farewell may contain wishes for success, health, well-being.

Thus, a short telephone conversation should take place in a friendly tone and have beneficial results for both parties.

When you're done on the phone, or the whole "phone day," take a quick look at what worked well for you, what needs to be fixed, or what needs to be avoided in the future. You can make notes for memory, plan further.

business conversation

Our daily practice of informal communication, its automatism creates the illusion that it costs nothing to conduct a competent business conversation. This is a common misconception. As we have seen, ordinary and business conversations have significant differences. They differ in the social roles of the participants in communication, and in the degree of organization, and in goals, and in subject matter, and in procedural rules (construction), and in style. A specific set of norms and rules just creates the originality of the genre of business conversation.

A personal business conversation can be used in managerial actions within the company: hiring, disciplinary conversation, analysis of an industrial conflict, an assignment, etc. It is also used in the external relations of the company: meeting with a client, presenting a product, inviting to work together, responding to a claim and many others. others

Personal business conversation follows general principle business communication: reasonable expediency. This involves planning the meeting, manageability at all stages of the meeting, evaluation of the results and implementation of the adopted agreements. There are three stages in this regard: preparation, implementation and analysis of results, in order to use positive experience and avoid mistakes in the future.

Preparatory stage involves the preparation on the merits and organization meetings or conversations. When planning an upcoming meeting, we should:

Collect and comprehend up-to-date, complete and reliable information about the case that will be the subject of our conversation;

Collect all information about the proposed partner, his professional qualifications and personal qualities.

It is necessary to choose, of course, convenient for both participants in the meeting. place and time. In a preliminary conversation on the phone, this must be done. The less familiar you are with the person you are meeting, the more carefully you need to prepare.

Designating for yourself purpose conversations, you sketch it plan, For example, in the form of answers to questions:

What occasion for a conversation with a specific partner and what are its topic and purpose?

What kind questions, topic-related conversations will be the most important?

What are the features psychological portrait your interlocutor and how best to behave with him?

What kind objections and counter-proposals can nominate a meeting partner? How best to respond to them?

What kind solutions the question you are going to discuss, can you suggest? What if the partner 1) agrees, 2) puts forward his own version of the solution, or 3) refuses everything?

Which of your employees would be helpful at the meeting?

Conducting a conversation how its main stage can be, in turn, also divided into three stages: the beginning of the conversation, the discussion of the issue (the main part) and the end of the conversation.

The beginning of the conversation is a very important stage, so it should not be neglected. "Let's get right down to business!"- not the best start. At this time, there is a kind of psychological "grinding", the adaptation of the interlocutors to each other. People by appearance, by tone, by the manner of conducting a conversation, are trying to decide who is sitting in front of them. The effect of "first impression" is remembered for a very long time. Not bad if you smile, keep yourself confident and at the same time at ease. The interlocutor should feel that you have come to talk about the case, respecting your colleague.

In order to create an atmosphere of trust and constructive cooperation, to allow each other to get used to and jointly develop a style of communication, secondary, mutually interesting topics. It is important, however, to introduce yourself correctly, exchange business cards in order to remember the full name of the interlocutor and his position. The latter, by the way, will make it possible to determine which issues your partner has the right to decide and which not.

At the beginning of the conversation, it is necessary to clarify what will be discussed, what it should achieve as a result. Then the interlocutors in turn state their position. What is the best way to do this?

Here it is appropriate to refer to the comparison. Take today's newspaper. Select the article that interests you on the first page. The first page is a section of top news and sensations. If you chose an article, pay attention to how it answers the following questions (article topic):

O com sensational news?

- What did this person?

- Where it happened?

- When did this story happen?

- Why could this happen?

The information given in the first paragraphs gradually reduces its sharpness towards the end of the article. This is newspaper style.

And if you use it in your practice, you can't go wrong.

Remember: the information you give to your listener is to help you achieve his goals. Build your business proposal according to the principle and structure of a newspaper sensation: who exactly will do some work, what exactly needs to be done, where and when it needs to be done, why it should be done in the current situation.

Half the success in an interview depends on the ability of each party to clearly and accurately state their point of view on the issue under discussion.

After you have spoken, let your partner do the same. A clarifying question-and-answer dialogue may follow, which should leave no doubt that you have understood each other correctly. At the end of this stage of the conversation, you can summarize what your interlocutor said: " If I understand you correctly, you think we should…"

Now we need to move on to discussing the details, if you agree on the main thing. And here you need to be convincing and concise. Comparisons, examples (examples-facts, examples-assumptions, comic examples), as well as references to the law, to objective statistics, authorities, visual materials (diagrams, tables, etc.) will give credibility to your speech.

The last stage of the conversation is its completion. This can be done, for example, like this:

"Let's summarize", "So, we have agreed on all the main positions and can make a decision."

The parties may take a "time out" to consider mutual proposals, clarify or verify the facts. They can also sign a pre-prepared agreement if its text suits both parties. They can continue negotiations in a different setting and in a different composition, etc. In any case, even if you are emotionally ready to make a deal, you should not rush. But don't wait too long to make a decision either. " Even a brilliant decision will be erroneous if it is not taken on time. said one of the prominent businessmen .

At the very end of the conversation, it must be emphasized that regardless of its results, you are satisfied with the meeting. You look forward to continued interaction. You are determined to fulfill the agreed agreements.

Ethical parting formulas should emphasize your respect for the interlocutor and the fact that you highly value cooperation with him.

After finishing the meeting, you need to analyze with a cool head whether you managed to achieve your goal, what hindered or helped the conversation, etc. This analysis will help you work more efficiently in the future.

So, a business conversation is used in internal situations, as well as in external individual communications. It must be purposefully planned and carried out in accordance with the rhetorical rules of persuasion and ethics. The effectiveness of the meeting is determined by how clearly the subsequent joint actions will be organized and carried out.

We now turn to a discussion of some genres of deliberative speech, which are also built in compliance with the principles of business communication.

Topic 4. Meetings [:]

Lecture plan

1. Definition and typology of meetings. Goals and expected results of briefing, dispatching and problem meetings. Characteristics of briefing and dispatching meetings.

2. Preparation of a problem meeting on the merits of the topic and on organizational issues.

3. Problem meeting management. Formulation of progress and results.

4. "Brain attack" and "round table" as deliberative genres.

Service meetings

Meeting as a form of intellectual cooperation and development of a common line of conduct is one of the oldest and most effective forms of human communication.

Philosophy and philology have long turned their attention to this form of speech interaction. Aristotle in his famous treatise "Rhetoric" singled out "... three types of rhetorical speeches: advisory, judicial and epideictic (praise or blame)". He also said: "Rhetoric is an art corresponding to dialectics." Dialectic here meant a method of conversation and reasoning that removes contradictions and aspires to agreement, to the search for truth.

Modern democracy as the power of the majority (and protection of the interests of the minority) is generally based not on dictatorship, but on the struggle of opinions and the development of collegial decisions, which are then binding on all members of a given community, formal or informal group. But corporate democracy must develop effective mechanism distribution and exercise of rights, duties and responsibilities, develop ethics and, if you like, the habits of corporate governance. Meetings are one of the tools of such management.

There are the following main intracorporate types of meetings: instructional, supervisory (operational) and problematic. The main type of meetings are problem meetings. Joint discussion of the situation has its advantages for the parties. The manager, summarizing opinions, judgments and evaluating their interests, uses the knowledge and experience of employees to make the right decision on the situation. Employees have an additional incentive to quality work in the execution of a decision in the development of which they themselves participated.

Now let's talk about what is the sequence and steps(technology) of holding a business meeting. There are usually three stages in this: preparation, implementation and analysis of effectiveness . Moreover, each of the stages has its own internal logic of actions.

At preparing meetings, two points are important: 1) preparation the essence of the problem for discussion, collection, clarification of basic information and the adoption of a preliminary decision, as well as 2) preparation organizational: determination of the personal composition of the meeting participants, place and time of the meeting, topic (agenda), preparation of documents, technical support.

Meaningful preparation involves the collection and processing of information on specific issues, the adoption of a preliminary decision. Moreover, all the participants of the meeting do this (mainly within their competence). The leader must prepare especially carefully. He needs, first of all, to clearly set the goal of the meeting, highlight key points, outline ways to achieve the goal. He himself can prepare a report on the main issue. He can also entrust this to a competent employee or commission, which not only sets out in a special report the essence of the problem, reasoned proposals for its solution, all objective data, but also prepares a draft decision on the issue. The commission or an invited specialist checks the state of affairs and also prepares a meaningful report (certificate) and recommendations. Each of the meeting participants prepares and presents to colleagues his information and proposals for solving the problem or part of it.

Under organization of the meeting means, Firstly, determination of the necessary and sufficient number of employees and their personal composition. These people should not only carry out future decisions with high quality, but also be practically useful in their development. A business meeting (as recommended by experts) can be attended by 7-9, maximum 12 people. More participants can already reduce the efficiency of the work. Personally, these can be people involved in any area of ​​the enterprise, for example, heads of services and departments, experienced professionals. When solving important issues, third-party, independent specialists (scientists, consultants, auditors) may be invited as speakers on general problematic issues.

Secondly, the topic of discussion (agenda) must be determined in advance. This is necessary so that the participants (if necessary) can prepare (for example, within their competence), think over their proposals, even prepare short reports. It is better to notify all participants in the meeting in writing (sometimes against receipt) about the problem of discussion.

Thirdly, the successful choice of the place and time of the event, the seating of the participants in the meeting room (special hall) is important. Seating according to the principle "presidium - hall" creates a psychological distance between the leadership and ordinary participants in the discussion. Seating in the form of a "round table" creates a favorable, more democratic atmosphere for deliberative interaction. This is also necessary so that everyone can see and hear each speaker well. If necessary, speakers should have free access to the microphone.

As for the time, it should be determined either by the general regulations of the enterprise, or selected in the morning, say, from 10 to 12 noon. This is the time when the brain works actively, when thoughts about lunch or the end of the working day do not interfere.

For the effectiveness of the service discussion, each participant must have at hand all the necessary information. It is about the content side of the problem. It can be : agenda with speakers, reports, charts, diagrams, statistics, lists, draft decisions etc. Technical means (office equipment) in the form of, for example, laptops, monitors, slide projectors or other visual aids improve the content and productivity of official communication. There should be drinks on the table. Everything that interferes with the calm and constructive work of the meeting must also be eliminated. It is also necessary to think about who and in what form will keep the protocol.

There are three main stages during the meeting: 1) introductory part, 2) discussion of the issue and 3) decision. Let's discuss these stages in detail and see what the role of the leader is at each moment of the deliberative interaction.

1. The senior officer or the initiators of the meeting propose to elect a chairman and a secretary. The meeting can be held (with the consent of the participants) by the head of the organization or a senior officer in the department, if a meeting of his employees is held. Keeping minutes of scheduled meetings is entrusted to one person who is also involved in notification, distribution of information, technical equipment, etc.

The facilitator begins the meeting by greeting and addressing the participants.

kam. This is the first chance to establish a friendly and constructive contact with the audience, which the chairperson maintains throughout the meeting. When starting a meeting, you can say something like this:

  • « Good afternoon, dear employees" or
  • « Dear Colleagues! I am glad to welcome you" or
  • "Good afternoon, dear members of the council."

Appeal " ladies and gentlemen” sounds somewhat distant, but always correct. If your meeting is attended by dignitaries, then they should be addressed separately, with their name or title: " Dear Mr. Akim, ladies and gentlemen. It is worth mentioning who is invited to the meeting, so that the participants feel the importance of the topic and the direction of its discussion.

After greeting and addressing the participants, you should introduce them to the topic. Today we are discussing very serious issues with you. You have the agenda and the names of the speakers. Are there any objections or additions? If not, please vote. After voting, the regulations are approved: time for reports, speeches and references, breaks in work, etc. The report is given 7-10 minutes. Speeches cannot last more than 3 minutes. The presiding officer must strictly observe the approved rules as the will of the meeting, encouraging participants to do the same.

It is also very important from the very beginning to ask speakers and speakers to speak to the point, to convince

Business Etiquette. Why you need to behave this way and not otherwise Bazhenova Elizaveta Viktorovna



Negotiations with partners, especially when building relationships, are of great importance for future cooperation. And the alliance that is being created depends on how competently you conduct them. If you fail to defend your point of view, show weakness - you will be led in this union. Push too hard and you might lose an ally. The best thing is if you have an even relationship on an equal footing. But for this you will have to make an effort.

Need to know some typical techniques used for tactically competent negotiation.

One of these methods is technique of "leaving" or "avoiding the fight". It is used when issues that are undesirable for discussion are raised, and also in order not to give the partner accurate information or an unambiguous answer, if you are not even sure yet whether the development of your relationship will take place.

For example, Mr. Ivanov felt that Mr. Popov, who came to the meeting, was interested for some reason in the production process at his enterprise, and he had suspicions that Mr. Popov was not going to maintain relations, but simply decided to find out some of Mr. Ivanov's company secrets in this way. What is he doing? He decides to “hold” the negotiations, for which the secretary organizes an urgent call, apologizes to Mr. Popov and asks to postpone the discussion of issues of interest to him for another day, since he needs to leave immediately to resolve an important issue. Mr. Popov is forced to retire without finding out anything.

A new meeting is scheduled in a couple of days. During this time, Mr. Ivanov will find out thoroughly how right he is in his suspicions.

Similar models are built on the same model. techniques "pulling", "waiting", "salami", which are used to delay negotiations in order to find out more about those with whom negotiations are underway, or about some situation.

Reception "packaging" suggests that not one, but several questions are brought up for discussion. In this case, the “package” includes both attractive and unattractive offers that cannot be passed separately (without attractive ones), but they can be accepted as a “package”, a package of concessions can also be offered to increase the attractiveness of the offers.

For example, subleasing a piece of land best quality, the owner allows the tenant to use the cottage of the sports base in winter. Very often a kind of deceptive move is used, which has a code name "overclaiming". This technique consists in the fact that a whole list of problems is submitted for discussion, among which there are “distracting” ones that are obviously unacceptable for one of the parties.

Of course, the battle begins precisely because of these points, with which the second side will not agree under any circumstances, and when a firm “no” is said, the first side pretends to have entered into the position of the interlocutors and agrees to remove these points, but the interlocutors should also show loyalty and remove some demands on their part. No one ever expected that the controversial provisions would be signed, they simply distracted the other side from agreeing to the remaining points, which could not have passed without disputes.

Reception "arrangement of false accents of one's own position"– also a kind of deception. It consists in demonstrating to the partner an extreme interest in resolving an issue that does not really have of great importance. In fact, having convinced the partner of interest in the resolved issue, the businessman imperceptibly receives from him a solution to another issue, which is very important for the company and could not “slip” without problems if the partner had guessed about it.

There is also a clever move - "slip" an important requirement at the last minute, this technique is called - "making demands at the last minute". It is used at the very end of negotiations, when all issues have been settled, the partners have come to an agreement and all that remains is to take a pen and sign a contract. It was then that one of the partners suddenly “remembers” that one trifle remained unresolved ... and puts forward new demands.

Sometimes the "trifle" is such that the second partner turns around and leaves the negotiations. Sometimes the one who prepared the surprise is lucky, and the second partner agrees to sign the contract, but this happens only when he is ready to sacrifice something for the sake of the contract itself.

The results of negotiations depend not only on the tricks that you applied during communication, but also on how you know how to communicate. Here it is worth remembering again about competent and pure Russian speech. More than once I had to participate in negotiations or be present at them, and sometimes my hair stood on end. Some “speaker” starts to speak… and again one hears “due to the lack of presence”, “conducting the opening of the closing”… Official, bureaucratic language, heavy construction of phrases.

It is not surprising that most negotiators prefer not to speak on their own on the most important issues, but to read other people's thoughts on a piece of paper. But who knows the issue under discussion better - a businessman or his secretary-assistant, who did not leave her computer for two days, composing this "lack of presence"? Probably a businessman. The trouble is that he is afraid to speak in his own words, and strangers are stunningly terrible.

At one of these meetings, next to the boss - a middle-aged fat man from retired military men - was a perfect "brother". They negotiated wonderfully. The boss read, stammering, the fruit of sleepless nights of secretaries, tired of reading what he did not understand; then the “brother” would get up, look around at everyone and say: “Andrei Nikolaevich said that ...” and translate the ten-minute speech of his boss, successfully flattening it into two sentences.

At first, this annoyed the other side, then it began to make them laugh, and two days later they realized that they needed to listen (and carefully) to “brother”. The chief poured water, the "brother" stated the essence.

Later it turned out that the assistant, who looked like a "brother", graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. And in order not to expose himself to ridicule, it was necessary to negotiate with him. But then the chief stood in the pose of an offended cocotte, and that's what happened - a speaker and a co-speaker.

Of course, no one requires a business person to have a brilliant command of rhetoric and a bewitching voice. But you can learn how to correctly build phrases and pronounce them clearly by sweating a little in front of a mirror, or better, as we have already said, by filming yourself on videotape and then evaluating your oratory skills.

In order for the speech to be not only competent, but also effective, experts recommend:

- emphasize important words and subordinate less important ones to them;

- change the pace of speech - this gives it expressiveness;

Pause before and after important thoughts.

And don't forget that there is six effects of communication :

1. visual image effect- based on the fact that at first a person is perceived by appearance, and this appearance overshadows subsequent perception: you seemed insignificant and unpleasant - all your further words will be perceived from this bell tower; so pay attention to how beautifully you are dressed, how you use facial expressions, whether you know how to be polite and tactful, whether you carry yourself elegantly and confidently, even how you look at your interlocutors.

2.The effect of the first phrases- fixes or corrects the initial impression, therefore, interesting information should be concentrated in the first phrases, with elements of originality, immediately attracting attention.

3.Argumentation effect– the speech should be substantiated, convincing, logical, thought-provoking and comprehending information.

4.The effect of intonations and pauses. A feature of human perception is that intonations and pauses contribute to a 10–15 percent increase in information, causing associations and suggestions among interlocutors.

5.artistic expressive effect- this is a competent construction of sentences, correct word stress, the use of rhetorical devices - metaphors, hyperbole, etc.

6.The effect of relaxation (relaxation): those who are able to joke in time, insert a witty remark, will be more lucky in negotiations than those who do not know how to do this, because humor creates a natural pause for people to relax, brings them together and sets them in a benevolent mood.

The negotiation process depends on your ability not only to listen, but also to ask questions .

All questions can be divided into the following categories: informational, control, guiding, provocative, alternative, confirming, counter, introductory, one-way, beginning and ending negotiations.

Information questions ask in order to get some necessary information from the partner, for example: "Tell us about the essence of your proposal."

Control questions used to find out how well you understand each other, for example: “What do you think of our offer? How interesting is it to you?

Guiding questions they assume that you occupy a leading position in the dialogue and direct the conversation in the direction that is beneficial for you (this way you can “steal” the partner from the topic that is undesirable for you and present your own interests as important for both partners).

provocative questions they ask in order to understand the true claims of the partner, his true capabilities and interests, for example: “Are you sure that you can handle this business?” By asking provocative questions, you pretend to doubt your partner's intentions, and he is forced to prove that your doubts are wrong. Thus, he immediately assumes part of the responsibility, even if it was not originally in his plans.

Alternative questions put the partner before a choice of several options, for example: “When is it more convenient for you to drive up to our company - on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday?” Even if the partner did not plan to agree to something so quickly, now he is forced to choose one of the proposed options. An alternative question sometimes speeds up the transaction, not allowing you to take time to think about the question.

Supporting questions exist in order to obtain the consent of the partner. Confirmatory questions are built according to the following principle: first, about five questions are asked, the answer to which is an unequivocal “yes”, and then the sixth, to which the partner can answer both “yes” and “no”. If the question had been asked immediately, without preparation, the answer might have been a denial. But after five “yes” answers, the person also answers the sixth question, which is beneficial to the interested party.

Counter questions allow you to move the discussion in the right direction and smoothly bring the partner to the final decision.

Introductory Questions ask to clarify the partner’s opinion on the upcoming decision, for example: “What do you want to achieve using this technique?”, Or to understand how the dialogue influenced the partner’s opinion.

Single Strip Questions sound like a repetition of the question asked by the partner, they help to delay the answer and give yourself extra time to think, for example, the partner asks: “Do you agree to transfer this amount by Thursday?”, and you answer the question with a question: “Do I agree to transfer this until Thursday? I think that …"

Psychologists advise starting and ending a business meeting with the help of beginners and concluding questions: “Issues that open negotiations are very important for effective and interested discussion. Negotiating partners immediately experience a state of positive expectation. For example: “If I offer you a way to quickly solve a problem without risking anything, would you be interested in it? „“

The concluding questions are aimed at the soonest positive completion of the negotiations. In this case, it is best to first ask one or two confirming questions, accompanied by a friendly smile: “Could I convince you of the benefits of this offer?” concluding negotiations: “Which time for the implementation of this proposal suits you better - May or June?” (“Business conversations and negotiations”, www.manag-staff.ru).

The course of negotiations depends on how you adhere to the rules of business etiquette, that is, how accurate, honest, correct, tactful, you know how to listen to the interlocutor and explain what you want to receive from him. But negotiations depend not only on these personal qualities, but also on the negotiating environment .

Of course, negotiations will be difficult if there are the following negative factors(not related to the issue at hand):

– discomfort of the physical environment: unattractiveness of the room, uncomfortable seats, stale air, etc.;

- the concern of the interlocutors with some official or personal affairs, an upset moral and psychological state;

- ambition, envy, malevolence;

- illiteracy of the speaker's speech, inexpressiveness of phrases, etc.;

- incompetence of the interlocutor;

- rejection of the image of the interlocutor.

Psychologists quite rightly note that for the correct conduct of negotiations or other business events, it is required to seat the interlocutors in such a way that they

nothing prevented us from talking to you on an equal footing.

Considering various options for organizing

business meeting, they note the following positions

for participants in the negotiation process:

Classroom accommodation interlocutors is used if they have to listen to a fairly lengthy report. This type of arrangement of the participants in the dialogue assumes that the speaker will listen and take into account what has been said. This arrangement is possible for intra-office meetings when all members of the team are present. Such an arrangement is contraindicated in negotiations and business meetings.

Conference type of accommodation interlocutors are also preferable for holding internal business events or for holding purely official meetings that should show your importance. This form of placement is inconvenient for equal negotiations.

At horseshoe seating you soften the official atmosphere and show yourself as a businesslike, but democratic person who respects the opinions of others.

At seating arrangement "letter V" you maintain a democratic image, but at the same time demonstrate that you always have the last word: you agree to listen to everyone, but you will not go on about anyone.

The most democratic seating - around the round table and at regular intervals. If you need to discuss several issues with the invitation of leading experts, then you can seat the participants in the dialogue small groups at round tables. So a specialist, for example, in marketing, will be close to people of a related specialty and will be able to discuss the topic with his neighbors, and not with a heating engineer who does not understand anything about marketing. But such a seating arrangement is unacceptable if some issue is being resolved that requires close attention from everyone, participation in the discussion of each person - with a seating arrangement of this type, group communication automatically arises.

And on business meetings with a small number of participants(2–3) it is most rational to settle for round table, or around coffee table, or simply move the chairs a little towards each other so that stiffness disappears and a comfortable, cozy atmosphere arises that is conducive to communication.

“Before starting a conversation, you need to clearly formulate for yourself what you need to achieve as a result of the meeting. In order for the conversation to be productive from the very beginning, it is necessary:

- establish contact with the interlocutor;

– create a favorable atmosphere for conversation;

- to attract the attention of a partner;

- arouse interest in the conversation;

– “seize” the initiative, if necessary.

There are such ways to start a conversation that block our path to success or make it very difficult to achieve it. You should avoid them if you want to make your conversation productive:

- a manifestation of self-doubt and the need for a meeting;

- showing disrespect at the beginning of the meeting, even in a mild form;

- excitation of the defensive position of the interlocutor with the very first questions.

Conversation style- a complex concept, including, on the one hand, seemingly “elementary”, “technical” components of speech, such as:

- pitch, timbre;

- volume;

– duration, frequency of pauses;

- speed;

- the presence and nature of gestures;

- intonation;

- repetitions, etc.

However, these characteristics are by no means elementary and very difficult to change, since they are realized in speech mostly automatically, often unconsciously. In addition, their meaning and the impression they make on a partner are very ambiguous.

The problem of successful human interaction is exacerbated by the presence of more complex and deep components of the style of conversation, such as:

- the tendency to speak directly or hint;

- questioning or giving others the initiative to inform themselves;

– comfortable level of formality or simplicity; acceptable jokes;

– attitude to the exchange of complaints;

– expectation that another will follow our example, etc.” (E. Ivanova, “Effective Communication and Conflicts”).

So, when you are going to negotiate, just ask yourself the question: would I be comfortable, being in a company for the first time, that is, in a foreign territory, to communicate with people new to me? Do I have a pleasant environment? Am I comfortable sitting? Is the speaker speaking clearly enough? Does he accompany his speech with visuals? Does he justify his statements? Does he have confidence?

And try to do everything to inspire the trust of the interlocutor.

Best days to negotiate Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are considered the worst - Monday and Friday. On Monday, negotiations may not be effective, since this is the beginning of the working week, and often on weekends the partner has a good rest from everyday work and allowed himself to relax. Negotiating with hangover sufferers is hardly wise. Friday is the last day of the working week, the partner is already set for the upcoming vacation, his head is occupied with rainbow thoughts, not deeds, so this day is not good for negotiations either.

Optimal time for negotiation consider the afternoon time - half an hour or an hour later, when a person is already quite awake and full, his attention is not distracted by anything and he perceives information adequately.

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