Bauman Kaluga State University. GOU VPO "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E

The training of specialists in the branch is currently carried out according to the curricula of the relevant specialties of the head university - MSTU (MVTU) named after. N.E. Bauman. The specifics of the training of engineering personnel for enterprises in the city of Kaluga is implemented through the introduction of educational plans special disciplines in the profile of the work of enterprises in Kaluga and attracting leading specialists from enterprises of the city to give lectures and conduct other types of classes.

At present, the Kaluga branch of MSTU. N.E. Bauman is the leading technical university in the region, the authoritative and largest of the branches technical universities Russia, has a state license and a certificate for the right to conduct educational activities in the areas of basic higher education and specialties for the training of graduates, bachelors and masters, as well as for additional education, pre-university training and postgraduate studies.


According to the organizational structure, the Kaluga branch is an educational, research and production complex, which includes:

  • 5 faculties,
  • 28 departments,
  • department of military training,
  • military training center,
  • computer center,
  • scientific and technical library with reading rooms,
  • sports camp and sports complex,
  • experimental area.

To organize the educational process, the Kaluga branch has seven educational and laboratory buildings and three comfortable hostels.

Scientific activity

When preparing highly qualified engineers, who in the future should become developers and researchers of new equipment and new technologies, the most important component is the scientific work of the university, which is carried out by scientists, teachers and research staff of the departments. Conduct level scientific research determines the quality and result of educational work.

The relationship of theoretical teaching methods with practical training is at MSTU. N.E. Bauman is the basis for training specialists for the most advanced areas of science and technology. Research institutes and laboratories of the University were created and operate within the framework of the training of engineering and scientific personnel, and the combination of science and education is the main principle of training engineering personnel at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman.

The departments of the branch conduct scientific research in all areas of training specialists in the framework of fundamental, experimental design and applied work. The customers are academic research institutes, state research funds (RFBR, RHF, Ministry of Education and Science, etc.), industrial enterprises of the region.


In the Kaluga branch, as well as in MSTU. N.E. Bauman, the term of study is five years and ten months, which makes it possible to give future graduates a deeper fundamental and professional education. Students who successfully complete the full course of study have the opportunity to continue their studies in the postgraduate study of the Branch. In the branch, much attention is paid not only to the teaching of special disciplines, but also to humanitarian subjects, especially to in-depth study foreign languages.

Highly qualified teachers, including 12 academicians, 10 corresponding members of various academies of sciences, over 40 doctors of sciences and over 200 candidates of sciences, train at 29 departments of the branch.

Such a teaching staff makes it possible to train engineers of a high professional level: graduates work in various industries not only in Russia, but also abroad. Among the graduates of the Kaluga branch of the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman are the leaders of the region, city, directors of the largest factories and firms, chief specialists, famous scientists, military personnel, etc.

Branch students have the opportunity to receive additional educational services on a contract basis: a second specialty or a specialty additional to the main one (with a diploma).

About the university

History of the Kaluga branch of MSTU named after N. E. Bauman

Kaluga is rightly called the "cradle of astronautics". The great scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lived in Kaluga for 43 years, and here the idea of ​​human space exploration was born, the main stages of space exploration and exploration were outlined. And, probably, it is symbolic that it was in Kaluga, in 1959, that the evening faculty of one of the best technical universities in the country, the Moscow Higher Technical School named after Nikolai Ernestovich Bauman, was opened, where highly qualified engineering personnel are trained for the whole country and a lot is done to implement the ideas of K .E. Tsiolkovsky and other prominent scientists.
Evening faculty of Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman in Kaluga
(1959 - 1964)

In 1959, in order to provide the rapidly developing industry of the Kaluga region with engineering personnel and expand the training of specialists on the job, by order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR No. 441 of April 20, 1959, from August 1, the evening faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N.E. Bauman, subsequently transformed into the Kaluga branch of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. Associate Professor Sutyrin Gleb Vasilyevich (from 1959 to 1964, from 1964 to 1970 - director of the Kaluga branch of the Moscow Higher Technical School) - associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, was appointed the first head of the faculty.

In May 1959, a four-story building under construction on Sovetskaya St. (now Lenina St.), previously intended for a technical school of the food industry, was allocated to accommodate the university, with total area 3331.3 sq.m.

The formation of the teaching staff of the faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School took place at the expense of teachers from the head university, leading industry experts and teachers of educational institutions in Kaluga. To conduct training sessions, the following teachers were transferred from the Moscow Higher Technical School to the Kaluga evening faculty for permanent work: Sutyrin G.V., Yakubovsky A.M., Nakapkin A.N., Kibalnichenko N.N., Ermolenko L.L., Zinenko S. A., Zakharov Yu.E., Sutyrina N.D., Kutuzova G.N. Apartments were allocated for Muscovite teachers. The first teachers from Kaluga were: Nekhaenko R.V., Musikhina T.B., Kandybin D.M., Kucherova K.I., Buniatova N.N., Ilyukhina T.B., Chekanov V.I., Tsarkov V. .A., Pritsker B.M., Lubyanko L.D., Valchuk N.L.

It was necessary to create a university on a “bare” place. A lot of work was done to create classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, a library and a reading room.

The first enrollment of students was carried out in five specialties:

* "Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools";
* "Machines and technology of foundry production";
* "Equipment and technology of welding production";
* "Turbine construction";
* Locomotive building.

The first reception was 215 people. Most of the large plants in Kaluga sent their employees to receive higher technical education.

Classes at the evening faculty were organized in two shifts: one course worked in the morning for one week, and the other course in the evening. The next week is the opposite. Such a two-shift system of classes was the most appropriate, since many enterprises in the city worked in two shifts. In addition, a student who missed classes in the morning or evening in his shift for reasons related to the work schedule could always study in another shift, because. Classes in the morning and evening were held on the same schedule.

Already in the second semester of the 1959-1960 academic year, the teachers of the faculty began to conduct research and production work at factories.

In order to ensure a new admission of students with a higher general education at the Kaluga evening faculty in December 1959, paid courses were organized to prepare for the university. The most experienced teachers from the city's schools, methodologists of the Institute for the Improvement of Teachers and inspectors of the regional department of public education were invited to work at the preparatory courses. The courses were taught according to the curricula of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. For students who worked in two shifts, two-shift classes were organized, and for those working in one shift, classes were held only in the evening.

On September 1, 1962, a full-time department was opened at the faculty, which admitted 75 students, of which: 50 people were production workers, 25 people were school graduates.

Since 1963, compulsory military training of students has been introduced at the faculty.

Taking into account the fact that the contingent of students and teachers is increasing, the faculty management is working to increase the teaching space of the faculty. In April 1960, a letter was sent to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on behalf of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR, the Kaluga Regional Committee of the CPSU, the Kaluga Economic Council with a request to consider the issue of allocating funds to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR for the designated purpose in the amount of 15,850 thousand rubles for the construction of a typical educational building of a higher educational institution with an area of ​​11566 sq.m. The money has been allocated. In November 1963, a new educational building was put into operation on the street. Moscow, 255 (today there is a professional lyceum No. 8) with a total area of ​​​​3163.7 sq.m.

* evening department - 878 people,
* day department - 154 people.

In the 1963/64 academic year, 53 full-time teachers and 18 part-time teachers work at the faculty, of which: 9 candidates of science, associate professors, 1 associate professor without a degree, 3 senior teachers. The number of teaching and support staff was 17 people, and administrative and economic - 35 people.
Kaluga branch of MVTU im. N.E. Bauman
(1964 - 1989)

The increase in the contingent of students, the staff of teachers and employees, the expansion of the material, technical and educational base made it possible in 1964 to form the Kaluga branch of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman with day and evening forms of education. On May 22, 1964, the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR No. 371 “On the organization of a branch of the Moscow Higher Technical School in Kaluga” was issued. According to the order, from September 1, 1964, a branch of the Moscow Higher Technical School in Kaluga should be organized with day and evening forms of education on the basis of the faculty of the school and the educational and consulting center of the All-Union Correspondence Machine-Building Institute, which was located in Kaluga. Most of the students of the UKP VZMI expressed a desire to study in the evening form.

Ten independent departments were formed: 6 general education departments - “Marxism-Leninism”, “Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Machines”, “General Chemistry and Physics”, “Strength of Materials, Theoretical Mechanics and Theory of Mechanisms”, “Descriptive Geometry, Engineering Drawing, Machine Parts and devices"; 4 majors - "Radio and Electrical Engineering", "Turbine Engineering", "Technologies of Mechanical Engineering and Instrumentation", "Welding and Materials Technologies". Until 1964, all the departments of the faculty were branches of the departments of the head university.

Constant control and assistance during the formation of the branch was provided by the rector of the Moscow Higher Technical School L.P. Lazarev (from 1959 to 1964), the rector of the Moscow Higher Technical School, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.A. Nikolaev (from 1964 to 1985), Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs E.I. Bobkov (from 1964 to 1986), vice-rector for evening education B. A. Nekrasov (from 1962 to 1981), head of the educational department V. I. Avdeeva and others.

The formation of department teams, the creation of educational and scientific laboratories, the strengthening of ties with industry, contributed to the development of research work. For this purpose, a research and development sector (NIS) was created in the branch, which long time headed by the first doctor of sciences from the staff teaching staff of the branch, a prominent specialist in the field of automation Yu.E. Zakharov.

On May 20, 1965, the Student Scientific and Technical Society named after V.I. N.E. Zhukovsky and held the first scientific student conference.

In 1965, the first graduation of 126 engineers in five specialties took place.

In September 1966, the building on Moskovskaya Square was transferred to the branch (today the Kaluga branch of the VZFEI is located there) with a total area of ​​810 sq.m.

In 1966, the first student construction team was formed in the branch. Kaluga Baumans gave rise to the movement of construction teams throughout the Kaluga region.

In 1969, an educational building was put into operation on the street. Gagarin (now building number 1).

In February 1970, Nikolai Andreevich Kadykov was appointed director of the branch, who led the branch until 1978.

In the seventies there was an intensive development and expansion of mechanical engineering and instrument-making enterprises in the city of Kaluga. The need for engineering personnel also grew. The construction of new educational buildings for the branch of Moscow Higher Technical School in Kaluga was intensively carried out. In 1973, he received students from the building on the street. Queen (now building number 3). The construction of buildings on the street was started. Tsiolkovsky and student hostels on the street. Nikitin.

September 1, 1971 on the street. Gagarin, near building number 1 passed Grand opening bust of N.E. Bauman, made at the Mytishchi Art Casting Plant.

From the moment the branch was organized, there was a continuous process of creating new specialties and specializations, the formation of new departments. The level of the existing material base of the branch, the equipment of educational laboratories, the staffing of the educational process and the volume of scientific research made it possible in 1972 to reorganize the full-time faculty, creating two full-time faculties on its basis:

* machine-building (specialties "Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools", "Equipment and technology of welding production", "Turbine engineering", "Hydraulic machines and automation equipment");
* instrument-making (specialty "Design and production of radio equipment", "Electronic devices").

In April 1974, the Regulations on the Kaluga branch were approved and it was transferred to an independent balance, state budget and self-supporting accounts were opened.

In June 1973, the Olimp sports and health camp was opened near the town of Yukhnov, Kaluga Region, for 100 people.

In March 1974, the first building of a student dormitory for 216 people was put into operation (Nikitina St., 19). In 1975, a dormitory No. 2 (Nikitin St., 21) and a sports building were built on the street. Tsiolkovsky.

In 1975, a physics and mathematics school was opened for high school students who wished to enter the branch.

Further improvement of the structure of the faculties is associated with the separation of specialties in the design direction from the mechanical engineering faculty. In 1977, the Faculty of Design and Mechanical was established.

For 20 years from 1978 to 1998. the branch was headed by Pronin Leonid Timofeevich - professor, doctor of economic sciences.

The material base of the university continued to expand, which made it possible to significantly improve the training of engineers. Built in 1978, a four-story building on the street. Tsiolkovsky for vocational school No. 8 with an area of ​​​​5.3 thousand square meters was transferred to the branch in exchange for a building on the street. Moscow. The building was assigned the number four, and it housed the design and mechanical faculty, the Department of Welding Technology of the Faculty of Engineering and the military department.

Realizing the importance of the branch as a leading technical university for the region and representing its needs, the regional committee of the CPSU handed over to the KF MVTU in 1985 the vacant building of the regional committee on the street. Bazhenov with an area of ​​5.77 thousand sq.m. This old architectural building with an assembly hall with excellent acoustics turned out to be well suited for conducting classes with students, organizing computer classes, a library hall and other educational facilities.

Increased attention was paid physical education students. In 1984, sports facilities were added to the existing sports hall, built with the active participation of students, and then in 1985, the stadium in the square named after cosmonaut Volkov, transferred to the KF MSTU by the decision of the City Executive Committee of Kaluga.

Organization at the university of the department "Mechanization Agriculture» contributed to the allocation of a 4-hectare land by the city authorities for a landfill for agricultural practices within the city.

The increase in training space was ensured by the construction in 1987 of the transition between the second and third buildings and an extension between the third building and the school of machinists on the street. Queen. In the same year, hostel No. 3 was built on Gagarin Street.

In 1989, at the KF MVTU. N. E. Bauman had 3 faculties with full-time education and an evening faculty.

Day faculties:

* Instrument-making (PC). Departments: "Design and production of radio equipment" (P1-KF), "Electronic computers" (P2-KF), "Higher mathematics" (P3-KF), "Physical education" (P4-KF), "Electrical engineering" (P5 -KF).
* Machine building (MK). Departments: "Technology of automated production" (M1-KF), "Technologies and equipment of welding production" (M2-KF), "Descriptive geometry and drawing" (M3-KF), "General physics and chemistry" (M4-KF), "Theoretical mechanics and TMM" (M5-KF), "Metal-cutting machines and tools" (M6-KF), "Technology of materials" (M7-KF).
* Design and mechanical (KMK). Departments: "Turbine Engineering" (K1-KF), "Hydropneumoautomatics and Hydraulic Machines" (K2-KF), "Machine Parts and PTM" (K3-KF), "Economics and Organization of Industry" (K4-KF), "Strength of Materials "(K5-KF), "Foreign and Russian languages" (K6-KF).

In addition, the branch has 3 departments of social sciences (“Political economy”, “Philosophy, theory of socialism and humanitarian training”, “History of the CPSU and political doctrines of the 20th century”) and the department of “Special training” (military).

Education at daytime faculties was carried out in 9 specialties, at evening faculties - in 6 specialties.

1911 students studied at three daytime faculties, 753 at evening faculties (as of 07/01/1989).

The scientific and teaching staff in 1989 consisted of 327 people (including part-time workers), of which: 13 professors, 131 associate professors, 11 senior teachers (candidates of science), 4 assistants (candidates of science).
Kaluga branch
Moscow State Technical University
named after N.E. Bauman

State Committee for public education by order No. 617 of July 27, 1989, he transformed the Moscow Higher Technical School into the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (MSTU). The Kaluga branch was renamed into the Kaluga branch of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (KF MSTU) and built his work in accordance with the program for restructuring the educational, scientific and educational process at MSTU.

In 1989, an intersectoral faculty was organized. The form of education on it included classes at the university with continuous industrial practice. According to the agreement concluded between KF MSTU and the leading enterprises of the city, it was decided to provide students with the opportunity to work at the enterprise three days a week at workplaces, with payment for the work performed.

In 1990, 2 faculties were created:

* "Social sciences and humanitarian training";
* "Pre-university training".

New specialties and departments were opened.

In December 1995, by order of the rector of MSTU, a postgraduate sector was opened, in which training is conducted in five branches of science, including 18 scientific specialties.

Masters from MyanmarKaluga branch of MSTU. N.E. Bauman began to engage in international activities in February 1996 by teaching the Russian language to the first group of citizens of the Syrian Arab Republic. In this regard, since January 1, 1997, the department of international cooperation (CMO) was formed in the branch.

In July 1998, the branch was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Karyshev Anatoly Konstantinovich, who had previously worked as Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

In 1998, the evening and intersectoral faculties were closed due to a decrease in demand for these forms of education. The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences was created.

In 1998, two faculties were reorganized:

* "Machine-building" faculty was named "Faculty of machine-building technologies";
* Faculty "Social sciences and humanitarian training" was transformed into "Socio-economic".

In 2000, the "Instrument-Making" Faculty was renamed into the Faculty of "Electronics, Informatics and Control".

Since 2002, the dissertation council has been operating in the branch, which accepts for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialty "Condensed Matter Physics".

In January 2005, the transition building between buildings 1 and 3 was put into operation.

The training of specialists in the branch was carried out and is currently being carried out according to the curricula of the relevant specialties of the head university - MSTU (MVTU) named after. N.E. Bauman. The specificity of the training of engineering personnel for the enterprises of Kaluga is realized by introducing into the curricula of special disciplines on the profile of the enterprises of Kaluga and attracting leading specialists from the enterprises of the city to give lectures and conduct other types of classes.

At present, the Kaluga branch of MSTU. N.E. Bauman is the leading technical university in the region, the authoritative and largest of the branches of technical universities in Russia, has a state license and certificate for the right to conduct educational activities in the areas of basic higher education and specialties for the training of graduates, bachelors and masters, as well as for additional education, pre-university training and graduate school.

According to the organizational structure, the Kaluga branch is an educational, scientific and industrial complex, which includes: 5 faculties, 28 departments, a military training department, a military training center, a computer center, a scientific and technical library with reading rooms, a sports camp and a sports complex , as well as an experimental site.

To organize the educational process, the Kaluga branch has seven educational and laboratory buildings and three comfortable hostels.

Scientific Conference on NanoengineeringDuring its existence, the Kaluga Branch has trained over 19,000 graduates. The number of students receiving diplomas with honors is 18-20%. About 40% of prepared projects are recommended for implementation. Many graduates of the Kaluga branch of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman became scientists, major organizers of industry, well-known specialists in the design and production of turbines, diesel locomotives, track-laying machines and other equipment. City and regional governments are headed and staffed by 30% by specialists educated in the Kaluga branch. Among the graduates: Sudarenkov Valery Vasilievich - Representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation from executive body Kaluga region; Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Safronov Viktor Fedorovich - Chief Federal Inspector of the Kaluga Region; Maksimov Yury Alexandrovich - General Director of OJSC "Kaluga Turbine Plant"; Bukhtiyarov Leonid Timofeevich - General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kaluga Plant of Telegraph Equipment"; Evstigneev Andrey Rudolfovich - General Director of the Kaluga Medical and Technical Laser Center; Zavalny Pavel Nikolaevich - General Director of Tyumentransgaz; Zlobin Victor Petrovich - General Director of OJSC "Kaluga Transport Engineering Plant"; Mironova Valentina Gennadievna - General Director of OJSC "Polotnyano-zavodskaya paper mill"; Perchyan Andrey Vilenovich - General Director of OJSC "Autoelectronics"; Potekhin Sergey Gennadievich - Director - Chief Designer of the Kaluga Design Bureau of NPO named after V.I. S.A. Lavochkin"; Faerovich Anatoly Naumovich - General Director of OJSC Kaluga Automobile Equipment Plant (KZAE)

Fedorov I.B. - “Honorary Citizen of the City of Kaluga” Great attention and assistance, especially over the past decade, has been given to the Kaluga branch by the administration of the Moscow State Technical University, headed by rector I.B. Fedorov. Annual working meetings of the directorate of the Kaluga branch and members of the MSTU administration allow the Kaluga branch to introduce all the latest developments and achievements into the organization of the educational process, setting up research and educational work with students.

Recognition of the great role of MSTU. N.E. Bauman in providing engineering and scientific personnel for the city of Kaluga was the decision of the Kaluga City Duma to assign the rector of MSTU. N.E. Bauman, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Igor Borisovich Fedorov with the title of "Honorary Citizen of Kaluga".

The first gathering of graduates of the KF MSTU named after N.E. BaumanIn 2009, the Kaluga branch of MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman celebrated its 50th anniversary. In connection with the anniversary, many events were held. The most significant of them were: the opening of a new educational and laboratory building No. 7; holding the first gathering of graduates of the KF MSTU. N.E. Bauman; solemn meeting, which was attended by the leaders of the city and region, members of the administration of MSTU. N.E. Bauman, heads of enterprises and organizations, graduates, teachers, employees and students of the branch.

Governor of the Kaluga Region Artamonov A.D. presents the award to the rector of MSTU. N.E. Bauman Fedorov I.B. Kaluga branch of MSTU. N.E. Bauman was awarded the medal "For special merits to the Kaluga Region" III degree, gratitude from the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, and a diploma from the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region. Rector of Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Fedorov I.B. awarded the medal "For special services to the Kaluga region" II degree.






Publishing house of MSTU im.

(chairman), (vice-chairman),

Deans and heads of departments took part in the preparation of the anniversary edition.

Kaluga branch of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman (). M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, 1999, 170 p.

For a wide range of readers.

© MSTU im 1999


History reference................................................ ...................... five

Educational and methodical work .............................................. ........... 24

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering............................................... 34

Department of "Technology of mechanical engineering".................................................. 35

Department of "Welding Technologies" .............................................. ..... 40

Department of "Engineering Graphics" .............................................. .45

Department "Machines and tools" .............................................. 47

Department of "Technology of Materials Processing" .............................. 53

Faculty of Design and Mechanical .................................................. 55

Department of "Thermal Engines and Thermal Physics"............................... 57

Department of "Hydromachines and hydropneumoautomatics" ............... 61

Department of "Details of machines and handling equipment" 65

Department of "Materials Science" .............................................. ..... 87

Faculty of Fundamental Sciences ............................................................... 90

Department of Computer Software, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics ................................................. ............... 91

Department of "Industrial Ecology"....................................... 95

Department of "Higher Mathematics".................................................. ... 98

Department of "Physics" .............................................. ...................

Department of "Theoretical Mechanics"..................................................

Department of "Chemistry" .............................................. ....................

Faculty of Socio-Economics ..................................................

Department of "Economics and Organization of Production"........

Department of "Philosophy and Political Science" ..............................................

Department of "History" ............................................... .................

Department of Foreign Languages"..........................................

Department of "Russian language" .............................................. .......

Department of "Physical education" .............................................. ......

Military department.....................................................................

Computer Engineering................................................ ..........

Department of International Cooperation ..............................................

Faculty of pre-university training ..............................................

Training courses................................................ ......

Preparatory Department ..................................................................

Physics and Mathematics School ..................................................

Information Technology School..............................................

Marketing Center for Educational Services ..........................................

Research work...........................................

Life and rest of students ....................................................... ............

Dear colleagues from Kaluga!

With all my heart I congratulate the teachers, staff, graduates, graduate students and students of the branch of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman in Kaluga with the 40th anniversary.

The organization in 1959 of the faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School was an important milestone both in the history of MSTU and Kaluga, which largely determined the direction of its activities for all subsequent years.

Established during the period of rapid development of the industry of the region, the branch has become a forge of engineering, scientific and management personnel of all its branches of economic activity.

Among the pupils of the branch are the heads of the region, the city, the directors of the largest factories and firms, chief engineers, chief designers, chief technologists, chief power engineers, famous scientists, military personnel.

The branch is rightly proud of its graduates, whose contribution to the creation of defense and civil equipment at the enterprises of the city and the region deserves the highest appreciation.

Every year, about 500 school graduates come to study at the branch, and the team of teachers and employees does everything in their power to become engineers worthy of the fame of Baumans in six years.

Having dispersed to the enterprises of our vast Motherland, not all graduates can take part in the celebration of the anniversary. Therefore, it is a pleasure to take advantage of the anniversary publication of materials about the branch to congratulate everyone and say that we are always happy to keep in touch with them.

I express my gratitude to all pupils and employees of the branch for everything done and accept the best wishes for success in future activities.

Rector of Moscow State Technical University N. E Bauman

History reference


1999 marks the 40th anniversary of the Kaluga branch of the Moscow State Technical University.

In 1959, in order to provide the rapidly developing industry of the Kaluga region with engineering personnel and expand the training of specialists on the job, by order of the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR No. . Associate Professor was appointed the first head of the faculty.

The first enrollment of students was carried out in five specialties:

· machines and technology of foundry production;

equipment and technology of welding production;

· turbine building;

locomotive building.

The formation of the teaching staff of the KF MSTU took place both at the expense of leading industry specialists and teachers of educational institutions in Kaluga. A great contribution to the formation of the Kaluga branch was made by the teachers of the educational and consulting center of the All-Union Correspondence Machine-Building Institute (UKP VZMI), which was led by, now deputy. Head of the Department of Fundamentals of Economic Theory of the branch. Most of the students of the UKP VZMI followed the teachers to the newly created Kaluga branch of the Moscow Higher Technical School. At the same time, with the formation of a branch, this educational and consulting center was closed.

Local authorities constantly took care of the development of the branch. The faculty was immediately transferred to the newly rebuilt building of the technical school of the food industry.

In the first three years, the Kaluga Faculty included five general scientific and general engineering departments. In these and subsequent years, there is an intensive formation of the material base of the educational process. In 1963, a new educational building was put into operation, and a little later the building on the square was transferred to the branch. Moscow. This made it possible in 1964 on the basis of the evening faculty to form a branch of the Moscow State Technical University. with daytime, evening and correspondence forms learning.

In 1965, the first graduation of 126 engineers in five specialties took place. Several of the first graduates of the evening faculty went to work in the branch and work here to this day. Among them are associate professor of the department "Computer systems and networks", former deputy. Dean of the Evening Faculty, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Since that time, the enrollment of students for the first year has increased significantly, new specialties have been opened - Hydraulic Machines and Automation, Hoisting and Transport Machines.

From 1962 to 1966, the departments "Sopromat", "Machine-building drawing", "Theoretical mechanics", "Military department", "Lifting and transport machines", "Turbine engineering and hydraulic machines", "Technology of mechanical engineering", "Metal-cutting machines and tools”, “Welding technology”.

With the help of Kaluga enterprises that need engineering personnel of the above specialties, an educational and laboratory base is being created, and a research sector is being created in the branch to organize research work of departments.

The development of scientific topics mainly at the request of enterprises in Kaluga, the participation of teachers in the implementation of research, the formation of the staff of the NIS in subsequent years allowed not only to create modern educational and scientific laboratories, but also to train their scientific and pedagogical staff, constantly improve their qualifications. The first doctor of sciences from the teaching staff of the branch was (years), later the head of the department "Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumoautomatics", a well-known scientist in the country in the field of automation.

The training of specialists in the branch was carried out according to the curricula of the relevant specialties of the head university - MSTU. . The specifics of the training of engineering personnel for enterprises in Kaluga was taken into account by the introduction of special disciplines in the section of the curriculum "Disciplines of the Academic Council", which required the involvement of specialists from enterprises for lecturing and conducting other types of classes.

During this period, they began to work as part-timers, later an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the general director of the KTZ software, the general designer of KOMZ and many others.

For the methodological support of the educational process in the branch, a methodological commission was created, which regularly considers the issues of teaching and the content of individual disciplines, the elimination of duplication of material in various courses, the introduction and use of TCO and VT, and a number of other important issues. The work of methodological seminars of the departments was established. Great assistance in the methodological support of the educational process was provided by the leadership of the Moscow State Technical University. , teachers and employees of head departments.

Constant control and assistance during the formation of the branch was provided by the rector of the Moscow Higher Technical School, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1964-1985), Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (1964-1986), Vice-Rector for Evening Education (1962-1981), head of the educational department, etc.

In 1970, he was appointed director of the branch, who led the branch until 1978.

Under him, the improvement of the structure of the branch and the creation of a material base continued.

By this period, the branch consisted of daytime and evening faculties, which included 13 departments, of which five graduate in seven specialties.

The enrollment of students for the first year was 300 people. The training was conducted by 138 teachers, including 41 associate professors, candidates of technical sciences.

In the seventies there was an intensive development and expansion of mechanical engineering and instrument-making enterprises in the city of Kaluga. The need for engineering personnel also grew. The construction of new educational buildings for the branch of Moscow Higher Technical School in Kaluga was in full swing. In 1970, an educational building was introduced on the street. Gagarin (now building number 1), and in 1973 - building on the street. Queen (now building number 3). The construction of the building on the street was started. Tsiolkovsky and student hostels.

As mentioned earlier, since the establishment of the branch, there has been a continuous process of creating new specialties and specializations and the formation of new departments. The level of the existing material base of the branch, the equipment of educational laboratories, the staffing of the educational process and the volume of scientific research made it possible in 1972 to reorganize the daytime faculty, creating on its basis two daytime faculties:

· machine-building;


· engineering technology, machine tools and tools;

Nikolaev, rector

Schools in Kaluga" align="left" width="185" height="250 src=">

Sutyrin N. A.

equipment and technology of welded production;

· turbine construction;

Hydraulic machines and automation equipment.

Ryazhnov V.P.

The instrument-making faculty, headed by an associate professor, trained engineers in the following specialties:

design and production of radio equipment;

· electronic devices.

Associate Professor, Ph.D. who headed the faculty until 1982.

In 1973, the first admission to the new specialty of the instrument-making faculty "Electronic computers" was carried out. Since 1977, on the basis of the section "Electronic computers", a department with the same name was formed, and in 1998 this department was named "Computer systems and networks".

In 1976, the section "Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydraulic automatics" was transformed into a department, now called the department "Hydraulic machines and hydraulic automatics".

Further improvement of the structure of the faculties is associated with the separation of specialties in the design direction from the mechanical engineering faculty. In 1977, the Design and Mechanical Faculty was established with the following specializations:

· turbine building;

hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydraulic automatics;

lifting and transport vehicles.

The first dean of this faculty was Associate Professor, Ph.D. .

With the introduction in 1979 of a new

educational and laboratory building on the street. Tsiolkovsky Design and Mechanical Faculty received a modern laboratory base

for the educational process and scientific research, classrooms, equipped with new equipment.

For 20 years from 1978 to 1998. the branch was headed by Professor, Doctor of Economics. . Having rich experience in administrative and economic activities, relying on the support of the city and region authorities, he did a lot of work on the legal registration and consolidation of all university property - buildings, educational buildings, dormitories, laboratories, a training ground, a sports camp and a stadium. As it turned out later, this was a very timely work, carried out before the period of redistribution of property in the state.

The material base of the university continued to expand, which made it possible to significantly improve the training of engineers. Built in 1979, a four-story building on the street. Tsiolkovsky for vocational school No. 8 with an area of ​​​​5.3 thousand square meters. m was transferred to the branch in exchange for a building on the street. Moscow. The building was assigned number four, and it housed the design and mechanical faculty, the department of "Welding Technology"

mechanical engineering faculty and the military department. The military department received the entire fourth floor and turned the allocated premises into best classes branch.

The increase in training space was ensured by the construction in 1986 of the transition between the second and third buildings and the transition between the third building and the school of machinists on the street. Queen.

Of great importance for the university was the attention of the head of the regional committee of the CPSU and the head. Department of Science and Education Khristina the importance of the university for the region and representing its needs, they contributed to the transfer to the branch in 1985 of the vacant building of the regional committee on the street. Bazhenov with an area of ​​5.77 thousand square meters. m. This old architectural structure with an assembly hall with excellent acoustics and equipped with special rooms turned out to be well adapted for conducting classes with students, organizing computer classes, a library hall and other educational facilities.

At the same time there was an improvement in the life of students. At the expense of the engine building plant in 1979, a hostel No. 2 was built and transferred to the street. Nikitin for 216 seats. With the help of students in 1987, a hostel No. 3 was built on the street. Gagarin for 320 seats. The commissioning of these buildings, the best dormitories in the city, made it possible to largely satisfy the need for non-resident students in housing.

Increased attention was paid to the physical education of students. In 1984, sports facilities were added to the existing sports hall, built with the active participation of students, and then in 1985, the stadium, transferred to the KF MSTU by the decision of the city executive committee.

The organization of the Department of Agricultural Mechanization at the university contributed to the allocation by the city authorities of a plot of land measuring 4 hectares for a landfill for agricultural practice within the city.

At that time, particular importance was attached to the construction of new enterprises in the city, which required more and more personnel. Attracting young specialists from universities in other cities led to high costs. Therefore, the process of changing specializations, forms, methods and structure of student education was continuously going on in the branch, being tied to the dictates of the time.

The most important issue that constantly needs to be addressed is the quality of training for a modern engineer, who must have deep knowledge not only in the field of natural sciences, but also independently understand complex socio-political situations, have a well-formed economic thinking, and undergo special humanitarian training. Reality itself imposes strict requirements for the strengthening of morality, political positions and the development of economic education.

Guided by this, in 1982 the department of "Marxism-Leninism" was transformed into the department of "History of the CPSU, Marxist-Leninist philosophy and scientific communism" and an independent department "Fundamentals of Economic Theory and Political Economy" was separated from it. Later life showed the need to once again divide the Department of History into two - "History of the CPSU" and "Philosophy and Scientific Communism".

At the same time, the department "Economics and Organization of Production" was formed, which subsequently, since 1991, became a graduating department, and the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" became one of the most prestigious.

For the purpose of permission the most difficult tasks changes in the structure of courses, reflecting in them new requirements for teaching, as well as the need to coordinate educational and methodological work, the departments were merged and in 1990 the faculty of "Social Sciences" was formed as part of the departments: fundamentals of economic theory, philosophy, history of the Fatherland, Russian language, foreign languages ​​and physical education. Associate Professor Grishin Anatoly Nikolaevich was appointed head of the faculty.

In parallel, there was a reorganization of the departments of natural and general education sciences.

The expansion of the specialization of engineers caused a separation in 1985 from the Department of Engineering Technologies of the Department of Machine Tools and Tools, each of which began to produce specialists in two areas of training.

Having a good production base in Kaluga, it was decided to separate the section “Technology of structural materials” from the Department of Welding Technology and, on its basis, to create conditions for good general engineering training, organize the Department of Materials Technology in 1986.

During the passage of “perestroika” in the country in 1989, by a decree of the USSR government, MVTU was given the status of a university, which became known as the Moscow State Technical University named after.

The development of the radio-electronic industry in the region necessitated the training of specialists in the development of materials, devices, storage devices and other components of electronic technology.

Satisfying the needs of enterprises, on the basis of the section of the Department "Technology of Materials", and relying on the material base and scientists of the All-Union Institute of Materials of Electronic Engineering, in 1989 the first admission to the new specialty "Physics, Materials and Components of Electronic Engineering" was held. The department began to be called "Materials Science and TCM", and already in 1993 an independent department "Materials Science" was formed. The task was implemented by the director of VNIIMET, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. who headed the department and provided the laboratories with instruments, equipment and personnel.

Scientific and technological progress in the creation of computers, the improvement of personal computers and their software were the reason for the opening in 1990 of the department "Software for Computers and Automated Systems". Subsequently, the department became a graduating one, and in 1998 the first set of students was held. The most prepared, mathematically gifted young men and women go to study at this department, creating the highest passing score on entrance exams. The department was headed by the youngest professor, Ph.D. n. , who showed good organizational skills in creating a scientific and pedagogical team.

Taking into account the influence of time, in 1991 the departments of "Physics" and "Chemistry" became independent, the heads of which were elected professors and

As you can see, the formation of new departments took place every year. In 1992, the Department of Life Safety was opened, acquiring a civilian orientation. Associate Professor, Ph.D. became the head of the department.

The emerging need of enterprises and research institutes for specialists in the use of microprocessor technology in automation systems technological processes led to the creation in 1992 on the basis of the Department of "Electrical Engineering", formed in 1983, under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. graduating department "Systems of automatic control and electrical engineering" for the training of engineers in the specialty "Systems of automatic control aircraft».

The need to train personnel for the agricultural sector of the economy, without moving away from their native places, caused the opening in 1993 of the graduating department "Agricultural Mechanization". For this, leading experts were invited, headed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. Kornilov of the department, which became an important milestone for the branch, since it opened a new direction of training - agrarian, was an objective necessity, and this formation took place with the support and assistance of the region's leadership. Thus, the issues of creating new departments were resolved with the active interaction of the university management, focused on meeting regional needs, the leadership of the region and industrial enterprises, actively participating in the formation of the material base of the branch.

The problems of survival in the emerging ecological system, the reduction of emissions into the environment by industrial enterprises have become extremely relevant in our time. Previously, insufficient attention was paid to these problems in the national economy of the country, including the training of specialists in this area. On this basis, in 1996, from the two departments "Welding Production" and "Life Safety", the graduating department "Industrial Ecology" was formed, which trains engineers in the specialty "Security environment and rational use of natural resources”. Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences established business contacts with city structures working in this direction, and with his employees joined in the implementation of joint work. The result of his work was a number of published books "Omnigenic Ecology" and other materials on environmental issues.

Since 1989, one of the forms of student training in the branch has been study with continuous work practice at the intersectoral faculty. According to the agreement concluded between the KF MSTU and such leading enterprises of the city as a turbine plant, a motor-building plant, a machine-building plant, a telegraph equipment plant, an electromechanical plant, the Kalugapribor plant, the Konstruktor plant, a radio tube plant, the Granat association, it was accepted the decision to provide students with the opportunity to work in enterprises three days a week at workplaces, with payment for the work performed. At the same time, students received rights that apply to students of both daytime and evening forms of education. The duties of the dean were assigned to the dean of the evening faculty, professor, doctor of technical sciences. , who was later replaced by associate professor, Ph.D. . Training of specialists was carried out in the following specialties: "Technology of mechanical engineering", "Machines and tools", "Design and technology of radio electronic means". During their studies at the faculty, students received deep theoretical knowledge and good practical skills.

From the first days of the creation of the university, the task arose of the need to create a good library, without which there can be no full-fledged educational institution. The library was constantly in the field of view of the directorate. The branch spent a lot of money on the purchase of new publications, and at the same time the library fund was replenished also at the expense of state, public institutions and organizations. Now the library has about 200 thousand books, with which students have the opportunity to work in two reading rooms. The head of the library and the entire staff with extensive experience hold thematic exhibitions, assist students in the selection required material getting the right books and magazines.

The deterioration of the country's economic condition has led to a decrease in budget funding for universities, a reduction in the plan for enrolling students for the first year. Ensuring the maintenance of the university and conducting the educational process required finding extrabudgetary funds both at the expense of research and the provision of paid services. The Law "On Education" made it possible to conduct, in addition to the planned enrollment, the enrollment of students on a commercial basis by concluding agreements between the university and information and technical school.

Given that the main role in the training of highly qualified specialists belongs to the scientific and pedagogical staff and depends on their qualifications and ability to conduct educational, scientific, methodological and research work, the directorate was constantly recruiting staff. Along with the invitation of teachers from other universities, the process of training their own personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies was developed. Graduates of the branch remained to work at the department as assistants, connected to research work, entered graduate school, defended candidate dissertations.

Teachers of the departments are trained at advanced industrial enterprises, research institutes and leading universities of the country and abroad. Advanced training also contributes to the provision of sabbaticals for teachers or their transfer to the position of scientific workers to complete a candidate's or doctoral dissertation. All this raises their theoretical level, provides good scientific and pedagogical training.

In addition, leading specialists from the industry are invited to work part-time.

Thus, by 1998, out of 435 teachers, 29 doctors of sciences, 181 candidates of sciences work in the branch, in addition, among them 7 academicians and 3 corresponding members. Only in 1998, teachers defended 3 doctoral dissertations. The basis of the branch is a qualified teaching staff.

The qualifications of the teaching staff allow us to train engineers of a high professional level, as evidenced by the track record of our graduates working in various industries both in Russia and abroad.

KF MSTU im. Bauman by this time became the leading university in the region, the authoritative and largest of the branches of Russian universities. Over the past twenty years, under the leadership of the director, 13 general engineering and graduating departments, 3 faculties, 3 branch research laboratories have been created in the branch, 7 new specialties have been opened, a laboratory of technical teaching aids has been created. During this period, the educational and laboratory areas of the branch have been increased by two and a half times, student dormitories and a sports complex have been built.

Since 1998, the branch has been headed by a candidate of technical sciences, an associate professor, who previously worked as a deputy director for academic work.

The staff of the branch directs its efforts to improve the process of training engineers. The evening, intersectoral faculties and the faculty of social sciences were closed in 1998 due to a decrease in demand for these forms of education and the reorganization of faculties. The branch currently has six faculties:

Faculty of mechanical engineering technologies;

instrument-making faculty;

Design and mechanical faculty;

Faculty of Fundamental Sciences;

· socio-economic faculty;

Faculty of pre-university training.

Kaluga branch of MSTU im. is one of the oldest and largest branch of all branches of Russian universities. In its creation and development took Active participation the most prominent scientists and organizers of university science: Hero of Socialist Labor, who for a long time worked as the rector of the school, academician; academician, academician, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician; professors, ; docents, ; former rector, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut; the current rector is a professor; vice-rectors E.G. Yudin, ; head of the educational department of the university and many others.

In the creation and improvement of the material and technical base, the construction of student dormitories, the heads of large enterprises in Kaluga, the directors of the turbine plant - Hero of Socialist Labor, the engine building plant - Hero of Socialist Labor, the telegraph equipment plant - , Research Institute "Constructor" - and others.

For 40 years of existence, the Kaluga branch of MSTU. N.E. Bauman has trained over 14,000 highly qualified specialists working in various fields of human activity. Among the graduates of the branch are the current governor of the Kaluga region, general directors,; A. I. Korpushenkov and others became major specialists.

Many graduates became employees of the branch and worked in it for more than 30 years - Grishin D.S., M, and others.

The role of the head MSTU is great:

in the organization of all the work of the branch,

in the creation of scientific schools and scientific research,

· in assisting teachers of the branch in the preparation and defense of dissertations.

All departments and divisions are in constant contact with the head university: the director of the branch and leading scientists, professors are members of the Academic Council of the university and actively work in its Council, an exchange of lecturers and mutual visits to classes, as well as much more.

And in our difficult days, the Kaluga branch continues to develop and improve, occupying a leading position among the universities of the Russian Federation.

Educational and methodical work

Training of engineering personnel in the KF MSTU. , their profile has always been determined by the tasks that were put forward by the industry of Kaluga and in accordance with the development of science and technology.

The curricula developed in the 1970s were focused on the training of general engineers, that is, specialists with the knowledge necessary to carry out the functions of an engineer in the design, production, research and operation of machines or devices, and with the skills of organizational and educational work in a team. These requirements determined the educational and methodological orientation of the educational process, the content and scope of knowledge of graduates, which were achieved by a rational ratio of various areas in the training of an engineer and the cycles of disciplines that determine them.

The educational department, dean's offices, departments are engaged in the formation, maintenance and improvement of the educational process in the branch. For the last two decades, the issues of educational and methodological work have been solved by the teaching staff under the guidance of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Kaluga branch of MSTU im. N. E. Bauman prepares engineers, economists and managers for high-tech industrial enterprises. Branch partners - large automotive companies and companies producing various techniques located in the Kaluga region. Branch students have the opportunity to practice at the factories of such giants as Volkswagen Group Rus and Samsung.

since 1965

The DF has 7 educational and scientific laboratories, a training ground of the military training faculty, a testing ground for mobile robotic systems, demonstration rooms, and computer classes. The DF units are equipped with samples of rocket and space technology, unique stands and equipment. These include a millimeter wave radio telescope, rocket engine firing test benches, and a number of other test benches and manipulation robots.

since 2016

Mytishchi branch (MGUL) includes 8 faculties, where about 10,000 students study. Among them are several basic faculties that provide high-quality training of specialists: the Faculty of Forestry, the Faculty of Forestry, the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, the Faculty of Mechanical and Chemical Technology of Wood, the Faculty of Electronics and Systems Engineering, the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, the International School of Business Management and Economics, the Faculty of teacher qualifications.

since 2014

Technical College

Moscow College of Space Instrumentation MSTU. N.E. Bauman- this is, perhaps, the only technical school in Russia that provides training in the entire range of specialties related to automatic systems aircraft control, computer technology and its software. Training is conducted on a budgetary and commercial basis on the basis of 9th and 11th grades

You have to take a difficult and responsible step in life - to choose a future specialty. Parents, friends, and, most importantly, those specialists who work or have worked in the specialty you have chosen at our university can help you in this matter. I will also try to help you in your choice with brief information about our branch.

Kaluga branch of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman trains engineering personnel and economists-managers, mainly for enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument making, electronics.

At present, the Kaluga branch of MSTU. N.E. Bauman trains engineering personnel in 10 areas and 16 specialties (see details on the website page).

As you know, the quality of an engineer's training is determined by the state of the material and technical base of the university, the quality of the teaching staff and, of course, the student's ability and diligence in mastering the knowledge. All these components are in the Kaluga branch of MSTU. N.E. Bauman is. A modern laboratory base in all subjects studied (and this is about 200 educational and scientific laboratories) allows students to consolidate theoretical knowledge, acquire skills in using instruments and computers. Most of the laboratories of the branch are equipped with modern equipment and instruments. In addition, students have the opportunity to work with the latest and sometimes unique technology in the branches of the graduating departments located at the leading enterprises in Kaluga.

Kaluga branch of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman employs highly qualified teaching staff, over 40 doctors of sciences, professors and over 200 candidates of sciences, associate professors provide the educational process in the natural sciences, professional, socio-economic and special disciplines.

The training of specialists, as in the head University, is carried out on the principles that combine advanced forms of fundamental university and engineering education. Strengthening fundamental training in mathematics, physics, computer science, general engineering disciplines is achieved not only by increasing the volume of courses, but mainly by including modern sections in them, using new teaching technologies, and student participation in scientific and research work. In the process of studying disciplines of all cycles, modern computer technology is used, application packages, virtual laboratory work, electronic textbooks are being introduced into the educational process. In addition to university-wide computer classes, each graduating department has its own computer classes, in which students get the opportunity to do homework, work on term papers and diploma projects. In addition, in the near future, students will be able to have access via telecommunications networks to the information resources of the head University in Moscow.