Soybean: cultivation features, harvesting, proper planting and care. soybean business

Business plan

agricultural production

1. Resume


2.1 Description of the activity

2.2 Product description

2.3 About cultivation

2.4 Assessing project risks

1. Resume

Name of the borrower: It is planned to open IP in 2016

Postal address (legal and actual location

enterprises): 676718, Amur region, Bureysky district, s.


Company field of activity: production

agricultural products.

2. Available means and opportunities for implementation


The purpose of creating an IP is to make a profit from the main

type of activity, as well as the active implementation of measures to stabilize and

development of the economy of the Bureysky district of the Amur region and

village infrastructure.

2.1. Description of the type of activity

The main activities of the IP are:

Procurement, storage and sale of legumes,

production and sale of agricultural crops.

2.2. Product description

The main activity of the IP is

cultivation of leguminous crops.

Soy is one of the most popular crops in crop production, the products of which are considered the best alternative to animal protein. At the same time, soy protein contains non-essential amino acids, i.e. is biologically complete, and its content in the beans of certain varieties reaches 48-50%, on average, this figure is 40%.

2.3. About cultivation

The obvious advantage of soy, in addition to its nutritional qualities, is its increased resistance to various pests and diseases, which minimizes the time and money spent on caring for it. In Russia, soybeans are grown mainly in the Far East, primarily in the Amur Region, where about 60% of all Russian soybeans are produced.

Demand for soybeans is consistently high, and analysts predict a consistently strong growth in consumption of this crop. It costs much more than wheat and is much less subject to price fluctuations. For all these reasons, soybean farming is a profitable and highly profitable business.

Within the framework of this project, it is planned to organize a small farm for growing soybeans (on a plot of 300 hectares).

Loan required: 10,000,000 (ten million) rubles.

Purpose of the loan: Getting a loan is necessary to prepare for

spring field work and the purchase of newer agricultural equipment to increase productivity.

From the credit funds it is supposed to pay for the Combine (3

000,000 rubles), purchase of a trailed sprayer (500,000 rubles),

2 tractors (2000000), pneumatic seeder 2 pcs. (1800000), construction of a grain storage hangar (800000), purchase of fertilizers (900000), fuel and lubricants (400000), other expenses (100000), purchase of seeds (500000) purchase is made in the first year.

There is an area of ​​agricultural land -300 hectares

Required number of staff: 3 people.

Minimum design productivity: 12.5 centners per 1 ha, that is, 375 tons of soybeans in 1 season from 300 ha. When purchasing more advanced equipment, it is planned to harvest more than 20 centners from 1 ha.

The average wholesale selling price of soybeans is 30,000 rubles per ton. That is, for 1 season with a minimum harvest, the revenue will be 11 million rubles. 250 thousand rubles.

2.4 Assessing project risks

The table provides a description of the risks associated with the implementation of a business project, and proposed measures to reduce them.

Type of risk

Risk Mitigation Measures

Financial and economic risks

1 Price reduction

Switching to the production of other types of products (growing other crops)

2 Increase in purchase prices for fuel and other working capital

Search for alternative suppliers, cost optimization

3 Increased costs compared to those planned as a result of the payment of fines, unforeseen deductions

4 Tax risk

Monitoring of the macroeconomic situation

5 Strengthening the position of competitors

Monitoring the competitive environment, identifying the strength of a competitor and developing an action plan adequate to the situation

Technical risks

6 Failures and breakdown of equipment

Creation of a financial reserve for contingencies

7 Emergence of more productive equipment and new technologies

Constant monitoring of the state of scientific and technological progress in the field of agriculture

Environmental risks

8 Loss (partial loss) of crop due to adverse weather conditions: drought, high rainfall, hail, etc.

Creation of a financial reserve for unforeseen expenses, as well as the use of special fertilizers that contribute to minimal crop loss.

Political risks

9 Intervention in the business activities of local governments

Monitoring the political situation at the local level, cooperation with non-profit associations of entrepreneurs and trade unions

10 Changing the current legislation not in the direction of entrepreneurs

Monitoring the political situation

How to start a soybean growing business and make a profit of over 1.5 million rubles a year? What financial investments will be required and how to save most of the money? Read the business plan for growing soybeans in Russia and the CIS countries with calculations.

Soybean farming business plan

Soy is an annual plant, the height of which, depending on the variety, reaches 1.5 meters. The fruits of soy are beans. Beans contain grains weighing up to 500 grams. Soybeans are used both in cooking and as animal feed. The popularity of soy is growing from year to year, so the business, with proper organization, will be profitable.

We evaluate the idea

If you are ready to grow soybeans in large quantities, you definitely need to evaluate the idea. There are many nuances that require decisions in advance. Let's take a look at all the details of the business.

To get started, answer the questions:

  1. Is there a demand for the product?- with large volumes, the question arises about the sale of soybeans. There are several options, one of which is your own production.
  2. Is it possible to rent land and equipment?- if it is impossible to rent equipment and land, the cost of opening a business will increase by 3-4 times.
  3. Can you organize your own business?- the case is complex, so there is a high probability of hiring an assistant.
  4. Where to get money? The business requires a lot of investment. In addition, it is desirable to have an airbag in the amount of 1 million rubles.
  5. Does the climate allow growing soybeans? The climate plays an important, but not the main role. There are hybrid varieties that can be grown under certain conditions.

Take a close look at business organization issues. Pay special attention to sales. If your own production is not considered, you can reduce the number of hectares to 100. We will also evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the case.


  1. Soybeans grow well in crop rotation.
  2. The business pays off quickly.
  3. It is always possible to sell products to farmers in large quantities.
  4. Soybeans do well in rainy regions.
  5. You can receive state support - benefits, subsidies.
  6. Hybrid varieties that are selected for certain climatic conditions.
  7. By renting equipment and land, the cost of starting a business is reduced by 3-4 times.


  1. Land for planting soybeans needs to be constantly changed.
  2. There may be problems with the sale of large quantities.
  3. Difficult harvest.

If we resolve the issue of marketing products and organize crop rotation, then all the shortcomings will exhaust themselves. Business also has risks. Basically, they are fixated on a lean year, non-compliance with financial spending and problems with marketing.

After evaluating the idea, move on to studying the organization of the case.

We prepare the land, we plant soybeans

Soy is demanding on heat, but this indicator is not critical. It tolerates spring frosts of -2 °C, and the average temperature at which soybeans will grow for 90-150 days should be +15 °C. Accordingly, planting takes place at the end of April, and the collection is at the beginning of August-October, depending on the variety.

When choosing a land, you need to focus on moisture-containing soil. Soybean tolerates drought with difficulty. But the rainy summer, especially its second half, only has a positive effect on the growth of culture.

As for the soil, it will need to be acidified. Like any other crop, soy does not respond well to wetlands. The acidity of the soil should be in the range of 6-7 pH. The soil is constantly fertilized with lime and humus. It is also necessary to loosen the earth. Since the roots penetrate more than 1 meter deep, it will be necessary to plow the land deeply, adding fertilizer additives. 3 tons of nitrogen fertilizers, 4.5 tons of phosphates, 8 tons of potash fertilizers will be used per 200 hectares of land.

Council number 1. Purchase a pH meter to measure acidity. The cost of a pH meter starts from 2,000 rubles.

With crop rotation - growing on the ground, alternating with other crops - soybean is well absorbed after wheat, corn, potatoes and vegetables. crop rotation is the most important nuance in the cultivation of such crops, because it affects both the yield of subsequent crops and the final profit - a plus. In addition, it solves the main problem - the inability to grow soybeans constantly in one place. You can check out the crop farming business plan to understand the system of growing multiple crops at the same time.

For example, considered in this business plan, renting 600 hectares of land, 200 are planted with soybeans, 200 with wheat and 200 with corn. Every year, each site changes the crop for cultivation, alternating with each other. Just in this case, both the yield and the final profit increase.

Council number 2. Even before selecting land, hire an agronomist who will select the right plots with good soil. He will also plan the crop rotation.

As for preparing the soil for sowing, a number of timely procedures are needed here. To begin with, the agronomist studies the soil, plans fertilizer activities. Next comes peeling, plowing, harrowing. Procedures begin in the fall with spring planting. It is important to completely rid the fields of weeds.

With regard to the timing of landing, the following factors are important:

  • The soil must contain moisture after the snow melts;
  • At the same time, the earth must be warm;
  • The temperature should be from +12 ° С;
  • Late planting in dry ground can adversely affect germination;
  • Freezing also has a detrimental effect.

Sowing depth should be 4-8 centimeters, depending on moisture, planting dates, soil, temperature. After sowing, the fields must be treated with herbicides from weeds.

It is important to choose the right seeds for planting. Seeds should be large, without external signs of disease and pests. Before planting, be sure to treat the seeds with Fentiuram. For planting, use seeds of the 1st class - their germination exceeds the rest of the classes.

To plant 200 hectares of land, you will need 25 tons of soybean seeds - 125 kilograms per 1 hectare. 1 ton of planting material in bulk costs 30,000 rubles. The purchase of seeds will require an amount of 25 * 30,000 = 750,000 rubles.

Purchase of seeds 750,000 rubles. The cost of fertilizers is 500,000 rubles and the rent of 200 hectares of land is 700,000 rubles.

Machinery, equipment and workers

In business, you can not do without renting equipment and hiring specialists. Let's talk about the staff first.

Who is needed in business:

  1. Manager- a person who understands the cultivation of crops. He will organize all stages of work, rent equipment, negotiate the sale of products, and manage workers. The salary of a specialist will be 30,000 rubles per month.
  2. Agronomist– the agronomist is responsible for soybean growth, soil, crop rotation. You can use the services once a year. First of all, for the selection of land. Then he will fertilize the soil every year, and draw up a plan for all procedures. A one-time service will cost 20,000 rubles annually.
  3. Tractor drivers, combine harvesters- Planting and harvesting. The annual salary costs will be 200,000 rubles.
  4. Handyman– can perform both various additional work and be responsible for grain storage. Monthly payment - 20,000 rubles per year.

Annual salary costs will amount to 820,000 rubles.

You don't need to buy equipment. It is enough to purchase the necessary little things for equipment, and rent equipment. You will also have to rent warehouses for storing soybeans. If it is not possible to rent warehouses, then we build small warehouses with our own hands. In this case, you can save, but you must comply with the prescribed storage standards.

Of the equipment, you will need tractors, combines, a seeder, a plow, a disc harrow, a cultivator, and trucks. Part will be available for purchase.

The construction of barns will cost 1,500,000 rubles. Purchase of equipment for another 400,000 rubles. And the annual rental of equipment will be 600,000 rubles.

Care and harvest

Soy is sensitive to the content. It is important to constantly maintain moisture in the soil. If precipitation is rare in your area, you will have to organize watering. The land is constantly cleared of weeds. First of all, immediately after sowing, they are treated with herbicides and harrowed.

Treat the soil with herbicides before and after soybean shoots. Additionally, mechanical weeding of the land is carried out. Also, from time to time, top dressing is added in the form of fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Council number 3. The agronomist must monitor not only the correct sowing, but also the growth of soybeans. Therefore, you should call the agronomist more often so that diseases and pests do not eat the crop.

The best way to control pests and diseases is to completely prevent their occurrence. To do this, you need to properly fertilize the soil, clearly monitor the crop rotation, and treat the seeds before planting with a Fentiuram solution. Care, climatic conditions, moisture are also important.

Harvest ripens depending on the variety - from August to October. Harvesting should be done 3-14 days in advance. Here, too, the variety factor affects the collection. Harvest soybeans. 1 harvester harvests 5-20 hectares in 1 working day, depending on the presence of a weed. If the deadlines are tight, you will have to hire several harvesters at once.

The following collection rules must be observed:

  • The soybean cut should reach 6 centimeters from ground level;
  • Grain should not be crushed when harvested;
  • A heap of soybeans should be well separated, highlighting the grain with a minimum amount of debris.

It is important that the soy is dry. If the humidity exceeds 15%, then the soybeans are additionally dried in special equipment. Next comes storage and distribution.

The annual cost of herbicides and fertilizers will be 100,000 rubles. An additional cost may be the construction of drip irrigation - in dry regions, and the annual payment of electricity for irrigation.

Product application, marketing and case registration

Before growing, you need to understand where and how soy is used:

  • Feed for livestock in farming. As a rule, the main marketing of soybeans goes to farmers as feed. A relatively inexpensive product is used as an additive;
  • Food. Soy is also used to create products. The main application is in the creation of such products as soy sauce, milk, butter, chocolate, sausages, semi-finished products;
  • pharmaceuticals. Some medicines contain soy. Also used for the prevention of bone diseases and heart disease;
  • Cosmetic preparations. Creams, shampoos also include soy.

There may be problems with the sale of large quantities. It all depends on product prices. Farmers are willing to buy soybeans for animal feed if prices are not too high.

In turn, you can engage in the production of soy sauce or milk. In this case, you need a separate business plan with calculations. Beans are popular with vegetarians and religious fasting people.

Before starting a business, it is important to determine the points of sale - to sell soybeans to farmers or to launch your own production. Sign contracts if you sell soybeans to farmers.

Having large fields for growing soybeans, the case is registered without fail. KFH is the optimal solution for growing soybeans on 200 hectares of land. In this case, you will be able to hire workers, use state support, receive benefits, loans at low rates.

The annual payment of taxes will be 100,000 rubles. Registration of the case is another 10,000 rubles. And in a large business, you will also need a business plan, the order of which will cost 20,000 rubles.

Expenses and incomes - we consider profit

Startup cost graph:

The initial investment in the business requires 3.3 million rubles. But the amount must be 2 times larger, because the annual costs are immediately included. Also, a financial airbag will not interfere. If you rent warehouses, then the average cost of rent per year will be 100-200 thousand rubles.

Annual costs:

In order not to buy seeds every year, part of the field is occupied by soybean plantings using a special technology. This will save you a lot of money every year.

Calculate profit:

Profit depends primarily on the sale of beans and marketing methods. 1 kilogram of beans at retail costs 100 rubles. But in the presence of huge plantations, sales will be wholesale - 20 rubles per 1 kilogram. From 1 hectare of crops comes out from 1 ton of beans. It is difficult to say whether it is realistic to sell such a number of beans. Most likely, some will have to be recycled by launching their own small production. But the output will be even more.

Calculate income and profit based on the wholesale of all beans. We have 200 hectares of soybeans, from which 200 tons of beans can be obtained. The cost of 1 ton is 20,000 rubles. 200 * 20,000 = 4,000,000 rubles income from the plantation.

Council number 4. You can grow and sell soybeans for seeds. 1 ton of such material costs 30,000 rubles. But in this case, you need to adhere to a certain cultivation technology.

annual profit will be 4,000,000 - 2,440,000 = 1,560,000 rubles. But with crop rotation and own production, the amount will be much higher. True, do not forget that part goes to seeds. Payback of business 3 years. The profitability of the soybean business is 40%.

Having established the sale of all products at 20 rubles per kilogram, you will already have excellent profits. Taking into account the crop rotation and being engaged in the business of growing wheat, rapeseed and corn, earnings will be 3-4 times higher.

Soy is one of the most popular crops in crop production. It belongs to the legume family, has a high yield and grows on almost any type of soil, with the exception of sandy. Soybeans contain a large amount of vegetable protein. They have the widest application: they are used for cooking various dishes and in food production (protein products for vegetarians, cheeses, sausages, meatballs, soups, etc.), as well as feed for farm animals. Bean seeds are used to make soy flour, which in turn is used to make soy meat. Soybean oil (which is considered one of the best vegetable oils) and soy milk (white seeds are used for this) are obtained from the seeds. Soy liquid sauce is prepared from fermented soybeans. Pressed beans are used to produce soybean meal.

Demand for soybeans is consistently high. It costs much more than wheat and is much less subject to price fluctuations. The demand for soybean and its products is increasing every year with the growth of poultry meat production and the developing livestock and pig breeding. For all these reasons, soybean farming is a profitable and highly profitable business. However, as in any other direction, there are certain features that must be taken into account.

Soy is a demanding crop

The main phases of soybean growth include germination (from seed to shoot), emergence (from cotyledons to primordial leaves), formation of the first trifoliate leaf, branching, bud emergence, flowering, pod formation, seeding and maturation. Under favorable conditions, soybean seedlings can be seen already on the 6-9th day after sowing. Soybeans no longer grow during seeding, and during the ripening of the beans, the plants shed their leaves. In most varieties, ripe beans do not crack, and the plants themselves do not fall, which makes it easier to harvest.

For some reason, it is widely believed that soy is an unpretentious plant. In fact, it is a light-loving and heat-demanding culture. With a lack of lighting, the plant stems and leaf cuttings lengthen, which prevents the formation of side shoots and beans, or even the fall of previously formed ovaries in the lower part of the plant. The greatest need for heat falls on the phases of flowering and fruit formation. The optimum air temperature during this period is 21-22°C. At a temperature of 14 ° C and below, the plant does not grow and does not develop. At the beginning and end of the growing season, the need for heat is much lower. Moreover, at this time, plants even relatively calmly tolerate frosts down to -2-3.5 ° C.

In addition to light and heat, soybean needs a lot of moisture, but this need also depends on the growth period of the plant. Soybeans are relatively drought tolerant in their early growth period, before flowers appear, although lack of moisture can have some negative effect on plant productivity and lower bean development. But with a lack of moisture during flowering, the formation of ovaries and the filling of seeds, you should not count on large volumes of the crop. With the intensive development of green mass, the area of ​​​​the evaporating surface of the plant increases, therefore, with the beginning of flowering, moisture consumption also increases. During the period of flowering and the formation of beans, soybeans are also demanding on air humidity. At low humidity during this period, new ones are not formed and existing flowers and beans are shed.

Experts advise growing soybeans in weed-free fields with optimal nutrient and moisture reserves. Do not forget that for a good harvest, this plant needs two to three times more nutrients than cereals. This means that the soil for growing soybeans must be fertile and cultivated, otherwise you cannot do without the additional cost of applying a large amount of fertilizer. There are no particular preferences for soil types, but neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5), well-permeable soil rich in phosphorus, humus and calcium is best suited.

Like all legumes, soybean is a valuable crop in crop rotation. It can be sown in fields where grains (best of all - winter wheat), corn, sugar beets, potatoes, perennial grasses grew before. Other leguminous crops, perennial leguminous grasses, cabbage crops and sunflowers are unsuitable as predecessors because of the danger of the spread of bacteriosis and other diseases. Part of the crops susceptible to sclerotinosis (for example, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower) should not exceed 33% in the crop rotation. After soybeans, it is recommended to sow the field winter wheat, other grain crops, corn, rapeseed, fodder and vegetable crops. Keep in mind that late crop harvesting in some regions of our country does not allow growing winter crops after soybeans. Soy greatly impoverishes the soil with nutrients, so it must be borne in mind that it is recommended to return soy to its original place no earlier than after two years. Thus, you will need to regularly look for new crop areas for each year.

As for the regions suitable for growing soybeans, it all depends on the correct choice of varieties. More than 80% of soybean sown areas in our country are located in the Krasnodar Territory and the Far East (Amur Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories). The main soybean varieties are cultivated here - Venera, Primorskaya 13, Primorskaya 301, Primorskaya 69, Primorskaya 81, Primorskaya 529, Hodson, VIR-14, Vityaz-50. Soer 1, Sauer 3, Sauer 4, Sauer 5, Sauer 7 are suitable for the Middle Volga region, and for the central strip - early and mid-season varieties Belgorodskaya, 48, Light, Yaselda, Radiant. Belor, Okskaya, Mageva varieties are characterized by early maturity and at the same time good yield.

The yield in the most favorable conditions of the North Caucasus reaches 40-45 centners per hectare, in Primorye and in the central zone - more than 20 centners per hectare. In the Ural regions, the yield is about 10-15 centners per hectare. True, wheat yields in this region are about the same as soybeans, and given the fact that soybeans contain three times more protein than wheat, it still turns out to be profitable to grow this crop even here.

Soybean varieties differ not only in terms of requirements for agro-climatic and natural conditions, but also in terms of purpose. For example, there are varieties intended for oilseed-feed use or food oriented to the production of soy proteins. It is also necessary to take into account the purchase price, composition, ratio of the main ingredients of the grain and the yield of a particular variety. Please note: in our country it is forbidden to grow genetically modified soybeans, although it has become widespread abroad due to the fact that this crop is not so demanding and cheaper than ordinary soybeans.

soybean cultivation

The field intended for crops must be prepared in advance. First, in the fall, one or two peelings are made to a depth of 8-10 cm and fertilizers are applied for plowing. If grain crops were previously grown on this field, then fertilizers are applied to a depth of 22-25 cm, and if corn, then to a depth of 25-30 cm. In early spring harrowing is carried out with heavy, medium or light harrows across or at an angle to the direction of plowing. In principle, the pre-sowing cultivation of the field is not much different from the cultivation of the soil for other legumes. Its main goal is the destruction of weeds and the preservation of moisture. If the field was not leveled in autumn, if it is littered with weeds or carrion, during a long, cold winter, cultivation is carried out in the spring to a depth of 6-8 cm, followed by rolling. It allows you to raise the temperature of the seed bed by a couple of degrees and stimulates the germination of weeds, which are then removed. For seedbed cultivation, which is carried out to a depth of 4-5 cm across or at an angle in the direction of previous cultivations, fallow or beet cultivators with flat-cut shares will be required. The field for sowing should be as flat as possible and without lumps. This is due to the fact that soybeans are located quite low. An uneven surface makes harvesting difficult. The height of the ridges and the depth of the furrows should not exceed four centimeters.

Soil herbicides are applied after sowing to the emergence of seedlings using harrows to a depth of at least three centimeters or ring-spur rollers (in this case, the effectiveness of nitrogen-fixing bacteria increases). If there are rhizomatous and root-sprout weeds on the field, then pre-sowing treatment is recommended not to be carried out, but to wait for the wheatgrass to grow to 10-15 cm and sow. Then, 3-4 days after sowing, before soybean sprouts appear, the fields are treated with a roundup herbicide of continuous action. Fertilizer consumption is 10-20 kg/ha of nitrogen, 15-30 kg/ha of phosphorus and 25-60 kg/ha of potassium.

Seeds must be dressed before sowing, and directly at sowing they are inoculated with nodule bacteria (rhizotorphin). Conventional dressing machines are not suitable for inoculating soybean seeds, since rhizotorphin particles are large enough and do not pass through the nozzle and filters of conventional equipment, and rhizotorphin in liquid form is more difficult to use. Some farmers use a concrete mixer for this, others carry out inoculation in the back of a truck, followed by breaking up the resulting lumps in a seeder. The consumption of the working solution is about 70-80 liters per 1 ton.

Some farmers do not use rhizotorphin, but before sowing they add ammonium nitrate to the soil. On the one hand, this increases the cost of production, but allows you to ensure good yields.

Sowing is carried out in the third decade of April - the first and second decade of May when the soil warms up to a temperature of 10-15°C. Late-ripening varieties are sown first, and only at the end - early-ripening ones. Seeds are sown to a depth of 450-700 mm. Row spacing is 0.4-0.6 m. Seeding rate depends on plant variety, sowing method and weed control. The average sowing density is 35-40 seeds per meter. With an increase in the row spacing, the seeding rate also increases by 10-20%.

After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to regularly destroy weed plants and loosen the row spacing. After the appearance of 5-6 true leaves, the plants begin to bloom. At this stage, nitrophoska (mineral nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer) is introduced into the soil, watered abundantly and covered with earth. The ripening period ranges from 85 to 245 days, depending on the variety and climatic conditions of the growing region. For example, early soybean varieties ripen by the end of July, and late varieties by October. The crop is removed after the leaves fall and the beans acquire a grayish color. Before digging the site, the stems of the plants are pulled out, and the fallen leaves are buried in the ground to speed up their decay. Before threshing, the beans are laid out in the sun, where they are opened or husked, then winnowed and poured into bags. You can also use ordinary archers to store soybeans. The main thing is that the humidity level in it does not exceed 14-15% (optimal - 12%). Soybeans that are too wet can be dried using special equipment, but this is too costly a process that significantly increases the cost of the finished product.

The yield depends on the region, on the variety and on weather conditions. The average yield without irrigation is 10 centners per hectare, and with irrigation - 25 centners per hectare. Early varieties give the highest yield in most regions.

Experienced farmers know that sowing and growing soybeans is not the most difficult thing. It is much more difficult to harvest the resulting crop. Combines are used for this (usually "Don"). Although the soybean crop must be harvested in a short time (for some varieties it is only 3-5 days), otherwise the beans will crack and crumble to the ground, but it is very difficult to do this even with a sufficient amount of equipment. One harvester can harvest a maximum of 20 ha per day, provided the fields are well cultivated and free of weeds. But in fact, this figure is much less - about 5 hectares. And even in this case, the yield losses are very significant. During harvesting, it is necessary to ensure that the soybean stalks do not fall into the combine drum, otherwise there is a high risk of breakage.

To grow soybeans, you will need the following equipment: a pneumatic seeder (sunflower, grain or beet seeders can be used), a cultivator, equipment for inoculation and harrowing, harvesters.

The profitability of this business is 25%. To increase the profitability of the business, experts advise purchasing an extruder for the production of soy "meat". This is an inexpensive and fairly compact equipment that allows for the processing of beans. The product yield is up to 25 tons per 30 tons of feedstock.

Soy is a very popular type of legume, which is used in many areas of business, and therefore there is a demand in the market of wholesale buyers and it makes sense to start working in this direction. Soy contains a large amount of vegetable protein, which makes it an indispensable product even for vegetarians.

The main areas of application of soy:

  • food sector (meat products, sausages, sausages, products for vegetarians, semi-finished products, etc.).
  • as animal feed. This is the largest segment of the market, and it is here that it is most realistic to find wholesale buyers of finished products.
  • for the production of soy flour. It is subsequently used for the manufacture of soy meat.
  • for making soy sauce. It is often used to prepare many dishes.
  • soy milk and cake are also made from this product.

In this article, we will try to briefly review how to start a soybean business and what you will need for this.

Growing conditions

Soy itself is a very heat-loving plant, and this may cause certain concerns among businessmen, since there is a risk of not getting a full crop and all this will depend on weather conditions. But there are risks everywhere. It is worth saying that soybeans are most sensitive to temperature during flowering and bean formation. The optimal temperature level for this period is at around 21 - 22 degrees. If the temperature drops to 14 degrees or below, then the growth of the plant stops, and subsequently you can get a poor harvest. At the very beginning and end of the growing season, soybeans are not so sensitive to temperature changes and can even withstand light frosts.

The second condition for good soybean growth is moisture. It should be enough, and if it can be left out for the first period after planting, then the lack of moisture during flowering and pod formation can significantly reduce the yield of the plant, and you will lose profit. It should be noted that as the size of the green mass develops, the volume of water for irrigation should also be increased.

Soy is very demanding on the soil. So the landing site should be ennobled, cleared of weeds and it should be normal level stocks of useful things. If your land does not fit these parameters, then you should be guided by the fact that you will need to apply fertilizer in a volume greater than 2 times than when planting any other grain. The soil should be fertilized with humus, phosphorus and calcium.

The best precursors for soybeans are corn, beets, potatoes and grasses. Poor predecessors are beans, sunflower, cabbage.

In fact, soybeans are very depleting of the soil for useful substances, and plant it in the second year, in the same place there is no point, since the harvest will be minimal. The best solution will alternate it with other plants, and return to soybeans every 2 years. If you decide to engage exclusively in the cultivation of soybeans, then every year you will need to rent different areas for planting this plant.

The most popular soybean varieties are: Venus, varieties such as Primorskaya, Hod-son, VIR-14, Vityaz-50, varieties Sauer, Belgorodskaya, Radiant, Svetlaya, Yaselda, Belor, Mageva, Okskaya.

If we consider the yield, then the main role is played by the conditions in which the plant grows. So in a warmer and more humid climate, businessmen grow 40-50 centners per 1 hectare. At an average temperature level of about 20 centners. In a cool climate, the yield is no more than 10 centners per 1 hectare.

Soybean growing technology

The soil for planting soybeans has been prepared since autumn, fertilizers are applied to it. They are applied to a depth of 20 to 30 cm. The essence of spring soil preparation is to level the site, get rid of weeds and loosen the ground, and provide the desired level of moisture. Site leveling is necessary because soybeans are very close to the ground and uneven ground can interfere with harvesting.

Herbicides are added to the ground after sowing, but before the plant sprouts. Usually they are added to a depth of about 3 cm. If we talk about the consumption of fertilizers in the spring, then they are needed: about 15 kg of nitrogen per 1 ha of area, about 20 kg of phosphorus and about 25-60 kg of potassium per 1 ha of sown area. Preparation of sowing seeds consists of two stages: dressing and inoculation with nodule bacteria. Some of the farmers use ammonium nitrate, but it increases the cost of soybeans, but at the same time helps to increase the yield.

Sowing is carried out in late April, early May, when the earth warms up to 10 - 15 degrees. Planted first in line late varieties, after which the areas are sown with early soybeans.

The aisle during sowing is left about 0.4 - 0.6 meters, in order to make it convenient to care for the plant. Seed consumption is about 40 seeds per meter.

After the first shoots appear on the field, you will need to regularly clean the sown area from weeds and water when necessary. When the plant begins to bloom, especially monitor the level of soil moisture and add mineral fertilizer. The fruit ripening period varies from 85 to 245 days, everything will depend on the variety and climate. Early soybeans are harvested at the end of July, and late soybeans are harvested in October. After the leaves fall off and the fruits themselves turn gray, they are harvested. The stems are pulled out, threshed and dried in the sun, after which they are packed in bags. It is worth storing the crop in bags in a dry room, otherwise you will have to dry the wet soybeans, and this is quite a costly business and will reduce the profitability of the business. But you still need to foresee this moment in your business plan for growing soybeans.

On average, the market yield of soybean per 1 ha is about 10 centners without irrigation and about 20 centners with the organization of the irrigation system.

Harvest with a combine.

The profitability of this business is at the level of 25% - 30%.

Conclusions. Soybean growing business is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of features and requires a detailed study of the crop sales system.

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  • soybean cultivation

    soy characteristic

    Soybean growing technology

    Care and reproduction

    Application of soy

    Soy is a herbaceous bush plant that belongs to the legume family. It comes from East Asia, but it is grown on almost all continents.

    soy characteristic

    Soy is considered one of the most promising crops. It is a good source of vegetable protein. If you disassemble the chemical composition, you get a unique product. It contains 20% carbohydrates, 25% fat and more than 45% protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

    Over the past few decades, soybean production has grown almost 9 times. It is grown in 80 countries around the world. Soybean is the most profitable plant for planting in the fields, its productivity is several times higher than the income from sunflower.

    Soy is a bush, depending on the variety, its height can be from 30 cm to 140 cm.

    The main root of a small size has the shape of a rod and, deepening, narrows. The entire root system is located 15–20 cm deep. Stems erect, sometimes curly, strong. Often stems, leaves and pods are pubescent. The green leaves are located on the petioles.

    Their shape and color vary depending on the variety and place of growth. The flowers are small, painted in pink, white or purple tones. Beans in almost all varieties are straight, sometimes curved. Oval-shaped seeds also come in various sizes and forms. They are painted in yellow, brown, brown colors.

    The most common varieties of soybeans:

  • Diamond. A small bush, whose height is from 50 cm to 70 cm. The stems are pubescent and strongly branched. The leaves are medium in size, oval in shape, pimply, painted in a green tone. Purple flowers bloom in early summer. The variety belongs to the early ones, the fruits ripen by the end of summer. These are seeds that are yellow with a brown scar. Their shape is oval-oblong. This variety is disease and drought resistant. Recommended for planting in forest-steppe areas.
  • Annushka. Variety Annushka refers to early maturing early varieties. The height of the plant reaches 110 cm, the ovary of beans begins 12–15 cm from the soil surface. The stems are pubescent with gray hairs and strongly branched. The leaves are green, lacent, densely arranged on the branches. Flowers are purple. The seeds, located in crescent-shaped beans, are oval-rounded in shape, colored yellow, the hilum is also yellow. The variety is characterized by high fertility. Ripening occurs at the beginning of August. The plant is disease resistant.
  • Legend. The bush is compact, knocked down, of medium size. The stems are thin, do not curl, pubescent. The leaves are green, pimply, oval in shape and pointed at the ends. Flowers are painted white. The seeds are rounded-convex, colored yellow with a pronounced scar of dark brown color. The variety is resistant to shedding, diseases and tolerates a dry period well. Recommended for planting in the steppe and forest-steppe zones.
  • Vorskla. This is a hybrid variety, the height of which reaches 85 cm. The stems are straight with gray pubescence. Flowers are located on the peduncle and collected in a brush, the color of the petals is purple. The beans are also pubescent and have a hard fibrous shell. Each contains 2-3 seeds. Seeds are oval, yellow with a yellow scar. The variety belongs to early maturing. Resistant to common diseases. Also, the advantage of this plant is that it tolerates the low temperatures that occur during flowering. Recommended for cultivation in forest-steppe regions.
  • Swan. The variety belongs to early maturing. After sowing, the fruits ripen in 100-105 days. The height of the bush is 95 cm, the stems are pubescent, well branched. The lower ovaries are formed at a height of 10 cm from the ground. Blooms with purple flowers. The seeds are colored yellow, the scar is the same color.
  • Olshanka. This is a hybrid variety. The plant is tall, the stems stretch up to 95 cm. At the same time, the lower ovary is also at a height of 15 cm. The stems are dark brown in color with reddish pubescence. It blooms in the early months, the petals are painted in a purple tone. The beans are straight, also have a reddish pubescence. Seeds of medium size, oval, yellow with a brown scar. Due to the fact that the variety is early, it can be planted as a precursor to winter crops. Resistant to diseases and low temperatures. Recommended for planting in the forest-steppe zone.
  • Anastasia. The bush is knocked down and high, up to 130 cm. The ovaries begin to form at least 15 cm from the ground. Blooms with purple petals. The leaves are oblong, lacent, painted in a green tone. This variety is distinguished by the fact that in many beans there are up to 4 seeds per bush. Mostly in other varieties it is 2-3 seeds. High productivity and early ripening are also an advantage of this plant. Disease resistant and drought tolerant.
  • Antoshka. The height of the bush of this soybean variety is 130 cm. The stems are strong, branching, have white pubescence, as well as beans. The lower ovary is formed at a height of 20–25 cm. It blooms white in early summer. The leaves are lacent, large, densely arranged on the branches. Seeds and scar on them are painted in light yellow color. The variety is highly productive, resistant to drought.
  • Soybean growing technology

    The technology of growing soybeans is developing along with its distribution around the world. Each region has its own characteristics and nuances that must be taken into account when mass breeding this product.

    The main features when growing:

  1. When preparing the soil for soybeans, it is worth carefully working out and removing weeds.
  2. The soil should be loose and fertile.
  3. Fertilizers are applied depending on which plant was the predecessor in this area.
  4. The period for sowing in the fields is better to choose the middle of spring, the end of April - the beginning of May.
  5. Moisture is essential in the cultivation of this crop. Therefore, soybean cultivation technology is developed mainly for areas where there is an opportunity for irrigation. There were attempts to plant soybeans on lands without artificial irrigation, but this experience did not lead to success. However, in areas where rainfall exceeds 450 mm per year, farmers successfully grow this plant in non-irrigated fields.

    With timely sowing of seeds, moisture after winter will nourish the seedlings. But when the third and subsequent leaves appear on the plant by the end of spring, and the ambient temperature approaches +30 degrees, additional watering is necessary.

    On hot sunny days, when the air warms up to +45 degrees, the plant stops developing until the night, cooler period. When forming buds, watering is necessary abundant, as drying reduces the likelihood of a high yield.

    Recently, farmers are increasingly turning to drip irrigation. This method significantly reduces the waste of water, and moisture flows directly to the bush, constantly feeding it. At the costly stage of organizing such a system, it subsequently saves time and money, and also maintains a high soybean yield.

    When mass sowing soybean seeds, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it does not like shading. Therefore, the distance between the bushes should be greater than other legumes. Leaves, flowers, and beans should receive full sunlight. With its lack, the formation of beans worsens.

    Care and reproduction

    The technologies for cultivating soybeans in the fields are somewhat different from the care and cultivation in summer cottages and areas near the house. It is rarely found in garden plots, as it is not popular among summer residents. But with the right care, you can reap a great harvest.

  • The most important condition for growing is a bright landing site and regular watering.
  • You can plant soybeans in almost any soil.
  • The place must be well cleaned of weeds and loosened. It will be useful to do this process 2-3 times before sowing.
  • When planting, it is necessary to form shallow holes and put the seeds in them, then cover them with earth and trample down.
  • Water regularly with warm water.
  • The weeding process is carried out when weeds appear. After watering, to preserve moisture, the ground around the bushes can be mulched.
  • Fertilization can be started in the early stages of plant development. For this, organic and mineral fertilizers. Nitrogenous fertilizers can be applied to the ground before planting.
  • You can harvest when the leaves have already fallen off the bush. And the beans turned yellow or yellowish brown.
  • After harvesting, the seeds must be dried, otherwise they may rot.
  • Reproduction of soybeans occurs only with the help of seeds. Before planting, they can be soaked in warm water. But this is not a mandatory procedure, since soybean germination is 80–90%. Sowing is carried out at a time when there are no longer strong night frosts.

    Application of soy

    Soy is mainly used as a food product. It contains a large amount of protein and many different nutrients and minerals. Magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron - all this favorably affects the human body when eating soy products.

    Everyone is familiar with such a dish as sushi. But how to cook sushi without soy sauce. It was from the eastern countries that soy culture came to Europe and Russia, and many products made from beans were borrowed from the same places. The composition of soy sauce is as useful as the product from which it is made. The high content of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants help to maintain the health and youth of the body.

    Soy beans are used to prepare soy meat and cheese, which are mainly eaten by vegetarians. These products do not contain cholesterol and hormones, and are easily absorbed by the body. Another advantage of soy meat and cheese is that they do not lead to obesity.

    Soy milk is also made from soybeans, which is an intermediate point in the manufacture of cheese. Milk does not contain lactose, is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause allergies.

    But, as with all products, everything should be in moderation. With the constant excessive consumption of soy and soy products, a number of diseases can occur. This is especially true for children. They may have stunted growth and problems with thyroid gland. An adult can also have problems. Therefore, when using, it is necessary to observe the measure.

    Soya is also used in cosmetology and the production of cosmetic products.

    As part of shampoos and hair masks, it acts as a good moisturizer. Creams and tonics containing soy proteins are designed to care for delicate and sensitive skin. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the cells.

    Feed soy is used in poultry and cattle breeding. In its raw form, it is not brought in as feed, but is pre-prepared. The proteins contained in it have a beneficial effect on animals, especially on their weight - it increases.

    The use of soy is wide: cooking, farming, cosmetology - these are just a few points. With the development of technology and the spread of this plant around the planet, the possibilities of its use are increasing.

    More information about soy can be found in the video.

    Profitability of 328% - and other facts about row crops on drip irrigation

    Andrey Shatkovsky, Deputy director for scientific work, candidate of agricultural sciences,

    Yuri Cherevichny, head. laboratory of crop irrigation technologies,

    Aleksey Galemin, Junior Researcher, Institute of Water Problems and Melioration of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

    Nazar Privedenyuk, Junior Researcher, Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants ISHS NAANU

  • The profitability of corn production for grain with a yield of 16.5 t/ha and a purchase price of 1900 UAH/t in the first year is 10-25%, and in the second - 110-120%
  • It is profitable to grow confectionery sunflower on drip irrigation
  • Growing valerian, mint, coriander, lavender, rose, stevia and other herbs can also be profitable.
  • The species composition of tilled crops grown using drip irrigation is quite wide. These are almost all vegetables (tomatoes, all types of cabbage, sweet and bitter peppers, green vegetable crops, eggplants, cucumbers, onions, zucchini, sugar corn, table beets, carrots, garlic, vegetable peas, etc.), melons (watermelon, melon, pumpkin, squash) and potatoes.

    At the same time, according to our estimates, today in Ukraine there are all prerequisites for expanding the scope of drip irrigation for growing row crops in a field crop rotation. These include corn for grain, sugar beets, gymnosperms, soybeans (including for seeds), alfalfa seed crops, confectionery sunflower, as well as a number of medicinal and essential oil crops. Let us consider in more detail some economic and technological aspects of the use of drip irrigation on these row crops.

    Corn for grain

    Yield potential (with grain moisture content of 18-20%) on drip irrigation ranges from 14 to 24 t/ha, and the average is 16-18 t/ha. As for the economic component, about 2/3 of drip irrigation equipment assumes a long service life and, accordingly, its cost.

    must be included in depreciation charges. If its cost is included in the expenses of the first year, then the profitability of production with a yield of 16.5 t/ha and a purchase price of 1900 UAH/t will be 10-25% in the first year, and 110-120% in the second. Net profit in the first year - 5.8 thousand UAH / ha, in the second - 16.8 thousand UAH / ha.

    Technological aspects

    It is worth dwelling on the planting pattern and laying the irrigation tape. On soils of heavy granulometric composition, the situation is simpler: here the traditional planting pattern of 70x15-20 cm with laying the irrigation tape through one row spacing is completely suitable (Fig. 1). However, with such a scheme, on soils of medium, and especially light, granulometric composition, difficulties arise with the formation of a moistening zone (solid strip) 70 cm wide, since on such soil types elongated in the vertical direction (in depth) moistening zones are formed. In such cases, the possibility of using a planting scheme with a narrow row spacing of 40-50 cm (narrow row spacing 50 cm, wide - 90 cm, distance between plants - 20 cm, or 40 + 100 20 cm) should be considered. In drip irrigation technologies for corn, irrigation pipelines are used with a distance between droppers from 20 (light loams) to 40 cm (heavy soils in terms of granulometric composition) and a water flow rate of 1.2-1.8 l/h.

    Sugar beet

    The yield level on drip irrigation ranges from 7.5-10 t/ha, and the increase in yield compared to non-irrigated plots ranges from 25 to 45 t/ha, which provides positive economic indicators in general. The effect of drip irrigation on the sugar content of beet roots still requires further study. Our three-year studies (2010-2012) on the lands of the Kamensko-Dneprovskaya OS of the Institute of Water and Mine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Northern Steppe, Zaporozhye region), conducted using the domestic hybrid Alexandria F1, showed a decrease in the sugar content during drip irrigation by 3-4%. At the same time, pilot studies conducted by Opanasenko G.P. in 2012 on the lands of Zarya Podillya PC LLC (Vinnitsa region) using hybrids of German selection did not reveal a decrease in the sugar content in root crops under conditions of drip irrigation.

    In our opinion, the optimal scheme for sowing sugar beet is 45x0.2 cm (111.1 thousand plants/ha) when placing a drip tape through one row-spacing.

    Gymnosperm pumpkin varieties

    Profitable is the production of seeds for export, in particular to Austria. The potential yield of dry seeds when using drip irrigation is 1-1.2 t/ha. Purchase prices fluctuate between 3.1-3.5 euro/kg.

    The economic parameters are as follows: profitability in the first year - 67%, in the second - 328%, conditionally net profit in the first year - 12.05 thousand UAH / ha, in the second - 23 thousand UAH / ha.

    Technological parameters: sowing scheme - 210x70 cm (6800 plants/ha) (Fig. 2), distance between droppers - 30-40 cm, dropper consumption - 1.2-1.4 l/h.

    Soybean is primarily considered as a valuable agro-reclamation precursor in intensive vegetable crop rotation. The level of yield on drip irrigation in the experiments of IVPiM is 5.8-6.2 t/ha. However, it should be noted that the maximum economic indicators are provided by the cultivation of seed crops of this crop. The level of profitability in the second year of using the drip irrigation system in commercial crops is 63%.

    Seed crops of alfalfa

    The culture is also considered as a valuable agro-reclamation predecessor. The use of drip irrigation in the technology of growing alfalfa for seeds is substantiated by scientists from the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences. The seed yield in these experiments was about 600-650 kg/ha, which ensured a positive economic effect.

    Sunflower confectionery

    The use of drip irrigation in the cultivation of this crop, in our opinion, is interesting and promising. A good yield (4.25.5 t/ha) at high purchase prices for calibrated seeds at the level of 10-12 thousand UAH/t creates certain prerequisites for the introduction of this technology. Important aspects here are a good choice of a hybrid, full-fledged fertilizers, plant protection, as well as the presence in the farm of its own grain cleaning machine (for example, the Petkus type). Also interesting and promising from an economic point of view is the cultivation using drip irrigation of some medicinal and essential oil plants, in particular: valerian, mint, coriander, lavender, rose, stevia, etc.

    Research of such a plan was started by us on the lands of the Experimental Station medicinal plants ISKhV NAAN (Lubensky district, Poltava region) on the culture of valerian officinalis, the valuable raw material of which is precisely the rhizome, the mass of which directly depends on the conditions of moisture supply to the plants.

    It should be noted that the potential of the drip irrigation method, in terms of its use on row crops of a field crop rotation, is now not fully used in Ukraine.

    Therefore, taking into account certain tendencies of increasing aridity of the climate as a whole, it can be concluded that in the next few years the volume of its use on the considered crops will only grow.

    Growing soy profitability

    More recently, most farmers said that “soybeans are the crop of tomorrow”! But even now we can say with confidence that this "tomorrow" has come. Now this crop occupies an active place, or profiling in the sowing structure of farms of all categories. According to operational data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine total area soybean sowing in 2015 is 1.8 million hectares. If we draw parallels with previous years, then the trend towards expanding soybean sown areas is noticeable to the naked eye, so in 2001 it was 73 thousand hectares, and in 2006 this figure reached 714 thousand hectares.
    What is the reason for such attention of farmers to one of the ancient cultures humanity? And everything is very simple, despite the constantly growing areas under crops, the demand for this crop has only increased and, accordingly, the price has also grown, so the profitability of this crop in the current crisis conditions of Ukraine is quite profitable. And we should not forget about the main mission of this culture in agriculture, because this unique culture combines two most important processes: photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. Thanks to this, it not only provides its own needs for nitrogen, but also increases soil fertility and improves the environment.

    Place in crop rotation
    For soybeans, the best predecessors are winter and spring cereals, corn. Predecessors are considered good - sugar beets, potatoes. You can sow soybeans in the same field for 2-3 years. It is not recommended to sow soybeans after crops that have common diseases such as sclerotinia, these are sunflowers and cruciferous. But soy is an excellent predecessor for other crops, because it leaves behind 70-100 kg / ha of available nitrogen in the soil. Therefore, for example, after soybeans, it is recommended to place corn for grain, which in this case gives an increase in yield by 15%.
    Soil requirements and tillage
    Soy is a relatively undemanding plant to soils. It can be grown in almost all types of soil, provided they are not acidic. Soybean plants do not tolerate prolonged flooding (more than 3 days), salinity and acidity, with optimal indicators for it of 12 - 14 ° C, at a depth of 10 cm. At earlier sowing dates, the germination period is lengthened, seeds and seedlings are subjected to the infectious pressure of causative agents of root diseases for a longer period, and the likelihood of infestation of crops with the most harmful types of weeds, including the haze family, increases. At later dates, the yield usually decreases due to temperature stresses and drought.
    With various sowing methods, soybean is able to form a high yield, and therefore it is sown different ways. As a rule, when choosing a method, attention is paid to the ripeness group, for example, for early ripening, a smaller feeding area is needed, so they are sown with row spacing of 45 cm. However, in Ukraine, the practice of sowing with row spacing of 12–25 cm is widespread. see Therefore, when sowing varieties middle group ripeness, which are usually well branched, preference should be given to wide-row sowing methods.
    The depth to which soybean seeds are wrapped is 2.5-4 cm. On heavy floating soils, under conditions of sufficient moisture, it can be sown to a depth of 3-4 cm. In conditions of insufficient moisture, it is deeper - 4 cm.
    Seeding rate of soybean seeds is set specifically for each variety separately
    Ultra-early varieties (up to 90 days) - 800-900 thousand pieces / ha
    Early ripe varieties (91-105 days) - 700-750 thousand pieces / ha
    Medium early (106-125 days) - 550-600 thousand units / ha
    Mid-season varieties (126-135 days) - 450-500 thousand pieces / ha
    Late-ripening varieties (140-159 days) - 350-500 thousand pieces / ha
    Usually, in terms of weight, this indicator can be in the range of 80 - 170 kg / ha of seeds.
    And do not forget that the quality of the sowing is a more important factor than its image.

    Protection of crops from harmful weeds, pests and diseases.
    The harmful effect of weeds does not appear immediately, but three weeks after emergence, therefore, it is very important to get rid of unwanted vegetation in soybean crops within 2 weeks. In the early stages, the economic threshold of weed damage (ETL) for soybeans is 5 cereal or 3 dicotyledonous plants per m 2, and in the mixed type - 3 single cereal plants and 3 units. dicotyledonous weeds per 1 m 2. Modern means plant protection, allow business executives to control harmful weeds in the most sensitive phases of their development, and intensive cultivation technologies will keep soybean crops practically free of weeds during the growing season and before harvesting. The complex of chemical measures includes the use of soil or pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide. From soil herbicides before or after sowing against annual cereals and some dicotyledons, the following preparations are applied: Trophy 90% HP(1.5-2.0 l / ha), Dual Gold HP(1.2-1.6 l / ha), Harness 90% HP(1.5-3.0 l / ha), Stomp 33% k.s. (3.0-4.0 l / ha), Emblem 900 HP(1.5-3.0 l / ha), Reference hp. (1.5-3.0 l/ha). Against annual dicotyledonous and cereal weeds make: Zenkor Liquid 60% k.s.(0.5 l / ha), Treflan 48% HP. (1.2-1.5 l / ha),
    The disadvantage of all soil herbicides is that they are practically unable to control perennial weeds, which today, unfortunately, have become widespread on arable land in all regions of the country and, moreover, the most harmful.
    Against annual and perennial grasses at a height of 10-15 cm, use Targa Super(1-2 against annual grasses, 2-3 l/ha against perennials), Miura HP(0.4-0.8 l / ha), Palmyra HP(0.4-0.8 l/ha) or Bagheera Super HP(2.0-3.0 l / ha), Panther, Ph.D.(1 against annual grasses, 1.5-2 l/ha against perennials). Queen Star HP(1X5-4.0 l/ha)
    Against annual dicotyledonous weeds Harmony 75, v.g.(6-8 g/ha + Surfactant Trend 90200 ml/ha), Bazagran, w.r.. (1.5-3 l / ha), Ephesus, w.r.k.(1.5-3 l/ha) and Alpha-bentazone hp. (1.5-3.0 l / ha), Flagship HP(1.5-3.0 l/ha).
    The main prerequisite for the high effectiveness of insurance herbicides is the use of drugs in the most sensitive weed phase development: cotyledons - 2 pairs of true leaves in dicotyledons and 1-3 in cereals.

    Soybean cultivation: rules and technology

    A highly productive crop, characterized by unpretentiousness, soybeans have recently begun to be grown in our area. At the same time, more and more areas are sown with this crop every year. If you miss the details and advantages of growing this particular type of plant, you can simply note the profitability of this business.

    In order to get the most out of your site, you must also take into account the features of the agricultural technology of this crop. This is what will be discussed in our article.

    Conditions and terms of landing

    One of the most important issues is to determine the optimal landing time. In this case, you can make a mistake by a very significant difference in the yield, therefore, in some countries, such as Argentina and the USA, the date of sowing soybeans is determined with an accuracy of three days.

    Too early planting will lead to a long pecking of the sprouts. Seedlings will be thin and weak, and seed germination will drop noticeably. However, late planting also negatively affects the final yield. In this case, soybean is poorly acclimatized, the seeds will not receive the moisture they need, and during the heat some of the plants may die. That is why soybean planting dates should be determined individually for each region and climatic conditions. Usually landing takes place from the third decade of April until May 10 - 15.

    You may also be interested to know what is the best green manure for potatoes.

    On the video - the technology of growing soybeans:

    Late and mid-season varieties are planted first. Early and mid-early - towards the end of graduation deadline landings. A mandatory criterion is that the soil warms up at least 8 degrees Celsius. It is best to apply seeds at a temperature of 12 to 14 degrees Celsius, when the maximum germination of planting material is ensured.

    Selection of a suitable variety, seed treatment before sowing

    The bred soybean varieties meet the requirements of our climatic zones to the maximum and are characterized by high yields. At the same time, it is not recommended to use the same variety in all areas and for several years in a row. The best result will give a thoughtful crop rotation and rotation of varieties.

    The best predecessors for soybeans are:

  • Cereal crops of winter and spring cultivation.
  • Corn.
  • Potato.
  • Sugar beet.
  • You can not plant soybeans after other representatives of legumes, cabbage and sunflowers. These plants have common pests and characteristic diseases, so the risk of re-infection of the soil is high. Soy is considered a good predecessor for any other crops, because it enriches the soil with nitrogen useful for plant growth. This specificity of growing crops will allow the most useful use of land, and will also create a precedent for good harvests in different years and with different cultures.

    The entire sowing process must be carried out within a period of five days, otherwise the yield will drop sharply.

    In addition to climatic and weather conditions, the selected variety also has a significant impact on the yield of soybeans. Modern hybrids boast improved performance and really reliable pest protection.

    It will also be interesting to learn about when to sow lupine as green manure.

    Overview of popular soybean varieties:

    The selected varieties differ little in terms of agricultural technology. Seeds must be inoculated before planting. This is the processing of planting material with special solutions. They contain beneficial bacteria that help fix nitrogen from the air and soil. This significantly increases the chances of survival of the sprouts, and also increases the volume of the crop.

    In addition to bacteria - inoculants, the seeds are treated with a fungicide, potassium humate (stimulates germination), as well as preparations for pests and characteristic diseases. All these solutions are used in turn, depending on the priority of the task. It is believed that such a directed action is much more convenient and economical than introducing chemicals into the soil.

    In this way, the process and the amount of substances used can be controlled, without undue threat to the seedbed.

    Also, every gardener should understand when to sow Phacelia green manure in the spring, and how to do it correctly.

    An important point: seed treatment should be carried out no later than a day before sowing. Otherwise, the growth of bacteria on the surface of the beans will make them sticky and make it difficult to plant further.

    Care, cultivation technology

    Seeds are applied to shallow loose soil. Usually, the method of disk plowing is used (if a grain crop was sown on the field earlier) or autumn plowing (after corn and sunflower). Such manipulations make it possible to successfully deal with the rhizomes of annual weeds. To remove perennial weeds, special herbicides are used, the choice of which depends on the specific type of weeds in your area.

    Soybean sowing is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • Minimum cutting depth- from 3 to 5 centimeters.
  • Maximum cutting depth- six centimeters.
  • When the top layer of the earth dries up, it may be necessary to seal up to 10 centimeters. This usually happens if the landing is carried out later than the required time.
  • Distance between rows from 15 to 45 centimeters. This indicator is affected by the height and overall dimensions of the plants.
  • Seeding rate for ultra early(vegetation period up to 90 days) varieties ranges from 800 to 900 thousand units/ha.
  • Seeding rate for early maturing(vegetation period from 91 to 105 days) varieties ranges from 700 to 750 thousand units/ha.
  • Seeding rate for medium early(vegetation period from 106 to 125 days) varieties ranges from 550 to 600 thousand units/ha.
  • Seeding rate for mid-season(vegetation period from 126 to 135 days) varieties ranges from 450 to 500 thousand units/ha.
  • Seeding rate for late-ripening(vegetation period from 140 to 159 days) varieties ranges from 350 to 500 thousand units/ha.
  • But how white mustard is used as green manure in the spring, and where it can be used additionally, this information will help to understand.

    On the video - how soybeans are sown:

    Recently, a narrow-row soybean planting pattern has been increasingly used. At the same time, yields increase significantly, because the plant captures light rays better during the laying of seeds. In addition, the leaf area index increases, which stimulates the process of photosynthesis.

    What red clover looks like as green manure, and where it can be used, the information on the link will help to understand.

    What is oilseed radish as green manure, and in which case it should be used, is indicated here.

    It may also be useful for you to learn about when to sow sweet clover as green manure.

    Further care after landing is reduced to ensuring the following conditions:

  • Cultivation of plantings from weeds.
  • Use of insecticides to control common pests.
  • Fertilizing with mineral complexes on the basis that soybeans will “take” 124 kg of nitrogen, 102 kg of potassium, 34 kg of calcium, 22 kg of phosphorus, 23 kg of sulfur and 18 kg of magnesium from one hectare. All these elements except nitrogen (soil bacteria and seed inoculation are responsible for its production) must be replenished. This is best done when harrowing the ground in the spring, but with poor growth or seedling death, the elements are applied during the growing season.
  • Trace elements are also important for plant development, so the seeds needed to sow one hectare of land must be treated with manganese (207 grams), copper (75 grams) and iron (865 grams).
  • Soybean does not grow on acidic soils, so be sure to check its acidity before sowing. The optimum level is 6.0 - 7.0 pH. The minimum level is 5.5 pH.
  • It is impossible to carry out any manipulations with the culture during flowering.
  • Harvesting occurs when the leaves and stems dry out. Beans at this time are easily separated from the valves.
  • Harvesting is carried out with a combine at a low cut. Further drying and transportation should also take into account the characteristics of the culture and its storage.
  • Top dressing should be carried out after soil analysis. This is the best method for determining fertilizers. With a lack of elements, the growth of shoots is inhibited, and fruits are difficult to form.

    If fertilizers are thrown in excess, the overall yield decreases due to the strong formation of deciduous mass.

    Growing as a business

    The profitability of a soybean growing project largely depends on successfully selected varieties, the availability of necessary equipment, as well as timely carried out agricultural practices.

    Most agricultural enterprises are focused on this crop. Soy grows well in our climate and is not demanding on the quality of the soil. The use of modern herbicides and stimulating solutions will also help to get a high yield, with minimal labor.

    Soybean cultivation enjoys well-deserved popularity among modern farmers. This crop is characterized by high productivity, is not demanding on soil composition and climatic conditions. The main points of successful cultivation and planting of soybean seeds in our regions are described in the information of this article.

    Farm business: growing soybeans

    (OKVED 2) 01.11.33 Growing seeds of soybeans

    Minimum starting capital

    Soy is one of the most popular crops in crop production. It belongs to the legume family, has a high yield and grows on almost any type of soil, with the exception of sandy. Soybeans contain a large amount of vegetable protein. They have the widest application: they are used for cooking various dishes and in food production, as well as as feed for farm animals.

    Bean seeds are used to make soy flour, which in turn is used to make soy meat. Soybean oil (which is considered one of the best vegetable oils) and soy milk (white seeds are used for this) are obtained from the seeds. Soy liquid sauce is prepared from fermented soybeans. Pressed beans are used to produce soybean meal.

    Demand for soybeans is consistently high. It costs much more than wheat and is much less subject to price fluctuations. The demand for soybean and its products is increasing every year with the growth of poultry meat production and the developing livestock and pig breeding. For all these reasons, soybean farming is a profitable and highly profitable business. However, as in any other direction, there are certain features that must be taken into account.

    The subtleties of growing soybeans

    The main phases of soybean growth include germination (from seed to shoot), emergence (from cotyledons to primordial leaves), formation of the first trifoliate leaf, branching, bud emergence, flowering, pod formation, seeding and maturation. Under favorable conditions, soybean seedlings can be seen already on the 6-9th day after sowing. Soybeans no longer grow during seeding, and during the ripening of the beans, the plants shed their leaves. In most varieties, ripe beans do not crack, and the plants themselves do not fall, which makes it easier to harvest.

    For some reason, it is widely believed that soy is an unpretentious plant. In fact, it is a light-loving and heat-demanding culture. With a lack of lighting, the plant stems and leaf cuttings lengthen, which prevents the formation of side shoots and beans, or even the fall of previously formed ovaries in the lower part of the plant. The greatest need for heat falls on the phases of flowering and fruit formation. The optimum air temperature during this period is 21-22°C. At a temperature of 14 ° C and below, the plant does not grow and does not develop. At the beginning and end of the growing season, the need for heat is much lower. Moreover, at this time, plants even relatively calmly tolerate frosts down to -2-3.5 ° C.

    In addition to light and heat, soybean needs a lot of moisture, but this need also depends on the growth period of the plant. Soybeans are relatively drought tolerant in their early growth period, before flowers appear, although lack of moisture can have some negative effect on plant productivity and lower bean development.

    But with a lack of moisture during flowering, the formation of ovaries and the filling of seeds, you should not count on large volumes of the crop. With the intensive development of green mass, the area of ​​​​the evaporating surface of the plant increases, therefore, with the beginning of flowering, moisture consumption also increases. During the period of flowering and the formation of beans, soybeans are also demanding on air humidity. At low humidity during this period, new ones are not formed and existing flowers and beans are shed.

    Experts advise growing soybeans in weed-free fields with optimal nutrient and moisture reserves. Do not forget that for a good harvest, this plant needs two to three times more nutrients than cereals. This means that the soil for growing soybeans must be fertile and cultivated, otherwise you cannot do without the additional cost of applying a large amount of fertilizer. There are no particular preferences for soil types, but neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5), well-permeable soil rich in phosphorus, humus and calcium is best suited.

    Like all legumes, soybean is a valuable crop in crop rotation. It can be sown in fields where grains (best of all - winter wheat), corn, sugar beets, potatoes, perennial grasses grew before. Other leguminous crops, perennial leguminous grasses, cabbage crops and sunflowers are unsuitable as predecessors because of the danger of the spread of bacteriosis and other diseases.

    Part of the crops susceptible to sclerotinosis (for example, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower) should not exceed 33% in the crop rotation. After soybeans, it is recommended to sow the field with winter wheat, other grain crops, corn, rapeseed, fodder and vegetable crops. Keep in mind that late crop harvesting in some regions of our country does not allow growing winter crops after soybeans. Soy greatly impoverishes the soil with nutrients, so it must be borne in mind that it is recommended to return soy to its original place no earlier than after two years. Thus, you will need to regularly look for new crop areas for each year.

    Regions suitable for growing soybeans

    As for the regions suitable for growing soybeans, it all depends on the correct choice of varieties. More than 80% of soybean sown areas in our country are located in the Krasnodar Territory and the Far East (Amur Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories). The main soybean varieties are cultivated here - Venera, Primorskaya 13, Primorskaya 301, Primorskaya 69, Primorskaya 81, Primorskaya 529, Hodson, VIR-14, Vityaz-50. Soer 1, Sauer 3, Sauer 4, Sauer 5, Sauer 7 varieties are suitable for the Middle Volga region, and early and mid-ripening varieties Belgorodskaya, 48, Svetlaya, Yaselda, Luchezarnaya are suitable for the central strip. Belor, Okskaya, Mageva varieties are characterized by early maturity and at the same time good yield.

    The yield in the most favorable conditions of the North Caucasus reaches 40-45 centners per hectare, in Primorye and in the central zone - more than 20 centners per hectare. In the Ural regions, the yield is about 10-15 centners per hectare. True, wheat yields in this region are about the same as soybeans, and given the fact that soybeans contain three times more protein than wheat, it still turns out to be profitable to grow this crop even here.

    Soybean varieties differ not only in terms of requirements for agro-climatic and natural conditions, but also in terms of purpose. For example, there are varieties intended for oilseed-feed use or food oriented to the production of soy proteins. It is also necessary to take into account the purchase price, composition, ratio of the main ingredients of the grain and the yield of a particular variety. Please note: in our country it is forbidden to grow genetically modified soybeans, although it has become widespread abroad due to the fact that this crop is not so demanding and cheaper than ordinary soybeans.

    Features of field preparation for soybeans

    The field intended for crops must be prepared in advance. First, in the fall, one or two peelings are made to a depth of 8-10 cm and fertilizers are applied for plowing. If grain crops were previously grown on this field, then fertilizers are applied to a depth of 22-25 cm, and if corn, then to a depth of 25-30 cm. In early spring, heavy, medium or light harrows are harrowed across or at an angle to the direction of plowing.

    In principle, the pre-sowing cultivation of the field is not much different from the cultivation of the soil for other legumes. Its main goal is the destruction of weeds and the preservation of moisture. If the field was not leveled in autumn, if it is littered with weeds or carrion, during a long, cold winter, cultivation is carried out in the spring to a depth of 6-8 cm, followed by digging. It allows you to raise the temperature of the seed bed by a couple of degrees and stimulates the germination of weeds, which are then removed.

    For seedbed cultivation, which is carried out to a depth of 4-5 cm across or at an angle in the direction of previous cultivations, fallow or beet cultivators with flat-cut shares will be required. The field for sowing should be as flat as possible and without lumps. This is due to the fact that soybeans are located quite low. An uneven surface makes harvesting difficult. The height of the ridges and the depth of the furrows should not exceed four centimeters.

    Soil herbicides are applied after sowing to the emergence of seedlings using harrows to a depth of at least three centimeters or ring-spur rollers (in this case, the effectiveness of nitrogen-fixing bacteria increases). If there are rhizomatous and root-sprout weeds on the field, then pre-sowing treatment is recommended not to be carried out, but to wait for the wheatgrass to grow to 10-15 cm and sow. Then, 3-4 days after sowing, before soybean sprouts appear, the fields are treated with a roundup herbicide of continuous action. Fertilizer consumption is 10-20 kg/ha of nitrogen, 15-30 kg/ha of phosphorus and 25-60 kg/ha of potassium.

    5 strokes of successful soybean cultivation in Ukraine

    "Agrarian Technological Company" (ATK) was one of the first in Ukraine to start growing soybeans back in the 90s. Today, in addition to this crop, the company is engaged in the cultivation of corn, potatoes and seed production. spoke about the potential of soybeans and the nuances of growing Vitaly Kushnir, Commercial Director of ATK.

    Photo source: Vitaly Kushnir's personal archive


    Much of the success in growing soybeans depends on the genetics of the seed material. Today, the world's largest companies do not supply Ukraine with elite seeds that can be propagated. The reason is the absence in our country of the practice of paying for copyrights for growing such seeds. The soybean market in developed countries interacts with customers in this way. ATK has taken a different path. We work with originators - Canadian companies that are the founders and producers of the best samples of soybean seeds. We buy super-elite seeds from them, propagate and pay royalties.

    Soya is a relatively new crop for our country. Farmers do not have many years of practice, as with wheat, corn, etc. Farmers often do not know about the intricacies: someone uses fertilizers, although soybeans are grown all over the world with the help of inoculants - bacteria, someone incorrectly prepares the soil and sows incorrectly.


    In the agricultural business, logistics is important - the use of the right equipment and the timely execution of operations. We have worked out our technology for 17 years of practice. Our specialists know when and how to prepare the land, after which crops it is possible to sow soybeans, when to start sowing, how and in what period to cultivate.

    Non-GMO High Protein

    The main European requirement is non-GMO products. Our company has just started working in Poland, and we are gradually starting to explore the European soy market. European consumers want assurance in protein levels. Preferably above 40%. This is a guarantee of a high price for your product and the profitability of production.

    ATK grows 100% non-GMO soybeans with high protein levels. Moreover, the cultivation of genetically modified soybeans is not economically feasible for us. I think that soon Ukraine will come to control and legal regulation of the soybean market.


    We consider all Ukrainian agricultural producers as partners. Every year in winter we hold seminars where we share our experience in growing soybeans, corn and sunflowers. We will become even closer and more necessary to each other after the launch of a soybean processing plant in the Khmelnytsky region this year.

    We maintain partnerships with farmers from different regions of Ukraine. Today there are more than 200 of them. We lend them in the form of seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products. We give real agronomic support to the processes of growing corn, sunflower, soybeans. Our agronomists work on farmers' fields: they analyze the soil and prepare it, give a clear set of recommendations, help set up seeders, control the quality of sowing. Also, our agronomist-consultant gives a recommendation on what means and when to process, supervises crops until harvest.

    In these crops, we use soil herbicides. There is different opinions on this occasion, but practice has shown that this is justified and reasonable.

    By the way, support for farmers in different climatic zones of the country allows us to see the problems for the future. In 2015, soy crops experienced severe mite problems. We saw them in advance at some partners and immediately warned all our farmers. They immediately ordered prophylactic drugs in a timely manner.

    Prospects for soybeans in the world and in Ukraine

    Soy, first of all, is a protein, the basis of the diet of mankind. Due to the growth of the world's population, the consumption of soybeans in the world will increase.

    In the Ukrainian market in recent years, soybean sown area has been increasing. At some point, it may reach 5-6 million hectares, i.e. increase by 2.5-3 times. Climatic conditions allow growing soybeans without irrigation on 2/3 of the territory of Ukraine. And there are also regions where you can grow with irrigation, for example, like Kherson region, Nikolaev region, Odessa region. In addition, Ukraine is on the same parallel as America's soybean-corn belt. Soy is a favorable crop for soils. It is an excellent predecessor for most crops. A crop that leaves a lot of nitrogen in the soil, which allows less fertilizer to be used for growing other crops.

    Soya is a versatile, cost-effective and promising crop. In Ukraine, production will continue to grow, soybean processing plants will appear. With the advent of these capacities, the desire of agricultural producers to grow soybeans will also appear. Sunflower has done the same way in our country.

    You can hear more about the "soy" experience from expert practitioners at Ukrainian Soybean Congress , February 25, 2016