Ways to create a suburban artificial lake and do-it-yourself pond decor. Do-it-yourself pond - how to make an artificial lake Which lake is artificial

Despite possible additional efforts, a small lake on suburban area will help to diversify it well, give more moisture and charm. Such a pond can be used as a good element landscape design or apply for practical purposes, for example, for breeding fish or ducks. If the water in the lake is mostly stagnant, then swimming in it is undesirable. You can plant appropriate plants along the edges and contemplate the created idyll from the porch of the house while slamming mosquitoes on your body.

In order to solve the problem of how to make an artificial lake, you need a territory and a source of water. It should be clarified that the lake is not a pool. The first has its own biocenosis, microorganisms, algae and other living beings must live. When the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage allows you to place a lake on it, and a suitable place has been determined, you should think about water. It is good when a stream flows near the site, there is a well or a well. Water from the pond water supply can only be used in last resort because it contains chlorine. If there is a well or a well, water will have to be supplied to the lake by a pump. It is also possible to provide for the drainage of rainwater from roofs and terraces.

The second main question is how to make a lake - is digging a hole and preparing the bottom. When creating a pit, fertile soil will be released, which can be distributed over the remaining area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site or sold as fertilizer. The shores of the reservoir should not be steep, but have a slope of 40 - 30 ̊, that is, the shape resembles a basin pressed into the ground. The bottom is strengthened with clay, on which sand is sprinkled and a plastic film is laid, which is also covered with sand. Sand is needed to prevent film breakout. On top of such a coating, you can put crushed stone or flat stone. After the hole is dug and the bottom is prepared, you can start the water. The bottom of the reservoir is the entire area that will be under water.

The water in the lake should not be stagnant, if a stream flows into one part of the lake and flows out of the other part - the problem with water circulation is solved, otherwise you will have to artificially change the water: with a pump from a well or a well. In this case, it is necessary to provide a place where water from the lake will drain. Over time, such a pond will become overgrown with silt, so cleaning will be necessary to eliminate its waterlogging. Before cleaning the lake, it is better to drain it. The silt that accumulates at the bottom of the reservoir is a good fertilizer, especially if such a lake will be used by ducks or other animals.

Since after the creation of a reservoir on the site, the latter is already changing its initial parameters, questions may arise as to how to design the lake. If the pond is located entirely within the site, it is not necessary to draw it up. If it borders on the plots of other owners or even partially located on their land, the legal registration of such a water body as a property is problematic, since the pond cannot be divided, but must be assigned to one person. The ownership of a lake (pond) is formalized simultaneously with the ownership of land plot on which the water body is located.

Many homeowners dream of having a lake on their property, but in most cases, these dreams have remained dreams. Today, with the advent of new technologies, everything has changed, and your own artificial lake on the site is not so rare! To enjoy the splash of water and great views, it is not at all necessary to be the owner of a huge plot on which all landforms and reservoirs are presented. It is enough to contact the NOBILI company and order an artificial lake!

Why would you like it?

An artificial lake in a country house or local area will cost a lot. Nevertheless, turning to us, you can count on the fact that we will offer you a number of such options, at least one of which will absolutely triple you. Today there are about 5 million lakes in the world. We offer you to create another, albeit artificial, lake at a price that cannot be compared with the pleasure that you and your family will receive from owning it.

A lake in the local area is not only a great opportunity to diversify the landscape, make it expressive and surprisingly pleasant, but also a great place for the whole family to relax. Depending on the goals set by our customers, the lake may have different sizes, it will be possible to swim in it or launch fish into it.

In any case, you will get an ideal place for the whole family to relax, which has a beneficial effect on the microclimate prevailing on the site.

What do we offer?

NOBILI specialists have extensive experience in creating artificial reservoirs different types. If you want to equip an artificial decorative pond or stream - contact us! We know how to create an artificial lake even in the area where there are no natural springs.

To do this, a pit of the desired size is dug, which is reliably waterproofed and filled with water. The lake will be replenished with water as it evaporates. Depending on the wishes of the customer, we will create amazing areas for relaxation, swimming, as well as terraces and shallow water where plants can be planted.

Of course, in words, the creation of an artificial lake sounds very simple... In fact, the process involves a number of difficult work and complex calculations, in which it is necessary to take into account the features of the object, the style of design of the surrounding territory, the size of the future lake and a number of other important aspects.

Our prices

As a rule, the very first thing our customers ask us about is the cost of carrying out work on the arrangement of an artificial lake on the site. It can be difficult to answer offhand, since the price of such work is always calculated on an individual basis. When making calculations, the following factors are taken into account:

Own lake on the site - not a myth, but a reality! Would you like to implement it for yourself and your family? Contact NOBIL!

A do-it-yourself decorative artificial lake will help to complete the landscape of a suburban area, make it attractive and cozy. Admiring the water surface, it will be nice to relax after a hectic day and enjoy the coolness in summer heat. If you wish, everyone can build and decorate a man-made country pond. An exciting activity will bring pleasure and benefit the family, and fatigue will be pleasant if you approach the matter creatively.

Where to start building a reservoir

Before you make an artificial lake with your own hands, you need to choose a suitable place for it. It is better to place a decorative reservoir in a shaded corner without a large number of trees - direct sunlight worsens the quality of water, and falling leaves pollute it and complicate care.

It is also important to decide on the shape and size of the future lake. Its parameters depend on the characteristics of the garden landscape and the preferences of the owners. Designers do not recommend occupying more than 10% of the water body total area site.

Depth can be any. However, it is important to consider that at least 60 cm will be needed to decorate the lake with lilies and lotuses. To keep the fish, it is necessary to provide for bottom penetration for their wintering below the freezing level of the soil (about 1.5 m from the surface).

As for the configuration, with a competent decor, strict geometric shapes that complement the garden architecture and bizarre curves imitating a natural reservoir will look equally good.

Ways to create a bowl for the lake

There are several technologies for constructing reservoirs for ornamental lakes. They differ in both cost and complexity of implementation. The most common:

  • production of a monolithic concrete bowl;
  • PVC film coating;
  • installation of a container made of polypropylene.

Monolithic concrete tank

Decorative reservoirs made of concrete are considered the most reliable, durable and durable. However, their arrangement is quite expensive and takes a lot of time. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with the construction of a large lake without special equipment and the services of professionals.

The creation of a bowl for a decorative lake is carried out in several stages:

  1. With the help of a hose or pegs with a rope, the outlines of the future reservoir are outlined. They dig a pit 20 cm more than the desired parameters. The walls of the tank should deviate vertically by an angle of 45 degrees, that is, expand upwards. This form is resistant to the pressure of the mass of water and counteracts the subsidence of the soil.
  2. When constructing a pit, terraces are planned on its bottom and walls - ledges for plants. The bottom is covered in layers with layers of gravel (10 cm) and sand (20 cm) and, having moistened well with water, it is tightly tamped. The base overlap is covered with sheets of roofing material.
  3. The bottom and walls of the pit are reinforced with a mesh of reinforcing bars tied with wire. Blocks or bricks are placed under the mesh so that it is inside the concrete layer. The reinforcement is fixed with formwork made of painted wooden planks or laminated plywood.
  4. Pour the bottom and walls concrete mix creamy texture. Experts recommend using hydrocement for a reservoir or ordinary cement with a marking of at least M500. The solution is prepared from a mixture of 1 part of cement, 3 parts of river or ravine sand and 5 parts of a fine fraction of expanded clay or gravel.
  5. After the bowl has solidified (usually 2-3 days are enough for this), dust and debris are removed from its surface and treated with liquid glass or another waterproofing solution.

PVC film or ready-made bowl

The task can be simplified by lining the bottom of the lake with a PVC film or a butyl rubber membrane or by installing a molded polypropylene container. At the same time, it is not necessary to concrete the walls of the future reservoir.

The construction sequence is as follows:

  1. After marking the form, they dig a pit with ledges. The bottom and side terraces are covered with wet sand for 10–15 cm, rammed and covered with geotextile. For reliability (especially if the lake big size) several bars of reinforcement can be placed at the bottom and poured with concrete.
  2. A polypropylene container is installed in the finished pit or covered with a polymer film without tension. The film at the edge of the reservoir is securely fixed with cobblestones. The lake is slowly filling up with water.
  3. The space between the bowl and the walls plastic mold covered with a mixture of soil and sand and compacted. The edges of the film coating are carefully cut and masked with stones.

Design of an artificial reservoir

After the construction of the bowl, you can proceed to the most exciting stage of work - decorating the reservoir. Space for implementation original ideas practically limitless. However, for a harmonious composition, it is important to think through every detail. It is easy to turn a photo of a decorative lake with your own hands into a design plan, dividing it into zones with a marker and marking places for decor elements and plants.

Stones and decorative accessories

Large sea pebbles will look neat and attractive at the bottom of a shallow artificial lake. The edge of the reservoir can be decorated with cobblestones, large stones of volcanic rocks: diorite, gabbro, perlite, tuff and others.

It is easy to build a beautiful waterfall from a pyramid of flat stones near the shore. To do this, a submersible pump is installed at the bottom of the lake with flexible pipe and arrange a source in a stone cascade. An old ceramic jug can be placed by the pond by threading the end of the hose connected to the pump through a hole in its bottom. An elegant streamlet will look original.

The coastal landscape will be decorated with ceramic or plaster figurines, several interesting figurines or a small decorative fountain. An elegant bench, a miniature bridge, paths made of stones and evening lighting will successfully complement the composition and complete it.

Garden lake decoration with plants

Landscaping can be started no earlier than two weeks after the construction of the reservoir. During this time, a biological balance will be established in the water. To speed up the process, you can add several buckets of water from a real pond to the bowl.

For a competent choice of plants, a plot with a decorative lake is divided into two zones: water and coastal. It is advisable to use perennial flowers and herbs that are resistant to weather vagaries and do not require complex care. It is important that they are mutually combined and harmoniously fit into the composition in terms of size, shape and color scheme.

At the bottom and lower terraces of the reservoir, it is useful to place several ceramic or mesh containers with oxygenating algae: pemphigus, vallisneria, hornwort, urutia. By producing active oxygen, they improve water quality and absorb bacteria.

The water surface will be decorated with several charming lotuses, cute water lilies or elegant aponogetons. Velvety islands of pondweed, duckweed and water color will complete the picture.

In the lakeside zone, they will take root well: feathery aruncus, holly calamus, brook beetle, wax orontium and hosta. A little further on the coast can be decorated with flowering islands of buttercups, forget-me-nots, delicate curtains of loosestrife and a noble bathing suit.

Elegant multi-color accents will bring bright garden daylilies, juicy irises and fragrant hyacinth candles. Emerald thickets of fern, tradescantia and cyperus will serve as a good background. space at decorative stones will fill the picturesque streams of ground cover: ozorella, saxifrage, thyme and sedum.

Do not clutter up the composition with a large number of details. It is enough to make a few decorative accents. The reward for effort and creativity will be a delightful garden corner for family recreation.