The sign of the Kom Khanty Mansiysk. The truth about the main thing - khanty-mansiysk

Four-year-old Dima, who disappeared in the Sverdlovsk region four days ago, was found alive. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Gorelykh.

“Today, one of the groups combing the area found a child. It happened near a swamp, in the area of ​​power lines," Gorelykh said.

At the time of discovery, the boy was in an exhausted state, he needed to be evacuated to the hospital by helicopter.

In the public “Typical Yekaterinburg” on VKontakte, it was reported that the child had hypothermia, dehydration, and he was also badly bitten by ticks. The child was under the supervision of doctors, he was put on a drip and injected with immunoglobulin.

A helicopter was sent for Dima to take him to a hospital in Yekaterinburg.

The Sokol search team, which took part in the search, clarified that the boy was found near the swamp, about seven kilometers from the deployed rescue headquarters.

The child disappeared on the morning of June 10 on the banks of the Reftinskoye reservoir near Yekaterinburg. According to the Nash Ural portal, this is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the region. The boy was resting there with his parents. On Saturday morning, he left with his father for firewood, but he quickly got tired and began to ask his mother, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes. Deciding that the parking lot where the family pitched a tent was not far away, the father let Dima go alone. Since then, until Wednesday, no one saw him.

The Ural newspaper Arguments and Facts writes that, according to the father, the distance from him to the mother was only about ten meters and he had no doubt that the child would find his way. However, when he returned, the boy was not around.

Realizing that the child was missing, the parents searched for him for an hour. As local fishermen told them, the boy went up to someone else's tent, but when he realized that he had made a mistake, he went into the forest. After an unsuccessful search, the parents turned to law enforcement agencies for help. For four days, the forest was searched by policemen, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, investigators of the Investigative Committee and volunteers.

According to, 300 police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from Asbest, Yekaterinburg, Sukhoi Log and Bogdanovich, as well as volunteers, including the Liza Alert and Sokol search teams, were looking for Dima. A total of about 500 people immediately joined the search. An unmanned aerial vehicle was also involved in the operation. aircraft Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The parents of the missing boy explained to the rescuers that he was unsociable and would not ask for help himself.

Law enforcement officers checked Dima's father and mother themselves on a lie detector: they thought the behavior of the child's mother was strange. Having learned about the loss, the mother left the scene after some time, citing the fact that she was cold - this alerted the police.

The father remained in place and assisted the rescuers.

As the police found out, Dima's mother works in kindergarten in which the boy himself goes. With the father of the child, they are in civil marriage. The father of the child himself has several convictions, including under the articles “ Illicit trafficking weapons" and "Theft".

The day after the disappearance of the boy, rescuers found traces of children's boots in the forest, which broke off near the swamp. On the same day, a drone involved in the search found traces of moose and a bear in the forest. Experts came to the conclusion that the predator could not attack the child, since quite a long time had passed after he moved away from hibernation.

At the same time, it was because of the bear that the search and rescue team had to reduce some of the volunteers from among women and children. As explained in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, in the evening a brown bear came out on the road in the forest where one of the search groups was located, which had a “psychological impact” on the volunteers, in connection with which some of the non-professional rescuers had to be removed from the forest.

On June 1, the department of the Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of the boy under part 1 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). Despite the lack of evidence of the death of the child, the investigators did not rule out the possibility of such an outcome.

The probability of a fatal outcome was also allowed by fortunetellers and psychics, who were also asked to help find the child, writes the local newspaper Nasha Gazeta. So, the fortuneteller Elina Hoffman did not see the boy among the living and advised her parents to look for his body in the water. Medium Zarina, in turn, stated that the boy was alive, but she agreed to give more detailed information about his whereabouts only for money. “I can go into a telepathic session and pinpoint the exact location, but it costs,” she said.


The regions of the Ural Federal District are ready to burn billions in fires. Police officers will be sent to fight the fire

The hot summer promised by forecasters for the Urals and Western Siberia is threatening with a recurrence of large-scale natural fires that destroy thousands of hectares of forest and pose a threat to settlements. In a number of regions of the Ural Federal District, the season has already begun - according to Rosleskhoz, more than a hundred fires have already been recorded in the Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions by this week with total area almost a thousand hectares, including - in the Ilmensky Reserve. Meanwhile, the situation with the readiness of the regions to fight fire is assessed as close to critical, and judging by the virtually unchanged funding in this area, there is no hope for improvement. In each of the subjects federal district trying to solve problems in their own way - if drones are purchased in Yamal, then in the Kurgan region one of the main participants in the fight against fires, unexpectedly for themselves, will become police operatives, and in Sverdlovsk there is not enough money even for specialized organizations - the Ural base of Avialesokhrana managed to accumulate a debt to employees in 13.7 million rubles. All this leads to a real risk of repeating the situation of past years, when the damage from fires turned out to be much more than the funds that were allocated for their prevention.


IFTS for Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug announced fraud on tens of millions in the municipal asset of the Nefteyugansk mayor's office. City Duma demands criminal cases for officials

The meeting of the Nefteyugansk City Council, held on April 24, again brought to the fore the critical state of the municipal housing and communal services. The deputies raised issues of comprehensive coverage of the activities of the curators of the city housing and communal services and the personal responsibility of officials for numerous failures in their work. Among them is the unpreparedness of the municipality for the summer season. According to parliamentarians, relevant officials have not yet prepared tender documentation for road maintenance. Also, competitive procedures for the maintenance of objects of a comfortable environment have not been initiated. According to the interlocutors of the publication, Nefteyugansk is currently at risk, following the failure of preparations for the winter heating season, to disrupt the summer one. Against the general depressive background, an additional argument in favor of such judgments was the results of an audit of the financial and economic activities of the municipal asset of the mayor's office - the Universal Service (US) enterprise, following which representatives of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug discovered violations and qualified them as organizing a fictitious document flow with the aim of illegal receiving tax deductions. Fiscals have already demanded to reimburse multi-million sums to the budget. The conclusions of the tax authorities and the announced names of the managers, according to the sources of the publication, "may well become a reason for bringing to criminal liability."


Megion doctors demand revisions from the Ministry of Health and the Prosecutor General's Office. Food is cooked next to the morgue, and the ambulance was hooked up to the homeless

The medical workers of Megion KhMAO-Yugra, who previously protested against the merger of several healthcare institutions with City Hospital No. 1, intend to draw the attention of the authorities and competent authorities to the organization of medical care in the clinic. The monitoring conducted by representatives of the Healthcare project revealed dozens of violations of the law, a number of which activists and experts themselves characterize as egregious. Among the comments are, in particular, the placement of the morgue under the same roof with a catering unit and a food warehouse, the transportation of the bodies of the dead by car for garbage collection, the placement of an ambulance in an emergency building partially occupied by asocial elements, an acute shortage of medicines and much more. The project participants have already addressed the monitoring materials to the governor of Yugra, Natalya Komarova, as well as to a number of regulatory authorities. It is possible that while the head of the flagship of municipal medicine, Yevgeny Skotnikov, is on vacation, and his deputies are busy at endless meetings, the head of the KhMAO Depzdrav, Alexei Dobrovolsky, will have to take the first blow.


KhMAO plans to receive 12 billion rubles from investors. Money is needed to save the housing and communal services of the district

Private investors intend to invest almost 12 billion rubles in housing and communal services of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. The district plans to attract these funds within the framework of concession agreements. Regional authorities, as it turns out, are actively negotiating with STS Corporation regarding four municipalities: Nizhnevartovsk, Megion, Raduzhny and, apparently, Surgut. In the first three, the long-term parameters of regulation and investment programs are already being coordinated, and the texts of the documents will be posted in the near future. For Surgut, however, preliminary approval from the municipal and regional authorities can be obtained, and it is possible that the first real steps will be taken this year. Meanwhile, work on the development of housing and communal services in the district is criticized by local political forces. According to officials, the activities of such activists are mainly connected with their intentions to earn points on a sharp communal topic. Despite this, the municipalities are openly in contact with representatives of all interested groups, including the population. Experts, in turn, note that the quick and thoughtful implementation of all the announced projects will inject funds into the reconstruction of the communal apartment and significantly increase the position of the KhMAO in the PPP implementation rating, which are still considered too high.


The persecution of Khotin reached the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The Federal Tax Service demands the bankruptcy of Kayum Neft, and prosecutors check Yukatex-Yugra

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region in the near future, he may feel the consequences of conflicts related to the business of the arrested Alexei Khotin, who was the majority shareholder of Yugra Bank. Thus, the requirements for hundreds of millions of rubles have already been issued by the Federal Tax Service against Kayum Neft, controlled by Exillon Energy, an oil company registered on the Isle of Man, of which Khotin is a shareholder. In addition, the arbitration is considering the requirements of the interim administration to challenge the transfer of billions of debts of Kayum Neft to a Moscow LLC, which is now in liquidation. At the same time, similar claims are being checked by the court on Negusneft, registered in Raduzhny. The district prosecutor's office, in turn, is already studying possible violations of labor rights in Yukatex-Yugra, which is also associated with Exillon Energy. Employees of the Nyagan company had previously reported an impending hunger strike due to problems with obtaining wages. One way or another, observers familiar with the conflict note, in the near future the case of embezzlement of funds from the Yugra bank for 7.5 billion rubles can probably be replenished with a whole list of new episodes. Now the Federal Tax Service is looking for hundreds of millions, and the regions are preparing for a possible increase in social tension.


The mayor of Surgut walked the federal urbanist through the monument to greed and stupidity. Vadim Shuvalov received anti-PR from an expert

Residents of Surgut once again announced the catastrophic state of "urban transport arteries". The reason for sharp criticism of both the head of the city Vadim Shuvalov and his team was a joint raid by the mayor and Moscow urban blogger Ilya Varlamov. The unflattering statements of the townspeople about the list of problem points on the map of the municipality were supplemented by disappointing forecasts of the federal expert himself. The author of the project "Big Road with the Mayor" proposed to make Surgut "a monument to human greed and stupidity." However, representatives of the professional community today name a whole range of reasons that contribute to the deteriorating situation from year to year. Chief among them is the impunity of officials in charge of the maintenance of Surgut roads. According to observers, many facilities where repair campaigns were carried out last year require new investments. While the mayor of Surgut is trying to get another PR on a federal project, the city community is proposing to return to the scandalous practice of distributing stickers “What a mayor, such are the roads.”


Budget millions passed by the MSW landfill in the Nizhnevartovsk region. The curator of the garbage reform of Ugra was not interested in the signals of the experts

The use of budgetary funds in the construction of a MSW landfill in the Nizhnevartovsk region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug again turned out to be in the focus of attention of environmentalists. As it turned out, the object officially accepted by local officials for operation is not equipped with a waterproofing layer on all three maps. Waste disposed of at the landfill, according to the observations of the “greens”, negatively affects the environment and can cause significant harm to public health. The fact of the absence of waterproofing was also confirmed by the inspection of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor. However, representatives of the supervisory authority limited themselves to a fine against the operator of the site - the infamous municipal institution "Rural housing and communal services." It is noteworthy that all requests to sort out intended use money from the budget is either ignored or redirected to the administration of the Nizhnevartovsk region, whose managers authorized the operation of the actually substandard facility. The latest case was the refusal of the district environmental curator to meet with environmentalists to discuss the problem. Now the "greens" intend to notify the law enforcement agencies and "up to the presidential administration" about the situation around the test site.


Rosprirodnadzor Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug fights environmentalists with complete inaction. "Green Front" points Kobylkin to official misconduct by the leadership of the department

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation was asked to initiate an internal audit in relation to acting. head of the department of Rosprirodnadzor for Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. The public all-Russian organization "Green Front" criticized the work of Alexander Fedyaev. Eco-activists announced the inaction of the state official and, probably, the deliberate suppression of pressing problems in the region. The employees of the terrorist organization refused to initiate checks on almost all the appeals of the participants in numerous conflicts. However, today the interlocutors of the publication tend to talk not so much about the lack of professionalism of the first person of the department, but trace the possible personal financial interests of representatives of the management of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in hushing up the problem. In particular, we are talking about the business of Konstantin Lopatin, a well-known entrepreneur in the region, to whose group of influence Fedyaev himself is also attributed. At a time when some subjects of activists' appeals continue to be engaged in probably illegal activities, the professional community asks Kobylkin to deprive Fedyaev of his powers and refers to the KhMAO prosecutor's office.


The Natural Supervision of Yugra presented the poisoned timber fund to LUKOIL-Western Siberia. Alekperov's subordinates are looking for ways to reduce payments

The largest mining asset of LUKOIL, which conducts production activities at the fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, became a participant in a whole list of litigations with a representative of the regional government - Yugra Natural Supervision. During the first quarter, LUKOIL Western Siberia” received 6 lawsuits from the environmental department, and continued proceedings on claims filed back in 2018. In the vast majority of cases, the department demanded compensation for damage caused to forests. In the regional service, the lawsuits filed against the oilmen were called an "economic bludgeon", which should force companies to invest in the reliability of the cluster pipeline system. At the same time, officials note that LUKOIL is not at the forefront of environmental violations, although already this year the requirements for the company, even taking into account meager fines, are approaching several tens of millions. While the service is returning the damage in courts, environmentalists, meanwhile, point to problems with the reclamation, "which the oilmen allegedly carry out," and the probable attempts of the same "LUKOIL" to hide spills in the district.


The assets of the KhMAO municipality will be destroyed in the interests of officials. Uray prepares for protests

One of the key assets of the administration of Urai JSC "Dorozhnik" may be liquidated in the near future. The issue of the plight of the enterprise, which employs about a hundred employees, is included in the agenda of the upcoming meeting of the City Council. According to the interlocutors of the agency, close to the management structures of the Lukoil municipality, “it is quite likely that without taking emergency measures, Dorozhnik will be forced to declare its own bankruptcy.” Mayor's office in Lately practically does not receive contracts and remains afloat only due to still existing agreements, subcontracts and meager contracts. The sharp deterioration in the positions of Dorozhnik may be due to the transfer of most contracts to Neftedorstroy, 75.7% owned by the Uraysky Department of Technological Transport (UTT). The director of this company, which positions itself as a partner of LUKOIL, was previously the current mayor of the city, a native of the structures of the oil company, Anatoly Ivanov. In the event of the collapse of the municipal asset, Uray is likely to face a sharp surge in unemployment. It is noteworthy that against the background of the crisis in the company, the mayor immediately went on vacation after a difficult conversation with the governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Natalya Komarova and promised to delve into city problems.


The prosecutors stated that Yugra was defenseless before the fires. Officials are driven into the forest by lawsuits

The relevant departments and municipalities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug are disrupting preparations for the fire season. This follows from the report of the district attorney's office, which recorded more than a hundred different violations in the field of security fire safety. Supervision audits resulted in dozens of submissions and lawsuits against officials and forest users. But the claims of the prosecutors concerned the work of almost all relevant bodies - the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Natural Supervision of Yugra, the regional Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources, budget institution"The base of aviation and ground protection of forests", management of reserves and municipalities. And if only in some territories the measures of the prosecutor's response, apparently, have already caused the first reaction, then in most others the situation remains critical. Among the most problematic areas, informed interlocutors of the publication name the settlements of the Soviet District, where security issues for thousands of residents have not been resolved for many years. According to local activists, “the authorities will probably deal with the threat of fires only when the whole village with all the inhabitants burns out, as has already happened in Transbaikalia, Altai and Sverdlovsk Region.”


Integra-Bureniye refused to pay for an emergency in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Fuel and energy companies and Alfa-Bank line up for the debts of the Lyubashevsky group

The companies of the well-known oilfield services group Integra are being attacked by creditors. The Tyumen enterprise "Integra-Bureniye" and the management company - "Integra Management" have already received bankruptcy claims. In addition, Alfa-Bank announced its intention to file for the insolvency of the Perm asset of the VNIIBT-Burovoy Instrument group. One of the largest financial claims has been filed against the Tyumen division service company, from which hundreds of millions are required for losses incurred as a result of a large-scale accident at the well of the Van-Eganskoye field. An incident in 2017 resulted in injuries to 8 workers from Ukraine, the destruction of an oil rig, and a major fire that was only extinguished after 18 days. After almost 2 years, the courts with Integra-Bureniye on the state of emergency continue, as well as the investigation of the criminal case initiated by the investigation department for Nizhnevartovsk of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and market participants are increasingly discussing possible negative scenarios for companies mired in conflicts and debts.


Groupings diligently share the chair of the head of Rosprirodnadzor in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug even after the collegium. Government officials suspected of corruption

The post of head of the Office of Rosprirodnadzor (RPN) for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra remains the subject of confrontation between groups of influence whose businesses spread throughout the district. After the extended collegium was held, the federal department left the balance of power the same, but the appearance of the department on the list for "worker criticism" among the federals significantly reduces the chances of acting. leader of the terrorist organization Alexander Fedyaev to maintain his position. The situation is exacerbated by the results of one of the latest inspections by the KhMAO prosecutor's office. Supervision actually accused representatives of the administration's management of personal corrupt interests in the licensing of individual companies. The resonance of the event was given by the voice-over of the names of civil servants who violated federal law. In the meantime, experts point out that several pressure groups took advantage of the unstable situation in Ugra and joined the struggle for control over the licensed activities of Rosprirodnadzor. Meanwhile, representatives of the professional environment are sure that the document of the prosecutor's office, "when necessary", will come up with the head of the RPN, Svetlana Radionova, and the curator of the fuel and energy complex, Svetlana Zhulina, will make a decision on her employment.

Today 21:20

“Strong men in hats are already doubting whether they are Cossacks or banderlogs”

There was a split among the Ural Cossacks. Under the threat of the protection of Putin's headquarters

A split occurred in the Orenburg Cossack Host (OKV). As it became known to, 22 farms located in the Sverdlovsk region and belonging to the Iset line of the OKW declared their distrust of the military ataman, 64-year-old lieutenant general, former Sverdlovsk Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Romanov and actually left his subordination. Until some time, the proceedings went unnoticed - within the army itself. Since the fall of 2017, the situation began to change - the warring parties went to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the tax authorities and the courts. Recently, the conflict spilled into the public space. One of the parties appealed to the election headquarters of President Vladimir Putin with a statement that his Yekaterinburg office was guarded by the wrong Cossacks.

"It's reminiscent of the 90s - offers to provide a roof"

The election headquarters of Vladimir Putin recently received a letter signed by the ataman of the Iset line of the Orenburg Cossack army Vladimir Volkov, which seriously criticizes the activities of the military ataman, Lieutenant General Vladimir Romanov.

Message on two pages. The front page expresses concern over the involvement of "citizen" Andrey Tretyakov in the Yekaterinburg office of Putin's campaign headquarters.

Vladimir Romanov (right) worked as Deputy Prime Minister in the Sverdlovsk government

Putin's headquarters in Yekaterinburg, we recall, is located in the Glavny Prospekt residential complex on Lenin Prospekt. It opened on January 17th. Then it became known that it would be guarded by OKW Cossacks. Andrei Tretyakov, who was introduced as the ataman of the Iset line of the OKW, did indeed take part in the opening ceremony.

Andrei Tretyakov (right) at the opening of Vladimir Putin's campaign headquarters in Yekaterinburg

Citizen Tretyakov, representing EOKO “Isetskaya Liniya”, is not such and has no right to represent the Cossacks of our organization. Therefore, we are concerned about the participation of the named figure in the meeting of Vladimir Putin's headquarters. Citizen Tretyakov is carrying out activities in the Sverdlovsk region aimed at disuniting the Cossacks and their sympathetic citizens, ”says the message signed by Ataman Volkov.

It is also mentioned that Tretyakov, who "stepped into Putin's campaign headquarters with a flurry", "offered his services for [his] protection" and this is reminiscent of the 90s - "offers to provide a roof." The letter contains a request to “verify the credentials” of Tretyakov and “not to create a situation where the activities of the regional headquarters for presidential elections are publicly discredited.”

Separately, on the second page of the letter, claims are made against General Romanov. It is noted that he "continues to play with soldiers and with the laws of the Russian Federation." “The courage of the official-ataman Romanov is striking, like a “serpent tying the law into a knot” and stubbornly trying to prove to the Cossacks under his care that general civil laws, charters and rights are not written about them,” the letter says. “Many strong men with mustaches and hats already doubt whether they are Cossacks or Banderlogs?”

Vladimir Romanov was born in 1953 in the village of Nasonovo, Kamyshlov District, Sverdlovsk Region, but lived in the Far East for a long time. Until 1981, he served there as a deputy company commander. After graduating from the Frunze Military Academy in 1984, he served there, in the Far East, as a battalion commander, regiment commander, and division chief of staff. Since 1995 - Romanov division commander. In 1997, he was appointed First Deputy Commander of the Eastern District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. From 2000 to 2009 - Commander of the Urals District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. From 1995 to 2006 he took part in the hostilities on the territory of Chechnya.

In 2010, Romanov was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Sverdlovsk government (Alexander Misharin was then governor). In 2011, under the patronage of the same Misharin, Romanov headed the Orenburg Cossack army. The decree on his appointment was signed by Dmitry Medvedev, who then held the post of President of the Russian Federation. Under Vladimir Putin, Romanov's powers were extended. At the moment, he is also an adviser to the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev.

The essence of the claims against Vladimir Romanov

In a conversation with a correspondent, Ataman Vladimir Volkov confirmed that he was indeed the author of the message sent to Vladimir Putin's campaign headquarters. He asked his deputy for legal affairs, Georgy Sobolev, to comment on the paper, referring to employment.

As Sobolev said, the conflict with the ataman of the OKV Romanov began to develop from the beginning of 2017. The reason was violations of the charter of the OKW, which, in the opinion of the Sverdlovsk Cossacks, were allowed by the military chieftain. In confirmation, the interlocutor cited several “bright examples”. To begin with - the history of the creation of a private security company "Cossack Security Service".

Vladimir Volkov (in field uniform in the center)
From the site of the Cossack village "Kushvinskaya"

Cossacks were allowed to create private security companies in 2012 by order of the Russian government. OKW registered its own security structure in November 2013. According to SPARK, its office is located in an apartment on Simferopolskaya Street in Yekaterinburg, Alexander Konoplev is the director. The authorized capital is 250 thousand rubles. That is how much is required for private security companies using weapons.

“In December 2018, registration at the Cossack Security Service ends. For 4 years, the organization has not lifted a finger, and the money has been spent on its creation. When the question of this was raised, Romanov, by his statement, transferred it to the Chelyabinsk department of the OKW, although it should work for 4 regions: Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Orenburg. And this is combined arms property, only the Cossack circle has the right to dispose of it, ”Sobolev explained.

Also in the claim to Romanov in the Iset line is the creation of the Ural Regional Cossack Society. According to SPARK, URKO is registered at the same address as the private security company, headed by Ataman Mikhail Rodyev. “The Ural Cossack society is not part of the army. This is Romanov's own Cossack organization, pocket. And he assigned ranks, ranks to these non-registered Cossacks, awarded them, lobbied in administrations on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, ”Sobolev explained the essence of the claims.

The third point of the claims is that since "2012, Romanov has never submitted a report on financial expenses to the circle." According to Sobolev, according to the charter, the ataman of the OKW had to do this once a year in the military Cossack circle. Now the Iset Line is preparing a request for the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. The Cossacks want to find out how much money is allocated annually for the Cossacks in the Sverdlovsk region. “Certain amounts are allocated from the budgets for the Cossacks, but the primary organizations in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region did not receive this money,” the interlocutor outlined the essence of the problem.

According to Sobolev, these questions were raised by the Cossacks before the Romanovs at first without any publicity. However, the military ataman ignored them. As a result, on April 1, 2017, the Cossack circle of the Iset line of the OKV passed, which expressed no confidence in Ataman Romanov. “According to the procedure, the issue should have been submitted to the combined arms circle, which decides whether the ataman is worthy or not. But the council of chieftains, which determines the agenda, refused Volkov. Romanov managed to agree with everyone, ”Sobolev told what happened next.

Following Romanov, he removed the opposition Volkov from his post (Volkov became the ataman of the Iset line in December 2014 -, appointing Andrey Tretyakov, ataman of the OKV line (treasurer) instead of him, as the acting ataman of the Iset line. Taking into account the fact that the ataman is an elected position, the new head of the Iset line should have been determined at the Cossack circle. He was appointed on October 28, 2017. The conflict lies in the fact that on this day two Cossack circles passed at once.

One lap was held in the Yekaterinburg Church-on-the-Blood. It was attended by the ataman of the OKW, General Vladimir Romanov and the first deputy head of the governor's administration Vadim Dubichev. Three candidates agreed by the regional authorities for the post of ataman of the Iset line of candidates were put to the vote. Tretyakov was unanimously chosen, and Yesaul Sergei Trishkanov as his deputy.

The second round of the Iset line took place on the same day in Verkhny Tagil. According to Sobolev, 6 farms and capitals were excluded from the Iset line, which "did not take any part in the work of the department": the village "Kamyshlovskaya", "Derzhavnaya" (Sredneuralsk), "Dutovskaya" (Kamyshlov district) farms - "Fatherland "(Krasnoufimsk), "Verkh-Isetsky" and "Koltsovo" (Yekaterinburg). By the way, the Cossacks of the "excluded" villages and farms took part in the Cossack circle in the Church-on-the-Blood. Next, those gathered in Verkhny Tagil extended the powers of Ataman Volkov.

“Volkov is a good Cossack, but he got into bad company”

After the Cossack circles, the proceedings between the chieftains continued in the civil collegium of the Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg. Representatives of the Iset line of the OKW tried to challenge the decision of the military ataman Romanov to remove Volkov from his post. According to the chief of staff of the OKW, Valentin Aleksandrovsky, on January 18, judge Anna Reutova, who examined this material, refused to satisfy statement of claim Volkov.

Aleksandrovsky, as a supporter of Vladimir Romanov, showed a letter "from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region." It says that there are no grounds for refusing to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, there is no entry there as Tretyakov's ataman of the Iset line instead of Volkov. “Volkov Cossack, in general, is not bad. Just got into bad company. For two years, false information was disseminated regarding the leadership of the OKW and personally Ataman Romanov. All around are thieves, corrupt officials, scammers. I will say this, now we reserve the right to file a claim for the protection of honor and dignity, ”added Aleksandrovsky.

Sobolev admits that they lost the lawsuit in court, but emphasizes that this decision will be definitely appealed. At the same time, Volkov’s associate assures that the tax office still refused to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, that is, to enter Tretyakov instead of Volkov as the ataman of the Iset line. Sobolev emphasizes that "70% of the farms and villages" of the Isetskaya line, more precisely 22 villages, support Volkov and they intend to hold out until May of this year.

“Romanov turns 65 in May. According to the charter, this is the deadline for holding the post of military chieftain. In addition, one cannot remain in power for more than two consecutive terms of election. Romanov's second one is coming to an end. I think that the election of a new ataman will be called there and this whole situation will disappear by itself,” Sobolev explained the strategy.

It was not possible to get through today to the ataman of the OKW, Lieutenant General Vladimir Romanov, as well as to the ataman Andrey Tretyakov. ZNAK - famous news portal, whose editorial office is located in Yekaterinburg. Znak is a relatively young publication, it began its work in 2012, when the current head of the Znak editorial board, Aksana Panova, sold her former brainchild, the information portal, to foreign investors. "Znak" inherited from an openly oppositional character: almost all materials published by the portal are politically biased.

Around the "Sign" scandals have repeatedly flared up. The portal was convicted of lies, slander and lobbying, at one time Roskomnadzor paid attention to Let's try to figure out what exactly the bias of the materials published on Znak expresses, how the portal's journalists distort information and for what purpose they do it.

A cursory glance at the main page of the portal is enough to understand that the editors of Znak present the news very, very selectively.

If there is no bad news, Yekaterinburg reporters try to present good or neutral news in a certain way, to add a touch of negativity towards something at least indirectly connected with the Russian government or with Russia itself. For example, in a review of films that received support from the Ministry of Culture this year, the author ironically over one of the films, in the plot of which there are terrorists who use the Internet for their criminal purposes. The author calls this film "a cinematic reinforcement of the Yarovaya package", reminding the liberal audience of the supposedly restrictive package of amendments. And in the article dedicated to the memory of the sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, who died on August 9, 2016, special emphasis is placed on the topic of Neizvestny's dissatisfaction with the Soviet authorities. As you know, in 1976, the "favorite" sculptor Nikita Khrushchev left the Soviet Union, and even after its collapse he complained about the "unkind Motherland". But why put these lamentations in the headline of an obituary?

But more often, the Znak reporters act less sophisticatedly: they simply select for publication informational occasions that are easiest to find fault with. For example, about military exercises that used an audio recording addressed to NATO soldiers with a call to surrender. The frivolous reader, after reading such an article, is likely to get the impression that our country is preparing to start an aggressive war. For some reason, the journalists of Znak did not bother to note that legends about a conditional enemy are used by all the armies of the world, and NATO officials have repeatedly called Russia an unconditional enemy, and they certainly have such audio recordings for hour X.

Znak does not shy away from reprinting the outright nonsense of Western journalists. For example, a Znak journalist devoted an entire article to the publication of the British Reuters, in which the date of Russia's declaration of war on Ukraine was named. It turns out that the President of Russia will give the order to invade Nezalezhnaya on August 24 of this year. The arguments of Briton Peter Epps are amazing: firstly, August 24 is Ukraine's Independence Day, and secondly, it was in August 2008 that Russia "invaded" Georgia.

However, there are enough inadequate authors in Russia. Znak gladly publishes the "works" of domestic oppositionists. What is the treatise of the Yekaterinburg "Yabloko" Dmitry Golovin alone about how the consequences of the current economic difficulties for Russia will be more tangible than the consequences of the Great Patriotic War!

But now the block of anti-government news is coming to an end, and the reader is presented with an advertisement, and not a simple one, but a thematic one. Announcement of cultural events! Unfortunately, it's too early to rejoice: all these events take place in the infamous Yeltsin Center. That is, even if the lecture, film screening, performance offered by Znak is absolutely apolitical, it can be safely assumed that Dmitry Bykov will come on stage before the start of the event, read an ironic poem about the government and tell the audience that if the director who made the film would live in modern Russia, then he certainly would have voted for Parnassus.

However, Znak also contains materials that at first glance may seem unbiased and objective. These are materials on the activities of the Russian opposition. The portal's journalists apparently deliberately avoid laudatory odes and do not avoid sensitive topics (for example, they write about intra-opposition conflicts), nevertheless smoothing out sharp corners. However, the contrast between such materials and acrimonious, ironic publications on the activities of the Russian government, regional officials, general position affairs in the country is very large. It is precisely because of this contrast that the oppositionists, when it comes to talking about them, begin to look advantageous in the eyes of an inexperienced reader.

It's easy to draw conclusions. "Znak" is a biased, anti-Russian publication, working on a knurled technology and deliberately distorting information in order to change public opinion, increase social tension in the country. But who “orders the music”, whose money the Znak journalists are lying on?

Aksana Panova, head of the editorial office of the publication, is a defendant in a criminal case initiated on the fact of fraud. From the accounts of her Panova withdrew large sums money. In January 2014, the court found Panova guilty and sentenced "> to two years of probation, a fine and deprivation of the right to engage in journalistic activities for a period of 2 years (unfortunately, this period has already expired). However, the court failed to prove not all episodes of fraud brought by the prosecution. Documents leaked to the network from the accounting department of contain interesting information about the multimillion-dollar receipts that came to the account of the publication from various commercial organizations. Obviously, we are talking about either "custom" materials and lobbying, or a banal "cut". However, journalists suspect that it could also be about blackmail - Panova could intimidate the heads of enterprises by publishing compromising materials.

Is it up to the editor, even a large, but still a regional publication, to engage in blackmail? It is quite possible that it is tough: the fact is that Panova has very serious connections in Yekaterinburg. Perhaps her most serious connection is with the notorious Yevgeny Roizman, the current mayor of Yekaterinburg. Roizman is an oppositionist with a dark past, oh his Police open case after threats against journalist because of Matilda ... agencies in law enforcement agencies, we are talking about a journalist of an online newspaper Ekaterina Vinokurova, who in early September turned to the police from ... fans, including from the Fratria group, she noted. Edition stated that threats to Vinokurova began to come, including after ...

Politics, 21 Feb 2017, 15:35

NOD demanded to open a case against a journalist for questioning Putin ... from law enforcement officers to initiate a criminal case against the correspondent of the publication Ekaterina Vinokurova after her question to Russian President Vladimir Putin. About ... the police eventually detained not the attacker, but the photographer himself, clarifies The prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg then refused to initiate a case on this fact ... ... site received a warning for a photo with a trampled Russian flag ... site a warning for "an illustration depicting a group of people desecrating the national flag." This is a photograph taken in Syria. Yekaterinburg edition received ... saw a message on the website of the department, ”the deputy editor-in-chief told RBC Dmitry Kolezev. After consulting with lawyers, the editors most likely ... Portal continues to work after the arrest of the editorial office ... , then this, of course, will become a problem. The office where the editorial office is located was arrested”, - Dmitry Kolezev, journalist of the publication, told RBC. On October 17, it became known ... tax service. The court granted the petition of the plaintiff, arresting the office of the online newspaper, which was created by Panova, as well as her apartment. According to the materials of the Arbitration... connects with the desire of the main owners of the agency to put pressure on the editors The next court hearing on the suit is scheduled for 7 ...