What is love literary definition. Love: definition of love, scientific explanation, opinion of philosophers and quotes about love

Each person has their own definition of this feeling. Someone is convinced that love is the ability to give his life for a dear person, in his understanding, it is a desire and desire to make the soul mate happy. There can be many such definitions, and, for sure, we are all right in our own way, investing something of our own in the concept of what true love is.

What is love from a spiritual and material point of view

Biochemically explaining love

Biochemists do not deny that love can be called one of the most complex feelings, and it is simply impossible to fully explain it using any scientific model. And yet, a number of studies help to see what exactly happens to a person during this period.

Scientists consider this concept as a complex process of imprinting, which is based on the interaction of psychological experience, the influence of hormones, and genetic factors. As a result, everyone has some kind of internal reference points that act at the subconscious level - they immediately determine a suitable partner. This orientation matrix is ​​also called a love map.

As you know, various biochemical stimuli can activate a romantic response. According to scientists, pheromones can have a noticeable effect on this process. We are talking about the smells that arise during sexual attraction. Note that in the sweat of men, there is a chemical called androstenol - it is this that attracts certain women. In turn, the composition of female vaginal secretion includes substances called copulin. Some period ago, there were even control experiments that urged men to inhale this substance! As a result, it turned out that copulin is capable of increasing a woman's sex appeal.

When the attraction stage begins, phenylethylamine acts on the brain, which is similar in effect to amphetamines and other euphoric drugs. This process enthralls people, stimulating them. And yet, it is important to note that gradually the impact sometimes weakens, and then the search for a new partner can begin - thus, the person seeks to experience the previous euphoria.

Explaining love in terms of spirituality

Of course, Christianity also has its own opinion on this matter. This word characterizes various states, and which ones depend on the person's worldview. We take into account his purity of heart, personal "life feat". First of all, from the point of view of spirituality, love is expressed in the ability to sacrifice, and it is very difficult to learn sacrifice. It is believed that this is opposed by such qualities as selfishness, pride, selfishness, which close the heart in a circle of concern only for their own good, their own benefit. If a person is not capable of sacrificing for the sake of another in great affairs and everyday life, then there can be no question of love. In this case, striving for our own happiness, in the end we do not achieve it, remaining alone - dissatisfaction will remain, even if we have managed to cognize many earthly pleasures.

There is an opinion that a spiritual person has a sharp mind, a developed sense of aesthetics, extensive knowledge and a wonderful upbringing. However, according to Orthodoxy, without love in the heart, all these qualities are insignificant.

Defining love in your own words, short and clear

In short, and to summarize all the arguments of biochemists and representatives of Orthodoxy, we can say that true love is the desire to take care of another person and make him happy. At the same time, desire must invariably turn into action.

What does love mean in a person's life

Many are convinced that only love can give meaning to life, and, of course, it is almost impossible to argue with this. Often, love passes through a person's entire life, one way or another. First, we harbor this strong feeling for parents or educators, then for friends, then “first love” comes to a representative (representative) of the opposite sex, to children, the Motherland, to life, to nature, to God, to humanity and so on. In this case, the sequence may be different, but be that as it may, you cannot do without love. Someone thinks that this gift helps to reach the heights in life, but there are also those people who are convinced that because of him they have lost something important and necessary in their life - each, of course, has its own story and its own truth.

Whatever it was, but without love, a person morally perishes. If he had to grow up in anger, then he himself turns out to be angry with everyone around him, as if he wanted to avenge their suffering. Without carrying love in his heart, a person does not know compassion and does not know what forgiveness is - as a result, he often feels emptiness in himself, not even fully realizing where it came from.

Meanwhile, love gives us the opportunity to find in life all the blessings necessary for complete happiness - harmony, understanding, trust, respect, compassion. A person who loves and who is loved receives a powerful stimulus for growth - spiritual, career and so on. He learns to set clear goals for himself and has the strength to achieve them. One day, many of us come to the conclusion that when love comes first, other values ​​and benefits also take on their own places.

Why do we fall in love with some and ignore others

(often more profitable and attractive partners)

Surely, you know the expression "step on the same rake." Often it is used when certain stories from personal life are heard. Many men and women choose partners who are in many ways similar to their previous passions, and often do not even realize this. Why is this happening?

There are three reasons for this:

1) The ideal in the subconscious. From a young age, the image of an ideal partner appears in the subconscious of many men. It can be formed under the influence of many factors - the mother, the heroine of the film, an attractive and kind neighbor, and so on. Years will pass, and a man may not even remember why he is in awe, for example, brunettes and girls with green eyes. Of course, the ideal is made up of several characteristics, which do not have to be “perfect” in the generally accepted concept. As soon as a young man nevertheless meets a girl who possesses at least some qualities idealized by him in the subconscious, he begins to experience strong feelings for her. Moreover, sometimes such meetings are perceived by a man as a gift of fate, an amazing coincidence or a dream that suddenly came true. In reality, such acquaintances have nothing to do with a miracle - this is the result of a subconscious search for an ideal partner.

2) Narcissism. Oddly enough, narcissism also sometimes plays a role in finding the perfect partner. Probably, you have heard more than once how some guy says about his beloved: “We are so similar!”, “She has the same tastes in food as me”, “We have the same sense of humor, we understand each other at a glance "," She also had problems with her parents in her childhood. " Considering ourselves in something ideal or disadvantaged, we see these traits in other people, considering them close to ourselves in spirit. Since a person often loves himself, he is ready to extend this feeling to the one in whom he, to one degree or another, sees his reflection.

3) The Oedipus complex. It is believed that almost every man carries the Oedipus complex - this can be expressed quite clearly or weakly. What is meant? Whatever one may say, if a boy grows up with his mother, then she involuntarily becomes the first woman for whom he begins to experience strong feelings. Yes, they have certain differences from those feelings that he will subsequently experience for a peer, but still they are very strong, and leave a certain imprint. Many boys think their mother is “the most beautiful in the world”, “the smartest” and so on. Subconsciously, this attitude may remain. As a result, from his youth, a young man will pay attention to girls who bear some resemblance to his mother. It can be a character trait, hair color, manner of speaking, thriftiness and much more.

A completely opposite situation can also develop. If a man had a difficult relationship with his mother, and he cannot recall some moments from childhood without shuddering, then he will probably look for a partner who will have as little in common with his parent.

How to understand whether you love a person or not

Consider the signs of love that arise directly from a man to a woman.

Signs of true love

Sexual attraction

If you are experiencing a strong sexual desire for a certain person, then it is possible that the matter is not limited to this, and you are truly in love. Probably, many people know stories when, after many years of marriage, the feelings of the spouses fade away, and this leads to the fact that they cease to "want" each other. If there is attraction, then there is a place for love - of course, the first can be without the second, but a man's love for a woman without sexual desire is rare.

Emotional contact

As we have already mentioned, sexual desire can be one of the signs of love, but a much more serious indicator is the tendency to emotional contact with a person. You want to be in the company of a certain girl, to know what her opinion is on this or that account. This can manifest itself both in real meetings and in virtual communication, phone calls. If you feel the need to communicate with a certain girl, then this clearly indicates that she is not indifferent to you.

Inner space

Many men try their best to limit their inner space certain framework, strive for a certain freedom. If someone begins to encroach on the boundaries erected by him, the man reacts rather painfully and sharply, however, if you feel that you do not want to hide anything from this girl, but on the contrary, even want her to become the main part of your personal life, then, chances are you fell in love.


One of the most pronounced signs of true love. If you feel that for the sake of your chosen one you are able to change established habits, forget about some old hobbies, then this says a lot - it means that you are ready to make certain sacrifices, but empty space this, of course, does not happen.

Reverent attitude

You may not care at all about what others think of you, what impression you make, what influence some of your words and actions have. However, none of this applies to a specific girl. Her opinion is important to you, you do not want to offend her, and it hurts you to realize that by some of your actions you could offend the chosen one. Of course, if the peace of mind and balance of a certain woman is important to you, then this is a sign of your love for her.


When we love, we involuntarily strive to improve life and caring for loved ones in all plans. This can be expressed in small things (the desire to bring coffee to bed), and in more global appearances (to buy her winter boots). The male, loving woman, partly treats her as his own child - it is natural for him to take care of her, including material.

Symptoms of manifestation of love

If you love a woman, then it is determined by some "symptoms." You often think about her, scroll through your dialogues in your head, dream of meeting, want to know as much as possible about her, strive to be in her company often, want to do something pleasant for her.

Sometimes, it is very difficult to distinguish between these two feelings, since their external manifestations are very similar. And yet, there are also important differences. So, falling in love can flare up after the first meeting, while it takes a certain time for true love to develop. As a result, falling in love can only last for a very short time (maximum 3 years), while true love only gets stronger over the years and is not subject to time.

It is worth recognizing that love, like falling in love, causes a desire to possess the object of one's feelings, to communicate with it. However, we note that an individual in love primarily yearns to get pleasure and pleasure from contact with a loved one, while a loving person, nevertheless, is more focused on becoming a source of happiness for a loved one himself, even if he is not ready for that. -or give in return. Simply put, falling in love usually seeks to receive, and love usually seeks to give. That is why falling in love can be called quite a common thing, but not all people are capable of sincerely loving. If you are capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of your soul mate, then the feeling of love is certainly familiar to you.

A person in love idealizes a partner, and when it turns out that he is not as perfect as expected, then this begins to annoy and repulse. For a lover, everything happens differently - he initially sees all the negative sides of the object of love, and accepts them.

If a person loves, then he does not demand bestowal. Non-reciprocity is unable to awaken hatred, anger and other negative feelings in him. If the person in love cannot achieve reciprocity, then he begins to experience a gamut of negative feelings towards the chosen one.

How love is different from affection

It happens that people no longer feel love for each other, they begin to "look" at other possible partners, but at the same time they do not part. They explain their union simply - they love each other, but now they are having a difficult period. Of course, this also happens, but most often the fact is that love has long given way to attachment. How to determine this?

First, let's try to formulate these terms. Love can be called an unconditional feeling for a person, which excludes pronounced negative emotions and impulses. A loving person sincerely wishes happiness to her chosen one. In turn, attachment is a conditional feeling for a neighbor, who is also quite familiar with negative emotions: fear of loss, dependence, heightened jealousy, exactingness.

Many psychologists have their own way of determining whether a person loves or feels affection. So, we suggest using this method. Imagine that you broke up with your partner a long time ago, and today you just remember the time when you were together. What memories come up first of all, what emotions do you feel from the presence of this person in your life in the first place? Joy or dissatisfaction with something, dissatisfaction with something?

How else can you tell true love from affection? It is noticed that a person in love is quite active, and his main goal is to give to his beloved, to take care of his happiness, even if it brings discomfort to him. In turn, attachment can be accompanied by aggression and a heightened sense of ownership.

How to tell if a girl loves you

Several very clear signs you can easily determine what emotions a girl has for you, whether she loves you.

She takes care of you.

This can be expressed both in small things and in more serious manifestations. It is important for her that you are warm, that you are not hungry and the like. She is ready to look after you when you are sick and so on. You can also mention taking care of your psychological calmness. She tries once again not to upset you with unpleasant news or "burden" you with her problems.

She strives to spend time with you.

The girl enthusiastically responds to your offers to meet, and may even cancel some plans if she had them before your invitation. She also periodically initiates dates herself. If you live together, she tries to be with you more often, even if you are busy with some business and cannot pay attention to her now. In general, it is important for her to be around you as often as possible.


She takes an interest in your life, in your thoughts, in your daily routine. Simply put, she wants to know as much as possible about you - what you love, what you don’t like, how you like to spend your time, what do you think about this or that, and so on.


At times, jealousy is one of the signs that a girl is in love with you. She cares who you hang out with and spend time with, she wants to be the only girl you take seriously. Although, of course, in this situation we can talk about a girl-owner.


She is ready to make certain sacrifices for you. It can be some kind of concessions, changing your habits, changing your social circle, moving to another city, and much more. For your sake, she is ready to make a sacrifice, and considers it quite natural.


A girl who has love feelings for her chosen one wants to delight and surprise him. As you know, this can be done with gifts and surprises, and loving girl she will be happy to use this method - she does not mind spending time on decorating a certain surprise or a certain amount of money in order to please you with some interesting gift.


A girl who loves wants everything to be good in a relationship with a partner, if you are in a quarrel, it upsets her, and she takes the initiative to reconcile. Even if you are wrong, she is trying to understand you, to call you into conversation. If there is no serious love on the part of a girl, then she is unlikely to take the first step towards reconciliation.


When a girl does not feel strong love for her partner, or her feelings begin to fade away, she loses the need for tactile contact - she does not seek to hug, kiss, touch you as often as possible. Moreover, sometimes she can withdraw if you initiate such signs of attention. A girl in love, of course, reverently reacts to the touch of her beloved, and she herself tries to touch him more often.

The theme of love has remained relevant for more than one hundred years. There are many interpretations of this concept, each of which has both adherents and opponents.

But what does it mean to love a person? What is the “process” of love itself?

After all, few will argue with the fact that love is of great importance in everyone's life, regardless of what emotions it is associated with.

What is this feeling?

How to explain what love is?

Love is briefly defined as human feeling of deep sympathy, attachment and pursuit of an object.

This feeling is especially intimate and selective in relation to the "object" of love.

Its presence in life is often perceived by a person as a kind of "indicator of happiness."


Scientists who studied the concept of love from the point of view of biology and chemistry came to the conclusion that it is based on nothing more than normal biochemical processes of the human body.

In particular, in the brain of a person in a state of love, phenylethylamine, a substance that gives a feeling of omnipotence and "grown wings", and oxytocin, a hormone that affects male and female genital organs (as well as milk production in a woman during lactation), is actively produced ...

Anthropological scientists have come to the conclusion that during the period of passionate love, the active production of dopamine, a chemical that allows you to experience feelings of the highest pleasure and satisfaction, begins.

Also, dopamine favorably affects certain parts of the brain by minimizing feelings of fear, anxiety, anxiety and suppressing negative emotions.

Evolutionary scientists regard love as a survival tool. They believe that it is this feeling that contributes to maintaining long-term relationships, uniting and supporting each other in order to confront dangers and threats from the outside.

According to Freud

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud was convinced that the basis of absolutely any human attachment is a single source - sex drive(libido).

He argued that the true core of the so-called love is a feeling, the main purpose of which is only sexual intercourse, completely excluding the spiritual principle.

In all of Freud's works, one can trace skeptical and ironic attitude to love and confirmation of thoughts that any form of feeling (friendly or loving), as well as any attachment (to parents, to the homeland, to a profession, etc.) has the same source - sexual.

Meaning in life

The presence of love in life allows a person to experience the whole spectrum the most tender, warm, exciting feelings and emotions.

Often, love becomes a powerful motivation, both for external and internal changes: a person in love feels an incredible surge of strength, the ability to "move mountains" and "hug the whole world."

Fades into the background irritability, aggressiveness and apathy, there is a "reassessment of values." Life becomes harmonious, rich, filled with warmth, kindness and joy.


Psychology views love as a combination of three components:

  • passion, which manifests itself in sexual attraction;
  • intimacy in the form of emotional closeness, help, trust;
  • commitment - mutual fidelity.

Also in psychology, the concepts of fruitful and unproductive love are distinguished:

  1. Fruitful(mature) love is a feeling based on mutual respect. It provides for the manifestation of care, sincere interest, mutual knowledge, inspiration, pleasure and self-development.
  2. Unfertile(immature, selfish) love is a destructive feeling in which the relationship is overwhelmed with negative emotions associated with the rigid control of one person by another and the obsessive desire to possess it completely and completely.

Psychological criteria

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that true love always meets certain criteria:

What is it like?

  • love-passion, which follows sexual instincts, completely surrendering herself to the object of love and dissolving in it without a trace;

    It is rather short-lived, because over time it either develops into a different kind of love, or disappears altogether.

  • Love, the basis of which is the spiritual component (mutual respect, common interests, values). This feeling arises between friends or relatives.
  • love, which is based on tenderness, kindness, support and mutual understanding. It is a feeling that unites spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters;
  • unselfish love consisting in complete self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one;
  • self-love, expressed in understanding and acceptance of oneself, satisfaction with one's own personality. It is this kind of love that is fundamental for its other types, since only one who is pleased with himself and experiences inner harmony is capable of experiencing sincere feelings towards others;
  • love based on sex drive and flirting aimed at getting pleasure;
  • pragmatic love- a feeling controlled by the mind and based on gaining self-interest and profit;
  • love-mania- a feeling closely associated with jealousy on the verge of obsession.

What is love?

Be in love- it means disinterestedly, with pleasure and joy to take care of a loved one, to be attentive to his moods, desires, events and incidents in his life.

To love "qualitatively" is an activity, it is work that needs to be learned and constantly improved.

Ability to love- is it an innate or acquired quality? In this question does not exist unanimous opinion... Some are sure that the ability to love is an exclusively innate feeling, and each person, taking the first breath, already knows how to love a priori.

Others argue that the ability to love is an experience acquired through years of mental, mental, and heartfelt labor.

These opinions are united only in the fact that temperament, upbringing, living conditions and an illustrative example allows to show and improve as much as possible a given skill in a person.

The concept of feelings between a man and a woman

Love for a boyfriend / girlfriend is a combination of falling in love and passion, leading to sexual satisfaction.

Over time, they tend to fade into the background, being replaced by devotion, compassion, support. Such love is also called romantic and is designed to create and maintain favorable conditions for procreation.

A love relationship is relationship partners that go through five:

A psychologist about the types of love in relationships between a man and a woman:

What is falling in love?

Is falling in love an emotion or a feeling?

Falling in love is a strong feeling that has a positive coloration and is directed towards the object.

At the same time, the consciousness of a person in love is so narrowed that he can evaluate the object of his feeling only with a plus sign, absolutely not seeing the flaws in character and appearance, not noticing disagreements and contradictions in relationships.

At the same time, any positive quality becomes especially significant and valuable.

The state is unstable, existing in the form of a certain phase: it can subside, end and re-emerge. When it ends, falling in love can "transform" into another feeling, for example, love.

The difference

The main one is their emotional depth.

Love- superficial, based on external attractiveness, idealization of the object and the "thoughtfulness" of its positive qualities, which in fact do not exist.

While love allows you to accept a person as he is (without embellishment), along with his merits and demerits.

Love or being in love? Learn from the video:

True love

True love- this is the final stage of love (after falling in love, satiety, alienation, patience, selflessness and friendship).

As a rule, it arises after years of living together, when partners have learned to respect each other, overcome conflict situations, give in and sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the family.

It is with such stable and harmonious relationships just a spiritual closeness arises between two people.

What does it mean to truly love?

First of all, it means:

  • to understand and accept each other for the sake of general peace;
  • to realize that each individually is a full-fledged person, while together they are one whole;
  • be able to negotiate, even if there are disagreements;
  • resolve issues and come to a "common denominator" without exactingness and dissatisfaction with each other.

What actions characterize her?

As you know, love determined by actions, namely:

  • a manifestation of care (even then, they did not ask for this for a year);
  • expression of sincere interest in all areas of the life of a loved one;
  • willingness to help and support at any time;
  • respect for the personal space and interests of the partner.

How is love born and died? Feeling symptoms and psychology:


Love frustration- this is the state of a person in a relationship that only brings negative emotions and feelings (disappointment, anger, pain).

Love addiction - it is a painful manifestation of love with an obsession with another person, causing pain and suffering.

Euphoria of love - it is a strong emotional uplift and a feeling of complete well-being, due to the manifestation of love;

Neurotic love it is love without reciprocity, clouded by anxiety and the inability to openly express their feelings.

Selfless love- This is the acceptance of a person no matter what (shortcomings, circumstances).

Manic love a feeling on the verge of losing his mind, in which a person is ready to do everything so that the object of his love does not go to anyone but him.

Physical love - it is the desire for physical intimacy (unity) with a loved one, which involves not only sexual contact, but also the ability to see, hear and feel.

Altruistic love- a high feeling that brings satisfaction simply from the fact that the object of love exists, even if it does not reciprocate.

Latent love- this is hidden love, which a person cannot (or does not want) to show.

Pathological love- uncontrolled and repetitive manifestation of attention and care to the partner, in which he feels a complete loss of his own freedom.

passionate love(or romantic) is a feeling of complete absorption of partners with each other, accompanied by super-strong experiences (joy, anxiety, tenderness, sexual attraction).

Love is:

Love is an illusion from a person in which it only seems that you love.

Love is a myth for those who have never experienced any of the stages of this feeling.

Love is passion, ardent desire, accompanied by strong emotions.

Love is affection, closeness and devotion based on sympathy for another person.

Love is a habit which over time becomes the basis of a stable and fulfilling feeling.

Love is care, attention and respect, due to a sincere desire to protect a loved one, help him, do a pleasant deed for him.


Some psychologists tend to equate love (namely, falling in love) with a painful condition with the following symptoms:

  • constant and obsessive thoughts about the object;
  • painful, acute need for reciprocal feelings;
  • euphoria with reciprocity;
  • over-focusing on the object, which leads to ignoring events and problems in one's own life;
  • experiencing a strong sexual attraction to the object.

Mental disorder

American doctors define love (in particular - falling in love) as acute mental disorder.

The reason for this was a survey of people in love, during which they were found to have changes in nervous system similar to those that occur in manic patients.

In this case, the "patients" are often observed violations of the general condition in the form of:

As a rule, the acute stage of the "disease" lasts no more than six months, gradually turning either into a chronic sluggish form, or into a latent form of quiet waiting, or else it occurs spontaneous recovery.

Do I need to be treated?

Is love a disease that needs to be treated? If love, as a disease, brings only suffering, disappointment and negative emotions to life, there is only one way out - to be treated. Moreover, it is rather difficult to do it on your own.

It is better to immediately contact a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist, who will help analyze feelings and heal the soul with the help of special techniques, psychoanalysis and even hypnosis.

Sick love - what is it?

The patient is called addiction love, which brings only pain and suffering. First of all, it is characteristic of people with low self-esteem, who have not received parental warmth and attention in childhood.

Main feature addicted person is complete absence love and respect for oneself, and suffering is defined as the only "proof" of love for someone.

Love is a huge range of feelings, each of which is characteristic of a certain stage of the relationship between partners.

Constant companions of true, sincere love is joy, satisfaction, inner peace and confidence. Love involves caring, respecting each other's interests and reaching a compromise in any situation.

What is love? About the myths and misconceptions in this video:

Psychologists tend to have numerous battles about love, but what is love from the point of view of psychology. Is this feeling explainable? Let's figure it out together!

What is "Love"?

This chemical reaction, emotional impulse, desire to be "like a stone wall", or maybe a habit or affection?

There is no single definition of love in psychology. After all, each person can interpret the definition of this feeling in his own way, it is a kind of setting that sets the behavioral model of a partner's relationship to the world around him or an object of love.

Love is foolishness done together.

Napoleon I Bonaparte

Love: A Psychological Definition

There are three completely contradictory interpretations of the concept of "Love":

  1. Love is a state of being in love- disorders, akin to neurosis, when attention is weakened, vigilance is lost, a person becomes "detached from this world."
  2. Love is an inner drug when the brain secretes pleasure hormones, dopamine, feelings of happiness and serenity.
  3. Love is a painless habit, a person's need to feel loved, to give these wonderful emotions to others, to be happy and satisfied.

Psychologists say that true love is like love for a child, an indicator of a pure soul, dedication to the end, care and renunciation, this cannot be understood by the head, only felt by the heart. Love is an objective concept, for one to love is to give gifts, for another - to sympathize and empathize, and for the third - to give life without delay. It is sometimes very difficult to take and explain in words this feeling.

What are the stages of love?

In total, there are 7 stages that love goes through, they may not occur for everyone, but they take place:

  1. Love- a short period when lovers are immersed in a state of euphoria, they notice only all the good, do not see the negative sides of each other, but everything ends quickly when people start living together or planning a wedding, face everyday troubles;
  2. Satiation- lovers begin to “evaluate their love” in a different way, coexistence begins, which can lead to separation or family cohesion;
  3. Disgust- a real test for lovers, they become selfish, reciprocity disappears, without this stage it is impossible to step into another world, true awareness of love;
  4. Humility- lovers begin to adequately look at each other, accept their soul mate as a separate person, with all the vices and shortcomings, begins a period of self-improvement, improvement and mutual understanding;
  5. Service- people completely immerse themselves in the world of bliss, the personification of wisdom and piety, support each other in any endeavors;
  6. friendship- acceptance of each other as a loved one, lovers devote more time to their soul mate, recognize themselves anew, build new relationships full of madness;
  7. Love- partners have come a long way, have learned to appreciate and love for real, now they perceive each other as a whole, without mercantile attitudes and cunning tricks!

Do you want to make a memorable gift to your beloved husband / boyfriend? Present him the book "100 Reasons Why I Love You!" - he will be delighted with such a gift, believe me!

It is especially important to realize the fact that love does not ask for anything - this feeling gives warmth, spiritual harmony and pleasure. If there is a blind love addiction, then you need to get rid of it, no matter how difficult it would be at first!

Such feelings force the partner to be with the chosen one all the time, to be jealous, to forgive even in the most difficult cases, which will ultimately lead to the destruction of the personality and even fatal death.

What do famous psychologists say about the definition of the word 'Love'?

Sternberg: Results of Combining the Components of Love

Sternberg believed that this feeling can carry an objective load in three semantic components: attraction, passion, and responsibility to oneself and the other half.

Ideal love is one in which all these components merge together, feelings become strong and flammable!

What does E. Fromm say about the definition of love?

He considers love to be a momentary feeling that appears in moments of great joy, the motivation of feelings can be fear of loneliness, in rare manifestations - sadism.

Love according to E. Fromm is like a commercial deal, to love is to take and give in full, open up, devote your secrets and let love and experiences into your innermost world. To be strong, not to let feelings go by chance, to control the process, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

The first violent outbursts of emotions are replaced by courageous and strong feelings that help keep the raft of love afloat, and not let it crash on the rocks of enmity, hatred, constant quarrels and scandals.

A.V. Petrovsky thinks differently

He describes love, as external manifestations of feelings, available for observation by everyone... The way a person changes outwardly when a feeling of attachment to another appears, renounces his previous life and begins to perform insane actions. Love is conditioned by intimate attractions, implies sincerity and openness to each other.

If there is a lie, then it is not love, but shameless exploitation of someone else's trust, fraudulent actions, sometimes rash. Feelings should be replaced by actions, but at the same time testify to the same thing. If I love, then it is manifested in all respects.

Video: Psychologists of our time on what ‘Love’ is

Psychologist Natalia Tolstaya

Love is like a chemical reaction

Lovers like to be together, the production of various hormones is triggered, which lead to crazy actions, euphoria, insomnia, loss of appetite, and a change in reality around.

Love is maddening, the brain begins to produce an excessive amount of dopamine, a state of satisfaction appears. A person commits thoughtless actions, sometimes he is not able to adequately assess the result obtained.

These "aggressive" hormones do not live for a long time, the phase of insanity ends quickly, and love turns into another metamorphosis - attachment, understanding, trust, solidarity, and so on.

The desire to fall in love is not yet love. But the fear of falling in love is already love.

Etienne Rey

The love hormone - oxytocin, plays a key role in the psychology of the behavior of lovers, as they say, if you feel good, then I feel great! Love is a complete surrender of oneself in exchange for the truthfulness of the feelings of another.

Such chemical element helps to build relationships, binds family and friends with the bonds of love, helps to curb the true feeling inside. Such a change in the psychology of behavior changes life for the better, evokes a feeling of trust in others. This method can be used to treat the state of neurosis in patients.

What is first love?

Are these vivid memories or a lifelong lesson? Many argue that first love is doomed to fail. Parents do not betray the importance of such a hobby of their children, adults often secretly sigh at the memories of their first love, sometimes considering it the most true and sinless.

The first relationship between a man and a woman can be both negative and positive! The most important thing is to endure correct lesson from this situation, do not dwell on the bad, go forward and build new happy relationships, without turning back.

Psychologists say this about this:

  • First love is the first personal relationship between a female and a male, which is based on contact actions on the part of each other, the first emotions are actively manifested - feelings of love, hatred, anger, jealousy, resentment;
  • the lover remains himself with his experiences, tries to make an adequate decision of what to do next, sometimes the first experiences are so strong that they do not allow the lover to step over this period of life and go further, to new relationships;
  • in the first love there are only feelings, all definitions of statuses fade into the background (material goods, a car, real estate, etc.);
  • lovers cannot accept the circumstances that have arisen sensibly, sometimes they cannot cope with the wave of surging experiences;
  • the meaning of first love is to learn how to manage emotions, contact the opposite sex, create your own system of behavior for the successful completion of the next relationship.

We always believe that our first love is the last and our last love is the first.

George John White-Melville

First falling in love can form persistent ideas about feelings of love in the future. It is very important to take a positive emotional experience out of this situation, and not ruin your personal life with painful memories.

The illusion often arises that if you return your first love, then youth will return with it, but you need to live in the present, not the past, because only here and now you can change something in your life, become truly happy and successful.

What myths about love ‘erase’ the knowledge of psychology

Love at first sight - is it real?

Love from the second, third ... glance can be bright, intense, inspired and unique. Psychologists often consider situations when a person believes that this is his real half, and then meets another, and the world turns upside down again.

The object of love is one for all years and all ages!

The first love seems to be the only one, but the second comes, and the feelings ignite again ... In the world, 25% of suicides occur due to the fact that many rivals compete for the favor of “one love”. So who is she really the only one for?

In a truly loving heart, either jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Each person has a soul mate, the main thing is to see her in the crowd of numerous passers-by and not let her go, so as not to violate the agreement of eternal and happy love.

You cannot live in a world where love is absent, when the other half is completely indifferent to you, because the time will come when true love will appear, and one of the partners will be left “overboard”, in a sea of ​​tears and sad illusions.

There are at least a million options to meet a soul mate, perhaps for this you need to change your place of residence, social circle, work, study, but the choice will be made, and the probability of a successful one is quite high.

Is there everlasting love?

Psychologists on this score do not make loud statements, and the thought of a lover can live for a long period, but the foundations of family life can change these ideas. The higher the need for love, the more acute this problem is posed.

Most often, love is interpreted as respect, trust, understanding of each other, often a person falls in love several times, because he was not lucky to find his ideal. In fact, not everything is so simple, you need to go forward, not dwell on imaginary fantasies and erroneous ideals.

It is difficult to reason sensibly under the influence of the hormone of love, but you simply have to draw a conclusion and move on!

Is it possible to get married without love?

Is there always love when creating a marriage, but it is worth noting that the intensity of passions also cannot guarantee a strong relationship and a successful union. So where to look for the golden half? How to be happy without love?

Yes, marriage without feelings is sad, but on the other hand, as the French fiction writer Beigbeder noted, love lives for three years, and then a trusting contact is established, a relationship that will keep the couple together, or lead to parting.

Problems in the field of love can arise due to the fact that everyone interprets this feeling in their own way. In psychology, there is no one correct solution, how to define love, there are many of its varieties.

Perhaps today you will fall in love with your other half as a brother / sister, friend, and tomorrow that flaming feeling will come that will allow you to create a strong and happy family for years to come. Love will be glorified as a divine feeling, a light transformation of life that drives you crazy.

Love is joy, understanding each other without words, mutual satisfaction, in this case, we can talk about strong further bonds of the family, and the birth of children will become a magical cohesion of this marriage.

‘Fictional’ love

If relations between people arise against the background of internal emptiness, or the substitution of one partner for another, then they can be called dependent, and most often doomed to a sad existence.

This is serious psychological problem, not everyone can withstand such a responsibility, in such a relationship there is no free choice, most often such individuals remain lonely and unhappy for life.

Don't be afraid of the smart ones. When love comes, the brain turns off.

Elena Zhidkova

"Feelings are the element of actions that are not subject to anyone!"

In such a field, betrayal, mistrust, suffering, meanness and the destruction of such a wonderful feeling as love can arise.

You need to learn to love and be happy without any conditions, as a mother loves a child, she plunges into this state with her head and does not set any selection criteria for herself.

If there is emptiness in the soul, then you first need to understand yourself why this happened, and not fill it with someone on the basis of rash actions. Until a person loves himself, accepts with all the shortcomings and contradictions, hardly anyone will do it for him.

But there is still love!

This boundless and inspiring feeling helps to deal with many difficulties, solve serious problems, create comfort and coziness of a family nest, give birth to children, take care of others, and so on.

Love is not chosen, it comes once and for all! And not only psychologists think so. What do you think about such a feeling as love?

love opinion

Do you believe in true love for life!

LOVE-1) a high degree of emotionally positive attitude that distinguishes its object from others and places it at the center of the subject's vital needs and interests (Love for the homeland, for the mother, for children, for music, etc.);
2) an intense, tense and relatively stable feeling of the subject, physiologically conditioned by sexual needs and expressed in a socially formed desire to be his personally significant traits with maximum completeness in the life of another in such a way as to awaken in him the need for a response feeling of the same intensity, tension and sustainability.

The feeling of Love has a deeply intimate character and is accompanied by situationally emerging and changing emotions of tenderness, delight, jealousy, etc., experienced depending on the individual psychological characteristics of the personality.

As a generic concept, Love encompasses a fairly wide range of emotional phenomena that differ in depth, strength, objective orientation, etc., from relatively weakly expressed approving relationships to completely exciting experiences that reach the power of passion. The fusion of the individual's sexual need, which ultimately ensures the continuation of the race, and Love as the highest feeling, which gives the personality optimal possibilities to be continued, ideally represented in a significant other, practically does not allow separating one from the other in reflection.

This circumstance served as one of the reasons that various philosophical and psychological directions allowed the illegal absolutization of either the biological principle in Love, reducing it to the sexual instinct (Love as sex), or, denying and belittling the physiological side of Love, interpreted it as a purely spiritual feeling ( platonic love). Although physiological needs are a prerequisite for the emergence and maintenance of a feeling of Love, however, due to the fact that in a person's personality, the biological is removed and appears in a transformed form, as social, Love in its intimate psychological characteristics is a socially-historically conditioned feeling that in a peculiar way reflects social relations and the peculiarities of culture, serving as the moral basis of relations in the institution of marriage.

Studies of the ontogeny and functions of Love show that it plays an important role in the formation of a personality and in the formation of a concept. It has been established that the frustration of the need for Love leads to a deterioration in the somatic and mental state.

There is a close connection of the individual feeling of Love with the traditions and norms of society and with the peculiarities of family upbringing - both of these groups of variables are the source of the ways of interpreting his state adopted by the subject. In psychology, repeated attempts have been made to study the internal structure of Love as a whole and the relationship of its individual components with various personality characteristics. The most important of the results obtained is the establishment of a connection between the ability to love and the subject's attitude to himself. This and a number of other similar facts, as well as the role of Love in creating a family, make the problem of Love extremely important for psychotherapy and psychological counseling, for the education and self-education of the individual.

Love Is a collection of emotions, actions and beliefs, united by a strong sense of affection, security, warmth and respect for another person.

In addition, the concept of love can be applied to animals, abstract phenomena, or religious beliefs. For example, a person might say they love their cat, freedom, or God.

The best thing that you can keep in life is each other.
Audrey Hepburn

Love has always been a popular topic of discussion, raised by philosophers, poets, writers and scientists for countless generations, and many have inferred different formula love, having its own view of its definition, conditions of occurrence and forms of manifestation.

While most researchers agree that love implies a strong sense of attachment, there is a lot of disagreement about its exact meaning, expressed in the different attitudes of different people towards it.

Characteristics of love:
  1. Prioritizing the well-being and happiness of the loved one over their own needs.
  2. Strong sense of affection.
  3. Feelings of attraction and respect.
  4. Committed to helping and caring.
  5. A combination of the above characteristics.

There was a lot of controversy over whether love is a free choice, or whether it can enslave despite the presence of will, whether it is constant or fleeting, love between family members and spouses is biologically programmed or imposed by society.

The concept of love can vary depending on the individual as well as the culture in question. The result of each dispute about love is closer to the truth in relation to some time or place.

For example, in some cases love can be a choice, while in others it can be an uncontrollable feeling.

Love, passion (falling in love), romantic love

Especially on early stages in a relationship, it can be difficult to tell the difference between love and passion (falling in love).

Combined with an overwhelming desire to be closer to another person, both feelings are due to physical attraction and the intoxicating effects of hormones, but only one of them is characterized by a long existence - this is love.

Love Is something that arises between two people and develops over a long period of time, experiencing many life ups and downs along the way. Therefore, love takes time, fidelity, mutual trust and acceptance of a person as he is.

Passion associated with sexual experiences, which initially attract people to each other and are fueled by the desire to reproduce.

Passion, eroding your consciousness by the influence of hormones and idealizing the personality of its object, dulls the ability to see a person in his true light, and therefore it is not always able to become a direct path to long-term relationships.

The ideal scenario for a strong relationship involves a balanced mix of love and passion.

Love, i.e. passion for another person, combined with a sense of affection form romantic love, which is an important early stage in a long-term relationship.

Rekindling the original spark of passion is a practice that happy couples should definitely follow.

Love and passion. Differences

To determine for yourself how love and passion differ, answer yourself 5 questions.

1. Does your relationship make you a better person?

Only love can make you feel that you are capable of anything, and over an extended period of time.

Passion carries with it the opposite, destructive force. It stops you through restrictions on your freedom and implicit prohibitions on self-realization.

Passion worsens the quality of life of both partners, while love gives freedom, motivates, makes the beloved better.

2. Where is your “I”?

Is your Ego at the heart of your relationship, or is your loved one central to it?

Do you prefer to give or receive?

Do you keep track of how much you have done for your partner and how much has he done for you?

If you are willing to do whatever it takes for your girlfriend or boyfriend without planning own benefit: From sending love messages to sacrificing your beliefs and principles, then most likely it's love.

When you are in love, the other person's happiness is more important to you than your own well-being.

Passion is self-centered, but love is completely selfless.

3. What attracts you to your partner?

Lust for another person works primarily on a physical level, making you admire your appearance, body, voice, gait, or attraction.

Love, first of all, is aimed at the personality of the partner, his inner world, way of thinking, life values ​​and other inner qualities.

Physical attractiveness is of course also important, but to a much lesser extent.

Thus, passion is based on external attraction, love - on internal personal values.

4. Do you remain yourself in the relationship?

If each of you can answer “Yes,” you are definitely destined for each other.

If you can be yourself, telling your loved one about your most personal things, doing what you enjoy, and not trying to control your behavior, you can be sure that this is love.

Honesty, complete trust, understanding, closeness, mutual sympathy and romantic feelings create a stable platform for a long-term union.

When you do not need to wear masks, covering your true face; when you are not afraid that you will be misunderstood, rejected, ridiculed, condemned for who you are; when you always try to understand your partner's actions without judgment - these are all building blocks of true love, not passion.

Passion dictates the rules, and love frees you from inner bondage, it does not condemn, it comes to you for who you are.

5. Are you ready to develop together?

Love cannot stumble or break. She is able to withstand all kinds of life obstacles that arise on the joint path, finding a way out of any prevailing circumstances.

If you feel that you can be with this person at all times, regardless of whether you receive the same amount of care and warmth as you give, that is love.

Passion is temporary and fleeting, so sooner or later the relationship based on it will end.

Passion ignites and goes out, ceasing to exist. Love is steady, deep and constant.

Love is timeless.

Love and mental health

While there is no single truth about the definition of love, most people agree that love plays a critical role in both physical and mental well-being.

The benefits of love:
  1. The lack of love and care that children may experience almost always has a negative impact on their future life to varying degrees.
  2. The feeling of lack of love has a strong relationship with low, and can cause a state.
  3. People who live a life of love are generally happier.
  4. Love and a sense of emotional unity can have a direct impact on health by helping to boost immunity.

Love and physiology

From an evolutionary perspective, love can be seen as a survival tool - a mechanism we have developed to foster long-term relationships, mutual protection, and parental support.

When you realize that someone is attractive to you, love, among other things, begins to manifest itself in the form of a biological process.

Your body reinforces what your mind already knows - this person makes you fill with amazing emotions.

When we feel close to another person, our brain signals the body to release hormones such as serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

These chemical substances make us drown in loving thoughts and experience the physical sensations that we associate with love.

More on “love hormones”:

1. Serotonin. This hormone boosts your mood. Those who take certain illicit drugs cause huge increases in serotonin levels. Instead, they could simply find someone to love them - and more benefits and health would be added.

2. Oxytocin. Is the biological basis for love. This hormone is released during lovemaking, filling you with a sense of attachment to your beloved.

3. Vasopressin. Along with oxytocin, it is responsible for feeling close to someone.

4. Dopamine. Responsible for desire and reward, i.e. you feel great pleasure when you are rewarded with love, if it is expressed through kindness, touch, a date night, or feelings of happiness.

5. Norepinephrine. It is generated when you fall in love and feel the excitement of wanting things to work out and develop well. These physical sensations are manifested by a rapid heartbeat or damp palms.

Stages of love (relationship)

1. Falling in love

Falling in love is the most exciting stage of love, and many would agree.

When a man and a woman find each other attractive, a spark of attraction flares up between them, forcing them to drown in an ocean of romance and passion.

At this stage, you just can't stop thinking about the girl or guy, they are constantly on your mind. Right now, the meaning of the old saying “love is blind” is most clearly manifested.

This stage of "charm" brings a lot of romantic emotions, laughter, flirting and playfulness, and all negative traits of the partners are ignored. Much attention is paid to the similarities that you both share.

People at this stage seem to “fly”, being together, and cannot wait for the moment when they are near, if they are separated. Butterflies fly in the stomach, and quivering hearts seem to freeze.

At times like these, most people are confident that they have found their soul mate, but the underlying cause of all these rampant emotions is physiology.

"Love hormones" make you feel euphoric, bring about a cheerful mood saturated with happiness, and increase your overall energy level. It seems that you are a different person, your sexuality is at its peak, you feel that you can handle everything, you are simply fearless.

Being in this state, you, ignoring the main flaws in your partner, are able to marry before moving on to the next stage of love.

Sure, the romantic feeling in question seems great as long as it lasts, but it can't last forever, even if you really want it.

Combining with feelings of closeness and affection, falling in love transforms into romantic love.

2. Saturation (addictive)

After several months of living together, when the “chemistry of love” stops its active phase of influence, couples return to their usual “I” with a normal mood and level of attraction.

Everything returns to normal, and instead of focusing on each other, the couple becomes more active in the professional field and in other daily activities.

Young people who are ignorant of this stage of love may think that the feelings are gone. Sometimes they can get upset because of the lack of attention from the beloved.

Minor disagreements and even quarrels are a normal part of this phase. It is worth recognizing that healthy confrontation is natural because it helps both of you to better understand the situation.

As you learn to deal with problems and conflicts that arise, your relationship will mature.

At this stage of love, you may wonder why your intimate life has become a little bland, or why you sometimes see your partner annoyed.

You begin to assess your other half more objectively, and the conclusions that come to mind can cause delight or apathy.

What you need to do is move on. The best is yet to come, even if the relationship seems to be tarnishing.

3. Disgust (quarrels)

You can have a lot of expectations from your loved one. You can even try to bring your partner closer to your ideal image.

This stage of love is like a power struggle, and sometimes a relationship ends when one side dominates the other too much.

Rather than focusing on the similarities you have deftly done during the falling in love phase, you are now focusing on your partner's differences and shortcomings.

Some couples at this stage. Others, experiencing pain and dissatisfaction with relationships, come to the conclusion that true love is associated with compromises, and instead of fading in the conflicts that arise, you can find a way out through understanding, warmth and kindness.

4. Humility (understanding)

Reaching this stage of love means that you now understand your partner much better.

At this stage, couples are in a joyful state, but do not stop making efforts to work on their relationship.

Now both partners accept each other for who they really are, but you should not rest on your laurels. Avoid misunderstandings and continue to get to know each other better.

The stages of love can often be a hassle in a relationship, but once you know they exist, moving from one stage to the next won't be such a big deal for you.

To move on to the next stage, accept the strong and weaknesses each other. You need to focus on the positive, not focus on the negative, and learn about the goals and interests of each of you.

5. Study

Once a couple goes through the aforementioned stages of love, all unrealistic expectations tend to disappear.

Each of the parties begins to open more and more to each other, and a clearer understanding arises of how they can effectively act together in a relationship.

Couples begin to define and refine their relationship roles and compatibility with each other.

It becomes necessary to resolve some issues, for example, how much time a guy and a girl like to spend together, and how long to be alone, how each side is used to expressing love and receiving it, etc.

Once couples are able to communicate their needs effectively to each other, they will be able to avoid many unpleasant things, such as aggressive behavior, avoidance, criticism, or defensiveness.

Focus instead on understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and patience.

6. Proximity

This is the stage where they experience true intimacy. They support each other even better, giving and receiving love in return.

Ups and downs are an integral part of any relationship. However, the trust and loyalty of both partners will be able to carry them through these troubles without significant obstacles.

At this stage of love, each of you will stop being obsessed with your own personality and focus on what is best for the relationship.

Now you feel unity, individuality, and love for each other. That said, the spirit of unity still prevails, further strengthening your relationship.

At this stage, you feel like the perfect couple. Many lovers may even decide to tie their fate with family ties, since they have come this far.

7. Doubt

Usually this stage occurs after many years of marriage. You can start thinking about your ex-lovers and past relationships, or you can start comparing your current partner to previous ones.

At this stage, a lot depends on the level of satisfaction with the existing relationship. If you feel unhappy and hurt, you tend to blame your partner for it.

You can even start comparing your relationship with other couples around you.

But do not add fuel to the fire, because you are able to go through this not the most cheerful stage.

8. Sexuality

In this stage of love, your intimate life plays a key role. Changes in love preferences are possible, when one of you becomes less interested in the embodiment of wild fantasies, or, conversely, wants to arrange something incredible.

If there is a significant difference in your addictions, one of the partners may have an affair on the side.

The key to solving the main problem at this stage is to find creative ways to make your intimate life more varied and exciting, thereby strengthening your relationship.

9. Love

This is the highest stage of a relationship when both partners fully love and trust each other. However, at times, the total trust that has developed can lead you to take each other for granted, so be careful.

At this stage of love, you know each other very well, you know what to expect from each other, and you also clearly understand the direction of development of the relationship.

Despite the fact that at this stage complete bliss and understanding reigned, do not stop appreciating and respecting your partner, because love should be constantly cultivated and developed.

Remember that love is like a plant that needs nourishment to keep it alive.

34 interesting facts about love

1. Monogamy

And while humans would like to think that they are completely different from representatives of the animal kingdom, we are not the only creatures whose relationships are characterized by monogamy.

It is known that wolves, gibbons, albatrosses and even termites choose their soul mate for life.

2. Time required to assess attractiveness

The first impression is very important, especially when you consider that it takes only 4 minutes to decide whether you like a person or not.

It is not only how he looks and what he says that affects him, but also his body language, as well as the tone and speed of his voice.

3. Synchronization

If two lovers look into each other's eyes for a long time, their heartbeats are synchronized after about 3 minutes.

4. Addiction

Falling in love is similar to the effects of drugs in that similar parts of the brain are activated and similar chemical reactions are triggered.

So down with the use of prohibited substances, love and be loved instead.

5. Reduction of headaches

Oxytocin, the love hormone produced by the body during cuddling, helps reduce headaches and improves sleep.

The next time you have a headache, just pull your loved one closer to you.

6. Levels of attractiveness

People often fall in love and start relationships with someone who has a similar level of attraction.

If someone is physically more attractive in a relationship, then, most likely, he compensates for the existing disadvantages due to the presence of other important socio-cultural qualities.

7. Too the same

Couples in which people are too similar tend to break up quickly.

Researchers have found that similarities help form the foundation of a relationship, but if partners have nothing to learn from each other, they are more likely to drift apart.

So opposites attract.

8. Time limit

Scientists believe that the peak of falling in love or romantic love falls on a moment dated one year after the beginning of the relationship.

We remind you that it is falling in love that makes you experience euphoria and butterflies in your stomach.

After falling in love, the relationship ends or moves to a higher level, transforming into true love.

9. Associations

Research shows that thinking absorbed in love has positive influence creativity, abstract thoughts, and long-term planning.

Reflections on the fleeting intimate connection affect immediate decision making and attention to the moment.

10. Face or body?

People looking for a short-term affair care more about the attractive body of their partner than about the beauty of his face.

In contrast, those wishing to enter into long-term relationships prioritize the attractiveness of the face over the body.

11. Hold hands

The next time you're stressed, try holding your loved one’s hand, because a romantic handshake can help reduce stress and physical pain.

12. Gratitude

Expressing gratitude to your beloved leads to an immediate surge in happiness.

13. Butterflies in the stomach

The butterflies in the abdomen that you feel when you fall in love are the result of the body producing the hormone adrenaline.

14. Pupils of the eyes

When you look at a loved one, even if it's just a photograph, the pupils of your eyes will dilate.

It should be added that people with dilated pupils are perceived as more attractive.

So it's no surprise that being in a relationship makes you appear more attractive to the opposite sex.

15. Searching for love

Long-term research has led to the conclusion that the happiness and life of most people almost always revolves around love or the search for love.

Therefore, even if you do not find the other half, only one search will lead to a happy life.

16. Lucky number seven

On average, people fall in love seven times before finally deciding to start a family. The seventh attempt, as a rule, becomes the reason for the marriage.

17. Male gaze

During his life, a man, on average, spends a whole year looking at women.

18. Self-esteem

People with higher self-esteem tend to have longer, more successful relationships.

If you are not capable, why expect this high feeling from other people?

19. Emotions when parting

According to statistics, men are more susceptible to negative emotional effects in connection with separation than women.

20. Long life

Husbands who kiss their wives in the morning are believed to live five years longer. And that's another five years extra to have your loved ones every morning.

21. Dislike

Some people are unable to experience love due to a disease called hypopituitarism, due to a decrease or complete cessation of the production of hormones by the pituitary gland.

22. Symmetry

Facial symmetry is the basis of beauty and attractiveness, in any case, the human brain thinks so.

Those with symmetrical facial features are more likely to make love and boast a large number of fans.

23. Pink glasses

Being in love suppresses the parts of the human brain that are responsible for the perception of social judgment.

Nobody wants to think they can fall in love with a terrible person.

24. Love quest

Romantic situations involving obstacles in the path of the beloved are important factors in falling in love, influencing how much you fall in love.

The longer the romantic path and the more intricacies, the brighter and stronger the feelings of love and longing manifest themselves.

25. The dark side of love

According to statistics, more than 50% of the murders of women are committed by their lovers or husbands.

26. Cheating

Almost 60% married men claimed to be unfaithful to their wives. Married women answered with a figure equal to 40%.

This information was compiled from a survey, so dishonesty on the part of any group cannot be ruled out.

27. Crisis of four years

Most marriages around the world experience a relationship crisis after four years of marriage.

The next important stage, which the spouses have to overcome, awaits them after the next four years, i.e. at the onset of the eight-year anniversary.

28. Forever young

Usually men marry for the first time with women who are their same age or younger within 3 years.

Upon remarriage, the age difference is usually approximately 5 years.

For the third time, a man, most likely, pays attention to women who are 8 or more years younger than him.

29. Biology

The urge to love, like the urge to eat, is the biological stimulus with which we are born.

So even men are more lovers than warriors.

30. Dangerous Lover

You are more likely to fall in love with someone (especially women) if, while in a dangerous situation.

31. Beer Belly

Women are less attracted to men who decide to reward themselves with a beer belly.

The presence of an overly bulging male belly indicates a lower testosterone level, which means a reduced ability to reproduce.

32. Sense of humor

A sense of humor is most often associated with honesty and intelligence.

This is why most women are attracted to men who can show off their humor.

33. Competition

Male attractiveness increases when a man is surrounded by other women.

34. Voice

Men with a lower timbre of voice seem to be more worthy of attention in women's eyes.