How to make different things for girls. Designer things for the home

The most significant design elements of houses and apartments that catch the eye and are remembered for a long time are decorative trim. All sorts of wall decorations, paintings, origami and other objects can create an original atmosphere in bedrooms, hallways, and living rooms. What is sold in stores is not always ideal for a certain style of interior design.

There is an immeasurable number of decorative elements, many of which can be made on your own.

The best idea is to do the designer stuff with your own hands. Today you will get acquainted with the most interesting and remarkable ways to repeatedly transform the interior of the house.

To do decorative ornaments, it is not necessary to go to the store to buy new materials. Look around you. An old closet may be littered with old furniture, cardboard boxes, and your grown children may have small clothes, children's toys, as well as watercolors and colored paper. This is quite enough to organize the beautiful design of any room.

Chic decorations can be obtained from old pieces of furniture

After the holidays, wide feasts, empty bottles of wine remain. If you are a connoisseur of expensive booze, you will probably find in your stocks non-standard forms of bottles, as well as corks from them. All sorts of figurines and decorative compositions made of wine corks look especially beautiful. They are painted with watercolors or gouache, used as wall decoration, table tops.

Glass bottles can be glued toilet paper and cover with silver paint

Small florarium in a glass bottle

If your kitchen is equipped with a bar counter, then decorate it with beer caps. You can go to the nearest beer bar and take as many caps as you need from them. They are attached to the tabletop with glue. A sheet of glass is placed on top, cut exactly to the shape of the table top.

Table top made of beer caps

You can hang a wooden card with special holes on the wall and insert covers into them when returning from long trips

Such a watch can be presented to a true connoisseur of beer.

colored paper

An interesting option is to decorate the wall with colored paper. For this, a “blank” wall, without windows and doors, is suitable. Purchase several sets of paper in all the colors of the rainbow from the store. Directly on the wall, the sheets are attached to glue or a clerical pin. Compose the composition irregular shapes, but preserving the order of the colors of the rainbow.

A rainbow of colored paper on the wall with a transition to the ceiling

If there is a closet near the wall, it's not scary. Its outlines can be beaten in the same way. Use the corner of the room. Place this composition on two walls at once.

Another option. Cut out a pattern or tree from colored paper. This can also be done in the corner of the room. Glue the trunk, branches and leaves. Make the last bright shade. Great addition to this piece of art. open shelves located on the continuation of the branches of the tree. Use bright, contrasting colors. The dark green or brown color of the tree branches will go well with bright pink leaves, as well as white shelves. Additionally, attach a birdhouse to the tree.

Colored paper tree on the wall of the children's room

Tree on the wall of the living room with photos from the family album

Paper origami looks great on the walls. Glue multi-colored butterflies in a flock sitting on rose flowers. In bright weather, when the rays of the sun hit, the composition will cast beautiful shadows.

A flock of butterflies seemed to have fluttered out from behind the back of the sofa.

Butterfly is made in 4 steps from colored paper

You can cut contour butterflies from cardboard and decorate them to your taste.

The ceiling can also be decorated with paper origami. Glued figurines are hung on strings. At the same time, the composition made by figures at different heights looks beautiful. The color scheme is varied.

Paper cranes can be made with your children

Snowflakes "Ballerinas" from white paper


You can make a lot of cool things out of fabric. Make soft toys by stuffing them with cotton. With the help of them it is interesting to decorate the New Year's window. Dwarf toys harmoniously sit on the windowsill and the middle part of the New Year's decorated window.

Bright embroidery on a canvas stretched on a wooden frame

Multi-colored textiles look beautiful on the walls. On a wooden or wire frame of a rectangular shape, fabrics of different textures are stretched. It turns out a kind of patterned picture. Hang a few of these items. The shape of each does not have to be rectangular. Leave it to your taste.

Cozy corner in Scandinavian style with things made by hand from tapestry

desktop design

nightstand decoration, coffee tables, desks can be made beautiful glass bottles. Wine bottles will do. They are painted, the paint is dried, and then decorated with flowers or other elements. For example, a dry tree branch painted with white paint will look original in a Provence-style bedroom. Additionally, a tree branch is decorated with multi-colored bells from old children's hats.

Decorative bottles covered with acrylic paint

From old boards you can make a small flower basket. Paint it with any color you like. In a basket or pot it is possible to make a small table tree from branches. We will decorate the plant with the same bells, butterflies or pendants. Any of these options look great.

flower box made from old boards


Flowers and compositions from them are able to decorate any room. The front door of your house will be perfectly decorated with a flower cascade with all sorts of decorative additions. These can be small woven bast shoes, a watering can in which flowers are planted, or a traditional New Year's design. Greet guests with positivity.

Decoration front door by Christmas

Inside the house, flowers are also appropriate. An ordinary rain umbrella can become a basket for a bouquet of tulips. Hang on the door by the handle of the umbrella.

Spring door decor with tulips

If you live in country house, there is great idea decoration of the front door to the terrace or backyard. The platbands are decorated autumn leaves different color. Place decorative white-painted cages nearby, inside of which there may be stuffed birds or animals. Yellow garden gourds complete the picture perfectly.

Clay jars with wild flowers are great for decorating a rustic room.

Master the technology of clay extrusion of jars. Thanks to this, you can make designer things with your own hands in the form of jugs. different shapes. Clay lends itself very well to coloring. Paint products with gouache different color. Such an element interior decoration decor can be placed on the wall or table. Place a plant (flower) in each jug.


The kitchen window is decorated with all sorts of utensils. Artificial apples on a string, gracefully hanging in a kind of arc, are perfect here. Depending on the style of the interior of the kitchen, you can decorate the window with folk bagels, put a small samovar on the windowsill, as well as a figure of "Roly-Vstanka".

Original kitchen curtain made of knitted napkins


Decorative tables look amazing. It will not be difficult to do them yourself. Seek out old table. Restore it, and then organize the countertop into a real work of art. This can be done by laying a sheet of light-colored material that is resistant to moisture on it. A composition is laid out on top of the sheet. The same wine corks, tree branches, sea stones or large beads are suitable here. The next step is to fill with epoxy.

Creative table from wine corks, filled with epoxy resin

And here thin cuts of tree branches were used

If you do not want to spend a lot of time pouring resin, put an ordinary sheet of organic glass, or just glue decorative elements glue.

Video: 8 Quick Interior Decor Ideas

Photo: 50 more designer things

The house is beautiful, clean, freshly renovated, has everything you need. Appliances and furniture, but still something is missing. Comfort! So, it's time to get some designer things for interior decoration that are interesting to look at. You can buy them in an online store, kiosk, on the market, but it’s easier to make each item with your own hands - it’s fashionable and not expensive. What and how to do for creative design your home, what materials, tools are better to use for this, o useful crafts more details in the text below.

Tree-paintings and more

Plant motifs have always been very popular - it is impossible to do without them in an eco-interior, some types of oriental, provence, vintage. Pictures on wooden surfaces are made using:

  • acrylic or oil paints, brushes by drawing;
  • dye from a can through a stencil;
  • burning with a magnifying glass, a special apparatus;
  • pulling colored threads between nails driven into a piece of wood;
  • by gluing wooden branches in the form of a tree onto a plank surface, followed by applying paints and varnishes.

There is one more original way: Transfer a photo to wooden surface. How to do it: you need a picture printed on a laser printer, the smoothest board, acrylic gel. Gel is applied to the wood, the photo is placed face down, smoothed. They wait until it dries enough, soak the paper with water, wash it to the drawing itself. Next, the plane should be varnished, with decoupage glue - the picture is ready.

Daisies on the board are drawn with brushes of different thicknesses and in three colors - white, yellow, brown. Fluffy dandelions are depicted on a tree with a burning device using thick and thin nozzles. To make a picture of threads and nails, the necessary contour is drawn on a board or plywood, along which small carnations are driven in with a hammer, knitting or embroidery threads are stretched between them. The base can be pre-stained in a contrasting color.

DIY designer toys for the interior

Homemade toys will be a wonderful gift for a child or a woman, decorating the bedroom interior. For their manufacture, textiles, leather, wood, etc. are used.

The difference between interior toys and ordinary ones:

  • they are made to decorate a room, not to play;
  • they are unique, author's, one of a kind;
  • emphasize the features of the interior style;
  • reflect the mood of the room and the author of the objects.

On the Internet you can find many photos and videos with instructions for making toys for the interior.

Interior dolls are:

  • articulated,
  • knitwear,
  • realistic
  • fantasy,
  • miniature,
  • plastic,
  • in mixed media.

For work, you will need threads, a needle, fabric, fabric paints, large beads, synthetic winterizer, doll clothes, shoes. First, the pattern is drawn on paper, then all the details are outlined on the fabric - the head and body, two pieces each, arms and legs, four each. All parts are sewn together, turned inside out, stuffed with padding polyester, connected to each other, ears and fingers stand out. The joints of the doll will be large beads, and the face is drawn using acrylic paints. Hair is bought special, doll or sewn on thread, they can be put into a fantasy hairstyle. Clothes and shoes are sewn independently or purchased.

Some designers offer dolls made using the technique of dry felting from wool. Empty plastic bags can be folded into a decorative "empty" doll from an old children's overalls.

And here is how to make a rag bird-magpie with decoupage elements and acrylic painting. What you need: fabric, colored napkins for decoupage, brush, buttons, glue, iron stand, needle and thread. To begin with, a pattern is drawn on paper. The magpie will consist of two identical parts - a paper pattern is outlined on a fabric folded in half. Then the details (body and wings) are sewn on a typewriter, turned inside out, stuffed. The wings are sewn or glued to the body. Next, the bird is primed with PVA glue, dried with a hairdryer, painted with acrylic or decorated with napkins. Eyes are made of beads or buttons, the stand is glued with napkins.

Author: Nadezhda Necheukhina — Source:

Such a toy can serve as a stand for jewelry - beads, bracelets, rings, and having a rigid frame, even for some gadgets.

Decorative pillows, pillows are sewn from colorful patches, and anything can serve as stuffing for them - synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, various soft rags. You can also crochet or knit a colored, plain cover on any existing pillow with your own hands. For pillows made of homogeneous fabric, hand embroidery is suitable - cross-stitch, satin stitch, appliqué. Tapestry decoration also looks good. You can also simply wrap any pillow with a fabric, tying the ends of the fabric with a decorative knot.

The shape of the pillows are: square, rectangular, round, rollers, in the form of various animals, hearts, cookies, bagels, etc. They will become soft accessories for the bedroom of a teenage girl. Decorative pillows-letters are often made for the festive decoration of premises - on New Year, wedding, birthday.

Pompom decor

From pom-poms you can make:

  • bedside rugs;
  • decor of curtains, lamps, frames;
  • design for flower pots, bottles, vases;
  • covers for stools, door handles;
  • flower "heads" on long stalks;
  • garlands for decorating ceilings, walls;
  • screens of stretched threads with pompoms;
  • numbers, letters to decorate the festive ceremony;
  • decorative curtains.

To make a pom-pom, you will need threads and two cardboard “donuts”, which are tightly wrapped with thread. After the outer edge is cut between the "bagels", the middle is wrapped with a thread with a knot, and the rings are removed. Pompoms are also made from colored paper.

The interior with pompoms looks very "home".

Variations of shelves from improvised materials

Wonderful homemade shelves are made from improvised materials. A light composition of octagonal candy boxes in the form of honeycombs, hanging from unnecessary notebooks, will cost absolutely nothing. From pieces water pipe with valves, an arrow-shaped bookshelf is made, and a bathroom shelf is made of plastic trays. From old door, nailed diagonally in the corner of the room, you get an excellent wardrobe-rack, with plywood shelves. Wide skis wrapped in foil and fixed horizontally on the walls also have the right to become shelves. Shelves made from the remains of MDF and various metal parts will decorate the room in a loft or industrial style. A round shelf made of an old sieve, pieces of plywood will complement the ethnic interior. Shelves made of rough boards, round, oblique saw cuts, varnished, will become wall stands for flowers, and a large piece of thick bark or round timber will be hanging ceiling structure for design of a summer residence, a garden.

Stylish hardware decor

From nails, screws, bolts, nuts, gears, various voluminous fantasy compositions, panels, interior toys and entire sculptures are made by welding. From leftovers metal pipe, chains make the head of an iron horse, from a pair of nuts and large bent nails - a cat figurine, from large self-tapping screws and metal pieces - a decorative forest in miniature. On several dozens of decorative nails driven into the wall in a circle, a round mirror is held, a panel of gears perfectly decorates the interior of the steampunk style. Also, water taps, pipes, heating radiators are decorated with welded metal bolts and nuts.

Ideas for organizing storage

Racks made of cardboard boxes will be an excellent interior design in the style of art believe. Tights, socks, underwear are conveniently stored rolled up in drawers with cells. Decorations are placed in cups or bowls, perfumes and jars of creams are placed on a cake stand, rag organizers for all sorts of little things are hung on the door. Wicker baskets are convenient to put under the bed or on the closet, a lot of bags will be placed on the crossbar in the closet with wire hooks. Ties and belts are stored on a wall board with hooks, shoes are stored on hangers with clothespins, pencils are stored in glass jars, and stationery trifles and small sewing accessories are stored in old cupcake molds. Toys are stored in nets under the ceiling or in podiums on the floor.

The decoration of the room should match its style.

Unusual stone rug

For the hallway, bathroom, an original rug made of flat or round pebbles, sea pebbles is useful. Using a glue gun, multi-colored stones are glued to a piece of carpet or linoleum. They are preferred the same size, and pebbles are selected for the “healing” rug different sizes. If there are pebbles of various colors, then patterns, figurines of animals, inscriptions, geometric shapes are laid out from it. Even a schoolchild can make such a rug. Similar carpets can be made from wine corks, multi-colored plastic caps from drinks.

Lace lampshades are made in various ways:

  • they fit ready-made shades;
  • they are glued to balloons, which are then removed;
  • stretched over wire or forged frames;
  • lace ribbons are glued to the plastic cover.

Spotted white lace is easy to make vintage by soaking a little in strong tea or an infusion of onion skins. Knitted and guipure patterns on "Japanese" lantern chandeliers cast beautiful shadows on the walls and ceilings.

kitchen organizer

A wall organizer for storing spoons, knives, forks can be made from various fabrics, thick cellophane. Towel hooks are easy to make from old forks, clothespins, nailed to the board. Shelves for spices, souvenirs in the kitchen are made using the paper weaving technique, from old clothes hangers - original coasters for dishes. Cereal jars are screwed into lids that are nailed to a wooden wall shelf, and plastic containers for bulk products are attached with magnets to the side of the refrigerator, above the countertop. Kitchen knives are attached to the magnetic board.

Someone will certainly take a look at this collection of ideas and say that it is easier to buy new furniture or decor. But this article is not for them, but only for true connoisseurs of the unique style and products. self made. Here you will find the 10 most beautiful interior items that you can do for your home without spending extra money.

The best crafts for the home with your own hands from improvised materials for 2018!

1. Decoupage and other do-it-yourself furniture repair ideas

Restoration of old chests of drawers and sideboards is perhaps one of the main trends of our time. Many pieces of furniture fail over time: tables and chairs become loose, upholstered furniture is pressed through and requires a new "stuffing". But chests of drawers and sideboards can stand for themselves for many years and annoy you with their outdated appearance.

Home needleworkers and decoupage masters have not only found a way to update the design old furniture, but also raised the fashion for the use of vintage "grandmother's" chests of drawers in the interior. Detailed instructions on painting and decoupage you will find in our article .

Below are some photos of amazing home projects to inspire you.

Restoration of an old chest of drawers with replacement handles and hand painting:
Painting and finishing old pedestal with metal buttons:
As a result, the furniture acquired an original Moroccan-style decor effect. Simple, like all ingenious:

By the way, in this way you can create more sophisticated things for the home:

Decoupage and painting amazingly transform old furniture facades, but not every person has enough time and patience for this painstaking task. Therefore, the best DIY home ideas also include refurbishing furniture with duct tape in marble, gold, and other unusual finishes. A minimum of effort - and the most ordinary piece of furniture will turn into the main decoration of your interior.

2. Beautiful things for the home with your own hands: carpets

Perhaps the most pleasant thing about creating things for the home with your own hands is when one of the guests asks: where did you get such beauty? A stylish rug with a zebra print (or other motif of your choice) will certainly deserve such a compliment. And not once.

The fabric can be any. The main thing is that it should not be too demanding in care: it is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. In this case, the master chose the vinyl fabric. It is heavy and strong enough to look like a true carpet. What's more, the quality of vinyl these days is very impressive, and it's available in a wide variety of colors and interesting textures.

Everything necessary materials and tools:

  • Thick paper;
  • Vinyl upholstery;
  • Scissors;
  • 2 Krylon pens or regular fabric paint.


  1. Create a paper stencil. Draw and cut out the outline of the zebra skin, then the drawing itself on it. Do not worry about your artistic talent - the skin of a zebra and should not look uniform or symmetrical. V last resort, the pattern can be copied from a picture on the Internet or even printed to cut out.
  2. Attach the stencil to the vinyl fabric and outline the stripes with Krylon pens (spray or brush). After that, the stencil can be removed and continue to paint the areas inside the contours.
  3. Let the paint dry and you're done! To be sure the pattern will hold, you can "seal" the carpet by spraying a clear coat of acrylic spray paint over it.

Krylon handles create a stunning gold leaf effect on the surface of the fabric. In addition, the paint in them dries quickly and is very securely held. If you cannot buy them in your city, then use regular paint for fabrics or walls. As the next hero of our article.

He took a cheap white rug as a basis and decided to give it an interesting look with his own hands using a chevron pattern. All he needed was thin duct tape, scissors, a thick brush, and two different shades of latex paint.

Finally, another inspiring example where a makeshift stamp is used instead of a stencil. The craftsman had a rubber bath mat, leftover wall paint (which had been slightly thinned with water for a vintage effect), a roller and an old IKEA wool rug. We look at the photo that he managed to cook from these ingredients.

3. Unusual "marble" DIY crafts (photo)

7. Turn photos into wall decor

This is much cooler than just hanging photos in frames! Your personal photos or any images you like from the internet can turn into beautiful wall art for any room. To make such a decor with your own hands, you can use any of the following methods.

  1. Find or buy a substrate. A thick sheet of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam (as in this case), a board and other improvised materials can act as it.
  2. Print a photo, after editing its dimensions so that they are about 5 cm more sizes substrates. These "extra" centimeters will go to the folds.
  3. Cut the photo and backing into pieces if you want a modular set rather than the whole picture. Otherwise, skip this item.
  4. Overlay the photo on the substrate and wrap the ends. The author of this product used double-sided adhesive tape to secure the photos. You can mount with ordinary glue or other available means. The very surface of the photographs can also be treated with glue or gloss paste.

  1. Print the image and prepare the canvas to which it will be transferred.
  2. Pull the canvas over the frame and apply a thick layer of medium gel on it. These gels are widely available and today you can buy them in any store of finishing materials.
  3. Place the photo on the oiled canvas and press down. Leave it like this for several hours, but periodically sprinkle with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Carefully, use your fingertips to start erasing the back of the image from the canvas. Remove all paper in this way.

As a result, you will get a beautiful one with scuffs that will only give it a touch of vintage style. It remains only to apply the last layer of medium gel on it as a protective coating.

For inspiration, here are a couple more ways to decorate your interior with a photo.

We use an old window frame as a photo frame. How do you like the idea?

8. Creative homemade lampshades for lamps

Homemade lampshades made of fabric, paper, thread and other improvised means will not only decorate your home, but also bring an unusual atmosphere into it every dark time of the day.

Look for the best ideas for your taste in our article . On the next photo- a popular creative lampshade made of threads.

9. Succulents - do-it-yourself living home decor

A succulent living wall is perhaps the most amazing DIY craft you can make for your home. Agree: if you saw it in someone's design of a living room or another room, you would not be able to remain indifferent!

Dekorin will tell you how to get such an impressive and sustainable decor:

  1. You will need a shallow wooden container for planting and a metal mesh.
  2. To fix the grid on the container, use an impromptu wooden frame, which can be made from small boards or chips. Attach to staples or nails.
  3. Prepare any for composition. They easily take root in the most difficult conditions and look best when you combine different shades and shapes of leaves. Common examples of succulents: aloe, various cacti, young or stone rose (Sempervivum), stonecrop (Sedum), mountain grate (Orostachys), etc.
  4. Fill the container with soil and plant your chosen plants in it. Use any cactus mix for drainage.

Here are examples of crafts for the home that you can do with your own hands using the above method.

10. Crafts for the house with your own hands from glass containers

Glass bottles and jars often accumulate on balconies and in pantries. What they are not turned into today: lamps, candlesticks, vases, table decor ... It's amazing how easily they become part of stylish interior, one has only to apply a little ingenuity, as well as paints, fabrics, threads, paper and other improvised means. Last batch of photos for today. Also read:

10 best ideas what you can do at home with your own hands updated: March 21, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko

Almost every house has a lot of old ones that are often a pity to throw away - whether it's worn, but once beloved jeans or a blanket, a lampshade for a lamp or a table inherited from a grandmother. With a little imagination and patience, you can make these items with your own hands, which will favorably decorate the interior of your home. In addition, the completed craft can be an original and exclusive gift for your friends and family.

Opening the closet

The search for old things for needlework can start with a wardrobe. Surely somewhere on the far shelf there is an old favorite T-shirt or a worn sweater. Don't clutter your closet with things you don't use. Just give your rare jeans or blouse a new life!

Pants turn into... elegant shorts!

Handmade things will create a unique image and emphasize style. Worn jeans can be easily recycled into summer shorts. For this you will need:

  • scissors;
  • rhinestones;
  • lace;
  • a little fantasy.

Measure the length of the jeans and mark the line where you will cut off the excess material. Try to carefully cut the fabric along the dotted line. Do not throw away the trousers themselves. They will come in handy for the next craft. Now decorate the bottom by carefully tacking it. Pockets can be decorated with rhinestones. Thus, a new and exclusive thing was learned.

Denim crafts. Master Class

The remaining trousers can be used to craft one of the following items:

  • a mini handbag (you will also need a cream-colored strap);
  • sofa pillow;
  • hot stand;
  • case for mobile phone;
  • cover for e-book.

These handmade things will be very useful in everyday life. To create a hot stand, we need:

  • 20 identical denim strips (15-20 cm each) cut from the leg;
  • lace;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

All denim strips are laid in a braided pattern. Each horizontal row is stitched (10 times in total). The resulting square is cut off at the edges to make them more even. In order for the craft to look neat, braid or lace is sewn around the perimeter. Unusual stand is ready!

Taking care of the printed word

If you're an avid reader and used to keeping your books organized, make a denim cover for them. Despite the fact that this craft requires a minimum of effort, you will get an amazing result!


  • trouser leg (preferably with a back pocket);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread;
  • book.

Measure the amount of material needed for the cover. To do this, lay an open book on jeans and mark a dotted line for the cut, leaving 5 cm as an allowance. Wrap the book in a cut-out blank, sew the edges well. Decorate the cover with a denim pocket, sequins, rhinestones - whatever you want. Decorate the edges of the cover with lace or braid.

Unusual decor

You can also make interesting things with your own hands and profitably change the interior of the room, giving it originality. Those who have accumulated a lot of buttons can be advised to make simple, but very for the home, such as:

New interesting do-it-yourself crafts can also be made from discs that have become unusable. It could be like Christmas decorations, which even a child can easily make, as well as household items: chandeliers, curtains, caskets and much more. A lamp made of CDs looks very stylish and unusual. In order to fasten them together, you need to stock up on staples or metal rings. Holes in the discs must be done with a screwdriver.

These items, made by hand from old things, look very beautiful and unusual.

In the shop for craftswomen

You can make interesting things with your own hands using special material that is sold in any needlework store. It can be yarn, base for embroidery with a pattern, special paper, etc. This material is intended for classes certain types needlework: macrame, patchwork, decoupage, quilling, etc. Knowing the basics of working in this area, you can perform unusual crafts. A master class of this kind of classes is presented below.

We collect on a patch

Interesting and very popular in Lately patchwork has become a type of needlework (translated from English means “work with a patchwork”). From scraps of fabric, skilled needlewomen create real masterpieces of art: blankets, rugs, carpets and even curtains. In order for the work to turn out to be of really high quality, it is necessary to select fabrics that are similar in texture. It is also desirable that the patchwork pattern is in harmony with each other. It is necessary to cut out pieces of fabric, taking into account allowances - from 0.5 to 1 cm. The cutting of the material is carried out along the longitudinal thread. Wash and iron the fabric first to prevent shrinkage. The material can only be drawn with soap, pencil or chalk, but not with a pen - there is a risk of traces on the front of the product.

Blanket "Spring mood"

For manufacturing, you need to prepare:

  • green, pink, yellow, orange and blue fabric;
  • soap, chalk or pencil, ruler;
  • template - square 6 x 6 cm, rectangles 24 x 6 and 12 x 6 cm;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • a piece of fabric 111 x 83 cm (for the wrong side of the product);
  • sintepon.

Prepare the fabric: wash, dry and iron. Lay out the prepared cardboard templates on the material. Cut out 12 squares of pink, blue, green and yellow, leaving a 1 cm allowance. In addition, you will need 60 squares of the same size but in different colors. With them you will sheathe a blanket around the perimeter. Prepare 24 strips of 24 cm long and 6 cm wide from different fabrics and 24 strips of 12 cm of the same width.

We begin to sew: take 4 squares of 6 cm in different colors and sew them together. Then sew 4 strips of the same color around the perimeter of the resulting product: 2 short strips on the sides, 2 long strips on top and bottom. In the same way, collect all the other squares. Sew the resulting products together. You should get 4 large squares in length and 3 in width.

The next step is to sew squares (set aside 60 pieces) around the perimeter of the blanket. The order of their arrangement by color is completely up to your imagination. It is now necessary to sew a fabric measuring 83 x 111 cm to the blanket (3 cm per allowance). Connect the 2 sides together front side inside. After you have sewn 3 sides, turn the product inside out and stuff with padding polyester. Then carefully join the 4th edge (by machine or by hand). Soft and beautiful blanket is ready!

In exactly the same way you can also throw blankets. Creative things (with your own hands), the photos of which are presented in this article, bring warmth and comfort! Try doing them yourself.

Crafts ... from food

You can even make things for the home with your own hands from food: various cereals, pasta, dough and even sweets. With a little imagination, you can make paintings, pendants and even watches! Buckwheat or rice must be glued to PVA glue on a pre-prepared template. Groats can be painted - and the picture will sparkle with all colors. Involve your child in the work - this will help him develop fine motor skills hands and imaginative thinking. In order to create, you can use coffee beans. You can also make other interesting things with your own hands from this material, for example, a chic bonsai tree that will delight you and those around you with its original look.

Part of the East

To create a bonsai tree you will need:

  • balloon;
  • PVA glue;
  • brown threads (slightly thicker than nylon);
  • thick branch;
  • flower pot;
  • pebble.

The balloon must be tightly wrapped with a thread dipped in glue, set aside. The workpiece should dry for at least 4-5 hours. Next, the balloon must be pierced and carefully removed. On the remaining base, planted on a harvested branch, you need to glue coffee beans. The branch should be strengthened in flower pot using a pebble. A beautiful tree is ready!

Now you know that making things for the house with your own hands is interesting and useful!

Warm and cozy house won't make perfect order or stylish design, warm and cozy it will be made by loved ones and gizmos dear to the heart, such designer things for the home with their own hands. Here you will find simple and easy to do, but very stylish ideas for using old boards, bright colors and leftover wool.

  1. "Wooden" paintings. How to draw a chamomile on the boards.
  2. How to transfer a photo to a board.
  3. Gnomes for the New Year.
  4. Amazing transformation of kitchen chairs
  5. Interior toy
  6. Shelves…shelves
  7. Pompoms in the interior.
  8. Decorative pillow - scheme.
  9. Clothespin frame

1"Wooden" paintings

3Gnomes for the New Year

Make it easy. And the pleasures of the sea. Invite a child to creativity - creation DIY designer stuff develops the child, brings the joy of communication, gives a sense of the joy of approaching a favorite holiday. You yourself or your baby, you can show off your work, Instagram is just waiting for you.

4An amazing transformation of kitchen chairs.

Diverse DIY home design ideas. The site has an article "" with the craziest ideas for painting furniture, and here, in continuation of the topic, is quite a nice, calm and quite design solution:

And a nice transformation of furniture after painting, see the video selection:

5Interior toy

Another creative activity for you and your baby will be creating designer items for the home with their hands, namely interior toys. Favorite fairy-tale heroes or fictional animals drawn by a child, or maybe beloved cats by many, are embodied in felt, knitwear, leather figurines. Both the living room and the children's room will come alive with such crafts.

I found an amazing master class from Nadezhda Necheukhina.

Amazingly beautiful bird, amazing technique - sewn toy and decoupage.

By the way, such a bird can hold your jewelry on its beak, it's a magpie!

Parts of the magpie are cut out on the fabric, sewn together, turned inside out, stuffed with padding polyester. The wings are sewn on with a hidden seam. And the hole on the abdomen, through which the magpie was stuffed, is also sewn up with a hidden seam. Stitched magpie blank covered with PVA glue and dried. It needs to be done to harden the bird.

And then the decoupage of the bird is done with napkins chosen according to the color that matches your interior or your dress, or your girlfriend's eyes, whatever you want.

Nadezhda makes eyes out of beads and paints the bird with acrylic paints.


Every home has a lot of small things: books, toys, accessories, figurines and other cute little things. They look beautiful and orderly on the shelves. Especially if these are designer shelves, especially if you made these shelves yourself, or simply ordered them from a nearby furniture workshop.

7Pompoms in the interior

Fluffy softness familiar from childhood, therefore pleasing to the eye and sweet to the heart. Hats with pom-poms, pom-poms on scarves separated from their knitted hosts and settled on the floor in the room in the form of pom-pom rugs or flowers in vases. Pompoms on curtains and pillows, matched in color or, conversely, in contrast, look especially cozy.

8Decorative pillow

Easy DIY home design ideas having made a “Dumki” pillow, rollers, “Turkish” pillows - they complement sofas and kitchen corners. Pillows, matched to the bedspread or carpet, decorate, soften, give individuality. It's easy to get carried away with amazing creative sewing ideas decorative pillows, but design ideas are often concise. I propose a scheme for creating a concise and stylish pillow for the home.

9Frame made of clothespins

It is hard to imagine that this interesting ethnic thing was once just a mirror and just clothespins.

Good luck with your ideas.