Do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor from a profile pipe. Do-it-yourself ladder from a profile pipe: calculations, installation and video

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

The construction of an interfloor staircase from pipes is a serious task that is most often entrusted to professionals. After all, the safety and convenience of the design is most important. But if you decide to make stairs to the second floor from profile pipe with your own hands, our drawings with calculations and photos will be useful to you.

Stairs from a metal profile in the interior.


Metal stairs, made and assembled independently in a private house, have some advantages over ready-made store options made of wood and metal. At the very least, they cost a lot less. Among other advantages:

  • durability, subject to competent calculation, manufacture and installation;
  • the ability to make a design of any type and dimensions;
  • harmonious combination of design with many interior styles;
  • the speed of the manufacturing process;
  • the possibility of manufacturing and installation at any stage of the construction of the building, including the staircase can be built for an already finished room;
  • the ability to make a very compact, concise design, which is especially important for small houses;
  • due to the exceptional strength of the profile, the staircase can be made with a simplified version of the frame, which will reduce the duration of work and the size of the future structure.

We remind you that it is recommended to independently engage in the manufacture and installation of interfloor stairs only if you have certain knowledge, experience, and skills in working with the tool.

Profile stairs.

It is also worth remembering such nuances if you decide to make a metal staircase:

  1. The metal structure turns out to be quite impressive in weight, therefore, with further finishing and design, it is advisable not to make it additionally heavier. For example, for steps, use wood instead of concrete, and make railings not from metal, but from light polymer materials.
  2. Even if this is an interfloor structure in a house, it still needs to be treated with anti-corrosion compounds. This will extend the life of the product.
  3. The metal elements of the stairs need to be welded. Some craftsmen advise using bolts for fastening, but this method is very unreliable. It is better not to use it at all in the manufacture of a structure from a profile.


A metal profile is a versatile material from which you can build a ladder of any type.

Marching structures consist of one, two or more spans connected by turntables or sections with winder steps. The choice of the number of marches depends on the area that can be allocated for the stairs, as well as other features. It should be borne in mind that single-flight elements provide more opportunities for using the space under the stairs. At the same time, two-march structures are more compact.

In terms of safety and convenience, the transition platform between spans is preferable to winder steps - due to the different widths at the edge and the turning center, the risk of stumbling and injuring is much higher. Although winder steps have a more original look.

Marching metal staircase.


You should also consider what types of frame for a ladder structure from a profile can be. After all, the same profile pipe can be source material for frames that are completely different in structure.

The frame on the central stringer is the most budgetary and economical in terms of using the profile. The only kosour of the structure can be of two types:

Staircase with a central straight stringer.

Another version of the frame is also common - on two stringers. Obviously, it is more reliable, as it is able to withstand loads almost twice as high. The design of two stringers can also be straight and broken. In the first case, the design resembles a bowstring, and for the steps, a frame is additionally created from a thinner profile and welded to the stringers. The broken construction consists of two stringers, cut and welded in the form of steps, sometimes supplemented with lintels.

The frame on two stringers is straight and broken.

Profile selection

At the stage of preparation and planning, it is necessary to decide on the choice of profile. To do this, you need to do some calculations.

Important! It is necessary to optimally select a profile according to the wall thickness for a specific staircase design. If the walls are too thick, the product will turn out to be excessively heavy, which will put pressure on the foundation. With very thin walls, the structure can quickly deform from loads.

The optimal section thickness is 5-7 mm. As for the width of the profile section, there is no unequivocal answer. Pipes must be selected based on the design features.

  • for a frame with a single broken-type stringer in the center, you can choose a profile of 6 * 8 cm;
  • for a frame with a single kosour of a direct type, a profile with a section of 5 * 10 cm is chosen;
  • if the frame consists of two straight stringers, you can choose between profiles 6 * 8 cm and 5 * 10 cm. For the manufacture of the step frame, a profile with a section of 2.5 * 2.5 cm is used separately.

In the table below, you can see which profile parameters are the most optimal for various span loads, given its length:

Span load depending on the length and parameters of the profile.

Initially, you need to decide on the dimensions of the stairs and its appearance, make calculations, draw or select a drawing. And only after that you can choose a profile.

Stair Options

What to consider when making a design:

  1. Number of spans.
  2. Slope angle. Please note that this figure should remain the same for all spans, regardless of their number.
  3. The height of each span.
  4. Step parameters: number, width, height. As in the case of the angle of rise, the width and length of the steps should be the same throughout the entire length of the structure.
  5. With two or more spans - the type of connection (platform or winder steps).
  6. The dimensions of the opening under the stairs.

All measurements must be carried out individually, because in each particular room they will differ. This is influenced by the height of the ceilings, the size of the area that can be allocated under the stairs, and other factors. You also need to take into account average length human step, otherwise the operation of the stairs will be uncomfortable.

Note. The opening under the stairs should start at a point where the distance from the ceiling to the tread is 2 m. If this figure is less, there will be a high risk of head impact when climbing.

Another important aspect for calculation - the parameters of the steps. In the photo below you can see treads with ideal dimensions - these proportions are also called the “convenience and safety formula”.

Optimal parameters of steps.

Please note that in this example a human step up to 64 cm long is taken. Also keep in mind that the parameters of the steps directly depend on the steepness of the ascent - the greater the span angle, the higher and narrower the treads will be.

Tip: the wider the step, the more comfortable it is to walk. To increase this parameter, you can make a ledge above the bottom one by 5 cm at each step, no more.

After taking all the measurements and making calculations, it is necessary to sketch out by hand on paper a ladder diagram with the obligatory affixing of all dimensions of the structure.

The photo below shows a drawing and calculation of a ladder from a profile pipe to the second floor, which you can use to make a structure with your own hands:

Scheme of a staircase with a platform and two spans.

Staircase with three flights.

Staircase with two flights and running steps.

Compact ladder on the stringer.


So now we can get down to business. Necessary materials:

  • profile pipe 6*8 cm;
  • profile pipe 2.5 * 2.5 cm (can be replaced by 3 * 3 cm);
  • fasteners for steps;
  • a board 3 cm thick for treads (you can take pine, but oak, beech, ash or maple is preferable).

Required tools:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder and circles for cutting and grinding;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver and various drills for metal and wood;
  • jigsaw;
  • clamps.

It is desirable to work on a spacious, flat area for the correct manufacture of parts when cutting and welding.

Manufacturing instructions step by step:

  1. To comply with ideally accurate design parameters, you can pre-mark the working area - draw squares or rectangles along which the elements of the stairs will be laid out.
  2. The whole profile pipe must be marked according to the drawing, then cut into its constituent elements at an angle of 45 degrees using a bolt cutter. Marking can be done with a pencil and a ruler. You can use special templates to indicate the angle. It is important to pre-fix the profile well so that it does not move during the cutting process. The cut should be as even and accurate as possible.
  3. They did need to be combined together to form an angle of 90 degrees. If there is a gap, one of the parts can be slightly corrected.
  4. The ends of the parts must be sanded with a grinder.
  5. When all the details are cut out, they need to be laid out on the table according to the markings, fixed with clamps. But this is only a preliminary fixation - the final one can be carried out only after checking all the elements for perpendicularity.
  6. Next, you need to make a small fixation of the elements with the help of tacks - welded points. When one side is ready, the structure must be carefully turned over and the tack points on the other side should be walked in the same way.
  7. After that, the entire structure can be finally connected by welding.
  8. Next, gently check the evenness of the element again. If all is well, you can make the final bond with a solid weld. You need to move from the edges to the middle. When fastening one element, the structure must be turned over and immediately connected to this element on the other side so that there are no deformations.
  9. Next, the resulting frame must be cleaned and processed with a grinder. The result should be a smooth, even surface.
  10. When the two parts of the frame are ready (if you are making a staircase with a double stringer), they need to be attached to each other and checked for identity. The two elements must match exactly.
  11. Next, the stringers need to be degreased and coated with paint for metal surfaces.

Manufacturing process.

Due to the geometric shape of the profile, there will be practically no waste left during the manufacture of the stairs.

You can attach the frame in different ways. Most often, stringers are fixed to the floor and interfloor ceilings. If the structure must stand against the wall, then use anchors and dowels. But such fastening is possible only for strong, reliable walls, and not internal walls with light padding.

To stiffen the steps, as well as fasten the stringers to each other, after their installation, jumpers from a profile of 2.5 * 2.5 cm are welded. After the frame is made, the steps can be fixed. To do this, holes are drilled on the upper edge of the frame and in the treads. After that, they move on to the testamentary part - the installation of fences.

Staircase decoration.

You can finish the cat staircase in different ways. For example, the metal part of the frame can be painted by choosing a color that is neutral or contrasts with the entire interior. Also, the metal part can be completely closed by sewing everything with drywall.

We hope that our photos with drawings and calculations helped you figure out how to make a staircase from a profile pipe to the second floor with your own hands. Recall that this event requires skills, a workplace and a tool, so for beginners the task can be quite difficult.

In this video you can see the process of making a staircase from a profile:

If your goal is to have a reliable and durable staircase structure in the house, then you will not find a better material than a metal profile. Do-it-yourself ladder from a profile pipe is a completely feasible task even for a beginner who has never dealt with step systems before. However, at the same time, a little basic knowledge regarding the instructions for manufacturing, calculating and assembling a metal profile will not be superfluous.

In this article you will find many useful information about stairs from a profile pipe, as well as a large number beautiful photos and useful and video.

Stairs made of metal profiles have no equal in terms of reliability, practicality and durability.

Metal profile for stairs - which one to choose

Before proceeding with the calculation and installation of a structure from a profile pipe, we will consider some features of these ladder systems so as not to make a mistake when choosing a material.

The first thing you should not do is to choose too thin or very massive metal profile.

When using a thin profile pipe, your ladder can be shaky and unstable, and, therefore, it will not be very comfortable and even dangerous to use it.

For the manufacture of a system from a profile pipe, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the dimensions of the metal profile

A massive profile will make your stairs bulky, heavy and not aesthetic for contemplation.

Therefore, in order for the staircase to come out elegant, comfortable, stable and durable, it is necessary to give preference to an iron corner and a channel.

The staircase can have both two kosour from a profile pipe, and one running in the center

The principle of production of such a design is as follows:

  • two channels are placed parallel to each other;
  • a metal corner is attached to the channels;
  • metal steps are mounted to the corners or natural wood.
The principle of manufacturing a staircase from a metal profile is quite simple - it is based on two load-bearing stringers located parallel to each other

What are the advantages of a profile pipe design

If you still doubt whether or not to make a staircase with your own hands from a metal profile, then the advantages of the system listed below will allow you to finally decide.

So, the advantages of the design of the profile pipe are:

Metal profile structures are not only reliable and economical, they are also comfortable and beautiful.

Do-it-yourself calculation and assembly of stairs from a profile pipe

No matter how reliable the material is, it certainly has its own specific features that must be taken into account.

For example, since iron is a fairly heavy material, when calculating the stairs, you should try not to make the system heavier. It is best to make it simple in design and concise.

Before proceeding with the production of such a ladder, it must be correctly calculated and stocked necessary material and inventory

For example, if you use steps made of natural wood, then choose species such as birch, spruce and others.

The production of a ladder structure of their metal profile consists of just a few steps:

  • Settlement work.
  • Preparation of material and inventory.
  • Profile mounting.
  • Installation of steps.
  • Structure painting.
  • Mounting the fence.

Let's take a closer look at all the steps in this guide.

The steps of such a ladder can be made of any material - plastic, glass and, of course, wood.

Settlement work

This is a very important and crucial stage, which must be completed before starting the installation of the ladder structure.

For do-it-yourself installation, a straight-type staircase made of a metal profile on stringers is most suitable. It is her calculation that we will carry out further.

This drawing will help you choose the best slope and dimensions for your staircase.
  • To begin with, we will determine the height of the construction march - for this we measure the height between the floor and the ceiling of the first floor and add the width of the ceiling.
  • Let's add about a meter to the resulting value so that the stairs do not turn out to be steep and it is convenient to walk along it;
  • Let's decide on the size of the steps - these measurements are best taken based on existing standards: the length of the tread (it is also the width of the march) - from 90 to 120 centimeters, the width of the tread - 20 - 32 cm, height - 14 - 18 cm.
The diagram clearly shows the most comfortable dimensions for convenient operation of the structure.

Preparation of material and tools

In order to perform all the steps for processing the metal profile correctly, you need to acquire in advance:

  • profile pipe in the required footage, depending on the length of the stairs;
  • metal corner;
  • wooden blanks for steps;
  • welding machine;
  • electrodes;
  • grinder;
  • perforator with drills;
  • hammer.

A profile pipe can be purchased at any building supermarket at a fairly economical cost.

System assembly

First you need to make a markup and cut the profile into separate components - two stringers of our metal structure.

These details should be given special attention, since the main load of the entire staircase will be directly on them.

In order to design a staircase from a metal profile, you must have at least basic welding skills.

When carrying out welding work, carefully monitor the observance of the stepwise step

Step installation

If your steps are made of metal, then they can simply be welded to the frame of the structure by welding. With wooden steps, you will have to work a little.

  • Firstly, special holders (fasteners) will need to be welded under them.
  • Secondly, to fix the wooden steps, you need to make holes for the bolts in the holders.
  • Thirdly, after fixing the treads, they must be carefully processed so that there are no burrs and roughness.

You can fix the steps to the profile different ways, the main thing is that they are securely attached to the base of the stairs

Construction painting

Works on painting the system from the metal profile are carried out before the installation of the fence. It is necessary to paint a ladder from a profile pipe with special compounds intended for painting metal. Such tools will not only give the structure a beautiful aesthetic appearance, but will keep it from corrosion, thereby increasing its service life.

Painting a staircase from a profile pipe will extend the life of the structure and give it an impeccable look.

Mounting the fence

The installation of the fence is carried out last, after painting the entire metal structure. It is better to make a fence from ready-made, pre-purchased components that can be purchased at any hardware store.

The fence for such a design can be the most diverse, including those with spectacular forged elements.

Video: do-it-yourself metal profile staircase

Finished stair structures various materials, including from a metal profile, you can always purchase in a specialized online store "Ladders Master". Come to our portal in order to choose a magnificent stylish staircase for your home at the best price in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Here is such a magnificent staircase on a metal central stringer in our online store costs 74,452 rubles

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes The presence of a stepladder in the household is due to many household tasks. It is necessary when repair work, when replacing light bulbs, as well as for processing the garden.

It does not matter whether you bought it on the market or did it yourself. Moreover, subject to professional recommendations, the stepladder ...

How to make a stepladder with your own hands from a profile pipe - step by step instructions

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The presence of a stepladder in the household is due to many household tasks. It is necessary for repair work, when replacing light bulbs, as well as for processing the garden. It does not matter whether you bought it on the market or did it yourself. Moreover, subject to professional recommendations, a do-it-yourself stepladder will last much longer than any other. Therefore, we will now consider the instructions for assembling it.

Features of a homemade ladder

Before you make a ladder with your own hands, you should decide on the material. Many tend to choose budget wood, while forgetting about its shortcomings. Due to the hygroscopicity of the material, after a while it will begin to dry out. The design will be unreliable. In addition, the tree will have to be treated regularly to protect it from insects.

This problem can be solved with the help of metal, the blanks of which remain after repair or are bought in hardware stores. At the same time, there is a choice: the manufacture of a stepladder can be made of aluminum or of heavier steel. A garden structure made of aluminum will be characterized by low weight, sufficient strength and lack of tendency to corrode. The latter also means that painting is not required. In the case of steel, the owner can count on the ladder's durability and superior strength. However, the weight of the product will be quite heavy, and the material will require periodic painting. Because real steel is prone to corrosion.

Also, a metal ladder requires some care in manufacturing. If the cut of the metal profile was carried out poorly, then there is some risk of injury. It is desirable to treat sharp places with something.

Conditions for the manufacture of a ladder from a profile pipe

In order for a metal ladder made of a profile pipe to last as long as possible, the following conditions must be observed:

Since the stepladder principle involves two folding ladders, their dimensions do not have to be identical. It is important to outline a slight difference between their widths so that the design does not look flimsy;

It is important! The result should be the effect of a dense liner.

So that the steps of the stairs do not complicate its folding, they must be placed closer to the outer edge of the profile;

The placement of steps should not be continuous - the upper part of the ladder is freed from them. Here, a connecting mechanism should be provided.

Compliance with these fundamental rules will help to make the design durable.

Preparation for self-assembly of the ladder

The most popular model is a ladder from a profile pipe. For its manufacture, it is necessary to cut 4 strips from a metal profile under two meters in length. The size of the steps is determined independently. Also for work you will need a long bolt with nuts and two ears. It should be noted here that the design will be much more reliable if a welded joint is used. Since fixing with bolts requires an accurate calculation of the allowable load. Otherwise, the owner will not be immune from sudden deformation of the fasteners. Therefore, in the photo you see an example of a welded model.

Roulette for measurements;

Welding machine with a protective mask;

Drill for drilling holes;


If you plan to cut the profile strips yourself, then you should also get goggles. Then it is recommended to clean the segments from sharp protrusions. You can use a drill with a special nozzle.

It is important! It is desirable to choose a steel profile with a rectangular rather than a round section.

The same should be done with the slats for the steps. Before starting work, it is advisable to make a sketch drawing.

Sequence of work

After all the details have been prepared for work, the steps are applied to long strips for marking. Here it is recommended to use a square to maintain a right angle. So far, work will be carried out with two of the 4 existing sections of the profile. The sequence of operations will look like this:

1. After correcting the future connection, you can start making welds. And the first step is to mount the lower support;

2. When the first step is ready, you can sequentially weld the rest;

3. When the installation of the first part of the ladder is completed, it will be necessary to drill holes for the threaded bolt in the upper part;

4. Then you should weld the ears, as shown in the corresponding photo;

5. Now the second part of the ladder is going in the same way;

6. After fixing the two ladders with bolts, it is necessary to carry out a strength test.

The end result is a robust design. To protect the metal from corrosion, it should be primed and then painted.


Making a homemade stepladder with your own hands looks like a simple task. The preferred material is a metal profile. With strict observance of the above instructions, the heavy structure will serve the owner without fail.

Do-it-yourself stepladder video

How to make a ladder from a profile pipe with your own hands?

In those designs where high reliability and durability are required, the elements are made of metal parts.

A staircase from a profile pipe with your own hands, made at home, is no exception.

Main types of stairs

A stepladder is a ladder that can stand on its own, using any suitable support for this (a wall, for example).

The stepladder can be single-sided or double-sided. The design has a frame to which the steps are attached, and the additional elements that the stepladder is supplied with are handrails and legs.

The calculation of the height of such a structure from a profile pipe is carried out in the course of determining the interval between the floor and the last step. The calculation is made with an eye on an interval of 20-25 cm. Due to the presence of various functional features ladder can be:

  • classical;
  • Universal;
  • Transformer.

Designs related to the universal type combine the functionality of a conventional ladder and stepladder.

The frame of such products can be folding or telescopic. The presented ladder has a frame consisting of several sections, with each section consisting of 5-7 steps.

Telescopic structures are distinguished by the fact that their sections can be extended gradually. They are fixed with special latches or hooks.

The step-ladder-transformer can work in several provisions. Such products from a profile pipe are very compact, lightweight and can easily fit even in the trunk of a car.

The frame of ladder products is assembled using metal profile pipes that act as load-bearing racks, steps can be made of wood or a material less durable than the frame.

All connections of the structure from profile pipes are joined together using bolted connections.

This allows, if necessary, to quickly replace any damaged element. Some ladders from metal profile pipes can be made non-separable - welding is used to create them.

It should be noted that the most common and practical material to create the described structures - it is an aluminum or duralumin alloy. The finished staircase, assembled by hand, will have such advantages as:

  • ease;
  • reliability;
  • convenience in operation.

Tools and materials necessary for work

To create a ladder with your own hands, preference should be given to aluminum or metal profile pipes. Such a design can subsequently be easily transported even in public transport. In addition, this metal is resistant to the harmful effects of corrosive processes and other negative environmental factors.

The profile does not need to be additionally primed and painted, and the service life of the product will depend only on the quality of the assembly. When assembling such a structure, you can not do without:

  • roulettes;
  • square;
  • a simple pencil;
  • hacksaws for metal;
  • grinders;
  • drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • hammer;
  • drills for metal;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • welding machine.

In addition, you will need Consumables, how:

  • belts or chains;
  • several rubber heels for the legs;
  • glue for metal or liquid nails;
  • a metal sheet from which steps and connectors will be cut;
  • metal or aluminum profile pipe.

It must be clarified that the aluminum pipe has a high electrical conductivity and ready product it is forbidden to use for repair of high-voltage lines.

However, in everyday life such a need is not so common. Aluminum conducts heat well, and in the open air it heats up several times faster than metal.

So, for example, if such a ladder is left under the sun in the summer for several hours, then it is likely to get very hot, which will complicate the work.

A stepladder made of shaped pipes is easy to manufacture, and the material is generally available and has a high margin of safety. A stepladder made of a metal profile pipe requires painting to protect it from corrosion.

Manufacturing procedure

To create a ladder from profile pipes, it is recommended to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare a metal aluminum or steel pipe and cut 4 pieces of the same length from it.
  2. If the pipe is made of metal, then especially large rust should be removed from its surface using a grinder or a drill with a special nozzle.
  3. Securely fix the workpiece in a vise and polish it to a shine with sandpaper or using special means to remove rust.
  4. To cut steps with the same length from pre-prepared metal sheets. If necessary, rust deposits are also removed from them.
  5. The frame begins to form with the welding of steps. If there is no welding machine, then you can use the corners of the bolts and nuts.
  6. Plugs are welded on top and bottom of the pipe, or rubber tips are put on.
  7. Crossbars are welded to the two remaining pipes in their lower and upper parts, the distance from which to the end of the pipe should be 10-15 cm.
  8. The frame of the bearing profile pipes is located horizontally and a number of holes are drilled in it, in which belts are fastened with bolts.
  9. To that part of the stairs on which the steps are not fixed, a metal plate must be welded perpendicular to the frame. Two metal plates must be attached to the other half of the frame - the upper step is welded to them from above.

In order to ensure reliable fixation, cuts are formed at the level with the base plate, which will act as a lock.

Self-made ladder (video)

Manufacturing of other types of ladders

Some designs can not always be conveniently transported in a disassembled state. To give the structure solidity, the part on which the steps are located is made somewhat longer.

At a distance of 10-15 cm from the highest step, a special gap is drilled and cut through the profile pipe.

The ends of the halves without steps are inserted into it. These parts are upholstered with milk and flattened. After that, the frame is drilled through hole, and the section of the structure is fixed with a lock nut.

In order to assemble a transformer ladder, you should initially carry out a design calculation, and then perform the following steps:

  1. 8 pieces of pipes with the same length are cut.
  2. Steps are cut out of a sheet of metal. You can set any step size.
  3. The steps are fastened so that on both sides of the sections they are located at the same distance from each other.
  4. Fitting is carried out and the sections are connected using locking mechanisms.
  5. The stepladder is treated with a primer and covered with paint.

It is worth noting that the load on the locking mechanisms of the transformer ladder is in most cases quite high, therefore, it is necessary to form a welding joint between structural elements with the utmost quality.

To create a transformer ladder, you will need the same set of tools and materials as for the classic analogue of the design, but stop mechanisms will be used instead of belts.

The technology for assembling a sliding ladder is practically no different from the installation algorithm for the two previous types.

All bearing sections are made according to the principle of a transformer and are connected to each other by means of sliding mechanisms. In this case, the most extreme two sections are interconnected according to the principle of an ordinary stepladder.

How to make a ladder (ladder) from a profile pipe

Profile pipes - great option for the construction of a ladder, which is so necessary in any home for everyday tasks. Today, heavy metal structures have been replaced by fairly light and durable ladders made of metal profiles - steel products with a rectangular, square or oval section, which can be purchased at hardware stores, but it is cheaper to make a ladder from profile pipes with your own hands.

Types of stairs that can be made from profile pipes

A profile pipe is the most durable material for creating frames for buildings of any type, including stairs.

From profiles are performed:

Varieties of stepladders

The stepladder can be one-sided, or it can be made of two parts. Stability in the first case is achieved simply by the wall, which serves as a support.

How to fix a crack in a cast-iron sewer pipe yourself

In the second case, the ladder does not need support, both parts are set at a certain angle of inclination and fastened together by a canopy that holds both parts. In addition, for fixation, the ladder can be fixed with an additional belt, which prevents the parts from changing the angle of inclination, i.e. moving apart. Both parts can be the same, or one of them is simply made as a support, without steps.

The first type is the simplest ladder, consisting of two parallel supports, between which rung-beams are attached. This device is lightweight, although it is quite durable, which is quite simple to make. A double-sided stepladder is not much more difficult, so making such a design with your own hands is not difficult.

Kinds Stairs

Advantages of a homemade stepladder made of profiles

Using a stepladder made of profiled pipe turned out to be a pretty good solution.

Compared to channels or metal corners, which were also previously used for the construction of mobile stairs and quickly failed, the design of shaped pipes will last a long time, it is easy to use, and it does not take much time and high costs to assemble. The main thing is to choose the right profile.

What pipe to take for the manufacture of stepladders

It would seem that the thicker the pipe walls, the more reliable it should be. However, thick-walled profiles are heavy, and this is not very convenient, given that the stepladder must be mobile, and therefore not heavy or bulky.

In addition, the weight will create an additional load on the supports and foundation of the stepladder.

Also, a too thin profile that can deform under loads will not work.

Note! For sustainable robust design it is recommended to choose a profile for a ladder with a thickness of 5-7 mm, the optimal size of the profile section for supports is 40x40 or 50x50 mm, and for steps it is enough to take a pipe 20 × 20 mm.

What you need for work

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the ladder, it is necessary to prepare the tools, make the necessary drawings and cut the pipe into segments of the desired size.

How to properly hide water pipes In bathroom?

A correctly executed drawing not only allows you to calculate the amount of material, but also visualize the future design.

For the manufacture of a folding ladder, the following tools and fixtures are needed:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drill and drills;
  • tape measure, marker, corner and hammer.

Except profiles right size you need a hinge that matches the size of the pipes, which is put on the racks, and then attached to them with bolts and self-tapping screws. With the help of a hinged mechanism, a folding step-ladder is mounted.

Stages of work

Steps are welded onto the two main professional pipes, which will serve as supports. To begin with, preliminary, and then, after the necessary check for the absence of irregularities, the steps are finally fixed.

Then the second part of the ladder is made in the same way.

Connect both parts with a hinged canopy.

Holes are made on the middle part of the structure, to which a belt will be attached to fix the ladder so that it is securely held in the desired position during operation.

We make a stepladder for the house with our own hands

A stepladder made with your own hands will become an indispensable assistant in everyday life

Step-ladders are folding ladders that are indispensable for performing various jobs in a city apartment, in a private house and in the country. These ladder structures are comfortable, stable, compact and practical. A do-it-yourself stepladder can be made from improvised materials. The manufacturing process is simple and everyone can do it. At the same time, a home-made stepladder will not be inferior in functionality and reliability to industrial designs.

Stepladders, their types and features

How to make a ladder with your own hands? First you need to choose the most suitable model of a folding structure, then choose the material from which the ladder will be made with your own hands.

By type and functionality, these stairs are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • Classic.

  • Universal. Universal designs are distinguished by the fact that they can also be used as a conventional (additional) ladder structure. Such ladders are divided into folding and telescopic.

  • Telescopic models are assembled from several retractable sections, which are securely fixed with hooks or automatic locks (latches). These stairs can be very high.

Telescopic ladder overview

  • Stepladder-transformer - a modern, universal, multifunctional stepladder. The transformer consists of sections that are connected with hinges. Hinges allow you to easily and quickly change the position of the sections and securely fix the selected position. The transformer can easily take the form of: a classic model, a ladder with a console, a convenient building platform, a conventional (attachment) ladder.

Multifunctional stepladder-transformer

Structure height

How to correctly determine the height of your folding ladder? To do this, you need to know the maximum height to which you need to get from the top step of the structure. From this height, they take away their height and 30-35 cm, which will allow you to perform all the necessary actions without touching the ceiling with your head.

A stepladder for a standard apartment has a height of 70 to 150 cm. The number of steps depends on the height and can be from 3 to 5 steps. For production needs and construction work in a private house, a model with a platform is convenient. More complex structure(transforming ladder) allows you to significantly increase the height of the stairs.

Materials for manufacturing

As a rule, folding structures are made of wood or metal (aluminum alloy or steel). The choice of material depends on the purpose of such a ladder, its dimensions and the load that it must withstand.

Very popular ladders made of light and durable aluminum alloys. If you plan to make a transformer, then you should pay attention to aluminum materials. Structures can be assembled from one type of material, or you can combine several different ones.For example, a garden folding ladder or a reliable ladder for construction and repair work can be made from steel pipes(racks) and wood (steps).

The best option for the manufacture of ladders - aluminum profile or pipes. Of course, you can make a ladder for the house and from wood. This is the most simple and affordable option. But it is worth considering that for such work you need to use high-quality, well-dried wood.

Wood structures

The first thing to do is to develop drawings of the future wood structure. It is necessary to clearly understand what kind of step-ladder will have, to determine its configuration, the main parameters. While working on the drawings, they also determine the choice of fasteners and materials that will be needed to make the stairs. A full-fledged transformer made of wood, as a rule, is not made.

For the bowstring of a wooden step-ladder, bars (about 5x5 cm) are used, for steps - a board (3-4 cm thick). It is necessary to mark and cut the bowstring beams of the required length. They should match the height of your stairs.

After you have cut the desired length of the beam, you can start making steps

To ensure the stability of the structure, the lower ends wooden beams cut at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

The next stage is the manufacture of crossbars (steps). The number of steps is calculated taking into account the total height of the ladder and optimal distance between the crossbars. The standard step for ascent / descent is 35 cm, approximately this distance should be between the steps.

It is worth considering that almost all models of stepladders have a feature: they taper from the bottom to the top. The length of the first (lower) step should be approximately 65 cm, the upper one - no more than 35 cm. The dimensions of the steps will have to be adjusted during the manufacture of the ladder. After preparing the steps of the required size, it is advisable to number them on the reverse side.

The ladder will be more stable if the bottom is wider than the top.

If an additional platform is provided in the design of the stairs, then it is made of the same material as the steps. The second half of the stepladder (support) is also assembled, only instead of steps, to increase strength, use crossbars nailed across or diagonally (different options are possible here).

One of the options for attaching the second half of the ladder

For reliable connection of all parts wooden structure bolts are used, and to ensure the mobility of its parts - hinges, to fix the position - spacer mechanisms or limiters.

In most cases, the two halves of the ladder are connected by hinges.

The limiter is needed so that the legs of the stepladder do not part

Installation begins with the connection of the bowstring and crossbars. To do this, self-tapping screws are screwed into the ends, in the places where the steps are attached. All joints must be treated with wood glue. The steps should be parallel to the floor plane when the ladder is unfolded. If the stairs have a platform, then an additional support is mounted.

The movable halves of the ladder are connected by hinges. A stroke limiter must be provided. Fix it on two ends. The limiter provides stability and reliability of a design from a tree.

Making a wooden ladder with your own hands

If the steps are attached to the glue, then to increase the strength of the structure, the bowstrings are pulled together with metal rods. They are placed under the steps: below (under the first step), in the middle, above (under the upper step).

Metal rods are needed in order for the stepladder to be more durable

To protect against decay, the wooden elements of the ladder must be coated with an antiseptic composition that creates a water-repellent film. You can also varnish the product without affecting the metal parts of the structure.

Metal constructions

A metal ladder can be made from pipes or profiles. When working with metal, great care must be taken and all sharp edges must be carefully processed after cutting.

To protect hands and feet from injury during the operation of a folding metal structure, special plastic or rubber plugs can be used.

Metal products can be collapsible (detachable connections are used for installation) or monolithic (welded). A welded joint is usually used for steel structures made of pipes and angles.

Ladder made of steel pipe with a welded joint

To make a stepladder out of metal, you will also need a drawing. Working through the design metal stairs, it is worth making one part of it longer, which will allow you to form comfortable handles on top and facilitate the fastening of the hinges without compromising the strength of the structure.

A rectangular metal profile is the best option for mounting a folding ladder. But the product made of steel pipes and corners turns out to be quite heavy, which is not very practical, especially for home use.

To make a ladder, you will need a metal profile (section approximately 20x40 mm). The length of the profile must correspond to the calculated height of the stairs.

After cutting all the necessary parts, do not forget to carefully process their edges. The necessary holes are drilled in the metal for bolted connections. Hinges are installed in the same way as in wood products. As a limiter, you can use a pipe segment fixed with movable metal bolts.

Drill holes in order to connect the two halves of the ladder with hinges

On the steps of a metal structure, it is desirable to provide special anti-slip pads. Now you know how to make a ladder that best suits your needs.

Making a metal stepladder with your own hands (Option 1)

Making a metal stepladder with your own hands (Option 2)

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The ladder from a profile pipe is widely used in many households or in their homes. Previously used metal constructions. At the same time, it was believed that the more massive the metal, the higher its strength was. But when assembling excess weight could have had a very bad effect.

Now, weighty and angular buildings have been replaced by elegant structures made of professional pipes, which, on top of everything, cost less and demonstrated a high level of strength.

If you buy this product in a hardware store, it will come out quite expensive. And if you make a ladder from a profile pipe with your own hands, you can save a lot.

Why a profile and which one is better to choose

The manufacture of stairs from profiled pipes, as practice has shown, turned out to be a very good idea. But while the masters came to this decision, they had to experiment with other materials.

The structure was made of channel and metal corner. Only after a certain period of operation did it deform under the influence of the load. As a result, over time, an alternative replacement was found - a profile pipe.

Advice! Experts recommend taking 40x60 mm square pipes for work. These sizes are considered the most acceptable. If you take smaller dimensions for manufacturing, then the corrugated pipe, like a corner, will simply suffer from deformation. And when a product of a large section is used for work, then the ladder from the profile pipe will come out too cumbersome, and everything will not have a presentable appearance.

The question of which profile pipe to make a ladder from should be answered as follows. thick-walled profile to take for work Not recommended. This is especially important if you need to make a lightweight design. Such a ladder option comes out reliable, but will be very heavy.

Also, if you make a ladder from a profile pipe from a thick-walled assortment, then an additional load will be created on the foundation and supports. Therefore, when deciding which material to take for work, it must be taken into account that a cross section of 5 to 7 mm will be optimal.

Only in such a situation can additional vibration be removed under loads. For example, for a lifting internal building in the attic, you should not take pipes with a large cross section. And for an external passage to the attic, an attached device is quite suitable. Also, to reduce the weight of the structure for the attic, you can use wooden inserts.

A do-it-yourself design made of a profile pipe stands out with a large number of advantages, these are:

  • the ability to make any type of stair lift with different angles of rotation;
  • the profile accepts various combinations with other materials;
  • long time use of the structure;
  • assembly speed, the duration of which is not affected by the level of complexity of the frame;
  • such a ladder can be attached to the house at any stage of construction work;
  • affordable price;
  • the ability to do everything on your own.

Preparatory work

Before making a structure from a profile pipe, it is necessary to carry out careful calculations and draw a drawing on paper. Calculation of a staircase constructed from a professional pipe will make it possible to determine the amount of materials.

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The performed calculation and scheme must be made without fail. They lay everything out “in their place”, and will help to remove all inaccuracies at the design stage. Using the calculation, you can accurately calculate the materials not only for the bearing elements, but also for the bases for the steps.

In addition, you will have to prepare the tool. It is not necessary for this work very much, it is:

  • welder;
  • Bulgarian;
  • perforator and a set of drills;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • markers.

Drawing preparation and what to consider when calculating

The quality of the future structure, built from a profile pipe, depends on the correct execution preparatory work and drawing development. Having prepared the drawing, you can fully understand the dimensions of the future structure.

In addition, in this way, you can see how the future project will look. A well-designed drawing of a ladder from a profile pipe greatly facilitates the assembly work. Therefore, everything must be depicted on it in great detail.

Also on preparatory stage you need to make markings and cutting profile blanks to the required dimensions. If you plan to produce a simple structural model, then a careful calculation of the markup is not needed. But, for a complex structure, all parts will require numbering so as not to get confused during assembly.

When the steps during the construction of stairs are made of plywood or wood, it is necessary to produce them in the required dimensions.

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For additional fastening to the floor, modules are taken for assembling stairs from a profile pipe. This condition is optional. Mounting modules for assembly is performed only in situations where it is important to reduce vibration when using the structure. If it is decided to install modules for assembly, then they must be taken into account when developing the circuit.

What types of structures can you do yourself

A home-made ladder, constructed from a profile pipe, can be of the following types.

  1. Attached. This is the easiest option. A do-it-yourself ladder made of a profile pipe is a structure consisting of two parallel supports. Crossbars are installed between them. It is mobile and light in weight.
  2. Marching. This staircase made of profile pipe rolling has a more complex structure. It consists of beams fixed at the same level, on which steps are subsequently installed. If a marching metal building forms a straight row, then it is called a single-level one. And when two rows and a span come out, then this is a two-level structure.
    This homemade building is built in the house more often than other types. Supports for marching species are the bases of stringers. This is nothing more than beams holding the steps from below. Or it can be bowstrings that support the end of the step.
  3. Screw. This is a ladder welded from a profile pipe, on one stringer. On the one hand, a step is attached to the stringer. Such a row goes around the kosour from the bottom up. On the other hand, railings are attached. Buildings on one stringer are not made very often on their own. Homemade construction on one central base is very steep and uncomfortable.
  4. Boltsevye. In this embodiment, the steps are fixed to the walls with special strong bolts. A feature of these makeshift buildings is the need for a solid wall.

Preparation before welding

A professional pipe is an excellent material for creating buildings of any type. But, in this situation, the master will need certain knowledge of the features of welding. Otherwise, the welding of a ladder from a profile pipe will result in the creation of an emergency building, which will be dangerous and unreliable.

Before you start welding the stairs, you need to carefully process the metal. It is recommended to pay special attention to the handrails. After all, the presence of sharp protrusions and burrs is not acceptable for them.

Also performing welding, you need to ensure the integrity of the entire building. To do this, all work must be carried out in strict accordance with existing rules.


The main purpose in this case is the ability to reach a place located at a height. But, for lifting with a load, it is necessary to construct a prefabricated ladder from a professional pipe. If it is folded, then it will serve as an attached type of structure.

The question of how to weld a ladder from a profile pipe will not be particularly difficult. This design is not difficult to build.

The instructions for working with this structure are as follows:

  • two professional pipes are prepared, and markings are made on them (the distance between the steps is made 35 cm;
  • being prepared right amount steps;
  • steps are attached by means of a welding machine;
  • plastic or rubber tips are put on the legs of the finished attachment.

As you can see, welding this device is not difficult. A homemade ladder will last a long time. If everything is welded according to technology, then it is able to withstand a weight of more than 100 kilograms.

Interfloor stair lift

The staircase between floors in a private house, made of a profile pipe, is a key element that becomes the center of the interior. At the same time, this is a serious engineering structure that provides comfortable access to the second floor of the house.

The structure leading to the second floor in a private house can be marching, screw or combined. The configuration of the structure for access to the second floor is chosen based on the availability of free space for construction. The best option for small house- This is a single-march building, which consists of sixteen convenient steps.

In a spacious and high room of a private house, the interfloor rise to the second floor contains intermediate platforms and turns. These complex structural elements can be L-shaped or U-shaped.

If private house small, then use screw options. The classic look of such a building is rarely more than 1 m 2, and it is easy to install it anywhere, even in the center of the room.

V big houses often put structures of a combined type. This decision is dictated, as a rule, not by constructive relevance, but by the taste preferences of the owners. By the way, it should be added that these buildings are the most beautiful.

Metal frame for mid-flight buildings

The metal frame of stairs from profile pipes is produced as follows.

  1. Marking is carried out for the metal frame and the profile is cut.
  2. Each step is connected by a frame.
  3. Concreting of the necessary elements of the base of the metal frame is in progress.
  4. Kosoura are mounted. The back part of the steps is strengthened, and they are welded together.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. Determine the exact number of steps and their dimensions.
  2. The frame of a metal staircase from a profile pipe is made from a range of 10x10 cm, and a corner of 4x4 cm. In this situation, the metal profile material for the frame is placed instead of the channel. And he copes with his task perfectly, since the frame made of a metal profile is more rigid.
  3. A pedestal is being created for a sloping building. On the extreme part of the platform, a point is placed to start the location of the steps.
  4. A professional pipe is welded to the lower platform. And in the upper part of the future building, the surface part is also fixed. After the corner is welded.
  5. Railings are welded to the profile from the side. As a rule, when installing a railing, an indent of 1 dm is made. from the extreme part, which slightly narrows the opening.

Spiral flights of stairs

If we cook a helical profile structure, then first we cut the tubular products prepared for the steps. The dimensions of the riser are 22 cm. Therefore, the height indicator of the room is divided by this value. Thus, it will be clear the number of elements from which we cook the structure.

A metal pipe is taken for cutting the gasket and console. We cook them, and then the resulting parts are joined with pipe materials.

Steps are placed on the gaskets, they are fixed by means of self-tapping screws. Performing this work, distortions and backlashes should not be allowed.

The railing for the building can be made from a 4x4 cm profile, and a 2x2 cm tubular product is taken on the handrails.

Making a ladder

A do-it-yourself stepladder from a profile is structurally similar to store-bought aluminum counterparts. But, building a stepladder yourself is much cheaper than buying in a store.

Such a device, made independently, is simply irreplaceable in home life, and will serve more reliably than soft aluminum. Therefore, a homemade stepladder will not undergo deformation changes.

You don't need a lot of tools to get the job done. You should prepare an electric welding, a grinder, a drill, a marker, a corner and a tape measure.

Work begins with the preparation of the drawing. Then, in accordance with the plan, segments of professional pipes are cut. After that, steps are attached to the two main pipes of the frame by welding. After checking the homemade structure for irregularities, you can fix the steps thoroughly. The second side of the ladder is made in the same way. After that, the two halves are connected by suitable canopies.

It is not difficult to do this work yourself, anyone can handle it. home master, whose hand is more or less “stuffed”. If you do everything carefully and in accordance with the rules, then installation will not provide difficulties.

Decorative stairs

Decorative flights of stairs from a profile pipe can be found very often. The thing is that the profile is ideally combined with various materials.

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The decorative design of the staircase in the house often becomes the center for further decoration of the room. What material to use for decorative ornament, everyone will decide on their own, based on their financial capabilities and taste preferences.

Decorative decoration is used for both outdoor and indoor buildings. In both cases appearance buildings are distinguished by their presentable appearance.

If the home master alone cannot decide how to decorate his staircase, then you can always ask professional craftsmen for advice. They will help you find the best suitable option solutions, and will make the necessary calculation for this.

Stair structures were profiled not so long ago. But, this decision, as practice has shown, has become very successful. A properly selected building from such a pipe will not only organically fit into the overall design of the room, but will also serve reliably for many years.

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