Air conditioning in country house and cottage. Choosing the main air conditioning system for a private house Installing air conditioners in a private house

Thanks to the imagination of a person, today a dwelling can be made in any design that differs in layout and distribution of space. may not always correspond to the area and, in this case, it is not able to cool the room in the summer heat. This is the reason why it is important to air-condition your home. Let's look at the various air conditioning systems that can be installed in the house.

A certain number of air conditioners or split systems are used in the room, which not only regulate temperature regime, but also able to create a favorable microclimate in the house. There are several types of air conditioning in the house:

  • window blocks;
  • mobile monoblocks;
  • split systems;
  • monobloc air conditioners.

Many manufacturers of home air conditioning systems are also considered. They offer consumers a variety of classes of such units. All air conditioners by cost can be divided into several classes:

  • budget class;
  • middle class;
  • premium.

Cheaper split systems and air conditioners are made in China. The main disadvantages of budget-class air conditioners is the instability of work. There may also be no protection system against misuse. It is for this reason that the user should carefully study the instructions and not rely solely on the manufacturer's pricing policy. Air conditioners with an affordable price have a simplified system and a minimum number of control sensors. That is, the air conditioner can only regulate limited temperature indicators.

Do not forget that air conditioners have a high level of noise during operation.

Advice. Due to the large number of defects in budget class models, it is worth checking the equipment and the availability of warranty service before buying.

Air conditioners of the middle class have a simplified protection system in case of improper operation. They are of high quality and relatively low cost.

The premium class is distinguished by its price; not every person can afford to buy a unit of this class. Air conditioners have excellent quality and can be used for quite a long period of time. As a rule, the average life of this equipment at proper care reaches 15 years of age.

Premium air conditioners have a reliable protection system and numerous control sensors. They possess low level noise at work, which only has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person. It is possible to use an energy-saving mode that allows you to reduce the cost of paying for electricity.

Premium-class air conditioners, thanks to their design, can freely fit into any interior. The period of warranty use is several times longer than the warranty for air conditioners of the budget and middle class.

How to air-condition your own home?

Today, there are many home air conditioning systems. You can use conventional air conditioners and modern split systems for this.

Air conditioners only cool the air that is in the room. Split systems allow you to draw in air masses with outside rooms, as a result of which there is constant fresh air in the room. Both systems can be used anywhere. They have a low noise level.

Monoblock air conditioners

Such an air conditioning system in the house is considered quite common at the moment. It is preferred, to a greater extent, because affordable price. This type of unit has an elastic and metal body. It also houses the necessary automation. There are handles on the front panel of the monoblock. Also in this block is a condenser and an evaporator. The monoblock meets mobile and window.

Window air conditioners-monoblocks

Window air conditioners-monoblocks are mounted in window or door openings. They create artificial ventilation in the room. The only drawback of such a block is not quite attractive external aesthetics. And such units today cannot be mounted in metal-plastic windows.

Advantages of window monoblocks:

  • affordable price;
  • low power consumption;
  • practical application;
  • ease of installation (such an air conditioner is ready for operation immediately after installation).

There are also disadvantages. The main of them will be that most of the glazing in the room is occupied by just such a window monoblock. The level of lighting changes, and it is not possible to use blinds. The operation of this type of air conditioner has a high level of noise in the room.

Advice. If you still opt for a window monoblock, then it is not recommended to install it in a recreation area because of the noise during operation.

Device diagram window air conditioner monoblock

Mobile monoblock air conditioners

Mobile monoblocks are installed just as easily as window ones. During installation, a corrugated air outlet hose is located on the outside of the building or in the ventilation shaft. You can bring it out the window.

Such air conditioners in the house are not only not inferior to window structures, but they are much more perfect and practical. All devices are equipped with special programmable timers. With the help of the remote control from the air conditioner, its functions are controlled.

Today's manufacturers are increasingly concerned about the health of customers, and are trying to introduce special filters into each mobile candy bar. They are able to purify the air from dust and saturate the air masses with ions, which has a beneficial effect on human health.

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Types of septic tanks for summer cottages and private houses

The definition "mobile" means that the device can be freely mounted and dismantled. If the air outlet hose allows, then it can be moved to another room in the house.

There is a significant disadvantage in the design of a mobile monoblock. There is a container for collecting condensate, which must be emptied regularly.

Scheme of the device of a mobile air conditioner

Important. When buying this type of air conditioner, you should first test it. To do this, you need to turn on the air conditioner at full power and see how exactly the fan will work, and how much condensate will be collected in a special container. Pay attention to the capacity for this condensate: if it is small, then every 3 hours the water will have to be drained.

Types of air conditioners

There are two types of home air conditioning systems, depending on the type of fasteners and air mass supply: wall-mounted and ducted.

Duct air conditioners

To date, a channel-type split system with all adapters and protective grilles is several times more expensive for an ordinary user than a standard split system with an indoor unit. This is because the duct type of room air conditioning involves installation in ceiling coverings, and only warm air can be removed. With the help of adapters, air masses are extracted and removed through the exhaust ducts. This is the reason for the high cost of ducted air conditioners.

Adapters are made separately for each model of such an air conditioner, and it may be a problem to find this part in case of breakage. To prevent this from happening, you must first think about air mass filters that can be installed indoors. There are plenty of them on the market at the moment. There are mobile units that are not only capable of filtering air masses, but also humidify, dry and ionize the air.

It happens that a breakdown of the engine itself can occur duct air conditioner. Since it is attached to the ceiling, you will have to disassemble ceiling covering to remove the air conditioning system.

Advice. In order not to cause damage to the appearance of the room, ducted air conditioners are best installed on the ceiling, the coating of which consists of individual elements, which can be dismantled as needed (slatted ceiling, tiled floors, and so on).

It is possible to control such an air conditioning system not only from a mobile remote control, but also from a remote control that is installed on the wall. To do this, you need to choose a convenient place and conduct the necessary communications (electricity) there. Pay attention to installation infrared sensor, which will provide signals from the control panel. The system is quite complex, but multifunctional and practical.

Implementation of the duct air conditioner

In a ducted air conditioning system, it is necessary to correctly select and install gratings. The wrong choice may affect the operation of the air conditioner, and condensation may simply drip from the blades of the system indoors. All this is only a human factor, and for this reason it is better to entrust the installation and selection of home air conditioning systems to professionals.

Along with the great advantages of duct type air conditioners, there are a number of disadvantages. This type of system is very difficult to clean and maintain regularly. If such measures are not taken constantly to prevent the formation of plaque on the blades or on the engine, then over time the system may simply stop, and repairs will be quite expensive.

Wall mounted air conditioners

There is an alternative to channel air conditioners - wall units. They are located indoors. The cost of such home air conditioning systems is quite low and in return the buyer receives a large number of functions. A hose is led out into the street through a special hole, which lets air in and draws it in from the outside. Such systems are often referred to as inverter systems. They can today create great competition for conventional split systems.

Installation diagram of wall-mounted air conditioners

Inverter types of air conditioning systems

If you explain plain language, then inverter models of air conditioners can regulate the operation of the compressor motor and create the optimal temperature regime in the room. It is the speed of rotation of the engine that makes it possible to effectively cool or heat the air masses.

Advantages of inverter systems:

  • multifunctionality;
  • quick response to changing functions;
  • automatic creation of the optimal temperature regime;
  • ventilation of the room with fresh air;
  • ionization of air masses;
  • low level of electrical energy consumption.

The functions and properties of such air conditioning models are orders of magnitude higher than standard split systems. We can say that they are also split systems, but with great features and functions. Compressors in inverter models are standard, which means that the amount of electricity consumed will be low, which will make it possible to constantly use such an air conditioning system. In case of breakdown, it is better to contact professionals.

It is possible to use an inverter-type air conditioner in winter. Only there is a certain temperature maximum, which will not allow the equipment to be operated at -10, -15 degrees below zero. The systems have adjustable blades, which makes it possible to direct air flows in the right direction.

Advice. Inverter-type air conditioners are best mounted in a corner. Thus, the flow of air masses will be carried out in a circle.

Such an air conditioning system is almost identical to air conditioners. There are also two blocks: internal and external. Noisy condenser and fan mounted on outer wall. Filters and fans are concentrated in the indoor unit internal system. Such a block can be hung on any wall of the room or ceiling.

Between the internal and outdoor unit are connected by pipes for supplying freon, which transfers heat from the unit inside the room to the outside. The radiator of the indoor unit is cooled by a fan, which prevents such a unit from overheating.

Standard scheme split air conditioning system

To date, split systems are equipped with a remote control remote control. It allows you to set the following modes:

  • cooling,
  • heating,
  • ventilation,
  • drying,
  • night mode.

It is possible with the help automatic system determine the temperature regime in the room and choose the optimal operation of the split system. There is also a choice of fan operation. The equipment is equipped with a timer that allows you to turn it on and off at the right time. The curtains are also adjustable, and this makes it possible to direct the air masses in the right direction.

Multisplit allows you to use several indoor units with one outdoor unit. Each device has its own separate remote control. Systems of this type are already equipped with special air filters. There are channel and wall-mounted multi-systems, like air conditioners, only multi-splits have great functionality and practicality.

Multisplit air conditioning system

Split-systems of cassette type

Such systems are installed false ceiling. They can direct the air in only three directions, and the cooled air enters the room through the bottom of the indoor unit. Cassette split systems have more power and distribute air masses evenly in the room.

The main advantages of such a unit include the fact that it is almost invisible and will not violate any design incarnations. Do not forget about saving electricity, since only one unit of this type can be used indoors and it will be enough, of course, if the space itself is not too large. It is very convenient to use such an air conditioning system in the bedroom. It is almost silent and is distinguished by its functionality.

Cassette split system

Air conditioning and over the past few years have become an integral part of comfort.

Creating comfortable conditions for a cottage or private country house not simple task, because the system must perform the following tasks: humidify or dry the air, maintain a certain temperature, clean and exchange air, increasing the movement of microorganisms in your home. The selection of an air conditioning system for a private country house must be carried out at the stage of creating a design project or during construction. At this stage, it is possible to organize the interaction of the air conditioning system with the ventilation and heating system, which will achieve maximum comfortable living conditions. Contacting a specialist or company engineer "MAIN CLIMATE" you will get what you need technical solution considering your conditions and wishes. The specialist will offer you such an air conditioning system for a private country house that meets all the requirements of comfort and does not violate appearance Houses.

When choosing a climate system for a cottage or a country house, it is necessary to take into account architectural features buildings, the condition of the electrical wiring and its ability to withstand significant loads, as well as correctly calculate the power of the future air conditioner. To select equipment that will meet the technical requirements and correspond to a specific type of room, you need to contact a specialist who will help you make the right decision and plan the installation of an air conditioner already at the design stage of a cottage or a private country house.

Choose the type of air conditioner

There are several options for air conditioning systems for cottages and private country houses. The best one is to install . The system consists of one or more outdoor units, each of which is connected, depending on the manufacturer and model, from 2 to 30 indoor units. Outdoor units are placed mainly on the roof or in the backyard and do not affect the overall appearance of the building. A unique feature of multi-zone air conditioners is the ability to simultaneously operate in both heating and cooling modes: this is more than relevant when the windows of some rooms face the sunny side, while others face the shady side. At the same time, each indoor unit takes as much cold (or heat) as it needs at the moment to maintain the set temperature, thereby significantly saving electricity.

The advantage of such equipment is the possibility of placing indoor units on different floors and at a great distance (up to 160 m) from the outdoor one, with a height difference between them of up to 50 meters - this allows you to distribute heated or cooled air to rooms located on different floors. Indoor units can be of various types: wall-mounted, ducted, cassette, which allows you to maximize the air conditioning and use for each room its own type of indoor unit of the air conditioner.

The advantage of multizone systems is the large length of the line between the outdoor and indoor units, which allows you to install the indoor unit anywhere in the room and achieve the necessary climatic conditions.

If you need to organize comfortable conditions in one or two rooms of a private country house or cottage, then you can use split systems. consists of outdoor and indoor units and is the most popular air conditioning system.

The cottage usually has a place to install , which is installed under a false ceiling or in the attic.
The design of ducted air conditioners allows you to fully preserve the design of the room: the unit is installed behind a suspended or false ceiling, and the distribution of cooled air is carried out through a system of air ducts, which are located there; of all the air conditioning equipment used, only air grilles are visible on the ceiling. The duct air conditioner has the ability to supply fresh air from the street in the volumes necessary for proper ventilation. There is also the possibility of adding fresh air, ventilation and humidification, which is especially important and necessary in cottages and country houses. In addition, duct-type air conditioners are able to distribute air over a large area of ​​one or more rooms. Proper placement of indoor units of a duct-type split system will allow you to replace a whole network of air conditioners.

The only and important condition necessary for the room to be equipped with an air conditioning system based on a ducted air conditioner is the presence of sufficiently high ceilings in it that would allow the construction of a so-called suspended ceiling. Behind this false ceiling, it becomes possible to hide all the structural parts of the duct air conditioner (valves, valves, air ducts and other elements).

Often for small rooms and rooms in country houses choose . One of the advantages is the relatively low cost and ease of installation. Recently, manufacturers of wall-mounted split systems have been actively fighting to improve their consumer properties, and first of all, of course, the design of indoor units. New air conditioners with non-standard design appear on the climate market: square-shaped, various color solutions, with mirror and interchangeable color panels, etc.
A significant advantage of a wall-mounted air conditioner is the reduced noise level inside the room, since all noise-producing units (compressor, electric motor and fan) are enclosed in a unit that is located outside the room. This outdoor unit can be mounted either on the wall of a building or mounted on a balcony.

All modern split systems are equipped with a remote control with which you can set the desired temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree, set a timer to automatically turn the air conditioner on and off at a given time, adjust the direction of the air flow and much more.

A significant disadvantage of the split system is the large number of outdoor units, each of which corresponds to one indoor unit. But several external units with fans will not decorate any facade of a country house. What if there is a need to use air conditioners in each room in different modes?
There is only one way out of this situation - this is the installation of a multi-split system.
differs from the classic split system in that one external compressor and condenser unit in this case can simultaneously serve several (from two to six) indoor units. At the same time, the device and the principle of operation of the system remain unchanged - the external and internal blocks are connected by the so-called freon routes, consisting of copper pipes for supplying refrigerant, a drainage pipeline, as well as power and control cables.
Each indoor unit has its own remote control for selecting individual air conditioning settings for each room.
The indoor units of a multi-split system can be of the same type (wall-mounted, floor-mounted, etc.) or combined depending on the technical characteristics of the room, interior design considerations. Blocks may differ in technical specifications depending on what are the requirements for the required temperature regime for a given room.
The multi split system not only simplifies the management of the entire air conditioning system, but also allows you to reduce energy consumption by almost half, thanks to the compressors of the outdoor unit with inverter control.

Air conditioner power

In order for the air conditioner to work properly and maintain the temperature regime, it must be properly selected. To accurately calculate the power of the air conditioner, you need to know what the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is; ceiling height (room volume); do you have equipment that generates heat in summer, such as a TV or computers; which side of the world do the windows in your room face, what is the size of the windows, do you have blinds or curtains; how many people are usually in the room?

You can choose the most air conditioner in a simple way: 1 kW of cold per 10 m2 - such a calculation, perhaps, is acceptable, if your windows face the non-sunny side of the world, you do not have the last floor, it is not enough household appliances, medium lighting and little occupancy in the room. Competent specialist of the company "MAIN CLIMATE" always play it safe and make a thermal calculation for the room.

It is best to plan air conditioning in a cottage even at the construction stage, when it is possible to carry out communications. The air conditioning system will be cheaper, the finish will not be disturbed during the installation process.

The choice of air conditioners for a cottage rests on three indicators:

  • power;
  • brand.

Cottage air conditioning type

The following types of climate control equipment are most popular:

  • wall split systems, including multisplits;
  • channel conditioners;
  • multizone systems.

Wall mounts are an inexpensive way to air-condition a cottage.

But for a multi-room house, it is not the most convenient. After all, each room will have to install its own air conditioner.

Multisplits - there are several indoor units for one outdoor module. That is, you can get by with one air conditioner for a medium-sized cottage. The equipment works quietly, the main noise is emitted by the outdoor unit, which is mounted outside. The air temperature in each room can be set differently. Up to 9 indoor units can be connected to one outdoor unit.

Duct air conditioners for cottages

Channel air conditioning systems of cottages are widely used in America and Europe. The indoor unit is built under the false ceiling, from which ventilation ducts are distributed throughout the house.

The advantage of the systems is the possibility of mixing fresh air from the street, while simultaneously providing ventilation of the premises. The system serves several rooms.

The ducted air conditioning systems of cottages have only one significant disadvantage: additional expenses for pulling ventilation ducts.

Multizone air conditioners

Optimal comfort in a large country house will be provided by multi-zone air conditioners. The biggest advantage of this air conditioning method in cottages is the ability to lay long communications between the modules. Therefore, external units can be installed in any convenient place.

Several dozen indoor units are connected to one outdoor unit, which can be different type(wall, cassette). At the same time, they can simultaneously warm some rooms and cool others, which other air conditioning systems do not allow.

Temperature differences in the rooms are only 0.5 degrees, which is impossible to provide with other types of climate control equipment.

Multizone systems simultaneously heat, air-condition and ventilate the premises. At the same time, they consume less electricity than other systems of similar power.

In the huge rhythm of modern life, an increasing number of people decide to move to live in the countryside, away from traffic jams and polluted air and closer to nature. And the houses being built outside the city no longer look like cottages with a minimum level of comfort and "conveniences in the yard." modern houses Initially, they assume comfortable living conditions, of which air conditioning has become an integral part.

What is an air conditioning system for?

The air conditioning system for the home solves many problems, without which normal conditions living with a good level of comfort is out of the question.

  • Humidify or dehumidify the air.
  • Maintain a certain temperature in the house.
  • Purify the air that is supplied to our homes.
  • Maintain air circulation and air exchange.

Most people, having decided to build their country house, think about its ventilation and air conditioning system at the project stage. And this is right, since it is possible during construction to implement just such an air conditioning system that would meet all the requirements of the owner. But there are people who for some reason forget about it or simply do not think about it. But after putting the house into operation, they understand that air conditioning of residential premises is simply necessary. How to be in such a situation: mono manage or which air conditioning system to choose for a private house?

Installation of the simplest split system

The simplest and, accordingly, the cheapest option for air conditioning a private house is the installation of a split system. There are a large number of them from different manufacturers. Their price depends on several factors:

  • Brand fame. The more famous the brand of this device, the correspondingly it is more expensive. market law.
  • Producing country. In recent years, a strange pattern has been observed: the farther the manufacturer is from China, the more expensive the equipment. Although there are many worthy well-known Chinese brands that have shown themselves perfectly in terms of work, workmanship and maintainability.

But in fact, there is a clear division of climate technology into elite and budget. Among them, there is a category of air conditioners, designed for the average capacity of the owner's wallet.

  1. Elite split systems. This is a high-quality air conditioning equipment, equipped with all possible functions. With proper installation and good service support, it will serve you for more than 10 years.
  2. The middle level is usually good technique which does not yet have a “big name” and does not have all the functions of an elite category, but has proven itself to be reliable.
  3. Budget split systems. The most affordable climate systems, which, as a rule, have only basic functions, cooling - air heating. When choosing such equipment, pay attention to the manufacturer's warranty obligations, and to the availability of its service centers in your region.

Important! When choosing even the most elite model of an air conditioner, remember that in order to create comfort in your home, such equipment must be installed in every room. The abundance of external modules of devices can greatly "spoil" the appearance of the facade of your house.

Installation of multi split systems

This split air conditioning system for the home requires one outdoor unit and up to four indoor devices connected to it. It will not spoil the facade of your house with a large amount of equipment on it. The whole system looks like this: from each internal module, there is its own refrigerant line, which is connected to the external module. And this is very convenient for small house, cottage or cottage. Home improvement with a multi-zone split system There is another, very similar air conditioning system in the house called. It is designed for installation in cottages with the "American" type of layout. The first floor is one large room, conditionally divided by furniture into different zones. The second floor is separate rooms, bedrooms, an office, etc. Its device assumes the presence of one module and up to seven devices connected to it. In multizone devices, there is one common line with refrigerant, from which there are branches to separate indoor units. They can be of various designs, depending on the purpose of the premises: both wall and floor, and channel or. The installation is controlled both centrally and individually in each room. Benefits of using multizone devices

  1. The main advantage of such a system is the ability to "push" the external and internal units of the air conditioner to a considerable distance, more than 100 meters along the perimeter and 50 meters in height.
  2. "Multizonality" makes it possible to connect all internal devices to a single freon circulation line.
  3. Allows precise control of the air temperature in each room with an installed indoor unit.

In addition, its advantages include high reliability due to the possibility of interchangeability of elements within the circuit.
To date, intelligent refrigerant control systems have been developed, the so-called VRV technologies, which are built into each module and control the supply of freon depending on the heat transfer of the room. In addition, the presence of these control units allows you to adjust yourself, that is, at your discretion.

ducted air conditioner

Another way to equip the air conditioning system of a private house is to install ducted air conditioners. This equipment will allow you to fully control the humidity, temperature and air quality in your home. You can read more about duct-type air conditioning in. Main components:

  • An external, compressor unit, which very externally resembles a conventional split system module.
  • An internal device that is much larger and more efficient than a standard air conditioner.
  • Diffusers and grilles through which air will be taken from the outside and supplied to each room.

Usually, ducted air conditioners operate on the principle of mixing in a small part of the outside air, and therefore have natural limitations on heating the air flow. Very often, as additional devices to them, a heater is used to enable full heating of the air.

In addition, a heat exchanger can be installed as a “help” to the duct air conditioner.

Benefits of using a duct type air conditioner

All the advantages are visible to the naked eye, the main of which is the possibility of air conditioning large houses with many rooms. In addition, there is also a decorative component. All equipment and air ducts are hidden behind the trim. There is another indisputable advantage of using a ducted air conditioner: thanks to this equipment, you can design a system that meets all the requirements of users.

The disadvantages of such an air conditioning system

The main disadvantage is the high cost of the equipment itself and components. The smaller the serviced premises, the longer such a device will pay off. In addition, with such a system it is impossible to adjust the ambient temperature in each room, it is not for nothing that it is called central air conditioning private house. Also, the installation of devices and air ducts is very expensive, which, by the way, are quite noisy.

What to consider when calculating

The air conditioning system is an engineering structure that requires accurate calculations of the required power of the equipment. When making calculations, many factors must be taken into account:

  • The volume of rooms. Many for their calculations are guided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises - this is wrong.
  • Number of window openings.
  • North-south orientation.
  • The number of people who are most often in the room.
  • The area and amount of equipment that can generate heat.

An air conditioner is a rather serious piece of equipment. Its effectiveness depends on how competently the air conditioner is selected, how well the installation is carried out and how its further maintenance will be.

The air conditioner should be selected and installed in advance, without waiting summer heat. So you can save a significant amount, especially if you complete it. In order for the equipment to work without failures, do-it-yourself installation of the air conditioner must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, in a suitable place for this. Mismatch of technical conditions or incorrect selection of parts will lead to a quick breakdown of the split system.

To properly install everything, you should have an idea about the device and the principle of operation of the air conditioner. It consists of a compressor and an evaporator unit connected by pipes. The compressor is mounted with outer side walls, and the evaporator is installed indoors. Expensive models have not one indoor unit, but several that are connected to one compressor.

The refrigerant is supplied under high pressure through the nozzle into the evaporator block. It enters the evaporator chamber, expands there, boils, and its vapors begin to intensively absorb heat. During this process, water condensate is released and settles on the radiator of the evaporative unit. From there, the moisture is sent to the tank and is discharged through the tube outside the building.

All this time, the compressor pumps out the refrigerant vapor from the chamber, increasing the pressure behind the pump. As a result, the refrigerant heats up and turns from a liquid into a high-density mist. In this state, the refrigerant enters the condensate chamber equipped with a radiator, is cooled by a fan and turns into a liquid again. In this form, it is again fed under pressure into the evaporator nozzle and the working process is repeated.

The efficiency of the equipment and the energy consumption directly depend on the operating conditions. If a heater is located near the air conditioner, the compressor consumes and fails more often. Ordinary dust that has got inside the system can also cause a breakdown, and therefore wet cleaning should be carried out regularly and very carefully. Cannot place block surface various items and cover with something.

To prevent the evaporation of the refrigerant, all joints and connections should be carefully sealed during installation. The outdoor unit should be placed lower than the indoor unit and in the coolest place possible. It is good if the unit is constantly in the shade from the overhang of the roof or walls. Compliance with these conditions will ensure uninterrupted operation of the air conditioner and a comfortable indoor climate.

Air conditioner detailDescription
1. Fancreates a stream of air blowing around the condenser
2. Capacitora radiator in which freon is cooled and condensed. The air blown through the condenser is heated accordingly
3. Compressorcompresses freon and keeps it moving along the refrigeration circuit. The compressor can be piston or scroll (scroll) type. Reciprocating compressors are cheaper but less reliable than scroll compressors, especially in low outdoor temperatures.
4. Control boardinstalled only on inverter air conditioners. In non-inverter models, they try to place all electronics in the indoor unit, since
large fluctuations in temperature and humidity reduce the reliability of electronic components
5. Four way valveinstalled in reversible (heat - cold) air conditioners. In heating mode, this valve changes the direction of freon movement. In this case, the indoor and outdoor units seem to change places: the indoor unit works for heating, and the outdoor unit works for cooling
6. Unionscopper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units are connected to them
7. Freon system filteris installed in front of the compressor inlet and protects it from copper chips and other small particles that may enter the system during the installation of the air conditioner. Of course, if the installation was performed in violation of the technology and a large amount of debris got into the system, then the filter will not help.
8. Protective quick-release covercloses the fittings and the terminal block used to connect electrical cables. In some models, the protective cover covers only the terminal block, and the union connections remain outside

1. Front panelIt is a plastic grill through which air enters the unit. The panel can be easily removed for maintenance of the air conditioner (cleaning filters, etc.)
2. Coarse filterrepresents plastic mesh and is designed to trap coarse dust, animal hair, etc. For normal operation of the air conditioner, the filter must be cleaned at least twice a month
3. Fine filterhappens various types: charcoal (removes unpleasant
odors), electrostatic (retains fine dust), etc. The presence or absence of fine filters has no effect on the operation of the air conditioner
4. Fanhas 3 - 4 rotation speeds
5. Evaporatora radiator in which cold freon is heated and evaporated. The air blown through the radiator is cooled accordingly
6. Horizontal blindsAdjust the direction of the air flow vertically. These blinds are electrically operated and their position can be adjusted from the remote control. In addition, the blinds can automatically make oscillatory movements to evenly distribute the air flow throughout the room.
7. Display panelindicators (LEDs) are installed on the front panel of the air conditioner, showing the operating mode of the air conditioner and signaling possible malfunctions
8. Vertical blindsare used to adjust the direction of the airflow horizontally. In domestic air conditioners, the position of these shutters can only be adjusted manually. The ability to control from the remote control is only in some models of premium air conditioners
Condensate traylocated under the evaporator and serves to collect condensate (water that forms on the surface of a cold evaporator). Water is drained from the sump through a drain hose.
Control boardusually located on the right side of the indoor unit. This board contains an electronics unit with a central microprocessor
Union connectionslocated at the bottom rear of the indoor unit. Copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units are connected to them.

Air conditioner installation tools

If you are going to install the air conditioner yourself, you need to prepare in advance all the tools that you may need:

In addition, you will need a whole bay of copper tube with factory-rolled ends. Scratches, dents and similar defects are not allowed.

The best time to install the air conditioner is overhaul, because you have to break through the wall and damage the finish.

Video - The principle of operation of the air conditioner

Prices for accessories for air conditioners

Accessories for air conditioners

Air conditioner installation instructions

If the tools are purchased, the air conditioner is delivered and unpacked, you can get to work. The outdoor unit is installed first, and then the system is mounted indoors. During the installation process, one should not forget about safety, especially if the work is carried out at the level of the second floor and above.

Outdoor unit fixing

When installing an air conditioner in a private house, there are no particular difficulties in placing the outdoor unit, but the place must be chosen very carefully. The block housing should not block the view of neighbors, and condensate should not flow down the wall of the house. At the same time, the air conditioner should be mounted within reach from the balcony, since such equipment needs periodic maintenance.

It is best if the block is fixed to the east or north side of the window or balcony, and preferably in its lower part. So he will not interfere with anyone, and you can easily reach him through an open window. Using a level, mark the places where the brackets are attached and drill holes in the wall for anchor bolts. For laying inter-unit communications, they drill through hole 80 mm in diameter. IN brick wall it is recommended to drill along the seam between the bricks - it will take less time and the hole will turn out neater.

Brackets are installed according to the markup, align and securely tighten the bolts. The outdoor unit itself is fixed so that at least 10 cm remains between the radiator and the wall surface. The connection is made a little later, at the same time the resulting gaps are closed. If the unit is securely mounted on a vertical surface, you can proceed to the next step.

The indoor unit must not be mounted behind curtains, above a battery, or in rooms with sources of electrical interference that can cause damage to the block processor. After choosing a place, be sure to check the wall for the absence of already laid communications - electrical wiring, water or heating pipes.

If the site is free, fix the mounting plate: step back from the ceiling 10 cm, from the corner of the wall 5 cm and mark a horizontal line with a pencil. Drill holes for the fasteners and screw the plate securely. The indoor unit of the air conditioner is mounted on the plate, after which a hole is drilled in the side wall for a communication connection - electrical wiring, pipes, hoses for condensate drainage.

Wiring connection

For a block indoors, they lay their own, the minimum cross section of which is 1.5 square meters. mm. Be sure to install an automatic shutdown. When the wiring is laid, it is connected to the input shield: a yellow wire with a green stripe is connected to the neutral wire. To determine the zero and phase, use the indicator.

After that, the terminals of both blocks are connected with insulated stranded wires, passing them through a hole in the wall. The names of the terminals must necessarily match the wires, everything is clearly written in the instructions attached to the air conditioner.

Copper pipes must be cut, leaving a margin for bends of about a meter. When bending tubes, special tools are used to avoid wrinkles, dents and cracking of the metal. Thermal insulation is put on the prepared tubes - polyurethane foam hoses. Foam rubber is not suitable as a sealant, as it has a short service life.

Threaded flanges are put on insulated pipes, while the thread should be located at the end of the tube. The next step is flaring the tubes. Flaring must be done very carefully so that cracks and grooves do not form on the tubes. The nut should be easily put on the flare, and it is better to tighten it with a torque wrench - this will prevent the flared connections from being squeezed out of the nut.

Pipelines are alternately attached to the corresponding fittings, which are difficult to confuse due to different diameters. The flanges are screwed on the fittings so that the connection is tight, but not pinched, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the tube. In conclusion, a piece of plastic tube with a reinforced body is connected to the drain pipe. Fastening is carried out with a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing or a threaded flange, if it is included in the kit. drainage tube should be taken away from bearing wall as far as possible.

Now the pipes are led into the hole, leveled, from the outside they are fixed tightly to the wall with clamps. The wiring cable is fixed nearby, the pipeline is connected to the outdoor unit. The hole is blown out mounting foam or filled with silicone. All external connections are checked with a bicycle pump and a soapy solution for leaks. If air is leaking somewhere, the thread is tightened more tightly. After checking, the soap coating is wiped from the thread with a clean cloth.

Vacuum system

Vacuuming the system makes it possible to remove the smallest particles of dust and moisture. This process is carried out after sealing the threaded connections, otherwise it will not be possible to completely pump out the air. To do this, a vacuum pump is connected to the system and air is pumped out for an hour.

Filling and testing the air conditioner

The refrigerant from the cylinder must be pumped into the system. An adapter and a pressure gauge are connected to the cylinder, and then, strictly monitoring the pressure, the reservoir is filled. When the process is completed, the automatic disconnector is turned on on the air conditioner, after which the system automatically enters the test mode. If everything works smoothly and the circulation of cold air becomes uniform, you can close the hole in the wall, clean up the consequences of installation and enjoy the coolness.

Find out how it is carried out, and also check out step by step guide, from our new article.

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Air conditioners

Video - Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation