Multi-gable roof: design features, basic elements and shapes. Multi-gable roof - basic design principles Assembly features of the multi-gable roof truss system

  • Roofs are, as you know, flat and pitched. Pitched - architecturally more expressive and, in addition to the protective function, they also have a decorative function. The number, shape and size of the slopes depend entirely on the personal preferences of the owner and the designer's intent, taking into account, of course, climatic conditions and operating requirements.

    Design features: pros and cons

    Multi-gable roof - the design is quite complicated. It is distinguished by the presence of numerous intersections of slopes, at which valleys are formed, the so-called formed internal corners. The valley is considered the most unreliable element. Indeed, the maximum amount of water flows through them, despite the fact that their slope is significantly less than that of the slopes. Snow accumulates there, increasing the load on the roof. Therefore, the valley can be considered the “weak” point of such structures. So, this roof is not only complicated in its structure, but it is also not easy to follow it.

    At the junctions of the roof slopes, ribs are also formed, but, unlike the valleys, they form an external corner.

    A vivid illustration of them is, for example, the place where two slopes in a quadrangular roof are connected.

    The shape of the structure during the construction of this type is either polygonal, the scheme of which is presented below, or square. It can be installed in houses with a complex layout or in attics, for which it is necessary to provide special additional side lighting. For extensions of such buildings, different heights are characteristic.

    However, neither this nor the significant cost, because the complexity of the geometric shape of the structure leads to an increased consumption of material, does not become an obstacle for those who seek to complete their building with an interesting and original accent.

    A multi-gable roof, the drawing of which for many may seem no less complicated, nevertheless, can be erected independently, but subject to strict adherence to the requirements of construction technology

    Multi-gable can combine under a single roof structure a number of roofs that differ in their type and purpose. The complexity of its device lies in the large number of ribs, valleys, grooves. Its spire is rather artistic in nature, and it is often used to install towers and domed roofs, emphasizing architectural style. Two-level coatings and are considered one of the most popular today.

    Rafter device

    The basis of the roof structure is the truss system. Most often it combines diagonal and directed to the corners of the walls. The complexity of such structures lies in the fact that all slopes do not rely on Mauerlats, as usual, but on diagonal legs. That is, the bearing capacity of the structure depends not only on the calculation of the sections of the system elements, but also on the implementation of the connection nodes and the installation of stiffeners.

    The main node is considered to be the joint at one point of the ridges of the same level of different sections of the roof. The ridge beams are connected at a right angle, but, in addition, each of these angles also includes slanting legs, which are the main support for almost all rafters. The strength of this node is increased by installing puffs.

    Slanted rafters are longer than conventional ones, so they are made paired. This technology simultaneously solves several problems:

    • a rafter with a double section is able to withstand an increased load;
    • rallying the boards makes it possible to obtain a continuous beam of greater length;
    • when connecting, the standard size of the parts used is unified.

    It turns out that it is practically possible to use the same boards for diagonal devices as for ordinary ones - and using boards of equal height for any type of rafters simplifies constructive solution roof units. In addition, semi-legs or joists are supported on them, thanks to which the layered supports are able to carry a load that is about one and a half times more than the maximum load for ordinary rafters.

    The leaning of the sprigs on the diagonal leg is performed in two ways:

    • top surface support. A cut is made in the rafters in such a way that half of their section - the upper one - is above the diagonal leg, and the lower one rests on the side surface.
    • Support on the side. The main thing in this case is how well the supporting parts fit. The lower rafter can be more firmly connected to the diagonal leg beam by nailing an additional support boss from the trim.

    The bottom of the sloping supports, usually for landing on a truss, a beam of timber, thrown along intersecting external walls at an angle, a surf or run console, is cut into the horizon and fastened with nails.

    But the diagonal supports located in the valley cannot be supported with a trussed truss.

    A truss truss is a truss structure with two struts installed.

    The fact is that the valley forms the inner corner of the walls, so they must be supported with racks or, in last resort struts.

    By the way, the installation of roofing in the case of a multi-gable roof begins with the installation of valleys, which are formed at the intersection of mutually perpendicular planes. At the same time, the technology for the execution of this unit depends entirely on the material used as the main one for the roof.

The variety of types of roofs gives architects a lot of room for imagination. Even simple shed roof you can crown the house so that it will look catchy and original. Gable and hip roofs look good, but a multi-gable composite roof is an ideal choice for both aesthetic and practical point vision.

Under such a roof is a comfortable attic, living space with natural daylight. This design is more time consuming and expensive, but the owners deliberately go to the expense. To understand why this happens, it is necessary to understand the features of gable roofs.

In this article

Features of a multi-gable roof

The difference between this design and other types of roofing is the presence of tongs located perpendicular to the main roof slope. A multi-gable roof is used to cover both rectangular buildings and more complex polygonal, broken structures.

One of the features of such solutions is the use of under-roof space for residential purposes with daylight through window openings. The gable is a continuation of the building wall with a triangular top with two slopes at the top. It is not limited from the wall by a cornice and thus differs from the pediment.

The most common variants of this design are the three- and four-gable roofs. These architectural solutions are characterized by high cost and laboriousness during construction, require highly qualified workers and improved thermal and waterproofing.


But such roofs also have significant advantages, namely:

When choosing the type of roof, you need to remember that gable roofing requires increased attention at the level of manufacture. truss system, since the further course of installation depends on the exact insertion of the gable slopes into the main roof slope. There are numerous designs for asymmetrical forceps arrangement. But the most popular options are still multi-gable roofs, which are based on gable system rafters.

gable roof construction

To understand design features any roof, you need to find out what elements it consists of. A complex multi-gable roof is no exception, so consider its main components:

To the listed structural elements, additional components and parts can be added, if necessary, to increase the strength and durability of the structure.

It is important to remember that places window openings, kiln outlets and ventilation pipes must be marked in advance and taken into account in the roof structure accordingly.

A multi-gable roof should be covered with a relatively light roofing material to reduce the weight load on the nodes and individual elements designs. For convenient operation of the residential under-roof space, all fasteners must be positioned so that they can be easily covered with decorative finishing materials in the future.

As a rule, the tongs have a lower level of the ridge than that of the main roof, therefore, in the valleys, it is necessary to install additional racks and horizontal braces to strengthen the structure, and the ridges rest on the crossbars. If there are horizontal walls on the tong, it is necessary to give them greater rigidity with triangular elements. If the skates on a three- and four-gable roof are at the same level, then docking is done by cutting or metal corners, and the valleys are attached between the skates at the right angle.

Roof installation procedure

Since the roof structure has complicating elements, an absolutely balanced approach to the installation of the structure is necessary. It is necessary to draw up a drawing with all the right size to calculate the required material.

It must be remembered that all wooden elements of the roof structure must be treated with compounds that prevent rotting.

The procedure for assembling the roof must be itemized and strictly followed in strict sequence. . The multi-gable roof is mounted as follows:

  • all parameters are measured and plotted on wiring diagram, with the exact location of skates, tongs, valleys and rafters;
  • a layer of waterproofing material is laid out along the perimeter of the walls;
  • Mauerlats are laid out and attached along the walls, fixing points to the walls must be prepared in advance and located at a frequency of 1000–1500 mm;
  • then puffs are laid, which are fastened with power plates to eliminate the bursting effect on the walls of the building, puffs can be transverse and longitudinal;
  • rafters are laid, in the upper part they are connected to the ridge structure, and in the lower part with a Mauerlat with a gash for 1/3 of the thickness of the rafters;
  • the rafter group is fixed in a vertical position with temporary bars or a permanent crate;
  • for the rigidity of the structure, crossbars, headstocks and struts are installed, and structures are also prepared for the installation of tongs;
  • tongs, rafters, valleys are mounted and the structure is fixed with a crate;
  • put the finishing crate and remove all temporary fasteners, taking into account the exit of chimneys and ventilation pipes;
  • then installation of gutters on valleys, cornice strips and a drainage system, as well as windproof strips on roof overhangs;
  • waterproofing is laid and a counter-lattice is mounted;
  • the roofing is laid, taking into account the joints of the roof on the valleys, ridges, junctions with pipes;
  • heat and vapor barrier is mounted, the under-roofing room is finished.

For each particular house, the sequence of operations has its own sequence, and structural elements may be different. Therefore, when erecting such a complex structure as a multi-gable roof, consultation with specialists is necessary.


We examined the device of the most complex roof, its design and installation sequence. Self-arrangement A multi-gable roof will save a significant amount, but a very balanced design approach is required in order to avoid damage to expensive material. It is very important to follow the technology so that the roof pleases with durability and beautiful appearance.

Among the diversity various roofs the most difficult is considered multi-forceps.

However, this does not stop those who want to decorate their home with such a roof.

In this article, we will look at what it is and how its design differs from the designs of other roofs.

Such roofs are erected on polygonal or square houses.

Often, various rooms are attached to the houses, having a different height or equipped with attics in the attic space - multi-gable coatings are erected for various reasons.

The main design feature of multi-gable roofs is the presence of a large number of valleys, grooves and ribs.


The simplest gable roof is a gable roof that does not have gables at the ends.

In this design, the upper triangular part of the wall is called a tong.

If it is separated by a cornice, it will already be a pediment.

The simplest example of a multi-gable roof is the connection of two gable roofs at a right angle.

From above, such a structure is a cruciform figure.

A valley is an internal angle formed between two slopes.

In winter, they accumulate the largest amount of snow, and in summer - garbage.

Attention should be paid to their waterproofing, since leaks most often occur here.

The edge of the coating is formed by the joints of the slopes, unlike the valley, it is an outer corner, for example, a ridge or a connection of two slopes on a hipped roof.

The most complex and critical part of the entire structure is the truss system, it should be calculated and manufactured with increased accuracy and care.

As a rule, either hanging ones are found in it.

We will consider the rafter system separately.


The device and procedure for the construction of the truss system

The basis of the truss structure is the Mauerlat, which is laid along the top of the wall and is a rigid connected frame.

It is attached to the walls by means of metal studs installed in the armored belt.

Because the roof is enough complex structure, attention should be paid to its drawing.

To do this, it is necessary to accurately measure all dimensions, select the slope, determine the type of truss system used, calculate the rafters, mark the location of the valleys, skates, ribs, as well as system elements - puffs, stops, runs, vertical racks.

First of all, the Mauerlat is laid - it is the basis of the truss system and takes on all the efforts from the rafters, transferring them to the load-bearing walls.

Mauerlat is securely fixed on a reinforced belt, after which the rafter legs are mounted.

For larger houses, longitudinal or transverse ceiling beams are installed, which will serve as puffs.

The rafter legs look like ordinary rafters, and if the roof is hip or semi-hip, the rafters will be diagonal, they will need to be reinforced with sprigs, and they themselves can be double or paired.

The rafters are attached to the Mauerlat by means of cuts, as well as metal plates, brackets, corners - it depends on the type of rafters.

At the top point, the rafters are connected on the ridge, and then equipped with a vapor barrier, crate and counter-crate.

It depends on the roofing material that will be used in the future.

All wooden elements should be impregnated with flame retardants and antiseptics for safety and longer service life.

After the construction of the truss system, the roof is insulated and covered.

Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing, in particular, valleys and grooves - water and snow accumulate in them, and with poor-quality waterproofing, they leak first.

Some features of the roof in question

When choosing a multi-gable roof as an option for your home, keep in mind that the construction of such a roof is a rather complicated and expensive process.

It will take a sufficient amount of material, time, professional skills and so on.

If you are confident in your abilities, do-it-yourself multi-gable roofing (its diagram can be easily found) will not be a big deal.

The issue of cost stands apart - such a design is not only complicated, but also costly.

For this type of roof, as a multi-gable roof, the project must be drawn up with great care and taking into account all possible factors - then the roof will serve for a long time and with high quality.

If you build such a roof, taking into account all the rules, then you will get a roof that will be:

  • Stable and reliable - due to the balanced truss system, the roof can withstand heavy loads;
  • The roof will make it possible to equip the house with additional space - an attic or an attic;
  • The roof will be practical, but its appearance it will be very attractive - multi-gable roofs look very beautiful, and due to the steepness of the slopes, snow and other precipitation do not linger on it.

As you can see, a multi-gable roof is a somewhat peculiar design that requires more expense and effort than other types of roofs.

However, by erecting such a roof, you will greatly decorate your house, make it attractive in appearance.

It will be pleasant to be in it, and if you approach the arrangement of the roof creatively, it will look very impressive.

At the same time, such a roof will be quite practical.

Video about the roof truss system.

Roof structures used in modern construction, differ in variety of species. Among them, a multi-gable roof, the drawing of which you will see in the content of this article, is particularly difficult to execute and significant in cost. This is by no means an obstacle for those who want to make the final accent of their building in an interesting and original way. A roof plan of this type is complex, but it makes it possible to make the roof of a house in accordance with all the rules of building technology.

Gabled hip roof is often used in private construction. The roof spire gives the house a characteristic artistic touch. It does not bring practical benefits, but it does significant work to create the architectural appearance of the building.

Before we dwell on the design and construction of houses with multi-gable roofs, we will understand the differences between this roof and other types of roof structures.

Roofs of this type are arranged on houses that, according to the plan, are square or polygonal. Very often they have various extensions that differ in their height and have attic rooms in the attic that require special side lighting. There can be quite a lot of reasons for installing a multi-gable roof, as well as options for its construction.

The main differences of this roof include the presence of such numerous elements as valleys, ribs, grooves, gables, tongs.

The simplest versions of the roofs of houses, called gable roofs, have houses with a gable roof, in which there are no gables on the end sides. The side walls of the house with their flat surface reach the junction with the roof slopes. forceps called the upper triangular part of the wall, bounded by two roof slopes and not separated from below by a cornice. In the event that this part of the wall is separated from below by a cornice, it acquires the name "pediment".

valley called the inner corner formed between the two slopes of the roof. Valleys can experience the largest accumulation of snow in the winter and dirt, debris and dust in summer time. For this reason, in the places of the valleys, water constantly flows, as the quality of the waterproofing is violated.

Having a roof plan for a multi-gable roof, and arranging it on your own, special attention should be paid to the places where the valleys are installed.

roof ribs formed as a result of the connection of roof slopes. Their difference from the valleys is that they are not an internal, but an external corner. A striking example of a roof rib is the ridge or the place where two slopes of a quadrangular roof are connected.

It should also be noted that houses with such a roof must be equipped with a ventilated attic, which must be completely isolated from others. warm rooms.

The installation of a multi-gable roof is associated with significant financial costs associated with the acquisition building materials and the wages of craftsmen who, having a roof drawing, are able to build a unique architectural masterpiece. The reason is that due to the complexity of the geometric shape of the roof structure, the consumption of materials for the installation of the truss system and the roof itself will be greater than with a standard roof. When installing the finish coating, a large percentage of roofing material waste appears, especially when using metal tiles or metal profiles.

If speak about rafter system multi-gable roof, which forms the basis of the roof structure, it is distinguished by its complexity. Often it simultaneously combines two types of rafters - hanging and layered. Therefore, the roof project was drawn up taking into account the calculation of the section of the rafters. Their location with a certain step and the arrangement of additional stiffeners require special care and precision.

The simplest example of a multi-gable roof is two gable roofs connected at right angles. If you look at this design from above, then it will resemble a cruciform figure in its appearance.

The device of the truss system

At the heart of the truss system of a multi-gable roof, as well as roofs of other types, is Mauerlat. This bonded rigid frame is laid on top of brick or concrete walls. Its fastening to the outer walls takes place with the help of galvanized metal studs, which are installed in a reinforced belt.

Since roofs with such a complex geometric shape are a rather complex structure, it is necessary to have a roof plan with detailed drawings before proceeding with its construction. For this you need:

  • know the size of all sizes of the house;
  • determine the size of the slope of the roof slope, taking into account the climatic features of the region;
  • know what type the future truss system will be;
  • calculate the length and cross section of all rafters;
  • make a markup where the valleys, ribs and skates will be located;
  • calculate the location of vertical racks, puffs, runs, stops, struts and other elements that are designed to ensure the rigidity of the entire truss structure;
  • make drawings on which one could see the connection nodes of the rafters with the Mauerlat and other elements that make up the truss system.

Rafter system device technology

In private houses, variants of roofs of houses may contain a whole complex of different types of roofs, which are combined under one roof structure. Naturally, everyone who is not a professional in the construction of roofs may be faced with the question of how and where to start the construction of this complex structure.

The purpose of the roofs are different from each other. They may have different kind and include skylights, the device of which will require not only additional slopes, but also valleys and rafters, ribs and crates made in minimum sizes.

The device of a multi-gable roof over a square house begins with the laying of a mauerlat, which is the basic element of the entire truss system. Moreover, it does not depend on its complexity and on what roofing options you use for your home. After all, the transfer of forces from the rafters to the load-bearing walls of the house is carried out exclusively through such an element as the Mauerlat.

In order not to worry that the walls may move apart over time due to these efforts, the Mauerlat is firmly and very securely fastened to a reinforced belt, which is erected during the laying of load-bearing walls. Only after that, the rafter legs are installed.

When the house has big sizes, then you can install ceiling beams, which can be longitudinal or transverse. It often takes on the function of puffs.

Rafter legs, as a rule, have a normal appearance. In the case when the roof has a hip or half-hip type, then the rafter legs can be made diagonal (sloping).

In this position, it is necessary to strengthen the slanting or diagonal rafters by installing sprigs. The roof project allows that the rafters in this case can be of a double or twin type.

The rafters are attached to the Mauerlat in such a way that special sawings are made, and metal brackets, plates and corners are also used. Fastening is chosen depending on what type of rafters will be chosen in a particular case.

The connection of the rafters is made at the top point of the roof in the region of the ridge, which is made of timber or formed using the two upper boards of the crate.

On the rafters, a vapor barrier device, battens and counter battens are produced. What type of crate will be, and with what step it will be mounted, depends on the material of the finishing coating.

With soft coatings, you need to make a continuous flooring. When covering from profiled metal, the crate must be made sparse.

The material for the truss system is a coniferous tree (spruce, pine). Wood at the time of commencement of work on the roof can be damp in the range of 18-20%.

All roof options that have wooden elements should provide for their treatment with flame retardants and antiseptics. They will protect the tree from possible fire and decay.

Multi-gable roofs in your own way constructive device often contain an attic room located in the attic space. For this reason, the roof needs good insulation, as well as enhanced protection against the penetration of external moisture into it.

As a heater, you can use a material made on the basis of mineral fibers (glass or basalt). They have a soft structure that allows you to penetrate into the most inaccessible and difficult places of the roof structure. The roof plan helps to foresee where cold bridges may occur. They, in turn, inevitably lead to the formation of undesirable heavy condensation. Moisture accumulating in the under-roof space affects the quality of the thermal insulation. At the same time, processes begin that lead to the decay of roof elements made of wood.

when waterproofing is arranged, special attention is paid to valleys and grooves. These places are notable for the fact that water and snow accumulate in them to the greatest extent. Water also flows in large quantities along the inner corners of these elements and therefore they require increased and most close attention.

After the installation of the rafter system, it is laid waterproofing film. This is done in and in the form of strips, which are located in a direction perpendicular to the slope and have an overlap of at least 15 centimeters. Joints in without fail glued with connecting tapes.

Roof options for houses with multi-gable roofs are distinguished by their diversity and complexity of design. For those who are not familiar with the drawings and do not have special knowledge, it may be difficult to cope with such a difficult and responsible task. Therefore, it would be wise to entrust your architectural masterpiece to experienced professionals.

Among various types roofs, the most beautiful and at the same time difficult to implement is considered to be a multi-gable design. She came to our country from Europe, where people have long had a love for square houses and buildings with a lot of corners. The intricate truss system of a multi-gable roof is erected on structures with a complex layout, and is also an excellent solution for organizing additional lighting in the attic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Those developers who prefer minimalism and practicality are unlikely to appreciate the complex broken lines of such an expensive roof, especially since its main function is similar to more modest one-level samples. Aesthetes and connoisseurs of sophistication, for whom decorative characteristics are as important as functional ones, on the contrary, use every opportunity to arrange such an architectural composition in their home.

The construction of a multi-gable roof is an expensive and time-consuming process.

Even though a simpler construction of a roofing system can be just as successful, it would be a mistake to think that a roof with many gables has only one advantage - Beautiful design, this is not entirely true. Apart from the outstanding decorative features, this design has a number of positive aspects, namely:

  • A long operating period, achieved by the balance of the truss system, thanks to which the roof is able to withstand an impressive load.
  • The possibility of planning additional space inside the house due to the attic or attic room, where you can equip a gym, billiard room or greenhouse.
  • Practicality, expressed in the natural removal of precipitation. Due to the presence of inclined surfaces (sometimes their slope reaches 90 degrees), snow and rainwater, as well as fallen leaves, branches and other debris, do not linger on the roof surface and are independently discharged from it.

For construction, it is better to attract a team of professional roofers

If we talk about the shortcomings of the object in question, then they are rather arbitrary, because for wealthy homeowners these disadvantages will not be significant. As you understand, we are talking about the high cost of the project, the high cost of materials and high wages. construction team due to the complexity of the work. It was not in vain that we mentioned the need to involve highly professional specialists in the construction of a multi-component roof, because its construction by one's own hands without the appropriate qualifications is difficult and very risky. If you are confident in your abilities and have all the practical skills in this area, you can safely proceed to the implementation of your plans.

The main elements of the external structure

So, all the pros and cons are weighed, there is confidence in your intellectual and physical capabilities, which means that you are ready to perform a complex process with your own hands. Most simple option structures with many tongs are considered to be the union into a single whole of a pair of gable structures intersecting at right angles in the form of a cross (with the upper projection).

Now let's move on to the terms separate sections roofs:

  • forceps, in the language of professionals - nothing more than the tops of a wall without a cornice (unlike a pediment), which form the basis for two roof slopes;
  • valley- the place of joining of two planes, forming an internal corner;
  • edge- an outer corner formed at the junction of two slopes. The horizontal top rib is called a ridge by carpenters.

Pay attention to the fact that special attention is paid to the valleys, because they must cope with the high load caused by the accumulation of precipitation. Even the slightest miscalculations in this area are fraught with leaks and, as a result, premature destruction of the roof.

truss system

The rafter system at the multi-gable roof is assembled from many mandatory elements that are installed in a strictly defined, verified order, and this is its main difficulty.

The basis of the system is:

The slightest violation of construction technology, as a rule, turns into serious troubles, the elimination of which, if possible, inevitably entails a significant waste of time and financial costs. We immediately draw the attention of people who decide to master the construction stages with their own hands to the fact that this complex structure may require a combination of hanging and inclined rafters.

In practice, for the manufacture of rafters, dried and treated with fire retardants and antiseptics, bars of the same section as the Mauerlat (150 x 150 mm or 100 x 150 mm) are used, which, in turn, evenly distributes the load from the roof to the walls of the house. The upper parts of the rafters are connected by a ridge run. It is very important to maintain the optimal moisture content of the wood (maximum 20%).

Stages of the construction process

To install a multi-gable roof with your own hands, you will need a work plan, which is strongly not recommended to deviate from. Now let's go directly to the construction stages:

  1. First of all, you need to measure the size of the house.
  2. Next, the section of the rafters is determined and a scheme (project) for the installation of all roof elements is developed.

Drawing of the truss system of a multi-gable roof

  • Now you can start laying the Mauerlat, which is fixed on the reinforced belt, and installing the rafter legs. If the installation of a semi-hipped or hip roof is planned, it is necessary to install diagonal rafters reinforced with sprigs.
  • As fasteners for installing rafter legs on the Mauerlat, metal brackets, plates or corners are used. It is also possible to fix these elements by means of technological cuts.

For the installation of rafters, metal brackets, plates, corners are used.

  • If the house has a large area, most likely, it will be necessary to install ceiling beams (longitudinal or transverse), which act as puffs.
  • The upper part of the rafters is attached to the ridge, then the vapor barrier material, the crate and the counter-crate (ventilation system) are laid.

The ventilation system is installed before the roof is installed.

  • The final stage of work is the installation of roofing material (metal, bituminous, ceramic tiles, etc.).

When mounting such a complex roof with your own hands, do not forget that the attic space will require additional insulation, otherwise it cannot be used as a living space. Mineral fiber (basalt or glass wool) is best suited for such purposes. If you neglect this rule, you may encounter the accumulation of condensate in the under-roof area, which will lead to rotting of the wood from which the roof structure is assembled.

Multi-gable roof: rafter system device

The design of the truss system of a multi-gable roof type. Layout and docking of rafters, fastening, knots, details, schemes for erection by one's own hands.

We study the truss system of a multi-gable roof

Among all the variety of roof structures, a multi-gable roof is the most complex, labor-intensive and economically unprofitable. However, these shortcomings are more than compensated by the unique appearance with many tongs, gables and grooves.

The construction of this structure without fail implies a process of long and careful design, during which a multi-gable roof and its truss system are built, the dimensions of all structural elements are calculated. Let's consider this process in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages

The multi-gable roof is one of the most controversial roof structures, as its pros and cons balance each other out, and the final decision in favor of building such a roof is usually made based on the personal aesthetic preferences of the owner of the house.

Consider the main advantages that a multi-gable roof provides:

  • Traditionally, such a roof was erected on square houses in such a way as to avoid cornice overhangs. But the use of this roof is possible and even necessary in the case when the shape of the house is complex due to the many rooms attached to it. It can completely transform the appearance of such a far from ideal building;
  • The truss system of a multi-gable roof is characterized by increased strength and stability, of course, if a competent calculation and installation of the structure is made;
  • The construction of such a roof allows you to use the room under the roof for a residential attic and, thanks to the possibility of displaying various windows on different sides, provide excellent daylight.

Let's move on to the design flaws:

  • This type of roof can not boast of efficiency. The device of the truss system is complex and involves a large amount of waste wood and materials from the roofing pie;
  • Due to the large number of junctions of slopes, such a roof is at risk for leaks.

Design and types

It is based on such an element as a gable - this is a triangular part of the wall, which, unlike the pediment, is not separated by a cornice. That is, a simple form of a multi-gable roof is the connection of two gable roofs at right angles over a square building. When viewed from above, such a structure will have a cruciform appearance.

Depending on the building itself, its shape, size and desire to create under the roof living rooms the design may differ significantly from the classical form described above. A set of roofing elements will remain common. Among them, special attention should be paid to two:

  • Endova, which represents the inner corner between two slopes. The valley must be especially well insulated and strengthened, since it accumulates the largest amount of snow and debris, and the maximum amount of water flows down it during rains.
  • Roof ribs represent the outer corners of the junction of the slopes, for example, the ridge and the junction of several slopes at the top of the roof.

Calculation of the truss system

The rafter system of a complex multi-gable roof and its scheme should ideally be carried out by professionals, since this implies a rather complicated calculation and installation with many pitfalls. But if you have initial experience in building roofs and you are not planning a roof that is too fanciful, then it is quite possible to make a drawing of such a roof on your own.

It is impossible to give an exact algorithm for calculating a multi-gable roof, since the type of construction itself implies large differences in the rafter system, depending on the appearance of the roof. Here are the main points that are important to pay attention to when designing:

  • It is necessary to complete the plan-scheme of the desired roof, displaying exact dimensions building. At this stage, it is necessary to determine such interrelated parameters as the slope of the slopes and the height of the roof. The angle of inclination of the slopes of such a roof is usually steep. Otherwise, it will be problematic to use the under-roof space to create a living room;
  • The rafter system should be built on the basis of a number of data, including the snow load of the region and the weight of the roofing. Multi-gable designs produce a large amount of waste, so we recommend that you look at soft tiles;
  • The type of truss system depends on the presence of support inside the building. It is important to carefully calculate the location and load on all supporting elements, such as tightening, stops, runs, etc., so as not to miscalculate with their dimensions;
  • Depending on the roof configuration will be used different types rafters: conventional or diagonal (for hip structures).

General view of the truss system and roofing pie

The rafters and roofing cake of a multi-gable roof, in principle, repeat the main points of these structures for other types of roofs. Therefore, let's focus on important points, which must be taken into account even at the planning stage of the roof:

  • Mauerlat is subject to heavy loads and it is advisable for him to choose a bar with a section of 150 * 150 mm. It is more convenient to mount it on anchors laid in the walls during their construction;
  • Rafters can be attached to the Mauerlat in three main ways: washed down, staples or corners. In the upper part, the connection of the rafters is made with a ridge beam;
  • The reinforcing elements for the rafters in different solutions of multi-gable roofs will be different elements. In the case of a base in the form of a hip roof, diagonal rafters will be mounted, which must be made double and strengthened with sprigs. Strengthening roof trusses is possible with struts or crossbars. In a buiding big size it is convenient to use ceiling beams for tightening truss trusses;
  • The installation of the valley requires special attention. In these places, a continuous crate is made and two layers of waterproofing are laid. A valley plank is mounted on the waterproofing layer. If the element requires docking, then the installation is done from the bottom up so that the upper bar overlaps the lower one and water cannot flow under it;
  • The device of the lathing and insulation of this roof in general terms repeats these steps for any other roof.

Summing up

A multi-gable roof is a technically complex structure, for the competent construction of which accurate calculation and knowledge of the installation nuances are especially important.

Such roofs look great both on square or rectangular buildings, allowing them to acquire a more interesting appearance, and on houses complex shape when she is the only one possible option roof arrangement.

It is important to remember that any complication of the roof structure does not have the best effect on the cost and strength of the roof. Any element of the roof should, first of all, be of practical use, and not be erected for the sake of taste.

Multi-gable roof: truss system - diagrams and drawings

The advantages and disadvantages of a multi-gable roof are considered, the main points are given in the calculation and construction of the truss system of this design.

We make a gable roof with our own hands

Private houses are decorated with roofs of various shapes. Among them there are tongs. They are a structure that rests on two walls of the same height. Such roofs have two slopes. The end part in its shape resembles a triangle. If the walls are made of wood, then such a triangle is called tongs, and if made of brick - pediments. You can make a gable roof with your own hands.

gable roof calculation

Gable roofs have two slopes. There are no restrictions on the choice of roofing materials.

When constructing such a roof, as a rule, material waste is minimal. This is due to the fact that the shape of the slopes is rectangular. By the way, slopes can have different lengths and angles of inclination.

Such a roof is characterized by the use warm attic, which is used as an additional room. Roof insulation can lead to additional costs on materials and complicate the work.

The optimal angle for the slope is determined within 20-45 degrees and depends on the construction area. If the terrain is snowy, it is better to increase the slope to avoid the formation of snow accumulations.

Shield roof: the beginning of construction

The device of such a roof begins with laying out the end parts - tongs. This is not the easiest task, because they must be exactly the same.

To calculate the length of the slope, use the Pythagorean theorem, familiar to everyone from school. So, if we imagine that the slope is the hypotenuse of the calculated triangle, then one of the legs will be the height from the beginning of the slope to the ridge along the plane of the wall, and the second will be half the length of the facade wall.

If the house has a simple shape in plan, then you can use the use of a gable roof, but if the shape of the structure is complex, then an option appears using a multi-gable roof. It is more difficult to build them, because they have a lot of valleys.

Gable roof device

When constructing such a roof, two types of rafters are used - layered and hanging.

Slanted are a structure that has a support beam in the middle, which transfers the load from the ridge to the Mauerlat, laid on load-bearing walls. This beam is mounted in the middle of the outer walls.

Hanging rafters are used in cases where the distance between the walls is less than 10 meters or there is no load-bearing wall in the middle of the house.

They are supported on the side walls. However, this creates a rippling effect. It gives additional load to the walls. To avoid this, the design of the hanging rafters provides for connecting the rafters with puffs in such a way that a triangle appears. Floor beams can be used to perform this function.

Puffs can be mounted from above and below. In this case, the upper ones must be installed in such a way that the distance from the ridge is more than 50 centimeters.

Types of roof truss systems

  • Mauerlat. Wooden bars with a section of 15x10 or 15x15 centimeters are suitable for him;
  • rafters. For them, pine boards with a section of 15x5 centimeters are chosen.
  • spacers;
  • counterlattice. It is laid after a layer of waterproofing. For her, choose bars with a section of 5x5 centimeters or boards 3x10 centimeters;
  • the lathing is selected under the roofing. It can be made of edged or unedged boards, plywood, OSB boards.

Stages of work

  1. Depending on the design of the house, we choose the appropriate system of rafters.
  2. If the rafter system is hanging, then the rafter legs are assembled in advance. And after the assembly is completed, the resulting rafter triangles are mounted on the two extreme structures of the truss system. Next, proceed to the installation of adjacent rafters.
  3. We lay the mauerlat (support beam) on the load-bearing walls, provided that the house is made of blocks or bricks, but if the building is built of beams or logs, then you can use the top bar as a mauerlat.
  4. Mauerlat is attached to brick walls on pre-walled threaded metal rods. They should be installed in increments of a meter and a half. This will make the structure more durable and stable. In this case, the diameter of such rods must be at least 10 mm.
  5. Before installing the Mauerlat on brick walls lay a layer of waterproofing (roofing material can be used for these purposes). It is attached to bolts with washers.
  6. If the walls are made of foam concrete or ceramics, then before installing the Mauerlat, the surface is poured reinforced concrete 20-30 centimeters high.
  7. Mauerlats are installed parallel to each other to avoid irregularities during the installation of the truss system.
  8. Before installing the rafters, it is necessary to make markings on the Mauerlat using a pencil and a ruler.
  9. Rafters are made in accordance with the length of the slope, which can be determined by the Pythagorean theorem, based on already built tongs.
  10. When calculating the length of the rafters, it is necessary to take into account the presence of an overhang, therefore, another 50 centimeters are added to the calculated value.

The length of the overhang depends on personal preferences for the appearance of the roof, but it is not recommended to make it less than 50 centimeters, otherwise it will not fulfill its functions - protecting the walls of the house.

Supporting the diagonal rafter leg on the Mauerlat

  1. The lower end of the rafter should have a hole that will create a perfect attachment to the Mauerlat. This cut should be made 1/3 of the width of the rafter.

In order not to be mistaken with the location of the cutouts, you can prepare a small drawing, where you mark all the necessary values.

  1. With a hanging system of rafters, they are attached to each other on metal plates or bolts.
  2. They are fixed with jibs, dismantled after completion of work.
  3. Next, the filly is fastened, which will form the overhang of the roof.
  4. After the installation of the filly and rafters, they proceed to the installation of the crate and massive durable boards to the ridge.
  5. If we are talking about layered rafters, then the assembly begins with the installation of the bed. Supports are attached to it.
  6. This is followed by the installation of a ridge beam, fixed with jibs.
  7. And at the end, rafters with a length exceeding the length of the beam are mounted on the beam.
  8. The type of lathing is chosen depending on the roofing.
  9. Any roof, including a gable one, should be provided with a layer of hydro- and vapor barrier. And in the presence of a warm attic, there is also a heater.

Multi-gable roof

The multi-gable roof is also gable, and differs from the gable roof in a large number of slopes and the presence of valleys. Their device is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. Valleys are the junctions of two slopes when an internal corner is formed. In such places, accumulations of snow form and a large load can lead to the destruction of the structure. When organizing such a roof, it is imperative to provide for the organization of the descent of water and snow in the form of gutters.

When constructing valleys, it is imperative to use waterproofing materials to avoid leaks and the formation of decay on the wood. The lathing in the place of such internal corners is made solid, regardless of what it is for the selected roofing. All joints should be done with high quality, without the possible formation of cracks, so that there are no vulnerabilities.

Multi-gable roof truss system

To install such a roof, it is necessary to correctly calculate all the dimensions of the house and draw a small roof plan, on which you indicate where the skates will be located, and where the valleys will be located. This will help to correctly calculate the length of the rafter legs.

Do-it-yourself gable roof: construction, truss system, etc.

Do-it-yourself gable roof: calculation, choice of materials, detailed instructions.

Multi-gable roof

Classic variants of truss systems with two or four slopes are gradually giving way to more modern ones. technical solutions. To please the consumer, designers, together with construction companies create more and more bizarre in their shape of the roof. One of the most striking examples is the multi-gable roof truss system. In its configuration, it stands out from the standard design solutions.


The roof of the classical form has several gentle slopes. In the multi-gable version, an additional element is embedded in one of the slopes. It's called a tong.

Frame from wooden beam rectangular section

A tong is an insert consisting of two slopes that connects the truss structure with the frame of the house. A multi-gabled roof may have more than two gables.

Top view of various roof options

Important! The frame for a multi-gable roof has a more complex structure than that of gable roofs. It will take much more time to manufacture and assemble it. Labor costs and the amount of required building material will increase.

Positive and negative properties

A multi-gable roof is a complex truss system. It has a number of properties that make it in demand in the construction market:


  • Strength. The frame is assembled from strong, well-prepared elements. Each of them has a high margin of safety.
  • load bearing capacity of the entire frame. Thanks to the thoughtful and reliable geometric shape of the multi-gable roof, it can withstand significant wind and snow loads. A roof with this shape is suitable for installation in climatic regions with unpredictable and aggressive weather.
  • Ease of maintenance. A multi-gable roof has a large angle of inclination of the slopes. Thanks to this, debris does not accumulate on the surface. Therefore, there is no need for systematic cleaning.
  • Ergonomics. Each gable is an additional living space. This allows you to better use the free space of a private house.
  • Interesting appearance. Complex roof will decorate any house, giving it uniqueness and recognition against the background of other buildings.


  • High cost of materials and labor. For the construction of a multi-gable truss structure, much more construction and finishing materials than for the installation of classic options.
  • High chance of leaks. There are many junctions and joints in the outer surface of the roof. Each of them is weakness where leaks can occur.
  • High difficulty for do-it-yourself work. There are many elements in the design of the roof. It is easy for an inexperienced builder to get confused in them.

Important! Minor disadvantages are easily leveled by significant advantages of this truss system.

Components of the frame

To assemble a multi-gable roof, several basic elements are used:

Roof device

  • Mauerlat is one of the main elements of the frame. This is the load-bearing beam on which the rafter "legs" rest. It evenly dissipates the load from the roof along bearing walls or column poles. In low-rise construction, the mauerlat is made from a wooden beam of rectangular or square section. Mauerlat is constantly subjected to significant loads. Therefore, a bar with a section of at least 150 × 150 mm is used. It is mounted on pre-prepared anchor bolts.
  • Rafters - load-bearing elements installed at an angle to each other. Each rafter consists of two prefabricated parts. They are installed along the ridge. Rafter "legs" take the load from the roofing carpet and precipitation. They are attached to the Mauerlat with gashes, corners or staples. The upper part of the rafters is connected into one node with a ridge run.
  • Racks are load-bearing elements installed vertically. Usually rafter "legs" or ridge runs rely on them.
  • Struts - props for rafters installed at an angle.
  • Endova - the junction of two adjacent slopes. It serves to drain rainwater. Snow and water can accumulate in the valley. Therefore, the frame near it is reinforced with additional supports or double rafter "legs". In places where the valley passes, a continuous crate is installed. The roofing carpet is reinforced with an additional layer of waterproofing. Then a special bar is mounted on top, along which rainwater flows.

Valley load

  • An edge or ridge is a knot connecting the upper part of two adjacent slopes.
  • Sheathing - structural elements that are fixed perpendicular to the rafter "legs". A roofing carpet is laid on it.

Frame calculation

To ensure the necessary strength and rigidity of the roof, it is necessary to make a complete calculation of all elements. Due to the complexity of the design, it is not recommended to carry it out on your own, it is better to contact a specialized design organization, where they will provide all the necessary documentation and a finished drawing.

The multi-gabled roof, complex in shape, looks harmoniously on cottages of any configuration and size. It allows you to get a unique residential building that will attract the admiring glances of neighbors and passers-by.

Multi-gable roof truss system drawing, video

Classic variants of truss systems with two or four slopes are gradually giving way to more modern technical solutions. To please the consumer, designers, together with construction companies, are creating roofs that are more and more bizarre in shape. One of the most striking examples is the multi-gable roof truss system.