Independent arrangement of a warm floor in a private house. Wiring diagrams for underfloor heating in a private house How to make a warm floor in a private house

Most homeowners choose underfloor heating as an addition to the radiator circuit. In this case, various mounting schemes for water-heated floors in a private house are used. Such a heating system is effective in rooms where children live, as well as for the bathroom. Schemes are selected when individually designing a house or during repair work.

A variant of the project scheme in a private house

Wiring diagrams for underfloor heating in a private house: features and varieties

Installation floor heating made with a cement screed. It is performed to protect the structure from various loads. Warm pipes should not come into contact with air, but with screed elements, transferring heat to the surface.

Mounting schemes for water-heated floors used in a private house are planned and designed in accordance with the calculations of heat consumption and heat loss and have the following features:

  • The required amount of heat is calculated taking into account the dimensions of the wall structures and the methods of insulation of different surfaces. The features of a certain climatic zone are also taken into account.
  • Floor elements are not mounted under the entire surface floor covering. Spaces remain free for the installation of heavy furniture, as well as indents from the walls.
  • Premises with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters are divided into sectors. Each separate plot heated by a separate circuit connected to the collector.
  • The distance between the pipes must be the same.
  • For this design, circulation pumps are required.
  • Underfloor heating installation schemes depend on the dimensions of the room and heating methods. If the device is used as additional heating, then the loop pitch should be 0.2-0.3 meters, and if as the main one, then the spirals should be mounted at a distance of 0.1-015 m.
  • The length of the lines and the placement step depends on the diameter of the selected pipe.
  • The height of the structure is taken into account when designing window and door openings.

Related article:

Without a competent project, it is almost impossible to get a high-quality heating system. After studying this publication, you can easily calculate the required power, diameter and pitch of the pipes. Good luck!

The main schemes of mounting floors include: spiral, snake and zigzag. The choice depends on the specifics of the room, types of pipes and other features. For example, for large rooms, the use of a simple snake is not entirely correct, since the water in the circuit cools down, “cold” zones will form. While in spiral laying, supply and return pipes alternate, which will ensure more uniform heating.

Helpful information! The pipe diameter must be no more than 20 mm. If the section bigger size, then the volume of water and heating costs increase.

Two pipe laying technologies (video)

Underfloor heating device

The underfloor heating system consists of laid pipes in which heated water circulates. They are installed on concrete or wooden surfaces, and on top are covered with the selected topcoat.

The pipes move hot water. Submission is carried out using the main. The temperature of the air under the floor rises, transferring heat to the outer surface of the floor covering. This heats up the entire room.

Design features depending on the material of the finish coating

The nuances of the installation

The technology of wiring diagrams for underfloor heating in a private house is determined by the features of a particular heating circuit.

Installation works of the structure have the following distinctive features:

  • The basis for the equipment is selected taking into account the floor covering.

1 - floor beam; 2 - longitudinal beam; 3 - logs; 4 - mortgages for pipes; 5 - pipe; 6 - top coat

  • A damper tape is installed around the perimeter of the room. The shock-absorbing element reduces heat loss at the junction of the floor with wall surfaces.
  • The system itself is mounted on concrete slabs in a screed.
  • Waterproofing, reinforcing mesh and a layer of insulation are laid on the base.
  • Pipes to the frame are mounted using clamps or steel wire.

For underfloor heating, special seamless pipes are used. The circuit is mounted from a solid line. The pipe material must be corrosion resistant and resistant to high temperatures.

Helpful information! Profile mats made of extruded polystyrene foam can be used as a frame and insulation. Then the canvases are covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Features of connecting the structure to a heat source

In the floor circuit, most often the average temperature is 35-40 degrees. Wiring diagrams for water in a private house function with the help of forced admixture of flows. Part of the coolant from the return flow goes into the supply circuit.

gas boilers equipped with special automation. Solid fuel units require a more complex device. They are equipped with circulation pumps and a special buffer tank. In this case, a more complex combustion control is used.

The best option for a floor heating system are electric boilers. Special automation allows you to maintain the desired temperature without loss of thermal power.

Helpful information! Used to heat small houses direct connection to an electric boiler. In cottages with a large area, a special distribution comb is used.

Advantages and disadvantages of schemes

Installation schemes for water-heated floors in a private house, compared to others, have the following advantages:

The disadvantages include a large amount of time to install the system. If leaks appear, you will have to remove most of the flooring, including the screed.

Designing underfloor heating schemes in an apartment

Designing wiring diagrams for underfloor heating in a private house differs from an apartment project. After installation, no changes can be made to the layout of the radiators. Installation of floor structures powered by centralized heating is carried out at the construction stage by special organizations.

In apartments, the coolant flows through pipes through a separate riser, and not from a radiator heating riser. Water is heated in a special heat exchanger. If initially there is no data on the floor heating device in the project, then the connection of a new circuit must be agreed with the management company.

Helpful information! After agreeing on the project and obtaining permission, a heat exchanger is installed, and also mounted, circulation pump and the security team. With several circuits, a collector assembly is used.

Prices for the installation of underfloor heating

Wiring diagrams for underfloor heating made in a private house can have a different cost. It will include materials, preparatory and installation work, as well as connection and strength testing of circuits. Cost of work for square meter varies from 1500 to 3000 rubles. Also, the price is affected by the type of base and the quality of the equipment.

Useful advice! It is recommended to purchase ready-made sets of equipment for underfloor heating. Many manufacturers at the same time offer a free calculation of the entire system.

The density of laying the pipeline is determined by the required level of heating of the room. Near the walls and entrance doors, more dense laying is performed. In this case, the distance from the highway to the wall should be more than 12 cm. The length of one circuit should not be more than 100 meters. In addition, the joints of the highways are made using metal sleeves. The collector with are placed in a special distribution cabinet, for which you need to select a place in advance.

Full-fledged heating of the room and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house depend on the quality of the wiring diagrams. Good luck with the repair!

Do-it-yourself water-heated floor (video)

If private house used for year-round use, it must be additionally insulated. This helps to reduce heating costs and create a favorable microclimate in the cold season. Many owners of low-rise real estate are primarily interested in the question of how to make a warm floor in a private house and minimize heat loss? In this article we will describe the simplest solution - the installation of a water-heated floor system, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, the features of laying the pipeline.

Why has underfloor heating become so popular? Owners of private houses have received an excellent alternative to radiators, which do not cope with their tasks as efficiently. They cannot evenly heat the room, so the temperature on the opposite wall from the battery is much lower than that on which the heating source is fixed. The difference between the temperature near the floor and the ceiling is huge - the heated air rises, and it is there that the main heat is concentrated. The floor remains cold, so there is a feeling of unpleasant discomfort.

Water heated floors in a private house help to solve this problem, providing a number of additional advantages. Here is a list of their main positive qualities.

Clear merits

The first and most important advantage of a water floor heating system is the uniform heating of the room.

  • Using it as an additional or main source of heat, you can significantly save on heating your home.
  • The system helps to completely abandon the use of bulky radiators, which fit very poorly into the concept of modern interiors.
  • This type of heating does not dry the air in the room, does not burn oxygen.
  • During the operation of the system, there is no large temperature difference between cold and warm air, therefore swirl processes are excluded. This means that air currents will not raise dust from the floor, creating difficulties for allergy sufferers and people suffering from lung diseases.
  • The presence of a thermostat allows you to regulate and independently control the heating modes.
  • Unlike electric floor heating systems, water does not create electromagnetic radiation. It is easy to install it yourself, without resorting to the expensive help of professional craftsmen.

Existing deficiencies

Before installing a water system, experts recommend getting acquainted with the shortcomings that it has. This knowledge will help you avoid the most common mistakes:

  • Firstly, the process of assembling a warm floor is a very laborious and lengthy set of activities that requires high initial costs.
  • Secondly, for its installation it is necessary to fill the floors with concrete. The pipeline through which the coolant will be forced to run must be embedded in a cement-sand screed. In the event of its failure, it will be difficult to repair individual sections. You will have to turn off the system, completely dismantle the flooring and hammer concrete screed. And this is very difficult.

Undoubtedly, the advantages of the system are much greater than the disadvantages. Today, new technologies have appeared to help get around them.

Note! If you correctly assemble the system, then water-heated floors will help you forget about the discomfort in the house associated with poor-quality heating for many years.

Mounting Features

How to make the floor warm.

There are two ways to assemble a water heated floor system:

  1. Perform a cement-sand screed (if necessary, lay the line on a concrete base).
  2. Use a special flooring system (if the base of the floor is wooden).
  3. When installing pipes using a concrete screed, the installation scheme is as follows:
  4. The concrete base is cleared of construction debris and dust. Carefully examined for defects. Cracks and potholes are filled with a thick cement-sand mortar.
  5. The floor is covered with waterproofing. As it can be used polyethylene film. It is overlapped, and the seams are fastened with construction tape.
  6. A damper tape is attached to the walls along the entire perimeter of the room. It minimizes the effects of expansion of the screed when it dries.
  7. So that the heat generated by the system does not go down, a heater is laid on the film, one side of which has a foil layer. The thermal insulation material is located with this side up. It is better to use rigid material for these purposes, which fits tightly end-to-end, and possible gaps between separate elements are filled mounting foam. On top of the insulation is a reinforcing mesh. A pipeline is attached to it according to the drawn up scheme.
  8. The line is connected to the distribution manifold. The system is pressure tested and checked for leaks.
  9. If the system is working properly, the floor is poured with concrete with your own hands. The concrete screed will level the surface and prepare it for laying the final floor covering. The main thing at this stage is to observe all the subtleties of the technology and properly prepare the solution. So let's take a closer look at this point.

Concrete screed

The thickness of the water floor screed

To make the floor surface even, you need to know in advance how to make a concrete floor in a private house. A video posted on our website will help to study in detail the features of this technology. From the video tutorial it will become clear how to set up the beacons, how they can be attached directly to the reinforcing mesh, how to pour the concrete floor, preparing the solution yourself. Therefore, we will not dwell on this issue in detail, but we will describe how to properly dry the concrete screed.

Cement and sand are used as a pouring solution - two ingredients mixed with water make it possible to obtain a special mixture that takes a very long time to gain its strength. The concrete screed will finally get stronger only three weeks after pouring. To prevent cracking, the screed must be properly dried:

  1. On the second day after pouring, the concrete screed is thoroughly watered and covered with plastic wrap. On top, you can lay a layer of sawdust or sand, which will also need to be watered every two days.
  2. You can open the film only after a two-week period. In the last third of the time, the screed dries open, but it is again watered every two days.
  3. You can turn on the underfloor heating system only one month after pouring the concrete. Increase the heating temperature gradually.

Now you know how to fill the floor in the house, how to properly dry the screed. The final stage is the selection and installation of flooring. For finishing, it is necessary to choose materials that have a minimum heat transfer coefficient. Optimal choiceceramic tile. However, today you can also use laminate, linoleum and carpet.

Generalization on the topic

Today, the water floor heating system is actively used to heat private houses. It is easy to assemble it yourself if you study in detail the algorithm of the existing technology. In this article, only one installation method was described - installation of the system in a concrete screed. How to install underfloor heating wooden base will be discussed in the next article.

Semyon Knyazev

Underfloor heating is no longer a novelty. This technology is used for underfloor heating in apartments, private houses, offices and various other premises. Their principle of operation is simple - they heat the base under your feet, as well as the air in the room, which allows you to warm up any room well enough. They are usually installed in addition to the main heating system. Installing them is not as difficult as it seems, but this is a rather troublesome business. How to make a warm floor? This process will largely depend on what type of system was chosen for installation.

Now there are three main types of underfloor heating, which differ in the type of coolant, and also have different arrangement technology. However, in general, they are united by one main advantage - the heating element is installed directly into the floor cake, due to which it is heated. At the same time, the air masses in the room also warm up, but the air will be warmer near the floor, but above this limit, at the level of a person’s head, the air remains slightly cool, which allows you to create an optimal microclimate in the room.

On a note! In certain cases, underfloor heating can completely replace the central heating system. But this is not always possible, and you still shouldn’t refuse the main radiators.

Water based heating

In this case, the heat carrier is ordinary heated water, which flows inside pipes laid according to a certain pattern and filled with a concrete screed. The service life of such a system is approximately 20 years. A fairly reliable and safe option, but it is used either in private homes or in new buildings where it is possible to connect such a floor. In old multi-storey buildings, without the permission of the management company, it will not be possible to connect a water floor, since installation will involve its connection to central system heating, not designed for additional loads - it can become very cold in other apartments.

The disadvantages of this design may be the likelihood of leaks and the risk of flooding of the premises located below, as well as the tendency of some types of pipeline to corrode. Installation, of course, is laborious, but this is one of the most economical floor options. You can install such heating under any finish coating. However, if you want to use the possibilities of a water-heated floor as efficiently as possible, study the features of different coatings. Find perfect option will help .

Heating with cable

Such floors can be installed in absolutely any room - even in old, even in new apartments, houses, offices, etc. This option has become a real salvation for those who, for some reason, cannot make a water heated floor. The system is quite simple to install and is a laid electrical cable in a special scheme, located inside the screed. It converts electricity into heat.

For the arrangement of heating can be used self-regulating and resistive cables. In the latter case, a two-core is usually used (single-core often become sources of radiation harmful to the body, which is why they are not preferred to be used). Self-regulating wires do not have the disadvantages that resistive wires have. Typically, a cable floor is used if the top coat is made of tiles or linoleum.

IR floor

This is perhaps the most popular floor heating system, as it does not require pouring a new screed, it is easy to install, but it is not inferior in quality to other heating options. It is represented by thin mats with carbon strips connected to each other by wires. Such floors heat up quickly, but also cool down quickly (sometimes this function is needed), they are very thin, allow you to quickly adjust the heating temperature, are economical in terms of energy costs, easy to repair and completely safe for humans. Such a system also works thanks to electricity. There is a drawback - a small static and because of this - the attraction of dust to the base. Read more about infrared underfloor heating, depending on the finish, in separate articles of the portal: under the laminate, and under the tile.

Table. Comparison of characteristics of different systems.

Characteristicwater floorelectric floor
Presence of EMPNotPossibly, depending on cable type
Possibility of arrangement in apartment buildingsOnly in new buildings with a separate connectionYes
Quick settings managementNotYes
Dependence on the heating seasonYes - in apartments and no - in private housesNot
Installation timeLong due to the need to fill the screedShort
Possibility of laying any finishing coatingYesCertain types of flooring should not be placed on top of an electric floor
Ease of repairComplicated repairIn the case of IR floors - quick repair

Prices for electric underfloor heating "Teplolux"

electric underfloor heating thermolux

If you have not yet decided on the type of underfloor heating, read. We have discussed in detail the advantages and disadvantages. different materials and made a list of recommendations.

We make a warm water floor with our own hands

Let us consider in more detail the process of work in the arrangement of water floor heating. It includes a number of stages - this is the preparation of a rough base, the installation of the system itself, as well as pouring the screed and laying the finish coat. In this case, a budget option for creating a heating system will be considered.

Heated floors are a serious cost item during repairs, so it is important to accurately calculate how much and what materials will be needed. To facilitate your labor costs, we have prepared a guide that tells how to calculate a warm floor - water or electric. Online calculators are included. And in the article "" you will find full list everything you need for installation.

Foundation preparation

Consider how to make a subfloor for the arrangement of a water system based on expanded clay.

Step 1. First of all, the old wooden floor is completely dismantled. Boards and logs are removed. Remains of bricks and oversized construction debris may be left on the ground.

Step 2 A laser level is used to determine the height of the final floor. The main target of the required level is Entrance door. The marking should be 1.5-2 cm below the threshold.

Step 3 Markings are applied to the walls. The first mark indicates the boundary of the screed with the laid heating pipes (the thickness of the screed should not be less than 6 cm thick). The second indicates the thickness of the expanded clay insulation (in this case, the thickness of this layer will be 10 cm).

Step 4 Along the line of the laser level, marks are applied to the walls along the entire perimeter according to the level of the finished floor.

Step 5 Markings are also applied to the walls of two other levels - expanded clay bedding and screed. The reference point in this case is the mark of the finished floor.

Step 6 The rough concrete floor is covered with sand, which is evenly distributed over it. You can focus on the bottom mark.

Step 8

Step 9 The holes in the walls left from the log are sealed with pieces of brick and cement mortar.

Step 10 Waterproofing is laid on a layer of sand. In this case, it is a dense polyethylene film, which is laid with the plant on the walls. For convenience, the film is fixed with adhesive tape.

Step 11 Beacons are being installed. For this, high-density foam block cubes are used, on which metal beacons will then be installed. Cubes are installed on polyethylene at a distance of about 1 m from each other. The height of one cube is 9 cm.

Step 12 Metal beacon profiles 1 cm high are installed on the cubes.

Step 13 At the junctions of the lighthouses, a cube must be installed. For proper docking, the beacons are cut. At correct docking beacons are superimposed on each other in the direction of the future movement of the rule.

Step 14 Lighthouses are set by level. Landmark - a line on the wall indicating the height of the screed. To level them, you can use plywood linings.

Step 15 When the beacons are level, they are fixed on the cubes with self-tapping screws.

Step 16 The draft floor should have a slight slope (the difference is up to 5 mm for each meter of the base length). If necessary, the cubes can be pressed into the sand to achieve the desired result. The operation is performed along the entire length of the lighthouses.

Step 17 Additional cubes are installed between the main cubes.

Step 18 Expanded clay is mixed with a small amount of cement mixture. This will give you a stronger floor. A bucket of sand, 2 kg of cement and about 3 liters of water are used for a bag of expanded clay.

Step 19 The prepared expanded clay is laid out on the base and leveled. Backfilling is done starting from the far corner of the room. There should be about 1.5 cm of free space left to the top level of the beacons.

Step 20 The expanded clay layer is covered with cement mortar. The solution is leveled with a trowel over the entire surface.

Step 21 The screed is aligned with the rule according to the beacons. Perfect evenness can not be achieved. To make it easy to remove the beacons from the screed, their surface is not smeared.

Step 22 Two days later, when the screed dries, the beacons are removed. To do this, the screws fixing them are unscrewed. Together with the beacons, wooden linings are removed.

Step 23 After that, the resulting cracks are cleaned of debris and sealed with cement mortar.

Pipe laying and connection

After preparation, the installation of the heating system itself begins.

Step 1. In this case, the existing heating system will be maintained on the basis of a gas boiler. The battery is powered by a supply circuit located on the second floor. The water leaving the radiator is sent to the return circuit, which is located in the basement. The warm floor will be connected to the second output of the battery and to the return circuit. Taps will be installed to turn off the radiator and underfloor heating. A circulation pump will be installed at the entrance to the return circuit.

Step 2 The radiator is equipped with the necessary fittings. These are connectors and pipes. To seal the connection, plumbing linen and sealant are used.

Step 3 This is how the finished outputs from the battery will look like. One of them will be used to connect a warm floor.

Step 4 Before further installation of pipes around the perimeter of the room, a damper tape is glued (we have already discussed its choice). She sits on the walls with glue.

Step 5 Multifoil is laid on the rough screed - a special insulation. Separate strips of material are fixed to each other with adhesive tape.

Step 6 A reinforcing mesh with 10x10 cm cells is laid on top of the foil. Individual pieces are overlapped by 1-2 cells. The grid is connected to each other with a wire.

Step 7 A pipe leading to the return is installed and connected.

Step 8 A water floor pipe with a cross section of 20 mm is mounted to the other outlet from the battery. A piece of protective corrugation can be put on the initial section of the pipe.

Step 9 The pipe is laid on the floor and fixed to the reinforcing mesh with plastic clamps. When laying, it is important to ensure that there are no kinks on the pipe. To form knees, you can use a hair dryer that heats the pipe. The distance in the circuit between adjacent pipes should be about 20 cm in this case.

Step 10 The underfloor heating pipe is laid with a snake.

Step 11 The ends of the return pipe and the underfloor heating are sent to metal pipes leading to the basement. Voids can be sealed with mounting foam.

Step 12 Areas that rise above floor level metal mesh fixed to the floor with dowels and metal plates.

Step 13 Further work will be carried out in the basement. A circulation pump is being installed. It connects to the return pipe. Two cranes are also installed in the system. One of them will block the natural circulation. The lower valve completely blocks the entrance to the return pipe.

Step 14 The control unit is assembled and all pipes are connected. In mode natural circulation Water flows through the underfloor heating pipe into the return line with both taps open. If you turn off the top tap, then the water from the warm floor will move through an additional pipe towards the pump - this is the mode of rapid heating of the floor. If the bottom tap is closed when the pump is off, then the warm floor will be completely turned off.

Filling the screed

The final stage of the installation of the water floor is the pouring of the screed and laying the floor covering.

Step 1. To make the screed even, metal beacons are installed. They are located on pieces of concrete.

Step 2 Pieces of concrete are fixed to the base with cement mortar.

Step 3 Beacons are fixed on concrete with self-tapping screws in pre-made holes. All of them must be aligned strictly according to the level.

Advice! It is better to start installing the first beacons from the side of the door. This will allow you to correctly select their height relative to the doorway.

Step 4 A concrete solution is prepared in exact proportions.

Step 5 The concrete is evenly distributed over the prepared floor.

Important! At the time of laying the screed, the floor pipes must be filled with water.

Step 6 The concrete solution is aligned with the beacons using the rule.

Step 7 The screed is dried for 28 days. The floor is covered with a top coat.

Video - Installation of a water floor

Video - Installation of a warm infrared floor

The complexity and the entire process of manufacturing a warm floor will depend on which heating option is chosen. The water floor is perhaps the most best option for arranging base heating in a private house or new building. Those who do not want to mess with the screed can be recommended to use infrared floors.

Private house owners provide water floor heating installation. Whether it will be in one room or in the whole cottage at once, depends on the family budget and the desire of the owners. But its merits are difficult to overestimate - during operation, you can forget about warm socks and colds in children and adults. If all cash spent on construction, but dreams of a warm field do not leave the owners, you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work yourself. It will take a little time to install, minimal skills in construction and useful information.

What is a warm floor in a private house?

Make a warm water floor with your own hands- is to create an artificial heating system that provides air heating from below. In this case, the floor serves as a heating device that maintains a given temperature regime. It provides thermal comfort and meets all process requirements.

When arranging floor heating in a private house, the following heating options are mainly considered:

  • Electric floor;
  • Electric water floor;
  • Classic water floor and the use of pipes and a boiler.

The last type of heating of a dwelling is used most often during construction. Its main advantage is cost-effectiveness in design, in use and during possible elimination malfunctions. Consider the main advantages of a water floor:

  1. Safety. Hot pipes are isolated from the person by several layers. building materials- the possibility of getting a skin burn is excluded.
  2. Saving. Electricity consumption is reduced by 25-30%. The cost of arranging a warm water floor pays off within a year.
  3. Convenience and comfort. With the help of the regulator, the owners can set the optimal temperature regime: at the level of 20-30 cm from the floor - 20-22°C, at the level of 1.5 m - 18-28°C.
  4. Durability. Right installed system heating is able to function without repair and Maintenance 25-40 years old.

The main disadvantage of a water floor is possibility of waterproofing with self installation. What other disadvantages does the heating system have:

  • inaccessibility. If, nevertheless, there was a breakthrough of the pipe, then to eliminate the violation, it will be necessary to open the entire floor.
  • Installation of additional equipment. It will be necessary to purchase radiators when arranging a warm floor in only one room.

Three ways to install a warm water floor

Before proceeding with the self-installation of a warm floor, you need to choose a method that will best suit the design of the house and the building skills of its owner. There are three options for systems: polystyrene, wood, concrete.

During construction wooden system you can save a lot and use the materials left after the construction of the house: boards, MDF boards, pieces of plywood.

Construction steps:

  1. Wooden blocks 15 cm long are laid on the wooden base of the floor, leaving a distance between them corresponding to the diameter of the pipes;
  2. The next layer will be thermal distribution plates, which are fixed with screws. The grooves of the plate must fit snugly into the space between wooden beams;
  3. A dense film of polyethylene is laid on top of the structure;
  4. The final stage is the fastening of drywall sheets.

When choosing thermal distribution plates in a hardware store, you should pay attention to the presence of a latch. When using it, the fit of the surfaces of all structural elements will be the closest, and this will directly affect the amount of heat transfer.

The polystyrene system is more than any other suitable for self installation warm water floor. Polystyrene thermal insulation boards are equipped with special latches for a secure grip. By laying the interlocked plates on a wooden base, they get a one-piece structure with a flat surface.

Pipes are laid in the grooves of the plate. The use of fasteners is not required - the pipe is fixed by light pressing until it enters the groove completely. It remains to lay the metal plates on top and everything is ready for the installation of the floor covering.

The concrete system is used most often because of its relative cheapness, availability of materials and reliability.

The sequence of laying layers:

  1. Sand and cement screed;
  2. waterproofing material;
  3. Thermal insulation material;
  4. Heating system pipes;
  5. Reinforcing mesh and (or) plastic fasteners;
  6. A mixture of concrete with plasticizers;
  7. Flooring.

This method is suitable for home owners who have previously worked with concrete and have necessary equipment for its manufacture.

List of required materials

Before you make a water heated floor with your own hands, you need to responsibly approach the choice of components. First, when purchasing materials, ask the seller to show product certificates. Secondly, before visiting the store, make a list of the necessary building materials, then you will not buy extra pipes or fixatives. Here's what you need when installing a heating system:

  • damper tape. This is polyethylene foam to compensate for thermal expansion. It is laid between the edges of the screed and the wall. Possesses heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties.
  • Thermal insulation materials . Now exists huge selection materials for thermal insulation in any price categories. When installing a water floor, you can use sheet polystyrene foam. Together with the damper tape, expanded polystyrene will ensure optimal heat transfer from the pipes of the heating system.
  • Waterproofing materials. Tight polyethylene film prevents unwanted leakage. Try to use a single piece of material when laying. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large, then the edges of the film must be fastened with tape.
  • Fine-mesh reinforcing mesh. The mesh size should be 150 square meters. mm, bar section 4 mm. The material is used to give strength to the screed and fasten pipes.
  • Pipes. If the quality certificate guarantees integrity for 20 years or more, you can safely make a purchase regardless of the material from which the products are made. For good heat transfer, pipes with a diameter of 2 cm are suitable.
  • Mounts. The selection of fasteners is not difficult - in hardware stores there are plastic or metal, of any shape and size.

Materials for a water-heated floor must be selected depending on the installation method.

Before visiting the hardware store, check if all the tools are available. When conducting installation work not to do without a drill and a screwdriver.

Design and calculation of underfloor heating parameters

If you are not sure that you can independently design the design of a warm water floor or calculate the number of pipes in meters, you can resort to the help of specialists or make calculations using computer programs. But it should not be difficult, here are some tips:

  • It is impossible to make one floor contour more than 100 m, excessive length will negatively affect its integrity.
  • The length of the components of the circuit should not differ by more than 10-12 m. And it is better to use equal pipe sections when installing the circuit.
  • The warmer the winters in your place of residence, the greater the distance between the pipes should be. If during the coldest period the thermometer does not fall below -20°C, then optimal distance between the pipes is 15 cm. In severe winter conditions, the pipes must be placed every 10 cm.

When making correct calculations, you should get the following parameters: with a distance between pipes of 15 cm, 6.5 m of pipes will be used per square meter, and with a step of 10 cm - 9.9 m.

Water floor installation

How to make a warm water floor yourself: all materials and tools are at hand - you can proceed with the installation. Builders call the combination of layers of the water floor structure a “pie”, so we need to assemble it.

Preparing and insulating the surface for underfloor heating

How to install a warm water floor: first of all, you need clean the surface of construction debris and make a concrete screed using a reinforcing wall. The quality of the screed is checked using a level - if the surface turned out to be flawed, it is leveled with a trowel. We form the pie next:

  • thermal insulation layer;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • Another layer of reinforcing mesh.

All materials used, regardless of the chosen laying method, must be tightly fitted at the edges to each other. If gaps have formed at the joints, you can remove them with adhesive tape (when using a film) or mounting foam.

Selecting and installing a collector

When selecting a collector, be guided by the size of the room where the warm floor will be located, and the power of the unit. The collector must perform the following functions:

  • Maintain the required pressure;
  • Control the air flow;
  • Provide control of water flow;
  • Ensure the reliability of the entire system;
  • Control heating - underfloor heating should not cool down.

It is best to purchase a manifold from brass or stainless steel equipped with shut-off valve and temperature sensor. During installation, first connect the water supply pipes to the unit, and only then the pipes with its outflow. You can use special fittings or a clamping ring with a sleeve and a nut.

Choosing a heating boiler

When choosing a boiler, you need to focus on the following models:

  • Electric boilers. The most convenient option when arranging a warm floor: even if there is no electricity, the boiler will not stop working.
  • gas boilers. The cheapest model in terms of cost and fuel price. The disadvantage is that the floors will be cold if the gas runs out in the line.
  • Solar boilers. Not suitable for home owners who care about the state of the environment. In addition, you will need to constantly clean the filters.

You can make a warm water floor with your own hands in a private house using boilers that run on wood and coal. If there is a lot of such fuel in your area and it is inexpensive, then you can purchase such a unit.

Pipe installation

Using clamps (or aluminum wire), secure the pipes to the reinforcing mesh. When installing a water floor, the fasteners cannot be tightened - under the pressure of hot water, the pipes expand slightly and may vibrate. You need to start installing a water-heated floor system with water pipes. Then the segments of the circuit are attached to each other, and the collector is connected last.

Before installation, it is necessary to calculate the number of outlets at the collector. That is how many contours should be on the surface of the screed.

Filling the screed

How to lay a water-heated floor under a screed - before pouring the screed, check the system. To do this, you will need to turn on the heating and supply water at a pressure of 2.7 bar. If within a few hours the waterproofing is not broken, everything is done correctly.

Left make a cement-sand screed. Fill voids with concrete and level the surface using a spirit level. Water floor installation completed.

  1. Please note that only owners of private houses have the right to equip such a heating system. In many regions of our country, there is a ban on the conversion of water supply systems in apartments. Improper installation of the water floor can lead to leakage: neighbors apartment building will remain in winter period without heating. At best, you can get off with a fine, at worst - pay overhaul damaged premises.
  2. When installing a water system, it is required to provide for the final version of the floor covering: marble, granite, basalt have excellent thermal conductivity - it will always be comfortable in the house. But wooden floors and carpets do not distribute heat well from heating element. In addition, the tree will dry out, and synthetic carpets can emit harmful substances into the surrounding space.
  3. The quality of the installation of a warm floor will be higher if you level its base as much as possible. The total number of irregularities on the surface should vary within 5 mm.

Today, water heated floors are a very popular option for heating private homes. In addition to high efficiency, this design has many advantages, including the possibility of a radical change in the interior, by getting rid of classic radiators. Despite a lot of advantages, the hydraulic system of heated floors has one significant drawback - the complexity of installation, which increases the estimated cost of water heating in a private house at times.

It is possible to reduce the cost of this heating system (CO) if all the stages of creation are performed on their own. This publication will address issues related to the preparatory work and the creation of a hydraulic heated floor with your own hands.

Foundation preparation

Proper preparation of the surface for laying the floor heating coil provides half the success in the implementation of this CO of a private house.

  • If the base is a floor slab, then preparatory work include surface cleaning, leveling with cement-sand or specialized mixtures. If the surface of the base is wooden, then the algorithm of work is as follows: cleaning from dirt and debris, stuffing sheets of plywood or chipboard for leveling. If it is planned to lay the coil on the ground, then the following operations are preliminarily carried out: creating a layer of sand and gravel, tamping with a vibrating plate, leveling. In some cases, it is recommended to create a rough reinforced base.
  • The second step in preparing the base is waterproofing. Heating in the floor in a private house cannot be carried out without an appropriate waterproofing layer. Materials for its creation can be: mastics, bituminous materials, polyethylene film, at least 100 microns thick.

    Important! After laying the waterproofing around the entire perimeter of the room, a damper tape is fastened, which compensates for the thermal expansion of the floor during heating.

    The third stage is warming. This event is designed to ensure that the heat from the coil does not go deep into the floor.

    Advice: If it is planned to organize this CO, only as an additional one, then it is enough to use a substrate under a warm water floor made of foamed polyethylene with a foil coating. If a warm floor is planned above a heated room, then expanded polystyrene sheets, 50 mm thick, are used as a heater. If a water heated floor is created on the ground or over an unheated basement, then the insulation layer should be from 50 to 100 mm.

  • The fourth stage of base preparation is reinforcement, which is necessary for fixing the pipeline and fixing the screed. The thickness of the screed for a water-heated floor varies from design and materials. The optimal thickness of the "pie" is from 70 to 130 mm.

    Design and components of the system

    Consider the classic scheme of a warm water floor with a connection to an autonomous heat generator. This design consists of:

    1. Boiler.

      Important! It should be understood that the temperature of the coolant in the central CO varies from 70 to 90°C. In order to avoid circuit failure, direct connection to the central heating pipe is not recommended. Even if the piping material and fittings withstand high temperature, think about moving comfortably on floors with temperatures above 60°C!

    2. Expansion tank of the closed type.
    3. pressure gauge.
    4. A pump that circulates the coolant in the circuit. This device may be included in the design of the boiler plant.
  • Coil piping.
  • In addition, for self-creation water heated floor will need: ball valves installed at the inlet of the heat generator; circulation pump (may be included in the design of the boiler unit); pipes and fittings for laying the route and connecting the coil to the collector, the number of which is calculated individually, based on the scheme and design of this CO.

    The underfloor heating circuit can be connected from an autonomous heat generator (gas electric or solid fuel). If the house provides for heating from central heating, then if you have permits, you can simply connect a warm floor from heating with your own hands. V Lately, quite popular sources of thermal energy are a boiler indirect heating or instantaneous water heater.

    The main conditions for the use of a particular heat source are sufficient performance, efficiency and safety. The required power of the boiler unit can be calculated according to the algorithm: for heating 10m 2 of a brick private house with double plastic windows, you need 1 kW of heat generator power.

    Tip: Not all houses are insulated according to European standards (heat loss is not more than 40W/m2). In addition, much depends on the region of residence. Based on this, for houses in the northern regions and poorly insulated buildings, experts recommend increasing the rated power heating installation by 20-30%.


    The material for creating a water heated floor, when heating a private house, are: metal-plastic, reinforced polypropylene or cross-linked polyethylene. Recently, polyethylene pipes, which do not have high values ​​of linear expansion when heated, have good tightness and thermal conductivity, have earned the recognition of specialists. The pipe diameter should be within 16-20 mm. In addition, the pipe for the water floor must have the following characteristics:

    • Thermal conductivity more than 0.43 W / m 0 С;
    • The expansion coefficient is not higher than 0.025 mm/m;
    • Working pressure - 10 bar;
    • Operating temperature 95°C.

    You can calculate the required amount of pipe according to the table below:


    As already mentioned above, today most modern heat generators are equipped with a circulation pump, and it is necessary to purchase it only if it is not in the equipment.

    The main condition for choosing this device is performance. You can choose the right circulation pump according to the table below:

    The collector for heating and underfloor heating is a branch pipe with a certain number of outlets. This splitter is designed to connect several heating circuits (including underfloor heating) to the supply and return of the autonomous CO main line. In this design, two such devices are used: one - for the distribution of hot coolant, the second - for collecting chilled water from the kennel. The collector also includes air vents, the necessary valves and taps designed to adjust the performance of this CO.

    When choosing this device, it is necessary to determine the number of taps sufficient for all heating circuits. If you are willing to pay for the full automation of the process of underfloor heating as part of CO, then pay attention to models equipped with servo valves and mixers. Do not neglect the collector box, the dimensions of which are selected in accordance with the dimensions of all equipment included in the collector group.

    For a clearer understanding of the collector assembly process, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video