Layout of a summer cottage - schemes for effective and competent zoning (99 photos). Garden and vegetable garden layout Garden and vegetable garden layout diagrams

Happy owners of their own land plots, whether it is a dacha or private house, almost immediately face the problem of competent zoning of the territory. Now there are a lot of specialists in landscape design, but our man is closer to planning a garden with his own hands. A house, a garden and a vegetable garden are their own, and here it is important to take into account all the nuances from the very beginning, because it will be problematic or even impossible to remake.

Common types of planning

Tip: in the vast majority of cases, when designing a standard garden and vegetable garden with their own hands, experts adhere to proportions according to which residential buildings account for 10% of the territory, 15% is taken by a recreation area and outbuildings, 75% is given to plants.

Despite the apparent diversity, the layout of the garden plot can be done in four main ways.

  1. The most common is the rectilinear or parallel-perpendicular version.. He is chosen not because he has some special beauty, but rather because it is easier. Plus, such an arrangement is subconsciously associated with order.

Important: parallel-perpendicular forms, in plan landscape design, create the effect of reducing space.
Therefore, in this way, the planning of a garden plot of 10 acres or more can be carried out.

  1. The exact opposite would be the circular arrangement option.. Let's say right away that this is a rather specific method, and it requires certain knowledge in landscape design. An orchard and flower beds can be entered in this way, but it will be more difficult with a vegetable garden.
  2. The diagonal arrangement can be called universal to some extent.. Thus, it can be done as a layout of a garden plot of 15 acres or more. So the arrangement on the standard six acres. The diagonal orientation creates a visual volume and at the same time makes it possible to easily arrange the location of various zones on the site with your own hands.
  3. The fourth option can be safely called creative. There are no specific laws here, as a rule, it is a symbiosis of several of the types described above. Most often it is used in areas with correct configuration and broken perimeter lines.

Tip: Before you start implementing your project, be sure to draw it on paper.
If you have purchased a finished site, which already has some buildings and plantings that you do not plan to clean, they should be noted first of all and further build on the resulting picture.

Laws of rational distribution

Of course, it is much easier to plan the location of buildings, a garden and a vegetable garden on 10 acres, this is the very critical quadrature on which such landscape delights as an open pond or a separate playground will already look appropriate. But the owners of smaller plots should not be upset either, with a competent approach, you can make a masterpiece out of any territory.

In any project, the house is the main object, they pay attention to it in the first place, so you should start with it. The approach here can be twofold, depending on the general focus.

If the site is being developed in order to grow a good harvest and in the future it should be overgrown with fruit trees and a rich garden, then it is better to place the buildings on the outskirts. Moreover, from the north or north-west side, so as not to block the sun for plants.

On the territory intended exclusively for recreation, with lawns and flower beds, it is more reasonable to locate housing in the center or closer to the front part. Outbuildings, in both cases, are recommended to be hidden in the depths of the territory, if this is not possible, then they should be decorated with shrubs or vineyards.

It is better to place a recreation area with a barbecue and appropriate furniture closer to home, in small areas it is appropriate to make a covered terrace adjacent to the house, in large areas you can equip a gazebo. So it will be more convenient to bring the necessary communications. But, of course, such a zone should be hidden from prying eyes.

If you want to regularly get good harvests and enjoy the beauty of your flower beds all season long, then all green spaces should receive as much sunlight as possible. The layout plan is also important. orchard and a garden with your own hands, because the price of improper planting is the lack of a crop.

Arrangement of an orchard

Suppose that all the torments of creativity associated with the arrangement of various zones in your country house or in a private household are already behind us and it is time to purchase seedlings. The most common mistake young owners make is the desire to plant everything and more.

But do not forget that fertile land is not dimensionless and no more than 7 tall, fruit-bearing trees can fit on one hundred square meters.

With a low or flat planting, you can fit up to 15 healthy trees and still have room for a small vineyard and shrubs. In this case, it is much better to plant less than to invest in quality seedlings, the price of which can be rather big, and uproot the trees after a couple of seasons, because they do not develop well and interfere with the growth of neighboring plantations.

Review your list.

Think about whether you need all the plants that you plan to plant.

  • Sea buckthorn is certainly useful, but after the first harvest, interest in it drops sharply. Intensive growth, thorns and problematic collection, will quickly discourage growing it, it is easier to buy 1 - 2 cans on the market.
  • A cultivated undersized walnut is rare, in 80% of cases you will be sold a regular one. Its crown will cover a large area, and its roots can tear out a light strip foundation. It is appropriate in large areas or next to a capital cottage, creating a shadow over the barbecue area.
  • Hazelnuts will take a quarter of a hundred square meters and give a lot of shoots.
  • One viburnum is enough, it is better to plant it on the outskirts, near the fence. The plant is unpretentious and normally tolerates shade.
  • Chokeberry or chokeberry, for a big fan. The fruits are good for pressure, but this plant loves the sun.

Any plant reaches for the light, and until it reaches its goal, it will not bear fruit normally. Therefore, by planting a seedling in a deliberately shaded area, you doom yourself to a lack of harvest, and the plant to an eternal struggle. In this case, even the best, grafted seedlings will not save you.

The shadow is about half the height of the tree. Conditionally shaded is an area where there is no sun for half a day or more. But do not worry in these places you can place paths, design elements or flower beds.

Important: trees planted near high walls will “shy away” from them, they will need to be shaped.
The only exception is the south direction.

If the goal is big harvest then it is better to form trees with a height of no more than 2m, in some cases the height can reach up to 4m. A comfortable distance between the trunks should be two tree heights, in other words, there should be at least 4m between two-meter plants.

Lines of trees, vineyard trellises and rows of shrubs try to arrange from north to south. So you get additional opportunity planting between the rows of tall plants is also undersized crops, there will be enough sun for everyone.

A few words about the garden

In the garden, ease of movement is important. The comfortable size of the paths is made at least 40 cm. It should be convenient not only to walk on them, but also to import fertilizers or harvest.

Based on many years of experience, we can safely say that the parallel-perpendicular arrangement of the tracks is inconvenient in this case. You will constantly stumble over right angles, and scold sharp turns.

The law works on vegetable beds, the shorter the path, the better. Therefore, feel free to combine diagonals, semicircles, or any other configuration that is convenient for you.

The width of the beds can be different, but a good bed should be raised to a height of about 20 - 30 cm and edged with a border. The internal space, at the same time, is completely filled with fertile, fertilized soil.

Cabbage, root crops and some bushy legumes like beds at least 1 meter wide. Beds for climbing beans, tall spreading tomatoes, cucumbers or melons can be made 60 cm each.

You should also take into account the mutual love or dislike of cultures.

  • Rhubarb, sorrel, perennial onions and horseradish are recommended to be planted separately from the general array.
  • A variety of greens, such as dill, parsley, spinach, arugula and other salads, will find their place between the main beds.
  • Cabbage does not tolerate neighborhood with tomatoes, strawberries, onions or potatoes. Onions are negatively related to legumes or turnips. Cucumbers do not need to be combined with tomatoes, rhubarb or carrots.
  • If we talk about a favorable combination, then legumes, corn and sorrel get along well with zucchini. Tomatoes like to grow next to parsley, beans, carrots or onions.

Important: do not forget about crop rotation.
Related plants should not be planted in one place for more than 3 years, after which redevelopment should be carried out.
Otherwise, land depletion may occur.

The video in this article reveals some of the secrets of landscape design and do-it-yourself garden planning.


The layout of the garden and vegetable garden on 15 acres belongs to the category of layout of large areas. Unlike miniature 6 acres, there is already room for creative thought to roam here. But we do not advise you to neglect the above recommendations, it can take a lot of time to correct errors.

Making arrangements land plot you need to take full responsibility for its planning. This means not only determining the location of the future home, but also planning the future garden and vegetable garden.

The best option would be drawing up on paper. When drawing up a garden plan, it should be remembered that hearth trees, berry plants, vegetables, ornamental shrubs, and flowers will be grown on the site.

On the plan, it is better to immediately designate separate zones: decorative, fruit and berry and vegetable. A decorative plot should be located in close proximity to a residential building, and behind it you can arrange an orchard and a vegetable garden.

Choosing a site for an orchard

In order to choose the right place for laying the future orchard, to make the right selection of species and varieties of trees, it is necessary to take into account the natural conditions on the site:

  1. The depth of groundwater should not exceed 1.5 m. Otherwise, to lower the groundwater level, you will have to dig special channels or lay drainage pipes. Trees planted on a site with high groundwater, do not grow well, give a small crop, are often subject to fungal diseases and do not withstand winter frosts well.
  2. The acidity of the soil will help determine the plants growing on the site. Those places where cereals and legumes, wild rose, mountain ash, maple, wild pear and apple, oak grow are well suited for laying a garden. If your site has a lot of buttercup, horsetail, sedge, sorrel, this means that the soil is acidic. High acidity can adversely affect the normal growth and development of fruit trees. It can be reduced by adding lime to the soil.
  3. The garden must be protected from cold northern winds.
  4. Study the terrain carefully. The south-western slopes are considered the best for the garden, and the northern ones are the most undesirable. In addition, you should not place the garden at the lowest point of the site, because it is there that cold air will accumulate, which can damage many plants.
  5. Decide on the orientation of the garden relative to the cardinal points. Plantings should receive the maximum amount of solar heat and light and should not be in the shade of buildings or other plantings on the site.

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Planning of fruit and berry plantations

A well-planned orchard and berry garden plan is the key to providing good conditions for plant growth and abundant harvests. When making a plan, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. You need to choose the types of trees and shrubs taking into account the climatic zone, so it is best to buy seedlings in nurseries located in the same area. In such farms, tree varieties are grown that are zoned for this region.
  2. In order to determine the number of seedlings of each variety, you need to study their yield.
  3. To ensure cross-pollination, it is better to plan next to plant varieties with approximately the same ripening time - this will ensure a good harvest.
  4. To draw up an approximate scheme for planting plants, you need to know what the approximate life expectancy and how long the period of productivity of the selected plants lasts.
  5. When arranging tree varieties, one should take into account the exactingness of a particular fruit tree for illumination. If we arrange the most common species in descending order of need for sunlight, we get the following row: apricots, cherries, pears, apple trees, cherries and plums.
  6. When drawing up a plan for an orchard, you need to determine the distances between the trees necessary for their normal growth. For example, for trees on a seed rootstock (apple, cherry, pear), these distances are 5-8 m between rows and 4-5 m between trees in a row. For dwarf varieties, these distances are 3 m between rows and 2 m between apple trees in a row.
  7. By choosing tall trees, the space between them can be temporarily filled vegetable beds, berries or shrubs, the duration of which is approximately 10 years.

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Ornamental Garden Planning

Turning the space near your home into an ideal place to relax is the dream of many. In order to get such a desired result, doing landscaping on your own, you must definitely draw up a plan for the future garden. In doing so, you need to know:

  1. First of all, determine the style in which the decorative garden will be designed.
  2. Next, you should choose plants based on the size of the allotted area, lighting conditions, soil, etc. of course, personal preference.
  3. Based on the specific conditions of this site, you need to choose one of 4 types of layout in order to achieve the desired result.
  4. For lovers of simple, clear lines, rectangular motifs are perfect for planning a garden. They will create the impression of a classic, help to divide the territory into clear zones with different landscape details and plantings. Rectangular motifs are most appropriate to use on elongated long sections.
  5. The second type of planning involves the use of round motifs: flowerbeds, lawns and lawns, playgrounds. The difficulty in implementing this layout lies in combining round elements into one composition. Such a plan is very well suited for square or rectangular plots.
  6. A small area can be visually enlarged by using a diagonal layout for this. When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to apply a grid of diagonal lines to it, located at an angle of 45 degrees to the fence or wall of the house. In the future, ornamental shrubs and flower beds should be arranged parallel to these lines.
  7. If you want to preserve the natural relief and existing plantations, you can use the free one. Wherein the main task consists in the arrangement of plants that create a picturesque composition that has a finished look.
  8. For greater decorativeness, you can use gazebos, arches, pergolas, garden sculptures, benches, fountains, artificial ponds and other elements.
  9. Significantly increase the colorfulness of the landscaped area of ​​​​the flower bed and with properly selected perennials.
  10. When drawing up a plan for planting plants, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that they have the maximum good conditions illumination and optimal planting density.

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garden planning

Most people would like to start at least a small garden on their site, so that they always have fresh herbs and vegetables on hand. For its device, it is better to draw up a plan that will help rationally organize space and save money and effort in the future, taking into account the following requirements:

  1. The area allotted for growing vegetables should be well lit, as these crops are predominantly photophilous.
  2. Vegetables need regular watering in hot weather. Therefore, it is better to immediately think about how you will do it - with the help of automatic watering, using a regular hose or by installing several water containers near the garden.
  3. Having decided on the shape of the garden, you need to consider the location of the beds. A rectangular shape will be optimal, the width of the beds should be approximately 1.2 m, so that you can reach its middle with your hand.
  4. Equally important are the paths between the beds. The width of a regular path should be at least 60 cm, which will make it possible to move freely along it with a garden wheelbarrow.
  5. In order to avoid problems with the disposal of tops, leaves and cut grass, a device can be provided near the garden compost pit or container.

The layout of the garden and vegetable garden will help to solve many problems for its competent arrangement and obtaining the required amount of crop. Inexperienced summer residents and gardeners, having planted their own comfortable garden, complain that there is not the required abundance of fruits and fruits that they counted on.

Option 3D layout of a plot of 15 acres with the location of the garden, house and vegetable garden

The layout of the site is considered the most important stage in its arrangement. The layout of the summer cottage and garden plot directly begins with a preliminary study of the soil where horticultural and garden crops are to be grown, and climatic conditions that affect the number of fruits. If the soil is excessively clayey or with sand impurities, then you need to additionally add peat to it, feed it with black soil, other substances and fertilizers, on which the proper nutrition of the roots will directly depend.

In the climate, the fundamental factor that negatively affects the fruiting process is:

  • excess moisture;
  • frosty winters;
  • spring frosts.

Therefore, it is important to select trees and crops that are most suitable for a particular region.

Sketch and layout of the garden, garden and the entire plot of 10 acres

Important aspects are the layout of the garden and the competent selection of trees. The most frost-resistant trees are locally bred. They perfectly adapt to any climatic conditions and give a good result, if not annually, then after a year. The hardiest trees are cherries, pears, apples, and plums. The least resistant to frost and high humidity considered apricots and peaches.

Cherry does not tolerate closely located groundwater at all, and if reclamation is not carried out in time, then in just a few years it will dry up.

Layout of the arrangement of a small suburban area

There are a variety of gardens, therefore, when choosing the required assortment of trees and plants, it is necessary to take into account their future productivity.

An example of planning a vegetable garden and a garden on a small plot

To determine how many trees to plant on garden plot, you must first make the markup suburban area considering existing buildings. This must be done because each object casts a shadow, so when planting bushes, trees and other crops in the shade of buildings, they will not bear fruit, but will be drawn into the natural light area. This will continue until the top of the plants is slightly above the barrier that restricts access to natural light.

Therefore, on the developed plan, it is necessary to indicate the height of each existing building and the cardinal points. It should be noted that the shadow, most likely, will be located from the east and west, somewhat narrowing towards the south. It is necessary to shade the places on the diagram where the shadow is more than half a day. These places are not suitable for planting plants.

IN shady places you can lay decorative paths, equip lawns, a pond, make flower beds. In order for the trees to provide a good harvest, the shade area must be excluded from the planting plan.

How to combine a garden and a vegetable garden

The layout of the garden and the garden is considered to be a rather important stage, because it is necessary to correctly distribute the usable area. starts with the idea of ​​​​the direct arrangement of the beds, which must be perfect. If you need a garden and garden layout, then you need to make two separate schemes that will display a summer cottage at different times of the year. Thus, it is possible to achieve a more competent distribution of free space. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage itself, but also take into account the fact that planted crops can grow over time.

Drawing and layout of a plot of 6 acres with a combination of a garden and a vegetable garden

In addition, it is worth remembering that the planting of vegetable and horticultural crops should not be done too tightly. It is necessary to consider where the garden will be located on the equipped summer cottage. Experienced gardeners recommend planting all crops on the south side, however, if this is not possible, then it is worth choosing sunny areas, but with some periods of shade.

Be sure to take into account the rules for planting each plant, its compatibility with neighboring crops, the need for natural sunlight and fertilizer, the frequency of watering.

It is carried out taking into account the periods of fruiting of all available trees and shrubs. It is best to place all crops in the garden and in the garden, taking into account the periods of their full ripening. The scheme for planting all crops in the country must certainly be planned very competently. In order to think everything over correctly, you need to prepare a photo of your dacha with adjacent land.

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How to make a sandbox out of tires

The scheme of planting plants in the garden and vegetable garden on a plot of 20 acres

Initially, on the diagram, you need to draw the location of the house, and if the site is not yet fully equipped, then you need to indicate its estimated location and size. It is necessary to designate not only the size of the garden and garden itself, but also their distance from the boundaries of a certain area. Thinking over the design of the cottage, you can diversify the site with flowers. This will give him a beautiful decorative look, will help you look at your garden and vegetable garden in a completely new way.

What can be models for planning a garden and a vegetable garden

There may be a variety of options for planning a garden and a vegetable garden, but with each of them it is necessary to take into account:

  • the number of marked acres;
  • feature of the soil of the garden;
  • the required number of equipped beds.

Layout and placement of beds in a garden of 4 acres

Ideal for those who prefer furnishing quite unpretentious garden and vegetable garden, implying the use of predominantly ornamental crops and green spaces. Often such a model is a circle shape. Inside it should be exquisite beautiful flowers and other plants to fully show all their beauty.

Outside, a certain design is created, consisting of green spaces. It is best if these are low shrubs so that you can fully demonstrate the beauty of the planted flowers. If the dimensions of the summer cottage are quite impressive, then they sit in a semicircle behind fruit trees, the number of which directly depends on the area of ​​the proposed model. Enough interesting option is a rectangular shape.

Drawing and layout of the site

The peculiarity of this model implies that in this case it is necessary to plan the garden and the garden together. Often, the design of such a suburban area involves the use of a square shape. The peculiarity of such a plot is that it is possible to plant as many beds of vegetables as the size of the plot allows.

Near garden crops, you can place a few berry bushes. For the best view of the summer cottage, it costs extra, but place them a little far from all other crops. A feature of this layout is that with all the abundance of species, the original form remains.

Sketch and layout of landings on a plot of 5 acres

interesting and unusual option is the free planning of the available land. The shape and size of such a plot depend directly on the available acres. When developing such a scheme, one must take into account whether it is possible to combine several different cultures with fruit trees.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bland for the garden remains quite small, then it is best to use the method of arranging vertical beds. Tall vegetables and legumes will feel great on grids and various supports. When organizing a garden, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of crops, the need for well-equipped natural lighting. In addition, it is worth considering that you do not need to plant old trees for. In this case, young seedlings are quite suitable.

How to make the best choice for arranging an orchard

Given various kinds of landscape tricks, you can competently equip your plot of land, taking into account all the norms and requirements. To organize the site with your own hands, you must first correctly select the place for arranging the future orchard, select the types and varieties of trees, while taking into account the existing natural and climatic conditions in the country.

When equipping an orchard and a vegetable garden, you need to remember that the depth of groundwater should be no more than 1.5 m. Otherwise, to significantly lower the level of groundwater, you will have to make certain channels or lay drainage pipes. Trees located on a land plot with high groundwater will:

  • grow poorly;
  • give a rather low yield;
  • do not tolerate winter frosts;
  • be subject to fungal diseases.

Project and layout of the garden on a plot of 10 acres

Plants located in the country will help determine the acidity of the earth. Areas where cereals and legumes thrive are ideal for gardening. If there is a lot of sorrel on the ground in the country house, this means that the soil is quite acidic, which can adversely affect the normal fruiting of trees. You can reduce the acidity of the soil by adding lime to it. The program for arranging a garden and vegetable garden implies a preliminary study of the relief of the site.

The south side is considered the best option for arranging the garden, and the north side is the worst.

It is not necessary to place the garden on the lowest point of the land, since it is there that cold air will be concentrated, which can cause serious damage to many plants. When deciding on the location of the garden, it is necessary to take into account the orientation of the cardinal points.

A plan for a garden is like a pattern for sewing a dress. To begin with, we will measure the site or take as a basis the plan issued to you at the BTI. Next, we transfer the site plan on a graph paper sheet at a scale of 1:100, that is, 1 cm on paper will correspond to 1 m of land. The plan should indicate the boundaries of the site, the gate and the gate, the house and other garden buildings (bathhouse, barn, gazebo, etc.), those trees and large shrubs that you decide to leave, hedges, if any, doors and windows of the house. Be sure to put on paper the location of the well, electrical cables, manhole and other necessary things. We will transfer the paths and paved areas to the plan, but only those that we intend to leave. Let's outline the functional zones on the plan. Routes for moving around the garden should connect them with the house and among themselves, as well as provide access to those places from where we will admire the garden.

Preliminary sketch after site survey


  • mask a bad view of neighboring buildings from the windows of the house;
  • check the views from the windows of the garden, make them especially picturesque;
  • find a place for a reservoir and a gazebo near it;
  • arrange a small garden herbs near the patio;
  • plant two apple trees (early and medium ripening).

The house is the dominant element of any site. It sets the style and scale of the garden, for example: if the house is large, the paths cannot be narrow, and the flower beds are small. The garden and the house should look organically together. Trees and shrubs that cover the house when viewed from the gate, as well as decorating its facade with vines, will not only not damage your house, but also make the overall impression of the garden more interesting, and if the house is very modest, this is the only way to ennoble it. Ideally, one should strive to ensure that the house does not stick out like a finger, but is, as it were, dissolved in the landscape, forming a worthy duo of architecture and wildlife. It does not at all follow from this that the house should be small, and it does not have to be one-story, even if the plot is tiny.

But it is important to decorate the corners of the building, this can be done with the help of a tree-shrub group, it is also necessary to cover the basement of the house, the plants should not close the windows of the house, and higher plants can be placed in the piers.

The founder of Muskau Park, the largest English-style landscape park in Central Europe, Hermann von Pückler-Muskau believed that in order for buildings to make a harmonious impression, they should be visually covered with plants by at least a third.

There is another extreme, when the house is completely hidden from view by vegetation. Such a house gives the impression of abandonment, and you don’t want to look there.

The unified color scheme of the house and the space around it contributes to the creation of a particularly integral impression of this part of the garden. The white balusters of the terrace, the blooming jasmine bush, the white border of the leaves of the 'Elegentissima' derain, while the greenish, but soon whitening caps of the hydrangea tree inflorescences - what a harmonious and elegant garden picture, and the plants are the most simple and ordinary.

A large solid house looks very dignified, but does not suppress the space around due to the fact that adult conifers hug it, visually covering a large part. The house and its respectable surroundings do not compete with each other, but make exactly the impression that is required.

You can also fit a house into a garden with the help of plants shaped like palmettes, as well as with the help of vines.

On the plan you need to put everything that you want to add to it. After the plan is sketched out at least approximately, we will try to wander through it. A harmonious garden is a series of successive views. It is very important to control which garden pictures open from the gate, from front door and windows of the house, from the recreation area, etc.

In the garden, it is not necessary to plant every square centimeter of the area, it is important to ensure the alternation and the correct ratio of open and closed spaces. Open space is what is below human eye level, such as a lawn, paving, pond. Enclosed space - what is above eye level, these are trees, high hedges, etc. There is a rule: in northern countries, including middle lane In Russia, the ratio of closed and open spaces should be 1:2 (the area of ​​the house is excluded from consideration), that is, the area of ​​open spaces should be approximately twice as large as the area of ​​closed spaces.

In a well-planned garden, you want to take a walk, sit in those places where the most beautiful views, see interesting garden plants.

When you start planning a garden with your own hands, you need to correctly measure the size of the area adjacent to the house with the ideas you have. How smaller size plot, the more difficult the layout of the garden, since you will have to take care to perform competent zoning without overloading the territory with excesses. Landscape tricks will come to the rescue here, they are simply irreplaceable when planning a garden. And one of them is planning with a grid.

How to properly plan a garden on a plot (with photo)

Before you properly plan a garden that pleases with proportional proportions and strict cleanliness of lines, you need to carry out functional zoning and thereby make the space suitable and comfortable for your family.

When planning a garden, the design of which is dominated by clear lines is convenient, logical and comfortable, geometric solutions are especially suitable for small areas, in addition, this good way connect the house with the garden. The smaller the garden area, the more concise its plan should be.

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Look at the photo: the layout of the garden using simple geometric shapes such as a circle or a square is typical not only for the classic regular version, it is also suitable for a completely modern garden.

Before you plan the garden on the site, stock up on a scale grid. Its step can be chosen based on architectural features houses, if any, often this is the distance between the windows of the house. The size of the grid can vary, but it is always based on the size of the house: if the house is large, then the grid is large, and vice versa. You can take the distance between the fence posts as a step.

Garden plot designed with unreasonably fine mesh, will be overloaded with details. For small gardens up to 6 acres, its size is 2-3 m.

The grid is just a tool, but an extremely important tool, you can try to create a harmonious and logical garden design with it, it will tell you where to start designing.

Garden layout views using a scale grid

There are three types of grid layouts. The most common is the rectangular version, it is the most obvious, often very simple, sometimes almost primitive, but extremely functional.

The grid in the rectangular variant always starts from the facade of the house, in this variant all the lines of the garden (paths, borders of flower beds, paving, lawns) are parallel or perpendicular to the facade of the house.

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Pay attention to the photo how to plan a garden using diagonal lines: this type of layout not only allows you to come up with original design solutions, but also helps to visually enlarge the garden space, as if pushing its boundaries, because the diagonal is always larger than the side of the rectangle. In this case, the garden lines are also straight, but at a 45° angle to the front of the house. Plans made using diagonals bring lightness and dynamics to the design of the garden, they are always interesting.

The third option for garden planning is circular, designing a garden with circles is not easy, but the result is impressive, so it's worth trying.

When designing your own garden, I advise you not to be too lazy to make all three possible options and even their combinations, and then choose the most impressive one.

If you are thinking about how to plan a garden, but absolutely do not accept straight lines, then by designing a garden using a grid, you can easily make them smooth by rounding the corners.

The form is the most important part of any object, information about color, texture, size is secondary in relation to the form. Any design work should begin with the choice of form. Of all existing forms a circle and a ball are closest to a person, because such forms are created by nature itself - remember, for example, an apple, the sun, the full moon, the wheel and the millstone have long been known and familiar. The circle symbolizes enlightenment, perfection, the yin-yang symbols are also enclosed in a circle.

The round shape is suitable for decorating any garden element - a lawn, a paved area, a flower arrangement, a pond. If a recreation area or lawn is shaped like a circle, and the paths are designed as smooth lines that are parts of circles various diameters, such a garden looks spacious and cozy.

A round-shaped playground looks great against the background of a round lawn, it is paved with rectangular clinker bricks in a circle, which once again emphasizes its shape. The circle as an element of garden design creates intimacy and privacy so necessary in this place. By the way, there is also a round umbrella, which not only protects the owners of the garden and their guests from the sun, but also repeats the shape of a paved area. Paving is not the only option for covering a recreation area; wooden round flooring, slightly raised above the ground, is also very good.

IN modern garden pergolas are widely used, most often their pillars are located in a straight line, but this is not the only possible variant, pergolas look interesting, the bases of the pillars of which are located around the circumference.

A circle is the ideal shape for a lawn. It is this geometric figure that organizes the effect of space even in a small area. The dense surroundings of shrubs and herbaceous perennials create the ideal conditions for privacy in such a garden.

Garden layout: landscape design tricks

If you are designing a garden using geometric lines and shapes, they should be clearly read not only on the plan, but also when taking it out to nature, everything must be verified to the centimeter, even a slight negligence in this case is absolutely inappropriate.

For a proper garden layout, a combination of the two options is often used. For example, in the case of a rectangular pond with quarter-circle cutouts at the corners, this is a combination of rectangular and circular options. Spectacular cutouts are emphasized by sheared "hemispheres" of shrubs. In our climatic zone, they can be made from Thunberg's barberry, Japanese spirea, brilliant cotoneaster, Schmidt's alpine currant, snowberry, western spherical thuja is good for this purpose, for example, the Globosa variety. One of the corners of the reservoir is almost adjoined by a recreation area in the form of a circle with a round table with chairs in the middle.

Another illustration to the theme of a successful combination of rectangular and circular layout. The paved platform is in the form of a rectangle combined with a semicircle adjoining it. It is adjoined by a pond, consisting of two symmetrical parts, each also using straight lines and a quarter of a circle. The "roundness" of the composition is emphasized by boxwood balls in ceramic pots, in our climate the same effect can be achieved by trimming the dwarf Japanese spirea of ​​the Little Princes variety, whose leaves are as small as boxwood leaves.

Whether we realize it or not, our eye picks out geometric shapes in the garden, they are good for harmonizing space, the repetition of such elements allows us to make any design more stylish and calm.

orchard you need to plan slowly, having thought everything over well, since the future harvest will depend, among other things, on the right place. For the fruit garden, you need to allocate a bright open area. It is undesirable to lay an orchard in a lowland, where water will accumulate after bad weather or spring snowmelt.

Start bookmark orchard need with inspection and preparatory work, which include cleaning the site from old stumps, stones and other debris, digging all the land on the site and analyzing the soil. Soil analysis will show you what kind of fertilizer you should apply in the future. If you spill all the land in the area with water, this will provoke the growth of weeds for their subsequent removal.

The next step is the planning of the garden plot.

The following data can influence the location of the orchard:

  • Location relative to the house (in front of the house, behind the house, on the side of the house)
  • Regarding the cardinal points
  • The presence of other garden areas on your site - flower beds, beds, ponds, lawn, etc.

Before you break orchard, you also need to decide which breeds and varieties will grow in it. Many trees reach maturity only after 7-10 years. In this case, the harvest will have to wait a long time. In case you do not want to wait, and you want to get a harvest already on next year, - you can land large-sized.

Large sizes - These are mature trees, aged 4 to 7 years, around the root system of which an earthen clod is formed. When transplanting such trees, as a rule, special equipment is used.

When choosing tree species, one must remember that many species do not like neighborhoods and inhibit each other's growth. In addition, at different trees in the orchard, there are completely different preferences for light and soil. It is advisable to consult with a specialist, or study the relevant literature.

Moreover, each culture has its own structural features of the root system. For example, in an apple tree, the roots can grow up to 10 m in width, and up to 6 m deep. The pear root system, on the contrary, grows deeper - up to 10 m, and in breadth - up to 6 m.

If the soil in your garden is heavy, the tree will not be able to take root deeply. Such a tree is likely to be weak.

Of course, it is difficult to find ideal conditions in our orchards for each tree. But still, the basic rules for planting trees will help you set up a healthy orchard that pleases with its harvest. In order for a tree not only to grow, but to bear fruit and be strong, it is necessary to provide it with an optimal layer of fertile soil, which will be the source of the necessary moisture and nutrition.

When planting large-sized plants, your dream of turning the site into a blooming orchard quickly turns into reality. Besides, root system such trees are already practically formed, and they can be transplanted without fear.

Modern technology allows you to transplant mature trees ( fruit large-sized) without much problem.

Trees prepared for transplantation should naturally be healthy and not damaged. Trees that have a hollow are not suitable for transplanting.

The crown of a large-sized fruit must be significantly thinned out (remove some skeletal branches by about 1/3 of their length) in order to avoid moisture evaporation. Cover the wounds formed after pruning with garden pitch.

The soil ball should be cubic or cylindrical.

The pit is prepared in advance (1-2 weeks in advance). Its dimensions should exceed the earthen clod (twice in height, and three times in width).

The bottom is being prepared - a mixture of expanded clay is poured, then humus, sand, peat and black soil. The percentage composition of this mixture depends on the type of wood.

After planting the large-sized plant, all the free space in the pit is covered with good fertile soil. Then, it is slightly compacted.

And, of course, well watered. Moreover, an irrigation system (aeration tube or root watering) is provided.

Additional reinforcement with guy wires will help stabilize the transplanted tree.

It is necessary to choose young plants (1-2 years). So they get along better. The root system in older seedlings is easier to damage.

Orchard seedlings usually planted in autumn or spring at rest (when vegetative processes are slowed down).

When planting seedlings, a hole is dug in advance (approximately 80x80 cm) and filled fertile soil. The soil from the depth of the pit can be distributed along the trunk circle. If the seedling is planted immediately after digging a hole, the soil at the bottom must be compacted - tamped with feet and poured with 1-2 buckets of water.

Also, they bring into the landing pit organic fertilizers(compost, manure), and mineral fertilizers. The amount of fertilizer for each tree species is different. It is better not to add mineral fertilizers directly to the roots of the plant. Only the ground from the top layer.

Landing seedlings for orchard broken branches must be removed. The roots are trimmed (to a healthy part) only if they are damaged.

A healthy seedling should have a well-branched root system. If the roots have dried out along the way, they can be placed in water for about 12-24 hours. Immediately before planting, it is advisable to dip the roots in a clay mash.

If planting is not possible within a few days, the seedling should be wrapped with a damp cloth and several layers of newspaper.

Leaves, in order to avoid evaporation of moisture, it is better to carefully remove.

When planting, it is desirable to take into account the position of the seedling relative to the cardinal points. For 1-2 years, while they were growing in the nursery, they adapted to certain light conditions. The south side of the stem of the seedling can be distinguished by its darker brown coloration. The lighter side is the north.

Do not bury the root neck! It should be at ground level. After planting, the soil near the trunk circle is mulched, and the seedling itself is tied to a peg (not tight, with a figure eight).

Main orchard seedlings- these are pears, cherries and plums.