Floors in the house on screw piles. Floor insulation in a house on stilts

Buildings on screw piles need serious floor insulation. You can avoid cooling the lower part of the house with the help of serious insulation and closing the basement with facade slabs. Now the market provides a large number of materials that allow you to make reliable insulation of the building.
it is arranged from a bar well impregnated with an antiseptic, which prevents the destruction of wood during operation. Sometimes builders, in order to avoid costs in materials and complexity in work, use several interconnected boards as a strapping of screw piles, this method is not reliable and correct. Boards are subject to deformation and distortions than a solid beam. It should be taken into account that when installing the floor, the lower crowns are sheathed and a draft floor is created on which the insulation is attached. The skewed part of the floor will not allow for high-quality insulation, to avoid cracks, and hence heat loss. This is very important for frame buildings, where a board is used as a strapping place for a beam. The main part of the connecting elements of the piles should be made of timber better than 150 mm. by 150 mm. The fiftieth board is quite suitable for intermediate logs.

How to insulate the floor screw piles ? There are a lot of ways to insulate, it all depends on the materials used in the work. it can be foam-restylol, and various foam fillers, a basalt slab, etc. It is better to trim the bottom of the house with materials that prevent wood from being affected.
When arranging the floor for a bath on screw piles special attention should be paid to waterproofing. It is important to cut off moisture from the wooden parts of the building. Be sure to arrange a ventilation and exhaust system for humid air. When constructing the facade, be sure to leave exhaust holes on both sides of the building. This will ventilate the lower part of the building.
How to make a floor in log house on screw piles? The lower crown of the timber structure is connected to each other by cuts (fastened with locking joints), the joints are rigidly tightened with studs or bolts. The beam is rigidly fastened with bolts or special conformations to the heads of screw piles, which contributes to the reliable fastening of all
buildings to the foundation. The use of nails, self-tapping screws in fasteners and joints of building and foundation parts is unacceptable. The main load-bearing elements of the structure connected with nails or self-tapping screws do not give the structure sufficient rigidity and reliability, which will lead to distortions during operation. deformations and, as a result, to the repair or destruction of the structure.

Screw piles and floor insulation

A characteristic question that is often heard from the customer is how to insulate the floor. After all, figuratively speaking, the wind will “walk” between the piles.

Of course, it is necessary to arrange a draft floor. Insulation is placed in the space between the subfloor and floor coverings of residential areas. The choice of material depends on your desire. The main thing is that the insulation is dense and the inter-gender spaces are densely filled with material. Any cracks and possible gaps must be eliminated. The floor thus insulated is covered with vapor barrier material. The lower part of the floor from the outside is sewn up with a moisture-resistant material. To reduce the wind load in the lower part of the building between the piles, on metal guides ( profile pipe) are attached decorative facade slabs imitating brick or masonry.

In the process of building a building on screw piles, it is important to understand that the building does not have a basement, and the peculiarity is the ventilated underground. In houses built on screw foundations there will be high humidity underground space. Therefore, when building a house on screw piles, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality and characteristics of the insulation materials used.

The necessary materials used when installing the floor on screw piles as a heater can be foamed polystyrene, mineral wool, for vapor barrier all kinds of films and vapor-windproof materials, which are now available on the market in a large selection.

Floor insulation in a wooden house on screw piles

How to make a floor device? For the device of overlapping over the blown space, it is necessary to perform actions in the following sequence:
1. assemble wooden frame, logs, lintels, subfloor for insulating materials;
2. lay a layer of vapor-permeable wind protection in order to avoid "weathering" of the insulation in the future;
3. the next step is styling thermal insulation materials, different, including combined options can be used;
4. next, a layer of film for vapor and waterproofing is laid;
5. The last stage is the installation of a finished floor, here the choice of materials with its own installation specifics depends on tastes and wishes.

It is in this sequence that materials for flooring in houses on screw piles must be laid. Neglect in the sequence of floor installation can lead to undesirable consequences. Steam settling in a warm room to colder places will form condensate, which, in the absence of a vapor barrier layer, will penetrate into the insulation, which will further lead to dampness with all possible consequences.
As a result of the appearance of dampness on the surface of the insulation and inside, it can lead to the following problems: increasing the cost of heating the house, increasing the humidity inside the building, rotting of the wooden elements of the building structure and the appearance of fungus, which leads to the destruction of the floor structure and can later result in expensive repairs .

What materials are best used for underfloor heating? It is necessary to pay attention not only to insulation, but also to waterproofing, vapor barrier, wind protection.
The following materials can be used as thermal insulation: mineral wool (available on the market in the form of rolls and slabs, it is better to use slabs when installing the floor), mineral wool made from various raw materials can be “stone”, “glass”, “slag”. When laying min. wool must comply with safety precautions - special means protection;
polystyrene is the cheapest insulation in price, it is used in the form of plates of various thicknesses, the edges of the plates must be tightly adjusted in order to avoid gaps and violations of thermal insulation, however, at high humidity and during very temperature conditions polystyrene can crumble into its constituent elements (balls), which can lead to a violation of thermal insulation;
another possible material used in thermal insulation can be extruded polystyrene foam, which looks like foam plastic, but has a number of distinctive characteristics, foam polystyrene is more durable, has a very low water absorption coefficient, due to which it is not subject to destruction at very low temperatures and, thanks to special additives, is not combustible, can be used in the form of plates or filling in the form of foam using special equipment.

For waterproofing and wind protection, the following materials can be used: polyethylene film, vapor-permeable film (isospan), wind-moisture protective film, glassine.

For vapor barrier, a special film is laid on the insulation, it makes no sense to list the names and characteristics, because now a wide variety of such materials has been provided.

Necessary requirement when constructing a floor on screw piles- this is a mandatory treatment of wooden elements with antiseptics, which in the future during operation will exclude damage by fungus and insects.

The arrangement of the floor for a bath on screw piles is somewhat different. In many cases, there is a specificity in the conduct of work and the materials used. When constructing the bath floor, it is necessary to take into account a very aggressive humid environment, where it is often necessary to use layers of moisture-proof materials, concrete mortars and insulation. Undoubtedly, the installation of the bath floor is a much more complicated process than the installation of the floor. ordinary house. In addition, when building a foundation for a bath, power frames are often created from a channel and other steel materials.

V We have accumulated a lot of experience and understanding of the processes of foundations in this specific installation. A properly built foundation is the key to the long life of any building..

Why do I not use a wind-moisture protective film in the lower floor of a frame house on piles or on a tape? This question comes up quite often. Let's talk about the undercoat pie in general and VVZ film/membrane in particular.

The lower ceiling of a frame house in Naziia, there is no film on the bottom

First of all, let's address the question of constructiveness. The above photo shows the triple strapping on which the floor logs rest. This is one of the options for tying screw piles, which has both its pros and cons. We have already considered this issue in detail in a note, although that note is mostly devoted to heat loss. However, two design options are considered there (the above and the one that I like best), so I see no reason to repeat myself.

We protect the frame house from mice

So, having chosen the strapping option, we are approaching the choice of the "pie" of the overlap, that is, what and in what order should be laid there. And we always start with protection from small rodents that can settle in a heater if no action is taken.

The main measure in our case is the use of a fine metal mesh over the entire floor area:

Rodent net, bottom cover of the frame on the tape

In this photo you see the bottom floor, it was built on a ready-made old tape. But this does not change the essence of the matter, if there were piles, and not a tape, we would first make a strapping and stretch the mesh in the same way. Like this:

In the photos above, the bottom overlap, the mesh is sandwiched between the bottom trim and the board lying flat on the heads. In the case of a variant with a triple lower piping and overlapping joists on top of it, the mesh is mounted on top of the piping. The bottom line is that the mesh is immediately under the insulation, so as not only to protect it from rodents, but also to support it - not to let it sag or fall out.

This is how the finished harness and stretched mesh look from above:

Aerial photography of the construction site in Kiskelovo, lower floor and rodent net

We usually use a woven metal galvanized mesh 0.7mm with a cell of 5 * 5mm, rolls 1 * 30m., But this particular size is not fundamental, the main thing is small cell so that no mouse can get through.

Floor insulation with stone wool

Insulation of the ceiling with stone wool, view from the side of the future terrace

There is nothing unusual in the process of insulation itself, the insulation boards are laid at a distance between the lags, and from below they are supported by a metal mesh. You can also additionally use perforated tape, there is practically no load there, it simply does not allow the insulation to sag:

Basalt wool supports met. mesh, you can add perforated tape

And now we come to the most interesting ...

Why is there no wind and moisture protection in the lower ceiling

Yes, yes, the photographs do not show the VVZ film / membrane. You can't see it because it doesn't exist. And no, because it's not needed.

Most often, they write to me “but what about the moisture from the soil?”, “After all, the insulation will get wet!” etc. But the trick is that stone wool can get wet only with direct contact with moisture in the form of drops or jets, which definitely will not happen underground. And she simply does not gain moisture from the air.

So only the issue of air permeability remains relevant, i.e. wind protection. Therefore, as the first layer, I usually use a denser stone wool eg Paroc WAS 35.

The manufacturer confirms that there is no need to use wind protection (note that moisture protection is not even mentioned) in the case of using these boards with limited air permeability:

The letter refers to ventilation facades, but this does not change the essence of the matter at all, because these windproof plates work in the same way, both in the wall and in the ceiling.

Of course, this is not the only way to make the “lower part of the lower floor”, as an option, it is also possible to use Isoplaat MDVP windproof boards, although it is already more difficult to mount them. But I would not use wind-moisture protective films or membranes. The fact is that such membranes are not capable of passing water in the liquid phase, which is extremely undesirable for overlapping, because water, with a high degree of probability, can get there sooner or later. For example, emergency leaks of communications, alas, no one is immune from them.

What is the most often hemmed floor from below: counting money

Probably the most common version of filing the lower floor that I met at other people's construction sites is an inch or OSB + VVZ film. The use of such materials is argued in different ways, from the fact that "we have always done this", ending with the fact that it is cheaper than "newfangled windproof boards or insulation."

It is important to understand that there should be material from the bottom of your house

  • with good vapor permeability;
  • with sufficient wind protection;
  • able to pass liquid in the event of a leak.

Neither OSB nor films / membranes fall under these criteria in any way, so I would refrain from using them.

As for the cost, the use of windproof insulation is cheaper than film + boards. Although the windproof insulation itself is three times more expensive than usual! Because of this difference in prices, a common misconception is born that the whole pie is also three times more expensive, but this is not true. Firstly, you need to use only 50mm of such insulation (the first layer), and secondly, let's calculate.

Once we already argued about this, I will give brief calculations that are relevant at the time of the dispute:

Paroc Extra regular ~ 1600 rubles per 1m3, in our case it turns out 80 rubles per 1m2 of a 50mm slab.

Paroc WAS 35 is much more expensive ~ 4500 rubles per 1m3, i.e. in our case, 225 rubles per 1m2 of 50mm slab.

The difference in the cost of two heaters 145 rubles from 1m2. And now let's count the filing with a board and a film:

Dry inch ~ 8000 rubles per 1m3, i.e. 200 rubles per 1m2, film type Isospan A - 25 rubles per 1m2.

Those. we see that in my version, you will have to pay extra 150 rubles for 1m2 of insulation, but you won’t have to pay extra 225+ rubles for a m2 of board and film filing, so the myth “it’s unreasonably more expensive” was not confirmed, everything turned out the other way around.

Only one remains point of contention: these calculations do not take into account the metal mesh, which is often not placed when filing with an inch. But the mesh protects the house from rodents and, in a good way, is needed in any implementation.

And what's on top?

We figured out the design, insulation and filing (or rather, its absence). It remains to discuss what the ceiling has on top. So, after the installation of the insulation is completed, it is necessary to make a vapor barrier, for which we use a plastic film:

Bottom cover and vapor barrier

As part of this note, I would not like to go into details, I will only say that the 150 micron film is registered in SP 31-105. Polyethylene is the basis of many "branded" PI films, therefore we use it for vapor barrier of walls and floors. The film is laid with an overlap, the joints are glued. And plywood is laid on top, this is how it happens:

By the way, the video shows the beginning of construction. Video of mediocre quality, but something could not be found better and fresher. I'll have to make a new video on this topic.

Moisture resistant plywood for subfloors

Having made a draft floor from moisture-resistant plywood, you can start assembling the walls - the floor of the first floor is ready!

I made my choice in favor of a pile-screw foundation rather quickly. Of course, I had to study some literature, but the main argument was the choice of neighbors in our holiday village. And most of them settled on this technology. Our soils are porous, saturated with moisture (the river is nearby), the terrain is uneven, so piles are a technically justified option. And taking into account the savings in time and money, it is also very profitable.

Of course, I understood that screw piles would become a reliable support for my future "family nest" only if the technology of their installation was strictly observed. Therefore, the “do-it-yourself” option was dismissed immediately and turned to Timerline specialists (on the recommendation of all the same neighbors). The guys worked, and I, as an interested and inquisitive person, tried to delve into all the nuances. Everything was done efficiently and quickly - in just 6 days.

Protection from the seven winds

On the one hand, the ventilated space under the house is not bad, since the premises are separated from the soil and moisture. But the unhindered access of cold to the building, of course, makes itself felt. Therefore, insulation must be of high quality.

First of all, you need to provide access to the sexual lags. If the floors are already laid, they will have to be raised or partially dismantled. This is necessary for the installation of a subfloor or another method of fixing the insulation.

We equip the rough floor

For this, the so-called. a cranial bar that serves as a support for the floorboards. Each structural element must first be treated with a special antiseptic to prevent wood decay. Many people make the mistake of "clogging" the tree, i.e. covering it bituminous mastic. Having lost the ability to "breathe", the natural material deteriorates even faster.

When arranging the subfloor, you need to decide in advance on the type of insulation, since its weight is crucial for determining the calculation of structural strength. For example, the use of light mineral wool allows you to make flooring from sheet materials(eg, the same plywood). When using rigid insulators - polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene - it is better to replace the subfloor with a mesh.

Of course, the strength of the screw foundation is always calculated with a margin, but still it should not be overloaded unnecessarily. The lighter the insulating materials and the higher the thermal conductivity they have, the better.

A few words about vapor barrier

Moisture must be cut off at the entrance. The quality of the vapor barrier material is another component of the durability of the insulation "pie". In the presence of air, a layer of ordinary film or roofing felt will quite cope with this task, but it is still better to use modern membrane materials that retain moisture exchange, but do not allow atmospheric moisture and condensate to pass through. The vapor barrier layer is laid directly on the insulation, carefully and accurately, leaving no gaps - cold bridges that can destroy the insulation.

Finished floor: variety of choices

For the final floor, you can use any materials: from chipboard and laminate to the floorboard. Because my house is built of wooden beam, of course, I wanted to use only in decoration natural materials. Therefore, I chose a pine board - inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and also allows you to maintain a single style of both the architecture of the building and the interior. And the smell ... Who was lucky enough to live in wooden house he will understand me!

And for those who choose a different finish flooring, one last tip: do not forget that each material requires appropriate preparation, including different soundproofing pads and the distance between them. It also affects the quality of insulation.

And, of course, my wish: let your house be bright, cozy, and most importantly - warm! Both literally and figuratively!

The main feature of using piles in the construction of a frame house is the empty space from the grillage to the ground. That contributes to significant heat loss in the cold season. The lack of heat leads to uncomfortable living, the occurrence of malfunctions that violate the integrity of the structure.

To make your house warm and durable, competently insulate the pile-screw foundation and the floor at the base of the house.

In this article you will learn:

  • how to insulate the floor in a house on stilts;
  • how to insulate the basement of a house on screw piles.

Materials for insulation

  • stone (basalt) wool, has high sound, heat insulating and fireproof properties;
  • expanded clay - cheap, bulk material;
  • polystyrene, reliable and durable, but combustible;
  • penoplex (expanded polystyrene), retains heat well.

Basalt wool

Stone, more precisely, basalt wool - an effective insulation for the floor. The chaotic arrangement of the internal fibers gives it good noise-reducing, heat-insulating and windproof properties. Basalt wool has high elasticity and vapor conductivity.

Expanded clay is made of clay and lasts a very long time. The thermal conductivity of a 10 cm expanded clay layer is equal to the thermal conductivity of a board 25 cm thick or brick wall in 100 cm.

Expanded clay is not affected by the acidic environment. Resistant to chemical compounds and organic degraders, to severe frosts and fire.

Polyfoam is cheap, easy to install, moisture resistant, has low thermal conductivity and lightness. This material does not require additional supporting structures. It is easy to handle and easy to install. Work with its use takes little time, which speeds up the commissioning of the house. The disadvantages of polystyrene are fragility and flammability.

Penoplex - an improved type of foam - a recognized leader among heat insulators. It has light weight, high strength and low vapor permeability.

Penoplex is durable, resistant to wear, humidity and temperature extremes. Unlike polystyrene, it does not crumble and does not burn. Resistant to longitudinal and transverse loads. Foam boards are mounted in the same way as foam boards.

All of these properties make penoplex indispensable in the insulation of the basement and floor.

Insulation of the basement of a pile-screw foundation

The foundation on screw piles is a prefabricated, stable and durable structure. Used in flooded swampy area, as well as in areas with a cold, harsh climate. The basement of a house on stilts - the space between the crate of a frame house and the ground surface - should be properly insulated. Thermal insulation of the pile foundation reduces the cost of heating in winter and air conditioning in summer.

Thermal insulation of the basement is not only a warm floor, but also the reliability, safety and durability of the building as a whole. It not only reduces heat loss in a frame house, but also insulates the soil under it.

V winter time the ground around the piles freezes. The heaving forces arising from the cold can push the piles out of the ground. As a result, the building may be skewed, which will violate its stability and safety. Insulation of the pile-screw foundation saves communications connected to the house from freezing. Therefore, the thermal insulation of the basement is an important and responsible stage of construction.

How to insulate the basement of a house on screw piles

Before the basement is insulated, the grillage and piles should be waterproofed. To do this, use roofing material and mastic on a bitumen basis. Piles do not need to be insulated.

There are several ways to thermally insulate the foundation on piles. One of them is shown below.

Scheme of external thermal insulation of a pile foundation.

This option provides for the installation of a supporting structure on piles, on which the facing material is attached. If it is necessary to strengthen the insulation, use cement particle board and insulation (basalt wool or penoplex).

Another option involves the use as a heater brickwork. Outside, cladding panels, decorative trim or siding are attached to the masonry. If thermal insulation is required from the inside, on inside a brick wall is glued with foam plastic 3 cm thick and laid in deep soil.

The third option is the construction of the walls of the basement from foam. Given the excellent properties of this material, thermal insulation work with its use is carried out quickly. The result is high quality and reliable. In this case, it is not required to install a structure to support the walls.

Before the construction of foam walls, it is necessary to dig a shallow trench around the perimeter of the basement for their deepening. Penoplex plates are tightly attached to each other. The seams between them close up mounting foam. For additional insulation, add expanded clay. In opposite corners of the basement, to eliminate moisture, cut out vents - holes for ventilation.

The walls of the foam basement do not have to be covered with decorated cladding. But from the outside it is necessary to cover it with a metal mesh so that rodents do not penetrate into the basement. At the end of the insulation of the foundation, this mesh is covered with a facing material.

It must be remembered that the second and third options for insulating the basement are best implemented in the process of building a house. Since after the construction of the box and the summing up of communications, the base becomes inaccessible. But with a significant height of the basement space, insulation can be done even after the construction of the box.

Floor insulation in a frame house on stilts

The floor at the base of the frame house is insulated during the construction process. Underfloor heating helps prevent:

  • the appearance of condensate on the surface of the floors;
  • rotting of wood at high humidity;
  • significant heat loss in the house.

Basic structural elements of an insulated floor:

  • draft floor;
  • hydro and wind protection;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • clean floor.

This heat protection cake provides comfortable living and extends the life of individual structural elements houses and buildings in general.

How to insulate the floor in a frame house on screw piles

The installation of a warm floor is started after a grillage beam 150 × 200 or 200 × 200 mm in cross section is installed on the piles screwed into the ground.

Logs are attached to the grillage beam from edged board with a section of 50 × 150 mm with an interval of 50 - 60 cm. A draft floor is sewn to the bottom side of the log from a cut board 100 × 25 mm. It is important that the boards of the subfloor adjoin closely to each other and the joists.

The resulting structure is treated with an antiseptic. On the subfloor between the lags, hydro- and wind protection is laid overlapping them, on which the insulation is laid. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier and sewn up with a floor lath.

Arrangement of the floor of a frame house on screw piles.

If you want to insulate the foundation and floor with your own hands

Steps to insulate your floor may be slightly different from the above scheme. If the house is one-story, use a grillage beam of a smaller section. If there is a lot of humidity under the house, sheathe the subfloor from the side of the basement with a moisture-proof film.

The size of the insulation used will depend on the climate of your area, and, consequently, the amount of space between the lags of your house. The finished floor can be made not only from a floor lath, but also from a laminate, which is laid on an oriented strand board and an underlay.

If you are doing the insulation of the foundation and floor on screw piles with your own hands, use Construction Calculator. It will help determine the materials and dimensions of the structural elements of the basement and floor of the first floor. At the same time, remember that consultation with a specialist will never be superfluous.

Floor insulation in a frame house on stilts - how to insulate a house on stilts

Floor insulation in a frame house on stilts is an important step in building a house. In order for the building to turn out to be warm, it is necessary not only to carry out the correct calculation of the foundation, but also to make a warm floor in a frame house on stilts.

Frame house on stilts: structural features

With help new technology frame-type construction, it is possible to become the owner of a reliable home in the shortest possible time at reduced costs. These structures are lightweight (350-370 kg / sq.m.), which makes it possible to refuse the use of expensive foundations belt type. To start the construction of light frame structures, you only need to install the base from.

The use of such piles has the following advantageous advantages compared to similar columnar and conventional strip foundations:

  • Reducing the cost of foundation construction by 30%;
  • Minimally reduced construction time - up to 2 days;
  • At the end of the bundle of hollow piles, you can immediately start building walls (in the case of a concrete base, you have to wait a month until it completely hardens);
  • The possibility of erecting houses in areas with weakly expressed soil and a shallow level of groundwater, as well as on sites with a rather difficult terrain;
  • In the process of screwing in strong hollow piles, the soil surface is not loosened, but is subjected to uniform pressing, due to this, the bearing capacity of the soil itself increases, while due to the impressive surface of the blades themselves, the level of pressure on the soil decreases and resistance to the influence of all active forces frost heaving;
  • The virtual absence of any earthworks.

Thermal properties of a pile support: dispelling existing misconceptions

Many are convinced that such a technique for creating a reliable pile foundation is rather cold in itself. These beliefs have a basis, because under a reliable frame structure there is not the usual concrete, but a sufficiently ventilated and free space.

However, there are two important points to keep in mind here:

  • For the long process of winter private house on a conventional belt-type support it is subject to freezing no less than such a cozy house on hollow piles;
  • The pile-screw support is sufficiently well ventilated during the spring, while durable concrete will accumulate the formed condensate in itself for a long time and release its cold collected over the whole winter into the house;
  • The pile-type foundation has great advantages in terms of available thermal qualities. compared to solid monolithic concrete.

Why produce seasonal floor insulation in a house on solid piles?

For such pile-screw structures, there is a need for sufficient floor insulation, however, it should be noted for sure that this type of work can cause some difficulties.

The whole point is that this technology has found its reasonable application in many regions with increased level moisture and heaving soils, as well as a fairly shallow occurrence ground water. It is for this reason that it is necessary to protect the lower base of the frame house not only from the penetrating cold, but also from the resulting dampness. This one is very important point must be taken into account at the initial stage of the formation of the floor system.

High strength frame houses on a screw-pile support require mandatory insulation of the floor surface and the creation of a proper waterproofing system.

We properly insulate the floor in a cozy house on a pile foundation

A significant part of the heat generated in such a stable house escapes through the floor, which is why it is necessary to seriously approach the issue of its insulation in order to prevent the penetration of cold air masses into the room. High-quality insulation will help to significantly reduce the cost of full heating.

In the process of floor insulation in a frame structure, the following sequential technology is used:

  • creating a crate;
  • formation of a reliable windproof layer;
  • insulating layer;
  • layer to provide vapor barrier;
  • draft floor.

In order to maintain the maximum level of heat in the room, the thickness of the floor insulation itself should not exceed 200-500 mm. It all depends on what position the temperature drops to in each particular region during the winter.

Before starting work directly with the floor, it is necessary to fill the grate under the logs around the entire perimeter of the structure. Most often, such a lattice is formed from ordinary boards. All boards must be treated with special antiseptics, they must be stuffed close to each other, without visible gaps.

In order to create an additional protective barrier against harmful rodents, a solid board can be laid over the knocked down boards. metal mesh with small cells.

Insulation of the foundation of the house

The new design of the pile-screw base is one of the most stable and reliable. It can be installed with equal success in almost various climatic conditions, even in regions with rather severe and cold weather conditions.

But this is only possible with properly insulated such a durable house. This need for seasonal insulation is due to the fact that during the construction of almost any building on a pile-type support, a certain free space is formed between the base itself and the soil surface.

Due to this formed space, the cold air mass is able to freely penetrate into the heated room, creating significant heat losses, for this reason the building becomes completely unsuitable for year-round use.

In addition to the tangible housing inconvenience, which is felt by the residents, with constant freezing, the hollow pile can be directly pushed up, due to which a significant distortion in the structure of the house itself can occur.

Choosing the right heater

To provide a house on stilts with decent thermal insulation, several insulating materials are used at once, which differ in many functional characteristics.

According to the degree of moisture resistance, the following heaters are distinguished:

  • warming materials with a high degree of moisture resistance;
  • hygroscopic, requiring the creation of an additional degree of protection against the unpleasant effects of moisture with the help of a special film that has moisture-proof properties. This fact must be taken into account, because the corrosive process of durable reinforced concrete and hollow metal piles will accelerate under the condition of constant contact with a sufficiently moist insulation, the destruction of the heat insulator and the foundation itself will begin.

The main types of high-quality insulation

The following building materials can be used as effective insulation of the frame structure:

  • Moisture-permeable mineral wool;
  • Heat retaining foam;
  • High-quality polystyrene foam;
  • Dense expanded clay.

Polyfoam and its technical qualities

Styrofoam is a material with a fairly porous structure. This type of insulation is quite in demand, which is directly related to its original properties, which contribute to the acceleration of the commissioning of the facility: sufficient ease of installation;

  • flooring speed;
  • availability (this material is much less expensive than).

All of the above qualities and relative accessibility are due to the ease of strengthening identical foam plates, which are evenly strengthened around the entire perimeter of the created base using a special adhesive base or a conventional one that is applied to outside grillage.

The formed joints in the places of reliable connection of these plates are securely closed with ordinary mounting foam. The only identified minus of this material is that its plates crumble when cut, it is for this reason that it would be best to use them as a whole.

Expanded polystyrene and its qualities

Expanded polystyrene occupies a leading position among insulating materials; it is rather difficult to overestimate the presence of positive qualities. It is quite lightweight, it is convenient to cut it with a knife, all these qualities make it quite easy to install, a dowel or glue is used to securely fix it on the wall. It is also worth noting its easy resistance to loads and low vapor-permeable properties.

Poor thermal conductivity will help long time keep warm in the home. Many note the convenience of this material in action, because it does not crumble at all when cutting. That is why many people prefer to constantly use this high-strength material for seasonal insulation of the pile support.

How is the procedure for warming the foundation foundation: the entire sequence of necessary actions

The procedure for the next warming of the pile-screw base is carried out in the following way:

  • at the initial stage, the grillage is waterproofed and the lower part of the wall structures, and the moisture-resistant material is placed between the lower part of the grillage and the lower surface of the walls of the structure itself, as well as between the lower part of the grillage and the end part of the piles;
  • further, the creation of a waterproofing system is carried out directly the lower section of the storey building down to the lowest details of the grillage.

Cast required material high-quality roofing material is used for waterproofing, and obviously unprotected parts of the grillage and protruding piles undergo the necessary treatment with special moisture-resistant mastic.

It is also necessary to pay close attention to ensure that the waterproofing of the grillages is evenly laid on all sides. It's the only way real opportunity protect the structure from the gradual capillary movement of groundwater.

The need for external treatment to effectively protect the heat insulator

Many heaters used in the process of seasonal insulation of a pile-screw support often require additional protection from harmful environmental manifestations and any strong impact.

You can protect them with the help of ordinary facade panels, which perform not only protective, but also excellent decor functions. The modern design and wide range of colors give the panels a clean look and secure protection.

Modern facade models differ in their structure, but for an economical type of construction it would be more appropriate to use profiled sheets. This high-strength material has high strength, durability and practicality at a relatively low purchase price.

The service life of such structures is up to 50 years. The simplicity of this installation, which is explained by the fact that all components of the facade covering are securely attached to the facade, placed on top of the hollow screw piles.

Covering the basement of the house

The creation of a reliable basement covering of such a house on a solid pile support is one of the priority tasks in the process of seasonal insulation. Now in many construction markets it is possible to choose the following sheathing materials: neat basement sidings, quality panels, various decorative materials.

One of the most commonly used materials is a special basement type of siding that satisfies even the most demanding customer with its model variety.

The following types can be used as commonly used types of insulating siding:

  • in the form of brickwork;
  • beautiful decorative stone;
  • neat ceramic tiles.

Such a warming material looks great and is suitable for a basement. However, it is worth being aware that a coating of this type serves only as a decoration, but in no way has insulating properties. In the case of the use of this material, it is necessary to produce high-quality floor insulation.

As a reliable option for insulation is a neatly laid brick wall, with which you can build and insulate the basement frame. For this purpose, it will be required in a pre-formed trench of cement mortar form a small base (foundation), which serves as a basement insulation. After the base has completely dried, it is required to lay out ordinary wall in half a brick.

All the proposed methods of seasonal insulation provide the necessary ventilation holes which should not be forgotten. They are able to prevent the constant accumulation of moisture inside the very foundation of the house.

vapor barrier

V frame houses a vapor barrier system is also provided. This is done in order to ensure reliable protection of the insulation itself and other layers of partitions from the likely ingress of moisture particles and the accumulation of condensate, which is formed due to temperature fluctuations inside and outside the room.

Proper insulation of such a house is necessary, because a wall without proper vapor barrier deteriorates faster. For effective vapor barrier, various durable moisture-resistant materials with improved properties are used. These include: polyethylene, various diffuse membranes, special membranes for vapor barrier.


The procedure for warming a house on a pile-screw support is quite complicated, including several important activities.

Provided that the insulation is properly installed and all necessary work will contribute to high-quality insulation of the house on stilts. A properly insulated house is a worthy guarantee of reliability and excellent durability.