Sowing calendar of the grower for January of the year. Horoscope for September

The lunar calendar of the florist for 2017 is waiting for every lover to plant flowers in his garden, country house and personal plot or in your apartment. We are sure that none of those who strive to get a decent harvest can ignore the dates of sowing and planting flowers.

The indicated dates in the sowing Lunar calendar of the florist 2017 - sowing and planting flowers, will help you most rationally approach the issue of plant breeding.

So what is the secret of the Lunar calendar, why is everyone so eager to adhere to it, monitor the change of the lunar phases, and wait for favorable days for sowing and processing their plants. In fact, there is a simple answer to this question, which we will tell you about, and so ...

About the benefits of the Lunar calendar for flower growers ...

Back in those distant times, somewhere in ancient times, the first lunar calendar was compiled by people. They were prompted to create it by centuries-old observations of the night star, the study of the influence of the moon and the change of its phases on all living things - nature, weather, plants, animals and people.

The people who lived then noticed that the Moon not only performs the functions of a night star, but also most directly affects every living organism on our Earth. Our night satellite has its influence on all living organisms that have water in their composition. website/node/4746

The Moon exerts its influence and the change of its phases on - the tides, the ebbs of the seas and oceans, the growth of plants, human hair. By the way, this issue (the influence of the Moon on all living things) is dealt with by the science of Biorhythmics.

It remains for us to understand only one thing, exactly how our night luminary affects the growth of plants, namely flowers. Continued below the table...

Flower garden calendar for 2017 with a table...









and tuber





Florist Calendar - January 2017



2, 3, 26-29 11-15 - -

Florist Calendar - February 2017



22-25 23, 24

Florist Calendar - March 2017









23-26 5-8, 21-25

Florist Calendar - April 2017

2-6, 21-26 19-22 8-13 21-25 2-4, 24-26

Florist Calendar - May 2017

1-4, 21-26 3-6, 24-27 6-11 1-3, 27-29 8-11

Florist Calendar - June 2017

19-26 22-27 11-14, 22-24 1, 5, 23-26 3-6, 20, 24-27

Florist Calendar - July 2017

12-16 22-27 8-11, 20-23 21-24 5-9, 17-21

Florist Calendar - August 2017

14-19 18-21 6-9 15-20 3-7, 14-19

Florist Calendar - September 2017

11-16 14-17 2, 3-5 13-17 3-8,19-24

Florist Calendar - October 2017

12-17 3-6 1, 7-9 14-17 2-5,18-21

Florist Calendar - November 2017

11-15 - 6-10 22, 23, 28 14-17, 23-26

First of all, it should immediately be noted that the influence of the Moon on all living things is in varying degrees of influence, depending on what phase it is in. The phases of the moon are - Waxing and Waning Moon, New Moon and Full Moon.

Any experienced gardener and flower grower knows well that plants (flowers) cannot be planted if there is a New Moon or Full Moon on this day. On these days, plant juices rise up the plant, or, conversely, fall into the roots and tubers, which does not contribute to the normal development of flowers.

If the seeds are planted during the period of the growing moon, then their activity increases by an order of magnitude, since at this moment there is a sharp growth of plants upwards. And with the waning moon, roots and root crops grow most actively in

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that all cereal plants (flowers) should be planted during the growing moon, and root crops should be planted during the waning moon.

To get a decent harvest of flowers in 2017, flower growers and flower gardens should coordinate the sowing days of planting with the lunar calendar, as well as with the location of our satellite in a certain constellation of the Zodiac.

Why is it so important to keep track of which sign of the zodiac the moon is in? The answer is simple - the fact is that the signs of the zodiacs are divided into fertile, barren and average fertility, and which ones, see below:

Fertile and infertile zodiac signs 2017

Fertile - Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

Medium fertility - Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn

Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Aries and Virgo are considered barren.

Now you know when the most favorable period for planting flowers, namely, when the Moon is in the constellations of the Zodiac - the signs of Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer.

The benefits of the seed lunar calendar 2017, sowing and planting for flower gardens and flower growers, first of all, that they do not need to know what position the Moon will be in today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, all this is reflected and taken into account when compiling the grower's calendar for the next season.

We hope we helped you, or rather, not us, but the grower's calendar, with the help of which, we hope, you will grow a rich and beautiful crop of flowers on your site or at home, avoid mistakes with it.

The grower's lunar calendar for September 2017 will help you grow beautiful garden at home, as well as take care of the plants in the outdoor flower beds. Use the suggested recommendations to take advantage of the positive energy of the stars and planets.

Flowers in the house are necessary attribute. They not only serve as an interior decoration, but also purify the air. Also, with the help of various plants, you can attract positive energy flows, happiness, love and material well-being into your home. Flower gardens on the street will cause you positive emotions, and proper planting and care will increase their flowering and endurance before seasonal diseases.

Favorable and unfavorable days for floriculture

September 1-2: the night luminary in Capricorn in the growth phase will be a very good time to take care of your plantings. Perennial flowers planted near the house also require your close attention. Seedlings that have ceased to bloom need preparation for the cold season, pruning inflorescences and removing tall stems. Before planting new flowers, fertilize the ground to get abundant blooms for the next season.

September 3-4: the Aquarius constellation will not give proper energy supply to your seedlings, so astrologers recommend refraining from active work in the garden. On Sunday and Monday, you can start collecting seeds and bulbs for storage or further planting. Water indoor flowers and loosen the soil in pots so that their roots receive enough oxygen.

September 5-7: zodiac Pisces and the peak of the moon on September 5 is a great time for new plantings and sowing seeds. New flowers planted on this day take root well and have strong stems. During the Full Moon period, limit yourself to light loosening of the soil, and on September 7, pay attention to climbing plants. Remove excess branches and shoots and form supports for the antennae.

September 8-9: the energy of the waning moon, reinforced by the influence of Aries, according to the site's experts, is unfavorable and adversely affects the growth of flowers, especially those recently planted. These days are intended for manipulating the soil: loosening, weeding and digging the beds. In the home garden, spraying the flowers with warm water will suffice to avoid contamination on the leaves.

September 10-11: fertile Taurus during this period endows the space with positive energy. Use this time to transplant plants, trim damaged stems, and soak seeds. With landing money tree On September 11, you will be able to attract monetary energy to your home, and if you have such a plant, hang a money amulet on one of its branches.

September 12-13: The neutral energy of the Moon, which moves into the constellation of Gemini, allows you to start working in the garden and at home. From September 12 to 13, transplanting home flowers, acquiring new plants for your collection will be successful. Pay attention to capricious roses. During the change of weather, they can get sick. Timely spraying and mineral dressing will be a good supportive therapy for them.

September 14-15: the fertile zodiac Cancer and the energy of the Moon during this period allow you to take care of undersized plants. Newly planted flowers will have strong stems and a strong root system. Planted seeds and seedlings will have a slow germination, but a lush crown and a quick set of buds for flowering. This time is intended for gentle care due to a decrease in energy flows in space.

September 16-17: a barren Leo at the weekend promotes relaxation. During this period, plants need rest and moderate watering. Astrologers recommend not to carry out manipulations with transplants and pruning of plants, so as not to damage them and not to bring pathogenic microbes into open sections.

September 18-20: an infertile maiden in the period from September 18 to 19 favorably affects flowering plants. However, new flowers, planted or purchased, will have small inflorescences. Until the New Moon on September 20, you can prepare the soil for new seedlings by planning the planting of bulbous flowers in open flower beds. In the New Moon, you can do the soaking of seeds.

September 21-22: the favorable energy communicated by the constellation Libra will be optimal for collecting and harvesting seeds, planting rose bushes, forget-me-nots and caring for your winter garden. On Thursday and Friday, start harvesting medicinal plant flowers.

September 23-24: under the influence of Scorpio, gardeners can take up street flower beds. Planted flowers for the next season will have good resistance to diseases, develop a powerful root system and will give a great harvest of seeds.

September 25-27: the zodiac Sagittarius and the energy of the Moon in the growth phase these days provide an opportunity to take care of the flowers that are preparing to open their buds. They need to provide sufficient watering, timely top dressing and protect delicate buds from aphids and flower flies by spraying.

September 28-29: Capricorn, one of the fertile signs of the zodiac circle, contributes to the preparation of seeds that will be perfectly stored and have good performance by germination. Also these days, astrologers are advised to pay attention to ficuses. Before the winter period, they need to limit watering and dust the leaves more often to ensure a constant supply of oxygen.

September 30th: On September 30, the energy of the growing moon will not be enough for the active development of plants and flowers. The barren sign of Aquarius will also be unfortunate for planting. On Saturday, gardeners can limit themselves to loosening the soil and harvesting mineral fertilizers for feeding flowering plants in the cold period.

Florists are much easier to maintain positive attitude transmitted from their colors. In addition, blossoming buds will add to your joy that you were able to grow extraordinary beauty at home or on the street with your own hands. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The energy of home flowers brings joy and peace to the house. Their energy is able to protect from negative influences and bring happiness and positive into life. The recommendations of the lunar calendar will suggest a favorable time to care for them.

On long winter evenings, the joy of contemplating living green plants is doubly pleasant. What could be better than flowers blooming from your labors. The best reward will be healthy and blooming heralds of warm summer days. Houseplants are also excellent helpers in the fight against colds, so having a few pots of evergreen aloe at home will be useful and practical.

1 - 2 January. The beginning of the growth of the Moon and Zodiacal Aquarius contribute to active growth. On the second day, top dressing of climbing plants will allow them to begin active growth. It is worth transplanting on this day only those plants that have not scored buds for flowering.

3 - 4 January. Auspicious days in general. Fish influence the root system and make it actively grow and produce new shoots. A transplant on this day will give healthy seedlings that will quickly take root in a new place and will delight with active growth.

5 - 6 January. Moon in Aries. People of this Zodiac Sign should think about acquiring home garden orchids. It suits the fire element and is able to protect against ill-wishers. Also, the plant helps in attracting the person you like.

7 - 8 January. The growing moon moves into the constellation of Taurus. This day is favorable for attracting material wealth. Use this time to buy or care for wealthy flowers.

9 - 10 January. The influence of Gemini on indoor flowers is great. They continue their active growth and you should carefully consider the condition of the leaves and buds. Excessive watering and dry air can lead to the cessation of flowering.

11 - 12 January. At this time, you should not transplant plants and it is better to limit yourself to root dressing. Cancer comes into force, so you should not disturb the flowers once again. It is enough to sprinkle dusty leaves and gently wipe them with cotton pads.

13 - 14 January. Moon in Leo. Use this time to carefully care for yellowed and damaged shoots. Carefully remove dried leaves and be sure to talk to the plants. Good words accelerate their growth and healing.

15 - 17 January. The influence of the Virgin favorably affects flowering plants. Devote this time to caring for new crops and watch out for pests. The flies and aphids that have appeared must be removed, and the ground must be disinfected using the means intended for this.

18 - 19 January. Moon in Libra. Attention should be focused on roses. Loosening the soil will give additional air for the roots and will favorably affect flowering. A small shower of warm water will invigorate the violets, and they will delight with excellent buds and delicate flowering.

January 20 - 22. Scorpio and its energy will allow you to deal with plants with heavy energy. Carrying a cactus out of the bedroom will say goodbye to insomnia. Monstera, growing in your home, attracts quarrels and conflicts into life. Wouldn't it be better to get rid of such a neighborhood?

23 - 24 January. The patronage of Sagittarius on this day makes working with a home garden pleasant and easy. Dedicate time to flowers with dense leaves. Ficuses should be thoroughly wiped and fed. Sansiviera can be preparing to bloom - take a closer look and do not forget to fertilize it in a timely manner. Delicate inflorescences will delight you in a cold winter, and an unobtrusive aroma will cheer you up.

25 - 26 January. The waning moon moves into the sign of Capricorn. This time is suitable for watering and removing excess shoots. Small notes with a wish for well-being in pots of plants that are going to please you with flowering will help to attract good luck.

27 - 29 January. Aquarius and the New Moon, followed by the rise of the Moon, allow plants to be transplanted. These days, all planted plants take root well. You can plant onions and parsley to enjoy fresh herbs before summer arrives.

30 - 31 January. The beginning of the growth of the Moon and the Zodiacal Pisces. Unstable energy is not suitable for cutting and creating new form plants. Pay attention to the soil - if it dries out, leave a jar of water next to the flowers. Its evaporation will maintain moisture and prevent the leaves from drying out.

Well-being and wealth attracts or a fat woman. Few people know, but this evergreen tree is able to bloom and delight the owners. The acquisition and further care of this non-capricious plant will bring a lot of pleasure and open financial flows. We wish your garden prosperity and don't forget to press the buttons and

It is a mistake to assume that indoor plants require less care than their soil counterparts. In fact, it turns out that to contain beautiful flowers in pots is also laborious, like any work in the garden or in flower beds. To help indoor growers and professionals alike, experienced astrologers have compiled a lunar calendar for indoor growers, which contains useful and up-to-date information on when is the best time to repot, water and prune indoor plants.

How does the moon affect indoor plants?

It is well known that all plants on Earth, including indoor plants, obey the solar calendar. In autumn and winter period The movement of juices in the stems slows down, and plant care is minimal, while with the onset of spring comes additional chores. And yet, not only the calendar of seasons familiar to us affects flowers in pots. It is also necessary to take into account the grower's lunar calendar 2017 for indoor plants, which indicates suitable days for watering, transplanting and propagating indoor flowers.

Scientists through experiments and observations have proven that the Moon is responsible for the regular change in the water level in the oceans, seas and rivers. The same effect is exerted on all liquids on Earth, including those found in plants. Therefore, in the first quarter of the moon, home and team plants are planted, propagated and transplanted - at this time, growth will be stimulated by the accelerated movement of juices along the stem. But to improve the root system, nourish and fertilize flowers, it is better to wait for the last quarter, when the movement of the liquid will decline and all the power of the plant will be concentrated underground.

How to properly care for indoor plants according to the lunar calendar?

First of all, you need to consider the features various kinds plants and their purpose. For example, for a bedroom, it is better to choose deciduous, non-flowering houseplants, as pollen and an intoxicating aroma can disturb sleep and cause allergies. But orchids or hippestrum will be very appropriate in the living room, as well as other flowering plants. It is also important to provide the flowers with enough light. If you have a dark apartment or the corner where the flower garden is located does not get enough sunlight, and you do not want to put lamps, choose those plants that prefer shade or are not too sensitive to the lack of lighting.

Lunar calendar for indoor plants for 2017: care and transplant

Caring for indoor plants is tied not only to the lunar phases, but also to the position of the moon relative to the signs of the zodiac.

As the florist's calendar for 2017 tells, indoor plants can be planted and transplanted to the growing Moon in Virgo - it is believed that this is the most favorable time: the plants will take well, will not get sick for a long time and will soon take root. Also to auspicious days for transfer works include the periods when the Moon is in Taurus and Capricorn. It is good to plant indoor flowers on the days of Scorpio, Libra, Pisces and Gemini. But the Moon in Cancer will favor the growth of plants only in the last quarter.

  • If you need to transplant tuberous and bulbous plants, use the waxing moon in Capricorn and the waning moon in Scorpio.
  • It is better to transplant curly flowers on the waning Moon so as not to harm the stem, and do this when the Moon is in Virgo and Sagittarius, if you need to urgently transplant, and the Moon is in the first quarter, wait until it is in Gemini.
  • In order for the rooting of the cuttings to be successful, do the work on the days of the Moon in Scorpio and Capricorn (the phase of the Moon does not matter). And in the growing Moon, the time of passage through the constellations of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Taurus will be favorable, in the waning - Pisces.
  • Traditionally, houseplant seeds are sown on the waxing moon in Virgo, as this is the perfect time for germination and ensures that your plants are strong and robust. But you can also do crops in the waning moon, only on the days of Cancer and Scorpio.
  • If you're planning on trimming houseplants or pinching out to form a crown later, wait for the waning Moon in Gemini or Aquarius.

Since the reproduction of indoor plants most often occurs by tearing off a shoot or leaf, it is best to do this on the waning moon, so that by the time of planting the leaf has time to take root. To do this, it must be placed in water and wait a few days. The New Moon period is perfect for this. But remember that not all plants reproduce in this way, if “kids” appear on your plant and you plan to plant them in new separate pots, be guided general rule transplants. The same applies if your plants are propagated by dividing the bush, just carefully separate the parts of the plant and place in new pots.

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

In the lunar calendar 2017, a flower grower for Belarus is distinguished special days for watering indoor plants. Traditionally, watering should be carried out on the days of Water - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - with a 7-9 day break. And since in summer the plants need more moisture, you can additionally irrigate them on the days of the Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. But during this period, it is important to follow the basic rules for watering home plants in pots: do not pour more than necessary, drain excess water from the pan, as stagnant water will lead to rotting of the roots.

On the days of Air - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra - it is strictly forbidden to water the plants, as they do not absorb moisture and nutrients well. And you need to be extremely careful when watering on the days of Fire - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - it is better to do this after sunset so that the plant does not get burned.

Suitable for irrigation running water, but first you need to let it settle for a day or two. This is important as the chlorine added to water purifiers can seriously damage the plant and cause a range of diseases and damage. When watering flowers from above, pour water at the edge of the pot so as not to expose the roots, if you pour into a pan, as violets require, for example, try to check the water level after half an hour - too much moisture can harm. And if the plant has a funnel of leaves (leaf plant), drop some water there too.

It is also important to spray indoor plants. This is especially true for those whose homeland is located in the tropics, where the humidity of the air is much higher than in our latitudes. This should be done about once a week, but it is better to focus on the dryness of the air in the room. If you are not sure, you can install a special measuring device or substitute a pallet with wet expanded clay for especially capricious plants. Just watch the flower carefully, you may overdo it and only harm it.

If you have been away for a long time and left your indoor flowers without watering, resuming the watering schedule according to the lunar calendar, that is, on the days of Water and Earth, will help restore their healthy appearance, but do not try to flood the plants, let everything be on schedule. Gradually, the flowers will "depart" and will delight you with a blooming and healthy look.

Also, once a month on the days of Water, preferably Pisces or Cancer, indoor leafy plants can be bathed and washed well. The moon phase is not important here, as your task is to clear the dust from the leaves. Being constantly indoors, flowers are covered with dust, like all objects, therefore, in order for the photosynthesis process to proceed without disturbance, it is necessary to periodically clean the leaves of flowers.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants: how to properly fertilize

All indoor plants need to be fertilized, as they are constantly in the cramped space of their pot and cannot receive nutrients from the soil for a long time. She becomes poorer over time. Therefore, top dressing with a variety of fertilizers, first of all, enriches the soil, which helps to prolong flowering and increase the immunity of flowers to various pests and diseases.

When choosing fertilizers, please note that not all of them are universal and can only be intended for one type of indoor plants, while others will be poisonous. Since in most fertilizers the main components are phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, which are necessary for flowering plants, strengthening the root system and immunity, you can choose those fertilizers that contain additional minerals and trace elements in their composition.

It should also be borne in mind that such fertilizers are usually very concentrated and must be diluted with water. Instructions and proportions are usually on the packaging itself. And since it's all about water, and fertilizer time is best combined with watering and focus on those days when the waning moon is in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. Fertilizers are contraindicated in winter, as well as in late autumn. This is best done in spring and autumn, before and after the flowering period. And if the plant after the transplant did not take root well or is sick for a long time, pour in an additional dose of fertilizer on the days of Taurus and Capricorn.

Thanks to the lunar calendar of the grower for 2018, you can understand the issues of planting dates and further care for ornamental and flowering plants. The data presented in the form of a convenient table will be useful both for an experienced gardener and for someone who is just starting to do home gardening or growing indoor plants.

The satellite of our planet is capable of exerting an active influence on the energy of all living organisms, including flowering and decorative leafy crops. Such a substance is called ethereal energy, and is completely invisible to people, which completely reduces its significance:

  • on the days of the new moon, lunar ethereal energy is able to shrink and hide well in the tissues of living organisms, therefore, during the period new moon the main energy flow accumulates in the root system, and sap flow slows down greatly. The result is inhibition of development and basic growth processes. Such days are optimal for pruning, but very unfortunate for transplanting and planting;

  • collecting seeds from flowering plants It is best to coincide with the new moon. The seeds collected on such days are distinguished by excellent keeping quality and guarantee excellent germination. The result is very good, strong and friendly seedlings with a high content of ethereal energy;
  • the period after the full moon is distinguished by the ability to activate growth processes. On such days, it is highly desirable to sow seeds, as well as plant seedlings of ornamental plants and flower seedlings. The released ethereal energy stimulates enhanced growth.

It is also very important to pay attention to the location of the Moon in the sign of the zodiac:

  • the heavenly body in the sign of Taurus patronizes any bulbous flowers, including gladioli, tulips and daffodils. Flowers cut on such days will delight for a long time with their unfading appearance;
  • on days under the sign of Gemini it is recommended to collect medicinal herbs represented by lavender, lily of the valley, horsetail, wormwood, fern and mint;

  • under the sign of Cancer, it is recommended to fertilize garden flowers, water indoor and garden ornamental plants, and cut lawn grass and bushes;
  • asters, crocuses, irises and peonies, climbing crops, valerian, as well as dahlias and gladioli, planted under the sign of Virgo, not only take root well, but also rarely get sick.

Garden flowers grow unusually beautiful and very fragrant, and also stand for a long time in the cut, if their cultivation begins on the growing moon.

Planting calendar for garden flowers and other plants

Based on numerous horoscopes, the coming year promises to be very fertile and will allow you to grow many ornamental crops with minimal time, money and effort.


Sowing seeds of flowering flowers for seedlings

Planting climbing ornamental crops

Planting tuberous and bulbous plants

Rooting cuttings of ornamental plants

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings

Days for watering and fertilizing


1, 5, 8-10, 15-16, 25


2-6, 17-18, 21-22, 25-26


3-6, 15-16, 20-21, 24-25


17, 18, 21, 22, 24

2-4, 6-9, 11-14, 17-18, 30
1, 9-11, 18, 27


6-8, 24, 26, 27


3-5, 8,12, 20-21, 24, 27, 30


1, 14-15, 19-20


5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24
October 1, 10-12, 17-19, 27-28


7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26


2-5 1, 4-6, 9—15

Florist's lunar calendar for 2018: planting, transplanting indoor plants, care activities

When caring for indoor decorative crops, you need to consider some very important nuances:

  • indoor flowers transplanted in the days of Sagittarius bloom very quickly, but become extremely tender and subject to any external factors;
  • on the days of Pisces, it is advisable to pay increased attention to irrigation measures and fertilizing indoor plants;
  • when the Moon is in Libra, there comes a good time for sowing, planting and transplanting any indoor flower plants.

Aquarius is the most barren sign, so it is during this period that nothing needs to be planted or sown, since on such days the seeds germinate poorly, and the seedlings that appear often get sick and may even die.




It is forbidden

January 20-21

Favorable irrigation measures, spraying.

It is undesirable to cut the shoots, transplant and loosen the soil

January 25-26

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves

Any work with roots

January 29-30

Watering and fertilizing

Pruning, preventive spraying


Deletion from indoor plants from yellow foliage and prune greenery

Disease and pest control

Irrigation activities

Transplanting and pruning the aerial part

Any work with roots

Treatment of plants from yellowed leaves, watering and grafting


Planting and transplanting

March 22-23


Caring for climbing and hanging houseplants

Caution in gravies and dressings

March 24-26

Pruning, irrigation and top dressing

March 31-April 1
April 2-3


April 7-8
April 16-18
April 21-22

Pruning, irrigation and top dressing, any planned work with flowering plants

Transplants, especially ampelous ornamental plants

April 29 - May 1


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

May 9-11
May 20-21
May 24-26
May 27-28


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

May 29-30

Abundant irrigation activities

June 18-20

Watering and feeding indoor plants

Any work with the root system

June 23-24


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with roots

June 28-29

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

July 16-17

Watering and feeding indoor plants

July 20-22


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with the root system

July 23-24

Plant a new houseplant

Too abundant watering and pruning of leaves negatively affects

July 25-27

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

August 10-11

crown formation indoor trees, pruning and eliminating yellowed parts of plants

Irrigation activities and spraying, top dressing

August 14-15

Purchase flowers such as an orchid, a rose, or a hibiscus

August 27-28

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings in a permanent place

Preventive treatment for diseases and pests

September 5

Irrigation measures and spraying, top dressing

September 15-17

Carrying out root dressings

September 19

Pruning of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning

Irrigation measures and spraying

October 3

It is advisable not to rearrange the flowers from their usual places.

October 10-12


Irrigation measures and spraying.

Any work with the root system

October 15-16

Removal of unwanted shoots, yellowed leaves and pruning of the aerial part

Irrigation measures and spraying

October 24

Watering flowers is highly discouraged.

November 5-6

transplanting to a new place, planting

Do not cut the leaves and damage them

the 13th of November

Irrigation measures and spraying

November 21

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves, transplanting

December 4-5


Irrigation measures and spraying

Any work with roots

December 14

Transplanting plants and planting seedlings in a permanent place

Preventive treatment for diseases and pests

20th of December

Harvesting cuttings, watering and removing dried leaves, transplanting

Not under any sign of the zodiac and not in any lunar phase, caring for decorative leafy or flowering plants will be beneficial.

How to plant annuals (video)

In order for indoor cultures to please for many years, it is necessary to pay attention to the advice of the lunar calendar of the grower, which are advisory, but not mandatory.