Studio apartment interior design secrets. Studio apartment interior design secrets Apartment 20 square meters

Rational design studio apartment 20 sq. meters with a kitchen made it possible to turn a small area into a full-fledged housing that has everything you need for a comfortable life. The use of the popular minimalist style made it possible to fill the room with functional objects and at the same time get a fairly free and modern interior.

Features of the layout of the studio apartment 20 sq.m

The rejection of stationary partitions with typical doors between the hallway, kitchen and living room has led to a significant increase in free space, so necessary in a small apartment. However, the design of the studio is 20 sq. m. provides the opportunity to retire.

The layout of the studio apartment is 20 sq.m. Photo of the kitchen-living room

Furniture layout plan in the studio 20 meters. Photo

For this, a three-part sliding partition was installed, separating the kitchen and dining area from the hall. When folded, it hides behind a tall cabinet with open shelves. When unfolded, separate rooms are formed in the form of a hall and a kitchen, and the mirror surface visually doubles their volume, making the interior deep and unusual.

Color and light

As the main color solution studio apartment design 20 sq. m. uses light gray wall painting, white glossy furniture, soft curtains. To create contrasting elements, details of the walls and furniture decoration, the floor of shades of natural wood of valuable species, which give the interior a noble chic, were used.

Studio room 20 sq. meters. Photo

Partition between kitchen and living room. Photo

A large number of built-in ceiling lights allows you to get good lighting both the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and individual zones. Unusual location LED backlight in the lower part kitchen tables, around the mirror in the hall creates a cozy world in the evening.

Furniture tricks in a studio apartment 20 meters

Sophisticated design and arrangement of furniture make hanging cabinets and cabinets with glossy facades invisible. Nevertheless, they are capacious and full-sized, they can accommodate all items of clothing, household items, and household appliances. As a result, a studio of 20 sq. m. looks quite spacious, there is a place for a large TV, working area with a computer.

The legs of armchairs and chairs, furniture elements, utensils with a chrome surface, glass spots, unusual hanging lampshades on cords in the form of bottles, a bar counter in the kitchen form a hi-tech direction shade. This style matches:

  • high functionality of all elements;
  • lack of unnecessary details;
  • a large number of modern built-in kitchen and household appliances;
  • unusual shapes of objects;
  • transforming furniture.

A compact sofa in the daytime does not take up much space in the living room, providing an opportunity to comfortably watch TV shows and receive guests. When unfolded, it turns the hall into a bedroom, transforming into a full-fledged double room. sleeping place, allowing you to maximize the strength of the residents during sleep.

Studio design 20 sq.m. Photo

Kitchen area in the studio room. Photo

Many items, decorative vases, books, framed photos are placed on open shelves. At the same time, their transparent design makes the studio interior 20 sq. m. light, not cluttered.

Bathroom and toilet

The combined bathroom has a modest size, made in the general color scheme of the apartment. To put everything you need for convenience and functionality in it under the shower, wall cabinet and the wash basin involved corner spaces.

A transparent shower cabin with inconspicuous walls visually increases the free area. The washbasin cabinet without legs suspended on the wall also does not weigh down the interior, leaving free space underneath.

Bathroom in the studio 20 sq.m. Photo

As a result of a carefully thought-out project, the right color scheme, the use of functional furniture stylish design studios 20 sq. m. turned out to be surprisingly rational, modern and beautiful, and a small room looks expensive and spacious.

Often people are faced with such a problem as the need for visual expansion space. An excellent way out of this situation is to turn the apartment into a studio. Below we will look at an example of a studio apartment design and reveal a few secrets that will definitely help you in the future.

This small apartment received its attractive and bright appearance thanks to two talented designers - Piotr Matuszek and Gosia Czarny. Together they were able to achieve ideal solution, which combines practicality, simplicity, sophistication and convenience!

The total area of ​​the apartment was 20 square meters. m., which required some effort and redevelopment to make the room more spacious and free.

This is interesting: the space can be made visually larger by simply adding light pastel colors to the interior, which is what the designers did, giving their preference to white wallpaper with a small pattern, due to which the room visually lengthened, added to the area.

Design of a kitchen-studio 20 sq. m. - photo

As can be seen in the photo of the design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., the apartment plays with light colors due to the wallpaper of a cool shade, on the one hand, and shiny white panels, on the other.

Another essential attribute for such a small area is a storage for things built into the wall (everything you need will fit), which takes up almost no space in the apartment.

Large format paintings. Don't forget this amazing opportunity. Thanks to only 2-3 paintings in the room, you will make the interior more diverse, and therefore voluminous. The main thing is not to overdo it.

An ideal solution that fits perfectly into the interior design of 20 sq. m., was the use of a folding bed, which, when folded, practically does not take up space in the room and at the same time is in no way inferior to its conventional counterparts.

Photo design studio 20 sq. m.

Pay attention to the arrangement of furniture. In apartments with a small area, it should be placed in the corners and along the walls so as not to occupy the central part of the room - you will be grateful for your foresight when you take a deep breath, being in a visually spacious, but at the same time comfortably furnished room.

Life hack: it is important that the room does not have too many small interior details that simply “overload” an already small room!

Photo: apartment design 20 sq. m.

We see a completely different approach in the bathroom. The use of large patterns is a bold decision, however, it fits perfectly into the overall picture. Despite this, the bathroom looks harmonious. An almost full-length mirror gives the room "depth" and makes it brighter.

In the end - excellent work! What else to expect from famous designers?

Designers: Piotr Matuszek & Gosia Czarny

It's not about ready-made studios of a similar square, but about small apartments in which the redevelopment was made by combining the kitchen and living room.

Cons of combining a kitchen with a living room

The first thing we will talk about is the disadvantages of such redevelopment.

The benefits are so obvious: visual space and the ability to create a stylish environment.

But before taking that step, you must take into account all possible inconveniences associated with reconstruction. What are we talking about?

The most important thing, probably, is that you lose an entire room. That is, if before that your living room served as a living room, then it does not matter.

But, if there was a sofa on which they sleep, then it is worth considering that now sleep will be disturbed if the household starts visiting the kitchen at night.

Besides, Don't Forget Cooking Smells. No hood can cope with the consequences of frying fish, for example.

At the same time, all textiles in the living room (curtains, upholstered furniture), absorbs odors instantly, but weathering them is not so easy.

Also, don't forget the sounds:

  • Working refrigerator
  • Meat grinders
  • Hoods
  • Hitting the meat with a kitchen mallet
  • Pouring water while washing dishes

All this will be heard by those who are currently in the living room and are watching TV peacefully.

That is, he has nowhere to go, therefore, he will either have to just be silently angry or set the TV sound to the maximum, which cannot but annoy the one who is cooking at that time.

Besides, there is one more thing, which cannot be ignored: if in a separate kitchen it is quite possible to leave unwashed dishes until the morning, then in the case of a combined room, such a number will not work.

It is very unpleasant to sit in front of the TV and admire the mountain of dirty dishes.

So, do not get excited, but first consult with your family before such a serious repair.

We demolish the wall: possible difficulties

Not every wall can be demolished easily and simply.

If the house is brick, for example, Khrushchev, then there are no problems: the internal partitions are easily demolished there without any consequences and the load-bearing walls there are only facade

But if the house is panel, then the matter is already more complicated. As a rule, in such houses, the wall between the kitchen and the living room is concrete and at the same time is a load-bearing one.

This means that floor blocks rest on it, and if you remove this support, then the high-rise building will begin to roll over time.

Load-bearing walls cannot be demolished in no case!

In general, dismantle concrete wall not so easy, even partially. It is done only with the help of diamond cutting, which is not cheap and time consuming.

But if you still really want to remove it, you will need to make strong fortifications from metal channels.

Moreover, the wall still should not be removed completely.

At the junction with the floor blocks, you need to leave a piece of concrete, which is reinforced on both sides with metal. Also, strengthening is done on the opposite side.

And all this requires a project and permits.

That is, you, of course, can make repairs without any permits, but then you won’t be able to sell such an apartment. Rather, it will come out, only you will pay for redevelopment already at the time of sale.

How do you know if a wall is load bearing or not?

The easiest way to find out if the wall is load-bearing or not is to look at the data sheet, they are marked there with a thicker line.

If you do not see the difference in the picture, then look at the ceiling. Bearing wall always at the junction of ceiling blocks.

True, this method can be used if the ceiling does not have a thick layer of putty or other type of finish that masks the seams.

You can also knock on the wall: if you feel a slight vibration and a booming sound, then you can break the wall. And, if it is deaf and unrealistically hard, then it is better not to touch it.

What zones should be in the kitchen-studio?

Twenty square meters- this is not so little. It's easy to get lost after the wall has already been taken down.

Before breaking the partition, you need to think over the future interior of the room, since it will depend on how to dismantle it: perhaps part of the wall will have to be left.

For example, half a wall below, in order to place a bar counter there. Or, a piece of the wall on the side, in order to form a curly dividing arch or shelves from it.

So, what zones is the combined kitchen studio divided into:

  • Cooking area (kitchen): countertop, sink, stove
  • Dining area (dining room): table with chairs
  • Living area (hall): sofa, armchairs, TV, coffee table, sideboard with dishes or bookcase

In a word, everything that previously stood in two separate rooms should fit.

But, if before the wall was demolished, the combination of furniture in these two rooms did not matter, now the circumstances have changed.

Interior items, furniture and wall color should be in the same style, otherwise, a harmonious look will not work.

Methods for zoning a room

The combination of two rooms must necessarily include some kind of separator, otherwise the zones will visually merge.

Zoning the kitchen - living room can be done in several ways, which we will consider below. You can choose any of them, and also, it is quite possible to combine them with each other.

For example, you can make a bar counter, but at the same time add a step to the floor or a divider shelf to the edge of the wall.

In general, there are just a lot of options. We will give you some ideas, and you yourself can choose what and how to combine.

We are sure that in our selection you will definitely find something useful and an example of kitchen designs - a living room, with a cubic capacity of 20 sq. m, photos with new products in 2016 - very useful at the planning stage.

bar counter

The bar counter can be made long, almost the entire width of the kitchen, or half.

It depends on how many people live in the apartment and what functions it has.

When the wall is demolished, the kitchen comes out - a dining room with two windows.

And in the space between them you can put either a dining table or a bar counter where you can eat.

If you do not have goals to dine on it, then you can make it short on the other hand. Then it will play a more decorative role and visually separate the room.

The kitchen with a bar counter looks very stylish and modern.

Tiered ceiling and floor

Also a good option for dividing zones. The ceiling in the kitchen area can be made of a different material and lowered slightly lower than the ceiling in the living room. Then the room will visually look divided.

The same goes for gender. If you make a step that leads to the kitchen, then the space will no longer look united. Even better if the floor covering is different colors and invoices.

In the kitchen area - tiles, for example, and in the living room - laminate or also tiles, but in a different color.

Look at the photo, there are many zoning options using levels:

Arch with shelves

The arch between the two rooms is also able to visually separate them. It can be made in any shape: semicircular, square, curly.

It is very good if there are built-in shelves at the edges of the arch. You can put souvenirs, books or some kind of decorative utensils on them.

The arch must be built from a material that matches the style of the interior.

If you have any country style, then wood is preferable, and if modern, then drywall is more suitable.

Decorative dividers: plasterboard, wooden gratings, stained glass

They can be made as part of a wall with shelves, or in the form of a ladder. The color scheme and material for the manufacture of dividers must match the overall design of the room.

Plasterboard dividers look very good, but keep in mind that they are not very functional and durable. Over time, the corners are necessarily chipped from the putty and the iron profiles are exposed, which are placed to form the corners.

Restore plasterboard partitions not so easy, since these corners are deformed from impacts. So, if you have the opportunity, immediately choose other options: wooden shelves, glass blocks, stained-glass windows.

Features of lighting in the combined kitchen-living room

When you remove the partition, the room becomes larger. And due to the fact that now the walls do not reflect the light, two chandeliers will no longer be enough.

Most the best way, this is one lamp above each zone: above the kitchen, dining room and living room, otherwise it will be dim.

In conclusion, I would like to say: a studio kitchen is a good option if you have separate bedrooms for all family members in stock. And if they are not, then you should not sacrifice comfort for the sake of beauty.

Design studio apartment 20 sq. m. is a completely new format of housing that combines all the important components and is different original interior, versatility, compactness and comfort.

Studio layout 20 sq.

The layout, as a rule, depends on the format of the apartment, for example, if the studio has a rectangular shape with one window, it can be easily divided into several parts, including a corridor, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.

In the case of a square room, for more free space, they are limited to a partition, with which the toilet is isolated, and the guest and kitchen sectors are left combined.

There are also studio apartments. irregular shape, they do not fit into accepted standards and often have chamfered corners, curved walls or niches. For example, recesses can be arranged under a dressing room or a hidden closet, thereby turning this architectural element into an obvious advantage of the entire interior.

In the photo, the layout of the studio apartment is 20 sq. m., designed in a modern style.

In such a fairly small space, repairs are much easier and faster. The main thing is to properly prepare for it, create a project and accurately calculate the area of ​​​​each proposed site. It is necessary to develop a technical plan in advance and decide where communications will take place, ventilation, sockets, taps, etc. will be located.

The photo shows the design of a studio apartment of 20 square meters with a kitchen by the window.

Zoning studio 20 squares

For zoning the premises, mobile partitions, folding screens or fabric curtains are used, which allow you to create a secluded atmosphere and at the same time do not affect the surrounding design. Also preferred as a visual separator various elements furniture, for example, it can be a sofa, a wardrobe or a multifunctional rack. Not less than effective method is a variant of delimiting a room, due to the color scheme, lighting or podium equipment.

How to furnish an apartment with furniture?

In the design of this space, bulky furniture and structures in too dark shades should not be present. Here it is reasonable to use transformable furniture items, in the form of a sofa bed, wardrobe bed, folding tables or folding chairs.

It is also advisable to give preference to built-in appliances and storage systems, equipped in drawers under the sofa or in a free niche. For the kitchen area, the most silent is suitable washing machine, dishwasher and extractor hood, which should not only work quietly enough, but also be very powerful. The sleeping place can be both a bed and a compact folding sofa.

The photo shows an option for arranging furniture in the interior of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

For a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., it is better to choose mobile and portable furniture on wheels, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to the right place. The most correct solution is to place the TV on the wall. For this, a bracket is used, which also allows you to turn the TV device so that it is comfortable to watch from any area.

The choice of colors for the design of a small studio is quite significant and decisive, so it is advisable to take into account the following nuances:

  • It is preferable to decorate a small apartment in light colors with small bright and contrasting accents.
  • It is not advisable to use a colored ceiling, as it will visually look lower.
  • When decorating the walls and floor in the same color, the room will look rather narrow and evoke the feeling of an enclosed space. Therefore, the floor covering should be darker.
  • In order for the interior decor to stand out against the general background and not give the room a cluttered look, it is better to choose furniture and wall decoration in white shades.

The photo shows the design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., decorated in light gray tones.

Lighting Options

For a studio design of 20 square meters, it is advisable to apply more quality lighting in sufficient quantity. Depending on the shape of the room, too dark corners may appear in it, it would be better to equip each of them with additional lighting fixtures, thereby endowing the atmosphere with air and volume, while making it more spacious. In order not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room, you should not install too many small lamps or light bulbs.

Kitchen design in the studio

In the kitchen, they mainly place a set along one wall or install an L-shaped structure, which is often complemented by a bar counter, which is not only a place for a snack, but also a conditional separator between the culinary and living areas. Quite often in such an interior there are retractable, folding tabletops, roll-out cabinets, folding chairs and miniature appliances. In order not to visually overload the room, for the dining group, they choose lighter or transparent furniture made of plastic or glass.

The photo shows the interior of a studio apartment of 20 squares with a light L-shaped kitchen set.

The design should not use excessive amounts decorative elements, and all kitchen utensils are best placed in cabinets. In order for this area not to look unnecessarily cluttered, lockers are also used in which small household appliances can be placed.

The photo shows the design of the kitchen area, made in light colors in a studio apartment of 20 square meters.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

For the sleeping sector, choose a bed equipped with drawers in which you can conveniently store bed linen, personal belongings and other things. Also quite often, the bed is equipped with a rack and various shelves that give this area special functionality. As a space delimiter, a fabric partition or a not too bulky cabinet that does not reach the ceiling is appropriate. The sleeping place should be distinguished by free air circulation, be not too dark and stuffy.

The photo shows a single bed placed in a niche in the interior of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

Ideas for a family with a child

In creating a boundary between the nursery and the rest of the living space, various partitions are used. For example, it can be a movable structure, a tall piece of furniture in the form of a rack or cabinet, a sofa, a chest of drawers, and so on. No less high-quality zoning is obtained using different wall or floor finishes. This area should be located near the window so that it receives enough sunlight.

For a schoolchildren's child, they acquire a compact desk or integrate the window sill into the countertop, complementing it with the help of corner cases. The most rational solution would be a bunk loft bed, with a lower level equipped with a table or a console tabletop.

In the photo, the studio is 20 sq. m. with a children's corner for the student, equipped near the window.

Work area design

An insulated loggia can be converted into an office, so the studio will not lose useful space. Balcony space is easily decorated functional table, a comfortable chair and the necessary racks or shelves. If this solution is not possible, various narrow, compact designs or transforming furniture that can be folded at any time you need.

The photo shows the design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m. with a working area with a narrow white table, complemented by shelves and racks.

Bathroom decoration

This small room requires the most functional and expedient use of space. Modern shower cabins with glass execution are quite an ergonomic option, giving the atmosphere a feeling of airiness.

The design of the bathroom should be made in light shades, be distinguished by smooth color transitions and a sufficient amount of lighting. To create an unsurpassed entourage and increase inner space, pick up white hanging fixtures, bevelled showers, a thin towel warmer, large mirrors and install a sliding door.

The photo shows the interior of a small bathroom in beige tones in the interior of a studio apartment of 20 square meters.

Photo studio with a balcony

The presence of a balcony provides additional space that can be effectively used. If, after the dismantling of windows and doors, a partition remains, it is turned into a countertop, a fully integrated loggia, without separating structures, it is occupied by a kitchen set with a refrigerator, a space is equipped for an office, a relaxation area with soft, comfortable chairs and a coffee table, as well as organize a sleeping place with a bed on it or have a dining group.

With the help of such a redevelopment and the combination of a loggia with a living space, an additional place is formed that resembles a bay window ledge, which not only provides an increase in the studio area, but also makes it possible to create a rather interesting and original design.

The photo shows the design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., combined with a balcony converted into an office.

Examples of duplex apartments

Thanks to the second tier, several functional areas are created, without losing the extra space of the apartment. Basically, the upper level is equipped with a sleeping place. It is most often placed above the kitchen sector, bathroom or above a place with a sofa. In addition to the practical function, this structure gives the design a special originality and uniqueness.

Interior options in various styles

Scandinavian design is distinguished by its whiteness, is quite practical and cozy. This direction involves the use of decor, in the form of black and white photographs, paintings and furniture made of high quality natural materials, for example, wood. Also, eco-style has a special naturalness, which is characterized by soft light shades, live green plants and wooden lattice partitions, which form an extremely serene atmosphere.

The photo shows a two-level studio apartment of 20 sq. m., designed in the loft style.

The main feature of the loft style is the use of unplastered bricks, deliberately rough beams, the presence of materials in the form of glass, wood and metal. As a lighting decor, lamps with long cables or spotlights are often used, which look especially advantageous in combination with concrete walls.

The distinctive elements of the hi-tech direction are the interior in gray tones in combination with metallic and glossy surfaces. For minimalism, monochromatic finishes and furniture that are simple and functional are appropriate. Here, designs in a matte finish look harmoniously, in the form of closed racks and all kinds of open shelves with a moderate amount of decoration.

In the photo, the interior of the studio is 20 squares, decorated in a Scandinavian style.

Photo gallery

With considering certain rules, it turns out to achieve an ergonomic design of a studio apartment of 20 sq. m., adapted according to personal needs and turn it into a stylish living space, both for one person and for a young family with a child.

Combining a kitchen with a living room or a kitchen with a corridor in small apartments- not new idea. But it does not lose its relevance. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to solve both the problem of the lack of free space in the apartment and the issue of arranging the kitchen. This mainly refers to the old buildings of the Soviet era. But also in modern houses with spacious kitchens, people often use this method because it is fashionable and beautiful.

In addition, the studio kitchen is not only a popular trend in the layout of rooms of any size, but also a rational design move. Thanks to him, there is a single spacious room, and the ways of its design can be limited only by the flight of your imagination.


By general rule, the room is divided into a working area (kitchen) and a recreation area (living room). They can be separated using:

  • furniture - a sofa, a dining table, a bar counter, a kitchen peninsula, a rack;

  • drywall partitions;

  • screens or curtains;

  • sliding door;

  • different in texture and color floor covering: in the kitchen it can be tiles, in the living room - laminate (carpet in small rooms is undesirable, as it absorbs odors);

  • different wall finishes - this option also has a practical meaning: in the working area there should be wear-resistant and easy-to-clean coatings, and for the recreation area, wallpaper for painting or decorative brick. Universal option - Venetian plaster- practical and looks good;

Solving the issue of delimitation of zones, it is necessary to correctly prioritize. If you like to receive many guests, you should pay more attention to the relaxation area, providing space for a large comfortable sofa, a folding dining table, additional chairs, ottomans or armchairs.

If there are no more than 2 people living in the apartment and a large number of guests are not planned, a bar counter and a few chairs or a small sofa will be enough. This layout will allow you to pay more attention to the work area. You can draw it up with the letter P, clearly denoting the division of zones. It will be appropriate in the "elongated rectangle" room.

The right solution for a square kitchen is to place kitchen set in one line, in front of him - a bar counter, and back to it - a sofa.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting. If the room is rectangular and the seating area is located by the window, then the working area will not have enough daylight. Therefore, you need to think about this when planning communications, draw up a project in advance, decide where the lamps and sockets will be.

It is good if the light is equally distributed throughout the kitchen. Perfect option- uniform diffused light, it makes the room wider and more voluminous, while twilight visually reduces the space.

Choice of style and color

The basic rule for designing a kitchen-studio is the unity of style and color of the working area and the recreation area.

In a kitchen dominated by dark colors, it is necessary to place accents correctly, correctly distributing light between the ceiling, walls and floor. Here you should remember the following:

  • a dark or colored ceiling seems lower than a light one;
  • walls and floor in the same color create a feeling of a closed space, it is better to make the floor a few tones darker;
  • dark walls will visually “shift” towards each other.

Visually increase the space will help such techniques:

  • dark / colored floor - light walls and ceiling;
  • vertical lines on the walls.

Small kitchen of 20 sq. m. will seem larger and more spacious if you arrange it in bright colors. The most advantageous design will look in the Scandinavian style - cozy, light and warm. The predominant colors are pastel colors: beige, light blue, light brown, white.

Another suitable option– kitchen in Japanese style: simple and concise forms, restrained tones, an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

Both of these options do not involve a lot of furniture or colorful, ornate decor items, so they are ideal for a small room.

Styles such as:

  • loft - fashionable "industrial" style, unfinished brick walls, high ceilings and lack of partitions;
  • high-tech - functionality and convenience, mirror surfaces and built-in modern appliances;
  • minimalism - simplicity of forms, clear lines, light and contrasting tones;
  • constructivism - restraint and rationality, practicality of materials, strict color division.

You can not be limited to any one style, but make an original "mix" of several. As an option, take the minimalist style as a basis and add bright colors of another style to it. It can be a bright sofa, one fusion wall or any other decorative items.

If you want the whole apartment to be decorated in the same style, then you can easily “tune” the kitchen-studio to any design option. Any style will suit her: from classic to modern.

Pros and cons of a studio kitchen

Such design solution how a studio kitchen has some advantages over conventional kitchens:

  • more free space and more options for arranging the room, it is possible to implement ideas that would be unrealistic for a small kitchen;
  • in the spacious kitchen you can combine business with pleasure: cook and communicate with your family at the same time;
  • if there are guests in the house, you don’t need to constantly run to the kitchen.

Despite many good points, the kitchen-studio has its disadvantages:

  • noise of household appliances - so that a loud dishwasher or washing machine does not interfere with your watching TV or talking with guests, noise indicators should be taken into account when buying appliances. Ideal option - built-in Appliances, it will reduce noise and give the room an aesthetic appearance. Particular attention should be paid to the hood: it must be not only as silent as possible, but also powerful enough. Otherwise, furniture, textiles and even walls will quickly become saturated with the smell of fried meatballs.

  • any negligence immediately catches the eye - a cup forgotten on the table or a few dirty dishes in the sink create a not very pleasant impression on people visiting your house. In order to avoid awkward moments, it is better to purchase a roomy dishwasher and, if it is not possible to wash the dishes immediately after eating, you can put them in the dishwasher.

Approach the layout with skill, taste and originality, and then the kitchen will seem like paradise to you.

Oct 30, 2017 Werri