North American cuisine. american cuisine

I think when it comes to American food, almost every person has images of fast food or other heavy and satisfying food in their head.

However, in this article I want to talk not only about the famous burgers, but also about other popular dishes in different parts of the States.

The most popular dishes in the USA

The United States is a large and multinational country. Of course, in different parts of the state, cooking recipes have their own variations, but these are the ones that are popular in all corners:

  • Barbecue. The word has already become a household word: it is both a method of preparation, and its own name for a dish, and even a family leisure option. You can try barbecue in any state, although it is believed that it is best made in Texas. You can taste the dish not only in a restaurant, but also buy meat in the market or in a store and fry it in nature. My advice is to have a barbecue on your own. It's always available: BBQ tables are often set up in US parks and beaches.

    Central States Cuisine

    Europe has had a great influence on the cuisine of the central states. , England - many settlers from there went to the USA and settled in Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. In these places fertile soil, which allowed immigrants to set up many of their plantations. One of the plants that firmly entered the life of both the central regions and the whole country was corn. But meat is also eaten in the central region, don't think :). So what can you try here:

    Cuisine of the Southwestern United States

    Speaking about the cuisine of the south and west, it should be noted that it has absorbed the influence of Latin American countries. Even in Mexico they say that all the best chefs have long since left for America. Spicy food, meat, stewed vegetables - these are the main components of the cuisine of these states.

    Cuisine of the Northeastern United States

    Here, the influence of Mexican gastronomic traditions is practically not felt. In favor of seafood, pastries and vegetables:

    I would like to single out New York cuisine separately in a conversation about the culinary traditions of the northeastern states. She absorbed the influences of the Old World, Latin America, Africa. - a city and state in which new culinary establishments are constantly appearing, focused on completely different consumers. Here you can find vegan cafes, restaurants from different nations of the world (Italian, Chinese, Russian cuisine, etc.), numerous markets, trendy gastropubs. However, there are dishes that, in all this variety of different cuisines and places, are associated precisely with New York. Such dishes are loved and cooked all over the world, but the best place to try them:


    America is the birthplace of a huge number of drinks, which later became part of the culture of the country (and, by the way, not only the USA). The most popular of them are:

    What else to try

    While I am in the USA, many friends ask me to bring or send them various goodies that are not sold in Russia or Europe. And, of course, being at home, I also miss the unusual tastes of store-bought chocolates and cookies.

    So, for example, here you can find Oreo cookies with double chocolate or with mint; Kit-Kat with peanut butter, fruit filling. I also recommend trying Milka chocolate with M&M'S; popcorn flavored with caramel, cheese, bacon, candy or cheeseburger; chocolate Wonka Words - the famous dragees from the Wonka Company (just like in the movie about Willy Wonka).

    Food prices

    Prices for food and prepared meals depend, firstly, on the state, and secondly, on the place. As for the state, the prices are lower in the central states of America (Kansas, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska, Alabama). The most expensive are New York and. In terms of location, the most cheap option- These are day markets and markets, as well as supermarkets. The average check in the store is 30–50 USD. More expensive, of course, in restaurants and cafes.

The most popular American food conquered the whole world, and today it is eaten everywhere. We have compiled a small list of popular American "dishes", some of which can be bought in any country.

american typical foods

1. Hot dog - "Hot Dog". As the most popular food for baseball games or hot days, this snack is considered a classic for American summertime. In fact, it is a small sausage, usually 10-16 cm long, which is placed in a bun. Usually people add cheese, onions, mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise to it.

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2. Hamburger / cheeseburger - hamburger/cheeseburger. The hamburger is a symbol of any fast food in the USA. Hamburgers are a piece of beef ham in a bun. Also put onions, lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup and mustard in hamburgers. If you want the same thing but with a piece of cheese, order a cheeseburger.

3. Apple pie – « Apple pie" - one of traditional delicacies in America. People love to reminisce about the delicious flavor of apple pie they've known since childhood. Apple pie is usually eaten as a dessert.

4. BLT - This abbreviation is made up of the words bacon, lettuce, tomato and represents a sandwich with bacon, lettuce and tomatoes, which is one of the most popular in America.

5. Buffalo wings - Buffalo wings - spicy chicken wings, which are usually served with celery stalks and blue cheese sauce - a BBQ classic!

6. Root beer floats - If you've ever imagined a sweet, fizzy root vegetable flavored with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream, you need to try it. This pop is the dream of children and the nightmare of dieting Americans.

7. Corn dogs A corn dog is a hot dog fried in corn dough and served on a stick.

8. Biscuits and gravy - buns with gravy - they don't look very much like Europeans say, but Americans love this food and, admittedly, it tastes better than it looks.

9. Red velvet cake
- Red Velvet cake - red like passion, sweet like love, perfect for Valentine's Day - very popular in America.

10 Grits - grits - a dish of coarsely ground corn, such as hominy. Apparently this dish was eaten in America even before the arrival of Europeans.

11 Monte Cristo Sandwich The Monte Cristo Sandwich is a classic example of how the United States adheres to the European concept. It is said that the devil himself worked on this sandwich - a sandwich with grilled cheese and ham, dipped in a beaten egg, and then fried until golden, covered with sugar icing and served with jam.

- frito - these are chips, crispy sticks, produced by Frito-lei, a very popular company in America.

People familiar with what tasty and healthy food looks like would probably leave only grits and probably apple pie from the above list, and everything else would be considered spam. However, all this food is very popular in America.

What American popular dishes do you know?

american cuisine is considered one of the youngest in the world, because by the time Columbus discovered the continent, borscht had been cooked in Russia for centuries, and pizza was prepared in Europe. The bulk of the “traditional” US dishes are borrowed from Europeans and somewhat modified to suit the taste preferences of American eaters. But it wasn't without the icing on the cake.

From the moment when the former Indian settlements began to disappear under the weight of skyscrapers, tens of thousands of people from all over the world poured into America in search of work. Representatives of European, Asian, African-American nations brought with them a piece of their small homeland, its culture and, of course, cuisine. But the foundation of appetizing innovations is still English and Indian delicacies.

From the latter, modern Americans “left” corn, potatoes with sweet potatoes and maple syrup, which traditionally complements not only milkshakes and cupcakes, but also salmon, pork, and beef. The syrup is popular not only because of its universal taste, equally suitable for both sweets and meat products. It contains a minimum of calories, which is very important for US residents who are used to quick and far from harmless snacks, which often cause obesity, heart problems and the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Fast food or "fast food" is also the "brainchild" of Americans. But the "roots" of hamburgers and "hot sausages" spread all over the globe go to German "Hamburg sausages" and Italian pizzas. All that remains to be improved is to sprinkle the buns with sesame seeds and stuff them pickles, cheese, fried onions and some other ingredients.

US Cuisine Features

The American way of life does not allow you to waste time, so during short work breaks, fast, high-calorie and unbalanced meals become the main lunch. There are practically no liquid dishes in the USA, because they take longer to cook than any sandwich. And dairy breakfasts become a kind of alternative to the first.

Despite some general trends (fast food, sweet potatoes, Thanksgiving roast turkey and others), American cuisine is heterogeneous and directly depends on the geographic location of the state, climate and other similar parameters.

So, the most popular dishes:

  • In Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia steak;
  • in Montana, oysters;
  • in California - Cobb salad;
  • in Illinois, pizza a la Chicago;
  • in New Mexico and Texas, chili stew and fajitas;
  • in New England, baked beans, seafood, cranberry pies;
  • in Maine, a lobster roll;
  • in Miami and South Florida - grilled chicken, baby dolls, etc.

Recipes of national and popular dishes

The variety of culinary masterpieces on a national scale is calculated in dozens of spicy, sweet, fried, stewed or raw dishes. Some of them were discovered by chance, others were also “imported” with immigrants from Italy, Germany, France, Russia and other countries.

christmas turkey

In America, Thanksgiving Day is a family holiday; a number of special traditions are associated with it, including culinary ones. The main dish of the holiday is a whole turkey baked in the oven.

For a festive delicacy you need:

  • turkey carcass - from 3 kg or more;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • dried cloves - 5-7 inflorescences;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 3-5 l;
  • ground pepper;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • garlic - 1 head.

Prepare the bird like this:

  1. Choose a turkey with a skin of a light shade (it is softer).
  2. A marinade is prepared from water, sugar, spices, onion and carrot slices, citrus juice. The carcass is kept in the marinade for 1 to 3 days.
  3. Ground pepper is added to soft butter (100 g), the mass is stirred.
  4. A whole orange is subjected to heat treatment and dried cloves are stuck into its peel.
  5. The turkey is removed from the marinade, the moisture is removed with a paper towel. Rub the carcass with an oil-pepper mixture.
  6. The bird is stuffed with an orange, a cut clove of garlic and vegetables from the marinade.
  7. The turkey is wrapped in foil and baked for 3 hours.
  8. The foil is removed and the turkey is baked for another 2-3 hours until cooked.

A turkey carcass weighing up to 5 kg is kept in the oven for at least 4.5-6 hours.

barbecue ribs

Regardless of the state, all Americans roast meat outdoors. A variety of American cuisine recipes offer hundreds of options for preparing this dish.

For the classic use:

  • ribs - 1.5 kg;
  • barbecue sauce;
  • salt;
  • paprika - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry mustard - ½ part of the bag.

The dish is prepared in two stages.

  1. The main ingredient is rubbed with barbecue seasoning, wrapped in foil and simmered in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees for about an hour.
  2. The ribs are removed from the oven, the foil is removed, the workpiece is cut into pieces of 2-4 ribs, poured abundantly with homemade barbecue sauce.
  3. The pieces are fried on both sides until golden brown.


Soft bun, cutlet, greens are standard components of an American burger. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, in the USA they use 20% fat beef. Minced meat for cutlets is twisted independently, onions are not added to it.

For a burger take:

  • soft buns;
  • pickled onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • butter.

Prepare a burger like this:

  1. Cutlets 2-2.5 cm thick are formed from minced meat. They are fried to taste (different degrees of roasting are allowed).
  2. Vegetables are cut into thin circles.
  3. The roll is divided in half, greased with butter.
  4. Spread a lettuce leaf, cutlet, onion (optional), tomato and cucumber on a roll.

The top of a traditional American dish is smeared with ketchup, mustard, or mayonnaise.

American Apple Pie

American cuisine is famous for its abundance of pies, the easiest and fastest of them is apple.

For baking you will need:

  • water - 50 ml;
  • wheat flour - 1 ½ cups;
  • apples - 6-8 pcs.;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - ½ tsp

Cooking process:

  1. Soft butter is rubbed with flour. Water is added to the mixture with lemon juice. For 30-40 minutes, the dough, covered with a film, is left in the cold.
  2. Apples are peeled, cut into large slices. Combine the slices with starch and lemon juice.
  3. The dough is divided into 2 unequal parts. The larger one is rolled out and laid out in a baking dish, evenly falling asleep with a dense layer of apples. Cover the pie with a smaller share.
  4. A puncture is made in the middle of the workpiece.
  5. The egg is beaten and the cake is greased before it is sent to the oven.
  6. Bake the cake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For the first time the dish was prepared for the English royal gentlemen in 1390 by the court cook Samuel Peg. It did not differ from the modern classic recipe. But the common people had to be content with an insipid delicacy, because sugar was considered a rarity and the poor were not supposed to. In the United States, such pastries took root much later - in the 19th-20th centuries.


Another name for pancakes is cakes in a pan, American or fluffy pancakes. There is not a single region in the United States that does not serve pancakes with syrup for breakfast. The recipe for their preparation is identical to the usual thin pancakes, but about 0.5 cm of dough is poured into the pan, due to which lush pancakes are obtained.


  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • baking powder dough - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • vanillin (optional);
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Eggs are beaten with sugar.
  2. Slightly warmed milk is poured into the mass, mixed.
  3. Add flour, baking powder and vanilla.
  4. Heat the pan and fry the pancakes alternately on both sides.

cobb salad

The nutritious dish, rich in greens and various healthy ingredients, was spontaneously invented by restaurateur Bob Cobba. According to one version, he simply mixed all the products that he found in the refrigerator, according to another, he was looking for a new taste from incompatible components. What is known for sure is that the author liked the result so much that the cobb salad was included in the restaurant menu and today is national dish American cuisine.

It is prepared from the following products:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • chicken breast (boiled or baked);
  • tomatoes - 2 medium or 1 large;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • celery
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • cheddar cheese;
  • bacon - 200 g.

Season the mixture with a sauce of the following ingredients:

  • mustard (Dijon and grain) - 1 tsp each;
  • pressed garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • white grape vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

The step by step guide looks like this:

  1. They fry bacon.
  2. eggs, bacon, chicken breast, tomatoes, celery cut into cubes or thin strips.
  3. The components are not mixed, unlike traditional typical dishes, but laid out in stripes on lettuce leaves.
  4. The sauce is served separately.

Chicago Pizza

One of the few culinary delights that "officially" has an author. Chicago style pizza was first created in the early 1940s. of the twentieth century, its creator was the chef of the UNO pizzeria in Chicago, Ike Sewell. The main difference between Chicago pizza and its "thin-skinned relatives" lies in the bulkiness and abundance of toppings. Externally, the product looks more like a pie. But the visibility of the latter is due to a small amount of dough for the base, but only high sides (2-3 cm), which are necessary to hold the appetizing "insides".

For cooking you need:

  • cornmeal - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • dry yeast - 2 sachets;
  • olive, vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • parmesan - 150 g;
  • tomato sauce;
  • oregano;
  • basil;
  • pepperoni (spicy salami) or any meat filling.

Guided general rule: the filling is “packed” in reverse order, starting with cheese, ending with sauce.

  1. Knead the dough by combining flour, yeast, salt, sugar, water and butter.
  2. Parmesan, grated on a coarse grater, chopped garlic are added to the tomato sauce.
  3. Peeled zucchini cut into small cubes. Fried vegetables with onions.
  4. The dough is rolled out in a thin layer and laid out in a deep baking sheet or a special baking dish. Grated cheese, pepperoni, roast and basil are laid out in the middle.
  5. The mass is generously sprinkled with parmesan and sent to the oven for ¾ hours.

The dough for the base is puffy and sandy thanks to butter and olive oils. A crispy crust is formed due to a small amount cornmeal.

Corn porridge with shrimps and arugula

The classic "rustic" dish served for breakfast is a mixture of Italian-American culinary trends. The cuisines of Louisiana, Alabama, the Carolinas, and in some places Virginia are inconceivable without soulful, tender and fragrant corn porridge with seafood (shrimp) and arugula.

Outwardly, such a breakfast does not at all resemble the usual porridge, giving the impression of an expensive restaurant delicacy. Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Required Ingredients:

  • corn grits of any grinding (in America they use grits, in the processing technology of which alkali is used) - ½ part of a glass;
  • milk or purified water - 3 cups;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • cheddar cheese - 200 g;
  • bacon - 250 g;
  • shrimp - 400-450 g;
  • green onions;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon - ¼ part;
  • spices.

Prepare "signature" Carolina corn porridge as follows:

  1. The liquid is brought to a boil and salted. Pour in the cereal and cook until cooked (depending on the grinding, the cooking time is 7-30 minutes, the finished consistency is similar to classic semolina).
  2. Add cheese, previously grated on a coarse grater, butter, ground black pepper to the pan. The ingredients turn the mass orange.
  3. Bacon is being prepared.
  4. Peeled shrimp are fried in bacon fat until a pinkish hue is formed.
  5. Chop greens.
  6. Shrimps are mixed with greens, bacon, lemon juice and garlic, which is pressed down with a knife in advance so that it releases the juice. The mass is stirred for 3 minutes.
  7. Porridge is laid out on plates, pouring ready-made dressing on top.
  8. Decorate with herbs and serve without garnish.

South Carolina traditionally hosts spring International Festivals, where everyone competes in cooking dishes from cornmeal. Milk porridge with shrimp, grated cheese and butter is present here in abundance.

Grills and salads form the basis of American cuisine. Whether it's spicy, maple syrup, citrus, or traditional beef (which is more common in the US than pork), the dishes appeal to locals and tourists alike.

The famous British travel magazine Rough Guides has compiled a list of dishes popular in various American states. Some of them will seem quite ordinary to the inhabitants of our Palestinians, others will cause sincere surprise, some will even shock.

Cobb lettuce, California

1. Cobb salad was first made in the late 30s of the twentieth century by the owner of the Hollywood company Brown Derby with a very catchy name Bob Cobb. Every night he made himself a mix of lettuce, tomatoes, chicken, avocado, hard-boiled eggs, bacon, and cheese for dinner. Today, this salad in various variations is included in the menu of many restaurants around the world.

Chicago-style deep pizza, Illinois

2. The idea of ​​making half-baked pizza originated in Britain. Pizza that is prepared in Chicago is made using the same technology, but completely different. Cornbread is fried olive oil until half cooked, and then put cheese, tomato sauce, meat or other types of fillers on it. You can try the famous pizza in many restaurants in Chicago.

Braised green chili, New Mexico

3. The best way get to know the culture of New Mexico - try green chili peppers. It is grown and cooked throughout the state. In addition to the main ingredient - fresh pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic and beef or pork are added to the dish.

Lobster roll, Maine

4. Making the perfect lobster roll is an art. A roll roll can be toasted, steamed, or baked in the oven. Mayonnaise can be replaced with melted butter. Finally, there is a choice of lobster tail or claws to take for cooking. But no matter what you choose, this sandwich is the perfect summer evening on the Atlantic coast.

Maple Syrup, Vermont

5. Canada can lay claim to the use of the maple leaf in the emblem, but it is in Vermont, not Canada, that one of the the best views maple syrup. The state of Vermont is the largest producer of syrup in the US, and in general, about 5% of the world's syrup is made here. If you visit this state in March, you will most likely be able to see how centenarian juice is harvested for syrup. maple trees. It makes no sense to describe its taste - just try it.

Corn porridge with shrimp and arugula, South Carolina

6. Every spring in South Carolina, an international festival is held for cooking dishes from cornmeal, which is rightfully considered the basis of the state's cuisine. Corn porridge with shrimp, which is usually served for breakfast, is present at this festival in without fail. Porridge is usually cooked in milk, and then butter and seafood are added to it.

Bourbon, Kentucky

7. Despite the fact that bourbon can be produced throughout the United States, about 95% of this drink is made in the "bluegrass state" - Kentucky. Corn Whiskey, also known as the "Spirit of the Americans", is actually named after Bourbon County, Kentucky. The drink has been produced here for more than two centuries. Today this drink is known all over the world, and millions come to Kentucky to buy it.

Oysters of the Rocky Mountains, Montana

8. Don't think you've tried every seafood dish. Rocky Mountain oysters are cooked with calf testicles. Sometimes this dish is called "prairie oyster" or "cowboy caviar". Mostly in the state of Montana, it is prepared for tourists.

Philadelphia steak, Pennsylvania

9. Pat Olivieri, founder of Pat's Steaks, came up with the Philadelphia steak recipe in 1930. This sandwich is very nutritious. It consists of a crispy oblong bun with steak pieces sprinkled with provolone cheese or Cheez Whiz sauce, and all this is usually with the addition of onions.

Donuts, Louisiana

10. A trip to New Orleans wouldn't count as a real trip if you didn't visit the Café du Monde, where you can taste the well sprinkled powdered sugar donuts. Throughout the world, Louisiana is considered the Donut State. Basically, classic donuts are prepared here without fillings, but you can find donuts with chocolate and fruit fillings.

Clam Soup, Massachusetts

11. Boston is a must-try city for creamy clam chowder, which is usually made with clam chowder, potatoes, celery, onions, and sour cream or milk. Commonly seen in NYC soups, tomatoes are strictly forbidden in the classic Massachusetts recipe. Festivals are held annually, during which restaurants in Boston compete in making the best clam soup.

Iced Tea, Georgia

12. When traveling in the state of Georgia, be sure to order tea. Chilled tea is served here along with lemon. Sugar is added while the tea is brewing, and syrups (such as peach or lemon) are added after the drink is made. This tea may spoil your teeth, but it is very tasty!

Key lime pie, Florida

13. Florida is known for the large number of limes growing here, sometimes they are called Mexican limes. The traditional key lime pie is usually made with lime juice, milk and egg yolks. The recipe that is now calling card Sunshine State, was invented in the 50s years XIX century.

Fried bread Navajo, South Dakota

14. Fried bread was named the national dish of South Dakota in 2005. This bread fried in oil or fat is known as the food of the indigenous people of the Americas. It can be eaten without everything for breakfast or with the addition of finely chopped meat, salad and cheese.

Smoked salmon, Alaska

15. Alaska is known for more than just bears and snowmobiles. The northernmost state of the USA is also famous for its smoked salmon, which is caught here (it is forbidden to grow it). Previously, smoking was considered a way to preserve fish in the winter, but today this dish has made Alaska popular all over the world.

Hashpappi corn dumplings, Virginia

16. Hushpappies are not shoes at all. These are deep fried cornmeal balls usually served with fried fish or chicken. They have a simple origin: balls have become popular throughout the South since civil war when they were prepared cheap way feed the dogs.

Cream Pie, Indiana

17. It's hard to mess up a cream pie because it has very few ingredients. In addition to sugar and cream, you need to add a little flour and eggs to the dough, then pour the mixture into a pre-prepared pie base. It is also known as "big pie".

Barbecue, Texas

18. In Texas, barbecue is made from beef, usually from the neck. Pieces of meat are pre-rolled in pepper, salt, herbs and other seasonings. Roasted on charcoal, so the cooking process is quite slow.

Ahi Poke Tuna, Hawaii

19. If you like ceviche or sashimi, try Hawaii's classic Ahi Poke tuna. The recipe is very simple: raw yellowfin tuna is marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, salt and chili peppers. You can also replace the tuna with octopus, or add ingredients such as ginger, green onions, or seaweed.

Pastrami, New York

20. The popular smoked beef pastrami sandwich originated in Romania. The recipe was brought to the United States in early XIX century. The best place where you can enjoy this sandwich is Katz's Delicatessen, which deserves to be said about it: "Sandwiches are the best here."

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It is very difficult to single out any specific dishes of America. American food is very diverse, mixed here different cultures. Every popular dish was most likely brought by immigrants. But nevertheless, some dishes have taken root well in this country, and it’s hard not to call them American. For example: a hamburger or a hot dog, and for desserts, it's an apple pie or a cheesecake. But it's actually not just hamburgers and cheeseburgers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the popular dishes in this selection.

Steak on the bone

Big, thick, juicy steak. It is mainly grilled in the summer, rubbed with chili, cumin, garlic and red pepper. Few people can resist such a steak.

baked beans

Beans with bacon, barbecue sauce, vinegar, sugar, dry mustard. This is a great addition to any summer barbecue.

Boston cream pie

This is a very light and airy pastry with chocolate icing, and surprisingly not very high in calories.

Hamburger with cheese

This is a classic American hamburger with melted cheese.

Cobb Salad

Crispy lettuce, juicy tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, chicken, avocado, bacon and blue cheese. Cooked mostly at a picnic.


This is a traditional American pastry. Two chocolate cakes are glued together with buttercream.

Chicken pie in a pot

It's a pot filled with chicken and vegetables, under a crispy puff pastry crust.

Grilled corn

This sweet summer dish is served as a side dish. Grilled corn is tasty and juicy.

Very spicy hot dog

This hot dog is based on hot hot peppers (chili and jalapeno)

Clam chowder (Clam chowder soup)

A traditional New England dish is a creamy clam chowder topped with a small piece of bacon.

Cabbage salad

This classic salad from cabbage, carrots, onions, eat cold!

American hot dog

It's like a hot dog, but the sausage is not in a bun, but in a cornmeal dough, a hot dog is fried in oil.

Apple pie

Mix all the varieties of apples that are left and place in a deep container, and adding sour cream to the dough will give it a delicate taste.

Crispy fried chicken

This is one of the most important American dishes. Crispy fried chicken!

American lime pie

It's a cake made with lime juice egg yolk and condensed milk, all this in a basket of dough.


This dish holds its roots from Mexico, however, Americans consider it their traditional dish. It's beef stew in chili pepper sauce.

strawberry cheesecake

The traditional dessert is cheesecake. They can be with different fillings, but the most favorite is strawberry.