Scanty menstruation after the removal of the spiral. The first menstruation after the installation of the spiral

Intrauterine device is one of the most reliable means of contraception, second only to subcutaneous hormonal implants in terms of effectiveness. However, its use has several disadvantages, one of which can be considered the removal of this medical device. Usually, a copy that has served its time is taken out during the period of menstruation from a woman, less often they resort to removing the spiral without menstruation, trying to minimize possible physical discomfort. Despite this, the procedure can be performed on any day of the cycle at the request of the patient.

IUD extraction

Common reasons for removing an intrauterine device are:

  • replacement of an old one with a new one;
  • the need for surgery or other gynecological treatment;
  • switching to another type of contraception;
  • desire for pregnancy;
  • physically inappropriate device.

Often, one week before the planned removal procedure, the doctor advises to refuse sexual intercourse or start using barrier protection if a woman does not want pregnancy. The reason is an increased risk of conception after removal of the IUD, since a small amount of spermatozoa may be present near the cervical canal and penetrate into the uterine cavity.

You should come to the gynecologist's office on the penultimate day of menstruation, the spiral is usually removed when menstruation has not ended. So the device folds and slides out more easily, and the soft walls of the uterus, contracting, help to push it out. In the absence of menstruation, the contraceptive is removed in urgent cases, while the discomfort felt is slightly higher.

During the procedure, the doctor acts in almost the same way as during a regular examination: the woman is in a chair, an expander is placed inside the vagina, and the spiral is captured by the antennae with tweezers and carefully removed. To reduce discomfort and pain, the use of local anesthesia in the form of a spray is allowed.

Menstruation after the removal of the spiral in most cases does not go astray, however, sometimes there is a risk of minor violations. Possible complications are likely when part of the spiral grows into the mucosa. In this case, it is necessary to remove the device using hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. As a result, damage to the endometrium occurs. Bleeding and subsequent cycle disturbances are possible.

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Cycle recovery after coil removal

After removing the spiral, most women do not get their periods off. Common changes: a reduction in their number, which is simply explained - the impact of a foreign body on the uterine cavity stops, and bleeding becomes weaker.

If the spiral was removed during menstruation, their next arrival is possible exactly on schedule. However, the shift of menstruation in time, its slight delay, may also be possible. The risk increases when the device is removed without menstruation. The reason may be insufficient growth of the endometrium and difficulty with its rejection.

After removing the hormonal intrauterine device, a slight fluctuation in the hormonal background is likely, due to which there may also be a delay in the next menstruation. If the cycle has gone astray before, such a reaction of the body almost always occurs.

You should consult a doctor in case of a positive test result, the absence of menstruation for more than 2 months, the appearance of severe pain during menstruation, purulent or green clots in the discharge, and other disorders.

Abundant periods

An increase in the amount of discharge after the removal of the coil is likely in rare cases. Normally, heavy bleeding is possible on the first day of the onset critical days. A similar picture is explained by the individual characteristics of the location of the endometrium, the cessation of exposure to the spiral. If bleeding becomes more and more abundant over and over again, in order to exclude the possibility of a disease, it is better to consult a doctor. One of the common causes of increased menstruation is the development of uterine fibroids.

Delayed menstruation

The shift of critical days can be 1-2 weeks, sometimes menstruation is absent up to 1-2 months. In all cases, after 10-12 days of delay in menstruation, a pregnancy test should be performed, since a small chance of conception remains.

Besides normal pregnancy, is also likely ectopic, which poses a great threat to the health and life of a woman.

Situations in which there are no periods for a long time after the removal of the IUD can signal the development of a hormonal failure or an inflammatory disease. If the delay occurs due to adhesions or inflammation of the appendages, it is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity. With the penetration and development of infections, purulent discharge from the genital tract, itching, and severe discomfort may appear.

The intrauterine device is one of the most reliable and convenient methods of contraception. With her there is no hassle, similar to taking pills, inconvenience, as with a condom.

The IUD has only a local effect, without affecting the entire body. But since it has been in the uterine cavity for a long time, it is natural that menstruation after the spiral, as well as with it, can change their characteristics.

Exists different types IUDs, they are not suitable for every woman, so it is important to pay attention to menstruation and everything that accompanies them.

Read in this article

More about the IUD and its effect on the reproductive system

Modern spirals look like letters T, S or rings and are made of plastic with the addition of metal. Contraceptive effect provided through:

The impact of the device is aimed at the organs directly involved in the process of menstruation. Therefore, menstruation with a spiral may have different parameters than without it.

Only a doctor should put in an IUD after a thorough examination of the woman for infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the uterus. Since it should be in the cavity of the organ, the question is natural: when is the spiral placed before menstruation or after?

Access to the uterine space lies through the cervical canal. This is a rather narrow "corridor", especially among nulliparous women. Traumatizing it is highly undesirable, as it carries the danger of infection, appearance. Damage to the cervix can be a negative circumstance for subsequent births.

It is more expedient to put a spiral during menstruation:

  • The cervix is ​​ajar more widely than usual, has a soft texture;
  • The introduction of the IUD will be accurate and painless;
  • The reproductive system is undergoing an update, which will help it quickly adapt to the presence of a foreign object.

But what about the discharge, can't they interfere with the doctor? This consideration leads to the question on which day of menstruation the spiral is placed. With a 3-day menstruation, this is best done on the last. If it lasts 4-7 days, it is also closer to the end, for example, 2-3 days before it. In this case, by the time the spiral is put in, the menstruation is no longer so intense as to prevent the gynecologist from seeing the working field. But the cervix has not yet narrowed enough to make inserting an IUD difficult.

What about other days?

Installation of an intrauterine device

For some women, the doctor prescribes an installation in addition to critical days. But they doubt whether they put a spiral without menstruation. In principle, doing this on other days of the cycle is not prohibited. It's just that many experts prefer to do the installation in the last days of menstruation. So you can be sure that the patient is not pregnant.

But if there is an urgency in protection, you should not be afraid and doubt whether it is possible to put a spiral without menstruation. Often this is done to women who have recently had a successful birth. In order for the hormonal spiral to “work” immediately, it is administered a week after the start of the cycle.

For many, the critical days are already over by this moment, and the Navy is thus installed “on dry”. The process can be a little more painful. But local anesthetics will help relieve sensations, and the manipulation itself lasts no longer than 5 minutes.

Periods of menstruation with an IUD

Menstruation during the spiral should normally come on schedule. But since the body has suffered the stress associated with its introduction, and also needs to adapt to the presence of a foreign object in the uterus, a small one is acceptable. What makes it possible is the shock to nervous system, which provides hormonal support for the cycle.

In this case, if there is a spiral, the delay in menstruation is likely due to a deficiency of certain substances, which causes a protracted wait. Its increase is facilitated by the installation outside of critical days. But the expectation of menstruation should not be longer than 3 weeks. And when it exceeds this period, the woman urgently needs to see a doctor.

A short delay in menstruation with a spiral is not an alarm signal if it is observed only for 3-4 cycles. The acclimatization period may well be so long. When this happens for longer, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

If a woman put a spiral, there is no menstruation long time, then it is possible that conception did occur. This probability is very small, but it should not be denied at all.

This also requires immediate expert advice. To avoid this, a couple of weeks after the installation of the IUD, it is worth protecting yourself in other ways.

First menstruation and IUD: the nature of the discharge

The nature of menstruation in most women changes in the direction of increased discharge and duration. The spiral makes possible due to the irritating effect on the endometrium and changes in the composition of the cervical mucus.

We must also not forget the unstable hormonal background due to installation-related stress. The spiral of the first menstruation makes it especially intense. A woman may need more than 1 pad for 3-4 hours. If she also feels severe pain, severe weakness, she may need medical attention immediately.

But normally, menstruation, although it goes beyond the usual for a particular woman, does not pose a danger. And if they are stronger than before, they are removed with antispasmodics.

In the absence of the effect of drugs, the occurrence of strong discharge with blood, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can mean a sharp inflammation, rejection of the IUD by the body, or trauma to the uterus. The coil must be removed immediately.

In the remaining days of menstruation immediately after the installation of the IUD, you should not use tampons. They increase the risk of infection in the internal genital organs, and may interfere with adaptation to the spiral.

Installed intrauterine device

One cycle after installation

Gradually, the body restores hormonal balance, which leads to menstruation after the introduction of the spiral to the normal norm for a particular woman. If their intensity remains at the level of the first, this may indicate that the body does not accept this method of protection or the type of contraceptive.

In some women, due to existing diseases, past surgical interventions of the IUD increase the risk of its occurrence. Therefore, the test will not be superfluous.

Abundant menstruation

The first menstruation after the spiral normally comes in 30-40 days. They can be delayed for the reasons mentioned above, or when the IUD was removed urgently. Menstruation can be heavy, which is associated with hormonal disorders.

The spiral interfered with the normal development of the endometrium for a long time, preventing the maturation of the egg. This could not but affect the work of the ovaries. The discharge becomes intense due to:

  • Inflammation that has arisen in the reproductive system. In most cases, it is to blame, so it is important to control the cycle in cooperation with the doctor;
  • Uterine damage. The process of removing the IUD is much simpler and shorter than insertion, but injury is still likely. It happens that parts of the contraceptive remain inside the organ. In this case, the selection will be observed from the very beginning after the removal. And pain, which normally should soon pass, will remain for a long time and may intensify.

How menstruation goes after the spiral depends on the diseases the woman has. In some of them, the IUD is prescribed not only as a means of preventing pregnancy, but also as a therapeutic agent with existing or prerequisites for the occurrence of endometrial hyperplasia.

When the spiral is removed, menstruation may return to its previous form due to the fact that the factors provoking the abundance of secretions are again in force.

Spiral extraction and scanty periods

The presence of an intrauterine device. Intrauterine device as the cause of heavy menstruation clots. An intrauterine device, what it would not be made of - gold, silver or ordinary polymer material ...
  • IUD and menstruation. The intrauterine device will also save you from unplanned conception, but will affect the nature and duration of menstruation. ... It is noticed that the first and second periods during the spiral are more abundant and longer.

  • After what time do the monthly spiral come. Why is there a delay after removing the spiral or how do menstruation go after removing the IUD

    After what time do the monthly spiral come. Why is there a delay after removing the spiral or how do menstruation go after removing the IUD

    Currently, there are many ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Spiral "Mirena" - this name is one of the most effective, according to doctors, intrauterine devices. Manufacturers say that installing a spiral of this type allows you to achieve a result that can be equated to the complete sterilization of a woman.

    Intrauterine devices do not cause any harm to health at all, provided that the system is correctly installed. This spiral is very often used by gynecologists as a means to significantly reduce the intensity of menstrual bleeding.

    Intrauterine devices have always had great advantages over hormonal contraceptives. The most important advantage of the spiral is that it does not affect the hormonal background of a woman. The spiral is referred to as a mechanical means of preventing pregnancy.

    The spiral has a local effect, unlike drugs that affect the entire body. The only thing a woman needs to prepare for when installing an intrauterine device is that the long-established nature of menstruation may change after the installation of a contraceptive system.

    It should be noted right away that different types of spirals may differ from each other in their design and the same spiral may not suit two different women. Therefore, doctors have to select a certain type of spiral, based on the individual characteristics of the body of each patient. First of all, the doctor pays attention to the features menstrual cycle and the nature of the discharge during menstruation.

    All modern spirals have one of the standard types. One group includes spirals similar to the Latin letter "T", others to the Latin letter "S" and the simplest ones are ring-shaped. The material used to make the coils is plastic. Metals are used in a small amount in the production of spirals.

    The contraceptive effect is based on three ways impact:

    • The spiral in such a way affects the mucus that forms on the cervix, that it thickens strongly and the spermatozoon loses the mobility that is so necessary for the fertilization of the egg.
    • In the second case, the spiral does not allow the endometrium to form sufficiently. A fertilized egg cannot implant on the immature endometrium.
    • The third way of influence is to increase the contractions of the fallopian tubes. An already fertilized egg passes through the tube so quickly that it does not have time to prepare for attachment to the uterine wall.


    The spiral cannot be installed during an already completed pregnancy. Therefore, every woman undergoes a thorough examination, the main purpose of which is to exclude the presence of infectious diseases, to make sure that there are no foci of inflammation, primarily in the uterus.

    Only a doctor has the right to install a spiral, and it does not matter which type of spirals is installed. The complexity of the process of installing an intrauterine device is that it is necessary to gain access to the area that is located on the other side of the cervical canal.

    The diameter of this section of the reproductive system is quite small, especially in women who have not yet become mothers. The likelihood of injury during manipulation is very high.

    Given the special environment that exists in the area of ​​​​the cervical canal, a small number of bacteria that have fallen on the wound can cause severe inflammation that can go into the uterine cavity.

    Therefore, it is necessary to install the spiral very carefully! In addition, an infection on the cervix will inevitably lead to the formation of erosions. Therefore, the spiral is most often installed during menstruation, when the cervical canal is slightly dilated and more convenient for better insertion of the spiral. In addition, the neck at this time has a softer texture.

    Another positive moment the introduction of a spiral during menstruation is that all affected parts of the reproductive system after menstruation will begin to recover quickly, and this process will simplify and accelerate the adaptation of tissues to a foreign object.

    So many women are concerned about the question, which is quite logical in such a situation, where will the discharge from the uterus go if a spiral is installed during menstruation? Therefore, doctors install an intrauterine device on the last day of menstruation, when the discharge is already insignificant in volume. A small amount of secretions will not interfere with the doctor's installation of the spiral, and the doctor will clearly see the result of his manipulations.

    This approach to the process does not mean at all that the spiral cannot be installed on ordinary days. But in this case, the quality of the installation will be much higher, which means that complications can be avoided. In addition, the menstruation that has just ended will guarantee that the woman is not pregnant.

    If necessary, the doctor performs local anesthesia. The entire installation process takes very little time. For example, a spiral such as Mirena is allowed to be installed on the last days of menstruation or immediately after a medical abortion.

    An important condition is the absence of infection in all parts of the reproductive system. This coil must not be inserted immediately after childbirth, it is necessary to postpone the installation for at least six weeks.

    Before installing Mirena, the cervix is ​​​​treated with an antiseptic solution. After installing the system, a woman should not have any discomfort. If the patient begins to complain of pain, the coil is removed, as most likely it was not installed correctly.

    The spiral manufacturer does not exclude allergic reactions to the material from which the system was made. Most often, the culprit in the appearance of allergies is the metal present in the spiral. Mirena is not recommended for nulliparous patients.


    The nature of menstruation changes after the installation of the intrauterine device due to the fact that it affects those parts of the reproductive system that are directly involved in the process of menstruation.

    Menstruation, which will take place after the installation of the spiral, will always be different from those that were before. A woman will be able to feel the difference on the example of the first menstruation with an intrauterine device installed.

    The first menstruation after the installation of the spiral should begin in accordance with the usual calendar, exactly on schedule. But such a situation is quite possible when menstruation begins with a slight delay, which is not a sign of pathology, but is caused by the stress received by the body during the installation of the spiral.

    For this reason, a slight hormonal shift may occur, and it is he who will become the culprit of the delay. If the spiral was installed on ordinary days, the likelihood of a delay in menstruation increases significantly. But in any case, the delay should not exceed three weeks. Otherwise, you will need to see a doctor.

    The presence of a spiral does not prevent the onset of menstruation. If the delay lasts several cycles, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the spiral does not completely guarantee the absence of pregnancy, and a small percentage of the risk remains. In this case, the spiral must be removed.

    The first menstruation after the installation of the spiral is more plentiful and long. The reason for this is the irritating effect of the spiral. The composition of the mucus in the cervical canal also changes and therefore the volume of secretions increases slightly compared to what it was before the spiral.

    At the same time, a woman may experience hormonal changes due to stress, which make the discharge more abundant. A woman should not be afraid if she spends two or three more pads per day than usual. This phenomenon can be considered normal.

    It is necessary to consult a doctor if, against the background of heavy periods, she feels weak and dizzy. In this case, a visit to medical institution should not be delayed, as these symptoms may indicate bleeding in the uterus. A woman in this condition needs urgent help.

    Just abundant discharge is not dangerous and does not require treatment. Minor pain that may accompany the onset of menstruation can be removed with antispasmodics. Increased pain during this period is due to the presence of a spiral.

    If the pain is felt in the form of contractions, and these contractions occur against the background of heavy discharge, you should consult a doctor. Such pains can be a sign of an incipient inflammation in the uterus. If you do not take any measures, the rejection of the spiral will begin, and the inflammation will increase significantly. It will be very difficult to stop such a process.

    Until the beginning of the first, after the installation of the spiral, menstruation, and during them, a woman should carefully monitor her health in order not to miss the pathology.

    Over time, the patient's body will fully recover and everything related to menstruation will return to normal. This should happen one cycle after the installation of the intrauterine device. If a woman experiences discomfort after this time, the spiral will have to be removed and other methods of contraception selected.

    It is perfectly acceptable if within three months menstruation will be longer than before using the spiral. The duration of the discharge is determined by the irritating effect of a foreign object on the mucous layer of the uterus.

    The appearance of discharge outside of menstruation is also considered the norm during this period. Such secretions are not abundant. All this is the body's response to the introduction of the spiral, which takes time to get used to foreign object. In addition, it must be remembered that until the moment of extraction of the spiral, the discharge will always be more abundant, but their volume will be within acceptable limits.

    Minor pain during menstruation may be present during the entire period of use of the spiral. If the pain greatly disturbs the woman, the spiral will have to be removed. In this case, the benefits of using the spiral will not be commensurate with the suffering caused to it. In addition, with this development of events, the likelihood of developing inflammation and anemia is high.

    It is possible that the first menstruation after the installation of the spiral passed, and then the delay began. This state of affairs is not normal and it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to determine the reason for the absence of menstruation. In the presence of a spiral, the existence of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity is possible.


    The Mirena spiral, unlike conventional types of IUDs, is capable of introducing hormones into the body. The progestins contained in it completely exclude possible pregnancy. It thickens the mucus of the cervical canal and inhibits the development of the endometrium, thus preventing the implantation of the fetal egg.

    Modern contraception is an extensive range of devices and medicines. Someone prefers hormonal drugs, but they have a large number of contraindications and side effects. Nowadays, the intrauterine device is very popular. With its correct installation and compliance with all the rules of use, the contraceptive effect reaches 99%. In most cases, female representatives using this device talk about unusual discharge after installing the spiral. How safe they are, what is considered the norm, and when to sound the alarm - we'll talk in this article.

    Spiral installation features

    The intrauterine device is a means of protection that has proven itself for many years. It is a T-shaped gynecological device made of plastic or metal. Some IUDs contain progestogen hormone or copper. These include the levonorgestrel-releasing system Mirena.

    The action of the spiral is due to the stopping of the penetration of spermatozoa into the upper parts of the female reproductive system, egg transport and fertilization. With the Mirena spiral, the cervical mucus also thickens, which blocks the proliferation of the endometrium. Due to this root effect, the action of the contraceptive is quite long, sometimes even reaching several years.

    The spiral is installed quickly and painlessly. However, some contraindications for IUDs should be considered. These include:

    • various types of neoplasms of the genital organs,
    • inflammatory processes in the components of the genitourinary system,
    • various injuries of the uterus, including postoperative,
    • bleeding of unclear etymology,
    • cardiovascular diseases,
    • diabetes.

    In addition to a small number of contraindications, this contraceptive has no disadvantages. The benefits also include the fact that it can be used at any age, even in teenagers. For example, often at an early stage, when menstruation still sometimes makes itself felt. The tool helps to avoid pregnancy and smooth out hormonal changes.

    The spiral does not affect other systems and organs of the female body, it can be used up to 10 years, and the price is affordable for any category of the population. But with Mirena, given its hormonal components, side effects may occur. Whatever spiral you choose, it should only be installed by a competent specialist on the preliminary appointment of your doctor.

    As a rule, the spiral should be placed at the end of menstruation. This procedure lasts about 15 minutes. Fixing it in the uterine cavity is painless, local anesthesia is most often used.

    What discharge during the IUD is considered the norm

    Discharge after coil placement is a common occurrence that causes concern for first time users. You should not worry, because in most cases - this is the norm. Experts say that such symptoms after installing an intrauterine device are a common side effect, which rather means a normal reaction of the body than a pathological one.

    Mainly brown discharge, which can begin a few days after the installation of the IUD, and they can go from several days to several months.

    It is worth considering that this device is introduced shortly before the end of the menstrual period, respectively, spotting after installation may be the planned end of menstruation. This may be copious discharge of bloody mucus or a slight daub. Also, such manifestations between menstruation can also be the norm.

    After the introduction of the IUD, discharge may also occur due to the fact that the small vessels of the endometrium (internal tissue of the uterus) were affected. Such bleeding is insignificant, but may be accompanied by pulling pains.

    Brown discharge with a spiral may be a natural reaction of the body to a foreign object. This phenomenon can be delayed even for six months. It is also not a violation of the change in the nature of menstruation: bleeding can become much stronger, or vice versa, the amount of blood will decrease.

    After installing Mirena, the body may react to hormones introduced from the outside with brown discharge. After a while, the hormonal balance will resume, and these phenomena will disappear.

    If the bleeding does not go away for a long time, and the pain does not leave you, you should consult a doctor, because this is already a deviation from the norm.

    Pathological discharge when using a spiral


    This contraceptive is designed to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, but it does not perform a barrier function from various infections, viruses and fungi. Moreover, it is a kind of conductor for them and in some situations can even be the root cause of inflammation of the pelvic organs. This may be indicated by excessive bleeding with uncomfortable sensations, or by the presence of an unpleasant odor or greenish or yellowish mucus secreted.

    Fixture offset

    One of the complications that can provoke spotting during an established spiral is its loss or displacement. This includes both spontaneous violation of the position, and rejection by her body. A foreign body is a rather large load on a well-functioning reproductive system, so it can take this device for an excessively long time, letting bloody daubs know about it, or not accept it at all.

    To avoid displacement of this tool, it is not recommended to lift heavy objects, apply loads or have sex in the first 2 weeks after implantation. It is recommended to regularly check that the helix is ​​in place to avoid misalignment. This can lead to injury to the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as unwanted pregnancy.

    In 0.02% of cases of the installation of this contraceptive, bleeding can be caused by damage or puncture of the uterus. This is due to improper insertion or placement of the device. The phenomenon is very rare, but it has a place to be. In this situation, the main thing is to consult a doctor in time to avoid inflammatory processes and pathological trauma.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Since no contraceptive can guarantee a 100% result, conception can still occur with a spiral. But if this happens, then most likely, in the form ectopic pregnancy. A sure sign of this is brown and bloody discharge with increasing and prolonged pain. Follow the link to see pregnancies may appear.

    The spiral has "antennae" that expand the walls of the uterus. In rare cases, this is precisely what can be indicated by an increased amount of blood released during menstruation.

    Whatever the reason, you need to contact a specialist to determine the cause of the discharge. It is worth remembering that the problem does not go away on its own, and a large blood loss can lead to anemia and other serious consequences.

    The intrauterine device is one of the most reliable means of contraception, second only to subcutaneous hormonal implants in terms of effectiveness. However, its use has several disadvantages, one of which can be considered the removal of this medical device. Usually, a copy that has served its time is taken out during the period of menstruation from a woman, less often they resort to removing the spiral without menstruation, trying to minimize possible physical discomfort. Despite this, the procedure can be performed on any day of the cycle at the request of the patient.

    IUD extraction

    Common reasons for removing an intrauterine device are:

    • replacement of an old one with a new one;
    • the need for surgery or other gynecological treatment;
    • switching to another type of contraception;
    • desire for pregnancy;
    • physically inappropriate device.

    Often, one week before the planned removal procedure, the doctor advises to refuse sexual intercourse or start using barrier protection if the woman does not want pregnancy. The reason is an increased risk of conception after removal of the IUD, since a small amount of spermatozoa may be present near the cervical canal and penetrate into the uterine cavity.

    You should come to the gynecologist's office on the penultimate day of menstruation, the spiral is usually removed when menstruation has not ended. So the device folds and slides out more easily, and the soft walls of the uterus, contracting, help to push it out. In the absence of menstruation, the contraceptive is removed in urgent cases, while the discomfort felt is slightly higher.

    During the procedure, the doctor acts in almost the same way as during a regular examination: the woman is in a chair, an expander is placed inside the vagina, and the spiral is captured by the antennae with tweezers and carefully removed. To reduce discomfort and pain, the use of local anesthesia in the form of a spray is allowed.

    Menstruation after the removal of the spiral in most cases does not go astray, however, sometimes there is a risk of minor violations. Possible complications are likely when part of the spiral grows into the mucosa. In this case, it is necessary to remove the device using hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. As a result, damage to the endometrium occurs. Bleeding and subsequent cycle disturbances are possible.

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    Cycle recovery after coil removal

    After removing the spiral, most women do not get their periods off. Common changes: a reduction in their number, which is simply explained - the impact of a foreign body on the uterine cavity stops, and bleeding becomes weaker.

    If the spiral was removed during menstruation, their next arrival is possible exactly on schedule. However, the shift of menstruation in time, its slight delay, may also be possible. The risk increases when the device is removed without menstruation. The reason may be insufficient growth of the endometrium and difficulty with its rejection.

    After removing the hormonal intrauterine device, a slight fluctuation in the hormonal background is likely, due to which there may also be a delay in the next menstruation. If the cycle has gone astray before, such a reaction of the body almost always occurs.

    You should consult a doctor in case of a positive test result, the absence of menstruation for more than 2 months, the appearance of severe pain during menstruation, purulent or green clots in the discharge, and other disorders.

    Abundant periods

    An increase in the amount of discharge after the removal of the coil is likely in rare cases. Normally, heavy bleeding is possible on the first day of the onset of critical days. A similar picture is explained by the individual characteristics of the location of the endometrium, the cessation of exposure to the spiral. If bleeding becomes more and more abundant over and over again, in order to exclude the possibility of a disease, it is better to consult a doctor. One of the common causes of increased menstruation is the development of uterine fibroids.

    Delayed menstruation

    The shift of critical days can be 1-2 weeks, sometimes menstruation is absent up to 1-2 months. In all cases, after 10-12 days of delay in menstruation, a pregnancy test should be performed, since a small chance of conception remains.

    In addition to normal pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy is also likely, which poses a great threat to the health and life of a woman.

    Situations in which there are no periods for a long time after the removal of the IUD can signal the development of a hormonal failure or an inflammatory disease. If the delay occurs due to adhesions or inflammation of the appendages, it is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity. With the penetration and development of infections, purulent discharge from the genital tract, itching, and severe discomfort may appear.

    The intrauterine device is one of the most reliable and convenient methods of contraception. With her there is no hassle, similar to taking pills, inconvenience, as with a condom.

    The IUD has only a local effect, without affecting the entire body. But since it has been in the uterine cavity for a long time, it is natural that menstruation after the spiral, as well as with it, can change their characteristics.

    There are different types of IUDs, they are not suitable for every woman, so it is important to pay attention to menstruation and everything that accompanies it.

    Read in this article

    More about the IUD and its effect on the reproductive system

    Modern spirals look like letters T, S or rings and are made of plastic with the addition of metal. The contraceptive effect is provided by:

    The impact of the device is aimed at the organs directly involved in the process of menstruation. Therefore, menstruation with a spiral may have different parameters than without it.

    Only a doctor should put an IUD after a thorough examination of the woman for infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the uterus. Since it should be in the cavity of the organ, the question is natural: when is the spiral placed before menstruation or after?

    Access to the uterine space lies through the cervical canal. This is a rather narrow "corridor", especially among nulliparous women. Traumatization of it is highly undesirable, as it carries the risk of infection, appearance. Damage to the cervix can be a negative circumstance for subsequent births.

    It is more expedient to put a spiral during menstruation:

    • The cervix is ​​ajar more widely than usual, has a soft texture;
    • The introduction of the IUD will be accurate and painless;
    • The reproductive system is undergoing an update, which will help it quickly adapt to the presence of a foreign object.

    But what about the discharge, can't they interfere with the doctor? This consideration leads to the question on which day of menstruation the spiral is placed. With a 3-day menstruation, this is best done on the last. If it lasts 4-7 days, it is also closer to the end, for example, 2-3 days before it. In this case, by the time the spiral is put in, the menstruation is no longer so intense as to prevent the gynecologist from seeing the working field. But the cervix has not yet narrowed enough to make inserting an IUD difficult.

    What about other days?

    Installation of an intrauterine device

    For some women, the doctor prescribes an installation in addition to critical days. But they doubt whether they put a spiral without menstruation. In principle, doing this on other days of the cycle is not prohibited. It's just that many experts prefer to do the installation in the last days of menstruation. So you can be sure that the patient is not pregnant.

    But if there is an urgency in protection, you should not be afraid and doubt whether it is possible to put a spiral without menstruation. Often this is done to women who have recently had a successful birth. In order for the hormonal spiral to “work” immediately, it is administered a week after the start of the cycle.

    For many, the critical days are already over by this moment, and the Navy is thus installed “on dry”. The process can be a little more painful. But local anesthetics will help relieve sensations, and the manipulation itself lasts no longer than 5 minutes.

    Periods of menstruation with an IUD

    Menstruation during the spiral should normally come on schedule. But since the body has suffered the stress associated with its introduction, and also needs to adapt to the presence of a foreign object in the uterus, a small one is acceptable. The shock to the nervous system, which provides hormonal support for the cycle, also makes it possible.

    In this case, if there is a spiral, the delay in menstruation is likely due to a deficiency of certain substances, which causes a protracted wait. Its increase is facilitated by the installation outside of critical days. But the expectation of menstruation should not be longer than 3 weeks. And when it exceeds this period, the woman urgently needs to see a doctor.

    A short delay in menstruation with a spiral is not an alarm signal if it is observed only for 3-4 cycles. The acclimatization period may well be so long. When this happens for longer, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

    If a woman put a spiral, there is no menstruation for a long time, then it is possible that conception did occur. This probability is very small, but it should not be denied at all.

    This also requires immediate expert advice. To avoid this, a couple of weeks after the installation of the IUD, it is worth protecting yourself in other ways.

    First menstruation and IUD: the nature of the discharge

    The nature of menstruation in most women changes in the direction of increased discharge and duration. The spiral makes possible due to the irritating effect on the endometrium and changes in the composition of the cervical mucus.

    We must also not forget about the unstable hormonal background due to the stress associated with the installation. The spiral of the first menstruation makes it especially intense. A woman may need more than 1 pad for 3-4 hours. If she also feels severe pain, severe weakness, she may need medical attention immediately.

    But normally, menstruation, although it goes beyond the usual for a particular woman, does not pose a danger. And if they are stronger than before, they are removed with antispasmodics.

    In the absence of the effect of drugs, the occurrence of strong discharge with blood, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can mean a sharp inflammation, rejection of the IUD by the body, or trauma to the uterus. The coil must be removed immediately.

    In the remaining days of menstruation immediately after the installation of the IUD, you should not use tampons. They increase the risk of infection in the internal genital organs, and may interfere with adaptation to the spiral.

    Installed intrauterine device

    One cycle after installation

    Gradually, the body restores hormonal balance, which leads to menstruation after the introduction of the spiral to the normal norm for a particular woman. If their intensity remains at the level of the first, this may indicate that the body does not accept this method of protection or the type of contraceptive.

    In some women, due to existing diseases, past surgical interventions of the IUD increase the risk of its occurrence. Therefore, the test will not be superfluous.

    Abundant menstruation

    The first menstruation after the spiral normally comes in 30-40 days. They can be delayed for the reasons mentioned above, or when the IUD was removed urgently. Menstruation can be heavy, which is associated with hormonal disorders.

    The spiral interfered with the normal development of the endometrium for a long time, preventing the maturation of the egg. This could not but affect the work of the ovaries. The discharge becomes intense due to:

    • Inflammation that has arisen in the reproductive system. In most cases, it is to blame, so it is important to control the cycle in cooperation with the doctor;
    • Uterine damage. The process of removing the IUD is much simpler and shorter than insertion, but injury is still likely. It happens that parts of the contraceptive remain inside the organ. In this case, the selection will be observed from the very beginning after the removal. And pain, which normally should soon pass, will remain for a long time and may intensify.

    How menstruation goes after the spiral depends on the diseases the woman has. In some of them, the IUD is prescribed not only as a means of preventing pregnancy, but also as a therapeutic agent with existing or prerequisites for the occurrence of endometrial hyperplasia.

    When the spiral is removed, menstruation may return to its previous form due to the fact that the factors provoking the abundance of secretions are again in force.

    Spiral extraction and scanty periods

    The presence of an intrauterine device. Intrauterine device as the cause of heavy menstruation clots. An intrauterine device, what it would not be made of - gold, silver or ordinary polymer material ...
  • IUD and menstruation. The intrauterine device will also save you from unplanned conception, but will affect the nature and duration of menstruation. ... It is noticed that the first and second periods during the spiral are more abundant and longer.

  • total 123,880 consultations

    Intrauterine device (IUD)

    The intrauterine device is a fairly reliable, but not suitable way for everyone to prevent unwanted pregnancy. To understand whether such a method of contraception is suitable for a woman, it is necessary to exclude a number of diseases and carefully weigh the pros and cons.

    Related articles:

    Elena asks:

    What is better to put a spriral or use condoms or other means of protection. What is the right spiral to choose?

    consultant information

    Hello, Elena! Intrauterine device and condom - too different methods contraceptives to compare them. If you lead a disordered sex life (that is, you have more than one sexual partner) - you should not even think about the intrauterine device. Only condoms will protect you from genital infections, the risk of contracting which in this case is very high. If you are nulliparous - again, the intrauterine device is not shown, it is better to use condoms or oral contraceptives(more details in the article Methods of modern contraception (protection against unwanted pregnancy) on our portal). If you have given birth and do not have significant gynecological diseases that could become a contraindication for the installation of an intrauterine device, you should consult a doctor who will select the optimal type of device for you, as well as its size. In any case, before you start using this or that method of contraception (intrauterine device, oral contraceptive), it is better to consult a gynecologist. Take care of your health!

    Olga asks:

    Good afternoon, I'm getting ready to extract the helix. I want to prepare myself morally and informatively. I read and understand that it is better to take a course of anti-inflammatory therapy after it is removed. Tell me what to pay attention to?

    consultant information

    Hello! Extraction of the intrauterine device is a manipulation associated with the risk of traumatizing the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The consequence of a violation of the integrity of the epithelial cover of the uterus and vagina is inflammation and the possible addition of a secondary infection. In such a situation, the prophylactic use of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents is recommended. Better take advantage medicines of natural origin, and not immediately turn on the "heavy artillery", which can disrupt the natural balance of vaginal microorganisms. As the drug of choice in this case, Vagical can be recommended.
    Main active substance drug is calendula officinalis. Calendula contains salicylic and pentadecylic acids, which cause the death of streptococci and staphylococci and have anti-inflammatory effects. Calendula helps accelerate tissue regeneration and the formation of new functional cells, promotes the orderly development of the vaginal epithelium and also prevents the formation of scar tissue.
    Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor. Be healthy!

    Eugene asks:

    they put a spiral a month ago, the blood is so smeared, it pours, the doctor said it takes root, but I also have some kind of blackness smears and I also have erosion to remove the spiral or what would you advise

    consultant information

    Hello Evgenia! It is believed that within three months after the installation of the intrauterine device, the body adapts to it. Which can be manifested by bloody discharge of varying severity. However, if spotting turns into uterine bleeding, this is an indication for the removal of the spiral, since such bleeding can cause severe anemia. Heavy bleeding indicates that this method of contraception is not suitable for a particular woman. Discuss further tactics with your doctor. Take care of your health!

    Irina asks:

    Good afternoon, I have had an intrauterine device for about 25 years. During the abortion, the doctors put a spiral on me without telling me about it. I found out about her 10 years later. I don’t feel any particular discomfort. What threatens such a long use of it. They say that it can grow into the uterine cavity and can only be removed by removing the entire uterus? thanks for the answer

    consultant information

    Hello Irina! Such a long stay of the intrauterine device in the uterine cavity is indeed fraught with complications. The spiral, in fact, could grow so firmly with the uterine mucosa that it would be very, very difficult to remove it. In such cases, the removal of the coil can lead to the development of serious uterine bleeding. Having decided to remove the coil, contact the gynecological clinic, which has the ability to perform surgical interventions, so that in case of complications you can be provided with the necessary assistance. Take care of your health!

    Julia asks:

    November 2009 I put in the IUD, while I passed the tests after installing the spiral, and found out that I had ureoplasmosis, but the doctor did not remove the IUD, prescribed treatment. I drank the entire course, but since then my lower abdomen has been hurting and my back is pulling. Tell me if it was possible to get ureoplasmosis by swimming in the sea, since I still don’t know how I could get infected, I have one partner for a long time and is it possible to remove the IUD without waiting for menstruation. Thanks in advance


    consultant information

    Hello Julia!
    Conduct a control examination for ureoplasma for yourself and your sexual partner. This infection could have come to you a long time ago (of course, not when swimming in the sea) and did not manifest itself in any way, which did not force you to be examined. You must understand that there are several causes of aching pains in the lower abdomen (problems of the spine, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract). If, with the help of tests, ultrasound and related specialists, the doctor has ruled out such causes, you can remove the IUD. It is best to do this on the 2-3rd day of menstruation, since the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bless injured.

    INNA asks:

    Hello! My question is: if you get pregnant during the standing spiral, can you give birth? Or an abortion?

    consultant information

    Hello Inna! If pregnancy occurs while using an intrauterine contraceptive, then early term remove the spiral from the uterine cavity. This procedure is covered by the appointment of drugs that prevent abortion, and usually goes without any complications for the woman and the fetus. A video has been posted on our portal Removing the intrauterine device, which shows the process of removing the intrauterine device. Be healthy!

    Albina asks:


    Obstetrician-gynecologist of the second category, Ph.D.

    consultant information

    Hello Albina. Subject to all the rules for the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, there should be no increase in temperature. Perhaps the reason is an insufficiently complete examination before the introduction of the spiral. It cannot be ruled out that there was an inflammatory process (chronic sluggish) in the uterine appendages, and the introduction of the spiral contributed to its aggravation. Before the insertion procedure, the doctor was obliged to examine you, and in the best option schedule an ultrasound. With the existing signs of the inflammatory process, the introduction of the IUD is contraindicated. Also, you should have taken a smear on the flora and, with a diagnosed inflammatory process in the vagina, prescribe treatment and only then insert the IUD. If you suspect the presence of sexually transmitted infections, it is recommended to exclude their presence, and if necessary, treat with subsequent laboratory control. With a diagnosed infectious process, the spiral contributes to its spread into the uterine cavity and appendages. In any case, you need to be examined by a doctor who installed an intrauterine contraceptive in order to exclude the development of complications. Self-medication is not recommended.

    Allah asks:

    The spiral has been standing for 14.5 years. Monthly regular, painless. At the medical examination, the doctors say the spiral is normal. Should it be removed?


    consultant information

    Hello Anna.
    Any spiral should not stand for more than 5 years. Ordinary non-hormonal intrauterine devices are installed for a period of 3 years, levonorgestrel-containing spirals "Mirena" are installed for a period of 5 years. A longer stay of the coil in the uterine cavity can contribute to the oxidation of the metal contained in the core of the coil, the development of chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus, and contribute to the development of a background for precancerous conditions. I recommend that you remove the helix with a mandatory cytological examination of the imprint from the helix.

    Lisa asks:

    Hello, I have a question! It’s been 1 month since I was put on the Nova T coil, before sex and during I have very little lubrication, there was no unpleasant feeling of friction, but never before. After sex, spotting appears. Why is this happening, maybe the spiral does not suit me?


    consultant information

    Hello Lisa.
    After installing the helix, the uterus adapts for some time to the presence of a foreign body in it, this may be accompanied by an increase in spotting during menstruation. The appearance of intermenstrual discharge, pain in the abdomen, a feeling of discomfort. To reduce negative sensations during sex, use lubricants at first to additionally moisturize the vagina and reduce friction. And it is desirable that you turn to a gynecologist for examination and ultrasound - possibly the wrong position of the spiral in the uterus.

    Inna asks:

    Hello uv. specialists! I had an IUD put in 6.5 years ago. I understand that the time has come to change it. But I have some fear. When they put the spiral, the process was painful. There was even a feeling that a little more and I would lose consciousness. When I was given a vacuum, the pain is a bit similar. When removing the spiral, I probably also expect such sensations? It's getting fast. Thanks in advance.

    Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

    consultant information

    Inna, hello! If your spiral does not have a “mustache” cut off, then removing it at the end of your period will most likely not be a big deal. Unpleasant sensations usually do not happen, or they can be minimal. Usually, after removing the IUD, a cytological imprint is made from the spiral.
    However, the IUD needs to be removed as soon as possible. You have already exceeded the recommended period for using the IUD. In the case of long-term use of the IUD, the “whiskers” may come off or the spiral may grow. In such a situation, a separate diagnostic curettage will be needed.
    Take action!

    Inna asks:

    I'm 34 years old. gave birth. The intrauterine device was in place for 5 years. Now it has been removed. Observed inflammation of the ovaries. I plan to undergo a course of treatment and put the spiral again. The doctor recommends hormonal. What is this spiral and is it possible to find an alternative? What?


    consultant information

    The intrauterine hormone-containing system is a special coil that releases a hormone (levonorgestrel). Its action lies not only in contraception, but also in the treatment of hormone-dependent diseases (endometriosis, some forms of uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, heavy and painful menstruation). If you are healthy and only need contraception, you can use any copper-containing IUD. If you need to heal, then only combined oral contraceptives (COCs) can be an alternative to a hormone-containing system.

    Elena asks:

    I have fibromyoma for 5 weeks. Is it possible in such cases to put hormonal spiral?

    Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, MD

    consultant information

    good day, Elena! Indications and contraindications for the installation of a hormonal coil should be evaluated by your observing gynecologist at an internal appointment. In general, the use of the spiral is not contraindicated only in the absence of heavy, prolonged, painful menstruation and the only sexual partner. The indisputable advantage of the hormonal IUD is its therapeutic and prophylactic properties, which ordinary spirals cannot boast of. It corrects long, painful, heavy periods and can be used to treat uterine fibroids. Be healthy!

    Julia asks:

    I'm 45 years old. To prevent the formation of polyps and increase in fibroids, on the advice of a doctor, she put a hormonal coil. It's been 0.5 years. During this time, the face was covered with "adolescent" acne, then red scaly spots appeared on the eyelids, weight gain, causeless irritability appeared. What can be recommended in this case: remove the coil or take any drugs that reduce the side effects of hormones?

    Obstetrician-gynecologist, clinical resident of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology

    consultant information

    Good day! The symptoms you describe are typical for the use of any hormonal drug (including the hormonal IUD), but the same symptoms may appear without connection with the IUD. Once there is a clear link between the use of a hormonal IUD and the onset of symptoms, it is necessary to remove the IUD and find a treatment that is right for you. At the same time, research (examination, smears, colposcopy, crops, ultrasound, hormones) is mandatory both for extracting the spiral and for selecting a new treatment method. Be healthy!

    Julia asks:

    Tell me, please, I can’t decide which is still better than the IUD or contraceptive pills, I already have 1 child and in the next 2-3 years I don’t plan a new pregnancy. There are no gynecological problems.

    consultant information

    Hello Julia! Each modern contraceptive (intrauterine device, oral contraceptives) has its own advantages. Setting the intrauterine device is not associated with the need to take daily contraceptive pills and does not affect the functioning of the liver. But oral contraceptives are not associated with the introduction of a foreign body into the uterus and are able to regulate hormonal disorders and related problems ( oily skin, acne, excess body weight, premenstrual syndrome etc.). Therefore, the selection of a contraceptive is a very delicate matter, which takes into account many factors, and not just the presence of children and the absence of gynecological problems. Consult a gynecologist for an internal consultation - a specialist will help you choose a contraceptive that suits you personally. Details about different ways contraception - in the article Methods of modern contraception (protection against unwanted pregnancy) on our medical portal. Take care of your health!

    Elena asks:

    Hello! I have a spiral for 2 years. Do I need to take ascorutin to reduce menstrual bleeding? Thank you.

    Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist

    consultant information

    Good afternoon, Elena Askorutin in no way affects the reduction of bleeding during menstruation. At best, it strengthens the walls of small capillaries. If you are worried about heavy bleeding during menstruation, then the first thing to do is to contact your doctor to determine whether the spiral is correctly positioned or if there are any other pathological processes that can lead to heavy bleeding. If the blood loss is large, then most likely you will also have anemia, for this you need to take iron supplements. (for example - aktiferrin, hemofer, tardiferon, totem, sorbifer durulex, fvenofer, fenyuls). All these drugs contain either 2- or 3-valent iron and can be taken according to two schemes: the first scheme is when you start taking the drug a couple of days before your period and finish 2-3 days after the end of your period. The second regimen is simply taking the drug for 30 days. Take - according to the instructions (in the sense of the number of tablets, capsules). It would be nice to do a general blood test to understand if there is anemia and how severe it is.

    total 131 pages

    One of the most popular types of contraception is the Mirena intrauterine device. It has a number of advantages: it is established for a long time, unlike tablets, which must be taken daily. In addition, it is often prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. However, there are also inconveniences associated with this type of contraception. How the Mirena spiral and menstruation interact with each other, whether it is worth worrying if a failure occurs, will be discussed below.

    How does it affect the body

    An intrauterine device is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus as a form of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    The Mirena coil contains the hormone levonorgestrel, which is released into the uterus. It blocks the growth and rejection of the endometrium and works only inside the uterine cavity, which reduces the risk side effects hormonal nature.

    Due to the reaction to the agent, the secretion of cervical mucus increases, which creates an obstacle to the movement of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. The spiral contributes to the suppression of sperm motility inside the uterus and fallopian tubes. Sometimes a contraceptive blocks ovulation, which creates the maximum contraceptive effect.

    Only a doctor can install Mirena after a thorough examination:

    1. It is necessary to pass a smear on the flora in order to exclude, and in another case, to treat existing inflammations.
    2. Blood test for hCG.
    3. Cytological studies are necessary in order to exclude precancerous and cancerous formations.
    4. An ultrasound is prescribed to make sure that the uterus and ovaries are normal.

    Prolonged spotting may be present for six months after the installation of the spiral. This is a normal reaction of the reproductive system to the installation of foreign material. If the discharge does not stop after six months, you should voice the problem to the doctor.

    The installation of an intrauterine device can sometimes be accompanied by unwanted side effects, among which the most common are:

    • migraine;
    • acne rashes;
    • irregular menstruation;
    • depressive states;
    • heart pain;
    • jumps in blood pressure.

    Indications for use

    The main indication for the use of an intrauterine device is, directly, the prevention of pregnancy. However, it should be borne in mind that during sexual contact it does not protect against STDs, so this type of contraception is not suitable for women who are prone to casual sex and chronic infectious pathologies.

    Read also đź—“ Will there be periods after removal of the uterus

    Often, the intrauterine device is used for intense menstrual flow for unknown reasons, having previously excluded possible malignant tumors in the organs of the reproductive system. Due to its action, Mirena is prescribed as a prophylaxis for endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids, with severe menopause.

    The nature of menstruation when using the IUD

    After installing the Mirena contraceptive, ideally, menstruation should begin at the right time. But it should be taken into account that the body has undergone a certain stress, so at first a slight delay is allowed, which should not exceed three weeks. If after three weeks there is no menstruation, you need to urgently go to the hospital. This may be a signal that, despite the installation of the spiral, conception did occur.

    Short delays can be for six months after installation, and they are dangerous for the body.

    The first menstruation after the installation of the spiral, as a rule, is characterized by increased intensity. Why is this happening? Firstly, stress after installation is accompanied by hormonal failure, and secondly, the contraceptive changes the composition of cervical mucus and the nature of the endometrium, which directly affects the amount of menstrual fluid. During this period, a woman may use more than one pad every 3 hours and pain medication to relieve menstrual cramps.

    At first, it is advisable not to use sanitary tampons, as they can interfere with the adaptation of the system and increase the risk of infection.

    After a few cycles, menstrual flow returns to its normal appearance. For six months, bleeding can turn into spotting, which is not dangerous. They testify to the habituation of the body to a foreign adaptation. There should be no accompanying pain.

    If, after several cycles, menstruation remains as heavy as the first time after the installation of a contraceptive, you should consult a doctor. Such a phenomenon may indicate side effects Mirena, which indicates that the body does not accept this contraceptive.

    Often women complain about the cessation of menstruation, six months after the installation of a contraceptive. If the delay has been going on for more than two weeks, the first thing you need to do is a pregnancy test or a blood test for hCG. The intrauterine device reliably prevents unwanted pregnancy, but all possible options, besides, there were cases when the spiral imperceptibly dropped out. If the reason for the absence of menstruation is not pregnancy, then there is no reason to worry. Mirena's hormones block the growth of the endometrium, which is why there is nothing to go out during the expected period. It is not dangerous for the woman's body. After removing the spiral, menstruation will be restored within a couple of months.