Features of the design and installation of dormer windows for roofs. How to make a dormer window with your own hands? How to build a roof dormer

Lucarnes on the roof, of course, decorate the roof. But still, first of all, they are needed to provide natural lighting and ventilation of the attic space, cold and residential. They amaze with their diversity, not to mention the unique samples that give the structure an individuality, a color that is unique to them.

The device of dormer windows begins with the installation of its frame, but first, let's define what the design of the dormer window is like.

The SNIP for the installation of lucarens states that

  • the area of ​​the dormer windows is 1/300 of the horizontal projection of the roof;
  • ceiling beams, which act as a support for the roof and its frame, are laid immediately above the hatch;
  • in the attic they have a cover slope of at least 35˚;
  • the number of dormer windows on the roof is calculated based on the prerequisite that their total width should not be less than half the width of the attic.

The frame is performed simultaneously with the installation of the truss system. Depending on the design, it may include a crate, a ridge and rafters. In other words, this is the same roof, only in miniature.

Dormer window on the roof - triangular lucarne design

The most popular today is triangular, feature which is considered the steepness of the slopes. The roof of the pediment should not protrude from the plane formed by outer wall buildings, in other words, the gable wall of such a lucarne does not have a penetration into the roof.

A device of this design is carried out exactly along the same axis as the underlying window. This makes it possible to perceive the roof windows as a whole with the facade of the building. The space formed under the pointed roof has a rather large height, so lucarnes with sufficiently large frames are placed on the pediment.

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to talk about increasing the useful space of the attic for such a design. This is due to the significant - about 64⁰ - steepness of its slopes.

Triangular dormer windows have a roof. She goes down to the main roof of the house to the organization of the groove. For this reason, there is no special need for waterproofing the junctions of the side walls and the roof, which greatly facilitates the waterproofing of the dormer windows themselves and the main roof of the building.

roof window frame

Dormer windows are installed on the frame. At the locations of the lucarens between the rafters installed system make openings. Framing is made of double or triple rafters, as they experience a significant load that exceeds the impact on any other part of the system.

In the transverse direction, beams are mounted on the rafters in two sections: the first from the bottom at the level outer wall, and the last one on top - according to the existing project for the rafters, and reinforced. Vertical racks are installed on the first one and, having tied them on top with a transverse bar, a frame is obtained. The latter must be attached to the upper beam. Do this using longitudinal bars. Thus, a lucarna frame is obtained, but so far without a rafter system.

The rafter system of the dormer window is arranged in the same way as the design of the main roof. The frame elements are fixed using metal parts.


The use of fastening methods such as tie-ins and cuts is not allowed, as it leads to weakening of the rafters.

Moisture resistant materials, for example, plywood of this type. In this case, the sheathing should be located at the same level as the sheathing of the outer wall.

Valley device in the upper part of the lucarna

At first glance, the arrangement of a lucarne, which has the shape of a triangle, is quite similar to the installation of a multi-gable roof. However, in reality there are significant differences between these technologies. In particular, unlike the roof slopes, as a rule, with the same slope, the triangular opening has a roof with a slope of 60–70⁰. That is, at the junction of the roofing slopes of the main roof and the slopes of the lucarne, non-standard valleys are formed.

The device of the rafter system of the dormer window involves the installation of diagonal rafters, which serve as a support for the shortened rafter legs. For the installation of such a design, it is necessary to calculate the following parameters:

  • the truss beam of the valley, that is, its length and cross section, and it must be taken into account that in each of the openings, two beams of this type are assumed, which are mirror symmetrical;
  • articulation angles formed between the side walls and the ridge beam.

Phased installation of a valley (groove)

1. Using a plumb line or a long level, the intersection point of the valley and the ridge beam of the lucarne is first transferred to the floor.
2. Build a horizontal projection of such frame elements as a ridge rafter and a valley. The projection of the valley is obtained by connecting the obtained point and the corner of the wall in a straight line, the ridge beam, as a horizontal segment in the projection, will be the same segment.
3. The angle formed by the projections is determined, and the end of the valley beam in the lower part is sawn under it. Such an operation will ensure its clear abutment to the side wall of the opening.
4. The corner of this wall and the beam of the ridge are connected with a cord, pulling it tightly. Two quantities can now be accurately determined: the length of the valley beam and the required cut angle at the lower end.
5. Then the projection line of the rafter is transferred to the side wall, to its upper beam, which allows you to find out what the length of the supporting rafter should be in the lower section.
6. Having finished the measurements, they start marking the workpiece directly at the place of installation of the rafter beam: it is cut along the length, cuts are made from the transverse edges at the calculated angles and laid in place.

The device of the lower part of the lucarne

The installation of this part of the structure has its own specifics.

  • Let's begin with soft roof from the bottom side should be invisible from the inside. Therefore, it must be hidden hidden under the side walls, which is quite simple to do.
  • The gutter beam is laid on the main roof sheathing. It serves as a support for the rafters gable roof windows on the bottom. Determine how the support beam will be located, and its dimensions. To do this, proceed as follows:
  • strictly pulling the coated cord, connect the ends of the pediment to each other with outer side and rafters;
  • beat off the line;
  • having measured the support beam, cut out blanks under it;
  • the side edge on the outside is cut at an angle of 64⁰.
  • All rafters are actually prepared according to a single template, with the only difference being that for each of them the length required for laying in its place is selected.
  • At the final stage, the roofing material is attached to the sheathing of the structure from plywood sheets.
  • Sheathing usually starts in the direction from the ridge. This direction is especially important for roofs with a large slope.
  • Being located at the very top, you can precisely orient the plywood sheets relative to the top edge of the ridge.
  • Roofing, on the contrary, is performed from the bottom up.

When arranging windows more complex shape it is recommended to use the services of professionals for the calculation and direct installation of complex connections.

Dormer windows that are mounted on the roof allow natural light to enter the attic, attic spaces. Such holes add attractiveness to the facade of the building, make it cozy. To date, many design options have been developed, they are made in different styles. Popular schemes for creating such systems will be considered below.

Dormer windows on the roof: considering the device

The structure located on the roof, which is a window, is called auditory. There are many options for decorating the roofs of private houses, if these are administrative, residential premises, they mainly create their sloping options. Such a roof has many advantages, auditory holes are often mounted in them, which is easy to create. with my own hands. The location, shape of these blocks may differ, however, they always perform the same functions.

The dormer window is an opening in the roof, from the usual window, it differs not large sizes, as well as functional purpose.

What is the function of such a structure?

  1. Provides daylight access to the interior of the attic.
  2. Allows air masses to move natural ventilation room or roof space.
  3. It gives you the opportunity to go to the roof directly from the attic.
  4. It performs a decorative role, decorating the roof from the outside, improving the interior of the room from the inside.

The advantages of a window unit mounted in the attic can be assessed by considering the following diagram:

  • any thermal insulation, even the highest quality, invariably leads to heat loss that occurs on the attic floor. Air masses, in order to be heated inside the house, rise up, where they collide with a cold roof covering (tiles, slates). Condensation forms on the under-roofing planes, while moisture can destroy most materials, including wood rafters;
  • a room that is not illuminated is damp, a fungus quickly forms, mold develops, the spores of which, sooner or later, spread throughout the house;
  • without the penetration of sunlight, the lack of proper air circulation, the attic microclimate becomes musty, sometimes dangerous to human health: especially dangerous black mold spores can settle on it;
  • strong wind allows the auditory openings to function check valves. Such loads can break the roof, tear it from its location. This is due to the fact that the penetration of wind under the surface of the roof contributes to the formation of air currents that have the ability to lift the edges of the roof. Dormer windows take on the load, the wind is more likely to violate their integrity than tear the roof off the house;
  • when the building is large, a massive roof, and, therefore, the minimum risk of the roof moving from its place, such openings should still be. Here they play the role of valves that prevent vibrations that adversely affect the condition of the building.

Types of dormer windows

The dormer window on the roof is characterized by increased requirements for the device. Such designs must be:

  • durable;
  • give right amount natural light;
  • ventilation inside the room;
  • fit into the general architectural ensemble.

Such window blocks have been popular for over a century. Their appearance is in dynamic change. Today, such buildings differ significantly from each other in terms of design features as well as design.

Sometimes structures are mounted directly into the roof, it is also possible to create devices that have a vertical type of glazing:

  • the pediment is in the plane of the building, but there are no side walls;
  • there are side walls, a pediment in the plane;
  • with walls, but the pediment is outside the plane of the building.

Today, triangular shapes are especially popular, as well as trapezoidal, arched, having glazing over the entire vertical plane.

The location and arrangement of windows is chosen strictly taking into account stylistic decisions, as well as based on the location of windows, types of buildings. If you do not take into account all the necessary factors, such an implementation will look alien on the roof.

Window design

To create a dormer window with your own hands, it is very important to devote enough time to design and installation. These parameters are determined by the requirements of building codes and regulations (SNiP P-26, 21-01). Regardless of the design features, the style of the selected image, you still need to strictly follow building codes. Only in this way can reliability, durability, and stability of the structure be obtained. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a decrease in the performance of the building as a whole and the roof in particular.

Key requirements of SNiP:

  • installation is permitted only on condition that the angle of inclination of the kat is 15 degrees or more;
  • superstructures should be located strictly according to the distance from the outer walls of the facade, which is established by the regulations;
  • opening sashes that are located in the window can have minimum parameters of 0.6 by 0.8 mm, therefore the allowable size of the structure is up to 1.2 by 0.8 meters;
  • when it is planned to create a structure on a hip type of roof, which is a quadrangular opening, the facade cannot act as a continuation of the wall of the building.

The state standard involves the use of a variety of raw materials for the purpose of facing the building:

  • copper;
  • tiles;
  • sheet metal;
  • slate.

According to the design features, the roof can be equipped with a ledge or not have it, have its own roof, a gutter for a drain. When the opening has big size, a balcony can be built, which creates a particularly attractive appearance of the building.

Separately, it is worth noting that the windows are called "lucarnes", they have side walls, and their facade is fully glazed.

Rules for installing dormer windows in the roof

In order to properly prepare a drawing of a future structure, it is important to provide for a number of important details.

  1. The steepness of the slope cannot be less than 5 degrees for flat surfaces and 15 for pitched ones. This is necessary to prevent moisture from penetrating into the attic room, because such degrees will give a natural slope for water to drain from the roof. When determining the steepness, one should take into account the climate of the region of residence (the prevailing wind directions, the intensity and frequency of precipitation, the location of the building). Here it is important to choose the optimal, compromise option.
  2. The most advantageous shape is triangular, it is attractive due to the fact that the lines of contact between the window frame and the roof are smaller than those of a square, rectangular profile. Such formats often contribute to the penetration of water into the roof space. A triangular structure, on the contrary, reduces the amount of necessary waterproofing work. It is important to consider that this shape reduces illumination. inner space, therefore, the facade of the windows is brought out in line with the wall of the house.

The location of the windows deserves special attention. Here you should start from the size of the roof, its configuration, the general architecture of the building. Openings can be located like this:

  • horizontally - on the same line;
  • in a checkerboard pattern - in two rows.

Determining a sufficient number of these structures requires taking into account a special condition: the width of all openings cannot be less than the size of half the length of the roof slope. The parameters of the distance from the floor of the attic to the bottom row of windows are taken equal to one meter.

There is no clearly regulated technology for the construction and installation of a triangular profile on the roof surface. As a rule, people adhere to the general norms and rules of construction.

Important nuances:

  • it is forbidden to place such structures near skates, cornices, gables;
  • structures should be built strictly between the rafters;
  • slight sawing of part of the supporting beams is allowed, then the load on the rafters located in the neighborhood should be redistributed;
  • it is forbidden to make a full cut, otherwise the rigidity of the roof will be violated, it will lose its bearing capacity;
  • structures cannot protrude beyond the outer boundaries of the building;
  • when several structures are placed in a row, an interval of 0.8 meters must be observed between them;
  • when determining the parameters and number of structures, it is important to take into account the rules of proportionality indicated above;
  • structures must be mounted in accordance with the rules of roofing structures: have rafters, lathing, drainage system, roofing.

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when doing this:

  1. For the construction of structures, the construction of a separate frame is not required, because they are in the same plane with the roof, they are attached to the rafter system with special plates.
  2. The frame is recommended for construction when sufficient water flow from the roof surface is required (this figure ranges from 15 to 20 degrees).
  3. Self-manufacturing of window systems is not recommended. There is a high probability of making calculation errors. It is better to purchase a ready-made PVC window, after installing it with your own hands in the chosen place.
  4. The selected design must be swivel, it can rotate horizontally.
  5. When choosing the optimal window size, one should take into account the climatic features of the region, as well as the location of the building relative to the cardinal points. This is important because up to a quarter of the heat loss of the entire building will pass through it.
  6. It is forbidden to make tie-ins in order to prevent a decrease in the strength of the supporting structure. Inserting a window into a finished structure is only allowed for fastening to the rafters. For this purpose, nails, staples, metal tapes and corners can be used.
  7. The higher the hole is mounted, the larger the area of ​​​​the illuminated space inside the room will be.
  8. Wood must be subjected to pre-treatment: for this purpose, it is impregnated with special compounds. This will protect the material from damage due to moisture, insects. In addition, prior to application, the material must undergo a complete drying process.

Installation of a window system begins with the project development process, it takes into account such important parameters:

  • choice of building type;
  • determination of the number of structures;
  • size development;
  • calculation of the bearing indicators of the entire structure and the roof in particular;
  • choice of mounting options;
  • preparation of materials used.

When all design and survey work is completed, direct installation begins:

  1. First, the frame is assembled, after which a crate is made, having a step of 50 to 55 cm.
  2. Now the ridge part is installed.
  3. The truss system is being installed.
  4. When the process goes on during the construction of the roof, the frame is attached to the rafters of the base of the structure.
  5. When structures are created inside an already standing roof, a special place is first cut out for an auditory object. Damage to load-bearing beams is prohibited.
  6. Now the frame is being installed, it is attached to the rafters.
  7. The pediments are sheathed with moisture-resistant plywood.
  8. The waterproofing film is fixed.
  9. The window structure is covered with roofing raw materials. It is very important to pay attention to the connections in order to avoid the possible formation of a leak.
  10. From the inside, the structure is sheathed with a special board for finishing works, or lining. Plaster or other building mixtures are not used here.

triangular dormer window

When there is a desire to make a hole in the attic with your own hands, it is better to prefer a design that has the shape of a triangle. Such a device is the most common, here the gable wall is installed without the need to deepen it into the roof. It is important that it is located in a single plane, with the outer wall.

The openings are located on a single line with other windows that are lower, on other floors of this building. Otherwise, the overall architecture of the building will be violated.

Features of triangular attic windows:

  • roof slopes practically do not increase the usable area of ​​​​the room, because they are located at an angle of 60 to 70 degrees;
  • the advantage of the triangle is high aesthetic appeal, allowing you to create a high-originality stylistic layout of the attic room;
  • a triangular window allows you not to carry out waterproofing work, its location speeds up the finishing of the opening, sealing.

Structure frame

A roof dormer, as stated above, requires a frame (although this is not a requirement, it is considered to be). Before its construction, it is important to create a roof frame: build gables, install the truss system.

Where the structures will be installed, openings are provided between the rafter legs.

Important! The rafter legs that will frame the openings are made double and even triple. This is necessary because they will carry elevated level loads.

SNiP provides that the gables of the openings that are in the roof require support from the side walls. The latter are installed perpendicular to the outer walls, deepening into the building, they have a height of about one and a half meters.

The frames of the side walls must be supported on the beams that make up the ceiling. It is mounted only when the roof truss system is already assembled. Only then do the binding of the crossbars, which are located horizontally, as well as the racks of the gable frames.

The next work goes like this:

  1. The lower ends of the rafter legs, which are adjacent to the walls, are cut along with the wall sheathing. This happens because the pediments are located in a single plane with the walls of the building.
  2. The installation of jumper beams must be carried out strictly between the double rafters. Experts advise using overhead type metal brackets for this purpose. It is strictly forbidden to make cuts and tie-ins, they are able to weaken the beams of the rafters.
  3. Strict alignment of openings is carried out according to the vertical level at the gable frame. This is especially true for the installation of a ridge beam.
  4. The rafters are cut strictly according to the template, they are fixed to the ridge and the lower plane of the frame.
  5. Sheathing of gables is made flush with the material of the outer wall. As a rule, plywood with waterproof properties is used.

Valley device

A do-it-yourself dormer window, which has a triangular shape, is mounted in much the same way as a multi-gable roof is installed. However, some differences during the installation work are present.

  1. The slopes have an angle of inclination from 60 to 70 degrees.
  2. Sloping rafters are used, the rafters (shortened legs of the rafters) rest against them.
  3. For installation, the length is calculated, as well as the cross section of the truss beam of the grooved type, here the side walls and the ridge beam are connected.
  4. Each opening of a triangular type requires a pair of mirror symmetrical beams of this type.
  5. To perform shortened rafters, a special template is used, which significantly reduces the production process.

The lower part of the skylight

This plane requires special attention during installation work. It requires such an arrangement that the inner surface of the roof is hidden in it with the help of side walls. It should not be visible from the inside. Therefore, a simplified version of the groove is used here.

Its beam is placed on top of the roof sheathing of the building. The lower parts of the rafter legs of the gable roof will rest against it.

The final stage involves sheathing the structure with plywood sheets, and roofing material is fixed on top of them. Plywood is superimposed and fastened, starting from the ridge, from top to bottom.

When provided installation work with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for creating such structures in advance. Calculation, arrangement, installation of complex, original types of windows should be carried out only by professionals.

Important Tips:

  • sawing fragments of the roof should be done very carefully so as not to disturb the waterproofing layer of the main roof;
  • facing of wall planes having the form of "dormer" is performed only with the use of steel siding. It will allow you to get a presentable appearance of the building, in addition, it will act as additional protection for the building from the effects of precipitation and winds;
  • joints and connections of all structural parts must be processed with a sealant;
  • for construction quality window, requires the use of materials that are indicated in project documentation. Saving on size is not allowed, it can be fatal for the entire structure, it may not endure a strong snowstorm, snow drifts, winds;
  • openings are allowed to be placed in several rows, if the attic area allows it.

The creation of dormer windows implies a free flight of fantasy, which will allow you to create a skillful framing of the facade, to support the overall architectural idea.

The design of the dormer window on the roof + drawings and photos. Thanks to the variety of designs of dormer windows on the roof, they are suitable for any type of roof.

In this article, you will learn about the types and functions of such . The article provides information about standard designs, all the subtleties of design, mounting and selection.

IN modern houses You will be able to see four types of auditory openings:

  • Gable windows.

This opening device from the end (front) side is the most popular solution for mansard and gable roofs. In addition, the gable window has become a cost-effective option, since the installation is similar to the inset of a conventional window.

  • Dormer. In everyday life, a gable roof, which has a dormer window protruding beyond the roof slope, has the simple name "cuckoo". Such a window is also a popular option with many modifications. As an additional element of the architecture of the house, the cuckoo complicates the design, and this will lead to unplanned expenses. But still, the dormer also carries an aesthetic load, namely, it increases the living space and expands the view in a circle. Glass must be installed vertically, and this slightly limits the flow of light.

If you want to fill the attic space with sunlight, there will be great option skylight installation. This is a special translucent design, which is installed on flat roof. In size and configuration, they are so diverse that they will become an elegant addition to any style of home. But the installation of a skylight will require careful design and selection of materials.

Designs and their diversity

It may seem that the variety of designs and design solutions knows no boundaries, and every master tries to make his dormer window better.

Most people know that a house must have at least one dormer, so the design of a roof dormer is always in the blueprint.

Modern windows on the roof have several functions:

  1. Airing. This is the first and most important function of the opening. In the attic, there must be high-quality ventilation, due to which the roofing material will not be in danger of damage and.
  2. Lighting. This is the second goal, which is also a practical one, and it fully justifies all the difficulties that will be encountered during the design and installation. For this purpose, skylights are best suited.
  3. Usable space expansion. But this is a quality that is not inherent in all varieties of dormer windows.
  4. Roof exit. If required repair work, then the dormer window will be the safest and convenient way get on the roof.
  5. Design. A typical house with a standard roof looks a bit old-fashioned and boring. Dormers are a great opportunity to make yours unique and attractive.

Design nuances

First of all, the dormer window must necessarily correspond to the general concept of the architectural plan. country house. When it comes time to decide whether a roof dormer is needed, the design will need to be included in the sketch, drawing, and then into the final project. The design of the frame for the future dormer window and the truss system on the roof of the house must be carried out simultaneously. The complexity of the project and the parameters of the window will be largely determined by what material you have chosen for the roof.

After the frame is ready, the turn for the roof will come. To obtain a high-quality layer, you will need to consider what kind of thermal insulation and waterproofing you will use, as well as choose in advance finishing material for the roof.

There are certain SNiP standards in relation to dormer windows, although this applies more to private construction as recommendations, and the most rational design methods are proposed:

  • Arrangement possibility. It is unlikely that you will find a place for location if the slope angle is less than 35 degrees. In this case, we recommend using only window openings on the gables.
  • Dimensions. The minimum opening is 120 cm by 80 cm.
  • Accommodation. The main tasks of the design of the dormer window on the roof, attic and attic are ventilation and lighting, so installation on any side of the house, except for the north, would be the best solution.
  • Rooftop location. The choice of a place for a window opening on the roof is only a matter of taste. The main point is that the windows are not located too close to the edge of the roof (from the eaves, ridge, gable wall - at least 100 cm), as this can weaken the reliability of the system.
  • Location multiple windows. If you plan to make several windows in a row, then the distance between them should be at least 80 cm. This distance is required so that there are no problems when laying the finish coat. In addition, if the windows are close, preventive inspection will be aggravated in the future, and in winter snow will accumulate and it will be difficult to remove it from the roof.
  • Placement of a window in the attic. The distance of the openings to the attic floor should be no less than 100 cm.

The peculiarity of dormer windows, as elements of architecture, is that their number and type are selected depending on the style and purpose of the house (utilitarian or decorative). Since there are no clearly established rules in private construction, it remains to be guided by your experience in construction and the tastes of the customer / designer.

How to choose a skylight

When choosing the type of dormer window that will suit the roof of your home, you should highlight the goals you have set for windows. Determine what is your priority:

  • aesthetic improvement, when you want to add originality to the building. In this case, an arched dormer would be an ideal choice, " bat"or anti-aircraft lamp.
  • Daylight, which will be most welcome in a residential attic. We advise you to buy a dormers double-glazed window for this, as it will be practical - with modern window models, even with a large glazing area, such double-glazed windows will be safe and equipped with energy saving, and these are additional positive characteristics.

Over the past few years, homeowners have become more discriminating and are now opting for skylights than auditory. By the way, the latter are often found only in those houses that are made in the classical style.

This can be explained as follows:

  1. Skylights provide improved air exchange and are able to let in 35% more light.
  2. Most country houses were used in the construction modern projects, and it is in this type of buildings that skylights will look more natural.
  3. Despite the increased cost, such windows are still more economical, since their installation does not require changing the roof structure and it is not so laborious.

If you decide that the design of the dormer window on the roof will be superfluous and want to completely abandon it, you will get the following unpleasant consequences:

  • The lack of timely air circulation through the ventilation system or window opening can lead to an increase in humidity and condensation.
  • In the absence of normal lighting, mold fungus will begin to form along with a high level of humidity, and this will start the process of system destruction.
  • A roof without a window opening is more airtight, but this has its drawbacks, since with a strong gusty wind there will be a difference in air pressure, and it is even higher inside. Also, because of this difference, a lifting force will act on the overly fixed roof, as on the wings of an airplane. And the dormer window, if available, equalizes the pressure on the street and in the room, which will prevent damage to the roof.


Dormer windows are far from the last element that affects the perception of the house, so you should design such elements even when creating a sketch.

In case of an error in calculations or work, you can turn the original architectural detail into a defect that will catch the eye and affect the reliability of the design. Prudent homeowners commission the creation of the roof and installation window openings on the roof only to specialized companies.

Experienced designers and roofers will give an amazing result - excellent truss system, durable and aesthetically pleasing finish.

In this article, we will consider the question of what advantages a gable roof with windows has, why roof windows are needed, what types of skylights exist, whether it is necessary to violate the integrity of the roofing when installing the described element.

Should skylights be installed? If the house has a large area, if the space under the roof is equipped for housing, yes. The described element helps to equip the ventilation of the attic, properly executed, it easily becomes a spectacular design move that allows you to complete the overall stylistic concept. Simple dormer windows are doors to the roof, they allow, if something happens, to repair the roof, to help evacuate in case of fire.

Roof window can be different shapes, different designs. To understand how one species differs from another, the next section of the article will prompt.

Types of skylights

A roof window is a glazed frame built into the plane of the roof. The shape of this frame may be different. Experts distinguish four main types of structures. They are clearly shown in the published photo.

Frame in gable wall

A window in a gable wall is the easiest option for installing a glazing frame. Located between two slopes, it can be of any shape: triangular, round, oval, trapezoidal.

The most popular option is considered to be a rectangular dormer window. It is easy to assemble and install such a frame with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. Semicircular frames have an unusual name. The people called them "bull's eye". A frame of this shape looks very impressive on roofs covered with tiles. This type of dormer windows has one advantage - the absence of sharp corners prevents the accumulation of snow, rainwater from such a frame flows immediately, without lingering on its ledges.

Triangular dormer windows often adorn the roofs of country mansions. The side walls of this design replace the slopes located at an angle of 60 degrees to each other. The triangular frame design has certain features: their main purpose is to ensure the flow of fresh air into the attic. The triangular design does not contribute to the penetration of sunlight, therefore, such structures are not used to illuminate the attic. The side walls of a triangular window do not need to be carefully sealed. And all because they are joined to the roof with the help of a groove or a valley. irregular shape. The front part of the triangular frame is not buried in the roof, it is flush with the rest of the walls. For special showiness, a triangular dormer window must be located closer to the lower tier of the roof.

Installing such a design is quite simple. There is no need to build additional roofing elements for this. Most often, those who are going to perform the auditory opening on their own choose just such an option for its installation.


Dormer - a frame structure that is located above the roof slope. It is quite difficult for non-professionals to perform it on their own. And all because before installation it is necessary to carry out complex calculations. The main condition for installation is the need to strengthen the supporting structure by gable roof and well waterproofing the frame before glazing. The photo shows all types of dormer, you can make it gable, arched, built-in, panoramic, triangular.

Note! The selected dormer window option must be combined with architectural style Houses.


Antidormer, its design is directly opposite to the design of the dormer. It also settles on the slope of the roof, but does not come out of the roof, but, on the contrary, goes deep into the roof of the roof. Designing this type of frame is easier than drawing up a dormer drawing, but despite this, the anti-dormer did not take root well in Russia. And all because the described design reduces the useful area of ​​​​the attic space.


An inclined window (it is also a roof window) is in line with the roof slope. The use of metal-plastic allows you to perform attic option any configuration. Such an element does little to decorate the roof, but without it it is impossible to equip the attic with natural lighting. The choice of this option is justified when the attic is converted into a living space.

Roof windows are installed between two rafters located next to each other. It is possible to equip such window frames only where the angle of inclination of the roof is at least 20 degrees. Otherwise, the roof window will become a barrier to water flows. No waterproofing in this case will save the roof from leaking.

Doing frames yourself for skylights is not worth it. It is better to buy ready-made insulating glass, produced in the factory. Its design is carefully designed and developed in such a way as to exclude the very possibility of flooding the under-roof space. Installing a ready-made window is not particularly difficult. Support frames are attached directly to the roof. The roof window can be opened for ventilation even when it rains.

Design Features

Many years of experience in installing frames in the roof made it possible to formulate the basic rules for their placement. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them in advance.

  • Firstly, any dormer window should not be close to the roof ridge, as well as to the roof eaves. Do not install window frames close to the front parts of the roof.
  • Secondly, when installing two elements adjacent to each other, the distance between the two elements should not be less than 80 cm. If the location is closer, it will be impossible to lay the roofing. The closer location of the dormer windows provokes some difficulties in the operation of the roof. So, for example, this will certainly make it difficult to carry out preventive measures, the close location of the dormer windows will provoke the accumulation of snow on the roof in winter. And this is also not good from an operational point of view.
  • Thirdly, dormer windows can only be installed on those roofs whose slope angle is at least 35 degrees.

Note! Cuts and tie-ins into the common roof frame system cannot be made.

Mounting Features

We will describe the features of installing the auditory frame using the example of installing a dormer.

It is necessary to install dormer windows on the roof immediately after the installation of a common truss system. To do this, it is necessary to assemble the fronts, rafters and ridge timber. Then a drawing of the dormer is drawn up in advance. It should look something like the one shown in the photo.

As you can see in the photo, the dormer frame is assembled from bars. The walls of the dormer window rest on the roof guides, the bars are attached to them at a right angle. If the window width exceeds the standard dimensions, the load on the rafters will be increased. In order to prevent the roof from collapsing, where the dormer will be installed on the rafters, another one is placed next to one beam, increasing the stability of the rafter.

Note! It is better to fasten the racks of the dormer walls to the doubled rafters with special fasteners. metal corners. Jumpers should not be used for these purposes. They will help weaken the entire structure of the dormer.

The next stage is the construction of the window frame frame. In fact, it is a miniature roof, which is why it is so important to first carry out the correct calculations of the described structure. First, the openings of the window opening are fenced with strong wooden beams which roofers call legs. The photo shows this stage. They will take on the load of the entire frame.

The transverse beams are laid in such a way that the lower one lies parallel to the wall of the house, the upper one - where the height of the future window ends. The longitudinal bars are installed. They help secure the frame to the top beam of the rafter guide. At this stage, it is necessary to arm yourself with a building level and check with it the location of the assembled frame vertically and horizontally. It is important to “cut out” all the elements of the dormer in advance, according to the drawing made, the dormer frame is assembled according to the photo, which shows the schematic structure of the dormer window.

Note! Roofing on a gable roof is mounted simultaneously with the roofing of the dormer window. Only in this case it is possible to build a solid coating, durable and of high quality, capable of withstanding the effects of precipitation.

The front sides of the dormer are pre-sheathed with either moisture-resistant plywood or sheets of OSB boards. Roofing material is laid on top of them. In order for the slopes of the dormer windows to be docked with the roof slope, valleys are used.

Generalization on the topic

If you want to install a dormer window on your roof, you must definitely contact the experts. Their help will help you choose desired design frame, which will most successfully fit into the stylistic decision of the house. It is important to start the installation work with drawing up a drawing of the frame structure. As a rule, modern window manufacturers produce ready-made double-glazed windows standard sizes. The easiest way is to take them as a basis and, starting from such decisions, calculate the structure of the dormer window frame. If you study the topic in advance, watch the training video, you can try to install it yourself decorative element on the roof. The main thing in this matter is not to rush, carefully think through all the stages of work in advance and strictly follow the plan. When working on the roof, it is imperative to follow safety rules, always be insured and not work on top alone.

The roof structure consists of many elements that give it an attractive and finished appearance. Although more than 90% of its area is occupied by the slope surface, auxiliary components that affect functionality and service life are no less important. For example, dormer windows on the roof play not just a decorative role, they serve to ventilate the truss frame, help organize vertical lighting in the attic. Despite this, their device seems complicated at first glance, you can do the installation of windows yourself, guided by the video and our instructions.

Dormer windows are glazed openings located on the roof of a building. They are equipped with gable, hip, tent and. The device of dormer-windows is made during the assembly of the truss frame. Do-it-yourself installation of the cuckoo, as they are called differently, solves the following tasks:

  1. Organization of attic ventilation. The main task dormer windows is the opening of air access to the under-roof space. Their device allows you to constantly ventilate the truss frame, preventing wood decay.
  2. Organization of vertical lighting. The attic device involves the organization of natural light, which comes through the dormer windows.
  3. Providing access to the roof. Another function of dormer windows is to provide access to the roof surface in order to do repairs, installation or do-it-yourself maintenance.
  4. Completion of the architectural appearance of the roof. The design of the hip, tent and half hip without dormer windows looks unfinished. The installation of these additional elements makes the appearance of the roof richer and more attractive.

Please note that "cuckoos" primarily serve practical purposes, and only then decorate the roof structure. Therefore, the size, shape and finish of this architectural structure is chosen to provide maximum light, air and free access to the roof.


The classic design of dormer windows is a superstructure protruding above the roof surface, which visually resembles a small house. You can do the installation of this architectural element with your own hands, if you make the right calculation, create a drawing, and then assemble the frame. The installation of dormer windows is allowed at an angle of inclination of the slopes of not more than 35 degrees. The dormer window device may look like this:

  • With a pediment in the plane of the structure without side walls.
  • With a pediment in the plane of the structure with side walls.
  • With a pediment outside the plane of the building and with side walls.

Note! The device of the dormer window must comply with building codes, its dimensions must be at least 10% of the attic area, but not more than 0.5 of the width of the wall on which the installation is carried out.

The form

The design and location of the "cuckoo" is selected in accordance with appearance roofs and architectural style of the building. In addition, the finish of this item must match roofing material used to cover the roof. Installation of dormer windows is carried out in accordance with SNiP II-26, SNiP 21-01. Compliance with these standards guarantees the reliability and durability of the design. The roof dormer window can be triangular or rectangular according to the configuration of the opening. Typically one of the following will be installed:

  1. Shed.
  2. Gable.
  3. Arched.
  4. Hip.
  5. Flat.

Please note that the installation of a hip design of a dormer window is much more difficult than a single-sided or double-sided one. Proceed with the installation of an architectural element of high complexity, having in front of you detailed drawing, as well as necessary tools. To learn more about the installation process, you can watch the video instruction.

Frame device

Whatever the shape of the window, hip, gable or arched, the main design rule is that the design of its frame should not violate the roof truss system. "Cuckoo" is mounted as follows:

  • First, frontal beams are installed between the rafter legs of the roof frame.
  • Vertical racks are installed on the rafters that limit the structure in width.
  • A run is laid on top of each row of vertical racks, connecting the supports to each other.
  • Rafter legs are installed on the runs, which are connected on a ridge run.
  • The frame is sheathed with siding or clapboard, and roofing is laid on the crate.

Important! It is not easy to install a hearing "birdhouse" on the roof without breaking the roof truss frame. To learn more about the process, you can watch the video tutorial or read our instructions.

Video instruction