Install braces. Jambs in a frame house

From correct device ventilation depends on the microclimate of the house, which has a direct impact on the well-being and comfort of all its residents. Properly constructed ventilation ducts in a private house will ensure stable air exchange. They will create conditions for the regular supply of fresh portions and the unhindered removal of polluted air.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of the construction of duct ventilation in low-rise suburban property. We have described in detail the technology of the ventilation system, the placement of equipment, the laying and fastening of ventilation ducts. Practice-proven options for improvement are analyzed.

The information submitted for consideration is based on building codes. Based on our recommendations, you will be able to independently build effective ventilation. For visual perception, diagrams, photo guides and video instructions are attached to the text.

Ventilation of the room is necessary in order to create optimal conditions for the life of people and the existence of furniture and appliances in the house.

If in apartment buildings everything has already been done by the specialists who erected the building, then in the construction of private real estate this issue is often overlooked.

Sometimes the arrangement of ventilation ducts is considered a waste of time and money. However, they are an obligatory part of the project implementation, providing favorable conditions for life and long service life of building structures.

This is a fundamentally erroneous opinion. Musty air, sweating windows, unpleasant smells from bathrooms and aromas of fried food, along with fumes, will enter all rooms and even the bedroom. Without a properly designed and assembled ventilation system, the comfortable life of the inhabitants of the house will be at risk.

Ventilation in a private house can be:

  • natural;
  • mechanical;
  • mixed.

The first type is based on the natural process of circulation of air masses. No mechanisms are used to force air into the house. It enters from the street, penetrating through windows with micro-ventilation or supply valves, organized in the most suitable places for this.

In the rooms of the house in which valves are not installed, the air circulates through the doorways and through the gaps between the door and the floor.

Rules for the installation of ventilation pipes

A properly equipped ventilation system will perform its functions efficiently and will not create problems for the homeowner. To do this, it is important to lay ventilation ducts in the house, taking into account the rules and recommendations.

Firstly, the size of the exhaust ventilation duct in the room should be at least 10x10 cm or 15x15 cm in diameter. It is better to use ready-made pipes than to make drywall channels - this will save installation time, and the air goes through the pipe better.

For the arrangement of ventilation ducts, galvanized metal and plastic rigid or flexible pipes different diameter

Secondly, ventilation pipes should protrude above the roof to a certain height, depending on their location. So, the length of the vertical section of the ventilation duct should be on average from 1.5 to 3 meters. If pipes do not fit into the overall design of the house, then ventilation outlets in the roof can be used.

Elevation height ventilation ducts above the roof level is taken equal to the height of the chimneys. It depends on the location of the pipes relative to the ridge rib. It is important to protect the outlet with a grate so that birds and insects do not get into the shaft

Thirdly, according to the regulations, it is imperative to provide ventilation for the boiler room and the room above the boiler room. Moreover, the purpose of this room does not matter. It can be like an office, a library, or a bedroom or living room.

Fourth, it is important to distinguish between the concept of a chimney and ventilation. In the first case, combustion products enter the channel, and in the second case, exhaust air from the room itself. In no case should these 2 channels be combined into one. This is a gross violation.

Ventilation outlets fit well into the overall idea of ​​the roof design. You can choose the model that best matches the color

Fifthly, in the kitchen you need to provide 2 separate ventilation channels - and for supply air. The second option is to use a special grill where the air duct is connected and there is a separate hole for air to enter the room. Or good way out there will be a window with micro-ventilation.

Thoughtful design solutions with a stepped ceiling are able to disguise any ventilation system

Sixthly, if the house has rooms intended for household needs - a dressing room, laundry room, pantry, washing room and other purposes, then it is necessary to design a ventilation duct there. In such rooms, windows through which air could flow are not provided.

Seventh, when a ventilation duct is laid in a wall, it is important that it is not a carrier. It is not recommended to arrange them in external walls - due to temperature differences, condensation will always form there.

When arranging a ventilation duct in the wall, rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom, toilet, boiler room should be nearby

The eighth rule wooden structures ceilings and roofs should not adjoin or touch a stone or brick ventilation duct. For a tree, such a neighborhood can be disastrous.

The ninth rule - it is undesirable to use only one window as a supply valve. She doesn't the best way. A sore nasopharynx in the morning, with a sharp change in the weather during the night, will be provided to the owner of the house, who slept with an open window. This is especially true in autumn and spring.

The tenth rule - when it is not possible to make ventilation ducts in the room, then you can put a supply valve by drilling through hole in the wall. And at the top, under the very ceiling, drill a hole for installing an exhaust valve. This option of ventilation of the room will be able to provide the room and its inhabitants with fresh air.

When developing a project and building an individual dwelling, it is planned to design a variety of engineering networks: electrical, plumbing, sewer and, of course, ventilation. The comfortable microclimate in the premises largely depends on the latter. Therefore, the installation of ventilation ducts in a private house must be carried out in strict accordance with existing norms and rules, which will be discussed below.

The need for ventilation

With the problem of installing an effective ventilation system for the premises, the owners of their own cottages faced not so long ago. Previously, a small ventilation duct in a private house did an excellent job with the tasks assigned to it. After all, the walls are made of bricks and wooden windows perfectly passed the air, which was necessary for ventilation.

But in modern construction mostly non-breathable materials are used:

  • polymer windows that prevent the appearance of cracks and cracks;
  • frame structures protected by polyethylene membranes;
  • roofs equipped with vapor and wind protection films.

All the elements of the building listed above completely block the natural air flow. Consequently - high humidity air, which leads to the appearance of condensation on the glass, moisture on the walls and mold in the corners of the rooms.

Residents of old houses also face similar problems, who replaced their wooden windows with plastic ones with their own hands and did not take care of constructing ventilation ducts.

Elements of the ventilation network

Central exhaust duct

The instruction regulating the process of building individual dwellings states that duct ventilation for the house should be provided at the drafting stage. project documentation. If for some reason this was not done, it is possible to equip the air supply and removal system in the finished house. For this, ready-made ventilation ducts are used.

The price of installing ventilation in an already erected building can be much higher than constructing this engineering network directly during the construction of the house.
In the vast majority of cases, the mentioned method is used to equip the supply and exhaust channels of an old, but overhauled house.

By installing ventilation ducts, and possibly additional mechanical equipment (fans, heat exchangers, filters, and so on), you can avoid the negative consequences described in the previous section.

Before starting the installation of the central and peripheral air ducts, it is necessary to determine the type of air exchange system:

  • natural - in a modern private house it is not very effective, since hermetic window systems prevent the inflow of fresh air, and temperature changes in the cold season reduce the efficiency of traction;
  • supply - suitable for private houses up to 300 square meters;
  • supply and exhaust - the most efficient system that, in the presence of a heat exchanger, allows not only to ventilate all rooms, but also to create a comfortable temperature in them.

All of them, with the exception of small nuances, are designed according to the same principle, therefore, the features of installing ventilation ducts for the supply system will be detailed below.

In addition to ventilation of residential and auxiliary premises, sewage ventilation in a private house is also necessary.
For its manufacture, special types of air ducts are used.

Arrangement of mechanical ventilation

The system of forced fresh air supply and removal of polluted air masses is designed according to the following principles:

  1. On the roof of a private house (usually in the kitchen area), two ventilation ducts are installed, which will serve as the basis for the entire future system. One of them serves to suck in air, the other to remove it from the premises.
  2. An electric fan equipped with an electronic on/off system is installed on the exhaust air duct. The switching of operating modes is based on information received from external sensors that control the humidity and temperature in the premises.
  3. The entrances of the ventilation ducts inside the premises must be installed so that the incoming air enters the living quarters (bedroom, living room), passes through the corridor, kitchen and sanitary unit, where it enters specially equipped hoods.

As a result of such an organization of air flows, moisture and unpleasant odors formed in the kitchen are excluded from entering other rooms of the house.

Air intake system

As mentioned above, laying ventilation ducts in an already built house is very problematic. In this case, you will either have to punch holes in the walls, which is impossible in some cases, or install air ducts open way, which will have an extremely negative effect on the interior.

The best option is to construct a system of air ducts in the attic, and arrange their outlets on the ceiling, masking unsightly holes with decorative grilles.

The material for arranging ventilation is ready-made plastic or metal-plastic ventilation ducts of a suitable section.

They are:

  • round;
  • rectangular.

The latter variety is preferable, as it is easier to install on site.

In addition, at work you will need:

  • grids;
  • valve;
  • connectors;
  • lattices and so on.

In order for the mounted ventilation ducts to work with maximum efficiency, it is advisable to follow the following tips when installing them:

  1. In each living room, it is better to make two supply channels, which will allow you to pump more air.
  2. The cross section of the air ducts and the power of the fans must be calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.
  3. Incoming air ducts should be present only in residential premises, while in auxiliary premises it is mounted exhaust system.

Outgoing air channels

The central channel, through which polluted air will be removed from the premises, is installed on the roof in the kitchen area. The fact is that, unlike supply air ducts, the exhaust system should be as short as possible. This will avoid the formation of condensate and other problems leading to malfunctioning of the ventilation network.

Such an arrangement of the air removal pipe is also due to the fact that a stove is installed in the kitchen, which, as a rule, is the source of the greatest amount of harmful impurities.

You should also be aware that the air removed from the premises is warmer than the air masses that are outside. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of the insulation of the output channels, otherwise moisture will condense inside.

In addition to the central pipe, peripheral ones are installed. Their entrances are mounted above the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

To improve the efficiency of functioning exhaust ventilation It is recommended to install a fan in the system. Hood over gas oven and the heating boiler pipe must enter the air channel after it (for this, tie-ins are used).

Air ducts in the boiler room

One of the features of a private house is the presence of a boiler that heats the room. Often it is installed in the kitchen, but sometimes a special room is allocated for it - the boiler room. It must also be equipped efficient system removal of air polluted by combustion products.

In the manufacture of the boiler room ventilation system, the following rules should be followed:

  1. The room has two ventilation ducts that go outside. One of them will serve to remove combustion products, the second - to clean the air inside the room.
  2. It is not necessary to mount a fan in the channel intended for smoke removal. It will constantly fail.
  3. The gas mixture that is discharged through the ventilation duct is much hotter than the surrounding air. Therefore, moisture can constantly form on the walls of the pipe, negatively affecting the operation of the boiler. To avoid this, the pipe must be insulated with mineral mats.
  4. On the contrary, it is desirable to equip a ventilation duct designed to ventilate a room with a fan that can rotate in both directions. This will increase the volume of incoming and outgoing air.

Ventilation for fireplace and stove

If a fireplace or solid fuel stove is to be installed in any of the living rooms, additional measures should be taken to ensure the supply of clean air and removal of combustion products.

This will create the most favorable conditions for the complete combustion of firewood or coal, because, as you know, a flame cannot exist without oxygen.

In addition, with inefficient operation of the ventilation system and a lack of oxygen, carbon monoxide and other gases are released during combustion. dangerous products, which, accumulating indoors, can cause harm to health and even lead to death.

Many do not bring separate air ducts into the room, preferring to open a window. But in this case, you will encounter inefficient use of heat, because most of it will evaporate during slot or burst ventilation.

Installation of air ducts on the roof

Most of the problems arise when arranging the outlets of ventilation ducts through the roofing.

In order not to make extra holes in the tiles or slate and to avoid rainwater getting into the attic, the following tips must be followed when installing air pipes:

  1. Before designing a ventilation network, it is desirable to draw up a plan indicating the locations of all air ducts, including their points of exit through the roof.
  2. For the arrangement of the considered ventilation ducts, it is necessary to use special parts. V last resort- stainless steel pipe with insulation.
  3. Before installing the central channel, it is advisable to pre-make all the necessary holes in it, which will simplify further work on assembling the entire ventilation system.
  4. The places where the pipe adjoins certain structural elements should be sealed. Any will do silicone compound or cement mortar.

After processing the joints, it is necessary to suspend the installation of ventilation until complete.
The central air ducts must be strictly vertical, otherwise there is a danger of moisture forming on the inner surface of the pipes.

Disadvantages of forced ventilation

Despite the obvious advantages, mechanical ventilation also has some disadvantages that you should be aware of:

  1. , filtering air, quickly becomes clogged with dust, which requires constant maintenance.
  2. Electrical equipment (fans, recuperators) consumes electricity, increasing utility bills.

If the technical conditions allow, it is advisable to focus on the design of natural ventilation, the performance of which is sufficient in most cases.


The right choice and installation of ventilation ducts in a private house is the key to efficient and uninterrupted operation of the ventilation system. You can learn more about the arrangement of ventilation systems from the video in this article.

Equipping a private house with a ventilation system assumes that at the first stage the required air exchange will be calculated and the required cross-section of air ducts will be determined, which should end with the choice of a specific type of ventilation. After that, you should draw up a diagram that will indicate all the nuances regarding the placement of equipment, the places for laying air ducts and the installation of air intake and exhaust points.

Being a person in the house in terms of comfort is a high-quality indoor air environment, a certain temperature and the optimal air flow rate, which should be small in order to provide favorable living conditions. When organizing air exchange using mechanics, it is necessary to install fans on both the inlet and outlet. The flow rate is much higher than usual.

This state of affairs is due to the difference in norms regarding the speed of air flows within a particular environment. mechanical ventilation provides movement of air masses at a speed of 2 to 3 m 3 per hour. As for natural ventilation, for it this figure is approximately 1 m 3 per hour. In this regard, this system is considered the most comfortable for a person.

The only drawback of natural ventilation is the impossibility of its installation in certain conditions. This problem is connected with the fact that a decrease in the speed of the air flow requires an increase in the cross section of a special opening in the wall. In particular, in order to pass 300 m 3 of air in an hour in a natural way, a channel of 250 by 400 mm will be required, which corresponds to a diameter of 350 mm. In the case of a mechanical system, we get lower values ​​in relation to the duct channel, namely 160 by 200 mm, which in relation to the diameter is 200 mm.

In addition, situations are not uncommon when there is no possibility of organizing natural ventilation due to the large cross section of the channel, since this does not allow it to be installed indoors, and installation outside the building violates the appearance of the building. Because of this or other similar reasons, houses with a large area are often equipped with a mechanical air exchange system.

Ventilation design

This requires:

  1. Install exhaust ducts closer to the center of the house, placing them in the inter-wall space. This will lead to the fact that these elements of the ventilation system will be in a warm zone, so in winter the draft will increase due to temperature differences.
  2. Select the best duct type. To save usable space, it is preferable to install systems with a rectangular cross section. If there is enough free space, designs with a round diameter are suitable, providing better air exchange and simplified installation.
  3. Determine the required type if round devices were chosen, since there is variability here: rigid or flexible (corrugation). The first type of construction provides the passage of air masses with less resistance and an acceptable noise level. The corrugation is easier to install.
  4. Make calculations regarding the diameter and length, which is carried out through the functionality of the corresponding online calculators. It is preferable, if possible, to install wider and longer channels, which will affect traction in terms of its increase.
  5. Equip the ventilation system with air ducts having the same diameter. If it is not possible to comply with this rule, it is necessary to achieve a smooth transition from one section to another, when the deviation does not exceed 30 degrees.
  6. Smooth out all existing seams. Nothing should interfere with the passage of air flow inside the channel. Any unevenness guarantees the fact that resistance will increase and traction will decrease.
  7. Make sure that the air ducts form a structure with a small number of turns. Each bend is a loss of 10% of thrust.

Modernization of ventilation

If the air exchange system is already installed, but there is a need to update it, then the process of the proposed work should be correlated with the following tips:

Organization of natural ventilation

A country house usually has a large area compared to an apartment, so there is no need to make calculations on SNiPs. It is enough to take into account that the amount of air exchange is 30 m 3 per hour. This can lead to a small error, which is 20% at its maximum. When arranging ventilation, it is first necessary to make calculations on the distribution of air flows.

When designing natural air exchange, it is planned to install exhaust hoods in all utility rooms, which should be understood as a kitchen, bathroom, furnace, etc. At the same time, the garage requires additional equipment with the so-called trunk, which is necessary for venting gases by putting it on the exhaust pipe of the vehicle.

V living rooms only supply is provided. If hoods are installed in such rooms, this will cause drafts and a decrease in temperature, that is, it will lead to unjustified heat loss.

Height of ventilation ducts

To ensure maximum efficiency of exhaust ventilation installed in a private house, it is necessary to lay vertical channels. The higher their height, the better the traction. In this regard, it is undesirable to equip ventilation, in which the exits lead to the wall. They should be located as close as possible to each other, which allows them to be sent to a single mine. In this case, the output to the roof should be closer to the ridge, which is the highest point of the structure. As a result of ensuring the maximum height of the channels, it is possible to achieve better traction.

During the construction of brick houses, the arrangement of ventilation ducts is carried out in masonry bearing walls. This method is more practical and beneficial, but it cannot be used for frame and wooden houses. It is not advisable to build ventilation ducts of brick in such buildings. Inexpensive ones are more suitable here plastic pipes and pipes made of polyvinyl chloride.

Under certain circumstances, you can pay attention to the sewer cylindrical products because of their low cost and high strength.

In a private house, ventilation should be equipped in such a way that it is sheathed and insulated. This eliminates the formation of condensate, which accumulates inside the channel. It is advisable to protect the ventilation outlet with a special cap from precipitation.

Apartment buildings are mainly built taking into account that the ventilation and sewerage outlets are located in the same shaft. In relation to a high-rise building, this is quite reasonable, since there are no problems with traction, which cannot be said about a private house. In this case, you may encounter such an effect as reverse draft, when all unpleasant odors rush not outside, but inside the house.

This problem can be solved by installing a special valve on the exhaust pipe that prevents back draft. The disadvantage of such a device is the fact that the formation of ice can lead to its blocking.

Thrust at the exit

In most cases, the height of a private house does not exceed 5 m, which provides insufficient traction. This situation is solved by supplying electrical wiring to the ventilation duct and installing a fan. In the absence of gas movement, it is enough to start the thrust forcibly to give the air flows the required speed.

Most domestic fans are oriented towards 100mm pipe in terms of mounting. And not every one of them will be able to provide the required traction, even if specifications declared in the passport will be suitable. Their purpose is to ensure the movement of air flows horizontally, so they are ineffective when it becomes necessary to push air in a vertical direction.

Ensuring inflow

In order to create an influx, window vents are used or they rely on microcirculation. This method is fully justified in the summer, but not in winter, which explains the reason for installing special ventilators. As a result, air first enters the ventilation duct system, where heat is extracted. Ventilators are efficient devices that create conditions for increasing air temperature. This is guaranteed to exclude such a phenomenon as a cold floor.

When building a house, it is easier to equip it with wall valves that can block ventilation ducts. With their help, it is impossible to increase the air temperature, but such elements can be placed near the battery, which eliminates the need to change the design of window frames.

Heating equipment in the form of stoves, boilers and fireplaces is distinguished by the fact that it actively consumes oxygen. When the same heat generator is part of an already existing coaxial flue system, there is no need to separately equip ventilation. Otherwise, increase the number of supply valves.

With regard to the fireplace, it is better to mount a separate channel coming from the street, the output of which is carried out under the combustion zone. This causes a decrease in the volume of oxygen extraction and heating of the incoming air, and the process of burning wood in the fireplace becomes more active due to the influx of oxygen from the street.

How to create forced ventilation

The climatic conditions of Russia require an appropriate attitude to the organization of the heating process, which provides for the rejection of natural ventilation, at least in some regions of the country. In this regard, there is a need to arrange forced air exchange, regardless of the variant of its implementation: centralized or local.

Centralized ventilation

Turning to the design services for the arrangement of a centralized air exchange system, you must keep in mind that inefficient solutions may be offered to you. Often, designers try to reduce their costs and offer options when systems are reduced to one point. metal pipes coming from the so-called dirty rooms (kitchen, garage, etc.), with the installation of one powerful fan which allows air to be vented to the outside.

Such a scheme is not much different from a system characterized as natural, since in this case the inflow of a mixture of gases is possible only through windows and corresponding valves. A similar effect can be achieved by installing separate outlets equipped with fans in each room, which will be much cheaper.

A properly equipped forced air exchange system is the presence of inlet and outlet ducts connected to the installation, which includes fans that provide air inflow and exhaust to the outside, a heat exchanger, a heating device and automation. Such a system creates conditions when the processes of air intake and exhaust are forced.

At the same time, the use of a heat exchanger brings additional benefits, which consist in the fact that it heats the incoming air, and this saves on heating the house. Air streams move through the thin tubes of the device, where one enters from the street, and the other is brought out.

As a result, heat exchange occurs when the energy of the warm flow is transferred to the cold flow, providing heat savings from 20 to 50%. During the summer period, this device is turned off.

After the heat exchanger, there is a device with which the flow is heated, which allows you to bring the air temperature up to 10-15 degrees.

Forced local ventilation

The functionality of a centralized air exchange system is quite wide, for example, it can filter the mixture of gases entering the room. At the same time, the arrangement of such systems is associated with some disadvantages, including the following:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • the need for a technical room for the installation of the central unit, which is connected not least with the noise of its operation;
  • the need to turn to the services of professionals for laying large-section air ducts.

In this regard, in some cases, especially in relation to small-sized houses, it is more profitable to install forced local ventilation.

Local type ventilation units are small devices that, by their appearance like air conditioners. At the same time, they are equipped with fans, a heat exchanger, a heater, etc. Connection of air ducts to them is not provided.

In living rooms, such devices can solve the problem of ventilation, which cannot be said about the bathroom, kitchen, basement and other similar premises. In relation to them, the installation of natural ventilation ducts is required.

It is possible to combine the two mentioned types of system on their own, as the existing instructions and diagrams give a clear understanding of the process of the proposed work.

To calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​the exhaust pipes, we use the formula:

where: S is the total area of ​​the exhaust channels, m 2;

V is the speed of air movement in the exhaust duct, m/s;

3600 - seconds in 1 hour.

The speed of air movement in the exhaust duct depends on its height and the temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air.

The temperature in the pigsty during the transition period is 18ºС, in winter - 18ºС. The height of the exhaust channels is 6m.

Temperature difference ( t) during the transitional period is:

Temperature difference ( t) in winter period is:

Then the speed of air movement in the exhaust pipe during the transitional period will be equal to 1.76 m/s, and in winter - 2.12 m/s.

Calculation of exhaust pipes for the hourly volume of ventilation

in transition

in winter

With a cross section of 1 exhaust pipe of 0.64 m 2 (0.8 × 0.8), we find that at a height of 6 m, the number of working pipes should be as follows:

in transition


in winter


Calculation of exhaust pipes for the hourly volume of ventilation

determined by dioxidecarbon

The total area of ​​exhaust ducts with a height of 6 m will be:

in transition

in winter

With a cross section of 1 exhaust pipe of 0.64 m 2 (0.8 × 0.8), we find that at a height of 6 m, the number of working pipes should be as follows:

in transition


in winter


Calculation of supply channels for the hourly volume of ventilation

water vapor

We define total area cross-section of supply channels, based on the fact that it is 80% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the exhaust pipes. For the transition period:


For the winter period:

The number of supply channels will be:


Calculation of supply channels for the hourly volume

determined by carbon dioxide

We determine the total cross-sectional area of ​​the supply channels, based on the fact that it is 80% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the exhaust pipes. For the transition period:


For the winter period:

Then the number of supply channels will be:


Calculation of the air exchange rate

The air exchange rate in the pigsty is determined by formula 6:


where: K p - air exchange rate, times;

L is the hourly volume of ventilation, m 3 / h;

V p - the volume of the room, m 3.

The volume of the room (cubic capacity) is equal to 5832 (
) m 3 .

The air exchange rate in the calculation for water vapor is:

in transition

in winter

The air exchange rate when calculating for carbon dioxide is:

Calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and cubic capacity per 1 head

The area of ​​the pigsty is
, thus, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for 1 head will be equal to

The cubic capacity of the room is 5832 m 2, and for 1 head

Analysis of calculated data

The calculations showed that the air exchange, calculated by water vapor, in the transition period is 21578 m 3 / h, in the winter period - 18480 m 3 / h. And air exchange, calculated on carbon dioxide - 29300 m 3 / h. The analysis of these data shows that air exchange, calculated by carbon dioxide, will ensure the removal of water vapor and with it the relative humidity will not exceed zoohygienic standards.

You can check using the following formula:

Let us determine in this formula the moisture content in the pigsty under the condition of air exchange, calculated by CO 2. We take into account that in this formula all quantities are known, except for .


The absolute humidity in the pigsty, subject to the exchange of air in it, calculated on carbon dioxide, will be equal to 7.89 g / m 3. Since at an air temperature in the pigsty of 18 ° C, the humidity at maximum saturation will be 15.36 mm Hg, then the relative humidity will be:

Therefore, air exchange, calculated by carbon dioxide, will ensure the removal of water vapor from the pigsty, therefore, we take the data obtained from CO 2 as the basis for calculations.

Air exchange per 1 q of live weight is 19.6 m 3 / h in the transition period, 16.8 m 3 / h in winter, and 26.7 m 3 / h for carbon dioxide. From this it can be seen that not a single indicator corresponds to the parameters of the microclimate, since air exchange per 1 centner of mass should be 45 m 3 / h in the transition period, and 35 m 3 / h in winter.

The air exchange rate in the pigsty is 5 times per hour. Such a frequency of air exchange can only be provided by forced ventilation with an artificial draft stimulator.

The calculation of the floor area per 1 head showed that 1 fattening pig accounts for 1.62 m 2 excluding passages. According to zoohygienic requirements, 0.8 m 2 should fall on 1 head, therefore, this indicator meets the requirements.

have your own private house out of town is great. But along with space and comfort come additional worries and responsibilities - controlling the operation of an autonomous heating system, waterproofing the roof, installing a ventilation system. Many do not realize how important ventilation is in the house until they encounter its absence. Without regular ventilation, condensation accumulates on the walls and ceiling, the finish deteriorates, the supporting structures become damp and rust. It is easy to guess that such a house will not last very long, and it will be completely uncomfortable to live in it. To avoid such problems, it is necessary from the very beginning to take care of installing ventilation in a private house.

Depending on the method of setting the air in motion, there are two types of ventilation systems: natural and forced. In the first case, the air flow moves independently due to the difference in pressure. It is known that air is always directed from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. In nature, this is how wind is created, and on the scale of a single house - sufficient ventilation of the premises. However, it is almost impossible to create the necessary pressure drop in a house of 2-3 floors. This method is relevant only for urban high-rise buildings, so we will consider it only in general terms.

But it is worth paying attention to forced ventilation. The principle of its operation is the mechanical injection of air masses by means of fans. Depending on the nature of the air movement, such systems can be:

  1. Supply - fans suck in fresh air from outside.
  2. Exhaust - fans remove the exhaust air from the house.
  3. Mixed - best option system in which fresh air enters the house and exhaust air is simultaneously removed.

Air masses can enter the room different ways: through special openings in doors or windows, ventilation windows, channels and air ducts.

natural ventilation

Natural ventilation in a private house is best used as additional method ventilation of premises. It is good if the house is located in an ecologically clean natural area. If you live near a highway, construction site or factory, it is better to refuse such a system, because toxic gases and unpleasant odors will enter your house along with the air.

Natural ventilation is perfect for houses made of brick, wood, adobe, clay, foam blocks or monolithic expanded clay concrete. These materials have sufficient porosity and do not interfere with free air circulation.

To make natural ventilation in a private house even more efficient, you need to provide air with unhindered access from room to room. For this, at the bottom door panels so-called overflow holes or gratings are installed, and a gap of 2 cm is left between the lower edge of the door and the floor. The overflow holes should be in without fail be located at the doors of the bathroom and kitchen - rooms with increased level humidity. In this case, their area should be at least 80 cm².

Forced ventilation

As we said before ventilation system forced type is the best choice for a private house. She provides inner space a sufficient volume of air, and if you install special filters, then this air will also be completely clean. For houses made of sandwich panels, which have become very popular over the past few years, the installation of supply and exhaust ventilation is mandatory. Otherwise, the tightness of the structure will not allow air to circulate. Mixed systems are also recommended to be installed in buildings made of expanded polystyrene concrete and frame houses.

A video about ventilation in a private house will help you better understand the situation:

Installation of the ventilation system

Before proceeding with the installation of ventilation in a private house with your own hands, it is necessary to develop an action plan and make calculations. How much air will the system pump into the house, and how quickly will it be able to bring the spent masses out? The calculation of air exchange depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house will allow you to choose the optimal power of the system.

You should also determine the cross section of the duct. The microclimate in the house will depend on this. After choosing the type of system, draw a detailed project for the ventilation of a private house: where the channels will pass, fans and openings will be located, with which parts will be attached, etc. The plan should show the sequence of actions, necessary materials and the end result of the work.

Each ventilation system has a certain rate of air mass movement. in the house with natural ventilation this figure is approximately 1 m³/h, while with mechanical ventilation it increases to 3-5 m³/h. In private houses, only 2-3 floors, the air velocity is small, so it must be increased by force.

How to make a calculation

Before installing ventilation in a private house, it is necessary to calculate it. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the total area of ​​​​residential and technical premises requiring ventilation, but also the number of people living in the house. In some cases, for example, if you like to party often with a large number of guests, you need to consider this as well.

You should also take into account the fact that almost all electronics and Appliances reduce the volume of clean air. Gas stove, for example, during operation, intensively burns oxygen, so it quickly becomes hot and stuffy in an unventilated kitchen. When calculating, determine in which rooms you need to increase air exchange. Usually these are rooms with a high level of humidity (kitchen, bathroom), but if the house has a boiler room, it also needs a lot of clean air.

You can calculate air exchange in different ways, but most of the methods require professional knowledge, charting and tables. Facilitate the task of the current state standards, calculated in accordance with sanitary standards and the specifics of the use of residential buildings. The rules and regulations in them will help you quickly determine the required capacity of the ventilation system. Most often used for household purposes simple circuits calculations: by area, multiplicity or sanitary standards.

Let's take a quick look at each method:

  1. It is easiest to calculate air exchange by area, so most self-taught masters use this method. In addition, these calculations are only applicable to residential buildings. According to current regulations, 3 m³ of fresh air per hour per 1 m² of area must be supplied to residential premises. Thus, to find the amount of air exchange, you must first determine the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, and then multiply it by 3.
  2. Calculating air exchange by multiplicity is a little more difficult, and this method is mainly used by specialists, but it gives more accurate results. Calculations allow you to find out how often the exhaust air must be replaced with new air in order to fully comply with accepted standards and ensure high-quality ventilation.
  3. The calculation according to sanitary standards takes into account the results of calculations by the multiplicity, and also uses standards measured in m³ / h for each person in the house. Typically, this method is used in the construction of ventilation in offices, shops and other buildings where there are constantly a lot of people, but their number is not fixed.

If you try to calculate the air exchange rate in all three ways, you will get different results, but all of them will be true, because they fully comply with current standards. For a private house, it is most convenient to use the first method - calculation by area.

Section of the ventilation duct

When you have calculated the air exchange and know how much ventilation should be, it's time to choose the cross section of the air ducts and choose their layout. In stores, you will find two types of rigid ducts: rectangular and round.

The easiest way is to choose the optimal channel section using a special diagram that takes into account the speed of movement of air masses and their consumption. For example, if the standard air exchange is 360 m³ / h, then for a ventilation device in a private house, rectangular ventilation ducts 160x200 mm in size or round ones with a diameter of 200 mm will be needed.

Supply valve

Today, metal-plastic windows are installed in every second house. Double-glazed windows have earned wild popularity due to their exceptional performance characteristics- they do not allow moisture to pass through, reliably protect from the cold, but at the same time they impede the microcirculation of air in the house. If you decide to change wooden windows to plastic ones, then when choosing, check with the seller whether a supply valve is installed in the double-glazed windows. This detail allows oxygen to get inside the house.

If you already have double-glazed windows installed, but there are no valves in them, it's okay. You can install the inlet valve yourself. To do this, a small hole is made in the wall near the window, where a branch pipe is inserted, closed on both sides with bars. Inside the pipe can have a filtration system so that only clean air gets inside. It may also have a layer of insulation or a special heater for air, so as not to cool the premises in winter.


Recuperation is the heating of fresh air on the way inside the house through the ventilation duct. The use of a heat exchanger in a private house is fully justified, and the cost of purchasing it is fully paid off during the heating period, after which you start saving on heating. If you have installed a supply and exhaust forced ventilation, then in winter the cold air will be drawn in by the fans and cool the premises. You will have to increase the heating power, use more fuel, and this process will continue continuously.

The heat exchanger is a special box with thermal insulation and a heater, which is mounted on the path of clean air in the supply duct or immediately behind the fan. The fan sucks in cold air, it enters the heat exchanger, heats up to a comfortable temperature and goes to the living quarters. As a result, you save up to 50% of heat.

Because of large sizes It is most convenient to place the heat exchanger in the attic or in the basement.

Requirements for ventilation in a private house

Every owner wants to make high-quality and proper ventilation in a private house, but when faced with a similar task for the first time, it is difficult not to make mistakes. So that some of them do not become fatal, we recommend that you look at the list of requirements for ventilation systems for self-assembly.

How to install ventilation in a private house:

  1. The exhaust air from the ventilation duct must exit on the roof. If you lead the air duct through the wall, it must rise above the ridge beam by at least 50 cm.
  2. The intake grating of the forced system should be at a level of 2-3 m from the ground. Also, it must be covered with a fine-mesh net so that small insects and debris do not get inside.
  3. Organize the movement of air in the house in such a way that it goes from the bedroom, nursery, living room and other rooms towards the most polluted rooms - the kitchen, bathroom, boiler room.
  4. Plan the layout of the ventilation ducts so that they pass to each room.
  5. If the ventilation system contains filters, remember to clean or replace them from time to time. It is better to mount the supply valve with a filter in the wall closer to the window, so that later it would be more convenient to carry out Maintenance and cleaning.

Making ventilation in a private house is not so difficult if you make the right calculations and purchase high-quality equipment.

Ventilation in a private house: photo