Choosing a hammer, how to choose the right hammer, types of hammers. Types of hammers by shape and purpose The wooden part of the hammer

Hammer- This is a hand tool used in metalwork, carpentry, carpentry and other works. Hammer designed for hammering, breaking, straightening, bending, etc. From this article you will learn what types and designs are hammers.

Hammer design:

Any hammer consists of heads or bodies and handles connected to each other through a hole in the body and a wedge hammered into the handle.

The body consists of a part that is struck - striker, and tail or sock, the sock can have a different shape. The case is usually steel, but can be made of copper, lead, wood, rubber.

The handle can also be made from various materials, often made of wood, plastic, metal.

Types of hammers.

Types hammers, their dimensions and weight are determined by GOST 11042-90. Consider the main types hammers:

  • - has a round or square striker and a wedge-shaped toe. carpentry hammer with a square head is designed for working on wood, and with a round one for working with sheet iron. Case weight locksmith's hammer 250-800 gr.

  • carpenter's hammer- differs from a locksmith's toe in the form of a nail puller for extracting nails. Case weight carpenter's hammer 600-750gr.
  • - the biggest hammer, used for cutting partitions, recesses, removing old tiles, etc. The weight of such a body hammer 1-1.5 kg.

  • wallpaper hammer- serves for hammering small nails, is distinguished by its small body and thin handle. The weight of such a body hammer 100-250 gr.
  • There are also hammers with body made of wood, rubber, lead, copper. Such hammers are used for furniture assembly, critical work with pressure-sensitive parts, when working in explosive and fire hazardous areas.

At first glance, it may seem that the hammer is the easiest of all existing species hand tool. But actually it is not. What types of hammers exist and how to choose a quality tool?

Mostly hammers are used to hammer nails, they are also used to remove dried mortar from bricks. With the help of this unpretentious tool, sheet iron is corrected, it helps in accurate work with tiles. Different types differ in weight, in the shape of the working part. Choosing the right tool is not such a trivial task. The most popular type is a metalwork hammer. So let's talk about it.

This type of hammer is one of the most common. It is used for strikes when chopping something, when punching various holes, riveting, straightening and for other works.

Hammer for locksmith work

This tool consists of a butt, as well as a wooden or plastic handle.

V modern models The handle is equipped with a special anti-slip coating. This type of hammer is distinguished by the presence of two strikers. So, on the butt there is a blunt square striker and a pointed one, which is used to drive small nails. The square part of the butt can be worked with full force.

Weight classification

The locksmith's hammer is classified by weight. For example, for home master a product weighing from 300 to 500 g is suitable. The capabilities of such a tool are enough for most household chores. The heaviest tool to perform weighs 2 kg. Professionals recommend not limiting yourself to any one hammer in your home workshop, but having several models of different weights in your arsenal - this will improve the quality and convenience of the work performed.

Weight also depends on the nature of the work. For example, products of 50, 100, 200 and 300 grams are used in tool work. Models with a weight of 400, 500 and 600 g are used for locksmith work. A tool weighing 1 kg is used in repair work.

Types of locksmith hammers

There are two types of these tools. So, one of them is distinguished by a rectangular shape with a square striker. The second type has a more convex and round shape.

Square tools are cheaper because they are easier to manufacture.

They are also more common among amateurs and professionals of locksmith work. Round-faced hammers have some advantage. The shock part in this case has a certain preponderance, which increases the strength and accuracy of the strike. For lighter work use a square striker.

According to the technical requirements for these tools, the machinist's hammer should not have any cold hardening, burrs or cracks. The striker should be as smooth as possible and slightly convex. Handles are made of dogwood, beech, birch or hornbeam. The length of the handle must be at least 250 mm in length. Also, the wood fibers must be directed along the length of the handle, otherwise the handle will simply break. Butts are made from U7 and U8.

If it is necessary to nail down any fragile materials, then "soft" hammers are used. Often the strikers of these tools are made of aluminum alloys, copper, polyurethane, wood or rubber. Most practical option- metalwork tool with interchangeable heads. Such sets allow you to perform a wider range of work.

According to GOST

It is no secret to anyone that there is a GOST for hammers. So, this type of tool is made in accordance with GOST 2310-77.

This standard applies to metalwork steel hammers weighing from 0.05 to 1000 g. Tools, as stated in the document, are created for use in the national economy and for export needs. This GOST does not apply to any other hammers, except metalwork.

So, according to the document, in addition to products with a round and square striker, there is also a hammer with a round striker and a spherical toe.

Technical requirements

Must be manufactured in strict accordance with standards and drawings.

Steel 50 or U7 is used as materials for heads. GOST also provides for other steel grades, if they are not inferior in terms of mechanical properties. Heads should never be produced by casting.

Hammer wedges are made from ST3 steel or their other steels, which are not inferior in characteristics to St3.

As for the handles, the metalwork hammer GOST provides for the use of hardwood of the 1st grade. Often these parts are made from hornbeam, dogwood, ash, birch, oak or beech, as well as from various synthetic materials that can provide the necessary operational strength and reliability.

The hardness of the working surfaces must be between 50.5 and 57 HRC. Hardness is measured in layers with a depth of not less than 5 mm, and also at a distance of not more than 1/5 of the length of the head from the ends and toe of the butt. Some deviations from the mass are allowed - this is 12% for products weighing 100 grams. The heads must be covered with various protective coatings. So, there is an oxide coating with oiling, a coating of chromium, phosphates, cadmium.

As for the connection between the head and the handle, it must be as reliable as possible. Cracks on the handles are unacceptable. The hammer head must have the trademark of the manufacturer, the weight of the product, the price. It is also allowed to apply a trademark on the handle.

How to choose the right tool

As it turned out, a metalwork hammer is serious, so the choice must be approached very carefully. The first thing to know is the required weight and size of the working part. If you choose a product with a light striker, then the impact force will be insufficient, and a heavy striker, on the contrary, will be too tiring. Heavy hammers can also damage some materials.

When choosing, the working part is also important - the material matters here.

As stated in GOST, the butts are not made by casting. You should choose only a forged metalwork hammer, and the steel must be hardened and then tempered.

The hardening process is carried out at a high cooling rate, however, such materials differ in internal stresses. In order to remove these stresses, a vacation is performed - the product is heated to 200 degrees and then allowed to cool.

Tempering slightly reduces strength, but as a result, the product is much stronger than ordinary alloy parts.


In modern models, these hammer parts are made of plastic, polyurethane, fiberglass materials. However, according to the experience of professionals, the wooden handle is still the best and most popular.

Pegs can be driven into the wood, which will make the grip with the striker more durable.

In addition, in case of breakage of the handle, you can make it yourself.

Fiberglass is also popular today. It is considered one of the varieties of fiberglass. This material contains more than 70% fiberglass. Also in the composition are available This material is distinguished by very high durability and resistance.

Among the main advantages of fiberglass is strength. It is 9 times higher than plastic and 4 times higher than aluminum. Handles for hammers from it are not deformed.

Market Review

The modern market provides home craftsmen and professionals huge selection the most varied instrument. There are also a huge number of locksmith hammers.

Bregadier 41-314

This hammer is designed to perform a variety of locksmith work.

It can also be used in carpentry. It is made of steel by forging, has a protective phosphate coating, the striker is square in shape. Model weight - 500 g.

Any unique technical solutions this tool is not in the design, but it is reliable and practical enough for simple home work or professional use.

The manufacturer, in addition to this model, offers other products with wooden handles and different weights, as well as hammers for other types of work.

Habero 600 IH 500

This product is also designed for a wide variety of locksmith work.

The material used is steel. The head is covered with black lacquer, the shape of the striker is square.

The chrome vanadium alloy head has high hardness and does not flatten. By the way, for such a metalwork hammer, the price is more than affordable for a home master (from 200 rubles).

The market also offers other products. Today, the range of locksmith hammers is unusually wide. There are a lot of tools according to needs, weight, materials, functionality. The main thing when choosing is the quality of materials, ergonomics and durability.

Hammer- the most common tool in construction, used in a variety of its areas and directions. But the hammer is used not only in construction, it is applicable to people both in everyday life and the economy, and in various spheres of human activity.

They hammer, level, bend, break, upholster with a hammer ... It is impossible to list all the types of work that are performed using this tool.


A simple design tool used by man since ancient times. The main property of the hammer is the ability to significantly increase the force of impact and apply it pointwise.

The hammer translates into English as Hammer.

For certain work, it is worth using hammers of the appropriate purpose. The right hammer affects not only the speed of the work, but also the quality.

The hammer is a traumatic tool, so when working with it, you must follow a number of safety rules:

  • Do not play with a hammer and fool around. In general, the most serious injuries occur in these situations;
  • Never work with a broken hammer or with hammers whose head is not fixed and may fly off;
  • Never use a chipped or cracked hammer.

hammer device

The design of the hammer is simple. As a rule, it includes two components: the head of the hammer (striker) and the handle.

Also, depending on the material of the hammer handle, an additional fastening element can be used. For example, for hammers with a wooden handle, wedges are additionally used in the construction of the hammer.

The main element in the design of this tool is the hammer head. It comes in a variety of shapes, types and weights. For hammers with metal heads, they are made from special tool steel by forging or die forging. In this case, the head part of the head is hardened in water, and the side with the nail puller is hardened in oil. This technology makes it possible in the future during operation to provide the hammer striker with strength, and plasticity for the nail puller. At the end, the product is opened with a special varnish to prevent corrosion.

The part of the hammer head which is directly struck is called the striker.

The striker may have the most different shape- flat, convex or serrated.

The flat shape of the striker is designed for driving (eg nails). Convex shape - on hammers designed to perform strikes on another tool. With a serrated surface of the striker - designed to prevent slipping.

In addition, the hammer head can be of different weights.

As for the handle, it can be made of different materials: wooden, plastic and metal. The handle affects the convenience of working with a hammer. It should be light in weight (relative to the head) and be of appropriate length.

Windows of hardware stores show a variety of hammer handles and it is impossible to single out the most common material for handles.

Types of hammers

According to their diversity, purpose and application, there are a very large number of types of hammers. We will omit such types of hammers as kitchen, medical, shoe and the like, but we will try to mention all types of hammers used in construction.

locksmith's hammer

This is a classic-shaped hammer, where on one side of the head there is a flat striker, and on the other - a wedge-shaped one. The wedge-shaped side is called the spout.

Such a hammer is used almost everywhere and by weight it has the largest range of sizes from 200 g to over 1 kg.

Light hammers of small size are used for hammering small nails. They are used when installing wooden glazing beads, when working with lining (lining nails) and small-sized kleimers.

Heavier hammers are used almost everywhere: in everyday life, for bending metal, driving nails, in a variety of jobs.

Due to its practicality, this is the most common type of hammer.

Roofing hammers

There are a number of types of hammers that are called and referred to as roofing hammers. At the same time, they are not purely roofing hammers, they have a wider application and are used not only for roofing. But there are also specific unique hammers made specifically for working with some roofing materials.

Hammer with nail puller

This hammer can be called roofing and carpentry.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it has a round, convex striker shape, and on the other hand, a nail puller. Such features of this hammer create convenience when working with nails, which is in demand in roofing and carpentry.

It is very convenient and practical for the installation of lathing and shingles.

In size, these are average weights of 500-600 grams.

Suitable for driving nails up to 150 mm in size.

It is worth noting that low-quality hammers of this type are very common on sale. They are cheap in price. They are light in weight and have a low-quality connection with the head. As a result, they break literally after the second blow or at the first attempt to pull out the nail.

But do not abuse the nail puller and high-quality hammers. They can also break under heavy loads. This applies to pulling out nails larger than 150 mm for regular building (glossy) nails and 100 mm for ruffed or screw nails.

In addition to the roofing hammer, the sharp-toothed hammer, fang, sharp-nosed hammer also received popular names.

This hammer has collected the functionality necessary for conventional roofing work.

It has a serrated striker that prevents slipping when hitting a nail.

The end part of the hammer head on the side of the striker is equipped with a groove for inserting a nail, which is convenient when it is not possible to hold the nail with the second hand:

The groove is intended for baiting a nail without holding it with the other hand. It has the contours of a nail and it has a magnet that prevents the nail from falling out.

On the side of the nail puller there is a sharp nose - this is an element from the classic slate hammer.

The weight of the hammer is 500-700 grams, which is suitable for hammering nails with a size of 35-150mm.


Another type of roofing hammer.

This hammer belongs to a specific type of tool and is used only for specialized work.

This hammer is designed and used specifically for the installation of slate roofing and slate.

The pointed nose of the hammer serves as a punch. Also on the hammer there is a nail puller. The handle of the hammer is rounded, which allows you to conveniently use all the functionality of the hammer.

Roof hammer for slate roofing

Hammer designed to work with slate roofing. On one side of the hammer head there is a serrated striker, and on the other side there is an ax with a nail puller:

A hatchet on a hammer is needed for hemming the edges of slate tiles, which must be done according to the technology, to eliminate traces of factory processing of slate.

Hammers for slate roofing are very diverse in shape and size.


Hammers are often wooden and rubber mallets, which are used in cases where damage to the surface of the material being worked on must be excluded.

The range of these hammers is simply huge. The variety in size and type of material is very large.

Hammers are used when working with fragile materials, as well as in order to avoid damage to the surface of a part, product or tool in contact with the striker.

Professional wooden mallets are made from larch.

Rubber mallet is mainly used when laying paving slabs and in automotive body repair.

Straightening hammer

Also, this hammer in narrow circles of professionals is called lyapka.

This is a special professional tool for working with thin sheet metal and tin.

The pads are different in size and shape. Selected for specific tasks.


The pickaxe is considered the hammer of masons.

A brick is briskly knocked out during laying, and with the opposite side in the form of a spatula, a brick is pricked to the required dimensions.

The pickaxe is also widely used for removing plaster and cleaning used bricks.


A sledgehammer is a heavyweight hammer. It is needed where impact force and brute force are required.

It has the popular names Mashka and Balda.

Compared to other hammers, the sledgehammer has a large body weight of up to 2.5 kg.

The range of work carried out by the sledgehammer is very large. It is used during dismantling work, for driving reinforcement, stakes to the eyeballs or iron supports.

Surely no one doubts that even in ancient times a person needed a device for hammering, breaking, crushing, carving. Perhaps at first they were just a stone or a stick.

Garrettswerve, GNU 1.2

But soon a man united them, creating an instrument that, in fact, has not changed for many centuries. The materials from which the hammer is made have changed and the list of applications has expanded.

hammer parts

The main part of a hammer is a compact mass of solid material, usually metal, that can be used to strike something without deforming. For the convenience of performing blows and for a larger scope, the impact part of the hammer is mounted on a handle, which can also be made of metal, or wood or plastic.

Malene Thyssen, GNU 1.2


The handle varies in length, thickness and material from which it is made. It depends on the purpose of the hammer itself and on the weight of the head. The heavier the head, the longer the handle should be. In modern hammers, the handles are often reinforced with non-slip rubber or plastic.


This is the most important part. There are strikers along the edges of the hammer head. As a rule, strikers at opposite ends are made different in function, which allows you to combine two tools in one.

Monoklon, GNU 1.2

So a metalwork hammer has two different strikers - one is even, the other is tapering. The carpenter's hammer has a forked protrusion-tooth, which is convenient for pulling out nails. In stonework, when facing corners and edges with a chisel, they hit it with an instrument similar to a hammer - a mallet made of wood and having strikers on both sides.

Sometimes, in order not to damage the part, hammers are used, in which the impact part is made of soft material (rubber, copper, lead).

Andreas Praefcke, CC BY-SA 3.0


A wedge connects the head with the handle. This is an important part of the hammer, since the quality of work, and sometimes safety, depends on the quality of attaching the head. For locksmith hammers, for example, the head hole through which the wedge is hammered is additionally covered with a steel plate, which is also screwed to the handle with a long screw, which gives additional strength to the entire structure.

Andreas Praefcke, CC BY-SA 3.0


There are a great many varieties of hammers, as well as professions where this tool is required.

  • carpentry
  • Locksmith
  • Kiyanka
  • Sledgehammer
  • Hammer
  • Kashkarov's hammer
  • Fidzel's hammer
  • Climber's hammer
  • Geologist's hammer

And also - a tiler, a jeweler, a railway worker, a bulldozer and even Masha.

Guide to Russian Crafts, CC BY-SA 3.0

What crafts use a hammer

You can list all the professions where the hammer tool is used for a long time. Let's mention some and, first of all, crafts.

Construction, carpentry, stonework, shoemaking, chaser, bone cutter. Of course, that's not all.

We can say that representatives of one of the most ancient crafts, blacksmiths, contributed most to the development of the variety of hammers, because a master blacksmith needs a whole arsenal of hammers, hammers and sledgehammers to work.

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Helpful information


One of the first

The hammer is one of ancient instruments used by man. Then it was necessary as an instrument of defense against enemies and attacks on prey, but today it is used for creative purposes.

Over the centuries, it has only slightly improved and changed. But many varieties have appeared, which is associated with a wide variety of hammer applications in various professions.

It is simple and was invented to increase the force of a person's impact by an order of magnitude and to apply this force to one point.


The hammer(s) is one of the oldest emblems of the craft. For the first time, the image of a hammer is found as an emblem on the territory of the Roman Empire in the tombstone of a blacksmith (441).

The hammer has long been associated with blue-collar jobs. No wonder he was chosen along with a sickle on the emblem of the Soviet state. Crossed mallets are depicted on the railroad sign.

In ancient times, the Hammer is the main attribute of many gods of craft, thunder and war.

For the Japanese god of prosperity, Daikoku, the hammer, as a tool associated with gold mining, is a symbol of wealth.

The hammer is also a symbol of justice.

In connection with the development of a large machine industry, the hammer emblem from the second half of XIX century has become a universal symbol of the industrial proletariat. Already in 1864, the Hanoverian section of the First International chose the emblem in the form of two crossed hammers.

In 1940, the British, fearing a possible land invasion of the Germans and their multiple superiority in tanks, were looking for everything possible ways resist them.

In one of the instructions, the militias were advised to use a hammer or an ax to fight tanks.

The fighter should choose an elevation, for example, a tree or the second floor of a building, and wait for an enemy car there, and then jump onto it and start hitting the tower with a hammer. And when the head of a surprised German appears from there, throw a grenade inside the tank.

Even in weightlessness

It turns out that now they have come up with a hammer, even for work in zero gravity, which does not bounce when struck. Its hollow head is filled with heavy metal shot.


A huge and very heavy hammer is called a sledgehammer. It sometimes weighs more than 10 kg. Such a sledgehammer was nicknamed "Mashka". This is due to the fact that the impact force depends not so much on muscle strength as on well-coordinated work.

When working with such a heavy tool, it is important to wave smoothly. So they called her - Mashka.


Hammer, indispensable at the construction site, when working on personal plot. It performs the same functions as a mallet or a sledgehammer. With the help of a bulldozer, you can drive stones, small piles into the ground. The tool can also be used to trim massive stone masonry.

The handle of the bulldozer has a large length and is made of durable wood.

The head, or impact part of the instrument, is massive, wide, made of metal and may have caps made of rubber or soft plastic.

How to use

It is necessary to hold the hammer by the end of the handle firmly, but without squeezing too much, otherwise the hand will quickly get tired. After, the hand rises up, the handle takes a horizontal position and quickly falls. Thus, the striker should hit exactly on the head of the nail, and not on the fingers. And remember, the nail is hammered in two stages: first, you need to lightly bait it, and only then hit it. The main thing is to remove your fingers in time.

What tool is present in every home? Of course, a hammer. It is used in installation and repair work. various designs and mechanisms, in household use. The application is so extensive that more than 10 subspecies and specifications of hammers are distinguished. This division helps to solve highly specialized tasks clearly and accurately, spending a minimum of effort.

But the most common is an ordinary metalwork hammer, which has a handle and a working part of the usual form. It is this tool that is most in demand - out of 10 purchased hammers, 6 are locksmith's.

Any device for certain work must be designed in such a way as to ensure high accuracy and efficiency in performing the assigned tasks. That is why there are about 15 types of hammers, each of which increases labor productivity and reduces the amount of physical effort expended. However, any device consists of several parts that may differ in appearance, but perform the same task. A tool such as a hammer is no exception, and has two functional parts. Each of them must meet the requirements and standards, which helps to complete tasks with minimal effort.

So, regardless of the subspecies, any hammer consists of a head and a handle. The first detail is responsible for the efficiency of the work performed, the second - for safety and convenience. The impact part of the hammer, in turn, is conditionally divided into several parts.

The most important is the striker. Durability depends on its shape and quality. In addition, this part of the hammer performs the main mechanical work, that is, it is exposed to maximum impact and wears out faster. The end opposite the striker is called the spout. It, as a rule, has functional differences in various versions of hammers, which allows you to perform specific types of tasks - pulling out nails, crushing stone, embossing hard surfaces. There are models in which the spout is a striker of the same shape or a smaller diameter. Such hammers allow you to perform operations with greater accuracy and power, since the area of ​​​​impact is reduced, and the mass of the head remains the same.

Also, the head of the hammer contains a part called the cheek - the surface between the spout and the striker. Its thickness must be sufficient to withstand the required load during operation and not break. And the iron part of the hammer should have a hole for the handle. An exception is the all-metal tool, which is poured into a mold. However, it is used in rather rare cases for specific work.

The role of the handle should be noted separately, because safety depends on the quality of its fastening. Most often, in hammers with a wooden handle, a conical shape is selected. It allows you to tightly fix the head, and an additional wedge driven into the center improves the reliability of this connection. In more modern models, the hammer device does not require this, since the parts are made according to accurate measurements and using special materials and fasteners.

Also important are the dimensions of the device and its structure. The accuracy and transmitted impact force depend on the cross-sectional shape of the striker and the length of the handle. Additional functionality is provided due to the specific shape reverse side striker. The impact force and its effectiveness depend on the mass of the head. For example, the weight of a nail hammer usually ranges from 250 grams to a kilogram. But the weight of a sledgehammer for forging or driving piles can even reach 12 kg.

The weight of the hammer largely depends on what tasks it is designed to perform. Many models have certain specifications- state standard, which must be taken into account and fulfilled. For example, for a machinist's hammer, there are requirements that describe its shape with an accurate drawing of the head and handle diagrams, as well as a description of the smallest details and the weight of each part.

Download GOST 2310-77

Therefore, if when buying a product there is an inscription “Locksmith's hammer GOST 2310 77”, you can vouch for its quality.


Different types of hammers are designed to perform different jobs. It is possible to use non-core devices, but you need to understand that this will only reduce efficiency and worsen the quality of the result. This is because the specifics of a particular task sometimes require slightly different qualities. For example, when straightening thin metals, the force of mechanical action is compensated by high recoil, which can cause additional damage. Therefore, for precise work, a tool with a working part capable of reducing or completely extinguishing the reaction force is required.

Depending on the task to be performed, there is a developed hammer specification. Most of them are described in detail and have certain GOST quality standards. However, it should be borne in mind that in some factories and workshops for manufacturing, technical conditions are used that are set individually. In some cases, this is due to the improvement of one of the parts, its improvement. But there are exceptions that allow violations of the manufacturing and assembly technology of the hammer, which reduces the quality, service life and safety. Therefore, before purchasing, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the reputation of the manufacturer, as this directly affects human life and health.

The most common type of hammer is the hammer. This type is in almost every home.

It has the simplest structure of the head, which allows it to be used as a universal tool. This hammer is used for hammering various mounts and when assembling furniture, with its help, installation is carried out wooden structures and interior upholstery. It is impossible to ignore a metalwork hammer in such operations as cutting, forging or straightening finished products.

Also, for jobs that require a certain more gentle impact, wooden hammers can be used. They are called mallets and are used to process soft metals.

In the assembly and repair of cars, a specific rubber tool is used. It is called a rubber mallet and allows you to straighten dents without the risk of additional damage. In addition, the soft material allows you to compensate for recoil and reduce it to almost zero.

When it becomes necessary to purchase, the master, as a rule, understands what type and amount of work will need to be performed using the tool. Therefore, it is necessary to determine which hammer should be purchased based on these parameters.

  1. We define the view. To do this, we estimate the frequency of performing specific tasks. For example, will it be necessary to cover the roof or lay tiles in the near future. Perhaps the processes listed are professional activity. In this case, you need to buy a hammer for tiles or roofing. However, most often it is enough to purchase a metalwork tool.
  2. We calculate the weight. When choosing a hammer, it is important to consider this parameter. For large-sized products, it will be necessary to use sufficiently large nails, which, in turn, will require greater impact force and striker area. To save the physical cost of hammering, it is worth choosing a heavier hammer with a long handle. For example, a hammer as a tool for this type of work is ideal.
  3. Choose the shape and size. Even certain subspecies of hammers have different functional devices that need to be considered in terms of necessity. For example, a tool with a nail puller nose will cost more than a conventional wedge head option. It is up to you to determine the appropriateness of the overpayment.
  4. Additional equipment. Modern tools have a number of advantages. For example, more embossed handles allow you to better hold the hammer and expend less effort on this process. And additional rubber pads insure against accidental slipping. As a result, productivity will increase due to more hammer blows. Therefore, if there is a choice between more modern and classic version, you need to choose a more advanced version.

Thus, it becomes clear that in order to choose the right hammer, you need to decide on its functional purpose. The type of work and their volume should be thought out in advance, because its weight, shape and additional equipment will depend on it. Only with the help of such a sequence is it possible to accurately select a tool for solving certain technical problems.