Planting tomato seedlings in open ground: terms and rules for transplanting. Growing tomatoes in open ground: from planting to harvesting When to plant tomatoes in the ground

Most gardeners opt for early tomato varieties. This will allow you to get a harvest in early summer.

Most Popular:

  1. 1. Riddle. One of the over early varieties which is new. The fruits are bright, no spots are observed on them. Vegetables are round, even, rather dense. The weight of one tomato is 150 g. From the moment of sowing the seeds to the formation of fruits on the shrub, no more than three months pass. They grow and develop quite well, but they grow low, no more than 40 cm. The stems are quite strong, and even when the fruits begin to ripen actively, they do not require a garter. But there is a small drawback - a large number of stepchildren form on the bushes, so leaving them unattended and proper care for a long period is not recommended.
  2. 2. Anastasia. The bush is quite tall, and it is easily formed into 1-2 stems. There are many fruits, every 1-2 leaves you can observe new knotted brushes. Each brush holds 6-7 tomatoes. The mass of each is at least 200 g. As a result, a crop of 10–12 kg can be harvested from one shrub. As for the taste, they are simply excellent. Moreover, the fruits are beautiful in their own way. appearance- red tomatoes, they taper noticeably towards the tip. The only drawback is that they often have a green “heel”.
  3. 3. Raspberry giant. Its fruits reach enormous sizes. The weight of each tomato is more than 0.5 kg. Often one fruit weighs 0.7 kg. The brush holds a strand of 5-6 tomatoes. The shape of the fruit is completely different: on one brush, tomatoes can be observed, flattened on the sides and elongated towards the end. A slight disadvantage is the deeply planted stem, which is difficult to remove during the harvesting process.
  4. 4. Roma. One of the Dutch varieties with an extended fruiting period. Tomatoes are small in size, red in color, weighing from 70 to 100 grams each. Up to 20 fruits appear on one brush. The bush reaches a height of 1.4 to 1.6 m.

Most gardeners give their preference to varieties whose fruits are quite large in size. But tomatoes are much inferior in taste to smaller fruits.

The most common:

  1. 1. Tolstoy. The average weight of one fruit is 230 g. In addition large sizes, the variety is characterized by high yield. From 1 m 2 you can collect at least 11 kg of crop. The height of the bush is 120 cm. Full ripening of tomatoes occurs 150 days after planting. When breeding this species, pinching is not required. Tolstoy is highly resistant to many diseases, especially powdery mildew.
  2. 2. Bullish heart. This variety is the most popular among the other large-fruited. The mass of one tomato reaches 300 g. Vegetables have a pleasant sweetish taste. The fruits are presented in the shape of a heart. The height of the bush does not exceed 120 cm, suitable for growing in the suburbs.

The most productive varieties of tomatoes are:

  1. 1. Diabolic. The average yield of this variety is 700 centners per 1 ha. If you use only mineral fertilizers and do not provide additional conditions, then 400-450 centners can be collected from one hectare. The average fruit weight is 130 g. The variety is distinguished by the possibility of transportation over long distances. Vegetables are used for canning, pickling and eating raw. Diabolic is resistant to diseases such as brown spot and Fusarium wilt.
  2. 2. Bobcat F1. This is a hybrid variety. From one hectare you can harvest 50 tons of crops. The average weight of one fruit is 140 grams, they are well stored and transported. The height of the bush is 120 cm. The yield can be increased by 20% with the help of pinching.

More resistant varieties include:

  1. 1. Marmande. This variety is practically not exposed to the fungus, able to withstand the attack of many pests. The mass of one fruit reaches 200-250 grams. Its main advantage is resistance to sudden changes in temperature, so plants can be planted a little ahead of time.
  2. 2. Sevruga. The weight of the fruit is 450 g. The tomato pulp is quite dense, and the skin is hard. Thanks to these qualities, the crop is stored for a long time and tolerates transportation well. The bush reaches 140 cm. The variety does not need pinching and garter.

When, at what time, at what temperature should seedlings be planted in a greenhouse or open ground in spring?

Before sowing tomato seeds for seedlings, you need to calculate in advance when they will be planted in the garden. It is necessary that there be at least 2 months, starting from sowing the seeds and before the seedlings are transferred to the site. Planting seedlings should approximately fall on the end of May - beginning of June.

plant tomatoes in the ground

Due to the different climatic conditions into which the territory of Russia is divided, the timing of planting seedlings for each region will be different. From the end of spring to the beginning of summer, seedlings can be planted in open ground in the central parts of Russia. In the southern regions, planting can be done from the beginning of May, but in the northern regions it is better not to rush and postpone until the first days of June.

The best predecessors:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes (except beans).

It is undesirable to plant after:

  • potatoes;
  • nightshade;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes.

Moreover, the interval should be from 3 to 4 years.

In order for the transplant to be less painful for the plants, abundant watering, fertilizing and hardening will be required.

The age of seedlings suitable for transplanting depends on the variety chosen. For early varieties, this is from 40 to 50 days, for medium - from 50 to 70 days and late - from 70 to 80 days.

Hardening of seedlings can be started 14-21 days before transplantation, gradually taking it out into the fresh air (loggia or heated greenhouse) so that the temperature on the thermometer does not fall below 10 ° C. For the first time, seedlings can be left for 30-40 minutes, and in the following days, gradually add, leaving for the whole day. At the same time, you need to create at least a small shadow for the sprouts in order to protect them from sunburn.

Note! Seedling bushes with thin stems more than 20 cm, as well as those that have already begun to bloom, may not take root well in a new place.

A week before transplanting, the plants need to be fed. It is better to do this in the evening or in the morning. You can simply spray the foliage from a spray bottle, since at this age the seedlings can already absorb microelements useful to it, Epin's solution to stimulate growth (1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water). You can also carry out basal top dressing with Humistar.

The basis of the drug contains liquid biohumus. The required amount of fertilizer to water is 1:50. For example, 10 ml of top dressing should be added to a 0.5-liter jar of water. Foliage can also be sprayed with this preparation, only the fertilizer dosage should be reduced to 1:200, that is, add 5 mg of the product to 1 liter of water.


It is very useful to pre-treat tomatoes from future pests:

  • To protect the plant from whiteflies, wireworms, beetles or bears, the roots of the seedlings must be dipped in the prepared solution (10 ml of anti-crunch preparation per 1 liter of water). Processing time - 1 hour. If root system closed, you just need to pour a small amount of solution into the cups with sprouts, reducing the concentration (by 10 l 10 ml of the preparation).
  • Prepare a small amount aqueous solution with any drug from the Colorado potato beetle. Before planting seedlings in the soil, you need to dip each bush in the prepared solution. It is noted that throughout the entire growing season, the beetle does not touch the plant.

Plants should be thoroughly watered 24 hours before planting.

With the onset of May, gardeners begin to wait for stable heat and the early retreat of night frosts. I want to quickly take out all the prepared seedlings. After all, it seems that if you plant it early, then the harvest will appear much faster. But it's not.

Tomato seedlings can be planted in open ground only when truly spring warm weather sets in.

  • Favorable temperature regime- daytime air temperature should be kept at the level of 20 - 22 °C, and at night not lower than 15 °C. The ideal soil temperature near the roots is 15°C (minimum 10°C). You can find out if it has warmed up enough by deepening the thermometer into the ground by 10-15 cm and evaluating its readings.
  • Frost is completely excluded. Tomatoes react negatively even at -1 ° C. At this temperature, they will not die, but their growth will noticeably stop, and the onset of fruiting will be delayed by 10-15 days. To reduce the impact of return frosts (from which no one is immune!), gardeners cover the planted tomatoes with special covering material (lutrasil, agrospan, etc.) or film.

Therefore, in Ukraine and in the southern regions of Russia, gardeners can plant tomato seedlings in early May. In the central regions of the Russian Federation, this procedure is carried out from the end of May until June 10 inclusive. And in the northern regions (Urals, Siberia), the temperature returns to normal only at the beginning of June.

But not only possible return frosts and air temperature affect garden work. Some summer residents decide when to plant tomato seedlings in open ground, guided by the lunar calendar.

  • May - 4-6, 9-11, 13, 18-20, 24-29.
  • June - 1-3, 5-8, 10-12, 14-16.
  • May - 1-2, 14-15, 29-30.
  • June - 12-14, 27-29.

The most suitable periods for planting seedlings are the days of the growing moon. And the most unfavorable, stressful periods are the days of the new moon and full moon, as well as the days preceding and following them. It is believed that on such dates the planted seedlings will develop poorly and bear fruit.

It is necessary to start planting on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon, when the air temperature drops and the sun's rays can no longer burn the tender leaves.

  • Holes are dug in the garden, 15-30 cm deep - depending on the volume of the root system and the planned length of the stem penetration.
  • Fill each well with fertilizer (ash, superphosphate, compost, crushed shells, etc.), pour water into the same place.
  • The bushes are transferred alternately into the prepared holes.
A tomato bush is placed in a hole and the root ball is covered with earth.

Overgrown seedlings are usually buried - either to the cotyledons, or to the first two true leaves (they are removed in advance). Such seedlings are planted vertically or lying down.

Vertically - only if the depth is planned to be small. It is impossible to place the root system of tomatoes too deeply into the soil - otherwise it will rot. At a depth, the soil will not have time to warm up, water and air will not flow there.

Planting tomatoes with deepening, lying down


When deepening, the beginning of fruiting of tomatoes is inhibited by 1-2 weeks. This is due to the fact that the plant after planting for some time is intensively engaged in building up roots on a buried stem.

  • During normal planting, the bushes are set vertically to the level at which they were in the seedling container. Fill the hole with earth and water it.
  • From above, it is desirable to mulch the soil - overlay with dry straw, sawdust or hay with the addition of compost.
  • You can immediately install supports next to the bushes or do it later, as you grow. It can be pegs, fittings, trellis.
After planting in place of each hole, it is necessary to leave a small depression, water will collect in it during irrigation.

After planting, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the tomatoes for their further development and growth. And also - if possible, reduce stress and the period of adaptation to new conditions. Proper care plays an important role in this.

In the first few days (7-10 days), it is advisable not to water the tomatoes, they were already flooded with water during the planting period. Excess moisture can harm the roots and even cause rotting processes.

The first watering after planting is carried out no earlier than a week later

top dressing

Fertilizers for tomatoes can be selected or made independently. At the same time, on different stages development of plants, the ratio of the main mineral elements (nitrogen N, phosphorus P, potassium K) will change.

It is no secret that the picking of tomato seedlings, depending on the variety and the rate of ripening, is carried out in different time- as required by the specifics. And if you have always planted late varieties, then you will have to “get used to” for more than one year to mid-ripening and early ripe ones. To avoid missteps, find out what terms require different varieties.

To begin with, it is worth finding out which varieties are considered early. Early tomatoes include those varieties that begin to bear fruit earlier than 105 days after sowing. That is, in early summer you can get full-fledged (without chemicals and GMOs) tomato fruits, which are used both for salads and for conservation or further processing.

Important! There are extra early varieties that mature in less than 85 days. When purchasing seeds of these varieties, you should carefully read the recommendations on the package.

When are early tomatoes planted in open ground?

A tomato after sowing for seedlings sprouts in 5-6 days, which means that this period is not added to the total number of days indicated on the package. Seedlings should be planted in open ground 45-50 days after germination.

The fact is that the average daily temperature varies depending on the region (a temperature of at least 13 ° C is suitable for seedlings), therefore, it makes no sense to indicate exact dates, since even in one region the weather can present “surprises”.

Conditions for growing tomatoes, what tomatoes need for a rich harvest

Regardless of the variety, early maturity or height of the bush, tomatoes require certain growing conditions, which determine the resistance to pests and diseases, as well as the productivity and quality of the fruit.

Let's start with temperature. In order for the tomato to grow well and quickly gain green mass, a temperature in the range of 16-20 ° C is required. For proper development the fetus needs a temperature of 15 to 35 ° C.

Light. Lighting plays an important role, since its lack leads to stretching and deformation of the aerial part of the tomato. To achieve good yields, tomatoes should be planted exclusively in open areas that are best illuminated by the sun.

Humidity of air and soil. The scorching sun quickly dries up the earth and reduces the humidity of the air. So that the plants do not experience "thirst", soil moisture should be in the range of 60-75%, and air humidity - 45-60%. Therefore, it is recommended not only to water the tomatoes under the root, but also to install a sprinkler on the plots.

Top dressing. All of the above factors will not help increase productivity if the soil on the site is infertile. Of course, you can lay out a tidy sum and bring black earth to the site, but the same tomatoes will be pulled out of fertile soil all three or four years. So the best way- top dressing.

You need to make complex fertilizers, which contain the lion's share of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. These elements help both at the stage of rapid growth and in the process of fetal formation. If you are growing peas on the plot, then after collecting the pods, use the above-ground part along with the rhizome to fertilize the area with tomatoes. Plants tolerate green fertilizers much better than artificial ones.

Important! In the case of using peas as a top dressing, nitrogen must be reduced or excluded from fertilizers, since its leaves, stem, and especially roots contain a large amount of nitrogen.

Do not forget to regularly remove weeds from the site, which not only “take away” nutrients from tomatoes, but also attract a variety of pests.

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground is not an easy task. In order to obtain high-quality seedlings, it is necessary to properly prepare planting material, that is, seeds. The boarding rules are:

  1. 1. You can sow seeds both dry and pre-soaking them. For proper soaking, you need to take a saucer, and place a paper towel moistened with water on the bottom.
  2. 2. Then spread the seeds on top and cover them with a lid so that the water does not evaporate. In this position, leave the seeds for 10–20 hours in a warm enough place so that they swell well.
  3. 3. After that, they should be sown immediately.

Most beginner gardeners do not know what time to plant tomato seedlings in open ground. This can be determined by lunar calendar. It contains all the dates, phases of the moon and a list of work that can be done on a given day. Turning to such a calendar for help, each gardener will be able to highlight favorable dates for planting tomatoes, as well as see those days when this procedure is undesirable. In addition, weather conditions must also be taken into account.

Tomatoes are a perennial plant, but in our country it is grown as an annual. For a bountiful harvest of tomatoes in open field it is important not to make a mistake with the choice of variety and create optimal conditions for the culture. We will find out what agricultural practices are used when growing these juicy and bright fruits in the open field.

Selection of quality seedlings

You can buy ready-made seedlings on the market or. In any case, for planting, it is necessary to choose only those seedlings that have a well-formed root system and a strong stem that has reached a height of 20 cm.

It is important that 8-9 full leaves are formed on each shoot. If they have a rich and uniform green color, this is a sure sign of a healthy state of the seedling. Spotting or pallor of greenery indicates that the conditions for growing seedlings have been violated or that it is affected by some kind of disease.

If the seedlings will be grown independently, it is necessary to observe the correct temperature regime for each stage of development and the timing of sowing.

Soil preparation for tomatoes

Tomatoes are among the light-loving plants, but they do not tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal place for them is considered to be a garden bed shaded by a nearby greenhouse or fruit tree. It is desirable that there are no drafts in this area.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in the place where cucumbers, onions or carrots grew last year. If potatoes were previously planted on the site, there is a risk of infection different types phytophthora diseases. It is very important to properly prepare the soil in advance.

Before planting, you need to enrich the soil with fertilizers and bring acidity back to normal. If this is not done, even with timely feeding, the tomatoes will wither and hurt. In specialized stores, you can purchase a special test that will help you independently determine the pH of the soil. For tomatoes, the ideal range is from 6 to 7.

  • In autumn, the soil is dug up, all plant residues are removed.
  • Fertilizers are applied to the depth of the shovel bayonet - superphosphate, potassium salt or compost, humus, peat, bird droppings.
  • Rye or white mustard is sown on the beds, and can be replaced with other green manure.
  • To activate the beneficial microflora, it is recommended to spill a humic solution on the soil.

You should not add manure to the soil, because tomatoes love it very much, and as a result, all the power will go to building up only green mass. The tops of the plant will begin to curl in a ring, but the crop will be small. If there were frosts, it is recommended to cover the soil with any black material around mid-May.

It is necessary to form beds for seedlings about a week before the proposed landing. The depth of the holes should be at least 20 cm. For several weeks, it is recommended to water the soil with a solution of copper sulfate. A solution is prepared in the following proportions - 1 tbsp is taken for 10 liters of water. l. This simple procedure will help disinfect the soil.

Planting seedlings in open ground

For planting in open ground, only well-hardened seedlings can be used, otherwise most of the seedlings will be lost. A sharp change in weather conditions leads to a delay in the growth of seedlings. Depending on the climate of the region, the timing of planting young plants is also adjusted. It is important to remember that tomato seedlings are not able to tolerate too low temperatures at night or frosts.

Optimal time May is considered for planting seedlings in open ground. If the temperature drops, it is worth using agrofabric or special structures with a film to protect young plants.

After the area with soil is fully prepared for planting plants (the soil is dug up and leveled), you can proceed directly to planting seedlings. This is best done in the early morning before the sun is hot. Holes are dug for seedlings, between which a small distance is made, depending on the chosen plant variety.

If the tomato bushes are tall, the best option will make a distance of about 60 cm, for a small crop - about 40 cm. If the tomatoes are planted in several rows, it is recommended to place the plants in a checkerboard pattern, which will save space. A distance is left between the rows, which also depends on the variety - from 40 to 70 cm.

After not very deep holes are formed, it is imperative to disinfect the soil. For this purpose, potassium permanganate dissolves in water, the resulting composition should have a light pink tint. The wells are abundantly watered with a solution, after which additional watering of the soil can be performed. clean water. It is important that the soil is well moistened before planting. After planting, seedlings are not recommended to be watered for several days.

Planting tomatoes in open ground: step-by-step instruction

The process of planting tomato seedlings in open ground is very simple, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Landing is carried out only after the frosts have passed, and the positive temperature will last for a week. It could be early May or June.
  • The area should be sunny and well ventilated, but without drafts. An excellent choice would be the southeast, southwest or south part of the site.
  • After the appearance of the first flower brush on the seedlings, it can be planted in open ground. At least 6 fully formed leaves should appear on the seedlings.
  • It is recommended to plant seedlings of tomatoes at the age of 50-60 days, but this figure may vary depending on the type of plant chosen.
  • Pre-prepared wells are watered - no more than a liter of water per well.
  • You need to wait until the water is completely absorbed into the soil.
  • If by the time of planting the seedlings have stretched too much, several lower leaves are cut off.
  • After the pruning procedure, the seedlings are transplanted into the soil with deepening, the adventitious roots located on the lower part of the stem provide the tomatoes with additional nutrition. Strongly elongated seedlings are placed obliquely, necessarily deepened to half the stem.
  • Standard seedlings are placed in a hole in an upright position and deepened down to the cotyledon leaves.
  • The holes are watered again, and a small layer of dry earth is poured on top.

It is not recommended to plant seedlings where plants grow that can harm it, for example, fennel, zucchini or potatoes. The growth of tomatoes is positively affected by the proximity to onions, basil, bird cherry and celery.

seedling care

Proper and timely care of seedlings helps to achieve good fruiting. To develop a strong root system and provide the plant with the necessary amount of oxygen, it is recommended to loosen the beds every 2-3 weeks - the tool is immersed in the soil to a depth of at least 8-10 cm. If the soil is dense enough, this procedure should be carried out more often.

Loosening is often combined with weeding, because weeds can provoke a real invasion of pests. Grass retains moisture in the soil, which creates excellent conditions for the development of various diseases. A heavily thickened bed is poorly ventilated.

Watering and feeding

Watering should be carried out directly under the root of the plant, do not water the greens. When choosing from existing irrigation systems, it is best to opt for spot irrigation. The use of sprinkling can lead to shedding of inflorescences, blanching of fruits is provoked.

After planting, do not water the seedlings too often. It will be enough to make water procedures few times a week. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

When watering tomatoes, consider the following tips:

  • Over watering is harmful.
  • For watering, use water at room temperature.
  • When watering, try not to get on the trunk and leaves of plants, otherwise it can lead to burns.
  • Tomatoes need to be watered in the evening, with the exception of only hot sunny days.
  • Before hilling, during the flowering of the first and second brush, it is imperative to water the plant.

  • First time feeding 15 days after transplanting seedlings into open ground. For this, nutritious infusions of bird droppings or mullein can be used, to which a little wood ash is added. At this time, the bushes begin to pick up buds, so the application of fertilizer will have a positive effect on the formation of fruit ovaries.
  • Second top dressing carried out 10 days after the second brush blooms on the bushes. An organic infusion is used with the addition of a complex mineral fertilizer in the following proportions - 1 tbsp is taken per bucket. l. If the tomatoes are tall, 1.5-2 liters of infusion is added, for undersized ones - no more than 1 liter.
  • Third top dressing should be carried out during the ripening of the first tomatoes. The same nutritional composition is used, but in this case its volume changes - 500 ml of solution is poured under each bush.
  • Last top dressing performed 15 days after the third. The ideal option there will be the use of industrial fertilizer Agricola-3, into which superphosphate is introduced - for each sq. m 4 l of solution.

Read more about feeding tomato seedlings.


The formation of side shoots or stepchildren must be carried out as the tomato bushes grow. They simply do not have time to ripen, while pulling out a large amount of nutrients. Therefore, they must be removed early stages bush development.

On each plant, 2-3 main shoots are left. By the time the fruit ripens, there should be no stepchildren on the bushes. Side shoots are removed, the length of which is 3-5 cm. They need to be broken out or pinched off at a distance of about 1 cm from the main stem. During the procedure, work carefully so that large wounds do not remain on the plant. It is advisable to perform pasynkovanie in the morning.

Tomato tying

Tall varieties need additional tying. Thanks to this, plants do not fall to the ground, and harvesting is facilitated. The tying procedure itself is very simple:

  1. A peg is set next to each plant that will be tied up.
  2. You can dig strong stakes along the edges of the row, and then pull a cord or twine between them.
  3. An excellent material for a garter is twine, as well as synthetic thick threads. The main advantage is that they do not rot.
  4. You can use metal or wooden stakes.
  5. It is not necessary to tie plants to a peg or wire very tightly.
  6. To strengthen the stems, a mesh, lattice or a cap of rods can be used.


Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants that can easily cope with this issue. Insects such as bumblebees and bees provide great assistance in the process of pollination. To attract them to the site, you can plant such fragrant honey plants as mint, rapeseed, lemon balm, coriander, mustard, basil.

In some cases, artificial pollination is required:

  1. Each bush is shaken a little.
  2. You can just tap on the flowering brush, but not too hard.
  3. This procedure is carried out in the morning.
  4. After pollination is complete, spray or water the tomatoes with warm water so that it flows over the flowers.

Diseases and pests of tomatoes, control methods

There are quite a few pests that can harm tomatoes, the most common of which are:

  • Medvedka- an insect that settles on well-fertilized and moist soils. To combat it, strong insecticidal preparations are used, including infusions of vinegar and red pepper.
  • wireworms- These are larvae that are covered with a dense shell, damage the root system of the plant. For prevention, during the autumn preparation of the site, alkalization is performed acidic soils.
  • Gnawing scoops- these caterpillars are considered the most dangerous enemy of vegetable crops. For prevention, it is recommended to carry out deep mechanical tillage and perform timely weeding. If caterpillars appeared in large numbers on tomatoes, they must be collected and destroyed manually.

Medvedka - pest of tomatoes

Wireworm: these larvae harm the root system

Gnawing scoops - dangerous caterpillars

Tomatoes can suffer from the Colorado potato beetle, thrips, spider mite, whiteflies and melon aphids. To combat these types of pests, it is worth using insecticidal preparations.

It is recommended to perform preventive spraying of tomatoes every 5-7 days with alternate use of onion infusion and Bordeaux liquid. If the plant has been affected by a dangerous infection, serious treatment is required.

Tomatoes are often subject to such diseases as blossom end rot, mosaic, late blight, storm spotting, anthracnose, phomosis, etc. In this case, it is necessary to treat plants with special potent fungicides, and the affected parts of the plant must be removed.

Under the condition of severe damage to tomatoes, complete destruction of the planting is required. To minimize the likelihood of re-development of the infection, before the new season, the soil must be treated with disinfectants, for example, it is watered with a solution of copper sulfate, a hot solution of potassium permanganate, and deep digging is performed.

The main mistakes when growing tomatoes

In order to protect the crop from major losses, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the mistakes that inexperienced gardeners often make:

  • Violation of the timing of planting seeds or seedlings.
  • Use of varieties of tomatoes that are intended for growing in a greenhouse.
  • The acquisition of seedlings with inflorescences, as there is a violation of the formation of ovaries.
  • Too abundant and frequent watering leads to decay of the root system.
  • Excessive fertilizer.
  • Planting seedlings ahead of time in open ground - a violation of the temperature regime negatively affects the formation of ovaries.


In the middle of summer comes the harvest season. Since uneven ripening occurs, the fruits must be harvested every day. You need to collect tomatoes without stalks. Do not wait until the fruits are fully ripe, because in room conditions they reach perfect ripeness.

To speed up the ripening process, you can place the tomatoes in a well-lit and ventilated place. To delay ripening, the fruits are recommended to be placed in a cool and dark place.

Let's watch a video on how to grow tomatoes outdoors. What should be the top dressing, and how to understand what elements the plant lacks, how to stepson tomatoes, and how to significantly increase the future harvest:


Publications: 149

It's no secret that tomatoes are one of the most beloved vegetable crops, which are grown with pleasure on summer cottages. Therefore, it is impossible to allow such a responsible event as planting tomato seedlings in open ground to go by chance.

Depending on the climatic features of your region of residence and current weather conditions, the timing of planting tomato seedlings in open ground may vary.

So, as a rule, in the Middle lane (Moscow region) - this occurs in the second half of May, in the Urals and Siberia not earlier than the end of May - the beginning of June, at about the same time tomatoes are planted in the ground in the North-West (in Leningrad region), and in the southern regions, of course, much earlier - in the second half of April.

Advice! The main reference point for planting tomatoes and other vegetables is soil temperature, which by this time should warm up to + 8-10 degrees, and even better up to +12 degrees. Moreover, the depth of heating should be almost the bayonet of a shovel (20 centimeters), in other words, this is the depth of the landing hole. That's about how deep you should put a thermometer in the ground to find out its temperature.

If you are going to plant seedlings of tomatoes under a covering film or other material, then you can do this a little earlier, about a week.

The procedure for processing seedlings with an open root system (if your seedlings grow in a common container) is as follows: simply immerse the roots of the plants in the solution for 1 hour.

With a closed root system: water each cup or pot with seedlings with 30-50 ml of solution. In this case, the solution is prepared at a lower concentration.

Video: preparing tomato seedlings for planting in open ground

Soil preparation and beds for tomatoes

It is advisable to prepare a bed for growing tomatoes in the fall, adding humus to it and then dug it up well. Optionally, you can add bio-humus, deoxidized high-moor peat and river sand.

To improve the structure and nutritional value of the soil, you can plant winter crops in the future bed before winter, for example, oats or vetch. Actually, if you plant in the spring, the effect will be similar.

Advice! It will not be superfluous to check the acidity of the soil, for the successful cultivation of tomatoes, the acidity should be neutral, about 6-7 pH. If the acidity is below 6-5.5 pH, then you should use one of the deoxidizers, for example, or add more.

If you are preparing the bed immediately in the spring, then you should be careful about fertilizing before planting. So, right into the hole before planting the seedlings, you can pour a little (about 1 tablespoon), or a handful of humus and 1 tbsp. spoon, or a handful of biohumus, and then mix thoroughly with soil.

Advice! To disinfect the soil, add 1 tablet of Trichocin or Gliocladin per 1 plant.

Concerning crop rotation, then the best predecessors for planting and growing tomatoes will be onions, carrots, beets, cabbage and any legumes.

The worst, after which it is undesirable to plant - all nightshade (eggplant, pepper, potato and tomato itself).

Thus, if you want to get a good crop of tomatoes, then every year you must either find a new place for planting tomato seedlings, or carefully remove the entire top layer of soil and cover it with new fertile soil.

By the way! After tomatoes, it is recommended to plant only those vegetables that enrich the soil with nitrogen: legumes (peas, beans); pumpkin (pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers); root vegetables (carrots, beets); cabbage (white and red, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi), onions and garlic.

Video: soil preparation for planting tomatoes in open ground

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground: step by step instructions

As for the time, it is best to choose either cloudy weather for planting tomato seedlings, or in the afternoon in the late afternoon when the sun sets.

The optimal size of the beds for planting tomatoes: if you want to make a high bed, then its height should be about 15-25 centimeters, and the width should be 0.9-1.2 meters.

The optimal scheme for planting seedlings of tomatoes: the holes are made in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other in a row and 50-70 cm between rows. If you have tall tomatoes, then the distance between seedlings should be increased by 20-25 centimeters.

Advice! In order for the roots of the seedlings of the seedlings to remain completely intact, the earthen ball should be watered about an hour and a half before planting the seedlings in the garden. If you can’t get the plant, then a cardboard or plastic cup can be easily cut with scissors. And if your seedlings grew in peat tablets then you don't need to take them out.

Step-by-step instructions for planting tomato seedlings on a garden bed in open ground:

Further care for tomatoes in the open field

Landing in the ground was successful, it's time to consolidate the work done ...

Overgrown stepson

Tomato seedlings will have more prospects to grow, develop, and then bear fruit in the open field, if you correctly determine the timing of its planting, and also take into account all the information about preparing the soil, beds and the rules for planting seedlings in the garden.

Video: when and how to plant tomatoes in open ground

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Disembarkation rules

The favorite culture of gardeners is tomatoes. In the southern regions, a vegetable crop can be obtained from seeds in the open field, but in middle lane and northern regions of Russia, the harvest can be obtained only through the cultivation of seedlings. To grow tomato seedlings, it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory work, which must begin about 3-5 weeks before sowing.

It is very important to strictly observe the timing of planting tomatoes for seedlings when growing vegetables in a greenhouse or open ground, because non-compliance with agricultural practices for growing crops leads to a persistent decrease in the productivity and yield of vegetable plants. This article is all about how to correctly determine the timing of planting tomatoes for seedlings.

There are four types of tomatoes, which differ in terms of ripening.

To begin with, it is worth noting that tomatoes ripen late; to start fruiting, tomato bushes must grow and develop from 90 days. Each variety bears fruit at its own time, the timing of fruiting can vary significantly, so tomatoes can be divided into four groups:

  • Ultra-early - new varietal tomato hybrids that ripen in a short time, usually plants need from 75 to 85 days for the onset of the fruiting phase.
  • Early ripe tomatoes - the first harvest from such plants can be obtained in 95 days.
  • Mid-season tomato varieties - ripening lasts from 90 to 100 days.
  • Late varieties - tomatoes ripen on such plants for a long time, the first crop can be harvested no earlier than after 110-125 days.

Growing tomato seedlings should be carried out taking into account the varietal characteristics of tomatoes, because early planting of seeds can lead to stretching and outgrowth of seedlings before planting them in open ground, and later can lead to a decrease in yield. When sowing seeds for seedlings, it is very important to remember the ripening time of this variety.

What factors are associated with the timing of the start of sowing tomatoes for seedlings? In addition to the individual characteristics of the variety (harvest ripening time), the time for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings depends on the length of daylight hours, the temperature regime of the growing region and a number of other factors, the most important of which is a set of preparatory work before starting to grow seedlings. O preparatory work worth discussing in more detail.

Any soil for growing seedlings must be disinfected.

In order to grow healthy, strong seedlings and bring them to fruition, it is necessary to first prepare a balanced nutrient soil, carry out pre-sowing treatment of the seed, equip a place for growing tomato seedlings, creating the optimum temperature and maximum illumination. All these manipulations require a certain amount of time, so it is worth allocating from 1 month to 6 weeks to carry out a set of preparatory work.

Soil for seedlings

For the normal development of tomato seedlings, it is necessary to provide young plants with a balanced diet, for which it is very important to properly prepare the soil substrate before planting the seeds.

The trading network offers in abundance various soils for seedlings of vegetables and flowers, but it is undesirable to use this land for growing seedlings, because often the basis of these substrates is peat, which is added to the land mixture in large quantities. Peat quickly cakes with constant watering, which leads to a deterioration in air exchange, as a result of which the air flow to the roots of young seedlings is hindered.

It is best to prepare the soil for seedlings yourself, for which you should mix:

  • sheet (turf) land - 1 part;
  • mature humus (vermicompost) - 2 parts;
  • red peat - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

After disinfecting the planting soil, ash (1 glass) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (up to 100 g) can be mixed into it, while the amount of soil is 1 bucket.

Soil treatment is carried out in order to eliminate possible pathogenic infections that adversely affect seedlings.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. Freezing of soil substrates - for some time the soil is subjected to deep freezing.
  2. Soil calcination - for about half an hour the soil is kept at high temperature in the oven, it is important to ensure that sintering does not occur.
  3. Steaming - in this procedure, the substrate is exposed to steam or hot (boiling) water. After processing, the substrate must be cooled and dried in the open air.

Regardless of the treatments carried out, the earth must be shed with a 3% solution of potassium permanganate, for which 3 g of potassium permanganate is diluted in 1 liter of water. Excellent protection against the black leg of seedlings is achieved by treating the soil planting mixture with special preparations (fungicides).

Seed preparation

For planting tomatoes for seedlings, it is very important to properly prepare the seeds, especially from your own garden.

The fact is that manufacturers often sell seed that is fully prepared for sowing, as indicated by the data on the label. Such seeds do not require additional processing.

Coated seeds, which are enclosed in a special shell of nutrients, are also not subject to presowing treatment.

Tomato seeds collected in their own garden, especially when there are foci of plant infection with late blight, require mandatory measures for pickling and treatment from fungal infections.

The timing of sowing tomatoes for seedlings directly depends on the time spent on pre-sowing preparation of planting material, so this period should be taken into account when calculating the timing of sowing. Seed calibration and disinfection can take up to 15 days.

Seed sorting

Only selected seeds are able to ensure good germination of seedlings.

When collecting seeds, it is very difficult to immediately separate good material from debris and empty seed coats. Before planting seedlings, it is very important to choose only full-weight large tomato seeds that are capable of producing strong seedlings.

Such a manipulation is carried out by soaking the seed in 1 glass of salt water (1 tablespoon of salt is added to 200 g of water). The solution is thoroughly stirred by immersing the seeds in it.

After half an hour, debris floats to the surface, damaged and non-fertile seeds that need to be removed. Large seeds sink to the bottom of the glass, they can be used for sowing seedlings. Salt water is carefully drained through a strainer, the remaining seeds are thoroughly washed. running water laying out to dry on paper napkins.

To prevent fungal and viral diseases, the seeds should be treated before planting, using several methods.

The easiest way to prevent the development of pathogenic infections on tomato seedlings is treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, for which 1 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 g of water. Tomato seeds are immersed in a bright pink solution; it is most convenient to use a gauze bag for this manipulation. Processing time - from 15 to 20 minutes.

In addition to potassium permanganate, you can use special fungicides, in a solution of which the seed material is soaked for 1-2 hours.

After the treatments, the seeds should be thoroughly dried.

To improve the germination of tomato seeds, additional treatments can be carried out: soaking in bioactive compounds (Epin solution, aloe or potato juice); bubbling (soaking in oxygen-enriched water); heating, tempering.

Southern regions

Sowing seeds is carried out at different times depending on the variety and weather conditions.

Varietal hybrids early term ripening planted on seedlings in the period from February 25-27 to March 5. Seedlings are planted in open ground based on the prevailing weather conditions, but not earlier than after 52 days. If the weather is cold, a temporary film shelter is erected over the seedlings from short-term spring frosts.

Tomato varieties of medium ripening are sown from March 1 to March 20, planting two-month-old seedlings in open ground.

In the period from March 20 to April 15, sowing for seedlings of tomatoes is carried out late deadline ripening, seedlings at the age of 80 days are used for planting in open ground beds. Planting tomatoes is often practiced late varieties directly from seeds in open ground.

Other regions

Strengthened seedlings are planted in open ground with the onset of heat.

In the northern regions and regions of the middle part of Russia, the timing of sowing tomatoes directly depends on weather conditions, because on cloudy days, seedlings need to provide optimal temperature conditions for tomatoes and proper lighting.

Tomatoes are a heat-loving crop, so immature seedlings will not be able to develop in cold soil under short day conditions.

The temperature regime for seedlings in the northern regions is set in the range from 22 to 24C, with plantings illuminated for 14 hours. Additional illumination of young seedlings is necessary to prevent seedlings from stretching, which can adversely affect crop yields.

Late tomato varieties do not have time to ripen in a cold climate, so it is not advisable to sow these tomatoes for seedlings even in stationary heated greenhouses, because it will take more time to ripen the crop than when sowing early-ripening varieties.

To obtain a rich harvest of tomatoes, the quality of seeds, growing conditions (temperature conditions for seedlings, lighting, watering, feeding), and the implementation of a set of agrotechnical measures to care for the crop are very important. Only when the whole complex of conditions is met, it is possible to ensure high yields of tomatoes and obtain high-quality fruits.

In order to get a good harvest of delicious tomatoes, you need to take good care of the plant not only during the seedling period, but also after planting tomatoes in a greenhouse or soil. For information on how to properly plant seedlings and what to do next, read below.

  • watering;
  • mulching (optional, but desirable);
  • loosening and weeding (depending on the presence / absence of mulch):
  • top dressing;
  • shaping, pinching and pruning (depending on the cultivar);
  • garter (like the previous paragraph, although many even tie up undersized tomatoes, so optional);
  • protection from pests and diseases.

Signs of "adult seedlings" ready for planting in the OG

For some time, the seedlings grow and develop in containers, after which they are planted outside. The age of tomatoes ready for transplanting into the garden varies depending on the plant variety and its ripening time:

  • early ripe varieties - spend 40-50 days in the status of seedlings;
  • mid-season varieties - 50-70 days;
  • late ripening - 70-80 days.

When planting, it is necessary that the root system has a well-developed structure. The stem should be thick and as strong as possible, 25-35 cm long. Each sprout should have 6-10 leaves, in some cases the first flower brush appears (in determinant varieties it is allowed that it has already bloomed, in indeterminate varieties it was ready to bloom).

Such seedlings of tomatoes are already ready for planting for permanent residence

Chinese way of planting a tomato: technology

In order to determine whether the seedlings have hardened or not, you need to look at its leaves. The greenhouse plant has a light green color of the leaves, after adapting to outdoor conditions, they acquire a darker shade.

The purple shade of the stems and dark green leaves indicate that the seedlings have adapted to the sun's rays, so they will not wither after planting in open ground.

  1. To get a good harvest, you need to plant strong seedlings. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the stem - it should be thick and strong. Secondly, on the leaves - there should be from 6 to 8 pieces. After planting, after 1.5 months, the lower leaves are cut off to reduce phytophthora damage.
  2. In the evening before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. So it will be easier to get it and at the same time not damage the root system. If the plant grows in cups, then this should not be done, since the dried earth is much easier to get out of the glass without damaging the root.
  3. Landing is best done in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. If the decision is made to plant in the morning, then in the evening watering is canceled.
  4. Rows should be 70 cm apart and plants should be planted 40 cm apart.
  5. Pits are dug along the rows with a shovel. The depth will depend on the height of the seedling (long ones are planted deeper). During planting, it is important to thoroughly water the hole, then fill the seedling with dry earth or humus.

After landing, it is recommended to start care, so it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this action. Tomatoes need not only watering and the right temperature conditions, but also nourishing the soil with nutrients. For this, special complex fertilizers containing calcium, boron, nitrogen, iron, magnesium are purchased and used according to the instructions.

Growing tomatoes in the open field also provides for hilling the earth around the seedlings twice a week. Thus, a sufficient amount of oxygen will be supplied to the root system, which is so important for the development and growth of the plant.

In this article, we will talk about the correct ways to plant tomatoes, how to take into account the characteristics of any variety and current weather conditions. The process of planting this plant should be approached responsibly, since the yield directly depends on the choice of soil, the distance between the beds and the determination of the timing.

The applied method gives a good yield. To grow good tomatoes, you need to ensure high-quality sowing, for this, observe the following features:

  • Sow when the Moon is waning in Scorpio. Be sure to treat the seeds with solutions to protect them from various diseases.
  • Spend a pick in a month in the same phase of the moon.

Details of seed treatment

  • First of all, soak them in a damp cloth, then place them in an extract from ash substances. The process should take about three hours. Again place them in a humid environment with a solution of manganese for 15 minutes.
  • Now leave them for half a day in a solution with Epin. Next, harden for a day in a bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Only after all the above procedures are your seeds ready for sowing in pots with soil mixture. The soil before sowing should be watered with a hot solution of a mixture of water and manganese.
  • To create an ideal environment for germination, the pot is covered with polyethylene, then placed in a dark place near heat sources in the room.
  • After five days, the polyethylene is removed, the pots are transferred closer to the light sources. Plants should already appear above the ground.
  • After a month, a pick is made on the waning moon. It will be necessary to transplant the seedlings into other glasses, moisten them a little, cover them again with polyethylene and place them in a dark, warm place for three days.
  • Then the polyethylene is removed and the glasses are transferred to the windowsill. You can not use the land from the garden with humus - the tomatoes will not develop as expected. For seedlings, use land from an amateur gardener's store.
  • When warm spring comes, seedlings are planted in open areas of soil. Such seedlings are very stable, and even in rainy weather they will not be affected by late blight.

If you are planting tall varieties, then preferably plant two stems in one hole. So they don't break off. Even after rooting, get rid of the leaf brushes, leave only the first 6-7. Otherwise, the fruits will ripen for a long time and you will not see large tomatoes.

As mentioned above, two seedlings in one hole do not break off, make the plant lush, do not interfere with each other at all. In order for the seedlings to be well strengthened in this way, it should be planted in prepared soil.

In each well, add 100 g of ash, 10 g of urea, 150 g of mullein, a little sawdust, 20 g of superphosphate. Then take two stems, bend them slightly and cover almost the upper brushes of leaves with earth, so the root system of the tomatoes will be strong. Water the plants only under the root, try not to splash on the leaves. Plant parsley or Chernobryvtsy flowers next to the bushes, so you protect the seedlings from cabbage (bear) and other pests.

The plant can be carefully placed in the hole, on its side, so the root will be stronger. It is desirable that the seedlings be buried deeper in the ground, then in the heat the bushes will not fall to the ground until the root system is strengthened.

A little humus is poured into the hole, the soil is rammed so that the plant stands and does not fall after transplantation. Watering is initially carried out under the root of the plant. When the tomato bush grows up, pegs are set, the stems are tied up so that they do not creep along the ground.

If it is already hot outside and the sun bakes in earnest, then plant seedlings in the evening, in cloudy weather, you can plant tomatoes at any time of the day.

If the tomatoes get an overdose of compost, then they may not have fruits, but the stem and leaves will be strong, dark green. The flowers will fall off.

During the development of phytophthora, plants are treated with copper sulphate and other preparations.

And, of course, by spring there are already shoots ready for planting in open ground. But in order to get a quality crop, you need to land correctly. There are several nuances that should be observed when planting plants.

You need to know how to properly plant tomato seedlings in order to get a tasty and healthy harvest.

Disembarkation dates

Planting seedlings of tomatoes in open ground should be carried out at a time when they already have a good, developed root system. Seedlings should have about seven to eight dark green leaves and a thick stem. Of course, not only seedlings should be ready for transplanting, it is worth following the weather forecasts.

In no case should not be planted during the period of frost, otherwise the entire crop will die. It is better that the daytime temperature is from 22 to 5º C, and the night temperature does not fall below 15º C, then the tomatoes will grow in good conditions.

Most often, tomato seedlings are planted towards the end of spring - the beginning of summer, but if you have a polycarbonate greenhouse, then you can plant in early May. It is better to plant plants on a sunny day in the afternoon, and in cloudy weather - in the first half, not forgetting to water them first, so that it is easier to pull them out of the pots.

Tomatoes are a vegetable crop that loves warmth and careful care that does not tolerate errors. Therefore, many inexperienced gardeners make various errors when growing it. A particularly significant stage is the planting of tomato seedlings in open ground, since this process is a huge stress for the plant.

In order not to provoke the death of seedlings, it is important to take into account a number of key points. We will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about the timing of planting, preparing the soil and young plants for life in the garden, and in general about how to properly plant tomatoes in open ground with seedlings.

The process of planting tomato seedlings in open ground is associated with many important points that must be observed for a good harvest

With the onset of May, gardeners begin to wait for stable heat and the early retreat of night frosts. I want to quickly take out all the prepared seedlings. After all, it seems that if you plant it early, then the harvest will appear much faster. But it's not.

Tomato seedlings can be planted in open ground only when truly spring warm weather sets in.

In this case, two basic conditions must be met:

  • Favorable temperature conditions - daytime air temperature should be maintained at +20 - +22 °С, and nighttime temperature should not be lower than +15 °С. The ideal soil temperature near the roots is +15°C (minimum +10°C). You can find out if it has warmed up enough by deepening the thermometer into the ground by 10-15 cm and evaluating its readings.
  • Frost is completely excluded. Tomatoes react negatively even at -1 ° C. At this temperature, they will not die, but their growth will noticeably stop, and the onset of fruiting will be delayed by 10-15 days. To reduce the impact of return frosts (from which no one is immune!), gardeners cover the planted tomatoes with special covering material (lutrasil, agrospan, etc.) or film.

Therefore, in Ukraine and in the southern regions of Russia, gardeners can plant tomato seedlings in early May. In the central regions of the Russian Federation, this procedure is carried out from the end of May until June 10 inclusive. And in the northern regions (Urals, Siberia), the temperature returns to normal only at the beginning of June.

But not only possible return frosts and air temperature affect garden work. Some summer residents decide when to plant tomato seedlings in open ground, guided by the lunar calendar.

The most successful dates for planting tomatoes in 2018 are:

  • May - 4-6, 9-11, 13, 18-20, 24-29.
  • June - 1-3, 5-8, 10-12, 14-16.

But there are also “bad” days for working with seedlings:

  • May - 1-2, 14-15, 29-30.
  • June - 12-14, 27-29.

The most suitable periods for planting seedlings are the days of the growing moon. And the most unfavorable, stressful periods are the days of the new moon and full moon, as well as the days preceding and following them. It is believed that on such dates the planted seedlings will develop poorly and bear fruit.

Signs of "adult seedlings" ready for planting in the OG

For some time, the seedlings grow and develop in containers, after which they are planted outside. The age of tomatoes ready for transplanting into the garden varies depending on the plant variety and its ripening time:

  • early ripe varieties - spend 40-50 days in the status of seedlings;
  • mid-season varieties - 50-70 days;
  • late ripening - 70-80 days.

When planting, it is necessary that the root system has a well-developed structure. The stem should be thick and as strong as possible, 25-35 cm long. Each sprout should have 6-10 leaves, in some cases the first flower brush appears (in determinant varieties it is allowed that it has already bloomed, in indeterminate varieties it was ready to bloom). Ideally, if the seedlings are already hardened - the leaves and stem of such a plant darken, and near the root its color smoothly turns into a bluish-red hue.

Choosing a site for planting tomatoes

It is best to choose a place in the garden for the subsequent planting of a tomato in the fall, when all the harvesting work has already been done. When choosing a site, you need to consider a few basic rules:

  • It is not recommended to plant tomatoes on the same bed for several years in a row (they can be planted in their original place only after 3 years).
  • The area should be well lit and sunny, it is desirable that there are no fences or buildings nearby that will shade the ridge in summer.
  • Tomatoes grow well in most soils. The best yields are given on chernozems and fertile loose loams. Sandy soils are too poor, they will have to be fertilized more often. At the same time, the roots in a loose sandy environment are well saturated with oxygen (breathe) and are less at risk of decay. Clay soils, on the contrary, are nutritious, but too dense, it will be difficult for the roots to develop in them. Such soil is improved by adding peat, coarse-grained sand, crushed bark, wood chips, biohumus, soddy and leafy soil, vermiculite, perlite into it.
  • Another important indicator is the acidity of the soil. Tomatoes prefer neutral and slightly acidic soils with a pH of 6.2-7.
  • When choosing a site for tomatoes, crop rotation rules are also important.

Tomatoes should not be planted in beds after nightshade: peppers, potatoes, eggplants and, of course, tomatoes. The fact is that these related plants are affected by the same diseases and pests. Among the diseases, the most malicious are late blight, alternariosis, anthracnose. Among the pests are the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm. All these troubles 100% fall on tomatoes if you plant them, say, after potatoes. Because pathogens and insect larvae winter well in the soil and will be released in the spring in search of food.

Plus, related crops consume the same nutrients from the soil, respectively, when growing only nightshade in a garden, the land on it will be depleted. And this will lead to a significant reduction in yield.

Therefore, tomatoes are planted after other crops: cucumbers, onions, carrots, turnips, beets, cauliflower, peas, green manure (mustard, lupine, alfalfa, mouse peas, etc.).

Neighborhood tomato with other plantings

When placing and planning the location of the beds on your site, compatibility must also be taken into account. different cultures together.

In this regard, tomatoes go well with spinach, beans, carrots, radishes, asparagus, onions, radishes, lettuce, beets, zucchini, garlic, cabbage, pumpkin, celery, parsley, basil, marigolds, mint, sage, calendula.

Asparagus effectively destroys nematodes, which tomatoes are extremely susceptible to infection. From scoops, moths and sawflies, the neighborhood with gooseberry and bird cherry bushes will help.

If the site is very windy, then beans will be able to protect the plant from the wind. But in this case, you should not choose tall varieties, as tomatoes do not grow well and bear fruit in the shade. In addition, any plantings located next to tomatoes will grow much more intensively, since this plant contains saponin, which effectively affects any planting crops.

The undesirable neighbors of tomatoes include:

  • Potatoes, eggplants and peppers belong to the same group of nightshades, which means that they are susceptible to the same diseases (especially late blight). Therefore, the data vegetable crops should be placed away from each other.
  • Fennel and dill - will deplete the soil, and take away all the nutrients from the neighbors.
  • Corn - tall plants set off the beds, in addition, these crops attract the same pests.
  • Turnips, grapes, sorrel and quinoa are also considered “bad” neighbors, as they negatively affect the development of tomatoes.

Soil preparation

The soil for tomatoes is prepared in advance, starting in the fall. At this time, the main refueling of the soil is carried out, introducing organic matter and mineral fertilizers into it.

As organic matter, rotted manure is most often used, which is applied for digging in the amount of 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m 2. To saturate the soil with phosphorus and potassium, mineral components are also added for digging: superphosphate - 60-80 g / m2 and potassium sulfate - 20-25 g m2.


The proportions of fertilizing and the fertilizers used for this can vary significantly. Someone prefers to use only organic matter for these purposes, someone prefers more nutritious top dressing with the addition of minerals. How it will be in your garden - it's up to you!

In the spring, about 5 to 7 days before planting tomato seedlings in open ground, the earth is dug up again, all weeds and roots are eliminated.

2 days before planting, shed the soil with a hot solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate. This measure allows you to destroy fungal pathogens and some pests that may be in the ground.

  • superphosphate (phosphorus) - 1 tsp;
  • ash (potassium-phosphorus fertilizer) - 0.5-1 cup;
  • crushed shells (calcium) - a handful;
  • compost - a handful;
  • biohumus - 1 glass.


A common fertilizer application scheme in the hole: superphosphate + ash.

Preparing seedlings for planting

Seedlings also need to be prepared. Then the process of adaptation in the open field will be as quick and painless as possible.

10 - 14 days before the planting of tomatoes, they begin to harden, that is, accustoming to the outdoor climate. To do this, containers with seedlings are moved to a colder room, for example, to a ventilated balcony or summer veranda. At the same time, seedlings should not be exposed to the open sun, otherwise the tender leaves will burn, and the plants themselves will suffer. Need to pick up shady place or one that can be shaded artificially, such as curtains, blinds, or newspaper/cardboard screens.

Hardening begins gradually. On the first day, the seedlings are taken out for a walk literally for 1-2 hours, but every day this time is increased. From the second week, the tomatoes are left in the air all day, and only brought in at night.

In 5-7 days, if the seedlings have outgrown and need to be deepened, the cotyledon leaves are cut off. With a higher depth of penetration of the trunk, the lower pair of true leaves is also removed, leaving small petioles from them (they should fall off or dry out by the time of transplantation). When growing tall indeterminate varieties that tend to overgrow, more leaves can be removed.

One day before planting, seedlings are abundantly shed. This makes it easier for the roots to come out of the seedling container. Then the leaves of the seedlings are sprayed with Epin, which will reduce the stress from transplanting.

Schemes and distances for planting seedlings

Tomatoes need plenty of sunlight for development, shading is not welcome for them. Therefore, planting tomatoes in open ground should be at a certain distance. Which? There are some examples:

  • Low-growing tomatoes - the distance between plants in a row is 30-40 cm, between rows - 50-60 cm.
  • Tall - between plants 50 cm, between rows - about 70-80 cm.
  • Low-growing standard - between plants 20 cm, between rows 30-35 cm.

For the arrangement of beds, the following schemes are most often used:

  • Ordinary - the most the simplest circuit. The bed is formed in the form of a simple row of tomatoes with a constant distance between plants and between rows. For example, a distance of 40 cm is always maintained between bushes, and 60 cm between rows.
  • Chess - a bed consists of two rows of tomatoes planted in a checkerboard pattern. The width of the beds and the distance between them depend on the variety of tomatoes and the gardener's preferences. For example, the popular Mitlider planting scheme involves the formation of narrow beds with a width of 45 cm, with a passage between them of 90-100 cm.
  • Tape-nesting - the same double beds as in the chess pattern. But in this case, the plants in the rows are located opposite each other, in parallel.

The technology of planting tomato seedlings in open ground

It is necessary to start planting on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon, when the air temperature drops and the sun's rays can no longer burn the tender leaves.

  • Holes are dug in the garden, 15-30 cm deep - depending on the volume of the root system and the planned length of the stem penetration.
  • Fill each well with fertilizer (ash, superphosphate, compost, crushed shells, etc.), pour water into the same place.
  • The bushes are transferred alternately into the prepared holes.

Overgrown seedlings are usually buried - either to the cotyledons, or to the first two true leaves (they are removed in advance). Such seedlings are planted vertically or lying down.

Vertically - only if the depth is planned to be small. It is impossible to place the root system of tomatoes too deeply into the soil - otherwise it will rot. At a depth, the soil will not have time to warm up, water and air will not flow there.

When planting lying down, they dig a trench, there, almost horizontally (under 30 degrees), a root ball and an overgrown stem, freed from leaves, are laid. The top of the tomato should be directed to the north, so that then the bush can rise towards the sun. Then the stem and root are covered with earth. Landing with deepening contributes to the fact that overgrown bushes become quite normal: squat and stocky. And not only visually. Adventitious roots are formed on a buried stem that enters the soil. A more powerful root system contributes to the fact that the bush grows thicker stems, the leaves increase.


When deepening, the beginning of fruiting of tomatoes is inhibited by 1-2 weeks. This is due to the fact that the plant after planting for some time is intensively engaged in building up roots on a buried stem.

  • During normal planting, the bushes are set vertically to the level at which they were in the seedling container. Fill the hole with earth and water it.
  • From above, it is desirable to mulch the soil - overlay with dry straw, sawdust or hay with the addition of compost.
  • You can immediately install supports next to the bushes or do it later, as you grow. It can be pegs, fittings, trellis.

After planting in place of each hole, it is necessary to leave a small depression, water will collect in it during irrigation.

About planting tomatoes seedlings in a permanent place, see the video:

Another interesting story about planting tomatoes (high beds are used):

Caring for planted tomatoes

After planting, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the tomatoes for their further development and growth. And also - if possible, reduce stress and the period of adaptation to new conditions. Proper care plays an important role in this.


In the first few days (7-10 days), it is advisable not to water the tomatoes, they were already flooded with water during the planting period. Excess moisture can harm the roots and even cause rotting.

top dressing

Fertilizers for tomatoes can be selected or made independently. At the same time, at different stages of plant development, the ratios of the main mineral elements (nitrogen N, phosphorus P, potassium K) will change.

All these ratios are compiled “according to science” and are not observed by all gardeners. As fertilizers, you can use an infusion of mullein or chicken manure, EM preparations. Quite effective as a source of potassium and phosphorus, ash solution. To learn how to prepare and use it, watch the video:

According to the standard of top dressing for tomatoes, they are applied once every 2 weeks. But, if symptoms of deficiency (excess) of nutrients occur, you have to perform corrective feeding. For example, the tops of tomatoes die off with a lack of calcium or boron. Flowers and young ovaries dry with boron-nitrogen deficiency. With any symptom of starvation, the immediate introduction of the missing elements is required. And with a symptom of excess - a decrease in the content of the excess element in the usual fertilizer.


With this manipulation, the shoots that grow in the gap between the real leaves and the stem of the tomato are removed. When a plant is formed into one stem, all stepchildren are to be removed. In two stems - they leave one stepson growing under the first inflorescence. In three stems - two stepchildren are left, one is under the first inflorescence, the second is the lowest.

Properly planted tomato seedlings are a guarantee of its rapid survival and accelerated appearance of fruits. There can be no small things in this case. Therefore, try to study all the subtleties outlined above. And a rich harvest of tomatoes will not take long!