The drain is clogged what to do. How to clean sewer pipes

Often blockages, especially in the kitchen, occur due to grease, dirt and small debris. If you have steel pipes installed, pour boiling water into them directly from the kettle. If the pipes are plastic, just open the faucet with hot water for 10–20 minutes. A small cork will not withstand such an attack.

With the help of a plunger, air and water are forced into the pipe, and the blockage collapses under their pressure.

Fill the sink or a little water or drain it: the liquid should cover the bottom by 1-2 cm. If the problem is with the toilet, wait until the water subsides, or scoop it out, no matter how unpleasant it is: do not splash its contents all over the room.

The plunger must completely cover the drain hole, leaving no gaps for air to escape. Then firmly grasp the plunger (you can use both hands) and make several up and down movements. You will feel the pressure build up in the pipe.

Raise the plunger sharply by removing it from the drain hole. If the blockage has collapsed, the water will begin to flow normally through the pipe.

Repeat if necessary.

If the problem is in the double sink, you will have to arm yourself with an additional plunger. They need to cover the second drain hole to block air from entering the pipe. If a spare plunger is not available, cover the empty drain with a rubber-gloved hand.

How to remove clogs with chemicals

If you don’t feel like messing with a plunger, choose one of the proven recipes.

  1. soda + vinegar. Pour 150 g of baking soda into the drain hole and immediately pour the same amount of table vinegar (for a clogged toilet, feel free to increase the dosage of ingredients by 1.5-2 times). Started chemical reaction will be accompanied by an active release of thick hissing foam, so you should not be afraid. Cover the drain hole with a rubber glove or something else so that the mixture penetrates deep into the pipe, corroding the blockage, and does not come out. After 10-15 minutes, open the faucet (or drain the water) and check if the blockage has been cleared. If the water still does not drain well, repeat the procedure.
  2. Lemon acid. Boil a liter of water and dissolve 1-2 sachets in it citric acid(about 40 g). If you have installed metal pipes, the liquid can be immediately poured into the drain hole. If the pipes are plastic, wait until the water cools down to 70-80 degrees. The acid will dissolve the deposits on the pipe walls and clear the clog in 10-20 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  3. Store-bought pipe cleaner. Choose any to your taste and wallet and use following the manufacturer's instructions. But remember: such liquids are toxic. Work with them with gloves and make sure that the product does not get on the skin and mucous membranes.

How to clear a blockage with a plumbing cable

If the blockage does not want to give up, take a plumbing cable. Maybe you or someone you know has it. IN last resort if you are not afraid to damage the pipes, use a long wire or a bending brush.

Look under the sink and find the siphon (the curved part of the pipe) there. The water in it does not allow sewer smells to enter the apartment, and through it you can get to the blockage. Unscrew or remove the siphon (depending on the design) and give yourself access to the pipe. If a bathtub or toilet needs to be cleaned, the process is simplified: you don’t even have to unwind anything.

Insert the cable carefully into the pipe. The help of another person is desirable here: he will scroll the cable handle, winding hair, dirt and small debris from the pipe walls around it.

Push the cable inward until it hits the blockage, and then gently move it back and forth to break the plug.

Pull out the rope. Replace the siphon and turn on the faucet to flush the pipe and remove any remaining blockage.

How to prevent clogging

  1. Remove any leftover food from the sink before putting it in the sink.
  2. Do not drain leftover cooking oil down the sink. He belongs in a trash bag.
  3. Install a protective mesh over the drain hole.
  4. Make sure that the hair does not fall into the sewer: in the pipes, they can cling to all kinds of protrusions and stray into balls. Comb your hair before taking a shower, collect it and throw it in the trash.
  5. Don't flush too much toilet paper down the toilet. Perhaps the sewer system in your home is not designed for this at all. If the plumbers confirm this, we will have to put an additional bin in the toilet.
  6. For prevention, flush pipes with hot water or special household chemicals. This will help remove salt and body fat.

The bathroom is one of the most visited places in the house. Constant washing leads to the fact that a large amount of hair and other organic waste accumulate inside the drain. As a result, a strong blockage is formed, and the water does not leave, and in the future an unpleasant smell may appear from the drain. You can clean the blockage in the bathroom with simple means.

At home, a plunger will help to cope with a clogged blockage in the bathroom. In order to avoid an air corridor, it is necessary to close the upper hole for draining water with a cork or rag. Vaseline or any greasy cream will help to ensure a tighter fit of the plunger to the toilet rim. Then you need to put the plunger on the drain hole and begin to expel the dirt intensively and sharply to get rid of them.

If the use of the previous method did not bring results, then you can proceed as follows. For more effective protection from blockages, it is necessary to fill the bathtub with water exactly one third. Using a plunger, pump it into the pipeline and pull it out. The movements must be sharp. It is necessary to continue a similar procedure until it is possible to completely break through the drain hole in the pipe from contamination.

Mechanical cleaning with a rope

What to do in a situation where boiling water in combination with a plunger cannot cope with blockages in the sewer? In this case, the surest way would be a cable. Care should be taken, since such a device can easily damage plastic pipes, and they will leak.

To make a cable yourself, you will need a metal flexible wire. Then one end of the cable must be bent to make a small hook. It will be convenient for them to cling to the debris stuck in the drain hole and pull it out. As for the second end, then a piece of fabric should be wound to it, making a handle.

It is necessary to carefully shove the cable inside the drain pipe and try to push through the accumulated dirt. In order for cleaning to be better, you can turn the device clockwise. Then you need to pull out the cable with the remaining debris.

To wash off the blockage completely, it is necessary to flush the drain with a strong stream of boiling water from the shower or faucet. This method is one of the most effective to date. This is what most plumbers use.

Soda for small blockages

Soda in combination with soda will help to cope with a small blockage in a bath without a plunger. For this:

  • pour 125 mg of each into the drain;
  • pour soda and salt with 3 cups of boiling water;
  • do not use the bathroom for 7 hours;
  • after this time, the drain should be rinsed with hot water.

One of the most popular ways to remove debris in the drain hole with improvised means is to use baking soda with vinegar. These components react with each other and effectively remove the blockage. For such a procedure, you will need acetic acid 70% (200 ml) and 3 tbsp. l. soda.

Care must be taken when working with vinegar, as it is very easy to get a chemical burn. Soda is poured into the drain and poured with acetic acid. Then you should wait 40-50 minutes and gently clean the drain with boiling water until the foam from the soda and vinegar disappears completely. It should be remembered that this method will help to destroy only organic waste. If the bath is clogged and needs to be cleaned of inorganic contaminants, then it is best to use a cable, plunger or store preparations.

Other effective ways

If the bath is not too clogged, you can resort to the help of a lemon. To do this, squeeze the juice from three medium citruses into drain drain and wait 40-60 minutes. To have more juice, you can pre-hold the lemons in boiling water. After that, you need to spill the drain with very hot water. Thanks to this method, not only garbage in the bath is eliminated, but also an unpleasant odor.

Video - proven cleaning methods:

You can remove dirt in the drain hole with a vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a backflush function. The action of this method is based on the use of strong air pressure. Experts do not recommend using this method, since water can get into the vacuum cleaner. If you do decide to use this method to clear a blockage in your bathtub, you should wipe the rim of the drain hole dry. Then attach the vacuum cleaner tube, pre-wrapped with a rag, to the drain and turn on the back blow.

What to do if traditional methods do not help?

Chemical products that are sold in hardware stores will help you quickly and effectively get rid of clogged debris. They are designed to remove organic soiling (hair, pet hair, food residue, etc.). They resort to their help when it is impossible to cope with a clogged bathroom with folk remedies.

In what form is it best to purchase household chemicals? Despite the fact that such drugs are sold in the form of foam, powders, gels and granules, they all have an almost identical composition.

Cleaning clogged sewer pipes in the bathroom with KOT cleaner - video:

To clean a heavily soiled pipe, the following tips will help:

  • It is very important to read the instructions before using chemical solvents blockages;
  • experts recommend choosing solvents in order to remove blockages according to the nature of the pipe (for example, plastic or cast iron);
  • both powder and liquid preparations have the same effectiveness, so it does not matter which kind of preparation will be used to clear a strong blockage in the bathroom;
  • blockage solvents in liquid form are immediately poured into the drain, and granules or powders are poured out, and then boiling water is poured into them;
  • after the drug runs out of the time allotted to it by the instruction, you need to thoroughly rinse the drain with a stream of hot water.

It is also very important to wear rubber protective gloves while working with such chemicals.

Measures to prevent pollution in the bath

In order to prevent contamination in the drain of a sink or bathtub, it is necessary to devote time to preventive procedures. Their implementation will not require much time, and the means to be used can be found in every home.

To water pipes not contaminated with waste, and there was no situation when the water does not drain well, it is necessary to close the drain holes with special nets for protection. This device will help to minimize the ingress of food particles and other organic waste into the drain.

  1. Dissolve accumulated debris at least once a month. This applies even to situations where blockages are not yet too large and water flows freely into the sewer. This procedure will prevent the formation of traffic jams. You can carry it out with the help of products sold in the store (Mole, Tiret Turbo, etc.).
  2. Replace such chemicals, can ordinary laundry detergent. To prevent blockages, it is necessary to close the drain holes of the bathtub and sinks every 4-5 months. After that, pour a handful of powder and pour very hot water. After 5 minutes, the plugs must be removed. This method will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell from the drain.
  3. In order to prevent blockages from appearing for a long time, you can spill the drain hole with boiling water from the kettle. This procedure should be carried out within 2-3 minutes.

In addition, it is very important to remove hair that has fallen into the drain after each shower.

No apartment can be imagined without modern plumbing fixtures. Sink, sink, bathtub, shower, toilet - in any of these devices there is a drain that can become clogged. Pieces of debris, soil, grease, hair, nails, food debris get into the drain hole, which ultimately leads to clogging of the drain system. Therefore, sooner or later the question arises, how to get rid of the blockage with your own hands, because you don’t need to call plumbing every time?

The fact that you need to break through the blockage in the bathroom, kitchen sink, sink or toilet is evidenced by a noticeable decrease in the rate of water flow into the sewer, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the drain hole, and a complete stop of sewage flow in the toilet bowl or sink. Most often, you can fix the problem of blockage in the pipes yourself, without the costly services of a professional plumber.

Many people are interested in how to eliminate blockage in the bathroom, but few people are interested in why some elements of the sewer system may become clogged. Cleaning may be required for both steel and plastic pipes, and cast iron piping is also found in older houses. Drainage elements made of cast iron are very susceptible to corrosion, and as a result, rust collects and creates a blockage.

The causes of clogging of plastic pipes, as a rule, are improper installation of equipment, which provokes a delay in the pipes of small debris, grease, and food debris. More and more contaminants are attached to the fat sediment, and as a result, a dense cork appears that does not allow water to pass through. A large object or too much waste entering the drain at the same time can also clog the sink or toilet.

What can be blockages in sewer pipes:

  • operational - eventually appear in any drain (fat, dirt, hair, garbage, food waste);
  • mechanical - are formed less often as a result of large debris entering the drain, it is more difficult to get rid of blockages of this type;
  • technical - appear as a result of a malfunction of the drain system or improper installation; to eliminate blockages, you will need to completely change the drain system.

To clean the pipes in the bathroom or sink in the first two cases, there is no need for the help of a professional, but with the last type of blockage, you cannot do without the help of a master.

5 simple ways to get rid of clogged pipes

Most often, the drain in the kitchen is clogged. The occurrence of blockage in the sink or sink is facilitated by their frequent use: washing dishes, washing vegetables and fruits, hygiene procedures. You can remove a loose blockage in the sink at home using a simple pipe cleaner of any kind.

So, what to do if the sink or sink is clogged:

  1. The first action is to pour boiling water into the metal drain system, and simply let it into the plastic pipeline hot water straight down the drain for 15-20 minutes. The loose plug should be removed. If it did not work to break through the blockage in the pipe, then you can try another method.
  2. Ordinary soda and salt can effectively eliminate blockages in the sink in the kitchen. It is necessary to dissolve 100 g of salt and 100 g of soda in 200 ml of water, and pour the resulting solution into the drain. Then you need to wait 10-15 minutes and make a plunger with your palm or use the device itself. After the pipeline is cleaned, it is worth skipping the flow of water.
  3. The best remedy for blockage of low density is a vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. It is necessary to wrap the vacuum cleaner pipe with a cloth so that the tube fits snugly into the drain hole. A strong air flow from the switched on electrical appliance should push through the plug.
  4. Another common way to clear a blockage in the sink is vinegar and baking soda. Pour 150 grams of soda into the drain, and pour the same amount of vinegar on top. As a result of a chemical reaction, a large amount of foam is formed, so the drain hole must be closed with a stopper. The caustic foam effectively corrodes and removes blockages in clogged pipes.
  5. Alka-Seltzer hangover pills can also remove a plug in a moderately clogged siphon. It is necessary to throw 2 tablets into the drain and pour 200 ml of vinegar. After 3 minutes, it is necessary to put hot water into the pipeline at high pressure in order to push sewage. This tool has another plus - the disappearance of an unpleasant odor.

If the clogged pipe could not be cleared, then this means that the blockage is very dense and old. You can try to remove such a cork by more aggressive methods.

Ways to remove a solid blockage in the sink

You can remove more dense deposits if you do it mechanically using a cable, plunger or a special hook.

Almost every home has a plunger. If the pipes become clogged, then you need to firmly press the plunger in the sink or toilet bowl with the collected water to the drain hole and press it several times. Such actions will create a hydraulic column that destroys the seals in the pipe. The cork breaks down into smaller fractions, which are carried away into the sewer by the water stream. It's lightweight and fast way, but with too dense blockages, it is ineffective.

Important: If you have a sink with two bowls in your kitchen, then you need to use two plungers in each of them at the same time to increase the suction power. If there is no second plunger, then another drain can be closed with the palm of your hand.

It has become popular to use special hooks made of flexible plastic that eliminate blockages. This device is a long narrow strip with spikes on the sides. Very effective for removing hair accumulated in the drain. For ease of use, this bar is equipped with a special handle.

To remove a mechanical blockage, you need to carefully lower the hook into the drain hole, trying to squeeze it as far as possible through the existing jumpers. Then the rail must be turned several times in one direction and the other with a handle. With this scrolling, hair and fabric fibers are wrapped around the spikes, and dirt clings. Carefully remove the bar from the siphon with dirt wrapped around it. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

If the pipe is heavily clogged, then perhaps a special plumbing cable made of elastic steel will help, at one end of which there is also a handle, and at the other - a brush or spiral. The cable descends into the drain and scrolls, then the device can be pushed deeper, pushing the plug into the sewer, or pulling the blockage out. At the same time, it is worth periodically letting water in. It is recommended to purchase such a device if pipes in your house are very often clogged.

If there was no special plumbing cable at hand, and the blockage needs to be removed urgently, then you can use an ordinary metal hanger for this. It needs to be unbent so that you get a straight wire with a small hook at the end. And then use it, like a cable.

Advice! Cleaning the water supply in this way is better suited for metal pipes, as it partially removes rust deposits. But if the plastic construction is clogged, then it is worth using chemicals, since mechanical cleaning can damage the plastic.

Removing large blockages in plastic pipes mechanically must be done very carefully. Their smooth surface does not corrode, grease and other surface contaminants do not attach well to it, but they can also become clogged. Therefore, it is better to entrust the elimination of blockages in plastic pipes to a plunger or to use household chemicals - special means for cleaning the siphon and pipeline, which give an excellent result.

Heavy Artillery: Chemical Clogs

If the previous methods did not help, and again the problem arose of how to eliminate a dense blockage in the pipe, then it is worth using heavy artillery for pollution, namely chemicals. In this case, you can use only household chemicals or combine it with the above folk remedies.

A blockage in the pipes and its elimination at home can be carried out by one of the types of household chemicals:

  • liquid;
  • alkaline;
  • acid;
  • dry (powder).

One or another drug is chosen depending on what the pipeline is made of and on the expected type of pollution. In most cases, an acid-based universal cleaner is chosen, which is suitable for cleaning both metal and plastic pipes. Acid easily and quickly corrodes corks of any origin. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use on the package.

Liquid clog removers are very easy to use, but they have a gentler effect on dirt.

What to do if the sink in the kitchen is very clogged - use aggressive chemicals along with folk ways. For example, first you need to pour boiling water into the drain, hold for 15-20 minutes, then add a chemical solution and leave for a couple of hours. After the allotted time has elapsed, the pipeline is thoroughly flushed with a flowing cold water. All contaminants from rust to grease will dissolve and go down the drain.

Important! Household chemicals- These are aggressive drugs, so you need to use it with extreme caution, using protective gloves and a mask!

If this does not help, then the last measure that you can take at home is to disassemble the siphon and clean it manually. If this does not help, then the blockage is deeper, it is not accessible to the available tools from blockages and is firmly stuck, here you can no longer do without the help of a specialist, and you should call a plumber.

How to prevent clogging?

Timely prevention of blockages in the bath, sink or sink will help to avoid many serious problems. To sewer pipes not clogged as long as possible, it is worth following simple recommendations:

  1. Don't dump cooking oil down the drain. It forms plugs very quickly.
  2. Before washing dishes in the sink or items in the bathtub or sink, they must be cleaned of large food residues, debris, tubers from the ground.
  3. The drain hole must be equipped with a special mesh that traps large waste.
  4. Every month it is recommended to carry out preventive cleaning of the pipeline with boiling water, a plunger or liquid household chemicals.
  5. Wash greasy dishes and other items with fat-dissolving agents and hot water.

To prevent blockages in the kitchen sink, it is effective to use a special device - a garbage grinder, which is installed in the flush hole. This device grinds all waste to the smallest state and, when drained, sends it to the sewer. The garbage grinder grinds not only waste from vegetables and fruits, but also bones, while it has disinfectant properties, it practically does not make noise during operation. However, this device, due to its specific dimensions, is not suitable for every sink.

If you install a garbage disposal, or at least follow the above recommendations, then the pipes will not clog as often and cause trouble. Well, if this does happen, then you already know how to get rid of the blockage yourself without the help of a professional.

How to clear pipes from blockage? Probably, many had to deal with the problem of blockages in the drain pipes. Often it occurs due to a large accumulation of household waste in pipes, such as hair, grease, or food residues. Often all sorts of household items that are always at hand help to cope with this. If the clogging is larger, you have to seek help from specialists with professional skills. In order to cope with a blockage of a larger scale, it is necessary to acquire special tools and knowledge that will help you deal with it yourself at home.

Clearing blockages in pipes

The appearance of blockages in the pipes is a rather unpleasant problem, and its elimination is a laborious task. Often, blockages in the pipes appear due to irresponsible residents who flush food debris down the toilet, throw toilet paper and personal hygiene items. Also, blockages in pipes, especially in the kitchen, can appear if there is no special mesh on the sink that traps food leftovers. Its absence significantly increases the chances of clogging the pipe. There are several main folk remedies for cleaning blockages in plastic pipes using folk remedies.

    One liter of hot water, slightly cooled, is poured into the drain itself. Leave for 20 minutes, and then use the plunger.

    Pour one glass of soda into the drain, and then pour several glasses of hot water. Thus, a chemical mixture will be obtained, which should clean the pipes and eliminate the cause of the blockage.

    Pour half a glass of soda into the drain, then pour half a glass of purified vinegar. In this case, a chemical reaction must take place, due to which foam is formed. It will be necessary to close the drain with a cork for a few minutes. At the end of the procedure, pour about 1 liter of hot water into the drain. As a result, all deposits on the pipes should dissolve.

    If the sewer is clogged due to a large amount of fat in it, it is necessary to pour half a glass of salt and soda into the drain pipe, and then pour one liter of very hot water and leave for one night.


Cleaning a blockage in the sink is a laborious but necessary task. Problems of this nature occur quite often, so it’s better to learn it yourself once than to constantly call specialists. Here are some methods for clearing blockages in the bathroom and kitchen.

    Usage plunger. Very often in the kitchen there is a blockage in the siphon, which is connected to the sewer pipe. The siphon is built so that the water flowing down the drain lingers in it without getting into the sewer. She lingers in the siphon thanks to its curved pipe. This pipe is designed to contain unpleasant odors, thereby preventing their spread. The most economical and simple way to clear blockages in plastic pipes is to use a plunger. Often it cleans pipes quite effectively. It’s just wonderful that the plunger copes with small food particles in kitchen sinks, but it may not be able to cope with larger particles.

    The use of chemicals based products. Compared to the previous method, you don’t have to work physically here. The purchased product must be poured into the drain and wait about 6 hours, or even better - leave it all night.

    Disassembly and cleaning of the siphon. After using the previous methods, you were unable to get rid of the blockage, you have to move on to larger measures, such as disassembling and cleaning the siphon. Often it is he who accumulates a large amount of debris due to the curved shape. First, the siphon itself is dismantled, it is quite easy if the siphon is made of plastic. The main thing is not to forget to put a bucket under it. Then the siphon rings are unscrewed, thereby disconnecting it. Now all the collected debris in the pipe is removed, the drain pipe is washed with boiling water and a cleaning agent. It is rather problematic to perform this cleaning with a cast iron siphon, because it is not easy to unscrew the rusty bolts, it is also quite difficult to remove the cover and clean it with a cable.

    Usage plumbing cable. This method is suitable in case of blockage not of the siphon itself, but of the sewer pipe. This will require a special flexible cable that will not damage the pipe walls.


Before you begin to eliminate blockage in the toilet, you must first understand the reasons for its occurrence. Quite often, the toilet is not used for its main purpose. Many people throw leftover food, paper, and even personal and children's hygiene items into it. Also, after cleaning, dirty water is poured into the drain pipe, thereby adding debris and dirt to the pipes.

At one point, a strong blockage simply forms in the sewer pipes, which subsequently refuses to accept waste products, and in one of the worst cases returns them back.

To avoid such a situation, it is enough to put a barrier before draining the water. In multi-storey buildings, the culprit for blockages may be neighbors living on the floor above, who clogged the common riser.

To clean the blockage in the toilet, the same methods are used as for the kitchen. This is the use of a plunger, special chemicals and a flexible cable. If the blockage is not too serious, it is enough to use a plunger or chemicals, but if the blockage has formed on a large scale, it is better to use a flexible cable, which must be handled very carefully. If the toilet is clogged, the problem must be solved immediately, and not put off indefinitely.

How to prevent blockages?

Absolutely each of the above methods is quite good, but it is better to regularly prevent blockages than to spend a lot of effort to eliminate them. Often, severe blockages occur due to a large accumulation of debris and all kinds of organic residues. In order to avoid clogging, it is best to put special barriers on the equipment, that is, nets that will trap debris on themselves. It is also advisable to at least occasionally thoroughly rinse the drain with very hot water. Fill the system with a special pipe cleaner several times a month. When replacing a pipe system, it is best to install equipment made of plastic, because plastic will last longer and corrosion will not appear on its walls.

IN Lately, for conducting water supply and sewerage to houses or apartments, are widely used. There is nothing surprising, plastic material it does not rust, it is resistant to temperature extremes, it is strong enough, and, most importantly, it is much easier to work with plastic pipes than with metal ones. But, as always happens with the sewer, it becomes clogged over time, and a blockage in a plastic pipe is not something out of the ordinary.

How to clean the pipe with your own hands

Every person in his life has happened more than once that in the bath, and more often in the kitchen sink, the water does not drain well or even stagnates - so that even the dishes cannot be washed. All of these symptoms indicate that your sewer pipe is clogged, and in order to correct this situation, it needs to be cleaned. There are several ways to clean pipes:

  1. chemicals;
  2. mechanical cleaning;
  3. hydrodynamic washing;
  4. calling a plumber (but we want to do everything ourselves).

However, it also happens that you can’t get rid of it in one way, but it already depends on how complex the blockage is and what caused it.

Causes of blockages

  • falling into the pipe of a built object;
  • growths of fat from food waste on the walls of the pipe;
  • organic and inorganic waste;
  • outgrowths of hard masses.

Based on the type of blockage, and selected right kind pipe cleaning.

Chemical cleaning

This method is one of the simplest and most accessible to everyone. When resorting to it, you usually go to the store, buy several packs of some kind of chemical powder or a bottle of liquid designed specifically for such cases. All of these products usually contain acid or alkaline ingredients, and they are available in almost all stores. And all these funds have one goal - to corrode blockages in plastic pipes.

It is very difficult to say which of all these means is better, they are quite similar to each other, but when choosing them, carefully read the instructions for use, it should be written there for which pipes and the complexity of blockage this tool is suitable.

But with all these chemical powders, liquids and granules, you need to be extremely careful, use them only by wearing rubber gloves, since if the product gets on the skin, you can get a serious chemical burn. And of course, these funds must be poured into the pipe itself, since if you pour them into a sink full of water, then there is a good chance of damaging its surface.

mechanical cleaning

To implement this method, you will, at a minimum, need a plunger. Everyone knows how to use a plunger, but if it was not possible to eliminate the blockage with the help of chemicals and a plunger, you will have to take a special brush or at least a wire with a curved end.

If you have any of these items, get ready for battle. First of all, you need to prepare the place by clearing and removing all the objects that interfere with you - you have a rather dirty business ahead of you. Then you need to get directly to the sewer pipe itself, i.e. remove the siphon from the sink, seeing an open hole.

Now that you're ready, put on your gloves, pick up the brush and insert it into the pipe. Then you need to carefully move your tool along the pipe, constantly scrolling it. If the wire or brush is stuck in something, feel free to put in more effort, just make sure it's not a pipe twist. Thus, pushing through the blockage, you gradually destroy it, and as a result, it will go away in the right direction.

If the pipe is clogged close to the entrance, it would be wiser to use a spiral (it can also be made of wire). Everything is much simpler here, just scroll the spiral clockwise, and when it goes deep enough into the cork that prevents the outflow of water, it can be pulled out.

In general, this method quite effectively removes blockages in a plastic sewer pipe, but its main disadvantage is that with a tortuous sewer system(with many turns and knees) it will not work.

Hydrodynamic washing

This method is the "heavy artillery" in flushing the sewer pipe, and it is used when the first two methods did not give the desired result. Its main advantage is that after this procedure, the original state inside the pipe is actually restored. But few people resort to this cardinal remedy, partly because of its inflated price, partly because of technical limitations. But all these are rumors and lies, it is not at all necessary that the flushing system be large and run on a generator, as well as the fact that this method is applicable only to pipes with a large diameter.

It is true that hydrodynamic pipe cleaners come in a variety of sizes and capacities, and some of them will work just fine for your sewer system.

The hydrodynamic method works as follows: a hose is inserted into the pipe, which, in turn, is connected to the washing apparatus. Water is supplied under high pressure to this hose, which washes away all fatty deposits and hard growths on the pipes. If something is stuck in the sewer, which caused the blockage, then the hose will simply destroy the blockage, usually it is equipped with a metal tip. After flushing the sewer pipe using this method, rust may even appear from the pipeline from the faucet. But this happens extremely rarely and is due to the fact that the central pipes are already very old, you just need to drain some water.

The only disadvantage of this method is that this device costs quite a lot of money, and it takes up quite a lot of space (even despite its small size).

As an alternative to this method, some use conventional water pumps. With their help, you can also supply water to the pipe under high pressure, and it will also effectively cope with the task.

Folk methods

We live in an amazing country, and the ingenuity of our people knows no bounds. Craftsmen offer their own way of cleaning plastic pipes from blockages - for this you need two things: a vacuum cleaner with a reverse air blowing system and a plunger.

Removing blockages with a vacuum cleaner

If both of these things are in your home, then you need to remove the rubber pad of the plunger from the stick and cut a small hole in the middle of it. Then we put a hose in size into the cut hole and fix it. Now you need to insert this hose into the hole of the vacuum cleaner switched to reverse blowing, and push the hose into the pipe so that the rubber pad from the plunger is attached to the pipe. When you turn on the vacuum cleaner, it will blow into the pipe, and the blockage will collapse under air pressure. This method is very effective and has been tested on personal experience many people.

Handy method

This method is similar in its action to the chemical one, but for it you do not need to go to the store and buy special powders. You will need materials that every good housewife has in the kitchen - this is soda and vinegar. The bottom line is this: you need to pour 4-5 tablespoons of soda into the drain hole of your sink and pour them with vinegar (about 100 grams). Then tightly close the hole and wait 10-15 minutes. After this time, open the drain and turn on the hot water to the maximum, salt and vinegar will give the same alkaline effect as some chemicals from the store, and it will just as well begin to corrode the blockage.


All of the above tools quite successfully cope with blockages in the pipes, and which method to use depends only on how complex the blockage is. But keep in mind that if water stagnates in the sink, it does not have to be a blockage. Perhaps the strainer is just clogged, which can be cleaned by hand from the accumulated debris, or there is an old siphon on the sink, on which too much plaque has grown - then it just needs to be replaced.

It is also a good idea to periodically carry out preventive procedures. Just buy a couple of sachets of chemical powder for and follow the instructions. Carrying out such a procedure 3-4 times a year, you can completely avoid problems with blockages. Then the extra plaque on the smooth surface of the sewer plastic pipe will corrode, and all the accumulation of fat and debris will go with the water. And remember, if you are not confident in your abilities or are afraid of damaging something, it is better, of course, to call a specialist at home.