Hallway design in an apartment with flowers. Design of stylish and modern hallways in the photo

It is well known that, "the theater begins with a hanger", and the apartment, especially private house, starts from the hallway. It is no coincidence that it is called the most important room: our guests come there, we, the hosts, spend a lot of time there, we return there after a busy day. And everyone, returning home, wants to plunge into the atmosphere of comfort, peace, beauty and harmony.

But it is very important to create not just a beautiful, but a functional entrance hall, comfortable for everyone living in the house. This can be achieved on your own or with the help of invited experts.

Hallway design in a private house

It is advisable to start with drawing up a design project. However, your own fantasies should be subordinated to the relevance and rationality of the chosen options. The hallway is usually repaired after the repair of the rooms.


Repair of the hallway begins with the walls. They are exposed to a very strong influence from the outside. Moisture, dirt, accidental damage act on the walls. It is advisable to choose the material to be cleaned.

Well fit vinyl wallpapers(they are inexpensive, have rich colors); paint (good for smooth surfaces, otherwise the walls will have to be plastered, leveled); MDF and PVC panels (the owner can independently tidy up the hallway; you can use any of the three types).

Increasingly, in recent years, they have resorted to the use of a variety of materials when decorating the walls of the hallway. For example, photo wallpapers are extremely popular.

The lower part of the wall can be finished with panels. And the top - plaster or paint. The main thing is that the wall decoration is not only practical, elegant, and meets all the requirements of a modern hallway.


In any home, the floors experience the maximum daily load. This means that the flooring must be durable and easy to clean. They can serve as a decorative stone.

Another common type is tile. However, choosing ceramic tiles is not always easy. It is the floor tiles that should be purchased, because they are less fragile and not slippery.

Especially popular is, due to its durability, porcelain stoneware. True, this is not the most cheap option floor covering.

You can opt for a laminate. It will decorate the interior of your hallway. But be sure to consider the grade of the laminate. Choose waterproof and durable. Treat joints with special grout.

One of the economical options can be considered linoleum. You can choose semi-commercial or commercial types, since household linoleum is short-lived. Combined decoration of the hallway is also possible. Tiles are laid where heavy things will stand, and linoleum or laminate in other places.


In some houses, the ceilings are quite high. That's why dropped ceilings quite popular. Such a ceiling is convenient, because it makes it possible to install various lamps, hide electrical wiring.

To install a stretch ceiling, you will have to invite professionals. This is not an easy job that requires special knowledge and skills. You will have to pay a lot for the canvas itself.

But in finished form stretch ceiling will delight you with a perfectly smooth surface and easy care. Moreover, this kind ceiling covering allows you to design it based on your own imagination.

The main thing is that your imagination is reasonable, and the stretch ceiling is in harmony with the style of the hallway. The ceiling can be finished in different ways: with paint, decorative plaster, wallpaper, whitewash and ceiling tiles. Before using paint or whitewash, it is important to prepare the ceiling: make it perfectly even.

hallway color

Many seek to visually enlarge the room. Then for the walls you should choose lighter colors than for the floor and darker than for the ceiling. It is well known that a small room will look wider, thanks to light shades.

Glossy materials also create the appearance of spaciousness. For a spacious hallway, matte tones are more suitable. The choice of color depends solely on your taste: some people, returning home, dream of being in peace and quiet. Therefore, choose calm shades.

For others, energetic, purposeful, it is important to feel like leaders even in their own apartment, and bright colors help them in this.

Oddly enough, black and white can also look interesting and bold. But not everything depends on your temperament. After all, the hallway is part of the interior of the apartment. Therefore, the first place should be the integrity and harmony of all premises. If desired, you can find any photos of the design of the hallway.


After finishing the hallway, think about the furniture. A good solution would be wooden furniture from MDF, chipboard or solid wood. As an option, you can offer a metal or even plastic furniture. It's all about the amount that the owner of the house has.

Preference should be given to soft, calm shades. If you want to use as much of the hallway space as possible to store your belongings, a corner system will do. Shoes are perfectly located below, and above it you can arrange a seat. Sometimes it is built into furniture, which is extremely convenient: after all, then you don’t need an ottoman, bench or bench.

But the ottoman will certainly come in handy, because you can store any household trifles in it. Special shelves for storing shoes can be ordered separately. It is important that they are open and that the shoes are thoroughly ventilated.

Not to do without a spacious closet. In it, as a rule, clothes are stored not for every day. But in the hallway of a small closet, it is better to use a cabinet or chest of drawers. Small decorative items, gloves, folding umbrellas are perfectly placed on them.

You can not do without a hanger where you can hang wet coats and raincoats.

It is worth mentioning the mirror separately: it is not only a functional item, but also a decoration of the hallway. If you manage to choose the right mirror, you can even visually expand the interior of the equipped room.

This is also served by the mirror facades of wardrobes. It is especially preferable if they are the height of a person. But you should not refuse small mirrors either. They will serve you well if you need to quickly put yourself in order.

Now mirrors are often illuminated with LED strips. And this is not just a whim. Illumination of mirrors perfectly diversifies the interior, makes your hallway even more comfortable and elegant. Well, if a picture or an unusual pattern of photo wallpapers is reflected in the mirror, the room will seem to become wider and more spacious.

Equipping your hallway, do not forget about the place for hats. Not always for them there is a suitable shelf in the closet. For such things, a special shelf or a small wall cabinet is suitable.

If you want to hang a dedicated hat rack above your door, consider making it accessible to the little ones in your family.

An elegant cane-type umbrella basket can be useful in your hallway.

Textile elements

Some hallways have windows. So, the question of their drapery will not be superfluous. Obviously, you should choose materials that do not require complex maintenance.

Well, what to lay on the floor, what to prefer: carpet, carpet or carpet? Each of these coatings has its pros and cons. For example, natural carpet is not the most the best way because it is not easy to take care of it. But if the house has no more than two people, it can be chosen.

Carpet artificial (nylon) is considered a more practical and economical solution, especially if it has a low pile. Do you want to choose a carpet for your hallway? Choose felt-based because such material absorbs water better and retains heat.

The rugs are also good for the variety of their patterns and colors. In addition, the carpet can cover the entire floor of the hallway, giving it new look, unusual view. But not every owner will decide to lay a carpet in the hallway. This is understandable: all street dust and dirt remains in the hallway.

But if you are a creative person, then pay attention to the material from which the carpet is made. It is desirable that it be rubber-based. Then the dirt will not penetrate inside the product. The more often you clean your carpet, the more attractive it will look.


The hallway needs bright lighting. If there is a window, artificial light will still not be superfluous. Ceiling decoration is also associated with lighting. Spotlights evenly illuminate the space, visually increase its boundaries.

Massive chandeliers are better not to use in a small room. You can stop at smaller chandeliers, prefer wall options. If the hallway area is large and the ceilings are high, feel free to choose elegant multi-tiered chandeliers.

Exquisite sconces will also decorate your room. They can be placed near the mirror or the desired shelf. LED strips can also become a source of additional illumination. It will depend only on your imagination where you place them: around a mirror or in a doorway, in an unoccupied niche or behind a ceiling plinth.

It is possible to visually increase the space of the hallway if, in conditions narrow corridor direct the light in one direction.

Arrange beautiful hallway in a private house is not an easy task, because it must satisfy the owners not only with its beauty and comfort, but also with its versatility. The house starts from the hallway. And the design solutions chosen for the hallway should match the style of the house as a whole.

The modern design of the hallway allows you to feel the atmosphere of your apartment from the first steps, it will be used to judge the tastes and preferences of the owners. The wrong approach to design in this part of the apartment can nullify efforts to create a coherent interior and spoil the first impression.

Whatever modern hallway design ideas underlie the project, in the pursuit of beauty, one should not forget the main thing - the purpose of this part of the housing. People come here from the street, here they take off and leave their shoes and outerwear, often dusty, wet from rain or snow. In addition, as a rule, umbrellas, hats, gloves, seasonal shoes are stored here, if space permits - they equip storage spaces or even allocate separate dressing rooms that are used not only for clothes, but also for various household items.

This is the last room in the house in which we are before leaving it, and the first where we return. It is also the most "passing" in the apartment. Therefore, its functionality should be at the forefront of our attention.

The word "hallway" usually refers to the entrance to the apartment. It may consist of the entrance hall itself, or include a corridor, part of the hall or the entire hall. When using open layouts, the hallway is separated from the main part of the apartment with a partition or visual zoning is used.

Modern finishing materials for the hallway

Based on the purpose of the room, in the modern design of the hallway, materials that are resistant to wear and abrasion, withstand high humidity. Basic requirements for finishing materials:

  • wear resistance (especially for flooring),
  • ease of cleaning
  • environmental friendliness.

The same requirements generally apply to materials for the manufacture of furniture. It is inappropriate to finish with natural veneer, the use of expensive wood species - in difficult operating conditions, they are likely to not last long.

The most suitable modern floor coverings for the entrance area:

  • tiles made of artificial stone or ceramics,
  • porcelain slabs,
  • saw cut of natural stone,
  • linoleum.

You can also use laminate high class resistant to water. natural parquet and parquet board use is not recommended - they will quickly lose their attractive appearance. For walls, either painting or modern moisture-resistant wallpaper is most often used.

Equipment for the hallway in a modern style

Modern hallway interior design is characterized by the use of furniture that performs several functions at the same time. For example, a shoe bench, as a rule, serves as a shoe storage box at the same time, an ottoman on which you can sit down is a storage for shoe care products, a wardrobe is replaced by a whole storage system, in which there is a place for both street clothes and for sports accessories.

Design and color scheme of the hallway in a modern style

Regardless of the size of the room, minimalism is considered the most suitable style, which allows you to fit everything you need even in a modest area and avoid cluttering it.

Suitable for the design of the entrance area and the Scandinavian style, which combines simplicity and environmental friendliness.

Whatever style you choose, you should use a minimum of decorative elements in the interior, trying to ensure that the main pieces of furniture take on a decorative role. For example, a very effective design element of the hallway in modern style can become original holders for clothes and accessories, as in the photo below.

The color combinations used in the design of the hallway in a modern style should contribute to a visual increase and adjustment of proportions. In addition, it is not recommended dark tones, since the entrance area usually does not have access to daylight and is the least lit.

As the main tones are preferred:

  • White and its shades (milky, creamy, snowy);
  • Beige (coffee with milk, ivory, peach);
  • Light grey.

Depending on the chosen style, suitable active colors are selected as additional ones. Beige, for example, goes well with natural tones of earth, sand, chocolate. Snow white is elegantly complemented by blue, turquoise, and lemon tones. You just need to make sure that they are not too dark.

Exceptions are allowed if the entrance hall has big sizes or very high ceilings. The simpler the color combinations, the better, too bright colors and sharp contrasts can visually reduce even a very spacious hallway.

Photo of the interior of the hallway in a modern style

Below are various options and ideas for a modern style hallway.

Photo 1. With the help of mirrors, you can expand the narrow long hallway, add light and shine to it.

Photo 2. Built-in ceiling lights provide general light, the central suspension highlights the entrance area, and sconces on the walls adorn the wall mirror, which is the main decorative element of the interior.

Photo 3.4. Even the smallest hallways in a modern style can be equipped with the necessary things: a hanger or a wardrobe, a seat and a mirror.

Photo 5. The light color of the walls, ceiling and floor in the design of the hallway deprives the space of boundaries, increasing its size.

Photo 6. Hanging cabinets in a modern hallway design will help visually lighten the interior and simplify cleaning.

Photo 7 decorative pillows, as well as headdresses and a mirror hung on the wall.

Photo 8. Large mirrored cabinet doors and a mirror above the table add volume and shine, a glossy floor enhances the impression.

Photo 9

Photo 10. Red color is the brightest design element of the hallway in a modern style.

A small entrance hall is the trouble of many apartments. To a certain extent, this is true, because the least time is spent in this room, and extra squares are best used for a bedroom or living room, but do not forget that the first room in the apartment sets the face of the apartment, its beauty and style. And the smallest room can be cozy and comfortable. What interior design of a small hallway in an apartment will be optimal?

The correct design of a small hallway in the apartment

To use all the advantages of a small room as efficiently as possible, you should adhere to three principles:

  • minimum of things
  • maximum space
  • maximum benefit.

Remove all unnecessary. This applies to furniture, clothes and even shoes. Only an uncluttered room will seem larger than it really is. And vice versa, the largest, littered with all sorts of rubbish - a cramped closet.

Furniture for a small hallway 2020

Use a minimum of furniture, although stores and catalogs are full of fantastic abundance:

  • ottomans,
  • sofas,
  • cabinets,
  • shelves,
  • hangers and
  • nightstands.

If possible - one closet, spacious and comfortable, with a hanger, without hangers, as hangers are not very convenient for daily use.

If there is space, you can put a hanger rack or hang a wall hanger in a small hallway - for everyday outerwear. It’s much more convenient than hanging it in a closet every time, and you can’t hang it wet in a common pile, and on an open hanger it will dry faster and safer.

You can also store all the shoes that are not intended for daily wear, because the mountains of boots and shoes without the use of standing in the room will spoil the design of any, the most stylish room.

How to equip a small hallway in an apartment

Enlarge space. If possible, this should be done physically, for example, due to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent room or by removing all doorways, replacing them with beautiful, spacious arches.

Or by removing everything up to the walls and ceiling in the aisle, and separating the modern entrance hall in a small apartment from the living room using different flooring, multi-level ceilings and floors decorated with built-in spotlights.

Stretch ceilings raise the ceiling very well, light color, glossy - like a mirror surface, reflecting the whole room in their surface, they make it 1.5-2 times higher. See examples of hallways in small apartments 2020 real photo:

If after the demolition of the wall with the door, the transition between the rooms seems too empty, a decorative gazebo or arch with shelves will be a good solution. Large shelves will allow you to place indoor flowers on them, as well as make the hallway brighter, thereby increasing it visually.

Ideas for a small hallway

A good solution would be sliding sliding doors to the entire height of the wall. But they should be two or four wings, so that when family members usually come, one leaf opens, and when many people are planned at the same time, the entire door can be opened completely.

Such a simple reception will allow guests not to crowd on a couple of squares, undressing to easily enter the apartment, and the hosts to welcome dear guests.

The right solution would be to use mirrors or translucent glass for such doors:

  1. the first will make the hallway larger, more spacious, reflecting the room and doubling its area;
  2. the latter will add some light from the rest of the rooms, also visually expanding the room.

Get the most out of it. Like it or not, you need to undress and take off your shoes in the first room of the house. Therefore, it is good if it has a place for shoes, a wardrobe or a clothes hanger. It will not be superfluous to have an ottoman so that it is convenient to take off your shoes. A key holder and an umbrella stand will come in handy.

What if the design of a small hallway in an apartment allows you to place only a shoe mat in it?

Built-in furniture or niches in the walls will come to the rescue. No need to try to shove as large a cabinet as possible into the wall. If the wall allows, you can make a 1.0-1.5 m closet, with wall hooks, shelves for shoes and hats. If not, then a wall hanger 0.5 m deep will already be fine. Here is a photo of the options for a small hallway 2020 in the apartment:

Wardrobe in the hallway

A closet can be an excellent option, and custom-made furniture will allow you to successfully use every free centimeter. It is better to make a sliding wardrobe up to the very ceiling, so that the space under the ceiling can be used as a mezzanine.

You can also store winter clothes or those clothes and shoes that are rarely worn there.

A mirrored door in such furniture will significantly increase the space of a small hallway, but if the shelves are very high, it is better to make the upper part of the door matte so as not to “pull out” the room even more.

In addition to the general principles of arranging a hallway in a small apartment, there are several approaches to make the design as stylish and beautiful as possible.

Color spectrum

Don't underestimate the power of light colors in decorating small rooms. A successful combination of various light shades allows you to make the room:

  1. Above - light shades are best used in the decoration of the upper part of the walls and ceilings.
  2. Wider - the wide light central part of the wall will visually push the walls apart, making the small hallway more spacious.
  3. Longer - the lighter walls of the narrow part of the room (slightly, a tone or two more tender than the rest) will lengthen and extend the room.

Of course, in order to use the play of light and color as correctly as possible, you need to have good imagination and taste, but computer design programs allow you to “try on” this or that painting, furniture even before repair.

Decorating the hallway with furniture

As already mentioned, it saves space well and does not clutter up the space with built-in furniture, wardrobes, wall hangers, niches in the walls, etc. It is good if the furniture is also in light colors, preferably warm (beige, yellow, pink, green, blue).

The best option would be furniture in the hallway to order, this approach will save a lot of space by making a flat closet on the entire wall, taking into account all the nooks and crannies of your tiny hallway.

Lighting in the interior of the hallway

How to arrange lighting in a small hallway 2020? The hallway is almost always a room without natural light. Therefore, you can add natural light only with the help of an arch that opens into an adjacent room with windows.

It is advisable to use all types of lighting in such small-sized rooms. Directional wall lamps allow you to favorably shade the necessary decor elements - niches, corners, thus expanding the room.

Also, long wall lamps, which have an adjustable angle of inclination, can visually lengthen the room, raise the ceiling, push the walls apart. This technique is called light stripes.

With spotlights, you can additionally highlight the mirror, making preening before going out more comfortable. Diffused light will save energy when there is no one in the hallway.

Fluorescent lamps, softly illuminating the space, increase the small hallway, especially if the light is directed to the mirror. The main thing is that, in general, the lighting should be close to natural, pleasant for the eyes and perception.

Decorative design of a small hallway

Pretty unusual, looks good decorative elements that create the illusion of a large room. First of all, it is such an always successful element as large mirror, but it should be a light shade.

Imitation of a large aquarium built into the wall, best with colored lighting from the bottom up.

The drawing on the walls, floor and ceiling must also be chosen correctly - it is best to take washing wallpaper, decorative putty, with medium or large drawings, so that there are quite a lot of them, but so that the drawing does not flicker, does not merge into one background.

The direction of the pattern will help to lengthen or expand the room. So, oblong pictures on the floor directed to the side make it visually longer.

Ideas for a small hallway - the picture on the wall, pointing up, visually lifts the ceiling. Such simple tricks help to make a dark, tiny room bright, spacious and very comfortable.

The use of different textures, colors of the same material, multi-level floor coverings, allows you to zone the hallway in a small apartment, if the doors and walls are demolished, or if there is no hallway at all, there is only a large hall.

There must be a corner in the living room in order to throw off clothes and shoes with street dirt and dust.

In order for the design of a small hallway in an apartment to be successful, it is necessary to think over the complete design even before the repair, with furniture and the type of furniture used. finishing materials and coatings, then the result will be complete and complete.

And the use of simple techniques of spatial illusions will create the impression of a large room in the smallest room. Successful planning and successful outcome! Modern hallways in small apartments real photos and videos in our selection:

   Floor: -    Walls: -    Ceiling: -    Closet: -

13-12-2016, 19:10

If the size of your hallway leaves much to be desired, this does not mean at all that you should not pay due attention to it at all. Moreover, the design of a small hallway in an apartment requires optimal use of free space and careful selection of the right color scheme. Real photos of small hallways in our favorite city apartments will help you decide on the final option.

First, let's look at some of the nuances, ignoring which on your part can seriously prevent you from getting a high-quality and pleasing result.

Less details

The modest size of your hallway does not allow you to roam in terms of saturating the space with certain details. If you ignore this design rule, you risk seriously spoiling your interior. Approximately as in the photo below.

Adhere to unpretentious minimalism - and you will be happy!

less furniture

Beware of large-sized furniture - it is likely that it will steal harmony and comfort from your hallway. Prefer shallow cabinets, small chests of drawers and shelves.

When placing furniture, stick to a single color solution. An indefatigable play with shades can ruin even the most good idea design of a small hallway in the apartment!

Sliding wardrobes - a wonderful solution

An irreplaceable thing is a built-in closet in a small hallway. It will allow you to save precious free space and provide great convenience in terms of organizing the things that are vital in this room.

Corners - don't forget

If your hallway has a corner, there is a reason to use it for a built-in corner wardrobe or any other type of furniture.

Avoid dark colors

When choosing a color scheme for a small hallway, be careful about using dark shades. No, this does not mean at all that it’s better for you to completely abandon them, but at least it’s reasonable to use them and combine them with light ones for balance - it’s worth it.

Don't be afraid of mirrors

For modest hallways that dominate our apartments, it makes sense to integrate the use of mirrored surfaces into the design concept. They will help to give the room the desired volume and emphasize certain details in the interior.


There are a lot of options for finishing the ceilings in a small hallway. For example, you can go the path of least resistance and use elementary whitewashing. Moreover, the white color gives a good illusion of increasing space.

Another, quite simple, but much more common option is stretch ceilings. Good points there is a lot from this decision: there is also a higher aesthetic appeal, and the possibility of expressive decorative finishes, and a wide selection of lamps for lighting the hallway. The photo below illustrates an elementary version that attracts attention precisely with its unpretentiousness.

If you are not lazy and make an effort, then you can create quite nice things from simple drywall.


In order for your small hallway not to seem even smaller after the final installation of cabinets, shelves and other furniture accessories that make life easier for a person, there is a reason to take care of decent lighting. Otherwise, all the work is in vain: and your beauty will simply not be noticed. In this case, the owners managed with just one large lamp.

And here the owners did not stint on the chic lighting of their small hallway. Although it itself is made in warm and light colors and, most likely, did not need such support "from above".

In some cases, it is enough to get by with one LED light bulb. Above, we have already demonstrated an example of such a solution, let's consolidate the opinion and provide one more "proof" for arguing our thesis.

If there is a desire to emphasize some detail in the interior of the hallway, you can use lamps for this. For example, in the variant below, wall-mounted luminaires illuminate the mirror-surfaced mosaic on the opposite wall, creating an incredibly rich and inviting effect.

Despite the dominance of LED lamps, neatly mounted directly into the ceiling, some owners successfully use the good old shades. Attention: this is not a universal solution, its use is limited by the nature of the interior design of your hallway.

A small flashlight right at the entrance seems to illuminate your hallway and the guests appearing in the doorway. Domesticates from the threshold - the expression as Nelya more aptly describes the essence.

For dessert in this section - a surprisingly harmonious design of a small hallway in an apartment with big ambitions. Perfect color balance, not a hint of a temperature conflict, conceptuality at the forefront and delicate tenderness - what else to add?

The option is much more modest - but on the other hand, you can invest the saved money and effort into developing the interior of other rooms in the apartment.

wall decoration material

The choice that the owners face is great: from decorative plaster (examples -) to ceramic tiles and wallpaper. The owners of this room limited themselves to the latter option.

Stone motifs in the design of small hallways are no less common than plant-themed wallpapers. Most often, decorative gypsum acts as a tool for expressing stone texture. It is lightweight and easy to wear.

A timeless classic: the pattern of the wallpaper, time-tested, will last for more than a dozen years. Ideal in cases where the room cannot boast of extra square meters.

Similar motives, however, this hallway seems a bit boring to us. However, the hosts did not set themselves the goal of hitting everyone. original design- they only skillfully used the space and achieved a certain degree of coziness and comfort.

The walls can just be painted. If you do it with high-quality paint and quite skillfully, you can achieve perfect color reproduction.

A little higher, we considered masonry and classic wallpaper apart. Below is an example rational use two of these materials in one small hallway.

The rule of light colors in small rooms is valid. Look, the hallway is not just small - it is tiny, but the color is chosen so well that you notice it only when you set yourself such a goal.

Sometimes you can allow yourself some design liberties and mount non-banal furniture or some intricate accessory in the hallway.

Vertical wallpapers in this room look somewhat infernal. Ceilings become higher, the room gains weight and the necessary dimensions.

By and large, one can find fault with the white color only in one case: it is obscenely good, eternal and universal.

The same can be extended to beige. Choosing a beige color is often perceived as a manifestation of bad taste, but when you look at these photos with examples of the design of a small hallway in an apartment, you understand that this is not so. A nice and cozy room, the owners of which heeded all the basic points of the correct construction of the interior in the small Khrushchev corridors and hallways.

The choice of flooring

One of the most popular types of flooring for modern urban apartments is linoleum. It is cheap, has good properties and, in general, allows you to painlessly resolve the issue with the correct choice of material for your floor. A typical example of a commonly used linoleum in small hallways is in the photo.

Another common flooring option for the vast majority of apartments with a small hallway is laminate. More durable than linoleum, but at the same time somewhat more expensive. Hallways often use a combination of laminate and ceramic tiles. The immediate threshold and the entrance area are laid with tiles that are more durable and not so sensitive to abrasion and mechanical stress. Everything else is laminate.

An example of a linoleum that emphasizes expressiveness. Many owners have recently made a choice in favor of just such options, focused on the transfer of an abstract pattern.

How to lay tiles in a small hallway? It is believed that diagonal styling makes the space wider. Normal, on the contrary, leaves everything as it is. An example of the latter is in the photo below. Your choice?

Time is developing rapidly, and now the traditional laminate is being replaced ceramic tile and granite. Feature - the characteristic laminate texture and size is preserved. This tile is great for the hallway. In addition, it is functional: porcelain stoneware has a good anti-slip coefficient, will withstand any blows and will please the eye for many, many years.

Do you want to add originality to your small hallway? Use pictures - this is an excellent tool not only to emphasize the expressiveness of the room, but also to visually enlarge it.

Output: as you can see, the design in a small hallway in a city apartment does not have to be boring, stereotyped and uninteresting. Can't impress your guests with the size of your entryway? Impress with the interior adjusted to the smallest detail, competent organization of free space, warm, "atmospheric" lighting and .. with your friendly smile. The latter is on your conscience, and you can learn everything else by carefully studying the above real photos of hallways in city apartments.

Photo: vk.com, ok.ru, uhouse.ru, citydog.by

The theater begins with a hanger, and any apartment with a hallway. This is exactly the room that a person enters first upon entering, and therefore creates the first impression of the rest of the house and the taste of its owner. Usually this is a small area in which outerwear and various household trifles are located, however, even such a seemingly insignificant room can be turned into a beautifully decorated room that sets the tone for the rest of the apartment. There is a mass design solutions, which will help add a special charm and zest to the corridor or hallway, indicating the taste of the owner of the home. There is also a lot of advice on how to arrange a hallway of one size or another.

The overall impression of guests about your home depends on the design of the hallway.

Basic design rules

First of all, it is important to decide on the style in which the hallway will be decorated. Naturally, it should not differ from the design of the rest of the apartment, as it will look ugly and tasteless. Next, you should have the dimensions of the room, because the smaller its size, the less room for maneuver with furniture remains, so it is important to think over this moment in advance.

Get serious about choosing a hallway style

Lighting in the room should be bright, as these rooms usually do not include windows in their design. When choosing furniture, it is important to take care of its functionality, since in this room there is hardly a place for frilly, but incapable chests of drawers, the headset should fully work out its main task.

Furniture in the hallway should be roomy and not take up much space

Protect your floor with non-staining material

How to decorate the walls?

Wall clothing can come in many forms, but the most popular options are plastering and wallpapering.

  • Plaster. This option carries a greater scope of fantasy, which can be realized on the walls of the hallway. First of all, the plaster can be painted, which makes it possible to enliven the room not only with any colors and shades, but also add any patterns and ornaments. The second solution is decorative stucco, which may be limited to the usual imitation brickwork, or it can decorate the walls with a variety of panels and bas-reliefs. It all depends on the needs and capabilities of the customer.
  • Wallpaper. The decision to stick wallpaper is the simplest and most constructive, however, there are plenty of solutions to choose from here. In addition to conventional paper materials, vinyl wallpapers are widely used, which, although they are more expensive, are more durable and easier to clean. They are in due demand and bamboo wallpaper, creating an imitation of natural material.
  • Other methods. Given the current trends, artificial stone wall decoration is in increasing demand. This is a fairly practical, albeit expensive, decor option. Plastic panels, ceramic tiles, a combination of two or more different solutions are also popular.

Decorate the walls of the hallway with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster with three-dimensional elements will become a real decoration of the hallway

A stylish look of a Japanese dwelling will be given by decorative bamboo panels.

Ceiling and lighting fixtures

For convenience, the hallway should be filled with light to a sufficient extent. The absence of windows in the room makes it dark by default, so for a comfortable life, light should come not only from the ceiling, but also from wall lamps. Choice ceiling lights directly depends on the performance of the ceiling itself. The following options are the most popular here.

  • Stretch ceiling. Fast, practical and inexpensive. The ceiling is easy to clean and serves its users for quite a long time. In this case, lighting must be taken care of in advance, since mounting new lighting fixtures on already finished structure quite problematic. Usually, the choice stops at LED spotlights, which give a fairly bright light, stably and quite economically.
  • Plastic panels. The solution with lighting is similar to stretch ceilings, however, in this case, there is more maneuver for the subsequent modernization of lighting.

Beautiful stretch ceiling in the hallway

Wide range of plastic panels will allow you to decorate the hallway in accordance with your choices

The fixtures themselves can be ordinary incandescent lamps, "housekeepers", LED lamps. As practice shows, LEDs are the most practical and are in great demand, but in this case, the preferences of the customer decide a lot.

Lighting in the hallway should emphasize its design and decoration.

Wall lighting fixtures are placed in the darkest places in the room, with which ceiling lighting unable to cope. Modern market overflowing with an assortment of various sconces and wall lamps, it is not difficult to choose the necessary product for the interior design of any room.

Wall lamps can, in addition to lighting, create a beautiful pattern on a vertical surface.

There are a lot of solutions for decorating the hallway, and they are focused on the style of the room. Among the main elements of the interior, mirrors can be distinguished, which will not only visually increase the size of the room, but will also play an important functional role. Wall decoration can be done different ways: this is a game of colors and drawings, photographs in frames, stucco molding and decoupage of interior elements. The decoration of the hallway with indoor flowers looks beautiful, but this option is possible only with sufficient natural light in the hallway.

Wide mirrors visually increase the space of the hallway

The classic style provides interesting decor elements - a baguette for a mirror, table candelabra, massive wooden table as a bedside table in the hallway

It all depends on the scale of the fantasy, but it is important not to overdo it with decorations and make them in the design style of the rest of the apartment. By and large, the interior of the hallway should have a minimalist character, embodying practicality and comfort.

In a modern hallway, you must adhere to minimalist trends.

Mirrored wardrobe doors expand the visual space of the hallway

Layout Features

Planning a small space is quite difficult, so first of all you need to pay attention to the interior elements that are really needed in everyday life. Convenient constructive solution- take one of the walls of the room with furniture (wardrobe, hanger). In the smallest rooms, you can only get by with a hanger, but it is worth remembering that an open hanger requires constant order, because things on it are always in sight. Which side to choose will tell you the location of the doors (they should open comfortably without catching furniture).

An open hanger in the hallway provides more freedom, but requires constant care.

A small hallway can be made aesthetically attractive

You should not put furniture on both sides of the hallway, in which case it will create inconvenience in the operation of the room even for one person, not to mention large families. In addition to the hanger and closet in the hallway, there should be an armchair (ottoman, chair, depending on the size of the room and the wishes of its owner), as well as a shelf for household items and a mirror. The remaining elements of the situation are desirable only if they do not create clutter.

Low soft ottoman- an essential attribute of any hallway

Furniture for large and small rooms.

A minimalist option for any hallway is a closet and hanger. Ideally, furniture should be made individually, choosing the size and color for each room specifically. In order to save space, you can resort to the option with modular furniture, corner cabinets. If the space is so small that the open door of the headset is inconvenient, then you can resort to the option with a closet, which will help save a few more centimeters of space. Spacious hallways can be equipped with solid wardrobes of large sizes.

Use wardrobe furniture in the hallway in the narrow space of the hallway

Advice! To store shoes, you can use the lower compartments of the cabinet, or you can add a separate shoe rack to the decor. Its dimensions and design also depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway. For a spacious room, you can consider the option of a headset with a hinged door, for a small one - with a retractable or generally open type. A shoe cabinet with a soft top can also serve as a place to sit, which will allow you to abandon the chair or ottoman.

A narrow loft-style hallway does not require a lot of furniture. You can limit yourself to the most necessary - a hanger and a shoe stand

Hallway Storage Ideas

For little things that a person uses every day (outerwear, an umbrella, other household trifles), free access places are perfect - a wardrobe, a hanger, a key shelf, a floating console, etc. In addition to everyday items, which are usually stored in convenient and accessible places, it is rational to store many other items in the hallway. Well-designed furniture (hollow ottomans, niches, mezzanines) will help with this.

The role of an ottoman will be performed by a locker with a soft top, and a shelf for hats can be two-tiered

The wall in the hallway will combine the functions of the furniture used

The smaller the hallway, the smaller and more elegant the furniture should be.

Combine the wall in the hallway with a growth mirror

Make a niche in the hallway wall for hangers and corner shelves

Any, even the smallest hallway, can be turned into a work of art. To do this, you need to correctly approach the solution of the issue of planning, repair and installation of furniture. The entrance hall, made with taste, will set the tone for the rest of the apartment and become its face, speaking about the sense of style of the owner of the home.

50 more photos of examples of hallways with an interesting design