How to make furniture for the kitchen. How to create the perfect furniture for the kitchen yourself: an instruction for everyone Which countertop option to choose

Any furniture showroom can offer a wide range of kitchen furniture. But not always buying kitchen set is affordable for the owner of the apartment. In addition to the high cost kitchen furniture, many have to face such a problem as its large dimensions that do not correspond small apartment. The solution to such issues can be the independent manufacture of kitchen furniture. With the help of ready-made components, which can be easily found in almost any specialized store, it is quite easy to cope with this task. The cost of a self-made kitchen, as you understand, will differ markedly from that bought in a store.

Figure 1. The first stage of creating a kitchen with your own hands is to measure and create a drawing of the kitchen.

The process of making furniture for the kitchen with your own hands is actually not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. As for the tools that you will need for the job, they are so primitive that you probably have them in your home. Purchasing hardware can be a lot of fun, as various drawer hinges, handles, and drawer guides inspire you to create your own kitchen furniture.

Step-by-step instructions for making kitchen furniture with your own hands

Figure 2. A drawing of furniture placement must be made in order to visually make sure that the kitchen set will fit into the size of the kitchen.

Armed with a tape measure and a simple pencil, you can proceed to the 1st stage of work - taking measurements and creating a drawing (Fig. 1). First you need to make accurate measurements of the kitchen and write them down on paper. It is recommended to display the room on a certain scale, so the finished kitchen furniture will fit into it as profitably as possible. A drawing of furniture placement in the kitchen is shown in fig. 2.

At this stage of work, it is worth deciding on the location of the sink and stove. If their location does not suit you, the drawing should indicate the place where you are going to install them. As for the sink, the issue here is not of particular importance, but the installation site of the stove must be considered to the smallest detail, since the dimensions of the future furniture for your kitchen will depend on this. In addition, considering big sizes refrigerator, it is important to determine its location in advance. At the same time, do not forget about free access to it.

The next step is to fit the furniture for the kitchen into the resulting space dimensions. In addition to the lower row of future cabinets, the upper part of the furniture is also taken into account, and do not forget about placing the hood on top of the stove. In the process of calculating the width of cabinets, keep in mind that the resulting dimensions will have a direct relationship with the width that standard furniture fronts have.

If you have such an opportunity, you can place an order for all the components of the kitchen room, while taking into account the given dimensions, including furniture facades. When calculating furniture dimensions, special attention is paid to the size of the drawers that, according to your idea, will be put forward. In addition, you should decide where the internal shelves will be located.

Figure 3. Drawing of kitchen furniture, taking into account chipboard dimensions.

Having correctly calculated the dimensions of the drawers, you will ensure convenient use of them, in addition, it will depend on what size decorative facades you need. Based on where you decide to place the shelves, you can determine how many they will be required. It is desirable to make this calculation so that in the finished cabinet you can freely place household appliances.

Having indicated all the dimensions in the drawing, you should decide on the material that is ideal for the manufacture of kitchen furniture. If you want to meet the minimum costs, you can give your preference to chipboard plates, the back walls in this case are made of fiberboard. At the same time, the most the best option there will be furniture facades made of MDF material because they are distinguished by their practicality and durability. In addition, the material has a wide variety of colors. There are no special recommendations regarding the choice of countertops, here you should consider only your material capabilities and rely on your own taste. On fig. 3 shows a drawing of a kitchen set, taking into account chipboard dimensions.

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Component parts

Figure 4. Corner drawing kitchen sofa.

Given the fact that you will not be able to buy finished parts that have the dimensions you need, any company involved in this can provide you with a similar service. It should be noted right away that home conditions are absolutely not suitable for the manufacture of high-quality parts. The jigsaw in this case can only spoil the material, because by using it, you risk getting chips and other defects.

By contacting any relevant company, you will receive a perfectly sawn material, taking into account all dimensions, with already processed edges. If you wish, you can save money by doing the edging yourself. But in this case, you will need a melamine film, which, as practice shows, does not differ in its durability.

The melamine film should be glued to the end side of the part, for this a conventional iron is used. Excess material is cut off with a clerical knife. Such a process cannot be called complicated, due to the fact that the basis of this finishing material is paper, it is very convenient to work with it.

The kitchen will last much longer if you opt for ABS plastic edging. Glue it with the help of specially designed equipment. In the case of other types of edging, they require appropriate processing of the end part of the part.

When placing an order for parts, be prepared for the fact that you will be required to take all their measurements, which must be indicated in millimeters. It is very important that the dimensions of the fronts are approximately 3 mm smaller than the dimensions of the cabinets. In addition, keep in mind that their height must be calculated so that the doors do not touch the floor. It is recommended that the leg height be around 80-100mm. The drawing of the corner block of the kitchen sofa is shown in fig. 4.

Many firms accepting such orders provide an opportunity to purchase accessories here. In this case, it makes no sense to go to specialized stores.

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Materials and tools

Figure 5. Dimensional drawing of an L-shaped hanging kitchen cabinet.

  1. Hinges for furniture.
  2. Confirmations.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Dowels.
  5. Electric drill.
  6. Electric jigsaw.
  7. Screwdriver.
  8. Forstner drill.
  9. Roulette.
  10. Simple pencil.

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Assembly process

The assembly of furniture that will stand in your kitchen is carried out in stages. You should act with the help of the drawing. First of all, lockers are assembled. To fasten parts, it is necessary to use confirmations (special furniture ties). Before installing them, you need to drill holes, for this purpose you will need a drill with a diameter of 5 mm.

The back wall should be attached to the finished cabinet body, for which it is better to use laminated fiberboard material. After assembling the cabinets, the installation of adjustable legs remains. On fig. 5 shows a drawing of an L-shaped corner hinged kitchen cabinet

Figure 6. The design of the side wall of the kitchen cabinet - pencil case.

The tabletop must be laid so that it lies on the lower cabinets. To fasten it, use self-tapping screws. The sink should be mounted in a pre-cut hole in the countertop of the size you need. To ensure that the hole fits your sink exactly, place it on top of the countertop with the bottom facing up. Using a simple pencil, outline its outline. Having removed the sink, draw a line along the inside of the resulting drawing so that it deviates from the previous line by 1.5 cm.

Then, using a jigsaw, cut out the hole you need.

The cut must be well processed, using for this silicone sealant.

Thus, you protect the countertop from the negative effects of moisture, thereby significantly extending its life. On fig. 6 shows a drawing of the side wall of the kitchen cabinet.

Before proceeding with the installation and fastening of the sink, also process its lower part using the same silicone sealant. This will prevent water from getting under the sink.

At the next stage of work, drawer guides are installed, as well as fasteners for shelves. Self-tapping screws must have a length corresponding to the thickness of the chipboard. For shelves in which you are going to store heavy items, it is desirable to use metal corners.

Modern life makes demands on housing, among which there is not only beauty, but also functionality. Everyone knows that multifunctional appliances have a high cost, as well as an aesthetically furnished kitchen. Modern kitchen set good quality will cost a fortune. Despite the fact that for each person the concept of "inexpensive" has different limits, a family with an average income will not be able to afford such a purchase. For this reason, many families try to make their own kitchen furniture. From this article you will learn how to assemble a kitchen set with your own hands and what you need for this.

Features and Benefits

To make your own furniture, it is not necessary to have the education of a carpenter or joiner. All you need is the desire and the availability of free time, as well as tools. When creating furniture with your own hands, you will receive the following benefits:

  • individual project of exclusive quality;
  • financial savings;
  • new experience;
  • enjoyment of manual work;
  • Of no small importance is the fact that a kitchen created according to certain brands will fit perfectly into the interior of your kitchen.

There are several ways in which you can carry out your plans. For example, you can contact a specialized company where you will be provided with cutting and edging services, or you can buy ready-made components. The last option is the easiest. However, in this case, your headset will have standard sizes. There is a third option, which lies in the full-fledged manufacture of furniture for the kitchen on your own.

How to DIY

You can make a homemade table for the kitchen using the available materials. Initially, you need to decide on the dimensions, and, as in any other work, prepare a sketch. You can draw a sketch from scratch yourself or use a ready-made option. You can take the drawing as a basis or draw the necessary details.

With your own hands, you can create not only a kitchen set, but also a transforming table, high chair to the kitchen, or furniture for giving. You can read more about the instructions for making furniture below.


First of all, you should decide on the material from which you will make furniture. V modern world many solutions, and each product has its own features and benefits.

As a rule, wood is the basis of any furniture. Many people use European-made chipboard in their work, because it has the best performance compared to Russian products. If you prefer MDF, remember that it requires further painting.

MDF is more expensive than chipboard and better in quality. From such material, you can create decorative elements, it is also convenient for molding. In some cases, MDF is superior to natural wood in terms of density, so it is in demand on the Russian market.

If you are a supporter of natural and healthy materials, you can make a kitchen set from wood. Remember that such furniture will be sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. Each blank will need to be treated with a special impregnation and antiseptic.

Tabletops are made of chipboard, MDF and natural wood. The main load falls on this part, so many experts advise using natural or artificial stone in their work.

Some elements, such as the bottom of the drawers, can be made from plywood, as well as the side parts.

To date, furniture boards have gained popularity. They are a piece of wood, made in the form of a shield. A similar shield is glued together from several parts using special glue. Several tree species can act as a material:

  • Birch;
  • Pine;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • cedar.

Kitchen set from furniture board more convenient, because there is a wide choice of standard sizes.

OSB boards suitable as a decor, for example, for covering an apron area, or for creating an original shelf. They are also used to make openwork cabinets and bookshelves in other rooms.

Drywall can also be used to make furniture for the kitchen. The advantages of this material include low cost and availability, along with ease of use. GKL sheets can accept any fastening, even glue. You only need to calculate the load. Each product should be decorated with finishing materials, because in original form GKL is not attractive.

Brick kitchen furniture deserves special attention. This style is called "murovanny". He is not very popular, but he still has fans. Brick furniture looks impressive in the room and gives it solidity. Best of all, such material will look at big kitchen, as it will be difficult to small space accommodate full lockers.

Required Tools

For self-manufacturing furniture, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver

Do not forget about furniture hinges, confirmants, self-tapping screws, dowels, drills, pencil and tape measure.

Preparing everyone necessary components will help you quickly cope with the task and not be distracted by work trips to the shops.

Step-by-step instruction

With the help of this instruction, you will be able to assemble the kitchen set yourself and avoid possible mistakes that may occur during the work:

  • The first step is to take measurements and create a sketch. Make accurate measurements of the room and record them on paper. Draw the room on a scale that is convenient for you so that the finished kitchen set fits into it with maximum benefit.

  • Decide where the sink with stove will be located. If the current location of the furniture does not suit you, indicate on the drawing the place where you will transfer them. The issue of the location of the stove should be thought out to the smallest detail, because the size of the kitchen furniture depends on it. Consider the dimensions of the refrigerator and its location.

  • Now it is necessary to enter kitchen furniture into the resulting free space. Consider not only the bottom row, but also the upper cabinets, the hood.

  • If you have the opportunity, you can order the required components for the kitchen, taking into account the selected dimensions. When calculating the parameters, pay special attention to the size drawers. The size of the decorative facade will depend on these dimensions. Solving the issue with the location of the shelves will help you determine the required amount.
  • Remember to record all measurements in your sketch and decide what type of material will be best for your kitchen.


Most people will agree that only the most patient person can restore old furniture, since this process is comparable to real art. Not every person will like to work with a headset, gradually restoring the previous look of products.

To make out old furniture decent product, you will need to carry out the following activities to create a new design:

  • carefully disassemble the product;
  • cleaning and rinsing;
  • eliminate defects in the varnish surface;
  • work with wood defects;
  • carry out repairs and strengthen fastenings;
  • wood should be painted and primed;
  • decorate appearance furniture with the help of "aging", varnishing, painting and polishing.

most challenging task is the restoration of the table, or rather the alteration of its legs. To do this, you will need to remove the old veneer, restore its former shape with the help of liquid wood.

Assembling the finished headset

Sections of components must be edged in advance. They are pre-sanded with sandpaper. After that, the edge tape is applied to the saw cut and glued with a hot iron or building hair dryer.

If you use a regular iron, then when gluing it is necessary to attach a piece of thin material to the edge.

Trim the edges of the edge when it cools down. Such a technique can give furniture attractiveness and keep it from swelling in high humidity.

The next step is marking and drilling holes for mounting and shelf holders. Do not rush to work with a drill, because a mistake will lead to a through hole.

The cabinets are assembled like a box. Vertical side walls should be attached to the lower horizontal surface. The lid is screwed on last.

Roller guides must be installed using the building level. They should be horizontal and parallel to each other. Otherwise, the boxes cannot be placed in the allotted place.

Installation of the legs is made on a fully assembled and inverted cabinet. It is required to put the front part last, after which they are hinged to the side wall.

To update the interior, you can use simple decor techniques:

  • thematic stickers on the wall and ceramic tiles;
  • ornament using a stencil;
  • different panels and plates;
  • painted furniture and walls.

Such decorative elements can give furniture or individual elements bright accent. Interesting stickers are sold in various stores or you can cut them yourself from self-adhesive film. A decorated platform above the table, on the apron area or above the work surface, will add style to the kitchen interior.

In small rooms, you should select decorations with small and elegant elements, and for large or empty walls buy large parts.

Screen painting looks very stylish on kitchen furniture. You can make a pattern out of thick cardboard or plastic and make an original ornament. Artistic painting will look very stylish.

The following items will look great in the interior of the kitchen:

  • various plates;
  • cutlery;
  • wine corks;
  • sea ​​shells and pebbles;
  • paper and silicone molds, as well as pasta.

If your kitchen furniture is different from beautiful and fashionable interiors, do not be upset. With help creative ideas, which you can implement with your own hands, a standard headset will turn into a real work of art.

How to decorate furniture:

  • staining;
  • decoupage;
  • non-standard fittings;
  • plastic decorative overlays with thread imitation;
  • film.

If you have free time and want to use it to make something with your own hands, then you have opened a page that is necessary and useful in this regard. Here you can learn how to make kitchen furniture yourself using improvised tools, hand and power tools, as well as lumber waste.


  • In order to make kitchen furniture with your own hands, you will have to not only cut out even panels, but make holes in them for connecting with each other and for installing accessories. Accuracy is very important in this matter, and making such measurements every time with a tape measure or caliper is too long and inconvenient, and there is a high probability of errors. To avoid such troubles, you can purchase or make yourself a template for marking and drilling holes.

  • To make such a template, you will need two regular school wooden rulers 20 cm long and a school protractor. Now these rulers need to be glued in the form of the letter T, just make sure that the angles exactly correspond to 90⁰. Now on the riser, from the beginning of the intersection, you need to make marks at a distance of 8 mm, 16 mm, 32 mm, 50 mm, 70 mm, 100 and 120 mm, drilling holes 2 mm in diameter for a pencil in them.
  • And now, let's see what these distances are for: an 8 mm mark is needed for face drilling for euro screws or confirmation (Eureka); The 16 mm mark is the thickness of the part itself, and 32 mm is the thickness of the two parts. The remaining holes are needed for marking the canopies and retreating from the edge of the part. As you understand, the price for such a template will be purely symbolic, but it will function no worse than a professional one.

Roller guides and drawer dimensions

  • Learning how to make DIY kitchen furniture is possible only if you can accurately install the roller guides for the drawers. Modern cabinets cannot do without such fittings, so let's try to derive a general formula for installing them. In addition, without an accurate calculation, you will not be able to correctly install the drawers in the closet, which means that the furniture will turn out to be defective even if there is a strong and beautiful frame.

  • We continue to consider the topic of how to make furniture for the kitchen with our own hands and take, for example, an ordinary cabinet for various kitchen utensils, which are usually found in drawers. So, suppose that the height of the sidewall of our cabinet is 734 mm with four drawer fronts, h (height) of the plinth is 70 mm and the gap between the fronts is 3 mm (3 × 4 = 12 mm). Now we can calculate the height of each facade - 774-12-70=652 mm and divide by the number of drawers - 652/4=163 mm.

  • Considering that all drawers should be interchangeable in this case, it is necessary to take into account the extreme position of the drawers and the overlap of the drawer front with the pedestal frame. The extreme position here will be at the top and bottom drawers, where the bottom facade should cover the bottom, and the top one - a bunch under the table top.

  • The distance between the center line and the bottom of the guide is 18 mm, as can be seen in the photo of the drawing, and this bottom will coincide with the bottom of the box. The head of the screw has a maximum thickness of 1.5 mm, but we will add 4 mm in case the facade is not from a 16 mm, but from an 18 mm plate. This means that the mounting height of the first guide will be 18 + 4 = 22 mm, and if from the floor, then 22 + 16 (bottom) + 70 (base) = 108 mm.
  • Now, having these calculations available, we can derive a constant value - 22 + 16 (bottom) \u003d 38 mm. We calculate one more value - the distance from the lower front end to the bottom of the drawer - 38-18 = 20 mm. We remember that the constant for the guide is 38 mm (this is the distance from the lower end of the facade to the axis of the guide).

Installation of hinges for furniture

  • We continue to figure out how to make furniture for the kitchen ourselves and now we will learn how to seat the hinges, taking into account all the gaps and tolerances. First of all, check if you have everything in stock necessary tools for such work.

  • You will need a screwdriver and a drill, but if you have a good screwdriver like Makita or Bochs, then you can do without a drill. But you can’t do without a face mill for drilling the canopy seat, and in this situation its diameter will be 35 mm. We will also need a hammer, an awl, a pencil, furniture hinges with self-tapping screws and a marking template, if we have one.

  • The distance from the end edge of the door to the center of the seat can be from 70 to 120 mm (this is where the template comes in handy). Depending on the size and weight of the door, the number of hinges can vary from 2 to 5 pieces, and the distance from the corner edge to the center of the seat is determined by the thickness of the door, and basically it is 21-22 mm.

Warning. If the number of installed loops is more than two, then there is a high probability that when marking you will get on a shelf or jumper in a box. Therefore, even if it is not possible to make the distance uniform, then sacrifice symmetry so that later you do not have to reconstruct the pedestal.

  • When marking, do not forget that you have an awl and be sure to mark a hole for the cutter in the center of the socket. The depth of the groove, depending on the type of hinges, is usually 12-13 mm, but given that the panels are mostly 16 mm thick, you should be very careful not to squeeze out the front of the door when drilling. A sharpened cutter will help a lot with this so that you do not make much effort when pressing.
  • The angle of the drill with respect to the panel must be strictly 90⁰, and put the door itself on the floor so that it does not move. After you drill the first groove, check it for compatibility with the hinge, and the hinge itself should bend freely over the edge of the door.

  • Before screwing the hinge into the seat, use an awl to punch holes for self-tapping screws through the ears of the hinge so that the screw does not move to the side. Screw in the screws.


In this article, we learned how to make kitchen furniture ourselves, more precisely, we disassembled some of the key points needed during assembly.

In addition to this, you can watch a video clip, consolidating your new knowledge visually.

The L-shaped arrangement of furniture is appropriate for any area, and for small kitchens it is completely indispensable. The corner set is easiest to just buy, but you can make and assemble it yourself. What for? The second method has significant advantages:

  • A self-made kitchen will cost you 2-3 times cheaper than a factory one. Facades, laminated chipboard, MDF, accessories for every taste are presented on the market, and cutting of the material can often be done in the same store;
  • In addition, you can independently make a non-standard kitchen that will exactly match the room and your requirements for spaciousness and design;
  • And if you do everything right, then the appearance, ergonomics and durability of the kitchen cabinet will justify the time and effort spent. In addition, this work will be pleasant and interesting for you, and your loved ones will be grateful and proud!

It is impossible to describe in detail all the nuances of the work in one article, if you are a beginner, we advise you to get acquainted with the website of the famous furniture maker Andrey Lappo and look at Vitaly Luzhetsky's Youtube channel. And we will describe the general sequence, give advice, useful links, a selection of videos, as well as photo examples of work with cost estimates. Perhaps we will start with them.

Stage 1. Planning - drawing up drawings, thinking through the design, measurements

So, suppose you have already planned the design, color, additional chips (like the same drawers in the plinth) and a place for your future corner set. Next, you need to take measurements, and then design a drawing with the data obtained.

Before taking measurements, you should determine the complete set of the corner kitchen set, which may include:

  • Corner sink and cabinet under it;
  • At least 2 cabinets to the left and right of the sink cabinet. They can be niches for, or they can just be storage cabinets;
  • Upper sections (2-5 or more cabinets);
  • Places for stationary equipment - refrigerators, stoves, etc.

Advice! Vertical measurements are necessarily carried out at three points - in the middle, along the plinth, under the ceiling. This will level out the difference in measurements due to the curvature of the walls.

Designing, executing elements and assembling a kitchen is real, even if you only have the simplest circuit, drawn on graph paper or on a sheet of notebook in a cage, where, for example, 1 cell corresponds to 10 cm. But it is better to make a thoughtful drawing, that is, a full-fledged three-dimensional color project, using a special program, for example, "PRO100".

When drawing up a drawing, you will also need to take into account the place where the gas pipe is inserted and the place where the hood is installed (passing the air duct). A diagram or drawing is created with maximum detail, after which a material cutting map is drawn up. And for it, in turn, you need a list of assembly parts for each module. As a rule, to assemble a cabinet, you will need:

  • Top;
  • 2 side walls;
  • Shelves;
  • facades;
  • Back wall made of light but durable chipboard;
  • Edge (with a margin of 12%).

And, of course, the kitchen should have a countertop and an apron.

Stage 2. We purchase materials, make a cutting map, detailing and order a cut

Now we need to buy everything necessary materials, draw up a cutting map and detailing, and then order a cut. The cut material will be ready in 2-3 working days.

Advice! Sawing is better to order in the same store where you bought chipboard, and not elsewhere. It is much more convenient and cheaper - you will not need to order delivery 2 times.

A cutting chart is a documentation that reflects which parts need to be sawn from a chipboard sheet. The map allows you to: see how you can lay out the parts on a sheet, how much residue you get after cutting, and determine how much material you need to make a corner set with your own hands.

You can make a cutting map yourself in special programs, for example, in the Cutting program, or you can order it in the same store where you buy chipboard.

The nuances in drawing up a cut map are as follows:

  1. Mounted modules of frame furniture are best made from chipboard 16 mm thick.
  2. For modules installed below, on the floor, chipboard 18 mm is used.
  3. Width wall cabinets selected from standard model range- 200, 250, 300 mm and so on (dimensions are multiples of 50 mm).
  4. To make the back wall of fiberboard, you need to reduce its dimensions compared to the module parameters by 4 mm.

Advice! Most craftsmen prefer BLUM brand fittings.

Stage 3. Preparation of surfaces and tools

Assembly corner kitchen necessarily includes a preparatory stage. So, all surfaces along which the furniture will be located must be made even, and the walls at the junction of the headset must converge at a right angle. In order to assemble a corner set, you will need not only a detailed detailed scheme, but also an appropriate tool:

  • Hammer;
  • Pliers;
  • Ruler-gon;
  • Jigsaw and circular saw;
  • Roulette;
  • Knife, awl;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Perforator;
  • Hex key for fasteners;
  • Drills with a diameter of 4.5 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm;
  • Confirmations (50x7) or self-tapping screws 3x16, 3x30;
  • Hairdryer or iron for gluing the edge;
  • Conductor (not necessary, but highly desirable! Assembly will be easy and of high quality).

Advice! To install confirmations, holes are first drilled in the parts to be joined, and then fasteners are screwed in with a screwdriver.

Stage 4. We assemble the corner cabinet

When the drawing is completely ready and refined, and all the elements for assembly are prepared, the most important stage begins - the assembly of the corner pedestal with a sink. It is always collected first, and therefore the process is carried out with the utmost responsibility and care. Then, on the basis of the installed corner pedestal, you can make a ready-made headset by attaching the appropriate elements to it.

The main structural nuances of the corner pedestal are:

  • A hole in the countertop (almost always this cabinet is made with a sink);
  • Holes in the side or rear wall for the passage of pipelines supplying water to the sink, under the drain outlet.

These holes are necessary if the corner cabinet with a sink has back and side walls made of chipboard or fiberboard. But it is also possible that the side walls in this element are not provided, and the rigidity is provided by special connecting posts.

Stage 5. We collect the remaining elements of the kitchen set

After the corner cabinet is assembled and installed, it will be possible to make the remaining elements using pre-made drawings. The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. To assemble the main box and side pedestals, the necessary parts are sorted out and places for fasteners are marked in them.

  1. The panels are fastened together, legs and rails for retractable systems are installed. To make it easy to assemble elements with retractable guides, you must first assemble three walls of the box, insert them into the bottom of the fiberboard, and then fix the facade through an eccentric coupler - so that the sleeve in the side wall grabs the screw head with facade panel. The rollers on the guides must be at the back - this is required by the drawing. The already assembled box is placed in a cabinet, inserting it there at a slight angle.


  • Wooden dowels used as fasteners in non-through holes are recommended to be put on glue;
  • The joints of the walls of the boxes can be treated with silicone so that the chipboard does not swell and crumble from moisture.

  1. Edging can be ordered from specialized companies along with sawing, or you can do it yourself. Glue the edge to the visible ends of the chipboard suitable color, ironing it with an iron in silk ironing mode, that is, on 2k. Cut off the excess edges around the edges with a clerical knife.

  1. Mark the countertop plate and cut it. The joints must be treated with sealant, and the ends are closed with a strong metal bar.

  1. Wall cabinets can be fixed using a mounting plate - one part of it is fixed to the wall, and the second - from the rear wall of the cabinet. However, the drawings may include the usual loops.

  1. Then you need to install facades.

  1. It remains to build the technique into niches.

  1. The final stage of assembly is the installation of decorative plugs for fasteners and a plastic plinth that hides the gap between the wall and the countertop.

Furnishing the kitchen with practical and spectacular furniture is not a trivial task. How to contrive so that the furniture fits perfectly into the interior, perfectly endures the peculiarities of the local microclimate, pleases the whole family, and does not ruin the family budget with its cost? ready-made proposals there was no such “golden mean”, maybe try to make it yourself? After all, assembling a kitchen set with your own hands is quite simple - with the right measurements and accurate calculations, such work can be done by anyone who has ever screwed a screw or sawed a board with their own hands. Don't believe? Consider step by step all the nuances of the upcoming work!

The most common mistake many home craftsmen make is overestimating their own strengths. Having decided to equip the kitchen with self-made furniture, they begin to plan the most "fancy" options, guided by the picture they like from a design magazine, or even their own imagination. But at the same time, they absolutely do not take into account their real skills both in design and in a banal assembly. Therefore, novice furniture makers, before making a kitchen set with their own hands, are advised to heed the advice of more experienced craftsmen.

The simplest option kitchen set for country house

Note rules:

  • The principle “the simpler, the more reliable” works great for beginners in the furniture business. Take classic rectilinear designs as a basis - they are easy both to measure and to assemble.

Do-it-yourself kitchen from wooden planks

  • A sign of professionalism in creating a kitchen set is a well-perceived symmetry in the arrangement of individual pieces of furniture and the design of facades.

Symmetrical cabinets under the finished cornice look very neat

  • Even the simplest modular set, fitted into the interior without gaps and protruding parts, looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. And functionality will be added by the use of novelties that are light in execution, for example, cargo, organizers or boxes with exit systems.

Cargo boxes are just made for tight spaces

Organizer dividers can be bought ready-made or made by yourself.

  • You can give a touch of "exclusivity" due to the original furniture facades, which usually come to the fore. They can be completely made by yourself, ordered ready-made or decorated to your own taste.

Facades with photo printing will be a spectacular decoration of any interior

Vinyl stickers for budget decor

On a note! If we take the headset as a basis standard sizes furniture, you can significantly reduce the cost of materials and their processing.

Standard or exclusive - which materials to give preference to

If this is your first time making furniture, choose medium and low materials. price category- after all, no one is immune from mistakes and damage to blanks. Having trained in working with cheaper frame parts, facades can already be made from natural wood or glass. But no matter which option you choose, it is important to take care of protecting the future headset from changes in temperature and humidity.

To create a reliable housing, you can use any kind of chipboard and fiberboard with an external coating:

  1. Chipboard is the most common "furniture" material, which is used both for mounting the frame and for creating facades. It is not too heavy, strong enough, and high-quality laminate lining of the plate provides good protection against moisture. In addition, the material is inexpensive, has a wide range of colors and imitations of expensive coatings. For kitchen furniture, a standard sheet thickness of 16 mm is sufficient.

Chipboard - a budget material for self-assembly of furniture

Disadvantages: Chipboard must be covered with external protection - otherwise, when heated, the stove may emit an unpleasant odor and evaporate formaldehyde compounds. Although the material is quite simple in installation, it will not work to assemble / disassemble the case or screw in the screws several times - due to the large number of internal voids, the fasteners loosen and do not hold well.

Important! The most durable is the facing of plates with plastic (postforming). protective layer It is applied under high pressure and literally grows together with the tree, without peeling off even with temperature changes and prolonged contact with water.

Chipboard with plastic protection

  1. MDF - fibreboard holds fasteners perfectly, does not evaporate harmful substances, easy to process (including figure-milling), which allows you to create non-standard shapes and original decor. Laminate, PVC film, natural or artificial veneer, plastic, paint and varnish products are used as a protective coating.

Disadvantages: the price of blanks is 1.5-2 times higher than analogues from chipboard.

  • Fibreboard or HDF - thin chipboard - a practical and lightweight option for making the back walls of the headset.

But for facades, the choice of material is not limited to wood-based panels. Here you can use an array of natural wood, rattan, bamboo, glass ... The main thing is the confidence of the master in own forces during processing and assembly.

On a note! Facades are the "face" of the kitchen. Therefore, if you don’t have enough practical skills in the furniture business, but you want to create a set with an original pattern or milling, you can order ready-made facades or give blanks for decoration to craftsmen with professional equipment.

You can choose ready-made facades for any interior style

All of the above materials (with the exception of fiberboard) are also used for making do-it-yourself countertops. Facing with acrylic or other artificial stone, plastic, metal also looks good, but such products are usually made to order.

Advice! When choosing a material, do not be too lazy to go to a building materials store and carefully examine everything possible options personally. With this approach, it will be much easier to imagine the appearance of your future furniture.

The choice of materials for self-manufacturing furniture is very wide.

Preparatory stage

The lion's share of the price for furniture goes to design and calculations, since even a non-professional assembler can make a kitchen set with his own hands from processed blanks. Therefore, creating your own kitchen wall design for a specific interior, you really save. And do not worry, the masters assure that higher mathematics is not needed for such calculations - it is quite enough to know the basics of arithmetic.

Accurate calculation is the basis of success

To take measurements correctly, arm yourself with a tape measure, level, calculator and a sheet of paper to record the data obtained. It would be nice to involve an assistant in the work - after all, the dimensions of many pieces of furniture exceed the span of the hands of one person, and the calculations can turn out to be inaccurate.

We act in stages:

  • First, a general measurement of the room is made in order to calculate the length and height of the walls, as well as indicate the exact location of window and door openings, window sills, communications (gas, sewer, heating and water pipes, ventilation, sockets and switches).

Important! All overall parameters are tried on at least three times (for example, the length of the wall is determined under the ceiling, at the level of the plinth and in the center) in order to level deviations due to possible curvature.

  • The measurements made are applied to the drawing (if there is a difference in measurements, the minimum value is taken for calculations). Such a scheme can be drawn both on paper and in a computer graphics program. PRO100 is considered the most convenient for novice designers, but others can be used - AutoCad, BlumDynalog or Basis furniture maker. In any of these programs, you can get a finished sketch in 3D format, and in some (for example, BlumDynalog) there is also a module for cutting components with all the markup and assembly diagram.

Creating a kitchen project using a computer program

  • Then calculations are made for each item of the headset. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account household appliances - a refrigerator, a stove (or an oven and a separate hob), extractor hood, microwave, dishwasher, dryer and other overall or not very appliances.

Important! In addition to the size of the equipment, it is necessary to provide for the placement of sockets for it.

Communication scheme for the kitchen wall

  • At the last stage, detailed markings are made for each cabinet and bedside tables for shelves, drawers, fixtures and other fittings. If you are going to install purchased standard parts in them, check the dimensions in advance so as not to miss the calculations.

Finished fillers for kitchen drawers

For those who have a well-developed spatial imagination, a simple paper drawing is quite enough. For the rest, a color 3D sketch will be more visual, thanks to which you can not only make accurate markings, but also decide on the design of the headset.

The kitchen project can be depicted on paper

Attention! To order sawing material for a future set, you must have a dimensional diagram of each part.

An example of a detailed diagram for the manufacture of a corner sink cabinet

Ordering and receiving materials

Having fully decided how to make a kitchen set with your own hands, the finished drawings are transferred to the workshop, where they are cut into parts. The cost of work will depend on such factors:

  • complexity of material processing;
  • compliance with furniture standards;
  • the number of blanks (for a large order you can get a tangible discount);
  • the need for additional processing of cuts;
  • urgency.

Important! If during marking it turned out that in some parts additional holes for pipes or other elements are needed, be sure to indicate their location and diameter in the drawing. For self-cutting, you need at least a jigsaw, and this is far from a guarantee of accurate cuts.

After a few days, all ordered items are handed out. Be sure to check the presence of each part and their dimensions, color matching and defects, as well as the quality of the cut itself.

Blanks for assembling a kitchen set

Attention! The coating should not have large chips and cracks - they can lead to premature loss of its protective qualities and deformation of the entire product.

A defect in the processing of cuts can spoil the appearance of a new headset

Edging of the ends of parts

The edges of the obtained blanks from laminated chipboard or MDF must be further processed, as they remain uncoated (the array can simply be coated with paint, varnish or wax-oil impregnation). To do this, edging (or trimming) is carried out - gluing bare spots with a narrow melamine or plastic tape. You can perform this procedure at home.

Important! The footage of the adhesive tape is determined by the dimensions of the parts with cuts. The edge should be 4 mm wider than the end of the part and match the color of the main coating.

Edging is carried out according to the following plan:

  • The chipboard part is installed with a cut up, it is not necessary to fix it, you can just hold it.
  • The edge tape is pressed against the end with the adhesive side inward.
  • To improve adhesion, the glued tape should be heated (it is enough to iron the melamine tape with an iron set to medium heat, but the plastic one needs to be heated more and longer, for example, using a building hair dryer).

Finishing ends at home

On a note! In order not to spoil the coating of the tape, when working with an iron, it can be covered with a sheet of paper or a thin cloth.

  • After the edge has stuck and cooled, it is necessary to remove the protruding edges. Excess melamine tape can be easily cut off with a regular wallpaper knife, for plastic it is better to use hacksaw blade.
  • Finally, it is recommended to process the cuts with medium sandpaper or a small file to remove roughness and slightly round the corners.

Advice! Although the process of closing the ends is not complicated, it takes a lot of time and requires care and accuracy. This service can also be offered in the workshop where the sawing was ordered, and if they have an edge facing machine, you should agree.

Edge banding of workpieces professional equipment– quickly and reliably

Preparation of parts - marking and drilling holes

At this stage, it is necessary to mark the places for fasteners on the workpieces and drill holes for the screws.

To make holes, you will need a drill and wood drill bits

We act in stages:

  • First we work with the side walls. Lay them out on a flat surface. inside up (like an open book). Referring to the drawn plan, we calculate and mark the places where the horizontal lines fit - the bottom, the lid and the shelves. To do this, you can use a board of the same thickness as the material of the blanks - it is easy to draw a straight line along it at the right distance. To mark the location of the shelves, we use a tape measure and the same board.
  • In the center of the marked fit of the horizontals (that is, at a distance of 8 mm from the drawn lines with a board thickness of 16 mm), we outline the drilling points. They should be 50-100 mm (depending on the depth of the cabinet) from the outer edge. For clarity, you can prick small indentations in these places with an awl.
  • Holes are drilled from the inside of the sidewalls with a 4 mm drill.
  • WITH outer side we make chamfers under the hats of self-tapping screws. This is easy enough to do with a simple drill with a 9mm drill set in reverse.
  • We attach the lower horizontal to the processed sidewall - the angle can be fixed with the help of an angle vice or ask someone to hold the parts so that they do not move. Through the hole already made in the sidewall, we drill a horizontal with a 2 mm drill.

Angle vise will help fix the walls perpendicular to each other

  • Repeat these steps for the remaining horizontals and the second sidewall.

Such preparation must be carried out for the side surfaces of all cabinets and bedside tables, after which you can take up the assembly.

Assembling a kitchen set with your own hands

To assemble the headset, you need to mark on the wall using a level, and continue assembling the blanks, starting with massive floor pedestals.

Assembly of the main frame

We assemble the bottom line from fully prepared parts - the basis of the future headset.

Action algorithm:

  • We fasten the parts using the usual 55 wood screws and a screwdriver.
  • We check the correctness of the assembly by measuring the diagonals of the resulting rectangle.
  • From the visible outer sides, we close the caps of the self-tapping screws with special plastic plugs.
  • For hanging cabinets, we attach the selected fittings to the upper horizontal, with which we will fix the cabinet on the wall.
  • We attach guides or closers to the bedside tables with drawers on the inner walls.
  • At the bottom of the lower tier of furniture we mount the legs.

Assembling a floor stand with legs

  • We close the resulting frame with a back wall made of fiberboard. Fastening can be carried out with staples or simple galvanized nails in increments of approximately 100-150 mm. Fixation is carried out along the sidewalls and all horizontals - from above, below and at the level of the shelves.

The main frame is ready, there are still works with facades, hanging cabinets and countertops.

Installation of kitchen facades

In most cases, the facade elements of kitchen furniture are doors made of glass, solid wood or wood panels. To attach them to the frame, quick mounting loops are used, the installation of which can only be done by a master with necessary equipment.

The work is done like this:

  • A place for hinges is marked on the door. It is worth focusing on a distance of 50-100 mm from the top or bottom and 21-22 mm from the edge of the sidewall.
  • Forstner cutter 35 mm drilled round hole for hinges up to 10 mm deep. If this recess is made too shallow, then when fixing the hinge with screws, the facade may be squeezed out from the outside.
  • The hinges are installed in the recesses, aligned with a ruler, after which holes are made for self-tapping screws using a 2 mm drill.

Important! Be careful not to drill through the door.

  • We fix the hinges to the inner surface of the facade using 4x16 zinc self-tapping screws.

  • We install the front door in place. To do this, we apply a ruler to the end of the frame in order to obtain the necessary clearance for the correct opening and closing of the door.
  • We install the facade with deployed hinges, mark the points for drilling.
  • We make holes with a 2 mm drill to a depth of no more than 10 mm.
  • We fix the hinges to the sidewall with 4x16 zinc screws. If necessary, we adjust the hinges for a smooth fit of the door.

Facade strips that close the drawers are much easier to install. If you bought special boxes such as metabox or tandembox, then they always come with ready-made mounting brackets. If the box is the most common, then the facade is fixed with self-tapping screws (zinc) 4x16.

Screed headset elements and installation of countertops

To turn all cabinets and bedside tables into a single structure, it is necessary to combine adjacent modules with each other. For this, 5 mm intersection screeds are used. The adjoining walls are drilled through in two places - above and below. The main part of the screed is inserted into the hole, and the second - the fixing screw - is screwed into it.

Installing the countertop is not difficult. We simply fix it on special fasteners installed on the box of the lower cabinets. But the installation of the sink should be taken seriously. After all, you need not only to fix the structure, but also to take care of the correct sealing of the seams with silicone (however, a lot here depends on the type of model, because overhead, mortise and integrated sinks have their own installation nuances).

As you can see, the hand-made assembly of the kitchen set really turned out to be not too difficult. Even the most difficult part of creating a project and correct calculations is also within the power of any person who studied mathematics at school. And yet, not every one of us is ready to spend time and effort on something that can be entrusted to professionals and get a known high-quality result. Therefore, think carefully - are you ready to accomplish labor exploits in the field furniture production, or entrust this process to qualified craftsmen.