How is ceiling plastering done? Leveling ceilings with plaster The better to plaster the ceiling

In any room, the ceiling occupies the most prominent position. This is the first thing that catches your eye and appearance creates the first impression of the whole house. Do-it-yourself ceiling plastering can improve the impression.

Plastering the ceiling allows you to eliminate surface defects and renew it.

During construction, various defects and irregularities occur on the surface of the ceiling. In a residential building, spots, cracks, etc. appear on the ceiling over time. Plastering the ceiling with your own hands allows you to eliminate surface defects and update it.

The choice of material for plaster

Plaster is a thick mixture that is designed to finish various surfaces. The process of plastering the ceiling involves applying plaster to the ceiling in order to create a smooth, even surface. In general, this process can be divided into plastering (primary removal of irregularities) and putty (fine leveling of the surface). The main requirements for the materials used: good adhesion with different materials used in construction; the possibility of forming a smooth surface simple ways; solidity; resistance to external influences.

Plasters can be divided into two large groups - mixtures based on cement and based on gypsum. To improve the functional properties and manufacturability, various substances are added to the mixture. Cement mortar is a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: (3-4). To increase elasticity, a cement-lime mortar is used when lime milk is added to the mixture of cement and sand (0.7-1 part of slaked lime diluted in water to a liquid state). Pure gypsum mortar is usually not used for plastering. Lime-gypsum mortar is widely used. It is a mixture of gypsum with lime mortar in a ratio of 1: (3-4). In turn, the lime mortar is prepared in the form of a mixture of slaked lime with sand in a ratio of 1: (4-6).

Self-prepared solutions allow, but cannot provide the desired reliability. Currently, dry building mixes are being sold, which significantly increase the reliability and quality of the material. The composition of such a mixture includes mineral and polymer additives that increase their elasticity and strength. Their basis can be cement and gypsum.

For plastering ceilings, gypsum-based dry building mixes are most often used. However, in rooms with high humidity and other influences of various factors, cement-based mixtures should be used for internal works. For decorative plaster, colored building mixtures are produced. In addition, the mixtures differ in the grain size of the additives, which should be taken into account when choosing a composition for plaster (grain size can exceed 2.5 mm) and putty (grain size is not more than 0.3 mm). In general, dry building mixes are divided according to their purpose into the following types:

  • plaster leveling;
  • protective covering;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • adhesive layer;
  • colored decoration.

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Step by step instructions: preparing the ceiling

Plastering the surface with your own hands begins with the preparation of the ceiling surface. Preparation consists in cleaning the surface, removing obvious defects and old ceiling covering(during repair). First of all, you need to take measures to protect yourself - there will be a lot of dust when cleaning the ceiling. Goggles and a respirator must be used.

Before applying the plaster, the ceiling surface must be cleaned and the old ceiling coating removed.

Old coatings are removed with a sharp, hard spatula. First, the paint and the old plaster are removed as much as possible. If the spatula fails to completely remove the old coating, then an emery mesh should be used, grinder or coarse sandpaper.

The quality of the sealing of the joints between the floor slabs should be checked. If the plaster staggers or crumbles, then it should be removed. Plaster that does not give in when touched with a spatula remains in place. Difficulties can cause paint applied directly to concrete. If it does not lend itself to a spatula, then you will have to use special solutions. So, you can use iodine water solution(25 ml per 10 liters of water). The solution is applied to the remaining paint, soaking it. After that, the paint is removed with a spatula.

Sometimes there are cases when, after getting wet, mold or fungi appear on the ceiling, to remove them, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a solution of copper sulfate (5 g per 1 liter of water). After all work on the ceiling, its surface is dried and thoroughly cleaned of dust.

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Plaster tool

Plastering the ceiling is done using a specialized hand tool. To plaster the ceiling, you will need the following tool:

  • putty knife;
  • grater;
  • trowel;
  • falcon;
  • plastering trowel;
  • spatula plaster;
  • corner equalizer;
  • rule;
  • trowel (malka);
  • scoop;
  • trowel;
  • level;
  • hatchet;
  • roller or paint brushes;
  • emery mesh;
  • emery skin.

For ease of use, you should prepare a set of spatulas of different hardness and width from 50 to 120 mm. In addition, it is advisable to have a comb spatula. To prepare the solution, you need a container for the mixture, a mixer or a drill with a mixing attachment. Quality control should be carried out using a level.

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Ceiling leveling

Self-plastering the surface begins with its alignment. The first step in leveling the ceiling is to prime the surface in order to cover large defects and ensure good adhesion. The primer of the ceiling is carried out in two layers. The primer mixture is applied to the entire surface of the ceiling with a roller, and in the corners with a brush. Before applying the plaster, the primer layer must be completely dry.

The mixture for plastering is prepared as follows. Water is poured into the container and the dry mixture is poured in the proportion indicated in the instructions. The mixture is kneaded with a drill with a mixing nozzle and then settled for 5-10 minutes. After that, the final mixing of the solution is carried out with a drill until a homogeneous mass of the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

The plaster is applied to the surface of the ceiling with a spatula and trowel. Start plastering the ceiling should be from the corner of the wall with a window. The solution is applied to the surface and immediately leveled with a spatula. The ceiling is plastered evenly over the entire surface of the ceiling. The thickness of the coating is about 5-10 mm.

The work is completed by applying putty over the dried plaster. The putty mixture is prepared similarly to the plaster mixture. It is applied in a thin layer of 3-5 mm and carefully leveled with a spatula. After drying, it is polished with an emery cloth.

The ceiling is the most visible part of any room. The walls can be occupied by furniture or something else, but this part of the room, except for lighting fixtures, has nothing to occupy. Depending on the lighting, irregularities and other imperfections in the ceiling can be clearly visible. In our country, many people prefer to make repairs or do-it-yourself construction. Plastering a ceiling is far from a simple process, but with the current level of technology development, it is indeed possible to do this on your own.

Necessary mixtures and building materials

Market of modern building materials offers the consumer the widest range of various mixtures for plastering surfaces of any type. And all that remains to be done for a person who has planned to start repairs is not to make a mistake in choosing. It will depend on this quality and durability of the coating.

Just a few decades ago, a mixture of cement, sand and lime was considered the most common material for carrying out work of this class. Such a solution was applied in a thin layer, if necessary, the process had to be repeated. And with all the positive aspects of this method, for example, cheapness and environmental friendliness, the durability of the solution left much to be desired. Cracks and chips appeared already in the first year after the repair. Therefore its in Lately almost replaced ready-made dry plaster mixtures based on polymers. To one of the most common types of such mixtures refers Knauf plaster.

Ready-made mixtures greatly facilitated the work. They allow you to apply a fairly thick layer of material - up to 50 mm, which is essential reduces surface treatment time. The only thing to consider when working with this building material is quick drying. Since their hardening time is limited, as a rule, it is from 30 minutes to an hour. It is important to take into account the time period required for workings one serving of plaster to avoid unnecessary spending on dried mortar.

Sealing of joints of floor slabs

The main problem in preparing the ceiling for repair make up joints floor slabs. Joints are sealed a few days before the plastering process.

At the beginning, everything that is possible is removed from the joint so that nothing exfoliates in these places. Then dust and sand are thoroughly cleaned with a special brush. When all possible dirt is removed from the joint, it handle using a deep-penetrating primer brush.

After the primer has dried (about 24 hours), the first layer of plaster solution is applied. As a rule, when sealing butt joints use reinforcement. For reinforcement, a polymer mesh is used, which is placed in the solution. After placing the mesh in the solution, a layer of plaster is applied from above with a notched trowel. The solution must be completely dry up, and only after that the second, final, layer of the solution is applied.

There are such cracks in the slabs that can be repaired using the above method. impossible because of their size. In this case, there are two options, but in any case, the joint before this is carefully prepared for sealing.

Options for sealing large joints:

  1. Mounting foam. Before sealing the gap, it is well moistened with water. Complete drying of the foam occurs in a day. After that, the excess foam is cut off, you need to make sure that at least one centimeter of the solution enters the joint, after that the foam is treated with soil, and then using conventional technology.
  2. Use of rags. A piece of fabric is moistened in a primer (or concrete contact) and carefully tamped into the gap with a spatula. After that, the rags should dry for at least a day, and then - according to already known technology.

If you approach this issue in good faith, then there will be no cracks on the ceiling. You can also completely eliminate their growth. But none of these methods will help from the appearance of new cracks, which is why it is so important to work with exclusively high-quality building materials, observing the technology and the correct repair sequence.

Any process of finishing a room involves careful preparation of the ceiling space. It is very important to achieve in the process of the work done a perfectly even and smooth surface, on which you can comfortably and safely apply the finishing layer of the finish. To do this, all the old coating is completely removed, and if there are any hardware(nails, screws, etc.), they also need to be removed. The smoothness of the surface is a sign of the good quality of the work done earlier. At the final stage of dismantling, the smallest repair particles and even dust residues are carefully neutralized.

After the ceiling is completely cleared of old remnants of the finish, and cracks and sharp transitions are eliminated, you can proceed to the primer. It is not recommended to skip this step. So, the main purpose of priming surfaces is to ideally prepare it for applying the finishing layer, namely plaster. Experts recommend using high-quality types of primer so that the walls last as long as possible, and the process of working with it is quick and comfortable.

Priming is usually done paint roller, and if there are cracks or depressions that cannot be eliminated, then these places must be additionally treated with a special brush. It should be soft and with a long pile.

Modern ready-made primers, as a rule, dry up to 24 hours. At the same time, it is recommended to ensure the most comfortable temperature in the room. It is strictly forbidden to heat the rooms, as well as to allow drafts. Before the soil is completely dry, plastering cannot be done. During the drying of the primer, do not allow dust and other microparticles to enter the walls, which are often formed during the repair work. Otherwise, the priming will have to be repeated.

Plastering process

Even if the mixture for the final treatment is selected to be of the highest quality, you should not completely rely on the fact that it will last a long time. In many ways, the durability of plaster also depends on the hand of a true master.

Preparing the mixture:

  1. Pour the amount of warm water recommended by the manufacturer into a previously prepared container.
  2. Slowly pour the mixture into the liquid, stirring occasionally.
  3. Thoroughly mix the solution with a construction mixer until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Mix again with mixer.

It is recommended to apply putty with a plastic spatula, you can also use rubber tools, which have recently begun to gain popularity. To level the layer, it is better to use special metal tools. Each layer is recommended to dry for 16 to 24 hours.

Ceiling plaster with beacons

Among home professionals, not many people know how to properly plaster the ceiling. There are two technologies for plastering surfaces - with and without beacons.

The use of beacons speeds up and simplifies the work, and also allows a plasterer with little experience to cope with it. However, the use of such technology is not always possible. So, if the ceiling has large irregularities (for example, at the junctions of floor panels), it is recommended to use suspended ceiling or the use of drywall. This is due to the fact that it is problematic to throw a thick layer of plaster on the ceiling, besides, it can fall off, even if applied several times.

However, it is not always possible to use a suspended ceiling. In this case, you can do without beacons. It is necessary to plaster from the walls to the center of the ceiling so that the joint between the ceiling and the wall is even, and a difference of several centimeters may not be visually noticed.

  1. Before installing beacons, it is necessary to make markings. For this, the lowest angle is initially selected. With the help of a building level or a laser pointer of planes, a marking line is drawn on the walls. After the manipulations, the layer of plaster that will need to be applied will be clear. After that, beacons are installed - these are perforated galvanized profiles with a protruding back. The height of the beacon ranges from 6 to 10 mm.
  2. To install them, cords are pulled to help maintain the level. After installation, the mixture must be allowed to dry well. And after the solution has sufficiently set, the beacons must be removed, otherwise, if left, the metal will begin to rust, and rust spots are very difficult to remove.
  3. After the plaster has dried, the holes remaining after the beacons are sealed. A spatula is perfect for such work. Once everything is finished, the surface must be allowed to dry well.

Grouting and finishing work

Grouting is the final stage of leveling the future ceiling. Eliminating the resulting errors on leveled surfaces does not take much time. But it must be carried out carefully and slowly. By the way, the grouting process can not only be used to give the surface perfect smoothness, but also be used in the process of creating a design pattern (texturing) using special tools. However, smooth and even ceilings are a classic that most people adhere to.

For leveling, several types of graters are used:

  • Wooden;
  • plastic;
  • Styrofoam;
  • metal;
  • polyurethane;
  • Spongy.

Specialists and construction companies when working with large footage, a special electric grouting tool is used - a plastering machine. But for do-it-yourself repairs, the simplest construction tools that do not require large expenditures are perfect.

For grouting, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of putty on the wall, let it dry. To check the readiness of the layer, you can touch it with a spatula, if it does not stick, then the surface is completely ready. Moisten the grater a little and start “polishing” the surface with smooth movements in one direction.

On this, plastering the ceiling with your own hands can be successfully considered finished. If you still have questions, then you can turn to the Internet, where there are a lot of videos for beginners on how to plaster the ceiling with your own hands. This will help you figure out all the nuances!

Repair of any premises, whether residential or office, begins with the ceiling. Regardless of what kind of finish is provided for by the design project: whitewashing, painting or pasting decorative panels, the surface to be treated must be prepared in accordance with all the rules.

In short, how can you equalize the flow?

Comparing various methods leveling the ceiling, you should find out what is the fundamental difference between plaster and putty? Both options for eliminating nervousness refer to the “wet” method, which is based on the use of various building mixtures and compositions. Ceiling alignment is considered “dry”, but they resort to such a cardinal solution to the problem as a last resort.

Surface puttying is performed as a finish before painting or wallpapering. The layer of material cannot exceed 3-4 mm. The peculiarity of such a coating is that its use is permissible on almost even surfaces with minor defects, inconspicuous cracks and small irregularities, since a finely dispersed putty mixture is not able to tighten and hide more significant problems.

Stucco screed is made on surfaces with height differences up to 45-50 mm. Thanks to coarse particles, the mixture easily copes with deep cracks and seams between slabs and ceilings. However, if the differences exceed 5 cm, it is not recommended to use plaster mixes - too thick a layer of material is not only aesthetically unattractive, but also dangerous due to the likelihood of cracking and peeling of the plaster from the ceiling, which can be a potential health hazard and lead to injury. In such situations, the best solution would be to install frame ceiling structures using slabs of or stretch ceiling from modern materials.

When choosing one or another method of finishing, you should take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the material.

The advantages of plaster are in the following aspects:

The disadvantages of plaster mixes are as follows:

  • there is a limit on the maximum thickness of the plaster layer - experts do not recommend exceeding a threshold of 5 cm - with large differences, it is not advisable to level with this material and is characterized by a large consumption of the mixture;
  • if it is not possible to perform the work on your own, the services of professionals will cost a significant amount, plus consider the cost of the material itself;
  • leveling the ceiling with plaster mixtures requires certain skills in working with materials and tools, and the process itself can take a very long time, since the main task is to make the surface smooth and even.

Prices for popular types of plaster


To plaster the ceiling on your own, you will need the following materials:

Step 1. Surface preparation

The preparatory stage is of great importance even if it is a new building. Ideally, the ceiling should be cleared down to a concrete slab.

Traces of mold, fungus and rust smudges should be removed with a wet sponge, and then wash the ceiling area with special compounds. The old and peeling layer of plaster and other building materials must be removed.

Even if the coating looks durable and without noticeable signs of wear, experts recommend removing it. Firstly, sooner or later cracks may form on the ceiling, and secondly, such layering will steal extra centimeters of space.

The most suitable tool for the work is a narrow spatula. If the layer of finishing materials is difficult to remove, you can try to “tap” the treated area with a rubber hammer or use an electromechanical drill with a special brush attachment. It is very important not to forget to protect your eyes, head and respiratory tract from construction dust.

It is useless to blur the plaster with various solutions, since after such processing a thin, smooth and difficult-to-remove layer remains on the surface of the ceiling, which will prevent quality work due to low adhesion, which can cause delamination and cracks in the applied layer of plaster.

Relatively flat ceilings

The ceiling is plastered with two, less often three layers of the mixture. If there are minimal surface defects, it is allowed to apply plaster on selective areas, followed by leveling the material, but the craftsmen recommend applying at least one solid layer to the entire surface. If the irregularities are numerous and the estimated layer of plaster will exceed 10 mm, before starting work on the ceiling, you need to fix the paint grid - this will protect the coating from cracks and give greater strength.

Ceilings with large irregularities

If the surface differences are significant and are more than 2 cm, then alignment is best done using. Their installation is a responsible and important stage.

  • The planned minimum thickness of the plaster layer depends only on the specific conditions of the room to be finished and the wishes of the owners. As a rule, a layer less than 5 mm is not applied when plastering.
  • The amount of difference in the height of the ceiling, which must be eliminated by plastering.
  • Master's skill level. For a professional, no more than 5% of the solution will go to waste, and for a beginner, at first, 15% of the stock may not be enough.

The resulting value will initially be expressed in kilograms. But dry plaster mixtures are sold in paper bags of 25 or 30 kilograms, and acquiring an open bag is a great stupidity, since no one can already guarantee the quality of the mortar. This means that one way or another it will be necessary to round the amount of the purchased composition up to the whole number of bags. This stock will still not be superfluous - all the repairs are yet to come! This is also taken into account by the calculation program.

Any repair in a house or apartment begins with an inspection of the field of activity. The key aspect that determines the future scope of work is the assessment of the condition of surfaces in residential premises. In most cases, additional work is required, the main purpose of which is to level the base surfaces and prepare them for subsequent finishing. Despite the emergence of new technologies and the use of new finishing materials, plastering of ceilings and walls in this regard continues to be one of the most effective ways alignment. Why is that? Let's try to answer this question in more detail.

A simple and uncomplicated technology for plastering ceilings is well known to older people. Despite the fact that technical progress has stepped forward, many experts recommend in some cases plastering the ceiling, achieving the desired result.

What do you have to deal with

A smooth ceiling surface is the key to the success of all subsequent repairs in a residential area. All finishing work begins with the ceilings. The state of the draft surface of the ceiling part determines what type of ceiling design can be used in each individual room. It is extremely rare that we have to deal with a good condition of floors. Various defects, cracks, height differences spoil the whole picture and make you look for effective way ceiling alignment. Plastering an apartment ceiling is most often able to technically solve the problem that has arisen.

Why plastering surfaces continues to be a popular technology in apartment design. The thing is that this is almost the only way to achieve a flat surface on the ceiling, while keeping the internal cubic capacity of the living space intact. This is especially true for residents of city apartments, where there are height restrictions. Ceilings of 240, 250 cm do not allow the use of suspended ceiling structures. Even a simple installation on top of a drywall slab will steal 3-4 precious cm from you. The height in the room. Ceiling stucco will keep height loss to a minimum, ensuring subsequent performance design solutions.

There are two types of plaster - dry and wet. In the first case, we are talking about installing a plasterboard on the ceiling. This option is usually used in private houses and cottages, where there are no technological height restrictions. If you want to avoid wet work, use this technology. GVL sheets they will cover the entire area of ​​the draft surface, covering all the existing technological shortcomings and creating a continuous, even surface. It remains only to putty the seams between the sheets and you can proceed directly to painting the ceiling or pasting it with wallpaper.

On a note: in new buildings, as a rule, housing is rented with a minimum set interior decoration. Walls, floors and ceiling surfaces already have a base, draft layer of plaster. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the quality plastering works.

In the second case, the leveling process is associated with applying a thin layer of lime-cement mixture to the base surface, due to which all existing defects are hidden. The process is painstaking and, in some cases, time-consuming. However, in most cases it will not be possible to avoid it, especially for owners small apartments in old houses. The joints between the panels look very unsightly, and in the worst case, due to a mismatch structural elements there are noticeable height differences on the ceilings.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of typical plastered ceilings

The very first thing to start with is economy. Not each of us can afford to spend money on installing a complex suspended ceiling structure not to mention stretch ceilings. In terms of material costs and labor costs, plastering the ceiling is considered the cheapest way to bring the ceiling into proper shape.


Here it would be appropriate to say about the advantages that plaster has. This technology has the following advantages:

  • ecological purity (lime-cement and gypsum mixtures are absolutely harmless to humans);
  • the plastered layer does not reduce the height in the room (the maximum allowable layer thickness is 5 mm);
  • durability (properly made mortar guarantees the integrity of the plaster for 7-10 years).

For reference: it will be fair to note that suspended structures are also quite environmentally friendly (drywall, stretch ceilings) and, with competent calculations, do not greatly affect the height of the room.

Against this background, you can correct the idyllic picture by mentioning the shortcomings that plaster for the ceiling in residential premises has.


It should immediately be said that self repair This is always a significant cost savings. However, when you do the plastering work yourself, only your ability and skills can guarantee you good quality performance of work. When hiring professionals for such work, plastering ceiling surfaces will be for you expensive pleasure. Do-it-yourself plastering of an apartment ceiling will cost you more in terms of labor than installing a suspended ceiling system made of PVC panels or drywall.

Let's return to the manufacturability of plastering panels. The existing limitation of the thickness of the superimposed layer of 5 cm will not allow eliminating significant level differences on the ceilings.

Important! A thick layer of plaster will lead to overspending of finishing materials. The probability of collapse of the plastered layer under its own weight increases, which is fraught with a danger to the life and health of the inhabitants of the house.

And the last. Plastering the ceiling with your own hands is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. To do this, you need to have certain skills and abilities, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow painting and plastering work is carried out. For the first time taking up the plastering of the ceiling surface, it is difficult to achieve a perfectly even coating the first time. When working with suspended structures, the result the first time can be more or less tolerable.

Material selection

The main work in this case is connected with the use of traditional materials. Usually, lime-cement mixtures are used for plastering. In the context modern technologies It is customary to work with gypsum materials. From the point of view of efficiency and manufacturability, the latter option is more preferable. Before you plaster your ceiling, you should figure out what material will be the best option for a particular room and how technologically the process of applying the solution will be.

For modern country houses, cottages and other residential buildings, where there is a combination of different building materials, shrinkage of the main building inevitably occurs. Gypsum mixtures are able to withstand the technological load, while the usual lime-cement mixtures are more rigid and not plastic. Gypsum plaster has better adhesion (adhesion to the base surface).

For reference: gypsum mixtures are used for plastering wooden panels and overlays. Lime-cement mortars are better in contact with concrete panels.

In addition, both materials differ in the method of application. Gypsum mortars can simply be spread on the work surface, while cement-lime plaster will have to be thrown onto the ceiling. For dry rooms, gypsum-based mixtures with the addition of plasticizers are good. In rooms where there is elevated level humidity, it is better to stop at a traditional, cement-lime mortar.

Plastering options

In order to know how to plaster the ceiling and in what ways it is done, it is enough to get acquainted with traditional technologies in this area. There are two real ways- it:

  • plastering of ceiling surfaces with beacons;
  • applying a layer of mortar without beacons.

The first method is classical and is recognized by experts and specialists as the most effective and competent. Due to the lighthouses, you can create a flat and smooth ceiling part. In cases where there is a large elevation difference and it needs to be hidden, they work without beacons.

On a note: when working with beacons, it will be necessary to apply a layer of solution with a thickness of more than 5 cm, which is strongly not recommended by experts for safety reasons.

Correcting the curvature of the ceilings will require work without beacons. From the point of view of the classics, this is wrong, but this is a real way out of the situation. The main idea of ​​the whole idea is preserved - to make the ceiling in a certain area even and smooth. How much as a result of this the distance from the floor to the top will differ in different angles is not significant at the moment. The human eye does not see such errors. The main thing is that the ceiling and walls have a rectangular joint.

Stages of work

Making sure when examining the old ceiling in its condition, choose the method of finishing, with or without beacons. Traditionally, the work surface must be prepared for plastering.

Rough surface preparation

To do this, remove the old layer of lining. How to plaster the ceiling if there is mold on the walls and ceilings and the surface is affected by fungus? Nothing wrong. We clean the affected layer of the ceiling surface, and then treat it with antiseptics. Such solutions are commercially available today. To make it easier to remove the old plaster, we wet the surface with water. In addition, in this case, there will be less dust during operation. Cleaning is carried out until the old material is completely removed from the floors.

Remove the remains of lime and cement dust with a wet sponge.

On a note: in wet rooms it is better to treat the entire ceiling surface with antiseptics. Mold can also be removed with a bleach solution. special means not only kill the fungus and mold, but also prevent its reproduction for many years.

After stripping, it is best to walk along the prepared ceiling with a primer. Due to the primer, you will get the best adhesion to the mortar.

The main process is the application of plaster

Traditionally, we work in the traditional way, with lighthouses. It is this method that is recommended by those who know how to properly plaster the ceiling. With the help of levels (laser or water) is the lowest point on the base surface. Stepping down 10 mm from this place, we beat off the level of future plaster on the wall and fix the lighthouse profiles. Further work is done according to a simple and knurled scheme.

The step between profiles should not exceed the length of your rule. As a rule, the step is 15-20 cm less than the length of the rule.

On a note: a short rule is more convenient to work with, but a longer tool produces a smoother surface.

The presence of beacons helps to stabilize the thickness of the plaster layer. A layer of solution is applied with a spatula so that each new smear protrudes beyond the beacons. Surpluses are removed by the rule. It is always worth remembering an important detail - the thickness of the layer in one run should not exceed 2 cm. When eliminating large irregularities, it will be necessary to re-apply a layer of plaster.

Finishing work is the final stage and boils down to processing the finished surface with putty. Gypsum plasters are very convenient in this regard and do not require the application of a thick layer of putty.


Despite the archaism of the plaster in finishing work This technology continues to be in demand today. Do-it-yourself ceiling plastering at home, due to its many positive qualities, will certainly make your living space clean, beautiful and cozy. In order to achieve this, you should remember a number of basic aspects:

  1. Plaster is an environmentally friendly type of finish
  2. This technology is suitable for working with ceiling parts in rooms of low height.
  3. Plastering is the most affordable and cheapest way to finish
  4. Gypsum mixtures and cement-lime mortars are used
  5. There are two ways to lay the mortar - along the beacons and without them
  6. The stages of work are divided into:
  • preparatory;
  • basic;
  • finishing.

Ceiling plaster, like other types of finishes, requires careful surface preparation. This is done regardless of the finishing method:

  • traditional, with wet plastering;
  • dry, using sheet material.

Both methods end with finishing coat of plaster. The choice of material depends on the upcoming work: repairing the ceiling, leveling the concrete slab, finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster.

This finishing method is suitable for rooms with high ceilings and creates space for hidden engineering systems: ventilation ducts, cable channels. GKL joints and sheets are puttied with a thin layer of finishing plaster, then the surface is painted or wallpapered.

The traditional way wet plaster known from antiquity. A wooden rack frame (shingles) was being prepared. Then 3 layers of putty were applied with a lime mixture:

  1. Approximately 8 mm (3/8 in.) thick was applied through the gaps between the planks to achieve a strong bond to the laths.
  2. The so-called floating coating is about 6 mm (1/4 inch) to achieve a smooth surface of the last layer.
  3. The last (installation or finishing) was about 3 mm (1/8 inch) under trim for decoration.

Traditionally, the first and second layers were usually a 1:3 mixture of lime cleaning paste and quartz sand. Animal hair was mixed as a binding additive. The third layer is lime paste on its own or 3:1 for a thin sand mixture.

Modern gypsum plasters much harder and more brittle than the traditional lime dough used in older designs. This must be taken into account when reconstructing buildings.

Apartment buildings have concrete ceilings. Their finishing consists in sealing the joints of the panels, followed by plastering. This method has the following advantages:

  • room space is preserved;
  • fire safety is ensured;
  • the possibility of timely elimination of defects;
  • the possibility of creating designer decorative stucco.

The construction market has dry plaster mixtures on cement, lime, gypsum basis. There are decorative plaster mixtures. Their composition includes additives that increase strength characteristics, reduce setting time, and improve water resistance. The main thing is ease of use.

The packages or attached instructions indicate the amount of water to be added, the consumption of the mixture at a certain layer thickness per square meter, technology of preparation and application to the surface. In order to plaster the ceiling with your own hands, buy a hand tool.

You will also need: a construction knife, a soft sponge, sandpaper of different grain sizes, a hammer, grout, a rule, a smooth comb, a building level, a container for mixing the mixture, a mixer. We will get acquainted with other tools when performing work.

Attention! Do-it-yourself ceiling plastering is best done on a fairly even ceiling with a slight height difference. The application of plaster on the ceiling of a thick leveling layer is carried out along the beacons. It takes skill to do this job.

Choose the type of plaster. Repair of concrete surfaces: sealing seams, cracks, chips - perform ceiling plaster cement mortar . Inexpensive dry mix will do MikCity Cemosloy. By technical specifications it is not inferior to expensive gypsum-based mixtures. The use time is 4 hours, which allows you to mix large volumes and plaster large areas.

You can plaster the ceiling with gypsum plaster, but you need to work with it quickly.

Attention! Dry mixes are prepared at the rate of use for the time indicated on the package. Do not dilute the mixture, especially at the end of the term.

The applied layer without additional reinforcement is from 5 to 30 mm for walls. Ceilings are recommended to be reinforced with a special plaster mesh . The composition of the mixture includes mineral fillers and modified additives that improve strength characteristics, the working solution is plastic, adheres tightly to concrete surface, brickwork, gas silicate blocks, stone slabs. The choice of dry mixes is huge.

Which plaster to choose for the ceiling, entrust the experts.

Preparatory work includes cleaning the ceiling from dirt and dust. Metal brush, scraper, spatula, detergents- clean the ceiling old paint, lagging plaster, another that has fallen into disrepair, finishing material. Joints of panels, potholes and cracks are sealed with prepared plaster mortar from a dry mix.

The repaired surface is left for the hardening time (about a day). Then the seams are cleaned and primed. This is necessary for better adhesion of the plaster to the concrete surface.

There are deep penetration primers that protect against fungus and mold and reduce the consumption of finishing material. It is recommended to prime the surface 2-3 times at intervals for better penetration. The joints with the walls and between the panels are glued with a reinforcing mesh (if necessary), and then the finishing layer is applied.

Then, at the request of the Customer, artistic plaster moldings are made. This expensive type of decoration is performed by highly paid craftsmen. There are ready-made decorative fragments made of gypsum or polyurethane. They are fixed to the ceiling and wall with liquid nails. Looks rich and classic.

Available for sale ready plaster decorative mixtures. You can choose the appropriate tone and cook decorative plaster do-it-yourself ceiling Dyes are sold, which are added to the kneaded plaster mortar to obtain the desired shade.

Wooden ceiling plaster

Above, the traditional method of wet plastering using shingles was considered. This method is laborious and requires a certain skill. Much easier to level the ceiling GKL and then applied to the surface leveling layer of finishing plaster. Such work is called puttying. Applying decorative plaster to the ceiling with this method will reduce the consumption of an expensive mixture, and the ceiling will look like this.

On the GKL applied Venetian plaster . The smooth glossy surface looks like marble. Gypsum molding will be performed under the chandelier. This is how it changed wooden ceiling performed by the master.

How to plaster the OSB ceiling?

OSB boards are sheathed on the ceilings of many private houses built according to frame technologies. For better adhesion to the plaster, the OSB surface is glued with a paint mesh with PVA glue. Self-adhesive nets are available for sale.

It is recommended to plaster the ceiling on the grid in two steps: smooth with longitudinal and transverse layers. Get excellent results when applied to the ceiling textured plaster. Various dyes are added to the usual mixture and, due to a professional set of puttying techniques, decorative patterns are formed on the ceiling. Use special rolling rollers, templates, fixtures.

Ready mixes are available. They are advantageous to use because they have high ductility. The consumption is indicated on the plastic container, this allows you to buy right amount putties. The relief surface of textured plaster hides small irregularities and small cracks.

How to plaster the ceiling with your own hands?

Even experienced plasterers, before plastering the ceiling, try various techniques drawing on separate area sheet(imitating the ceiling). And only after a successful selection, this technique is used for the main ceiling. Train, choose reliable way how to properly plaster the ceiling, bring your skills to a professional level and get to work.

Structural decorative plaster differs from textured the composition of the fillers. For interior work, ready-made mixtures on a water-dispersion basis are chosen. As a structure, the composition includes marble chips of various fractions and binder polymer fillers with the addition of acrylic resins.

There is a difference: plastering and puttying. Putty, according to professionals, is intended for finishing. So, for example, the picture shows the materials of the manufacturer BORO.

How to plaster the ceiling in the bathroom?

There is no significant difference. It all depends on the preferences of the customer. Decorative putty, as a rule, is moisture resistant. In addition, it can be protected with moisture resistant paint. The paint is tinted using computer programs in building hypermarkets. In order not to be mistaken: “how to plaster the ceiling in the room?” carefully read the composition of the mixture, which should consist of natural ingredients and meet fire safety requirements.

Useful video

In the video, let's see an example of plastering a ceiling without beacons:

In order to fully understand how to apply decorative plaster to the ceiling, one must not only have theoretical knowledge, but also master this art, trying to apply the drawing on one's own. And who knows? Maybe you have artistic abilities, and then ideas will appear, opportunities to translate them into reality.