Steam room and sink in one room sizes. Scheme of a bath with a steam room and a sink

Today you can see the most different baths, ranging from simple buildings that resemble a small barn, and ending with two-story buildings that perform the function country house. When choosing the best option for a bath, people are guided by the size of the site, budget, the number of people who will go to the bath and their own preferences.

But no matter what project you choose, it will certainly include a steam room and a washing room. Both rooms are required. The steam room is called the “heart of the bath”, because without it, going to the bath is impossible. Washing is no less important, because in the steam room a person sweats a lot and, of course, he wants to rinse with cool water after such procedures.

The steam room and washing room can be done in the same room or separated. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options.

Bath with a steam room and a sink in the same room: advantages and disadvantages

A bath with a combined sink is not so common at the moment. This option is chosen mainly if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site does not allow making two separate rooms.

A compact bath with combined rooms makes it possible to save not only space, but also money. The cost of such a building will be much cheaper than the price of a bath of a similar size with a separate steam room and washing room.

Another plus is that the bath, where the steam room and washing are combined, in winter time it is much more pleasant to visit: it heats up quickly and ventilates quickly. In the summer, on the contrary, it is quite difficult to cool the sink.

A bath with a combined sink and steam room has significant drawbacks. The first of them is connected with the fact that with such a design it is much more difficult to maintain the necessary conditions in the steam room. In particular, if someone cleans in the washing room, the humidity level in the room will increase, and the steam room will be less comfortable. And the smell of soap or shower gel also interferes with creating the right atmosphere.

For this reason, everyone will have to bathe first, and only then wash, otherwise you will be forced to endure high humidity.

In addition, it is impossible to wash in a heated steam room, so you have to wait until the room cools down.

Obviously, a bath with a combined washing and steam room is an option for a small company (up to 4 people). If you are going to relax in a larger group, then you definitely need to separate these rooms.

As already mentioned, a bath with a steam room and a washing room in the same room is less comfortable, because everyone has to either bathe or wash, while in separate rooms there is no need to adapt to others.

Below are photos of a bath with a steam room and a sink combined in one room:

3x3 bath project with combined steam room and washing room

It is quite small, so it is difficult to make a separate steam room and washing room here.

Below is a project of a small bath, consisting of only two rooms: a steam room and a washing room, a rest room.

This budget option is suitable for small area. In such a bath, 2-3 people will fit, but no more.

3x4 bath project with combined steam room and washing room

This bath is a little larger, but it also has only two rooms. The capacity is 2-3 people.

This project provides for a more spacious steam room and washing room, while the dressing room has a small area - only 6 square meters. m.

Bath with steam room and sink separately: advantages and disadvantages

This option is considered more traditional and convenient. You can relax in the bath, where the steam room and washing are separate, even with a large company. There is no need to adapt to each other, everyone can go to the steam room and wash whenever they want.

It is also convenient that each of the rooms creates its own microclimate: if it is hot and dry in the steam room, then it is fresh and cool in the washing room.

But keep in mind that building such a bath with a steam room and a do-it-yourself sink will cost more, because you will have to make an additional internal partition.

In addition, a bath with a separate steam room and a washing room is devoid of all the disadvantages compared to a bath where the rooms are combined.

The choice of one or another option is most influenced by the size of the bath. For example, if you are building 3 by 3, then you will probably have to combine rooms. But if you are building, 6 by 8, etc., then, of course, it makes no sense to save money and it is better to separate the steam room and the washing room.

Photo of a bathhouse with a separate steam room and sink:

3x5 bath project with separate steam room and sink

The 3 by 5 project is quite budgetary and compact, while it provides for the separation of the steam room and washing room. The layout implies the presence of a spacious lounge, which can accommodate a company of 3-4 people.

Increases the capacity of the bath and the fact that according to the plan in the steam room, the shelves are installed in several tiers. Washing small, designed for one shower.

Bath plan 4x4 (sink and steam room separately)

Despite having no big sizes, in it you can not only separate the steam room and washing room, but also add a small terrace. The result is a full-fledged recreation complex for 2-3 people.

All rooms in this project have same sizes- 2x2 m or 3.24 sq. m.

Bath project 5x5 with separate steam room and sink

It already has a decent area, so in this case it makes no sense to combine a steam room and a washing room. The layout provides for a steam room 2x3 m, a small shower room - 2x2 m, a spacious rest room, a small vestibule and even a porch.

The location of the stove is well thought out in the project - it is adjacent to the rest room, so that the room will be warm enough.

Bath project 6x7 with separate steam room and sink

This is an option for a large company. There is a spacious lounge (15.35 sq.m.), a small steam room, a shower room, a vestibule and a terrace.

If a company can easily fit in the rest room, then the steam room is quite small, so you will have to go into it in groups of 2-3 people.

Obviously, the combination of two rooms leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of bath procedures, since each of them has its own functional purpose. If you want to enjoy your holiday and get the most out of it, then the best way- Separate the steam room and washing room. If you have a very small area, then in this case you can stop at the combined steam room and washing room.

Every summer resident or owner of a country estate with a large residential private house at some point begins to think about building his own bathhouse. Going to the steam room brings a lot of pleasure and health benefits.

When erecting a building, it is necessary to take into account many functional, practical, decorative and aesthetic aspects. The future building must meet all the requirements and at the same time be reliable, durable and easy to use.


For a comfortable stay and the possibility of carrying out all the necessary bath procedures, the building must have the following mandatory premises:

  • steam room;
  • washing;
  • rest room.

The optimal size of the bath is 4x6 meters. Such a building will organically look on a small suburban area, at the same time it will allow you to comfortably organize a vacation for a small company of 4-6 people.

The owners of spacious country estates will also be satisfied with the project: the absence of unnecessary details will not affect the quality of recreation, especially small bath retains heat better and warms up faster.

The presence of separate steam rooms and washing rooms help to solve many functional issues.

  • Firstly, the separation of these two zones is reasonable, since the washing room does not need high temperatures, while the steam room can be quickly and efficiently heated to the required state. A similar situation develops with excessive humidity in the steam room from the immediate vicinity of the washing room. It is important to consider that too humid air at high temperatures is much worse tolerated by the human body.
  • Secondly, it becomes possible to install a pouring bucket with an invigorating cold water, which will not heat up from the heat from the steam room.
  • Thirdly, staying in the baths at the same time for men and women will be much more comfortable with separate rooms.


Before proceeding with the construction of a bath 4 by 6 meters, it is necessary to choose the most optimal project that meets the requirements of the future owner. There are many options for drawings and schemes of buildings that can satisfy the most demanding taste.

In order to correctly select a construction project, it is necessary to understand the possible functionality. A lighter version of the building can be a summer bath, which will include a minimum of premises (recreation area, steam room, washing room).

If the bath will be used all year round, it makes sense to provide a toilet, as well as a small dressing room or vestibule, which will protect the heated space from cold air from the street.

If a project is selected for a commercial purpose (for example, for a tourist base), then it is better to take care of a spacious lounge so that all guests can comfortably sit at the table after visiting the steam room. It is worth choosing a project with a separate firebox in order to control the process of heating the bath and not interfere with the rest.

A small terrace will give guests the opportunity to go out for a breath of fresh air or wipe off the snow.

Veranda or terrace (especially in summer time) easily replace the recreation area. If it is possible to close the windows of the veranda, then you can use the space of the room even in the cool season, and Mosquito nets get rid of annoying insects. Projects with summer premises will help save the future owner on interior decoration, as well as heat and waterproofing.

Plan your placement wisely interior partitions inside the bath, correctly set priorities will help. If the future owner intends to often invite guests to "take a steam bath", then it would be most appropriate to choose a project with a spacious lounge.

In this case, the steam room, as a rule, is visited by only a part of the guests at a time, while the gatherings at the table are held with the participation of everyone. The sink should also not be made too large - you can limit yourself to a space for a shower and a place where you can wipe yourself with a towel and put on a bathrobe.

In the case when the future bath will be intended for a family stay, as well as used for household purposes (washing clothes), the washing unit should be spacious and comfortable for several people to stay at once.

The shower cabin is replaced with taps with cold and hot water, basins and benches.

You can correctly plan the space on the site and have a large comfortable bath of 6x4 meters if you replace the terrace with a small porch. This will provide a comfortable exit to fresh air, as well as give a finished look to the structure.

Premises sequence

Proper space planning plays an important role. The first room you enter is the vestibule. It protects the rest of the rooms from the ingress of cold air, and outerwear is also left here and shoes are taken off. This room should not be large: 2-2.5 square meters. m. will be enough.

From the vestibule, most often, the door leads to a rest room, which is equipped with a table, chairs or benches. Often this room is not heated, but remains warm due to the heat from the steam room.

There are projects in which from the rest room it is possible to get directly into the steam room, while a separate door leads to the washing room. But only in a purely Russian traditional bath, the steam room is the heart of the whole structure, and you can get into it only from the sink.


Currently, there are a huge number of materials from which you can build a bath. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you should weigh the pros and cons of each type.

Log bath

Traditionally, a bathhouse in Russia was built exclusively from a log house. Now such buildings are highly valued, as natural material is environmentally friendly, has therapeutic properties and has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Consider the advantages of log baths:

  • retain heat well and heat up quickly;
  • environmentally friendly material is safe for human health;
  • log buildings have low level shrinkage;
  • chopped baths have good sound insulation;
  • due to the fact that for the construction it is enough to erect strip foundation (wooden frame– a fairly lightweight design), you can save a considerable amount and time;

  • wood has natural ventilation, such a bath is considered "breathable";
  • you can buy a ready-made log house and save time and energy for the construction of the structure;
  • a log bath has excellent decorative properties and looks great on a suburban area;
  • wood resin, which is released from the heating of the room, smells good, which creates a special atmosphere inside the building.

However, log baths also have their drawbacks, which should be taken into account during construction:

  • wood material is highly flammable and supports combustion, therefore there is an increased risk of fire, during construction and operation, the technique must be observed fire safety;
  • the tree absorbs all excess moisture and evaporation, because of this, the material can begin to rot, mold and fungus form on it (special impregnations and antiseptics that treat wood during the construction phase will help prevent unwanted processes);
  • seams are formed between the logs, which must be sealed to avoid heat loss.

Bath on the basis of the frame

Buildings erected according to frame technology.

Houses and baths on the frame have become widespread due to the obvious advantages of such structures:

  • light frame construction does not require the construction of a foundation, which saves a lot of time, effort and Money(the frame is installed directly on the piles);
  • the absence of a foundation makes the structure stable in the event of seismic vibrations;
  • baths and houses made using frame technology are environmentally friendly and safe for humans;

  • it is possible to build an object at low temperatures (up to 15 degrees below zero);
  • you can heat the bath immediately after the completion of the construction;
  • the building keeps heat well and heats up quickly, while the material is able to "breathe" (perfectly passes and releases air);
  • the building can be erected even alone.

At frame bath there are also disadvantages:

  • finishing, insulation, waterproofing will require a lot of investment, since the use of cheap and low-quality materials can be harmful to health (with strong heating, toxic volatile substances are released, moreover, inexpensive foam plastic is highly flammable, and affordable mineral wool may not have the necessary properties that retain heat);
  • the foundation of the frame building shrinks (up to 10 cm in 2 years).

brick bath

You don't see a bath like this very often. However, this material is quite suitable for the construction of this structure.

Consider all the pros and cons in order to assess the rationality of the choice in favor of a brick. Virtues brick bath are:

  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the building will serve for more than a dozen years;
  • heat-resistant material does not burn and does not support fire, and therefore the construction of a bath is safe even at a short distance from residential buildings;
  • the brick does not absorb moisture, does not rot, mold does not form on it and inside;

  • the material retains and gives off heat for a long time;
  • a brick bath is easy to build, even if the project involves complex architectural elements;
  • any brick structure looks fundamental and attractive.

However, such baths have a number of disadvantages that make the construction of brick baths unpopular:

  • the material is very expensive;
  • a reinforced foundation is required for the construction;
  • a brick bath heats up for a very long time, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and fuel to create the necessary microclimate;
  • inside it is necessary to make finishing and thermal insulation.

A dacha without a bath is unthinkable. Every self-respecting owner land plot and country house seeks to build at least a small, but his own working bath. And this is understandable: a bath is a primordially Russian tradition, it is relaxation and health, after all, speaking modern language is relaxation. But you can’t build a bath just like that - you need a project and an optimally suitable bath layout. This is a top priority, and what are the projects, and which one is better to choose - we will talk below.

For plots of 3 or 6 acres, a bathhouse with an area of ​​​​3 x 4 meters is perfect, the project of which you see in the figure above. The principle of the bath is the presence of a steam room, and in our particular case, the steam room has a rather large area - 8 m 2. It can accommodate 2-3 shelves (beds), and there will be room for a heater. Other rooms can be included in the project as needed. For example, without a billiard room in a bath you can wash yourself, but in a billiard room without a steam room - no way.

After a portion of hot steam, you need to wash off dirt and fatigue, and here you need a shower room - it is also called a washing room. Two square meters for washing one person is enough, as can be seen from the project. There is even a relaxation room where you can just sit, drink kvass, relax before the next steam session. Lounge in our standard project has an area of ​​4.5 m 2, and, of course, there is also a vestibule in which you can organize a small dressing room.

About the required premises

But even the smallest bath cannot consist of one steam room - it's just inconvenient. Therefore, in small projects the main room is divided by partitions into several rooms, which are assigned this or that role. It is not necessary to make load-bearing partitions and lay a foundation under them - it is enough to divide the area light wooden partitions, as shown in the project below. The layout of the bath itself is quite spacious - 4 x 6 meters.

Dividing the main building into several rooms will allow (and this is the main thing) to quickly, efficiently and efficiently heat the steam room without overheating the rest of the rooms, especially the rest room. In addition, the bath plan must be carefully considered for free access to all rooms.

dressing room

The purpose of the dressing room is the entrance to the bathhouse, the storage of firewood or other fuel, the locker room (dressing room), the separation of the cold room from those heated by the stove. The dressing room is a kind of terminator, with warm air on one side and cold air on the other. From the dressing room, the doors should lead to the shower room, and to the steam room, and to the rest room.

This bath plan measuring 3 x 5 meters provides for a large and spacious (as far as the construction plans and the construction area allow) dressing room, in which you can equip all other rooms with the help of partitions - a firewood warehouse, a dressing room, etc. Enough can be done in such a dressing room big window, the main thing is that there should not be a window in the steam room. There should be only one door in the steam room, and they should go out into the same dressing room. From the dressing room itself, you can get into all the other rooms.

Washroom or shower room

The shower room should be separated from others, since in it, first of all, the temperature should be lower than in the steam room, and the very functional purpose of this room implies the secrecy of the process. In order not to waste an already small amount of energy on heating the washing room, it is made small - within 2-3 square meters. Such an area for a shower room can be allocated in any, even the smallest, project. And if the bath is intended exclusively for male visits, then the shower room can generally be made miniature - about 0.5 m2. But at its expense, you can expand the rest room.

If the layout of the bath 6 by 4 meters suits you, then the shower room can be organized as shown in the figure above - this is a small, but quite comfortable and functional room.

For a family bath, more than with children, the shower room should be large, comfortable and multifunctional, which implies the inclusion of a compartment (or a separate room) for washing and other needs. Due to the large area, such a washing room can even be the main room in the bath, so a good forced and natural ventilation, natural and artificial premises, correctly calculate the heating scheme and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room according to the maximum number of visitors. If such a bath plan is drawn up, then the rest room can be excluded from the project altogether and transferred to the house.

steam room

The pair room must be moved as far as possible in the project from the front door. The steam room is located at the maximum distance from entrance doors. They do not make windows in the steam room, there is only one door. The main dimensions (length, width, ceiling height) can be any, but the internal dimensions are calculated according to existing regulations, which include standards:

  1. Construction and finishing materials;
  2. Parameters of the ventilation system;
  3. The number of visitors to the steam room;
  4. Power and heat transfer of a heater or other stove model;
  5. Fire safety;
  6. Ergonomic and design parameters of the steam room.

The standards for the height of the steam room are quite strict - 210-240 cm, while both the width and the length of the steam room can vary between 84 -115 cm -190-235 cm for the smallest projects for one person. It is clear that the larger size of the bath will entail an increase in the size of the steam room. In addition, if the planning features are aimed at minimizing the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball rooms, then places in the steam room can be provided for sitting.

From the above steam room project, it is clear that the shelves can be both seated and for a lying position. With a cascading arrangement of shelves, the free area in the steam room can be significantly expanded.

Bath projects

Starting the construction of a bathhouse, you can develop projects of any kind, but they must be tied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and the location of the residential building on it.

The first example is a bathhouse with a rest room in the form of a separate room. It is because of the separate location that this room can be loaded with additional functions - locker rooms, a dressing room, a shower room.

In this project, despite the fact that the recreation room is quite large, there is also a second floor, which can be used for active recreation - playing billiards, for example, or just watching TV. Judging by the project, the recreation room occupies half of the entire area, excluding the vestibule. Since the heat from the steam room does not get here, you can put a soft corner in the room and consumer electronics. Even with intermittent heating of the bath, hypothermia does not threaten the interior. To make the room more comfortable and cozy, you can install a special sauna stove with a fireplace module, which will be located both in the steam room and in the relaxation room.

Bath with a pool

Yes, in classic version the pool in the bath is not provided, but nothing prevents it from being built, and the project plan below clearly proves this. And this is not the limit: in the bath you can organize and winter Garden, and a training room, and even a bedroom.

Project one-story bath 7 x 11 meters in size - this is a spacious lounge, and a separate steam room, and a shower room, and a swimming pool. The entrance to the pool is from the corridor, and this is more convenient, as you may first need to undress without visiting the steam room. carried out through the rest room. In this project, all the premises of the bath are separate, and only the corridor is a passage. This multifunctional bathhouse even has a bathroom, despite the fact that only one floor quite severely limits the architect's space.

Bath on two floors

A two-story bath is more of a residential than a recreational building, since the second floor and most of the first floor are almost always reserved for vital premises that are needed even without a bath on the farm. Very rarely, both floors are given specifically for the premises of the bath and everything that can be associated with it.

The second floor can be built as a separate full-fledged floor, as an attic or as a residential attic space. In this project, this is an attic in which guests will rest. That is, the second floor of the bath serves as a guest house. The number of internal partitions determines which rooms you will plan. It can be one or two bedrooms with a rest room, or maybe just a large hall with a sofa for sleeping and relaxing after a bath. But it is not at all necessary to receive guests for several days, and in this case, from the second floor, you can simply make game room with a billiard or equip a chill-out with a home theater.

The first floor is a standard set of premises necessary for the full functioning of the bath: a steam room, a washing room, a relaxation room with a dining area, and a bathroom. Naturally, there is also a large vestibule, which houses a storehouse for firewood and a dressing room.

Bathhouse with outbuildings

With a large land area, there is a great opportunity to expand the bathhouse, building it not as a separate functional facility, but as a household complex - with outbuildings that provide separate use of premises on a large area of ​​​​one floor. Here you can attach to the bath separately: a rest room, bedrooms, a bathroom and a bathroom, a kitchen, storage for firewood or coal, a swimming pool, and even a children's room. In general, a full-fledged residential building can be made from a bathhouse.

The solution will be ideal for living only in spring, summer and autumn, since in warm weather there is no need to equip capital heating, insulate the building, purchase a lot of furniture, etc. This is an economical version of the prefabricated structure of the bath.

The advantage lies in the "floating" of the project - you can attach any premises and in any quantity, there would be free space on the ground. In addition, the technology of separate construction allows you to reduce the cost of building materials - not all premises need the same, often expensive, materials, especially for foundations. If the extension is unloaded, then it can be placed on piles or on columnar supports, and build walls of wood, not brick.

If some premises are operated under normal conditions, and not under high humidity, then it will be more economical not to include the use of vapor and waterproofing materials in the estimate.

In the recent past, the bath was used exclusively for hygienic purposes. It’s a completely different matter today, a bathhouse is a place of relaxation with friends, a kind of massage and beauty salon and even a psychological relaxation room. In a word, people visit the bath today not only to wash themselves, but at the same time to get a charge of vivacity, improve their health and, if possible, lose weight. The article will discuss how best to make a sink in the bath.

  • dressing room;
  • rest room;
  • washing (sink);
  • steam room.

Particular attention should be paid to the steam room and washing, since the correctness of their arrangement depends on how effective the bathing procedures carried out here will be.

bath washing photo

Some time ago it was considered that it is better to combine the above two rooms, as this will save space, and therefore the cost of construction, again, it is easier to heat the combined sections of the bath. Today, most prefer to equip them separately, as they have different functions. In addition, not all visitors to the bath well tolerate the high temperature of the steam room. But still, each specific case requires an individual approach, taking into account the needs of the householder, as well as his capabilities.

Washing in the steam room or separately?

The problem of combining a steam room and a washing department is not as simple as it sometimes seems, so it should be decided on at the stage of developing a bath project. Its decision is often dictated to a lesser extent by the desire of the owner than by objective conditions:

  • size of the land plot;
  • financial capabilities of the owner;
  • the availability of the necessary materials.

As practice shows, they combine a sink with a steam room most often due to the limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture development and the funds allocated for it.

  • If it is planned to build a small bathhouse, then it will still have to be divided into at least two rooms: a dressing room, which is also a rest room, a dressing room and a steam room, in which it is also supposed to wash. From the first room - the waiting room, which separates the steam room from the street, the stove is heated. And in the steam room, they equip a heater, a lounger for bathers, put a bench for basins, other bath accessories, install a container with cold water, put another tank on the stove, in which hot water is heated.

Advantages of a combined steam room and sink:

  • simplicity of building layout. The furnace firebox has an exit to the dressing room, the furnace itself with a heating plane where the hot water tank is placed, and the heater is located in the steam room;
  • saving space, at the same time funds, materials, as well as firewood for space heating.

Combination cons:

  • the impossibility of simultaneous washing of several people due to limited space;
  • the need to ventilate the room and heat the stove when washing several groups;
  • impossibility of washing for not quite healthy people, due to too high temperature in the car wash.

In order to reduce some of the negative characteristics of this type of construction, it can be recommended to equip a steam room and a washing room at different levels, where the shelves for the steamers are higher, where it is hot, and the washing bench is lower, where it is cooler.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that the need to combine two bath departments is often dictated by the lack of space. total area structures up to 16 m2 require a combination, everything that is more than this figure can be divided by building a separate washing and steam room. But too close, even if separate rooms, will not bring joy when taking bath procedures.

Arrangement in the bath of washing and steam rooms separately

Wash room wall decoration

Traditionally for interior decoration washing prefer natural wood, as its characteristics meet all requirements.

However, not every type of wood is suitable for these purposes; only moisture-resistant and durable wood is suitable here. In this regard, the most suitable have long been considered:

  • cedar. It is suitable both for finishing walls and ceilings of a washing room, since there is no such high temperature as in a steam room, the degree of heating of cedar wood is insignificant, and therefore, cedar resin will not drip. The difficulty is caused by the shortage of lining made of cedar and its high cost;
  • Linden. This is the most suitable material for finishing the sink in the bath. It does not darken from humidity and time, and when heated, it fills the room with a pleasant aroma that has a beneficial effect on the human body;
  • larch. It is difficult to process, but it is unusually moisture resistant, its wood looks very attractive on the cut, and the aroma, especially strong when heated, is pleasant and healing;
  • Abashi. Recently popular finishing material for the washroom in the bath, the African abachi tree, otherwise a dead tree, became. It almost does not heat up, has an expressive texture and color.

Having chosen a type of lining, depending on personal preferences and possibilities, they proceed to wall cladding. This can be done in several ways by placing slats:

  • vertical;
  • horizontally;
  • diagonally;
  • in various combinations.

Stages of work

  • First, a frame is built, while fixing the bars in a certain way. With a horizontal finish, they are mounted vertically, and with a vertical finish, they are mounted horizontally. If a diagonal version of the layout of the planks is preferred, the frame bars are also fastened diagonally, only in the opposite direction. By applying these three cladding methods in any combination, you can get an interior design option that is unsurpassed in beauty.

  • You can fasten the lining in the following ways:
    1. using a clamp, which is most suitable for decorative finishing;
    2. driving nails into the groove at an oblique angle (hidden fastening), which is very time consuming for a non-professional;
    3. with the help of through fastening with screws - self-tapping screws directly into the frame bar.

Floor installation in the washing room

  • The main requirements for the floor in the sink in the bath are non-slip and easy to keep clean.
  • Today, most experts agree that these requirements are met by a special unglazed ceramic tile, moreover, at a very reasonable price, which is laid on a concrete screed.
  • To drain water from the sink, wooden ladders are placed on the floor, knocked down from slats or rubber mats. After each washing, these coatings should be dried well. It is unacceptable to use any synthetic materials to cover the floor of the washing room, which, when heated, as a rule, emit substances toxic to humans.

  • In addition, when arranging the floor in the sink, it should be taken into account that the soil cushion, heat insulator, bath floor screed should not be fastened to the foundation, this allows it to carry out independent vertical movement along the inner surface of the walls in the winter-spring period. In the absence of this autonomy, the floor tiles will be destroyed already in the coming spring.

Wash ventilation system

Sink ventilation is the cornerstone of the well-being of this section of the bath, since the abundance of moisture accumulating under the floor, without proper ventilation, contributes to the appearance of mold and decay. Underfloor ventilation with air extraction, in addition, ensures normal temperature regime and floor heating. To create such a hood, arrange next to the stove ventilation duct. When the furnace heats up, draft is formed in it, and cold, moist air comes out.

Bath ventilation provides:

  • optimal temperature regime;
  • constant air flow;
  • airing and drying all rooms of the bath.

Distinguish ventilation:

  • Natural. It is created due to the difference in air pressure outside and inside the building and does not require additional costs for the installation of special equipment.

  • Forced. It is provided with the help of additionally installed equipment: fans; air filters; air conditioners and other appliances.

Errors in the installation of ventilation lead to unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • the formation and spread of mold;
  • rotting wood;
  • the emergence of pathogenic microflora, dangerous to health.

Water supply in the sink

The bath sink needs a reliable supply of water. Here, as in the case of calculating the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bath for a certain number of people, you need to know exactly how many people will take bath procedures at a time in order to properly route the water supply from pipes of the required diameter. In order for the washing room to be provided with hot water, two main options can be considered :

  • if it is possible to supply gas communications, use a gas heater;
  • in the absence of a nearby gas pipeline, use an electric heater.

In a word, with centralized water supply, the presence of sewerage, the issue of providing a bath with water, one way or another, is solved.

Another thing is when it is not possible to bring water supply and sewerage to the site or these systems are not provided for by the design of the bath itself, and water, both cold and hot, must be prepared in advance in containers, from which everyone pours into a basin for himself right amount water.

  • In this case, it is necessary to first calculate how much water is required to wash a certain number of vacationers. This is done in the following way: there is a known value of the required amount of hot water per person for washing, equal to 7-10 liters. If the water temperature is 80-90°C, then cold water a person uses 3-4 times more at a time. So, to wash one person, you need 40-45 liters of water.
  • Based on this, and knowing the number of people who want to wash, you can correctly calculate the amount of water that should be prepared. hot water, with this option, water supply is heated in boilers provided for by the design of the furnace itself, heated by solid fuel (usually firewood, preferably birch).

Do-it-yourself benches, sunbeds for washing

Do-it-yourself washing bench

How can you manage in the sink without the traditional items of its furnishings - sun loungers and benches?

make them with my own hands It's interesting, but not easy. In order for efforts to be productive, and time not to be wasted, some rules must be followed:

  • the right choice of wood. For the manufacture of furniture for washing, mainly hardwood, such as linden, is used. It is fragrant, easy to process, does not change appearance when exposed to water or hot steam;
  • starting work on the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to impregnate the boards with an antiseptic. It is unacceptable to paint or varnish finished furniture with a synthetic composition, as when heated, the benches will release toxic substances.

To make wash benches you need:

  • wooden beam;
  • slats;
  • fasteners.

Stages of work

  • The frame of the future shop of the required size is made from the timber, then the planks are stuffed onto it.
  • Fasteners - nails or screws, with the help of which the furniture parts are connected, are deeply "drowned" into the wood, and then puttied with a special composition so that during the washing process they do not get burned on the heated metal.

Furniture for washing, made by the owner himself, will be the subject of his pride.

Washing in the bath is the place where hygiene procedures are taken. In order for the body and soul to feel comfortable in this section of the bath, it is necessary to properly equip it, as well as to produce a solid, outwardly attractive finish.

Many owners of private houses sooner or later catch themselves thinking about what is on the territory. This great idea, the bath itself, the steam room and the sink, the layout of which can be the most diverse, will give a lot of pleasant emotions and many hours of relaxation. Of course, the construction of such a structure on the territory should be carefully prepared. The bath has a special atmosphere and safety requirements, so you need to think through everything to the smallest detail.
The design and layout of the bath with a washing and steam room

It is very important to take into account many factors that will become decisive in the question of which steam room to be on. These questions are the following:

Interior design and design of the rest room in the bath

These are just some of the facts that must be taken into account in the process of preparing for the construction of a place where you can steam, swim and just have a good time with intimate conversations.

It should be understood what should be in the bathhouse. This:

  • steam room;
  • or shower;
  • Toilet;
  • locker room;
  • A place to rest (usually located in the dressing room).

Layout with the size of the bath with a rest room
Everyone can adjust these spaces by adding something of their own. However, each of the rooms must be in the bath, you can only add an additional one.
In addition, the building should be built taking into account safety requirements, namely, fire safety.

An example of the decoration and design of the washing room

What materials for construction can be chosen

Most often it can be found on the territories of private plots. However, depending on what will be or other sizes, the choice of materials may vary.

Bath layout option 4 by 6 meters

A selection of options for planning a steam room in a bath
Most often, they rely on the following types of raw materials for construction:

Read also

Purification of water in the pool in the country

Each of the materials presented is worthy, to serve as the basis for the construction of a bath. The main thing is to follow the rules and requirements for self-construction of a building.

What must be in the sink

The layout of a 3x5 bath or other parameters must necessarily have in its open spaces such premises as a sink and steam room, a bathroom, a locker room.
Of course, at will, each owner of the land allotment can independently make a decision on supplementing the space with minor premises. For example, billiards, a recreation room and much more that can only come to mind.
The washing must be present:

  • Pool or shower with cold water;
  • Washbasin.

An example of placing a sink in a steam room

These are the attributes that you cannot do without in a washing room. The main thing is to make the layout correctly so that all the details are located in the right places and are comfortable for use.

Sauna layout with sink and terrace

It is also worth taking care that in the washing room there are predominant coatings that are resistant to moisture and high temperatures. It can be a tile covered with special wood solutions.

An example of tiling a sink in a bath

As a rule, a shower room or a pool are placed in such a way that it is convenient to enter them after warming up in the steam room, that is, next to the steam room.

What should be in the steam room

If the open spaces of the bath are three by four meters, then you will not accelerate too much in the process of considering the layout of the room. In small baths minimum dimensions dressing room, a small sink and the steam room itself are also quite compact.

In the steam room for the comfortable use of this room, there must be niches where you can sit down. Often this design is made in the form of steps.

Drawing and layout of a compact steam room

This makes it possible to accommodate even in the smallest space on the territory, a lot of people. The layout of the steam room is usually standard. Usually in the far left or right corner are the heating sources. That is, firewood or stones, on which special mixtures are poured to achieve the desired temperature in the room. Heat sources are laid on a special heat-resistant surface, making it possible to observe safety precautions.

The layout and design of the steam room in a wooden bath

Niches are located under the wall, usually "V" shaped. In the middle of the steam room, as a rule, there is a wooden stand, which provides comfort when leaving the steam room.