Projects of one-story houses with a bath. A bold combination: a house with a sauna under one roof Project of a house with a steam room under one roof

Would you like to make a bath in the house? Be ready to fulfill serious requirements and non-standard environment, as the options for connecting such a room with a living room are quite unusual. True, for the pleasure of going to the bathhouse in the shortest way, you will have to “pay” by observing the special rules for the operation of the building.

The nuances of designing a house with a bath

A house with a bath can appear in one of two ways: even at the stage of designing a residential building or after its construction as an extension from either side. Most often the second happens.

Usually a bath appears after the construction of a residential building.

To combine a house with a bath, you will have to take certain measures:

Video: implementation of a house project with a bath

Options for combining a house with a bath

The dilemma "how to connect the bath with the house" is solved in the most interesting ways, among which the use of the veranda, the restructuring of the first floor, the arrangement of the gazebo and the organization of the pool take pride of place.

Bath with a veranda under one roof

Dreams of a separate entrance to the bathhouse, made inside the house, are destined to come true if the transition between the two rooms is arranged in the form of a closed and glazed veranda. Winter, with this approach to business, can never spoil the mood of lovers of bath procedures.

The project "bath plus veranda" is quite complex and requires large financial investments. It involves the purchase and installation of high-quality double-glazed windows, wall protection heat-insulating material, laying non-slip tiles on the floor and the use of heating equipment.

A sauna with a glazed veranda is a real find for those who do not want to return home from the sauna across the street, where it can be cold

A bath with a veranda can be arranged so that one exit from it leads to the house, and the other leads directly to the street. This option is especially attractive for those who like to cool the body warmed up in the steam room in a snowdrift or just refresh in cool air.

By combining the bath with the veranda, it will be possible to save on construction, since only three walls will need to be erected for the bath room. But the biggest plus of such a project is the convenient location of the bath, as if at some distance from home, which guarantees complete silence and tranquility for those who like to bathe.

The bathhouse, separated from the house by a veranda, will give lovers of the steam room precious peace

Bath and house together

You can connect a bath with a house in three forms:

  • a bath complex on the ground floor of a residential building (if the decision to make a bath at home was made at the design stage);

    The first floor of the building is completely reserved for bathing procedures, and the attic serves as housing.

  • a bathhouse as a full-fledged extension to the wall of a residential building, that is, a room with its own walls, covered with an extended roof of the house;

    One roof makes the house and the bath a single complex

  • a bath, which is connected with the house by one common wall, which facilitates their combination and the way from one room to another.

    The connection with the house allows you to build a bathhouse from only three walls, which saves the family budget

Those interested in placing a bath on the ground floor of the house may like the layout, which frees them from the need to create a separate rest room and restroom. With this arrangement of rooms, it will be possible to organize a steam room and a dressing room with a shower room, as well as become the owner of a terrace, ideal for spending time outdoors.

A bath in the house can be made next to the kitchen and bathroom

Another winning option for planning a house with a sauna inside implies the absence of a terrace and the presence of a pool of 15 m². Such a two-story building is deprived of a rest room, but it provides for a spacious dining room and living room.

The described building can be called special, because the second floor of the attic type is not located above the bath room. Such a delimitation of rooms and baths significantly reduces the cost of creating steam, hydro and thermal barriers for floors between floors.

On the ground floor of the house you can place both a bath and a pool.

Combining a bath with a gazebo

You can connect the bath with a gazebo, which is considered a very original solution, with the help of an intermediate link - a gazebo. With this room, the owners of the sauna inside the house will protect themselves from the winter cold and will be able to enjoy increased comfort.

It is better to make a single whole out of three buildings after discussing this issue with the architect, since the gazebo, house and bath are not at all similar to each other in terms of design complexity and purpose.

The gazebo can serve as a transition from the bath to the house

In order for the gazebo in the complex with the bathhouse and the house to be convenient and comfortable, you should take into account some tips:

  • the best option for a gazebo combined with a bathhouse is a closed or even glazed room with huge windows for unobstructed penetration of natural light;
  • the floors in the gazebo between the house and the bath should be wooden, not tiled or stone, exuding cold and sliding underfoot;
  • heating, water supply and electricity for houses and baths, in order to save resources, it is desirable to combine gazebos with communications, which will only benefit from this, becoming warm;
  • the ventilation of the gazebo, standing close to the bath, must be thought out to the smallest detail, otherwise moisture will accumulate in it.

Most suitable for combining with the house are a gazebo and a bathhouse connected to each other by a wall and a pitched roof.

The house in a complex with a bathhouse and a gazebo looks like something exotic

Sauna with swimming pool under one roof

Owning a bathhouse combined with a swimming pool would be desirable for everyone who has people constantly visiting.

In a room with a steam room, you can safely create both a stationary and a mobile pool. For the construction of the first one, it will be necessary to dig a pit of considerable depth, lay it in the ground sewer pipes and install filters for water purification, and for the appearance of the second one you don’t have to do anything grandiose.

A house with a sauna and a swimming pool is a very real object.

Any platform in the bath can become a place for a pool. But experts strongly advise equipping a bathhouse with an artificial reservoir in a two-story building. Moreover, on the first tier of the house, they recommend creating a steam room and a swimming pool, and on the second - a spacious rest room.

Combining a bath with a pool, it must be borne in mind that nothing good will come of it without good waterproofing. By allowing moisture to penetrate to the top floor, the owner of the house will quickly face a serious problem - the appearance of a fungus on the floors.

It is important that the house with a sauna and a swimming pool is well waterproofed.

In the project of a bath with a pool, there must be a staircase to the second floor - compact, spiral or wide classic. The form does not really matter, it is only important that this object be wooden.

It is advisable to put the stairs only inside the building. There is absolutely no need to be outside this object, because in winter, climbing it after a steam room or swimming in a pool, a person runs the risk of catching a cold.

Inside the house with a bathhouse and a swimming pool, it does not interfere with making a shower room

The bathhouse in which the pool is built may well be equipped with a shower room, a room for firewood or other fuel, as well as a pantry. It is better to make a shower room closer to the pool, and this is quite logical: after swimming in chlorinated water, the body is supposed to be rinsed.

Features of the roof of the house with a bath

By closing the house and the bath with one roof, the owner of the buildings gets a great advantage - the opportunity to save on building materials.

With a combined construction, the roof simply must be solid. Otherwise, the building will quickly lose its solidity.

over two buildings for various purposes it is reasonable to build one roof of two or four slopes, since it will never fail in terms of protection complex design from precipitation.

The gable roof over the bathhouse and the house combines different buildings into a single ensemble

In the case of the appearance of a bathhouse as an extension to a residential building, the choice is made between a shed and a gable roof. When a decision is made in favor of a roof with one slope, its highest part is placed almost close to the wall of the house and led under the roof of the house.

Before the construction of the roof frame, common to the bath and the house, it is determined whether there is a need for an attic or an attic. If you can’t do without a room right under the roof, then they start building it right there, and not after the construction of the entire truss system. Acting in this direction, carefully calculate the height of the roof over both the bath and the house.

During the construction of the roof frame, which simultaneously covers several buildings, two holes are prudently left: one for the chimney of the house, and the other for the chimney of the bathhouse.

A house with a sauna cannot have less than two chimneys

Any material is ready to serve as a finishing coating for a roof common to a bathhouse and a house. However, according to people with experience in this matter, it is cheaper and easier to create a roof deck from galvanized sheets or metal tiles.

A bath inside the house, unlike a building that stands separately, does not need large funds for maintenance. There is a simple explanation for this: a bathhouse in a complex with a residential building does not suffer from a sharp change in heat to cold and vice versa.

However, finding a bath inside the house is fraught with a serious threat - the walls of the building run the risk of becoming covered with fungus due to strong air humidification. Along with this, an unpleasant smell can also appear in the house. To save the building from such a "disease" is possible only by airing the bath after each use.

By opening a window or door in the bathhouse after all procedures, it will be possible to avoid big problems with the life of a residential building

More terrible than spoiled air and dampness can only be poisoning the inhabitants of the house with carbon monoxide. Therefore, in a bath combined with a house, it is required to create good forced or natural ventilation. The latter may be a hole for air flow above or below the furnace. A hole that draws out the spent oxygen is made under the shelf.

The place for the exhaust opening or device is usually found as low as possible relative to the heating structure. Otherwise, the bath will lose the hot air that accumulates at the top of the room.

The hood in the bath is created under the shelf, next to the floor

If it is impossible to equip the steam room with an exhaust hood, then you can find it good replacement- a gap of 10-15 cm wide left between the door and the floor, or a small window at the bottom of the room, which will open if necessary.

The bath, created on the basement floor, is usually equipped with a forced ventilation system.

To help the bath get rid of moisture in an accelerated mode, it does not interfere with making a drying hole above the door on the ceiling. It must be in the closed state during the heating of the bath and the adoption of water procedures.

The drying hole in the bath inside the house quickly removes moisture from the room

The bath, which found a place inside the house, can do without special protection of the walls from the cold. The material that retains heat is laid indoors, taking into account the rules for arranging a steam room.

The house connected with the bathhouse is heated in the usual way. At the same time, the steam room does not need to be specially heated in winter, because it is reliably insured against freezing.

The bath, melted right in the house, is supposed to be closely monitored, since it is considered an extremely fire hazardous object.

You can find the meaning of combining a bathhouse with a house, although this seems like a strange decision. Having taken a step towards originality, that is, by building a steam room inside the building, it is really possible to paint ordinary weekdays or weekends in bright colors.

One-story houses are traditionally popular, especially among families with children, because the more floors in the house, the more carefully parents need to be in looking after the kids. In addition, the multi-storey structure requires a significant strengthening of the foundation and floors, which greatly hits the wallet and stretches the construction itself in time.

One-story residential buildings with baths

In the collection of our company "Projects of Cottages" there are several thousand unique projects of various buildings made of stone, brick, wood, which we have been developing and assembling for many years. All the projects of houses and cottages presented by us differ from each other in area, layout, number of floors. So everyone who contacts us will certainly find what he needs. For example, you prefer one-story construction and want your future home to be able not only to work and relax, but also to improve your health. Well, please! At your service - a wide variety of projects one-story houses with a bath and each of them is unique. If none of the options presented to you is suitable, you can work with an experienced planner to develop own project one-story house with a sauna, which our construction partners will help you to realize. All projects of one-story houses with a bath are a high accuracy of calculations and ease of planning.

Houses with a bath are often found, while no less often there are different opinions about such a solution, both negative and positive.

We decided to figure out how appropriate a bath is in a private house, and how to properly equip it.

Bath inside the house


Bath - combined with the house, it's convenient.

To get the most objective picture, we will consider all the pros and cons of placing a bath in the house.

Let's start with the positives:

  • When a bathhouse is being built along with a house, you do not need to spend money on a separate foundation and a separate roof, and these are the two most expensive units in the construction of a dwelling;
  • At home, heating, water supply and sewerage are combined into one system, so there is no need to install a separate boiler room, septic tank and water supply system, and this significantly reduces the cost of the project;
  • The bath inside the house does not need powerful separate thermal insulation, just general thermal insulation is done taking into account the requirements of the steam room;
  • Country house - combined with a bathhouse, does not require a separate piece of the site, which in some cases is the determining reason for choosing this option;
  • A house with a bath is convenient. There is no need to run from room to room around the yard, which is especially important in the cold season. In addition, there is always a kitchen, lounges, all kinds of amenities nearby;
  • There is no need to equip a separate bathroom for a bath, since it is already provided for in the house;
  • The house is heated by default, and the need to maintain a positive temperature in the bath in winter disappears automatically.

In fact, you just have to add a steam room to your bathroom, since the rest of the rooms (cloakroom, shower room, relaxation room) are already present in the house.

We see that the main advantages come down to economy and convenience, and this, you see, is quite important in our time. Very often the owners country houses they are simply not able to allocate a place on the site that is suitable for all the requirements of SNiP and GOST, so they have no choice. Significant cost savings and the convenience of a steam room located right in the house - these are the main arguments of supporters of combining bath and living quarters.


Like all building technologies, a house combined with a bathhouse has its drawbacks.

They are mainly dictated by the peculiarities of the operation of the bath room, and especially by security considerations:

  • The steam room is characterized by very high humidity and temperature, which, with poor-quality heat and waterproofing of the room, can cause significant damage to many structural units and elements of the house and lead to its premature damage, as well as to increased wear;
  • Furnace equipment poses an increased fire hazard. In the case of its location near residential premises, especially inside them, the security requirements are especially stringent. Even if you follow them, you cannot completely eliminate the risk of fire, and this is a big responsibility;
  • The combustion of large volumes of hydrocarbon fuels releases significant amounts of carbon monoxide (CO), which is a dangerous toxin that, if inhaled, causes severe poisoning and even death. Therefore, combustion products must meet the most stringent requirements.

At self-assembly an indoor bath should strictly comply with all safety requirements and technical conditions that must be taken into account in the project.
A do-it-yourself bath in a house without a competent project is not built, as this is extremely dangerous.

The conclusion from this is this: if you decide to save money and combine a bath with a house, you will need to minimize all possible risks. This can be done with the help of modern building materials and technologies, however, a professional should be engaged in their selection and determine the installation method at the design stage.


We will not consider in detail the construction of the entire house, but only dwell on the most crucial moments.

Therefore, the instruction that follows is not step by step guide, but only concerns the nodes to which you should pay special attention:

  1. Project . We will not tire of repeating that design is one of the most important stages of any construction, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous objects. A combined steam room should be designed together with the house, and a professional civil engineer who is qualified for such tasks must work on the project;

  1. Foundation. When creating a foundation, you should immediately lay that part of it that will serve as the basis for the furnace. This will greatly simplify the work in the future;

  1. Moisture protection. Waterproofing of all nodes in contact with the steam room and shower area should be elevated and multi-level, and all surfaces should be protected: floor, walls and ceiling;

  1. Thermal insulation. If the house does not provide for external thermal insulation of the walls, then it will have to be done at least on the walls of the steam room and shower room, in addition, it is better to completely insulate the steam room so that it does not give off heat to adjacent rooms;

  1. Ventilation . Besides natural ventilation at home, you should equip a forced air purging system that completely eliminates the possibility of accumulation of carbon monoxide and other products of fuel combustion;

  1. If the walls of the steam room and shower are made of timber, then the lower crowns should be selected very carefully.: it is better if they are made of larch or glued laminated timber, and their treatment with antiseptics, fire retardants and water-repellent compounds must be impeccable and certified;

  1. Flue gas removal. The oven must be equipped efficient system removal of products of combustion of firewood or gas. The points of contact between the chimney and building structures(walls, floors, roofs) must be decorated with special shaped parts that prevent these from heating;

  1. Furnace equipment must comply with SNiP and GOST standards, it is better if it is built by a professional or bought in a store.

Despite the fact that the price of the project increases from additional requirements and security conditions, thermal and waterproofing, ventilation and others, they cannot be neglected - this is extremely dangerous for the house and its residents.


It is possible to combine a bathhouse and a house in one room, but this will require a certain approach to the construction of a number of units and structures. No less attention will have to be paid to safety measures related to the operation of furnace equipment, flue gas removal and ventilation.

The video in this article, which we have selected and posted for you, will tell you more about the rules of these moments.

Many of our clients are interested in where the definition of "Guest house" or "house-bath made of logs" came from. The answer is simple - these options make it possible to bring together a bathhouse and a wooden residential building during the construction process. This type of housing is economical and at the same time very convenient. Eliminates the need to run through the most likely cold street after taking a bath. Bath procedures can be conveniently combined with a stay in guest house, where everything is provided for the most comfortable spending time.

The guest house often serves as a place for active recreation of the owners: table tennis, billiards, a variety of exercise equipment - all this is perfectly placed here, freeing the owners from the need to build additional premises in the main house and install soundproofing. The terrace can be used as a barbecue area. A good addition to this building will serve as an attached winter Garden or pool.

If there are adult children in the family, then they will certainly take the opportunity to invite their noisy friends to relax, who, if there is a guest house, will not interfere with you at all, and at the same time will be under your control. Accordingly, you will always have the opportunity to receive a large number of guests or relatives without a headache about where to place them.

V Lately owners of suburban land plots in Moscow are increasingly moving away from the traditional scheme of building houses and baths made of concrete, giving preference to wooden natural building materials. After all, it is wooden houses give you the opportunity to fully feel your closeness to nature.

The main advantage of the building country house for guests or baths is that wood is a living material, with its own energy. People living in wooden houses, have much better health, peace of mind and a charge of vital optimism.

The second important advantage of using wood as a building material is the savings factor. When erecting a wooden structure, there is no need for a heavy and expensive foundation; the wall finishing process will also not affect your financial capabilities. Under equal conditions, construction will cost you ~ 1.5 times cheaper than brick or concrete. Well, the undoubted advantage of a wooden house is its aesthetically beautiful appearance. Log buildings have extraordinary beauty and are in perfect harmony with stone houses. Warm, beautiful, cozy and durable - such a house will forever remain a favorite vacation spot for you and your family.

Most often, a small guest house or bathhouse is built on an already built-up site, taking into account the buildings present on it. Therefore, special attention should be paid to its placement. Since a wooden building has an increased level of fire hazard, the best option would be to build it at a distance of at least 10. from the nearest neighboring building. The bath should be located so that in the winter months its entrance is not covered with snow.

Our specialists will listen and take into account all your individual wishes, and engineers will first carefully examine the proposed building area, prepare project documentation, after which it will be possible to proceed directly to the construction process.

Features of the guest bath house

Classic option Russian bath is a structure made of logs or, which is insulated with linen or jute felt. Alternatively, you can apply the method. This method is the most economical and has a wide variety interior decoration, and the appearance of the room can be made in a variety of ways. architectural style. Under construction log cabin we use only the most quality material northern species of coniferous forest: pine, larch, spruce. in the best way connecting logs for a bath is considered a cutting "in the oblo". Thus, the log house is given maximum stability and heat saving.

The classic design option for the site is the construction of a house and a nearby bath. But today, the popularity of house projects with a bathhouse under one roof is growing. This option is great for small areas where everyone square meter has a high value.

A house with a sauna under one roof: advantages

  • compactness. A house and a bath in one building will take up less space than separate structures;
  • saving. Of course, building one building, even if it is more complex, will be cheaper than two: less materials will be needed for construction, and one engineering network will also be enough;
  • reliability. The bath, due to strong temperature changes, deforms faster, if it is in the house, then the service life of the building will increase;
  • no need to equip a shower room and a rest room in the bath. All this can be in the house, therefore it is enough if in the bath itself, attached to the house, there are only a dressing room and a steam room;
  • high level of comfort. Visitors to the bath do not need to go outside to go from home to the steam room. If in summer such a walk does not cause inconvenience, then in winter and in autumn bad weather it will be less convenient to move along the street.

House combined with a bath: disadvantages

The main disadvantage is the increased requirements for fire safety. Failure to comply with them will result in the refusal of the authorities to issue a permit to commission the building.

These requirements exist for a reason, in the bath conditions high humidity and strong temperature fluctuations, which can cause the appearance of fungus, mold, destruction of structures. For this reason, you need to carefully approach the issue of hydro, vapor barrier and.

If you plan to insure your property, please note that baths combined with houses Insurance companies are considered buildings of increased danger, and this affects the amount of insurance premiums.

Bath in the house: projects, photos

There are two options for building a bath: simultaneously with the construction of a house or as an extension to an existing building. The second option is the most popular, since the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding a bath usually arises from those who already have a house at their disposal.

A drawing of a future building can be made independently or ordered from specialists. Bath house projects and their prices can be easily found on the Internet, and free projects are also presented on the network. It is worth making a drawing on your own only if you are confident in your abilities. Building a house combined with a bathhouse is more difficult than building a regular bathhouse, which is why it is much more difficult to draw up a project. By turning to professionals, you will save yourself from mistakes, which in the future can lead to financial and temporary losses.

When building an extension, it is necessary to ensure a high level of vapor and waterproofing.

Popular is the option of building a bathhouse with a house in which they have common wall and roof.

If you look at the projects of houses with a bathhouse inside, you can also see the option where the bathhouse is located on the first floor, but this option is only possible with the simultaneous construction of a bathhouse and a house.

Even if the project indicates separate entrances from the street to the bathhouse and the house, it is better to provide for a transition between the rooms. This is especially true in winter period. And if you want to make your vacation even more comfortable, then pay attention to the projects of a bathhouse with a barbecue, in which case you can spend time outdoors in warm weather, combining steam baths with an outdoor picnic.

A veranda or gazebo can be placed between the house and the bath, in which case it will act as a corridor between the two rooms.

When developing a project, it is imperative to consider ventilation and waterproofing systems, since high humidity can destroy load-bearing structures and reduce the life of buildings. good option there will be a combination of a bath with a bathroom, a common sewer will save you from unnecessary costs.

Below are projects of bathhouses under one roof. They differ in shape, size, location of premises, etc. Combining a bathhouse and a house is a rather complicated process, so it is better to entrust the development of a project to professionals.

A house and a bathhouse under one roof differ not only in convenience, but also in a stylish appearance. Buildings made in the same style look spectacular. Below you can see a photo of the baths attached to the house:

How to attach a bath to the house? Features of building a house combined with a bath

After the completion of the project and the purchase of all materials, you can proceed to the construction of the bath, the construction process includes the following steps:

Stage 1. Territory preparation

The construction of any building begins with the preparation of the terrain. It needs to be cleaned of debris and plants, and it is desirable to carry out cleaning not only within the territory of future buildings, but also with a margin of at least one square meter on each side.

Stage 2. Construction of the foundation

The foundation is the basis of the building, so it must be done especially carefully. The type of foundation depends on the chosen material for construction. For example, if you are planning to build a one-story wooden building, then you can do strip foundation. For buildings made of brick, a more reliable foundation will be required.

For a bath and a house, you need to make a separate foundation, because elevated level moisture can cause cracking, which in turn will lead to the separation of the foundation from the general building.

At the same stage, the sewer outlet should be prepared.

And houses can be built from different materials: timber, logs, aerated concrete, bricks, etc. Each of these options has its own advantages, disadvantages and styling features.

Beam is the most popular material, it is quick and easy to build from it. It does not need additional finishing, it is light in weight and practically does not shrink.

A log bath is a more complex option, but this material is more resistant to the negative effects of the external environment. If the beam can crack in different places, then the logs are more often vertical, they retain heat better. Such a building will cost more, for example, the price of a 6x6 log house-bath project and its implementation is 600 thousand rubles, while a similar building made of timber will cost about 400 thousand rubles.

It is easy to build a bath from aerated concrete, the slabs have big sizes, so the construction will not take much time. The disadvantages of materials are hygroscopicity, so you have to make high-quality waterproofing, and unaesthetic appearance, so they need additional finishing.

Bricks make strong and reliable structures that can stand for decades. But building a brick bath is better if you have the skills, since this process is quite complicated.

If you are making an extension of the bath to the house, then it is important to do correct docking, otherwise a gap will appear between the bath and the house. You can provide a strong bond using reinforcement bars that need to be driven into the walls of the house and then attached to the walls of the bath.

Stage 4. Installation of the roof

The roof must be solid, otherwise the building will begin to collapse much faster. It is recommended to use a two- or four-pitched roof for a combined building, one- and two-pitched for an extension.

For each of the rooms you need to make a separate chimney, as well as immediately mount a system of ebbs.

The material for the roof can be different, today metal tiles and galvanized profiles are very popular.

Stage 5. Interior decoration

The final stage is thermal and waterproofing, interior design baths. For the design of walls and ceilings in the bath, they most often choose - natural material, which helps to create the right atmosphere in the bath, has high reliability and is quite easy to install.

In the bath, it is also necessary to install a stove, shelves, arrange a rest room (if provided), etc.

House and sauna under one roof - this is most often the only solution for small plots. This option has its advantages, it helps to reduce construction costs and rationally use the land area.