Virgo year predictions. Woman Virgo, born in the year of the Dog: characteristics and compatibility

The year 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog will be a difficult and stressful period for Virgos. They have a series of ups and downs. They will have to solve long-standing problems and fulfill forgotten promises.

They head straight to work. They will take on many responsibilities and responsibilities. Because of this, they will become gloomy and irritable. This condition will affect relationships with colleagues and family. Persons who occupy leadership positions will criticize and demand a lot from subordinates. This will cause discontent and jeopardize the continued existence of the company.

The horoscope advises you to organize a good vacation or go on a trip. Rest will help restore strength and put your thoughts in order. At the end of the year, representatives of this zodiac sign will feel relaxed and proud of the work done.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Virgo woman

Virgo women will be irritable and aggressive. This condition will affect relationships with close friends. It is necessary to learn to control emotions, show respect and patience.

From the beginning of the year, these ladies will be carried away by training and improving their professional skills. They will read and interact with successful people. The accumulated knowledge will help to realize ideas and contribute to career growth. Among the new acquaintances there will be a friend who will inspire and support in your endeavors. In the second half of the year, you should beware of novels at work. A relationship with a colleague or boss will cause gossip and ruin your reputation.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Virgo man

Virgo men will be energetic and active. They will actively defend their interests. Creative individuals will have the opportunity to realize their talent and gain recognition.

Representatives of this zodiac sign face difficulties in the professional field. It is important in all matters to be careful, prudent and avoid rash risks. You need to be smart about the decision to change jobs.

failures in professional activity compensated by victories on the love front. Family men will improve relations with the second half and think about a joint business. A common cause will strengthen the couple and bring financial well-being.

love horoscope

2018 will be an unpredictable period for Virgos in love relationships. The lonely representatives of this zodiac sign in spring months the likelihood of unrequited love is high. They will overcome despair and find solace in work. At the end of the year, they will be lucky. They will meet the second half, which will become a reliable support and source of inspiration for them.

Persons who are in a couple will face mutual claims and cooling of feelings. They will take the initiative in their own hands and make an effort to avoid quarrels and establish mutual understanding. Partners will be able to discuss problems and come to a common conclusion.

business horoscope

The girls will go to work. They will fight for their interests and the favor of their superiors. The horoscope advises them to highlight priority matters in the schedule. If they take on several tasks at the same time, they will waste time, energy and will not have time to do the main thing. Organizational skills will help them to realize themselves in a work team. By the middle of the year, they will receive an offer of a highly paid position. Individuals who plan to open their own business are advised not to make hasty decisions and think through the risks.

Financial horoscope

The financial situation of Dev will be unstable. They are waiting for an increase in income and big waste. The management will raise their wages, give them an extraordinary bonus or send them on highly paid business trips abroad. In the middle of the year, expensive gifts, a share of the inheritance or large winnings await them. The main expenses will be related to the needs of family members, the cost of treatment, and the education of children. This year, representatives of this zodiac sign are at risk of getting into an accident on the road or incurring losses due to an accident related to real estate. Therefore, they are advised to insure the property.

Health Horoscope

In 2018, Dev will bypass serious illnesses. The horoscope advises to maintain immunity: get vaccinated, drink vitamins, include in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits. Attention should be paid to the prevention of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system due to the high risk of their exacerbation. Women who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their skin are advised to abandon plastic surgery and injection procedures - they will not bring the desired result. Among cosmetics, it is better to give preference to natural masks.

Stop worrying about the future and start enjoying the present, the Virgo horoscope for 2018 recommends. If men try not to worry about trifles, they can improve their mood and find peace of mind. In work, you will have to show character in order to prove your professionalism to the management. Some Virgos will decide to radically change their work environment and change jobs. The Virgo man should read the horoscope for 2018 carefully to find out how to behave in love and work matters.


In the first half of 2018, married men should try to be kinder to their chosen one. The division of household duties is practical solution for the sign Bull, Tiger and Dog. love horoscope recommends that men in love try not to morally put pressure on their partner. Friendly conversations and light discussions of the problem are the main guarantee of peace in a loving couple. Single men should be more active in the first decade of 2018 and take more initiative in communication. If the Goat, Monkey and Horse try to find the other half in the workplace, then they will succeed.

A love horoscope advises Virgo men in the middle of the year to spend more time with their companion. This kind of behavior will help love relationship such signs as: Snake, Rooster and Boar (Pig). Married men need to be more interested in the life of their spouse. If the Virgo man directs his love pressure towards the chosen one, then the love relationship will only benefit from this. Lonely Virgos in the middle of 2018 will not be able to build a serious union. The Dragon and the Rat can count on a memorable sexual relationship. With the help of friends, bachelors will be able to meet a pretty girl. According to the love horoscope, the constellation can count on a serious union at the end of the year.

The third decade is an ideal opportunity for Virgo to improve their love relationships. The love horoscope advises to pay less attention during this period to your career and focus on relationships. Family men will be able to strengthen their union if they find a common hobby with their beloved. The horoscope advises the constellations in love to be less jealous of the second half and begin to trust her more. Checking the phone and guarding your beloved after work is a stupid idea. Singles at the end of 2018 should understand what kind of girl they want to see next to them. The love horoscope for 2018 Virgo man must study carefully to understand that his future depends on himself. If the bachelors decide to build a strong love union, then everything will work out for them.

Improving sexual relations in 2018 will not be so difficult if you first read the recommendations of the horoscope. Heavenly luminaries advise Virgos to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is important for family signs to start having sex not only on weekends, but to take the initiative on weekdays as well. Tiger, Snake and Rooster should not forget about massage and foreplay;
  • Constellations in love need to focus all their attention only on their beloved. Some signs will decide to experience the thrill in the arms of a new passion, however, for some, such an undertaking will end unsuccessfully. Caution with such a decision should be the Dog, Rat and Dragon;
  • The love horoscope advises lonely Virgos to try to focus all their attention not only on new sexual relationships, but also on building a serious relationship. In the middle of the year, the Monkey, Ox and Pig (Boar) will be able to build a strong love tandem if they are ready for a relationship;
  • Constellations that lack variety in sex should try to try sex in new places. According to the compatibility horoscope, such advice will be especially relevant for the Goat and the Horse.


If in the first half of the year Virgo men decide to increase their level of knowledge, then they will be able to succeed in their careers in the future. A man whose work is associated with increased stress should try to be less nervous over trifles and relax more on weekends. Positively for the health of the Virgo, yoga and jogging in the park will be displayed. It will be easier to advance in work if the Virgo men carefully study the horoscope for the upcoming 2018. The conclusion of transactions in the first decade will be successful, thanks to which the constellation will be able to increase its income. Tiger, Rooster and Dragon should be more confident and not be afraid to take risks.

"Attention! In the middle of 2018, men have good opportunities to change jobs. Free recommendations from the horoscope indicate that the Snake, Dog and Rat should listen especially carefully to the recommendations of the horoscope. Getting to know the right people will allow you to increase your income level and find a new place to earn money. Opening your own business in the second decade of this year is relevant for the Monkey and the Pig (Boar). Devs will be able to launch a successful project absolutely free of charge if they enlist the help of experienced friends in advance.

At the end of the year, Virgo, according to the horoscope, will have an exciting business trip. Such a trip is very exhausting for the constellation, so it is important for men to have a good rest after the trip. A visit to the bathhouse and a massage therapist is great option relax and improve your health. The Ox, Goat and Horse will have to go through a difficult period at the end of 2018, namely, dismissal. The horoscope for 2018 indicates that such a change will cause stress for the zodiac sign. The heavenly bodies advise the constellation not to experience changes to heart, as this will only negatively affect the well-being and health of the Virgos.


The horoscope for the upcoming 2018 believes that Virgo men should begin to appreciate money, and only then will they begin to be attracted to them. Money loves an account, which many Virgos successfully forget about. The financial horoscope says that thanks to career success, the Horse, Boar (Pig) and Ox will be able to improve their current state of affairs. In the first decade, Virgos should not forget about their health. Tiger, Dragon and Rat should spend money on examination. The compatibility love horoscope for 2018 recommends Virgo men not to forget to spend money on caring for their beloved. Buying flowers and going out to restaurants is an indispensable part of a relationship.

Free recommendations from the horoscope say that Virgos need to be more economical in the middle of the year. A similar pattern of behavior is essential for the Snake, Dog and Rooster. The compatibility horoscope indicates that a good financial flow awaits the Monkey and the Goat in the second decade. If they decide to put money on deposit, they will make the right decision. Thanks to career advancement, the stronger sex will increase their income, however, this is not a reason to waste money.

The compatibility horoscope for 2018 indicates that single Virgo men are advised to be careful with money. At the end of the year, there is a great chance to meet a girl with materialistic motives. If free Virgos notice that their companion is very demanding on gifts, then this is a reason to be wary. family men additional costs are expected in the third decade. Buying new furniture and a family vacation can empty a Dev's wallet.

Virgo is the only zodiac sign depicted with stripes of wheat, which symbolizes fertility. People born in the year of the Dog, as if in a mirror, will reflect their strengths and weak sides. Only these representatives can simultaneously combine love and hate in themselves.

Characteristics of Virgo in the Year of the Dog

Virgo, born in the year of the Dog, differs from other signs of the zodiac in such traits as fidelity and constancy in relation to loved ones. A dog gives a person sociability and care. Virgo, in turn, protects against various adventures and rash actions, helps to find compromises.

A representative of such a combination will become a reliable support and security guard for loved ones, however, jealousy and aggression towards enemies often occur.


Such people always tend to order, polite in communication. They do not shy away from work, and are ready to work hard for a long time for the benefit of the company or their promotion. Virgo Dog is selective in food, clothing and social circle. The advantage is common sense in any business.

They are distinguished by grace, but at the same time arrogance and fastidiousness are not ruled out. They easily learn encyclopedias, but do not always find application for their knowledge. By their nature, they are not wasteful, reasonable, they appeal only with facts.

Important! The Virgo Dog treats the choice of a partner carefully. When the object of adoration is chosen, you can be sure that the second half will be fully loved, the children are full and shod, and harmony will reign in the house every day.

Weak sides

The dog all the time tries to confuse the Virgin and push to a reckless act. If they are hurt, they can bite the opponent very painfully. For the most part conflict situations, representatives of the sign consider only their opinion correct. This leads to frequent strife, both at home and at work.

If the partner is not inclined to cleanliness, then Virgo will do everything possible to make their life together turn into hell. Constant teachings and remarks will lead to the termination of the relationship. Pedantry and not always appropriate straightforwardness in dealing with others can play a very cruel joke with them.

What qualities should be developed

We need to learn to be more accepting of the fact that not everyone is perfect. The same applies to cleanliness around. It is impossible to devote all your time to dusting and ironing bed linen.

Virgos should pay attention to the emancipation of their relationship with a partner. Sometimes the cold between lovers destroys alliances that at first glance seem perfect and strong.

Sometimes it’s worth dying your list of claims to a partner, otherwise you will be alone all your life. Can you annoy someone too? Think about it.

Features of the male character

A man born under the influence of this combination has a complex character. In it you can see such qualities as efficiency, thoughtfulness and responsibility for the words spoken. In moments of resentment, the guy is ready for unpredictable actions and a sharp reaction.

Often there are problems associated with the fact that the Virgin Dog does not want to obey anyone. If it seems to you that such a person is strong, then in fact it may turn out that he is hurt by the words of loved ones said fleetingly in conflicts.

Their main drawback is the inability to fully control their own emotions. It is this quality that can harm a man, both on the love front and in success at work.

Important! Despite sociability, a man loves and appreciates moments of solitude from the people around him.

Features of the female character

A woman born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Dog is a strong personality, purposeful. She is used to relying only on her own strength and stands firmly on her feet. It is worth noting a serious attitude to life.

It is useless to cheat with such a lady, she is very insightful. Treating others honestly, she will not tolerate lies and betrayal. Despite her calm demeanor, she is emotional, but prefers to keep it to herself. Such girls often do charity work, love to help people.

He always chooses his environment consciously, preferring interesting people. In the Virgo family, attentive wives and caring mothers respect the opinions of all family members. The Year of the Dog endowed a woman with such traits as loyalty and reliability. Discretion contributes to an easy way out of the most difficult situations.

Note! Be attentive to Virgos, as they are vulnerable and do not always show their feelings. For a long time, such a negligent attitude can lead to discord in the family.

Characteristic for Girl and Boy

Little Virgo Dogs are balanced and calm, parents do not know the problems with such children. They are not only obedient, but sometimes shy. As kids, they pay attention to all the little things and the attitude of others towards them.

Due to such a trait as an increased demand not only for relatives, but also for oneself, it often leads to a child’s insecurity. The boys are agile, active, but at the same time calm and easily switch to exemplary behavior. Their mood changes from accommodating to irritable.

It is worth considering the fact that Virgo boys react violently to a change of residence and other stressful situations. They do not accept the violation of the stable regime. Remember to praise such children more often and express your love.

A girl born in the year of the Dog is a vivid example of endurance. In absolutely any situation, she behaves with dignity, not allowing her parents to blush for her. In the environment, the child will never allow himself to be naughty and do wrong things. Such girls are regularly praised, both at home and in the yard, where they spend their free time.

Virgo is practical and accurate. She has such qualities as hard work for household chores and discipline. Such a child is the dream of every parent. The baby is economical from an early age, does not scatter gifts, old toys, does not ask for extra money for her expenses.

How do Virgos born in the year of the Dog manifest themselves

Eastern astrology implies in the Dog such qualities as friendliness, sociability and honesty. In combination with Virgo, the sign receives constancy and prudence. Such people are workaholics and decent in relationships.


In the educational process Virgo Dog can be dual. Some become straight A students, preferring order in everything, others, on the contrary, skip classes and do everything with their sleeves down.

But, it is worth saying that before the control or exams, representatives of the second type are ready to learn the material all night long. Then when the first meticulously and daily gnaw at the granite of science. In any case, if they want, they will become successful scientists, teachers, etc.

Virgo, born in the year of the Dog, has analytical thinking and a clear mind. The undoubted advantage is the ability to soberly assess your chances and strengths. To gain new knowledge, they are ready to go headlong into the process of studying every detail.

Important! Any exemplary student can very quickly turn into a hopeless loser. The reason for such a change can be severe stress, moving to another city, divorce of parents, and so on.

In work

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not seek to earn all the money in the world. They feel quite comfortable in ordinary work, following the instructions of their superiors. All the orders given to him by the Virgo Dog are unquestioningly carried out. It is for this that he is very much appreciated by his colleagues.

In terms of career growth, such people are not particularly lucky. The reason for this is that they devote a lot of time to secondary tasks, and not to the main ones. Thus, overlooking the opportunity to curry favor with the leadership. Such people make good subordinates, but nothing more. Virgo Dog and does not seek to go beyond its place.

This sign is best suited for exact sciences, such as chemistry and mathematics. There are many biologists, programmers, and collectors among them.

In bed

Sexually, Virgo will always wait for the first step from a partner. Long preparations and thinking over the first sex is an integral part of the character of this sign. But, if you are looking for unbridled passion or role-playing games, you are not on the way. The dog under the sign of Virgo is conservative and restrained in bed, in most cases even monotonous.

Sex for such a person is not in the foreground, for him it is only one of the elements of the relationship. Of course, such a person will do everything that depends on him so that the other half is satisfied. However, starting with preludes and ending with intimacy itself, a storm of emotions should not be expected.

Virgo, born in the year of the Dog, represents sex as sequential actions and habitual postures. If you want to bring novelty into your relationship, you will have to act as an initiator.

Note! Virgo Dog will not tolerate chaos and disorder. Therefore, if a date is planned, then do not forget to clean up the apartment, otherwise the whole first impression will be spoiled.

In love and marriage

Love relationships for such a person plays an important role, sometimes even the main one. From a young age, he is in search of a partner for life. The second half must fully meet his requirements, the most important criterion is sincerity and great love. When choosing a couple, they are never guided by selfish motives.

The search for a unique half can take a long time, because it is not always possible to single out a single candidate. This is primarily due to serious intentions for marriage. Fear of being disappointed family life, Virgo pays attention to every little thing.

Such a person will be an exemplary family man, and love his children. Loyalty and reliability are the main qualities of this zodiac sign. When acquiring a family, there is a choice between work and loved ones, and as a rule, Virgo Dogs give all their attention and care to their relatives.

Compatibility with Zodiac Signs

Union with Aries can be called complex. In such a relationship, the nerves of both partners will suffer. Virgo with Aries will not be able to develop. A pair with Taurus is strong and durable. They share common interests and habits. They value home comfort and strive for well-being.

But the relationship with Gemini in general a rare thing. There are too many differences in their outlook on life and habits. Such representatives can become excellent business partners.

Cancer and Virgo are unlikely to be able to claim the title of a passionate couple. Everything is calm in their relationship and monotonous. In such a family there are betrayals on the part of Cancer. Virgo has too different temperaments with Leo. Merciless criticism of the Virgo will force Leo to put an end to their relationship.

The union of two Virgos always causes difficulties. Both are practical and cold-blooded, romance by candlelight is clearly not for them. Such a pair may well exist.

Libra will perfectly complement Virgo. Such a tandem turns out to be long-term. The problem can only be that Libra is too freedom-loving. A family union with scorpions is harmonious and happy. Not only love reigns between the couple, but also friendship.

A pair with Sagittarius is possible with the full trust of partners. There is a strong physical attraction between lovers. The relationship between Capricorn and Virgo is common. Both value family values ​​and loyalty.

Aquarius is too quick-tempered and unpredictable, which will certainly create problems in relations with Virgo. Provided that Pisces and Virgo will jointly go to spiritual development and seek compromises, a strong union is possible.

Eastern Horoscope Compatibility

People born in the year of the Dog are unlikely to go unnoticed in the crowd. They are sometimes restless and constantly in a hurry. Therefore, the compatibility of such people is directly related to the main character traits.

Favorable relationships are unions with people who were born in the year of the Rat, Horse, Rabbit. In such a pair there will be peace, harmony and mutual love.

But relations with the Tiger, Dog, Goat and Pig take place subject to mutual efforts and compromises. Otherwise, the family will not last long. It is necessary to pay attention to joint trips, hobbies.

But, there are those with whom it is better not to start a relationship, since they are completely different and will not correspond to the views and temperament of the Virgin. These people include those who were born in the year of the Snake, Monkey, Rooster, Ox or Dragon. Virgo is disinterested in almost all areas, which cannot be said about partners, so such people are not on the way.

What is the best name for a child?

Based on the date of birth, we can say about the nature of the child and his features. For boys who, according to the horoscope of Virgo and born in the year of the dog, the following names are suitable:

  • Vitaly (sensual, optimistic);
  • Azariy (humanity, sincerity);
  • Konstantin (patient, constant);
  • Mark (confident, practical);
  • Ruslan (romantic, intellectual);
  • Frol (solid, thoughtful);

As a rule, the children of the Virgo-Dog study excellently at school, have a reputation as a responsible person. In any case, they will have order, there is no doubt at all. Girls should be given the following names:

  • Maria (serene, desired);
  • Svetlana (bright, bringing joy);
  • Faith (faith, truth);
  • Elizabeth (divine, unearthly);
  • Anna (sympathetic, sociable);
  • Natalia (blessed, feminine).

Famous Virgos born in the Year of the Dog

Actress Sophia Loren, in addition to numerous awards, had the title of a sex symbol. Refined and feminine Virgo did not go unnoticed by the public. The main priorities in her life were children and a career in the world of cinema.

The Russian theater and film actress Marina Alexandrova was remembered by many viewers for her piercing gaze. The artist has femininity and at the same time a strong character.

Another representative is the legendary pop musician Michael Jackson. He will forever remain in the hearts of many, thanks not only to his immortal hits, but also to his unforgettable dances.

The leader of the Queen group, Freddie Mercury, is the idol of millions. On stage, a charismatic artist, but in real life a shy guy who does not want to give interviews about his popularity.

Eastern astrology attributes to the Dog such qualities as friendliness, devotion and honesty. It is considered a symbol of friendship and fidelity. In combination with the zodiac sign Virgo, diligence and practicality are added. Everything that the Virgo-Dog does, happens according to the rules. She knows how to be economical and benefit from everything.

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Virgo, born in the year of the Dog, is able to fully devote herself to the service. Whatever she does - career, hobby or household chores - she completely dissolves in the process, remaining collected and serious. Compliance with the rules and requirements never revolts her, but rather brings pleasure.

    Characteristics of the sign Virgo-Dog

    Virgo-Dog is distinguished by inner calm and composure. At work, the authorities appreciate her for her high ability to work, but she herself rarely achieves a high position. As a performer, she has no equal, and as a leader, she lacks flexibility and a subtle understanding of psychology. Characteristics of the representative of the Virgo sign, born in the year of the Dog:

  1. 1. Reliability.
  2. 2. Responsibility.
  3. 3. Accuracy.
  4. 4. Diligence.
  5. 5. Loyalty.
  6. 6. Practicality.
  7. 7. Intelligence.

The Virgo Dog is smart and insightful. Easily learns new skills and knows how to instill them in others. In relation to people, she behaves respectfully, for which she is also respected, so they often seek advice. He often criticizes himself and other people, internally experiencing his imperfection. Able to expose lies, stop rumors and stand up for herself.

He takes his health seriously and consults a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Follows all recommendations and appointments in order to recover as soon as possible and return to work.

Despite external perfection, the Virgo-Dog has flaws. She happens:

  • overly critical;
  • pedantic;
  • boring;
  • mercantile.

Usually very reserved in life, in moments when she loses trust in people, she feels unsettled. At such moments, the Virgo-Dog is disappointed and needs the care of loved ones or a loved one in order to restore faith in the decency and kindness of people.

Virgo, born in the year of the Dog, treats money with respect. She is very economical and does not make rash purchases, does not like to spend money on unnecessary entertainment. Not because they are not there or not enough, but for practical reasons. She is never too lazy to earn extra money, she knows how to earn and save money, but she does not like to spend it on things that, in her opinion, are unnecessary.

Someone can reproach her with commercialism, that she acts only for the sake of own benefit, but it is not so. Virgo-Dog is very decent and fair, if she believes that she deserves part of the profit, then she will be right.

Virgo woman born in the year of the Dog

This woman is different serious attitude to life, stands firmly on its feet, purposeful and hardworking. He does not tolerate lies and injustice, tries to be honest with people and expects the same from them. She does not show her emotions, and it seems to people that she is indifferent to other people's problems. In fact, this is not so, she is a kind woman, and compassion is not alien to her, but she has not been used to showing her emotions since childhood.

In a relationship, she does not like to dominate, so she wants to be around strong man who will be respected and on whom you can rely. The Virgo woman, born in the year of the Dog, respects the opinion of her man and will not argue with him. She may well be a loving wife and caring mother.

The Virgo-Dog Woman is a suitable image of the fairy-tale princess Nesmeyana - serious, vulnerable and beautiful.

She has obedient children, always fed and tidy, she takes care of their proper nutrition and health with the special care of the solar Virgin. In the family, as well as at work, everything is ordered and thought out a few steps ahead.

It's hard to get her out of balance. But it is worth throwing things around the room, leaving unwashed dishes, and she will go berserk. It will be a long notation on the topic of carelessness and irresponsibility. She can torture her household with remarks, but in the end she will teach them to order.

Outwardly restrained, she has a subtle emotional soul, fearing disappointment in people.. In order to avoid a breakdown, she needs the love and attention of loved ones.

Virgo man, born in the year of the Dog

Such a man is intelligent, attentive and devoted. He is smart, reserved and sociable. He has a soft but unyielding personality. If he wants to achieve something, there is little that can stop him. This is a good friend and a reasonable person. He has a thoughtful and insightful personality. It is difficult to deceive him, but it is easy to lose his trust and friendship in case of dishonesty and false promises.

In a relationship, the Virgo-Dog man is cautious, he is critical of the choice of a partner, and minor flaws in appearance or repulsive habits can disappoint him. He will meet with a girl only after he is completely sure that she suits him, and their feelings are mutual. Do not expect frequent gifts and trifling souvenirs from him. He approaches the choice of a present from a practical point of view, confident that this gift is definitely needed and is guaranteed to come in handy. His house is in order, everything is in its place. From his wife, he expects cleanliness and accuracy, he will not get along with a slut and a lazy person.

The image of a handsome prince is an excellent example of a Virgo man born in the year of the Dog.

He knows how to earn and save money, and on occasion he is not too lazy to earn extra money on the side. He is respected in the team, the authorities appreciate him for his diligence and responsibility. He is inspired to learn something new and is ready to teach his skills to others.

The Virgo-Dog man is good husband and father, a faithful comrade and an excellent subordinate. It is difficult for him to break off relations, as he becomes attached to a person like a dog, and betrayal can greatly injure him.

Every person at least once in his life was interested in a horoscope for a day, week, month or year. Someone does not believe in such predictions, and someone superstitiously tries to comply with all the recommendations of astrologers.

What awaits such a zodiac sign as Virgo in the New 2018? The horoscope for this sign is analyzed in great detail in the article, which will allow you to warn yourself against mistakes or prepare for pleasant surprises. What will the Yellow Earth Dog bring to Virgos? All this and more can be found below.

In the New Year, the male part of this sign will be unheard of lucky in love. The dog will contribute to the establishment of personal relationships in all its possibilities.

Free Virgo men will seek relationships. There are few options to find love the first time, but after a couple of novels, a man will meet his only one. Some of the males under the sign of Virgo will decide to return previous passions in a very active mode. Taking the object of your adoration by storm is not the ugliest idea, the symbol of the year will not only support, but also help. At the same time, one should not forget about the mention that the woman is not to blame for all past problems, that all negative situations are completely on the man.

Men who have a soul mate will have the opportunity to build relationships. Compliments, affectionate words, compliments - all this is expected by a woman from Virgo men in 2018. In turn, men will have the opportunity to be confident in their plans for the future.

If a Virgo man decides in 2018 to go beyond his work and start his own business, they will certainly succeed.

Important! No need to rush into the pool with your head, everything requires preparation, attention and patience.

The presence and support of friends is always important, but especially in the New Year. No matter how positive astrological forecast for men under the sign of the zodiac Virgo, failures happen to everyone, so you should not push friends into the background.

Their health is at their best this year, complex and difficult to tolerate diseases are not expected, but it is simply necessary to monitor your health.

Horoscope 2018 for women

The Earth Dog promises a busy year for the beautiful half of humanity under the sign of Virgo. The energy will be in full swing, which may alert others, but they will just have to put up with it, because. Virgos are determined to conquer all peaks. The only mistake in their pressure will be the desire to do everything at once, you should not take on a bunch of things, it is better to achieve success gradually.

You need to take a closer look at your surroundings in 2018. Friends, proven over the years, remain beyond suspicion, but a successful woman will have enough envious people.

Important! You need to be extremely careful when choosing a person with whom you share moments of happiness or not very good moments in life.

The patroness of the New Year 2018 is a dog who loves peace and tranquility. She is not disposed to scandals and explosions, therefore, in the Virgo’s personal life, she will only help if they don’t “cut” her soulmate. Everything peaceful, hidden in new year's eve and with regards to the family, it will certainly come true, you just have to believe and not let everything take its course.

Single Virgo women this year are promised a romance that will lead to a wedding. So refusing to go to the cinema or a cafe is very irrational. It's better to take a chance and be happy.

love horoscope

Dogs are domestic creatures, loving comfort, care and fidelity. All this is prepared for the Virgins in the New Year. Love will hover around all 365 days, which will only bring joy, and negative moments can be expected if you do not provoke them yourself.

  • Women are encouraged to take care of their own appearance(regardless of the presence of the second half). This will either renew passion with a real boyfriend, or attract the attention of new fans. Spiritual transformation will also be useful - yoga, meditation or relaxation will give their positive results;
  • For men, the Dog recommends going out more often, expanding your circle of friends (especially women). Friendliness and openness will lead them to new acquaintances that will not pass without a trace in their personal lives.

The love horoscope suggests that in the fall of 2018, Virgos will have the most unexpected acquaintances that will lead to family life, even if there were no such plans.

Business horoscope

Virgo's career this year is not without difficulties and perseverance, but it will go up. There is a lot of work to be done, and a lot of hard work. There will be an emergency in an emergency at the beginning of the year, but by the middle of 2018, things will return to normal, and the financial condition will noticeably improve.

In business, even the Dog will envy the Virgo's perseverance. Perseverance even after several failures will lead to the desired results.

Virgos will be in the money, but unexpected costs for business development, projects or additional training in the field of work will come, so it is better to have a nest egg so that such a situation does not take you by surprise.

Family horoscope

Family relations in the coming year for Virgos promise to be well-established, calm and full of mutual understanding. But astrologers still give some advice to these representatives of the sign:

  1. In a relationship with a spouse or spouse, the initiative to renew a faded passion or interest must be taken into one's own hands;
  2. Less guardianship of children, tk. independent solutions they must also be able to accept, all their lives there will be no parents nearby;
  3. Listening to your household is necessary, this will lead to even greater respect in the family.

If jealousy and pickiness are left far beyond the threshold of the house, then harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Health Horoscope

The horoscope for 2018 for Virgo will not do without considering the psychophysiological state. Virgos will not see health problems in 2018. Activity and cheerfulness will help maintain physical condition.

Recommendations will only need to be followed proper nutrition so that the immune system is strong and allows the body to be in an invigorating state. Playing sports will also ensure that you forget about buying medicines, because. they just won't be needed. And be sure to follow the daily routine! Good dream- the best prevention for the health of the whole organism.

Horoscope from eminent astrologers

Horoscopes are heard and seen daily on TV, radio, in magazines and on the Internet. And what forecasts for representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo do the most famous astrologers of the country give for 2018?

  • The horoscope for Virgo for 2018 from Pavel Globa promises peace to this sign. In a career, things will go up, but this will affect the lack of time for rest. And as a result, quarrels with the second half will not keep you waiting. You may even have to make a choice between relationships and work, but when making a bet, it is worth remembering that this choice will accompany more than one year ... In general, Globa allows Virgo to calmly celebrate the New Year, knowing that the Yellow Dog favors this sign.
  • No less interesting horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina. A successful end of the year will be only thanks to the perseverance, diligence and responsibility of the Virgo. Reassessing the values ​​of life can drastically change life for the better. In 2018, Virgos will have problems at work, in interpersonal relationships, but they will not require much effort to resolve, the main thing is not to sit idly by. And sometimes you can slow down your independence by turning to specialists for help, this will allow you to achieve success in any endeavors.

Eastern horoscope for 2018 for Virgo

The eastern horoscope divides everyone into 12 animals, focusing on the year in which a particular person was born. Who will be the luckiest this year?

Virgo Tiger

Although the Dog does not particularly love the cat family, she will respect the Tiger for courage and courage. At the same time, you should forget about your claws and try not to growl, then the year for the Virgin will pass without trouble. In relations with the second half, everything will turn out well, subject to a serious approach.

Virgo Rat

Mindfulness and caution is the motto of the zodiac sign for 2018. This applies not only to those moments where something can threaten business or communication with friends, the mentioned qualities will allow you not to miss profitable deals and offers, as well as an interesting love acquaintance. The Virgo Rat will be successful in the coming year, ready to move mountains and tie the knot with a partner.

Virgo Ox

The most successful combination in 2018 financially. The money will go into their own hands, but it’s not worth it to waste, it would be better to spend the money on buying a new home or on strengthening relationships with the other half in romantic trip. The dog will give willpower and patience to the Virgo, born in the year of the Ox, which will lead her to success in all aspects of life.

Maiden Cat (Rabbit)

What is luck learn Virgo, born in the year of the Cat. It is they who will bathe in luxury all year round, they will not have to cry because of work, personal problems or health, everything will turn out perfectly. And some representatives will learn about the long-awaited addition to the family.

Virgo Snake

Another combination of the eastern and astrological horoscope, which will be lucky in the New 2018. And work, and friends, and love - everything that worries Dev will only please. And financial stability will allow you to think about the wedding, which should have been played for a long time.

Maiden Dragon

The romantic nature of the Virgo, combined with the menacingness of the Dragon, can jeopardize love relationships, but the gentle nature will win and parting will not threaten. This is the only thing to worry about, because. career will be on top, health in 2018 promises to be strong, financial stability will also please.


Devoting yourself to the realization of your desires is the best alternative to strictly doing what is supposed to be. Risk and purposefulness will allow you to succeed in a business that will bring good income. Horses, although they love active work, the Dog will allow you to have a good rest without suffering losses. Personal life is waiting for changes, and in which direction - time will tell.

Virgo Monkey

Own business will flourish so much that it can go international and have partners abroad. Envious people will surround Dev, but the caution of the patroness of 2018 will allow you to bypass all the troubles. In love, you should think about romance and do not forget to please your soul mate with pleasant gifts.

Virgo-Goat (Sheep)

Virgo, born in the year of the Goat, should forget a little about her idols and take a closer look at those who are nearby. This will allow you to establish a personal life and get everything you need for happiness. The financial condition will grow, thanks to the inheritance received. At work, it will be possible to conclude a profitable deal, which will raise the Virgo in the eyes of the authorities.

Virgo Rooster

The demand for the Virgo in combination with the Rooster will be so high that they will have to choose between very profitable and attractive offers. Dating influential people is also good for your career. And if you exclude criticism in love relationships, then they can be called ideal.

Virgin Pig (Boar)

Striving for perfection can lead to a boring and uninteresting life. Perfection in everything will quickly push you to think about something new and unknown. Work pleases with stability, and finances will increase in 2018, which will allow you to make expensive purchases. Lonely Virgos will get acquainted with inspiring love.


This combination of horoscopes will have to work hard to achieve the desired result. The job may change, but success in the current position will accompany the whole of 2018. And sincere and devoted love will be a reliable rear

Monthly horoscope for Virgo for 2018

The whole of 2018 for Virgo will be very successful and promising. But what is worth waiting for every month? What to expect in the winter, and what to expect in the summer? To find out your future, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the monthly horoscope for 2018 for the Virgo zodiac sign.


The year for Virgos will begin calmly and measuredly. Everything will turn out without much difficulty, it will be possible to engage in self-development or pay attention to your health, in general, spend time on yourself loved ones. The second half of the month carries a danger in the form of electrical appliances, which should be handled with extreme care, and it is better to leave questions related to money for later.


The second winter month will begin morally hard, it will bring a lot of work on past mistakes, business and worries will follow on its heels, but there is no need to despair, Virgos will quickly cope with this. By the end of the month, there will be no trace of any troubles, but it will be necessary to restore good relations with a partner, because. emotional depression in early February gave a crack in love.


Having finished improving relations with a partner, you will need to turn all your strength into work. There will be unscrupulous people who will bring trouble, easily solved, but unpleasant. Unexpected financial profit will help solve some material difficulties.


Although the weather outside the window in the month of April is not particularly encouraging, Virgos will enjoy their lives. At work, everything is calm, romance in a relationship will only improve mutual understanding with a partner. Unforeseen expenses are possible, but only for your loved ones (for example, traveling with a loved one). And if, nevertheless, the Virgos are abroad, you can think about finding business partners, the stars promise to help in profitable deals.


The first week of May will bring good news from work. In a career, either an offer for a higher position or an increase in earnings is foreseen. But since this will require a lot of strength and effort, in relations with friends or a partner there will be misunderstandings that will show Virgos their shortcomings.


The first month of summer will continue the direction of May, it will require a lot of work to achieve the desired result. To restore relationships with family and friends, you will have to prioritize and choose what is more important: a career or dear people.


The desired success will be achieved in July, which means that you can relax a bit and do some creativity or spiritual retreat. Love relationships will improve, because of which the emotional state of the virgins will improve, and, consequently, their health will improve. But you can’t completely forget about the working pace, ill-wishers are not asleep.


This month, Virgos will allow themselves to take stock of the work done and draw conclusions about what was missed somewhere. important points. It will overwhelm them because they could have done more. This will stimulate them and prepare them for any undertakings in any area of ​​life, so success is guaranteed in everything.


The stars promise problems with partners in relationships and business. Virgos can feel their dependence on one or the other, and think that there is nothing they can do. They can, but it won't be necessary, it is necessary to let someone decide challenging tasks. Moreover, by the end of September everything will be fine and life will flow at a calm and measured pace.


If additional earnings are required, then it will be very easy to find it, while the financial situation will improve not only by the calculated amount, but by a much larger one. But because of money, in October there will be a scandal between Virgos and a third party, because. the zodiac sign in question will not want to be drawn into dubious matters that require material investments. So you have to be very careful with your money.


In the last autumn month, you can devote time to restoring or improving relationships with a partner or other loved ones. But it will not do without quarrels, it is necessary to exercise restraint and the renewed relationship will only benefit. By the end of November, the stars are advised to pay attention to health.


At the beginning of December, you should not rush to solve all the problems in order to close the year well. Business decisions are best made in the second half of the month, and personal issues are resolved gradually. Romance promises to be in abundance, so Virgos need to be prepared and look their best.

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