Phlebeurysm. Indian preparations for varicose veins Recipes from Ayurveda for varicose veins

Varicose veins are primarily a disorder of the Vata dosha, which creates increased pressure, affects the valves and elasticity of the veins.

Vata is a dry, mobile and rough dosha.

Vata is a dry, mobile and gross dosha that regulates the movement in the body, including the movement of blood through the arteries and veins. Vyana Vata is one of the subdoshas of Vata and is responsible for transporting oxygen from the heart to the cells of the body through the arteries. Blood moves through the veins thanks to surrounding muscles and a network of one-way valves. As blood flows through a vein, the cup-shaped valves alternately open and then close (to prevent blood from flowing backwards).

When Vyana Vata is out of balance, the valves and veins become dry and stiff. An increase in blood pressure dilates the veins; the valves no longer close properly, making it difficult for the muscles to push blood back to the heart. Instead of flowing from one valve to the next, blood accumulates in the superficial veins of the legs, which have less muscle support. As a result, varicose veins appear under the surface of the skin.

An imbalance in Ranjaka Pitta leads to the formation of ulcers in the veins

As a secondary factor, when blood accumulates in the veins, an imbalance occurs in Ranjaka Pitta. This can lead to ulcers in varicose veins. Pitta dosha is hot and pungent in nature; controls metabolic and hormonal functions. One of the subdoshas of Pitta, called Ranjaka Pitta, keeps the blood pure. Ranjaka Pitta is found in the liver and spleen; is responsible for the composition of the blood and the distribution of nutrients to cells and tissues through the blood. If Ranjaka Pitta is out of balance, the blood can become impure. It becomes mixed with digestive toxins, thick and sluggish. This leads to the formation of ulcers in varicose veins.

So, varicose veins are caused by poor blood circulation (regulated by vyana Vata). secondary complications, trophic ulcers caused by impurities in the blood (regulated by Ranjaka Pitta).

Also, any condition that results in excessive pressure on the legs or abdomen can cause varicose veins. These causes include: standing for long periods of time, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, severe, chronic constipation, tumors, excessive physical activity and aging. Dietary deficiencies or loss of skin elasticity can also contribute to this problem.

Why are Vata and Pitta doshas out of balance?

Ayurveda explains most of the violations by faulty digestion. Lifestyle, emotional stress, and eating the wrong foods for your body type or season can cause the doshas to go out of balance. Whenever the doshas are out of balance, indigestion occurs, resulting in food not being digested properly. Undigested food turns into a poisonous sticky substance called ama. It is ama that is the main cause of many diseases.

Ayurveda about diet for varicose veins

With varicose veins, a diet that balances Vata-Pitta should be followed. Especially during the Vata (winter) season, foods should be consumed that will balance dry, fast-moving, irregular Vata.

To help balance Vata, eat cooked, warm, and fatty foods (with some good fats, vegetable oil, and olive oil). Eat whole grains, light and dairy products, sweet fruits that balance Vata and Pitta doshas. Bitter and astringent tastes (which include legumes, herbs, and vegetables) are also beneficial in moderation as they pacify Pitta dosha. Although salty foods pacify Vata dosha, salt intake should be reduced. A diet high in sodium has been linked to varicose veins. Eat spices and drink herbal teas that pacify Vata dosha.

Products for the treatment of varicose veins

One of the signs of Vata imbalance is constipation; straining when passing stool can create pressure and aggravate varicose veins. Therefore, to restore the balance of Vata and Pitta, make sure you get enough fiber - at least 30 grams per day. Avoid refined carbohydrates and red meat as these are the foods that contribute to constipation.

Eat whole grains (like millet and buckwheat), legumes, fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber and vitamins that restore vein health. Useful products for varicose veins are:

Blackberries and cherries help cure varicose veins.

Vitamin A accelerates the healing of varicose ulcers; found in melons, carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and greens.

B vitamins help maintain vascular strength. They are found in all seasonal fruits, yogurt, whole grains, lentils and legumes.

Vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which improve blood circulation, help heal ulcers and strengthen the walls of veins (which prevents them from dilating). These substances are found in melon, grapes, pomegranate, lemon, lime and other citrus fruits.

Rutin, one of the bioflavonoids commonly used to treat varicose veins, is found in citrus fruits (especially in the white part inside the peel), apricots, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, rose hips, and buckwheat.

Vitamin E improves blood circulation and also reduces the tendency to varicose veins and relieves pain. A lot of this substance is found in almonds and almond oil.

Lecithin, which helps emulsify fats and improve blood circulation, is found in tofu and garlic.

Zinc contributes to the formation of collagen, which is important for the prevention of varicose veins. This substance is found in pumpkin seeds and sweet fresh fruits.

Varicose veins require lifestyle changes

The balance of Vata dosha can be achieved through the observance of the daily routine. Eat at the same time every day, then your digestive system will be more efficient and strong. To improve blood circulation at any time of the year, do a daily Ayurvedic oil massage using rejuvenating massage oil (there are different formulas for men and women). It is a blend of jojoba and sesame oils with 15 powerful herbs that are good for the skin, muscles and veins (restore their elasticity). Daily oil massage balances Vyana Vata, removes toxins and improves digestion.

Daily exercise is a must to improve circulation and reduce varicose veins. Inverted yoga poses can be especially helpful in restoring normal blood flow from the legs to the heart. Elevate your legs if sitting for long periods; take frequent breaks to restore circulation. Do not stand or sit for long periods of time. If you have to stand for a long time, shift your weight from one foot to the other every few minutes. If you must sit for long periods of time, get up and walk around every 30 minutes. Do not cross your legs when sitting to prevent blood stasis. Avoid tight clothing that constricts your waist, groin, or legs.

Ayurvedic remedies for the treatment of varicose veins. There are Ayurvedic anti-aging supplements (different for women and men!) that help improve blood circulation and help avoid the buildup of impurities in the veins. These formulas will help revitalize organs and tissues whose deterioration causes premature aging and may be a factor in varicose veins.


Do not believe the sad statements of doctors that varicose veins cannot be treated! Their methods are not treated, it's true. Varicose veins cannot be cured with pills or cutting out the veins - the reason for it lies in the wrong behavioral patterns and the resulting metabolic disorders.

Stress and the wrong food are the main reasons. As well as the assumption of convulsive conditions, static overload on the muscles against the background of dynamic stagnation - these are the main reasons. The liver cannot cope with blood purification, the salt balance is disturbed. Capillary motility is weakened, the intensity of the nerve impulse decreases. The musculature of the vessels ceases to work effectively. Blood accumulates, stagnates in the tissues. A network of blue small veins becomes visible through the skin. And then, finally, large saphenous veins begin to swell and crawl out from under the skin, like overheated wires from insulation. It is this moment that we used to call the beginning of varicose veins. But in fact, the disease began a long time ago and proceeded relatively secretly.

The venous system is a single organism. One vein cannot suddenly fall ill - just the first manifestation is found in the very weak point, the most stressed. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the entire system as a whole, the entire system of the body. Doctors have a very dangerous habit - if something goes wrong, a needle is stuck into a vein and a dropper is placed. Does everyone know that a single dropper will then be remembered by a vein for years, if not decades, bothering us with bouts of dull pain at the site of the needle, as well as along the entire length of the disturbed vein, and even the deep veins of the corresponding limb will “move” from time to time remembering the hospital.

Surgical removal of diseased veins or their sclerotherapy does not give anything, except for a short-term “healing” effect. The happy patient puts on his backpack again and goes camping, and the proud surgeon escorts him out of the hospital door, and then recalculates the fee behind the door of the medicine cabinet. Not much time will pass, and the sad patient will again appear at the same doctor, and he will again “treat” him.

If there are fewer superficial veins, then the load falls on the deep veins, which are not visible to the eye, and which doctors take only when nothing but a scalpel helps.

Prescribing any pills, for example, phlebodia or detralex, gives only a slight symptomatic effect. We need a whole range of systematic measures that only the patient himself can implement - unless, of course, he is a millionaire and cannot hire a round-the-clock nurse.

The venous system is responsible for the removal of toxins and poisons. It is closely related to the liver, kidneys and intestines. If output harmful substances disturbed, the cause must first of all be sought in the character and food preferences of a person. You have to constantly learn, actively give away what you no longer need, what you have already used, and now it must be returned to nature. An easy attitude to any gains and losses is the guideline that leads vein treatment in the right direction.


In the health literature and on Internet forums there are many examples of a complete solution to the problems associated with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. The number of such cases is so great that only very stubborn or self-interested people can ignore them. In many cases, it was even possible to cope with varicose gangrene!

One of the authorities who can be trusted is a former surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, Kapralov Vasily Nikitovich. Now he uses only natural remedies, and he manages to achieve a complete cure for many venous problems, including neglected ones, which are traditionally “treated” with a scalpel.

The basis of Dr. Kapralov's method is medical applications.

The application consists of several layers of gauze (4-6) soaked in infusion medicinal herbs. The application is placed twice a day for four hours (a break between them is at least two hours), and at night.

The foot must first be thoroughly washed laundry soap to completely degrease the skin - only then will the herbal infusions be effectively absorbed. The infusion is heated to body temperature, and gauze is impregnated with it. After wrapping the leg several times, it is necessary to cover the bandage with compression paper, and then secure it with a soft cloth, for example, a sheet. This is not a compress, so you do not need to warm your leg. You can not wrap the application with polyethylene, because the leg must breathe.

The purpose of the application is to awaken the nervous, circulatory, hormonal and immune system organism. And it is they who synthesize all the necessary medicines that are needed for recovery.

First, anti-inflammatory applications are placed. To prepare the infusion are taken in equal proportions plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage. One tablespoon of the dry mixture is brewed in a thermos with one glass of boiling water for 6 hours.

The composition of the "sealing" balm: in equal proportions oak bark, acorns, white willow (willow) bark, chestnut fruit. As before, one tablespoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water. The duration of sealing applications is also 3 weeks.

Simultaneously with applications once a day, it is necessary to produce the so-called stepped massage: carefully, in circular motions, from the bottom up, rub a solution of apple cider vinegar into the affected veins (six percent vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2).

In addition, twice a day in between meals, you need to drink a glass of water with one or two teaspoons of vinegar dissolved in it.

Particularly it should be said about blood clots - their prevention or dissolution. It is necessary to take measures to thin the blood - eat sour food more often. For example, cherries, cranberries, lemons, fresh tomatoes. Also good for blood thinning vegetable juices and grated raw vegetables.

Good blood thinner also natural vitamin E And flower pollen.

But with regard to the use of aspirin, there is something to think about. There is evidence that with regular use of it, a stomach ulcer or stomach bleeding may occur. So aspirin is a short-term remedy.


It is necessary to change your daily routine in such a way that two or three “windows” lasting at least 30 minutes are formed in it. At this time, you can put or remove applications and give your legs a rest, lifting them higher. You can lie down for this purpose, or sit on an armchair, raising your legs to the level of your heart.

This half hour is not wasted time at all, as many might think. First, the restoration of health in itself is an important result. In addition, being in a semi-lying state, you can continue to work at the computer, talk on the phone, etc. So the question is the ability to organize yourself and your routine.

Desirable every day walk for at least an hour– any uniform dynamic load on the legs improves venous circulation. If you have a sedentary job, you need to get up every hour and stretch your legs - for example, rising and falling on the feet.

Very good walk barefoot- on sand, gravel, needles. To do this, you need to use every opportunity.

The best is swimming it helps to solve venous problems of the whole organism.

Any baths and thermal procedures are strictly prohibited. And here water procedures with a temperature not exceeding 37 degrees - welcome. Good results are given by contrast baths and douches.

Sports activities are prohibited during which sudden vigorous movements– for example, tennis, weight lifting.


With varicose veins, you need to pay attention to your entire vein system. It is good to drink bark tea hazel (hazel), 1 tablespoon per glass, or from its fermented leaf (1 teaspoon per glass). It must be borne in mind that hazel noticeably relieves blood pressure. Therefore, if you already have it lowered, then simultaneously with hazel tea you need to take tinctures of adaptogens - lemongrass, ginseng, aralia, or add St. John's wort to tea. Lemongrass increases blood pressure to the greatest extent, Eluretococcus to the least.

For example, if you brew a 300-gram teapot with three teaspoons of hazel tea (this is the average daily allowance for three doses), then you can drop three single doses of adaptogen directly into the tea crumbs, and then pour boiling water over the teapot. Alcohol completely unnecessary to you from the tincture will evaporate, and you will enjoy truly natural tea. A single dose of an adaptogen depends on the constitution. For people with kapha dosha, this can be as much as 25 drops. For those with a vata constitution, this dose should not exceed 5 drops.

If you have any problems with the veins, then you need to constantly eat sea ​​kale or fucus. Good combinations onion, garlic and honey.

It is useful to harvest flowers and fruits horse chestnut to make tinctures or teas from them.

The recipe is like this. 50 grams of crushed chestnuts are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 10-12 days. Then strain and drink 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day, diluted in a third of a glass of water, before meals. Like hazel, chestnut relieves blood pressure. The tincture can also be rubbed on the feet. It can be used for any pain associated with venous insufficiency.

You can also use chestnut flowers. 2 heaping tablespoons are infused in 0.5 liters of vodka for two weeks. Drink one teaspoon, three times a day, diluted in a third of a glass of water. The flowers are softer than the fruits.

Comprehensive treatment of venous diseases allows you to simultaneously cope with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, and venous insufficiency of internal organs. All these diseases arise and develop in parallel and simultaneously. Accordingly, they are treated by the same means. For example, those who regularly drink hazel leaf tea in order to lower blood pressure, after a year or two, are surprised to find that the veins on their legs have disappeared by themselves, and hemorrhoids have ceased to bother.

It is good to practice hatha yoga, performing postures that improve blood circulation in the liver and spleen. It is very useful to lightly tap yourself with the edge of your palm on the left and right hypochondrium, helping the liver and spleen to pump blood. A good result comes from breathing exercises type "bhastrika" - several times during the day, 100-200 quick breaths.


Fresh grass woodlice can be applied to swollen venous nodes, fixing with burdock sheets. The duration of the compress is 2 hours. Woodlouse is a well-known remedy for atherosclerosis. It can be eaten as a salad, raw. It has almost no taste, and the smell is not very pleasant. Therefore, such a salad should be flavored with other herbs or mild spices.

Good ointments based on calendula. 50 grams of dried flowers insist in 0.5 liters of fatty base, then filter. You can also drink tea from the flowers of this plant.

fresh tomato can be cut into circles and applied to swollen veins. Hold until it starts to tingle. Then remove and rinse with cool water.

Kalanchoe leaves fill half a half-liter bottle, fill to the top with vodka and leave for a week. Then filter the infusion. They can rub their feet daily. Crushed leaves can be applied to inflamed veins.

Raw potatoes with skin grate, impose this mass on the legs to the knees and wrap with a cloth. Keep the night. Grated potatoes can even be applied to varicose ulcers.

Very good to drink fresh potato juice.

Freshly picked heads and leaves Artemisia silvery grind thoroughly in a mortar, then mix 1 tablespoon of this mass with the same amount sour milk or sour cream, apply to gauze and apply to areas with dilated veins. Keep the bandage 1.5 - 2 hours. The course of treatment is 4-5 days.

From a decoction of a leaf of hazel, birch and willow bark, applications are made on sore feet. Can apply and leaves- fresh or dried. In both cases, they must first be well soaked in a small amount of water, and only then placed on the application.

Do not throw away the remaining infusion - you can wipe your feet with it after removing the application.

Infusion from dried nettle take 3 times a day for a third of a glass, an hour after eating. A tablespoon of dry mixture per half liter of boiling water.

1 glass onion juice(white) and 1 cup liquid honey mix and incubate this composition for 3 days at room temperature. Then keep for ten days in the refrigerator. Drink 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

Very good next healing recipe. Take 100 grams of birch buds, immortelle, chamomile, St. John's wort, brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. At one time - half a glass, with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey. It is drunk once in the evening, the second time - in the morning on an empty stomach.

"Flower Recipe" Take one glass of flowers of white lilac, white lily and white acacia, pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for a week, strain. The tincture is applied externally, for rubbing the feet.

Yellow sweet clover flowers thin the blood, prevent thrombosis. Sweet clover slows down the pulse, helps the absorption of calcium. It produces fragrant tea - you need to brew half a teaspoon per glass. Sweet clover flowers dried and ground on a coffee grinder are an excellent seasoning that can be used in first and second courses, and even in confectionery. However, you should not get too carried away with sweet clover - in large doses it can be toxic. One teaspoon a day is a good guideline.


Summing up, we can happily state that there are many folk recipes, each of which can solve the problem. They are all roughly equivalent. It's easiest to start with what's on hand and easier to prepare. And in the future it makes sense to try more complex compositions and more exotic recipes.

It is naive to think that "herbs cure". The body heals itself, but herbs help it "wake up". Therefore, other requests to awaken the body are also good - for example, magnetotherapy, the use of essential oils (calendula and caparis), contrast baths, energy touch massage, working with the elements of earth and water, reading mantras and prayers. It is interesting that the use of any of the above methods causes the same internal sensations in a recovering person: heat appears in diseased organs, nerve discharges or goosebumps begin, vibrations appear along the spine, on the shoulders, on the top of the head and in the feet. Sometimes it can freeze a little. The similarity of these signs convinces us that this is the same healing mechanism that is triggered by different methods.

Interestingly, the symptoms of venous insufficiency in the legs - cramps, heaviness in the calves also occur when the body is dehydrated, for example, when taking strong diuretics. Therefore, the onset of varicose veins is quite possibly provoked by salt imbalance - for example, excessive sweating during sports. Very few people know that after a bath or hard physical work it is necessary to take electrolytes - for example, rehydron, in order to restore the loss of potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium salts. These measures may well be useful during exacerbations of varicose veins.

What is more interesting, the above symptoms plus pain in thumb legs, blackening of his nail, burning in the feet - this is not only a sign of a possible incipient gangrene, but also a marker of the awakening of the kundalini! In other words, an intense, explosive spread of nerve impulses along the spinal column. It is possible that in the case of venous problems, the body first tries to cope with disharmony energetically, and only if the resource nervous system not enough, organic changes begin to occur.

This suggests to us the idea that if, at the time of the manifestation of these symptoms, measures are taken to energize the body, for example, read mantras that work with the elements of the earth, or connect with this element directly, in nature, then the situation can be discharged and harmonized even without the help of drugs. .

medicines, even natural remedies are crutches that we are forced to use due to our ignorance. Deep immersion in the problems of healing leads us to the conclusion that all the possibilities of recovery are in ourselves, and we just need to try to awaken them.

Such ways of awakening the natural possibilities of recovery are accumulated and systematized in the Himalayan Siddha Yoga, which includes methods of working with consciousness, mind, sensuality and the physical body.

Returning to the topic of this note, remember that venous problems signal disharmony in the earth element of the human body. Purposeful work with this element allows not only to “put the veins in place”, but also to solve a huge number of other problems - as a rule, karmic ones associated with ignorance, aggression, fears, and dissolve the circumstances of external life arising from them.

The element of earth is concentrated in the human body in the area from the feet to the knees, and it is controlled by the muladhara chakra. In Himalayan yoga, techniques are described for conducting prana into the muladhara and keeping consciousness in it continuously for two hours. This allows you to solve any problems of the elements of the earth in the human body, including varicose veins.

Varicose veins are called in Ayurveda as Siraja granthi. With this disease, the blood vessels increase, become fibrous and tortuous. The veins that carry blood from the legs to the heart lose their elasticity. Due to prolonged standing, under the influence of weight and fatigue, the veins in the lower extremities, especially in the calves, get tired of pumping blood up. Because of this, the veins swell, expand, lose the ability to contract or restore their original state.

Causes of varicose veins according to Ayurveda

Eating foods (which clog channels) such as cottage cheese, yogurt, deep fried foods, heavy non-vegetarian foods, spoiled foods, carbonated drinks, etc.
Wrong food combinations
Prolonged standing
weight lifting
Consumption of heavy (guru), cold (hima), oily (snigdha) foods, etc.

Varicose veins it is primarily a disorder of Vata dosha caused by an imbalance in Vyana Vata, which creates increased pressure that affects the condition of the valves and the elasticity of the veins.

Vata dosha is dry, mobile and rough in its qualities, it is the operator of the mind and body, controls the movements in the body, including the movement of blood through the arteries and veins.

Vyana Vata, one of the subdoshas of Vata, is responsible for transporting oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the cells of the body through the arteries. It also regulates the flow of oxygen-poor blood from the body's cells back to the heart through the veins.

To return blood to the heart, veins mainly use surrounding muscles and a network of one-way valves. As blood flows through a vein, the cup-shaped valves alternately open to allow blood to pass through and then close to prevent blood from flowing backwards.

When Vyana Vata is out of balance, excessive dryness causes the valves and veins to harden and lose elasticity. At the same time, the increase in blood pressure dilates the vein and the valves no longer close properly, making it difficult for the muscles to move blood to the heart. Instead of flowing from one valve to the next, blood collects in the superficial veins of the legs, which have less muscular support than the deep veins. As a result, varicose veins form under the surface of the skin.

As a secondary factor, when there is stagnation of blood in the veins, an imbalance in Ranjaka Pitta can lead to ulcers in the varicose veins. Pitta dosha is hot and harsh in nature and governs metabolic and hormonal functioning. One of the subdos of Pitta is called Ranjaka Pitta and keeps the blood pure. Ranjaka Pitta is located in the liver and spleen, is responsible for the composition of the blood and the distribution of nutrients in cells and tissues through the blood. If Ranjaka Pitta is out of balance, the blood can become impure, or in other words, it mixes with digestive toxins, thus contributing to the formation of ulcers in varicose veins. If you notice the appearance of ulcers, consult your doctor.

Thus, varicose veins are mainly due to poor circulation (controlled by Vyana Vata). Secondary complications such as ulcers are caused by blood contamination (ruled by Ranjaka Pitta).

Any condition that puts excessive pressure on the legs or abdomen can cause varicose veins. For example, prolonged standing, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause, obesity, sedentary image life, heavy lifting, chronic constipation, tumors, excessive physical activity that puts pressure on the legs, age. Dietary deficiencies or loss of skin elasticity can also contribute to this problem.

Treatment of varicose veins in Ayurveda

To correct circulatory insufficiency, it is necessary that a particular limb give perspiration by converting heat through a cloth dipped in hot water or in other ways.

Later, warm therapeutic Ayurvedic oil is applied to this limb and a gentle massage is done. Ayurveda recommends the use of Sahacharadi vegetable oil. Apply it gently on the affected veins, massage gently against the hair growth. Do not directly massage the area over the vein, it can create wounds and bleeding. The above methods increase blood flow, remove deposits from blood vessels, dilate blood vessels.

Bloodletting with leeches is effective method with varicose veins in Ayurveda. When a leech is placed in the region of the vessel, it removes impure blood.

The anticoagulant, which is transferred from the leech to the vessel, eliminates the possibility of thickening of particles in the vessels, while stagnant residues in the vessels are also removed.

Rasna erandadi Kashaya along with Kaishora guggulu are very beneficial as they liquefy the stagnant particles of the vessels and purify the blood.

The line of treatment for gouty arthritis (vataraktha chikitsa) is also used here. It includes medicated enemas and oral medications.

To help balance Vata, one should eat cooked food that is warm and oily (meaning that it has small amounts of good fats such as ghee or olive oil). Eat foods that taste sweet, such as whole grains, light dairy products, and sweet fruits, as this balances both Vata and Pitta doshas. It is also advisable to consume moderate amounts of the bitter and astringent tastes found in legumes, herbs and most vegetables as they pacify Pitta dosha. It is recommended to reduce salt intake as high sodium diets are associated with varicose veins.

Consume Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) for its high vitamin C content and rejuvenating effect on the veins.
Eat a whole grain diet, eat oats, barley, or millet, and avoid processed foods.
Add fresh fruits to your diet.
Garlic and ginger help break down protein and distribute it evenly in the lower legs. Garlic improves blood flow.
Onions give inner strength and can help treat varicose veins.
Balance your Vata dosha with special herbs such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). These herbs contain nutrients for tortuous veins.

Herbs useful for varicose veins

Eranda - Castor roots - relieves pain and inflammation.
Chirabilva-Holoptelia integrigfolia - widely used in vein related disorders such as hemorrhoids.
Mandookaparni- Gotu Kola
Manjishta - Rubia cordifolia - Used in conditions of high Pitta and deterioration of the blood due to Pitta.
Guduchi - Giloy - Tinospora cardifolia - Useful for relieving infection and inflammation.
Punarnava-Boehirravia diffusa
Sariva- Hemidesmus indica - Like Manjishta, it is also widely used in high Pitta conditions.

The practice of yoga is recommended. Inverted yoga poses can be especially helpful in restoring normal blood flow from the legs to the heart. Elevate your legs when sitting for long periods of time and take frequent breaks to restore circulation.

After your workout, relax and avoid cold water until your body temperature returns to normal.

It is good to lie on your back, raise your legs and do exercises by stimulating and bending them (forward and backward) to help return blood and strengthen your leg muscles.

Alternative medicine is a method of treating various diseases, the effectiveness of which has not been scientifically proven.

Non-traditional methods include:

  • Naturopathy;
  • Homeopathy;
  • Mud treatment;
  • Bioenergy;
  • Ayurveda;
  • Ethnoscience;
  • Tibetan medicine;
  • Tourmanium ceramics Nuga Best;
  • Yoga;
  • Tibetan qigong gymnastics.

The above methods are used during alternative treatment varicose veins. They differ from other treatment methods in their availability, simplicity, less time and money, but at the same time excellent efficiency, some of them even help to improve the general condition of the body.

Ayurveda - This is Eastern medicine based on Hindu philosophy, currently used in various fields, including the treatment of varicose veins.

Varicose veins in Indian medicine is considered a disease of Cold, and Cold is Wind and Mucus mixed in different quantities, which indicates poor circulation. After all, a large amount of Mucus is manifested by viscous, thick blood, and an excess of Wind - by inelastic vessels.

For the treatment of this disease, it is recommended to use foods high in potassium and magnesium, which make the vessels more elastic. Such products include: legumes, nuts, apples, corn and others. Even in the diet you need to include products that help thin the blood: radish, ginger, lemon, cabbage.

Of the drugs for varicose veins, Ayurveda recommends: Gotu Kola, Gokshura, Guggul, Shilajit. But before you start taking them, you need to consult a specialist, since they are prescribed depending on the patient's condition.

Also in Ayurveda there are many simple recipes to combat varicose veins. Here are some of them:

  • Tincture based on nutmeg. 100 g of ground nuts, pour a bottle (0.5 l) of vodka and leave for a week and a half. Take in long time.
  • Horse chestnut tincture. 10 peeled chestnuts need to be ground in a coffee grinder and pour 200 g of vodka. You can take the tincture inside, 30 drops each, and also rub problem areas with it.
  • Compress based on tea tree ether. 3 drops per half liter of water essential oil. The compress is made of gauze and cotton wool, superimposed on problem areas. The duration of one session is 30 minutes.

Qigong exercises against varicose veins

Qigong is ancient Chinese gymnastics, with the help of which all processes in the human body are improved. Qigong gymnastics treats varicose veins, it provides both a whole range of exercises aimed at combating this disease, and a massage technique.

Consider a few exercises: Take the pose of an archer. We put one hand behind the lower back, and the other on the knee. We perform light springy movements. We repeat the exercise 10 times on each leg. Do a side pull. Again we take the pose of the archer, only this time we set the leg a little to the side and forward. We smoothly transfer weight from one side to the other. Having reached the lowest point, we spring a little.

The result of such exercises will not be long in coming. After the first workout, the heaviness in the legs will go away, the swelling will go down a little. Over time, blood circulation will normalize and stagnation will go away.

Qigong massage for the treatment of varicose veins: Close your palms in your fingers and lightly stroke them from ankle to knee 10 times. Now rub the shin with the base of your palm for one minute. Repeat the first exercise, but with more intensity. Thoroughly knead the muscles of the lower leg from the bottom up several times. We complete the self-massage by performing the first exercise in a light form.

Tourmanium ceramics (Nuga Best) for varicose veins

Tourist ceramics is an innovative discovery of the Korean company Nuga Medical. It has unique properties that fight the causes of varicose veins.

Thanks to the volcanic rocks that are part of tourmaline, ceramics radiate long waves infrared heat similar to the radiation of the human body. Therefore, the body does not show resistance to the waves of tourmaline ceramics. In this way, infrared heat penetrates the body, expands the capillaries, and also promotes the formation of new capillaries.

Mud treatment of varicose veins

With varicose veins, the walls of the veins narrow and become less elastic, which provokes the appearance of blood clots and blood stasis. Therapeutic mud for varicose veins activates blood circulation. It also contains calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium ions, due to which an electric field appears on the skin, which improves the functioning of blood vessels, capillaries and arteries. Thus, the venous system relaxes, and blood flow through the vessels improves.

Also, the mud is rich in organic salts, which take away excess water, while eliminating swelling. Treatment of varicose veins with mud should be carried out in courses. The number of courses depends on the degree of intensity of the disease.

Homeopathy to combat varicose veins

Three basic principles of this technique: To rid a person of the disease with the help of the forces of his own body, namely, to force all processes in the body to self-regulate.

This principle is the most basic, it lies in the fact that like should be treated like. It is not necessary to treat a separate organ. To completely get rid of any disease, it is necessary to influence the whole organism as a whole.

This disease is associated with the disease of Cold, which has descended into the lower part of the body. Cold - a combination of Vata and Kapha in various proportions - is primarily a lack of blood circulation. An excess of Kapha can be manifested by viscous "fatty" blood, which is simply difficult to move freely through the vessels, an excess of Vata - insufficient elasticity, fragility of blood vessels. Kapha diseases are treated very well with regular physical activity.

Of the Ayurvedic preparations, Sahacharadi oil is considered a classic remedy for varicose veins, used for varicose veins, problems with blood vessels, increased stress on the legs (for external use).

Another Ayurvedic recommendation is to drink 1/2 teaspoon of aloe juice 10 minutes before meals with a pinch of ginger powder and a pinch of cardamom seeds (or the contents of 2 boxes). You can drink for a long time, for 2 months, then take a 2-week break and continue until the symptoms of varicose veins disappear. Cardamom and ginger will restore blood circulation, ginger strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. Aloe will help prevent possible inflammatory reactions (aloe has contraindications).
Such a composition acts gently, but effectively, it is allowed for allergy sufferers.

One of effective means in the treatment of this disease - products containing potassium and magnesium, which will improve the elasticity of the vascular wall. It is necessary to include foods with mild diuretic properties in the diet - these are corn, barley, rice, celery, carrots, parsley, coriander, pomegranate, cranberries, legumes (recommendations are general, check with the list of foods recommended for your condition - there may be contradictions). Strong diuretics are not recommended as long-term use they weaken the kidneys.

Since blood is often thicker than usual with varicose veins, include blood-thinning foods. Promote blood thinning by increasing the intake of plain water (not suitable for Kapha edema conditions). Of the products, olive oil, ginger, lemon, orange, pomegranate, figs, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, red currants, garlic, beets, artichokes, sunflower seeds are useful. From Kalanchoe plants, nettle (tincture inside), chestnut (tincture inside, oil and massage cream). Well accelerates blood in the veins of ginger (if there is no high Pitta) with honey and apple cider vinegar (if there are no problems with the thyroid gland): you need to take 300 g of grated ginger for 1 kg of honey. It is also recommended to take 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water 2 times a day.

Figs in any form - fresh, boiled in water or milk: in case of varicose veins, it is recommended to eat as much as possible if there are no concomitant diseases - diabetes, inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract and gout.

Foods that thicken the blood, so it is better to limit them in the diet: sugar, bananas, potatoes, white bread, alcohol, sweet foods, fatty protein foods, smoked meats, pickles, carbonated drinks.

Strengthen and tone blood vessels: horse chestnut, nutmeg, ginseng root (for Vata - in small quantities), ginger, garlic.

From Ayurvedic preparations - Gotu Kola / Brahmi, Gokshura, Guggul (some varieties, depending on other problems), Shilajit, ready-made Ayurvedic medicines.

Problems with the legs should be considered not only as an imbalance of doshas, ​​but also as insufficient blood circulation (blood flows poorly from the legs back to the heart), the walls of the veins of the lower extremities are thin and weak, the venous valves are poorly developed or destroyed due to inflammation of the veins. Ayurveda alone can't do it. A massage is desirable, which is aimed at stimulating blood vessels and deep kneading the muscles like a sports massage. Cycling, swimming, exercises (imitation of cycling), exercises aimed at increasing endurance and strengthening muscles (only not strength, but cardio loads) are the best means. If everything is done correctly, then the muscles will be the “holders” of the vascular walls.

In order for these venous valves to work properly, a very simple, but extremely effective exercise: in the prone position, pull the toes of the legs towards the face, and the heels away from you. Everything. The results are better than with tablets and ointments, as the natural movement of blood flow improves.

From the Japanese system of general health - you need to rise on your toes daily and lower yourself on your heels with force 50 times. Do it as often as you can. Activates the kidney channel (urge to urinate immediately). In Japan, the gymnastics of the elderly is also known - this is walking on the heels, often walking back and forth with hammering the heels into the ground. Walking backwards may not always be convenient. Walk normally, just plant your heel hard. The results will be visible soon. You can walk like this on the way to work, to the store - almost invisible to others. 15 minutes a day is enough for the kidney channels to function better. Improvements are especially noticeable after performing this exercise with varicose veins. It is clear that the shoes must be appropriate.

Tips for varicose veins from everyday life:

Always sleep with a cushion or pillow under your feet so that your legs are higher than your head - there is an outflow of blood from the legs, giving heaviness in the morning. When resting - watching TV, reading - not only put your legs higher, but simply lean against the wall at 90 degrees.

You can use a gym ball. When reading, watching TV, putting your feet on the ball turns out very high, better than when placing rollers. Also with this ball you can massage the calves - as if "walking" lying down, clapping the calves on the surface of the sword - a very pleasant activity that gives a gentle massage of the calves and leads to an outflow of blood in the veins.

With veins, an excellent result is the lubrication of the legs with undiluted apple cider vinegar - several times a day. The result will not be immediately, but very noticeable. If there is no problem with thyroid gland then apple cider vinegar is good to take orally. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Nutmeg tinctures work great. It is better to buy it in ground form, since it is impossible to grind huge hard nuts at home. Tinctures are made from nutmeg in vodka, alcohol, oil and are used to lubricate the veins. The same is inside. Grated nuts insist on vodka and drink for a long time. 200 g of nuts per liter of vodka insist 10 days. Drink 20 drops three times a day. By the way, nutmeg (1/2 teaspoon) taken at night with warm milk is a wonderful sleeping pill.

But the best remedy traditional medicine considered horse chestnut. From chestnut (inflorescences, fruits and leaves are weaker) make decoctions, alcohol tinctures, oil tinctures. Apply inside and outside. An excellent result is given by simple rubbing with an alcohol tincture of chestnut - the veins disappear before our eyes. You need to rub as often as possible. It is better to store the bottle in the bathroom, next to the toothbrush (not to forget), and then it turns out that you will smear and massage the veins at least 2 times a day (do not forget - you need to massage from the ankles up, helping the blood flow up). The proportions of the prepared tincture - by eye, the more concentrated (within reasonable limits) - the better. Insist 2-4 weeks.

Tea tree oil compress: 5 drops of tea tree oil per 1 liter of water. A thermal compress (medical bandage), both cold and hot, is made from several layers of gauze and a layer of cotton wool laid between them. At the same time, the legs should be raised up, the shins should be at least 30-40 cm above the pelvic area, and the compress should be tightly wrapped around the legs with a bandage. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, it should be repeated 2 times a day.

It must be understood that a one-time cure should not be expected. Almost all the time it will be necessary to maintain the tone of the vessels of the legs. One of the main causes of varicose veins is psychosomatic. Usually legs are an indicator of an internal state of confidence. Not only in himself personally, but in any area - a person, as it were, is unsteady on his feet in this area. Problems of personality suppression can come from childhood - from authoritarian parents. Also, the dominant partner in the family, less often in the professional sphere, can be a psychosomatic cause. The feeling that nothing can be done is crushing and the veins that have popped out are like a protest, problems “climb” out.

It must be remembered that varicose veins cannot be cured once and for all. But it is possible to keep the veins in very good condition.