Types and installation of snow retainers on a roof made of metal. Installing snow retainers on a roof made of metal or how to protect yourself from snow mass gathering Self-tapping screws for snow retainers on the roof

Often on the metal slopes of the roofs you can see strange structures in the form of horizontal handrails or squares. It was the owners who put snow guards on the metal tile. The solution, at first glance, is illogical, because the lattices spoil appearance and prevent snow from falling. We will try to figure out what it is, and for what purposes they put snow catchers on metal tiles.

Do you need snow guards on a metal roof?

It is clear that any additional structures on a thin metal roof only increase the load on the rafters and the roof sheathing. Moreover, any snow retention system on a roof made of metal leads to an increase in the mass of snow and can lead to deformations of the roofing.

But, nevertheless, there are even requirements of SNiPs and GOSTs, obliging homeowners to install snow protection on metal tiles. It doesn't matter how many storeys the building is, what matters is that the roof is covered with a profiled steel sheet with a relatively smooth surface.

Usually, according to the instructions for installing snow retainers on a roof made of metal, only two basic reasons are indicated:

  • Protect roof eaves and drainage system from deformation and breakage;
  • Secure the space around the building, prevent injury to people and animals, equipment and vehicles caught under the roof overhangs.

Important! Without snow retainers, up to 40% of the snow charge can simultaneously descend from the roof surface of a metal tile.

On the wavy profile of the metal tile, snow can accumulate to a very large thickness. At the same time, the steel surface, heated from the inside by warm water vapor, can become very slippery at one moment due to melted snow. As a result, 300-1500 kg of snow hits the overhang in one second and falls down. At correct installation snow retainers on the metal tile, the snow comes off in small portions of several kilograms, which do not pose a particular danger.

Snow retention device on a metal roof

It is known from practice that most of the snow cover accumulates in the lower part of the roof slope. The upper half is blown about three times stronger by the wind, so there is less snow there, and the thickness of the layer is relatively small. Therefore, it is recommended to install the main part of snow retainers in the middle and lower parts of the overhang.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, if a house under a metal tile is surrounded by tall trees, or the roof is obscured by dense buildings of neighbors, then it is best to choose a hip Dutch or Danish design, or reduce the slope of the roof slope to the optimum 15 o.

The upper part of the roof is built at a very large angle of inclination, the lower half of the slopes is laid at an angle of 10-12 degrees. Four centuries ago, the Dutch and Danes built safe roofs without any snow retainers with a street width of several meters. Today it is cheaper to install snow retainers on metal tiles than to rebuild the roof.

Important! The number of snow retainers depends on the size of the roof and the slope of the slope.

The greater the distance from the ridge to the eaves and the steepness of the slope, the greater the number of elements should be installed on the metal tile.

Schemes of the location of snow retainers on the metal tile

The efficiency of using snow-retaining elements is largely determined by the installation scheme of snow cutters on the roof plane. Before putting snow retainers on metal tiles, experts recommend highlighting sections of the roof that have ventilation pipes, hatches, windows, cuckoos, ladders. Due to their shape and size, superstructures can perform the functions of snow retainers without any additions.

The most common method of attaching snow retainers to metal tiles is considered to be a two-row chess system. With this arrangement, snow cutters hold snow well in the most dangerous part of the roof, and at the same time do not create additional wind load on the overhangs.

If the angle of inclination of the roof from the metal tile is higher than 35 °, then it will be necessary to install an additional row of snow retainers directly in the ridge zone.

Types of snow retainers for metal tiles

In addition to the correct placement of snow blowers on the roof, the reliability and effectiveness of the snow cap control system is largely influenced by the design of the element. Ideally, a snow retainer should meet three requirements:

  • Do not create additional resistance to wind and rainwater flows. Sometimes you have to look for a way to properly mount snow retainers on metal tiles, since the standard location on the roof creates a lot of noise;
  • Withstand pressure from significant snow masses without damaging the fasteners and deforming the surface of the metal tile. A force of up to 150 N can be applied per meter of the length of the structure.

In addition, snow retainers should be inconspicuous, few of the owners of the roof will like protruding frames and huge gratings that spoil the look of the metal roof.

Tubular snow guards for metal tiles

One of the simplest and most reliable designs. According to the device and shape, the snow retainers are two parallel horizontal pipes made of aluminum or galvanized steel, mounted on vertical rack brackets.

Installation of a tubular snow retainer on a metal tile is carried out at a distance of 60-70 cm from the edge of the coating. Due to the small vertical distance, the snow cutter stops dense snow masses well and at the same time easily passes rain with snow and melt water.

Lattice snow guards for metal tiles

Snow holders based on pipes withstand the load well, their stopping effect is not enough to retain a light loose mass, especially in a situation where the angle of inclination of the roof slope is quite large, the snow on the metal tile has not yet had time to be compressed and covered with an ice crust.

If in a given area the snow cover is predominantly dry and loose, then it is best to put a grate on the pipes or choose a grating snow retainer made of polyaramid or aluminum alloy. Plastic snow cutters with a grid of impact-resistant compounds are much more convenient and practical than steel structures:

  • No corrosion;
  • Snow guards are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • The strength of reinforced plastic is not inferior to metal.

Important! It is known from practice that polyamide and polyaramid snow retainers do not break metal tiles and do not peel off the polymer coating from the roof, which cannot be said about steel gratings.

Snow cutters in the form of lattice fences are more difficult to install, they often collect a lot of branches and leaves on the surface of the metal tile, so you have to periodically climb the roof to clean the cells and remove debris.

Corner snow guards for metal tiles

When buying roofing, in nine cases out of ten, managers offer to buy corner snow cutters. It is generally accepted that a snow retention strip profiled in the form of a corner for a metal tile is better suited, has greater efficiency and high strength.

In practice, corner snow retainers work great at any angle of inclination of the roof, they are not afraid of strong winds or icing on the surface. Corners can be placed almost anywhere on the roof.

But their effectiveness is limited. Already with a snow cover thickness of more than 15 cm, and if an ice crust has also appeared, then the flow of ice and snow simply overflows over the edge of the snow retainer. In addition, corner strips affect the redistribution of rainwater flows on the roof slopes. As long as there is little rain, the water flows through the cracks onto the gutters without any problems.

As soon as the amount of precipitation increases to an average level and above, the water does not have time to drain and descends along the snow retainers, as if along gutters, towards the gables.

Rope snow guards for metal tiles

Structurally, the yokes look like shortened corner snow cutters. The length of one tow snow retainer does not exceed 25 cm. Some of the owners of a house with a metal roof are tired of watching how water floods everything around in the rain, instead of going down the drain, and he decided to divide one corner into several small ones.

The idea turned out to be extremely successful:

  • The number of installation points for snow retainers on the metal tile has increased, respectively, it is possible to “tie” the snow carpet on the roof more effectively without the risk of avalanche cracks;
  • The yokes turned out to be less noticeable on the surface of the metal tile, if you do not look closely, you may not see the presence of snow cutters on the roof.

The only drawback is the increased complexity of the installation. On average, the installation of yokes takes three times more time and effort than ordinary corners.

Arc snow cutters

Snow guards in the shape of a horseshoe are considered to be the most inconspicuous. The height of the arc usually does not exceed 20 cm, the diameter of the rod is 15-20 mm. Therefore, in order to consider a dense row of snow retainers on the profiled surface of a metal tile, you need to try very hard.

The effectiveness of the horseshoe is even higher than that of lattice and tubular structures, but the arcs are unable to hold wet snow, especially with rain and wind. Today, horseshoes are massively used on small roofs, and also as an additional element, if suddenly the estimated number of snow retainers turned out to be insufficiently effective, and the situation must be urgently saved.

Calculation of snow retainers for metal tiles

There is a special technique that allows you to get the optimal value for the number of snow cutters and barrier elements on the roof. The calculation is performed according to the table below.

First of all, guided by SNiP No. 2.01.07-85, the number or category of the climatic zone in which the building is located is calculated, in this way the average rainfall in the region is taken into account.

The second step is to measure the length of the slope of the metal tile and its angle of inclination. After the step between the attachment points is selected, the number of snow retainers, in this case a tubular structure, is determined from the table.

What snow retainers for metal tiles are better

Any home owner would like the number of snow cutters and barriers installed on the roofing of the metal tile to be minimal. Firstly, it does not decorate the roof too much, and secondly, each additional hole in the metal significantly increases the risk of leakage and blocking of the insulation. Even if the snow retainer bracket for metal tiles is installed on a silicone gasket.

Over time, the lateral load from the pressure of massive layers of snow deforms the mount and increases the likelihood of leakage. If you choose according to this criterion, then the best snow retainers for metal tiles are tubular models.

They have the fewest roofing drilling points. Bearing brackets have a sufficiently large supporting surface and a massive stiffener, so it is much more difficult to move or tear the gasket from the surface of the metal tile than in the case of arc or corner structures. In addition, such snow cutters are easy to repair and maintain, and they are easier and faster to set up than yokes or horseshoes.

For roofs with a short pitch the best option there will be corners or yokes.

Important! If the barriers are made of high-quality steel, then with proper installation they will last 20-25 years without repair and maintenance. Bowels made of Chinese metal rot on a metal tile in 4-5 years.

If it is important for the owner of the house to preserve the original appearance of the metal tile, then arc snow cutters can also be installed. They are easily repaired and, if necessary, can be quickly replaced with new snow cutters without damaging the metal roofing.

Features of mounting snow retainers on metal tiles

There are two main restrictions that must be strictly observed when installing snow blowers.

First, you need to choose the right bottom line for installing a snow barrier. The support foot of the bracket or fence of the snow cutter should not go beyond the conditional line of the Mauerlat. At first glance, it is easiest to put a snow retainer on the roof overhang, but this cannot be done, since snow pressure will lead to a bending load, and decent-sized gaps will appear between the sheets of metal tiles.

An exception is the corner structures, they can be placed at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eaves.

The second condition is proper fastening. One of the correct mounting options is shown below.

In this case, the snow retainer is made in the form of a fence on which barrier gratings will be installed. The supporting frame has two support points. The upper "leg" of each vertical rack must be fixed with a self-tapping screw with a gasket.

Important! The upper anchor point should be located in the cavity and directly attached to the crate beam.

Thus, the upper "leg" of the snow retainer perceives the entire load from the pressure of snow on separation from the surface of the metal tile. A massive layer of snow presses the roof against the crate, so there is no deformation or lifting of the roof covering.

If you put a lattice snow retainer with fastening of the lower leg on the crate beam, then the snow will simply overturn the barrier and tear the metal tile.

How to install snow retainers on a metal tile with your own hands

The most simple to install is considered to be a drag barrier. A light corner made of sheet steel can be installed with little or no preparation.

Installing the yoke and corner snow cutter

Before starting work, choose the distance between the two lines of tow snow retention. Usually the size is taken equal to the pitch of the metal tile. For proper installation, it is important to install each element strictly in a horizontal position, otherwise the load on the roof will be uneven.

Initially, a pair of marking cords is pulled over the metal tile. This helps to navigate during installation, but still, each yoke is additionally leveled using a building level before screwing in the screws. The elements are fixed using silicone sealing washers.

Corner snow retainers are installed in a similar way. The only difference is the additional requirement for fixing the upper edge of the corner. As in the case of lattice posts, the top row of self-tapping screws should be wrapped in a roof sheathing beam.

Installation of a tubular snow retainer

If a tubular or lattice design is chosen for snow protection, then best solution there will be an advance reinforcement of the crate even before laying the coating of metal tiles.

So that the brackets do not overturn the roof, two boards 15-20 cm wide are additionally laid along the line of future snow protection. This will strengthen the base and at the same time simplifies the fastening process, you can not be afraid to miss the crate beam with a self-tapping screw.

For installation, a marking cord is pulled, along which the supporting brackets of the snow retainers are attached. Usually, first of all, the upper row of self-tapping screws is attached to the crate, then pipes are installed and fastened along the lower row of mounting holes.


Putting snow retainers on a metal tile with your own hands will not be difficult. A small additional device will not only secure being under roof overhangs, it is also an indispensable element. modern construction. If an avalanche causes injury, the damage will be disproportionately greater than the purchase and installation of a corner.

The climate of most of Russia is famous for its frosty, snowy winters, so our people have developed a special attitude towards the cold. Therefore, snow is an indispensable participant in children's games and winter fun. However, the snow may not be so harmless, especially when it flies from the roof onto your head. Unorganized, avalanche-like snow masses from roof slopes often cause injuries, injuries, damage to cars parked nearby and blockages on driveways. A comprehensive solution to these problems is the installation of snow retainers.

Roofs made of metal tiles especially require the installation of snow retention elements, since the smooth surface of the slopes makes it easier for the snow cap to slide off. The ice crust, which is formed when the lower surface of the profiled sheet is heated with warm air, leaves deep scratches on it when it comes off. In damaged places, where the protective galvanic layer is broken, corrosion centers appear. To prevent premature failure and roof leaks, snow retainers are used that work according to the following principles:

Important! The selection of devices for snow retention is carried out taking into account three criteria: the amount of precipitation in winter time, slope angle and roofing. When choosing snow retainers for metal tiles, pay attention to models that work on the principle of a snow cutter. Due to the fact that snow is independently removed from the roof in a safe way, you can not be afraid to leave it without cleaning even in heavy snowfalls.

Types of snow retainers

Snow guards for metal tiles are available in the form of snow-blocking and snow-permeable structures. They are made from durable, high-quality metal, since each element is subjected to significant loads. The following types of snow retention elements are most popular:

Important! The cost of one or a lattice structure 3 m long is 1000-1500 rubles, which can negatively affect the homeowner's family budget. In order to save the elements for protection against falling snow, they are installed only above the places where the descent causes the greatest inconvenience: over the porch, paths, parking.


The installation of snow retention elements is planned during the design of the roof, as they increase the snow load on the truss frame and foundation. In advance, you need to decide on the design and principle of operation of the devices, since some of them require special conditions. The installation itself is quite simple and is done by hand in the following order:

Note! Usually one row of tubular devices is sufficient to contain snow masses on the roof. But if the amount of precipitation in winter period in the area where construction is underway, more than average, and the length of the slope exceeds 5 m, then professional roofers recommend installing an additional row that reduces the speed of snowmelt.

Video instruction

The Russian winter is especially severe, which means that the owners of private houses receive certain losses every year - and all because of the snow. The white hat on the house only seems light and harmless, even artistic, but in fact, without proper action, it is a source of danger. Snow that has fallen can not only damage garden buildings, break a fence or beat a dog, but also cripple a person.

And therefore, the current SNiP provides for a roof security system, into which without fail snow guards are included on metal tiles as one of the most slippery roofings. Do you have the same roof? Be sure to install them!

Why is snow avalanche dangerous?

It is not for nothing that every spring in periodicals you can find reports of problems due to the convergence of ice and snow masses from the roofs of both private and apartment buildings. Usually the consequences of an avalanche-like convergence of snow are not particularly tragic, but there is always damage from them. This is why rooftop snow needs special attention, and not just in terms of snow removal.

After all, you are not always at home, you have business trips, vacations and, in the end, an ordinary person is not immune from getting to the hospital. Where is it better to put special equipment or enclosing elements, which, for a moment, are provided for by modern building codes and regulations. Is your roof made of metal tiles? You are completely at risk!

Judge for yourself:

Are snow guards required for metal roofing?

Literally five years ago, almost no snow guards were heard on the domestic market. At that time, only large developers offered to install some snow stoppers on the roof, although in Western countries such elements have long been considered mandatory when constructing any pitched roofs.

In these countries, a house that was built without snow guards is considered unfinished and does not comply with legal safety standards. It can't even be insured. Think about it, because the average thickness of snow cover on roofs in the Russian climate is one and a half meters!

Let's explain in more detail. If you once had the good fortune to rake white and fluffy snow at the gates of the cottage, then you probably know how heavy it really is. And therefore, you understand well how dangerous it is for a thick layer of snow to fall on someone's head or on your favorite car. Yes, often the roof itself does not withstand such loads, from which the integrity of its coating is destroyed and leaks occur. Let's put it this way: in Russia, you need to install snow retainers on any pitched roof especially for metal.

Despite all the advantages of this modern roofing material, the metal tile has a number of disadvantages. So, it has a high thermal conductivity, it quickly heats up during the thaw period and the snow on it melts just as quickly. And at night, at the first cold snap, it quickly freezes - in the morning you get ready-made ice blocks. And the main danger is that an avalanche of snow and ice from such a roof can occur at absolutely any moment.

The snow retainers themselves, together with roof bridges, stairs, parapets and fences, constitute the roof security system. Thanks to their strength, work on the roof itself becomes safer, because a standard snow retainer is able to withstand pressure from 70 to 300 kilograms. Two birds with one stone!

Types of snow retainers by function

And now let's see what exactly the modern market offers from this series. So, certain types of modern snow retainers have their own specific functions:

  • the first to partially skip snow, in small quantities;
  • others delay it completely and are called snow barriers;
  • the third type of snow retainer is designed only to slightly increase the friction of the existing roofing. As you guessed, in order to slow down the speed of the snow down. These are usually placed only on soft roofs.

And in each case, the metal tile needs its own specific type of snow retainers. Let's explain in more detail with an example. So, according to official data, the snow cap of roofs in the territory of the central region of Russia can reach several tens of tons on average per building. Therefore, in such areas it makes no sense to install standard snow retainers - here we need those that can prevent partial snow from falling, and partially let it through.

Why are they like this? The fact is that if there is too much snow on the roof, it creates strong pressure on truss system, and when it melts, it causes even more problems. Therefore, it makes sense to reduce its volume, while not getting rid of it completely. And of the partially blocking snow, the most popular are lamellar snow retainers, lattice and tubular.

In other cases, when snowfalls in the area do not cause any particular problems, it is more rational to install snow stops or teeth. These will evenly distribute the snow cap over the entire surface of the roof and maintain the integrity of its structure.

Types of snow retainers in form and aesthetics

Modern snow retainers, in addition to their functions, also have differences in shape and design. And for a roof made of metal, this moment is of great importance. It's all because of profiling: not every snow retainer that can be easily fastened to a flat seam roof can be adapted to waves or between them. But it is impossible to fasten to only one roofing at all.

Snow barrier systems: hold on as much as possible

Snow retainers-snow stops are most often found on roofs made of metal. Since ancient times, simple logs on hooks have been used in countries with winters generous with snow (today, too, but more for decorative purposes), but today only their metal counterparts are used in mass production.

Them the main task is to keep as much snow as possible on the roof, and let it fall as little as possible down, where the pedestrian zone is located and the car is parked. But these are suitable only for those roofs, the angle of inclination of which does not exceed 30 degrees.

Snow guards-slats: a lightweight option

Lamellar, or corner snow retainers are the most affordable and simple snow stoppers in their design. They are also called snow barriers. These are long strips, which are bent in the form of a triangle. As a rule, such products are included in the standard roofing assortment already with finished metal tiles. Naturally, they do not possess significant strength, and are limited to everything by the total height of the roofing itself. And such a corner is fixed on the metal tile with three roofing bolts.

Corner snow retainers are made, like the spot ones, which we talked about above, from the same roofing material as the metal tile, and they are also economical and quite high in efficiency. Although most often it is corner snow retainers that are installed on the roof of a metal tile.

Note that if we are talking specifically about metal tiles, then it is rather difficult to install plate and corner snow retainers on it. The fact is that the metal tile has a wavy profile, so it is possible to nail such only in the upper part of the wave, and it is far from the crate. And if the snow retainers are not fixed directly to the crate, in especially snowy winters, when snow masses converge, they will simply be torn right out of the roofing, and imagine the scale of the repair you will have to do.

Tubular snow guards: for special loads

Modern tubular snow guards are a solid prefabricated structure of long pipes and support brackets. They are usually made of aluminum or galvanized steel, with a protective polymer coating. The diameter of such pipes varies from 20 to 35 mm, and the walls of the pipes are about 1.5 mm thick.

Tubular snow retainers are usually installed 3 meters long, in a solid line, on the second wave from the eaves. They are better than all existing snow-retaining systems and prevent the avalanche of snow, without breaking at the same time, and without arching under its weight.

Spot systems: for even distribution of snow

A fairly new type of snow retainers for a roof made of metal - point. We are talking about the so-called snowstops. It is recommended to install from 5 to 8 snow stops per square meter, supplementing them with a snow-retaining grate. Their main task is to evenly distribute snow and its pressure on the roof structure. Secondary - to serve as some kind of support on which you can lean with your feet during roofing, and you do not have to step on the fragile waves of metal tiles.

For each separate species snow stop roofs are made in their own shape, and with their own bracket. Therefore, never buy those point snow retainers for metal tiles that were originally used, for example, for a soft roof.

"Horseshoes" for metal tiles

Relatively recently, snow stops appeared on the Russian market, which are designed specifically for roofing from metal tiles and are made by cold forming.

They have a curved look that repeats the radius of a standard wave, and are remarkably attached to almost any area of ​​​​such a roof. Thanks to this innovative technical solution the problem with fastening snow retainers on profiled roofs in the field of their reliability of fastening and aesthetic appearance is completely solved. The attachment points of such elements themselves must be treated with polyurethane sealant.

Such snow retainers have more advantages in the particular case with metal tiles than corner ones. The fact is that such snow stops have more mounts (four, to be exact), and they themselves are much smaller. And in aesthetic terms, such roofing elements win, remaining less noticeable.

Polycarbonate "teeth"

But this is already a novelty of the market:

What calculations need to be made in advance?

Before attaching snow retainers to metal tiles, be sure to draw up a project for the location of snow retainers on the roof. What for? This is necessary so that in the future the bracket you are installing does not accidentally end up in those places on the roof where there are actually no battens, and you have already drilled a hole and are now thinking what to do with it.

Further, before installing snow retainers on a metal tile, you need to think through all the points and take into account all the data. Indeed, their durability and functionality directly depend on the competent installation of snow retainers. And therefore, it is necessary to calculate the required number of them in accordance with SNiPs for such specific steps:

  • Roof slope. To obtain such data, use a conventional goniometer or apply special formulas. If the slope of the roof has a slope of more than 15 degrees, it means that future snow retainers will be affected by a large load. Therefore, in this case, it is better to give preference to a tubular snow retainer, which is usually highly durable.
  • Type of roofing, namely the features of the metal tile. For all its types, the universal fastening of snow retainers is suitable, but if the Monterrey metal tile is laid on your roof, then the metal tile supports should have a ledge, and thanks to it you will no longer have to reinforce the crate.
  • Metal tile color. We recommend that you choose snow retainers to match the shade of your existing roofing so that the snow retainers themselves are not conspicuous later, unless you plan to specifically highlight them. The option of roofing elements that are a tone or two darker is also quite suitable.
  • Please note that rubber gaskets and special roofing screws should be included with the selected snow retainer. It is very important that all parts of the fasteners on the metal tile then have 100% tightness.
  • Learn the inherent weather in your region. For example, according to the snow and wind load map.
  • Determine number of rows snow retainers. This is easiest to do according to a special table, which indicates your snow region, the angle of the roof and the distance between the brackets.

Your main task when calculating snow retainers for your roof is to evenly distribute the load on these roofing elements and on the entire truss system. And remember, brackets cannot be mounted close to the roof overhang, there are strict rules in this regard:

How to install snow guards?

In the case of metal tiles, it is most reliable to mount snow retainers, like any other roofing safety elements, even at the stage of construction of such a roof:

But even otherwise, you will see that installing snow guards on a metal roof is a pleasant job. The only difficulty is to screw the roofing screws into metal roof and properly seal them afterwards.

The easiest way is to seal the hole from the roofing screw with a modern silicone sealant, the heat resistance of which is in the range from -50 ° C to + 180 ° C. As you understand, even in the harsh Russian latitudes, there are rarely harsher climatic conditions.

Perform the installation of snow retainers according to the following specific steps:

  • Step 1. Installation of snow retainers, as a rule, begins with determining the installation location. If we are talking about a metal tile, then this is the area of ​​​​the first or second wave from the eaves. The main thing is that the snow retainers are located above bearing wall in order to evenly distribute the load. You can install snow retainers both around the entire perimeter of the roof, and selectively, in the right places.
  • Step 2. The supports are attached to the roof with the help of hardware, which are included in the kit, 2 pieces per support. And it is important that the hardware gets into the rafters or at least into the roof sheathing. Otherwise, with a large convergence of snow, the traps may not withstand the loads, and will come down with an avalanche.
  • Step 3 Once the snow retainers are installed, tubes are inserted into them. The tubes are interconnected and extended to the desired length, and their joint is fixed with self-tapping screws. From the extreme supports to the ends of the tubes, the distance should be 15-20 centimeters. As a result, the total installation step should not exceed 70 centimeters.

Proper installation of snow retainers on metal tiles guarantees a long service life of these elements!

Here is another such process in detail:

And a more detailed video tutorial from one of the manufacturers of such snow retainers:

Popular questions and analysis of errors

And now we will analyze with you what you can not do when installing snow retainers on a roof made of metal. Listen, this is valuable advice.

Mistake #1. Why tear off the brackets?

If you have heard about how the brackets were torn off along with the snow, there may be several reasons:

  1. Incorrectly distributed snow loads on the roof.
  2. An incorrect installation has been made.
  3. The self-tapping screw was screwed only into the coating, or an additional bar was not provided.
  4. Only one row of snow retainers was installed on long slopes.

Yes, metal tiles in terms of mounting roofing elements are the most capricious coating. Here, indeed, the waves do not make it easy to set the same bar, but still, in no case should it be mounted only in metal.

Mistake #2. Where do leaks come from?

Let's also consider this point. During the installation of sheets of metal tiles, the self-tapping screw is screwed into the end of the wave. And in order to keep rainwater and debris away from it, it must be protected with a simple EPDM gasket.

The durability of such an elastic band is much lower than that of the metal itself, and after 5-10 years there will simply be a hole in this place for water to get inside the roofing pie. Therefore, the only way out is to either treat such joints with additional sealants, or use tubular snow retainers, and only at the eaves.

Mistake #3. Why does the mount fly out?

Another mistake is the small removal of the snow-retaining element beyond the support, which, with the slightest lateral shift, can lead to the departure of the entire tube or grille from the mount. The optimal distance is 15-20 centimeters, where the element protrudes beyond the extreme part of the support.

Mistake #4. What leads to deformation of the supports?

It is also impossible to install only supports, without the snow-retaining elements themselves. The fact is that the supports are designed only for loads in the direction from the slope, and if there are no horizontal elements in the form of lattices of logs or tubes, then the snow pressure can sometimes be lateral. Especially in the region of valleys on complex roofs. And all this will lead to damage to the supports. An insufficient number of hardware and their short length also lead to problems.

Mistake #5. When the snow breaks through the fence?

Another common mistake is the poor fastening of the connecting elements between the gratings or pipes, or their complete absence. There is a big risk that in places where the connection is weak or absent, a breakthrough of the snow mass will occur, and it will bend the accompanying roofing elements.

Mistake #6. If the snow retainers failed?

And, finally, the last mistake, if the installation of snow retainers is carried out according to a too sparse scheme, each of the supports already has a more increased load. This will invariably lead to damage to the support itself and the roofing that is under it.

The main reason for such errors is the incorrect calculation of the installation of the snow retention system, the mistakes of the installers and the unreasonable desire to save money. If too much snow mass acts on the console, the extreme supports are always damaged, and because of them, even a chain reaction along the entire line may well occur.

Here is a good and detailed video tutorial on how to properly install modern snow guards on a roof like metal tiles:

And finally, valuable advice: do not forget that during the first year of operation of the snow retainers, it is necessary to check the tension of the bracket bolts about once every 4 months. After that, the check can be carried out only once a year, during a routine inspection of the entire roof.

That is why it is more convenient to install snow retainers in the first year of operation of the roof, since the metal tile anyway provides for frequent inspection of all its fasteners at first, and it is more convenient to combine all these tasks in time. Good luck!

Snowy winters are a wonderful time that most bring back memories of fun games in snowball fights, skiing, white sparkling carpets covering everything around. At the same time, do not forget about safety: one of the most common problems is the large amount of snow that accumulates on the roofs of houses. The result of the descent of such avalanches are injuries to people and domestic animals, damage to the bodies of cars standing nearby. At the same time, the solution to the problem is quite simple - the installation of snow retention systems for metal tiles or other types of roofing.

How snow retention systems work

The main purpose of installing snow retainers on the roof is to prevent the entire mass of snow from falling off in a single layer. It is they who break it into several small parts and at the same time hold it on the roof surface. As a result, one part of the snow melts in relatively small layers, while the other part melts during the thaw.

Snow guards for metal tiles are available on the market in several basic designs: barrier or pass type. Barrier-type elements are used most often in regions where the accumulation of a large amount of snow on roofs is excluded. When installing such snow retainers, the possibility of snow falling is excluded: it must melt exclusively in a natural way.

Pass-through type snow retention is designed to reduce the energy of snow falling to a safe level by dividing the total mass into small pieces. It is these structures that are preferred in most cases, which, according to their technical design, are divided into tubular and lattice.

Snow retention with the help of lattice barriers allows you to keep a large amount of snow on the roof along with ice (can be designed for 60-300 kg), while preventing the convergence of snow masses and passing only melt water. Installation of such structures is carried out along the edge of the roof using universal supports.

Installation of snow guards on a metal roof

There are some features of the installation technology, depending on the design of the snow retainers, but first you need to choose them correctly. At the same time, it is important to take into account:

  • roof type;
  • calculated power load;
  • future arrangement of structures on the roof surface.

Ignoring these parameters can lead to the fact that even in the presence of snow retention systems, uncontrolled snow melting will occur, which will lead to injury to people, damage to property (including the roof itself). The result may be that savings on the purchase and installation of snow retainers will result in high repair or treatment costs.

Installation of snow retention systems for metal tiles: basic provisions

The number of profiles that will later be fixed in the brackets of the snow retention system is selected individually depending on the geometry of the roof. For those areas in which a large amount of snow is expected to accumulate, snow retainers are installed in two levels. In addition, with a large roof area, the number of rows of structures proportionally increases.

Expert advice: it is best to plan the placement and selection of snow retainers at the design stage of the roofing, since it is recommended to reinforce the structure of the lathing with the help of additional support boards at their locations.

Installation of access-type snow retainers on a roof made of metal

You can install snow retainers of this design as follows:

  1. On the roof of a metal tile, snow retention systems are mounted using long self-tapping screws, with fastening to the crate, through the roofing.
  2. When calculating the number of fasteners, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the design of the batten, the angle of the roof and the length of the slope.
  3. It is mandatory to seal the holes for the snow retainers with rubber gaskets (in this case, it is recommended to install two seals under the bottom mount at once).
  4. In most cases, the distance between the fasteners is 0.5-1 m.
  5. A pipe or profile with an oval section is inserted into the brackets.
  6. The elements are connected to each other using through bolts.

Installation of barrier-type snow retainers

Fastening to metal roofing systems, including barrier-type snow retainers, is the most economical option available. Plate or corner structures are rigid barriers that effectively prevent the convergence of snow masses. Their only disadvantage of snow retention for metal tiles is that the thickness of snow that will be effectively retained is limited by the height of the corner.

The structures are fastened along the edge of the slope, while the height of the barrier is determined by the height of the snow cover. Mounting technology includes:

  • installation of a lining corner, on which a “stopper” is subsequently attached;
  • the upper part of the snow stop is located so that it passes close to the ledge of the coating;
  • fixing is performed on each “wave” of the metal tile.

All these operations are performed in most cases at the construction stage, when laying the roofing.

How to install snow retainers on metal tiles - rules for mounting on the roof

The main requirements that apply to a metal roof are aesthetics, strength, durability and safety. However, during heavy snowfalls, the reliability of any roof is seriously tested, and not every roof can withstand such an examination.

The total mass of snow that accumulates on the roof during such precipitation can reach many tons, many times exceeding the weight of the roof structure itself. This exposes the safety of the roof to a big problem, and therefore, readiness for such a snow load should be taken care of in advance.

In addition to the severity of precipitation itself, the problem is aggravated by the fact that the distribution of snow mass on the roof is unpredictable, and for this reason, the accumulation of snow in some areas can be especially large. Much here depends on the direction of the wind, the angle of the roof and other factors.

The dependence of the snow load on the slope of the roof slope

Naturally, the greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the less likely it is that large snow masses will accumulate on it. In particular, if this angle exceeds 60°, then the snow on the roof practically does not linger, almost completely flowing down.

At average roof slopes, in the range of 25-60°, some of the snow lingers on the roof and can create certain problems. If the slope of the roof is less than 25 °, then almost the entire mass of snow that has fallen on the roof remains on it. An even more depressing situation can arise in situations with flat roofs, when snow runoff is completely absent.

There are special tables that allow you to calculate the mass of snow depending on the angle of the roof. These tables are used for certain construction calculations, in particular when arranging snow-retaining roofing systems.

Why install snow retainers

The main purposes of snow-retaining structures for metal roofing

When installing snow retainers on a metal roof, several goals are pursued:

  • Prevent sudden descent from the roof of ice and snow masses.
  • Simplify the cleaning of the roof from snow.
  • Protect the roof during strong winds when roofing sheets may come off.
  • Protect facade structures from damage by rolling snow masses and falling icicles.
  • Prevent drainpipes from becoming clogged with snow and bursting due to icing.

For these reasons, the installation of snow retainers on metal tiles in areas that are subject to frequent and heavy snowfalls is very important for protecting both the roof itself and other structures in the building.

The main types of snow retainers

Currently, there are many varieties of snow-retaining structures, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Tubular. They are based on a pipe that stretches along the roof. At the same time, the snow retainers are fastened to the metal tile at the junctions of the roof with the bearing wall. This type of snow retention systems refers to structures that cut layers of snow into several parts. For roofs with a very long slope, such snow cutters for metal tiles are installed in several rows - in a checkerboard pattern or butt-to-butt. They must not be fixed to the eaves on the roof, as this can lead to the destruction of the entire structure.
  • lattice. Such snow retainers are most efficient, which explains their demand. They are divided into ordinary and so-called "royal": the latter have a more complex design to manufacture, but the principle of operation for both is the same. Lattice systems not only serve as protection against falling snow masses and fragments of tiles, but also protect people working on the roof, their tools and materials from falling.
  • Corner. Usually they are triangular-curved steel sheets coated with an anti-corrosion polymer coating. This is the most cheap option snow-retaining structures, the installation of which is very simple. When choosing this option, the installation of snow retainers on the metal tile is carried out using ordinary corners and self-tapping screws.
  • log cabins. This is the oldest type of snow retention systems, at the same time, it is quite efficient. Logs have decent dimensions, and therefore are able to reliably withstand large snow loads. Modern varieties of such structures are not made of wood, but of metal pipes with a diameter of 14 centimeters. The support for them is usually made of steel sheets. See also: “What types of snow retainers for metal tiles are better to use.”

In addition to any type of snow retainers, snow retainers can be used to increase their effectiveness. It does not make sense to use them separately, since their practicality in this case is low.

To make the right choice in favor of one or another option, you should study their pros and cons before attaching snow retainers to the metal tile. In particular, the advantage of tubular snow retainers is their high reliability; the disadvantage is the need to put them around the entire perimeter of the roof. Lattice systems are effective not only against the fall of large masses of snow, but also as a protective structure for workers on the roof. At the same time, their disadvantage is that they can sag under the influence of too large snow masses. Corner snow guards are the cheapest option, but their efficiency is lower than other systems.

Installation of snow retainers on a metal roof

Snow retaining structures are usually produced ready-made, and in order to find out how to properly install a snow retainer on a metal tile, you should first of all read the installation manual in detail. This is not difficult to do, since all manufacturers of such products include instructions for installing snow retainers on metal tiles with their models.

The best time to install is during repairs or installation work on the roof, together with which a snow-retaining structure is installed.

In addition to the instructions from the manufacturer, you should pay attention to the general advice of experts on how to properly mount snow retainers on metal tiles:

  • For those regions where winters are frosty and snowy, snow-retaining structures should be as effective as possible. If snow in the area is rare, you can get by with relatively cheap and simple options.
  • When installing snow retention systems on a finished roof, rubber seals must be used to avoid future leaks.
  • Prior to the installation of snow retainers on metal tiles, the instruction prescribes the installation of skylights, ridge structures and other necessary elements.
  • It is advisable that the installation be carried out by workers with sufficient experience in such work.

As for the rules for the operation of snow retention systems, it should be remembered that it is important to clean them from ice and snow masses along with the roof itself. Otherwise, a large amount of ice deposits will accumulate on them, preventing the efficient operation of these structures and the normal convergence of snow.

Mounting snow retainers on metal tiles: installation on the roof, how to mount, install correctly, instructions for mounting snow cutters

Mounting snow retainers on metal tiles: installation on the roof, how to mount, install correctly, instructions for mounting snow cutters

Snow guards for metal tiles: purpose, types, installation

Any roof equipped with snow guards looks as impressive as a car with a spoiler or wing. But not beauty, but improving functionality is the main goal of installing such elements. If the spoiler and rear wing increase the streamlining of the car, then the snow retainers are elements that protect the life and health of people, as well as the safety of property.

What are snow retainers and why are they needed

Snow guards are devices that are installed on the roof in order to control the descent of snow from it. The principle of operation of snow retainers is not to hold the entire mass of snow, turning the house into a huge snowdrift, which no roof can withstand. The task of snow retainers is to cut through blocks of snow that has stuck together and turned into ice, to contribute to its gradual, rather than avalanche-like descent from the roof, the main function of snow retainers is to break snow-ice clots like a sea breakwater, softening the aggression of a sea wave in a storm. Thus, snow retention as such does not occur, an avalanche broken into small pieces slides off the roof gradually, without posing a danger to cars, shrubs located in close proximity to the house, and most importantly people living in it.

The use of snow blowers is directly related to the climate. Why install elements that hold snow off the roof if the winter temperature does not drop below zero. In other regions, all roofs of residential buildings must be equipped with snow retention systems, regardless of the type of roof. In Western Europe, without the presence of these details on the slopes, the house may not be accepted for operation.

Advantages of using snow retainers for a metal roof

Installing snow retainers on a roof made of metal has many advantages, in addition to the fact that bright catchy elements are its undoubted decoration, they also:

  • do not allow unplanned gathering of mass of snow;
  • facilitate the operation of the roof;
  • protect against spontaneous sliding of elements during roof repairs;
  • eliminate clogging of drains;
  • protect the facade of the house from damage by ice blocks.

For each specific roof structure made of metal tiles, certain types of snow-catching systems are needed.

Snow guards or snow retention systems shown on modern market, are:

  • tubular;
  • lattice;
  • log;
  • corner;
  • tow ropes.

Snow retainers for metal tiles are of the type of checkpoint, holding snowdrifts on the roof and barrier.

Characteristics of snow guards for metal tiles, helping to make the right choice for your roof

Snow guards for metal tiles can be both throughput and barrier. Access models are made from a pipe or grate, detaining from a corner.

To choose the right snow retention system for your roof, and then understand how to install snow retention on metal tiles, you need to familiarize yourself with the following rules.

  1. Installation of tubular snow retainers is carried out in the place where the load-bearing wall is connected to the roof;
  2. It is impossible to install the pipe to the cornice overhang, this will lead to deformation and destruction of the roof system;

Do-it-yourself installation of elements with your own hands is not at all complicated, it is important to strictly follow the safety rules. But before choosing the type of system, deciding which one is better to use for a particular type of roof of your own house, you should calculate the snow load on it. The safety of the roof structure depends on the distribution of the load on it. It is impossible to guess how nature will scatter snow, but from the slope of the metal roof and the direction of the wind according to the formula Q \u003d G x S, it is possible to determine the snow load as accurately as possible. It is especially important to know this for those who install the roof and all its auxiliary elements with their own hands without the involvement of specialists. In this formula, the letter “Q” indicates the load from snow, “G” is the weight of the snow mass (average statistical data for the region are taken), “S” is a coefficient that depends on the angle of the roof. If the slope angle is below 25° "S" is equal to one, if below 60° "S" is equal to 0.7. Other values ​​are not taken into account, if the roof is located at an angle greater than 60 °, then snow masses will not be able to linger on it.

Types of snow retainers for a roof made of metal

Snow catchers for metal lattice roofing are the most common type. They are considered the most effective, have an attractive appearance. Snow barriers in the form of a lattice may have differences in the design of supports, lattice shapes, there are universal and royal models, it is these differences that affect their cost.

This type is also valued for the large height of the grate, which is an excellent trap for falling things and tools when servicing metal tiles in the summer.

There are snow retainers in the form of a log, this outdated model, which appeared on the roofs of alpine chalets in past centuries, is rarely used today, mainly in order to withstand style features in the architectural appearance. Today, tubular snow retainers for metal tiles are used, made of pipes with a diameter of 14 mm and steel supports. Tubular-type snow guards are widely used for metal tiles, because they are reliable, efficient, and easy to install with your own hands.

Corner snow-retaining structures for metal tiles attract with the simplicity of the device, low cost and a variety of colors. A snow guard for metal tiles made of a 50x50mm steel angle covered with anti-corrosion scrap will serve for a long time and reliably, protecting against snow mass falling from the roof like an avalanche. The installation of a self-tapping screw for fastening a corner-type snow retainer is carried out in the upper wave of the sheet.

A drag type or snow stopper is not a delay in itself. This additional material for all other types of snow retainers, which must be fixed 80 cm from the edge of the roof and evenly spaced over the entire area, bearing in mind that the effectiveness of these elements is low. Self use yokes for metal tiles is not reasonable.

The main points of installing snow retainers on metal tiles

Installation of snow retainers on metal tiles begins with the determination of the crate under the sheets. When installing the crate under the metal tile, the fastener fixes the edge of the wave, and there are structural elements to which it is necessary to attach the snow retainer support.

A rubber or paronite gasket is installed under the self-tapping screw, which secures the support of the snow retainer that falls into the middle of the wave of the metal tile sheet.

Snow guards are fastened to the metal tile taking into account the wave pitch and the crate pitch. That is why it is so important to correctly install the battens under the metal tile, follow all the instructions and rules. If mistakes were made during the installation of the roof structure, you should opt for snow retainers with a universal mount and oval tubes.

When installing snow retainers on metal tiles, it should be remembered that roof ladders, catwalks left on the roof after servicing the roof, chimney, and antenna can perform their function. The installation of snow retainers on metal tiles is carried out taking into account these details.

On any roof made of metal, there are also natural snow retainers, these are chimney pipes, dormer windows, mansard window openings. It is not necessary to attach snow retainers to the metal tile in these places!

Modern complex, original roofs made of metal tiles without snow retainers are unreasonable from an economic point of view. These simple devices help keep the roof in original form, protect gutters from destruction, prevent premature destruction of blind areas of the house from the fall of ice blocks.

The roof is the main protection of the house, so you do not need to skimp on its maintenance and improvement. The installation of an anti-icing system, which includes autonomous heating of the roof and gutters, will not be superfluous to the snow protection structures. Such a roof will serve for a long time, reliably covering the house from aggressive environmental influences. In conclusion, it should be noted that any modern designs on the roofs from a simple weather vane to a complex system of protection against atmospheric precipitation, excellent decoration, a sign of wealth and good taste.

Installation of snow retainers on metal tiles: instructions, fastening, types

The purpose of the snow retainers on the metal tile. The benefits of using for the roof. Characteristics, types and installation of snow retainers on the example of a tubular type.

Installing snow guards on a metal roof

Attractive appearance, practicality, durability and safety - this is the main list of requirements that apply to a metal roof. And if the first three criteria depend solely on the correct choice of the type of roofing material, then the latter is provided by an additionally purchased snow retainer. True, subject to its correct choice and competent installation.

Appointment of snow retainers

Snow retention systems are installed on the roof in order to prevent the entire mass of snow from falling in one layer. Due to the special design, they break it into small parts. Some of them are evenly held on the surface in order to melt during the thaw, others go down. But this happens imperceptibly and does not bring harm. Along with this, they perform other functions:

  • facilitate the process of removing snow from the roof;
  • prevent clogging of drains;
  • minimize the risk of damage to the facade of the building by falling snow or icicles;
  • provide protection against falling metal tiles when performing roofing work or in strong winds.

Types of structures for a roof made of metal

There are 5 types of snow retention systems:

Such structures consist of 1 or 2 pipes that stretch along the roof. Their diameter ranges from 10-15 mm

  • Tubular - are a pipe that stretches along the roof. Its diameter ranges from 10-15 mm.

Previously, tubular snow retainers were intended for seam roofs. Later they began to be installed on metal tiles, however, in compliance with certain rules installation.

  • Latticed - widespread due to their effectiveness. Conventionally, they are divided into 2 types - ordinary and royal, which differ from each other in the features of the supports and design options. The advantage of such gratings is a sufficiently high height, which can ensure safety both in winter and in summer. For example, when conducting repair work on the roof, when it can hold up fallen tools or even a slipped person.

It is better to install snow retention systems on your roof with the help of universal supports in order not to make a mistake with the choice.

  • Designed in the form of a snow-retaining corner - it is characterized by simplicity of design and is made of sheet steel coated with a layer of polymer material. Its advantages are low cost and a variety of colors, which is achieved thanks to the polymer coating.
  • Made in the form of a log - one of the first types of systems, which was installed on Bavarian and Alpine houses. Nowadays wooden logs replaced by metal pipes, whose diameter is 140 mm. Supports for them are made of sheet steel. The advantage of such systems is reliability, as they are able to withstand a large load.
  • A yoke, or snow stopper, is just an additional element that performs a snow-retaining function. It can be installed with any of the above snow retention systems. Its drawback is its relatively low height, due to which it can only hold the lower ball of snow.

All snow retainers are classified according to the principle of operation and are divided into barrier and throughput. The first is a snow-retaining corner. To the second - tubes, gratings, logs and a yoke. Pass options are considered the most common, as they have the ability to hold a “snow cap” of great height.

Installation instructions

It is better to install snow retention systems at the time of laying the roof or carrying out repair work. Then you can arrange an additional crate specifically for them. All snow retainers are mounted in the same way, although when working with each of them you must follow the rules. When installing, it is desirable to use the maximum number of fasteners in order to ensure proper security.

Once a year, you need to check the fastenings and structures for strength in order to exclude the occurrence of any unpleasant situations.

There is also a universal rule for choosing the number of snow retainers. On a roof with a slope angle of more than 45 degrees, you will need 1 structure for every 6 square meters. On a roof with an angle of less than 45 degrees - 1 structure for every 8–10 m2.

Installation principles of tubular snow retention systems

  1. They are attached strictly at the junction. bearing wall and roofs.
  2. You can not attach them to the cornice overhang, as this will lead to the collapse of the structure.
  3. If the length of the roof exceeds 5 m, it is necessary to install snow retainers in several rows, keeping a distance of 2.5 - 3.5 m between them.
  4. If the house has an attic, it is better to install a snow retention system above its windows.
  5. The structure is fastened at a distance of 40 - 50 cm from the edge of the roof, that is, at the level of 3-4 tiles.
  6. It can be installed in two ways: end-to-end or staggered. The second method is preferable, as it contributes to the uniform removal of the snow cap over the entire roof area.
  7. Rubber washers, which are placed between the plane of the system and the roof, will help to ensure tightness during installation.
  8. For ease of installation, wooden bars are placed under the crest of the wave at the attachment points.

Basics of installation of lattice snow retention systems

Principles of working with elements in the form of corners

They are installed on soft roofs, roofs with a small area and an existing angle of inclination. The systems are especially effective in cases where it is necessary to ensure the retention of a snow cap on a certain section of the roof. Often they are available with ready-made mounts.

  1. During installation, it is necessary to bring the horizontal step of the snow retainer over the edge of the metal tile and fix it with screws. You can replace them with self-tapping screws, making sure that they do not violate the tightness of the waterproofing layer. In other words, they were no more than 5 cm long.
  2. The tightness of the knot will be ensured by elastic gaskets.
  3. It is not recommended to make slots or additional holes in the system to reduce the load. It is better to purchase special corners equipped with additional stiffeners located between the planes.

The nuances of log systems

Fasteners for such structures are selected in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof and the shape of the base, which must correspond to the distance between the waves of the metal tile. They are installed with self-tapping screws.

Features of installing yokes

They are mounted on a roof with a large slope at a distance of 0.8 m from each other using self-tapping screws and a sealing gasket. Due to the fact that there are several models of such snow stoppers, you need to choose them based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof and the shape of the base. The latter should correspond to the distance between the waves of the metal tile.

Snow guards are universal designs that keep the safety of people living in the building or passing by it on a daily basis, and at the same time do not spoil the appearance. Their additional advantages are the minimum price and ease of installation.

Installation of snow retainers on metal tiles, types and tips

The weight of snow masses can be much greater than the weight of the roof itself, so precipitation loads are a serious problem that should be addressed even when making foundation calculations.

The safety of the roof directly depends on the snow mass that falls on it. It is difficult to predict how it will be distributed over the roof. It all depends on the slope of the roof, wind direction, etc. When calculating the metal tile on the roof, the load of snow masses should be taken into account first of all.

Roof snow load calculation

To make this calculation, you need a special formula:

G is the weight of snow on a flat roof, which is determined from the table

S - correction factor depending on the angle of the roof:

More than 60 ° - the snow load is not taken into account, since snow with such an inclination will not be able to linger on the roof.

How to determine G? This information is found in tables and maps of snow cover zones on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The maximum length of the slope when installing 1 row of snow guards

Functions of snow retention systems

  • Prevention of unexpected descent of ice and snow deposits from the roof
  • Easier roof snow removal
  • Roof protection from strong winds when sheets of tiles can come off
  • Protection of drains from clogging with snow, which, when turned into ice, can break the pipe
  • Prevention of facade deformation by rolling snow and falling icicles

The main types of snow retention systems

Tubular systems

Usually at the heart of such snow holders lies a pipe installed along the roof. On the metal tile, the tubes are fixed where the connection of the roof and the bearing wall passes.

Such structures cannot be attached to the cornice strip for metal tiles, as the entire system may collapse.

If the roof slope is sufficiently long, then the installation of tubular snow retainers on the metal tile should be carried out in several rows. On the roof, the tubes are mounted either in a checkerboard pattern or end-to-end.

Lattice snow guards

Such designs are considered the most effective, which explains their popularity. They can be of two types - ordinary and "royal". There are no special differences between them. The division is made according to the supports, as well as according to the complexity of manufacturing the lattice.

To make a choice, you can choose universal models, which will fit both delays.

Due to the fact that the gratings are quite high, they demonstrate their safety both in winter and in summer, when it is necessary to carry out roofing work. From a possible fall, both materials and tools, as well as workers, will be saved.

Corner snow guards

They act as a thin sheet of steel, which is coated with a polymer material that prevents corrosion. Due to their simple design, they are the most inexpensive option protection against snow rolling off the roof.

Corner systems can be found in absolutely any color, which makes it easy to match them to the tiles.

Snow retaining yoke

The yokes are not a separate snow-retaining structure, as these are additional elements.

You can use yokes with any of the above snow retainers.

In the process of installing snow retainers on metal tiles, the yokes must be evenly attached to all roof slopes, given that their efficiency is low and they can only hold the lower layer of snow.

Snow-retaining logs

This is the oldest system for retaining ice and snow. The first logs on the roof began to be used on Bavarian and Alpine houses, but even today this design does not lose its relevance.

The advantage of log snow retainers is their reliability, since a large pipe not only holds snow well over its entire area, but also withstands significant loads.

When to Install Snow Guards

Most optimal time for the installation of snow retention systems - this is the arrangement or repair of the roof.

It is best to choose suitable retaining structures together with the type of roof. In this case, the choice should be based on factors such as climatic features of the area and features of the roof.

If the roof is soft, then point snow retainers or snow stoppers are most often installed. This system is a narrow steel strip, bent at the end into a triangle. To make a snow stopper, you need galvanized steel or powder-coated metal.

Installation should be done when the roof material is being laid, attaching the snow stoppers to the base and covering the fixing point with another roofing sheet.

  • If the winters are long and snowy, then the snow retention system should be as efficient as possible. When snow is a rarity or it always has time to melt before the next precipitation, then you can pick up cheap, but at the same time effective corner structures or, as they are also called, barriers
  • During heavy snowfalls, the best option there will be mesh and tubular snow retainers that will solve the problem not only with snow and icicles, but will also be convenient when dumping snow and ice deposits from the roof
  • It is important to remember that it is necessary to clean not only the roof from adhering ice and snow, but snow retention devices, because a lot of ice accumulates on them, preventing normal snowmelt

Installation of roof windows in metal tiles must be carried out before installing the ridge. Improper installation or poor waterproofing of such windows will negate all efforts to build a roof. Take on the installation of skylights better themes who already has experience in construction work, and only subject to the instructions and rules set out here.

We can say that snow retention systems for roofing are a very practical and necessary element. They protect people and cars from falling icicles and snowballs, while maintaining all the intended aesthetics of the roof.

The main purpose of the roof is to protect the building from atmospheric precipitation and give it a finished look in terms of aesthetics.

At the same time, the roof must remain safe even in heavy snowfalls and during thaws, when high probability of accumulated snow melting and icicles falling.

Snow retention on a metal roof is carried out with artificial barriers on the accumulation of snow on the roof overhangs.

The need to install snow retainers stems from the climatic features of most regions of the country, where a significant amount of precipitation falls in the form of snow in winter. The formation of snow caps on the roofs cannot be prevented even by the absolutely smooth surface of the metal tile.

After the thickness of the snow crust on the roof reaches a certain value, there is a risk of collapse. If at this moment there is a person or a car under the roof cut, possible serious injury or damage. An even greater danger is represented by icicles that appear on the cut of the roof from the snow that has accumulated there and has begun to melt.

You can avoid such risks by installing snow guards - special fences placed on the roof. Their design allows you to withstand the weight of even the most powerful layer of snow, preventing it from falling sharply. In the future, this snow can either be removed, or wait for it to gradually melt under the sun's rays.

Snow guards provide protection against the formation of icicles by the fact that keep the underside of the roof free of snow. Due to this, during the thaw, the flowing water partially evaporates, and partially freezes on the metal tile, without accumulating in the thickness of the snow and without forming overhanging icicles.

In addition, snow guards perform a number of additional functions:

  • provide roof cleaning safety from snow;
  • protect against falling sheets of metal tiles during roof repairs or in hurricane winds;
  • prevent clogging of the drainage system.

Snow retainers are installed both along the roof overhangs and above the dormer windows, points and. How to install snow guards on metal roofing? Before proceeding directly to the installation, you need to decide on the choice of snow retention system.

Types of snow holders

In construction practice, the most commonly used snow guards of the following types:

The listed types are also divided into two groups: throughput and barrier. The former are able to gradually pass snow and melt water through themselves (grid, pipe, yokes). The latter do not have such an ability (snow-retaining corners and logs).

The choice of the most suitable type depends on the climatic conditions., as well as from design features existing roof: area, angle of inclination, strength.

How to attach snow guards to metal roofing?

The installation of snow guards on a roof made of metal begins with the choice of the type of snow guards. However, the list necessary materials and tools will about the same:

  • set of snow-retaining elements;
  • screwdriver;
  • keys 8 mm;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw for metal.

snow guards for metal roofs

It is strongly not recommended to use a grinder for cutting material.. Metal snow retention systems in most cases have a polymeric protective coating similar to the coating.

Cutting with a grinder involves the use of a cutting disc rotating at high speed, which leads to melting and destruction of the protective layer on protective pipes, corners or gratings. In the future, during the operation of the roof, corrosion will begin from these places, reducing the mechanical strength of the structure.

Fastening tubular systems

Tubular snow guards for metal tiles are supplied in the form of kits which includes the following:

  • snow-retaining pipe;
  • fixing brackets(fastening of snow retainers on a metal tile);
  • screws 8×50 mm;
  • gaskets 7 and 14 mm.

The number of rows of snow retention will depend on the length of the roof slope. If it is less than 5 meters, then one row will be enough.

On longer slopes, a second row of pipes is installed, located 3 meters above the first.

How to properly install snow guards on metal roofing?

Let's start with the fact that the bottom row of pipe holders is mounted above the load-bearing wall of the house. In this case, the distance to the roof cut should be at least 40 cm., which corresponds to the second or third row of tiles.


It is not allowed to install snow retainers on the cornice overhang. In addition to the fact that this will lead to the loss of the ability of the snow retainer to perform its functions, the destruction of the roof itself is also possible.

Installation of snow retainers on metal tiles: instructions and useful tips.

  1. installation of snow retainers on metal tiles begins with the installation of brackets. At a distance of at least 300 mm from the side cut of the roof, holes are drilled for the first bracket. To mark the attachment points, the bracket is placed on the metal tile in such a way that its upper end rests on the cut of the previous row of stamped tiles. At the same time, metal tiles should be located under the surface, which will take on the entire load;
  2. a waterproofing gasket of 7 mm is applied to the upper hole, and 14 mm to the lower hole. The difference in the height of the gaskets allows you to compensate for the height difference that occurs due to the profile of the metal tile;
  3. the bracket is installed and screwed;
  4. at a distance of no more than 1100 mm the second bracket is attached in the same way, and so on;
  5. a snow retention pipe is threaded into the holes of the brackets. The maximum extension of the free end from the outer bracket should not exceed 300 mm;
  6. if it is necessary to increase the length of the pipe, they are interconnected and fixed with metal screws;
  7. side cuts of pipes are sealed. This is done either by flattening the ends, or by installing sealed plugs.

mounting brackets


It must be understood that the installation of snow retainers on metal tiles in some cases may void the manufacturer's warranty. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the warranty conditions in advance and use only snow retention kits recommended by the manufacturer for work.

Lattice snow retainers are attached in the same way.

Installing the corner snow guard

A corner snow retainer is placed above the bearing wall, where the mechanical strength of the roof is maximum. In practice, this is approximately corresponds to the second or third wave of metal tiles.

The width of the corner corresponds to the length of one row of tiles. Its upper face will be considered the one that forms a right angle to the plane of the roof.

Having installed the corner in a row of tiles, it is fixed with self-tapping screws. The main load will fall on the upper edge of the corner, so self-tapping screws 50-70 mm long are used for its fastening. Self-tapping screws of great length are necessary for reliable fixation to a wooden crate located directly under the metal tile.

The lower edge of the corner can be fastened with self-tapping screws of a shorter length. There are no such high loads, plus the distance to the crate is large and it is necessary to attach only to a sheet of metal.

installation of corner snow guards

Installation of tow systems for snow retention

Rope (point) are distributed evenly throughout the entire roof surface. The scheme of their placement is calculated in each case individually, since it is influenced by the design features of the roof.

Self-tapping screws are used to fasten the yokes. Sheets of metal tiles do not have sufficient strength to hold point snow retainers. Therefore, in the places of their attachment to the crate, wooden bars are additionally applied., compensating for the height difference in the profile of the metal tile.

drag protection systems

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such systems include high efficiency at minimum cost. Even the simplest options can save people passing under the walls and cars standing there from icicles and snow avalanches.

The disadvantages include only the risk of losing the guarantee of the manufacturer of metal tiles. In addition, the installation of additional equipment leads to the risk of damage to the protective coating of the roofing material.

The simplicity of the design of snow retention systems does not prevent them from successfully coping with the task of preventing snow from falling off the roof and the formation of icicles. The same feature allows you to independently install such protection even for people without experience in construction.

Useful video

We present to your attention a video about self-installation of snow retainers: