Types of coolers for the processor. Types and types of water coolers! What to choose?! Top loading water coolers

From this article you will learn:

  • What to look for when choosing a water cooler by installation method
  • What type of control is preferable when choosing a cooler
  • Cooler with which type of cooling is better to choose
  • How to choose a cooler, taking into account the method of water supply
  • Which cooler is better to choose for the office
  • What type of cooler is best for home use
  • Which coolers combine the best price / quality ratio

The first coolers were designed only for cooling bottled drinking water, which is why they are called so (from the English cool - “coolness”). However, thanks to progress, modern devices can not only cool and heat the liquid, which allows you to quickly prepare hot drinks. V different time they were produced with a variety of structural and design solutions, however, not all began to be in demand in the market.

These devices have been developed and improved up to the present time, and already a rare office or institution does without them, they gradually penetrate into our country houses and apartments. From the article you will learn how to choose a water cooler and what to look for when buying.

How to choose a water cooler by installation method

All coolers can be divided into two large groups - they can be desktop and floor. The former have modest dimensions, and therefore are ideal for ordinary apartments and small offices. To install them, you need special stands, however, they can also stand on countertops or ordinary kitchen tables. Such devices are easily transported from place to place.

To regulate the temperature in such devices, an electronic cooling system is mainly used. Since there are no noisy elements in them, they are so quiet during operation that even a baby will not wake up. It is worth choosing this water cooler if the family is small or the work team is small, since their productivity is low.

If there are often guests in the house, the family is large or the team is numerous, in this case it is better to choose an outdoor water cooler. It will take up a little more space, and outwardly it will look like a compact locker.

Now you are unlikely to find a bulky design on the market, from which the tubes stick out ugly. Professional industrial designers are involved in the design of floor coolers, which allows you to create devices that fit perfectly into any interior. Some models have separate shelves for storing dishes.

If the water consumption is large, then it is better to buy it in reserve. To avoid problems with the storage of bottles, you can use stackers - special supports for containers.

How to choose a water cooler by control method

When choosing a water cooler, you can proceed from the type of control - mechanical or electronic. Mechanical control system, in fact, is a familiar pump. The advantages of such models include low cost and high reliability. Among the shortcomings, one can note the need to make efforts to obtain water, as well as modest functionality.

As for the coolers electronic control system, their possibilities practically know no bounds. They allow you to set the desired temperature, which the device will maintain on its own. You can set a timer, then the water will cool or heat up by a certain time, for example, by your return home (or arrival at work). Many models feature LED display panels, LCD displays, automated germicidal treatment, and other technological advances.

How to choose a water cooler by type of cooling

Which water cooler to choose with that huge variety of models? Devices may differ in design, shape, size, functionality, availability of additional options, performance options and other characteristics. One of the main functions of most conventional models is the cooling of drinking water, which, of course, is very important in summer time. In accordance with this feature, coolers can be divided into those equipped with:

  • electronic cooling system;
  • compressor cooling system.

Let's take a closer look at these options.

Water cooler with electronic cooling

The operation of the electronic water cooler cooling system is based on the Peltier principle. It owes its name to the French physicist Jean Peltier, who discovered in 1834 that a direct electric current, passing through the junction of several conductors, cools it. His research was continued by the Russian academician A.F. Ioffe, who synthesized new semiconductor alloys. The latter made it possible to put into practice the discovered cooling effect, which, in turn, made it possible to start mass production of devices using the electric cooling method in their work.

To cool water in a cooler with an electronic system, a semiconductor thermoelectric module is used, which is several thermocouples that are connected together and placed between the plates. During the passage through the thermocouples, the electric current creates the effect of a temperature difference, that is, one of the plates is heated, and the other is cooled. In other words, the operation of such a device is based on the law of conservation of energy. By the way, the cooling system of modern laptops is similarly arranged.

Coolers with an electronic cooling system have numerous advantages - relatively low cost, no moving parts, design simplicity, ease of transportation, no freon, high environmental friendliness.

However, they also have some downsides.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of electronic floor and desktop coolers is their low capacity - about one liter (5-6 glasses) of water per hour, therefore it is not advisable to use it in places with a large number of people. In addition, the water in such a device is cooled to no more than + 12 ... + 15 ° C, which in hot summers may not be enough.

For this reason, it is better not to purchase this type of coolers if you plan to use them in rooms where the air temperature is initially high, since the water in them will be cooled long time. Due to the presence of a fan in the machine, it is better not to place it in dusty and poorly ventilated areas, as dust accumulation may render the cooling module unusable.

It is worth choosing a water cooler with an electronic type of cooling if the need for cold water is small, and a small number of people will use it.

Compressor cooled water cooler

As for compressor coolers, their cooling system works by analogy with refrigerators and some air conditioners. They consist of:

  • a compressor that creates the necessary pressure difference;
  • thermostatic valve that maintains a given difference;
  • an evaporator that takes heat;
  • a condenser that releases heat into the environment;
  • refrigerant - a substance that transfers heat from the evaporator to the condenser.

Compressor-cooled coolers are characterized by high reliability and performance. Basically, such models cool about 2-3 liters of water per hour, individual coolers can cool up to 5 liters. The water temperature at the same time reaches +5…+7 °C. In addition, in devices of this type it is possible to adjust the temperature of the resulting liquid. Among the disadvantages of these devices can be noted a large weight, which affects the ability to transport and move them.

Due to their functionality and performance, coolers with a compressor cooling system are more versatile and are in demand in different conditions. After getting acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of both types, you can choose a water cooler that suits your requirements and conditions of use.

Coolers without cooling

If you choose a water cooler without a cooling system, it can replace not only a water pump, but also a familiar electric kettle, it will make it easy to fill a mug as hot water and water at room temperature. These devices are not equipped with a cooling system, and therefore are quite cheap.

Water distributors

Devices without heating systems and cooling functions. It is advisable to choose a water cooler of this type if it is intended to be used in kindergarten and elementary school, in places with a large flow of people. Their cost is even lower than that of cooler kettles.

How to choose a cooler according to the method of water supply

Depending on the method of water supply provided in the cooler, that is, on the design of the switch, which is responsible for turning the device on and off, coolers are divided into two types.

Press the glass. In such models, the water supply system turns on when a glass or other container is brought to the tap. It is usually controlled by a special spring-loaded lever that covers the spout from the sides and bottom like a frame. When bringing a glass or other container to the spout, its edge actuates the lever, starting the water supply system. You can stop it by moving the glass away from the spout, thereby returning the lever to the neutral position. Due to its extreme simplicity and clarity, this method is very convenient to use.

Among the disadvantages of this type of coolers, one can note the inconvenience in case of need to get a large volume of water, since it is difficult to keep the frame pressed for a long time. However, in some models this problem is solved by using an alternative mode, in which the water supply is turned on when the lever is manually lifted. It will remain in this position until forced down by the user, which means that there is no need to keep the glass tightly pressed.

Buttons. The water supply is turned on and off by buttons or keys located on the cooler body. Depending on your needs, you can choose a water cooler in which water will be drawn into a glass only when the button is pressed, or a model with the possibility of fixing it.

What additional features you should pay attention to when choosing a water cooler

Modern models boast a stylish design and rich functionality. You can choose a water cooler made in hi-tech style or using bio-design, such a device will look harmoniously in any modern interior. Additional functions and options are affected by the manufacturer's policy, the cost of a particular model. Noteworthy features such as:

  • The presence of two mechanisms that allow both cooling and heating water. It is advisable to choose a water cooler of this type for an office with a large number of employees.
  • A compact refrigerator built into the lower part of the cooler, which allows you to store perishable products, or a box in which you can put sugar, tea, coffee, and dishes.
  • The presence of protection against children on the tap with hot water, which is installed by a number of manufacturers - this blocking of the supply of boiling water will help prevent burns and force majeure situations.
  • The presence of a latch on the tap with hot water, blocking the supply of cold.
  • Three built-in faucets, which can be equipped with floor coolers, thanks to which you can draw hot, cold water, as well as water at room temperature.

Coolers can have top and bottom loading water bottles. A special curved tube allows you to pour out all the liquid from the bottle completely. The devices are powered by a water pump. Some models can be connected to a special filter connected to the water supply.

How to choose the right water cooler? It is worth focusing on such characteristics as:

  1. economy(Determined based on the cost of drinking water and electricity).
  2. Reliability(the choice for the manufacture of devices of high quality materials).
  3. Safety(no harm to the health of users when using the cooler; when developing the design, attention is paid to such issues as protection from electric shock and liquid contamination by microorganisms).
  4. Nice original design (regular dispensers have a slightly more archaic style, while modern advanced models are produced in high-tech style; you can choose a water cooler that is ideal for an office or kitchen interior).
  5. Price, which is influenced by the brand, production materials, established mechanism, dimensions, availability of additional options.

How to choose a water cooler for the office

As the quality of tap water has deteriorated significantly, it is important for the office to choose a water cooler and a responsible bottled water supplier. After installing this inexpensive but effective device in the office, employees are guaranteed the purest drinking water and hot drinks throughout the day.

Among the benefits of such an acquisition is the increase in labor discipline and employee loyalty to the company's management.

After deciding to install the device in the office, the question arises of how to choose the right water cooler. It should be approached seriously and responsibly, since the functionality of the device directly affects the quality of the drinks obtained at the output, energy consumption, ease of use and other aspects.

The choice of a water cooler for the office depends on the following key criteria, which will provide employees with maximum comfort in the workplace:

  • options for placing the device, whether it will be desktop or floor;
  • the number of options;
  • the presence of an electronic display with a temperature regime;
  • water cooling method;
  • energy class;
  • freezer capacity;
  • availability of a device for plastic cups;
  • device performance;
  • sizes.

First of all, it is necessary to focus on the number of office employees who will need such a device during the working day. With a small team (less than 5 people), you can choose a water cooler suitable for home use. In large or medium-sized companies, it is better to buy compressor-type floor coolers. Not bad if the device has a large chamber in which you can store spare containers.

In accordance with the basic functionality, all coolers are divided into three main types:

  • with cooling function;
  • with heating function;
  • combined.

In the office, it is better to choose a combined type water cooler, since it can be used to heat water, as well as cool it to a temperature of +4 ... +15 ° С.

It is better to buy a desktop cooler for a small office, as such models are characterized by mobility and light weight.

For offices, it is better to choose models equipped with a 40–60 liter refrigerator so that you can store food and spare bottles of water in them. Devices equipped with built-in electronic thermometers consume less electricity, because after reaching a certain temperature they automatically turn off.

A cooler with an ultraviolet lamp and an ionizer performs an additional disinfecting function when replacing water containers. As for the ionizer, its task is to disinfect dishes and air in the freezer.

The presence of a holder for cups will be a convenient addition for both office staff and incoming customers.

Economical, easy maintenance, affordable price- distinctive features electrical models coolers. They can be installed in offices with 5-7 employees. The high performance of coolers with compressor type of cooling makes them ideal for offices of large companies.

How to choose a water cooler for your home

Having decided to choose a water cooler and turning to the catalogs of online stores, you will find a variety of models of both floor and desktop coolers, the main difference between these types lies in the appearance of the case.

Desktop coolers differ from floor coolers in more compact dimensions, thanks to which they can be easily placed on a nightstand or table. Before buying a desktop model, it's a good idea to decide where it will stand. As for the floor ones, they do not need a stand; moreover, part of their body can be used as a dish cabinet, a small refrigerator or an ionizer cabinet. But the cost of such models is much higher than desktop counterparts.

Most modern home coolers use bottled water, but there are also models that are supplied with running water by connecting to a water supply. If you decide to choose this type of water cooler, you should first clarify whether it can be connected to the water supply system in your apartment.

Many models of flow coolers are equipped with a filtration system, in which case do not forget to replace the filtration cartridges regularly. Great if it is possible to connect the device to the source ideally pure water.

A compressor cooler can be a reliable option for the home, its high cost will pay off with excellent performance - on hot days it is able to satisfy the need for cold water for all households. This type of device is most often floor standing; finding a desktop model is quite problematic.

Compressor coolers are distinguished by the ability to adjust the water temperature, the speed of the cooling process, and the absence of a relationship between the operation of the device and the ambient temperature.

Coolers with a thermoelectric (electronic) cooling system are easier to use and repair, in addition, their cost is generally lower than compressor analogues. Among the shortcomings, low productivity can be noted; in the summer, they may not satisfy the need of everyone for refreshing cold water.

To cool the liquid in electronic models, an electronic module is used. It is worth considering that this process is not fast, and the minimum water temperature will not be lower than + 10 ... + 15 ° С. If the number of users exceeds 5-7 people, it is better to choose a different water cooler model.

Due to the possibility of fan clogging, coolers of this type are not installed in rooms where there is a lot of dust or there is no possibility of good ventilation. It is inappropriate to use an electronic device in a room with elevated temperatures, since their performance is directly dependent on the ambient temperature.

Summing up, we can say that the choice of a home water cooler is influenced by the frequency of its use, as well as the installation location. In addition, you need to decide if you need only chilled water, or if you are interested in features such as filtration, ozonation or heating.

TOP 8 best water coolers


Approximate price (in rubles)

Desktop for home and office

Floor mounted for water with top loading

For bottom loading water

HotFrost 350 ANET

For water with built-in cooler

HotFrost V205BST

The best desktop coolers for home and office

HotFrost D910S

The original design and wide functionality of this desktop water cooler with a compressor cooling system and a classic top-loading bottle make it one of the best in its class. Thanks to the strict, but at the same time stylish case, it will look great in any interior. Compact dimensions models expand the scope of its use.

Such a cooler is equally good for home, office, cottage, in principle, for any residential or office space. All that is needed for its operation is the presence of a table (bedside table) and an electrical outlet.

Its main performance characteristics:

  • 3 options for water supply - hot / cold / cool;
  • Excellent performance - heats four liters of water per hour to a temperature of up to +90 ... +95 ° C, cools three liters of water to a temperature of +5 ... + 10 ° C within an hour;
  • The presence of tanks, both for hot water (1.02 l) and for cold (3 l), which are made of stainless steel.

It differs:

  • stylish design;
  • compactness;
  • warranty period - 24 months.

Among the shortcomings, there is a lot of weight.


An excellent model, due to its compactness, lightness and at the same time efficiency in heating and cooling drinking water, it rightfully occupies one of the leading positions in the market in the economy segment.

Two taps with keys for pressing a glass allow you to collect hot and cold water. There is also a kind of cooler in the same price category - the TD-AEL-36 model, in which water is supplied manually.

If you decide to choose this water cooler, keep in mind that it heats 5 liters of water per hour to a temperature of +90 ° C, cools 0.7 liters in the same time to a temperature of about +15 ° C. Thus, this model can be used as an alternative to a kettle in a small or medium-sized office. As for cold water, then he will not be able to satisfy the need for it for a large team. In this capacity, it is better to use it at home or in a small team.

The model is different:

  • compact size and light weight (4.3 kg);
  • quiet work;
  • affordable price.

Among the shortcomings, we note a small performance in terms of cooling water.

The best floor standing top loading water coolers

HotFrost V127S

Stylish design, reliability and durability distinguish this model of floor water cooler. Three faucets allow you to draw hot, cold and cool water, meeting the various needs of office workers.

Deciding to choose this floor water cooler, pay attention to its advantages such as:

  • modern design;
  • the speed of heating and cooling water;
  • the presence of a protective toggle switch that prevents unauthorized switching on of the hot water supply by children;
  • simple and convenient management;
  • the ability to turn off the compressor when there is no need to cool the water;
  • the presence of neon lighting.

The disadvantages include:

  • lack of a locker for storing dishes or containers with water.

Ecotronic H1-LC

Affordable price draws attention to this classic model of a top-loading floor cooler. Thanks to the laconic and stylish design, you can choose a model that will look great in any interior. In addition, the manufacturer offers a choice of different color options for the case.

Two convenient taps for water supply and a special cupboard for storing dishes are also distinctive characteristics of this model. The compressor system allows you to cool 2 liters of water per hour, heat up 5 liters in the same time.

The manufacturer also offers a cheaper, mobile (light) and quiet model with an electronic cooling system - H1-LCE. However, the performance of cold water from the analog is much lower - about 0.6 liters per hour.

This water cooler features:

  • external design;
  • efficient work;
  • leakage protection.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • lack of a tap for supplying water at room temperature;
  • small warranty period - 12 months.

The best bottom-mounted water coolers

Ecotronic C8-LX (white, black, silver)

This model boasts the absence of problems that arise when changing water bottles in top-loading coolers. The device is extremely easy to use. To replace the bottle, the lower cabinet opens, a container with water is installed in it, to which a water intake pump is connected.

The cooler is different:

  • three taps that allow you to collect hot, cold water, as well as liquid at room temperature;
  • convenient locker for water bottles;
  • convenient control, as it is almost impossible to get confused in three buttons;
  • the presence of a protective valve on the hot water tap;
  • safety, since food antibacterial plastic is used for the production of tanks;
  • stylish design that can perfectly complement any interior;
  • performance - the device cools 4 liters of water per hour to a temperature of +8 ° C and heats 5 liters to +90 ° C in a similar time.

The model also has its drawbacks, such as:

  • no display;
  • rather high cost.

HotFrost 350 ANET

Thanks to the bottom loading of the bottle, this stylish and convenient water cooler is very easy to use. The model is of particular relevance for companies in which the majority of employees are women. His stylish design and the absence of a plastic bottle at the top can satisfy the most demanding esthete and fit perfectly into a sophisticated interior.

The HotFrost 350 ANET model is characterized by:

  • thermoelectric cooling (quiet operation of the system);
  • the only water supply tap that is adjustable for hot, chilled and room temperature liquids;
  • protection of the hot water supply button from accidental activation;
  • neon lights that can be turned off;
  • an unusual element of the cooler (liter teapot);
  • heating capacity (up to +99 °С) - 8 l per hour, cooling (up to +10 ... +15 °С) - 0.6 l per hour.
  • acceptable price;
  • bottom loading;
  • good water flow.

The disadvantages include:

  • low performance in cooling water.

The best water coolers with a built-in refrigerator

HotFrost V205BST

The capabilities of this domestic model are not limited solely to the functions of a cooler for bottled drinking water. built-in refrigerator, which has a volume of 60 l, allows you to store food or cool drinks in the device.

The model is equipped with an electronic control panel with a clock, which allows you to select different operating modes to save energy:

  • H - home mode, makes it possible to heat and cool water at certain time periods (from 7.00 to 9.00, from 12.00 to 15.00 and from 18.00 to 23.00);
  • О - energy-saving mode, suitable for the office, allows you to activate the device during working hours, for example, from 8.00 to 20.30;
  • C - standard 24-hour mode.

In addition, it is possible to regulate the required degree of heating (from +35 °С to +95 °С) and water cooling (from 15 to 5 °С).

Among the advantages are:

  • illumination of the water supply zone with LED elements;
  • the presence of a compartment for disposable cups;
  • leakage protection.

Of the shortcomings noted:


You can choose this model of a water cooler with a compressor cooling system and a decorative door that closes the taps for water supply.

The device is suitable for 19-liter bottles of water, which are loaded from above, the productivity is 5 liters per hour of hot and 3 liters of cold water. The cooler is equipped with a refrigerator cabinet, the volume of which is 16 liters.

Despite the fact that the LC-AEL-150B model is assembled in China, it is distinguished by decent quality and reliability. The choice of buyers are two options for body color - gray and gray with a red insert.

The main advantages include:

  • attractive appearance;
  • the presence of a refrigerator.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • small cabinet volume;
  • lack of a tap for supplying water at room temperature.

If the water quality leaves much to be desired…

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because it directly depends on how well the drinking liquid will be cleaned.

At the same time, the question remains unresolved: how to ensure that our workplace or the child at school has water. best quality? The best solution- buy it with delivery.

The Iceberg company offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the goods;
  • wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
  • for the extraction and bottling of water, advanced technologies are used, which helps to preserve and increase its quality and natural purity;
  • we also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install devices even in small rooms;
  • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out at the lowest price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
  • along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace quality drinking water Therefore, we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

Case Cooling Basics: Fans

After we have explained to you the theoretical basis of the cooling process in the first part of our article, we're ready to take things a step further in our quest to help you plan your purchases and find parts for your new air-cooled PC. I must say that in today's "excursion" there will also be a little theory. We'll talk about case fans, heatsinks, thermal paste, and video card cooling.

Why do we draw your attention to case fans?

CPU Coolers: The Right Thermal Grease

Is there a perfect thermal paste?

From the user's point of view, we must answer this question with a resounding no. There are suitable and inappropriate, bad, normal and excellent thermal pastes. Certain options are suitable for different situations and budgets.

There are two well-known categories of thermal compositions: containing and not containing metals, each category is represented by liquid, creamy or almost solid substances. Specific products such as nano-pastes, liquid metal layer and metallic liquid are designed for professionals with certain skills, experience, and sometimes even nerves of steel.

For a beginner, the number of options that are both easy to use and completely effective seem to be kept to a minimum. Based on our experience, we have concluded that the best beginner spreads are simple, semi-liquid products. It doesn't matter if the paste is a silver-based substance or a product saturated with nanoceramics. The values ​​of achievable cooling performance are quite similar.

In order to test one high-quality paste from the liquid metal product family, we had to replace the Xigmatek Aegir for the benchmark test, since liquid metal pastes cannot be used on a cooler with heat pipes that have direct contact. This is due to the presence of unprotected aluminum.

So we chose the Xilence M606 model (which has pretty similar performance) paired with a 2CF fan and tested several currently available thermal pastes.

Test results for six thermal pastes

Again, we used the test rig from the first part of this short review series and an old AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 processor that can handle three different power levels. This processor makes it easy to evaluate the performance of pastes at different thermal levels. The case of the tested model is closed, the power supply is at the bottom, and the location of the case fan leads to the formation of negative air pressure (fans at the top and in front).

It came as no surprise that we saw that high-quality pasta reached a lower temperature than solutions that we called ideal for beginners, with an advantage of 3-5 degrees.

It's worth adding that you can easily rule out any benefit that enthusiast thermal pastes come with when working with them and applying them incorrectly. On the other hand, if you use a serial product correctly, it will bring consistent results.

Xilence X5 and Arctic MX2 are non-conductive liquid pastes that are easy to apply and spread. Below 100W TDP, the X5 is slightly ahead of the MX2. If the value is higher, then the picture changes and the MX2 takes the lead. In any case, do not forget that a difference of 1 degree can hardly be felt. Both products are inexpensive and easy to use. Since Xilence X5 is also suitable for video cards, we chose the inexpensive X5 paste as a benchmark for other tests and recommend it.

The included spatula is suitable for spreading the paste, but in the next section we will illustrate an even easier and "cleaner" way to apply thermal paste.

CPU coolers: applying thermal paste

Is there an ideal method?

Just as every barbecue enthusiast claims to know how to cook a great steak, all barbecue enthusiasts have their own opinions about the best way applying thermal paste. Do you apply it with a spatula, smooth it out with a razor blade/credit card, do you use the one-finger glove method, or just put a dab of paste on the middle of your processor? During heated discussions, it was suggested that in this case there is no such thing as a method. However, since this article is intended for beginners, we want to focus their attention on issues of ease of repeatability. In any case, no one wants to "fry" their processor. After running field tests on a couple of devices, we settled on the following:

Thermal paste application method: reliable

By pressing on the tube, we applied a small drop of paste right into the middle of the CPU. The correct amount is about the size of a grain of lentils (not a pea). Below in the illustrations you can see the end result, which shows the different volumes of paste.

In order to take these pictures, we placed an ultra-thin transparent film between the cooler base and the CPU. We installed and then removed the cooler. The thermal paste remained between the CPU heat spreader and the transparent film. Thus, these figures illustrate the distribution of the paste as if the cooler had become invisible. Let's look at the results when different amounts of thermal paste are used:

Quantity After applying the paste After cooler installed
Lower limit (minimum)

Upper limit (maximum)

It is important to install the cooler straight. By attaching the cooler to one side and then tilting it so that the unit is in the correct position, you will end up with an uneven distribution of the paste. The bolts must be tightened alternately diagonally.

Violations, errors and a small conclusion

There are many methods that lead to similar results when used correctly. However, applying the paste with a glove on one finger seems to be problematic, as it will be difficult to decide how much paste is the right one. Moreover, just like with the credit card method, this technique is too complicated and uncertain, since the thickness of the thermal paste layer is difficult to determine without enough experience.

Glove games. You can do this if you have a few years of experience under your belt and if you can appreciate how thick the paste will end up being.

Cheesecake? Too much pasta! Not to mention the fact that everything flows out and turns into a chaotic mass, thermal conductivity is negatively affected and the cooler does not reach its optimal performance value.

Mr Scrooge. Being frugal is fine, but not when it comes to applying thermal paste. This is not enough for the CPU. If you can read the product type and production date code, then the thermal paste is too thin.

CPU coolers: initial launch and test run

First test run

You can never be 100% sure that the cooler is installed properly until you start the system for the first time. Thus, it is important to check the CPU temperature right away. Boot the PC, enter the BIOS and check the information from the sensors. One benefit of checking the CPU temperature in the BIOS is that its power-saving technologies are not enabled yet, which forces the chip to run at full capacity.

Fan speed control

Once you're sure the CPU temperature isn't jumping around and the cooler is doing its job, you can go ahead and optimize the fan speeds. If you are not very familiar with the BIOS, check the user manual for information on where to find each of the settings. PWM controlled 4-pin fans can be slowed down based on thermal thresholds and set to a target temperature and fan speed. Even fans with a three-pin connector can sometimes be adjusted, albeit by changing the voltage. Either way, the fan speeds up in response to the load and heat being applied to the CPU, saving your ears from the constant buzz.

Stability and stress tests

After setting each fan parameter, you can carry out a load test. Under Windows, you can use the program Linpack (Windows executable: LinX) or Prime95, and monitor CPU temperature using programs such as CoreTemp or HWMonitor.

When reading the temperature of the cores, make sure that the Tjunction parameter is set correctly; otherwise, the readings won't matter much.

Coolers for video cards: we save the GeForce GTX 480 video card from overheating

Non-traditional repairs instead of expensive replacements

Replacing or upgrading a video card cooler is not a job for beginners. Accordingly, we will skip this operation in our tutorial review for entry-level users. However, even a beginner can reproduce our non-standard experiment.

Let's assume you have your own factory overclocked GeForce GTX 480 graphics card (like the one in the picture), let's also assume that your Accelero Xtreme fans have just failed. Of course, your warranty has already expired, and a quick search on eBay turned up no results - you did not find the parts you were looking for. And now what?

Broken means nothing more than broken, and a new set of Accelero fans costs somewhere in the region of $50. Thus, the only option is to pull the fan out of the spare parts box. The new fan can't be any thicker than the original one, as we don't want to block the extra PCI slot, and it should at least show the same performance as the failed one.

Dual Slip Stream Series Fans Keep Your GeForce Graphics Card Cool

We fixed both fans in some random way as we weren't even sure it would work. We also didn't take pictures.

However, our measurements showed that we can be proud of ourselves: the home solution to the problem is thinner, quieter and disperses warm air much better! We get an added bonus: the airflow through the protruding fans also cools the top of the card. Experimenting with 92mm fans that don't stick out as much resulted in an addition of 5 degrees to the temperature, and so we didn't even bother taking pictures.

New fans outperform nVidia factory ones

It's amazing, but it's true. Our ugly ducklings have outperformed the factory-installed Accelero Xtreme fans in every way. Indeed, the fun has stepped aside and has given way to serious numbers! Take a look at the measurement data:

We could take full size 120mm fans and get even better results. However, then the card would take up three slots, which would be too much, in our opinion.

A little digging in the spares box saved an expensive video card from the wastebasket and we even managed to improve its cooling. If we had just bought these fans and they were new, the ~$20 total for both wouldn't blow our budget too much.

Video Card Coolers: Quiet Single Slot Cooler

DIY improvements

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it also allowed us to work with a different graphics card. Not so long ago we did a review of the low-profile Afox Radeon HD 6850 video card on our German site. In that article, in order to improve cooling, we used two 80mm fans versus the manufacturer's fans. This time around, we want to up the ante when it comes to performance and noise. The result is a fully usable low-profile graphics card that doesn't make much noise at full load. Again, we climbed into the parts box to get a couple of spare fans.

Convert in two steps

In the original review, we used a pair of Enermax T.B. fans. Silence, which slightly protruded beyond the radiator. Since the heatsink is just an inexpensive extruded sheet of aluminum, standout fans don't have any advantage.

Thus, we climbed into the box again and fished out two 60mm Scythe Mini Kaze fans.

Updated results and cooling surprises

Two 60mm fans are enough a good option to cool this card in a silent and efficient manner. Since the fans are non-adjustable, the noise level remains constant, regardless of the workload on the graphics card.


Our DIY experiment got the manufacturer thinking about a new release of this card, which will replace the two cheap and noisy fans. If the missing power connector also returns, then this video card may be among several leaders in terms of price / performance for HTPC solutions. 60mm fans cost less than $20.

Think Cooling Ahead

Brief Summary

It is important to think about cooling issues before you start buying equipment. Choosing the right case, CPU cooler, and case fans will lay the foundation for a successful build. Of course, due to the accumulated experience, we always pay attention to attractive devices, but in this case, a good appearance is of secondary importance.

We hope that we were able to explain some things to newcomers. Even the groundlessness of some methods of applying thermal paste there. Just squeeze out one drop and it's done.

In this article, our goal was not to give you recommendations for buying parts, but to provide a learning guide. Time passes and there will always be new and improved products. Although, in the end, only the best will remain. But the best doesn't necessarily mean the most expensive.

The statement that a person is 70% water, that you should drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day to ensure the normal functioning of the body, is known to many. However, every year there is less and less clean water.

Long gone are the days when you could drink water from a tap or from a soda machine. A large amount of chlorine, microbes, bacteria and harmful impurities make it unfit to drink raw.

The task of providing people with drinking water has been successfully solved by coolers for a long time.

What is a water cooler

The cooler is a unit for distributing chilled bottled water in public places and at home. It is also called a dispenser (dispenser).


pump bottle- the simplest and most primitive version of equipment for bottling H 2 O. It is still used in small offices, apartments, and country houses. This device has the advantages of being compact and easy to use.

The “disadvantage” for us, spoiled by civilization, is the lack of the function of heating and cooling the liquid.

Cooler or dispenser- the most common device for spilling H 2 O. It is widely used in offices, child care facilities, gyms, medical organizations, shopping centers, as well as in houses and apartments.

The cooler is a plastic case with a special hole that matches the diameter of the bottle neck. On the front panel there are taps for supplying liquid and indicators for heating and cooling. The device is powered from the mains (220 V), equipped with special sensors. When the water is brought to a predetermined temperature, the sensors put the unit into "sleep" mode, which significantly saves energy.

The liquid in the dispenser does not come to a boil. When it is heated to a temperature of 95-98 ° C, the sensors turn off the device, when cooled to 85-86 ° C, they turn it on. This allows you to save the beneficial natural properties of water.

Cooling of the liquid in the dispenser is carried out in the set temperature regime of +5 ° C to +15 ° C, depending on the method of cooling (thermoelectric, compressor).

The coolers use bottles of various capacities - 5L (with a special adapter), 8L, 12L, 13L, 19L, 22L. The most common capacity is 19 liters.

The number of taps in the dispenser is one, two or three. Water dispensers without heating have one tap. Units that carry out cooling and heating are equipped with two taps. Some devices, in addition to chilled / heated water, dispense liquid at room temperature and have three taps.

Ways to open taps:

  • pressing with a glass or cup;
  • pressing a button;
  • opening manually.

Some models of dispensers are equipped with a "child protection" function - a special blocking of the tap with boiling water.

The main plus of the cooler is the ability to get chilled or hot water at any time. At the same time, it retains its useful properties.

Disadvantages of dispensers:

  • high probability of microorganisms getting inside when replacing an empty container with a full one;
  • dependence on the quality of the supplied water;
  • dependence on compliance with hygiene standards by users of the device;
  • sufficiently large dimensions of the unit;
  • the need for constant replacement of containers;
  • the need for a special room for storing empty and unused bottles;
  • electricity consumption + constant purchase of water = low efficiency.

Purifier– flow filtration cooler. This device is an alternative to water dispensers that use bottled water. The purifier performs three functions at once. In addition to cooling and heating, it cleans and filters running water method reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration. The liquid passes through a series of filters and enters the storage tank, from which it is distributed to the cold and hot water tanks.

Benefits of an in-line filtration cooler:

  • sparing filtration that preserves the structure and composition of water microelements (harmful impurities, chlorine, foreign odors and pathogenic microflora are released);
  • small dimensions, neat appearance;
  • no connection to suppliers;
  • there is no need to store containers and constantly replace empty containers with full ones;
  • low cost, as there is no need to overpay for water and its delivery.

Cooler Features

Modern industry produces a wide range of coolers that differ from each other in technical features and characteristics.

According to the installation method, dispensers are divided into:

  • floor (installed on a smooth and even floor surface);
  • desktop (installed on any support, for example, a table, window sill, stool).

By type of liquid supply, both desktop and floor dispensers are:

  • top loading;
  • bottom loading.

Bottom loading models are more convenient and functional, require less effort when changing the tank.

The liquid in the cooler is heated by an electric heater - a heating element. According to the type of cooling dispensers are divided into:

  • compression (cooling occurs due to the refrigerant - refrigerant);
  • electronic (cooling occurs using a Peltier element).

Dispensers can be equipped with additional options and functionality:

  • holder for disposable cups;
  • installation for carbonation;
  • ice maker;
  • ozonator;
  • refrigerator;
  • mini bar;
  • locker;
  • coffee maker.

Modern coolers have small dimensions and a modern design that allows them to fit into any interior.

Information about harm and benefit

No one doubts that cooler water is much healthier and safer than tap water. The benefits include:

  • purification of H 2 O from bacteria, viruses and harmful impurities;
  • it can be drunk without boiling;
  • cleaning provides a mild and pleasant taste;
  • there is no need to use a kettle when brewing tea or coffee;
  • the cooler allows you to drink a glass of chilled water in the heat, regardless of the presence of a refrigerator;
  • You can quench your thirst anywhere (office, shopping center, medical facility, gym).

Drinking from a cooler can be harmful in the following cases:

  • an unscrupulous supplier delivers products that do not meet sanitary standards (water contains harmful impurities, microorganisms and bacteria);
  • too thorough cleaning, sometimes with the use of antibiotics, as a result of which both harmful and beneficial substances are removed;
  • the use of low-quality plastic containers (water acquires a taste of plastic due to the ingress of bisphenol, styrene, antimony and other harmful components into it);
  • non-compliance with the rules for replacing bottles, dirty hands of an employee - this can lead to dirt and pathogenic microflora entering the tank, which will worsen the quality of water and can cause intestinal infections;
  • non-compliance with the rules for servicing the device (disinfection is carried out every six months);
  • non-compliance with the rules for using the dispenser by the consumers themselves (improper operation, non-compliance with hygiene standards).


The quality and quantity of water consumed is an important condition for human life. A cooler is a useful and convenient invention that helps to solve the problem of filling the body with life-giving moisture.

In order for the dispenser to be useful and please with a glass of cold water in the heat and a cup of fragrant hot tea in the cold, you need to be very careful when choosing both the equipment itself and the company that will carry out service maintenance and delivery of full containers.

IMPORTANT! Do not buy the cheapest water! You should cooperate only with a trusted supplier that has been operating in this market for more than a year.

Water coolers are devices that make it easier to get drinking water. Human health depends on the quality of the liquid consumed, and thanks to the cooler, you will have clean drinking water in hot or chilled form at any time.

Coolers for drinking water are divided into bottled and dispensers (purifier for running water). Standard bottles are produced with a volume of 19 and 22 liters, and with an adapter - 5 liters.

They are sold in supermarkets, specialized outlets, online stores, on the official websites of manufacturers and suppliers.

Devices of the same structural device differ in parameters:

  • method of placement in the room - desktop, floor;
  • design, color;
  • type of control - mechanical, electronic;
  • functionality;
  • additional options;
  • pouring method - from below, from above, flowing.

The cooler is plastic container with two taps, equipped with a funnel for mounting the bottle, switches and heating/cooling indicators.

The bottled version is made in a floor or desktop version. They have similar specifications.

Water cooler device

The principle of operation is based on the fact that a metered amount of water from a flask enters the storage tank, where it is heated or cooled.

The cooler works from an electric network (220 volts). The device is equipped with heating and cooling sensors that stop the operation when the set water temperature is reached.

Turning off from time to time, it is in a standby state and does not consume electrical energy while the temperature is in the specified range. This behavior is called “heated-off” mode of operation.

Power ratings vary by model. Modifications of the device heat water to a temperature of +95-+98 degrees and cool to +4 degrees.

Dispensers are mounted to the water supply, filtering running water. In filtration, mechanical or chemical treatment is used, which purify water by 96-99%.

In the manufacture of flow devices, advances in fluid purification are used. Technologies are borrowed from the field of medicine, pharmaceuticals, perfumery. The coal filter relieves water of not pleasant smells, harmful and dangerous impurity, purifies water and improves taste.

Characteristics of water coolers

Cooling is carried out electronically or by compressor.

Devices with thermoelectric (electronic) cooling are easy to operate, maintain and repair. The devices are lighter in weight and cheaper. The disadvantage is low performance in the heat.

Such modifications work with the help of an electronic Peltier element, which is capable of cooling moisture by 12-15 degrees. The downside is the length of the process.

For a family or office workers with more than 5 people, compressors are chosen.

Compressor cooling is characterized by:

  • reliability;
  • high performance;
  • high cost;
  • independence from environmental conditions.

The compressor devices provide the ability to adjust the temperature, they are made in floor and desktop versions. Such models are large-sized, the water in them cools faster.

The heating system for all devices is structurally the same. They differ in design, reliability and functions.

Additional functionality - refrigerators, ozonation, carbonation. Ozonation disinfects the air masses of rooms, containers, refrigerating chambers. Food, vegetables, fruits, kitchen utensils, dishes are processed.

The bactericidal effect lasts two to three weeks.

Heating and cooling has a full-featured device. Maintaining room temperature is a budget solution.

Devices with built-in refrigerators, in addition to their direct purpose, are able to cope with the cooling and storage of products for a family or a team of workers. The capacity of refrigerators is 20-60 liters, they are equipped with shelves.

Ice makers create ice cubes for drinks. These models have three taps for cold, hot and room temperature water. Ice is produced and stored in a special compartment. The cost of installation is higher than analogues.

The arrangement of equipment with the function of gassing involves a place in the case for placing a cylinder with carbon dioxide. The bottle is designed for 1000 servings. The degree of carbonation is adjusted to taste. Equipped with a surface for placing cups or glasses.

In addition to soda, water without the addition of gas is also available to the user.

The freezer is a useful piece of equipment. Depending on the dimensions of the equipment freezer differs in volume. For a large family or office, a chamber with a volume of 40-60 liters is suitable.

The minibar is a nice plus. There are drinks, sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, chocolate.

A drawer with shelves will help keep products in order and easily find the little things you need.

Devices with ozonation function are equipped with a cabinet for:

  • storage of drinks and food;
  • dish disinfection;
  • water ozonation.

Such models are used at home.

There are also containers-adapters for packaging. For ease of use, it is possible to attach a stack of plastic cups, glass holders or racks to the holder.

If the package does not include accessories, they can be purchased separately. Accessories are selected independently according to individual needs.

For example, a plastic cup holder is not needed at home. It will come in handy at school, office, children's centers or gyms.

The design of taps for supplying a drink is different: the valve is mechanically rotated when the dishes are pressed, manually or by pressing a button.

Tap water filter bottles are available for models with top bottle mounting.

There are two filter cartridges in the flask:

  • ceramic microporous - removes lime, rust, harmful microorganisms;
  • activated carbon with silver - removes chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria, eliminates unpleasant odors, softens water.

The resource of cartridges is up to 5,000 liters.

Coolers without cooling are used as a kettle. Units without refrigeration and heating are suitable for consuming purified liquid at room temperature. They are used in homes, offices, gyms, hospitals.

The design of household appliances is diverse. Choose a model, guided by your taste and the general concept of the interior of the room. On the market there are modifications in various colors.

The control is equipped with a display with a printed pattern or with rhinestones, for an amateur. It is possible to order an individual design.

An electronic scoreboard is convenient to use, but not mandatory, as it increases the price of the product.


The main advantage of the device is protection against pathogenic and dangerous impurities.

It is also worth noting other positive aspects of its use:

  • rational consumption of electrical energy;
  • models are available with the function of carbonating water, which saves on consumption;
  • comfortable feeling in any weather;
  • the device does not boil water, but only brings it to the set temperature;
  • trace elements and useful components are preserved;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • saving time for the preparation of clean drinking water.

The child lock prevents your child from turning on the faucet with hot liquid and getting burned. If there are children in the house, this function is necessary.


The design of the unit happens with the top and bottom installation of the tank. With the top installation, the flask is attached from above to the holder on the body, which is inconvenient to use. Therefore, the service is performed by employees of the supplier company.

Manufacturers complete products with handles that facilitate maintenance when lifting and carrying.

The lower installation is easy to maintain, does not require effort - so you can maintain it yourself. But you need to know the installation sequence to avoid problems.

The lid is removed from the bottle, an adapter with a tube is inserted, the bottle is pushed into the device (using a stand equipped with wheels). The device turns off at night and during a long break in operation.

Contamination of water with pathogens is a disadvantage of dispensers.

How to choose a water cooler

When buying, choose a cooler, guided by the following factors:

  • type of placement - floor or desktop;
  • type of cooler - bottled, flow-through;
  • design features - built-in refrigeration chamber, control panel, the presence of a locker or an ozonator for sterilization;
  • cost - floor modifications have a higher price range.

The choice of the type of cooling is determined by the number of people who will use the cooler.

When choosing for home use, pay attention to mini-coolers - floor-standing equipment with an electronic type of cooling. Additional features include sensors and child protection.

If the family budget allows, purchase with the possibility of carbonation and ozonation.

The choice of office unit is dictated by the number of employees of the company or department. If there are up to five people in the team, then the same modifications as for the house will do. From five people - you will need a floor compressor apparatus equipped with a spacious freezer.

Provide in advance the availability of free space in the room for the installation of equipment and regular preventive maintenance.

For children's institutions (schools, sports clubs, hospitals), a dispenser for bottling drinks is installed. This is a safe solution for the health of children.

For a summer residence, a simple budget option is suitable - a pump for supplying bottled water. Put the pump on the bottle, press on its top and get the required portion.

The use of a cooler frees you from the problems associated with the delivery and storage of water, as well as the equipment of places for storing bottles. Guarantees a high-quality composition of drinking water that is safe for health, reduces the risk of consuming a low-quality product.

Advanced innovative technologies are used in flow devices that operate autonomously and do not depend on the water supplier. The cost of the unit connected to the water supply is higher due to the built-in cleaning filter.

The advantage is that it is unnecessary to place bulky flasks, since the parameters of the device are compact.

The method of liquid supply determines the appearance. The device with the bottle installed on top looks unattractive.

During the emptying of the tank, the free space is occupied by room air contaminated with bacteria. Humid and warm environment inside the barrel is favorable for microorganisms. The bottom loading design prevents the entry of pathogenic bacteria because the tank is located behind the doors.

Models with an ultraviolet lamp that irradiates the storage tank from the inside are completely safe. UV lamp relevant when using bottled products.

A universal modern model of coolers is a dispenser with the following characteristics:

  • autonomy;
  • UV lamp.

Functionality and additional options form price category. There are modifications of various categories and prices on the market. Based on your needs and budget, choose your option for a combination of price and quality.

When buying a desktop unit, consider and prepare the surface that will serve as a stand. Provide free access. Floor variations do not require a stand.

Cons of desktop placement:

  • occupy useful space;
  • require a solid surface;
  • require service access.

When transporting, do not lay the coolers on their side. After delivery, do not turn on the cooling mode for two to three hours.

Electronic devices are equipped with fans, so do not install in dusty unventilated areas. The dust fan becomes clogged, resulting in damage to the cooling unit.

There must be space around the unit for free circulation of air masses. Direct sunlight on the cooler is not allowed. Suitable air temperature is from 0 to +25 degrees Celsius.

Indoor installation with high temperatures will increase the cooling time.

The coolers are designed for high-quality water with salinity values ​​in the range of 150-300 mg/l. Do not connect products with an empty hot liquid tank to the mains.

Coolers are subject to all rules of operation and handling electrical appliances. A ground loop is required.

The equipment requires regular sanitization, disinfection, carried out by specialized service workshops. Preventive measures will protect the health and well-being of people.

The standard warranty is 12 months from the date of purchase of the product. Some brands provide extended warranties for their products up to 36 months. Warranty service is carried out by authorized service centers.

A list of centers with addresses is attached to the warranty card. When purchasing a product, check the warranty card for information about the seller, the seal of the company, the correctness of filling and the presence of the date of sale.

The cooler is removed from warranty service in case of violation of the rules for installation, operation, storage, transportation, set out in the technical passport and instructions for use.

Warranty obligations become invalid in the following cases:

  • damage associated with mechanical, electrical or thermal effects;
  • damage resulting from non-compliance with the operating instructions;
  • hits foreign objects(insects, animals, liquids);
  • use of a liquid with a high degree of mineralization;
  • opening, repair unauthorized by the manufacturer;
  • careless, handling;
  • operation without an equipped ground loop;
  • damage caused by non-compliance of cable networks with power standards;
  • melted thermal insulation on the hot water tank;
  • damage caused by force majeure circumstances (fire, lightning, elements).

The supplier is responsible for the use of low-quality water and the presence of scale. For warranty repairs, products are accepted that are cleaned of dirt and dust after draining the liquid.

Faults and repairs

Reasons for breakdowns:

  • Doesn't heat up- the heating element has burned out or thermal protection is triggered. The first case is possible if a hard liquid is used by the consumer. Then scale accumulates on the heating element and it burns out.

The second case is possible in a situation where, when installing the tank, they do not wait for the tank to be filled and turn it on electrical network. In an empty device, the heating element is not in the water, so it heats the tank.

Thermal protection is installed to prevent breakage. Remove it only in specialized service centers.

  • Doesn't cool- the problem of electronic devices. Cooling is provided by a fan located on the rear wall. The solution to the issue is the implementation of the operating rules regulated by the manufacturer.
  • Water leak due to microcracks. Air enters through it, the tanks overflow and leakage occurs. The bottle is replaced and one liter of liquid is drained from each tap, then the leak disappears.

This breakdown is eliminated independently, since there is no defect in the product.

  • The faucet drips or water does not flow from it - the neck of the bottle is pasted over with a hygienic sticker, it is removed before installation. If this rule is neglected, pieces of the sticker get inside the container and the cooler, clog the tap and prevent it from shutting off.

Perform self-opening of the device and repair in cases permitted by the manufacturer. Carrying out unauthorized work is fraught with the termination of the manufacturer's warranty.

Water Cooler Manufacturers

AEL Trading House is a supplier of equipment for the water business. The company sells wholesale and retail. Payment methods: cash and bank transfer, payment by transfer to a bank card.

Floor models: bottom loading, with refrigerator, with cabinet, without refrigerator and cabinet. Equipment: with display, with water at room temperature, with protection of the hot liquid tap. Designs with electronic cooling, no cooling, no heating.

Tabletop appliances: ceramic dispenser, ice maker, with display. Accessories in assortment: casings, supports for containers, glass holders. Delivery - transport company at the choice of the buyer. The company is expanding its network of service centers, and there is always a stock of goods in warehouses.

AguaWork supplies filling and cooling equipment. Line of devices: floor, desktop, compressor, electronic without cooling. Available there are closed modifications, with illumination, water distributors.

Warranty - 12 months from the date of sale of the equipment. The manufacturer guarantees the absence of manufacturing defects. Has a network of service centers.

The BEON company Appliances for home. 550W coolers, touch control panel, refrigerant, electric shock protection. The warranty on the goods sold includes free repair and replacement if that is not possible.

The goods are accepted to the service center up to 14 days of use. After - after-sales service, consultations of specialists. There are promotions, bonuses, discounts.

The firm "Ekotronik" supplies equipment for the water business. For companies working in the field of water supply, they offer purifiers and coolers. There is a catalog of dispensers, pumps, filters, accessories. The company sells wholesale and retail.

Shipping is paid by the client. The guarantee provides: dispatch and repair, compensation for repairs at the place of residence, components. The warranty period is 12 months. Spare parts - on request in writing.

The HotFrost manufacturer presents equipment in a model range: pumps, child protection, with gas, compressor cooling, a choice of accessories, individual design and color scheme. Wholesale and retail sales.

Accessories: racks, coasters, flask handles, glass holders. Retail stores, online stores. Warranty, selection of spare parts, service centers, consultations are provided. Discounts apply.

The Lesoto brand is produced and assembled in China according to the drawings and under the control of AquaDelo. Use high quality plastic, silicone and stainless steel for food. Products undergo a three-stage quality control.

The percentage of marriage is 1%. There is a network of service centers and warranty workshops. Products with a certificate of conformity. Product catalog available.

RENOVA Group of Companies is a supplier of goods for home and office. Big the lineup products, accessories, spare parts, pumps. An extensive selection of structural, design, color solutions. Sale is carried out wholesale and retail.

A lot of articles have been written on the topic of how to choose a cooler for the processor, both useful and not very, practical and theoretical. The choice of models in stores is huge, they differ in design, size, cooling efficiency and price. Moreover, thanks to the efforts of marketers, the last parameters are not always identical.

There are times when a great looking, painted and advertised supercooler shows average performance. There is also the opposite situation, when a mid-range manufacturer produces a very successful model. Therefore, when choosing, consider various elements systems from all sides, and only after careful analysis make an informed decision.

The main purpose of the cooler is processor cooling, which occurs by removing heat from the processor cover and then dissipating it into the surrounding space. An important point in this case, there is such an indicator as the thermal conductivity of the radiator material.

Thermal conductivity is the movement of thermal energy in a material from an area with a higher temperature to an area with a lower temperature due to the movement of microparticles, or, one might say, it is simply the ability of an object to transfer heat. Silver has the best heat transfer performance, however, it would be interesting to look at those who want to buy a cooling system from such a material 🙂

For the industrial production of radiators, copper and aluminum are used, slightly inferior in characteristics. V general view active cooler consists of metal radiator attached to the processor cover, and a fan. There are also passive models - they are without a fan. The fan greatly increases the rate of heat dissipation. Under no circumstances should it be allowed!

Types of coolers for processors

Such devices can be classified rather conditionally, given that until recently some types were not produced at all. After analyzing a lot of information on the Internet and the range of products offered, we can distinguish two large groups:

  • Boxed coolers and coolers without heat pipes are the simplest models, consisting of an aluminum plate with fins, in some cases having a copper base and a fan attached to it. They are often bundled with the processor when selling, they are called "boxed". Have limited opportunities cooling, but easy to install, cope with their duties at the nominal frequencies of the processor. The included fan is of poor quality, which means that with an increase in the rotational speed of the blades, a computer with such a cooler may make additional noise.
  • Heat pipe cooling systems - work by removing heat with the help of a liquid circulating in hollow tubes made of aluminum or copper. They have the best performance indicators, but are often equipped with non-standard mounts, some are heavy, and are equipped with fans of various quality.

The first cooling option is not worth considering in detail. If you plan to work in normal mode, with a processor of average performance, without experiments with overclocking, and the noise level is not a critical indicator, you can be content with any simple cooler. In principle, the noise level can be reduced by correct setting fan speed with bios or .

The second version of the coolers requires closer attention and has many additional characteristics that ultimately determine the choice of the buyer.

Computer coolers with heat pipes

The first idea of ​​using heat pipes to reduce the temperature of cooled units was patented by the USA in 1942. Its essence boiled down to the fact that inside the pipes sealed on both sides there was a liquid substance that evaporated at the place of heating, the steam moves to the cold zone, where it condenses, giving off thermal energy, again forms a liquid, which returns to the place of heating.

They were used exclusively for industrial purposes, then they did not think about any high-performance computers. The tubes can be without filler inside, then they must be directed upwards so that the condensate drains under the influence of gravity, or with a porous structure, in which case the shape of the tubes does not play a role, and the liquid circulation occurs due to the pores.

Now coolers on tubes occupy the most part of the market. Their device can be described in general terms as follows: there is a base (sole) of the cooler pressed against the processor, tubes are soldered into it, on which aluminum plates are put on, which contribute to heat dissipation. Conventionally, such products can be divided into various subspecies:

  • With direct contact, when the tube directly interacts with the heat-distributing cover of the processor;
  • Without direct contact, when only the base of the cooler interacts with the processor.

Which one is better is hard to say. The majority of users claim that direct contact is more effective. From practice, we can say that the alternative option copes very well with its functions. Here one should take into account the fact that the working fluid begins to evaporate only at a certain temperature, from 25 to 50 degrees. That is, up to this point, heat removal occurs only due to the metal parts of the radiator, and the base serves as the main heat sink.