The sewer cesspool fills up quickly - what needs to be done? Why the cesspool fills up quickly What to do if the sewer well is full.

Today, many citizens are interested in where to dump waste? A fine for illegal discharge into the sewer is the responsibility that violators have to bear.

  1. Where do waste disposal trucks go?
  2. Penalty for illegal sewage disposal
  3. Where to drain waste from the dry closet in the country?
  4. Draining household waste into the sewer

Where do waste disposal trucks go?

In accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, waste must be taken to special discharge stations. Such stations should be located at a distance of at least 500 meters from residential buildings.

At aeration stations, they receive free of charge effluents that are obtained from sedimentation tanks and cesspools and then they are cleaned.

But often contractors, without taking the sewage to the treatment facilities, dump it anywhere. Vacuum trucks drain stinking liquids into the heating main, wells, simply onto the ground or into reservoirs where it is deserted. Drainage of chemical waste generates a fetid odor and worsens the ecological situation, especially in nearby villages. Drainage of waste into the river leads to the deterioration of water quality.

Penalty for illegal sewage disposal

Contractors illegally carry out the removal of waste, both from residential buildings and from production facilities that are not connected to the sewerage system. The number of illegal contractors is increasing at an alarming rate. Illegal discharge leads to disruption of the normal operation of the wastewater system. In addition, people and cars can accidentally fall into wells that are open. And if fecal effluents, waste country toilet, will be in the city water supply, it can lead to an environmental disaster.

Waste water is inevitably generated as a result of work manufacturing enterprises and in everyday life. Their assignment is carried out, as a rule, in the soil or in reservoirs. At the same time, in accordance with legislative norms, they must be cleaned to specific standards from the harmful impurities that they contain.

For the discharge of wastewater onto objects of nature, which are not treated, are now quite substantial. In addition, they are raised from time to time.

The main document that determines the fine for illegal discharge of sewage in the forest and other places is the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, legal entities and citizens who ignore environmental requirements that apply to the need to collect, accumulate, transport, place industrial waste, substances that destroy ozone layer, or other dangerous substances, should be punished.

There are the following penalties for illegal discharge of sewers:

  • for citizens - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. or suspension of work for up to 90 days;
  • for officials - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 100 to 250 thousand rubles or suspension of production activities for up to 90 days.

In order not to pay a fine for dumping waste, it is necessary to ensure their necessary cleaning. This applies to industrial, trade enterprises of industry, catering organizations, social and household areas and housing and communal services, as well as owners of cottages and summer cottages. For this, modern facilities and devices designed for cleaning should be used.

Where to drain waste from the dry closet in the country?

Disposal methods are determined by the filler used in the form of a splitting substance, the scheme of operation and the design of the equipment. So, a peat dry closet is a rational option for the agrotechnical scheme of the site, if the owners like to grow their own vegetables.

Peat is layered with waste that enters the tank. As a result, they gradually become organic fertilizer as compost.

For further ripening, it is placed in a special compost pit, where shells, peelings, grass, tops are also laid. So there are no problems with cleaning the tank.
Tanks of chemical dry closets should be placed where it is possible to drain waste into one of the branches related to the main sewer. Cassette dry closets collect all waste in a special impermeable container. Waste can be dumped into a compost pit. The used cassette can be washed and reused.

Drains of household waste into the sewer

Discharge of household waste into the sewer can be carried out using special industrial systems. They effectively clean surface runoff, and at the outlet are endowed with designs that allow them to be discharged into the environment. If you use them, then penalties for discharge into the sewer will not be assigned.

For organizations in the food industry, the problem of accumulation of various fats in their wastewater is especially significant.

It is solved with the help of special special equipment - grease traps. These products perform separation directly from oil and fat drains up to the standards set by environmental laws.

An overflowing septic tank or cesspool render absolutely uninhabitable even the most cozy house. Therefore, all homeowners have to maintain both local and autonomous systems, pumping out excess drains from time to time. But what if the septic tank or cesspool fills up too quickly? Let's see how to solve this problem.

There is only one reason for this - the soil no longer absorbs water, which fills the sump tank or goes into the filtration field (if any). At the same time, the refusal of the soil to accept effluents has several explanations, namely:

  • Due to insufficient activity the bottom layer of a septic tank or pit covers a silty sediment that forms a buffer film that prevents contact between soil and water. As a result, your cesspool or septic tank quickly fills up, since the liquid does not go anywhere, but remains in the tank.

Silting of the bottom in a septic tank

  • The walls and bottom of the septic tank or pit are covered with grease and soap deposits, the source of which is kitchen drains. If you don’t, then you shouldn’t even be surprised at how quickly the septic tank fills up. Fat sediment clogs the drainage channels and blocks the exit of water through the bottom, overflows or through the side windows in the body of a homemade septic tank.

In some cases, sparingly soluble fat and soapstone clog the entire inner surface of the sewer pipe, completely stopping the flow of effluents to the sump or cesspool.

  • The sewer just can't handle the waste. By must be at least three days of water consumption. Accordingly, an increase in the load on the water supply (more residents spend more water) leads to the fact that the septic tank fills up quickly - the liquid simply does not have time to go into the ground
  • The soil just freezes, and frozen soil does not accept water under any circumstances. In addition, sometimes in a septic tank or sewer pipe an ice plug appears, blocking the movement of effluents.

Now that the reasons for the failure of the sewerage system have been established, we just have to figure out what to do if the cesspool or septic tank fills up quickly. Therefore, next we will analyze the most effective ways counteracting the specific causes of failure of a local or autonomous waste disposal system.

Restoring the absorption capacity of the soil

This method is relevant only for owners of cesspools and homemade open-bottom septic tanks. In this case, to restore the absorbency of the soil, you will have to flush the sewer, and this is done as follows:

  • We call a sewer and pump out the contents of a cesspool or septic tank.
  • We fill the container, but not with fecal effluents, but clean water.
  • We let the water stand for a day, during which we do not use chlorine-containing preparations (detergents and cleaners) under any pretext.
  • or biological products with an increased dose of such microorganisms. If it is recommended by the drug manufacturer, we repeat the procedure for 5-7 days.

The meaning of these actions is to liquefy the bottom silt with clean water and start intensive anaerobic and aerobic fermentation, which eats even the caked sediment. There is no need to re-vacuum the septic tank after this procedure, but throughout the year you will need to use a fresh batch of bacteria every month, necessary to maintain fermentation.

As a starting drug, we can recommend the following options:

Remember that active biologics alone will not fix the situation - you will have to stop using it frequently. household chemicals. Otherwise, your septic tank will again become clogged with silt.

Remove grease and soap residue

In factory closed-bottom septic tanks, the main reason for the rapid filling of the sump tank is the formation of fatty or soapy deposits that impede the movement of liquid precipitation through the overflow channels. However, soap and grease plugs can also form in makeshift sewers. Moreover, the very fact of their occurrence is only a matter of time if there is no grease trap or a separate sump for kitchen drains in the sewer.

To remove soap and grease plugs, you can use two methods - mechanical and chemical. At the same time, the second option works much more efficiently than the first and is implemented without any effort.


To do this, pour the desired bactericidal preparation into the sinks, toilet and bathroom. And repeat this procedure until recovery bandwidth sewers and overflows.

In practice, it looks like this:

  • We pump out the septic tank. We fill it with water. Let the water settle so that the chlorine evaporates from the liquid.
  • Pour preparations into sinks, bathrooms and toilets that can destroy soap and grease deposits.
  • We begin to use the sewerage system, monitoring the throughput of pipes and the water level in the septic tank. If necessary, fill in an additional portion of the drug.
  • After restoring the capacity of the overflow channels, we introduce supporting cultures that can absorb fat deposits.

As a preparation for removing soap and grease, you can use the following options:

No drugs can solve the problem of insufficient power of the septic tank. If the daily discharge of water exceeds 1/3 of the volume of the sump, then building a well or filtration field is an almost inevitable step, an alternative to which would be only the dismantling of the old septic tank and the installation of a new treatment plant.

drainage well

The basis of such a structure is a shallow mine of 3-4 meters, dug to the sandy layers of soil. Usually it comes off at a distance of up to 5 meters from the septic tank and is connected to the sump by a separate pipeline with a diameter of 110-150 millimeters. The pipe should go under a slope (towards the well), with a height difference of 2 centimeters per linear meter of the line.

The walls of the drainage well are reinforced with concrete rings, the lower of which will have to be perforated by drilling many holes in its body with a diameter of 15-20 millimeters. Clarified water from the septic tank overflows into the well and goes into the sandy horizon of the soil.

An alternative option is a drainage well made of polymer, assembled by 2-3 people from plastic parts (bottom, ring with bends for the pipeline, telescopic neck).

Filter field

This is a larger system, consisting of a perforated pipeline buried a meter deep into the ground. Moreover, perforated pipes are laid on sand and gravel bedding with a thickness of 25 centimeters and covered with the same mixture.

It involves digging a trench, placing bedding on its bottom and laying pipes. After the pipeline is assembled, it is covered with a 20-cm layer of sand and gravel bedding. In the final, the trench is covered with selected soil.

The pipeline of the filtration field runs at a slope of 2.5 centimeters per linear meter, so the depth of the trench can vary from 1 to 1.5 meters. As a rule, at least 8 are allocated per user. running meters pipelines of the filtration field, so the owners of volumetric septic tanks dig not one trench, but several, placing 5 or 10-meter sections parallel to each other.

We improve the thermal insulation of pipes and septic tanks

The problem of ice jams does not arise on empty place. Usually, owners of home-made septic tanks suffer from this, having ignored the recommendations for deepening the structure below the freezing level of the soil. In addition, an ice plug appears in pipes devoid of external thermal insulation.

To eliminate the ice plug in the pipes, you will have to do the following:

  • Rent or buy a steam generator and melt the ice plug in the pipeline.
  • Buy and install a cylindrical
  • Use modern solutions, like -

Stories about electricity, pins and hooks are a sure way to a hospital bed. The effectiveness of homemade "boilers" is questionable, and the risk of electric shock is more than real.

Melting ice in a pipe hot water will lead to the inevitable "return" of the liquid flowing from the pipe after contact with the fecal plug. It is collected in a separate bucket, but the smell will not go anywhere, and it will take a very long time to spill the cork with hot water. That is why the only acceptable tool for breaking the ice plug is the steam generator.

If the plug has grown in the septic tank, binding the surface of the drains, then in this case you will have to do the following:

  • We open the hatch, drill several holes in the ice, getting to the liquid.
  • We melt the ice plug with hot steam using a rented or purchased steam generator. Moreover, our task is only to break the crust into separate ice floes.
  • After the destruction of the ice crust, it pumps out fecal effluents and pours into a septic tank hot water, which will melt the remaining ice. If necessary, repeat this procedure.
  • Pour preparations into the septic tank or, which will start the fermentation process in the container.
  • We make fires around the perimeter of the septic tank, warming the earth to the desired depth.
  • We fill the coals of fires with sand and cover the ground with some kind of heat insulator, such as expanded clay or sawdust, or foam plastic slabs. Moreover, the bedding will have to be laid not only on top of the septic tank, but around it, at a distance of one meter from the walls.

Bacteria launched into the septic tank will start the fermentation process, accompanied by the release of heat. Backfilling on the lid of the septic tank and along its perimeter will change the depth of soil freezing in this area, eliminating the cause of the formation of an ice plug in the septic tank. After completing these works, you can use the septic tank without fear of encountering another ice plug.

What to do when extraneous pollution and sewage enter the well? This question is often asked by consumers with an already fully installed water supply system.

The reason for this problem is not a comprehensive and competent approach to the preliminary design of water supply. According to SNiP and SanPiN, the distance from the septic tank to the well must be at least 15 meters (including from neighboring water sources). If the site is sloping, then the sewer should be installed lower.

These requirements should not be ignored. Well pollution causes irreparable harm to the environment, your site and the entire water supply system.

Often it is impossible to comply with absolutely all requirements, in this case modern technologies come to the rescue.

To understand how to avoid getting foreign drains into the well (for example, an outdated septic tank from concrete rings overflowed and now the water smells like sewage), consider the typical cases that led to such problems.

Possible errors

1. Septic tank

Modern wastewater treatment systems are considered to be deep biological treatment plants, for example, Astra, Topas, etc. But there are still areas where cesspools from past times are used. Or, having listened to the advice of “experienced” neighbors and friends, they are currently burying concrete rings. But few people think that in the Moscow region 80% of cases prevail clay soils, dirty water from the septic tank must be pumped out regularly. If you missed the right moment, or it suddenly started to rain, or there was a seasonal increase ground water, then the container overflows, and sewage falls on the ground.

Seams are another disadvantage of concrete rings. Any sealing is short-lived; over time, at the joints of the rings, the well is filled with groundwater. Depending on the season and the hydrogeology of the site, the septic tank can be filled with water in 3-7 days.

We offer two proven options:

    Installation of a new station for deep biological treatment

    To avoid the next repair in the future, engineers from the Systems for the Home company go to the site to draw up a competent project. All factors are taken into account: the terrain, the number of consumers, salvo discharge of water, the presence of filters. As a result, you get a reliable uninterrupted sewage system. And if you divide the cost of such an installation by the number of months it will last, then its price will be much lower than the constant repair of the joints of the rings.

    Instead of old rings, a sealed container with a bottom is installed

    This solution is less expensive, but also less comfortable. The regular call of a sewage truck, in addition to temporary inconvenience and loss of time, in a few years is more expensive than the operation of a modern installation.

2. Well construction

Reasons for sewage to enter a well with water:

    Well head leakage

    There are cases when it is completely absent. The solution is to replace or install a sealed head.

    wellhead leakage

    When arranging the source, ordinary concrete rings or brickwork. Joints of rings or bricks cannot be sealed 100%, after a while they let water through.

Solution to this situation

    Downhole adapter installation

    Installation of a metal caisson

    In this case, before the installation of the caisson, the rings are broken, and the result is a foundation pit big size. Lifting equipment is required to lower the caisson there. Naturally, this increases the cost of repairs. But in this situation, saving means constant emergencies and discomfort.

Local sewer networks for private houses include either cesspools or septic tanks. The most simple design- This is a cesspool in which sewage is simply collected. Partially, water penetrates into the layers of soil, but the bulk and sewage must be pumped out. The frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the well and on the ability of water to pass through the soil. But, as often happens, even such a simple tank starts to work poorly. Therefore, you can often hear the question, the cesspool is quickly filling up - what to do?

Reasons for the rapid filling of the cesspool

There are many reasons why the water in the cesspool does not go away. One of the main ones is the volume of the reservoir, which does not correspond to the amount of sewage. That is, at the very beginning, the developer planned that drains from the bathroom and toilet would merge into the cesspool. But over time, they were joined by a bathhouse, a summer kitchen, a washing machine and dishwashers. To solve this problem, you just need to increase the number of pumpdowns.

The second reason is the level of groundwater. Unfortunately, this indicator is neglected by many developers. Many do not consider it necessary to find out at what depth these waters lie. But it is they, as practice shows, that are the cause of the overflow of sewer wells. Especially during rainy and snowmelt periods. After all, sewage is often built in the summer, and at this time the level of groundwater is the lowest. Therefore, when digging a hole, the foreman does not encounter a water layer.

If the pit often overflows, it is necessary to increase the number of pumping

It started to rain in autumn, and the pit began to fill up more intensively. Water pours through the lid and hatch, sewage spreads over the territory of the site, an unpleasant smell appears. This problem can be solved in the same way as in the first case - to increase the frequency of pumping out wastewater.

Types of cesspools

This is another reason why the water in the cesspool does not go away. It is identical to the first reason, but there are differences. There are two types of sewer wells: hermetic and non-hermetic. In the first case, this is a reservoir, the volume of which must be accurately determined. There is a formula by which the volume is determined. It is based on:

  • the number of people using the sewer system;
  • the amount of water consumed by one person;
  • the frequency of pumping out the cesspool.

For example, three people live in a house, it is planned to pump out once a month, that is, every 30 days. A person consumes 200 liters of water (0.2 m³) per day. The volume of the pit will be equal to: 3 × 30x0.2 = 18 m³. If you increase the number of pumpings, you can reduce the volume of the tank. True, the services of a sewage truck are not cheap. You can also pump out sewage with your own hands, using a fecal pump, on extreme case rope bucket.

Self-pumping the contents of the pit

Attention! Pumped waste must be disposed of in certain places specially allocated for this.

As for leaky cesspools, the number of pumpings in it is less due to the fact that part of the water seeps into the ground. But even such constructions are subject to overflow. The main reason for this is oil and fat deposits, small polymeric materials and films, hair, animal hair. All this does not rot and settles to the bottom and walls of cesspools, making them airtight.

Solution of the siltation process

So, if a cesspool silted up - what to do? There are several options for solving this problem.

Pit filled with water

First of all, you need to pump out sewage. Empty the pit to the end, while trying to pump out the silt that has settled to the bottom. Often it becomes very dense, and even a sewage truck cannot pump it out. Therefore, before pumping it is necessary to gut the silt with any long object. It can be a pipe, a board, a rail, and so on. The sludge becomes soft, part of it rises into the water, so some volume will be pumped by the pump.

There is another way to approach this problem. First, pump out dirty water from the pit, and then pump clean water under pressure, washing away fat and oil deposits from the walls. A very effective measure. After that, pumping is performed, and again filled pure water, with the help of which the silt deposits located at the bottom of the pit are liquefied. After a couple of hours, the hole must be emptied again.

There is another option, in which it is not necessary to pump out sewage. To do this, you can use chemicals for cesspools. But before cleaning a cesspool without pumping out, it is necessary to choose the right chemical cleaner.

Doctor Robik 609

There are three kinds.

  1. liquid formaldehyde solution. A highly toxic drug that is now banned for use. Although it is very effective and inexpensive.
  2. Nitrate type oxidizers. With their help, any waste is liquefied, in addition, this drug is environmentally friendly, but it has the highest price of all the chemicals offered for cesspools. By the way, oxidizing agents do not react to aggressive environments, they destroy all organic and inorganic impurities in any wastewater.
  3. ammonium compounds. Same effective drug, but practically loses its qualities in aggressive environments (with a large amount of chlorine, detergents).

If the water in the cesspool does not go away, then you need to select and purchased chemical drug just pour it in. It will begin to liquefy the silt deposits, turning them into fine suspensions. That is, it will happen chemical reaction, one of the residual components of which will be carbon dioxide. Therefore, pouring the chemical into the well, care must be taken that the gas can freely leave it. For example, you just need to leave the hatch open.

After a certain time, the contents of the cesspool must be pumped out along with the liquefied sludge. After that, the walls of the tank are washed with clean water under pressure. And the pit is again ready to receive drains from the sewerage system and not overflow.

Answering the question of how to clean a cesspool without pumping out, one more option can be offered. To do this, you will have to use biopreparations. They simply fall asleep inside the well, where putrefactive bacteria come to life and begin to process organic matter. If a sealed tank was installed for a private house, then anaerobic bacteria should be poured into it, which feel good without oxygen. If the capacity for the cesspool is leaky, then aerobic bacteria are filled up, which die without oxygen.

Biological product for a cesspool or septic tank

Attention! When arranging a cesspool for a private house, it is necessary at the beginning of its operation to immediately start putrefactive bacteria. Thus, all the problems associated with its silting will be solved immediately.

Frozen cesspool

If the water in the cesspool does not go away in winter, and it overflows, then this is a guarantee that everything inside is frozen. What to do in this case? Of course, the first step is to melt the ice. If it is not very thick, then you just need to pour hot water into the pit.

Frozen cesspool

But if it is thick, then hot water will not solve this problem. Therefore, you have to think various ways defrost. For example, use a blowtorch or gas burner. You can install a heat fan on the manhole cover so that it directs the flow of warm air into the well. In a few hours of work, the drains will thaw - that's for sure. The time will depend on the thickness of the ice. Someone offers various home-made devices that run on electricity. Dangerous things, and if you are not an electrical specialist, then it is better not to use them. And the effectiveness of their work is highly questionable.

The best solution so that the cesspool does not freeze is to insulate it. Fortunately, today manufacturers offer a large number of different thermal insulation inexpensive materials and technologies.

Cleaning cesspools and toilets is a basic requirement for their smooth and trouble-free operation. If you approach this issue competently, then the sewerage of a private house will work efficiently without creating problems.

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After a couple of operating years sewer well starts silting up. The problem is hard to prevent, but it is easy to avoid a big catastrophe.

Owners of household plots ask themselves the question: what to do if a sewer well is silted up?

The main signs of siltation of a structure are its rapid filling after pumping out and the appearance of an unpleasant odor around the sewer. There are several solutions to this problem.

Depending on the degree of silting, the sewer tank can be cleaned on its own or resort to professional help.

At first glance, it may seem that cleaning the structure is quite easy. In fact, the process requires compliance with all safety rules. This is influenced by the durability of the structure and the quality of the materials.

For prevention, the sewer well is cleaned 3 times a year.

Important nuances to be observed if the sewer well is clogged:

  1. About 3 people should be involved in the cleaning work. You should not do the cleaning yourself.
  2. Deep containers are best left to professionals.
  3. It is forbidden to clean the container for people who have heart disease.

Step by step instructions on how to clean a well

Let's consider the process in detail:

  1. Make sure there are no gases in the well. This is achieved with a lit candle. If all is well, it should not go out.
  2. A person must be secured with an additional cable. Use a protective helmet, put on wader boots on your feet.
  3. Further, the volume of water is reduced and the walls of the well are carefully cleaned. Do not forget about the seams and cracks. All dirt and debris is collected in a bucket.
  4. When there is no water left at the bottom, it begins to be cleaned of debris, silt and mucus.
  5. The bottom filter is cleaned and washed.
  6. After cleaning the structure, it is necessary to seal the seams and cracks with cement.
  7. For cleaning, you can use a pump that has sufficient power and is specially designed for this job ().

Read more: Lining of sewer wells - important nuances and features

If the sewer well is slightly silted up, you can clean it yourself. In case of serious pollution, it is better to call a team of professionals or special equipment.

We hope that the article was useful to you. We will be grateful if you share it in in social networks.

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