How to make a septic tank for a bath: from concrete rings, tire covers, barrels and eurocubes. How to make a septic tank for a bath with your own hands - recommendations for installation and device Septic tank from reinforced concrete rings

These days in the country, or personal plot there is a bathhouse. It is a miracle healing and beneficial for the body that has come down to us from time immemorial and is the inheritance of our ancestors. No other bathhouse or sauna can compare with the Russian bathhouse. The Russian bath has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages not in the bath itself, of course, but in its operation, more precisely in the use of the sewage system. Often, in the old samples of bathhouse buildings, there was simply no sewage system and the water went into the cracks between the boards in the floor, and then into the soil.

Of course, the whole thing then exuded moisture and dampness for a long time. It is not uncommon for the owners of the baths to disassemble the floor in the steam room and subsequently dry the boards, or simply keep the door open until the next time, so that it airs and dries out. In the bath, and without that high humidity, and even if dampness comes from under the floor, then the building will quickly become unusable.

Also, during the operation of baths without sewerage, the owners, for example, change the lower crown of the log house every 10 years. Some bath attendants go for the trick and make the bottom crown out of hardwoods such as oak.

In order for the bath to serve for a long time, the owners need to make a sewer. Nowadays huge selection sewerage systems, septic tanks of all designs and sizes for houses and baths. But these septic tanks sometimes cost a lot of money and cannot be affordable for a simple summer resident. What to do common man and how to protect the bath from dampness and moisture? As always, you need to look for a solution and think with your head. So the author was brainwashed and came to the decision to make a sewer with my own hands and save money for the family budget.

He took the principle of operation of a conventional septic tank as an idea. The septic tank is arranged as follows - two reservoirs are connected to each other in the upper part, when the first container is filled, it begins to flow into another reservoir, which performs the function of drainage. The author took information and drawings from the Internet, thought out and completed it for himself. So, what will the author need to fulfill his idea?

Materials: two plastic barrels, cement mortar, boards, gravel, polystyrene, sewer pipes.
Tools: shovel, hammer, ax, hacksaw.

A septic tank for a bath without pumping out with your own hands
Nowadays, there is a bathhouse in the country house or in the personal plot. It is a miracle healing and beneficial for the body that has come down to us from time immemorial and is the inheritance of our ancestors. From russian

Choosing a septic tank for a bath

Comfortable country life in modern world it is impossible to imagine without a bath or a sauna. Many owners of suburban areas, together with the house, immediately begin to build a bathhouse. Before its construction, it is necessary to foresee the presence of a sewerage nearby, because during the use of the bathhouse, a huge amount of wastewater is generated.

That is why, even before the construction of a bath, experts recommend building a full-fledged effective sewage system. Most people think that the construction of a sewage system is optional: you can simply bring the pipe out into the street and the water will go directly into the ground - this is exactly what was done during the Soviet Union and is even continuing now.

Now imagine what damage you will cause to the ecology and natural "safety". And not only to nature, but also to ourselves: untreated water will flow into the ground, and then (of course, it will be a little purified) into wells, from which you will take water not only for a bath, but also for cooking, which will naturally be poisoned with soap and other means, and if a toilet is also built in the bath, then damage will be done not only to the ecology of your site, but also to all your neighbors. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to organize a sewerage system at the site for draining waste.

Sewer system selection

As a rule, septic tanks are chosen for a bath, because with proper operation they will not require pumping out for decades. The cesspool, especially the shallow one, will have to be cleaned after each use of the bath, since the volume of waste water from the bath is quite large. And if you also equip a toilet in the bath, then the rake will not have time to process waste at all, and pumping will have to be done very often.

How to choose the perfect septic tank for a bath without pumping out?

When buying or making a homemade septic tank, it is worth considering the features of the wastewater to be processed by the sewage system. Typically, for a bath, wastewater is a gray mass, which includes soap and fatty acids, as well as surfactants. Sometimes, in small quantities, runoff can contain particles of skin and nails, hair and some small debris, including dust and sand. Often, for convenience, the bathhouse is also equipped with a toilet: in this case, the wastewater will be much more polluted and the septic tank will need to be built of a more impressive size and with slightly different properties.

Bath septic tanks are usually:

A single-chamber septic tank can only process the simplest waste and is the most primitive version of the sewerage system. It has no bottom - instead, it has a filter mat in the form of sand and gravel. The container can be made of almost any material: barrel, canister, tank, but most importantly - without a bottom. Sometimes such septic tanks are even made from car tires.

It should be noted that when arranging single-chamber septic tanks without a bottom, it is necessary to take into account the depth groundwater: the smaller it is, the larger the septic tank bottom area and the depth of the filtration layer (sand and gravel) should be.

A septic tank for a bath with a toilet: ideal

The ideal option for a septic tank for a bath is precisely two-chamber models... They will be able to recycle the waste well and neutralize even toilet waste and soap masses. You can make such a septic tank yourself or buy it in a store. You can also make a "knight's move": buy eurocubes, and then connect them with pipes yourself. You can also use:

  • plastic containers,
  • plastic or iron barrels,
  • reinforced concrete well rings,
  • car tires,
  • concrete or brick.

Sometimes, when using the sewage system in the form of a two-chamber septic tank, pumping still has to be done: if the septic tank is far from the road and the sewer machine does not reach it, you can use a drainage or fecal pump for pumping, and pour the waste into a special pit or collect them in a barrel for subsequent disposal.

The principle of operation of a two-chamber septic tank

Two-chamber septic tanks for a bath work according to the following principle:

  • The first chamber receives untreated water, which undergoes primary treatment with crushed stone, gravel and sand. As a result of such cleaning, coarse dirt and fatty deposits are removed from the water.
  • Water already purified from "black" dirt enters the second chamber. In the second chamber, the water settles, all residues of dirt and soap settle to the bottom, and pure water it flows through the sewer pipe further.
  • Fully purified water goes through pipes to sewer well from where it enters the soil. The process of complete wastewater treatment takes quite a long amount of time: sometimes it takes several months for a complete treatment.

Construction of a septic tank for a bath with your own hands

Before starting construction, roughly mark the sewer system on a sheet of paper and calculate necessary materials... Buy materials with a margin of about five to seven percent so that you do not return to the store later.

If you use the bath regularly, then build a two-chamber septic tank. In the event that you use the bath no more than once or twice a month, then you can build a single-chamber septic tank.

After all of the above, you can start digging a hole. Before you dig it, look at the weather forecast for several days ahead and choose two or three days during which there will be no precipitation. After all, if it rains, the millet can fill the pit with water, which will then have to be pumped out. Or the earth from the sides may crumble altogether - then you will have to dig the foundation pit again and do the work a second time.

After that, it will be necessary to pour a layer of gravel and sand at the bottom of the pit, about 50-60 centimeters - more, but not less. Then the walls are built: either from rings or containers, or by building walls out of bricks with concrete. The design of a septic tank of a two-chamber type, built in this way, has many advantages:

  • fast production (construction),
  • minimum cash costs - you will have to spend only on pipes and materials,
  • rare pumping and cleaning.

When setting up and using the sewage system, consider the following:

  • Buy pipes with a larger diameter: at least 110 millimeters in diameter.
  • Try not to use the sauna too often: more than twice a week.
  • If possible, do not "run" large debris into the drain.

Arranging a sewerage system for a bath is a rather difficult process, despite the fact that it will be used less than the "central" sewerage system for your site.

Choosing a septic tank for a bath
The article tells about the device of sewage systems for a bath with a toilet. Detailed instructions are given for the construction of a septic tank for a bath with a toilet without pumping it yourself.

The bath is an integral part country house... Some people begin to build it almost before the construction of the dwelling itself. There are many tasks that need to be solved if you have decided on the decision to build a bathhouse or sauna. One of them is where to dispose of wastewater.

The most the best solution this problem - to install a septic tank. Someone thinks that there is nothing better and easier than the "old-fashioned" option to dig a trench. However, such a sewage system will cause environmental and sanitary problems at the site. So one day you still have to decide more modern method, and you will probably think about a septic tank.

What you should pay attention to

First, you need to consider the nature of the wastewater that the device will process. To a greater extent, the effluent is represented by gray soapy water.

If a bath or sauna involves the installation of a toilet, then the nature of the drains will be very different. The disposal of the so-called black water must be approached more responsibly.


There are several types of septic tanks for a bath:

  • with one camera,
  • with two cameras.

Let's consider in more detail the characteristics of both types.

Single chamber

This type of septic tank is a simple device that consists of a container without a bottom, and, according to the principle of its operation, resembles a well. Various plastic or metal containers can act as reservoirs, and a layer of rubble that covers the bottom as a filter.

If you decide to install a single-chamber septic tank yourself, do not forget to take into account the location of the groundwater. The fact is that if they are located at a high level, then the chamber must also have sufficient volume.


This type of septic tank is most suitable for a bath, especially if you plan to use it often. It can be purchased or made at home from car tires, reinforced concrete well rings and concrete mortar.

  1. First of all, dig 2 holes in which the septic tank chambers will be located. Their length must be at least 2 meters. It should be borne in mind that in the future there will be rubble, sand or other drainage in the gap between the walls and wheels.
  2. We put the tires in pits in stacks.
  3. Now you need to bring the sewer line and connect to the camera.

Other options

Of course, the easiest option is to purchase a septic tank. industrial production, however, in some cases, it is more rational and practical to do it yourself. It is worth noting that it will work no worse than purchased equipment.

Filter cesspool

At the heart of such a structure is a foundation pit, the bottom of which must be covered with crushed stone, sand, gravel or some other backfill.

  1. Make a filter cesspool pretty simple. You don't need to have any special skills to do this.
  2. Minimum manufacturing costs.
  3. Quite high cleaning efficiency.
  1. Such equipment is not suitable for installation in a bath, which has a toilet.
  2. It is necessary to clean often and replace the drainage layer in a timely manner.

Septic tank from European cups

The next construction option is a septic tank made of euro cubes. Eurocubes are square-shaped plastic containers that can hold about 1000 liters.

Before you start making a septic tank, you need to prepare the cubes. To do this, make holes in them for connecting and outlet pipes, and also draw a tee in the neck.

Install the finished structure into the already dug pit. It must be borne in mind that all its sides should be 15-20 centimeters larger than the sides of the Eurocubes that you are using. If the containers are rather fragile and do not have high strength, it is recommended to fill the walls and bottom of the pit with concrete. For additional protection you can fix the containers with special clamps.

Concrete ring septic tank

By the principle of its operation, such a device resembles a well.

  • for such a structure, two pits will be required,
  • the number of rings required is selected depending on the volume of wastewater and the level of the ground,
  • in the chamber from the first ring, it is necessary to install the bottom, and pour a layer of crushed stone into the second.

Sanitary standards

The local sewerage system will be in order only if the sanitary standards are observed:

  1. Location. The distance between the treatment plant and the place of water intake must be at least 30 meters.
  2. Cameras. The chambers in the septic tank must have a volume of at least three days' volume of water that is used in the bath. They have to be cleaned periodically. It is worth considering this and leaving the passage to the cells free.
  3. Drainage layer. Over time, the backfill at the bottom of the unit becomes dirty. This leads to a decrease in the filtration rate. Therefore, it is very important to replace the drainage layer in a timely manner.

How to make a septic tank for a bath with your own hands
This article describes how to make a septic tank for a bath or sauna with your own hands. You will find out what types of septic tanks exist and if there are any sanitary standards.

What kind of septic tank is needed for a bath

Currently, many owners of private houses prefer to equip baths on their territory. This is not strange, because the baths have long been considered a guarantee of longevity and cleanliness. An ordinary septic tank in this case will not work, since it will not always be convenient to organize the entrance of a sewage machine. A septic tank without pumping out with your own hands is the best option in this case. It is worth talking in more detail about how it is installed.

Principle of operation

Of course, oxygen is necessary for the normal functioning of microorganisms. For the development of bacteria, special substances will need to be periodically added to the system.

The purified water will enter the second tank, and then pass into the soil through a filter consisting of gravel and sand.

Digging a pit

The pit for the septic tank should not be located next to the bathhouse and other rooms. Emissions from it can get into drinking water, which is simply unacceptable.

This distance should not be less than five meters from the nearest premises. It is worth noting that the pit must be of a certain depth, which will allow the pipes to be drawn at an angle so that the drains are better drained into the septic tank.

The dimensions of the septic tank can also be calculated independently, knowing the number of people who permanently live in the house and use the bath. In principle, a huge septic tank is not required for a bath, since people usually do not use it every day. However, for bacteria to grow normally, it is necessary to maintain a constant fluid level in the septic tank.

Do not place the pipeline too high, as in this case overflow may occur. It is better to dig a hole using special equipment. Of course, it is quite expensive to call an excavator in this case. It is quite possible to get by with a small tractor with a bucket. If it is not possible to provide access for special equipment, then the foundation pit will have to be dug manually with a shovel.

Formwork construction and concrete pouring

  1. Formwork can be made from both new and old boards. Various wooden shields are also suitable. The first chamber can be made a little larger than the second. Moreover, they must be connected to each other by means of a pipe.
  2. The formwork must be reinforced so that the concrete does not break it. Better to collect it directly in the pit. To increase the rigidity and reliability of the structure, reinforcement must be installed in the formwork.
  3. Now you can start pouring the formwork with concrete. The quality of the future structure depends on the quality of concrete and the correctness of its pouring. Pouring can be done immediately if a concrete mixer is available. Otherwise, it can be poured in layers, gradually lifting the formwork up.

Only after the concrete has completely hardened, you can start building the partition between the chambers. In order to save money, it can be laid out from old bricks.

Overlap installation

It should be noted that the thickness of the overlap should be approximately 15 centimeters. Now we can confidently say that a septic tank for a bath with your own hands is completely ready for use. This design will serve faithfully for many years.

Of course, it will also have to be cleaned, but this will need to be done much less often than in the case of an ordinary septic tank with pumping. To be precise, the relevant services will have to be called approximately every three years. This is a fairly long period of time.

What kind of septic tank is needed for a bath
The principle of operation of a septic tank for a bath. How to dig a pit, correctly install the formwork, and pour concrete. Installation of a septic tank overlap and video with all stages of construction.

For the most part, the owners of suburban areas equip a bathhouse on the territory, it does not matter the house is with permanent residence or a summer residence. Traditional construction requires wastewater disposal. Of course, you can buy a ready-made system, but the designs are expensive.

There is always a way out - to make a septic tank for a bath with your own hands.

The first thing to decide is whether the building will be equipped with a toilet.

Waste from a bath without a bathroom contains epidermis, soapy water, a little fat and foliage from brooms. That allows the installation of any system without pumping out. The presence of a latrine in a building changes the nature of the waters, respectively, not every sump will cope with sewage waste.

Bath septic tanks can be: single-chamber and two-section.

Kinds. Single chamber

Consider the options for single-chamber septic tanks and the type of their installation.

Wastewater pit under the bath

The simplest and cheap option septic tank. Organized at the time of laying the foundation. It is worth noting that the pit is relevant if there is no toilet in the bath, the structure itself is not large and is not used so often.

During the construction process, a pit breaks out below the foundation, it is sealed, the bottom is covered with sand, crushed stone and gravel 50-60 cm. The floor in the bath is covered in such a way that water freely falls under it - into drain hole where it sludge, filtration with a natural filter and subsequent withdrawal into the ground.

At this time, this type of septic tank is a thing of the past and is rarely used.

Tire septic tank

Next to the building, a foundation pit is pulled out, 2-3 meters deep. The diameter of the pit should be 15-20 cm larger than the diameter of the tires.

The bottom of the pit is covered with a natural filter. The tires themselves should be cut off on the sides, for a tighter fit to each other. The products are interconnected by any means at hand. The seams are being sealed.

A hole is made in the upper tire for a branch pipe, followed by connection of a drain pipe.
The finished septic tank is closed with a sheet of iron or plastic. The remaining space in the pit is filled with soil along with the lid.
The septic tank is ready for use.

This design has such disadvantages as:


  • Cheap
  • Easy and quick installation
  • Cannot be cleaned
  • When it has worked out, it is simply covered with soil and mounted in another place.

Concrete ring septic tank

Installation of such a septic tank is more complicated. For septic tanks, standard rings and reinforced concrete are usually used with a height of 1 m and an outer diameter of 1.16 m

Rings are produced with special connecting elements to facilitate installation. Installation takes place according to the scheme of a well from tires. A pit is being organized.

The rings are falling. They are connected, the seams are sealed. Natural filter bottom. A sewage discharge pipe is supplied. Placed tightly with a lid (they are also commercially available). It is covered with soil.

Reinforced concrete is a very durable material. The reinforcement inside the rings stops the deformation of products at low temperatures and high loads.

Septic tank from a plastic barrel

Single chamber drainage septic tank.

A barrel of the required size is purchased (usually 200 liters). Holes are drilled along its entire surface at the same distance from each other. A hole is dug more than the product in depth by 80 cm, and in diameter by 60 cm.

A branch pipe is mounted in the bottom of the barrel. The main thing is to observe the sealing of the connection between the branch pipe and the barrel. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand and compacted (it is good to spill it with water), then it is covered with a mixture of sand, gravel, rubble.

A barrel is installed on the finished bottom, with the bottom with the pipe upward.

The product is wrapped in geotextile to avoid clogging the holes. The remaining space around the barrel is filled with a natural filter up to the nozzle. The pipe is connected. From above it is covered with soil and covered with sod.

Septic tank made of plastic rings, single chamber

The installation of this septic tank is completely similar to the installation of a sump from concrete rings.
The difference is in the easier installation of the products.

Attention! All of the above septic tanks are designed to be installed for a bath without a toilet.

Bath septic tank with toilet

As already mentioned above, a bath with a toilet at the outlet produces effluents containing human waste products, which implies additional water purification.
For buildings with a latrine, for the most part, septic tanks with two chambers or two-section are installed.
The two chambers are separate tanks.

Two-section - one drive divided by a partition into two sections.

Both septic tanks work on the same principle.

The liquid settles in the first chamber. Large particles settle to the bottom and form silt, while such as fat and insoluble particles rise to the surface and become a crust.

After settling the floor, the purified liquid flows through the connecting pipe to the second tank, where additional sediment and filtration takes place using a natural filter.

Two-chamber septic tank made of concrete rings

Septic tank from plastic barrels

This septic tank can be made in several versions.

  1. First. Installation is carried out as concrete rings.
  2. Second option. The sump is made of a plastic barrel with a sealed lid, but the well can, for filtration, be made of a barrel with perforation and geotextile.
  3. The third option. The barrel is divided into two sections by a partition. Here, it is paramount to observe the tightness of the compartments. The second compartment can be made drainage or additionally built a drainage well.

This cleaning method is more productive.

Two-chamber septic tank made of plastic rings

The installation is the same as for a septic tank made of concrete rings.

Concrete septic tank

This type of treatment plant will require certain cash and physical costs.

  1. A septic tank scheme is made.
  2. A pit of the correct geometric shape is pulled out.
  3. Formwork is being built according to the scheme.
  4. Concrete mix is ​​poured.
  5. Important! Leave the holes for the nozzles during installation or insert them immediately.
  6. The first section is made with a bottom. After the walls have dried, the screed is poured.
  7. In the second section, a drain filter takes the place of the bottom.

It is imperative to have a tight cover for the septic tank in order to stop the unpleasant odor and the ingress of debris.

Brick septic tank

Now it is not installed so often.
Installation is carried out according to the method of conventional brickwork.

Important! Laying in half a brick will not work, because when the soil freezes or the level of groundwater rises, it can float or crack, which will break the sealing and the structure will become unusable.

The rest of the installation is identical to the concrete septic tank.

Attention! All two-chamber septic tanks are subject to periodic cleaning of sediment.

The nuances of selection and installation

To select and install a septic tank correctly, several rules must be followed.

Septic tank volume

It is worth making easy calculations on the amount of wastewater from the bath.

Example. The bathhouse is accepted by 6 people one time. On average, everyone uses 50 liters of water

The septic tank must have a volume of at least 400 liters. Taking into account that no one will follow next to the bathhouse. If it is designed for several visits in a row, then the volume triples.

If the bath is equipped with a hot tub

Then, when choosing the volume of a septic tank, one should take into account the drainage of the container.


Of course, there are different types of baths. For saunas with a large area, a pool, a toilet and a shower, it will be more practical to buy a ready-made septic tank, a septo-tank or install an autonomous treatment plant.

The bathhouse is an integral attribute of a comfortable suburban life, therefore, when acquiring a summer cottage, many begin to build it almost before the construction of the main house and other outbuildings. However, its use presupposes the formation of a fairly large amount of wastewater. And, first of all, it is necessary to decide where and how they will be diverted. The optimal solution to this problem is to make a septic tank for a bath with your own hands.

Someone will say: “Why extra hassle and costs, if you can dig a trench “in the old fashioned way,” along which the water from the bath will simply go into the ground? " But these effluents, which are generated with each bath, can become a real threat to the ecological and sanitary safety of the site. So, sooner or later, you will still have to think about how to organize the drainage of sewage water from the bath in a more civilized way.

When purchasing or making a septic tank for a bath, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the effluent that he has to process. As a rule, the bulk of the waste from this structure is "gray water", consisting of water with soap foam, surfactants and derivatives fatty acids... They also contain small amounts of hair and skin particles.

If the bath is equipped with a toilet, then the nature of the drains will be somewhat different. Sewage water of this type is usually called “black”, and it is more responsible to treat and dispose of it. In this case, it is imperative to build a reliable treatment plant with several sealed settling chambers.

A septic tank for a bath can be single-chamber and two-chamber... A single-chamber septic tank is the simplest treatment plant, consisting of a tank without a bottom and operating on the principle of a filter well. In this case, the function of the tank can be performed by various devices of the type without a bottom, as well as plastic containers, with holes made in them, rings made of reinforced concrete, etc., and the filter is a layer of rubble at the bottom.

Pay attention, when building such a septic tank yourself on your site, it is necessary take into account the location of groundwater in the place where it will be located. If their level is high enough, the cleaning chamber must have a sufficient volume so that a large amount of wastewater generated at the same time during the use of the bath can completely fit inside the tank.

A septic tank for a bath with a toilet should ideally be at least two-chamber. This option should also be used when the use of the bath is planned quite often. It can be purchased ready-made or built independently using reinforced concrete well rings, concrete mortar or plastic containers (eurocubes) and the same tires.

For manufacturing, it is developed taking into account other parameters and conditions. Read about it in our separate article.

And about in what cases you may need it and how to choose it, read the other material.

The first chamber in this case is used as a mechanical filter. A mixture of crushed stone and gravel of fine fractions is poured into it, which cleans the "gray waste" from larger impurities. The second chamber serves as a settling tank, in which water that has passed through a mechanical filter is settled. Then the water moves into a drainage well, from which it is gradually absorbed into the ground. This option is good for those who need a septic tank for a bath without pumping out. A similar one, in which the first chamber will be used for mechanical cleaning, and the second will be a drainage well with a bottom filter.

Important: In the process of use, the gravel-crushed stone backfill will become contaminated, which will lead to a decrease in the speed and quality of filtration, therefore, it must be periodically updated.

Homemade septic tanks - design options

The most simple solution the problem of removing wastewater from the bath is the purchase of a ready-made septic tank of industrial production. However, in some cases, it is more rational and practical to make a home-made septic tank for a bath, which will cope with the task of cleaning wastewater no less efficiently and efficiently.

Consider several options for such structures, starting with the simplest and least costly:

Filter cesspool

Features of the device:

- A pit is dug, on the bottom of which a backfill is poured in a layer of 40-50 cm, consisting of a mixture of gravel, sand and pebbles.

- Walls are reinforced with bricks or rubble stone.


- Easy to manufacture.

- Minimum construction costs and a fairly high efficiency of wastewater treatment from a bath with its periodic use.


- Not suitable for baths equipped with a toilet.

- Requires frequent cleaning and periodic replacement of the drainage layer.

Septic tank from car tires

Features of the device:

- Tires undergo preliminary preparation - their sides are cut off.

- Pits for a septic tank are dug at a distance of 2-3 m from the bath. Their diameter should correspond to the diameter of the tires used with an overlap of 15 cm. The depth depends on the expected water consumption (the recommended depth is about 2-3 meters).

- The bottom of the first pit is sealed with clay or concrete, and the bottom of the second pit is filled with a mixture of sand and gravel for filtration.

- Tires are placed in the pit, at the joints, fastened with wire staples or plastic clamps.

- Holes are cut in the tires for supplying a pipeline with drains and for organizing an overflow between the two chambers of the septic tank.

- A 110 mm diameter sewer pipe is supplied to the first tank, which is laid below the level of soil freezing.

- An overflow pipe leads from the first tank to the second.

- The pit is covered with soil and clay.

- A sheet of iron or a thick board is laid on top, covered with soil.


- A septic tank for a bath made of tires requires a minimum of installation and delivery costs.

- The ability to manufacture a septic tank of optimal volume, due to the use of tires of a suitable diameter.

- Ease of use.


- Insufficient tightness of the structure.

- Not very high quality of wastewater treatment.

Note: It is possible to manufacture a treatment plant for a bath from tires, which has only one chamber with a filtering bottom, provided that the bath is without a toilet.

Septic tank from eurocubes

Features of the device:

- Eurocubes (plastic containers of a square shape with a volume of about a thousand liters) are being prepared for further use. To do this, tees are mounted in their neck, and holes are made for connecting and outlet pipes.

Important: Due to the fragility and low strength of the eurocubes used to create a homemade two-chamber septic tank, the bottom and walls of the pit must be concreted. In order to avoid the containers floating up, they can be additionally fixed with special clamps to the concrete screed.

- Before filling the septic tank, the tanks must be filled with water, and the gap between them with concrete mortar to give the structure additional strength. To insulate the septic tank from above, it must be covered with polystyrene and then covered with earth. At the same time, the ventilation pipes must remain on the surface.

Ready models

If you do not have time to worry about how to make a septic tank for a bath with your own hands, it makes sense to purchase practical and functional devices at an affordable price. Popular models:

In addition, there are a large number of deep cleaning stations such as "Topas", "Unilos", etc., the price of which will already be significantly higher. However, the optimal solution for a bath can be called simple installations with mechanical filters and sedimentation tanks, which, if necessary, can be equipped with a soil purification system.


In this section, you can watch a video on the topic of our article, which demonstrates the device of a homemade version of a septic tank for a bath from a barrel.

If you decide to build a bath, then it is important to think about making a septic tank is a necessity, because there will be a lot of drains in the bath. In this article we will learn how to make a septic tank for a bath with our own hands.

For correct arrangement a septic tank in a bath, taking into account the type of soil and the location of groundwater, you can use two methods:

  • Installation of the drive. With this option, a large container is mounted that will collect all the drains from the bath. As soon as the container is full, it must be emptied by calling the suction truck. The advantage of such a septic tank is the simplicity of its design. You need to purchase a ready-made plastic container the right size and install it in the pit. As for the disadvantages, it is problematic in service. If you use the bath regularly, you will have to call the sewage truck regularly, which is not a cheap pleasure. Moreover, the installation of a septic tank in this case should be carried out so that there is a free access to it, which can be problematic.
  • Another method of arranging a septic tank for a bath is to make a structure from which you will not need to pump out drains. For this, filtration wells are made or ground filtration is organized.

At the very beginning, you need to do all the dirty work. It is important to consider the following nuances:

  • The depth of the septic tank must be sufficient so that when it is used in winter time he did not freeze.
  • Cover the bottom of the first chamber with sand and put a layer of clay up to 200 mm. Then it can be concreted.
  • The second chamber is constructed with a drainage pad. To do this, pour a layer of 400 mm of crushed stone on the bottom.

In order to insignificantly, but reduce the amount of land work, it is possible to provide for the insulation of the septic tank chambers and pipes. As a consequence, the depth of the pit will be slightly reduced.

If you purchased ready-made concrete rings, then the work process is significantly accelerated:

  • For the installation of concrete rings, lifting equipment is usually used. It will be very difficult to install them with your own hands, although in some cases this is only the only option, for example, when special equipment cannot drive up to the construction site of a septic tank.
  • It is recommended to connect each ring to each other. The joints are covered with mortar, which increases the tightness of the structure.
  • An important and difficult step will be the installation of a pipe that will connect several chambers into one whole. It is important to make the correct connection here. So, the pipe with incoming drains should be as high as possible. The next pipe with overflow into the next chamber is below, and so on.

You can buy reinforced concrete rings with ready-made holes. Also on sale there are structures with a finished bottom. This saves you the trouble of pouring concrete in the pit. Hole rings are available for the drain chamber.

Septic tank filling

When all the rings are installed, it remains to make the final touch. To fall asleep rings with outside it is recommended to use clay. In the event of a leak, the clay will serve as an additional sealing layer. Although some fall asleep with earth raised from the pit. In this case, it is important to thoroughly tamp the earth or clay. This will create good strength of the entire structure, and the earth will not settle much after a while.

Following such simple tips, you can make a septic tank for a bath with your own hands. Now let's look at another technology that involves the use of auto tires.

Septic tank from car tires

One of the economical methods for arranging a septic tank for a bath is the use of car tires. To do this, you need to use the tires of a large car or even a tractor. The design of a septic tank made of car tires can also have two or three chambers. The number of cameras depends on the availability of a toilet in the bath. So, the manufacturing process of such a structure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, pits are dug. The width depends on the diameter of the tires used. In this case, the width of the pit should be 150 mm wide, so that during installation you will not have any problems. As for the depth, it should be below the level of soil freezing.
  2. Further, with inside trim the edges. This is important so that during the operation of the septic tank it does not become clogged. The cut will be easy with a chainsaw or jigsaw.
  3. When all tires are trimmed from the inside, they must be laid out on top of each other in the pit.
  4. Now it's time to install a pipe for draining the waste water from the bath, as well as for overflowing into the second chamber. It should be installed at an appropriate angle. To insert the tube into the tire, an additional cut must also be made.
  5. In the first chamber, the bottom is arranged by means of concreting or clay. The bottom of the second chamber is covered with coarse gravel.
  6. When the tires are installed, the space between the pit is filled with sand or fine crushed stone. You can also use clay, as in the case of precast rings.

When making a well from car tires, it is important to build a reliable cover that will prevent it from falling inward.

This method is pretty simple. The most difficult thing is to carry out earthworks by digging two holes. Such a septic tank can be made in a few days.

PVC cubes for septic tanks

Another simple option for arranging a well for a bath is the use of PVC cubes (also called euro-containers). Although they are very expensive, they are quick and easy to install.

In order to save money, you can buy used containers from transport companies who use them to transport different liquids.

Installation of PVC cubes is carried out as follows:

  1. Cut off the neck from the container and install a tee in this place. The joint is treated with a special sealant for plastic.
  2. Also make a second hole from the end of the container, stepping back 25 cm from the top.This hole will be installed plastic pipe coming from the bath. The same holes are made to connect the containers to each other, if you are making a two-chamber septic tank. In this case, it is important to take into account the height difference at which the pipes will be mounted.
  3. Plus, you make another hole on top of the container for ventilation.
  4. This whole structure can be made on the surface, and then, having dug a hole, carefully lower it.
  5. It is recommended to reinforce the bottom of the pit with a screed using iron reinforcement. This also applies to the outer walls. A frame is also made and everything is poured with concrete up to the neck.

Although the resulting construction of a septic tank for a bath is very expensive, it will serve you for more than a dozen years.

If you have comparatively small bath on the summer cottage or in the garden, then it makes no sense to equip the septic tanks described above. You can use metal barrels... In this case, the work will look like this:

  • As in all cases, you dig a hole, with a margin of 150 mm in width. At the bottom, you also make a crushed stone pillow, 100 mm thick.
  • Having stepped back from the top of the barrel 200 mm, make a hole for the drain pipe.
  • To prevent the barrel from warping during operation, plug the fittings into the ground from four sides. They will hold the drum during installation.
  • As in other cases, fill the gap between the barrel and the pit and prime it with sand, clay or earth.
  • Make a cover with a protrusion of 100 mm from the ground.
  • When arranging such a septic tank, cut out the bottom of the barrel. The water will gradually soak into the ground by itself.

This method is permissible only for a small bath, where a bathroom will not be installed.

So, in this article we looked at options for how to make a septic tank for a bath with our own hands. Some of the methods are very simple, so even without experience in this area, you will not have big problems. We will be interested to know about your experience in arranging a septic tank for a bath. Leave feedback and comments at the end of this article.


This video shows how to design and install a three-chamber septic tank with your own hands:


When arranging a local sewage system at a dacha, the owner of the site has to take into account the complexity of using sewage equipment to pump out wastewater from cesspools. A septic tank for a bath, do-it-yourself installed at a summer cottage, allows you to do without calling the employees of special motor vehicles.

A traditional Russian bathhouse is often built even without special wastewater treatment facilities. Soapy water flows into the pit under the floor of the wash compartment through the gaps between the planks. But in modern baths they make a concrete floor and often combine a bathroom, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen and other rooms in one building that require competent drainage. In these conditions, a water purification and filtration system is needed - a septic tank.

If there is no toilet in the complex of outbuildings, then a pit for utilizing water produced by a bathhouse in the country ( the simplest septic tank), may consist of a single chamber of sufficient volume to accommodate the liquid entering there during hygiene procedures. When combining a bathroom and a bath, you will have to build 2-3 cameras:

  • the first is for the accumulation of feces;
  • the next ones are for filtration of liquid effluents.

When is a regular drainage pit suitable?

A drainage pit is called a deep well, into which relatively clean drains from a bath are drained. When designing this option for a septic tank, it is necessary to take into account the level of groundwater at the site. Suitable for sandy and other light soils with deep subsoil aquifers simplest option drainage pit from a steel barrel with a capacity of at least 200 liters. Holes are made in the bottom and walls of the container for the liquid to penetrate into the ground.

In an area with a high standing GW, drainage pits need to be deepened to 3-3.5 m and ensure the impermeability of the walls (fill in with concrete, etc.). In this case, the effluent filtration will occur below the GWL. Due to the fact that bathing procedures are not carried out too often, and the water contains mainly soap residues, wastewater treatment takes place in the layer of rubble and in the soil itself.

The main criterion for choosing a device for a multi-chamber septic tank or drainage pit is the nature of the effluent:

  • when utilizing water only from a bath, you can build a drainage pit;
  • if drains from the toilet will flow into the septic tank, a drainage pit cannot be built.

How to correctly calculate the volume of a septic tank?

To calculate the size of septic tanks, you need to determine the approximate daily volume of wastewater. For a bath, they are about 100 liters for a family of 2-3 people. For normal operation of the container (without overflow), the calculated volume is increased by 3 times and is taken as 300 l (0.3 m³).

It is believed that filtration of the effluent and its complete withdrawal from the tank is possible only after 14 days. The required volume of the septic tank chamber must be calculated taking into account this factor and multiply the daily flow by 14. The calculated volume of the chamber will be 4.2 m³.

In practice, the capacity may be less: the bath is most often taken 1-2 times a week. If a septic tank is planned only to drain wastewater from the bath room, then the estimated value can be reduced by about half.

Ready-made solutions (factory septic tanks)

When choosing industrial household water treatment systems, it is easiest to focus on the number of family members: this figure is also indicated in the technical documentation. For a family of 2-3 people, compact models (for example, Triton-mini) are suitable.

The peak load that such a device can withstand is about 500 liters. Comparing the capabilities of the septic tank with the estimated needs makes this choice reasonable: compact models are inexpensive and completely ready for installation. They consist of 2 chambers, which provides high quality cleaning from soap and surfactants, hair and other contaminants. The cleaning level is at least 75%, and the water entering the soil no longer harms the environment. The principle of operation of the device is mechanical settling and filtration of the effluent.

With large volumes of drains and connection to the toilet system, it is better to choose equipment with the capabilities provided for this. A larger volume and fecal wastewater will require the installation of septic tanks Unilos, Topas, etc. These models are supplemented with filters and settling chambers.

All models of domestic sewage systems are made of lightweight and durable plastics, durable and do not require complex maintenance. The decomposition of even fecal waste occurs due to natural processes and the pumping of accumulated water during correct installation and operation is not required.

How to make a septic tank for a bath yourself?

If you plan to collect only bath water, then a simple septic tank is easy to do yourself. For wall cladding use different materials that hold water inside, directing it into the deeper layers of the soil. When using such structures, waterlogging of the adjacent areas does not occur. Pumping water from a homemade septic tank is not performed.

Option 1: septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings

A septic tank for a bath with your own hands can be made from ready-made concrete rings of large diameter. Having calculated the required volume, they buy 2-4 rings of the required size. A pit is dug under the concrete goods in such a way that the drain pipe from the bath passes below the level of freezing of the soil and with a slope towards the septic tank.

After that, take into account the height of the rings (1-2 pieces), which will be installed in the settling chamber and the thickness of the cushion for the structure (at least 20 cm). The diameter of the hole should be 20-30 cm larger than the size of the rings.

The second chamber - the filtration chamber - is dug taking into account that the overflow pipe connecting both pits should be located just below the lower edge of the drain (from the bath). Other calculations roughly correspond to the previous ones, but it is advisable to bring the pillow to 50 cm.

The construction of a septic tank is carried out in stages:

  1. They dig 2 pits at a distance of 1 m from each other. The depth must correspond to the calculations made.
  2. A cushion of rubble and ASG is placed in the settling chamber, compacted and leveled. 1-2 rings are lowered there. The joint of the rings is sealed. The bottom is poured with a layer of concrete at least 10-15 cm thick.
  3. The filtration chamber is arranged on a thicker cushion to provide better drainage and drainage into deeper soil layers. After installing the rings, at least 15 cm of crushed stone filtration layer is poured inside. The joint of the rings is not sealed.
  4. Pipes are laid from the bath and between the chambers, observing the slopes from the building to the septic tank and from the first chamber to the second.
  5. After completing the installation of the chambers, make a ceiling overlap of boards, and then concreting it over the reinforcement with a layer of at least 15 cm. During concreting, it is possible to provide for the installation of pipes for possible cleaning (pumping) from the bottom to the surface in both chambers. The thickness of these communications is 10 cm, for the convenience of connecting the hoses of the special vehicle. In addition, a ventilation pipe must be installed in the overlap of the filtration chamber. It should not be submerged in water and is located directly in the ceiling. The ventilation rises above the soil by no more than 30 cm.
  6. Cover the structure with soil. Plants with a shallow root system can be planted on top of the septic tank.

A two-chamber system with a sump can be used on any soil and is suitable for connecting drains to and from the toilet, but a different volume calculation will be required taking into account a larger amount of liquid.

Option 2: sump filter

A septic tank that will collect only bath drains can be made single-chamber. After making calculations of the volume, a pit is dug, taking into account the necessary deepening of the drain pipe (below the freezing level). A layer of rubble about 50 cm thick is laid on the bottom of the pit and compacted well. The walls can be reinforced with brick or masonry, concrete, reinforced concrete products (rings, braces, slabs, etc.). After that, pour another 15-20 cm of the crushed stone filtration layer onto the bottom.

You should not completely close such a pit: gradually the gaps between the crushed stone particles will become clogged with soapy residues and the pit will have to be cleaned with the help of special equipment. The drain from the bath is quite clean, so pumping will be required only 10-15 years after the start of operation of the pit.

The head of the well must be brought to a height of about 30 cm above the ground so that melt water and precipitation do not enter the container. Close the mouth of the pit with a reliable hatch.

Option 3: a septic tank for a bath from a barrel

A large barrel of fuels and lubricants (200 l) can serve as a reliable sewer device, if the family is small and the bath drains do not exceed 70-80 liters. The pit is dug so that the outlet of the drain pipe is 20-25 cm below the upper edge of the barrel.

For the manufacture of a septic tank from a barrel, a leaky metal product or a failed water tank is suitable. The bottom and the cover must be removed, the cylindrical part is lowered into the pit on the prepared cushion of rubble. Pour crushed stone into the container by 10-15 cm. Install a drain, make an overlap from a sheet of steel or boards, fill the septic tank with soil around the perimeter. The plastic barrel must be reinforced in the ground with reinforcement, passing it through the walls.

As a camera, you can use not only a barrel, but also European containers for the transportation of liquid cargo (cubes with lids). They have a different volume. Several rows of holes are made in the walls in the lower part and an inlet for the pipe is cut.

Option 4: a septic tank for a bath from car tires

Large diameter tires (from KAMAZ and larger) are used to strengthen the pit walls according to the technology described for concrete rings. Rubber products are simply laid on top of each other, the joints are not sealed.

From tires, you can make a full-fledged septic tank with several chambers or just a filtration pit.

What is better - buy a ready-made septic tank or do it yourself?

The difference between purchasing a factory septic tank for a bathhouse and building it yourself is only in the price. Concrete ring structures can also be expensive, so other materials are most often used for wall decoration. But with proper design and calculations, even self-built sewage treatment plants can cope with the task of cleaning effluents no worse than industrial-made plastic containers.

The decision about which septic tank to prefer is made on the basis of considerations of the expediency of the cost of purchasing equipment or digging a hole on your own.