How to properly hang a clothesline. How to hang a clothesline on a balcony and loggia: modern solutions for a fashionable interior

The scientific and technological development of society could not come up with more effective way drying clothes than clothesline on the balcony. You can meet them in new buildings and houses of the "old school", which is due to common sense. It is much easier to leave laundry for a few hours on the balcony than to dry it in the bathroom or buy a separate unit. It is important to remember that not every rope will cope with the task.

Selection of clothesline material for the balcony

In order for the laundry to dry as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to carefully examine the potential piece of rope. It is a mistake to think that the only significant characteristic in this case is the strength of the material. Yes, this indicator is important, but it is not the only one. High-quality clothesline should not get dirty and absorb color, otherwise white fabrics will soon cease to be such.

Depending on the size of the balcony, the amount and the prevailing type of linen, you can choose one of the following types of material:

  1. Equipped with a PVC sheath metal cable - the thread is durable and resistant to prolonged tension. In addition, environmentally friendly drying material will appeal to those who care about nature.
  2. Ordinary twisted rope is a budget option in all respects, while having a number of disadvantages. Firstly, even a slight wetting is enough for impressive sagging. Secondly, you need to hang such a rope only if white fabrics will not be placed on it. This is explained by the ability of its surface to actively absorb external pollution.
  3. Plastic ropes - they are more expensive, but this fact is due to a number of obvious advantages. First, the material can withstand increased loads. Secondly, the buyer has the opportunity to hang a rope of the color that he likes.
  4. Traditional jute is characterized by wear resistance and the ability not to stain linen. In addition, the material is environmentally friendly.
  5. Polypropylene - in addition to environmental safety, the rope made of this material does not accumulate moisture and is not electrified.

When choosing a rope for a balcony, you must carefully study its characteristics. The main ones are strength, resistance to stretching, low degree of interaction with moisture. In addition, the rope should not accumulate dust and the color of those things that are dried on it.

Outdoor clothesline design for drying clothes on the balcony

The buyer of rope should remember that it comes in two types. It is a material for indoor and outdoor use. The difference between them is at the level of the ability to withstand the prolonged impact of the vagaries of nature.

Fabric for outdoor use is attached to the balcony or on the open loggia, which reduces the load on the available space.

Regardless of the type of room and the characteristics of the linen, the balcony will need reliable brackets. The stronger the mount, the less likely the linen will fall.

To achieve a good result, the following recommendations will help:

  • Fix strong steel brackets on both sides of the balcony;
  • Buy in the store corners made of a similar material;
  • It is necessary to make sure that the corners are equipped with holes that allow you to securely tie the clothesline;
  • In order to simplify the process of hanging clothes, the profile with corners must be placed not perpendicularly, but at an angle;
  • It will not be superfluous to install a spacer that does not allow the profile to deform.

For a small balcony, external fastening of clotheslines is appropriate. In this case, you do not have to sacrifice the available space. Metal corners and brackets are used as the basis of the rope fixation system. They are installed at a slight angle, which reduces the number of difficulties at the time of hanging and removing the washed linen.

Existing types of fasteners or how to hang a clothesline on a balcony

These are divided into factory and homemade. Opens a list of popular and inexpensive ways to equip a balcony with fasteners 2 metal corners screwed into opposite corners of the wall.

Using an electric or hand tool, it is necessary to make holes in them, where to fix the rope. In addition to this option, there is another one suitable for regions with a temperate climate.

Instead of metal corners wooden bars with built-in hooks are taken. The bars are fixed in opposite corners of the room. The greatest difficulty is to pull the rope as evenly as possible.

Regardless of which type of attachment is chosen, there are some precautions to be taken into account:

  • Before buying, you need to make sure that the fasteners are made of stainless steel;
  • Factory fasteners are always supplied with an indication of the maximum allowable load;
  • Unlike home-made, factory-made rope fasteners are more popular due to the presence of the necessary elements, made with maximum precision;
  • The placement height is selected so that it is convenient to reach the linen.

Existing latches for the balcony are divided into factory and home-made. The first option is more preferable due to the precision with which it is made, and the second - the ability to adapt to existing conditions.

We hang the rope on the balcony correctly

The work begins with the choice of the frame and the type of fabric, after which you can pick up the tool. It is necessary to adjust the length of the ropes in advance so that it does not sag even when peak loads are reached.

If we are talking about homemade fasteners, then in this case you need to tie the cable in advance. At the next stage, the structure is installed on a concrete or wooden base.

It is useful for beginners to know that the choice of tool for work is carried out taking into account the base, and not the design of the dryer.

To work, you need to have the following on hand:

  • Roulette;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Several dowels;
  • Perforator;
  • Building level;
  • Hammer;
  • Curly screwdriver.

How to attach clotheslines to the balcony (video)

After preliminary marking has been made on the ceiling, the bracket is fixed. This is done with a drill that creates recesses at a height of up to 150 cm from the floor level. At the specified point, the bracket and roller mechanism are attached. The base is fixed on the ceiling and the final adjustment of the degree of tension of the ropes for drying clothes takes place.

Installing a clothes dryer on the balcony

In order to dry your laundry easily, affordable and inexpensively, it is recommended to stretch the clotheslines on the wall-mounted balcony. This is an inconspicuous device, without which it is difficult to do without.

Benefits of locating clothes dryer on the balcony

The drying process of washed items glazed balcony or loggia has its advantages and disadvantages. Of the positive, protection from adverse conditions and foreign odors should be noted. Of the inconveniences - the limited movement around the balcony room while drying things. It is recommended to choose in advance the appropriate option for drying clothes on the balcony.

Using cables designed for fastening on a closed loggia or a glazed balcony, you can safely go to work and not be afraid of rain, which will wet things. When the windows of the apartment overlook a busy roadway, when hanging clothes outside the premises, the clothes are saturated with exhaust gases and dust. For this reason, it is better to dry clothes even on small loggias.

Rope locations on the balcony

Before deciding on the installation site, you should choose the most suitable dryer model. They can be stationary or easily moved.

To use clotheslines for drying clothes on the balcony as efficiently as possible, they should be correctly installed. Traditional places for installing cables on the balcony:

  1. Removable structures. They are located outside the premises. The design principle is that two metal corners or pipes, in which holes are drilled, are installed opposite each other. The cables are pulled in parallel.
  2. Ropes stretched under the ceiling of the balcony will allow you not to put your underwear on public display. The cable should be located along the room. The design is mounted on the ceiling or walls.

More often simple designs for tensioning clotheslines have a drawback - the ropes sag during operation. And if there is a need to free up the balcony space, they cannot be quickly removed or untied. The models do not differ significantly in the installation method, but differ in the location of the dryer mounts.

Structures for pulling ropes

Everyone knows the way when the clothesline mount on the balcony is bent nails stuffed on a wooden plank. You can replace such a simple option with special hooks. They will be more attractive appearance and securely hold the rope.

The second option is the installation of metal brackets with holes. In terms of reliability, these fasteners have no equal. When pulling the rope, not separate segments are used, but a single piece. You will need to tie knots at the beginning, end and on each fastener. Thanks to this method of fastening, the likelihood of sagging under the weight of the laundry is minimized. The design will be reliable.

Ceiling mount

Mounting the dryer on the ceiling is suitable for small or geometrically complex balconies. The height adjustment function allows you to free up usable space. On sale there is a convenient and easy-to-install rope device - the Liana dryer. The design consists of two functional units. One is attached to the wall and the other to the ceiling. A frame with rods is attached to the surface of the ceiling. The whole structure is connected with ropes, and the holder is fixed on the wall. The principle of operation is to raise and lower the boom with two parallel cantilever elements.

Ceiling systems have many advantages:

  • the floor and wall zones remain free, you can move around the room without difficulty;
  • almost invisible if they are not used;
  • will not require large expenditures.

Wall systems

Wall-mounted clothes dryers are most suitable for installation on large balconies. The most common and practical model is the inertial dryer. The structure is divided into two parts:

  1. Housing equipped with a drum with a spring system and ropes. According to consumer reviews, a year after operation, clotheslines begin to sag. If the model has a tension adjustment function, then the disadvantage can be corrected without difficulty.
  2. On the opposite side, special hooks are mounted on the wall to fix the retractable part with ropes. If necessary, the ropes can be easily hidden in the body.

Clotheslines for a balcony with a wall mount are suitable for small rooms and are designed for laundry weighing up to 6 kg. More functional in practice - console wall devices, they can withstand weight up to ten kilograms. The model looks like an "accordion" made of metal, it is mounted on the wall, and if necessary, laid out.

Which ropes are best

For every economic person, the question is important: what kind of drying rope to choose so that it serves for a long time and does not lose its appearance. It is recommended to pay attention to such features as strength, wear resistance. It shouldn't stretch. Most suitable options clothesline for drying clothes:

  1. A metal cable in a PVC sheath will be strong and durable. The material is not subject to deformation, moisture resistant, does not stain things. The only caveat is the high cost.
  2. The plastic cord is resistant to moisture and does not stain laundry. Minus: after a while, the tension disappears, and the rope sags under the weight of the clothes.
  3. Rope made of polypropylene has good wear-resistant properties, does not deform. The product has an advantageous price / quality ratio.
  4. Jute cords are durable, environmentally friendly, their surface is not electrified.
  5. Cotton rope is a durable and environmentally friendly product. From the influence of moisture, it quickly loses its appearance and dust spots appear on it, which can leave dark marks on clothes.

Synthetic fiber rope is stronger and does not stretch when wet. The surface layer is less prone to contamination. Such a rope can be cleaned of dust with a wet cloth.

Do-it-yourself dryer installation

Self-installation of the Liana dryer is not difficult to perform, for this, the following steps are performed:

  1. At the installation site of the ceiling-mounted clothes dryer and brackets, markings are made.
  2. Holes are drilled using a perforator.
  3. Brackets are fixed with self-tapping screws.
  4. In the most convenient location for operation, a cord holder is mounted on the wall.
  5. One rod is taken and fixed in the device. A longer cord is pulled through the left roller, after which their long and short parts are pulled through the right element.
  6. Special height clamps are put on the ends of the rope.
  7. After installation work check the functioning of the rods, each separately.

In practice, on balconies and loggias, any kind of ropes and various systems for drying. The main thing is that as a result, the design for drying clothes on the balcony is comfortable. It is not necessary to buy expensive products.

How to string a clothesline on a balcony

How to pull a clothesline on a balcony? It would seem that it could be simpler: I chose the most suitable material and fixed it in the required place. However, even such a simple operation requires a scrupulous approach and certain knowledge from the performer.

Choice of clothesline

Currently, manufacturers of special equipment offer a lot of ready-made designs for drying clothes, which include all necessary components(ropes, brackets, fasteners), and the task of the performer in this case is only to fix the elements to the enclosing structures of the balcony or loggia. When is it expected independent production dryers, special attention should be paid to the choice of clothesline.

Metal rope in pvc

So, today the most high-quality type of clothesline is a metal cable sealed in a PVC sheath. This is due to the high mechanical stability of the material, because the service life of such cables can reach 5-6 years, and during operation, their deformation and stretching are practically excluded. In addition, due to the use of a soft PVC shell, linen is not smeared and is securely fixed on weight.

The only limitation of the sheathed cable is its high cost, which, by the way, indirectly indicates the good quality of the material. In view of what, when choosing a clothesline of this type, it is better not to experiment and immediately purchase products good quality(Chinese analogues are enough for a maximum of a year).

Plastic rope with nylon insert

It is also quite often used by consumers to dry clothes. However, unlike the previous version, this is due to its low cost. Giving preference to a plastic-based rope, it should be understood that its service life is not long (about 1 - 2 years), and when drying a large amount of laundry on such a rope, sagging can form.

Polypropylene rope

Although it is made from non-natural raw materials, it has good consumer characteristics. It is durable, does not attract dust, and is available in a wide range of colors and sizes.

jute rope

Ideal for drying baby clothes, because in addition to high strength, this material has good environmental properties and does not cause allergic reactions.

Traditional clothesline

Good for short-term use (hiking, in the country, etc.). Whereas with constant use, dust noticeably settles on it (it can leave marks on linen), and the material itself is greatly stretched.

Preparation for work

Of course, before pulling the clothesline on the balcony, it is advisable to carry out a series of preparatory work, namely, to prepare the holding brackets and install them in a given place.

Moreover, if we talk in more detail about the first part of the work, then it is more justified to use rolled metal (corner, U-shaped profile, etc.) as brackets for fixing the clothesline, although in some cases (with a small load) such elements can apply and alternative materials, whether wooden beam, metal pipe, perforated rail.

As for the very preparation of the elements holding the rope, it lies in the fact that holes are simply drilled in the body of the material in increments of 120 - 200 mm. Moreover, given the purpose of these holes (a rope is threaded through them), they must be located strictly symmetrically on both opposite brackets. If we talk about the diameter of the holes, then it should be more sizes ropes in order to ensure the free introduction of material.

In addition to making perforations for fixing the clothesline, at the preparation stage, holes should be drilled to directly fasten the brackets to the fence structures. And of course, to open the resulting paintwork structures for outdoor work (rust will not stain linen).

The installation of the retaining profiles should be carried out in such a way that it is convenient to subsequently dry the laundry. That is, based on individual factors (type of building, physiological characteristics of the user, etc.), it is necessary to choose the most suitable place and install the brackets. Moreover, if these structures are planned to be fixed to the wall, then it is advisable to use anchor bolts or dowels with screws (at least 6 mm in diameter). When will the brackets be located with outer side balcony or loggia, it is more justified to fix the material with the help of hardware (M8, M10), using at least two on each side.

Hanging clothesline on the balcony

It does not cause any particular difficulties and lies in the fact that the rope is simply threaded into the holes of the brackets with a snake and tied only at two end points. Moreover, in order to exclude sagging of the dryer, it is best to stretch the clothesline starting from the most distant hole and ending with the closest one.

  • When drilling holes, be sure to remove the chamfers in order to exclude the possibility of cutting the rope during operation with sharp edges.
  • It is more justified to carry out external installation of brackets from such a condition that the elements tilt upwards relative to the balcony parapet by 15 - 20 degrees (it will be more convenient to hang / take off linen).
  • In order for the brackets not to rush towards each other, it is justified to use additional metal spacers.

In addition, a good option for external fastening of the clothesline is the use of mobile rings and special clamps, due to which you can easily move the ropes to any convenient place within the dryer.

How to pull the rope can be found in the video

How to easily make clotheslines on the balcony

The balcony perfectly serves not only for a relaxing holiday, but also a practical place to store a variety of things. In addition, in apartments, the balcony is most often used for drying things. Over the years, the mechanism for drying things has changed a bit, but clotheslines on the balcony are still popular. They can be placed inside the balcony and on its outer side.

How to choose clotheslines for the balcony

When choosing clotheslines for the balcony, you should pay attention to their strength and lightness, as the frequent use of low-quality materials can lead to their short service life. What type of clothesline to choose for the balcony?

  • plastic thread is different colors and strong enough to dry clothes. But she has the property to stretch and sag over time;
  • jute - wear-resistant, practical, have a beautiful appearance and are created for supporters of environmentally friendly materials. Most often they are chosen for drying children's clothes;
  • polypropylene rope is made of environmentally friendly material and has high strength;
  • the metal cable, which is in a PVC housing, is considered the most durable and will last more than one year;
  • ordinary twisted rope lasts a long time, but when moisture gets in, it quickly sags and collects a lot of dust.

Ways to stretch the clothesline on the balcony

There are several options for how to pull the clothesline on the balcony. The design can be made independently or bought in a store. The owners of small loggias, which often serve as additional rooms or greenhouses, take out the drying of linen outside the balcony. In any case, for external or internal drying, a strong bracket should be made on which to install corners with holes made.

Attaching a clothesline to a balcony has several important advantages. Among them:

  • the ability to avoid sudden rain;
  • linen will not be blown away by the wind;
  • clothes will not be saturated with the smell of the street or exhaust gases.

Types of clothesline fasteners on the balcony

The clothesline is attached to the balcony in several ways:

  • on the ceiling inside the balcony;
  • on interior walls
  • on the wall from the outside.

How to make clotheslines on the balcony

On the walls, you can install clothesline fasteners on the balcony in the form of metal corners with holes or in the form of wooden bars with hooks. When installing, pay attention to the height of the mount, as it should not be too high or, on the contrary, interfere with the passage. Also fastening the clothesline on the balcony is easy to install on any type of surface. Before installation, the place is strengthened with an additional profile. Replace homemade design can be a store option, which is easy to install, and all the little things are thought out in it, from fastening to ropes. In addition, modern mechanisms are so arranged that, if necessary, they are hidden. The system is ready to withstand weight up to 6 kilograms. But with constant use, the ropes also begin to sag.

How to hang a clothesline on your balcony

Two planks are attached to two walls, the width of which is up to 10 cm. Their length is chosen as desired. To tension the ropes, nails or hooks are easily used, which are screwed into the planks.

How to tie a clothesline on a balcony

After mounting the structure, you should tie a clothesline on the balcony. First, it is tied with a strong knot to the outermost nail or hook. Further, it is pulled to another bar and also wrapped around the first fastener. Then the rope is tied to the second mount and pulled to the first bar. The entire procedure applies to all remaining fasteners.
Making clotheslines on the balcony is easy enough. It is possible to install them yourself or buy finished structure. Each option undeniably deserves attention and has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Today we will talk about how to hang a clothesline on or choose the best design for drying clothes.

It would seem - a banality, because what's so difficult about hanging a rope? But even in such work there are secrets, nuances and life hacks!

Functional and modern solutions

There are a lot of options to hang a clothesline, no matter how strange it may seem. But the chances of finding a functional and modern design that would meet all the desired standards, alas, are few. First of all, we recommend that you pay attention to the following points:
  • dimensions of the balcony and loggia;
  • the presence of ventilation on the balcony and loggia.
Having decided on your capabilities and wishes, we choose the type of construction for drying clothes, they are of two types:
  • outdoor drying systems;
  • indoor dryers: wall structures, ceiling, floor, electric.

We note right away that all clothes dryers have similar principles, and above all, these are strict requirements for the rope.

Choosing the material of the rope for drying clothes

Potential characteristics for cutting the rope:
  • strength and tensile strength;
  • durability and functionality;
  • does not accumulate moisture and external dirt;
  • low degree of interaction with moisture.
Types of material that partially or fully comply with the declared characteristics:
  • plastic - strong and reliable ropes based on plastic, often have different colors, which does not prevent them from being used when drying white laundry. Among the shortcomings, one can single out their fragility and sagging under a large volume over time;
  • cables in a PVC sheath - are metal threads intertwined with a polymer coating. In terms of functionality, they occupy the first place, since they do not sag, do not tear and serve for a long time;
  • jute - are considered environmentally friendly and, in addition, wear-resistant;
  • ropes based on polypropylene fibers - the budget and most common type of clothesline, are also considered environmentally friendly. From additional features it can be noted that they do not electrify and do not accumulate moisture and external dirt.
  • twisted - perfect for indoor use, because with a long period of use and contact with seasonal precipitation, they quickly get wet and lose their strength: they sag, become less elastic, and can start to stain washed linen, as they absorb external pollution.
Having studied the characteristics of the presented types of clothesline, you can easily choose the right type of material and design for the balcony.

outdoor systems

We deliberately put outdoor drying systems at the very beginning of our story, since the requirements for them are quite high and have a number of features.

Advantages of outdoor systems:

  • saving space - the drying structure is located outside the balcony and significantly saves usable space that can be used for other purposes;
  • higher quality of drying clothes - this is especially noticeable in the warm season, when in a short time you can easily dry bed linen and numerous things of a large family;
  • violation of daylight in the room and balcony - due to the large amount of drying clothes in the room and on the balcony, a feeling of twilight and a load on the space is created, it becomes necessary to use additional lighting.
Disadvantages of outdoor systems:
  • there is a possibility that clean clothes will get caught in rain or other precipitation, become dirty from dust, or linen will absorb harmful or toxic fumes from a nearby road;
  • the likelihood of things falling to the ground;
  • if your balcony is adjacent to other rooms, windows, then clean things can absorb the smell of tobacco, cooking;
  • openness of the process - all your neighbors (and not only) will see the process of drying laundry.
The design of the clothes dryer is visually quite simple, but requires you to fulfill the following requirements:
  • choose a design, reliable brackets, steel corners: the stronger your drying system, the less likely your laundry will fall;
  • give preference to ropes made of synthetic fibers that are not subject to stretching, are not afraid of temperature changes, seasonal precipitation and do not rot.


To achieve reliability and maximum functionality, you can use the following recommendations:

  • brackets are installed and fastened with anchors and nuts with a diameter of up to 10 mm;
  • the maximum distance between the brackets can reach 4 meters, but experienced craftsmen insist on additional fasteners for structural stability. For the same purpose, spacers are installed that will not allow the structure to deform from the load;
To facilitate the process of hanging clothes, the corners of the structure are not placed perpendicularly, but at an angle.
  • we fix steel corners on the installed brackets. Please note when buying corners that they must be equipped with holes for further fixing the clothesline.
Now you can find a finished structure in which the bracket and corner are combined, and there are also rollers for pulling the rope - this will allow you to make the installation yourself as easy as possible.


If you are the owner of a miniature French balcony, then you can get out of the situation as follows: fasten the steel plates to the railing on both sides and tension the clotheslines.

Internal systems

This group of designs includes a huge number of diverse products that will not leave you indifferent, and you will definitely be able to choose the right option for the balcony. Each of the systems presented in the article, of course, has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they are more than compensated for by thoughtful ventilation, or complementing each other, which will expand the possibilities for drying clothes.

wall structures

Within the framework of the article, we are unlikely to be able to cover the entire variety of drying systems, but we will talk about the most popular ones.

First of all, we note inertial dryers, they are very easy to install and use. They consist of two parts: a wall-mounted case with a spring-loaded drum that pulls the cord to the desired length, and a special bar that is mounted on the opposite wall (both permanently and temporarily). The manufacturer claims that their design can withstand loads of up to 5-6 kg of laundry.


Console structures will become good choice for a small room, as well as easy to mount and remove if necessary. As a standard, the unfolded dryer has 5 rows of tubes that act as a clothesline.


Telescopic structures are also designed for small spaces and are convenient because they are easily mounted and assembled when they are not needed. Looking at the photo, you can easily be convinced of the diminutiveness of the system, but it can withstand up to 5 kg of load! Although it is more suitable for the bathroom, it can also be used as an additional drying space.

Sliding systems, consisting of metal tubes "strung" on clotheslines, are already designed for a large area, and up to 10 kg of things can be safely dried on them. Thanks to their versatility and the fact that they take up very little space, you can make accents on the design of the balcony without being tied to hanging ropes.


Ceiling systems

The most popular laundry drying systems are located under and have a number of advantages:
  • take up little space, freeing up usable space for design and decor;
  • do not interfere with the opening of the door;
  • better air circulation when drying clothes.
Ceiling systems are divided into many types, but we will highlight a few of the most common. First of all, this is a classic suspended structure, consisting of crossbars, the height of which is adjustable with a rope and two ceiling mounting blocks. It is considered a fairly simple and budget system.

Retractable systems in the form of "accordion" are simple in design and easy to use, in addition, they can withstand up to 5 kg of load. Manufacturers claim that the system can withstand more, but users claim that heavy weight can lead to deformation of the profiles and breakage of the sliding structure.


Well, and, finally, one of the designs beloved by women, called “liana” in everyday life. The peculiarity of the system is that it is very convenient to use, the height of each of the 5-7 crossbars is well regulated. The drying length can vary from 1 to 2 meters, which allows you to dry both small things and bath towels, bed linen. Please note that the crossbars must be polymer-coated - this will allow your structure to have a presentable appearance longer.


Sooner or later, like everyone else, I have to change the clothesline, which is sometimes very difficult, especially when rollers are installed that serve to move the clothes. During the tension of the rope, it moves from side to side due to the rollers, which does not make it possible to pull it normally, you need to somehow lock the wheels, but on the 5th floor it is not very convenient, and my arms are not too long to reach to them and install something there. Once again, having seen enough of the methods that the Internet offered, and they didn’t suit me, I realized that I needed to come up with something and make some simple device, which I got out of it, you will find out at the end of the article. I enclose detailed description and photo report.

Materials and tools

To create a tensioner, I needed the following:


- wood saw;
- pliers;
- drill.


- ring screws 2 pcs;
- wooden lath;
- washers;
- wire 2 mm;
- engraver;
- clothesline.

Making a rope holder

Let's start making!

With the help of a hacksaw, we saw off such a blank.

Next, mark the holes at the bottom.

Then we take these small ring screws.

Cut off a small gap, you should get the following.

When everything is ready, screw in the screws until they stop.

It turns out here is such a simple device.

How to pull the rope with a device?

Now I'll show you how it all works.
I give an example on an ordinary chair, since leaning out of the window on my balcony is not very convenient.
Taken as an example, here is the most common clothesline, I used it thicker and stronger, but that's not the point.

We cut off the desired length, it is better to make a larger stock, it will be more convenient.

Further, as a fixing element, I chose a regular washer.

We take a washer and put both ends of the rope through it.

Next, tie the ends of the rope.

Now we take the tensioner and cling to it by the loop.

Next, we delay the washer, and begin to rotate the tensioner clockwise.

Rotate until the rope is taut enough.

When everything is ready, pull the tensioner up in order to straighten the wound rope, then take the pliers and flatten the washer.

It turns out the following.

Now we unwind the rope, and cut it off, while leaving small ends.

Next, take the electrical tape and wind the ends.

Here, in principle, everything is done, we get a well-stretched clothesline.

This method is more applicable to a thin clothesline, but I used a slightly different one, since my rope was a little thicker, and I didn’t have washers of the required diameter, and it would be more difficult to bend it.

How to pull a thick rope?

I did the following.
I took a wire 2 mm thick.

Then I decided to use a regular pen, it is needed in order to make small rings, we take the wire and wrap it around the handle.

It should look like this spring.

Then, using a drill with a cutting disc, I cut these rings.

Fixing with such rings works on a similar principle, we wind the rope, then put on the ring and crimp it with pliers, so you can fix the rope of a thicker section.

You can also use an engraver as a fixing element, the only thing you need to do is bend it a little with pliers.

That, in principle, is all, in this way I now pull my clothesline.

This concludes my article!
Thank you all for your attention!
See you on

According to experts, clotheslines for the balcony are a reliable and time-tested element. They play a rather important role in the everyday life of any resident who lives in an apartment.

Everyone knows that after washing, in without fail drying is required. For this, it is necessary to have such accessories at hand in the room. Use clotheslines to dry clothes living rooms it will not be advisable, for this reason it is best to install them on a loggia or balcony. Installation methods are different, so before installing it is better to familiarize yourself with the options closer.

Varieties of ropes

Nowadays, the clothesline to the balcony can be divided into types that have different shape and building. To understand what type of rope is needed, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of accessories:

  1. A sheathed cable consists of several metal threads that are woven together and coated with a polymer layer. Such a balcony rope on the balcony will be a reliable assistant. Due to its strength, it is not subject to stretching under the weight of the linen. For this reason, you can safely use this design to your advantage.
  2. Plastic type of cable - can also be used, but how to pull the clothesline on the balcony? The answer is quite simple: it is attached between two profiles. To visually make the structure more beautiful, ropes of different color shades. The disadvantage of such clotheslines is a high probability of sprains.
  3. Polypropylene rope on the balcony for linen, according to experts, is considered the most convenient to use. Its advantages are practicality and a variety of colors.
  4. Jute type of thread - made from environmentally friendly elements. A large number of mothers believe that such a rope on the balconies for drying clothes can be used equally for both adult and children's clothes. In terms of strength, it is inferior to the previous types.
  5. Twisted cable - is a traditional type, as it is used in most cases due to its inexpensive cost. It is easily attached to the walls, and if necessary, it can be quickly dismantled. The disadvantage of such a drying element is sagging, so it is often necessary to pull the rope.

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Based on the above listed types of clothesline, you can make exactly the choice that is needed for your own balcony.

It is important at the time of purchasing accessories for drying clothes to decide for what purpose the cable will be used.

If things, for example, are light in weight, then they will do. simple options clothesline. In the case of drying massive things, it is better to use more durable elements.

Designs for clotheslines

Ropes stretched between two bars - the simplest example of a dryer

The simplest design for fastening is ordinary small bars of about 40 by 40 mm, which are fixed on the side walls. They are installed at the required height using nails or screws. Accordingly, the cable will be fixed on the same screws.

At the moment of connection, the rope is pulled without fail. The disadvantage of this option for fastening the entire structure is that it is possible to install fasteners only in the situation if there are side walls on the balcony or loggia.

For rooms in which there are no side walls or glazing is installed instead of them, this installation method is not performed. But this problem can be corrected with the help of "P" - a figurative profile. It is mounted on a concrete parapet wall on both sides. How to make a dryer with your own hands, you will learn by watching this video.

The washing steps involve drying the laundry, and, accordingly, the question arises: is there a clothesline installed on the balcony? Its presence will ensure comfortable living in the apartment, because. heaps of wet laundry hung on the doors and chairs create a huge inconvenience - the laundry needs to be dried somewhere.

Clotheslines on the balcony allow you not to clutter up the bathroom with linen

The solution to this issue of purchasing a clothesline is carried out different ways. First of all, you need to decide on your desires and capabilities. Will the laundry device be installed on the balcony with your own hands or with the help of unauthorized persons? Will it be inside or outside the balcony? Having made a choice, we determine the design options for clothes dryers, they are:

  • ceiling;
  • wall-mounted indoors;
  • wall-mounted outside the balcony;
  • floor;
  • electrical.

Apart from electric, all other options have similar principles: it is a clothesline that is attached to a rigid device. From this it follows that the choice of rope must be approached thoroughly.

The main requirements are strength (ability to withstand the load and degree of stretching), durability (abrasion, ability not to fluff), aesthetics (does not get dirty) and service life.

The most common and affordable clothesline for the balcony are made from materials:

  • twisted out natural materials- durable, quickly stretches and sags when wet, prone to contamination;
  • jute - minimal wear and tear, resistant to pollution;
  • plastic - a large selection of colors, but quickly stretches;
  • polypropylene - minimal wear and stretching, resistant to pollution;
    metal cable with PVC coated- durable, wear-resistant, does not stretch, withstands heavy loads, does not get dirty.

When choosing the material of the rope, it is necessary to be guided by the operating conditions of the laundry device for the balcony. How many laundry will be hung on it at the same time and what is its volume?

Ropes can be located both on the balcony itself and outside it.

Installation of the structure for drying

When installing outdoors, you need to pay attention to the reliability of fastening. The design must support the weight of wet laundry, which can increase due to precipitation (rain, snow). There must be a reliable painting, so that when hanging with rust, the laundry does not get dirty.

Installation of a device for drying clothes on a balcony, which is purchased in retail chains, is carried out in accordance with the attached instructions. Usually, fasteners (brackets, dowels) are included in the kit. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer.

If the required design must be made independently, then success depends on the skill of the performer. It is necessary to take as a basis that the structure consists of two equidistant planks. These slats can be made from any material that will support the weight of the laundry and the tension. The shape of the bar is varied: rectangle, corner, channel, Taurus, circle.

Rope design variant, manufactured industrially

For example, one of the simplest structures is two corners fixed on opposite walls. Holes are drilled in the corner shelf with a diameter larger than the rope itself. Then it is inserted into the holes and stretched, and the ends are tied into a knot.

The device is a budget option for hastily- a wooden lath 40-50 mm thick, fixed in the right place, into which nails are hammered with the required pitch. The nail is bent with a bracket, the cap is removed, hammered into the board.

Recommendations for the purchase of rope and work

Having made a purchase or completed work, do not miss an important nuance. To minimize this situation, recommendations are offered when choosing a rope:

  • do not try to take a larger diameter, this will complicate the stretching process;
  • give preference to a more elastic cord than a rigid one;
  • colored cord should not leave traces of paint;
  • pay attention to the density of the material so that it does not tear or fray;
  • when stretched, it was minimally stretched, there was no principle of rubber;
    the presence of a homogeneous structure - the absence of a cord in the cord.

The ropes can be stretched using rings, well-fixed in the wall of the balcony.

When installing the device:

  • mount to concrete wall produce with anchor bolts, they are more reliable with a pull-out force;
  • the anchor bolt must have a length taking into account the thickness of the decorative wall cladding;
  • the height of the rope from the floor is the height of a person with arms raised;
  • take into account the distance to the window sash being opened;
  • additionally fix the attachment point from self-loosening, especially for nylon cords;
  • clean the sharp edges of the holes for the rope, to exclude rapid chafing;
    the distance between the harnesses is such that the hand passes - within 10 cm.

We know the requirements for laundry during washing, but we still need to pay attention to the safety of fastening the structure. To do this, it is recommended to perform a safety mount, if the main one does not withstand the load, this will prevent the structure from falling. In some cases, simply tying it is enough. This is especially true for dryers hung out on the street.