Redevelopment of a two-room Khrushchev. Tips for redeveloping a two-room apartment: Khrushchev, series P44 Room interior Brezhnev apartment 2.5 x 5.5

“People are like people. They love money, but it has always been ... ordinary people ... in general, they resemble the old ... housing problem only spoiled them ... "(M. Bulgakov," The Master and Margarita ").

At the end of the 50s of the last century, the resettlement of urban residents from communal apartments to separate apartments, which today are contemptuously called "Khrushchevs", began. Yes, they do not differ in quality, large area (kitchens in them are within 6 m²) and convenience, but it should be recalled that at one time it was a breakthrough. After all, the norm for one resident of Moscow was 4 square meters, people huddled in communal apartments with a shared kitchen and bathroom. It is worth revisiting the film "Pokrovskie Vorota", in which the heroes discuss in one of the scenes the upcoming move to new (separate!) Apartments.

The first line for the production of such houses was purchased in France. By the way, all major countries have built similar residential buildings. In the USSR, houses of this type were ceased to be built only with the beginning of perestroika in 1985, having managed to build by that time almost 300 million square meters.

Here are several layouts of "Khrushchev" buildings (it is interesting that our people came up with an unofficial name for each):

This layout of the apartment, nicknamed the "book", has a total area of ​​41 m², adjoining rooms and is considered one of the most unfortunate.

Layout, nicknamed "tram". The total area of ​​the apartment is 48 m², the rooms are adjoining, however, when redeveloping them, they can be divided rather painlessly.

Its nickname ("mini-improved") apartment layout with total area 44.6 m² has been deserved by the fact that it practically repeats the layouts in 9-storey buildings. The designers have already made some conclusions. The rooms are isolated, but the size of the kitchen is embarrassing. However, with redevelopment, the kitchen can be expanded to 8 m²

Such a layout of an apartment with a total area of ​​46 m² is quite rare. Nicknamed "vest" or "butterfly", the wings of which resemble two identical symmetrically located rooms. Both are of decent size and are isolated. The problem with this layout is the inability to expand the kitchen area without invading one of the rooms. Expanding the kitchen by combining a bathroom is a rather controversial decision, because the resulting minimum additional area is not worth the cost of redevelopment.

Redevelopment of "Khrushchev". Where to start?

From a legal educational program. Do not think that, being the owner of a home, the owner has the right to do whatever he wants with this home. The law imposes liability on home owners, which is enshrined in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Very important! Housing Code defines redevelopment and redevelopment of living quarters. The first term is a change in the configuration of a living space. By law, all changes must be made in the technical passport of the apartment. The second is the installation, replacement or relocation of utilities, plumbing, electrical and other equipment. And also with the introduction of changes in the registration certificate of the dwelling. In the best (for you) case, when selling or exchanging an apartment, you will still have to make changes to the registration certificate. You can "run into" a fine and an order to return everything to initial appearance... The list of possible troubles during unauthorized redevelopment does not end with this, and the consequences for the home owner can be much more sad.

The procedure for obtaining permission for redevelopment is the subject of a separate article. If your plans do not include demolition of the load-bearing structures and relocation of the kitchen to the living area, it is not very difficult to obtain permission. The undoubted advantage of "Khrushchev" is that interior walls they are mostly non-bearing and, after obtaining permission, they can be demolished, new doorways can be arranged, etc. This greatly expands the possibilities of redevelopment of such apartments. Such actions relate to the so-called simple redevelopment, they are easier to coordinate and to obtain permission you do not need to develop a project, it is enough to make the planned changes on the floor plan received at the BTI.

Redevelopment options for a two-room Khrushchev

The main problems of Khrushchev apartments are the small area of ​​the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, one of the rooms and low ceilings... It is these problems that the redevelopment of the apartment is designed to solve.

The most radical option is to remove all curtain walls (except for the bathroom and the bathroom) and zone one large room with various light partitions and design techniques. As a result, you can get a very nice and comfortable studio apartment. However, this option is not suitable for every family; many need isolated rooms. In addition, according to the law, one room in an apartment must necessarily remain residential.

Noteworthy are the options for combining a living room and a kitchen or a bedroom and a living room into one room. Here everything will depend on the composition of the family and the need to allocate isolated rooms to family members.

Kitchen-living room design:

Bedroom-living room design:

In addition to the option of redevelopment with the combination of two rooms or a living room with a kitchen, you can combine a bathroom with a toilet. Here are examples of the design of a combined bathroom and the placement of plumbing fixtures:

Let's return to the possible options for redeveloping the Khrushchev. Consider the "book" option. The main problem is the passage room.

The redevelopment made it possible to make both rooms isolated. Price - reduction of the already small area of ​​the second room. However, many will be willing to pay such a price.

The area of ​​the kitchen with this layout can only be increased by combining the kitchen with the room. There are no other options.

But if it is not possible to add several additional square meters, you can increase it visually. There are many techniques known to help expand a small room visually:

  • The most important is the color. The use of light pastel colors visually expands the room. Any bright and saturated colors will "compress" it.
  • A small floral print on the wallpaper also helps to visually expand the room.
  • The ceiling should be light, preferably as close to white in color. Stretch ceilings can be used.
  • A multilevel plasterboard ceiling with additional lighting will "raise" the height of the room.
  • The flooring is light or colored in the color scheme chosen for the room. Colored floor covering visually "pushes" the walls and "raises" the ceiling.
  • Furniture should not be the main character in the room, it should not be emphasized. It is good if the furniture is chosen to match the walls and curtains.
  • Mirrors will brighten the room by reflecting daylight and artificial light. But one must observe the measure in their use for interior decoration.

Here are examples of small rooms that don't look like this:

Visually enlarge the room and properly selected wallpaper. They "work" a little differently than classic design techniques:

Redevelopment 2- room apartment with the offensive nickname "tram" allows you to make both rooms isolated. When looking at the initial plan of such an apartment, one really recalls the words of the tram conductor: “Do not stop in the aisle, go to the end of the carriage!”.

The obvious disadvantage of such an apartment layout is the impossibility of expanding the kitchen without combining it with the room. And this is not always possible.

Losses in space will be, however, they are partially offset by a spacious wardrobe, for which there is space in the space between rooms.

The area of ​​the "stripped down" room remaining after the redevelopment remains quite comfortable.

In order to visually expand the room, we use the design techniques already familiar to us:

Redevelopment of the "mini-improved" will significantly increase the area of ​​the kitchen. After redevelopment, the kitchen area will be 8 m². This is achieved by disassembling the pantry (the pantry will be successfully replaced by a modern wardrobe) and moving a bathroom to its place, which, in turn, is replaced by a bathroom:

The customer with her teenage daughter has been living in this brezhnevka for many years, and the need for repair has been brewing for a long time.

The daughter grew out of her nursery, and the floors and walls required renovation.

And the decisive moment came: the hostess decided to get rid of the pink wallpaper and old "red" furniture.

The walls in this linear kopeck piece are load-bearing, so the redevelopment affected only the wet areas: the bathroom and toilet were made a single room. The rest of the rooms have retained their functionality - children's and parent's bedrooms. The apartment did not have and does not have an independent living room: the hostess prefers to meet with friends in a cafe, and one or two guests can be easily accommodated in the kitchen.


As a result of the renovation, the hallway turned white instead of light purple.

A shoe rack was made to order, a mirror was bought at a sale, and a composition of golden frames was invented to decorate an empty wall. Placed in a niche next to the front door washing machine and a few shelves - it turned out to be a mini-laundry.

The kitchen got rid of both the old furniture and decoration. New interior lighter, although the headset is made in black. This effect was achieved with a light finish. One of the walls, as the hostess wanted, is decorated with brick tiles.

According to the designer, brick is practical, because next to it there is a dining table and chairs, which are constantly in contact with the surface. Even if cracks and scratches appear on the brick over time, this will not spoil the impression of the finish.
The corner set is made according to the author's drawings. The facades are decorated with tinted oak veneer. Mezzanine cabinets make a small kitchen more spacious: it is convenient to store things that are rarely used in them.

A compact oven with a microwave function is a godsend for a small kitchen: you can warm up soup and bake pies in it, and its low height allows you to place a spacious drawer under it.

The dining group is accentuated by a painting of tea drinking from Alice in Wonderland. This is the client's favorite fairy tale, and the plot is suitable for the kitchen. The hostess found the painting at the last moment and insisted that this particular work decorate the wall. Initially, a different poster was selected for this area.


The room adjacent to the kitchen is a nursery. And the adjoining partition here is also framed with bricks: the unity of the finish creates the effect of a constructive wall. From a green room with pink accents, the nursery turned white, with furniture in a rich woody hue: this scenario is much more suitable for a teenager.


In the days of Khrushchev, not entirely successful apartments were built in residential buildings. The squares are very small, not well thought out layout. The main task of those times was to provide each family with a separate living space. As for the comfort of living, it was not part of the task at all. The advantage of such apartments is that they are easy to re-plan, since the load-bearing walls are external, and the internal walls are partitions that can be demolished or moved without reducing the load-bearing capacity of the entire building. Despite this, it is necessary to have a project for restructuring and coordination with the relevant organization. The point is that any changes in the structure of the building must be recorded.

Any change in the configuration of walls and partitions in an apartment is considered a redevelopment. As for the load-bearing walls, they should not be touched at all. If there are unloaded walls or partitions, then everything is not so serious here, but it is imperative to draw up a project, after which it will have to be coordinated and only then you can begin to implement your plan.

At the same time, there are options for alterations that cannot be agreed upon under any circumstances:

  • Expansion of the area of ​​premises such as kitchen, bathroom and toilet is possible only at the expense of technical rooms... Above living rooms it is prohibited to place them. In this case, you can reduce the area of ​​the corridor, built-in wardrobe, hallway, etc. Therefore, there are controversial options for some redevelopment. The photo below shows the disputed areas.

The fragment marked in red is practically in the corridor, but the BTI documents indicate that this is a residential area. If you submit documents for redevelopment in this option, then they will not be taken. In order not to quarrel with the law, you must first put a partition that will fence off the corridor and in this form a project is submitted to increase the area of ​​the bathroom.

Expanding the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe kitchen, you can not do:

  • Expand at the expense of a bathroom.
  • In the case of expanding the kitchen at the expense of living space, then in the kitchen you cannot install plumbing fixtures and a kitchen stove.
  • If the kitchen has gas, then it cannot be combined with the living room.

This point can be bypassed by installing doors of any design, including sliding doors or accordion doors.

One-room Khrushchev: redevelopment

Young families tend to buy one-room apartments. One-room Khrushchev can be easily converted into a studio apartment, which is for young people excellent option... In this case, they get rid of the partitions that separate the room and the kitchen, as well as the hallway.

In either case, a room such as a bathroom remains untouched, since it cannot be moved if it is not the first floor.

The photo above shows that the redevelopment partially affected the bathroom, due to the movement of two walls a considerable distance. This is the wall facing the hall and the wall that separates the hallway. Due to a slight increase in the area, it was possible to place washing machine... In small rooms, there is always a lack of space when it is required to install modern household appliances. Although the hallway is not large, there is enough space in the room and you can install a dressing room.

Another photo shows another version of the redevelopment of 1 room Khrushchev. This option differs in that the kitchen and the corridor are combined. The doors to the room are shifted further from the entrance, which made it possible to use the living space more optimally. As a result of this design, there was a place in the corridor for a chic built-in wardrobe. This did not affect the functionality of the kitchen, and its area increased by 0.2 square meters.

V Lately many tenants practice another way to increase living space - this is the combination of loggias and balconies. But for this you need to carefully insulate the walls of balconies and loggias, as well as conduct heating there. As a result, you can get another room with an optimal temperature, where you can place, for example, an office.

There is another redevelopment option one-room Khrushchev located in brick house... There are very small areas of the bathroom and kitchen, but the partitions are placed in a standard way.

In this case, it is advisable to abandon the bath in favor of a shower stall. This will optimize the usable space in the bathroom by placing the plumbing correctly and placing the washing machine there. At the same time, one of the walls turns out to be beveled, and the area of ​​the kitchen is not significant, but it increases, although the area of ​​the hallway decreases slightly.

The living area can be increased by expanding to the balcony, insulating it accordingly. The balcony can be fitted with a wardrobe and a work desk. Such a redevelopment is quite relevant if the family consists of five people: 3 children and 2 adults. At the same time, it is advisable to install one bunk bed for children. In the next photo you can see a similar version of the alteration of a residential apartment.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes to have a studio apartment, just as not everyone perceives a bathroom, where a bath and a toilet are combined. Many people do not like the absence of walls, when it is impossible to sit in the kitchen unnoticed by others, especially since this is important in the presence of children, and even in a one-room apartment.

In this case, redevelopment is carried out by moving partitions, depending on priorities. The side wall of the hallway needs to be moved towards the room, and the front wall is moved, almost close to the door to the bathroom. After such actions, the area of ​​the hallway increases and now it becomes possible to install a built-in wardrobe and a dressing room in the hallway.

Naturally, the area of ​​the room is reduced, so you will have to compensate for the lack of space at the expense of the kitchen. Despite this, after moving the wall closer to the bathroom door, there was a place for the refrigerator. As a result of such a redevelopment, the dining area of ​​the kitchen moved into the room. To optimize the space, you should install sliding doors or accordion doors.

At the same time, the room received an L-shape, where you can install a partition to divide the room into an adult and a children's area. By the same principle, it is possible from studio apartment make a two-room apartment. This is of great importance in the presence of children.

There is another option for redeveloping a 1 room apartment, but only with a different original layout. In this case, the alteration is minimal and comes down to arranging a plasterboard partition. It is installed so that it occupies no more than half of the gap so that lighting is available in the second part.

As an option, it is proposed to redevelop a corner one-room Khrushchev, into a studio apartment with a sleeping place... In this part of the apartment, only a bed and a wardrobe can fit, but there is one significant plus: the bedroom turns out to be isolated.

Two-room Khrushchev: alteration

In the buildings of those years, there are much more two-room apartments than one-room apartments, but they have the same problems: small areas and an ill-conceived arrangement of rooms, with the presence of walk-through rooms. If you start moving the walls, then most of the problems are solvable. For example, there is the possibility of dividing adjacent rooms, after which you can make a three-room apartment from a two-room apartment. To do this, it is enough to mount another partition that will separate the room from the corridor. As a result, an additional usable area appears, where you can place a dressing room and a pantry. The second room obtained in this way is longer and narrower, divided into two parts, by means of a plasterboard partition.

The photo below shows the second option for the unsuccessful planning of the living space of those times. Here, to get to the second room, you need to go through the first. The layout is so unfortunate that, not only are the small areas, dead zones also appear, which distorts the functionality of the rooms. Sometimes, at the end of the second room, there is a pantry that cannot be fully used.

After the alteration according to this version, the bath acquired a square shape, and the entrance hall was connected to the first room. In this case, it serves as a living room, from which the entrance to the kitchen is formed. The next, more distant room is divided into two bedrooms. The partition between the two bedrooms is mounted in such a way that there is room for small dressing rooms of one and the other bedroom.

The usual two-room Khrushchev in panel house, it is possible to turn a studio into an apartment by combining a living room and a kitchen. The main task of this alteration is to move the entrance doors. Due to this, a large entrance hall will serve as a dressing room. At the same time, a toilet and a bath are combined, and the kitchen and living room are combined due to a partially disassembled partition.

If there is a desire, then the second room can be divided into two parts, due to a plasterboard partition, which will allow to separate the working and sleeping areas. In order for light to penetrate into the bedroom, it is enough to raise the partition to a height of no more than 1.5 meters.

Enough interesting option alteration of a 2-room apartment into a 3-room apartment. Here, the entrance hall is slightly sloped, which made it possible to increase the area of ​​the bathroom, and the partition that was installed between the kitchen and the room was partially removed. The second room is divided into 2 parts, the area of ​​which is increased by a storage room and a closet. As a result, 2 bedrooms were formed, and since the apartment is angular, each of the bedrooms has its own window.

The corridor has taken on an interesting shape as its walls are diagonal. The result is a good option, although the functionality of the corridor is significantly reduced.

Three-room Khrushchev: changing the arrangement of rooms

Khrushchevs of the 11-57.3.2 series are distinguished by the very small dimensions of the toilet and bathroom. Based on this, the alteration of the apartment is simply necessary, given that the planet is already the 3rd millennium and the presence modern plumbing and household appliances indicate such a need. To optimize the living space, it is necessary to remove the partition between the bathroom and toilet. The part of the corridor, which is adjacent to the bathroom, is fenced off with a wall, where the doors to the bathroom are located. The only problem is the strengthening of waterproofing in this part, where the corridor used to be.

The original layout did not allow for a cabinet. In a small section of the corridor, which went under the bathroom, there was a small closet, but its dimensions are so small that it allows only small things to be hidden in it. Therefore, you have to move the wall of one of the bedrooms so that the wardrobe can fit into the vacant space.

To combine the kitchen and living room, you need to get rid of a part of the wall. In this case, it is necessary to reinforce the corresponding load-bearing walls and floors. Since the stove in the kitchen is gas, doors are needed. Alternatively, you can install sliding.

Another repair option is also possible, allowing you to increase the area of ​​the bathroom, as well as turn some room into a living-dining room, from which you can access the kitchen. At the same time, you need to form two bedrooms.

For this, the walls between the bathroom and the toilet are removed, and part of the corridor is taken out for the bathroom. Now the entrance to the kitchen will be from the side of the living room, from the opposite side of the living room the entrance to the second bedroom will be formed.

Concerning door block located in the second bedroom, then it must be dismantled, and the opening must be laid.

The next redevelopment option is designed to increase the usable area of ​​the bathroom and kitchen. As for the bathroom, it is being expanded in the classic way: remove the partition between the bathroom and toilet and trim the wall. The kitchen expands at the expense of the room. This solution allows you to create a seating area where you can install a sofa and TV.

It turns out that it is possible to divide the passage rooms in this way. Although the area has decreased, they have become more functional. Dressing rooms can be placed on the vacated areas.

Four-room Khrushchev: alteration

This is such an unfortunate layout that with the increase in the number of residential premises, the problems become more and more. The presence, again, of a small kitchen and a small bathroom, with walk-through rooms, aggravates the overall picture. The photo below is one of the most ill-conceived options. Shown here is what was before the alteration.

Despite the fact that this apartment has a relatively large entrance hall, it (the entrance hall) is not fully used, and the existing normal corner is occupied by the pantry.

The problem is also connected with the fact that there are seven doors in the hallway. An alteration option is proposed, when all rooms are re-planned in correct shape, such as a square. This approach makes it easier to use the functionality of the apartment as a whole. Two rooms are used as a dining room and a living room, and two bedrooms remain untouched. Entrance to the fenced-off dressing room from the hallway.

Bath and toilet remain not combined, but their area is increased due to the alignment of the walls. The area that was previously occupied by the corridor requires reinforcement of waterproofing.


The Khrushchevs have long outlived their usefulness, not only from a technical point of view, but also from a moral one. In addition, the modern layout takes into account the shortcomings of the past and does not allow for such miscalculations. Those who still live in Khrushchev, every minute and every second, think about how to quickly carry out repairs in order to get rid of these tiny kitchens, toilets and baths, as well as walk-through rooms, where the useful area of ​​small rooms is not optimally used.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there is another problem, no less serious - this is the organization of the redevelopment project and its approval. Unfortunately, the bureaucrats do not want to meet the owners of the Khrushchev houses. It is very difficult and troublesome to obtain such a solution, if not very expensive. As a result, many apartment owners improve their lives on their own and quietly remodel their apartments. Under certain conditions, when you have to sell an apartment, you will have to pay a fine for spontaneous redevelopment. If everything is done without breaking the technology, then the passport for the apartment will be altered, of course, for a fee.

But here lies another problem, connected with the fact that some of the apartment owners, when carrying out redevelopment, nevertheless violate the requirements and norms, which sometimes leads to bad consequences.

Based on this, it can be concluded that it is advisable to coordinate any work with the relevant organizations and obtain permission for this, otherwise you can deal with the law, which will entail administrative or criminal liability.

The kitchen in brezhnevka is a small room of 6 sq. m (see photo below). A toilet adjoins the kitchen on one side, a room on the other, Entrance door located opposite the window. Such a layout does not allow to fully realize all creative ideas, but it is quite possible to make the room cozy and functional. The advice of experts and designers will help you independently equip the interior of the kitchen in brezhnevka as comfortable and beautiful as possible.

Ways to increase the area of ​​the kitchen

Brezhnevka is one of the types of apartments in 8-, 9-, 12- and 16-storey buildings, built in the 70s of the last century. Their significant advantages include isolated rooms and relatively high ceilings (2.5–2.7 m). As for the kitchen, it is small, but compact. It is quite problematic to significantly increase the space. This is due to the fact that the wall adjacent to the kitchen is load-bearing, and not all houses have a balcony. The only one possible variant- this is the creation of an arched opening between the kitchen and the living room. To do this, you will need a building permit obtained from higher authorities. This process is quite lengthy and costly, but it will add missing meters to the kitchen.

Remember that unauthorized redevelopment threatens with a large financial fine and, first of all, poses a threat to the lives of households and neighbors.

If you decide to make an arched opening, then the wall will have to be strengthened so that its bearing capacity does not decrease. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it and maintain a balance so that the load does not exceed allowable norms on the lower structures. Such a studio kitchen will be an excellent place for cooking and receiving guests. The room can also be enlarged by storage rooms by combining a bathroom and a toilet into one bathroom.

Sometimes they want to improve the design by transferring the sink. In the kitchen, it is located in the far corner of the wall on the side where the front door is. The apartment has one common riser to the bathroom and kitchen and a gravity system, so the transfer of communications is complicated. When rearranging, it is not always possible to provide the desired angle of inclination, and this leads to frequent blockages. A forced sewer station will help to cope with the problem. This is a compact pump that is capable of pumping wastewater, thus making the system pressure-driven, not gravity-fed. The equipment allows you to install a sink almost anywhere in the kitchen and takes up very little space, being placed in a cabinet under the sink.

Placement of furniture and headsets

Kitchen renovation in Brezhnevka begins with the development of a design project that will allow you to see the interior of the future room. To do this, you can use a computer program or arm yourself with a pen and a sheet of paper. If the apartment is not planned overhaul and redevelopment, the options for placing furniture may be as follows.

  • Corner kitchens for brezhnevka - The best way rational use of space. The set is positioned along two perpendicular walls with a corner grip. This layout allows you to observe the so-called triangle principle, i.e. visual integration of the refrigerator, stove and sink. With such a placement in the kitchen, it is very convenient to cook, since you do not need to waste time and energy on unnecessary maneuvers.
  • With a linear layout, furniture and Appliances are placed in one row along a blank wall. The main focus is on the dining area, where you can put a corner, dining table and chairs. This option is more suitable for people who spend little time at the stove.

A typical "Brezhnev" triangle can be changed by swapping the stove with a sink

For a kitchen-brezhnevka with an area of ​​6 meters, it is very important to rationally use every centimeter of space, therefore, when developing a design project, you should think about what equipment is needed, and which you can do without or replace with a more compact one. For example, for an adult who prefers to eat outside the home, the option of a mini-refrigerator is more suitable, which can be easily hidden in a cabinet. An oven with a microwave function will allow you not to purchase a microwave oven separately. As for the hob, the 4-burner top can be replaced with 2 burners. Installed vertically, they are great space savers.

To use the window area, you can equip a tabletop. It can serve as a place for a quick snack or tea and will become a stylish interior decoration. Look out for folding chairs and convertible furniture that doesn't take up a lot of space. Instead of massive dining table it is better to install a retractable or folding table that is mounted in a wall or in kitchen set... When folded, this design serves as a shelf.

You shouldn't skimp on furniture if you want to make your kitchen as comfortable and functional as possible. A custom-made set, taking into account individual parameters, will provide the necessary space for storing dishes and food. Also get tall pencil cases that reach the ceiling, wall cabinets and shelves. Firstly, they visually enlarge the kitchen in a brezhnevka (see photo below), and secondly, on the mezzanine you can put things that are least often needed in everyday life.

Secrets of design

The design of the kitchen in brezhnevka should be laconic, without pathos and pretentiousness. Carving on facades, stucco molding, massive furniture, making the space cramped and cumbersome, will be inappropriate in the interior.

In order to visually expand the room, make the kitchen spacious and elegant, adhere to the following rules.

  • When choosing a color, give preference to pastel shades. It can also be beige, light green, sand, light brown, white. Avoid brightly colored patterns and large prints.
  • The best ways to decorate your walls: washable paintable wallpaper, decorative plaster, panels. If there is one free wall, you can emphasize it with photo wallpaper.
  • Ceiling height allows you to install plasterboard suspended structure or stretch ceiling... Another (more budgetary) option is PVC panels. Concerning flooring, give preference to moisture resistant laminate or floor tiles with small patterns or just plain colors. It must be laid diagonally in order to visually enlarge the room.
  • Pay attention to the lighting of the kitchen: the room should be bright at any time of the day. For a small kitchen, wall sconces, spotlights around the perimeter of the headset and in the shelves, built-in bulbs in the apron area are suitable.
  • In the case of redevelopment in the kitchen, the brezhnevka design should be combined with the style of the living room. Please note that the interior must not contain more than three different colors, otherwise the room will look tasteless. Combine classic style with Art Nouveau, and Provence with Rococo. If you wish, you can decorate the entire room in one of the styles and purchase furniture from one collection.

By decorating the kitchen in brezhnevka (see photo on the website), you get the opportunity to show your creative potential, independently equip the room to your liking and taking into account the wishes of the household. Approaching the process with love and responsibility, you can get a result that will exceed all your expectations.

Photos of living interiors

the best photos real interiors let you choose your design solution"Brezhnev" cuisine.

The inter-apartment wall from the time of Brezhnev was load-bearing. This increased the soundproofing in the house. It's a trifle, but the window sills in such apartments began to be made wider. Undoubtedly the best option Among the brezhnevka, an object in a brick house can be considered, since it is warm in it and the noise is not so audible. Also, elevators began to be installed in the brezhnevka: for the transport of goods and people. The stairwells have become more spacious.

If we talk about the cons, then you need to understand that mostly Brezhnev's houses were built from panels. This means that the walls were thin: it was cold in winter, hot in summer from the heating of the sun. Fortunately, not all brezhnevoks had such shortcomings. Series II -29 houses (9 floors) have thick outer walls, which means they are warm and less audible.

If you decide to buy brezhnevka, be prepared for the fact that these houses are old, so they need major repairs in the near future.

Also, the disadvantages include the fact that in some layouts of such houses the kitchen is not quite functionally located. It is located between the bathroom and outside wall.

A separate item is the presence of a garbage chute. On the one hand, it is convenient, on the other hand, it is always packed to capacity with garbage, which is a source of an unpleasant odor and the cause of the appearance of rodents and insects.

Brezhnevka and Khrushchev: differences

Khrushchev is a massive type of houses, the height of which is 4-5 floors. They were created during the reign of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. These houses were designed small apartments, which were extremely necessary for the resettlement of a large number of people. At that time, it was important that families live separately from each other. It was calculated that the service life of such houses would not exceed 25 years. However, there are still Khrushchevs. Some researchers believe that with timely overhaul, Khrushchev buildings can stand for 150 years.

So, what is the difference between Khrushchev and Brezhnev?

  • Khrushchevs have an area slightly less than Brezhnevs (Khrushchevs have a minimum area of ​​31 square meters, and Brezhnevs have 33 square meters);
  • the area of ​​stairs in the houses of the Brezhnev era is larger;
  • here garbage chutes and elevators appeared in the entrances;
  • the height of the ceilings in Khrushchev is lower - 2.45-2.5 m;
  • here are external load-bearing structures;
  • one of the rooms is a checkpoint, but in the apartments of the Brezhnevskys of the time, all the rooms were isolated and could go out on different sides;
  • one of the main disadvantages of Khrushchev's apartments is the tiny kitchen - 5-6 sq.m;
  • positively, you can add the fact that there were storage rooms or built-in wardrobes in the Khrushchevs;
  • in one-room brezhnevkas, the area of ​​the room has become even smaller than in Khrushchev;
  • in the brezhnevkas, they began to build separate bathrooms (sometimes in "odnushkas" it was nevertheless combined).

What should you choose?

When deciding what type of apartment to buy, you need to prioritize yourself. For example, all Khrushchevs are brick and this is their advantage, since they are warm. Plus, they are low-rise. It is cold in brezhnevka, but sound insulation is better. There is an elevator, a garbage chute and the area of ​​the apartments is larger.

Most importantly, the Khrushchev buildings are cheaper and were built earlier, therefore they often have a much better location than the Brezhnev buildings. It should be remembered that the apartments of the times of Nikita Sergeevich are older, which means that already now they require major repairs and financial investments. However, we note that, given the low cost of Khrushchev, this is an excellent initial option on the path of acquiring the apartment of your dreams.