Creating a hearth for a fire in the country with your own hands. What role does a fire pit play in landscape design? An open hearth in the country

The symbol of the hearth in the country can rightfully be called a place for a fire. IN Lately the hearth in the country has become not only a place where you can cook another gastronomic masterpiece and have a great free time with a pleasant featherless meal in the circle of family and friends, it is also an original element of landscape design.

Above-ground arrangement of a place for a fire in the country

Before setting up a campfire site, it is necessary to carefully consider the territory of its location. The hearth should be located away from garden trees, country house and other commercial buildings. Optimal distance to the house and buildings should be at least 3 meters, and at least 4 meters to the crowns of the nearest trees. Also, do not make out a place for a fire in a lowland or on a hill. It is better to choose the golden mean.

After the place for the dacha hearth is determined, the site should be prepared: remove debris, plant roots, level the surface of the site and outline a place for the hearth itself. As a rule, the hearth is made round in shape, with a diameter of about a meter. It is necessary to remove a layer of turf from the intended area. This is necessary so that later the entire site can be laid out paving slabs or stone. In the center of the site, the location of the hearth itself is marked. To decorate the fire, you can use the iron rim. In the place where it is planned to install a metal rim, a small layer of soil is removed, the bottom of the resulting recess is leveled and the rim is installed.

If the structure has very thin walls, then it will not be able to provide the necessary strength during operation. Therefore, along the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer wall, concrete blocks or stones are laid out in several rows. Paving slabs or granite cobblestones are also suitable for this. For masonry, it is better to use a special masonry mortar. Clay mortar is more suitable for laying natural stone.

To prevent the campfire site from turning into a body of water after heavy rain, it is necessary to cut out the roof for it. A suitable cut can be used as a material sheet metal.

Above-ground structure of the hearth

deepened fireplace

You can also make a place for a fire in the country with the help of a small dug pit. The depth of the excavated pit should be approximately 30-40cm. The bottom of the dug pit is covered with a layer of fine gravel. In order for the hearth to last longer, inner part pits must be surrounded by a cut of sheet metal. The ring can also be built using separate blocks. The first layer of blocks is laid on gravel. The correctness of laying is checked by the building level. All irregularities are eliminated with a rubber mallet. A special glue is applied to the upper surface of the first row for laying hearths and fireplaces, then the second row of blocks can be laid. The finished structure is covered with fine gravel, and the upper part of the hearth is decorated with a stone suitable for landscape design decor.

Buried hearth fire

Making a site near the hearth

In order to arrange a site near the hearth, you can use pebbles, gravel or tiles for garden paths. If you expand the territory near the hearth, you get an excellent platform for a good rest. An interesting option are flat slabs irregular geometric shapes, which are laid out in a fancy pattern. These wide slabs easily accommodate armchairs, benches, or other various garden furniture. The ideal option to arrange a place for a fire in the country will be a circular bench with backs. To give such a site comfort and coziness, the site can be decorated with rugs, and placed on a bench decorative pillows and plaids.

From the same material that was used in the decoration of the hearth, it is possible to make a supporting wall, it will also serve as a back for the bench. In order not to have to go far for firewood, a special woodshed is equipped next to the fire place, which is decorated in the same style with the hearth.

Can be put to the fire garden path along which to install small street lights. This will make the site cozy in the evening and create a special romantic atmosphere.

Often the site around the fire is made in the form of the sun, and improvised sun rays are drawn on the lining.
It will be interesting to look at suburban area hearth, made in the form of a lunar crater or a fireplace, next to which you can install a small figurine of a guardian cricket.

An interesting idea for decorating a campfire site in the country

Making a place near the fire in the country is not so difficult. The main conditions for work are the availability of all necessary building materials, clear calculations, free time, imagination and a little creativity.

Hearth in the country: what will we sit on

Place by the fire: what will we sit on?

You have a place for a fire, but what's next? Stand and watch it burn? No matter how, you did it in order to cook barbecue, fry bread, bake potatoes and just relax in the evening, and sitting down to do this is clearly more convenient than standing up. How to arrange a place to sit around a fire and what can be used for this?

For starters, you can take any chairs that can be used on the street. It can be both simple camping chairs with which you go to the forest, and wooden or metal country outdoor furniture - the same chairs or large benches, on which it is so comfortable to sit together. Rattan seats are also suitable.

simple chairs to sit near the fire on the site

If you are a fan of the classics, why not build a familiar pentagon out of logs, as is often done in the forest? But here it is already possible to sand the logs and even varnish them and even attach a back to make it more comfortable to sit.

Classic log pentagon around the hearth in the country

And a stationary option - you can make seats around the hearth in a summer cottage with your own hands from stone - from brick or any other stones that you have at your disposal. Tip: lay out the benches not in a square, but in a semicircle, as this looks more aesthetically pleasing. And to sit softly and not cold - put sofa cushions on the seat itself and attach it to the back, if you have it there.

Semicircular stone bench near the fire

Do-it-yourself hearth in a country house made of bricks

And finally, two ways to make a hearth in a summer cottage with your own hands. For starters, the most popular variant of a fire pit is made of bricks. What will we need? bricks and cement.

There are several ways to build a fire pit out of bricks. The first option - the way a house is built, that is, stacking bricks one to another, shifting each next row by half a brick - just lay out the walls of the fireplace of the desired height. Some build directly from the ground, some first dig a hole in the ground, as a result, the fireplace turns out to be sunk into the ground. In this case, it can be as level with the ground, here it is better to lay out an additional place with stones or tiles around at least a meter in diameter, or with the walls up - in this case, the coals will not fall down. But here it is worth providing holes for air intake in the fire.

We build a house for a fire of bricks

The second way is to lay bricks in a circle, setting them vertically or horizontally. If you want to make a low hearth, one row of bricks laid out in a circle with a vertical installation will be enough. If you want to make a large round hearth - you need to lay the bricks horizontally and do not forget about the holes through which air will access the fire - in this case it will burn much better.

Do-it-yourself hearth in a country house made of bricks

You can also show your imagination and fold some unusual hearth, not round or square, but absolutely not symmetrical in shape. And here you can use not only bricks, but also any other stones - best of all natural, unprocessed.

We make a non-standard place for a fire on the site

The hearth in the country under the cauldron

If you like to cook something in a cauldron on a fire, for example, real pilaf, stewed vegetables or meat, then before you start folding the hearth, you need to figure out how to put the cauldron on it later. The first option is to make a small hearth of stones, on which a large cauldron can be placed on top. If you need more space for a fire, make metal structure, which can be put in a fire, and a cauldron is already placed on top of it. Or you can make a hearth from an old car disk. How to do this - read below, and the cauldron will stand on top without any problems.

We make a hearth in the country under the barbecue

Place for a fire: a brazier from an old automobile disk

If you don't want to stack bricks, you can use a simple and proven way to make a fire pit yourself, which I mentioned earlier - use an old car disk (stamping, not casting!). It's perfect for this - round form, high walls, air intake holes and ease of installation. You can either bury it in the ground, arranging a fire pit flush with the ground, or set it up and lay bricks on top to give it a more attractive look.

We make a hearth from a car disk

By the way, from the same disk you can make not only a hearth, but also a brazier - on steel legs, so that it is more convenient to follow the cooking kebabs, a grill (adding a grill on top right size), BBQ and more.

And if instead of a car disk in your garage or basement you find some other metal bowl or other container, you can also use it to make a hearth in your summer cottage. By the way, an old steel basin is also suitable for this - who else has these from Soviet times?

We make a hearth on a site from a metal bowl

Place for a fire: hearth in the country photo ideas

So, we figured out how to make a hearth with our own hands, what materials to use for this, how to equip the area around and what seats are suitable for such a holiday. Let's now look at the photo - how other people did it, in order to borrow some of their favorite ideas from there, which are already worth implementing on your own site.

A beautiful cottage is the dream of every summer resident. For a resident of a modern metropolis, a dacha is almost the last refuge of nature and an opportunity to bring their creative impulses and fantasies to life. Everyone wants their site to be unique and comfortable, so that the eye rejoices in their favorite beds and flower beds, and the neighbors look with envy and delight.

Of course, you can hire a landscape designer, but it’s much more interesting and enjoyable to do beautiful dacha. Each of us has a craving for creativity, which we are far from always able to realize, so why lose the unique opportunity to express ourselves and do everything in our area the way we ourselves want. Let everything in your country house be the way you want it to be. Photos of beautiful dachas on our website will help you generate new ideas in dacha design.

How to make beautiful in the country? The main advantage of any dacha and its own decoration are. Proper planting is important because large area they will be viewed from all sides and your mistakes will be much more noticeable. Water, air, heat and light are the main factors on which the development and growth of plants depends. They are closely related and do not replace each other. Therefore, in order to make the cottage beautiful, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the plants. Indoor plants with poor lighting need a low temperature. Better plant more undemanding plants of one species rather than trying to grow exotic but capricious species. How to make a cottage beautiful

Shrubs are less demanding to care for, so they are perfect for decorating your summer cottage. An excellent decoration of your site can be a pond, which, if necessary, can be used for irrigation, because the water in the pond warms up perfectly in the sun. Looks great in the country forest corner. Shady space will give you a lot of joy on hot summer days. How to make beautiful in the country

When creating a beautiful cottage with your own hands, do not forget to choose plants suitable for your site. Moisture-loving plants planted in dry soil can wilt and die. Most plants do not like excess moisture as well as its lack. With very strong and frequent watering root system plants begin to suffer due to the lack of oxygen, as a result of which it weakens, the plant becomes ill and, soon, dies. Therefore, soils that can retain water after watering or rain are not used for growing flowers or they create special soil drainage.

For the garden, it is necessary to prepare a sunny area and special attention should be paid to paving, do not use recycled materials. This will be especially important if your garden is viewed from the second floor, you risk spoiling the view from the window for yourself and your neighbors. Smooth and beautiful paths will allow you to personally feel the spring and autumn. It is during this period that they will be responsible for the attractiveness of your dacha.

Each summer resident in spring and autumn must cut trees, remove wilted leaves, damaged plants. As a rule, all this garbage is burned in random places, arranging fires that are unsafe for both the summer resident and those around him. In order to properly dispose of the accumulated rubbish, it is advisable to equip a separate place for making a fire.

The dacha hearth performs both a practical and a decorative function. On the one hand, it will help get rid of garbage, on the other hand, it will decorate the site and become a necessary element that adds a touch of harmony to the surrounding landscape.

Varieties of foci

Country fireplaces are of open, deep and closed type. You can buy them ready-made or make your own. Specialized companies offer models that run on solid fuel or gas, and also install a hearth in a summer cottage, connect to a gas main, if necessary.

It is much more interesting to equip a fire pit with your own hands. It is not difficult to create a unique design and decorate a summer cottage with a fire flame if you follow a few simple rules.

Choosing and preparing a place

First of all, the site for the fire must comply with fire regulations. The future hearth is installed at a distance of at least 4 meters from trees and shrubs. They retreat from residential buildings and outbuildings by 3-3.5 meters.

Do not locate the flame zone directly next to fences separating land, as the smoke from the fire will cause inconvenience to neighbors. Do not install the future hearth on hills, on the windward side. And even more so, do not equip a place for an open fire near a warehouse of combustible substances, gas cylinders And household chemicals.

Fireplace and recreation area

The outdoor hearth should harmoniously fit into the design of the site, emphasizing the beauty and thoughtfulness of the country landscape. As a rule, near the fire there is a place for relaxation - small plot, paved with refractory bricks, paving slabs or stone. This site has two functions:

  • does not allow fire to spread due to an accidental spark;
  • serves as an ideal vacation spot for the whole family.

The area allocated for the fire should be prepared - cut off the top layer of soil to a depth of 30 cm, level and tamp the area.

Arrangement of the hearth

The center of the resulting site is intended for live fire. With it, the arrangement of a place for a flame begins.

  1. Dig a hole up to half a meter deep. The larger the diameter of the future hearth, the deeper the bonfire should be installed.
  2. The sides of the recess close up refractory bricks, and the bottom is sprinkled with large gravel.
  3. Stones, paving slabs or refractory bricks are placed on the prepared soil around the hearth.
  4. A little aside they prepare a place for firewood, brushwood, coal.

Do not forget about fire-fighting devices and fixtures. Keep a bucket of sand and a poker near the fire, if the place for an open fire turned out to be large, get a fire extinguisher.

Barrel fire pit

One of the most economical ways to equip a flame zone in a suburban area is to use an old metal barrel as a primitive hearth. To do this, prepare the site as described above. The bottom of a metal barrel is cut off and placed in a designated place. Gravel is poured inside (layer thickness of at least 10 cm). The space between the outer walls of the barrel and the inner boundaries of the pit is also filled with gravel.

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If a deep type fire pit is chosen, a bevel is made around the barrel. inside hearth. The backfill material is gravel or pebbles. After that, the bevels are tightly poured with concrete.

If the barrel serves as the basis for creating an open hearth, its outer walls are lined with refractory building material and fixed with concrete. The finished hearth has approximately the same appearance as in the photo below.

Arrangement of a recreation area

Since one of the main functions of the summer cottage is decorative, try to make the place near the fire as comfortable and cozy as possible. As a rule, this territory is given the shape of a circle, therefore, when arranging the site, it is advisable to use outdoor furniture and decor items of appropriate shapes. For example, in the recreation area, you can install soft semicircular benches.

Place next to each seat small table- after all, the family is going not only to look at the flame, but also to have dinner or drink tea.

If the hearth is made in the shape of a square, do not be too lazy to choose the appropriate furniture. Include in the design of the burning zone massive wooden chairs with well-defined corners.

The soothing greenery of living plants will help to emphasize the beauty of a bright flame. Perhaps a well-groomed lawn will serve as a frame for a fire.

If it is not possible to allocate space for a grass carpet, you can arrange a fire pit in a minimalist Japanese design. Several plants, skillfully planted near the hearth, will create the right mood and set the tone for the whole composition.

Do not forget that open fire is also used for cooking delicious meals- from baked potatoes, familiar from childhood, to gourmet treats baked on the grill or barbecue. To surprise guests with fragrant treats with a crispy crust, all you need is fireproof dishes or a grill grate. And for cooking simple homemade food, which is nice to enjoy in a narrow family circle, a pot on a tripod is suitable.

After finishing work, wait for the evening and light the first fire in the bonfire. The result will exceed your expectations!

A person has been drawn to fire, probably, since cave times. Today we have, it seems, all the benefits of civilization, but still many people like to sit by the fire, look at the flames, cook something in a camping way - “with smoke” ...

Therefore, in the country, we equip all kinds of hearths, barbecues, and someone builds entire outdoor stoves. We have already talked about these buildings more than once: Well, if a massive structure is not included in your plans - at least for now - you can start small: organize a place for a fire on the site. It is this undertaking that I propose to consider today from different points of view ...

In terms of fire safety

It’s not about beauty and convenience or romance - but here something boring right away: about fire safety ... But I’ll tell you this: if you don’t think about it carefully in time, then very soon we may not be able to have a comfortable rest - with fire jokes are bad.

And so that no side effects"rest by the fire did not bring, let's remember and be sure to apply at least these two simple rules:

  • we have a place for a fire away from buildings, trees, car parking and other flammable objects;
  • the site where they intend to make a fire, from other territory separated by any non-combustible material: stones, bricks, iron, concrete - what is, what is more suitable or easier to use.

By the way, the stone fence of our hearth, among other things, will accumulate the heat of a burning fire, and then gradually give off heat reserves, even when the fire has already gone out.

A simple but quite reliable fence can be made from metal sheets and a small amount of sand and gravel mix. The only thing is that in the proposed design, I personally would not make a big fire: after all, the wooden buildings are located too close. But the idea itself deserves attention, in my opinion:

In terms of ease of arrangement

Well, yes - sometimes you don’t want to waste time and effort on some complex structures. Perhaps the idea to sit by the fire in the evening came suddenly - but there is no suitable place ... We will equip it with the help of improvised materials.

The easiest way to do this is using ready-made designs. Many of them, in addition to convenience, are highly decorative - in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.

Campfire pot Pathfinder 7l pf-cws-p17 1 265 RUB LOOK
All tools are new

Royalgrill fire tripod 100 cm, in case, 80-060 277 rub LOOK
All tools are new

A set of profile skewers picnic, 6 pieces in a blister 401-606 389 rub LOOK
All tools are new

Deep grill with non-stick coating royalgrill 31x24cm 80-025 525 rub LOOK
All tools are new

For the simplest country dishes, nothing special is required: a metal grate laid on bricks will play the role of a grill; to bake potatoes, you only need coals, but for frying sausages, even skewers are not necessary - thin twigs are no worse

Well, if we decide to cook something more serious - fish soup, for example, or mushroom soup, or pilaf - then you will need a suitable pot (or cauldron), and the ability to securely fix it over the fire so that it does not tip over along with our summer delicacy ).

If you don’t have a tripod, or you plan to cook a three-course dinner for a large company on a fire right away, this can be arranged like this, for example:

Well, if the experience of creating culinary masterpieces in field conditions is still not enough, watch the following video. On a cool autumn day in the country, a recipe for cooking pilaf on a fire will probably come in handy

In terms of convenience and aesthetics

However, those who still think that a fire is something very simple, “camping”, should pay attention to the following selection of photographs. Yes, a campfire site can be equipped not only with comfort - some of the options presented look luxurious (and, of course, require appropriate investments of effort, time and money for arrangement) ...

Such a corner clearly invites you to spend a pleasant evening together with a glass of wine or a cup of aromatic tea. Smooth lines, nothing superfluous... The aroma of flowers and the singing of birds in the branches of trees will create the right mood...

Well, for a large noisy family or friendly parties, you will need more space. What do you think about this patio with a small round hearth?

As for the next idea, I personally have an ambivalent attitude towards it: on the one hand, the thoughtful design, calm colors and comfortable, practical design campfire sites. On the other hand, the excessive proximity of the fire to the dwelling, to wooden buildings, confuses. And the building itself in this form is for some reason associated more with the Eternal Flame than with cozy place rest… Do you like this solution?

Of course, the hearth does not have to be round - the shape can be made arbitrary. And choose any furniture: if soft sofas seem impractical (and in our climate it really is), put benches, for example. They are no less effective.

In terms of romance

And where would we be without it, if we are already talking about bonfires ... Songs with a guitar, a starry sky above our heads ... Familiar? If you miss hiking or like to go out of town for the weekend with a tent - to the river, fishing, then you and in the country, perhaps, will be closer to just such a - camping - option for arranging a fire.

And in general, it’s not in vain that they say that “with a sweet paradise and in a hut”, right? When there are those with whom it is good and cozy, the issues of designing a place of rest sometimes recede into the background ...

Much more interesting ideas And helpful tips on organizing a campfire site in the country - in the following video:

It is not always possible to go to the forest, but to burn a fire in the yard apartment building forbidden. But the owners of suburban areas have an alternative. Fire bowls are perfect for barbecue lovers and friendly conversations around the fire. Observing certain rules and requirements for the construction of the structure, you can get a great place for family leisure.

The most common option is the base of the hearth made of stone (open type), above which rises a brazier, barbecue or other cooking appliances. It is important to fulfill all requirements fire safety(using a special refractory glue, moving away the storage place for firewood, having a constant supply of water next to the hearth, in case of unforeseen circumstances), and for the most comfortable cleaning they create a flat bottom. Self erection such a design is within the power of even a beginner.

The safest option for a fire is an earthen hearth (deep type). A special recess is created in the ground, reinforced with concrete and stone, in which a flame can be kindled. A special nuance is that insufficient, for a good flame, oxygen access is possible. A fire pit of such a plan requires shelter from precipitation and the creation of safety (remoteness from the playground) for kids.

A fireplace in the form of a Russian stove or a whole outdoor complex (stove, barbecue, smokehouse) is of a closed type. Most fast way- purchase finished construction and installation by experts. The variety of models different manufacturers provides for operation on gas or solid fuel. True connoisseurs of exclusive design opt for self-creation campfires.

Location selection

Regardless of the type and functions of the fireplace, the site for its creation is selected, first of all, taking into account fire safety. The aesthetic and ethical aspects are taken into account. The following requirements are met:

  • distance from trees, shrubs and buildings should be at least 5 meters;
  • the location of the fire on the windward side can bring inconvenience to neighbors;
  • it is unacceptable to create a hearth near places where household chemicals or combustible materials are stored;
  • the presence of drafts and their direction are taken into account;
  • colorful cobblestones and gravel will not only decorate the area with a hearth, but also secure it.

The fire pit is not a universal landscape decoration, it is not suitable for every style. Its harmonious location on the site is an important and difficult task. Fire cannot exist like a flower bed, just for beauty. It certainly performs certain functions: it helps to warm up, relax, prepare food and drinks. It is always the center of the area for relaxation or lunch. For a very small area, this idea is not suitable. The territory of the patio or terrace should be paved with brick or stone, with fireproof properties. Only safe materials are used to prevent the possible spread of fire.

A place to enjoy the fire and contemplate its greatness is equipped with maximum comfort. More often these are semicircular shapes, forged garden furniture, must have dining table. The design of the combustion zone determines appearance patio or seating area. It is preferable to use natural materials.

Use in landscape design

The fireplace is important not only to harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the site, but also to beautifully design this area, combining all the required elements as much as possible. Such an area will not do without greenery. Soothing calm green shades, without bright and colorful inflorescences, make up the tandem, where one object complements another. A well-groomed emerald lawn will be a good companion. The hearth against its background will become more natural and natural, as if in the "wild nature". Its serene naturalness allows you to relax and unwind from the bustling city.

In chalet or country styles, a fire pit is combined on the same site with an artificial reservoir. Large stone boulders are chosen for its decoration. In this case, the fire personifies the rustic simplicity that does not tolerate the exotic. The most suitable plants for decorating a fireplace in the country or in the yard are pines, pansies, junipers, hostas, chamomiles, poppies, edelweiss and others. If the owners want to have a recreation area on their site that is not afraid of weather vagaries, then a bonfire is created on a covered veranda.

It is important to match each detail to a single style. An insignificant, at first glance, nuance can destroy organicity and naturalness. Lighting is chosen with care. It could be street lights open area, or lanterns on a chain for indoor use. Popularity is gaining stones that glow. These energy-saving lighting devices do not need sockets, wires, batteries. Their power source is solar energy. Modern appliances, with the latest technology, do not fit into the image of a quiet oasis. All decoration items are artificially aged or originally selected in a retro style. Traces of communications are carefully masked. To create coziness and comfort, a partially open veranda with swing benches is created around the fireplace.

Fireplace design options

Concrete blocks, which are easy to replace with paving slabs or cobblestones, are considered optimal, simple, and beautiful material. This design is attached thanks to the solution, with refractory additives. For natural stones clay oven mortar is used. The place around the fireplace must be free within a radius of 90 cm to protect against sparks. The double ring made of corrugated steel does not lose its demand in the arrangement of hearths. The fastening material is a self-tapping screw.

The area around the fire is laid out in the form of a solar circle. Rays are depicted with a stone of a different shade. Such a creative and original approach gave rise to a lot of ideas for decorating a fireplace. The resting place with fire is given a varied appearance: a lunar crater, gem, outdoor fireplace, etc.

An exclusive hearth of the original form is created depending on the general style personal plot. Adherents of the natural style choose huge stone boulders to decorate the fire. Next to such a fire one feels the primitive power and magnificence of the elements. Textured contrast, for the same classic landscape treatment, will create a fireplace decoration with a stone garden wall.

The hearth does not have to be wood burning. gas flame may well replace the fire from the logs. In the arrangement of the technical part, it is more complicated, but easier to operate. By choosing a non-standard shape, for example, an elongated one, and having carefully thought out the paving scheme, you can create a spectacular composition for the Art Nouveau style. During the day, such a flame is not noticeable, but at night it transforms the site, completely changing its usual atmosphere.

With the help of a campfire site, it is convenient to divide a private area into zones. The location of such a site is noticeably lower when compared with neighboring ones. This security measure is played out in an original way in the relief and design in general. On a flat surface, part of the earth is removed.