How to properly care for a tangerine tree. Simple secrets on how to transplant a tangerine tree at home How to transplant a tangerine tree correctly

Mandarin - evergreen, which belongs to the Rutov family. The specific Latin name of the mandarin is Citrus reticulate. Like orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, it belongs to the genus Citrus. The life form of this plant is interesting - it can be a shrub and a tree, reaching a height of 5 meters.

Like other representatives of the genus Citrus, mandarin has long been grown in greenhouses, greenhouses, winter gardens. Despite its size, mandarin at home can be grown on a balcony or on a windowsill. Currently, breeders have bred many varieties of dwarf and undersized tangerines for home cultivation, the maximum height of which is 0.6-1.1 m. Indoor tangerine may not be a dwarf variety, then the plant needs to be severely cut and shaped.

Room tangerine is very effective potted plant. And not only because of the bright, fragrant and appetizing orange fruits that can be stored on it for several months. Sometimes the plant gives pleasure only by its flowering, because the delicate white flowers of the mandarin exude an amazing aroma. In some varieties, flowering begins in spring and may continue all year round. Indoor mandarin, grown in the form of bonsai, is a real work of art.

The fruits of indoor mandarin are tied without artificial pollination, usually ripen at the end of the year. Often indoor tangerine in a pot is bought in a store with fruits already hanging on it. Despite the fact that they are very appetizing, they should not be eaten. Indeed, to achieve such a high decorative effect, plants receive high doses of fertilizers. Leathery and corrugated leaves are beautiful in mandarin.

Popular mandarin varieties for growing at home

Unshiu- Japanese variety, the most unpretentious, begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years, grows up to 0.8-1.5 m in room conditions. It branches well. It blooms profusely in spring, forms fruits in late October-November. Pear-shaped fruits do not have seeds.
Kowano-Wase, Miha-Wase, Miyagawa-Wase - dwarf tangerines Vasya groups - suitable for growing on a windowsill, height 40-80 cm. Orange-yellow fruits ripen for the first time in the second year of cultivation, flowering is plentiful. Like all dwarf varieties, they do not need crown formation.
Shiva Mikan- early compact fast-growing variety. Fruits are small, not more than 30 g
Murcot t - the fruits of this compact mandarin variety are very sweet, ripen in summer, taste very sweet, which is why the name of the variety is translated as "honey".
Clementine- a hybrid of mandarin and orange, bears fruit at home in the second year. One adult domestic tree per year produces up to 50 medium flattened orange-red fruits, very fragrant, with a shiny skin. Plants of this variety with numerous seeds are called monrealis.

Mandarin: home care

Tangerine lighting at home

The first step in successfully growing an indoor tangerine is choosing a location for the plant and lighting it properly.
Mandarin room, as well as grown in open field, you need good lighting with some direct sunlight. In low light, the plant slows down growth, throws out a small number of flowers or does not bloom at all. With a strong lack of light, the leaves of indoor tangerine become faded, new shoots are elongated, thin and painful in appearance. Therefore, it is better to grow a plant on the eastern, southeastern and southern windows, shading from midday direct rays. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony, gradually accustoming it to the street.
V winter period, with a short daylight hours, indoor mandarin should be placed in the most illuminated place with direct sunlight. But sometimes this is not enough: you need artificial lighting. For this purpose, an ordinary fitolamp is suitable, which can be screwed into a chandelier or table lamp. It is necessary to transfer the plant to supplementary lighting gradually. With a sharp change in the length of daylight hours, it can shed its leaves.

Content temperature

The optimum temperature for room tangerine in summer time+ 20-25 оС. During the period of budding and flowering, so that the flowers do not fall off, it is better to keep the plant at a temperature slightly below + 20 ° C. V winter time to ensure a relative dormant period, tangerines are kept at + 5 -10 ° C. A plant that has rested over the winter will flower and bear fruit better.

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How to water and spray tangerine at home

Indoor mandarin, like its wild ancestors, is adapted to endure dry periods. V last resort, the plant will shed its leaves to reduce the amount of liquid that evaporates. A common problem when growing mandarin at home is excessive watering, which leads to the development of fungal diseases.
The amount of water for watering indoor mandarin depends on several factors:
- the size of the plant;
- the size of the container in which the tangerine grows;
- ambient temperature;
- duration of daylight hours and light intensity.
The larger the surface of the leaves of an indoor tangerine, the stronger the evaporation, and the more it needs to be watered. The temperature also affects the rate of evaporation: the higher it is, the more the plant loses moisture. The length of daylight directly affects the amount of moisture that evaporates. Stomata - formations on the underside of terrestrial plants that serve for gas exchange, open during daylight hours.
Watering indoor tangerine should be carried out in the morning, when the plant has activated its vital processes. When the temperature drops, watering is reduced, up to stopping for several days during the period when the temperature in the room is only + 12-15 ° C. In this case, the tangerine is watered with a small amount of water, only to maintain life.
Mandarin at home needs regular spraying of the leaves. Strongly dry air has a bad effect on the plant and is often a prerequisite for its infection. spider mite. If indoor tangerine blooms, then you need to make sure that water does not fall on its flowers.

How to feed mandarin at home

A complete care for a mandarin at home is not possible without additional mineral and organic top dressing. The soil in a pot depletes quickly enough and is washed out during watering, and recreational processes practically do not occur in it, unlike the soil in nature.
For top dressing, you can use soluble or dry fertilizers. In the spring, with an increase in daylight hours, top dressing for indoor mandarin is increased. It is in the early spring period that vegetative and generative buds begin to develop intensively, at which time the plant requires additional nutrients.
At home, mandarin is fertilized, like all other indoor plants, that is, in the morning. The ambient temperature should be at least + 18-19 degrees.
Soluble fertilizers are often used for top dressing. They can water the plant, and in a weaker concentration spray its leaves. To feed an indoor tangerine, any complex mineral fertilizer containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, the main elements needed by plants, is suitable.
Dissolve fertilizers in soft or settled water at room temperature. The main thing is not to increase the dose. If the instructions say: 1 cap of the product per 1 liter of water, do not think that 2 caps will make the solution more useful. This will lead to the opposite effect - a chemical burn or toxic poisoning of the plant.
You need to feed mandarin at home during the period of intensive growth (from March to September) 2 times a week. Maybe less often, but not more often.
Dry fertilizers, which are applied to the soil and gradually dissolve, giving the soil trace elements, must be applied even more carefully. Their advantage is that by making them in the spring you can forget about feeding for a long time. However, they can be quickly used by the plant, and it will be difficult to guess about it. The introduction of an additional dose of fertilizer will lead to the above overdose.
Mandarin cultivation also requires organic fertilizers. To do this, you can dilute infused cow dung in a ratio of 1/10. The best option will use organic fertilizer in combination with mineral for soil top dressing.

Additional care for mandarin at home

To form a lush tangerine tree, pinch the tops of its branches.
Caring for a tangerine at home also consists in removing dried leaves or stretched twigs.
On young flowering plants, flowers are partially removed so as not to deplete them and allow several fruits to ripen. For 15-20 leaves of an adult plant, one ovary can be left. The fewer fruits left on the tangerine, the larger they will be.
The fruit-bearing branches of indoor mandarin are tied, tied to a support, otherwise they may break due to the severity of the fruit, and the plant will not have an attractive appearance.

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general information

Of all the types of citrus plants grown indoors, only the indoor tangerine is second to the lemon tree in terms of prevalence and popularity. According to the assumption of botanists, its homeland is China or Japan. The name "tangerine" was given to this plant by the Chinese, since for many centuries it was grown only in the gardens of rich dignitaries of feudal China - tangerines. Exported from China, tangerine trees appeared in Europe only in the 19th century. The Italian Michel Tecor brought mandarin trees to Italy in 1840, and this citrus plant quickly spread throughout the Mediterranean. Probably, such popularity was due to the fact that tangerine trees are early-growing and very productive, and the fruits are sweet and without seeds. Mandarin comes to Ukraine from Japan at the beginning of the 20th century, during a mass dacha construction in the subtropical zone of the Black Sea coast. Here it has become the most common citrus plant. Regardless of the variety, summer gardeners gave tangerine trees a common name - forged. Mandarin trees are relatively stunted, on plantations they reach a height of 2-3 meters. The branches of the tangerine tree are mostly drooping. The leaves are dense, dark green, with small wings on the petioles. White fragrant flowers collected in brushes. Mandarin fruits are spherical, flattened, 4-6 cm in diameter and weighing from 30 to 100 g. The peel of the fruit is thin, orange, easily separated from the pulp. In the so-called "chubby" tangerines, it almost does not touch the pulp, because it is separated from it by an air layer. The pulp is sweet, juicy, yellow-orange, easily divided into slices. The fruit of the tangerine tree contains a lot of sugar, organic acids, vitamins C and B1. Seeds in mandarin fruits are rarely formed. In an apartment, a mandarin grows and develops with a limited amount of light and fresh air, so the right choice of a mandarin variety that is most suitable for room conditions. These requirements are met by early ripe tangerine trees of Japanese origin, which are characterized by low growth and unpretentiousness. The most common is the indoor tangerine variety Unshiu (meaning "Seedless"). This is a low (not higher than 1.5 m) tangerine tree with a spreading crown; without spines on branches; with broad, leathery, dark green leaves. The tangerine tree usually blooms once a year in spring, very abundantly. Tangerine flowers are small, white, exuding a pleasant aroma. The tangerine tree begins to bear fruit from the age of 3. At home, a well-groomed adult tangerine tree produces an average of 40-50 fruits per year.

Dwarf tangerines of the Vasya group.

These varieties of tangerine tree are stunted and decorative. These include indoor varieties of tangerines: Kowano-Wase, Miha-Wase, Miyagawa-Wase. The height of adult tangerine trees does not exceed 50-80 cm, so it is very convenient to keep them on the windowsill. Indoor mandarin does not need to form a crown, only sometimes it is necessary to remove dried and improperly growing branches. Dwarf tangerines begin to bear fruit already in the second year of life. The fruits of the tangerine tree are not inferior in size and taste to the fruits of the Unshiu variety.

Landing (transfer)

For this purpose, take a pot of any material, the main thing is that the upper diameter should not exceed 10-15 cm, the height is approximately the same. At the bottom of the pot should be one or more small holes to drain excess water when watering. At the bottom of the pot, and this can be a plastic bucket, wooden, ceramic, glass container, place expanded clay or sand as drainage, and best of all charcoal, which can be taken from an extinct fire in the forest, in the city park. The thickness of the drainage should not exceed 3-5 cm. Then sprinkle the drainage a little with soil. To transplant a tangerine tree seedling, you need specially prepared soil like "Mandarin", it is presented on our website in the section "Soils and fertilizers for indoor plants" - "Soils for indoor plants". Or prepare the soil yourself: the land for transplantation must be taken in the forest or in the park, under the old deciduous trees except oak, chestnut and poplar. It is necessary to take only the top, most fertile layer soil, 5-10 cm thick. Add sand to this land, preferably river sand, a little ash, more humus, if available. The proportion is as follows: two glasses of hardwood, a glass of sand, three tablespoons of humus and one tablespoon of ash. Stir all this in any bowl, add a little water to get a thick creamy mass that will fill the entire volume of the pot well, leaving no air voids near the roots of the tangerine tree. Six months later, the tangerine tree must be transplanted into a pot larger by 5 cm in diameter. Spray the planted indoor tangerine and water it with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), and then place it on a window sill, bay window or balcony prepared in advance so that the surface of the leaves is directed towards the light.


Indoor mandarin is propagated by grafting on seedlings of lemon, orange, grown from seeds of indoor varieties and by air layering. Indoor mandarin practically does not lend itself to cuttings in amateur conditions.


Keep a tangerine tree should be on the southern sunny window. In summer, indoor mandarin is recommended to be taken out into the open air - to the garden, to the veranda, balcony, placing it in a place protected from the wind. If the indoor tangerine is on the south window, then in the summer it is advisable to darken it a little from direct sunlight so that there are no burns on the leaves of the tangerine and chlorosis does not appear from overheating of the entire crown and roots. To do this, on the window frame itself, at the height of a tangerine tree, they make a gauze curtain and in the morning, before leaving the house, cover the glass with it if the day promises to be sunny.

Air temperature

If a pot with indoor tangerine will stand on the windowsill, then the window should be well insulated for the winter, and the pot itself should be insulated in winter and summer. Favorable temperature for budding and flowering of tangerine is +16 +18°С, air humidity is not less than 60%, but do not be afraid of high temperatures, the tangerine tree can withstand and bear fruit up to +40°С.


Indoor tangerine should be watered as the topsoil dries, preventing the clod of earth in the pot from completely drying out. To determine soil moisture, do not be too lazy to take a little surface layer of soil with three fingers daily and squeeze it. If the earth sticks together, then it is not necessary to water, if it crumbles under the fingers, then it is time to water. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil daily (especially in summer) so that the whole earthen ball does not dry out in a pot from high temperatures and bright sun. The question of where to get water for irrigation and what it should be is also very difficult and therefore we will dwell on it in detail. In a city apartment drinking water practically unsuitable for irrigating citrus fruits, since it contains a large amount of compounds of alkaline earth metals and chlorine, which together and individually cause great harm to mandarin, causing leaf spot (chlorosis), alkalization of the soil, disrupt metabolic processes. Many authors recommend boiling tap water, but this does not always immediately lead to the desired result, extra hassle often scare away potential fans of window fruit growing, so I recommend taking hot water from the tap. Such water contains less chlorine and is softer. In addition, water for irrigation must be defended for at least a day in an open vessel to completely remove chlorine, which is extremely detrimental to citrus fruits. In a private house, water can be taken from a well, but it is better from a lake or stream and left in a room for heating. Rainwater now contains a lot of harmful impurities, so do not collect it for irrigation. In any case, wherever water is taken, it must be left for at least a day in an open vessel at room temperature and only then water the tangerine. In winter, in order to achieve better growth and fruiting of mandarin, it is advisable to heat the water before watering to a temperature of +30 +35 ° C. In the summer, you can put water on a sunny window and not bother heating it.


It must be well remembered that, in addition to watering, indoor tangerine, at least once a day, especially in summer, should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle or in any other way to create moisture, to wash off dust from the branches, so that the leaves “breathe”. At least once a month, it is advisable to put a tangerine tree in a bath, cover the ground in a pot with plastic wrap and treat the entire crown with cotton wool and soap suds. Then you don't have to deal with heavy pest control. At the same time, do not forget to tie the stem of the tangerine tree below with gauze or a bandage so that the soapy water is absorbed into the fabric and does not enter the soil.


In winter, indoor tangerine is not fed, in spring and summer - once every two weeks. Any top dressing should be done only the next day after watering, i.e. when the soil in the pot is damp, otherwise you can burn the roots. Pour the fertilizer under the plant until the solution starts to flow out of the drainage holes. To feed a tangerine tree seedling, you need Mandarin type fertilizer, it is presented on our website in the section "Soils and fertilizers for indoor plants" - "Fertilizers for indoor plants". Feeding adult plants with a fish ear, at least one meter high, once a month enhances their fruiting. They do it this way: 200 grams of fish waste or small unsalted fish are boiled in two liters of water for half an hour. Then dilute the solution with cold water and filter through cheesecloth. This fertilizer must be used together with the Mandarin fertilizer mentioned above.


Enemies for indoor mandarin are sucking and gnawing pests, as well as fungi and viruses. The most common pests are: spider mites, scale insects (false shields). They are controlled by chemical and biological preparations, which are more acceptable in open soil conditions of subtropics and greenhouses. For an apartment, it is desirable not to use pesticides. The signs of damage by a spider mite are as follows: white dots appear on the old mandarin leaves on the underside, and the reddish mite itself is visible to the naked eye. If you touch it, it starts to move quickly. Young leaves curl into a "boat" and are entangled in a white cobweb. To combat the tick, tobacco dust, garlic, laundry soap are used. Take 1 tablespoon of tobacco dust and pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 6 days. To the resulting infusion add 10 grams laundry soap and spray the plant 3 times with an interval of 6 days. Garlic is used as follows: one head of garlic is kneaded, poured with a glass of hot water and infused for 2 days. The solution is filtered and spraying is carried out in the same way as above. When affected by a scab, brown-gray shiny rounded formations, 3-5 mm in diameter, are visible on the surface of young and old leaves. They are located along the veins on the top and bottom of the leaf, as well as on the branches themselves. In the initial stage, these growths are almost transparent, whitish in color and poorly visible. With a strong lesion, sticky gum appears on the surface of old leaves, and in the late stage they are covered with a black sticky coating, which is very poorly washed off with water. From scale insects, water-oil emulsions effectively help. One teaspoon of machine oil is stirred in one glass of warm water, 40 grams of laundry soap, 2 tablespoons of washing powder are added. Before processing, the soil in the pot is covered with plastic wrap, the stem is tied at the bottom with a bandage. This is done in order to prevent the emulsion from entering the soil. Processing is done with a cotton or gauze swab. A water-oil emulsion is applied to all surfaces of tangerine branches and leaves. After 3-4 hours, wash everything off under the shower, making sure that the emulsion does not get into the soil. Processing is carried out 3 times with an interval of 6 days.

Florists dream of periodically replenishing their collections with exotic plants. One of the popular crops on the windowsill is the tangerine tree. The plant does not require complex special care. One of the conditions for the well-being of citrus is the timely correct transplantation into a new pot.

When are tangerines transplanted

The plant is transplanted in early spring, when growth processes are activated in the trunk and branches. The frequency of transplantation will be determined taking into account the age of the tree.

  1. Young trees are placed in a new larger container every year. This is due to the intensity of the growth of the root system.
  2. After 7 years, the tree is considered an adult. Therefore, it is transplanted once every three years.

Experienced citrus growers themselves determine when a citrus needs a new container.

They dig up the top ball of soil and feel the roots. If the roots are tightly intertwined and there is no soil substrate between them, a new pot is needed 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

The choice of capacity for transplantation

The root system of the plant is actively growing. Therefore, planting young seedlings in miniature containers is impractical. It is better to immediately pay attention to medium-sized pots - 10 cm in diameter.

Mandarin transplantation is carried out once a year. Each time, the diameter of the container is increased by 2-5 cm. The maximum size of the pot is 50 cm. After reaching these parameters, the plant is transplanted by transshipment with partial replacement of the soil with a new substrate.

Too much capacity cannot be used - loose citrus roots affect the frequency of flowering and fruiting.

The material of the pot doesn't matter. Choose containers depending on individual preferences - clay, ceramic, plastic.

Soil for tangerine tree

Before transplanting a tangerine tree at home, you need to prepare a nutritious soil mixture. The substrate can be bought at a specialized store. Purchased land must be:

  • porous, well pass air;
  • with the optimal concentration of fertilizer (no more than 10% of the volume);
  • with neutral acidity;
  • without foreign impurities.

It is difficult to find a quality nutrient substrate in stores. Therefore, citrus growers prefer to prepare the soil themselves. For the mixture you will need:

  • humus;
  • larch;
  • soddy soil;
  • river coarse sand.

All components are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:3:1. The mixture is carefully sieved to remove the remnants of the roots from it. The finished substrate is steamed in a water bath or calcined in the oven - under the influence high temperatures insect larvae die. But heat treatment of the soil destroys the nutrients contained in the soil. So that the tangerine tree does not feel a lack of essential trace elements, the substrate home cooking artificially enriched by adding mineral fertilizer to it (no more than 10% of the total volume).

Before use, the mixture is loosened to fill it with air. Sometimes citrus growers use additional components during the preparation of the substrate - clay (no more than 5% of the total volume), small pebbles. To provide citrus with a constant source of phosphorus, the soil is enriched with powdered fish bones. Or they put a small fish on the bottom of the pot into which the plant is going to be transplanted.

Transplant Features

At home, the tangerine tree is transplanted by transshipment. Carry out the procedure in stages.

  1. A layer of expanded clay 3-4 cm thick is laid on the bottom of the pot (depending on the volume of the container). Pebbles play the role of drainage - they prevent rotting of the roots, waterlogging of the soil.
  2. 4-5 cm of the substrate is poured over the drainage layer. The earth is compacted. Recommended ground layer moisten over the drainage with warm water from a spray bottle.
  3. The plant is removed from the pot along with the earthy clod formed on the roots. If pulling out homemade tangerine from an old container is difficult, moisten the substrate. The pot is placed on its side, constantly turning to gradually remove the plant. If root system the trees have grown strongly and the roots rest against the walls of the container, you will have to break the old pot.
  4. The tree, along with a clod of earth on the roots, is placed in a new container. The free space formed between the roots and the walls of the pot is carefully covered with a substrate.
  5. The top of the root system is covered with a thin layer of earth - the root neck of a homemade mandarin, regardless of the size of the pot, is always at the same level above the soil.
  6. Plant transplantation does not provide for compaction of the top layer of soil - it is moistened with a spray gun. The earth settles under the influence of moisture. The vacated areas are filled with an additional layer of earthen mixture.

Caring for a transplanted tree

Keeping citrus fruits at home is easy. They do not require special care. Among the basic points, citrus growers distinguish:

  • Regular soil moisture. The frequency of watering is determined, taking into account the humidity of the air. If the plant is standing near a heat source, water it more often.
  • It is impossible to overmoisten the soil - the risk of rotting of the root system increases.
  • Periodic spraying of leaflets from a spray bottle. This procedure prevents house dust from accumulating on the leaf membranes. The plant better perceives the sun's rays necessary for photosynthesis.
  • Security permanent source lighting. After the tangerine tree has been transplanted, it is placed on the most illuminated windowsill.
  • In winter, the plant is illuminated, extending the day for it, using lamps. In summer, in order to avoid sunburn of the leaves, the tree is shaded from direct sunlight - muslin, gauze, and tulle are hung on the window.
  • The branches of the plant stretch towards the sun. To form a beautiful crown, a flowerpot with citrus is rotated 45-90 °.

On warm days, a pot of citrus is taken out into the street - the plant hardens in the fresh air. You can not put a tree in the draft and the sun.

The best option- a shady place where the sun's rays periodically penetrate.

Maintaining the temperature. Citrus grows well at a temperature of 20-23 ° C. If the mercury column rises above +25 ° C, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. The most difficult period in caring for a mandarin seedling is flowering. The air temperature is maintained in the range of +10-12°С. Increase the interval between watering - the potting soil should dry out. Spraying during this period is carried out carefully - avoiding moisture on the flowers.


Transplanting a citrus tree growing on a windowsill is one of the important periods in caring for a plant. It allows the plant to develop, to eat the substances necessary for flowering and fruiting. During transplantation of a mandarin, one should not try to free the roots from an earthy coma - fragile processes break easily and are poorly restored.

» » » How to transplant a tangerine tree

Tell me how to transplant a tangerine tree at home? My handsome boy is 4 years old in the spring, I raised him from a bone. Last year I noticed that there were almost no young branches. I think the reason is in a small pot, since from the moment the seed is planted, the bush grows in one dish. How to choose a flowerpot for him, what kind of soil is better to take? Can I just reload or is it better to completely replace the soil?

Indoor tangerines are one of the most unpretentious citrus plants. They do well indoors and grow quickly, so the question of how to transplant a tangerine tree at home is always relevant. At first, the bone can “sit” for a long time and not sprout. But literally from the second year after germination, the seedling increases the pace of development. In order for a growing tree to always have enough space, do not neglect its annual transplant. If there is not enough space for the bush, it is unlikely that it will grow a lush crown, to say nothing of the harvest. When is it better to transplant a tangerine, into what and how to do it correctly?

Timing and frequency of transplant

As already mentioned, young tangerines develop quickly, they are especially active in growing roots. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant them annually. With the next transplant, the flowerpot itself also changes. The new container should be a couple of centimeters wider in diameter. But when the tree reaches 7 years old, transplantation can be done every 3 years. In an adult tree, the pot is already more spacious and there is enough space for it for a couple of years.

Transplantation is best done in early spring. Do not disturb the plant during flowering. But if the tangerine is sick, it simply needs to be transplanted, regardless of the season and flowering.

You can determine that a citrus tree needs a new pot by checking its root system. To do this, gently stir up the soil with a stick. If it gets stuck in the plexus of roots, a transplant is indicated. If the soil is loose and the stick enters freely, you can simply renew the soil by changing the top layer.

What soil is suitable for indoor tangerine

Land for a tree should be light, nutritious and slightly acidic. The best option is to buy a ready-made citrus substrate. You can also make a similar soil mixture at home by mixing:

  • 3 shares of sod land;
  • 1 share of sand, leafy earth and;
  • some clay.

For a mandarin, you should choose a wide plastic or ceramic flowerpot.

How to transplant a tangerine tree at home

Transplanting a healthy tangerine (without signs of decay and other diseases) is best done using the transshipment method. So the bush will “come to its senses” faster, and the roots will remain unharmed. Before the procedure, do not water the ground, so that it is easier to remove the bush along with the lump. Be sure to lay drainage at the bottom of the new pot, pour a layer of soil on top. Install the tree and fill in the remaining voids on the sides well. The root neck should remain at the same level. It remains to water the tangerine - and the transplant procedure is completed.

The tangerine tree, in its popularity among flower growers, is only slightly inferior to lemon laurels. And this is not surprising: its bright fruits are pleasing to the eye, and the delicate aroma has a healing effect, improving mood and giving cheerfulness. Tangerine trees decorate window sills for many years - the main thing is to properly care for them. Moreover, it is not so difficult - the mandarin is not capricious.

Is it possible to grow a tree yourself

A tangerine tree can be grown from a seed at home. For this, seeds are selected from the tangerines you like. In order for shoots to appear for sure, it is better to plant at least 10 pieces.

The bones are pre-soaked for several days. For this purpose, they are wrapped in damp gauze and placed in a warm place. The main thing is that the gauze does not dry out. After a few days, the seeds will swell.

As soon as sprouts appear, the seeds can be planted. Stores sell special soil for citrus fruits. But you can make an earthen mixture yourself.

Soil for tangerine trees:

  • Sod - 3 parts;
  • Earth -1 part;
  • Humus -1 part;
  • Some sand or clay.

Expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot, then the prepared soil mixture is poured. Seeds are planted to a depth of 5 cm. The earth is well moistened and the pot is placed in a bright place. But hatched sprouts must be protected from direct sunlight in the first weeks. Otherwise they will dry out.

It is worth knowing that trees grown from seeds themselves will not produce cultivated juicy fruits. In order to get tasty tangerines, a shoot from a cultivated fruit-bearing plant will need to be grafted to the tree.

Video instruction for growing mandarin from the stone

Lighting and location

Mandarin is a southern plant, therefore it loves light and warmth. For him, it is worth choosing windows facing south, southeast, southwest. It is important that the location is well lit.

However, direct sunlight, especially in summer heat, tangerine is not very fond of. They can cause leaf burns. If the tree overheats under the rays, then chlorosis may begin - the plants will begin to wither and lose strength. Therefore, on too sunny days, the south window is covered with a gauze curtain. In the summer, you can take the tree out onto the balcony. In a private house, he is even taken out into the street. However, in this case, the transfer is carried out gradually - first the pot is placed in the shade. When he gets used to the new conditions, he is taken out to the site. If you immediately put the pot under the rays of the sun, the tangerine may start to hurt.

In autumn and winter, mandarin must be artificially illuminated. To do this, lamps are placed on the windowsill and turned on during the day. Without this, the mandarin can start to hurt.

Temperature regime

Mandarin does not like the cold. The optimum air temperature for it in summer is +20 degrees, in winter - + 12-14. Buds and ovaries on a tree appear only at a temperature of + 16-18 degrees. If the room is always colder, then the tangerine will not bloom and the grower will wait in vain for bright fruits.


In nature, tangerines live in a humid subtropical climate. Therefore, for a comfortable existence, they must be constantly sprayed with water from a spray bottle. And you have to do this several times a day. In winter, you will have to spray the tree more often, as the central heating dries the air a lot. But in no case should you spray the tangerine with cold tap water. It must be warmed up to room temperature.

Additionally, a bowl of water can be placed near the plant. Also, water can be poured into the pan on which the pot with the plant stands. In dry air, the tangerine tree is affected by pests - scale insects and spider mites.


In summer, the plant is watered often and plentifully. In winter, it is enough to water it 2 times a week. The soil in the pot should not dry out completely - the fact that the time has come for watering is indicated by the drying of the topsoil.

A simple experiment can tell if it's time to water. It is enough to take a pinch of earth in your fingers and squeeze. If it crumbles - it's time to go for a watering can.

Don't use tap water. The chlorine and other compounds contained in it alkalize the earth and cause chlorosis, in which spots appear on the leaves. Does not give a positive result and pre-boiling tap water. Firstly, it complicates care, and secondly, harmful elements still remain in the water. Some flower growers advise using hot water supplied centrally for irrigation. It is less chlorinated and has greater softness. First, it must be cooled and defended for 24 hours. However, this procedure is advised to be done with any water for watering a tangerine tree.

In winter, water for irrigation is heated to + 30-35 degrees. Otherwise, you can supercool the roots of the plant and it will wither. In summer, the water naturally heats up during settling.

Extra care

Every month, a mandarin needs to have a bath. At the same time, the earth in a pot must be protected with an impenetrable film. The leaves of the tree are washed with soapy water. This will help protect the plant from pests.

Important: so that soapy water, running down the trunk, does not soak the ground, it is bandaged with a bandage.


Trees need to be fertilized periodically. For the first time in a year it is done in April. Further, until winter, mandarin is fed every two weeks. This is done so that the tree develops well, buds and bears fruit. Summer dressings prevent the bitterness of the fruit. In winter, it is not necessary to feed the plant.

For top dressing, use any complex fertilizers that are sold in stores. There are special top dressings for citrus fruits.

You can enhance fruiting with the help of the so-called fish soup. 200g of small fresh fish are boiled in 2 liters of water for 30 minutes. The strained broth is cooled and added to complex fertilizer.


Pruning allows not only to form a beautiful crown, but also accelerates the onset of the fruiting period. All weak branches must be removed. The apical shoots are periodically pinched. Then the tree begins to bush, the crown becomes more dense and beautiful.

In young trees in the first years of flowering, it is necessary to pinch off part of the buds. This will preserve the vitality of the plants. Otherwise, they can become depleted and bear fruit poorly. The fewer flowers there are, the larger and more beautiful the fruits will be.


The plant is transplanted once a year in the first years of life. Then, when the fruiting period begins, the trees are transplanted every 2-3 years. Do this before the plant grows. The ideal time is March. If time is missed, it is better to skip deadlines. A transplant not carried out on time can lead to the fact that the tree will be sick for a long time or even die. If there is room in the pot, sometimes it is enough to replace the topsoil and drainage.

Pest control

The fact that the mandarin was struck by a tick is indicated by white dots on the underside of the leaves and twisted leaves, in which cobwebs can be seen. To destroy it, you can use garlic tinctures, tobacco dust, laundry soap.

1 tablespoon of dust is infused in a glass of boiling water for 6 hours, then mixed with 10 g of soap. The plant is sprayed with this solution. It is enough to carry out 3 procedures every 6 days.

To prepare garlic tincture, the head of garlic is crushed and insisted in a glass of boiling water for 2 days. Further, they act in exactly the same way.

When the scale insect is damaged, brownish spots-growths appear along the veins on the leaves. They fight with a shield with the help of such a solution:

  • 1 tsp engine oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l washing powder;
  • 40 g of laundry soap;
  • 1 glass of water.

This solution should not fall on the soil. It is applied to leaves and branches. After 4 aces, it is washed off under the shower. The tree is treated 3 times every 6 days.

At good care a tangerine tree will bear first fruits in the third year and will then produce up to 50 tasty and juicy tangerines. It's not that hard to take care of it. The main thing is that it should be regular and constant. And then the tangerine tree will surely reward with beauty and harvest.

Preparation process

By buying a tangerine or growing it from a stone in an apartment, you will make sure that this culture is not too spoiled. If a person decides to grow a citrus tree at home, he should understand the intricacies of plant care.

How to understand that it's time to transplant a tangerine tree:

  • the plant is transplanted annually in the first 6 years;
  • citrus at the age of 7 years should be moved to another pot every 2 years;
  • manipulations are carried out at the beginning of spring: tangerine trees are transplanted in March, at this time the tree has not fully awakened after winter, the juice is slowly moving along its branches and roots;
  • a plant that has begun to bloom is not transplanted, otherwise the citrus will weaken and drop buds;
  • an adult tangerine should not be disturbed at the beginning of autumn, especially when fruits appear on it: in autumn, only young trees that are less than 3 years old can be transplanted.

In order not to create unnecessary stress for the tree, the grower must make sure that it is time to "relocate" the tangerine. After watering, you should make a small dig and feel the condition of the roots. After making sure that the root system of the plant is tightly wrapped around the soil, get ready to transplant the citrus.

If the roots are loose and you see that they are not crowded in the soil, it is undesirable to move the tree to another pot. To add nutrients to the southern plant, you can change the topsoil, and let the pot remain the same.

Selecting a new capacity

When choosing a new tangerine pot, you need to consider important nuances:

  • the root system of citrus trees grows rapidly, so cramped flowerpots are not the best choice for these plants;
  • pick up a miniature flowerpot for a plant that was in a plastic cup for the first year of its life;
  • pots made of ceramics or plastic are suitable for a citrus tree;
  • drainage holes must be in the pot;
  • in long narrow containers, tangerine trees do not grow well, there is a risk of root rot;
  • the new flowerpot should be 3 cm larger in diameter than the previous container.

If you are using a container in which another flower has recently grown to transplant a citrus tree, it is worth sterilizing the flowerpot. After the pot is thoroughly washed, it is doused with boiling water. So you protect the mandarin roots from bacteria.

Give up the idea of ​​​​planting a tangerine next to a tree of a different kind. The experience of flower growers has shown that tangerine trees feel uncomfortable next to flowering ones. perennials(geranium, clivia). In one flowerpot, 2 mandarin seedlings can develop well, and the trees must be of the same age.

Soil mix requirements

In order for indoor tangerines to develop well, they need a suitable substrate. The plant loves light slightly acidic soil.

When choosing soil for your homemade citrus, give up on the idea of ​​buying something cheap. High-quality mixtures are more expensive in stores than their "average" counterparts.

After opening the package, carefully inspect the soil mixture. The grower should be alerted by the smell of mold emanating from the soil. The second sign indicating the low quality of the material is the presence of large seeds and plant roots in the ground. It is highly undesirable to transplant a tangerine tree into such a dubious substrate.

If the grower does not trust store mixes, he can prepare the soil for planting on his own.

You should take one part of humus (cow dung), one part of coarse river sand and the same amount of leafy soil. The main component of the mixture is turf land. It will need 3 parts. All components are mixed, then clay is added to the substrate in a small amount.

Transplant Features

Having made the soil mixture, the grower prepares high-quality drainage for planting the plant. What material is suitable for this purpose:

  • expanded clay;
  • broken brick.

The flowerpot is filling up drainage material 3 cm. Soil is laid on top of it. How is a mandarin transplant carried out:

  • the tree is transplanted by the transshipment method; do not strongly destroy the earthen lump taken out of the old pot;
  • attention is paid to the root system of the tree: when transplanting a tangerine into a new flowerpot, make sure that its roots do not twist or wrinkle;
  • the plant should not be immersed too deep into the ground, because the tree may rot; after transplanting "events", make sure that the root collar of your homemade citrus has remained at the same level above the soil as in the previous flowerpot;
  • the position of the tree in the pot should be vertical;
  • moisten the soil after the procedure, the top layer of soil will immediately compact;
  • half an hour after watering, add a little soil mixture to the pot, water the transplanted tangerine again.

Caring for transplanted tangerines

Mandarin, placed in a new pot, needs careful care. The necessary conditions to adapt a citrus crop in a new container are as follows:

  • regular moderate watering: mandarin does not tolerate drought, in the summer the plant should be watered daily;
  • normal soil moisture: it is undesirable to waterlog the soil under a citrus tree, this rule is especially true in the autumn months;
  • tangerine trees are watered with settled water: cold liquid is not suitable for watering citrus plants, it must be heated to room temperature;
  • the first month after transplantation is the most difficult for the plant, at this time, without special need, do not move the pot with a green pet to another place, protect the tangerine from drafts;
  • constant spraying of the leaves and stems of the tree is necessary;
  • prolonged lighting is necessary so that the plants do not get sick: in the winter months, lighting should be organized for the southern plant with fitolamps; the duration of daylight hours for citrus plants should be 8-10 hours;
  • in the summer season, citrus seedlings should be protected from the midday sun;
  • hardened tangerine trees will take root better: in spring and summer, flowerpots with plants are taken out into the street for several hours. If you live in an apartment in a multi-storey building, you can take flowerpots with plants to the balcony. When hardening a tree, it is important not to allow the north wind to blow in its direction.

Other important nuances

There are cases when a recently transplanted tangerine slowed down growth, and the leaves on the tree began to turn yellow. This situation signals that the temperature regime did not suit the citrus or the grower waters the plant illiterately.

Having figured out how to transplant a tangerine tree, you should remember the important nuances of caring for it:

  • it is recommended to keep a flowerpot with a plant on the windowsill of a southeast window; in the southwest, tangerines also feel comfortable;
  • choose morning for watering homemade citrus: in the winter months, tangerines are watered no more than 3 times a week, if liquid accumulates in the pan, you should reduce the number of waterings;
  • consider age: the older the tree, the more it needs to be fertilized with fertilizers, use combined mineral fertilizers and cow dung slurry; the procedure is carried out in June, nutrients should be added under the trunk of the tree after watering;
  • do not overmoisten the soil: during the flowering of tangerine trees, excessive moisture can harm them, the ground under the citrus trees should dry out a little;
  • keep the humidity level high in the room where the tangerine grows. Spray plants preferably three times a day. On hot summer days, flower growers place basins of water near tangerine trees. This measure protects the plant from drying out. Maintaining high humidity in the room is important not only in summer, but also in winter. If the indoor tangerine is located next to the heater, you should purchase a humidifier.

Citrus trees always turn towards the sun. In order for sunlight to evenly fall on the plant, flower growers turn flowerpots with trees every 3-4 weeks. This rule does not apply to plants that have recently been transplanted. The first 5 weeks after transplantation, it is better not to disturb the tree.

In order for the tangerine to grow and begin to bear fruit in an apartment, you should observe the correct temperature regime. During the summer months, the room temperature should not exceed 25°C. When the mandarin blossoms, it is desirable that the air temperature be 10–13 ° C.


Novice flower growers are often interested in how to transplant a tangerine tree at home. The procedure for moving a tree to a new container is quite simple. To prevent the transplanted plant from rotting and dropping leaves, you should pay attention to caring for it. In the first month after transplanting, the tree is very vulnerable to drafts. The humidity level in the room where citruses grow should be high at any time of the year.

Transplanting a tangerine tree is necessary for two reasons. Firstly, for the first few years it is constantly growing, which means that its root system is growing and requires more and more space. Secondly, even after the indoor tangerine stops growing, the soil in the pot depletes over time, and without replacing it, the tree will not be able to fully live and bear fruit.

Transplanting any tree is a rather difficult and responsible task, even if it is an indoor tangerine. In its own way, and he is a giant among small houseplants, and he needs more and more space, and a more spacious pot.

Young plants are transplanted once a year, adults - once every two years. In the first case, the new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. In the second - the same size, but at the same time they try to completely replace the earth and the drainage layer.

Why can't you immediately plant a young sprout in a large pot? Because in such a container there will be too much space for its root system, and it will begin to grow to the detriment of the aerial part and fruits. In a figurative sense, a tangerine pot should grow with it, gradually.

Work is carried out at the end of the dormant period, when the tree is just beginning to wake up after winter rest. That is, at the beginning of March. In any case, this must happen before the flowers appear. Blooming tree no longer transplanted, in this state it will be very difficult for him to take root in a new place, since forces will be needed both for flowering and for the formation of fruits.

The pot can be of any type, as long as it has a hole for draining excess water, it is imperative to arrange a drainage layer at the bottom. As a rule, in 1-2 years, a lot of microorganisms appear on fragments of bricks, expanded clay or gravel, which can be both beneficial and harmful for the plant. We will assume that beneficial bacteria will appear again in the course of life, and it is better to get rid of harmful ones by removing them along with the old drainage.

As for the substrate, it can be purchased ready-made, or made at home from simple components. In flower shops, citrus substrates are on sale - they will be what you need.

Independently, the substrate can be made from humus, garden soil, coarse sand taken in 1 part. Then you need to add 3 parts of sod land, a little clay, and mix everything.

After drainage is arranged in the new pot, some earth is poured and the tree is removed from the old container. First, it is watered, this should be done a few hours before transplanting. The earth should be well soaked.

Then the roots are pryed with a spatula or a wide knife, and the tree is removed. Small plants can be transplanted alone, for transplanting large plants it is better to do the work together, so there will be more confidence that neither the tree nor its root system will suffer.

The extracted plant is inspected, damaged roots and part of the earth are removed. It is not worth removing it completely; when transplanting, it is important to replace at least half of the old substrate.

In a new pot, the root neck should be at the same level, it is not at all difficult to comply with these conditions. After being placed in a new place, the substrate is watered, compacted, and if necessary, add a little more.

Now the tree will need the same care as before, at the beginning of the awakening season - feeding, raising the temperature, loosening the earth, watering, spraying.

Transplanting a mandarin at home seems like a daunting task for many. But you can’t do without it if you want to grow a full-fledged indoor tree. The mandarin is growing, and not only its crown is increasing, but also the root system. Therefore, from time to time it needs to be transplanted into without fail. Moreover, the flower pot should be picked up a little more than the one in which the tangerine grew before. Transplantation is an infrequently foreseen procedure. If we are talking about young trees, it is carried out once a year. When the tangerine tree reaches the age of seven, it is recommended to move it to another pot and change the substrate at the same time no more than once every two years.

Pay special attention right choice season and time suitable for land works. Experts recommend transplanting tangerines in early spring, when the home tree has just moved away from wintering and has not yet fully awakened. This must be done before the start of the flowering period. Don't worry in any way flowering plant, otherwise there will be little use from his transplant. Knowing when and how to properly perform this kind of anti-aging procedure, you can achieve high results.

Many flower growers are worried about how to choose a new pot for planting a tangerine correctly. However, there is nothing complicated here. If we are talking about young seedlings, which you may be growing from seed, you can use small cups about 7-9 cm deep as the first flower containers. It is not necessary to save.

Some flower growers plant young tangerine trees in miniature flower pots from the first days. Decide for yourself whether it is advisable to spend money on such containers. For those who want to save money, small cups are the right solution. But only for the first time. In the future, the size of the flower pot will constantly increase, as the root system of the tree grows actively. Do not forget that the pots must certainly have drainage holes, no matter if you use plastic cups or ceramic flowerpots.

Transplanting a homemade mandarin begins with the choice of a nutrient substrate. This moment is very important for any grower, and you should not save here. The first thing you need to pay attention to is that the tangerine tree prefers slightly acidic soils. Among the varieties of substrates, it is best to choose a ready-made soil mixture, which can be purchased at the store. But if you don’t want to spend money on a store substrate, you can prepare the ground for a mandarin transplant with your own hands.

To do this, mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 3 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • a small amount of clay.

You need to worry not only about the high quality of the soil, but also about the presence of drainage. To do this, lay a layer of broken brick or expanded clay on the bottom of the flowerpot. Fill the pot by 3-4 cm. When all the preparatory points are settled, you can begin to transplant the tangerine tree. Seedlings are mainly transplanted by the transshipment method. The main thing is to prevent damage to the root system.

Another lot important point: The root collar should remain at the same level above the ground as in the previous container. Immediately after transplanting, the soil must be moistened. Thus, the top layer of soil is compacted. Wait about 30-40 minutes and then add to flower pot some more land. Water the transplanted plant thoroughly again.

Features of growing a particular tangerine tree depend on the description of the key characteristics of its varieties. Agree, there are many varieties of this plant today; recently, breeders have bred a large number of hybrids. Nevertheless, there are also basic points for caring for a tangerine tree:

  • regularly try to moisten the soil. It should not be allowed to dry out, but it is not worth watering the tangerine too much;
  • spray the leaves and stems of the plant;
  • lighting should be continuous. In winter, some flower growers even organize the presence of lighting. But in summer it is recommended to protect the mandarin from the midday sun;
  • to seedlings houseplant gradually hardened and got used to the fresh air, they need to be taken out into the street for a while. But choose a site protected from the winds.

When the tangerine blooms, finally, try to keep the room temperature at 10-12 degrees. Do not moisten the plant often, the soil during the flowering of the tree should dry out a little between waterings.

Special attention should be paid to spraying the tangerine tree. This must be done very carefully, since moisture should not fall on the mandarin flowers. What else is recommended to take care of the grower? Home tangerine always turns towards the sun. Therefore, in order for the flower to absorb sunlight evenly, try to turn the flowerpot every few weeks. But do not get carried away with this activity: it is often impossible to disturb the tangerine tree, as this does not have a very beneficial effect on the plant.

This video shows how to grow a tangerine from a seed at home.

Choosing a place for a tangerine

If you still decide to grow a tangerine, the first step is to choose a place for an evergreen tree. Indoor tangerine can grow both on the windowsill and on the balcony. To date, many dwarf plants have been bred by breeders, but also ordinary trees tangerine can be given the desired shape.

The place for planting a tree at home is chosen in the same way as in the garden. The site must be well lit with little direct sunlight. With insufficient lighting, the tangerine will slow down its growth and may not bloom at all. Therefore, to grow a tangerine, choose the southern part of the room, but so that at noon the tree can be slightly shaded.


For indoor maintenance of mandarin, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature. In summer, the optimal temperature indicators for growing a tree should be +20…+25°C. When the plant begins to bloom or buds appear on it, it is advisable to warn them against falling flowers by lowering the temperature no higher than +20 ° C.

In winter, to improve future flowering, citrus mandarin is better leave without much movement. The temperature in winter can vary from +5 °C to +10 °C. Observing such temperature conditions, you can easily grow a tangerine from a stone at home.

Lighting a tangerine is a very important point in its growth. With insufficient light the tree is retarded and there is a great risk of getting a modest bloom. In summer, a young tangerine can be gradually exposed to the open air so that the plant gradually gets used to the environment. But at noon you will have to hide it from direct sunlight.

In winter, when the daylight hours are rather short, the tangerine must be placed in the brightest place in the room. It happens that a young tree may not have enough lighting. Here a phytolamp will come to the rescue, which is screwed into an ordinary table lamp or chandelier. Start off you need to highlight the tangerine gradually otherwise, with a sharp change in the length of daylight hours, the plant may shed foliage.

Air humidity

Mandarin does not tolerate dry air. Therefore, to maintain sufficient humidity, it is recommended to place water containers around the container. With an increase in temperature, the plant needs to be additionally moistened, sometimes several times a day. In winter, it is better to apply spraying, but only as the soil dries.

Choice of dishes or container for planting

Dishes for planting mandarin are recommended to choose based on its size. Remember, for the best growth of the tree, it will need to be replanted every year. Do not immediately choose a large pot, as too much space can lead to root rot.

The best containers for tangerine are small wooden crates or pots made from natural materials. Be sure to have good drainage when planting. Pebbles, expanded clay, remnants of broken ceramic dishes and even polystyrene are excellent for this role. Mandarin does not like stagnant moisture in the soil, which can also lead to root rot.

Soil for mandarin

As with outdoor cultivation, indoor tangerine does not love acidic soils . Therefore, when choosing a ready-made mixture for planting in a store, pay attention to the acidity of the substrate.

If you do not trust purchased substrates, you can independently prepare the soil for planting. To do this, take turf and leaf soil, washed river sand and some wood ash. Observe the proportions 1:1:0.5. From these components, a light, well-permeable soil is obtained, which the mandarin loves so much.

Planting, propagation and transplanting mandarin

When growing mandarin citrus at home, there are several ways to propagate it: cuttings, grafting, and the most popular method today - a bone. But how to plant and grow a tangerine from a stone so that the tree bears fruit?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that when using this method, the result should not be expected earlier than in six years. An even more difficult method of propagation is cuttings, since when using it, it is extremely rare to grow a tangerine at home.

At the same time, mandarin grafting is considered one of the proven options. At home, it is grafted onto seedlings of orange, lemon or grapefruit. In addition, many flower growers are interested in how much mandarin grows? This citrus tree is very durable and, with proper care, will live for more than thirty years.

Mandarin roots are actively growing every year, which is why the plant needs an annual transplant. After 5-6 years, they are transplanted less often - once every two years. Transplantation must be carried out in the spring, before the active growth of the rhizome, and each time a flowerpot or pot is selected slightly larger than the previous one. The best thing for a mandarin will be a transshipment method of transplantation: try not to destroy the formed earthen clod.

Vegetative propagation methods

As we mentioned above, the reproduction of mandarin at home, using the usual planting of cuttings, is almost impossible. Therefore, in order to grow a fruitful tree, tangerine cuttings graft to any other citrus plant.

To do this, you need a bush aged from one to two years and a stalk of your chosen tangerine variety. We take a citrus seedling and make a T-shaped incision at a distance of up to 10 cm above the soil. Then, slightly pressing the tip of the knife, we get a recess into which we insert our cutting.

After that, you need to coat the cut with garden pitch and rewind with PVC film or electrical tape. After grafting tangerines, you need to place them in a greenhouse or just cover them with a plastic bag. You can ventilate once a day, making sure that an eye has not appeared after vaccination.

Usually the stalk is grafted within a month, after which the greenhouse is removed and the electrical tape is weakened. After rooting, the overstretched film can be completely disposed of. By growing mandarins in this way of reproduction, you have every chance of getting sweet and juicy fruits.

seed method

The easiest way to grow a tangerine is to plant a seed, and you already know this. Therefore, in advance, buy a few fruits that have been properly stored, without freezing and direct sunlight, and select a dozen seeds from them. Then, rinse them thoroughly running water and place on a windowsill or other flat surface to dry.

When the seeds dry, they must be soaked for further germination: we take a cotton cloth and wrap the bones in it. For several days, the fabric should be damp, but not floating in water.

After the seeds swell and sprouts begin to hatch, they can be transplanted into previously prepared soil. As soon as you plant a mandarin seed and the seedling grows a little, it must be transplanted into a container with a volume of about 4 liters.

plant care

If you no longer have questions on how to plant a tangerine, then all that remains is to provide him proper care and wait for fragrant fruits. For good tree growth do not forget about sufficient humidity in the summer. Give more light, but shade in the sun, as tangerine leaves burn easily.

Some varieties of indoor tangerines can bloom up to a whole year, but to ensure their comfortable growth, cut off most of the flowers and ovaries. If you do not want to give the tangerine tree a special look, then you need to remove only dried or strongly elongated branches.

With the advent of spring, it is necessary to water the tangerine abundantly, wetting the entire earthen ball and if you build it correctly drainage system, then there will be no stagnation of moisture and it will not harm the plant. On particularly hot days, water the tree with a warm shower, and in the process of preparing for wintering, in the autumn, watering should be reduced. When growing in a warm room, water it as the topsoil dries out.

When is a mandarin transplant needed?

A tangerine tree is transplanted in the spring, when the plant wakes up after winter and all its processes are activated. Since this plant develops very quickly, it is recommended to replant a young tree once a year, while the new pot should be 2–3 cm larger than the previous one. And at the age of seven, when the flower is already considered an adult, a mandarin transplant is carried out every three years.

First, make sure that a transplant is necessary, for this, make a small dig and feel the condition of the roots. If the root system is tightly wrapped around the soil, then replant, and if the roots are loose, it would be better to change the topsoil and leave the pot the same. Do not forget that there will be no point in transplanting if the plant is blooming at this moment. It is better not to touch the tangerine tree at all in the flowering phase. Therefore, knowing how to properly and when to transplant a mandarin at home, you will achieve the most positive results.

Choosing a transplant pot

There is no reason to worry about choosing a new pot for planting a citrus tree. If your plant is on preparatory stage to cultivation, then a simple plastic cup may be suitable for him. But if you want an exquisite pot for the future plant, then any other miniature container up to 10 cm deep will do. But do not forget that the root system grows very quickly, and soon you will need another glass or flowerpot for proper transplanting indoor tree.

Required soil and substrate

Proper transplanting of a homemade tangerine tree begins with choosing the right substrate. This is one of the main points and it is not worth saving on it. It is better to purchase ready-made soil in a specialized store, pay attention that it is slightly acidic, without other impurities. The earth should be very airy and nutritious, retain moisture well and pass air. If you do not trust universal soils or just have a desire to prepare the substrate yourself, then the opportunity to prepare the right mixture always exists. For tangerine trees, the following components are suitable:

  • turf and leaf soil in the same proportions;
  • coarse river sand, which must be disinfected before use;
  • humus;
  • clay in very small quantities.

When transplanting a plant, do not forget about the need for drainage. At the bottom of the flowerpot, 3-5 centimeters thick, drainage is lined, expanded clay and small pebbles are ideal. The indoor tangerine will really like large stones at the bottom, which perfectly pass air and do not allow stagnant water. One little secret: the neck of an indoor tangerine tree, after you have transplanted it, should remain at the same level above the ground as in another pot.

After completing the process, immediately water the soil, it will settle a little, then add a little more soil and water the last time.

Rules for caring for a transplanted tree

One of the basic rules is that indoor tangerines need light! And the more it is, the better: the tree is gaining health and energy, and the fruits - juice. Place it in the house near the windows, and if it is the south side, then it is still desirable that the glass is covered by blinds or any other diffusing device. It will be bad for the leaves if they are in direct sunlight. In the warm season, you can put homemade tangerine flowers in the open air: balconies, loggias, Orchard but stick to sun protection rules.

In winter, it is a little troublesome with this plant, since the daylight hours for it should last at least eight hours. It will be necessary to highlight with phytolamps, otherwise the tree may get sick, and in rare cases die altogether. Therefore, this item must be taken with great responsibility.

As for the air temperature, the optimal value would be 20-25 degrees, if this figure drops, then do not wait for the fruits, they will ripen, but they will turn out to be hollow inside. In winter, it is recommended to remove the plant to a cool room - this is necessary so that it can rest before the important and active phase of flowering in the spring. Having gained a lot of strength, indoor citruses give much more fruits, and they are also juicier and sweeter.

Humidity should be high, so three times a day it is worth spraying the flower with clean water. In a hot period, it would be better to place a bucket or basin of water near the pot to prevent the air around the tangerine from drying out. In winter, it will generally be ideal to use a humidifier, especially if the flower is located next to heating appliances. And do not forget to ventilate the room: fresh air has a beneficial effect on development, but do not allow drafts to appear - the indoor tangerine does not tolerate this, like any other house plant.

After you transplant a tree, be sure to water it, and then monitor the condition of the soil. It should always be kept moist, but not wet, to prevent rotting. Most often it turns out that in summer watering is done once a day, and in winter approximately 2-3 times a week. Pay attention to the pan - if water accumulates in it, then reduce the number of waterings.

Use purified and settled water for irrigation, tap water contains a lot of salts and impurities that linger in the soil and have a bad effect on appearance plants. When watering, try not to get on the trunk and leaves. Morning is considered the most successful time, since the tree, like all living things, wakes up, and some water starts all metabolic processes in the body.