Do-it-yourself plastic canopy. How to build a shed canopy: drawing, materials and sequence of work

Polycarbonate is a high-tech material that has found its application in many construction industries. For the manufacture of polycarbonate, the extrusion method is used, and the material itself, in principle, is a polymer-based plastic. What explains such a great popularity of the material? First of all, unique properties, including transparency, lightness, increased strength, plasticity and resistance to low temperatures. In a word, an excellent alternative to obsolete PVC panels.

Additional photos (click to enlarge)

So, today we will find out how to build a polycarbonate canopy, what this material is in general and what are its main advantages. We will also get acquainted with the types, technical parameters and prices.

Do-it-yourself instructions for assembling a canopy for a car made of polycarbonate

Raw Materials

We measure the platform for the canopy

Checking the slope of the site

Drilling holes for racks

We install racks

We mount side trusses

Assembly of arched trusses

Installation of arched trusses

Lathing installation

Installation of polycarbonate

End profile installation

We concrete racks

The price of polycarbonate awnings

NA6, Price: 2000 rub. m2.

NA7, Price: 2000 rubles. m2

NA7, Price: 2000 rubles. m2
N04, Price: 2200 rub. m2

N03, Price: 2200 rub. m2

N02, Price: 2200 rub. m2
N01, Price: 2200 rub. m2

N05, Price: 2300 rub. m2

N11, Price: 2400 rubles. m2
N10, Price: 2400 rub. m2

N12, Price: 2500 rub. m2

N24, Price: 2800 rub. m2
N22, Price: 2800 rub. m2

N44, Price: 4200 rubles. m2

N43, Price: 4200 rubles. m2
N45, Price: 4400 rubles. m2

N48, Price: 4600 rubles. m2

N28, Price: 3200 rub. m2

Key varieties of polycarbonate

Let's start with the fact that the material itself can be:

  • monolithic;
  • cellular.

Let's get acquainted with the features of each type of material.

Cellular polycarbonate - what is it?

This material is distinguished by a fairly simple device - it is a kind of panel that includes several plastic layers (opaque or transparent) mated to each other by means of vertically arranged stiffening ribs. The ribs themselves are located in the direction of the polycarbonate fibers.

Thus, voids are formed inside the material, in which, in turn, there is air. This feature provides panels with excellent thermal insulation qualities. We also note that honeycomb sheets are quite rigid, but they can still be easily bent even at low temperatures, making the panels simply indispensable for the construction of complex objects.

As for the specific characteristics, they are shown in the table below.

Table. Characteristics and properties of cellular polycarbonate.

Monolithic polycarbonate - what are its features and benefits?

This material differs from that described above in that it is a cast plastic, which is why it received such useful qualities:

  • high strength;
  • ability to absorb ultraviolet;
  • haze/transparency;
  • slight weight.

Note! Monolithic polycarbonate is widely used not only in construction, but also in many industrial areas, including those related to high technology.

Key advantages of polycarbonate structures

All structures made of polycarbonate (regardless of whether we are talking about a canopy or a greenhouse roof) have a whole range of advantages.

  • They have excellent external data (the choice of colors and shapes is simply huge).
  • They are easy to install and subsequently maintain.
  • The cost of the material is more than affordable.
  • All structures are durable, able to serve for many years.
  • They protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Polycarbonate, as noted earlier, is both matte and transparent.

Choosing the shape of a canopy made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate canopies can have a wide variety of designs, but they are all conditionally divided by the number of slopes into two large groups - single and double. In addition, products can also be divided according to the design of the slopes - from this point of view, they are:

  • arched;
  • straight.

Moreover, the canopies can also be divided according to the roof structure (the latter can be located on the farm or on the rafters), the presence / absence of the crate, etc.

Classification of polycarbonate canopies according to their purpose

IN Lately Polycarbonate canopy is gaining more and more popularity, mainly due to the fact that it has become an excellent alternative to wood and metal. Consequently, the design boasts a fairly wide range of uses.

Do-it-yourself carport

A car canopy is a great way to protect vehicles from negative impacts. environment. Tellingly, the carport can be of any shape - for example, square, arched, in the form of an arc - and the only limitation in this case is only human imagination. You should also remember such an important point (especially in private homes) as environmental friendliness.

Polycarbonate canopies for swimming pools

These canopies have a lot of very different functions. So, the structures protect swimmers from the summer sun, thereby minimizing the risk of heat stroke. The texture of the panels is also water-repellent, so drops do not linger on them, but flow down under the influence of their own weight. A shadow is created over the pool itself, and the water inside it does not bloom. Finally, leaves and other debris are guaranteed not to fall into the water.

Also have Alternative option– we are talking at the pavilion for the pool. Yes, it will cost significantly more, but as a result you will receive such significant benefits:

  • the pool can be used regardless of the season;
  • the design will turn out to be rigid, which means it is resistant to strong winds;
  • the water in the reservoir will be reliably protected from flowering and debris;
  • the design will give a lot of shade, which is especially important on hot summer days.

Features of a canopy over the porch of the house

To protect the front door, as well as the area adjacent to it, from the hot sun or bad weather, many build a small canopy using polycarbonate for it. Due to the fact that the shape / color of the material can be absolutely, the design can be easily entered into the composition of the building. Plastic can be bought even transparent, which will allow, as it were, to regulate the penetrating light.

Polycarbonate canopy for a balcony - you can not glaze!

This option will be an excellent solution if, with the slightest precipitation or snow, the functionality of your balcony is immediately lost (that is, it is simply impossible to go there). People who like to set up greenhouses can use transparent plastic, which can provide the plants on the balcony with light in the quantities necessary for their normal and full development.

Note! Such a canopy will not only protect from the weather - it can also extend the life of the balcony structure itself, especially if it is made of wood. Various fungi will not form there, which is important for people who use the balcony as a pantry.

Polycarbonate canopy over the terrace

Recreation outside the city in the fresh air is truly incomparable. But so that such a vacation is not overshadowed by precipitation or the hot sun, it is recommended to equip a polycarbonate canopy. You can organize under it, for example, a summer kitchen so that the cooking process is carried out in the fresh air.

Polycarbonate gazebo canopy - today's alternative to traditional roofing

If you want to build a gazebo or are already in the process, but don’t know what exactly to cover the structure with, we advise you to give preference to the polycarbonate described in this article. Due to its many advantages, this is the best option for creating a roof. You can, for example, make a beautiful matte roof for the gazebo, which will also be an excellent addition to the design of the site. Be that as it may, the canopy will become an excellent protection against surrounding troubles, and there are simply no other functions that a canopy in the gazebo should have.

Rules for choosing polycarbonate for the construction of a canopy

We figured out the features and varieties of the material, now we will find out what to look for when buying. For the designs listed above, the best option will become a cellular material with which you can build a porch of any configuration and color.

Good choice of material thickness

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the thickness of the polycarbonate - it depends, first of all, on the purpose and type of the future structure. Also, this should take into account the bending radius, the step with which the crate will be constructed, wind / snow loads, etc. More detailed information can be found in the table below.

If we are talking about outdoor structures, then for their roofing preference should be given to thin sheets of plastic. Do not think that you will save money this way - this is fundamentally the wrong opinion. And indeed, after all, the step of constructing the crate here will be more frequent, which, of course, will require large expenses. It is also better not to use thick sheets, even to increase the strength characteristics of the structure. In a word, when choosing the thickness of the material, it is necessary to focus on the features and purpose of the canopy.

Here are a few useful tips to help you make the right choice.

  • 4mm polycarbonate is ideal for greenhouse structures and advertising structures.
  • Panels with a thickness of 4 to 6 millimeters can be used to build canopies or canopies.
  • A thickness of 1 centimeter is ideal for various vertical structures - for example, skylights, noise protection structures, etc.
  • Finally, panels with a thickness of 1.6 centimeters are able to withstand significant loads, so they can be used for parking lots or other large-area structures.

Features of the frame structure

When designing a polycarbonate canopy, you must take into account the transverse / longitudinal pitch of the frame itself. In the case of transverse supports, the step depends on the thickness of the material, and for a material of 0.8-1.6 centimeters it is a maximum of 100 centimeters, and in the case of longitudinal supports, no more than 70 centimeters. If the sheets are thicker than 0.8 centimeters, then the distance between the transverse supports can be reduced to 70 centimeters.

How to choose the color of the material?

The thickness of the material is not the only criterion by which you need to make a choice. The fact is that the color of the panels can be very different, as well as the degree of their transparency. Below are the most popular color options today.

What should be taken into account when choosing a particular color? First of all, the purpose of the planned design: for a pool, for example, blue, green, blue colors are ideal, but they are absolutely not suitable for creating canopies over the counters, as they will completely distort the color of the products sold.

If we are talking about a greenhouse, then for it, obviously, it is better to use transparent material. At the same time, it is definitely not suitable for a place of rest, because it will not be able to protect vacationers from sunlight.

What about quality?

How high-quality polycarbonate depends solely on its manufacturer. If you give preference to well-known companies, then there will be no doubt that the material is reliable and environmentally friendly. Quality products are covered with a special layer designed to protect against UV rays. Moreover, this layer protects not only polycarbonate, but also everything that it - the material - covers.

The volume of recycled materials used in the production of panels is also important - this indicator should be within the normal range. If the manufacturer really values ​​his authority, then he will definitely comply with strict standards, releasing high-quality material.

Video - Why you can not save on polycarbonate

DIY step-by-step instructions for making a polycarbonate canopy

To make a canopy of this material with your own hands, you need to carefully think over and design everything, prepare a site for the structure, build a frame and, in fact, install polycarbonate models. Let's take a closer look at each of these steps.

Stage number 1. We draw up a project

First, select the place where the canopy will be built, after which:

  • measure the site and determine what the dimensions of the structure will be;
  • decide what the frame will be made of (wood, metal) and the canopy itself (cellular polycarbonate, monolithic);
  • make an accurate drawing.

Polycarbonate canopy drawing

Note! At the same time, it is necessary to take into account future loads and the impact external factors. Depending on all this, certain adjustments may be made to the design.

Stage number 2. Equipping the site

First, mark the site, and then dig holes where the racks will be (the depth can be from 0.5 to 1.5 meters, it all depends on the height of the structure) and install mortgages there. Install the latter strictly vertically, then fill with concrete. You will subsequently screw all the racks to these mortgages.

Then remove the top layer of soil on the site (about 20 centimeters). Fill the resulting pit with a “cushion” of sand or gravel, after which tamp everything well. Try to equip small drainage ditches around the perimeter, through which excess water will be removed.

Stage number 3. We build a frame

As you may have noticed, in the drawing, the iron racks of the frame have a cross section of 8 centimeters, while for other structural elements this figure is 4 centimeters. Attach support posts to the mortgages that you poured with concrete, and to those, in turn, horizontal beams around the perimeter. After that, assemble the remaining elements (if we talk specifically about our example, then the arcs, for which special spacers are used to fasten them to the beams).

You may be wondering why the arch? Everything is extremely simple: nothing accumulates on such a surface, including precipitation, and it all looks very attractive. Use bolts and nuts as fasteners (and washers if necessary).

Stage number 4. We mount polycarbonate panels

The life of the entire structure depends on how well you carry out the work. The panels themselves are easy to install, requiring only minimal skills in construction.

First, prepare everything you need - in particular:

  • circular saw;
  • construction knife;
  • electric drill;
  • screwover.

Cut the material without removing the protective film, so as not to damage it. If the panels are thin, you can do this with a construction knife, if not, with circular saw. Install the sheets so that the protective layer is directed towards the source of ultraviolet radiation. The film can be removed only after completion of installation work.

Video - Proper installation of polycarbonate with your own hands

If the canopy is arched, you will have to bend the sheets - do this exclusively along the channels. For fastening, use self-tapping screws from "stainless steel", twisting them in increments of 0.3-0.4 meters. Additionally, you can use special thermal washers intended for cellular polycarbonate, the diameter of which is 3 centimeters. The base of such washers is made of silicone, so the tightness of the joints will be excellent.

Note! The diameter of the holes should exceed the diameter of the self-tapping screws by several millimeters, which is explained by such a phenomenon as the thermal expansion of plastic.

Also remember that holes must be made between the stiffeners, otherwise there will be a risk of damaging the material. Only after that the sheet is attached to the metal frame. It is not worth pinching the hardware, otherwise, again, the polycarbonate may be damaged.

To join the sheets with each other, standard H-shaped profiles are used (their length, as a rule, is 6 meters). To do this, from the ends of the material, you must first remove the protective film by about 5 centimeters, then insert the edges into the profile by at least 2 centimeters, leaving (in without fail!) half-centimeter gap for the same thermal expansion of the material.

So, now you know everything you need to know about a polycarbonate canopy. We recommend watching a video about the installation of this design. That's all, good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopy

Begin with the preparation of the site, at this stage, perform the following steps:

  1. clear the area, removing vegetation and debris. If the canopy is intended to protect a place of rest or barbecue, small grass is left;
  2. especially prominent hillocks and depressions, respectively, are cut or covered;
  3. if the platform under the canopy is supposed to be concreted, covered with rubble or, cut off the top layer of soil to a depth of 10 - 15 cm. It contains plant seeds, they would break through the coating;
  4. markup, marking the location of the supports. The number of supports and the step between them are determined by the calculation at the design stage. As a result of marking, the outline of a rectangle should appear on the ground. To make sure that the figure is drawn without distortions (due to the large dimensions, this is quite likely), measure the lengths of the diagonals: they are equal for a rectangle;
  5. in the places where the supports are installed, excavations are made with a depth exceeding the freezing mark of the soil by 10–15 cm. At a lower depth, the frozen soil will squeeze out the racks in winter (frost heaving force).

Excavations of lesser depth are allowed only in stony and sandy soils with drainage properties.

Materials for manufacturing

Materials are used different, when choosing, take into account:

  • own financial resources;
  • the planned appearance of the canopy;
  • desired architecture.

Consider the construction in parts.


Usually resort to one of two options: wood or metal.

Advantages :

  • availability of material and its low cost;
  • ease of processing: wood is cut, drilled and connected using simple tools;
  • naturalistic look: suitable for the site, with wooden house or decorated in the style of "country".


  • short service life;
  • the need for meticulous care;
  • combustibility.

In order to extend the service life of lumber, they are treated with compounds:

  • antiseptics;
  • giving moisture resistance;
  • retardant ignition.

There are two types of wood available for sale:

  1. array of natural moisture. Attracts with low cost, but due to drying it shrinks (reduces in size) and may crack;
  2. glued laminated timber. It is glued together from boards that have been dried in a special chamber with electronic temperature and humidity control. It costs more than an array of natural moisture, but it does not shrink and does not crack - the humidity is only 8% - 12%.

For the manufacture of metal frame use pipes of round (rack) and rectangular section. Corners and channels are also used. The rafters of the metal canopy are made in the form of trusses.

The upper and lower belts can be made, for example, from rectangular pipes, the struts can be made from a corner. In places where the struts are attached to the belts, plates are welded - scarves. This ensures a sufficient length of the weld and, accordingly, the strength of the connection.

Advantages of a metal canopy:

  • durability;
  • minimal maintenance (requires only occasional tint);
  • compactness: with the same strength, the elements have a much smaller cross section than wooden ones;
  • relatively simple manufacture of bent rafters for an arched canopy (in order to make them from lumber, a special device is required - a hip).


  • high price;
  • complexity in processing: expensive tools are required - a grinder, welding machine, electric drill.

For the construction of supports, the following materials are also used:

  1. brick or stone. Such racks are built for a long time, and this requires a certain level of skill: a narrow high structure must be erected without deviating from the vertical. But they look solid and soundly. In terms of service life, stone supports are superior to all other options. They are highly durable and do not require maintenance;
  2. asbestos-cement pipes with concrete filling. They are also very durable, but not as effective as brick ones. But they build faster.


The following materials are used as roofing:

Making a canopy with shed roof does not require the master highly qualified builder. But there should not be a frivolous attitude, because if the structure collapses, people will seriously suffer. Calculation and installation should, if not performed, then at least checked by specialists.

Courtyard of a private residential or country house over time, it acquires outbuildings that simplify the life of the owners, the construction of which, as a rule, takes place with their own hands. Shed canopy with polycarbonate coating - simplest design, which can serve as a gazebo, a place to store firewood, keep a car and other household needs. Polycarbonate gives buildings a modern, attractive look, without requiring financial investments and complex maintenance. This article will tell you how to calculate, draw a shed canopy from this inexpensive material.

Polycarbonate is a modern high-tech material based on polymer plastic, which has a cellular structure. This material transmits light, produces colorless, colored and patterned products. will be excellent and a garage attached to the house, or a detached structure. This material has gained popularity due to the following qualities:

Note! Experienced craftsmen note the excellent soundproofing ability of this material, thanks to which, even in the strongest downpour, the sound of drops does not interfere with the conversation and sounds quiet. High-quality polycarbonate has a service life of up to 25 years.


The design of a shed canopy is quite simple for do-it-yourself installation. It consists of supporting pillars, roof trusses, lathing and the actual polycarbonate coating. Construction stores sell ready-made kits for self-assembly, however, it is not much more difficult to calculate and make drawings yourself. In the process of creating a project, the following factors are taken into account:

Important! Roof trusses of a shed canopy are a triangular structure, the base of which is equal to the width of the canopy, and the hypotenuse corresponds to the length of the slope. To protect the polycarbonate sheet from damage and deflection, a crate is constructed, the pitch of which does not exceed 40-50 cm.

Mounting process

Do-it-yourself installation of a shed polycarbonate canopy takes no more than 1 day, it can be done by one worker, however, help in this matter will not hurt. For assembly, you will need a standard set of tools, which includes a welding machine, a screwdriver, a hacksaw or a grinder. The construction process is as follows:

Important! All seams on the frame of the canopy, remaining after welding, are cleaned with their own hands, then primed. Metal parts are coated with a durable paint for additional protection against corrosion. The edges of the carbonate are glued with reinforced tape.

Video instruction

IN summer time all meetings with friends or family gatherings are transferred to fresh air. Sudden rain often interferes with plans and forces guests and hosts to move into the house. There are many structures designed to protect against such troubles. Among the options, polycarbonate awnings and canopies attached to the house stand out significantly. They are not only easy to manufacture, but also reliable in their protective functions.

What is a canopy

A canopy is a structure consisting of a roof and supports in the form of pillars. The building may have different sizes and device, installed separately or adjacent to the house. The main purpose is to protect from the rain, but they also serve as visors to protect from direct sunlight.

Polycarbonate canopy for sun protection


Design advantages include:

  1. Lightness, no need to build a powerful foundation.
  2. The ability to cover a large part of the yard or area near the house, allowing you to perform various work regardless of weather conditions.
  3. A polycarbonate canopy adjoining the house makes it possible to hold events with relatives or friends without appearing in the open air.
  4. The design is simple and can be made by hand.


It is necessary to remember about the disadvantages of canopies:

  1. The structure does not protect from wind, dust, cold, insects.
  2. The material of the roof is able to completely block the access of sunlight, which is why there is a lack of illumination under the canopy.
  3. The roof rattles noticeably in the rain, so it is not recommended to attach the structure under the windows of the bedroom or nursery.
  4. IN winter time large masses of snow accumulate on the surface, creating a significant load on the roof and the base of the canopy.

The canopy is not an easy protective structure, it forms a kind of communication center, a place for gatherings with friends and relatives. In addition, it is capable of performing other functions:

  • car park protection;
  • transition from home to a bathhouse or other buildings;
  • canopy over the porch, balcony, other elements of the house.

In addition, high-quality canopies decorate the area near the house, create a high decorative effect. Often they are combined with other structures, forming specialized areas for recreation, communication or other purposes.

Types of canopies

Existing structures of canopies can be combined into groups according to different criteria. By form:

  • straight;
  • single or double slope;
  • domed;
  • tent;
  • wavy;
  • multilevel;
  • arched, etc.

According to the type of connection to the wall:

  1. Cantilever (design characteristic of canopies over windows or a porch).
  2. Having support on the ground. Used for buildings big size, creating an excessive load on the walls or foundation.

By material:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • combined.

There are many varieties of roofing, but we will only consider polycarbonate awnings.

Requirements for the design of canopies

A polycarbonate canopy attached to the house is being built for permanent use, so certain requirements must be observed. In particular, the shape of the roof should not impede the runoff of rainwater or snow in winter. At the same time, the places of possible gathering should be located outside the tracks, the parking lot of cars or the possible presence of people. This is most relevant for regions with snowy winters, where heavy wet snow often occurs. The load that it creates is capable of deforming or destroying the structure, so it is necessary to ensure timely sliding of snow masses from the surface. To do this, it is necessary to build inclined or pitched roof shapes.

Important! In cases of using a polycarbonate canopy attached to a private house in a region with an increased amount of snowfall, it is imperative to avoid the use of large flat surfaces.

Canopies and canopies made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is considered the most preferred material for roofing. It appeared on the market relatively recently, but in a short time gained high popularity due to its performance. The material has high light transmission, some of its varieties differ little from glass in terms of transparency.

Roofing - polycarbonate


For positive qualities roofing material should include:

  1. Light weight. The load from polycarbonate is much lower than from other roofing materials.
  2. Elasticity, the ability to bend and take the shape of the base.
  3. Transparency, a canopy or a polycarbonate canopy attached to the house does not create a significant darkening.
  4. The material can withstand fairly high mechanical loads, due to its elasticity, it is able to withstand shocks.
  5. Durability.
  6. High frost resistance.
  7. Low burning ability. The polycarbonate roof is self-extinguishing.
  8. Ease of processing.


Among the negative qualities should be indicated:

  • High susceptibility to ultraviolet rays. Given the scope, the disadvantage is serious. Manufacturers solve the problem by applying protective films, introduction of neutralizing additives into the composition of the material during manufacture.
  • Polycarbonate is not resistant to technical hydrocarbons (oils, gasoline, other chemicals of this series).
  • The material has the ability to accumulate moisture. For this reason important point it becomes mandatory to seal the ends of cellular polycarbonate with a special aluminum tape that prevents the penetration of water into the cavity.

A set of qualities of polycarbonate allows you to use it in different areas. This is mainly glazing or the formation of transparent surfaces for outbuildings. When installing sheets of material, it is necessary to observe certain rules, use special fasteners and provide thermal gaps to compensate for thermal expansion. It is recommended to hold polycarbonate for some time after purchase to release excess moisture.

Types of polycarbonate

There are two types of polycarbonate:

  1. Monolithic.
  2. Cellular.

Both types are the same material, but having different shape.


An example of a canopy made of monolithic polycarbonate

Monolithic polycarbonate is a solid sheet of plastic of a certain thickness. Outwardly, it looks like ordinary glass, but it has high elasticity, the ability to bend in any direction. The monolithic polycarbonate roof is transparent, does not interfere with the passage of sunlight and does not obscure the space under the canopy. Some users consider this a disadvantage and purchase colored polycarbonate, which reduces the brightness of the sun's rays. Available in different shades:

  • Red;
  • bronze;
  • green;
  • Gray;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • Orange;
  • yellow;
  • turquoise;
  • Brown.

The abundance of shades allows you to create a roof with a transparent effect, but a slight change in illumination, all objects under the canopy acquire a reflection corresponding to the color of the coating. In regions with a scorching sun, the use of colored types of polycarbonate can significantly reduce the discomfort from the brightness of the light.


An example of a canopy made of cellular polycarbonate

Cellular polycarbonate is a sheet consisting of two or three thin layers of material, separated by longitudinal perpendicularly installed jumpers. The resulting voids - honeycombs - make the sheets resistant to cold. At the same time, the degree of transparency of such sheets is much less than that of a monolithic material. For use as roofing, cellular polycarbonate is much more preferable, as it is lighter, cheaper, and easier to install.

What to consider when designing a canopy

First of all, you should decide on the material for the frame under the canopy or polycarbonate visor. When choosing it, one must take into account durability, and the ability to maintain its working qualities throughout the entire service life. Best Choice are metal profiled pipes that are easy to connect, have a high bearing capacity and strength. The disadvantage of this choice is the large weight of the structure, which requires the creation of a sufficiently powerful foundation.

Usage wooden parts allows you to create lighter structures that do not create loads on the walls that do not need to equip a powerful foundation. At the same time, the wooden canopy has low strength and is unstable to wind loads. A squally gust is able to tear it off the supporting structure.

Important! An important factor is the cost of the project. It is recommended to determine the order of expenses from the very first steps, so as not to waste time on plans that are obviously inaccessible.

When designing the shape of a canopy, you need to take into account your capabilities and production base. Some options require the mandatory presence of specialists and the use of sophisticated equipment. If there are no such possibilities, it is better to limit yourself to simpler forms.

Be sure to get information about the amount of snow in winter period dropdown in your region. The weight of the snow layer is capable of crushing a large area polycarbonate canopy, so options with a removable cover should be provided, reduce the surface area or increase the angle of the roof. At the same time, it is important to ensure the safe melting of snow so as not to spoil the objects that are under it.

How to make a canopy or visor with your own hands

The manufacture of a canopy from polycarbonate can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  1. Creation of a project, working drawing.
  2. Acquisition of necessary materials.
  3. Foundation arrangement.
  4. Manufacturing of the supporting structure.
  5. Mounting.
  6. Roofing installation.

How to make a canopy from polycarbonate with your own hands - step-by-step instruction

The duration and complexity of these stages largely depend on the material and size of the canopy, the method of fastening and other features of the structure frame. The most time-consuming operation is considered to be the creation of a foundation, but often they do without it. If a cantilever type of canopy is used, when one side is attached to the wall of the house, and only two opposite pillars rest on the ground, they are simply poured into concrete cups. Pillars, fence supports, etc. are installed in the same way. A full-fledged foundation is needed only for large sheds with a large roof area and a massive base.

The assembly of the supporting structure is carried out by welding or bolting. Installation will require several assistants, especially when large sizes and weight of parts. Work should be carried out with a serviceable tool in compliance with all safety rules. The frame is fastened to the wall of a house or any other structure using anchor bolts; the pillars are either welded to the foundation or screwed to the embedded embedded parts. You should not save on the strength and stability of the canopy, ensuring the safety of people under it is the main task.

  1. Sheets can only be bent along the internal cavities of the material.
  2. The material is fastened to special thermal washers installed in pre-drilled holes. It is impossible to screw directly with self-tapping screws, this will cause deformation of the roofing.
  3. The ends of the sheets should be protected from water ingress with a special aluminum tape. If this is neglected, the material will quickly clog with dust and look old, untidy.

Installation of a polycarbonate roof is made on a fully installed supporting structure. The frame is pre-coated protective layer paint, which must be renewed after installation, especially at welding points or around holes. Before the installation is completed, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of attaching wiring for lighting, the necessary additional nodes for installing various equipment or decorative elements.

"Installation of a canopy made of polycarbonate" video instruction

If you want to build protection from the sun, then it is best to choose an arched polycarbonate canopy. A small mass and moderate costs for its arrangement make the arched scheme the most popular of all possible. The arched system is rightly ranked among classical ways layouts that have proven their reliability and durability.

Features of arched structures made of polycarbonate

This type of canopy cannot be built and placed arbitrarily; at least a preliminary calculation and strength test will be required. This complicates the work with polycarbonate sheet and supporting frame, but in general, the construction of an arched canopy is not a particular problem for anyone who knows how to work with welding at least at the amateur level.

The secret of the popularity of such canopies lies in the use of two main elements:

  • Bearing beam arch type. Due to the complex curved surface, the canopy is strong enough to withstand significant vertical and horizontal loads;
  • Roof covering made of polycarbonate. The material is strong enough and at the same time flexible to withstand gusts of wind and snow pressure.

Polycarbonate, due to its high transparency, provides a sufficient amount of sunlight; under an arched canopy, you can work without any problems even in the dusk of the evening or in bad weather, without resorting to electric lighting.

For your information! The polycarbonate canopy perfectly filters almost all the ultraviolet rays of the sun, so you can stay under the arched roof without harming your health for an unlimited time.

In addition, arched canopies made of polycarbonate, photos, turn out to be much more attractive and even spectacular than structures with metal roofs, for example, corrugated board, especially slate.

Aside from aesthetics and design, a canopy covered with polycarbonate sheet is considered much safer. Even if the light transparent plastic is torn off by the wind, which is extremely unlikely, there is no and cannot be any danger to people under the arched roof. Slate and metal sheet in such a situation poses a certain threat.

Polycarbonate has two inherent disadvantages. Firstly, the seams on the sheet joining line must be closed with arched aluminum overlays, and secondly, plastic significantly loses its appearance and, most importantly, in strength with little damage to the protective film.

Scopes of arched canopies from polycarbonate

There are a huge number of options for the possible use of arched structures. Previously, arches and arcs, pieces and parts from industrial trusses and ceilings were used for a home canopy, or they were made by hand using an anvil, a pair of metal templates and a heavy sledgehammer.

With the advent of pipe bending machines, both electric and manual, the manufacture of arched canopy parts has ceased to be a problem at all. A polycarbonate canopy truss can be made in any size, shape and configuration.

Arched canopy in the yard

The arrangement of the canopy is ideal as a storage place for open area cars and motorcycles, material assets, which is contraindicated in moisture and requires constant ventilation. An arched polycarbonate canopy for a car ensures the quality of storage of equipment, at the level of a heated and ventilated garage, and primarily due to the transparent roof and draft.

Arched canopy can be recommended for protection entrance doors, especially for buildings in which the entrance to the house is not located in the center of the facade, but shifted to the corner. Usually, in such a situation, the roof over the porch is pretty ruffled by gusts of wind, so the use of a strong and rigid arched structure visor will provide the necessary durability and reliability.

In addition, the arched structure of the trusses can withstand any thickness of snow, and the transparent polycarbonate warms up well in the sun and quickly frees itself from the ice and snow cap. In sunny weather, any moisture and water that gets under the visor dries out as quickly as in open space.

Roofs and canopies made of polycarbonate in gardening

Polycarbonate arches are considered the most successful roof shape for building a greenhouse for seedlings or greenhouses on personal plot. The reasons are the same - the high resistance of the arched structure to gusts of wind and good thermal insulation polycarbonate.

The simplest greenhouse can be built from aluminum gymnastic rings used as sports equipment. The tubular aluminum ring is cut and bent into an arc shape. The frame or base for the greenhouse is soldered from polypropylene water pipes, the finished arcs are simply inserted into soldered couplings or drilled holes. Roofing made of cellular polycarbonate is most often made removable. This is convenient when using the structure as a greenhouse. The cut-to-size sheet of polycarbonate is simply laid on top of the aluminum arches and fastened with overlays.

Installation of an arched polycarbonate greenhouse can be performed on bricks laid out on the ground surface or cement-sand tiles. With an increase in temperature and the onset of warm days, the lower edge of the polycarbonate is loosened and raised, providing ventilation and normal air flow into the greenhouse.

On the basis of an arched canopy, you can build a full-fledged winter greenhouse in full growth. The use of polycarbonate will reduce the cost of space heating by about 40% compared to glass and film structures.

Drawings of arched canopies made of polycarbonate

Before looking for materials and preparing the foundation for the supports, it is necessary to decide on the shape and general layout of the arch. Only then will it be possible to plan sketches and, perhaps, even make do-it-yourself drawings of an arched polycarbonate canopy.

It is necessary to draw up the installation of beams and trusses on paper for two reasons:

  • Simplifies budgeting for the amount of materials required. Most of the geometric and linear calculations of an arched canopy simply cannot be done without a drawing, or at least a sketch;
  • Before assembly, a check calculation for stability and rigidity is always performed, and sometimes it is necessary to clarify the method of connection or the dimensions of the crate step.

Advice! All the main information about the details and the method of assembling the structure, especially the nuances of attaching polycarbonate to the supporting crate of the canopy, should be indicated directly on the drawing of the arched canopy.

This approach is generally accepted and will greatly simplify work or communication, especially if you have to build an arched canopy in the company of friends, assistants or a team of employees.

Option for an arched canopy for a greenhouse

If the house has a pipe bender and welding inverter, then as a first experience, you can build a small greenhouse for growing vegetables or seedlings. It is best to use ½ inch water pipe as the base material.

Advice! Usually, the supporting elements of an arched canopy - arcs and counter-arcs are made of a square pipe with a section of 20x20 mm or more, but for a small greenhouse 2.5x5 m, the use of a square is excessive, both in terms of strength and price.

In addition, bending arched arcs of small radius on a pipe bender is very difficult even for a professional. In this case, the thinner water pipe, the easier it is to obtain the required curvature of the canopy roof. To bend a square profile blank so that the arc remains flat and does not turn into a spiral is far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance.

The simple design of the arched greenhouse does not require special calculations, it will only be necessary to cut polycarbonate sheets so that the edges overlap on the arcs. The lower part of the frame and the crossbar can be made of timber polypropylene pipe or square.

Sheds with arched roof for the yard

A more complex version of a canopy with a 6x3 m polycarbonate roof is shown in the diagram - drawing below. Unlike the greenhouse roof, in the previous case, arched arcs are not made in the form of semicircles, but in the form of double trusses of slight curvature. As a result, the roof is simpler and easier to manufacture.

The arched canopy is mounted on eight vertical posts made of a 60x60 mm square pipe. The total weight of the roof, taking into account the crate for polycarbonate, is about 300 kg, therefore, to hold the canopy, the racks are pulled together with a concrete slab and buried in the ground to a depth of 1 m. The surface area covered by the arched roof from rain and snow is 15 m 2.

The advantage of this scheme is the use of load-bearing trusses with equal curvature of the arc in the arched roof. This solution allows you to install canopies with a polycarbonate roof in almost open space, the rigidity of the spans in the transverse horizontal direction will be enough to withstand wind gusts up to 30m/s.

In the event that an arched canopy is built in the yard, for example, on the site between the wall of the house and concrete fence, then the roof frame with a polycarbonate crate can be simplified, as in the drawing diagram below.

In this case, instead of trusses, arched elements made of profiled steel pipe 70x30 mm, and instead of the traditional cellular polycarbonate, a monolithic material is laid. As a result, under the condition of protection from the wind, the arched roof structure turns out to be lighter, but no less durable and rigid than in the case of laying polycarbonate on trusses.

Calculation of an arched canopy made of polycarbonate

One of the most problematic issues related to the construction of canopies and roofs is the calculation of the strength and rigidity of arches or structural trusses. For household buildings, the dimensions of which do not exceed those shown in the drawings and diagrams, there is no special need for calculating trusses of arched polycarbonate canopies. The margin of safety in any direction of loading is more than sufficient so that the structure does not collapse or deform even with twice the maximum rate of snowfall.

Calculation geometry

As a rule, for amateur designs of arched canopies, beams and rolled metal are used with a profile section that is obviously larger than is required for optimizing the bearing capacity.

For example, you can use the parameters of a truss 3 m long from a 30x30 mm profile used in a 6x3 m arched canopy above. One three-meter thread can withstand 50 kg of distributed load. A two-strand truss with diagonal struts can withstand more than 450 kg of distributed load.

If you look at the load distribution diagram on the arch structure, it becomes clear that 50% of the snow cover located in the central part of the roof will press on the farm. Therefore, in reality, the arch can easily hold up to 600 kg of load or 2400 kg over the entire area covered with polycarbonate.

The greater the curvature of the arc, the greater the margin of safety. Therefore, the calculation of the arched canopy is usually performed according to linear dimensions using a geometric construction on the diagram or using specialized programs.

What to pay attention to

First of all, you need to remember that you cannot simply replace the truss structure with an ordinary arc bent from a square section metal profile.

Under load, the arc exerts pressure on the supports not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal direction. As a result, the vertical posts holding the arched roof can be pushed out to the sides. To avoid this situation, the supports must be connected with a horizontal crossbar.

Arched canopies have a significant drawback, due to the fact that the roof is installed on relatively high and thin supports. To avoid rocking or roll, the heads of the racks are tied with spacers or additional braces. This is especially important when using sheet polycarbonate as a coating.

If metal roof with small deformations, the arch almost never peels off, then when the frame is deformed under polycarbonate, the plastic coating can be torn off from the fasteners.

Selection of materials and preparatory work

For the manufacture of a canopy, first of all, you will need to purchase high-quality polycarbonate. For roofing, honeycomb material with a thickness of 8-10 mm is best suited. Sheets of 10-12 mm are more difficult to bend along the crate, a canvas thinner than 8 mm is not strong enough to withstand the load from the snow cover.

For the construction of farms, a square of 30x30x2 mm is used without a protective coating. For side assemblies, they buy a square pipe 25x25 mm; a profile of 30x15 mm or 30x20 mm is best suited for the crate. Arched canopy posts can use 60mm square or 2" pipe.

Before starting work, it is necessary to plan the site, remove the sod to a depth of 20 cm, fill in a layer of fine screenings with sand. According to the marking of the supports of the arched canopy, holes with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of 100 cm are drilled in the ground with a drill.

How to make an arched polycarbonate canopy with your own hands

After the preparation has been completed, it is necessary to perform concreting of the supports and the entire site under the future canopy. First of all, four are installed in the pits corner posts, usually the workpiece is cut with a margin of 50 mm in order to be able to align the heads of the supports in one horizontal plane.

Initially, polycarbonate roof supports are leveled and fixed with pieces of broken brick, poured with concrete. Next, the cords are pulled and the remaining four racks are exposed along them. If the dimensions of the arched roof made of polycarbonate are larger than 3x6 m, then it is best to tie up the supports according to the level of the basement with an ordinary corner.

It is best to entrust the manufacture of trusses under the roof to an experienced welder, accuracy is needed here, any deviation from the plane will lead to collapse of the polycarbonate. The weight of each truss is more than 20 kg, so a team of three people will have to install them on supports. Lathing purlins can be installed on their own.

The simplest is the laying of polycarbonate. Sheets are fastened on thermally compensating washers with a gap at the joints of at least 3 mm, the seam line must be closed with an aluminum lining with a silicone seal.

In order for the arched canopy to be as strong as possible, without squeaks and subsidence of the roof, separation and deformation of polycarbonate sheets, it is necessary to pay special attention to the way the parts are connected. All elements of the roof, pillars, cross-beams, arches and struts during the assembly process must be connected to each other in two passes.

Initially, we assemble the frame on hardware, bolts, nuts and rivets. After laying the polycarbonate, the structure must stand for several days, during this period the arched canopy settles down, as it were, all elements under load take the optimal position. In addition, it remains possible to correct the marriage, if any.

After two or three days, all joints and connections are welded by electric welding. Hardware can be removed, but most often they are left, which allows you to make an arched polycarbonate canopy more reliable, rigid and flexible at the same time.


The arched canopy made of polycarbonate has a cute design and its own style. It can be easily rebuilt or supplemented, made of transparent monolithic polycarbonate inserts or equipped with lamellas. Several window blinds, laid under the polycarbonate roof, allow you to smoothly adjust the luminous flux and thereby create a zone of increased comfort.